Reading to children in the 1st junior group. Project in the first junior group "visiting a fairy tale"


Elena Streltsova

Duration project: April (1.5 - 2 weeks)

Developers and implementers project: teacher Streltsova E. A.

Target: Consolidation and systematization of children's knowledge of Russian folk fairy tales.


1. Create the necessary conditions to introduce children to Russian folk fairy tales.

2. Develop cognitive abilities child, curiosity, creative imagination, memory, fantasy.

3. Enrich the dictionary, the development of the grammatical structure, coherent, expressive speech;

4. Form skill retell tales.

5. Lay the foundations of morality, educate moral values.

6. Involve children in the process of knowing good and evil, honesty and justice.

Members project: teacher, children 1 junior group , parents.

Estimated results of implementation project:

1. Gaining additional knowledge about Russian folk fairy tales.

2. Development in children cognitive activity, creativity, communication skills.

3. Children's speech has become coherent, expressive.

4. Children got acquainted with such concepts as good, evil, honesty and justice.

5. Children can.

Relevance project:

Mastering the native language, speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of the child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education how common ground upbringing and education of children. Working with children, I came across the fact that they have problems with coherent speech, they have difficulty tell about the events of their lives, retell literary works. The means of teaching connected speech is children's storytelling. And the most fertile ground, which has unlimited developing and educating possibilities, is story. AT modern conditions life in children there is a decrease in reading interest. Children do not perceive the work in the unity of its content, semantic and expressive side. They don't feel the beauty literary speech. They do not seek to explain and express the meaning of the work and their attitude towards it. As a result, listening, perception and understanding literary text reduced. Unfortunately, today both children and parents do not always understand that a book is a special in an artistic way knowledge surrounding reality human relationships and social values. Based on this, preschoolers have insufficient knowledge about fairy tales.

To solve this problem, I chose the job of familiarizing myself with Russian folk fairy tales, because I think that it is Russian folk fairy tales firmly entered the child's life of the baby, and in their essence story quite in line with nature small child; close to his thinking, idea. main goal design method is the development of free creative personality child.

Methodological support:

Creating subject folders (visual aids, didactic games);

Creation of thematic exhibitions.

Methods project:

cognitive-playing activity, games, conversations, observations, joint games, joint activities.

1. Conversation "Variety of Russian folk fairy tales» .

2. Reading RNS "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip". Examining illustrations. Audio listening fairy tales. Watching cartoons

3. D/I "Guess fairy tale» Teach children to name previously read fairy tale.

4. Theatrical show fairy tales"Kolobok", "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip". To teach children to move in accordance with the chosen role, to pronounce words expressively.

5. Drawing "Grandma's New Scarf" (pencils, shading) To acquaint with the integral attribute of the image of a grandmother. Earn respect for elders. Practice drawing on an object. Photo creation Exhibitions: "My beloved grandmother» .

6. Showing a box theater on RNS "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip". Learn to drive table puppets, learn to accompany movements with speech.

7. Drawing favorite fairy tale character(paints).

Development of children's creative abilities.

1. Display puppet theater "B-ba-bo" based on the fairy tales"Kolobok", "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen", "Teremok". Teaching children to drive characters fairy tales and speak the text.

2. Modeling “For grandpa for grandma, I bake pancakes” (plasticine) Remember with children fairy tales that begin“Once upon a time there were a grandfather and a woman ...”, develop benevolence, respect for elders.

3. Conversation with children "My favorite book» . Di "Change a book" Teach children talk about your favorite book, about fairy tales written in them, whoever reads this book to him. Learn to share books, develop interest in viewing a new book.

4. Design of a book exhibition "My favorite book» .

5. Promotion "Help Books". Teach children "treat" books with the help of a teacher. Develop careful attitude to books.

6.. Creating a theater together with parents "Our fairy tales» Creating conditions for joint activities parents and children.

7. Creation of didactic games: "Collect fairy tale in parts» , "What is the mood fairy tale hero, "From what fairy tales. Systematize and deepen children's knowledge about fairy tales. Maintain children's interest in Russian folk fairy tales.

Presentation project« Favorite fairy tales» . Photo report.

results project:

Children received additional knowledge about Russian folk fairy tales.

Development of children's cognitive activity, creativity, communication skills.

The speech of children has become more coherent, expressive;

Children got acquainted with such concepts as good, evil, honesty and justice.

Children can retell short stories or an excerpt from it.

Advice for parents

. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

In our time, books have faded into the background, they have been replaced by computers, tablets, phones, gadgets. Parents also prefer give your child a tablet, how good - silence, no one bothers them to go about their business. And then suddenly the question arises: the child does not know how to communicate, write correctly. Why is this happening? May be, parents you need to remember your childhood and teach your child to love a book.

The first books for our children are fairy tales. Through fairy tales child acquaint with the outside world, form character, instill life values. We bring to child necessary information or a rule in the form fairy tales.

