Eugene Onegin was written in the year. the hero whose name is indicated in the title of the book could not possibly be real


Year of publication of the book: 1825

Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most significant works in the work of the Russian poet. It took Pushkin more than seven years to write it, and the publication of this novel in verse took place one chapter at a time. The first chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin" was published in 1825, and the full work was published only in 1933. Since then, the work has been reprinted more than once in more than 20 languages ​​of the world, and the novel "Eugene Onegin" itself has become one of the most significant works in world literature. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the author of the novel occupies the highest place in our rating, and his works are presented in many in the ratings of our site.

The name of the novel "Eugene Onegin" was given in honor of the protagonist of the work. The image of Eugene Onegin in the novel is spelled out quite well, and this is dedicated to most of the first chapter. This is a true nobleman who received an excellent education, was smart enough to know when to remain silent and when to joke in order to gain recognition in society. Before his uncle's illness, he lived in St. Petersburg and was completely absorbed in social life, which bored him and became boring. After the death of his uncle, Eugene moves to the countryside, where at first he tries to dispel his blues with reformist ideas, but then he gets bored with it.

The poet and romantic Lensky unexpectedly becomes a friend of Onegin in the village. This young man has recently returned from his studies in Germany. He is full of romantic ideas and an idealist by nature. Unlike Eugene, who is more of a skeptic and a realist. But communication with Lensky amuses Onegin. Thanks to this, one day Onegin goes to meet Olga, Lensky's lover. Here he meets Olga's older sister, Tatyana.

The image of Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most significant. First it ordinary girl, who falls in love with Onegin, and after conferring with the nanny, decides to write a letter about her feelings to Eugene. The protagonist of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is not inclined to family life, and such openness of Tatyana's feelings, after the love affairs of St. Petersburg, confuses him. Therefore, having come to Tatyana's house, he rejects the girl in the garden.

Lensky and Olga are doing very well, and the conversation goes already about the wedding. One day, Lensky persuades Onegin to go to Tatyana's name day, which, according to him, will be a quiet holiday. But having arrived there main character novel "Eugene Onegin" discovers a huge feast. For this, he decides to take revenge on Lensky, and begins to court Olga. This irritates the idealist Lensky and he challenges Onegin to a duel. Not Onegin on Lensky do not feel hatred for each other, but refusal can dishonor them. Therefore, the duel took place and Onegin kills Lensky. At the same time, he himself is very dissatisfied with this fact.

Subsequently, the protagonist of the novel "Eugene Onegin" leaves for Europe, and Olga soon gets married. Only the image of Tatyana in the novel remains unchanged. She refuses all suitors and, in search of a party for her daughter, her parents take her to St. Petersburg. Here she becomes impregnable socialite. At the same time, Eugene Onegin returns to St. Petersburg. He is still full of blues, but at one of the balls he is again introduced to Tatyana. Now he falls in love with her and asks for her attention. But she is cold. And only once having called Tatiana to frankness, Onegin finds out that she still loves him, but she is given to another and will be faithful to him. This is where the novel ends.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" on the Top Books website

Despite the years, the novel "Eugene Onegin" is still popular to read. In many ways, schoolchildren also contribute to the popularization of the work, for whom "Eugene Onegin" should be read according to school curriculum. In addition, they write essays based on the novel "Eugene Onegin". All these factors, combined with the genius of the work, allowed the novel to take first place in our rating. In addition, quite legitimately, the novel "Eugene Onegin" occupies the highest place in our ranking. At the same time, the positions of the novel are quite stable, which is typical for truly iconic works.

You can read the novel "Eugene Onegin" online on the Top Books website.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" was written by a classic of world literature. Having become the first step of Russian writers in the field of realism, the poetic work turned out to be unique for its time. The writing of "Eugene Onegin" took 8 years, from 1823 to 1831. The action covers the events of the period 1819-1925. The entire work of Pushkin was first published in 1833.

