Information about sophia grief from the mind. Sentimental novels and women's education


The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is the most dramatic. Griboedov, portraying the heroine, completely departs from satirical devices. For him, a girl is a living person, and not a stereotyped image, like her father and other representatives of the world. Let's try to figure out why the writer, raising Sophia above the others, nevertheless made her unhappy.

Characteristics of Sophia ("Woe from Wit"). Opinions of critics

Sophia in her character and spiritual strength is very close to Chatsky. Griboyedov put a lot of effort into creating this female image, however, critics of the time had a different opinion. So, P. Vyazemsky called her “a khalda who has no female charm”, in addition, the publicist was also embarrassed by the morality of a girl who secretly meets a young man and even receives him in her bedroom. N. Nadezhdin agreed with the last statement: “Sofya is the ideal of a Moscow young lady ... with low feelings, but strong desires who were "barely restrained by social propriety". Even Pushkin called Sophia Griboyedov's failure, the poet believed that she was "indistinctly drawn."

The role of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" for a long time underestimated. Only in 1871, Goncharov, in his article "A Million of Torments", wrote about the virtues of the heroine and her huge role in the play. The critic even compared her with Pushkin's Tatyana Larina. But the most valuable thing is that he was able to notice and appreciate the realism of Sophia's character. Even her negative traits became in some way virtues, as they made the girl more alive.

Drama heroine

Sophia is not a character in a social comedy, but the heroine of an everyday drama. Griboedov ("Woe from Wit") for his play was not just called an innovative playwright. He was one of the first to cross comedy and drama, and Sophia is a direct proof of this. She is very passionate nature who lives only strong feelings. This is her similarity with Chatsky, who is also unable to restrain passion.

The wretchedness of Molchalin does not make the girl's love funny, on the contrary, this situation only adds drama to her appearance. Sophia's characterization ("Woe from Wit") is based precisely on her affection. Only the viewer sees the true face of Molchalin, for the heroine he is the ideal. She appears as a girl capable of real feelings, who cannot pretend and does not want to.

Sofia and Molchalin - grief from love

We decided that the image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is inextricably linked with Molchalin. Love for him determines all the actions of the heroine. It divides the world into two parts: Molchalin and others. Sophia constantly thinks about her lover, apparently, therefore, she does not notice what kind of people surround her.

The girl is in the grip of an incredibly strong first love. However, her feelings are not free and joyless. She is well aware that her chosen one will never please her father. These thoughts seriously overshadow the girl's life, but inwardly she is ready to fight for her love to the last.

Sophia's monologue ("Woe from Wit"), in which she confesses her feelings to Lisa, says that she is overwhelmed with them. What else could have pushed her to this rash step? Even frankness with Chatsky is due precisely to the fact that Sophia's mind was clouded with love. She loses all her common sense and loses the ability to reason. However, she herself believes that she is very critical and sensible about Molchalin: “He doesn’t have this mind ...”, but she immediately says that it is not necessary to have a special mind for family happiness. In her mind, her lover is quiet, gentle, and uncomplaining. Sophia does not see that he is a scoundrel, this truth will be revealed to her only in the final. The girl will witness how her beloved takes care of Lisa. This discovery literally destroys her. The episode is rightfully considered the most dramatic moment of the play.

Sentimental novels and women's education

The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is not only dramatic, but also somewhat collective. Using her example, Griboedov shows the tragedy of girls from secular society. After all, what is the reason that she not only fell in love with a scoundrel, but also slandered Chatsky, who loves her? The author gives a direct answer to this question: “to teach our daughters everything… and dances, and sighs, and singing! As if we are preparing them for wives for buffoons.

That is, it says here that the girls, although they knew a lot, and studied, prepared for only one thing - a successful marriage. And Sophia, like many, builds her life according to the generally accepted model.

And on the other hand, she was also brought up by books - French novels that do not give her sleep. The characterization of Sophia ("Woe from Wit") gives us the opportunity to assume that Griboedov tried to raise the problem of enlightenment and women's education in Russia of his time.

Even the choice of Molchalin as an object of sighing is largely due to sentimental novels that describe the love of a noble girl and a poor young man (or vice versa). Sophia admired the masculinity and devotion of the novel characters. And she considered Molchalin the same book character.

The girl cannot separate reality from fiction, which is why her love ends so sadly.

