Abstract of the lesson wears a dandelion unconventional drawing. Lesson using non-traditional drawing technique "yellow dandelion"


Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 12 of the city of Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region".


Compiled by:

Educational psychologist

Approbation account. year.


Recently, there are more and more children who already in primary school can not cope with the curriculum. These children require special attention from both the teacher and the psychologist, since lagging behind in elementary school has a negative effect on the further intellectual and personal development of the child.

The arrival of a child in school is associated with certain difficulties in getting used to school life, one of the reasons for which is the psychological characteristics of a child of 6-7 years old. These include: unformed voluntary activity, lack of skills of educational work and cooperation, insufficiently developed self-regulation of behavior, high emotionality in communication, etc.

When entering school, a child is influenced by a complex of factors: a classroom team, the personality of a teacher, a change in regimen, an unusually long restriction of motor activity, the emergence of new, not always attractive duties. The body adapts to these factors, mobilizing a system of adaptive reactions for this.

From the very first days, the school sets a number of tasks for the child. He needs to successfully master educational activities, master school norms of behavior, join the class team, and adapt to new conditions of mental work and regime. The performance of each of these tasks is directly related to the child's previous experience.

With the child entering school, under the influence of education, the restructuring of all his cognitive processes begins, they acquire the qualities characteristic of adults. This is due to the fact that children are included in new types of activities for them and systems of interpersonal relations that require them to have new psychological qualities. The general characteristics of all cognitive processes of the child should be their arbitrariness, productivity and stability.

Some of the first-graders experience difficulties, primarily in establishing relationships with the teacher and classmates, which is often accompanied by low level mastery of the school curriculum. Emotional discomfort is visible in the expression of their faces: sadness, anxiety, tension are typical for them.

The lack of adaptation of students to school is associated with behavioral problems - low assimilation of school norms of behavior. In the classroom, these children are inattentive, often do not listen to the teacher's explanations, are distracted by extraneous activities and conversations, but if they focus on the task, then they do it correctly. At recess, tension is released: they run, scream, interfere with other guys. All this gradually leads to their isolation, more and more often flashes of anger and anger towards classmates are manifested in their behavior.

The first grade of school is one of the most significant critical periods in a child's life. Entering school for many of them is an emotionally stressful situation: the usual stereotype changes, the psycho-emotional load increases. The performance and academic performance of students in subsequent years largely depends on how adaptation takes place in the first year of study. This is what relevance of the program.

The psychological program is aimed at helping students adapt to schooling, correction and development of mental functions.


The main factor influencing the success of mastering knowledge among first-graders is adaptability to school conditions. Going to school brings a big change in a child's life and requires active adaptation to this new public organization. It does not happen painlessly for all children: (during this period, some children can be very noisy, distracted in class, can be impudent, capricious. Others are very constrained, timid, try to stay inconspicuous, listen when they are asked a question, at the slightest failure , remark cry.Some children have disturbed sleep, appetite, they become very capricious, there is an interest in toys, games, books for very young children.The number of diseases that are called functional deviations is increasing.These deviations are caused by the load that the child’s psyche experiences, his body due to a sharp change in lifestyle, with a significant increase in the requirements that the child must meet).

Not all children adapt to school with such deviations, but there are first-graders for whom this process is greatly delayed. For some children, full-fledged adaptation to school in the 1st year of study does not occur (this can also occur against the background of good academic performance). Such children often get sick for a long time, and the diseases are psychosomatic in nature.

Some children are already overworked by the middle of the day, because school is a stressful factor for them.

Adaptation to school includes adaptation at the physiological level (as a process of adapting the functions of the child's body to the conditions of schooling) and adaptation.

Socio-psychological(as a process of active adaptation of the "child-adult", "child-child" system to the new conditions of interaction). Socio-psychological adaptation includes the development of the cognitive sphere of the child and his ability to subordinate perception, memory, thinking, imagination to the tasks that are set for him in the learning process.

Adaptation to new social relations and connections, in which the child's personality begins to manifest is determined by how the child enters a new group of peers, what place he begins to occupy in the classroom, how he communicates with peers and adults, how he relates to school, to himself as a student.

Of great importance in the adaptation of the child to school is the level of education of parents, the absence of conflict situations in the family, the correct methods of education, full communication with the child, interest in preparing the child for school.

The reasons for school maladaptation can be of a different nature:

· Insufficient level of motivation to study at school, negative attitude towards school (the primary reasons for which may be insufficiently professional work of preschool institutions, an example of a negative attitude towards school of brothers and sisters, etc.).

· - Possible secondary destruction of motivation, which occurs directly in the learning process. The lack of formation of elements and skills of educational activity, the cause of which can be both individual characteristics of the development of the intellect, and neglect. Inability to voluntarily regulate behavior, attention, learning activities.

The reason may be an unfavorable family environment, improper methods of education, improper organization of the child's day regimen, as well as the consequences of complications during pregnancy and childbirth in the mother.

· Inability to adapt to the pace of school life. This happens more often in children who are somatically weakened, with a delay physical development, violations in the work of analyzers.

A maladjusted child is not only a child who finds it difficult to communicate, learn in accordance with accepted norms, but also one to whom successful education or communication is given at the expense of high psychological costs, increased anxiety, low self-esteem, psychological illnesses, neurotic syndromes and other phenomena.

Educational activity is more effectively carried out in the conditions of the game, the presence of competitive elements.


1. Contribute to the adaptation of students to schooling; 2. Contribute to increasing motivational readiness; 3. Contribute to the development of cognitive needs, social responsibility, development of individuality, skills of adequate social behavior of first graders to facilitate the process of adaptation in elementary school.


1. Form emotionally positive attitude students to joint activities with the teacher and peers;

2. Create a situation of success for students;

3. Diagnose the skills and abilities of students;

4. Contribute to the development and strengthening of educational motivation.

Principles of the psychological and pedagogical program:

1. The principle of respect for the interests of the child is to solve the problem in the interests of the child;

2. Priority principle personal development when learning does not act as an end in itself, but as a means of developing the personality of each child.

3. The principle of reality - involves, first of all, taking into account real opportunities child and situation.

Psychological and pedagogical support:

1. The program is built taking into account the leading type of activity of schoolchildren.

2. Ensuring psychological and pedagogical conditions (accounting individual features child; maintaining a comfortable psycho-emotional regime);

3. Ensuring health-saving conditions (improving and protective regime; compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and norms).


Corrective work is carried out by an appropriately qualified specialist with a specialized education.

Class structure:

Classes consist of specially selected games and exercises, which allows you to make classes interesting and exciting for children. Methods used: techniques and methods of self-regulation, drawing methods, games.

Classes are included in the system of accompanying the adaptation of first-graders to school, therefore, in the course of their conduct, consultations with the teacher, meetings with the parents of children individually and at parent meetings are held.

Part of the classes is of a dual nature: they contain not only developmental, corrective exercises, but also diagnostic tasks.

The program is designed to work in a group of 10-12 people.

Program is designed for 12 lessons (frequency of meetings is 1 time per week, duration of lessons is 30-35 minutes). Classes are held in group form. It is important to create a friendly environment so that everyone feels confident and not afraid to make a mistake.

To conduct classes you need:

1. Consent of parents to conduct classes; 2.Class for conducting classes; 3. Didactic material: colored pencils, paints, album; toys: ball, bear; tape recorder, computer.

During the implementation of the program, the following is carried out: 1. Using a projective drawing (allows you to project reality yourself and interpret it in your own way). 2. Fairy tale therapy: allows children to actualize and realize their problems.

3. Game exercises (game therapy is aimed at relieving tension and emancipation of children);

4. Psycho-gymnastics: helps to overcome barriers in communication, remove mental stress.

Each lesson consists of: 1.From the ritual- (fixation of emotionally positive mood), greetings or warm-ups- (relieving tension and contributing to the physical liberation of the group members); 2. The main part with the inclusion of game exercises, psycho-gymnastics exercises; 3. Ritual of farewell (conclusion).

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

The program is implemented on the basis of psychodiagnostics, which is carried out in 2 stages:

1. Diagnosis of readiness for schooling (May-August). This type of diagnostics is carried out with preschoolers in kindergartens, on the basis of the city's polyclinic in preparation for schooling.

Diagnosis of parental ideas about the readiness of their children for schooling.

2.Diagnosis of adaptation to learning (October-November).

Program organizer:

The program is implemented by a teacher-psychologist

Stages of the program implementation:

1. Analytical and diagnostic (incoming diagnostics of readiness for learning, analysis possible causes maladaptation and typical learning difficulties).

2. Correction-developing (program implementation).

3. Repeated diagnostic (diagnostics of adaptation to learning, analysis of the causes of disadaptation).

4. PMPK (if necessary).

Expected results ( at the end of the implementation of the program, students should form):

1.Sustainable positive motivation for learning activities;

2. Emotional-sensual perception, cooperation;

3. Ability to get involved in the task, the game, control their actions, plan them, act according to the rule.


1. The level of development of an arbitrary sphere;

2. The level of speech and cognitive activity.

Control over the implementation of the program is carried out by the administration of the educational institution.

After completion of the work on the program, the effectiveness of the program is monitored, for this, the following is used:

Supervision of children in the classroom and breaks;

Questioning of children and teachers;

Reviews of children and teachers about the classes;

After the implementation of the program, the work of the teacher in the classroom should be built in the future, taking into account individual and age features children, taking into account the maintenance and further development of their cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres, the skills of adequate social behavior of first graders to facilitate the process of adaptation in primary school and the most successful learning.

The evaluation of the results is carried out through monitoring - based on the analysis of documents, psychological diagnostics.

List of methods for monitoring

2. Assessment of school motivation (grades 1-2).

3. Motivation for learning and emotional attitude to learning).

4. "What is good and what is bad" (grades 1-2).

5. "Unfinished sentences" (grades 3-4).

Diagnostic methods


Target : identification of the level of development of self-esteem.

Estimated UUDs: personal UUD, self-determination.

Age: 1-4 class.

Form (assessment situation): frontal written survey.

Students are given the following instruction:

Guys, draw a ladder of 10 steps on a piece of paper (the psychologist shows on the board).

On the lowest step there are the worst students, on the second step a little bit better, on the third step a little bit better, etc., but on the top step there are the best students. Evaluate yourself, on which step do you put yourself? And what step will your teacher put you on? And on what step will your mom put you, and dad?

Evaluation criteria: 1-3 steps - low self-esteem;

4-7 steps - adequate self-esteem;

8-10 steps - high self-esteem



(N. Luskanova)

Target: the questionnaire is designed to identify motivational preferences in learning activities. Can be used called inwork with schoolchildren of 1-4 grades. AssessedUUD: the action of meaning formation, aimed at establishing the meaning of educational activity for the student.


Target: diagnostics of cognitive activity, achievement motivation, anxiety, anger.


Conduct form: frontal written survey.

Methodology "What is good and what is bad."

Target: reveal the moral ideas of students.

Estimated UUDs: highlighting the moral content of actions and situations.

Age: junior schoolchildren

Form (assessment situation) frontal questioning

Instruction: Based on your experience, answer the following questions:

1. Do you like it when your classmates respect you?

BUT Like

B Don't like it very much

AT Do not like

2. What will you do if you see that your friend has littered the street, thrown candy wrappers on the ground?

BUT I'll make a note and help clean up

B I'll make a note and wait until he cleans everything up

AT Tell the teacher and let him make him clean

3. You took a book from a friend (girlfriend) and tore it up, what will you do?

BUT Repair the book or ask my parents to buy a new one

B I do not know

AT Quietly give up so that they don't notice

4. You will act if you spilled soup and crumbled it on the table in the school cafeteria during a meal.

BUT I'm sorry and I'll take care of myself

B I do not know

AT I will not do anything, there is a cleaning lady

5. Do you often come to school in dirty clothes?


B Sometimes

6. What would you do if your friend or girlfriend ruined the teacher's thing and hid it?

BUT Help a friend apologize to the teacher and confess to the deed

B I’ll tell a friend that I need to apologize to the teacher and confess to the act, but let him apologize himself

AT I'll pretend I didn't notice

7. Do you often give up your seat on the bus to an elderly person or woman?

BUT Often

B Sometimes

AT Almost never

8. Do you often offer your friends (girlfriends) help in cleaning the class?

BUT Often

B Sometimes

AT Almost never

Data processing:

For the first answer (A) - 2 points,

For the second answer (B) - 1 point,

For the third answer (B) - 0 points.


High level (12-16 points): such children are distinguished by the presence of high cognitive motives, the desire to focus on the interests and needs of other people, the focus of their personality - on themselves or on the needs of others. Often there is a rejection of one's own interests in favor of the interests of others who need help. They very clearly follow all the instructions of the teacher, are conscientious and responsible, they are very worried if they receive unsatisfactory grades or comments from the teacher. Strive to commit moral deeds and encourage others. They try to make decisions according to moral standards.

Intermediate level (6-11 points): such children feel quite well at school, but they most often strive to realize their own interests, taking into account the interests of others. They are characterized by a desire for interpersonal conformity and maintaining good relationships. Cognitive motives in such children are formed to a lesser extent. They try to act on the basis of moral standards, they know the moral qualities of schoolchildren.

Low level (0-5 points): schoolchildren attend school reluctantly, strive to realize their own interests without taking into account the interests of others, prefer to avoid responsibility, they learn moral norms with difficulty and there is no desire to follow them, they experience problems in communicating with classmates, relationships with the teacher.

Methodology "Unfinished sentences"

Target: to reveal the attitude to moral norms that determine some moral qualities (self-criticism, collectivism, independence, honesty, adherence to principles, justice).

Assessed UUD: highlighting the moral content of actions and situations.