Critics and researchers compare "Eugene Onegin" with "". The main characters of the poetic work faithfully depict the images characteristic of the 19th century, and the atmosphere of this period is conveyed with incredible accuracy.

History of creation

While working on the creation of the novel, Pushkin planned to present to the public the image of a hero relevant to new Russia. The character described by the author would easily provoke the events necessary for the development of the country, and was capable of serious deeds. The novel became for Pushkin, a fan of the ideas of the Decembrists, a kind of interpretation of Russian reality in poetic form.

The product was born in difficult periods the life of the famous poet: in the southern exile and after it, during unspoken imprisonment in Mikhailovsky and during the "Boldino autumn".

The characterization of the main character is carefully thought out by the creator of the image. Pushkinists find features in the description of Onegin's character, Katenin and the author himself. The hero has become a collection distinguishing features several prototypes and collectively era, as well as secular youth. A nobleman with overwhelming vigor, he becomes central figure novel, on which the fate of other characters depends.

Calling Eugene Onegin "a good friend", Pushkin emphasizes the consonance of the hero's lifestyle with the described era. The author endows the hero with a noble upbringing, sharp mind and quick perception, which are in harmony with his principles and point of view.

Eugene's life is boring. He does not feel belonging to the world where he enters, he makes sarcastic and sarcastic remarks and ridicule of his representatives. Onegin is a new hero who is disgusted by active actions and prefers passive observation of what is happening. Researchers are still arguing over whether the hero was an “alien” and “superfluous” person in the era or was an idle thinker who lived his life happily. The actions of the character are difficult to interpret unambiguously, and his thoughts are not always fair. The goal of the hero's life is unknown: he does not voice it or does not have it at all.

Eugene is one of the people torn between the arguments of the mind and heart. He does not stand the test of noble feelings like love and friendship. The duel provoked by him is logical for secular etiquette, but becomes a game of concepts and a kind of experiment for a bored hero.

A spoiled young man, capable of subduing a secular company, is spoiled by female attention and is not bad-looking. After describing his lifestyle, the reader easily perceives the fact that he is not in love with, but the girl longs for his reciprocity. A person who cannot be strong sincere feelings, weak in such concepts as love and relationships, Onegin considers himself entitled to teach the audience. But after a while, the hero becomes a hostage to his spiritual stinginess.

Plot and main characters

The plot of the poetic novel about Eugene Onegin is known to every schoolchild. The introduction describes a young nobleman whose wealthy uncle has fallen ill. Eugene is forced to go to visit a relative. The narration is conducted on behalf of the author, who describes what is happening and seems to be familiar to the protagonist.

Having success among the ladies and entertaining himself with secular amusements, Onegin came to the conclusion that he was fed up with what surrounds him. He is in a state of melancholy and blues, so a trip to his uncle starts a new stage in the character's life. After the death of a relative, the hero became the owner of a fortune and settled in the village. The longing did not pass, and the hero was looking for a way to get rid of it.

In the village, Eugene met and found an outlet in him. The ardent young man turned out to be in love with one of the Larin sisters -. The cheerful girl turned out to be the complete opposite of the eldest of the sisters - Tatyana, who interested Evgeny. Young people meet, and love for Onegin is born in the heart of the heroine. Tatyana, in a fit of feelings, writes a letter to her lover, but is rejected. On Tatyana's name day, Onegin courts Olga for fun and receives a duel challenge from Lensky. Having killed a friend during a duel, the hero leaves for St. Petersburg.

Three years later, Onegin and Tatyana meet in the capital. The girl married a general and shines in the world. Eugene is smitten with her. Onegin's letter to Tatyana reveals Eugene's feelings. The woman refuses him, confessing that, despite reciprocity, she will remain faithful to her husband. The story ends with the author's farewell to the audience.

The main characters of the work: Eugene Onegin, Vladimir Lensky and sisters Larina - and Olga.