Sophia and other female images

It is possible to consider the image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" in the context of other secular girls and ladies. Using the example of other heroines, Griboyedov shows the path of a secular lady, which Sophia seeks to go through. It begins with the young ladies of marriageable age - the Tugoukhovsky princesses. Then we see Natalia Dmitrievna Gorich, a newly married young lady. She learns to push her husband around, direct his actions and direct. Here are the ladies who form secular opinion - Khlestakova, Marya Aleksevna, Princess Tugoukhovskaya, Tatiana Yurievna. At the end of their lives, a slightly comical image of the countess grandmother awaits them all.

Sophia's monologue ("Woe from Wit"), in which she extols the virtues of her lover and says that he is perfect for the role of a spouse, is indicative in this respect. Molchalin is indeed an ideal candidate for making reality life path ladies of the world. While Chatsky is not at all suitable for this role.

Sophia's quotes from the comedy "Woe from Wit"

Most famous sayings heroines:

  • "Happy hours do not watch";
  • “What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants, so judges”;
  • “You can share laughter with everyone”;
  • "Not a man, a snake!";
  • "The hero ... not of my novel."

Summing up

The characterization of Sophia shows us the drama of the heroine. "Woe from Wit" denounces and reveals the essence of many social phenomena, including the position of women in modern author the world. Sophia is a smart, outstanding and passionate person who could make a worthy couple for Chatsky. But the upbringing and environment distorted these noble features, in a sense disfigured the heroine and led to a dramatic finale. The role of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit", thus, is a key and plot-forming one.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what Sofia Pavlovna is. Her image is complex and multifaceted. Nature did not deprive her positive qualities. Sophia is smart enough, her character is strong and independent. Her warm heart won't let her stop dreaming. Sophia has long been accustomed to the fact that she is the mistress of the house, and everyone should feel it, and therefore obey. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she has long been brought up without maternal love.

Sophia has independence and an authoritative tone, despite her young, seventeen-year-old age. Her speech even has a certain imprint of serfs, because she often communicates with them, but also french books left their imprint. Sophia is concerned about the emotional experiences of people. The girl was brought up by French governesses.

Despite its positive features, in the Famusov society, all this does not find development. Due to her upbringing, she has generally accepted views, thinks the same way as other representatives of this society, which instilled in her lies and hypocrisy. Sophia imagines people only from her observations of people from books, French novels. Probably, it was this literature that influenced the development of sentimentality and sensuality in it. From books, she emphasized all the features that the hero of her novel should have. Thanks to all this, she turned her attention to Molchalin, who vaguely resembled the characters from her favorite works. No other ideal could be found in this environment. Sophia lives with real feelings. Even if the object of her love is actually pathetic and miserable - all this does not give the situation a comedic color. Rather, on the contrary, it gives more drama and sadness.

Sophia divided her world into two parts: the object of her adoration - Molchalin and everything else. All her thoughts are occupied only by him, especially when he is not around. Despite everything, this love does not bring joy. Because the girl understands perfectly well that her father will never accept such a person. This thought makes her life unbearable. Sophia is so hard to live with these feelings that she is ready to tell about her love completely. strangers. For example, Liza, the maid of their house, and then Chatsky. For her love, she chose a resigned man. That is how she imagines Molchalin. But the final scene, where Sofya Pavlovna witnesses the manifestation of Molchalin's attention to Elizabeth. It breaks her heart, humiliates all her feelings. It becomes clear that although Sophia breaks with the unworthy Molchalin, the type of this man remains a priority for her.

Briefly for grade 9

Composition Description of Sophia in the comedy Woe from Wit

After Patriotic War 1812, when Russian troops reached Paris and took a sip of freedom, Russian society split into two camps. Some wanted to continue to live in the old way. This is Famusov, Skalozub. Others, in particular the younger generation represented by Chatsky, wanted to live in a new way.

Sophia found herself like a knight at a crossroads, not knowing whom to choose for her. She was brought up by Papa Famusov himself and Madame French in the best traditions of Moscow society. Dancing, singing, reading French sentimental novels - these are all the joys of her life. After reading books, she confused her girlish fantasies and the harsh reality of life. Sophia is hovering in pink clouds and does not understand people at all. She does not like the stupid, albeit rich Skalozub, but the caustic Chatsky is also to her liking. She is sharp on the tongue. Sophia wants a husband-boy, a husband-servant. Here Molchalin is the very hero of her fantasies. He is constantly silent, like a girl, shy, not conflicted. The fact that Molchalin is not really like that eludes Sophia. Love, as usual, is blind and deaf.

