The proverb of the hungry will not understand the well-fed. The meaning of the proverb "the well-fed does not understand the hungry": the basis of human misunderstanding and its examples


25 Feb 17:50> >

O1eg 25.02.2014 15:42 wrote:

"only self-organization will help here, when representatives of all directions choose those responsible for negotiations and begin them to achieve common goals."

Let's see what the dictionary of proverbs and sayings tells us about this.

I hope you are familiar with such a proverb, "The well-fed does not understand the hungry."

Judging by your phrase above, you do not understand the meaning of this phrase. Therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with how given proverb interpreted by the dictionary.

"About one who, having everything, does not understand the needs, inconveniences and desires of another. In each big city, in any rural outback, no, no, yes, and<откроют>[the rich] terrible, disgusting, unworthy of a man's filth, poverty, neglect. “They will open it, inform the public through the “big” newspapers, talk for a day or two and forget. The well-fed does not understand the hungry... Lenin, vol. 22, p. 355. I often go to court, but I have not seen the hungry judge the well-fed... if the well-fed judge the well-fed, it is they who are greedy. - the interlocutor objected to him. - He understands perfectly, - that's why he is strict. M. Gorky, Three. He cannot understand our brother, Job the long-suffering; the frost is twenty degrees, he rides in a sled like nothing ... from Pokrovka ... and I thank the Creator every morning that I woke up alive, that I was still breathing. Oh... oh... oh! No wonder the proverb says: a well-fed hungry one does not understand! Herzen, Past and Thoughts.

Think about whether, for example, a wolf and a sheep, a fox and a hare, a cat and a mouse are able to coexist in one cage. It is precisely the same relations that develop between people who are carriers of different worldviews, the worldview of solidarity and the worldview of competition. The bearer of the worldview of competition in the structure of his upbringing is not able to correlate his inner "I" with his outer "I", i.e. his personal interest always overrides the public interest. The meaning of life of such people is the search for their own benefit. Accordingly, all agreements with such people exist only on paper. Why only on paper, because as soon as a person, a bearer of the worldview of competition, benefits appear before his eyes, he always forgets about all his agreements. That is the nature of this type of person. It cannot be said that this is a clinic, someone can be corrected, someone needs to be isolated, and provided that such a person has taken up arms, then certainly such a person must be eliminated. The main bearers of the worldview of competition are the peoples of the Anglo-Saxon group, the main bearers of the worldview of solidarity are the peoples of the Russian group. But this does not mean that if, for example, Russians are carriers of the worldview of solidarity, then all Russians belong to this worldview. This is wrong. Among the Russians, there are also representatives of the worldview of competition. And the presence of this worldview, this type of personalities allows them to feel like a fish in the water within the framework of bourgeois relations. Indeed, within the framework of these relations, it is not the ability to science or art, technology or management that is needed, but the ability to deceive and dislike humanity. This is when such a person sees in a person not a person, but an instrument through which he can benefit. The slogan of such a person is "lard is extracted from pigs, money is made from people."

The question is, will you negotiate with a person knowing in advance that he will deceive you? Namely, such a "person" is the bourgeoisie, whose representatives in the Russian and Ukrainian peoples are the bearers of the worldview of competition.

Who is trying to divide the population of the Earth into first and second class for the sake of maintaining comfortable living conditions for the minority? Who would have thought that the 21st century would begin with global political upheavals, crises, and epidemics. It is time to say that our civilization is moving not towards a bright future, but towards the brink of death.

As if terrorists of all stripes have broken loose, one local war replaces another. Many analysts believe that most of the turmoil is associated with such a concept as the "golden billion". In fact, this is the division of the Earth's population into first and second grade for the sake of maintaining comfortable living conditions for the minority.

medieval savagery

Thomas Malthus. He believed that childbearing should be controlled

The fact that the life resources in the world are finite was thought back in Ancient Rome. “We burden the world with ourselves, its wealth is barely enough to support our existence. As our needs increase, the murmuring grows that nature is no longer able to provide us with food, ”complained Christian theologian and writer Tertullian 1800 years ago.

Demographer and economist Thomas Malthus late XVIII century came to the conclusion that the uncontrolled reproduction of the human race will lead to hunger on Earth. He reasoned that humanity is growing in geometric progression, and the extraction of resources necessary for life - in arithmetic. Further conclusions of Malthus cannot be called otherwise than medieval savagery.

