Portal literary salon. Literary Salon


Moscow. Salon of Zinaida Volkonskaya. 1824-1829

The living room has a soft half light. Two presenters sit at a table on which albums, portraits, volumes of poems, flowers lie.
The facilitators begin the story.
Sounds "Choral Prelude" J. S. Bach.

1 presenter : Something always changes in the world... Epochs pass, destroying great civilizations. Wars sweep away cities, Great monuments turn to dust. But humanity has protection from spiritual extinction - these are eternal truths bequeathed to us by God and ancestors. These truths teach us kindness, philanthropy, mercy, and are the basis of the human soul.
2 host: It has long been believed that the guardian hearth, the basis of peace and harmony in the house was a woman. She protected her household from any filth, was their mentor and support.
Each era has its own woman - a warrior woman, a woman educator, a citizen (in the great sense of the word), a muse woman, an ideal. But whatever it may be, it always remains the focus of all the best and human.
1 leader: Today we are gathered in our living room to talk about a woman. A woman as the embodiment of the most beautiful, ideal. Let's talk about the beautiful ideal that inspired the great masters to create immortal creations. (The "Pas de deux of Giselle and Albert" from the ballet "Giselle" by A.Sh. Adam harmoniously joins the conversation of the presenters.)
2 host: I would like to start our meeting with an acquaintance with Russia of the 19th century. Russia enlightened, literary, musical, restless and looking for its ideal. First quarter XIX century - a bright page in the history of Russian literature and fine arts (shows portraits and art albums). This page most clearly reflects the character of a woman, as an idea of moral ideal at the romantics. (Reads a poem by E.A. Baratynsky "She").
2 host: All the feelings of a woman are directed towards a good beginning, patience and love for one's neighbor. Literature, poetry, painting, music - all the arts of that time found a merger in the beautiful search for the ideal embodied in the contemporary.
1 presenter : So, Russia of the 19th century, the atmosphere of music, poetry, beautiful ladies... At this time, literary circles-salon flourished in Russia, for visitors to which literature was not a profession, but a hobby and entertainment. Salon as one of the forms. intellectual life of the upper circle of society.
Salon - very thin and complex shape public life in which serious, deep interests were combined with entertainment, public activity with an intimate setting, private with public, and at the same time each of the parties did not suppress the other. The ability to keep the salon P.A. Vyazemsky calls "art". He notes as the main feature of the salon that only a woman can lead it.
2 leading : “The mind of a woman,” he writes, “generates and dominates in that it is superbly sensitive to someone else’s mind. The female mind is often hospitable; an experienced housewife does not move forward in front of the guests, does not contradict them, is not in a hurry to interrupt their path, but on the contrary, as if hiding, so that only they would be spacious and free.
1 leader: Today we invite you to visit the famous salon of the 19th century, to get acquainted with the guests, to find your friends and like-minded people. We: visit the Moscow salon of Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya.
The Moscow salon of Zinaida Volkonskaya left a bright, memorable mark in the history of Russian public life, in the history of literature.
So, let's enter the Moscow house on Tverskaya Street, owned by Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya. (This house, although rebuilt, still exists today and is known to Muscovites under old name"Eliseevsky shop"). The choice of Moscow, of course, is not accidental: her father was a Muscovite, a friend of Karamzin and who bore the nickname "Moscow Apollo". And so great was the desire to hide from the stiffness and coercion of Petersburg life. The princess went headlong into the world of art, poetry ... (The host reads A. Mickiewicz's poem "To the Greek room ...").
2 host: According to a contemporary, "she decorated her house with original copies of famous works painting and sculpture; she painted the rooms of her house, a real museum, with frescoes in the style of different eras.

The waltz and dance of Giselle and Albert from the ballet "Giselle" by A.Sh. Adana.