But you can't say that she's stupid. She accurately notices the features of the people around her. So Skalozub is a stupid martinet who, apart from the army, knows nothing. She does not want such a husband. The father is a grumpy old bore who tyrannizes underlings and servants. To take revenge on Chatsky for his sharp remarks about Molchalin, she tells everyone that he is crazy.

This comedy is still relevant today. Many girls and women, having read smart books, horoscopes, fortune-telling, live in anticipation of their invented prince. Give it different qualities. A real people that do not fit these patterns are simply ignored or rejected. But the trouble is, the desired prince does not want to be the way the woman thought of him. He is a living person with his shortcomings, sometimes very dubious - a womanizer, a drunkard, a player, a gigolo.

The moral of the comedy is this - you need to be more attentive to the people around you, accept them as they are, not “drive” them into your own framework and standards. Then there will be no grief from an excess of the mind.

The image of Sophia in the comedy Woe from Wit

Sophia is the heroine of Griboyedov's story "Woe from Wit". This girl is very an unusual character in Griboyedov's story. She is both a product of lies and benevolence and strength, albeit only external.

Sophia is a girl who is the one from whom all the threads came, both the mood and the grief of many people. She, as a puppeteer, skillfully used their weaknesses, and strengths. She's a manipulator, to say the least. modern language. But at the same time, with these qualities and such a character, Sophia - beautiful girl who also knows how to use her appearance. She has a lot of fans, and for good reason, because she is strong in this.

This girl is strong personality who will not miss her. In addition, by nature, she is also very mocking, her sarcasm reaches many ears, she loves to mock, tell some jokes. But she is not too cheerful, it can be more accurately said that she knows how to speak sarcastically, her irony can both offend someone and make her an enemy.

Sophia grew up in a good family, rich, well-to-do, who did not know the costs of the strong in anything. That is why this girl is young, she grew up as a wealthy, bright and courageous person. She was not afraid of anything, and knew how to skillfully hypocrite and lie when necessary. And, in her defense, we can say that she is not entirely to blame for this, since such actions and character traits were not new at that time. That is why she was also such, because she was brought up that way, brought up in such an environment where it was impossible to be and act differently. Otherwise, it caused talk and rumors, as well as contempt and ill will.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" gives examples of a person who is also the main character.

Option 4

A.S. Griboedov was a multifaceted personality. He had a unique talent as a diplomat and theatergoer. Alexander Sergeevich wrote poetry, poems, played several instruments. Even composed music. Two waltzes of his authorship have survived to this day. But Griboyedov entered the history of world literature as the author of one work. They became the comedy "Woe from Wit", recognized by critics as immortal.

The play includes three artistic directions: realism, classicism, romanticism. The traditions of the genre are combined with more modern trends. Social comedy, in its classical interpretation, involves one-sided images of characters. Each of which denounces one kind of vice. But "Woe from Wit" reveals to the reader the multifaceted personalities of the characters. Stupidity, absurd imitation of foreigners, martinetism, servility, sycophancy, commercialism, lack of own opinion, persecution of culture and education - the author reflected everything in his "live" characters.

The main conflict of the play is the confrontation between the "current century" and the "past century". Only Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky ends up in the first camp. Then, as in the second headquarters - almost all the rest.

On the background public conflict unfolds love triangle. It doesn't look like a plot. love story. There are two men, but neither claims to be ideal. Chatsky, with his mind, education, is sharp, not restrained in speeches, and not always tactful. Molchalin is low, vile, unpleasant. But on his side the sympathy of the heroine.

The young lady herself also does not look like classic look. Sophia - daughter high official. Pavel Afanasyevich - manager in the government house, rich. He wants a bright future for his only child. The groom is needed "with ranks, but with the stars." Neither Chatsky nor Molchalin meet these criteria. The father exclaims: "He who is poor is not a match for you!"

A.S. Pushkin wrote about Sophia that this is an obscure image, a poorly written character. But this is only at first glance. The young lady, throughout the text, plays the role of a buffer between two worlds. She does not belong to the "famus society", although she was brought up in it. But it cannot be reckoned with the "present age" either. This is her key role. In the end, education wins.