The venerable scientist believed that uncontrolled reproduction could be stopped primarily by natural causes for mankind. For example, epidemics, famine, wars, social restrictions. And after that - by subjective, "man-made" reasons. Including birth control and education.

Malthus was guided in his calculations by formal logic. Humanity's ability to reproduce itself is infinite. Life support resources are finite. This means that sooner or later people will multiply to such an extent that even the most worthy will not have enough worldly goods. Thus, the reproduction of the human race must be limited.

And at the same time, wars annually consume tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, epidemics regularly mow down the people, without analyzing ranks and ranks, hunger takes the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions. It is more likely that educated and wealthy people, and therefore worthy, can protect themselves from these misfortunes. The conclusion is simple: let everyone fight with everyone, and forget about charity, the development of public medicine and other humanism.

Malthus's conclusions did not take into account a lot of factors that play serious role in the modern economy and demography, but turned out to be unusually tenacious. Even Charles Darwin was fascinated by his ideas, not to mention Karl Haushofer, the ideologist Nazi theory"living space". Often use the postulates of Malthus and his modern followers. For example, in the course of such a thesis. Fertility in the weak developed countries ah is high, as in agricultural, and the mortality rate is low, as in industrial ones, due to medical care more developed countries. From this follows the conclusion: to deprive the underdeveloped countries of aid, so that more resources remain for the share of the more developed.

Modern practice

Countries in the Human Development Index dark blue - more developed, light blue - less

At the end of the 20th century, the so-called developed countries consumed 85% of the resources. This mainly concerned energy carriers, metals, and other raw materials. At the same time, their population was hardly a seventh of the world's. And again, it is necessary to make a note: the USSR, the countries of the Warsaw Pact, China, India and some others were not taken into account here.

After the first energy crisis in the history of mankind in 1973, neo-Malthusians, focusing on the report of the UN Commission, introduced the term "golden billion". According to this report, the resources of the Earth should have been enough to maintain an acceptable standard of living by Western standards for only a billion people (even then the number of inhabitants of our planet exceeded this figure by four times).

At first, this term was used in discussions about ecology, macroeconomics, demography and migration policy. Sometimes there were publications that highlighted questions about the amount of assistance to underdeveloped countries. But few people were interested in applied reasoning. Umami big politicians the strategy of containing the majority of the world's population by a minority has taken over undividedly.

Soviet scientists, justifying the advantages of the communist path of development, seemed to foresee the achievements of mankind, which formed the basis of criticism of Malthusianism. The renewability of agricultural resources, the sharp increase in the discovery of explored mineral deposits and the increase in production efficiency through the use of energy-intensive technologies have been proven. All this is now being successfully used in the countries of that same “golden billion”.

It's time to tell that this is the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, EU states, Israel, Japan, South Korea and Argentina. Even prosperous Switzerland falls into the same group with Russia, for the most part South America and a number of the most developed countries in Asia and Africa - in the category of "second class" in terms of the expediency of maintaining human resources in them.

There is also a category of "losers" living, according to neo-Malthusians, at the expense of developed countries: China, India, Indonesia, Bolivia, Paraguay, part of Africa. By the way, the first three powers are among the four most densely populated in the world. Most of Africa and some Asian countries for these theorists does not exist - these territories are not suitable even as a raw materials appendage.

Surprisingly, there are places on our planet where people, from the point of view of "billionaires", are not supposed to live at all. These are Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Chad, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The last two territories, by the way, belong to the “first class” country - Denmark.

In the USSR, such teachings were called "neo-colonialism." For this, Russia inherited the status of a raw material appendage. It must be clearly understood that the concept of the "golden billion" does not at all imply the unity of the white race, as it seemed twenty years ago. This category is economic and geopolitical.


Neo-Malthusian Opponents Accuse Opponents of Deception and Manipulation public opinion. They need this whole legend about the "golden billion" as a justification for the selfish behavior of the most developed countries. They are for conservation. high level consumption, growth rates and the quality of life of the population are ready by any means to keep the rest in a less developed state.

The theory of the "golden billion" is a propaganda tool. It is designed to explain every misfortune in the rest of the world, from the lack of drinking water to the Ebola epidemic. There are also political means. These include all sorts of regional and transcontinental associations of successful and wealthy countries that influence the rest with all sorts of sanctions and blacklists. Then economic levers come into play. For example, Russia is now faced with just such methods. And if the above means do not help, then the "billionaires" take up arms without much thought.