Toddlers who, as children, constantly listened to fairy tales, adapt much faster and less painfully in kindergartens and schools. It is these children who quickly find mutual language With strangers, and it is they who practically do not have complexes in life. If you want your child perceived life positively, so that he easily accepted failures, while extracting a proper lesson from them, so that he would rejoice at successes and go towards his goal, read him stories. Read fairy tales as often as possible and for as long as possible: remember fairy tales - this is not just a pleasant, interesting pastime, but it is also one of the most powerful tools that help kids develop correctly and harmoniously. Optimal time Reading a story before bed is considered, since at this time we can also discuss read and another story before going to bed is your communication with your child on magic in a language he understands, these are small safe life lessons . Story for the night is a kind of wish Good night his to kid.

Story is one of the most accessible means of developing child. Correctly selected fairy tales according to age and psycho-emotional characteristics of children can not only positively influence emotional condition babies, but also to correct their behavior. In addition, listening fairy tale, baby gets nice and correct pattern speech, which is extremely important for speech development. Children who from the very early childhood read fairy tales much more quickly begin to speak correctly.

The choice of fairy tales for children must be taken seriously. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child - so that the fairy tale is interesting to him and does not scare the baby. It is unlikely that you will read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm to a one-year-old child, and the “Golden Egg” to an older preschooler. And not because these fairy tales are bad - just each of them is suitable for a certain age of the child. Choosing a fairy tale for a child, you need to take into account the peculiarities of his character and temperament. For hyperexcitable children, fairy tales with a fast, active plot are hardly suitable - in order for the child not to become uncontrollable, it is better to choose a fairy tale in a calmer way. If your child is very fond of fooling around, you should not read fairy tales to him, the main characters of which are notorious hooligans. However, if in this or that fairy tale hooligans are clearly punished, such a fairy tale, on the contrary, should be read to a little tomboy as an educational moment. And if your baby is overly sentimental - " gray neck” or “Thumbelina” with a dead swallow can bring him to tears and hysteria (even if everything ends well). Speaking of scary stories. scary tales, despite everything, are extremely useful for the child - after all, if he hears fairy tales that describe only a world full of good people and beings, he may grow up unprepared for reality. The main thing here is to take into account the age of the baby and the level of fear that he can withstand. It is unlikely that the child will be afraid of "Kolobok", despite the fact that at the end the main character is eaten. In this sense, it is necessary to take into account the age of the baby when choosing a fairy tale for him. To understand whether the fairy tale you have chosen is suitable for your child, try to read it for the first time yourself - moreover, try to look at the fairy tale through the eyes of a child, if you are confused by many moments in the fairy tale - it is better to postpone it until the time when your child grows up a little. How read(tell) fairy tale for children? One of the main conditions is the emotional attitude of an adult to to kid. Here are some rules that make reading aloud more fun: 1. Show your child that you enjoy reading aloud. 2. Keep eye contact with your child while reading. 3. Read to children slowly, but not monotonously, try to convey the music of rhythmic speech. 4. Play with your voice: read it faster, sometimes slower, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly - depending on the content of the text, trying to convey the character of the characters, as well as a funny or sad situation with your voice, but do not "overdo it." 5. Shorten the text if it is too long, as the child will still cease to perceive what he hears. Briefly retell the ending. 6. Read fairy tales always when the child wants to listen to them. 7. Read aloud every day make it a family ritual. 8. Do not persuade to listen, but "seduce" the child, let him choose books himself. Pay attention to appearance books: they should be durable, colorful, bright. Lots of pictures are easy to understand child at this age, replenishing it vocabulary. Suitable for children from 1-3 years old simple folk tales. They must have many repetitions: “beat, beat - didn’t break”, “pull, pull”, “the bun rolls, rolls”, etc. The best Russian folk: « Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen"; “How a goat built a hut” (arr. M. Bulatova); "Teremok", (arr. M. Bulatova); "Masha and the Bear", (arr. M. Bulatova); "Turnip", (arr. K. Ushinsky); “Kids and a wolf”, (arr. K. Ushinsky); "Swan geese"; “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova; "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl; : "Telephone", "Moydodyr", "Tsokotukha Fly", "Aibolit", K. Chukovsky; “Apple”, “Magic Wand”, V. Suteev; "The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail”, D. Mamin-Sibiryak.



Advice for parents

Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart.. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

In our time, books have faded into the background, they have been replaced by computers, tablets, phones, gadgets. Parents also prefer to give their child a tablet, how good it is - silence, no one bothers them to do their own thing. And then suddenly the question arises: the child does not know how to communicate, write correctly. Why is this happening? May be,parents need to remember their childhood and teach the child to love the book.

The first books for our children are fairy tales. Through fairy tales, the child is introduced to the world around him, character is formed, life values ​​are instilled. We convey to the child the necessary information or rule in the form of fairy tales.

Toddlers, who constantly listened to fairy tales in childhood, adapt much faster and less painfully in kindergartens and schools. It is these children who quickly find a common language with strangers, and it is they who practically do not have complexes in life. If you want your child to perceive life positively, to easily accept failures, while drawing a proper lesson from them, to rejoice in successes and go towards his goal, read fairy tales to him. Read fairy tales as often and as long as possible: remember fairy tales - this is not just a pleasant, interesting pastime, but it is also one of the most powerful tools that help kids develop correctly and harmoniously. Reading a fairy tale before bed is considered the best time, since at this time you can also discuss what you have read and another fairy tale before bed - this is your communication with your child in a magical, understandable language, these are small safe life lessons. A bedtime story is a kind of good night wish for your child.

