Nicknames of the most famous people in the history of mankind. Elvis Presley, biography, news, photos


4-03-2017, 19:31

Celebrities often give their fans the impression of self-confident and selfish personalities. However, few people know that such behavior is only a back reaction to all the grievances that they have experienced since the very beginning. early childhood. School nicknames are common, which at first glance amaze with their innocence, can well and permanently injure a person’s soul.

We are accustomed to perceive the stars of show business as people who are not inherent in worldly problems, which is a huge mistake. Before becoming famous, each of them went through their life tests, sometimes light, and sometimes cruel and unfair. In this article you will find out with what nicknames the stars Russian show business had to put up in school years.

Masha Malinovskaya

It is hard to believe that the undisputed beauty, TV presenter and ex-State Duma deputy Masha Malinovskaya was not even among the beautiful girls in her childhood. Marina Sadkova, and that is the real name of the girl, for a long time in the eyes of her peers was a fool. According to Malinovskaya herself, she had to endure offensive nicknames from her classmates for a very long time.

In one of her interviews, the girl said that since childhood she had a lot of complexes. It is noteworthy that she considers the resentment against her comrades, who called her names all her school years, to be the main lever for achieving her goals. offensive nickname"fly agaric".

Oksana Fedorova

Ex-Miss Universe and popular TV presenter of the children's TV show Oksana Fedorova also cannot boast of happy childhood. From the very young years the girl had to endure bullying from her peers only because her height was very different from the rest. According to the presenter, it was quite difficult for her to learn to feel at ease in society, since in childhood she was fettered by a huge number of complexes. Until now, with resentment, Fedorova recalls her school nickname “ big bird”, which she was given for her tall stature and excessive stoop.

Dmitry Nagiev

It would seem, what disadvantages can such a charismatic and merry man like Dmitry Nagiev? However, as a child, the actor could not boast of such a sharp and brilliant sense of humor, which became a kind of red rag for his peers.

According to the actor himself, until the eighth grade he was overweight, which led to an offensive chant in his direction: "The fat barrel gave birth to a son." It was because of obesity that Dmitry had all his childhood serious problems with interactions with their peers. Only by the age of 17, when the actor abruptly dropped more than 10 kilograms, offensive nickname sunk into oblivion.

Dima Bilan

Many people know the information that the real name popular pop singer Dima Bilan - Victor Belan. Nobody really knows for sure true reasons changing just one letter in the artist's last name, but the story from his childhood makes it possible to assume one of the options.

Back in time school years classmates little Victor constantly coming up with all sorts of nicknames that would be consonant with his last name. As the artist himself recalls, most of all he did not like the nickname "squirrel". After trying to decline the surname, Bilan's comrades switched to new level, awarding Dima the nickname "Pivets", and then Sherlock Holmes. According to Dima Bilan himself, he deserved the latter for an unsurpassed game of hide and seek.

Ani Lorak

As a child, the Ukrainian performer was no different from her peers, so she also failed to escape the fate of receiving nicknames. As the performer herself recalls, she had enough rare name for his country - Carolina. Because of this, all her childhood, her friends cutely called Rabbit. Also, Ani Lorak's front teeth helped this nickname to appear, because they began to grow faster than the others, and the star looked like a small rabbit. The singer also remembered that in childhood her grandmother called Karolta a funny nickname.

Philip Kirkorov

It is not difficult to guess that Philip Kirkorov in childhood was very different from his peers. main reason The strongest differences of the singer were his appearance and very swarthy skin. Thanks to appearance Kirkorov managed to grab a rather cheerful and ethnic clique - the Ethiopian.

Many of the people because of some characteristic features get nicknames that stick to them for life. This fate has not passed famous people. Emperors eminent historical figures, modern celebrities, athletes have nicknames, and not always harmless ...

We bring to your attention the nicknames (or as they say now - “drive”) world-famous people of all times and peoples.

Harald I Bluetooth

The king of Denmark and Norway had this nickname because of his dark teeth.

Rollon Pedestrian

That was the name of the first Duke of Normandy - a man of powerful physique and tall. Almost no horse could withstand him, so he had to walk.

Eirik I Bloodaxe

The king of Norway went down in history as a very Cruel person who killed a huge number of people, among whom were his close relatives.