Most of the guests of the Famusovsky ball wear speaking surnames. But Sophia has an expressive name, with the meaning "wise." This is the author's irony.

The girl is not stupid. She has a good upbringing. My father hired a "regiment of teachers." But she lost her mother early, so no one was involved in the formation of the soul. Now the young lady is seventeen, she "blossomed", became an enviable bride.

Sonya is brave and determined. It is difficult for her to keep her love a secret. Not afraid of parental anger and public opinion. The young lady exclaims: “What is the rumor to me!”

She allows herself caustic, caustic, witty remarks with Chatsky. But tenderly worries about Molchalin. Passes out when he falls off the horse.

The young lady grew up French novels. Therefore, he attributes all the virtues to his chosen one, drawing an ideal. Perhaps that is why the choice fell on a poor young man. After all, in sentimental books the lover is always no match.

The girl has no special spiritual beauty, virtues. But something in her attracts Chatsky, causing love. Perhaps a strong character.

At the end of the story, Sophia realizes that her chosen one is a scoundrel. Blames himself for everything. But Chatsky is certainly right. Another "fan worshiper and businessman" will appear, whom Sonya will marry.

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. What do I expect from summer? From the summer, first of all, I expect, like all those who study at school, at the institute, at the university, I am looking forward to the long-awaited summer holidays.

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  • One of the main characters of A. Griboedov's comedy, around whom all the main events develop, is a young girl Sofya Pavlovna Famusova.

    The image and characterization of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is difficult to perceive. To understand it, to form your opinion about the girl, you need to understand the features of the controversial era.

    The inconsistency of nature

    Sophia - only person, who is close to the intelligent and educated Chatsky, a character opposing society conservatives and pleasers. Sophia became the cause of the suffering of the young nobleman, the source of gossip, the creator of intrigue. Such a combination in one image of two contrasts confirms its reality, which the author aspired to. A soulless, stupid secular beauty or, conversely, an educated, fascinated master's daughter would not have aroused so much interest. It is this inconsistency that can explain the strength of feelings that Chatsky, an ardent and eloquent young man, has for her. rich bride, real daughter her father, she grew up in an environment of care and care, learned to find benefits for herself.

    Sophia's appearance and hobbies

    The girl is beautiful and young:

    “At seventeen, you blossomed charmingly…”.

    It is clear why no one is surprised by the number of gentlemen. Beauty attracts stiff (Skalozub), stupid (Molchalin), educated (Chatsky) suitors. The windy young lady does not value her attitude towards herself, realizing that her beauty will not go unnoticed.

    The lovely little girl grew up without maternal affection: her mother died early. Her father assigned her a governess from France, who instilled a taste and helped develop her individuality. home education allowed Sophia to become versatile and interesting:

    • can sing;
    • gracefully dances;
    • loves and understands music;
    • plays several musical instruments(piano, flute);
    • knows French;
    • reads books in a foreign language.

    The girl is trained in women's "tricks": sighs, tenderness, cunning tricks.

    Qualities that bring Sophia closer to her father's society

    Desire to rule. Love for Molchalin is not just a youthful feeling. Sophia is looking for a man from those whom she can push around. In it, you can see the features of female characters dragging her husband and servants by the hair. Power in the family is the desire of the girl, perhaps still hidden even for her. But it will take a very short period of time, she will understand what she is striving for. In comedy, there is an analogy with the Gorich couple, where the wife disposes of her husband like a thing, turns the other half into a weak-willed creature:

    "husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife's pages ...".

    Immorality. Some literary critics (P.A. Vyazemsky) consider the girl immoral. One can argue with such a position, but there is also an element of truth in it. If it is logical to build Sophia's day, which passed before the readers, then the picture will not be very beautiful: a night in the bedroom with a man, pretends to be sick during the day, but asks the maid to bring Molchalin to her, secretly sneaks to his room at night. Such behavior is shameless. It cannot be related to the modest, secretly suffering for his beloved characters. classical literature. No secular decency does not hold back the master's daughter.

    Qualities that distinguish her from her father's environment

    The girl loves to read, tends to spend a lot of time reading books. For Famus Society books are the cause of all troubles. They stay away from them, afraid to gain knowledge that can change their attitude to life. Sophia is passionate about novels. She is looking for prototypes of heroes in reality and is mistaken. The girl becomes a victim of deceit and lies, having considered the features of a romantic handsome man in Molchalin. Other qualities that distinguish her among secular ladies:

    Courage. Sophia is not afraid to confess her feelings to her father. She is ready for the sake of her beloved to unite herself with a poor servant. The girl is not even afraid of possible rumors and gossip.

