Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of the child. Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler


The development of a child's coherent speech occurs in close relationship with the development of the sound side, vocabulary, grammatical structure language. An important component of general speech work is the development of figurative speech. The cultivation of interest in the artistic word, the ability to use the means of artistic expression in independent utterance lead to the development of a poetic ear in children, and on this basis their ability to verbal creativity develops.

Senior preschool age is fertile for the development of creativity, cognitive activity and interests of children. This should be facilitated by the whole atmosphere of the life of children. For children of this age, it is important to emphasize the role of the book as a source of new knowledge.

The subject of special attention of the educator is the social moral development children, the formation of their relationships with others. An adult is an example of literary heroes, and should show his own examples of a kind, caring attitude towards people, encourage them to notice the state of the heroes of works of art and those around them (offended, upset, bored) and show sympathy, readiness to help. An adult should push the child to show care, compassion, attention, help. This enriches the moral experience of children.

Older preschoolers are able to master the rules of the culture of behavior and communication. They understand the motives for following the rules. Supporting positive action and actions, an adult relies on the child's developing sense of self-respect and his growing independence. We can gain knowledge about the culture of behavior and communication as in Everyday life, and from fairy tales, nursery rhymes, rhymes.

A characteristic feature of older preschoolers is the emergence of interest in problems that go beyond kindergarten and personal experience. Children interested in events of the past and future, life different peoples, animals and flora different countries.

Discussing these problems with children, an adult seeks to educate children in the spirit of peace, respect for all life on earth. He shows children how their good deeds make life better and more beautiful. .

The condition for the full development of older preschoolers is the reading of fiction, the analysis of what has been read, meaningful communication.

Works of fiction reveal the world to children human feelings, causing interest in the personality, in the inner world of the hero.

Having learned to empathize with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of their loved ones and those around them. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation, kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which adherence to principles, honesty, and true citizenship are brought up.

The child's feelings develop in the process of assimilation of the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child to understand the beauty of sounding native speech, it teaches him the aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) ideas.

A child's acquaintance with fiction begins with miniatures. folk art- nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, figurative language, the features of these miniature folklore works. Finally, the kid is read author's fairy tales, poems, stories available to him.

According to F.A. Sokhina fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, gives excellent examples of Russian literary language.

At older preschool age, children begin to realize events that were not in their personal experience, they are interested not only in the actions of the hero, but also in the motives of actions, experiences, feelings. They can sometimes catch the subtext. An emotional attitude towards the characters arises on the basis of the child's understanding of the entire collision of the work and taking into account all the characteristics of the hero. Children develop the ability to perceive the text in the unity of content and form. The understanding of the literary hero becomes more complicated, some features of the form of the work are realized (steady turns in a fairy tale, rhythm, rhyme).

All subsequent acquaintance with a huge literary heritage will be based on the foundation that we lay in preschool childhood.

From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparison, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

A literary work addresses both the feeling and the reader's thoughts, helping him to master the rich spiritual experience of mankind.

A characteristic feature of the perception of a work of art by children is the unity of the feeling and the thinker.

The perception of fiction is considered as an active volitional process, which involves not passive contemplation, but an activity that is embodied in internal assistance, empathy for the characters, in an imaginary transfer of events to oneself, resulting in the effect of personal presence, personal participation in events.

There are three stages in the development of the perception of a work of art:

direct perception, recreation and experience of images (based on the work of the imagination);

understanding the ideological content of the work (based on thinking);

the influence of fiction on the personality of the reader (through feelings and consciousness).

One of the features of the perception of a literary work by children is empathy with the characters. Perception is extremely active. The child puts himself in the place of the hero, mentally acts, fights his enemies.

High level speech culture includes such features as richness, accuracy, expressiveness. The richness of speech involves a large amount of vocabulary, understanding and appropriate use of words and phrases in speech. Speech fidelity can be thought of as optimal word usage: it is the choice of words that the best way convey the content of the statement, reveal its topic and main idea in a logical sequence. And finally, the expressiveness of speech involves the selection language tools corresponding to the conditions and tasks of communication .

The most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and folk art, including small ones. folklore forms(proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes) and phraseological units.

Fiction is a universal developing educational tool, taking the child beyond the limits of the directly perceived, immersing him in possible worlds with a wide range of models of human behavior and orientation in them, providing a rich language environment.

Literary texts allow you to emotionally, intuitively grasp a holistic picture of the world in all the variety of connections between things, events, relationships.

The artistic system of Russian folklore is unique, since it has a variety of genre forms (epics, fairy tales, legends, songs, legends), as well as small forms (chastushkas, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings), the language of which is simple, accurate and expressive.

Samples of fiction are different in their impact: in the story, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in poetry they catch the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, shows how rich their native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons.

Here is what K.D. wrote about the power of the word. Ushinsky: Not only does a child learn conventional sounds by studying his native language, but he drinks spiritual life and strength from the native breast of his native word. It explains nature to him as no natural scientist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society in which he lives, with its history and aspirations, as no historian could acquaint him with; it brings him into folk beliefs, in folk poetry as no aesthetician could introduce; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, no philosopher could communicate to a child. These words of the great teacher indicate not only the expected result of mastering the native language, but also the method of learning it: trust in the “language-teacher”, which not only teaches a lot, but also teaches surprisingly easily, according to some unattainable facilitating method.

The conceptually oriented analysis of works of art contributes to the identification of the features of the concept of "text", common features different texts of the same type or style of speech. It helps the educator to organize the work of teaching preschoolers to see the general in the separate, to parse a specific text as one of such texts. With the help of concept-oriented analysis, the educator forms an idea of ​​the structure of the text, about general structure similar texts that they can use when creating their own text related to the same group.

In accordance with what concept is being worked on to assimilate it, three types of analysis are distinguished:



In a literary text, words and their combinations acquire additional meanings, create vivid images. The visual means of the label language are emotional, they enliven speech, develop thinking, and improve the vocabulary of children.

Literary and artistic texts in books for reading provide numerous examples, samples that make it possible to acquaint preschoolers with the stylistic richness of the Russian language.

The kindergarten does not set itself the goal of giving preschoolers theoretical information about the means of figurative expressiveness of the language. All work is practical in nature and is subject to the system of development of thinking and speech.

Summarizing what has been said, we will name the main methods of working on the visual means of the language in the process of speech development:

detection of figurative words in the text;

explanation of the meanings of words and turns of speech found in the text by the children themselves or indicated by the educator;

illustration, word drawing, recreating the image on the question of the teacher: what picture do you imagine?

the use of analyzed and understood images in retelling, in one's own story, in a written essay or presentation;

working out intonation, preparation for expressive reading of literary texts;

special exercises for the selection of comparisons, epithets, making riddles, etc.

The language of works of art serves as an excellent model for children: on the basis of reading, analysis, and memorization of passages, students' speech is formed, their linguistic instinct and taste develop.