Age: younger students

The form(assessment situation) – frontal questioning

Instruction: students are asked to quickly complete sentences containing reasoning on the topic of morality.

1. If I know that I did wrong, then ...

2. When I myself find it difficult to make the right decision, then ...

3. Choosing between interesting but optional and necessary and boring, I usually…

4. When a person is offended in my presence, I ...

5. When lies become the only means of protection good relationship to me, I...

6. If I were in the place of the teacher, I ...

Processing of received data – qualitative analysis of responses.

Data processing: determine the degree of formation of moral norms and moral qualities according to the scheme:

1. score- Misconceptions about moral standards and moral qualities.

2. points- Correct, but insufficiently clear and complete idea of ​​moral standards and moral qualities.

3. points- A complete and clear understanding of moral standards and moral qualities.

The program provides support during the period of adaptation to first-graders studying in regular classes and in classes of compensatory education.


Program name

Exercise 2 What feelings does a person have? Discussion.

What are the feelings of a person with whom people communicate?

How does a person who has no friends feel?

Exercise 3 Drawing in the team. Children are divided into two teams. 1st team draws a person without friends; Team 2 draws a person who has many friends.

Exercise 4 Discussion of drawings (mood, color, details, feelings, emotions), how do the drawings differ, was it fun or sad to draw?

Ex. 5 "Change a sad person." Children all together change the picture (each child changes or finishes one particular detail) in order to sad man became cheerful.

Exercise 6 Reflection.

Lesson 6. Non-verbal communication, development of the emotional sphere, the ability to understand oneself and others, self-control and self-organization.

Exercise 1 Greeting. “I give you…..”

Exercise 2 "Who is the most cheerful and saddest."

Exercise 3 "Fire and ice."

Exercise 4 We remember what feelings and emotions are.

Exercise 5 "How do you feel?". Show without words. Children must guess.

Exercise 6 Drawing "Rainbow of my mood."

Exercise 7 Discussion of drawings.

Lesson 7. Development of thinking, speech, attention, imagination, interaction with peers, teamwork.

Exercise 1 Greeting.

Exercise 2 Shapes, find them in the classroom.

Exercise 3 Change the color, shape, size.

Exercise 4 “Do not stand still, repeat after me!”

Exercise 5 "Wonderful figures."

Exercise 6 Reflection.

Lesson 8. Development of thinking, attention, imagination, memory, emotional-volitional sphere.

Exercise 1. Occupation ritual.

Exercise 2 Color the same objects in the same color.

Exercise 3 Game "What happens in red, yellow, blue, etc.?"

Exercise 4 The game "Fruits and vegetables."

Exercise 5 "The sun and the cloud."

Exercise 6 Game "Guess the group."

Exercise 7. Reflection.

Lesson 9. The development of memory, emotional-volitional sphere, imagination, the ability to determine the feelings of others, the removal of anxiety.

Exercise 1. Greetings.

Exercise 2. "Domovyata" - we remember emotions and feelings.

Game 3. "The sea is worried."

Exercise 4. Modeling from salt dough "cheerful faces".

Exercise 5. Exhibition of works. Discussion.

Lesson 10. Develop skills of volitional regulation, memory, ability to concentrate, interaction with peers.

Exercise 1 Greeting "I see."

Exercise 2 Game "Tactile image".

Exercise 3 The game "The path of trust."

Exercise 4 "Listen, remember, show."

Exercise 5 "Riddles".

Exercise 6 "Hatch the shapes."

Exercise 7 Reflection.

Lesson 11. Development of speech, thinking, fantasy, imagination, expansion vocabulary, attention, ability to interact, express emotions, development of self-organization.

Exercise 1 Greeting "I'm glad to see ...".

Exercise 2 The game "The story is the other way around."

Exercise 3 Game "Remember your place."

Exercise 4 "Blots".

Exercise 5 Discussion of "blot patterns".

Exercise 6 Reflection.

Lesson 12. Development of voluntary attention, self-control, emotional-volitional sphere, speech, imagination, interaction with peers.

Exercise 1 Game "Photographer".

Exercise 2 Pantomime. "I love", "I don't love".

Exercise 3 Compiling a story “How a naughty hare studied at school”

Exercise 4 The game "Brook".

Exercise 5 Collective drawing "Flower". Discussion of the drawing.

Ex. 6 Reflection.

Lesson 13. Control psychodiagnostic study.

Purpose: Tracking the dynamics of the emotional state, motivation for learning.

Games used in the lessons.

Welcome Ritual: children come in, sit in a circle. The psychologist starts. The hand (right) on the chest says: "Hello, I ...", and extends his left hand into the middle of the circle. The children (doing the same) take turns greeting each other and then making a promise.

Promise: I will be kind and considerate towards my comrades, we will overcome difficulties together and help each other.

Ending ritual. Children sit in a circle, the result is summed up. Children say “See you” to everyone and give each other a “smile”

1. Game "Ball".

"Attention! In this ball game we will try to get to know each other. Everyone stand in a circle, facing the center of the circle. Please, someone pick up the ball. In a circle, clockwise, starting from the one who has the ball passing it, say your name clearly and loudly. While passing the ball, make eye contact with your neighbor. Started! And now, playing ball we will get acquainted. The one who has the ball will throw it to any of those standing in the circle and at the same time call the name of the person to whom the ball is addressed. The one who confused the name of the addressee, calls all the names of the participants in the game in a circle, starting with himself and then, clockwise. So, throw the ball to each other, while saying the name of the person to whom you address the ball.

At the first lesson, you need to try so that all the guys are in the role of a driver. In the next lessons, you should continue to play this game.

2. "Named train." Children choose a child to play the role of a locomotive, “cling” to each other like “wagons” and drive around the room.

3. Exerc. "Call it kindly." Each child pronounces his name in several different ways, all the children help him - as you can call him.

4. Control "Friendship starts with a smile"

Those sitting in a circle join hands, look into the neighbor's eyes and silently give him the kindest smile they have in turn.

5. Exerc. "Boasting Contest"

Target: The exercise helps the child to see his positive sides, to feel that he is accepted and appreciated by other children.

Hod: “Today we will hold an unusual competition with you - a competition of braggarts. The one who boasts the best wins. What will we brag about? Neighbor on the right. Look carefully at your neighbor on the right. Think about what he is, what he can do, what he is good at. For example: Lena is very smart, very beautiful, runs fast, laughs merrily, etc.”

After the circle is completed, the children determine the winner - the best "braggart". You can discuss who liked what to tell more, brag about a neighbor or listen to how they talk about him.

6. Exerc. "Humpty Dumpty"

Target: Relax the muscles of the arms, back, chest.

Let's put on another little play. It's called "Humpty Dumpty"

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.

Humpty Dumpty collapsed in his sleep.

First, we will turn the torso to the right and left, while the arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. To the words “fell down in a dream” - we sharply tilt the body down.

7. The game "Stirlitz".

"Attention! Let one of you lead. Please, who wants to be the leader, do not be shy, come forward boldly! Other players, freeze in different poses. The host remembers the poses of the players, their clothes. Remember? Look a little more, remember. And now, the host leaves the room. Players, make five changes in your posture and dress. Ready? So. I invite the leader to enter. Leader, you must return everyone to their original position. Look carefully and find five changes in the postures and clothes of the players. Not every player, but five. There's still a little left. If you can correctly find the five changes, then you have good powers of observation.

8. Game "Finish the word."

"Attention! In this game, we will try to finish words that will begin, for example, with the syllable: ra; earth; go; pa. I will throw a ball to each of you and say the first syllable of the word, you will have to catch the ball, throw it back to me, finish this word (i.e., finish the word). First, all children finish words that begin with the syllable “ra” (it is given to finish words that begin with the same syllable several times), and then each of the children can be given different syllables with which words begin.

9.Exercise "Find differences". Children take turns drawing a picture on the board, turn away. The psychologist makes changes to the drawing. The child turns and looks for differences.

10. Upr. "Funny Sounds" The host asks questions, and the children answer by making funny sounds: grunt, meow, squeak, hum, chirp, etc. The host asks, for example: Grunt those who lu. bit look at the fire; who knows how to ride a bike, who loves to give gifts, who is not afraid to run in the rain, etc.

11.Ex. Freeze children dance to music. The host turns off the music and says in what position the children should freeze for 5-10 seconds. For example: 1) the music stopped, frog pose 2) heron pose 3) swallow pose

12. Upr. "Pass the tangle of stories." Children tell everyone famous fairy tale, passing the tangle. Everyone speaks one sentence.

13. The game “Who is who? What is what? .

Children carefully remember that some words can be attributed to a certain class (group) on a certain basis. It is necessary to find out which groups the children know (wild and domestic animals, vegetables, fruits, trees, etc.)

“Now you all stand in a circle, I will throw the ball to each of you, and you will have to catch it and throw it back to me, say a word that refers to the group

a) domestic animals;

b) wild animals;

c) trees, etc.

But you must name the words as quickly as possible. Those guys who can’t name a word for a long time, or call it incorrectly, are eliminated from the game.

14. The game "Forbidden movement ».

Cheerful rhythmic music sounds. Children stand in a semicircle in the center - the leader. He shows several movements, one of which (squatting) is forbidden. Children must repeat all the actions of the leader, except for the forbidden. The one who made a mistake is eliminated, and those who remain the longest become the best players.

15. The game "Remember the order."

Choose 5-6 children. The rest are spectators. Of the selected children, one becomes the leader. The other 4-5 players line up in "trains". The driver should look at the “train” for 1 minute, and then turn away and count the children by name like this. How do they stand in the "train". After that, the players become "spectators", and other children enter the "stage".

16. Exerc. "Fire-ice".

Purpose: The exercise is aimed at muscle relaxation.

Progress: At the command of the host: "Fire!" - standing in a circle, children begin to move with all parts of the body. On command: "Ice!" - the children freeze in the position in which the team found them. The leader alternates commands several times, changing the execution time of one and the other.

17. Exercise . "Shapes, find them in the classroom." Everyone remembers the names of the figures (the leader distributes or shows cardboard figures: a square, a circle, an oval, etc.). then the children are given the task to find objects in the classroom of the same shape as the figures in their hands. You can do this exercise in groups.

18. Ex. "Change color or shape." Each child is given a pre-prepared task: figures are drawn on a sheet. For example: a small red square - the psychologist gives the task “Change the shape”, the child draws another figure next to it; or a yellow circle is drawn - the psychologist gives the task “Change the shape and color”, the child must draw another figure of a different color next to it, etc.

19. Exercise . "Don't stand still, repeat after me!" Children stand one after another in a circle. Each child, in turn, says "Don't stop, repeat after me!" and shows the movement to be performed; all children move in a circle while doing this exercise.

20. Exercise. "Wonderful Figures" Children are given cardboard figures (squares, triangles, ovals, etc.). Add the task from these individual figures different shapes some subject. For example: a square has a triangle on it - it looks like a house, etc. You can do this exercise in teams.

21. Ex."Color objects of the same shape in the same color." Children are given ready-made tasks: different objects are drawn (for example: balls, vases, apples, balls, etc.), among which the child looks for two balls of the same shape (for example, round) and paints them in the same color

22. Game "What happens in red?" children take turns calling objects, then - yellow, green, etc.

23. Exerc. Fruits and vegetables game. Together they remember and say what fruits are, what vegetables are. Then the children are divided into teams. One child from the team says the name of a fruit or vegetable, the player of the other team must answer - what is it - a fruit or vegetable. Then vice versa.

Option number 2. A team player guesses a riddle, for example, “Red Fruit”, a player of the opposing team must guess what he guessed.

24. Exerc. " The sun and the cloud."

Progress: the exercise is aimed at relieving mental stress, teaching the child to regulate his emotional state.

Move: The sun went behind a cloud, it became fresh - shrink into a ball to warm up, hold your breath. The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became hot, exhausted in the sun - relax on the exhale.

25. Game " Guess the group" The principle of this game is the same as in the game “Who is who? What is what? Throwing the ball, the leader calls any word, and the child, catching the ball and throwing it back, must say which group this word belongs to.

26. Exercise . "Domovyata". Discussion of Domovyat's drawings, whose faces express different emotions. Remember what feelings and emotions are.

27 . Occupation " Salt dough modeling. The child sculpts a cheerful face (an emotion of joy, pleasure, laughter, etc.), paints.

28. Exercise . "I see…". Participants, sitting in a circle, take turns calling the objects that are in the room, starting each statement with the words: "I see ...". You cannot repeat the same item twice.

29. Game "tactile image". Children are divided into pairs, one of the pair of children stands forward, the other behind him. The child standing behind draws an image on the back of his partner, for example, ships or a house. The partner must determine what is drawn. If he guesses right, the couple steps forward and the children switch places. The couple that reaches the leader the fastest wins.

30. Game "The Path of Trust" Strengthens trust within the group, develops tactile perception. One child puts on a blindfold, the second leader. The leader brings a friend to different objects, he determines by touch what it is. Then the bell rings, and the guys change places.

31. Control . "Listen, remember, show." Attention exercise. The host calls and repeats several movements once or twice, without showing them. Children must make movements in the same sequence in which they were named by the leader.

32. Exercise. "Shading the figures". Children trace figures according to special rulers (with the shapes of animals, birds) and then hatch them in a given direction, carefully without getting out of the edges, evenly.

33. Game "Remember your place."

The leader quickly and clearly names a place in the room for each child, which he must take at the command of the leader. For example, for one child this place is a corner, for another it is a chair, etc. Then all the children gather in a group near the leader and wait for the command. On the command “place”, they scatter to their places.