Story is one of the most affordable means of developing a child. Properly selected fairy tales, taking into account the age and psycho-emotional characteristics of children, can not only positively influence the emotional state of children, but also correct their behavior. In addition, listening to a fairy tale, the child receives a beautiful and correct speech pattern, which is extremely important for speech development. Children who are read fairy tales from early childhood begin to speak correctly much faster.

The choice of fairy tales for children must be taken seriously. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child - so that the fairy tale is interesting to him and does not scare the baby. It is unlikely that you will read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm to a one-year-old child, and the “Golden Egg” to an older preschooler. And not because these fairy tales are bad - just each of them is suitable for a certain age of the child. Choosing a fairy tale for a child, you need to take into account the peculiarities of his character and temperament. For hyperexcitable children, fairy tales with a fast, active plot are hardly suitable - in order for the child not to become uncontrollable, it is better to choose a fairy tale in a calmer way. If your child is very fond of fooling around, you should not read fairy tales to him, the main characters of which are notorious hooligans. However, if in this or that fairy tale hooligans are clearly punished, such a fairy tale, on the contrary, should be read to a little tomboy as an educational moment. And if your baby is overly sentimental - "Gray neck" or "Thumbelina" with a dead swallow can bring him to tears and hysteria (even if everything ends well). Speaking of scary stories. Scary tales, in spite of everything, are extremely useful for a child - after all, if he hears tales that describe only a world full of good people and creatures, he may grow up unprepared for reality. The main thing here is to take into account the age of the baby and the level of fear that he can withstand. It is unlikely that the child will be afraid of "Kolobok", despite the fact that at the end the main character is eaten. In this sense, it is necessary to take into account the age of the baby when choosing a fairy tale for him. To understand whether the fairy tale you have chosen is suitable for your child, try to read it for the first time yourself - moreover, try to look at the fairy tale through the eyes of a child, if you are confused by many moments in the fairy tale - it is better to postpone it until the time when your child grows up a little. How to read (tell) a fairy tale to children? One of the main conditions is the emotional attitude of an adult to to kid . Here are some rules that make reading aloud more fun: 1. Show your child that you enjoy reading aloud. 2. Keep eye contact with your child while reading. 3.Read to children slowly, but not monotonously, try to convey the music of rhythmic speech. 4. Play with your voice:read it faster, sometimes slower, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly - depending on the content of the text, trying to convey the character of the characters, as well as a funny or sad situation with your voice, but do not "overdo it." 5. Shorten the text if it is too long, as the child will still cease to perceive what he hears. Briefly retell the ending. 6.Read fairy tales alwayswhen the child wants to listen to them. 7.Read aloud every daymake it a family ritual. 8. Do not persuade to listen, but "seduce" the child, let him choose books himself. Pay attention to the appearance of the book: they should be durable, colorful, bright. Lots of pictures are easy to understandchild at this ageexpanding his vocabulary. Suitable for children from 1-3 years oldsimple folk tales. They must have many repetitions : “beat, beat - didn’t break”, “pull, pull”, “the bun rolls, rolls”, etc.The best Russian folkfairy tales for children of this age: « Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen"; “How a goat built a hut” (arr. M. Bulatova); "Teremok", (arr. M. Bulatova); "Masha and the Bear", (arr. M. Bulatova); "Turnip", (arr. K. Ushinsky); “Kids and a wolf”, (arr. K. Ushinsky); "Swan geese"; “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova; "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;Literary tales of Russian writers: "Telephone", "Moydodyr", "Fly Tsokotukha", "Aibolit", K. Chukovsky; “Apple”, “Magic Wand”, V. Suteev; “The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail”, D. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Dronova Svetlana Nikolaevna


MKDOU "Ogonyok" Novosibirsk region Iskitimsky district Linevo settlement

Project "My favorite fairy tale"

1. Explanatory note

2.Project passport

3. Relevance

4. Statement of the problem

5. Purpose, tasks of the project

6. Project participants

7.Strategy for achieving the set goals

7.1Preparatory stage

7.2 Main stage

7.3The final stage

8. Project implementation plan

9.Expected results

10.Project assurance

11. Prospects for further use

12. List of references


1. Explanatory note

The project "Favorite Fairy Tale" is carried out as an exciting game, creative activity aimed at enhancing verbal communication. The integration approach allows you to develop in unity speech, cognitive activity, Creative skills, communication skills, emotional responsiveness of the child.

2.Project passport

name of the project

"Favorite fairy tale"

Project Developer

Dronova Svetlana Nikolaevna teacher of the first qualification category MKDOU d / s "Spark"

For what age and social group the project is aimed

Children of the middle preschool age, parents of preschool pupils

The purpose and objectives of the project



Project implementation timeline

Project type


Project participants

Children, parents, teachers of MKDOU d / s "Ogonyok"

3. Relevance

One of the modern innovative teaching methods is project activity- a technology that teaches children to express their individuality in creativity, makes it possible to interest children, to make the learning process personally significant.