However, we must not forget that excessive attention to the details of the language can destroy the overall impression of a work of art. Therefore, the analysis artistic means language, with all the interest in it, should not turn into the main type of work in the process of speech development. One should strive to ensure that work on the visual means of the language is organically woven into the system of ideological and artistic analysis of works, emphasizing their ideological content.

Work on the visual means of the language brings up attention to the word, sensitivity, understanding of the shades of its meaning, its hidden, allegorical meaning, its emotional colors. The preschooler thus joins the style artistic speech, he masters its simplest means. The same goals, in essence, are served by other directions in the general system of vocabulary work: drawing the attention of children to synonyms, antonyms, catchwords, polysemy of words; exercises for their use in speech, story, in your own story; working out intonation, preparation for expressive reading of literary texts; special exercises for the selection of comparisons, epithets, making riddles.

Thus, we note that the use of various kinds of works of art in modern speech determines the possibility of effective and fruitful development of the speech of preschoolers, contributes to the replenishment of vocabulary recent topics thereby forming the communicative culture of the preschooler.

The development of coherent speech as one of the components of the process of preparing a preschool child for schooling is one of the activities of a teacher in this program. The basis of this direction is the development of coherent speech by means of developing the perception of works artistic culture, means of organizing interaction between various participants educational process.

Among the many important tasks of educating and educating preschool children in kindergarten education mother tongue, the development of speech, speech communication is one of the main ones. One of the most important conditions for the development of the speech of a preschool child is the use of works of art in this process.

The formation of a child's speech communication in the process of familiarization with works of fiction begins with emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development. He seems to be infected by the emotional state of the work. He lives the life of heroes, learns new vocabulary, replenishes the content of his active dictionary. This is precisely emotional communication, and not verbal, but it lays the foundations for future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully pronounced words.

The teacher should not consider the work on the development of the speech of preschool children as a solution to the problem of preventing and correcting their speech. grammatical errors, hardening of individual difficult grammatical forms. It's about on the creation of conditions for the full assimilation of the grammatical structure of the language by the child on the basis of spontaneous indicative, search activity in the field of grammar, the use of language tools, in different forms communication in the process of acquaintance with works of artistic culture.

Thus, from the book the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparison, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Having studied psychology and pedagogy, methodical literature on the problem of the formation of the lexical side of speech, among older preschoolers by means of fiction, we can conclude that the development of dialogic and monologue speech in later life, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, and determines the level of readiness for learning at school. Vocabulary - a set of words of a language or dialect. Speech is a historically established form of communication - people through language structures created on the basis of certain rules.

The rules of language construction have ethno-specific features, which, one might say, are important: enriching the vocabulary of children with new vocabulary; dictionary activation; clarification of the meaning of individual words and phrases; replacement of dialectisms, dialects with the words of the literary language, the development of figurative speech, this is the enrichment of the active vocabulary of children with figurative expression by sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, epithets, metaforms; familiarization of children with the meaning of the word, teaching the understanding of polysemy, synonymy and figurative meaning words; mastering general concepts. Exploring the features of the formation of speech in older preschoolers by means of fiction, using in practice to expand the vocabulary of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, rhymes, etc. etc. I was convinced that they have an effective impact on the formation of the lexical side of speech in older preschoolers.

By the senior preschool age, the child's quantitative vocabulary can reach 3500-4000 words. This is due to the fact that the personality of the child as a whole develops, consciousness grows and develops. Senior preschooler begins to think on the basis of general ideas, his attention becomes more focused, stable. The range of interests is expanding, activities are being improved. On this basis, there is a further expansion and deepening of the range of ideas and the growth of the dictionary.

Children 5-7 years old own household dictionary at the level of the spoken language of adults, uses words not only with a generalizing, but also with an abstract meaning - grief, joy, courage. They have a great interest in the word, in its meaning. The speech of children by the age of five becomes a full-fledged means of communication, because. The vocabulary of a normally developing five-year-old child allows him to communicate freely, express his thoughts, tell fairy tales, and compose stories. The formation of a child's speech communication in the process of familiarization with works of fiction begins with emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development. He seems to be infected by the emotional state of the work. He lives the life of heroes, learns new vocabulary, replenishes the content of his active dictionary. This is precisely emotional communication, and not verbal, but it lays the foundations for future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully pronounced words. In a literary text, words and their combinations acquire additional meanings, create vivid images. The visual means of the label language are emotional, they enliven speech, develop thinking, and improve the vocabulary of children.

It is necessary to use all the possibilities in working on the visual means of the language of works of art:

the main types of tropes (comparison, epithet, metaphor, metonymy, paraphrase, hyperbole), stylistic figures.

Literary and artistic texts in books for reading provide numerous examples, samples that allow preschoolers to get acquainted with the stylistic richness of the Russian language.

Vocabulary as the most important part of the language system has a huge general educational and practical value. The richness of the vocabulary is a sign of the high development of the child's speech. With violations of the formation of a lexical stock, the speech of children cannot be considered sufficiently developed. Correction speech disorders, vocabulary enrichment are necessary condition for development communication skills children.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 1 of the combined type" p. aikino


"Fiction as a means of becoming a moral personality of an older preschooler."

Compiled by:

Teacher Solskaya

Irina Vyacheslavovna

1. Relevance…………….………………………………………………..3

2. Purpose……………………………………………………………………..8

3. Tasks…………………………………………………………………...8

5. Expected result………………………………………… 9

6. The subject of experimental research……………………… 10

7. Hypothesis……………………………………………………………… 10


9. Conditions for the implementation of the project……………………………………… 11

10. Stages of project implementation………………………………………….11

12. Conclusion………………………………………………………………22



“Reading in childhood is, first of all, education

hearts, a touch of human nobility to

the innermost corners of a child's soul"

V. Sukhomlinsky.

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in an economic crisis, not in a change in the political system, but in the destruction of the individual. Nowadays, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones, so children's ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism are distorted. The high level of juvenile delinquency is caused by a general increase in aggressiveness and cruelty in society.

Preschool childhood is a period of assimilation of moral norms and social ways of behavior. When a child begins an active life in human society, he faces many problems and difficulties. They are connected not only with the fact that he still knows little about this world, but must and wants to know it. He, this sweet "alien", needs to learn how to live among his own kind. And not only to live physically, but to feel good and comfortable among people and to develop and improve. And for this it is important to understand how people communicate with each other, what they value, what they blame, for what they praise, and for what they scold or even punish. And in the process of this complex cognition, the child himself becomes a personality, with his own worldview, with his own understanding of good and evil, with his own reactions to the actions of others and his own behavior.

Forming the foundations moral character human being begins in early childhood. The further moral development of children largely depends on how successfully this process is carried out. Great importance in the formation of moral qualities has familiarization of preschoolers with art. literature.

The book introduces the child to the complex world of human feelings, relationships, thoughts and actions.

The book is recognized in specific images to reveal to the child the ideals of justice, kindness, honesty, courage, compassion.

Ability to act from a position known rules.