    Determination. The girl stands up to protect her feelings, feeling a threat from Chatsky. She takes revenge for ridiculing Molchalin. And does not choose ways softer. Sophia resolutely spreads the idea of ​​the madness of a childhood friend, without even considering his feelings for her.

    Credulity. Having fallen under the spell of Molchalin, the girl does not notice the truth of his feelings. Her eyes are covered with a veil. Like a real lover, she falls into the bonds of deceit, becomes ridiculous.

    Frankness. Sophia talks openly, builds a speech, not afraid to talk and dream. The owner's daughter is not characterized by secrecy, deceit, ornate thoughts.

    Pride. All the behavior of the girl shows her respect for herself. She carries herself with dignity, knows how to get away from the conversation in time, does not give the opportunity to reveal her secrets. Even in last scene, does not lose pride, which is visible in her indignation and impregnability. Molchalin's phrases were correctly perceived by Sophia. She is embittered and harsh.

    Sofia Pavlovna - complex female character, a true heroine of her time. It is hard for her to live among secular young ladies and not become completely like them, to save her face and individuality. The reader can condemn the girl, but first you need to put yourself in her place and try to determine whether it is possible to become different if there is no such model nearby.

    Molchalin Alexey Stepanych- Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house, as well as Sophia's admirer, who despises her in his soul. M. translated by Famusov from Tver. The hero's surname expresses his main feature - "wordlessness". It was for this that Famusov made M. his secretary. In general, the hero, despite his youth, is a full-fledged representative of the “past century”, since he has assimilated his views and lives by his principles. M. strictly follows the covenant of his father: "to please all people without exception - the owner, the boss, his servant, the janitor's dog." In a conversation with Chatsky, M. sets out his life principles- Moderation and prudence. They are that "at my age one should not dare to have one's own judgment." According to M., you need to think and act as is customary in the "famus" society. Otherwise, they will gossip about you, and, as you know, “ gossips scarier than pistols. M.'s romance with Sophia is also explained by his willingness to please everyone. He obediently plays the role of an admirer, ready to read love stories with Sophia all night long, listen to the silence and trills of nightingales. Sophia does not like M., but he cannot refuse to please the daughter of his boss.

    Skalozub Sergey Sergeyevich- in his image, the “ideal” Moscow groom is bred - rude, uneducated, not very smart, but rich and pleased with himself. Famusov reads S. as her daughter's husband, but she considers him "not the hero of her novel." At the time of his first visit to Famusov's house, S. talks about himself. He participated in the war of 1812, but he received the order "on the neck" not for military exploits, but on the occasion of military celebrations. S. "aims at the generals." The hero despises bookish wisdom. He speaks derogatoryly of his cousin who reads books in the countryside. S. tries to embellish himself externally and internally. He dresses in army fashion, "tightening" with straps so that his chest is a wheel. Having understood nothing in Chatsky's accusatory monologues, he, nevertheless, joins his opinion, saying all sorts of nonsense and nonsense.

    Sofia Pavlovna Famusova- Famusov's 17-year-old daughter. After the death of her mother, she was brought up by "Madame", an old Frenchwoman Rosier. S.'s childhood friend was Chatsky, who also became her first love. But over the 3 years of Chatsky's absence, S. has changed a lot, as her love has changed. The formation of S. was influenced, on the one hand, by Moscow habits and customs, on the other hand, by the books of Karamzin and other sentimentalist writers. The girl imagines herself the heroine of a "sensitive" novel. Therefore, she rejects the caustic and bold Chatsky, as well as Skalozub - stupid, but rich. S. chooses Molchalin for the role of a Platonic admirer. In his house, S. does not have the opportunity to develop mentally. The only thing she can do is to imagine herself as the heroine of the novel and act according to this role. Either she invents a dream in the spirit of Zhukovsky’s ballads, or she pretends to faint, etc. But the “Moscow” upbringing also makes itself felt. During the ball, it is she who spreads the rumor about Chatsky's madness. The romantic behavior of the heroine turned out to be just a mask, her true essence is this nature of a Moscow young lady. At the end of the comedy, S. is punished. She learns about the “treason” of Molchalin, who flirts with Liza and speaks impartially about S. In addition, Famusov, having learned about his daughter’s affair with his secretary, decides to remove S. from Moscow “to the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov” .