1 presenter : Let's get acquainted with the mistress of this hospitable house. (The presenter reads I. Kozlov's poem "To Princess Volkonskaya") She belonged to the ancient family of the Beloselsky-Belozersky princes. The princess lost her mother early and her father raised her daughter, who instilled in the girl a love of literature and art. He was able to become a beloved and sincere friend of this creature.
In 1810, Zinaida Alexandrovna married Prince I G. Volkonsky, close to Tsar Alexander I. She shines at court, the emperor pays special attention to her. Beautiful, smart, educated, with aristocratic talent and a beautiful voice, she plays in performances, sings, writes music. Her singing delights Rossini, the famous actress Mars regrets that "such a specific talent has fallen to the lot of ladies of high society."
2 leading : Along with music and theater, Volkonskaya is engaged in literature, writes poetry and prose. Princess ZENEIDA (that's what her friends called her) gave her salon a musical and literary character. By this he stood out sharply among other Moscow "open houses" with their balls, masquerades, card game. (A.S. Pushkin's poem "To Princess Z.A. Volkonskaya" sounds).
1 leader: “Due to her aristocratic connections, the largest society of the capital city gathered in her house, writers and artists turned to her, as if to a kind of patron of the arts, and pleasantly met each other at her brilliant evenings,” Muravyov recalls.
2 host: "Representatives of the big world, dignitaries and handsome men, youth and mature age, people of mental labor, professors, writers, journalists, poets, artists were connected here. Everything in this house bore the imprint of service to art and thought. There were readings, concerts by amateurs and amateurs Italian operas. Among the artists and at the head of them was the mistress of the house herself. Those who heard her could not forget the impression that she made with her full and sonorous contralto, "Vyazemsky reports. (very quietly, but gradually growing, the overture to W. A. ​​Mozart's opera Don Giovanni sounds").
1 presenter : The year 1825 struck. Year of the December uprising. The reaction deprived Russia of the most progressive layer of politicians, poets, brilliant military men - the colors of society.
In the first, most terrible months after the massacre of the Decembrists, of the public thought of Russia, in those days when for the most part society was seized by fear and confusion, literary readings in the salon of Z.A. Volkonskaya acquired not only literary significance, but they became a symbol of resilience, freedom-loving spirit" they instilled faith and hope for the future.
2 host: I would like to remind you of one bold act of this extraordinary woman. Her home in these Hard times becomes the center where information about the Decembrists flocks.
Three days at the end of December, Princess Maria Volkonskaya, who was traveling to Siberia to fetch her husband, spent three days in Moscow. She stayed with her daughter-in-law Zinaida. On December 26, Zinaida Alexandrovna arranged a magnificent musical evening, which Mary will describe with gratitude and tenderness in her memoirs. This evening was attended by A. S. Pushkin
1 presenter : A contemporary wrote that Z.A. Volkonskaya "could meet everything that was on the Russian Parnassus." One listing of names shows that the visitors of her salon were famous not only in their time, but left their mark on the history of A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Vyazemsky, D.V. Davydov, D.V. Venevitinov, V.K. Kuchelbecker, V.F. Odoevsky, Karolina Pavlova and many, many others.
2 host: But of course, AS was the recognized head of Russian literature. Pushkin.
1 leader: Salon Volkonskaya united poets and writers, original talents. Here the main criterion was talent.
Here are these talented bright personalities we will present to you today. We will talk about those people whose names are not so widely known and may not be familiar to you.
So, let me introduce the young poet Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov
1 leader: Well, then, let's tell the story of Venevitinov's ring (the Host takes an album with a photo of the ring and shows it to the audience).
Venevitinov's ring, devoid of decorations, slightly flattened, deformed from time to time, inconspicuous in appearance. However, its history, inextricably linked with the romantic fate of the owner, has turned the ring into a priceless relic. Dmitry Venevitinov, whose talent was predicted to have a great future, perhaps the most beautiful poet of the last century, lived only 21 years.
2 host: This young man was extraordinary in every way. One of his appearances already amazed his contemporaries: "He was a handsome man in the full sense of the word tall, like a statue of marble His face had, besides beauty, some inexplicable charm. Enormous eyes, covered with long eyelashes, shone with intelligence. "(Sergeev S. "How did you let him die?"). (The host shows a portrait of the poet).
1 presenter : His life has become a living personification of romantic ideas about the fate of the poet, and the ring - the main attribute of the "legend" about Venevitinov.
The young poet was passionately in love. (Reads a poem by D. Venevitinov "Elegy").
These verses reveal beautiful image Moscow beauty Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya.
2 host: Princess Zinaida did not reciprocate the poet in love, but was attached to him, paid tribute to his mind and talent. In November 1826, Venevitinov moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
1 leader: In parting, as a sign of friendly disposition, Volkonskaya presented him with a ring found in 1706 during the excavations of Herculaneus, who died during the eruption of Vesuvius. Venevitinov valued the gift, always wore it special.
2 leading : He attached a ring to his watch, in the form of a key chain, declaring that he would put it on only before his marriage or death. He seemed to foresee the second outcome. (Reads a poem by D. Venevitinov "To my ring").
1 presenter: The theme of the ring appears more than once in the poet's work. The ring is a sign of love, tragic love, the poet dreams of taking it with him to the grave /. (Reads a poem by D. Venevitinov "Testament").
In March 1827, Venevitinov caught a cold and died a few days later. Contemporaries associated the death of the poet with his unrequited feelings for Volkonskaya. Burning with pure but passionate love, he dedicated his melancholy poems to her and untimely descended into the grave...
AT last hours life Venevitinova friends put on ring finger his right hand is a ring ... (Reads a poem by D. Venevitinov "To my goddess"). The room is filled with the captivating sounds of M. Glinka's Nocturne.
2 leading : Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky. Pushkin wrote about him: "Baratynsky belongs to the number of excellent poets." Baratynsky came from a very enlightened family. In Evgeny's soul, despite the surrounding everyday atmosphere, vivid dreams of sea voyages lurked, he is attracted by the romance of storms and dangers. Together with several friends from the Corps of Pages, where he studied, he formed a "society of avengers". The actions of these "troublemakers" were expressed in all sorts of pranks and antics that annoyed the corps authorities. they ended very sadly: one of the "avengers" stole a golden snuffbox from his father and a large sum of money. Baratynsky was an accomplice in this serious misconduct. For this, he was expelled from the Corps of Pages and was forbidden to enter any service, except as a private. For the stumbled teenager, this was a real disaster, a shock, the consequences of which he felt all his life.
1 presenter : In the first year, he still enjoys some indulgences, he did not live in the barracks, but in a private apartment with Anton Delvig, who introduced the young man to the "family of muses". (Reads a poem by E. Baratynsky "Oh wayward Sophia ...").
Delvig and Baratynsky were united by their love for the lovely woman Sofya Dmitrievna Ponomareva. Both friends "languished with a thirst for happiness", realizing its impossibility with the object of their adoration and worship. (Reads a poem by E. Baratynsky "The lure of affectionate speeches ...").
2 host: However, her friends visited her every day, and it seemed that other women ceased to exist for them. Baratynsky prayed ... (Reads a poem by E. Baratynsky "Do not tempt me unnecessarily").
Later, the pangs of doubt subsided, but the years of friendship did their job, and Baratynsky's messages lost their gloomy reproach. Early death his inspirer left inconsolable friends sincerely and long to mourn her.

Reads a poem by E. Baratynsky "When I was inexperienced ...". The room is filling up gentle sounds Symphony No. 84 Ex-I. Haydn.