Eugene Onegin is a nobleman who was born in St. Petersburg. His father squandered his fortune, so an inheritance from a wealthy relative was appropriate for the hero. Brought up by tutors, Onegin had a good upbringing, inherent young man its origin. The lack of moral principles has led to the fact that he behaves like a snob and does not know how to appreciate the manifestations of passionate feelings. Ladies favor Eugene, gentlemen listen to his opinion. The essence of the young man is unchanged, although the hero changes throughout the novel.

Tatyana is the key female image works. She is modest, calm and reserved. The girl's manners emphasize her nobility. Books are her main attraction. In part, their influence leads to falling in love with Onegin. Under the pressure of feelings, Tatyana decides to take a risky step, which was considered a shame for a lady of the 19th century: to write a letter to her chosen one. Having been refused, hurting her pride, the girl pretends that nothing happened. She marries, knowing that the former feelings have not faded away, and finds the strength to refuse Eugene, who has been inflamed with love. For a reasonable and decent Tatyana, the thought of betrayal and betrayal of her husband is unacceptable.

Vladimir Lensky - a young man who became a close friend of Onegin in the village, according to art historians, was written off from a young writer. A wealthy nobleman, 18 years old, is in love with Olga and remains faithful to the windy laughter woman for more than a year. An educated handsome man cannot endure the insult caused by the courtship of a friend for his lady of the heart. Friendship with Onegin ends in a duel that becomes turning point storytelling.

Olga is the younger Larina, Tatyana's antagonist. The frivolous girl is too cheerful and loves to flirt with gentlemen. Not demonstrating talents and preferences, the girl is not inclined to think about the future. She perceives Lensky as a toy and does not share his feelings. After Vladimir's death, Olga quickly finds solace with a young officer whom she marries.

  • The history of the creation of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is closely connected with the author's achievement - the Onegin stanza. The work is written in a special way, thanks to which Pushkin organized an alternative to prose chapters and easily changed the subject of the story. Readers note the author's transition from the presentation of thoughts to the description of the plot and vice versa. The novel, in the format of a confidential conversation with the audience, was translated into 19 languages.

  • The legendary work has inspired more than once creative people to create art objects. In 1878
  • IN musical area the plot described by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" was sung by the author and performer, whose pseudonym is Shura Karetny.


Replicas of the main character and secondary actors poetic novel has long been catchphrases. Many quotes from works of XIX centuries do not lose their relevance in modern conditions.

“We all learned little by little something and somehow, so by bringing up, thank God, it’s not surprising to shine with us ...”

These lines can describe more than one generation of Russians who have read Pushkin's works. Emphasizing the degree of education of the hero, the author, not without sarcasm, notes that, being able to wishful thinking, it is not difficult to create an attractive image in the world.

"It can be efficient person and think about the beauty of nails ... "

So the poet writes, explaining the frivolity of the character, sometimes characteristic of many serious people. Incompatible traits often combine in character extraordinary personalities and those who are not able to impress with individuality.

“They got along. Wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other ... "

With these words dedicated to Lensky and Onegin, Pushkin emphasizes striking differences heroes, describing them in the melodic manner of the Onegin stanza.

"How less woman we love, the easier she likes us"

The writer gave a testament to subsequent generations through the mouth of Onegin and forever handed over to the representatives of the stronger sex a smashing weapon against ladies in love.

The poet puts immutable truths into the novel, proclaiming:

“... We honor everyone as zeros, and ourselves as ones ...”

For no one, including Eugene, there is a personality more significant than one's own, which is logical, regardless of the era and social circle.