Knows how to explain the meaning of the words: "caring", "benevolent", "responsive", "generous" on the examples of fiction.

Uses figurative words and expressions in speech.

Knows ways of adequate behavior in dealing with strangers in problem situations

Able to control their behavior and their actions

The monitoring results led me to the conclusion that children are not always able to control their behavior and actions and act from the position of known rules. Often, knowing the rules, children are not always guided by them in everyday life.

My pedagogical experience shows that modern parents underestimate the role of reading in the development of the child. But it is reading, storytelling and retelling of works of art that has a huge impact on the intellectual, mental, creative and psychological development child. Research has also proven that a feature of preschool children is not only great opportunities for perception, but also a pronounced ability to imitate and express emotions. At the same time, arbitrariness of behavior is not sufficiently developed in preschool children, they do not know how to control their actions, realize their moral content - all this also often leads to undesirable actions. These circumstances put before educators the most important task of forming precisely the moral habits of behavior in children, since in the process of accumulating experience they develop into moral habits. It is necessary to form in children a variety of behavioral skills that show respect for adults, a positive attitude towards peers, a careful attitude to things, later skills that have already turned into habits become the norm of behavior. For example, the habit of saying hello and goodbye, thanking for the service, putting any thing in its place, behaving in a civilized manner in public places, politely addressing people with a request.

At the older preschool age, the skills and feelings that develop on the basis of a meaningful attitude of children to the moral content of actions are already becoming stronger. It is necessary to educate children in conscious behavior, subject to the norms and interests that exist in society. The teacher emphasizes his courtesy in dealing with children, respects their activities, does not distract unnecessarily if the child is busy with something useful - this is how children acquire politeness and respect for adults and peers around them, a positive attitude towards their activities, this is how feelings of affection and camaraderie are born .

And if in younger age children do not have long-term friendly attachments, “at the senior preschool age, children make attempts to explain the very concept of “friendship”, begin to evaluate each other by actions, try to understand the motives of friendship, show constant affection in friendship.

Responsiveness and mutual assistance are manifested in different ways. At an early preschool age, the child shows sympathy for other children, later, on his own initiative, he responds to different emotional states of his peers, shows attempts to help each other in self-care, in games, in classes, and in everyday life. In the middle preschool age, the motives for helping become more meaningful, there are attempts to teach each other how to work. In older preschool age, responsiveness and mutual assistance are characterized by selectivity and awareness. Children willingly help kids and adults, mutual assistance acts as a labor action.

At senior preschool age, public opinion is already being formed in the children's team. The rule, backed up by a positive assessment of an adult, becomes a true guideline of behavior for the child. The child learns to evaluate the behavior of peers and his own behavior, realizes both the need and the reasonableness of observing the rules, accumulates experience moral behavior and relationships governed by the same rule. Having learned some rule, children are able to defend and defend it, demand compliance with it from their peers. Public opinion as an educational tool should have the right moral orientation based on the benevolent and demanding attitude of children towards other children, adequate self-esteem.

The practical significance lies in everyday use the methodology we proposed for the formation of moral feelings in older preschoolers by means of children's fiction.

The organization of activities by means of children's fiction opens up wide opportunities for teachers to educate moral feelings in children. With purposeful influence and guidance from an adult, children form good, humane feelings and relationships.

2. Purpose.

Education of humane feelings in children through reading fiction.

3. Tasks.

1) Select and study methodological literature.

2) Develop long-term planning for the formation of moral qualities in children through reading fiction for children 5-6 and 6-7 years old.

3) Choose methods and techniques for the formation of moral qualities in children;

4) Summarize the results of the study and formulate conclusions.

5) To improve the pedagogical competence of parents.

4. Providing project activities.

1. Methodical.

, "Child and book" (Publishing house "Accident", S-P 1996)

M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina "Anthology on the theory and methodology of the development of speech of preschool children" pp 485 - 497 (Moscow 1999)

V. V. Zyabkina “Methodology for organizing children's reading” (Journal “Pedagogy of preschool educational institutions” No. 8, 2007, pp. 105-109)

R. S Bure "Formation of morally valuable behavior among preschoolers" (Journal "Pedagogy of preschool educational institutions" No. 7 2006, pp. 61-69)

"Conversations with parents about the moral education of preschoolers" (Moscow 1987)

2. Material and technical support.

Paper (landscape, color),





3. Didactic support.

Visual, illustrative material, selection of fiction, material for artistic creativity, didactic games, word games, costumes, audio recordings.

5. Estimated result.

1. Children develop humane feelings and good relations.

2. The child will show an aesthetic taste, a desire for constant communication with a book, a desire to learn to read on his own.

3. Name favorites literary texts, explains why he liked them.

4. Know the names of three or four writers, name their works, explain why he likes them.

5. Distinguish the main genres of literary works (poem, fairy tale, story), has an idea of ​​some of their features.

6. Express your attitude to the images of the characters, the ideas of the work.

7. Expressively perform literary works.

8. Expressively convey the images of literary characters in theatrical activities, show creativity, strive for improvisation

6. Subject of research.

The use of works of fiction in the moral education of children of senior preschool age.

7. Hypothesis.

The process of moral education of children of senior preschool age will be more effective if works of fiction are used for this purpose.

8. Project implementation methods:


Display (illustrations from books, visual - didactic aids)





Artistic word (poems, stories);



Self-fulfillment (drawings, appliqué, modeling).


didactic games,

finger games,

theatrical games,

plot - role-playing,


9. Conditions for the implementation of the project.

Availability of children's fiction on the topic of the project;

Motivation of children, their interest.

10. Stages of project implementation.

The project has been implemented for two years in the joint activities of the teacher, children, parents, preschool specialists, library staff.

Preparatory stage:

Selection and study of methodological literature;

Drawing up a long-term work plan for 2 years;

Preparation of visual material;

Work with parents (questionnaire of parents "Organization home reading in the family”, consultation for parents “Teach your child to love a book”; joint participation of parents and children in exhibitions; informing parents about the start of the project)

Main stage:

Carrying out GCD;

Excursion to the library;

Conducting quizzes;

Dramatization of fairy tales;

Productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique)

Participation in exhibitions;

Working with parents (individual consultations)

The final stage:

Processing and design of project materials

Checking the achievement of goals, objectives, hypotheses;


Implementing the program of education and training in kindergarten "From birth to school" under the editorship, I use the methodological recommendations "Classes on the development of speech in senior group kindergarten. Summaries of classes”, “Classes on the development of speech in the preparatory group for school. Lesson notes.» I also use methods, etc. “A book for reading in kindergarten and at home. Reader. 4-5 years old”, “A book for reading in kindergarten and at home. Reader. 5-7 years"

The main form of acquaintance of children with fiction is Team work teacher, children, specialists of the preschool educational institution, library staff, in the process of which educational, educational, developmental tasks are solved.

When introducing children to fiction, I introduce children to different genres works of art: stories, fairy tales, poems, etc.