    Famusov Pavel Afanasyevich- Moscow gentleman, "manager in a government house." Sophia's father, friend of Chatsky's father. The events of the play take place in his house. F. - one of the brightest representatives of the "past century." In one of his monologues, F. praises Moscow customs, unchanged from century to century. Here, according to the father, "and honor to the son"; here who has "two thousand family souls, He and the bridegroom." Moscow ladies can be sent to "command in the Senate", so they are "informed" about everything; Moscow daughters “simply cling to the military”, allegedly “because they are patriots”; Moscow old men, called to solve serious cases, "argue, make some noise ... and disperse." In the "famus" society, everything is based on connections: "well, how not to please your dear little man." This model of life seems ideal to F. and other members of Moscow society, they consider it the only correct one and do not want any changes. F. is two-faced. He claims that he is "known for his monastic behavior", but at the same time hits on the maid Lisa. F. is afraid of all new trends. During a conversation with Chatsky, he plugs his ears so as not to hear bold speeches. Main enemy F. - teaching, as it makes changes to the calm Moscow life. The hero's dream is "to take all the books and burn them." Like a typical Moscow gentleman, F. is deceived by everyone who is not lazy. And daughter Sophia, and secretary Molchalin, and maid Lisa. The last appearance of the hero on stage is timed to coincide with the final meeting of Sofia and Molchalin. Seeing young people together, F. is horrified. He accuses the “dissoluteness” of his daughter in the “new” Moscow, which is infected with free ideas and the “spirit of the Kuznetsk Bridge” (that is, Paris). At first, F. threatens to publicize this shameful incident (“I will give it to the Senate, the Ministers, the Sovereign”), but then he recalls that his daughter will be gossiped in all the houses of Moscow. In tearful horror, F. exclaims: “What will Princess Marya Alekseevna say !!!” The opinion of this princess means more to F. than the opinion of the tsar himself, because in the "famus" society she occupies one of the main places.

    Chatsky Alexander Andreevich- A young gentleman Representative of the present century. Progressive person, well educated, with broad free views; true patriot. After a 3-year absence, Ch. again comes to Moscow and immediately appears in Famusov's house. He wants to see Sophia, whom he loved before leaving and with whom he is still in love. But Sophia meets Chatsky very coldly. He is perplexed and wants to find the reason for her coldness. Staying in Famusov's house, the hero is forced to fight with many representatives of the "Famus" society (Famusov, Molchalin, guests at the ball). His passionate accusatory monologues are directed against the order of the age of "submission and fear", when "he was famous for whose neck bent more often." When Famusov offers Molchalin as an example of a worthy person, Ch. utters the famous monologue “Who are the judges?” In it, he denounces the moral patterns of the "past century", mired in hypocrisy, moral slavery, etc. Ch. considers many areas in the life of the country: public service, serfdom, education of a citizen, education, patriotism. Everywhere the hero sees the prosperity of the principles of the "past century". Realizing this, Ch. experiences moral suffering, experiences "woe from the mind." But to no lesser extent, the hero also experiences "woe from love." Ch. finds out the reason for Sophia's coldness towards him - she is in love with the insignificant Molchalin. The hero is offended by the fact that Sophia preferred him to this "pathetic creature." He exclaims: "Silents rule the world!" Very upset, Ch. goes to a ball in the Famusov's house, where the flower of Moscow society has gathered. All these people are a burden to Ch. Yes, and they can not stand the "stranger". Sophia, offended by Molchalin, spreads a rumor about the hero's insanity. The whole society gladly picks it up, putting forward the hero's free-thinking as the main charge against Ch. At the ball, Ch. utters a monologue about the "Frenchman from Bordeaux", in which he exposes the slavish admiration for everything foreign and the contempt of Russian traditions. In the finale of the comedy, Ch. reveals the true face of Sophia. He is disappointed in her just like in the rest of the "famus" society. The hero has no choice but to leave Moscow.

    One of the main characters of A. Griboedov's comedy, around whom all the main events develop, is a young girl Sofya Pavlovna Famusova.

    The image and characterization of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is difficult to perceive. To understand it, to form your opinion about the girl, you need to understand the features of the controversial era.