Question Saint Petersburg and the village where Onegin lived comparison given by the author Konstantin Kutsenko the best answer is Throughout the novel and digressions the poet shows all layers of Russian society of that time: elite Petersburg, noble Moscow, local nobility, peasantry. This allows us to speak of "Eugene Onegin" as a true folk work. Petersburg of that time collected the best minds Russia. Fonvizin "shone" there, people of art - Knyazhin, Istomina. The author knew and loved St. Petersburg well, he is accurate in his descriptions, not forgetting either the "salt of secular anger", "nor the necessary impudent ones." Through the eyes of a resident of the capital, Moscow is also shown to us - the "fair of brides". Describing the Moscow nobility, Pushkin is often sarcastic: in the living rooms he notices "incoherent, vulgar nonsense." But at the same time, the poet loves Moscow, the heart of Russia: "Moscow ... how much this sound has merged for the Russian heart" (it should be doubly pleasant for a Muscovite to read such lines).
Modern to the poet Russia is rural. That's probably why the character gallery local nobility most representative in the novel. Let's look at the characters presented to us by Pushkin. The handsome Lensky, "with a soul directly Goettingen", - a romantic of the German warehouse, "an admirer of Kant." But Lensky's poems are imitative. They are parodied through and through, but they do not parody individual authors, but the clichés of romanticism themselves. The story of Tatyana's mother is quite tragic: "Without asking for advice, the girl was taken to the crown." She "rushed and cried at first," but replaced happiness with a habit: "She salted mushrooms for the winter, kept expenses, shaved her foreheads." Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" had a huge impact on further development Russian literature. It is also important that the protagonist of the novel, as it were, opens a whole gallery " extra people"in Russian literature: Pechorin, Oblomov will continue it.
With the title of the novel, Pushkin emphasizes the central position of Onegin among other heroes of the work. Onegin is a secular young man, a metropolitan aristocrat who received a typical upbringing for that time under the guidance of a French tutor in the spirit of literature, cut off from national and popular soil. He leads the lifestyle of "golden youth": balls, walks along Nevsky Prospekt, visits to theaters. Although Onegin studied "something and somehow," he still has high level culture, differing in this respect from most noble society. Pushkin hero- a product of this society, but at the same time it is alien to it. The nobility of the soul, "a sharp chilled mind" set him apart from the environment of aristocratic youth, gradually lead to disappointment in the life and interests of secular society, to dissatisfaction with the political and social situation: No, his feelings cooled down early, He was bored with the noise of light ...
The emptiness of life torments Onegin, he is overcome by spleen, boredom, and he leaves secular society, trying to engage in socially useful activities. The lordly upbringing, the lack of the habit of work (“hard work was sickening to him”) played a role, and Onegin does not complete any of his undertakings. He lives "without purpose, without labor." In the village, Onegin behaves humanely towards the peasants, but he does not think about their fate, he is more tormented by his own moods, a sense of the emptiness of life.
Breaking with secular society and being cut off from the life of the people, he loses touch with the people.

The action in the work takes place from 1819 to 1825. The novel opens with a dedication to Pletnev. This is followed by the first chapter, beginning with Onegin's lamentations that he had to go to the village to a seriously ill uncle in order to care for him, show participation, and think for himself: "when the devil takes you."

Onegin at the beginning of the novel is a young rake, a handsome man, a "dandy". He received a typical noble upbringing and education, studied a little of everything, spoke excellent French, "knew how to dance a mazurka and bowed at ease." The hero is especially skilled in the "science of tender passion", he skillfully flirted, attended balls, theaters, restaurants. The day was scheduled by the hour, but all the time was occupied by social events, which soon bored the young man. We continue the summary of "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin.

Eugene Onegin in the countryside

He comes to the village, no longer finds his uncle alive and decides that nature and new look life will help dispel boredom. But after three days he gets bored with the village. Onegin mopes, reads books, does not maintain relations with neighbors, as he is tired of their "prudent conversation about haymaking, about wine, about the kennel, about his relatives."

At the same time, Vladimir Lensky, an eighteen-year-old poet, a romantic dreamer who graduated from the University of Göttingen, arrives at his estate. He believes in love, in friendship, in the happiness of life, although he composes typically romantic poems about melancholy and withering.

Onegin and Lensky became friends, while they were completely different. They often come together, argue, talk, share their thoughts. Lensky tells a friend about his beloved Olga, the daughter of a neighbor, Larina.