Constantine V Dung

The emperor of Byzantium received this nickname in infancy. During his baptism, he, frightened, pooped into the font.

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Caligula

The Roman emperor was nicknamed Caligula due to the fact that in his childhood he liked to wear boots that looked like soldiers' shoes - kaligi. Caligula means "boot".

Vsevolod Big Nest

The Grand Duke of Vladimir received this drive for having many children.

John the Landless or Soft Sword

This king of England had two nicknames. He was called landless, since he did not inherit any lands, and the nickname Soft Sword went to him because of numerous military defeats.

Tokugawa Tsunayoshi Dog Shogun

The Japanese emperor of the 17th century forbade the killing of domestic animals - horses, cats, dogs.

Louis Philippe I The Pear King

The king of France got this nickname because of his flabby figure.

Svyatoslav Bars

Prince Kyiv received this nickname because of his light gait.

Robert De Niro - Milky Bobby

The American actor has been very fond of milk since childhood.

Julia Roberts - Skeleton

The nickname stuck in childhood due to high growth and thinness.

Milla Jovovich - Russian spy

So the actress was teased at school because of her origin.

Elle MacPherson - The Perfect Body

Here, in my opinion, everything is clear without words.

Dima Bilan - Squirrel

The real name of the singer is Belan. Hence the school nickname.

Naomi Campbell - Black Panther

Nickname given for skin color and grace.

Irina Shayk - Chunga-Changa

The model was nicknamed for her pouty lips.

Leonardo DiCaprio - Brake

At school, the actor was very weak in thinking.

Jennifer Lopez - Guitar

Here, too, everything is clear.

Lionel Messi - Messiah, Flea

The football player received the nickname Bloch for his short stature, the Messiah - for his excellent athletic performance.

Bastian Schweinsteiger - Pig

Translated from the German "schwein" - "pig". Hence the nickname of the German football player.

Masha Malinovskaya - Amanita

According to her, at school she was very ugly.

Oleg Gazmanov - Freckled Mowgli

As a child, the singer was covered in freckles and loved to climb everywhere.

Kristina Orbakaite - Pinocchio

It's all because of her long nose.

Philip Kirkorov - Ethiopian

King! Empress! Diva! You probably thought that now we will talk about high-ranking persons, and the article is a report from a secular reception? No and no again! These are the titles of our pop artists.

Where is the Distribution Committee located? high titles? In which office are decrees and resolutions on their assignment signed? Probably, somewhere a large commission is sitting - about 15 people - no less. In front of them - long list. Leaning over him, people carefully choose the title, discuss for a long time whether the applicant is worthy of such a resounding title or whether it is worth waiting a little longer. Then they vote. Everything happens in a very democratic way – the voting is secret.

Nothing of the kind, of course, does not exist, and titles constantly appear. Resounding and pretentious, they announce their "masters" during concerts and any public appearances of stars. We agree with some - the artist deserved years of selfless service to the stage. Some cause laughter - the words "king" and "glamour" are really not combined!

One day very famous singer(by the way, also the owner of a sonorous title) told me a story about how another artist himself (!) chose his stage name. It was on tour, a concert in a small town, not spoiled by visits big stars passed with a bang. Tired, but very satisfied, everyone went to the hotel. On the steps of the recreation center they stopped and saw a poster. Large and very colorful, it listed all the names and surnames of the concert participants.

Then just beginners, they were pleased to see themselves next to the real aces of the stage, and there were already two ladies of respectable age in the participants. One of them, reading the names of the newcomers, caustically ridiculed their dissonance. Not only that, she decided to try on the role of an oracle and predicted both of them a complete failure and lack of a career.

Friends were upset, as usual, got drunk together and began to invent pseudonyms for themselves. Since that night, their native surnames were no longer written on the posters. They were adorned with new sonorous names, more similar court titles. Shahzode, that is, the Prince, has since been called my acquaintance. Soundly, beautifully and with a hint of belonging to a noble family.

Any person who is interested in the question of the origin of this kind of titles will easily find out that either the artists themselves or their producers come up with them. Jasmine - pleasant smelling humble spring Flower. Irina Allegrova chose her pseudonym herself. I just opened a dictionary musical terms and stopped at the first word that came to mind.