    The inconsistency of nature

    Sophia is the only person who is close to the intelligent and educated Chatsky, a character who opposes the society of conservatives and saints. Sophia became the cause of the suffering of the young nobleman, the source of gossip, the creator of intrigue. Such a combination in one image of two contrasts confirms its reality, which the author aspired to. A soulless, stupid secular beauty or, conversely, an educated, fascinated master's daughter would not have aroused so much interest. It is this inconsistency that can explain the strength of feelings that Chatsky, an ardent and eloquent young man, has for her. A rich bride, the real daughter of her father, she grew up in an environment of care and care, learned to find benefits for herself.

    Sophia's appearance and hobbies

    The girl is beautiful and young:

    “At seventeen, you blossomed charmingly…”.

    It is clear why no one is surprised by the number of gentlemen. Beauty attracts stiff (Skalozub), stupid (Molchalin), educated (Chatsky) suitors. The windy young lady does not value her attitude towards herself, realizing that her beauty will not go unnoticed.

    The lovely little girl grew up without maternal affection: her mother died early. Her father assigned her a governess from France, who instilled a taste and helped develop her individuality. Home education allowed Sophia to become versatile and interesting:

    • can sing;
    • gracefully dances;
    • loves and understands music;
    • plays several musical instruments (piano, flute);
    • knows French;
    • reads books in a foreign language.

    The girl is trained in women's "tricks": sighs, tenderness, cunning tricks.

    Qualities that bring Sophia closer to her father's society

    Desire to rule. Love for Molchalin is not just a youthful feeling. Sophia is looking for a man from those whom she can push around. In it, you can see the features of female characters dragging her husband and servants by the hair. Power in the family is the desire of the girl, perhaps still hidden even for her. But it will take a very short period of time, she will understand what she is striving for. In comedy, there is an analogy with the Gorich couple, where the wife disposes of her husband like a thing, turns the other half into a weak-willed creature:

    "husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife's pages ...".

    Immorality. Some literary critics (P.A. Vyazemsky) consider the girl immoral. One can argue with such a position, but there is also an element of truth in it. If it is logical to build Sophia's day, which passed before the readers, then the picture will not be very beautiful: a night in the bedroom with a man, pretends to be sick during the day, but asks the maid to bring Molchalin to her, secretly sneaks to his room at night. Such behavior is shameless. He cannot be compared to modest, secretly suffering for his beloved characters of classical literature. No secular decency does not hold back the master's daughter.

    Qualities that distinguish her from her father's environment

    The girl loves to read, tends to spend a lot of time reading books. For the Famus society, books are the cause of all troubles. They stay away from them, afraid to gain knowledge that can change their attitude to life. Sophia is passionate about novels. She is looking for prototypes of heroes in reality and is mistaken. The girl becomes a victim of deceit and lies, having considered the features of a romantic handsome man in Molchalin. Other qualities that distinguish her among secular ladies:

    Courage. Sophia is not afraid to confess her feelings to her father. She is ready for the sake of her beloved to unite herself with a poor servant. The girl is not even afraid of possible rumors and gossip.

    Determination. The girl stands up to protect her feelings, feeling a threat from Chatsky. She takes revenge for ridiculing Molchalin. And does not choose ways softer. Sophia resolutely spreads the idea of ​​the madness of a childhood friend, without even considering his feelings for her.

    Credulity. Having fallen under the spell of Molchalin, the girl does not notice the truth of his feelings. Her eyes are covered with a veil. Like a real lover, she falls into the bonds of deceit, becomes ridiculous.

    Frankness. Sophia talks openly, builds a speech, not afraid to talk and dream. The owner's daughter is not characterized by secrecy, deceit, ornate thoughts.

    Pride. All the behavior of the girl shows her respect for herself. She carries herself with dignity, knows how to get away from the conversation in time, does not give the opportunity to reveal her secrets. Even in the last scene, she does not lose her pride, which is visible in her indignation and impregnability. Molchalin's phrases were correctly perceived by Sophia. She is embittered and harsh.

    Sofia Pavlovna is a complex female character, a real heroine of her time. It is hard for her to live among secular young ladies and not become completely like them, to save her face and individuality. The reader can condemn the girl, but first you need to put yourself in her place and try to determine whether it is possible to become different if there is no such model nearby.

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