1 leader: Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky - the name of this great romantic, of course, is familiar to you. But today we want to talk about the exciting and beautiful love that illuminated the poet's life
Search romantic ideal was close to all the work of Zhukovsky, and he found it in close person, his pupil Mashenka. We can say that he himself brought up the ideal, which became the greatest happiness and grief of his whole life.
The romantic heroine of Zhukovsky was embodied in the personality of Masha, the main features of which are spirituality, depth and strength of feelings.
2 host: Look at the drawing of the poet - charming girl with soft features, with a sympathetic and kind character.
Zhukovsky knew how to emphasize the captivating femininity of Masha in the turn of her head, in soft crumbling curls, slightly touching her round cheek. There are even more tender feelings expressed in verse. (Reads the poem "My friend, guardian - my angel ...").
1 leader: Zhukovsky decided to propose to his ideal. But he was refused, as the church forbade family marriages.
1812 - war. Zhukovsky is in the army, and Masha and her sister Sasha selflessly care for the wounded in the infirmary.
The war died down, and a peaceful life began again, filled with poetry and love. In 1814, Zhukovsky again makes an offer, but receives a more decisive refusal.
Why, why did you break
Union of hearts?
You are different to be! - You them
said. All the end!
Zhukovsky's ideal was not invented. They appeared living woman- beautiful in all manifestations of its soul and deeds World poetry does not know such love, and Beatrice Dante and Laura Petrarch were largely a figment of the imagination. Zhukovsky's imagination was fed by reality and he knew about it.
2 host: From hope to despair. And yet, hope did not leave until the professor of medicine I.F. Moyer. Mother insisted on the wedding. (Reads the poem "Song" ("When I was loved, in delight, in pleasure ...")
1 leader: Her sadness was enduring, the sadness that did not come true. Everything is in the past, in childhood memories, and in the present there is only duty.
Masha lived with memories, carefully hidden feelings. She experienced the fullness of these feelings in the summer of 1822, when she again ended up in Muratovo, where everything reminded of Zhukovsky. (Reads the poem "Song." ("The Past Days...")
2 host: She walked a lot in places dear to her heart and remembered, remembered ...
And in the struggle between feeling and duty, love won: “Everywhere, in other places I knew how to obey reason, but here, in Muratov, in your rooms, I confess to you! My heart even refused to believe what had happened! It felt so abandoned that it did not dare to turn eyes on the past ... I knew that I was for you! - wrote Masha.
1 presenter : Shel Last year the life of a gentle creature Masha's strength was running out, hereditary disease - tuberculosis - was already making itself felt, her days were numbered
March 17, 1823 she died. Dying, Masha called Zhukovsky all the time. The letter to him remained unfinished: “My friend, you will receive this letter when I am not near you, but when I still have a soul for you. I owe you my liveliest happiness, which I only felt! it worries me, there is the fact that I was not painfully useful in this world, did not fulfill the purpose for which I was created But this excessive desire, which has not left me all my life, is to do something useful. Friends, don't pity me, I'm sure of mercy..." At this point, the letter breaks off.
2 host: Masha died, but that poetry, those sublime feelings that she gave birth to, immortalized her name. (Reads a poem by V.A. Zhukovsky "Ghost").
1 leader: Today we have opened for you the sad pages of the fate of poets, read fiery and tender lines from poetry. Each of them had a Muse, but these were not created by the imagination, but living women with their own character and way of thinking.
2 host: The women we talked about today could not go unnoticed - their spiritual potential was so high that the light emanating from them was reflected in the work of artists. (Reads a poem by D. Davydov "Don't wake up, don't wake up").
1 leader: On this sad, but infinitely bright note, I would like to end our meeting. And may the words of wonderful poets and images of their heroines, their ideals leave the brightest, kindest memories in your soul. (Sounds like "Little Night Music in G Major" by W. A. ​​Mozart).
The task of the evening is to talk about cultural life Russia of the 19th century, showing it on the basis of the life of the literary salon of the capital. Consider the salon as one of the foundations for the development of spiritual potential and intellectual growth person. To acquaint listeners with the beautiful classical music, poetry, pictorial art of the 19th century, presenting famous guests of the fashion salons of the capital.
The evening will tell about talented women - writers, about the role of a woman as an inspirer of great masters.
Music, poetry, magnificent portraits will not leave young listeners indifferent.


The event is held in the literary and musical lounge.

Soft lamp light. Cozy reflections of fire in the fireplace. The whole atmosphere in the living room is conducive to a confidential conversation, sets up listeners in a poetic way

The walls of the room are decorated with portraits and views of the masters of this era. On low tables are art albums and views of Moscow. The artistic atmosphere of the living room will help young listeners to penetrate into Magic world candles, flowers and poetry.


She's gone!
Everything about her was great!
And there was a great secret in her,
That the young man aspired autocratically
On a prominent path and clean deeds...
V.A. Zhukovsky.

This section includes books on female image early XIX centuries, art albums, collections of lyrics, works of women writers.


Among scattered Moscow,
With the talk of whist and boston,
With ballroom babble of rumor
You love Apollo games.

This section includes books about poets, writers, musicians, artists - those who were or could be guests of the salon. Be sure to submit books of those authors about whom in question at the evening.

Victor Akhlomov about the history of the photo: “There is a photo called “I don't care about Malthus”. I filmed it right at the door of the editorial office, when I ran on assignment to shoot production drummers. A father in glasses and a hat was walking along Gorky Street, carrying one child in a stroller, and holding the other in his arms. I photographed this scene. After that, an interesting and rather long story happened ... When I brought the picture to the editorial office, everyone smiled and immediately began to come up with captions, compete in wit. But then the editor of the department of humor and satire, his name was Viktor Veselovsky, came up and said: "It's not the king's business to invent signatures. Let the readers come up with them." A competition for the best signature was announced and a prize was awarded. So, thanks to me, was born in Soviet journalism, and this is a completely medical fact, the heading "Come up with a signature." Or as it was later called in Literaturnaya Gazeta: "What would that mean." In the meantime, my photo was published in the Sunday Times and they said: "Let's compete with the Russians in wit!", then half of Europe joined the British. Hundreds, thousands of letters from all over the Earth came to our editorial office with signature options. We chose the top five. The English caption was: "I bought them in the store", the Italian caption: "While Petruccio is doing experiments." Petruchio, this is the same Italian who wanted to make a man in a test tube. Everyone knew Petruchio then! The Czech caption was "I don't care about Malthus". Poke into the encyclopedia, find an article about Malthus. Everything is written there! Thomas Robert Malthus, English scientist, born in 1766, etc. He put forward the idea that if two children are born in a family, then after some time the planet will not survive, because there will not be enough food for everyone. He declared that one should have no more than one child ... There were the most Russian signatures, but only one, wonderful, won: “With such a husband, even to the ends of the world ...” “I don’t give a damn about Malthus!” Viktor Akhlomov, 1965, Moscow, from the MAMM/MDF archive.