34. Game "Blots".

In this game, you need to prepare clean sheets of paper, liquid paint (gouache) in advance. Children are invited to take a little paint of the color they want on a brush, splash paint on a sheet of paper and fold the sheet in half so that the “blot” is printed on the second half of the sheet. Then unfold the sheet and try to understand who or what the resulting “blot” looks like.

Information for the leader of the group, which can be obtained during this game:

1. Aggressive or depressed children choose the inkblot. dark colors. They see aggressive plots in the inkblot (a fight, a scary monster, etc.). Discussing the “terrible drawing” helps to free oneself from negative feelings and aggression in a symbolic form.

2. It is useful to seat a calm child next to an aggressive child. The latter will take for drawings luminous paints and seeing nice things (butterflies, fabulous bouquets, etc.) Discussing pictures can help change the state of a problem child.

3. Children who are predisposed to anger choose mostly black or red colors.

4. Children with a low mood choose purple and lilac tones (colors of sadness).

5. Gray and brown tones are chosen by tense, conflicting, disinhibited children (addiction to these colors indicates that the child needs to be calmed)

6. Such situations are possible. When children choose colors individually, there is no clear connection between color and the mental state of a person.

35. Game "Story in reverse."

Children are invited to try to compose a story, that is, from the end. The student begins the story, sitting "at the end of the hour hand." For example: "And after that they lived happily ever after." The next neighbor in front of him continues “Finally they got married, etc. (who violated the sequence is out of the game).

36. Game "Photographer". The leader remembers the location of the group members and goes out the door. The guys make three changes in their composition. The host must restore the original composition.

37. Game Pantomime "I love", "I don't love". The kids show they love. The rest will recognize the movements.

38. Game"Brook". Children are divided into pairs. Couples join hands and raise their hands up. A couple becomes a couple, forming a passage. One child remains. He passes under the arms, choosing someone for himself. The other one does the same.

39. Exercise. Collective drawing "Flower". The center of the flower is drawn on the paper. Each child draws one petal - paints it, signs it as he wishes.

40. My name is my affectionate name. Getting the kids to know each other.

Children sit in a semicircle with a psychologist. A soft toy is passed in turn, and the child calls himself the name he likes best (usual, or the name of the animal, or as his parents call him).

Corrective meaning consists in the fact that the child in this way can, as it were, get out of his old "I" and put on a different mask. Usually often choose the name of friends, the name of the animal, which is deeply symbolic.

Diagnostic meaning Choosing a wrong name is a sign of rejection of oneself. Thus, a feeling of own trouble is manifested. The choice of a foreign name serves as a pointer to the desired object of identification.

1. An exercise“Let's say hello with arms, legs, noses, cheeks”, etc.

Everyone around the circle greet each other.

41. The game "Zhmurki"

Target: relieve emotional stress

This game is a good diagnostic technique that reveals the initial level of independent activity of the group and some group roles, emerging group hierarchies.

If the children play actively, that is, they choose the leader themselves, pull back those who prompt, then the group is really active, and the psychologist takes the position of a passive observer.

The facilitator gives the task to the students, they perform it:

1. Put your hands on the table, palms down. One hand is clenched into a fist, while the other straightens out at the same time.

2. Palm - fist - palm - edge - Actions are performed on command, while the hands are on the table.

3. Touch the thumb with all fingers in turn. Actions to perform, increasing the pace.

Exercise "MYSTERIES".

1. Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window,
Round side, ruddy side, rolled .... (Kolobok)

2. Grandmother loved the girl very much,
She gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name
Well, tell me her name... (Red Riding Hood)

3. The nose is round, with a snout, it is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
The tail is small, crocheted, instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent, friendly brothers are similar.
Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (3 piglets)

4. Treats birds and animals, treats small children,
Looking through his glasses, good doctor (Aibolit)

5. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,
Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (Fox)
6) Who is cold in winter, wandering angry, hungry? (Wolf)


The psychologist taps out a certain rhythm and invites students to repeat it in turn. Then one of the students taps the rhythm and the children take turns repeating it.

The game "SEA WAVES".

The game is played in a room, the children stand in any order, sway in place, their hands are raised up. They loudly repeat the words after the psychologist in chorus:
The sea worries once, the sea worries twice,
The sea is worried three, the marine figure freeze in place!
After these words, all players freeze in place, depicting some figure. The driver walks around the room and chooses the figure that he likes best. This person becomes the leader. All the rest "come to life" at the command "Otomri!". The game starts over.

The program of activities during the period of adaptation of first-graders.


Medical-psychological-pedagogical consultations. 1. Completion of 1st grades, clarification of training programs, recommendations for the period of adaptation, taking into account the characteristics of the class (diagnostic data for school readiness from kindergartens, clinics).

2. Features of the primary adaptation of 1st grade students. Filling in by teachers of "Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for students, the formation of school-significant functions." Correction of recommendations.

Deputy director of water resources management at the primary level, class teachers of the 1st grade, a psychologist.

3. Determination of the direction of individual correctional and developmental work with children at risk.

Deputy Director of WRM of the initial level, psychologist.

4. Mini-pedagogical consultations: Features of the adaptation of 1st grade students at school.

Pedagogical support for difficult children. Correction of interpersonal relationships, etc.

Features of the intellectual and personal development of children with learning problems (if necessary, the recommendations of the PMPK).


Deputy director of primary level water resources management, teacher, psychologist.


Diagnosis of school readiness;

Diagnosis of adaptation of 1st grade students;

In-depth diagnostics by problems;

Registration at the PMPK (if necessary).

1st half of September.

November December.

During a year.



Psychologist, teacher.


Psychologist, teacher.

Methodical, information and educational work.

1.Security methodical literature, educational and psychological on the problem of adaptation of first-graders.

2. Increasing the competence of teachers and parents on the problem of the adaptation period of first-graders.

2 The study of the activities of teachers in designing training sessions, taking into account health-saving principles and the formation of students' cognitive interest.

3. Providing assistance to teachers in planning activities during the adaptation period.

4. Activities to inform parents about the types of assistance that they and their children can receive at school.

5. Activities to inform teachers and parents about the results of developmental and correctional work and the development of a joint strategy for helping children.

6. Consulting teachers and parents on the development of students in the adaptation period.

7. Organization of activities to improve the competence of parents in providing timely and adequate assistance to children.

During a year.

Deputy director for water resources management at the initial level, head of the MO, psychologist.

Working with parents (psychological direction):

Parent meetings.

1. Acquaintance.

Problem solving:

1. To introduce the parents of future first graders to the class, teachers, school, administration, parents with each other.

2. Help parents prepare for a change in status in the family and understanding the significance of the baby's transition to a new psychophysical state.

Features of adaptation of first-graders to school.

1. Acquaintance of parents with the features of psychophysiological processes during the period of adaptation of the child to school and the conditions necessary to create a situation of success.

2. Suggest practical advice on the adaptation of the child to school.

3. The results of the adaptation period of first-graders.

1. Inform parents about the results of the diagnosis.

2. Practical advice.

3. Invitation for consultations.

4. Individual consultations for parents on the issues of education and upbringing, development of first-graders.


December - January.

During a year.

Teacher, psychologist, Deputy Director for WRM of the initial level.

Psychologist, teacher.

Psychologist, teacher.

Psychologist, teacher.

1.Psychological and pedagogical support for students at risk.

During the year and subsequent years.

Socio-psychological service, deputy. Director for WHR.


1. Kryazheva Emotional world of children. A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.-208p.

2. Lyutova E., Monina G. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrective work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. - St. Petersburg: Speech; TC Sphere, 2002. - 136s.

3. Landrat therapy: the art of relationships: Per. from English/foreword .-M.: International Pedagogical Academy, 1994.-368s.

4. Matveeva O. "The program" Sun "for the social and psychological adaptation of children in elementary school." School psychologist №6, 2004

5. Osipova psycho-correction: textbook. allowance for university students. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.-512s.

6. Social relations and the emotional world of the child. Scientific and practical collection. Ed. - Moscow - Stavropol: Ileksa, Stavropolservisshkola, 2001.

7.Chistyakova. - M: Enlightenment, 1995.-120s.

8. Alyabyeva in elementary school: Methodical materials to help psychologists and teachers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004. - 88 p.

9. Desktop book of primary school teacher and psychologist. State standards of the second generation. /, - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 283 p. - Primary School/.

10., Semago and the practice of assessing the mental development of the child. Preschool and primary school age. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2011. - 384 pages, illustrations.

11. "School psychologist" newspaper No. 39 for 2003. (N. Semago, M. Semago Psychological assessment of readiness to start schooling).

12., Vasiliev psychologist in elementary school. M "Perfection", 1998.

Also, when developing classes, the materials of the programs (fragments of classes) were used: 1. Khlebnikov psychological and pedagogical support for first-graders at the stage of primary adaptation to school. "The first time in first class".

2.Working book of a school psychologist. /ed. I. Dubrovina. - M .: "Enlightenment", 1991.

svetlana kolganova
A cycle of classes on the adaptation of children of the nursery group to kindergarten

Classes for the adaptation of children of the nursery group to kindergarten

Toddler child crossed the threshold for the first time kindergarten . Such a transition of the baby to a new social environment at first causes him a stressful state, which can lead to emotional disturbances. The leading activity in preschool age is the game, so all work in nursery group adaptation of children to kindergarten based on the game.

Suggested lessons with children promotes mental health, prevents emotional distress, develops a better understanding of self and others, creates opportunities for self-expression, helps to gain experience with other children and with adults.

Target: development of communication skills of communication and emotional sphere younger preschoolers during the period adaptation

Tasks: 1. Create conditions for the protection and promotion of health children, relief period adaptation to the conditions preschool. 2. Help overcome stressful conditions at children in the period of adaptation to kindergarten. 3. Help reduce impulsivity, excessive physical activity, anxiety, aggression. 4. Develop gaming skills, arbitrary behavior. 5. To teach to adequately respond to the emotions of peers. 6. Develop communication skills in the process of interaction children(ability to negotiate, come to common decision help others and consider everyone's opinion). 7. Experience common joy and experiences from joint actions. 8. Develop expressiveness of movements; general motor skills. 9. Teach the rules of communication with peers and adults. 10. Shaping auspicious psychological climate in group.

Lesson 1"Zainka - Bunny"

Tasks: create y children adaptation child in a peer group, the development of fine and general motor skills.

Material: a big soft toy - a bunny.

1. Greeting “A river begins with a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile”

Children hold hands, look at each other and smile at each other.

2. Main body

Surprise moment - the appearance of a bunny.

Psychologist: “Look who came to visit you?”. (Children describe a toy - a bunny.) “Do you want to play with the bunny? You just need to get to know each other first.".

An exercise "Acquaintance"

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The psychologist approaches each child and on behalf of the bunny He speaks: “Hi, my name is Bunny, how are you?”

Psychologist. We said hello to the bunny, and now our fingers want to say hello to each other.

An exercise "Fingers say hello"

Finger, finger, where have you been? (Circular movements with the thumb.)

I went to the forest with this brother (thumb touches the tip of the index finger,

I cooked borscht with this brother (the thumb touches the middle one - a ring is formed,

I ate porridge with this brother (big one with a nameless one,

I sang a song with this brother (large with little finger).

An exercise "Hares"

The psychologist and the children, holding hands, stand in a circle and imitate movements according to the words poems:

The bunny came out for a walk (they walk in a circle, holding hands, La-la-la, la-la-la,

Stretch your paws (shake your hands and slightly rotate in a circle, La-la-la ...

Psycho-gymnastics "Quiet Hour for Bunnies"

Held under musical accompaniment. The psychologist plays the role of the mother of the Hare, the children are the rabbits.

Evening came, and mother Zaychikha called all her children in the house. (To embrace children, bringing everyone together.)

Bunnies go to bed - each on his own bed. (Children lie down in a comfortable position on the carpet.)

Bunnies want to sleep. They yawn, stretch and fall asleep. (Children lie quietly.)

Morning has come. The sun looked into the house to the hares and caressed with its gentle ray children. (Children open their eyes, stretch.)

Mom Zaychiha is glad to see her children. (The psychologist smiles, hugs everyone children.)

3. Farewell "Air kisses"

Lesson 2"The doll came to visit us"

Tasks: removal of emotional and muscular tension; decrease in impulsivity, excessive physical activity, anxiety, aggression; development of interaction skills children with each other; development of emotional responsiveness to the world around; development of attention and thinking.

Material: doll, miraculous item pouch by quantity children

1. Greeting

2. Main body

surprise moment

Psychologist: - Hello guys. I didn't come here alone today. (show doll). Getting to know the doll

This is our doll. Her name is Natasha. What's your name guys? (getting acquainted)

All the kids love the doll

We can play hide and seek with her.

You can give porridge to eat,

Drink milk from a cup.

I brought a bath

Doll, wash yourself.

Do you think the doll can wash itself? Let's teach her how to wash.

An exercise "Let's teach the doll to wash"

Water, water,

Wash my face (Tanya, Masha, etc.)

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth

(When pronouncing the nursery rhyme, the children perform the appropriate movements.)

The game "What's in the bag"

Doll brought for us magic pouch. Want to know what's in it?

Children take out one object and name it. Consider. They play.

The game "Carousels"

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels started spinning.

And then, then, then.

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush.

Stop the carousel.

One, two, one, two

Here the game is over.

3. Farewell

Lesson 3"Cat - Cat"

Tasks: create y children positive emotional state, development of communication skills, adaptation child in a peer group; development of small muscles of the hands, learning to understand and repeat a poetic text, guess riddles, motivation children to active speech.

Material: colored pencils, cat toy, paths.

1. Greeting

2. Main body


Children, guess the riddle.

He has a nose in sour cream and a mouth. Guess who it is? (cat)

Who has a cat at home? What are their names? Do you want to become cats? I know a wonderful riddle rhyme about a cat.