The relevance of the project lies in the fact that it combines the means and methods of developing the creative and speech abilities of the child. It can be argued that theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. In the game, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech is improved, its intonational structure, dialogical speech, its grammatical structure.

4. Statement of the problem

AT last years there is a sharp decrease in the level of speech development of preschoolers. Such deviations, one way or another, affect the subsequent development and learning of the child. One of the reasons for the decrease in the level of speech development is the passivity and ignorance of parents in matters of speech development of children. Parent participation in speech development The child plays a huge role. That is why parents are actively involved in the work of the project.

An incentive for creative activity the child is served by a theatrical game, available from the very early age. The need to systematize it in a single pedagogical process is obvious. Children's enthusiasm for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy, non-authoritarian communication between an adult and a child, the “I can’t” complex that disappears almost immediately - all this surprises and attracts.

5. Purpose: create optimal conditions for the development of speech of preschool children by means of theatrical activities


Enrich the vocabulary of children, improve dialogic speech, develop the ability to use a variety of language tools.

Contribute to the formation of communication skills, empathy.


    Middle preschool children

    Parents of preschool students

    Teachers of MKDOU d / s "Spark"

    7.Strategy for achieving the set goals

    7.1 Preparatory stage:

    The study of literature on the topic

    Advice for parents

    Selection of visual and didactic aids, demonstration material

    Book corner decoration

    7.2 Main stage:

    Conducting board-printed, didactic, word games

    Application "Kolobok"

    Creation of a card file of Russians folk tales according to age

    7.3Final stage:

    Decor table theater"Kolobok"

    8. Project implementation plan

    Composition of actions

    Expected results


    Preparatory stage

    The study of literature on the topic

    Expanding knowledge on the topic of the project

    Parents, teachers

    Introduction to best practices

    Advice for parents

    Clarification of the wording of the problem, topic, goals and objectives

    Development of a project implementation plan


    Selection of visual and didactic……...... aids, demo material

    Replenishment of the.subject-spatial developing environment

    Parents, teachers

    Book corner decoration

    Parents, teachers

    main stage

    Consideration of illustrations of Russian folk tales

    Perception and formation of visual images

    Reading and telling Russian folk tales, talking about the read fairy tale

    Expanding children's knowledge of the fairy tale. Raise interest in Russian folk tales

    Children, parents, teachers

    Children, parents, teachers

    Raise interest in Russian folk tales

    Guessing riddles according to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

    Expanding children's knowledge of the fairy tale

    Children, parents, teachers

    Application "Kolobok"

    The embodiment of the visual image of the hero of a fairy tale

    Children, parents, teachers

    Exhibition of crafts from waste material "Our beloved Kolobok"

  • Children, parents, teachers

    Creation of a card file of Russian folk tales according to age

    Knowledge expansion

    Fairy tale quiz "Guess the fairy tale"

    Ability to recognize and name familiar tales

    Children, teachers

    The final stage "Kolobok"

    The embodiment of the visual image of the heroes of a fairy tale

    Children, parents, teachers

    Development of children's creative activity, improvement of artistic and creative skills

    Children, parents, teachers

    9. Expected results of the project:

    The development of the creative activity of children, the development of various types of creativity by children of preschool age.

    Enrichment of children's vocabulary, improvement of dialogical speech, use of various language means in speech.

    Formation of communication skills, empathy.

  • 10.Project assurance

    • Human Resource


      Group educators

      Educator of activity

      Musical director

      Deputy Head of UVR


      technical resource

      Fine art studio;

      Music Hall;

      Technical training aids (DVD player, music center, etc.);

      Visual and methodological aids;

      Methodical literature.

      Social resource

      Social partnership with the following organizations:

      Children's library r.p. Linevo,


      House of Culture r.p. Linevo

      parent resource

      Interaction with the families of pupils through the following forms:


      Family exhibitions



      Use of ICT;

      Exchange of work experience (seminars, exhibitions, consultations, etc.);

      The study of methodological literature;

      Participation in competitions and exhibitions of various levels.

  • 11. Prospects for further use

    The layout of this project can be implemented according to any literary work chosen by the children.

  • 12. List of references:

    Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten: A guide for workers preschool. -: M.: T C "Sphere", 2001

    Antipina E.A. Theatrical activities in kindergarten: Games, exercises, scenarios. M.: TC Sphere, 2003

    Doronova T.N. Playing theater: theatrical activities of children 4-6 years old: method. Handbook for preschool teachers educational institution. T.N. Doronova. - 2nd ed.-M.: Enlightenment, 2005.

    Kudryavtseva N.Yu. "Getting ready for the holiday" Methodology for making costumes, dolls, decorations for children's play. Moscow: School Press, 2011.

    Novikovskaya O.A. "Summary of classes on fairy tales with children 4-5 years old." St. Petersburg: "Parity" 2007.

    Pole L.Ya. Theater of fairy tales: Scenarios in verse for preschoolers based on Russian folk tales. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2008

  • 13.App

  • Appendix 13.1

  • Game educational situation "Kolobok's Journey"

    Program content:

    develop in children colloquial speech improve gross and fine motor skills using different materials, to cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

    Preliminary work:

    Reading fairy tales "Spikelet", "Three Bears", "Gingerbread Man".