Comments 29

Classes 477

Comments 14

Classes 590

Fools Fools live in the world: On a barrel of honey - fly in the ointment. They, fools, can't get away with it Become smarter, at least a little. Fool - he is like Ivan the Fool, He feeds everyone, takes care of everyone. Fool - he pulls like a burlak. A fool in everything is a laborer. Everyone is asleep - he, the fool, is on the alert. He rushes somewhere, fights for something... And the fool gets it - As no one gets it! Either he is foolishly in love, So defenseless, without fear, Then he is stupidly timid, Then he is frankly stupid. Not dodgy, not cunning, - Assuring that the planet is spinning, The fool goes up to the fire And, like a fool, shouts about it! Fools live in the world, They walk and wander in their chains, Incredibly far From various great wise men. But the wise men behind them cackle... - Have you seen the bungler? Fool, the whole century with one wife! - Fool, he can't put it in his paw! - Fool, married to a widow And feeds a whole horde!... Let the wise men forgive me - I like fools more. I myself still check Myself with their tribe. And I think that I'm not making a fool of this business. And life is in everyone's hands. Let's honestly go out to the start, And who will be the fools there - We'll see, nerds! We'll see. Rimma Kazakova

Comments 6

Classes 130

Comments 21

Classes 344

Erich Maria Remarque - 30 selected quotes.

Comments 87

Grades 3K

Nostalgia means inescapable longing, when the heart cries bitterly from any trifle. Nostalgia, like a path - a very quivering thread - into something that can no longer be returned or resurrected. What is nostalgia? This is pain, and this is a cry, and separation from dear ones, and from everything that I'm used to. Nostalgia is a flame, the years will not flood it, it is a wounded memory of those who have gone forever. A hoop compresses the head, life is on a slow fire. Nostalgia is bitterness for a lost country. For lost childhood, where the path is booked again, and there is no means to revive love. Nostalgia, like a path - a very quivering thread - into something that can no longer be returned or resurrected ... Eldar Ryazanov

Comments 35

Classes 1.2K

Alder earring Will the wind drop an alder earring in the palm of your hand, will the cuckoo begin to crow through the scream of trains, I will think again, and, like a hired man, I interpret life and again come to the impossibility of interpreting. To reduce oneself to a speck of dust in a stellar nebula, of course, is old, but fake greatness is smarter, and there is no humiliation in conscious own smallness - the greatness of life is sadly conscious in it. The earring is alder, light, as if downy, but if you blow it off, everything will turn out to be wrong in the world, and, apparently, life is not such a trifling thing when nothing in it looks like just a trifle. An alder earring is higher than any prophecy. He will become another who quietly broke it. Let it not be given to us to change everything immediately, as we want - when we change, the world changes. And we pass into some new quality and sail away to an unknown new land, and do not notice that we have begun to sway strangely on new water and on a completely different ship. When there is a starless feeling of detachment from those shores where the dawns met with hope, my dear comrade, by God, do not despair - believe in an unknown, frighteningly black pier. It is not scary near that which often frightens us from a distance. There are also eyes, voices, cigarette lights. Get used to it a little, and the creak of this ghostly pier will tell you that there is no single pier. The soul becomes clearer, invincible by changes. Friends who did not understand and even betrayed - I'm sorry. Forgive and understand, even if your beloved falls out of love, let her go with an alder earring from the palm of your hand. And do not trust a new pier if it becomes sticky. Your vocation is a shoreless distant distance. Break off the screws if you become habitually screwed, and again set off and swim through another sadness. Let them say: “Well, when will he really come to his senses!” Don't worry, you can't please everyone at once. A despicable reason: “Everything will settle down, everything will be fine…” When everything is fine, there is no need to live. And the inexplicable is not nonsense at all. All re-evaluations should not be in the least embarrassing, - after all, the price of life will not go down and will not go up - it is unchanged by what has no price. Why am I? Yes, from the fact that one stupid cuckoo talker to me long life tells fortunes. Why am I? Yes, because the alder earring lies in the palm of your hand and, as if alive, trembles ... Yevgeny Yevtushenko

I continue the story of the nineteenth century. Today we will talk about the Volkonskaya salon. Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya (1792 - 1862) - writer, daughter of Prince A.M. Beloselsky-Belozersky, who loved literature and gave his daughter an excellent education in the humanities. Since 1808, she was a maid of honor, and soon married Prince Nikita Grigorievich Volkonsky, brother of the famous Decembrist Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky. From 1813 to 1817, Zinaida Aleksandrovna lived abroad, rotating in the highest high-society salons. Upon returning to St. Petersburg, she took up literary activity, writing a story on the archaeological theme "Tablean slave". Since 1824, she lived in Moscow, on Tverskaya Street, in house 14, which was built according to the project famous architect M.F.Kazakova. Her house became the most famous salon, which was usually visited on Mondays by Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Odoevsky, Baratynsky, Venevitinov, Shevyrev, Pogodin, the Kireevsky brothers, Adam Mickiewicz, who lived at that time in the capital.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin noted the peculiarity of the thin female mind and, comparing Russian educated women with men, spoke out against the latter. In his unfinished story "Roslavlev" (1831) there are such lines: "There is no doubt that Russian women are better educated, more intelligent than men who are busy with God knows what."
Maybe that's why the most wonderful salons of the first half of XIX centuries in Moscow there were those whose mistresses were women - Zinaida Volkonskaya, Avdotya Elagina and Karolina Pavlova. great poet dedicated the poem "Gypsies" to Zinaida Alexandrovna. He apparently remembered the atmosphere of the literary salon. It is possible that he reproduced it in the third chapter of the unfinished story "Egyptian Nights".
The princess was interested in ancient monuments
In 1825, she fussed about the foundation of a Russian society for the device national museum. It was at this time that she wrote in Russian the historical novel-poem "Olga" about the Kyiv Grand Duchess.
Surrounded by ZA Volkonskaya there were people who irritated those in power. The wives of the Decembrists, who decided to follow their husbands to Siberia, stayed in her house. In July 1826, E.I. Trubetskaya was received here, and in December - Maria Nikolaevna - the wife of S.G. Volkonsky - the brother of her husband Zinaida Alexandrovna. On this evening, December 27, 1826, Pushkin read a message to Siberia "In the depths of Siberian ores." He gave this poem to A.G. Muravyova a few days later at the apartment of Muravyova's parents, in Bolshoy Karetny (Bolshoy Spassky) lane, house 24. This house has not been preserved, it was rebuilt.
The salon was placed under police surveillance. On May 9, 1826, the chief of gendarmes, Benckendorff, was informed:

“Among the ladies are the two most irreconcilable and always ready to tear apart the government, Princess Volkonskaya and General Konovnitsyna. Their private circles serve as the concentration of all the dissatisfied, and there is no abuse more vicious than that which they spew on the government and its servants.