One day, friends go on a visit to the Larins. On the way back, Onegin tells Lensky that the older sister Tatyana is more interesting than the younger one, because Olga is beautiful, but ordinary, like an ordinary heroine of a novel. Lensky is offended. Summary of "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin is presented literary portal website

The love affair gets complicated

Young people do not suspect that Tatyana is in love with Onegin. She suffers, does not sleep at night, confesses everything to an old nanny. She tells her about her fate, remembers her husband, mother-in-law and a difficult life. Tatyana decides to write to Onegin and confess her feelings. Her letter reminds romantic confessions from sentimental novels XVIII, which the girl loved. The beloved appears as a kind of ideal that Tatyana was waiting for and immediately felt in her heart that it was he who was destined for her by fate. Having sent a letter, she waits a long time for an answer, she is tormented, but Onegin does not write to her.

Pushkin talks about Tatyana's unusualness, her love for solitude, reading books, and Russian nature. She especially liked winter, divination, rituals, fairy tales and scary stories babysitting long winter evenings. Tatyana with her Russian soul is the author's "sweet ideal".

Finally Onegin arrives and an explanation takes place in the garden. The hero was tempted to female love, but did not want to deceive Tatyana, seeing in her letter the sincerity of her first love. Therefore, he honestly admits that he is not ready to share her feelings, family life is not for him at all and gives advice to continue to be more careful, not to speak so frankly about his feelings.

Soon Tatyana has a terrible dream where she sees herself in the forest, a bear is chasing her, and then she is overtaken and carried to a hut in which monsters sit, and Onegin presides between them. He takes Tatyana, at this moment Lensky and Olga enter, Onegin does not like the appearance uninvited guests he kills the young poet. The dream turns out to be real.

Then the name day of the main character is depicted. Prior to this, Lensky invites Onegin to a holiday with the Larins, promising that there will be no other guests there. However, many landlord neighbors come to the house. Eugene is angry and wants to take revenge on Lensky. To do this, he several times invites Olga to dance, causing the jealousy of her lover. Vladimir decides that his friend wants to seduce Olga. In the end, in the evening, Onegin receives a challenge to a duel and accepts it.

Duel and final - a summary of "Eugene Onegin"

Before the duel, the hero thinks that it would be more correct to tell Lensky about his offense and make peace with him, but does not do this, fearing to be branded a coward. Lensky, before the fateful event, reflects on the uncertainty of the "day to come" and on Olga's love.

The next morning, Onegin comes to the duel much later than the appointed time, but the duel took place, and Lensky was killed. Shocked Onegin leaves these places.

Six months pass, Olga marries a lancer and leaves. Tatyana wanders around the surrounding fields and accidentally comes to Onegin's house. There, in his office, she reads books, sees what marks their owner left in the margins and concludes that Onegin is just an imitation of a fashionable type. Byronic hero. After a while, her mother persuades her to go to Moscow to the “bride fair”. There she is noticed by an important general, she is getting married.

A few years later, Onegin returns from a trip to St. Petersburg. At the ball, he meets Tatyana and does not immediately recognize: she has changed, has become a majestic, calm secular lady, causing universal respect and reverence. The author notes that Tatyana's unusual charm conquers Onegin, he falls in love and confesses his feelings to her in a letter. Having received no answer, he sends two more messages, but in vain. Then Onegin comes to Tatyana and finds the crying heroine reading a letter. Tatyana says that she loves Onegin, but "she has been given to another" and will be "faithful to him for a century."

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"Eugene Onegin"(1823-1831) - a novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, one of the most significant works of Russian literature.

History of creation

Pushkin worked on the novel for over seven years. The novel was, according to Pushkin, "the fruit of the mind of cold observations and the heart of sad remarks." Pushkin called work on it a feat - from all his creative heritage only "Boris Godunov" he characterized with the same word. On a wide background of pictures of Russian life, a dramatic fate is shown. the best people noble intelligentsia.