Who plays with a ball

He walks barefoot in the snow.

Licks his round belly -

This is our furry... (Kitty)

Cats love to bathe. How do they do it? (Children show).

How do cats walk? (Children show).

Kitty, kitty, kitty, come here! These little cats probably love to play. I have toys for you.

An exercise "Colour pencils"

How do kittens play with pencils? They know how to roll pencils on the floor. Let's play a pencil, but not on the floor, but between the palms. The psychologist shows

Surprise moment - the appearance of the Kitty

Psychologist: While we were playing, the cat Murzik came to us (a toy). Children describe the toy.

The game "Purr purr", "Meow meow"

cat says: "Purr purr"- children "sleep" (hands under cheek, close eyes). cat He speaks: "Meow meow"- children clap their hands.

An exercise "The cat is dancing" (conducted to cheerful music)

The cat is calling affectionately children calling them by name. The child, whose name was named by Kotik, gets up and dances towards Kotik, the rest of the children clap their hands. The game ends with the dance of all children and cat.

Relaxation exercise "Kitty is tired". Relaxation

The cat with the tail was playing

Like this, like this!

Having fun, dancing

Like this, like this!

And then the cat got tired

Like this, like this!

Get some rest

Like this, like this!

Children in a comfortable position lie on the carpet, listen to music, relax.

The cat wakes up, opens his eyes, stretches. Saying goodbye to children.

3. Farewell

Hello school!

Adaptation classes withfirst graders


1. Creation of conditions for ensuring emotional comfort,
feelings of security among first-graders when entering school
new life.

2.Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom as needed
conditions for the development of self-confidence in children.

3. Helping first-graders in understanding and accepting the rules of school
noah life and themselves in the role of students.

4.Creating favorable conditions for children to get to know each other

5. Organization of interaction between children as a prerequisite for
developing the skills of educational cooperation.

6. Creation of prerequisites for group cohesion of the class.

7. Creation of conditions for the development of space by first-graders
their class as a prerequisite for mastering the space of the school.

8. Acquaintance of the teacher with the characteristics of children in this class.

Adaptation classes for first graders are designed for
10 training hours and cover the following topics:




Acquaintance. Acquaintance of first graders with the teacher and with each other.

School rules. Acquaintance of first graders with the rules of school life and continued acquaintance with each other.

Schoolchild and preschooler. Awareness by children of their new status as schoolchildren.

Why do they go to school. Awareness by children of their new status as schoolchildren.

Grade. Formation of a realistic perception of school assessment by first-graders.

We learn to work together.


First class travel. Consolidation of a positive emotional attitude towards school and learning.

1. Classes are held at the beginning of the academic year.

2. Classes are held once or twice a week.

3. Numbers of classes reflect the sequence of their conduct.

4. The final lesson (Lessons 9 and 10) makes sense to conduct as
double lesson, as it is final and wears for children
festive character.

5. Classes are held simultaneously with the whole class.

6. In the section "Progress of the lesson" the proposal is described in sufficient detail.
my content for each lesson. At the same time, the teacher, relying
on his own initiative, can creatively approach the lesson, take into account
vaya specificity of its class.

7. When conducting classes, it is important for the teacher to rely on several
rules that will facilitate the adaptation of first graders
to school life. It is important to encourage children to take
participation in the discussion, their attempts to answer the questions of the teacher.
Even if the student's answer does not fully correspond to the content of the
millet, it is worth supporting him by saying: "What an interesting opinion," and
ask the guys: “Who thinks differently?”. These classes do not
wrong answers, it is important that each child feels that his opinion is being asked for in order to improve his
involvement in the educational process.

Appeals to students, wording of tasks proposed in
section "Progress of classes" are psychologically verified, and the teacher should
pay attention to them, as they will help to make a touch
vision to inner world first graders careful and dividing
rolling. In statements addressed to children, it makes sense to avoid negative
meaningful assessment, as many incorrect answers or behaviors
may be associated with the stressful state of children. Very important
but do not skimp on the support of children, find something in everyone, for
what can be praised, about which you can say: “I liked it ...”
8. Well, if in further work with first graders, on others
subjects, the teacher will find it possible to use the accumulated
experience during adaptation classes. This may be the rule of thumb
cheer each other on for class at the end of the school day. It may
be an emphasis on the fact that everyone in the class can be attentive
nym. This may be the use of the "But" technique (see.
tie 6) for the development in children of the skill of positive evaluation of
results of their activities.


Used in the classroom various forms work with students:
game tasks and exercises psychological nature, creative
some tasks, discussion with children of completed tasks, generalization
the results of some tasks in the form of general exhibitions and compositions,
helping to master the class space.

As an application to the developed adaptation activities
pits, we offer materials that teachers can use
attending a parent-teacher meeting to help parents
to understand how difficult it is for their children, to help find ways to support
children and avoid obvious mistakes in behavior with their children.

Lesson 1

Theme: Acquaintance

GOAL: acquaintance of first-graders with the teacher and with each other.


1. Giving children the opportunity to give their names and
creating conditions for remembering the names of other children.

2. The formation of children's attitude towards each other as whole group- "Class".

3. Acquaintance of students with the school rule: "Speak in turn."

4. Acquaintance with the space of the class, the formation of an attitude towards it as one's own class.


1. Sign with the inscription "OUR CLASS".

2. Flowers cut out of thick colored paper. The name of the teacher and the names of all the students are written on them in block letters. You can make all the flowers in different colors, for example, make flowers with the names of girls in one color, and with the names of boys in another.

3. Recording calm, light music without words.

4. Sheets of thick white paper for "suns", size 15 cm x 15 cm (according to the number of children in the class).

5. Scotch.


The teacher greets the children and greets them.

Teacher: “I am very glad to meet you. You came to the first class
and our school will become a place where you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, get answers to various difficult questions. And, of course, here you will meet many new friends. And so that we all get to know each other better, so that you get to know your classmates and your school better, we will meet at dating lessons. In these lessons, you can work and play together.

Guys, the signal for the beginning of the dating lesson will be these words, listen:

Guys, in order for our lesson to begin, let's say these
words together. Please stand by your tables. Look at me and repeat the movements that I will show. try
repeat the words after me to better remember them.

The teacher once again pronounces the words that serve as a signal for the beginning of the lesson, accompanying them with the following movements:

One, two, three (claps his hands 3 times) - listen (shows his hands to his ears) and look (shows his hands to his eyes)!

Three, two, one (claps Zraza) - we'll start now! (holds out hands to the class, palms up).
Teacher: "Thank you! Please sit down in your seats and look at me."


“I am your teacher. My name is (says the name and attaches to the board
a flower cut out of colored paper, on which the name of the teacher is written in block letters).

Look around how many kids are in the class. Maybe you still
not everyone knows each other, not everyone knows each other. Of course, everyone has their own
name, and it is immediately difficult to remember who is called by what. But it's difficult
talk to a person if you don't know their name. And we will study together, and therefore you need to know all the guys in your class.

Let's get acquainted. When I say "Three-four!" - each by
team will call out their name. Come on, let's try! (The teacher commands loudly, the children shout their names.) Oh-oh-oh! ... It seems to be loud
shouted, but I didn’t hear a single name! Have you heard all the names? That's what I didn't hear.

Let's try differently. If it doesn't work out loud, let's say our names in a low whisper. (Quietly commands, the children whisper.)
Again, something is not right ... No one shouted, but still nothing is clear.
Have you heard many names? Also no?

Probably, guys, the fact is that everyone is talking at the same time. Working together is good, playing is fun, singing is great, but answering is bad:
when everyone is talking different words then understand nothing. Let's try to speak in turn, one at a time and listen to the names of the boys and girls of our class. I will approach each one in turn.
of you, and the one whose shoulder I touch will loudly and clearly name his
name. I have flowers with your names in my hand, I will give everyone one of
colors. (The teacher walks around the class, touching each child in turn, and when he hears the name, puts a flower with the name of this child on the desk.) Thank you! Now all the names were heard.

There are flowers with your names in front of you. Listen carefully to the task. Flowers will help you fulfill them."

The teacher asks those whom he names to raise flowers. Examples
assignments: “Boys, lift up the flowers”, “Girls, lift
flowers”, “Raise the flowers, those whose names begin with a letter ...” (Names several letters in turn).

“Let's grow a large flower meadow on our board.
Let's do it this way. I will call some guys to the board, they will come here and put their flowers on the board. You need to listen carefully
shall I call you. I ask everyone who is called to come to the board ... (called
a name that is the same for several guys, for example, Dima). Thus, small groups (2-5 people) come to the board, with the help of the teacher, attach their flowers to the board and sit down.

The teacher takes out a sign that says "OUR CLASS". “Guys, look how many flowers we got, just as many as us.
And we are all one class (places a sign over the flowers). Here he is -
our class."

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the room in which they
are. “Guys, our class is all of us, and our class is also
the room where we are. Look how amazing he is:
light and cozy! But you are here quite recently and not yet quite to him
used to it, right? And he has not yet got used to us either: he is waiting, looking closely - will we love him, take care of him, will we offend him? let's
Let's give our class a gift: decorate it with golden suns! Let everyone draw a sun that can warm, cheer and cheer up! Then our class will become the brightest and most comfortable.” The teacher distributes sheets of thick white paper to the children, the students begin to draw. During this task, it is desirable to use quiet, cheerful music without words. Children draw.

Teacher: “Who has finished drawing, put the pencils in place, and
drawing in front of you. I will come up, and you will quietly tell me what place in the class your sun liked. Everyone will have their own sun in our class, and since there are many of us, we will all be warm and
cosy." The teacher approaches those of the children who have finished drawing, asks what place in the class the sun liked and helps to attach it to the place chosen by the child (for example, using adhesive tape).

“Listen, the music stops. Our first dating lesson is coming to an end. If someone has not yet had time to choose a place for the sun, come to me at a break, and we will make it more comfortable.

Today we did a great job and even played a little. BUT
now we will end our lesson by thanking each other for it.
Make eye contact with the person you want to say "thank you" to and silently
nod your head, thank you with your eyes and a nod of your head. (Teacher for
makes eye contact with several first graders in line and nods his thanks.)

Guys, thank you all for your hard work. Until the next lesson.

Lesson 2

Theme: Rules of school life

GOAL: acquaintance of first graders with each other and the rules of
conduct at school.


1. Creating conditions for further acquaintance of children with each other
with each other and interactions with each other.

2. Acquaintance of first graders with such rules of behavior
at school, how to “not talk to each other in class,
if it is not related to the performance of the task", "do not shout with
places, even if you know the correct answer”, “no hints
wat", "raise your hand if you want to answer a question or
want to ask you something."

3. Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

1. Signs that remind students of the rules of conduct during
lesson time (see Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4).

2. Round sheets of paper (diameter about 10-12 cm).

3. Musical melody without words, sounding for 7-10 minutes.


Teacher: Hello guys! Our dating lessons continue-
yutsya. Today we will try to get to know each other better and get to know each other better.
Let's go with a few school rules. So, let's begin."

The teacher asks the children to stand near their desks and say with him
lines of the poem:

One, two, three - listen and see!
Three, two, one - we'll start now!

In this case, the poem is accompanied by movements (see Lesson 1).
Teacher: “I really want to wish good morning to everyone-everyone-
everyone, each of you. Good morning, guys! And let's play with you
Good morning game.

Good morning game

I will say the words: "Good morning ..." and call someone from our class.
Those whom I name will wave to me - it means that you heard and answered
go to hello. Shall we try? Good morning to all girls!... Good
morning to all the boys!... Good morning to all those who brushed their teeth today
would!... Good morning to everyone who likes this weather, as it is now for ok-
nom!... Good morning to everyone who loves candy!... Good morning to everyone who
wants to know what we're going to play today... Well done!"

An exercise " sensitive hands»

The teacher invites 10-12 children to the board. After this group
pa will complete 3-4 tasks, the children return to their places, and the teacher
announces the following guys so that in the end he took part in the exercise
the whole class. You can invite children sitting in the same row or
in some other way.

“Now I will ask those who are sitting to come to me ... Stand, please
luista, next to, in a line, facing the class. Well done! I will ask (name-
gives the name of one of the children) to touch everyone’s hands and determine who has
warmest hands.

The child determines who, in his opinion, has the warmest hands, according to
touching the hands of all the children standing at the blackboard.

Teacher: "Good! (says child's name) is the warmest right now
arms. Now I will ask you to determine which of the guys has the most
cold hands. Touch the hands of the guys, feel what they are:
warm, cold and then choose the coolest hands. Child
determines who has the coolest hands, after which the one chosen
does the following task.

Task options: determine who has the warmest (coolest)
cheeks (ears); determine who has the warmest (coolest) forehead (nose).
It is important that the child completes the task by touching other children.

The teacher thanks the children for their work and moves on to the next


Teacher: “Guys, did you pay attention to road signs? They are
tell drivers where to drive and where not to. They say pe-
pedestrians where you need to cross the road. Road signs help us
they tell the rules of behavior on the road. If you do not pay attention to
them attention - be in trouble! Does the school have rules of conduct and
what are they? What can be done and what is not always possible? Tell me what's wrong
what to do in class? (Pupils answer.) And how should one behave during the lesson? (Students answer.) So that we do not forget about the rules for learning
nicknames, school rules, we need our signs. For example, at the level
you can’t talk to each other, otherwise you can listen to everything and
learn nothing, so our class will have the following sign:
(shows Sign 1). You and I already know that when everyone screams together,
no answers are heard, therefore, that it is impossible to shout from a place, even
if you know the correct answer, we will be reminded of the following sign:
shows Sign 2). And you can tell other guys the answer when
the teacher asks not you? Of course not, if a friend gets used to sub-
fairy tales, he will forget how to think for himself, but is this help? About the fact that in
In our class there is no place for clues, this sign will remind us (show-
sign 3). What to do if you want to ask or answer something
to a question? Of course, for this you need to raise your hand and wait until the teacher
ask to speak. Here is a sign that tells us about this school
rule (shows Sign 4). Of course, guys, this is not all school
rules, there are many, and gradually you will learn them all. Today we post-
I tried to remember only a few of these rules, but they are very important
in order to study at school and to have order in the classroom.