Over the course of two years, I conducted and compiled 6 projects to introduce children to fiction through folk and author's tales and stories. During this time, a number of activities were carried out with the children, including cognitive research activities, productive activities, as well as close interaction with parents. So, to expand children's knowledge of fairy tales and stories, a series of meetings were held with library staff, where they were introduced to the work of writers, their works, held small theatrical performances and showed filmstrips on the topic of the project. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

To enrich the book corner in the kindergarten group, the parents of the pupils took an active part. The books collected by the parents have significantly replenished the group's library.

As part of the project, exhibitions of drawings by parents and children were held on the topics: "Heroes of Russian folk tales", "Heroes of Komi folk tales", "Heroes of N. Nosov's stories", "Green oak near Lukomorye", "Heroes of fairy tales by Ch. Perro" , "The Kingdom of the Snow Queen", where children, together with their parents, drew and made applications on the topics of the exhibition, while showing creativity and imagination. Parents took an active part in this work.

During the project, we worked closely with DOW specialists. With the educator on art activities, they carried out the application “33 heroes”, sculpted heroes according to the poem “At the Lukomorye there is a green oak”. The children presented their works to their parents and took part in the dedicated exhibition, which was held in the district children's library.

The implementation of the project on fairy tales coincided with the New Year's party "Journey through Pushkin's fairy tales"

The result of the project based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault was the joint composition of the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood in a new way.

During the project “The Kingdom of the Snow Queen”, the children listened to the fairy tale through an audio recording and, based on what they listened to, drew the Snow Queen’s castle, the way they would like to see it.

So, the pedagogical means of fiction that I use help pupils to realize human relationships, to make them benevolent.

In my work, I used the technology of project and research activities, personality-oriented technology and health saving.

Organization of work in the senior group.

Target: Development of interest in fiction.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved.

Leading educational areas: "Socialization", "Reading fiction".

"Health", " Physical Culture”, “Labor”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”

NGO "Socialization:

Formation of the ability to develop a plot based on knowledge gained from reading literary works.

Promoting the creative use in games of ideas about the surrounding life, impressions of works of literature.

Development of interest in folk games.

Development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image; intelligibility of pronunciation.

Development of the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, sensitivity to the poetic word.

Replenishment of the literary baggage of children with fairy tales, stories, poems.

Developing a sense of humor in children.

Formation of the ability to explain the main differences between literary genres.

NGO "Health":

Creation of an emotional prosperous climate in the group.

NGO "Physical Culture":

Development of children's interest in outdoor folk games.

NGO "Safety":

NGO "Knowledge":

Consolidation of the ability to highlight several qualities of objects in the process of perception; highlight characteristic details beautiful combinations colors and shades, musical, natural and household sounds.

Formation elementary representations about the history of mankind through acquaintance with legends and fairy tales, games.

NGO "Communication":

- Improving speech as a means of communication.

Helping children to master the expressive means of the language.

Development of intonational expressiveness of speech.

Development of the ability to meaningfully and expressively retell literary texts

Improving the ability to compose short tales on a given topic.

The development of observation, the ability to notice characteristics objects and convey them by means of drawing.

Formation of the ability to convey in drawings the plots of folk tales, author's works.

Development of collective creativity. Raising the desire to act in concert, to agree on what part of the work will be done.

NGO "Music":

Enriching the musical experience of children.

Improving the skills of playing Russian and Komi folk musical instruments.

NGO "Trud":

Expanding children's ideas about the work of adults through literary works.

While reading fairy tales, I talked with children about positive and negative fairy-tale heroes, about their actions, about adventures and about magical items that help the heroes.

After reading the fairy tales, she conducted conversations, the purpose of which was to expand the horizons and conceptual apparatus of children, teaching the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions, to argue their statements, the desire to find out how much the children understood the idea and meaning of the work, to find out their attitude to the actions and actions of the characters, to attract attention to the means of expression.

Sometimes she suggested that children, after reading a fairy tale, draw what they remember most. Children draw any fairy-tale characters, magical objects and a fairy-tale environment (for example, a castle or Baba Yaga's hut).

Difficulties in children cause tasks - "verbally draw" the heroes of a fairy tale, since the speech of children is not sufficiently developed, it is difficult for them to compose descriptive stories.

After reading N. Nosov's story "Dreamers", I had a director's game with the children. Children learned to be actors, to convey in words, facial expressions and gestures the character of the characters.

They also held exhibitions of books and drawings: “My favorite Russian folk tale”, “Komi folk tales”, “N. Nosov's stories”. Children brought their favorite books from home, told fairy tales, and together with their parents drew their favorite fairy tale characters.

Purpose of the book exhibition:

Deepen the literary interests of children;

To make a certain literary topic relevant for preschoolers.

I studied and used the best practices of teachers working on this topic. Having studied the methodological, scientific - popular literature, thought out and applied in practice a variety of methods and techniques in the work.

To form the moral qualities of a preschooler's personality, I used the following principles: consistency, visibility, accessibility, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children

At the initial stage - introductory classes, then complex ones, which ended with productive activities.

During the year, I introduced children to a large number of works of children's fiction: I tell fairy tales, show table puppet theaters, read books with illustrations.

I form in children the ability to perceive a literary work, also some elementary skills analyze the work.

By the end of the year, children are able to identify the main characters (whom the work refers to), express their attitude towards them (who they like and why).

Introducing children to fiction, I tried to pick up such works whose heroes can be admired, imitated, which help in the formation of moral feelings in children: camaraderie, honesty, truthfulness, respect for the work of adults, responsibility for one's actions, the ability to see good and evil, help children develop a love for native land, to native nature.

Throughout the year, she systematically read and told fairy tales and stories. Reading of works of art is accompanied by a display of visual material. Books were selected expressive, bright. This allows you to more deeply influence the feelings of the child, helps memorize the text. In this case, a smile helps, a calm, slightly playful tone. Expressive speech, emotional performance will surely cause pleasure and joy in the baby.

Play is a powerful tool for educating older children. No wonder this age is called the age of the game. In my work with children, I used collective games, activities, dramatization games, exercise games, fairy tale games, and role-playing games. With the help of games, a variety of tasks were solved.

In this regard, she periodically organized games with children - dramatizations based on literary plots. In any case, dramatizing a fairy tale, children play out its plot, master the ways of playing roles in staging, take on the roles of fairy-tale characters, act in their image. With the help of children's books, I tried to educate children in moral qualities in communication between peers, in a team.

Thus, we can conclude that the purposeful and systematic use of works of fiction is not only a favorable tool that contributes to the moral education of preschoolers.

In order to establish contacts with the family to ensure unity in education moral culture The following forms were used:

group meetings;

Consultations on the topics: "The role of the book in the moral education of children",

Book exhibitions;

Joint creative activity of parents and children;

During the year she held individual consultations and conversations with parents. In the course of conversations, she urged parents to communicate more, talk, read fairy tales, learn rhymes, nursery rhymes, songs, that is, pay more attention to their children.