Volkonskaya decided to leave Russia. She went to Italy, where she was born and whose language she knew. S.P. Shevyrev, N.F. Pavlov and the poet E.A. Baratynsky wrote poems on this occasion:

From the realm of whist and winter,
Where, under their dual rule,
And atmosphere and minds
Compresses the cold alone
Where life is some kind of heavy dream,
She hurries to the beautiful south,
Under the Ausonian sky...

Zinaida Volkonskaya left Russia forever in 1829. She settled in Rome, where, as in Moscow, she lived surrounded by artistic intelligentsia. Her writings were published after her death by her son in Karlsruhe simultaneously in Russian and French.

Salon it a community that arises on the basis of the similarity of sociocultural interests and positions of the participants. The concepts of “circle”, “group”, “association”, “school”, functioning within the framework of any direction of activity, and the concept of “society”, characterized by a wider composition of members, are close to the salon. Literary associations in Europe arose in ancient times. During the Hellenistic era Ancient Greece(3rd century BC) on about. Samos there was a circle of the "epigrammatist" Asclepiades, and on about. Vekose is the circle of the "elegist" Filet. The schools of Aristarchus of Samothrace, a supporter of canonical language norms, and Crates of Mallus, a supporter of living language norms, also belong to this time. In the 1st century BC. in Rome, the circle of Gaius Maecenas was known, which included supporters of the classical elegy genre Virgil and Horace, as well as the circle of Valery Messala, whose members were Tibull, Propertius, Ovid, who transformed the elegy into a living story about their feelings.

At the court of Charlemagne, there was an Academy circle, which included Einhard, Pavel Deacon. The circle of M. Ficino in Florence of the 15th century is also known. (Platonic Academy). In 1690, in Rome, G. V. Gravina and G. M. Creshimbeni founded an Italian literary academy called Arcadia, which spread in branches throughout Italy and existed until 1925. In France in the 16th century. was the court of S. Margaret of Navarre, where the genres of mystical lyrics were cultivated, as well as the Lyon school with a predominance of interest in the genre love lyrics, which included Maurice Seve, Louise Labe. At the same time, the Pleiades was organized in France, a literary community that laid the foundation for national language and national poetic tradition(P. Ronsard, J. Du Bellay, J. Dora, E. Jodel, R. Bello). By the beginning of the 17th century. originated in France secular literary salons with the predominance of the cult of aristocratic gallantry. The salon of the Marquise Julie de Rambouillet (1608-55), Madame Marie de Lafayette (1634-93), Madeleine de Scudery (1607-1701) is most famous.

In the 17th century, literary salons and bourgeois circles were created in France, adhering to a precise style in poetry. France in the 19th century widely known: "Society of well-intentioned literature"; "Senacle" - a circle of V. Hugo; “Mondays” by C. O. Sainte Beve; “Parnassus” of the 1860s-70s, which included supporters of the idea of ​​“art for art’s sake”, “damned poets” of the 1880s - P. Verlaine and others. In 1905-06, arose in France literary group"Abbey", representing the trend of "Unanimists", opponents of decadent individualism, who promoted new forms of free verse. There were salons and circles in almost all European countries: the court circles of the German dukes, the Pegnitz Shepherd Order in Nuremberg; "Union of the Grove" (18th century). From the 16th century known baroque school "Czech Brothers", which included J. Kamensky. In the medieval Netherlands, there were guild literary theatrical rederaker societies, where poems and performances were created and performed on a competitive basis. From the 17th century famous London clubs - "coffee houses". There was a group of English romantic poets of the "Lake School" of the late 18th - early 19th century who adhered to patriarchal ideals - W. Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, R. Southey. English poets and artists, headed by DG Rossetti, organized in 1848 the "Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood" (Pre-Raphaelites), which relied in their work on the artists of the pre-Raphael period, on the poetry of Dante. In the middle of the 20th century in England, a circle of "Angry Young People" arose, uniting writers who were dissatisfied with the existing system: D. Wayne, C. Ellis, J. Osborne.

Salons in Russia

In Russia, the appearance of salons and circles is usually attributed to the 18th century. However, there is reason to consider the first literary circle "Prikaznaya school", which existed in Moscow in the 1620s - 40s. The circle was named after the composition of its members - clerks: it included clerks Pyotr Samsonov and Alexei Romanchukov, clerk Mikhail Zlobin, editors ("referencers") of the Printing House Savvaty, Stefan Gorchak, Mikhail Rogov and others. The circle was not an association of aristocrats, its the participants are educated people, Russian intellectuals of that time. They also called their circle "Spiritual Union" ("Love Union"). At the court of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1672 there was a theatrical "school" headed by the German I.G. Gregory. Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna with her children and the boyars A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin and A.S. Matveev, attracted by the tsar as organizers, took part in the activities of the theater. Theater groups, characterized by elements of circle communication, were organized in the 17-18 centuries in other cities of Russia: Tver, Rostov, Novgorod, Tobolsk. In addition to theaters educational institutions, known and amateur. This was the theater of Princess Natalya Alekseevna in 1707-16 ( younger sister Peter I) in the village. Preobrazhensky near Moscow. Mugs and salons become widespread in Russia in the 18th century. One of the earliest was a circle, and later the Society of Lovers Russian literature"(1730-40s) at the St. Petersburg Land Gentry Corps.