And now listen to the story that happened in the Forest School
le, in first grade animals. On the very first day of school, the teacher
introduced them to those school rules that we are talking about today
spoke. (The teacher shows the Signs and asks to be reminded of which
each Sign speaks in the rule.) The animals listened, listened, with their heads
nodding, they say, everything is clear, but the next day ... Listen to what
came out in a lesson at the Forest School and try to notice which rules
la animals forgot. If anyone notices, raise your hand so I can see. Goto-
you? Listen!


In the morning the animals gathered in the classroom. The little bear looked sleepily
around, Bunny happily bounced on the spot, looking forward to
the beginning of the lesson, Fox looked at the animals in the classroom and remembered how
who is called. The bell rang. The lesson has begun. The teacher entered the class
greeted everyone and asked: “Who wants to help me today
give books? Before he had time to finish, the animals jumped up from their seats,
hands stretch to the ceiling, and everyone shouts with all his might that his Teacher
heard: “I want! I will help!" And the Hare and the Fox even to the Teacher
they ran up and jumped around him so that he would notice them. barely
reassured his "assistants" the Teacher.

Meanwhile, the lesson continued. The teacher said that he had prepared for
riddles and asked them to listen carefully. And the Little Bear tilted his head towards the Little Fox and listened to the Little Fox whispering to him that he
he knows my mushroom places in the forest and after school he will show the Bear cub,
where white mushrooms grow the size of chairs.

The teacher says: “Well, ears on top? Listen to the riddle:
“It flies all night, gets mice, and it becomes light - it flies to sleep in a hollow
lo. Who is it? Little bear, who do you think it is? Got up Bear-
Nok, looks around, can't understand anything. "Who is this, how
you think?" - again the Teacher asks. "It's a fox," replies
The teddy bear is the first thing that came to mind, and can not understand in any way,
why everyone is laughing. Asked the Teacher Bear cub not to distract
katsya, listen carefully and the Hare asks the answer. Hare
he can’t solve the riddle in any way and squints at his friends with his eyes, they say, help
git, tell me. Belochka felt sorry for her neighbor on the desk, she and
let him whisper: “Co-va. Owl". And the Bunny is spinning with its ears,
tries to hear, but just can’t make out the words, it’s too quiet
The squirrel speaks.

"Well, then, do you know the answer?" - The teacher asks. "Yes. it
fox, ”said the Hare what he heard from Squirrel’s mumble
tanya. And the animals laughed again. Yes, only fun in this story
there was not much, because they didn’t have time to teach the animals a new lesson-
Xia, nothing interesting to know. Why did it happen? About what
did they forget the school rules?

The teacher asks several students. Thank them for their attention
activity and prompts you to move on to the next task.

Exercise "Living Trees"

"Those who can imagine, imagine what is not really there,
are called dreamers. The dreamer can imagine that he is transformed
hid in a bird, some animal, or even some thing -
like a real magician! We also fantasize a little.
Let's imagine that we turn into ... trees. Who is thin
birch, some - into a mighty oak, some - into an apple tree ... Think about what de-
roar you would like to turn into ... Stand up and imagine that you are a tree
vya ... Here we stretched our arms up, like branches ... (All movements of the teacher
does with the children). The wind blew softly, our branches quietly swayed
joking ... Here the wind blew stronger and our fingers, like leaves, trembled
sorry for the wind. The wind subsides, our branches sway a little, the leaves
rustle a little ... We are beautiful, strong trees ... We are drawn to the sun
baby, we are glad that we have grown so strong and beautiful, we wave
leaves to the sky, clouds, sunbeams ... And now we slowly lower our hands and turn back into boys and girls, and the mood
we have a light and joyful stay! Please take your seats."

Task "Gift to the class"

The teacher gives the children round pieces of paper (diameter about 10-
12 cm). “Guys, today we will make our class, and at the same time ourselves
one gift. This gift will not be simple, but musical. Now
you will hear a beautiful melody. First just listen to it and
think about what this melody tells you, what reminds you that you want to
it seems to you to draw when you listen to it ... When you imagine, draw
stick your drawing on the circles that I gave you. Maybe someone
for some it will be a forest, for some it will be a sea or a river, and for some it will be remembered
bima toy and wants to draw it ... Draw what you want
draw to this tune. The teacher turns on the music
remembers that you must first just listen and remember, imagine
something nice. After 25-30 seconds he says: “If you have already imagined
to yourself what you will draw, you can proceed.

Finished drawings the teacher strings on a thread, the resulting
a garland is hung in the classroom. The teacher thanks the children for the lesson.

Lesson 3
Theme: Rules of school life

GOAL: continued acquaintance of first-graders with each other and
with the rules of conduct during the lesson.


1. Creation of conditions for further acquaintance of the first
classmates with each other, organization of interaction
between children.

2. Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

3. Practical mastering of the rules of conduct during the lesson,
with which first-graders met in the second lesson.


1. Sheets of blank paper according to the number of students.

2. Colored pencils or felt-tip pens.


The teacher greets the children and offers to start the lesson with what they already know.
whom to them in the first two lessons of the poem.

“Guys, are you ready for our lesson? Then let's say together
we press the words with which we begin the lesson.

One, two, three - listen and see!
Three, two, one - we'll start now!

The poem is accompanied by movements (see Lesson 1), which
rye teacher does together with the students.

Teacher: “Sit down and listen to whom I want to say today
wish good morning. Those to whom I turn, show me that you will
heard: raise your hand and wave to me. Good? (The game "Good
morning". See Activity 2.)

Listen. Good morning to everyone who came to school today! .. Add-
good morning to everyone who has red (or any other) in their clothes
color!... Good morning to everyone who has already managed to smile at least once today
... Good morning to everyone who brushes their teeth in the morning! ... Good morning to everyone
who wants to know what we will play today!..

Well done! Well, then listen to what the next game will be.

The game "Wanted ..."

“Imagine that our class has a magic radio that
transmits messages about the lost guys. But here's what's interesting: all
these guys are in our class! You just need to carefully
look around and find the one about whom the message is being conveyed. So, pay attention
nie- attention! Looking for a boy. He has dark hair, gray
eyes, a blue sweater, on the table in front of him lies a red pencil case and a white
ruler... Who is this? Who guessed, raise your hand and wait for me
I'll ask you." If the children cannot guess, the teacher gives more and more specific
a different description: what letter does his name begin with, what desk does he sit at?
child, etc. If, guessing, the children scream from their seats, jump up, etc., then it is important
but recall the rule of conduct during the lesson, showing the corresponding
howling sign. Thus, the teacher is "looking for" 5-6 students, describing
their appearance, clothes, things that lie in front of them. Desirable
also “signs-compliments”: “This girl has a cheerful smile.
This boy has a very focused look, etc.”

Task "Favorite season"

“Guys, you have already met many in our class, for-
remember the names of many of the guys in our class. And to get to know
to get closer, it is important to find out not only the name of the person, but also what
what he likes, what he likes, what he likes. Therefore I propose
think about what time of the year each of you has a favorite: winter, spring
on, summer or autumn. Think and draw this season on the sheets,
which I will distribute to you. Everyone thinks for himself, does not ask anyone for tips and does not whisper with a neighbor. You need to draw exactly
my favorite time of the year.”

The teacher distributes sheets of paper and invites everyone who has already decided
what time of the year is his favorite, start drawing him. Time
drawing about 5 minutes. Shortly before the end of time the teacher
asks the children to finish the drawings.

Teacher: “How many beautiful drawings turned out. Great! And those-
Now I will ask those who drew SUMMER to come to the board. That's how much
The kids in our class love summer." The teacher lists all the children
names, accompanying the naming by name with a soft touch on
child, so that once again there is a correlation of the child with his
name for all children.

Teacher: “Guys, here you have drawn summer as your favorite time
of the year. Why do you like it so much? What's good about summer for you?
Children respond, and the teacher, supporting their answers, stimulates them to
your statements, saying: “What else, what else? ..” It is important that children
called as many signs as possible, by which they like summer so much.

After a group of children have named what they like about the selected
them the season, the teacher asks them to sit down, thanks for the work
Tu and asks those who like the next season to come out. So continue-
huddles until all the children have been at the blackboard. The drawings remain with the teacher,
and then the exhibition "MY FAVORITE SEASON" is made from them.

Teacher: “It turns out that there is something pleasant in every season of the year.
new, and it's great that we told a lot of good things about each season
neck. And who remembers what is your favorite season of the year (gives the name of one
th of the children)? Good." The teacher names 3-4 more children. “Well done! You
Not only do you draw wonderfully, but you are also very attentive guys.”

put your hands up! Repeat after me.

Teacher: “Guess what happens sometimes in spring, often in summer, and also
more often in autumn? It is mushroomy, but it is torrential! Correctly,
it's rain! Let's try to make it rain in our class. Prepare-
put your hands up! Repeat after me."

Exercise "Rain"

The teacher taps lightly index finger one hand on the palm
another. “Here the first drops fall on the ground, the rain is barely audible ...”

The teacher taps harder with two fingers. “But he became
twists stronger, but still not big: someone has not even opened

Tapping with three fingers. "The rain is getting stronger!"

Tapping with four fingers. “Well, it’s raining outside! drove everyone to
my! Everything got wet, huge puddles spilled!

Taps with five fingers. “This is a real downpour! How would-
Our school didn't drown in this rain!"

Gradually removes one finger at a time. "It's good that the rain began
Quieter... And even quieter... And yet more... And now the last drops are falling... Con-
our rain was falling!”

Exercise "What grows after the rain?"

Teacher: “Now we will play the game “What grows after the rain?”.
After the rain, for example, flowers and herbs grow, and a bench,
no matter how much you water it, it cannot grow after the rain. When I called
wu what can grow after the rain, you clap your hands. And if you
hear the name of something that cannot grow after the rain, then sit
Quietly, no need to clap. Does everyone understand? Let's try.

Mushrooms grow after the rain...

Houses grow after the rain...

Trees grow after the rain...

Books grow after rain...

Umbrellas grow after the rain...

Flowers grow after the rain...

Bushes grow after the rain...

Cars grow after the rain...

Grass grows after the rain...

Well done, you were attentive and you know what grows after the rain
ya and what not.

Now remember how we imagined ourselves as trees. I asked
I ask you to stand near your tables and imagine yourself as some kind of wood
vyami...” (Next, the “Living Trees” exercise from Session 2 is repeated.)
Teacher: “Our lesson is coming to an end today. I want to say
to everyone: "Thanks for the lesson!"

Lesson 4

Theme: Schoolchild and preschooler

GOAL: children's awareness of their new status as schoolchildren.


1. Children's awareness of the difference between the status of a schoolchild and a preschooler.

2. Formation in children of realistic ideas about the rights and obligations of a schoolchild and a preschooler.

3. Consolidation of knowledge about the rules of conduct at school.


ball, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, drawing sheets

A4 format.


The teacher greets the children and begins the lesson with an already familiar de-
tyam greeting ritual (see Lesson 1).

The game "One, two, three - whisper!"

Teacher: "Now we will play the game" One, two, three - whisper
chi!”. Squeeze your hands into fists. I will ask you questions and you will ask me
respond, but respond in a special way. I ask a question, and you count in a whisper
up to three: one, two, three, raise your thumbs and answer in a whisper
tea. Let's try. What time of year is it now?

(The teacher also clenches his hands into fists, counts to three together with de-
tmi, thumbs up and whispers the answer. After the second-third-
his question, the teacher may not whisper the answer, but continues to squeeze the ku-
polishes and thumbs up.)

Teacher: What month is it? What do cats eat? What form
ball? What is my name? What grade are you in? What is the name of your co-
sitting on the desk? What color are the leaves on the trees in summer? What city are you in
live? Well done!


Guys, you recently came to the first class for the first time. Say a
what are you called now? (Children answer: schoolchildren, first graders.
If the children themselves do not give an answer, the teacher answers.) That's right, now you
schoolchildren, first graders. What were you doing before you went to
school? (Children answer: they went to kindergarten, they sat at home.) And how are you
then, before school, called? (Children answer: preschoolers. If the children
do not give an answer, the teacher answers.) When you did not go to school, you
called preschoolers. Tell me, what is the difference between schoolchildren and
schoolchildren? (Children answer, the teacher corrects them, summarizes
said.) That's right, schoolchildren differ from preschoolers in that
that they go to school, study in class, do their homework at home. BUT
what do preschoolers do? (Children answer: play, run.) Can it
schoolboy play and run? (Children make their guesses.)
In fact, the student can also play and run. I will open the ma-
lazy secret: each of you can sometimes behave like a schoolboy,
and sometimes - like a preschooler. You just need to know when you should
behave like schoolchildren, and when you can turn into preschoolers again. Now I will call different situations and you think how
you need to behave in this situation - like a schoolboy or like a preschooler
Nick. Who wants to answer, raises his hand and waits for me to ask him. We
we will perform this task as schoolchildren, using the rule of sub-
outstretched hand."

(Teacher shows Sign #4 to remind you of the rule. Teacher
names the situations, and the children answer.)

Teacher: In class. On a walk. Houses. During cooking
lessons. During break. In the school cafeteria. While playing football.
With friends. In the school library."