Diva. This word is clear even to those who are not strong in Italian. The first of the first, the best on stage! Without further comment, it is clear to whom and for what it was awarded. But Yaak Yola was awarded the nickname of the Kremlin nightingale, clearly wanting to prick more painfully. After all, he sang mainly in Russia and enjoyed great success.

Sometimes the singer's surname and first name are so difficult to pronounce that a new name is indispensable. So Thomas Anders appeared on the stage, who at birth received the name Berndt Weidung. Agree, this phrase is difficult to pronounce even on a sober head. But Celentano, nicknamed Molleddiato, that is, "On the springs", deservedly bears this title. Having already a fairly respectable age, he is rapidly moving around the stage - a real spring!

Kings and queens, emperors and empresses, dukes and duchesses - no one agrees to anything less. But it is worth remembering that the louder the nickname, the more complexes its owner has. Especially if he chose it for himself. Sometimes children's nicknames or derivatives of the surname act in this role. Close people call Leshchenko Leshch, and the great chansonnier Aznavour is actually Aznavuryan Shakhnur Vaginag. And in Trofim, too, there is no special secret, as you can see.

Here it is the secret of the emergence of nicknames and titles of our favorite artists. That is, there is no secret here! Everything, if you look closely, is simple and quite logical.

The article caused a heated discussion. Now let's look at the nicknames of rappers.
The modern rap industry is based not so much on new talent as on the ability to charm and discourage the audience. Rappers try to attract attention not only with their songs, but also with funny nicknames, which usually do not always make sense, but are liked by their fans.


Famous American rapper now better known by the nickname DMX, but few people know that at first he called himself "Divine Master of the Uknown". If you make a literal translation, you get "Prophet of the Unknown." Fans still do not understand the meaning of this nickname, but this is no longer important, since his concerts are always sold out.


Back in the 90s he worked with the most the best rappers of that time, including Dr. Dre and Kurupt. Now his name is known all over the world, but at one time he was known only as Dat Nigga Daz. There is no literal translation of this nickname; it is known in narrower circles.

3 Cordozar Calvin Broadus or easier - Snoop Dogg

As the rapper himself says, he took a pseudonym in honor of the famous cartoon character. But it is also known that as a child, his mother called him Snoop, which translates as "extremely curious."


Few people know this person, or rather his real name, he is better known as Chingy. He got his stage name thanks to friends, however, as well as the nickname "MonkeyBoy", the translation of which is already clear.


One of the key personalities in the American rap industry. His nickname, given to him as a child, became his professional stage name - DR. DRE. He received it for his love of basketball. His idol was the center player - Dr. J.


better known by the stage name Tupac, he received quite a few nicknames during his life. "Black Panther", "Grateful to God" and "Black Prince", the latter more accurately defined his place among American rap singers.


This is no longer just the stage nickname of the singer, but also his label. "Fiddy", "Ferrari F50" - he received all these nicknames from friends, according to whom they emphasize his strength of mind and stubborn character.


His stage name became his nickname, but before that he was jokingly called M&M's.

9 Tracy Murrow aka Ice T

owes its nickname to one of the songs released in the 80s.


Young Buck got his drive on the street, so when choosing stage name he didn't even hesitate.

14 chose

Choosing a name is a very responsible matter. Even the most ordinary people approach this issue with enthusiasm, flipping through lists of name meanings and advice on the signs of the Zodiac, remember what a hero grandfather was or what a beauty grandmother was known for. IN royal families everything is much more complicated. When choosing the name of the future monarch, all relatives in different lines were taken into account. Astrologers made horoscopes, astrologers were determined by the stars. Often the child received the name of previous kings - according to tradition - which was assigned serial number(to avoid confusion). Or it consisted of the names of a good half of the ancestors. And all these efforts went to waste as soon as the child became king. And all because good people immediately gave the king his nickname - depending on the appearance, the actions of the monarch during the reign, his habits, even mental abilities. And not always harmonious or beautiful. This is exactly what happened to two kings whose birthday is today - Louis VI the Fat and Charles VI the Mad. But parents chose ...