This has to be done more and more often, because thanks to the development information technologies the population of underdeveloped countries learns about how they live in the countries of the "golden billion", and has the opportunity to compare. Naturally, the desire to exist as a raw material appendage, a place for storing toxic waste and a source of cheap work force does not occur to anyone. And the ranting that it is impossible for the rest of the world to provide conditions of existence similar to those of the countries of the "billion", cause a backlash. It manifests itself in the September 11 attacks, the aggressive policy of the DPRK, Iran's nuclear program, and the actions of the Islamic State militants. The population of underdeveloped countries does not want to remain "second class", having the lion's share of natural resources.

Meanwhile, the theory of the "golden billion" begins to burst at the seams and scientific point vision. For example, it does not take into account the theory of demographic transition. According to her, the transition from traditional society to industrial (the first is typical for the so-called underdeveloped countries, and the second is just for the "golden billion") is accompanied by a sharp drop in mortality and birth rates, resulting in reproduction human resources reduced to a simple replacement of generations. This leads to a stabilization of population growth. Actually, according to the theory of Malthus and his followers, it is this part of earthlings that deserves a better fate. And the rest should be conserved in an underdeveloped state.

However, neo-Malthusians turn a blind eye to the fact that the demographic transition was completed by China, Russia, almost all Latin America, Iran, Türkiye and a number of Arab states. But no one is going to rank the population of these countries among the “golden billion”. As well as to abandon the main postulate of the theory of Malthus, according to which humanity is growing exponentially.

Indeed, between 1900 and 2011, the world's population grew from 1.6 billion to 7 billion. But in currently growth has slowed: more than 46% of people live in countries that have completed the demographic transition. Moreover, in a number of countries (primarily in Western Europe) began a stage at which the stabilization of the population is replaced by a decline.

Modern scientists, not concerned with the propaganda of the "golden billion" theory, believe that the population of the Earth will stop growing at around 14 billion, and by 2100 it will begin to decline altogether. At the same time, the "carrying capacity" of our planet is 16-18 billion people.

Wed Hungry, apparently not full,

Only the hungry will understand!


Wed Glücklichen ist "s nicht verliehen

Zu begreifen fremdes Weh.

A.v. Platen. Der Mädchen Friedenslieder.

Wed What does a satiated person understand about the state of a hungry ( Turkish last).

Wed Decourdemanche. Prov. Turks.

Wed The most stupid understand what the word "rich" means, the most intelligent only half understand what the word "poor" means ( whale. last).

Wed Paul Perny. Prov. Chinois.

Wed Qui satur est pleno laudat jejunia ventre.

A full stomach with a full stomach praises abstinence.

Bapt. Mantuan. Parthenopens. Ecl. 1576.

Wed Starting from the Greek: the well-fed does not believe the hungry.

Wed Glykas. 5, 116, fr.

Cm. who has not been in need .

  • - The child does not cry, the mother does not understand. Wed You try - you can’t do it without asking: the child doesn’t cry, the mother doesn’t understand ... Well, try ... MELNIKOV. In the forests. 3, 10. Potap Maksimych. Wed Artiges Kind frägt nichts, artiges Kind kriegt nichts...
  • - Wed. You try - you can't do it without a request: ... Come on, try ..! Melnikov. In forests. 3, 10. Potap Maksimych. Wed Artiges Kind frägt nichts, artiges Kind kriegt nichts. Wed Don't breastfeed a baby who doesn't cry...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - A well-fed hungry one does not understand. Wed Hungry, apparently, not full, But only the hungry will understand! Pleshcheev. Wed Glücklichen ist's nicht verliehen Zu begreifen fremdes Weh. A.v. Platen. Der Mädchen Friedenslieder. Wed What does a satiated person understand about the state of a hungry ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - See LOVE -...
  • - See LOVE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The child does not cry, the mother does not understand ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - In Rus', no one died of hunger ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LANGUAGE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The field is white, the seed is black, whoever sows it understands ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See THUNDER -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - He does not understand hunger ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See SUFFICIENCY -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See SUFFICIENCY -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. The well-fed will not understand the hungry ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Arch. The same as with hunger. AOC 9, 256...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

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    The well-fed does not understand the hungry. See SUFFICIENCY POOR...