(If the children are wrong, the teacher explains and comments.)

The game "The sea worries once ..."

Teacher: "Thank you very much, you did a great job with this work-
task. Do you know when it's okay to act like a schoolboy and when
yes, like a preschooler. Now let's see if you can
to quickly transform from a schoolboy to a preschooler and vice versa. Now we
we will play a game with you, which many of you probably know. This game
ra is called "The sea is worried, once ...", but we will play it in-
special. Instead of a marine figure, we will depict figures
schoolchild and preschooler. The driver will say: “The sea is worried,
one, the sea is worried, two, the sea is worried, three, the figure of a schoolboy (or
preschooler) freeze in place. While the sea is rough, you can walk on
class, and on the word “freeze” you need to freeze, depicting the named figure
RU. The driver chooses the most school student or the most
school preschooler. I will be the first driver. Get up, please.
hundred, and come to me."

(Children get up and with the words of the teacher “The sea is worried, since ...” begins
yut move around the class. The teacher chooses who will be next
leading, and continues to control the course of the game, as necessary -
sti suggesting words or reminding the rules.

In a strong class, the driver can complicate the task by naming
the role of a schoolchild or preschooler, and various situations from the life of children
tei: at the lesson, on the street, at home with mom, etc.).

Teacher: “Wonderful, you are very good at transforming from school
nick to a preschooler and vice versa. Now let's see if you know
you, how a student behaves at school. Please stand in a circle."

(Children stand in a circle, the teacher picks up the ball.)

Exercise "Lesson or change"

Teacher: “You already know that there are lessons and breaks at school. On the
During the lessons and breaks, students behave differently. Now I will
throw this ball to one of you and call different actions, and you answer
tea when schoolchildren do it - at a lesson or at a break.

(The teacher calls the actions and throws the ball in turn to different de-
tyam: read, play, talk with friends, ask a friend for an eraser,
write in a notebook, answer the teacher's questions, prepare for the lesson, eat
apple, etc.)

Teacher: "Very good! Take your seats."

(Children sit down.)

The task "What's in the briefcase?"

“Now tell me: what does a student go to school with? (Children answer:
with a portfolio.) That's right, with a portfolio. And what does he take with him to the port-
Fele? (Children answer: pens, pencils, pencil cases, textbooks, erasers.)
Well done! What do preschoolers want to take with them to school? (Children from-
they say: toys, dolls, cars.) Now we will draw a drawing
ki riddles. Draw three items that you put in a briefcase and
that are needed at school, and one extra that is not needed at school.

(The teacher distributes sheets and pencils or felt-tip pens to the children, de-
you draw.)

Teacher: “Who wants to guess their riddle for the class?”

(The teacher takes the drawings of the willing children and shows them to the class, and
the rest of the children guess which object is superfluous.)

Teacher: "Thank you! Now we know a lot about real schoolchildren.
nicknames. Real schoolchildren differ from preschoolers in that
go to school and do homework. At school in the classroom or at home when
you do your homework, you need to behave like schoolchildren, but at recess, at home,
on the street you can behave like preschoolers.

Lesson 5
Topic: Why do they go to school?

GOAL: children's awareness of their new status as schoolchildren.

1. Continued formation of realistic ideas in children
statements about the rights and obligations of the student.

2. Formation of educational motivation.

3. Continued formation of the skills of educational co-workers


colored pencils or felt-tip pens, A4 sheets.


The teacher greets the children and starts the lesson with the already known
children of the ritual (see Lesson 1).

Game "Nose, floor, ceiling"

Teacher: “Guys, now we will learn a new game. She called-
"Nose, floor, ceiling" is written. In order to play it, you need to be
very attentive. Look up. What is above us
fishing? (Children answer: ceiling.) That's right, the ceiling. Let's for now-
press it with your finger and say: the ceiling. Excellent. Now look
way down. What is under our feet? (Children answer: gender.) Of course,
floor. Let's point a finger at him and say: floor. And now every show-
puts his finger on his nose and says: nose. Now let's just say-
gem: nose, floor, ceiling. Well done! (The teacher, giving explanations, performed
does all the activities with the children.)

And now I will confuse you. I will name one thing and show another
goe. For example, I will point to the ceiling, and call the nose. You are nothing
do not speak, only show what I call. Believe what
hear, not what you see. Be careful!"

(The teacher plays the game.)

Teacher: "Well done guys! You can be very careful
mi. Remember, in one of the last classes I told you a fairy tale
about forest school? Today I will tell another story about animals-per-


On a clear September morning, the animals, as usual, came to the forest
school. The warm sun shone outside, the breeze played with golden
autumn leaves. The bell for the lesson has not yet rung, and the animals are sitting
Li at their desks and talked. They liked to go to
school, and each of them wanted to become the best first grader.

- I will be the best first grader ever! - said the squirrel. - W.me-
I'm the most beautiful briefcase! My mom bought it from a specialty store
zine. Look how bright he is, what he has on beautiful pictures!

Indeed, the squirrel's briefcase was beautiful: new, shiny,
with metal locks and colorful pictures.

But no! - objected the hare. - I will be the best per-
classmate! I always sit very quietly in class, never anyone
I interrupt, I don’t even run during recess.

And indeed, the hare was the quietest and most obedient in everything.
class, in the classroom, the teacher never made any remarks to him.

In vain you argue, - the fox intervened, - the best first
I will be a classmate, because I have the most fancy dress! Look-
rite, what frills he has, what lace! My grandmother gave me
this dress so that I can quickly become a real schoolgirl!

Well, here the rest of the animals could not stand it, because everyone wants the most
become the best first grader! There was such a noise in the classroom!

I, - the fox shouts, - I will be the best first grader!

No, I, - the hare answers, - I will be the best!

I know what to do. Let's ask the hedgehog! He is
just, let him judge us.

All the animals liked the squirrel's offer. They rushed
look for a hedgehog. Searched, searched, barely found. And the hedgehog in the far corner of the classroom
sa sat, Some book read.

- Judge us, hedgehog, - the animals say to him, - we can’t
decide which of us will be the best first grader. Here at be-
locks have a new briefcase, the fox has a new dress, the bunny is quieter than everyone else
sitting in class. Who will be the best first grader?

The hedgehog raised his head from the book, looked at the animals, glasses on his nose
corrected and says:

I can not judge your argument, I have no time. I need today
learn three more letters so that the worst first grader does not
turn out.

The animals are quiet, their heads are lowered, they do not look at each other. By-
nyali, who will be the best first grader. Here just the sound
the bell rang for the lesson. The animals ran to the desks to be real
become first-graders as soon as possible.

Teacher: “Guys, what do you think, which of the animals is the best
be a first grader? Why?"

(Children can give a variety of answers to this question. Teacher
it is important to agree that all of the above is really necessary
schoolchildren, but still the most important occupation of a schoolchild is study.)

Exercise "Why do they go to school"

Teacher: “The hare doesn’t know why they go to school. He sits and
ponders. Guys, let's help the bunny. If what he says is correct, you clap your hands. If wrong - stomp

They go to school to play.

They go to school to talk to their neighbors.

They go to school to be friends.

They go to school to write.

They go to school to learn.

They go to school to fight.

They go to school to learn something new in class.

They go to school to tell their classmates.

They go to school to show off their outfits.

They go to school to do the teacher's tasks.

The task "Drawings-riddles"

Teacher: “And now we will draw riddle drawings again.
Now I will distribute the sheets to you. On one side of the sheet, draw a school
nickname, and on the other side - a preschooler so that you can compare
I need to guess who is drawn where.

(The teacher distributes sheets to the children, the children draw.)

Teacher: "Now take your drawings and swap with a neighbor
by party. Try to guess where the schoolboy is drawn, and where - before
schoolboy, and tell your neighbor about it.

(Children do the task.)

Teacher: “So, today we learned that they go to school in order to
to study, to learn a lot of new things that can be useful in
life that go to school to listen carefully to the teacher,
accept his assignments in order to make friends with the guys in the class and benevolent
treat each other kindly. This concludes our today's lesson for-
ends. Thank you all for the great work."

Lesson 6
Theme: Evaluation

GOAL: the formation of a realistic perception of school assessment.

TASKS: 1. Maintaining in children the desire to learn, overcome

2. Awareness of the opportunity to evaluate the results
its activities according to several criteria;

3. Formation in children of the skill of positive assessment
the results of their activities using the “but” method;

4.Continuation of the formation of skills of educational staff


1. Ball.

2. Simple pencils according to the number of children.

3. Halves of notebook sheets in a cage with a marked dot and three ladders on reverse side: red, green and blue (according to the number of children in the class).
4. A large table with three ladders (red, green and blue) to demonstrate to the class, “Hare Work” (a table depicting a sloppy, careless pattern), “Fox Work” (a table with the same neat and even pattern), “Sample” . (Charts are made by the teacher using the patterns shown in Figure 1-4.)


The teacher greets the children and begins the lesson with a ritual

(see Lesson 1).

Game "Fish, bird, beast"

Teacher: “Today we will learn a new game. She calls-
sya "Fish, bird, beast." I will throw the ball to one of you and say
"fish" or "bird" or "beast". The one to whom I throw the ball must
call a fish, or a bird, or an animal. If I say "The Beast!", who can

(Children offer their options, the teacher agrees with them and
corrects if necessary.

The teacher plays the game by throwing the ball to different children in turn. Ray-
we build the children in a circle. The duration of the game is 3-5 minutes.)

Teacher: “Excellent, I see that you are very attentive and know
many fish, birds and animals.

Now sit back and listen carefully. I will tell
you one more story about the forest school.


Every day the animals went to the forest school with pleasure. On the
they studied lessons, played during breaks. Lots of new and interesting
little first graders learned: how to confuse traces, what berries
you can eat, and which ones you can’t, you even learned to count to five. Only
They haven't been rated yet, they said it's too early. And finally, the teacher
Nita said that soon the first graders would start getting grades. First-
the classmates will have to draw the patterns which she will check.

Of course, all the animals were very excited and wanted to get
only good grades.

The hare really wanted to get a five. It seemed to him that
To do this, you need to hurry up and complete the task very first. On the
during the break, he carefully prepared himself, laid out pencils and pens and
was waiting for a call. Finally the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom.
nitsa and handed out leaflets with tasks to the animals. The students took their pens and
bowed their heads over the work. The hare was in a hurry to fulfill
thread job very first. And the truth is: everything is just getting closer
rushed to the middle, and he already raised his paw and shouted joyfully:
"IM done! I finished!". The teacher went up to his desk, picked up a piece of paper and for some reason frowned. Look guys, what pattern is on-
beamed at the Hare.

(The teacher hangs the table "Hare's work" on the board.)

Teacher: “Guys, why do you think the teacher frowned
ca? (Children answer: work is dirty, wrong, etc.). Let's po-
trying to evaluate the work of the Hare. True, we do not give him marks
we will, but we will use magic ladders.

(The teacher hangs a table with multi-colored ladders on the board.)

Teacher: “Guys, the red ladder is the ladder of beauty. On her
the top step is the most beautiful work, and on the very
bottom - the most ugly. Where do you think you can put
Bunny's job? (The teacher listens to the suggestions of the children and puts
a cross on one of the lower steps.) So, the work of the Hare is semi-
chila is not very beautiful.

Now look at the green ladder. This ladder is correct
ty. On the topmost step are the most correct works, on
my bottom is the most wrong. Where can I put the work Zai-
chonk? (The teacher listens to the children's answers. If the children offer
put the work down, the teacher draws their attention to the fact that although
bot and executed ugly, there are no errors in it.) So, the work of Zaichon-
how it turned out right. (The teacher puts a cross on one of the top
them steps.)

And finally, we have a blue ladder in front of us. This is the ladder of speed. On the
her top rung is worth the work that was done faster
all, and on the bottom - the slowest of all. Bunny did his job
the very first. On what step shall we place his work? (Children
answer: on the top. The teacher puts a cross on the top step.)
Look, guys: the work of the Hare turned out to be correct and fast.
paradise, but not pretty.

But the Fox also tried very hard. He was very afraid to do something
something wrong, so I drew very slowly, so do
he was the last one in the class to do his work. Here's what he got.
(The teacher hangs out the table "Drawing of the Fox.") Let's evaluate the
bot Little Fox with the help of magic ladders. How would you rate this
work on beauty, on what step would you put it? (Children answer:
one of the top ones. The teacher puts the cross of another on this step
colors.) Good. What step would you place this work on?
ladder of correctness? (Children answer: one of the top. Teacher
puts a cross on the appropriate step.) Excellent. And how about-
thread the speed of this drawing? (If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher reminds them that the Little Fox finished the work last.)
Of course, Fox Cub did his job slowly. (The teacher puts
a cross on one of the lower steps.) Look, the work of Fox
turned out beautiful and correct, but slow.

The Fox Cub and the Hare looked at their grades and thought.
It turns out that every job is different. Sometimes you can do
the task is ugly, but quickly and correctly. And sometimes the work is done
eat for a long time, but it turns out beautiful and correct. And it happens that
It doesn’t seem to be quite right, but it’s beautiful and fast.”

Teacher: “This is how the Fox and the Hare met the magic
the other word "but". This word helps to find something good even in
my difficult situations. Even if something did not work out, we can
turn to the word "but". Let the letters turn out not very beautiful, for-
the word is spelled correctly. And now I'll tell you what happened to
students of the forest school, and you help them with the help of the word "but".

The hare wrote the letters not with a pen, but with a pencil, and
swarmed. (Option: but it can erase errors.)

The little fox forgot his pen at home. (But he can ask someone to ask her
sit down and meet new guys.)

The hedgehog solved the wrong problem. (But he will know more.)