Pushkin began work on Onegin in 1823, during his southern exile. The author abandoned romanticism as a leading creative method and started writing realistic novel in verse, although the influence of romanticism is still noticeable in the first chapters. Initially, it was assumed that the novel in verse would consist of 9 chapters, but later Pushkin reworked its structure, leaving only 8 chapters. He excluded from the work the chapter "Onegin's Journey", which he included as an appendix. After that, the tenth chapter of the novel was written, which is an encrypted chronicle from the life of future Decembrists.

The novel was published in verse in separate chapters, and the release of each chapter became a big event in contemporary literature. In 1831 the novel in verse was finished and in 1833 it was published. It covers events from 1819 to 1825: from the foreign campaigns of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon to the Decembrist uprising. These were the years of the development of Russian society, during the reign of Tsar Alexander I. The plot of the novel is simple and well known. At the center of the novel is a love affair. A main problem is eternal problem feelings and duty. The novel "Eugene Onegin" reflected the events of the first quarter XIX century, that is, the time of creation, and the time of the novel approximately coincide. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created a novel in verse like Byron's poem Don Juan. Defining the novel as "a collection colorful chapters”, Pushkin emphasizes one of the features of this work: the novel is, as it were, “open” in time, each chapter could be the last, but it can also have a continuation. And thus the reader draws attention to the independence of each chapter of the novel. The novel became an encyclopedia of Russian life in the 20s of the century before last, since the breadth of the novel shows readers the whole reality of Russian life, as well as the multi-plot and description different eras. This is what gave grounds to V. G. Belinsky in his article "Eugene Onegin" to conclude:
“Onegin can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and in the highest degree folk art."
In the novel, as in the encyclopedia, you can learn everything about the era: about how they dressed, and what was in fashion, what people valued most, what they talked about, what interests they lived. "Eugene Onegin" reflected the whole of Russian life. Briefly, but quite clearly, the author showed the serf village, lordly Moscow, secular Petersburg. Pushkin truthfully portrayed the environment in which the main characters of his novel live - Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin. The author reproduced the atmosphere of the city noble salons, in which Onegin spent his youth.


The novel begins with a squeamish speech by the young nobleman Eugene Onegin, dedicated to the illness of his uncle, which forced him to leave St. Petersburg and go to the patient's bed in the hope of becoming the heir to the dying. The narrative itself is conducted on behalf of the nameless author, who introduced himself as a good friend of Onegin. Having marked the plot in this way, the author devotes the first chapter to the story of the origin, family, life of his hero before receiving news of the illness of a relative.

Eugene was born "on the banks of the Neva", that is, in St. Petersburg, in the family of a typical nobleman of his time -

“Having served excellently - nobly, His father lived with debts. Gave three balls annually And finally squandered. The son of such a father received a typical upbringing - first the governess Madame, then the French tutor, who did not bother his pupil with an abundance of sciences. Here Pushkin emphasizes that the upbringing of Yevgeny from childhood was carried out by strangers for him, besides foreigners.
Onegin's life in Petersburg was full love affairs and secular amusements, but now he will be bored in the countryside. Upon arrival, it turns out that the uncle has died, and Eugene has become his heir. Onegin settles in the village, and soon the blues really take possession of him.

Onegin's neighbor turns out to be eighteen-year-old Vladimir Lensky, a romantic poet, who came from Germany. Lensky and Onegin converge. Lensky is in love with Olga Larina, the daughter of a landowner. Forever cheerful Olga her thoughtful sister Tatyana is not like her. Having met Onegin, Tatyana falls in love with him and writes him a letter. However, Onegin rejects her: he is not looking for a quiet family life. Lensky and Onegin are invited to the Larins. Onegin is not happy about this invitation, but Lensky persuades him to go.