    Playing on the flannelgraph.

    Table theater games.


    Flannelgraph, characters from the fairy tale "Spikelet", "Three Bears", table theater "Gingerbread Man", magic pouch, balls for each child.

  • Children to the music along the path enter the group and become a semicircle.


    We will walk along the path

    Let's go straight to the fairy tale.

    One two three four five-

    Let's play a fairy tale.

    Children, do you like to listen to fairy tales? I also love fairy tales, can you help me tell them? We will now play the game "Fairy Tales with Holes". I will read a fairy tale, and if I forget something, you tell me.

    Who loved to play and sing?

    Two mice Cool ... and (Twirl).

    Who woke up the mice in the morning?

    Who went to the mill ... (went)

    Did you grind a sack of flour?

    This is Petya ... (Cockerel)

    He baked a lot of pies

    And he asked his friends sternly:

    "What did you do little mice,

    From dawn to dusk)?

    Now sit down at the table

    Not! Work hard first

    And read ... ("Spikelet").

    The teacher, together with the children, approaches the next fairy tale.

    Cups three and three beds

    There are also three chairs, look

    And tenants here, in fact

    Lives for exactly three.

    As you can see, it's immediately clear:

    Going to visit them ... (dangerous)

    Run away, sister,

    Fly out the window like .. (bird)

    She ran away. Well done!

    So the story is over!

    Fedya reads in syllables:

    This is a fairy tale: "Three Bears".

    The teacher approaches the table where the characters of the Kolobok table theater are displayed.

    It was baked from flour

    It was mixed on sour cream,

    On the window he was chilling

    Along the path ... (rolled away)

    He was cheerful, he was brave,

    And along the way he sang a song.

    Who is this? "Kolobok"

    Guys! What song did he sing?

    Finger game "Kolobok".

    I am a bun, a bun! ( roll an imaginary bun in their hands)

    Scraped by the bottom of the barrel (right hand scrapes left hand)

    By the barn metyon (imitate sweeping the floor)

    Mixed on sour cream (circular movements with the right hand).

    planted in the oven (show both arms extended forward)

    Cold on the window (show window with hands)

    I left my grandmother (sorted out with medium and index fingers right hand on the palm of the left)

    I left my grandfather.

    Where do you think the bun rolled along the path? (children's answers)

    Let's remember who the bun met in the forest. (Children sit at tables on which there are cards with the image of a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox and a separate bun).

    Something I completely forgot, whom did the bun meet first?

    Put your kolobok near the hare. Then who did he meet? (wolf).

    What did the wolf say to him? ("Kolobok, kolobok! I'll eat you"). A bear met a kolobok (children put a kolobok near the bear) and said to him in a thin voice: “Gingerbread man, bun! I will eat you!" Or I messed up something, help me (the bear said in a thick, rough voice).

    But our bun is not simple, after meeting with the fox, he ran away and rolled on.

    Children have a plot panel on their tables. On our next card, a path is drawn, let's ride along the path together with the kolobok. We hold the gingerbread man right hand. A bun rolls, rolls, and a “hedgehog” meets it. The bun looked at the hedgehog and was surprised. How surprised the bun was! Show how surprised the bun is. (Children show surprise).

    The guys had a problem with our hedgehog - he lost his needles, let's help him collect them, make them from matchsticks. (Children lay out thorns to a hedgehog from matches).

    What wonderful hedgehogs we have! Gingerbread man decided to admire the hedgehog, but our gingerbread man is small, and the hedgehog is big. Let's offer the kolobok to look at the hedgehog from the "stump". The bun rolled up to the stump, climbed onto the stump, looked at the hedgehog. I really liked the hedgehog kolobok, and he smiled. I invite our kolobok to draw a smile. What color pencil do we need for this, what do you think ? (red).

    What kind of bun did you get? (joyful, cheerful). And now we will show the kolobok how we can rejoice.


    feet stomped (stomp feet)

    Hands clapped (clap hands)

    Hee hee hee (hands to the side)

    ha ha ha (hands up)

    What a beauty! ( clap)

    Children sit at tables.

    Yes, spruce also has needles. Well done! And let's make spruces for each of your koloboks, I suggest using triangles for this yellow color. (Children correct the teacher, we need green triangles).

    I am very glad that you are attentive to me! Our children are just great, they made a whole spruce forest!

    Guys, together we composed a continuation of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Did you like her?

    Look, a spruce has also grown in our group, let's go to it. What about under the tree? Children find a magic bag. The teacher pours out of the bag colorful balloons. Look, they all look like who?

    (Kolobok). I suggest you play with them.

Bisset Donald "Ha-ha-ha!"

There lived a gosling named William. But his mother always called him Willie.

- It's time to go for a walk, Willy! Mom told him. - Call the others, ha-ha-ha!

Willy was very fond of gagging, calling everyone for a walk.

- Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! - and he sang all the way.

Once on a walk he met a kitten. Cute black kitten with white front paws. Willy liked him very much.