I try to work in close cooperation with parents, and this provides positive results for comprehensive development personality of the child, and also try to be kind to each child, because only tolerance, kindness, love for children will give positive results.

Summing up, I concluded that introducing a child to literature contributes to moral education. The heroes of the works aroused sympathy for themselves in children, helped in the manifestation in the simplest forms of a sense of duty, respect for parents, the ability to give up their desires. All this was a decisive factor in ensuring the moral development of preschoolers.

Organization of work in the preparatory group.

Target: Formation of the moral and cultural basis of the child's personality through familiarization with fiction.


Leading educational area:"Socialization", "Reading fiction".

Integration educational areas: "Health", "Physical culture", "Socialization", "Labor", "Safety", "Knowledge", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

NGO "Socialization":

Build collaboration skills. Cultivate feelings of friendship and collectivism. Develop communication skills and the ability to communicate with adults in different situations.

NGO "Reading fiction":

To develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. To develop the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, sensitivity to the poetic word.


To acquaint with the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen. Contribute to the accumulation of aesthetic experience by reading and discussing literary works.

NGO "Communication":

To cultivate a culture of speech, to teach children to reason, to develop the ability to apply their knowledge in conversation, to achieve coherent statements. Enrich and expand children's vocabulary. To develop the ability to expressively read poetry.

NGO "Artistic Creativity":

The development of figurative aesthetic perception, figurative representations, the formation of aesthetic judgments.

NGO "Music":

To acquaint with the classical works of composers created according to fairy tales.

NGO "Health": Creating an emotional, prosperous climate in the group.

NGO "Trud":

Raising the desire to participate in joint work with parents in preparing a costume for the New Year's party dedicated to

NGO "Physical Culture":

Consolidation of the ability to independently organize outdoor games, invent their own games.

NGO "Safety":

Continue reading the rules safe behavior during outdoor games.

Organizing work with children 6-7 years old in this direction, I used educational technologies: gaming, research, modeling. While reading the fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, together with the children, we came up with the game “Wishing Fish”. This game helps to rally children, strengthen friendships, passing a symbolic fish to each other, children wish something good, kind. Thanks to The Tale of Tsar Saltan, the children got acquainted with excerpts from the ballet Swan Lake. New Year's party was also dedicated to fairy tales and poems, where parents sewed costumes for children based on fairy tales (33 heroes, gold fish, sea waves, etc.).

Thanks to Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Cinderella", we got acquainted with the costumes of the past. With the children, they looked at the illustrations “What did they wear in the past”.

Thanks to the fairy tale about the Snow Queen, the children and I got acquainted with several more varieties of roses. We talked about people living in the far north.

Were held literary quizzes"Fairy tales ",

"Tales of Ch. Perrault" and a quiz on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". The children were happy to meet again with their favorite fairy-tale characters, listen to audio cassettes with excerpts from works. This form of training - competitions aroused great interest among all the children.

She offered children to play dramatization games, works well known to children with a dynamic plot, dialogues, and events that are possible to reproduce are suitable for them. For example, the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".

The moral education of a preschool child is carried out the more successfully, the closer the contacts between the kindergarten and the family.

For parents, I held a consultation “Teach your child to love a book”, where parents received the necessary information on the topic, discussed the most important issues of children's reading, and shared their experience of reading in the family.

By the senior preschool age, the child accumulates a rather extensive life experience, which helps him comprehend more complex literary facts. Children are already able to understand in the book such events that sometimes were not in their own experience. The understanding of the literary hero is also becoming more complicated. Although the attention of the child is still mainly attracted to actions and deeds. He begins to penetrate into experiences, feelings, thoughts. In this regard, in the older preschool age, a more complex hero becomes accessible to perception, whose behavior is sometimes characterized by contradictory actions, moral feelings, and complex motives.

Penetration into the content of the work requires the exertion of mental strength from children: they must mentally imagine and emotionally experience the circumstances described by the author and the state of the characters, understand their actions, experiences, thoughts; establish the causes of events, understand their interweaving; guess about the motives of the characters, about the author's attitude to events and characters, and much more.

In order to exclude formalism in the knowledge of morality, I include children in a variety of activities related to fiction. Children create their own drawings based on stories and fairy tales.

Children especially like it when they play roles on their own, dramatize like real actors. Such techniques allow you to remember good books, awaken the thought, develop the creative imagination of children.

Comparing the results of the work, she noted the following changes: the level of development in children has changed moral consciousness, moral feelings, moral behavior and emotional balance. Children have learned to show care, sympathy, mutual assistance in relation to others. They are able to understand and appreciate the point of view, they try to resolve conflicts in a non-violent way.

The attitude to the book has also changed: children can already name the work and the author by illustration or by ear, and ask to read more. So, it did not pass by, but touched the soul.


Analyzing the achievements of the children, we can conclude that the goal of the project has been achieved. Using the technology of project activity in their practice, it can be concluded that children have learned to distinguish between genres of literary works, retell passages from fairy tales and stories, children have formed an interest and need for reading.

This can be seen from monitoring the development of children's skills and abilities.

Senior group.

Preparatory group.

Dynamics of children mastering the NGO "Reading Fiction"

Senior group.

Preparatory group.

Dynamics of development by children of the OO "Socialization" in the section "Introduction to the elementary norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral)".

Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed. The process of moral education of children of senior preschool age has become more effective when using works of fiction for this purpose.

I consider the tasks of the project fulfilled, the expected result was confirmed. The purposeful and systematic use of works of fiction is not only a favorable means for the development of the speech of preschoolers, but also contributes to the moral education of children.

Consultation for educators on the topic: "Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of the child."

O. S. Ushakova notes that fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Children's book is considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.”

Fiction forms moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, brings up aesthetic perception.

Kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works for children and on this basis solves a whole range of interrelated tasks of moral, mental, aesthetic education.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech, give examples of the Russian literary language.

From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When reading the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development is clearly visible, the language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of linguistic visual and expressive means serves the development of artistic perception of literary works.

Having learned to experience with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and those around them. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation. Kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which adherence to principles, honesty, and true citizenship are brought up.

The child's feelings develop in the process of assimilation of the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child to understand the beauty of sounding native speech, it teaches him the aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) ideas.

The child's acquaintance with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, figurative language are the features of these miniature folklore works. Finally, the kid is read author's fairy tales, poems, stories available to him.

A work of art attracts a child not only with its bright figurative form, but also with its semantic content. Older preschoolers, perceiving the work, can give a conscious, motivated assessment of the characters, using in their judgments that they have developed under the influence ofeducation criteria for human behavior in our socialist society.

Direct empathy for the characters, the ability to follow the development of the plot, comparing the events described in the work with those that he had to observe in life, help the child relatively quickly and correctly understand realistic stories, fairy tales, and by the end of preschool age - shifters, fables.