Game "Snowflake"

Teacher: Well done. And now we will rest a little. Remember-
Are you guys the same as snowflakes fly from the sky in winter? Every snowflake
swirls by itself, and then together they form snowdrifts. Now
we will play a game called "Snowflakes". When I speak
"snowflakes", you, like snowflakes, will spin around the class. And how-
when I say “drift!”, you should immediately gather in groups. After layer-
wa ""snowdrift" I will name a number. So many snowflakes should be in your snow-
coffin. For example, if I say "snowdrift, three", then you must
take three. Does everyone understand? Get up, please, from behind the desks and
come to me."

(Children get up from their desks and approach the teacher. For this game, you need
we need free space.)

Teacher: “So, you all turn into snowflakes. Snowflakes,
flew! (Children scatter.) Snowflakes, snowflakes ... a snowdrift, two!

(The teacher conducts a game. It is advisable to name numbers not exceeding
4-5. The duration of the game is 3-5 minutes.)

Teacher: “Well done, you made excellent snowdrifts.


Quest "Patterns and Magic Ladders"

And now you yourself will try to draw patterns and set yourself
assessments with the help of magic ladders.

(The teacher distributes papers and pencils to the children.)

Teacher: “Put the pencils in the marked point. I will dictate
wat. If you do everything right, you will end up with a beautiful pattern.”

(The teacher checks whether the children have followed his instructions correctly and
are they ready to start working.)

Teacher: "Three cells up, one cell to the right, one cell down,
one cell to the right, two cells down, one cell to the right. go on
this pattern to the end of the line. If someone did not guess how to continue,
I dictate again.

(The teacher repeats the sequence as many times as necessary and
walks around the classroom, giving the children the necessary help. Proposed
the graphic dictation option is not the only possible one,
the teacher can choose any other option depending on the degree
readiness of children.)

Here's what pattern you should have turned out (posts on the board
poster "Sample"). Compare your pattern with the sample. (Fig. 4)

Now turn the paper over. There you will see colorful forests
ki. The red ladder is the ladder of beauty. On the top step
there are the most beautiful works, and on the lowest - the ugliest
work. Between them - very beautiful, beautiful and not very beautiful
work. What step would you place your beauty work on? By-
put a cross on this step. (Children evaluate their work according to

The green ladder is the ladder of correctness. At the very top
on the step there are the most correct works, where there is not a single mistake. On the
the lowest - the most incorrect work, where there are only errors.
And in the middle - almost correct, not quite correct and not very
correct work. How do you rate your work on correctness?
Put a cross on the appropriate step. (Children do.)

The blue ladder is the ladder of speed. On the top step
yat those works that were made the very first. At the very bottom
her - the work that was done most recently. Between no-
mi - work that was done faster or slower. rate,
how quickly you completed the task. (Children grade themselves.
If necessary, the teacher reminds on which step the
the most beautiful, the fastest, etc. work.)

Now turn to your desk mate and tell each other how
you appreciate your work. Don't forget the magic word "but". On the-
example: my work is not very beautiful, but fast and correct.

(Children do the task.)

Teacher: - Well done. So, today we have learned that one and the same
the work can be evaluated with different points vision: in beauty, in right
fortitude, diligence or something else, and that the magic word
"but" can help us in difficult situations. On this, let's
say goodbye and finish our lesson."

Lesson 7
Topic: Learning to work FRIENDLY

GOAL: introducing students to learning collaboration skills.


1. Organization of interaction between students, creation
prerequisites for the formation of skills of educational staff

2. Helping children to understand and accept the rules of the school
life and yourself as a student.

3. The formation of children's attitude towards each other as part-
neram in educational cooperation.

4. Creation of a friendly atmosphere during interaction
ui students.


1. Sheets of paper according to the number of students with prepared work
it with the contours of mittens (see Appendix 6).

2. Blank sheets of paper, one sheet for each pair.

3. Colored pencils.

4. Sign "We work together" (see Appendix 5).


(see Lesson 1).


Teacher: “In one children’s song it is sung:“ Together it’s fun to walk along
open spaces and, of course, it is better to sing in chorus. Of course, sometimes
one wants to play alone, and there are things that a person must do himself.
But it often happens that it is not interesting to play alone, and there are things that
get better TOGETHER. Today in class we will learn how to
work together when it will be necessary to complete tasks not alone, but
with one of the guys.

To work together without quarrels and resentments, so that everything works out and
enough to remember a few important rules.

First, you need to speak in turn, do not interrupt each other.

Second, listen carefully to the person who is speaking.

Thirdly, if what you are being told is not entirely clear, you should
be sure to ask and try to understand.

We will be reminded of these rules by such a sign (the teacher shows
calls to children Sign No. 5).

And now let's play "Colorful Mittens".

The game "Colorful mittens"

You have to play together. I will ask you to unite in pairs of neighbors
desk. Take ONE SET OF PENCILS for two. (Teacher
distributes to each student a sheet with the same contours of mittens. Cm.
Application.) Each of you has a drawing of a mitten in front of you. Look-
Rite how colorless they are, without patterns. In each pair, agree
with each other how you will decorate these mittens. Each of you
children to color their mittens, but the patterns of two mittens should be semi-
chitsya BEAUTIFUL and SAME. Do you understand the task? Then
you can start working."

task, the teacher asks each pair to raise their mittens and offer
asks the guys to consider what kind of mittens they got. Teacher
praises all children for beautiful mittens, paying attention to those where
the patterns turned out to be especially similar and interesting.)

Exercise One or Two

Teacher: “Our next exercise is for attentive children, and
in our class everyone can be attentive. Exercise calls-
Xia "One or two." Examine yourself, your body, touch your face. You are for-
did you notice that a person has two hands, and one forehead?

I will name some part of the body, and if I name something that
there is only one person, for example, a forehead, then only girls get up. And if I name a part of the body that is not one, but two such parts, then the little ones stand up.
chiki. Does everyone understand? When do girls get up? (Children answer.) And when
do the boys get up? (Children answer.) Well done! Listen to me carefully

Nose. (Girls get up.)

Leg. (Boys get up.)

Mouth. (Girls get up.)

Etaz. (Boys get up.)

Ear. (Boys get up.)

Language. (Girls get up.)

Shoulder. (Boys get up.)

Knee. (Boys get up.)


(Children should guess that no one needs to get up, so
like a person’s fingers are not 1 or 2. If they guess, the teacher
litas for attentiveness and ingenuity, if not, it leads to
thought that no one needs to get up.)

Head. (Girls get up.)

Well done! I am very pleased that in our class there is so much attention
solid guys.”

Teacher: "Well done! You completed this task, and now yes-
Let's draw a little more. You will also work in twos, in pairs.
Listen carefully to the task.

Task "Draw together"

Each pair will have only one piece of paper. (The teacher gives
each pair on a sheet of white paper.) You need to draw together, TOGETHER
holding on to one pencil. (The teacher invites one of the children and
shows how you can draw, holding the same pencil together.)
draw together a picture on any topic, but in this picture you must
The HOUSE and the TREE should be drawn carefully. What will they be and
what else you draw on your picture, decide for yourself. During you-
completing the task, remember the rules of how to work together, without quarrels and
resentment. Who remembers these rules? (The teacher asks students who
rye raise their hand and are ready to answer, once again clearly repeating the correct
la for all children). Does everyone understand the task? You can start working.

(The time to complete the task is about 5 minutes. At the end of the
After completing the task, the teacher asks who would like to show the class what
it turned out, and tell what is in the picture. In turn to the calling board
There are several couples who briefly talk about their drawing and
show it to the class. Each time the teacher calls the children by name and thanks them for their work. The teacher asks all the children who worked in pairs
thank each other for the work.)

Echo game

Teacher: “Now we will play “Echo”. Start the game (learn
the teller points to one of the rows, since 8-10 guys are needed for the game) this

I will ask you to come to the blackboard (calls one child by name).
Listen carefully. I'll slam the rhythm for you now, and you try
repeat it exactly. You will be my echo. Ready? (The teacher
a simple rhythm of 2-4 claps. Rhythms must be very pro-
shy, easy to repeat. The child repeats. If you do not receive
moose, then the teacher slaps the rhythm again.) Well done, you did it, and
Now you can invite yourself an assistant. Look at the guys who
rye are sitting on your row. Who do you want to invite? (The child is called-
is the name of one of his classmates.) You can call (calls
name of the selected child), saying these words: “(Child’s name), HELP-

(The child invites a classmate, he goes to the blackboard and stands up
is nearby.)

Now try together, together repeat the rhythm that I
I'll slam. Ready? Listen carefully! (Teacher slaps
simple rhythm, the task of children is to repeat it at the same time, together. If a
fails, the teacher repeats the rhythm again.)

Well done, you coped with the task, and now (referring to second-
Roma child) you can also invite an assistant. You need you-
take one of the guys in your row and, calling him by name, say:

(Further, the task is repeated, time by time the number of children at the same time increases
chimes out. When a team of 5-6 people is formed at the board, you can
to speed up the exercise and not leave someone out of
children in the role of the latter, invite the children already standing at the blackboard to
say to all the children remaining on the row, saying the words: “GUYS! POMO-

Well done, what a friendly echo you got! Great spa for everyone
sibo. Please take your seats."

(If the lesson time allows, the teacher can continue the game with re-
bats sitting on another row. If not, the teacher says
next lesson, other guys will also be able to try themselves in the role
echo. At the end of the lesson, the teacher thanks all the children for their work in class.)

Lesson 8
Topic: Learning to work FRIENDLY

GOAL: introducing students to learning collaboration skills.


1. Organization of interaction between students, creation of prerequisites for the formation of skills of educational cooperation.

2. Helping children to understand and accept the rules of school life and themselves as students.

3. Formation of children's attitude towards each other as partners in educational cooperation.

4. Creation of a friendly atmosphere in the interaction of students.

5. Creation of prerequisites for group cohesion of the class.


1. The name of the exhibition is "MY FRIENDS".

2. Sheets of blank paper for students to complete tasks: “What in the world yellow color? (one sheet for each couple) and “My Friends” (according to the number of children).

3. Colored pencils.


The teacher greets the children and offers to start the lesson in poetry.
lines, which are accompanied by the movements of the children and the teacher
(see Lesson 1).

Teacher: “In the last lesson, you did many tasks not
one by one, but together with other guys. And it helped you to work together -
Are there a few important rules that this sign reminds of (indicative
gives children Sign No. 5). Who remembers what rules this reminds of
sign? Who remembers, raise your hand. (The teacher asks several
students). Well done, you really remembered very important pra-
vila, which help to work together, amicably.

This is, firstly, what you need to say in turn, without interrupting
each other.

Secondly, that one must listen carefully to the one who speaks.

And thirdly, if what you are being told is not entirely clear, you must
It's good to ask and try to understand.

Using the rules that we remembered, we will perform the exercise
“What in the world is yellow?”.

Exercise "What in the world is yellow?"

You need to complete this task two by two, in pairs. Unite, please
luista, in pairs with the neighbors on the desk. Ready? Listen carefully

Think and draw what is yellow in the world. To
it was easier to complete the task, turn to each other. If one of
knows you something that happens to be yellow, then let him WHISPER to a neighbor.
When you agree with each other, nod your heads. If not, then specify
thread each other's opinions. Having agreed, draw what you came up with
on a piece of paper (the teacher distributes one piece of paper to each pair).

(The time to complete the task is about 5 minutes. After completing the task
The teacher asks the children to tell what they came up with. If it starts
many repetitions, then you should not interrogate the entire class, but it makes sense
ask to name something that has not yet been called, if someone came up with it and

Teacher: “Now we will play the game “One or two”. I will remind you
regulations. I will name different parts of the human body. If I call
something that a person has only one thing, for example, a nose, then all the girls get up
ki. And if I name a part of the body that is not one, but two such parts, then
all the boys get up. Remembered? Well done! Listen to me carefully

Hand. (Boys get up.)

Forehead. (Girls get up.)

Elbow. (Boys get up.)

Eye. (Boys get up.)


(Children should guess that no one needs to get up, because
a person’s teeth are not 1 or 2. If they guess, the teacher praises for
attentiveness and ingenuity, if not, then leads to the thought,
that no one needs to get up, recalls that such a "trap" was on
last session.)

Back. (Girls get up.)

Eyebrow (Boys get up.)

Hair. (No one gets up.)

Heart. (Girls get up.)

Stomach. (Girls get up.)

Leg. (Boys get up.)

Well done! I am very pleased that in our class everyone can be
so attentive.

Our next game is "Echo".

(For a description of the game, see Session 7. In this session, it is desirable that-
All children would take part. At the first stage, the task is carried out according to
rows. When all groups have taken part in this exercise, complete
The next step is important to do with the whole class.)

Final game option:

Teacher: "Guys, now that you are all sitting in your seats, let's
Let's try to play "Echo" all together. Let's see how it goes
you all together, together, repeat, like an echo, the rhythm that you hear

(The teacher slaps a very simple rhythm of 3-4 claps, repeating
so many times that the class can repeat it exactly and together.)

Teacher: "Well done! You are doing great work
TOGETHER. And when you manage to play, learn, work together without quarrels and
insults, then the soul becomes sunny, joyful. And what you do
Xia becomes interesting and attractive.

When people are interested together, when they try to understand each other
friend and support Hard time, FRIENDSHIP is born. And if
suddenly there is a misunderstanding between friends (everything happens in life),
then it will certainly be resolved if friends try to understand the reason
Well, the dispute and will be able to yield to each other in something.