- Ha-ha-ha! he said to the kitten. - Ha-ha-ha!

- Meow! the kitten replied.

Willy was surprised. What does "meow" mean? He always thought that cats, like geese, said "ha-ha-ha!".

- Ha-ha-ha! Willie sang.

- WOF WOF! replied the dog running along the road.

- Wow! said the horse.

- N-but! shouted the milkman to his horse.

Poor Willie didn't understand a word. A farmer passed by and called to Willie:

- Hello, gosling!

— Ha-ha-ha! Willie replied.

Then the children ran. One boy ran up to Willy and shouted:

Willie was upset. He even had a dry throat.

“I know I'm just a gosling. But why shout “shoo” to me?

In the pond he saw goldfish, but to all his “ha-ha-ha” the fish only wagged its tail and did not say a word. Willy went on and met a herd of cows.

— Mu-u-u! the cows said. - Mu-u-u-u-u-u!

Then he met chickens.

“Co-co-co,” the chickens cackled. — Ko-ko-ko!

— Ku-ka-re-ku-uuu!

“Well, at least someone would say “ha-ha-ha” to me,” thought Willy. - No one to even talk to. That's boredom!"

— Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh! buzzed the bee.

Pigeons cooed, ducks quacked, and ravens croaked from the tops of the trees.

And no one, no one said “ha-ha-ha” to him!

Poor Willy even began to cry, and tears dripped from his beak onto his pretty red paws.

- Ha-ha-ha! cried Willie.

And suddenly, from afar, a native “ha-ha-ha” was heard. And then a car appeared on the road.

- Ha-ha-ha! the car said. All English cars say 'ha-ha-ha', not 'b-b-b'.

- Ha-ha-ha! Willie rejoiced.

- Ha-ha-ha! - said the car and drove past.

Willie couldn't take his eyes off the car. He felt like the happiest gosling in the world.

- Ha-ha-ha! repeated the car and disappeared around the corner.

- Ha-ha-ha! Willy called after him.

Jancharsky Cheslav "In the toy store"

It was in a toy store. Teddy bears sat and stood on the shelves.

There was one bear among them, who had been sitting in his corner for a long time.

Other bears have already got to the guys and went out into the street with a smile. But no one paid attention to this bear, maybe because he was sitting in a corner.

Every day the bear became more and more upset: he had no one to play with. And one ear drooped from grief.

“It doesn’t matter,” the bear consoled himself. - If a fairy tale flies into one ear now, it will not fly out of the other ear. The drooping ear will not let you in.

One day the bear found a red umbrella on his shelf. He grabbed it in his paws, opened it and bravely jumped down. And then he quietly made his way out of the store. At first he was frightened, there were too many people on the street. But when he met two guys, Zosia and Jacek, his fear went away. The guys smiled at the bear. What a smile it was!

Who are you looking for, little bear? the guys asked.

- I'm looking for guys.

- Go with us.

- Went! the bear rejoiced. And they walked together.

Jancharsky Cheslav "Friends"

There was a courtyard in front of the house where Jacek and Zosia lived. The main dog in this courtyard was Kruchek. And then there lived a red-haired Cockerel. When the bear went out for the first time into the yard for a walk, Kruchek immediately jumped up to him. And then came the Rooster.

- Hello! - said the little bear.

- Hello! they answered him. “We saw you come with Jacek and Zosya. Why are your ears drooping? Listen, what's your name?

The bear told what happened with the ear. And he was very upset. Because he didn't have a name.

"Don't worry," Kruchek told him. - And the other ear will droop. We will call you Ushastik. Mishka Ushastik. I agree?

Mishka liked the name very much. He clapped his paws and said:

- Now I'm Mishka Ushastik!

- Mishka, Mishka, meet, this is our Bunny.

The bunny nibbled on the grass.

But Mishka saw only two long ears. And then a muzzle that moved funny. The bunny was frightened by Mishka, jumped and disappeared behind the fence.

But then he felt ashamed and returned.

“You shouldn’t be scared, Bunny,” Kruchek told him. - Meet our new friend. His name is Mishka Ushastik.

Ushastik looked at the long fluffy ears of the Bunny and sighed, thinking about his drooping ear.

Suddenly the Bunny said:

- Bear, what a beautiful ear you have ...

Zoya Andreevna Khrabrova
Entertainment in 1 junior group. Mini-performance: "If you love a fairy tale, come to the tower to us."

Mini performance: "If you love fairy tales, in teremok come to us".

Target: to bring joy and desire to children to participate in small skits.

Decor: fairytale house- teremok with a large window, curtains. The teacher comes out in front of the house - storyteller.

Entertainment progress.

storyteller: hello dear guys!

I want to invite you to fairy tale.

Behind the woods, on the edge,

Someone's hut was hidden.

Not a hut teremok,

He is not low, not high.

Terem, tower, show yourself,

Turn around, stop

Back to the forest, facing us,

And a window and a porch.

And here is teremok. Let's sit back comfortably and see what happens next. Listen, who is it running along the forest path?

Together with everyone sit children dressed in hats of characters.

storyteller: Here is a mouse running. Who is our mouse? Sasha is a mouse. Get up, go to teremka.