The birth of a nickname

The nickname of the king could be born in the palace corridors and on city streets. A truly folk creation, it could have arisen overnight, or it could have been chosen from a dozen others, describing the qualities of the king or his appearance. Of all the nicknames of the king, one was usually left, which remained in history as official. Most likely there was not a single ruler without a nickname, just not all of them have come down to us, although they could very likely be bright and original. Be that as it may, they could all be divided according to several principles.

Appearance principle

The easiest way to earn a nickname from the people is to have something special in appearance. The first and most simple is to play with the appearance of the ruler.

  • This is how they got their prefixes to official names:
  • Louis VI the Fat - it's clear why,
  • Frederick I Barbarossa - for a chic red beard,
  • Philip IV Beautiful - apparently, for beauty by those standards,
  • Louis Philippe d'Orleans, the Pear King - the shape of the face has been the subject of many caricatures, not only because of the resemblance to a pear, the fact is that the French word la poire can mean both fruit and stupidity ...

Pro Louis XIV- Almost everyone knows the Sun King, and there were also Harold I hare paw, Sven I Forkbeard, Richard III the Hunchback, William II Rufus (Red), Edward I Longshanks (Long-legged) and ... Viking King Harald II Blue Tooth. It may be true that he had blue teeth, but, most likely, bluetooth this is a distorted scandinavian Bletand(black-haired). Harald was not a typical Norwegian - he had brown eyes and black hair.

King's Hobbies

Often the reason for assigning a nickname was what the monarch did most of all and his personal passions. William the Conqueror - fought, Enrique the Navigator - sailed the seas, Henry I the Fowler - caught birds when he received the news that he had become king.

But the first place in terms of originality of the nickname is shared by the King of France Henry IV and the Romanian King Carol II. For his demeanor, Henry of Navarre received the nickname Gallant Vimes. King II was known as playboy king for their romantic adventures. He was married three times, the number of his girlfriends is legendary. In the end, the Romanian king completely abdicated and fled the country with ordinary girl leaving a Greek princess for her.

Personal qualities and generalizations

Nicknames received due to personal qualities have preserved for us the true face of their bearers. Bold warriors like Charles the Bold of Burgundy, Philip the Brave of Burgundy and Richard Lion Heart English or failed during the years of his reign as the English king John the Landless, who lost almost all the French territories of the Plantagenets in wars.

Character traits could also become the nickname of the king - bad or good: Pedro the Cruel Portuguese or Alfonso the Meek Aragonese, Pedro the Ceremonial Aragonese or Charles the Mad French. The piety in the behavior of the monarch was especially noted: Louis the Pious of France, Saint Stephen of Hungary, Louis of Saint France. Far-sighted rulers were called Wise: Sancho the Wise of Navarre, Charles the Wise of France, Alfonso the Wise of Castile.

Lionheart and Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty actually the real nickname of the English King Richard III, and not just a character famous poem. The history is also true. He was not loved for his ugliness, but the nickname was born after a battle in which his legs were cut off and none of the troops could come to his aid.

There were common nicknames - a whole series of Great, Just, Evil and Good kings: Charlemagne, Knut the Great, John the Good of France, Philip the Good of Burgundy, Karl the Evil of Navarre and others. The nickname was even given to a whole royal dynasty - the Lazy Kings (Merovingians), because they never cut their hair.

Russian rulers

Our princes and kings also did not do without nicknames, deserved by them for one reason or another.

Prince Kievsky Svyatoslav the enemies called Bars. More than once he came out victorious, having a much smaller number of troops ...

Son of Svyatoslav Kyiv Prince Vladimir earned two nicknames - Saint and Red Sun. He baptized pagan Rus', was able to unite other princes.

Wise nicknamed Prince Yaroslav. Through dynastic marriages, he strengthened ties with European countries and founded a number of new cities.

The founder of Moscow, Prince Yuri Vladimirovich, received the nickname Dolgoruky not only for disproportionate Long hands, but also for the love of annexing the lands of weaker rulers.

Tsar Ivan IV of Moscow was called the Terrible for ferocity, and Peter I became the Great for

many great and glorious deeds.

The nicknames of the kings were given according to merit. So Alexander I officially received the prefix Blessed from the Synod in 1814, Alexander II was called the Liberator, for the abolition of serfdom, and Alexander III was called the Peacemaker, for the fact that under him Russia did not wage wars.

Do you know interesting nicknames kings?

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