In the middle of the 18th century. the salon of the brilliant court aristocrat and philanthropist I.I. Shuvalov gained fame. In 1760-62, M.M. Kheraskov created a student circle at Moscow University, which gathered in St. Petersburg in the 1770s (its participants were D.I. Fonvizin, I.F. Bogdanovich and others). At the end of the 18th century G.R. Derzhavin formed his circle, which included I.I. Khemnitser and V.V. Kapnist. Since 1784 there was a "Society of Friends verbal sciences”, associated with Freemasonry and publishing the magazine “Conversing Citizen” (1789). A.N. Radishchev was a member of the society. In 1772, N.I. Novikov created the first publishing partnership in Russia, the Society Strive to Print Books, which existed until 1774, and in 1779, the Friendly Scientific Association, which was transformed in 1784 into the Printing Company. The partnership included the brothers I.V. and P.Vlopukhin, brothers N.N. and Yu.N. Trubetskoy, I.P. Turgenev, A.M. Kutuzov. A number of circles and salons appeared at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Such is the “Friendly Literary Society of Poets of the Preobrazhensky Circle”, which established the genre of “hussar song” in Russian literature. Its participants were A.V. Argamakov, S.N. Marin, F.I. Tolstoy American, M.S. Vorontsov, A.A. Shakhovskoy, D.V. At the turn of the century (1797-1801) there was a “Friendly Literary Society”, in which V.A. Zhukovsky, A.F. Voeikov, A.F. Merzlyakov, Andr. I. Turgenev.

In the first decades of the 19th century Petersburg created " friendly society Lovers of the Fine, which later became known as the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Science and the Arts. V.V.Popugaev, I.P.Pnin, I.M.Born, A.Kh.Vostokov, who were at first part of the society, the sons of Radishchev are known in the history of literature as “Radishchevites”. In the same years, the circle of A.N. Olenin, a versatile educated and gifted person, director public library, archaeologist, historian, artist, writer. Olenin's house was visited by I.A. Krylov, Shakhovskoy, N.I. Gnedich, V.A. Ozerov, Kapnist. In 1811-16, the society "Conversation of Lovers of the Russian Word", transformed from the circle of G.R. Derzhavin, actively performed in St. Petersburg. A.S. Shishkov, D.I. Khvostov, Shakhovskoy, who defended the old, classic linguistic norms, adjoined the members of the Derzhavin circle. The opposition to the "Conversation" was formed by the circle "Arzamas" (1815-18), whose members were united by the idea of ​​updating the language norms in the spirit of N.M. Karamzin's reforms. The circle included K.N. Batyushkov, Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Vyazemsky, A.I. Turgenev and others. From the Decembrist literary circles, the Green Lamp (1819-20) is known, whose members were Pushkin , Ya.N. Tolstoy, as well as the "Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature" (1816-25), which included A.A. Bestuzhev, K.F. Ryleev, V.K. Kyuchelbeker. AT literary evenings Petersburg Salon S.D. Ponomareva (1821-24) was attended by A.A. Delvig, D.N. Eristov, E.A. Baratynsky, V.I. Panaev, O.M. Somov. The literary salon of Karamzin, and then E.A. Karamzina (the widow of the writer) in 1810-20s was visited by P.A. Pletnev, A.I. Turgenev, Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, Vyazemsky, V.A. Sollogub. The salon of Karamzin's daughter, Sofya Karamzina, was less informative and popular in the 1830s (it is believed that the atmosphere of this salon was recreated in Tolstoy's War and Peace). The Moscow salon of Z.A. Volkonskaya (1820s) was loved by A. Pushkin, Vyazemsky, D.V. Venevitinov. The circle of S.E. Raich at the Moscow University boarding school, which later transformed into the philosophical Society of Philosophy (1823-25), included I.V. Kireevsky, S.P. Shevyryov, V.F. Odoevsky, D.V. Venevitinov , A.I. Koshelev. "The Society of Lovers of Russian Literature" - a literary and scientific society, existed at Moscow University intermittently from 1811 to 1930. Turgenev, A. A. Fet, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, Il. Bunin participated in it, V.Ya.Bryusov. The chairmen of the society were M.N. Zagoskin, A.S. Khomyakov, M.P. Pogodin, I.S. Aksakov, F.I. Buslaev, P.N. Sakulin. Literary, musical, theater salons were in the homes of famous Russian aristocrats I.M. Dolgoruky, F.F. Kokoshkin, Voeikov, Sollogub, Odoevsky. Usually their participants gathered on certain days of the week. In the 1820s and 30s, the number of circles increased, incl. from socio-philosophical and political orientation. Some of them were diverse in composition. Such are the circle of student-brothers V.I. and M.I. Kritskikh (1827), student circle of N.P. Sungurov (1831), student “Circle of 11 numbers” at Moscow University, organized by V.G. Belinsky. From the noble circles of the 1830s, the philosophical circle of N.V. Stankevich (1832-39) is known, which included M.A. Bakunin, V.P. Klyushnikov, K.S. Aksakov, V.P. Botkin; political circle of A.I. Herzen, in which N.P. Ogaryov, V.V. Passek, N.M. Satin, N.I. Sazonov, N.Kh. Circles of Sungurov, Kritsky, Herzen were banned by the government.