The teacher sings a song mouse:

I am a little mouse

I'm running through the forest

I'm looking for a home

I'm looking, I can't find

Knock, knock, knock, knock (plays the bell)

Let me go!

Knock, knock, knock, knock

Let me go!

storyteller: And the mouse says ... What does the mouse say?


Who, who in Teremochka lives?

storyteller: Nobody is answering!

Storyteller puts the character next to the house on a chair.


The Mouse began to live in the house,

I began to guard the house,

Suddenly from the lake, along the grass,

Bare feet slap.

storyteller: Here is a frog jumping. Who is our frog? Masha. Get up, go to teremka.

The teacher speaks for frog:

River, midges and grass,

Warm rain, qua-qua-qua!

I am a frog, I am a frog

Admire me (2 times)

Knocking at teremok:

What a miracle teremok?

He is not low, not high!

Who is in the tower is sitting,

And looking out the window?

storyteller: And the frog says ... What does he say?


Who, who in Teremochka lives?

storyteller: The mouse answers!

Plants a frog next to a mouse.

storyteller: Suddenly from the forest to the clearing,

Eared bunny came running!

storyteller: Who is our bunny? Pasha. Get up, go to teremka.

Bunny says:

Who, who in Teremochka lives?

storyteller: the mouse and the frog answer him.

storyteller puts the bunny with the rest of the little animals.

storyteller: It became more fun in the house,

They began to live together,

Suddenly he runs out of the forest,

Someone with a red tail.

storyteller: Here the fox-sister is sneaking.

The teacher speaks for fox:

I am a fox, I am a sister,

I have a fluffy tail

Walking along the forest path

I decided to stretch my legs.

What a wonderful teremok?

He's not low, he's not high

Who's the boss here, tell me

And look out the window!

storyteller: Who is our fox? Go to teremka.

Chanterelle says:

Who, who in Teremochka lives?

storyteller: a mouse and a frog, a bunny answers her.

Beasts: I am the mouse Norushka

I am a frog - a frog,

And I'm a runaway bunny.

storyteller: Suddenly from the forest all shaggy,

The clumsy bear came out.

The teacher speaks for bear:

What the terem - teremok?

He's not low, he's not high

I'll go to the door

Let me know who's inside.

storyteller: Who is our bear? What did he ask?

Bear: Terem, teremok, who in Teremochka lives?

storyteller: Here is a mouse, and a frog, and a fox. And the bear was invited to live with him.

storyteller: They began to live to live and to make good.

The teacher introduces the artists.

Introduction to fun "Snail, snail!".

Software content.

1. To please children with a new bag, to promote memorization.

2. Develop fine motor skills hands.

3. Cause in toddlers interest in modeling; learn to sculpt a snail by folding a column and

retraction of the head and horns.

4. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the toy.

Material: illustration "Snail", a toy "Snail", plasticine, boards, napkins.

Course progress.

The teacher shows the children an illustration "Snail" and reads nursery rhyme:


Snail, snail!

Show the horns

I'll give you a piece of the pie

Donuts, cheesecakes,

sweet cakes,

Get your horns out!

caregiver: Listen, I'll tell you again about snail:

Snail, snail!

Show the horns

I'll give you a piece of the pie

Donuts, cheesecakes,

sweet cakes,

Get your horns out!

He reads the nursery rhyme again, attracts children to repeat phrases, asks the snail to show the horns together.

caregiver: And let's talk with the fingers with the snail.

finger game "Snail, snail!".

snail, snail (cam in cam, change hands)

show me horns (raise horns to head)

ladies (hands away) a piece of cake (close your palms,

Donuts (ball of palms, cheesecakes ( slap left palm up right fist, then change hands,

Sweet cakes ( slap left palm on top of the right, then change hands,

stick out (hands away, palms up) horns (raise the horns to the head!

Children play by memorizing movements and words.

caregiver: Who's rustling in the corner, I'll go and see. Yes, this snail crawled to visit us.

caregiver: Look how beautiful she is. A snail has a body, a head, horns on its head, eyes, and a mouth.

caregiver: Tell me what a snail has?

The children answer, and the teacher shows.

caregiver: A snail is green like grass. What color is she?

caregiver: And it's soft, do you want to touch it? Let's pet her (brings to each child).

caregiver: A snail can move, it crawls, like this (shows).

caregiver: And we can also move like a snail. Let's show her.

Children get up, holding each other's waist, that is, a train, follow the teacher with a snake.

caregiver: Guys, our snail is bored alone. Let's blind her friends, a lot of small streets.

caregiver: First, we roll out a lump of plasticine I with direct hand movements into a long column, then we fold one end of the column, and from the rest, by flattening, we make a head and, by pulling or pinching, small horns (shows modeling techniques, explains).

If desired, each child can fashion several snails (big and small). Offers to teach children to sculpt a snail.

caregiver: Well done guys, what beautiful friends they made for our guest. Let's settle them to live on a green lawn.

caregiver: And now let's read for them all the nursery rhyme that we met today, they will be very pleased.