Fiction is an important means of educating a culture of behavior in children of older preschool age. Works of fiction contribute to the formation of moral motives of cultural behavior in children, which they are guided in their actions in the future. It is children's literature that allows preschoolers to reveal the complexity of relationships between people, the diversity of human characters, the characteristics of certain experiences, and contributes to the emergence in children of an emotional attitude to the actions of the heroes, and then the people around them, to their own actions. Fiction provides graphic examples of cultural behavior that children can use as role models.

The role of classes in reading fiction is great for educating a culture of behavior. Listening to the work, the child gets acquainted with the surrounding life, nature, the work of people, with peers, their joys, and sometimes failures. The artistic word affects not only the consciousness, but also the feelings and actions of the child. A word can inspire a child, cause a desire to become better, do something good, help to understand human relationships, and get acquainted with the norms of behavior.

Using fiction as a means of educating a culture of behavior, the teacher should pay special attention to the selection of works, the method of reading and conducting conversations on works of art in order to form humane feelings and ethical ideas in children..

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of children of senior preschool age".

The book is a sorceress. The book has transformed the world. It contains the memory of human thought. Nikolai Morozov, Russian revolutionary, Narodnaya Volya, scientist (1854-1946)...

"Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler"

Fiction opens and explains the life of society, the world of nature and relationships. Promotes the development of thinking, imagination of the child, enriches with emotions....

Everyone knows that fiction is an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children and has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child's speech ...

Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler

Educator: Chibryakova Natalia Pavlovna

"Literature also needs

talented readers,

like writers"

S. Ya. Marshak

« Literature serves as a representative of the mental life of the people"

N. A. Nekrasov

Every year, different children come to kindergarten: smart and not very smart, contact and closed. But they all have one thing in common - they are surprised and admired less and less, their interests are the same: cars, Barbie dolls, some have game consoles. Interest in fiction, in the poetic Russian word, goes further and further into the background.

The process of development of the speech of a preschool child is complex and multifaceted, and for its successful implementation, a combination of all components that affect the quality and content of speech is necessary. One of these is literature.

Fiction, an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children, due to its emotionality and imagery. Literature has a great influence on the development and enrichment of a child's speech, accompanying a person from the first years of his life. Fiction sets the task - to lay in childrenlove for art, determines the range of works that need to be told, retelled, read, memorized.

Features of the perception of fiction, in the process of speech development by preschoolers, are studied in the works of: L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, E.A. Flerina, L.M. Gurovich, T.A. Repina, K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikhieva and others. The main result of their research is the identification of the links in the mechanism of mastering coherent speech by a child. Speech - appears at the stage of early childhood, intensively improved in preschool, primary school and adolescence. Adults surrounding the child are simply obliged to teach him to speak correctly from infancy, to present beautiful examples of the Russian literary language - this is quite important at preschool age, as the child develops intellectually, he has the ability to imagine, then think, imagine, and with each age step by step these abilities are improved. Special meaning acquires during this period of timeacquaintance with native literature, with texts of works of art,that allows you to develop and enrich the speech of children. This is one of the main conditions for a child to master speech, a condition for its development and improvement.

If a preschool child does not understand, does not feel what to read good book this is very interesting, then at school, sitting down at a textbook and a computer, he will never fall in love with fiction.

Addressing the problem of familiarizing preschool children with fiction as a means of developing speech is due to a number of reasons: firstly, familiarity with literature in the family is used insufficiently or superficially, and secondly, the social system has changed, all traditional values ​​have been shaken. Thirdly, the education of preschoolers with fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative upsurge, but also becomesan integral part of the Russian language.

Indeed, until now, the most effective component in education is the artistic word. The child learns to apply grammatical skills and abilities in dialogical (answering questions, conversation) and monologue (verbal creativity, storytelling) speech, to use the means of artistic expressiveness of the language and its grammatical means. Therefore, children need to be introduced to the world of fiction, with early age, because with growing up, the sharpness of perception of the word is lost, the ability to admire the beauty and miracle of human speech.

One of the main tasks is assigned to the "shoulders" of the kindergarten - the formation of the correct oral speech of children on the basis of their mastery of the literary language of their people.

In this regard, it is very important to correctly present this or that literary work to the child. Preschool children are listeners, not readers.

The educator has an important task - to convey each work to children as a work of art, to understand and feel, to be able to analyze the content and form, reveal its intention, infect listeners with an emotional attitude towards literary characters. The teacher must master the technique of reading and storytelling - clear diction, means of intonational expressiveness and theatrical art. Responsibly approach the choice of literary works for presentation to their children. A well-known proverb says: "Another book of mind will add, and another and the last one will repel."

The world of reading helps an adult saturate a child's imagination, sets an example of creativity and creative attitude to the real world. The book tells about the most important, the most beautiful, makes the child's soul more receptive and responsive, so children cannot but love her, they are always glad to meet her. The desire to listen to a favorite work again and again contributes to educating a child's interest and love for fiction.

"The book is the discovery of the world." The book, as one of the most accessible means of mass communication, serves as a source of various intellectual and aesthetic information and a channel for its transmission to the child, helps to choose a certain evaluative, emotional, practically effective attitude of the child to the world around him.

The art book gives the child excellent examples of the Russian literary language. These samples are different: the expressive, well-aimed language of folk tales about animals, saturated with fairy-tale "ritualism"; the language of fairy tales by V. M. Garshin, Ch. Perrault, G.Kh. Andersen; the laconic and precise language of LN Tolstoy's children's stories; light and transparent poems by A. S. Pushkin and A. A. Fet; the figurative language of small descriptions by KD Ushinsky; simple and at the same time rich, with a great deal of humor, the modern language in the works of Marshak, Mikhalkov. These examples are enough to understand the need for knowledge of works of art and to understand the positive impact on the development of children's speech.

Work on the use of fiction as a means of developing speech shouldbuild on the principles:purposefulness, individualization (you cannot compare the successes of children, each has its own potential), consistency, visibility, accessibility (age, level of preparation of children), morality, an integrated approach and strength (reinforcing knowledge).

To achieve the goal of developing speech by means of fiction, the following are distinguished: tasks:

Education of love and interest in fiction, the formation of a careful attitude to the book;

Awakening children's curiosity and selective attitude to works of art;

Developing the ability to listen to a work and analyze;

Development of creativity, activation of the dictionary, independence in artistic and speech and theatrical and gaming activities;

Development of the emotional sphere of the child;

Ability to carefully consider illustrations and correlate them with the text;

Control and direct the process of home reading.

These tasks are solved in all age groups of the kindergarten, only their specific content is different, it depends on the age characteristics of the children, and the needs of the modern child are also taken into account.

important and professional competence teacher - the quality of actions, life experience, which ensures effective problem solving.

As the preschooler develops, his perception, targets and attitude to literature change.

Children 3 - 4 years old.