In the first third of the 19th century salon-circle forms of communication between the intelligentsia, especially in both capitals, were usually associated with days of family receptions, and made it possible for a fairly wide exchange of literary and non-literary ideas. At the same time, there were salons and secular, prim, like S. Dolgoruky in Moscow, and circles with a certain political direction, like Herzen's circle. According to eyewitnesses, until the 1840s there was a certain “unity” between the salons of literary St. Petersburg and literary Moscow: the same writers visited the most diverse salons. Herzen recalls: “On Monday they gathered at Chaadaev’s, on Friday at Sverbeev’s, on Sunday at A.P. Elagina ". The most famous in the 1830-50s were the salons of D.N. Sverbeev, N.V. Sushkov, A.N. and V.N. Maikov, Pletnev, Odoevsky, N.F. Pavlov, Volkonskaya, E.P. Rostopchina, Koshelev; they were like a common culture. From the 1840s on the basis of the salons, political circles-organizations more often appeared. Beginning in 1844, on Fridays, a group of young people who adhered to the ideas of utopian socialism gathered at the apartment of M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky. The meetings offered various forms state structure and social transformations. The members of the circle were critics, writers, poets: V.N. Maikov, N.A. Speshnev, N.A. Mombelli, N.Ya. , D.D. Ashkharumov, A.P. Balasoglo, A.N. Pleshcheev, Dostoevsky, V.V. Tolbin, M.E. Saltykov Shchedrin. In 1845-47 in Kyiv there was a secret political organization of raznochintsy intelligentsia - "Cyril and Methodius Society". The members of the society, mostly writers, set themselves the task of fighting against serfdom and the national independence of Ukraine. The moderate wing of the organization was represented by P.A.Kulish, N.I.Kostomarov, V.M.Belozersky, the radical wing - by T.G.Shevchenko, N.I.Savich, N.I.Gulak. In Moscow, S. Avdotya Petrovna Elagina, Zhukovsky's niece, mother of the brothers I.V., was numerous and varied in composition. and P.V. Kireevsky. The Salon functioned from the 1820s and, being a literary one, was characterized by freedom of opinion, “competition”, for which it received the name “Republic at the Red Gates” (after Elagina’s place of residence). At first it was visited by Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Shevyryov, Venevitinov, Koshelev, Odoevsky, K.K. Pavlova, P.Ya. Chaadaev and others. in the 1850s - some of the Decembrists who returned from exile. The Moscow Salon of K. and N. Pavlovs (late 1830-40s) also did not differ in unity and in a certain direction. It was visited by Slavophiles, Westerners, as well as writers who did not adjoin either one or the other. Turgenev, Fet, Ya.P. Polonsky, Belinsky, Yu.F. It was important for the hosts not the direction of salons , but the effort to attract famous and significant people to it, to muffle and reconcile possible disagreements among visitors. Sverbeev's Moscow salon was also "neutral" in direction, where writers of different views met. But it was in the Moscow salons of the Sverbeevs, Pavlovs, Elagins that, starting from the mid-1840s, there was a gradual demarcation of the programs of Slavophiles and Westerners: Khomyakov, Koshelev, Samarin, the Kireevsky brothers, on the one hand, Herzen, Ogaryov, T.N. Granovsky, E.F. Korsh , Botkin, N.Kh. Ketcher - on the other. And among the Moscow Westernizers, since the mid-1840s, differences have been outlined: in 1845-46, meetings and disputes between Westernizer writers at Herzen's dacha Sokolovo near Moscow led in the end to a break between Herzen and Granovsky, who did not accept socialist ideas and violent methods of changing reality. In turn, with the move of Belinsky to St. Petersburg in the early 1840s, the positions of Herzen and Belinsky were getting closer and by the beginning of Belinsky's collaboration in Sovremennik (1846), they became like-minded people on the main issues of social and literary development. In the St. Petersburg circle of Belinsky were: Herzen, I.I. Panaev, P.V. Annenkov, K.D. Kavelin, Turgenev, Ogaryov, N.A. Nekrasov. Communication was carried out in a "salon" way. On Saturdays they met at Panaev's, on Wednesdays at V.A. Sollogub's, on Sundays at a common friend, teacher of literature at military educational institutions A.A. Komarov. With the move from Moscow to St. Petersburg in the 1830s and 40s, Odoevsky continues the traditions of his Moscow salon already in St. Petersburg. It was visited by Pushkin, Lermontov, Shevyryov, Krylov, Vyazemsky, Baratynsky, Fet, Tyutchev, Turgenev, N.V. Gogol, Belinsky, composers A.S. Dargomyzhsky, M.I. Glinka, scientists (chemist G.I. Hess, ethnographer I.P. Sakharov, orientalist N.Ya. Bichurin). They were attracted by the creative atmosphere, the high intellectual level of the circle. According to Pogodin, Odoevsky met people of different beliefs, "on neutral ground." At the same time, the style of a free exchange of opinions and simplicity in communication dominated. In the 1830s and 1840s, the St. Petersburg S. Rostopchina gained fame, who considered herself to some extent a continuer of Pushkin's traditions in poetry. The salon was visited by: Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Sollogub, Odoevsky, Glinka, Dargomyzhsky. Pletnev also tried to keep the traditions of Pushkin in his Petersburg salon. He publishes Pushkin's manuscripts, continues the publication of Sovremennik. The meetings at Pletnev's were attended by Odoevsky, Vyazemsky, A. A. Kraevsky, Gogol, Ya.K. Grot and other writers associated at one time with Pushkin. Since the mid-1840s, there has been a circle of brothers A.N. and N.N. Beketovs (the first later - renowned professor botanist, the second - a chemist, a member of the academy). It also included V.N. Maikov, who had left Petrashevsky and organized his own circle in 1846, the participants of which were Saltykov-Shchedrin, jurist and economist V.A. Milyutin. These circles were mainly interested in Western European philosophy and sociology. In the 1840s, there were many other circles and salons, incl. student. Such is the student circle that gathered at the student's Faculty of Law, the future poet and critic, A.A. Grigoriev, which included: S.M. Solovyov, Fet, Polonsky, Slavophile Prince V.A. Cherkassky, Westerner Kavelin. The circle was called "thinking". Poems were read at his meetings and philosophical discussions were held. The Moscow student circle, which gathered at the apartment of B.N. Chicherin on Tverskoy Boulevard (in Maykova's house), was called "Maikov". He was visited by: Samarin, P.A. Korsakov, L.M. Golitsyn, P.A. Vasilchikov. “Students ... were divided into circles, which were determined by their social status: a circle of aristocrats by surname and partly by state (French prevailed here, talk about balls, white gloves and three-cornered hats), a circle of seminarians, a circle of Poles and a circle (the most extensive), consisting of all the other students, where love for Russian science and the Russian people was rooted for the most part, ”recalled A.N. Afanasiev. Only in the capitals in those years there were several dozen circles and salons. Moscow salons, according to Kavelin, were "a school for young beginners", "served as an expression of the literary trends that dominated the Russian intelligentsia, scientific and philosophical views."