    Wed Hungry, apparently, not full, But only the hungry will understand! Pleshcheev. Wed Glucklichen ist s nicht verliehen Zu begreifen fremdes Weh. A.v. Platen. Der Mädchen Friedenslieder. Wed What does the well-fed understand about the state of the hungry (Turkish pos.). Wed… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    He does not understand hunger. The satiated will not understand the hungry. See FOOD… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    FAT, who has eaten plenty, who has satisfied his hunger, who has eaten, whom he does not call for food, who does not want to eat, opposite. hungry, hungry. Don't believe in hunger. The full of hunger does not understand. The well-fed does not understand the hungry. On a full belly, even a butt. Do not eat… … Dictionary Dalia

    FAT, well-fed, well-fed; fed up, fed up, fed up. 1. Having eaten, completely satisfied his hunger. “The well-fed does not understand the hungry.” (last) Fed up. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    App., use. comp. often Morphology: sated, sated, sated, sated; fuller; nar. satiated 1. A satiated person is called a person who has satisfied his appetite, does not feel hunger. Will you have lunch with us? Thanks, I'm full. | Alive, well fed and thank God. | About things better ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Aya, oh; fed up, fed up, fed up. 1. Completely satisfied his hunger, not experiencing hunger. Will you have lunch with us? Thanks, I'm full. Alive, well fed and thank God. Fed up (very full). Fed up with than l. (tired of l., too much of l.). * And full, and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    FAT, oh, oh; fed up, fed up, fed up. 1. Completely satisfied his hunger. Fed up (completely fed up; colloquial; also translated: about what there is a lot to satiety; colloquial neod. Fed up with promises). And full, and drunk, and a nose in tobacco (saying: everything is perfect ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    See The well-fed will not understand the hungry ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Husband. hunger, urge to eat, insatiability, need for food, satiety; natural feeling of urge to eat; | lack of food, need, lack of food, poverty in bread. They had a famine then, a distressful, hungry time. We endure hunger and cold. Hunger affects... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Galley harbor, Ivan Ivanovich Panaev. ““The well-fed does not understand the hungry” is a wonderful and very clever proverb. Its justice is confirmed in life at every step. I recently thought about it, returning from the Galley Harbor ... - What ... eBook

Pensioners in chocolate

ONF activists were indignant at the unjustifiably large pensions of some ex-governors. But it turned out that among federal officials there are both “golden” pensioners and those who are poorer.
On the pencil were the "golden parachutes" of the ex-governors of Rostov, Leningrad, Penza, Chelyabinsk and other regions. For example, according to a recent law in Voronezh, a governor with solid experience can claim a pension of up to 500,000 rubles.
Officials have the right to claim a pension in the amount of 55-95% of their salary, plus in many regions and large cities mayors and governors are given special allowances.
Tatarstan has become a trendsetter. When the President of the Republic, Mintimer Shaimiev, was escorted to a well-deserved rest, he was paid 10 salaries at a time, was assigned a pension of 80% of the monthly remuneration, left free security, transport, special communications, state dacha and hospitality expenses in case of receiving officials. In addition, in the event of the death of the ex-president, all family members are given a monthly allowance in the amount of 5 times the fixed payment of the old-age insurance pension. According to statistics, the average pension in Tatarstan last year was 11,400 rubles. That is, it comes out at 57 thousand rubles. each a month? This is not counting the one-time "funeral" allowance of several million ...
There are also complaints about the mayors' pensions. According to ONF estimates, the ex-mayor of Voronezh can claim 320 thousand rubles a month, the mayor of Ulan-Ude - 260 thousand rubles, and the mayor of Novosibirsk - 245 thousand rubles. “And this despite the fact that the average pensions in these regions do not exceed 20 thousand rubles,” the “front-line soldiers” were indignant. The mayors were also indignant - they said that everything was much more modest: no more than that of the same deputies of the State Duma.

Who has more?

The largest pension in the country, which is logical, is for the ex-president - about 530 thousand rubles. Now it is not paid to anyone, but Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev can apply. In 2001, a law was passed, according to which the ex-president is guaranteed a lifetime maintenance of 75% of the remuneration of the current head of state. According to him, a pension was accrued to the first president, Boris Yeltsin. After his death in 2007, Naina Yeltsin's widow was entitled to an allowance of 6 minimum pensions (about 32,900 rubles per month).
The law on guarantees to the ex-president of the Russian Federation does not apply to Mikhail Gorbachev. Initially, his pension was equal to the presidential salary - 4 thousand rubles, which was not bad by the standards of the beginning of 1992. But rapid inflation quickly turned the pension of the President of the USSR into pennies. In 1993, the Pension Fund refused to index Gorbachev - the position of "President of the USSR" is not in the instructions. In 1994, by decree of Yeltsin, Mikhail Sergeevich was given a pension of 40 minimum pensions. Today it is about 200 thousand rubles. By the way, the people's deputies of the USSR and the Russian Federation (from 1989 to 1994) are offered in the Ministry of Labor to pay up to 200 thousand, so that they receive 55% of the salary of current deputies.
Former prime ministers will have different pensions - from 300 to 420 thousand, depending on the length of service: those who have worked for less than 3 years will receive the minimum. Those who have stayed in high positions less than a year will not receive any additional payments at all.