They do not fully understand the experiences and motives of the actions of the main characters; they need to be helped in the ability to isolate the main action of the main characters, their relationships and actions (for this, it is important to think over the questions for the conversation after reading). At this age, a brightly colored emotional attitude towards the heroes of the work, a craving for a rhythmically organized warehouse of speech. At 3-4 years old, it is easy for children to realize connections when events in a work follow one another. It is important to teach children to evaluate the actions of heroes, to determine their correct qualities, to select expressions that determine their character. Teach children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems.

Children 4 - 5 years old.

Able to more deeply comprehend the content of works and understand the features of the form. Children can determine their attitude to the negative and positive in the work, establish cause-and-effect relationships in the plot. It is also important to learn to compare what is heard with the facts of life, to answer questions related to the content of the text.

Children 5 - 7 years old.

Here, a special role should be paid to the analysis of the text.

Children catch the hidden meaning of the work (subtext) and perceive the text in the unity of content and form.

Children know the portrait of the writer (poet) and should know what he wrote.Distinguish the genres of the work, express one's attitude to the actions of the characters, emotional attitude towards them, see the properties of artistic expressiveness in the text, answer questions about the content of the text, be able to retell well and read by heart, participate in dramatizations.

In addition, it is necessary to explain all the new words in the work (knight, tow, patrol, etc.) to the child before reading the text.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows teachers to vary in their work the forms and methods of introducing children to fiction as they consider necessary, since the main goal of the Federal State Educational Standard is integration of education (personality development, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological abilities).

Acquaintance with fiction cannot be limited to GCD, itshould be carried out at all times in the life of childrenin kindergarten (play, walk, work, household activities).

Building a system of work on the development of the speech of preschoolers, using fiction, it is necessary to create a good speech developing environment, taking into account individual and social conditions. This is the compilation and development of long-term planning on the topic, the selection of didactic and outdoor games and exercises, class notes, visual and didactic aids and albums (“Portraits of writers and poets”, “Antonyms”, “Seasons”, “Patters”, “Riddles” and etc.). As well as the acquisition of literary works of various genres, disks and cassettes for listening, puppets for theatrical activities and various types of theater, the creation of a literary center, it is very interesting to organize exhibitions of children's drawings, homemade books and crafts made based on the works read. To a lot important condition in solving the issue of speech development through the means of fiction is the involvement of parents in the work, they must be aware of the significance and seriousness of this issue (meetings, consultations, joint exhibitions, memos, booklets, etc.). Implementation of work - with society (with libraries, museums, theaters, etc.)

Thus, we note that the systematic and purposeful use of various kinds of works of art as a means of developing speech, as well as correctly organized work, determines the possibility of effective and fruitful development of the speech of preschoolers, contributes to the replenishment of the vocabulary, forming the communicative culture of the preschooler, makes the child's speech more expressive, vivid and emotional. Children actively express themselves in different ways. artistic activity and creatively active, they have developed self-awareness, they know how to understand and accept humor and become much more benevolent, which is very important in modern society.

Fiction can be regarded as the most accessible form of art that contributes to the development of children's speech.

Fiction is one of the main types of art (art of the word). Unlike painting, sculpture, music, dance, which have a directly object-sensory form created from some material object (paint, stone) or action (body movement, sound of a string), literature creates its form from words, language, which , having a material embodiment, is really comprehended not in sensory perception, but in intellectual understanding. Spirituality, penetrating through literature, allows it to develop its universal, in comparison with other types of art, possibilities.

It is fiction that carries an immense educational potential. It develops the mind, attaches to spiritual experience and ennobles the senses. But in many respects this effect depends on the reader's imagination, on his readiness to perceive the text. Verbal works are able to make a huge impression on the reader, change his view of the world, form views on life and attitude towards it. An artistic word can inspire, cause a desire to become better, do something good, helps to understand human relationships, develops receptivity, rebuilds the subjective world.

The studies of L. M. Gurovich, V. I. Loginova, L. F. Ostrovskaya, S. V. Peterina, M. A. Samorukova show the effectiveness of fiction in influencing the feelings and mind of a person, developing his emotionality, consciousness and self-awareness, intelligence, the formation of a worldview. In the works of L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, S. L. Rubinshtein, B. M. Teplov and other scientists, the peculiarities of human perception of the works of the word are studied. This process is considered as an active volitional process, which implies not a passive content, but an activity that is embodied in internal assistance, empathy for the characters, in the imaginary transfer of events to oneself, “mental action”, resulting in the effect of personal presence, participation in events.

Using fiction as a means of educating a convict, the employee should pay special attention to the selection of works, the methodology for conducting conversations on the material read in order to form humane feelings and ethical ideas among the educated. We single out a number of criteria for the selection of a literary text: moral orientation, high artistic skill, literary value, accessibility of the work, compliance with age and psychological features convicts

(features of attention, memory, thinking, range of interests and life experience).

The ideas received by convicts from works of art are transferred to their life experience gradually, but in a system. The diversity of human characters, the peculiarities of certain experiences clearly represent examples from life that convicts can use as role models.

The forms of introducing convicts to literature in order to correct and develop their personality are also diverse. Such a form of study of works of art as reader's conferences is interesting. Discussing books allows offenders to comprehend their activities through artistic images. Observation showed that at the ascertaining level, the convicts are interested only in the events that are described in the book, while at the analyzing level they are already interested in problems (two levels can also be distinguished here: interest in the actions of the hero and interest in his character). At the highest - holistic - level in the field of view of the reader, first of all, the author of the work and the whole set of features of the book, expressing the author's attitude to reality (style, selection of material, worldview). The participants in the process gradually become able to see in the book not only the dynamics of events, but also its dynamics. artistic features, which contributes to a deeper understanding of the ideas of the work and gives more pleasure from reading.

The art of the word provides a person with practically unlimited opportunities for self-improvement and self-realization, solves the most important task - the adaptation of the convict through art and artistic activity in the macrosocial environment.

In this regard, the participation of convicts in a literary studio is effective. These classes contribute to the disclosure of the internal resources of the individual and creative abilities, allow you to give an outlet to complex experiences in the form of a speech statement. Convicts compose poems, write scripts, select music, songs, which they then perform themselves, voice their characters. At the same time, it is necessary to fill the text with optimistic content in order to restore pleasant memories that allow you to form a positive attitude and images, causing positive feelings and moods.

L. S. Vygotsky noted that the psychological effect of the perception of a literary work is constituted in its form. Later, M. M. Bakhtin introduced the concept of an internal, architectonic form - a dynamic formation that arises in the process of a full-fledged perception of a poem and actively mediates the process of communication between the poet and the reader.

Poetry, as noted by many domestic and foreign researchers, plays important role in the development of personality, becomes one of the cultural means by which a person expresses his experiences. Convicts' interest in uniform poetic work due to the active search for means of self-expression, individualization, associated with the conditions of isolation and the context of intimate-personal communication.

It is very important to expand the genre repertoire of convicts' creativity. literary forms due to their content affect life position and the moral attitude of the author writing in a particular genre. Participants of the literary studio can write reports, sketches, stories, feuilletons - all these genres develop attentiveness to the surrounding reality and broaden their horizons.