Unlike salons, mugs usually relied on periodicals - almanacs, magazines. So, philosophies are supporters of aesthetics German romanticism and philosophy of F. Schelling, in 1827-30m they were published in the journal "Moscow Bulletin". Articles by I.V. Kireevsky, Venevitinov, Shevyryov, Odoevsky and others were published there. Around the journal Sovremennik (1855-63), critics, publicists and writers of the radical democratic direction were grouped - N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov, Nekrasov. Circle of writers, representatives of the concept " pure art”, who broke with Sovremennik in 1856, concentrated in the journal Library for Reading (1856-61): A.V. Druzhinin, Botkin, Annenkov and others. Democrat poets D.D. Minaev, P.I. Veinberg , L.I. Palmin grouped around the magazine "Iskra" published by V.S. Kurochkin and N.A. Stepanov (1859-73). In 1853-57 in the Main pedagogical institute Petersburg, there was a student circle of Dobrolyubov. At the end of the 19th - the first quarter of the 20th century. active salon-circle activity is being revived. In 1883-86 there was a circle of "New Romantics" - the forerunner of symbolism. N.M.Minsky, V.I.Bibikov took part in the circle. On Fridays they gathered at Polonsky's; in the 1890s - with Z.N. Gippius and D.S. Merezhkovsky. In 1886-92, the "Repinsky Circle of Writers" functioned, where, in addition to I.E. Repin, V.M. Garshin, M.N. Albov, Merezhkovsky, K.M. Fofanov participated. Here symbolism begins to assert itself as the art of "irregular" forms. In 1898-1903 "Fridays" of K.K. Sluchevsky were known, where K.D. Balmont, Bryusov, F. Sologub, V.S. Here the concepts of “anti-aestheticism” and dilettantism in art are affirmed as the norm. In the first decade of the 20th century F.Sologub and V.V.Rozanov spent their “Sundays” (Bely A. Nachalaveka. M., 1990). From 1905 to 1909, literary and philosophical disputes took place at Vyach. Ivanov's "Tower" in St. Petersburg. From the 1870s to 1933, the “Surikov Literary and Musical Circle” operates in Moscow, in which, in addition to writers, musicians from the people take part. In the circle, in addition to I.Z. Surikov, participated: S.A. Yesenin, F.S. Shkulev, A.P. Chapygin, S.D. Drozhzhin and others. The circle released about 40 collections of poems and songs, including. h. two collections "Native Sounds" (1889 and 1891), "The Ringing of Shackles" (1905), etc. In the "Society of Russian Dramatic Writers and opera composers» (1874-1904) in different time included A.N. Ostrovsky, Turgenev, N.S. Leskov, P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.P. Mussorgsky. In 1898-1904, the association of artists and writers "World of Art" was actively working, to which M.K. Tenishev, S.I. Mamontov, S.P. Diaghilev, A.N. Benois, D.V. Gippius, Rozanov. At the beginning of the 20th century, circles and groups of futurists began to be created (see). The group of cubo-futurists "Gilea" included V.V. Khlebnikov, D.D. and N.D. Burlyuki, V.V. Kamensky, V.V. Mayakovsky, A.E. Kruchenykh; "Association of Egofuturists" - I.Severyanin, I.V.Ignatiev, K.K.Olimpov; "Mezzanine of poetry" (V.G. Shershenevich, R. Ivnev); "Centrifuge" (B.L. Pasternak, K.A. Bolshakov, N.N. Aseev, S.P. Bobrov). Aesthetic program futurists expressed in the title of one of their collections - "Slap in the face of public taste" (1912). The group of writers "Scythians" (1917-18), organized by R.V. Ivanov-Razumnik and adjoining the Left SRs, included E.I. Zamyatin, O.D. Forsh, A. Bely, N.A. Klyuev. The circle of acmeists "Workshop of poets" included - N.S. Gumilyov, O.E. Mandelstam, S.M. Gorodetsky, G.V. Ivanov. Their program included the concept of sensory perception of the “material world”. At Moscow University, the Moscow Linguistic Circle was organized (1915-25), whose members were interested in artistic features language. Since 1919, the circle has been moving closer to the Society for the Study poetic language"(OPOYAZ). The circle was attended by: R. O. Yakobson, M. N. Peterson, G. O. Vinokur, B. V. Tomashevsky, S. I. Bernstein, Yu. N. Tynyanov, V. B. Shklovsky. Since the mid-1900s, literary youth (A.N. Tolstoy, Gumilyov, M.I. and A.I. Tsvetaev, Mandelstam, etc.) have been gathering at M.A. Voloshin in Koktebel (Crimea). After the revolution of 1917 created a large number of circles and societies of proletarian writers. "LEF" (1922-23) and "New LEF" (1927-28) - literary association"Left Front of the Arts", which included Mayakovsky, Aseev, Pasternak. The “Forge” group (1920), which included V.D. Aleksandrovsky, P.A. Arsky, M.P. Gerasimov and others. (S.A. Rodov, A.G. Malyshkin); "Young Guard" (A.I. Bezymensky, A.A. Zharov, A. Vesely); " working spring» (I.I. Doronin, A. Isbakh, A. Sokolov). For quite a long time there was a literary group of experimenters (at the Petrograd House of Arts) "Serapion Brothers" (1921), which included Vs.V.Ivanov, M.M.Zoshchenko, V.A.Kaverin, N.S.Tikhonov, K .A. Fedin. On Saturdays (until 1929), the meetings of the "brothers" were exacting discussions of the works of the members of the circle. The Literary Circle "Pass" (1923-32) included: E. Bagritsky, A.K. Voronsky, M.A. Svetlov, M. Golodny, M. M. Prishvin. The circle adhered to the idea of ​​the need to develop traditions classical literature. Later, these circles and salons either ceased to exist, or entered the Association of Proletarian Writers - Russian (RAPP), Moscow (MAPP) and All-Union (VAPP). With the formation of the Union Soviet writers(1934) literary circle activity either ceases or is transferred to large enterprises and to educational institutions.

The word salon comes from French salon.

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