Entertainment with children of the first younger group:

"Grandma Arina came to visit us".

Target: Create a joyful atmosphere sentiments: teach children to guess riddles, read poetry.

Entertainment progress.

AT grandmother Arina comes to the children. She is dressed in folk costume, in the hands - a basket with toys and rattles. He enters, singing a folk song known to children.

Grandma Arina: Costs terem- teremok , teremok He is not low, not high. I'll come and knock. Hosts I will shout: "Someone in Teremochka lives Who lives in a low place?.

From tower look out children with a teacher.

caregiver: Children: Tanya, Vanya, Ira, Sasha,

Our younger boys!

Grandma Arina: And my name is grandmother Arina. Came to visit your tower. I want to play with you, guess riddles. (sits down on the bench)

The children come out of the house and sit down around the grandmother on the carpet.) Look, who is this?

Grandma Arina: A tail with patterns, boots with spurs, He sings during the day, counts time.

Children: Cockerel!

Grandma Arina: Well done, right.

(Pulls out a toy cockerel. Sings.)

The night has passed

The darkness has taken away

The cricket fell silent

Cockerel sang

Coo-ka-re-coo, coo-ka-re-coo!

Grandma Arina: And now you, kids, sing me a song about a cockerel.

(Children sing Russian folk song "Cockerel").

Grandma Arina: The cockerel sang a song, then the bright sun came out.

The night has passed

The darkness has taken away

Hello Sunshine,

Bell tower.

Grandma Arina: And now let's say hello to the sun.

All (together)

Hello Sunshine,


Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window,

Children are waiting for you

The kids are waiting.

A girl appears in a suit "sunshine", is moving slowly. Children sing a song "Sun-bucket".

Grandma Arina: Before you get down to business, you need, children. What to do?

Children: Wash your face!

Grandma Arina: But as?

Children: And like this, and like that, and like that! (imitate washing)

Grandma Arina: And I have a cat Vaska. Vaska! Kitty Kitty Kitty! (A boy dressed as a cat appears.) At night he catches mice, and during the day he lies on a mound, basking in the sun and purring. Do you know how?

Children: Mur-murr!

Grandma Arina: Let's pet him.

Children: Kiss-kiss-kiss!

(Grandma Arina and the children are stroking the cat.)

caregiver: Grandma Arina! Our children about the cat nursery rhymes can tell!

Pus Babushka Arina: Let them tell, the cat will be delighted!

First child:

Like our cat

The coat is very good

Like a cat mustache

amazing beauty,

bold eyes,

The teeth are white.

Second child:

The cat went to Torzhok,

I bought a cat pie.

The cat went to the street

I bought a cat bun.

Whether to eat

Or take down Borenka?

I'll bite myself

I'll take down Borenka too!

Grandmother Arina.: Kitty! Did you like how children nursery rhymes told? Then play with them.

Children play with a cat in an outdoor game "Cat and Mice".

Grandma Arina: Well, thanks, kids. And they solved my riddles, and nursery rhymes for my grandmother and the cat told, and they played with my cat, made me happy. And now it's time for me to go home, and for my cat to sleep on the stove, in a warm place.

caregiver: And leave us, please, your cat, we will build a house for him and let him go.

caregiver: And let's build a house for the cat Vaska. We have large soft modules, bring them to me soon.

Together with the educator, they erect a building. Children, having built, play with the cat Vaska.

dramatization game "About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear".

Software content.

1. Through dramatization tell the kids as needed

say goodbye to mom in the morning, do not cry when parting, so as not to upset her.

2. To teach kids to build a narrow one (from two bricks standing on narrow short edges, n

which lies one plate) and a wide (of four bricks and two plates).

3. Maintain an emotional response to the dramatization, a desire to help.

Material: Toys: bunny, doll Masha; building material: bricks, plates.

Course progress.

caregiver: Listen story about the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear.

The teacher is staging storytelling with toys.

AT Kindergarten Masha was brought by her mother. When mother left, Masha began to cry.

You love your mom? - asked the bunny.

Why are you crying?

I don't want my mom to leave.

Bad, very bad, said bunny.

Why bad? Masha was surprised.

You cry - mom is upset.

She thinks you've been crying all day.

Mom is nervous, she can't work well.

Her head starts to hurt, the imam also begins to cry.

Oh, Masha got scared.

What to do?

Tomorrow, saying goodbye to mom, say her: "Goodbye, my beloved mother!

Yana will cry in kindergarten.”

The teacher shows the play again.

Children learn to say goodbye to their mother.

caregiver: Well done, you will not upset your mommy.

caregiver: And now we will have a round dance "Who's good with us?"

Who is good for us?

Who is handsome?

Vanya is good,

Vanya is pretty.

The child standing in the center of the circle bows.

caregiver: Let's build for our guests two benches: - for a bunny - narrow, for a doll - wide.

Shows and analyzes samples of buildings.

caregiver: Show a narrow bench.

What parts are bench posts made of?

What color is the seat?

Find a bunny bench.

For a doll.

Now the bunny and the doll will sit on your benches and on Sasha, on the Machine, etc. d.

Children build benches, play with toys that the teacher has additionally prepared for each child.

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