In order to develop a sense of style, convicts can be recommended the following tasks: recognize the author or literary school from the proposed passage or parody, reproduce the missing word in the literary text and compare it with the author’s, tell on this topic in one style or another (sentimentalism, romanticism, symbolism, futurism etc.), etc. For a deeper understanding of the artistic image, in addition to the previously recommended tasks (tell an excerpt or the entire work on behalf of one of the characters; tell about the past or future of the hero), convicts can be advised to conduct a thought experiment with an artistic image, that is think about the behavior of the hero in changed circumstances (“What would be the fate of Rodion Raskolnikov if his crime had not been revealed?”). In this case, as if “on the contrary”, the understanding of the author’s intention deepens: why did the author need to put the hero in these circumstances, and not other ones, that is, how significant are the circumstances in which the hero is placed for the realization of the author’s intention?

To form a positive attitude towards fiction, broaden their horizons, and develop their cognitive interests, the method of discussion is used. So, in one of the classes, the participants were offered two alternative theses: “It is not a book that teaches life, but experience”, “It is not experience that teaches life, but a book”, the discussion of which caused great activity on the part of the convicts and left a deep imprint in their minds.

Convicts should also have conversations about the books they have read, where they learn to exchange thoughts, listen to an opinion that is different from their point of view. Discussing literary works, the participants think about their own behavior, the views and beliefs of the convicts are revealed to the teachers, this helps to make certain adjustments to the educational process.

The study of literary works and their creative reading have a great educational, cognitive and emotional impact on convicts, contribute to the formation of a worldview and aesthetic tastes. The dynamics of understanding a work of art can be presented as a kind of path from empathy with a particular character, sympathy for him to understanding the author's position and further to a generalized perception of the art world and awareness of one's attitude towards it, to understanding the influence of the work on one's personal attitudes. At the same time, the teacher must remember that a direct comparison of the events, characters, characters depicted in a work of art with real events or specific convicts is unacceptable.

To activate the pedagogical process, you can use the technique of the game, especially when working with juvenile convicts. So, for example, when retelling literary works, the teacher uses the game "Friendly retelling". The game is competitive. The student group is divided into two teams. Members of one of them begin to retell the read work in a chain - one says no more than two phrases. If someone could not pick up the story at the expense of “one, two, three”, the opposing team continues it according to the same rules. Those who need the least help win.

You can complicate the game by changing the roles of the teacher and team members. For example, the teacher can interrupt the story and transfer its continuation to another team with his sign, or maybe the participant is a member of the responding team or the opposing team. Depending on the affiliation of the guiding signal, the tactics of the game also change: if the responders give a signal, they try to find an uncomfortable (stylistically or content-difficult to continue) moment of the story; if the signal is given by a representative of the successor team, then he, on the contrary, tries to lie in wait for an easy fragment - this is how intrigue and self-development appear in the game, which makes it attractive to the participants.

When working with literary work you can also use techniques to activate the interest of the participant. So, the convicts are invited to put questions to the text of the essay. At the same time, you can indicate the number of questions (from 1 to 5) and stipulate that all questions must begin with different question words (write them on the board: what, why, how, why) or only with one. You can also compete, who will come up with the most meaningful questions (discuss with the participants what “meaningful” means so that questions like “How many letters are in the name?”) etc. appear.

To work with convicts, it is possible to recommend tasks to deepen the perception of the artistic image and understand the logic of the author's thought: to tell the plot of the work or any excerpt from the work on behalf of one of the heroes, write about the past or future of the hero (for example, ten years later), etc. creative work in the classroom contributes to the development of personality, stimulation of the thought process, arouses interest in literary art as a learning process.

The development of observation and artistic vigilance will be directed by such techniques as verbal still life (an object is on the table, it is proposed to describe it expressively, then the descriptions are compared and discussed), verbal landscape (it is important that the topics are specific and do not allow the use of borrowed images), verbal portrait(you can write a portrait of one of the participants with the whole group, and then compare the accuracy and expressiveness of the portraits, etc.).

As a correction and diagnosis, you can use mini-essays, reasoning essays, written answers to questions, questionnaires on the stated topic, deepening the understanding of the philosophical and ethical categories of works of art with the formulation of worldview problems (“Everything should be fine in a person”, “Idle life cannot be pure”, “Only he is worthy of life and freedom, who every day goes to fight for them”, “Man - it sounds proud!”). For literary and creative development, convicts are encouraged to participate in the work of circles and museums, the preparation literary evenings and musical and literary living rooms, the release of wall newspapers and radio programs, etc.

Fairy tales (fairy tale therapy) are widely used in correctional and pedagogical work with convicts. They can be composed, told, dramatized, drawn, etc. The archetype of a fairy tale in itself is healing, a participant in the art process is “inscribed” in philosophical tale co happy ending, a fairy tale serves as a means of meeting with oneself, helps a person to look at himself from the outside. Convicts acquire knowledge about the laws of life and ways of manifestation of creative creative power, moral norms and principles of social relationships. Fairy tales not only reflect ancient initiatory rituals, but also describe positive experiences of living through emotional crises, overcoming life's difficulties and obstacles.

Fairy-tale stories and scripts are often composed by the participants in the art-pedagogical work themselves. Fairy tales written by fairy tale therapists (E. Bern, T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, N. I. Kozlov and others) and employees are also used. A fairy tale can be used to offer participants ways to solve a specific problem, since in a fairy tale form it is easier to see and accept your problem. For fairy tale hero it is easier to come up with a way out of the situation, and then use it for yourself. The fairy tale brings freedom, promotes the awakening of creative forces, activates the imagination of the individual.

At the end of group and collective-mass classes, the teacher conducts a brief reflective analysis, which is not evaluated by him and is anonymous. For this, various methods are used: “Let's pack a suitcase for the road”, “Seven-color ladder of mood”, “What was your occupation: color painting”, “Color the square”, “Your face”, questions discussed in a circle: “What is in class today Did you like it?”, “What did you learn new?” etc. Reflective analysis is carried out immediately after the lesson, when the emotional state and thoughts of the participants are still bright and fresh impressions. Feedback helps to more accurately build the next meeting.

Fiction should be used more often as a means of developing the humane qualities of a person: kindness and justice, citizenship. In this regard, the teacher should pay special attention to the selection of works, the methodology of reading and conducting conversations on works of art in order to form humane feelings and ethical ideas among convicts, to transfer these ideas into their lives and activities.

Thus, fiction is an important means of correction and development of personality. Education by the word leads to great changes in the emotional and sensual sphere, which contributes to the appearance of a lively response in the convict to various life events, rebuilds his subjective world. In this regard, it can be recommended to employees to use fiction more often to develop the personality of the convict and correct his behavior in order to correct it.

  • See: L. S. Vygotsky, Psychology of Art. M., 1968; Bakhtin M. M. Problems of content, material and form in verbal artistic creativity // Questions of literature and aesthetics. M., 1975.

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