"[...] He pouted and, indignantly, swore to infuriate Lensky, And to take revenge in order." At a dinner at the Larins', Onegin, in order to make Lensky jealous, suddenly begins courting Olga. Lensky challenges him to a duel. The duel ends with the death of Lensky, and Onegin leaves the village.
Two years later, he appears in St. Petersburg and meets Tatyana. She is an important lady, the wife of a prince. Onegin burned with love for her, but this time he was already rejected, despite the fact that Tatyana also loves him, but wants to remain faithful to her husband.


  1. Onegin and Tatyana:
    • Acquaintance with Tatyana
    • Conversation with the nanny
    • Tatyana's letter to Onegin
    • Explanation in the garden
    • Dream of Tatyana. name day
    • Visit to Onegin's house
    • Departure for Moscow
    • Meeting at a ball in St. Petersburg in 2 years
    • Letter to Tatiana (explanation)
    • Evening at Tatyana's
  2. Onegin and Lensky:
    • Acquaintance in the village
    • Conversation after the evening at the Larins
    • Lensky's visit to Onegin
    • Tatyana's name day
    • Duel (Death of Lensky)


  • Eugene Onegin- the prototype Pyotr Chaadaev, a friend of Pushkin, is named by Pushkin himself in the first chapter. Onegin's story is reminiscent of Chaadaev's life. An important influence on the image of Onegin had Lord Byron and his "Byron Heroes", Don Juan and Childe Harold, who are also mentioned more than once by Pushkin himself.
  • Tatyana Larina- the prototype of Avdotya (Dunya) Norova, Chaadaev's girlfriend. Dunya herself is mentioned in the second chapter, and at the end of the last chapter, Pushkin expresses his grief over her untimely death. Due to the death of Dunya at the end of the novel, Anna Kern, Pushkin's lover, acts as the prototype of the princess, the matured and transformed Tatyana. She, Anna Kern, was the prototype of Anna Kerenina. Although Leo Tolstoy copied the appearance of Anna Karenina from eldest daughter Pushkin, Maria Hartung, but the name and history are very close to Anna Kern. So, through the story of Anna Kern, Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" is a continuation of the novel "Eugene Onegin".
  • Olga Larina, her sister is a generalized image of a typical heroine of a popular novel; beautiful in appearance, but devoid of deep content.
  • Vladimir Lensky- Pushkin himself, or rather his idealized image.
  • nanny Tatiana- probable prototype - Yakovleva Arina Rodionovna, Pushkin's nanny
  • Zaretsky, duelist - among the prototypes they called Fyodor Tolstoy-American
  • Tatyana Larina's husband, not named in the novel, "important general", General Kern, Anna Kern's husband.
  • Author of the work- Pushkin himself. He constantly intervenes in the course of the story, reminds of himself, makes friends with Onegin, in his lyrical digressions shares with the reader his reflections on a variety of life issues, and expresses his ideological position.

The novel also mentions the father - Dmitry Larin - and the mother of Tatyana and Olga; "Princess Alina" - the Moscow cousin of Tatyana Larina's mother; uncle Onegin; a number of comical images of provincial landowners (Gvozdin, Flyanov, "Skotinins, a gray-haired couple", "fat Pustyakov", etc.); Petersburg and Moscow light.
The images of provincial landlords are mostly literary background. So, the image of the Skotinins refers to Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth", Buyanov is the hero of the poem "Dangerous Neighbor" (1810-1811) by V. L. Pushkin. “Among the guests, there were also “important Kirin”, “Lazorkina - a widow-vostrushka”, “fat Pustyakov” was replaced by “fat Tumakov”, Pustyakov was called “skinny”, Petushkov was a “retired clerk”.

Poetic Features

The novel is written in a special "Onegin stanza". Each such stanza consists of 14 lines of iambic tetrameter.
The first four lines rhyme crosswise, the lines from the fifth to the eighth - in pairs, the lines from the ninth to the twelfth are connected by a ring rhyme. The remaining 2 lines of the stanza rhyme with each other.

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