Ministers, deputies and senators

These people, depending on the length of service, can count on 55-75% of the remuneration of acting officials. After the last increase in salaries, even taking into account the 10% anti-crisis savings, the amounts are solid. But the pensions of parliamentarians and ministers are tied to a "bare" monetary reward, without additional payments, which make up the bulk of the income. So, from September 1, 2014, their salary reaches 420 thousand, but for 4/5 it consists of all kinds of additional payments, and the base salary is 81,500. Thus, about 18 thousand rubles for labor pensions. - they will receive an additional payment, depending on the length of service in the ministerial or deputy chair, from 44 to 77 thousand. That is, the ministerial maximum pension today is 90 thousand.
The same is true for ordinary deputies and senators.
This is where the bulk of the money goes from the Pension Fund, and pensioners are told that there are no funds for indexation, tighten the straps ....
That is why there is an eternal deep minus in the Pension Fund. And then reform or not reform - it will not help! Yes, the problem is not that it is impossible to feed the poor, but that the rich cannot get drunk! "Be near the water and not get drunk?"
Keep in mind that this is only the visible part of the iceberg. Add to this benefits for officials, deputies and their families - free travel, free apartments (paid for by the state budget), preferential prices for kindergarten, food for a penny, free special clinics, cars with drivers, free long-distance negotiations, etc. Their relatives up to the seventh generation are, as a rule, brilliant businessmen.
The government constantly complains about the lack of money in the budget, while they see the only source of its replenishment in raising the retirement age and adopted a resolution to stop indexing pensions for working pensioners.

For what merit?

Question: - And what did these recipients do for Russia and the people? Why did they reward themselves like that? For what merit? Many Russians have pensions of 6-8 thousand rubles. Is it possible to live normally on this money?
The question is, what does the children and grandchildren of officials have to do with it? Why should they be provided without doing anything for the country? Why do we have ministers of agriculture, education, etc. in each region? There must be one minister of one or another metropolitan department in the country. This is done in order to set yourself a high salary. They sit like appanage princes, just to fill their pockets to the bone, that's why they are eager for power, for the Duma or for mayors, and not in order to solve the problems of the region and its population.
But how would it be fair? For a deputy - the average salary for the region from which he was elected, a minimum of benefits and a pension for common grounds. For civil servants - the average for the country. There is only one principle - the state is not your feeder! Maybe then they will actually begin to delve into the needs and aspirations of the people? If it is so good there and there are many applicants, it is possible to reduce remuneration and pensions - we will not be left without these workers.
But these are just beautiful dreams. After all, those who appoint salaries and pensions are the same deputies and high officials. Whoever approves the law - he dances it! So imagine that you are assigning a pension to yourself. Will you be modest?

Remember how officials announced that they were cutting their incomes and giving up privileges? Like, people, now is not the time to show off, take an example from us! And it's true - they canceled the indexation of civil servants' salaries, then some categories of officials had their salaries reduced by 10%. Has it really become a shame in front of the impoverished people? - we thought.
But later it became clear: all loud statements turned out to be empty words. According to Rosstat, the incomes of civil servants not only did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased.
How to pay taxes - so everyone is the same, 13%. And how to receive salaries and pensions - here the laws are different for the authorities and the "electorate".

Neither ONF nor Investigative committee, nor Golikov from the Accounts Chamber, which can fine for multibillion-dollar non-targeted, that is, plundered, expenses budget funds by as much as 20,000 rubles, they will not defeat the state system created under Yeltsin on instructions from the State Department.
Glory to Putin, Medvedev and United Russia! They don't forget theirs. By autumn, pensions will be raised by 10% and all pensioners will vote for them again. You can't understand Russia with your mind...

When decent people finally come to power, are there any? Is this our kind of democracy, or is it called something else? I am sure that sooner or later, but people will get tired of it all. These yachts, castles, palaces, ever-rising prices, the deepening gap between the rich and the poor, these mediocre singers, these nightmarish, soulless TV shows. Someday this mess will end.

Note: the article used the materials of the weekly "Arguments and Facts" No. 42 14/10/2015

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