Mission "My Friends"

Take a look around. There are a lot of guys in our class, probably among
there are those with whom you have already managed to make friends. Before each of you
lies a sheet of paper. (The teacher gives each child Blank sheet boo-
magicians.) Now I will ask everyone to draw their friends. You can-
those draw one person or several guys. The drawing will
called "MY FRIENDS". Does everyone understand the task? Proceed to

(The time to complete the task is about 5 minutes. The teacher asks the guys,
who have finished drawing, approach him and place the drawings
to the exhibition "My Friends").

Teacher: “Guys, thank you all for your work. I am very glad that you
you can work, complete tasks, study together, together and what do you
have friends. Thanks!"

Final session (sessions 9, 10)

The final lesson is held in the form of a holiday, so it is advisable to conduct it during a double lesson.

Theme: First Class Travel

GOAL: reinforcing a positive emotional attitude towards
school and learning.

TASKS: I. Repetition and consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired
nyh in previous lessons.

2. Consolidation of a positive emotional attitude
niya students to school and learning.

3. Increasing the level of class cohesion.

1. "Map fairyland". (Appendix 7.)

2. "Map of Friendship Island" (Fig. 5) and 3-4 small cards -
hints (Fig. 6).

3. Writing paper (according to the number of students).

4. Cassette with solemn music.

5. Pointer.

6. Prizes by the number of students (as a prize
pays any subject of school use - a pencil case, li-
neck, stand, set of pencils, etc.).


Before the start of the lesson, the teacher attaches on the board “Map of the fairy tale
ny ”and (if conditions permit) closes it with board doors, curtains
skoy, etc. At the beginning of the lesson, after the traditional greeting
quiet solemn music is turned on.)

Teacher: Dear friends! I congratulate you on the fact that our classes
school visits have come to an end. you got to know each other well
with each other, with the class, with school rules. But on this our
The adventure isn't over, it's just beginning. Today we
to go on a long journey through a fairy-tale land.
There she is. (The teacher opens the "Map of Fairyland".) I wish you
good luck. Are you ready to hit the road? Then let's start.


So, we come to the Grove of Strangers. This test is easier
th will go to those who remember their classmates well. To you
you will need to guess who came out of the Grove of Strangers. But attention:
as soon as you guessed who they are talking about, in no case shout out
nod his name, do not point at a stranger with your hand, but just... smile-
please. I can tell by your smile that you recognized him. When will I say:

"Stranger, appear!" - the one who recognized himself, just get up from his seat. So, out of the Grove of Strangers came a boy in a blue sweater,
blond hair, gray eyes. This boy played very loudly
in "Rain" in our class and he also has a very infectious laugh.
(Thus the teacher calls a few more students from the class,
while not only describing them external signs, but also attracting
experience of past classes, recalling the cases associated with these participants
ing, features of their behavior (only positive, no

Well done! We recognized everyone who was hiding in the Grove of Strangers, this
were our classmates! But maybe someone else doesn't
I remembered all, all the guys: there are so many of us! Look around: is there
any other guys whose names you don't remember? Who would like to hear
someone's name again? (One of those who did not remember is selected.) Try
ask us a riddle: who did you not remember? Tell us what it's into
dressed, what does it look like? And we will try to guess and tell you something
the name you forgot. (Thus they “remember” their classmates
Nicknames are 2-3 more students.)

And now attention! We are entering the Forest of Silence! See what's up
the sign stands at the entrance to this forest. (The teacher points to Sign No. 1, at-
fastened by him at the entrance to the Forest of Silence. The students remember him
chenie). That's right, in this forest, as in the lesson, you can’t shout and make noises.
sweep. It is very difficult. So we'll see who can do it
the thread is the rule, and who - will have to try. Now I will ask
ask questions, and it will be necessary to answer them all together, at the same time,
chorus. But here's the trick: if I hold my hands like this (open
hands palms up towards the class), then you answer with
normal volume, but don't shout! If I hold my hands like this (under-
wears them to his lips), then you answer in a whisper! And only so. And if I for-
I will give a question and fold my hands like this (crosses his arms at chest level),
then in response you should remain silent and not answer in any case! By-
try! (Questions should be such that the answers to them know
most children. For example: “What is the name of our city?”, “How
my name is?”, “Name the coldest time of the year”, “Which flower
are there sharp thorns? etc.)

Well well! What attentive guys ended up in the Magic Stra-
not! The lessons were not in vain! What test is next? Village
Clue! Guys, can you tell me in class? (The class once again
misses the corresponding school rule and Sign No. 3, associated with it-
ny.) But in this village, Podskazka can sometimes still be prompted
but only by the rules. Here they are. The bravest and most observant will close their eyes, and I will ask a tricky question about our class, about that room in
where we are: The one I asked, if he knows the answer, will answer,
and if he doesn’t know (sometimes this happens), he will clap his hands and call the name of the one
from whom he wants to get help (his friend, for example). And only then-
yes his assistant can tell the correct answer. If in the village
someone's uninvited, uninvited, extra hint will fly in, we will
we start the game from the beginning ... (Sample questions: “How many windows are in our
class?”, “Do we have flowers in the class?”, “What color is the blackboard?” etc.)
Well done! We stayed in the village of Podskazka, none of the inhabitants
offended, did not give unsolicited clues! And so we came to the shore
seas. And what is this island? Take a closer look! (Attached on the board
"Map of the Island of Friendship", (see Fig. 5)) This is the Island of Friendship! Get on
this Island alone is impossible - only together. Now I will ask
shu go to the board of one traveler and one assistant. Way-
the pilgrim will put a pointer at the beginning of the path (the teacher points to the corresponding
the corresponding cell), and the helper will receive a Hint Card (see
Rice. 6), which will indicate where Friendship Island is hiding.
The task of the assistant is to tell the traveler which cells
where does he have to go. You can move one or two cells, but
not more. Let's try. (The teacher invites two students to the board
nicknames, one of them gives a Hint Card. The second one points to
the beginning of the way. The first (first with the help of the teacher) guides the traveler on the map to the destination: "One cell up, one
to the right, two up, etc. ”until the traveler reaches the island. Ta-
Thus, 3-4 couples work in turn at the board. Reaching
The islands are awarded class applause.)

Wonderful! Well, we got to Friendship Island. And on the ost-
we decided to write a letter about how great it is here, what kind of
plants and animals. But since we do not yet know how to write quickly,
Let's draw our letter. Now I will give each row a sheet of bu-
magicians and put it on the last desk. One of those who sits there
signal (when I clap my hands) will start drawing something on the sheet -
plant, animal, bird, or maybe a person, but very soon I dream
I clap my hands, and the sheet again passes to his neighbor on the desk. That
continues to draw something of his own on the sheet until I clap again,
and then passes the sheet to the person in front. So, as soon as I
I'm sorry, start drawing. Clap again - pass the sheet further.
Started! (Each drawing is given 10-15 seconds. The teacher is attentive
follow instructions closely.)

So, we drew four (three, five - according to the number of rows)
letters about our trip. See what it tells us
first letter? What do we see in this picture? (The teacher shows
drawing for the guys, calls with them what is shown on it.) For-
great post, very interesting! (The drawing is attached to the board.)
And what happened on the second? (The procedure is repeated - figure
considered, listed what is drawn, possibly clarifying
details. Then the rest of the "letters" and creeds are considered in the same way.
back on the board.)

Here are the good guys! And we passed the tests, and drew letters! BUT
now ... (solemn music is turned on again). To everyone who has mastered
road, to everyone who coped with difficult tasks, to everyone who did not
led friends, that is, the whole 1st class (indicate the letter, if any, for example,
"1 class A") solemnly awarded the prize. But he may appear.
only to your applause! Clap your classmates and
yourself - you are all great! (The teacher to the applause of the class on-
rewards students with prizes.

Well, our introduction to the school has come to an end. But
the acquaintance is just beginning. You have to learn a lot of new
th, a lot of interesting and important. Sometimes we will remember our
magic activities and play games that will make us even more attentive
smarter, smarter, smarter! Goodbye, see you again

Material for the parent meeting

How to help your child adjust to school


The first meeting of parents of first-graders - exclusively
an important event for both parents and teachers. Of course,
the beginning of the school year - difficult period, and there are a huge number of organizational issues that need to be discussed. Nevertheless, it is known that not all parents have sufficient psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the features of the adaptation period of first-graders. The lack of such knowledge among parents leads to the fact that their behavior can greatly complicate the already difficult
a simple situation for the child to adapt to school. That is why, in our opinion, it is advisable to devote part of the time at the first parent meeting to psychological issues, to provide parents with the necessary information on how to help children adapt to school.

When giving psychological advice to parents, extreme tact and caution should be observed. In order for a parent to carefully consider the advice offered to him, to begin to follow them, it is important not to condemn the behavior of the parents, not to give him a negative assessment. If the teacher describes the parent negatively, focusing on his mistakes, this greatly complicates the formation of a constructive relationship between the teacher and parents. Speaking of parents in the second person (“you”), the teacher thereby emphasizes the existence of a certain boundary between himself and the parent: the teacher is on one side, the parent is
on the other. We believe that the most productive position for the teacher in this case is the “we” position, which helps to establish contact between parents and the teacher, forms the parents’ idea of ​​the teacher as an employee.

It is quite possible that parents dispute the legitimacy of certain recommendations of the teacher, referring to the literature they have read or to the characteristics of their child. In this case, it is important to note that, on the one hand, your recommendations are of a general nature, and each parent is free to choose from them what suits him and suits his child, on the other hand, your advice takes into account your personal experience and the specifics of that educational institution that the child attends.

The materials we offer parent meeting are not the only possible ones, they are an expression of the position of the authors.


indicative plan

1. Psychological features of adaptation of first-graders to

2. How a preschooler becomes a schoolchild.

3. How adults can support a first grader.

4. What helps a first grader cope with school workloads and the stress of the adaptation period.

We are all excited and looking forward to the day when our
the child will go to the first grade, will become a schoolboy. This is an important event in the life of a child, but it is no less important for us. The features of a child's adaptation to school largely depend on our behavior, and it is in our power to make this process as painless as possible for him.

We usually expect a lot from a child entering school. It seems to us that on the first of September, our child, as if by magic, will change, become a real first grader. He will be happy to go to school, do homework, read books, be interested in learning, not in the game. Sometimes, sincerely wishing the child well, we say: “You are already quite big, which means that you should be interested not in toys, but in studies. What do you play all the time, it would be better to go and read.

But what happens in reality? There are no magical changes with the child. And the second, and the third, and the tenth of September, he remains the same yesterday's preschooler. The child tries his best to meet our requirements, but he does not always succeed. And to the stress of the first school days anxiety is added not to fulfill parental instructions, to deceive the expectations of adults.

It is important that we understand that it is impossible to become a schoolboy all at once. Time must pass before our baby becomes a real schoolboy. Adapting a child to school takes more than one day and more than one week, it is a long and complicated process.
At first, the child is, as it were, on the border of school and preschool age, and he will not cross this border immediately. A small first grader combines both a schoolchild and a preschooler. The child needs to understand in what situations he should be a schoolboy (for example, in a lesson, while preparing homework), and when he has the right to behave like a preschooler. Such requirements are real and absolutely feasible for the child. We are required to present him with reasonable restrictions in regard to studies (it is clear that school and homework require all the same
school behaviors and a more serious attitude) and tolerant
refer to the manifestation of "preschool".

We need to remember that the child has the right to preschool behaviors. This means that you should not condemn his interest in games and toys. This is an absolutely natural activity for yesterday's preschooler. We often view reading and writing as "serious" activities, while playing is a waste of time. We involuntarily convey this idea to our children, for example, when we are happy if we see a book in his hands, and we don’t react to the toy in any way. Thus, we show the child that being a schoolboy is good, while being a preschooler is bad. And now let's imagine what it's like in this situation for a child who understands: it's bad to play, but you want to, but to study well, but you no longer have the strength to study. We ourselves create a child conflict situation which is difficult for him to solve. The child either denies himself the right to play, or is tormented by remorse, or begins to do the opposite (“I will anyway!”).

This situation can be avoided by recognizing the game as a natural occupation of the first grader. If we actively encourage his educational success, it is important to support his gaming initiative. This means that we not only say: “What a good fellow, he took a book and reads!”, But also “How great you can play!” You can even let him take a small toy to school with him. Many children tend to even have a slight increase in interest in
game. This is a natural phenomenon that helps, among other things,
relieve tension. The role of play in the life of a child decreases with age, but if you try to eradicate it, this will not bring any benefit to the child. Every child has a different pace of development, and everyone stops playing at their own age.

It is very important to rely on the child's desire to learn. As a rule, most children go to the first grade, eager to become schoolchildren. It is important to support this desire in every possible way. If a parent is sincerely interested in the child's school life, asks him about the school, shares his school experience, this, of course, strengthens the child's learning motivation. And here a very difficult question arises: how to relate to the school successes and failures of the child, how to praise him or scold him?

Schooling is completely new activity for a child. In order for a child to form a positive attitude towards school, it is important that he understands that he can learn according to his strength, he can cope with educational tasks. At first, a child needs a sense of his own success. It greatly facilitates the difficulties of adaptation and helps to increase learning motivation. That is why, at first, encouragement is especially important for a child.

But praising a first-grader is not just calling him a good fellow or a smart girl. There are several subtleties here.

Encouragement should be specific: we praise not the child in itself, but some feature of his behavior, the result of his activity.
When we say to a child: “You wrote the letters very carefully today!” or: “I really like the tail of this number!”, the child receives information about what needs to be done to be good
schoolboy, and understands that it is possible for him. If we say: “Good girl, excellent!”, then it is not very clear why the child is being praised, and it is difficult for the child to figure out what behavior is approved.

It also happens that it is very difficult to find something to praise a child for.
In this case, you need to find something that the child still does well, even if it's just one hook from the recipes. And in the event that the child does not succeed in something, turn to this to help the child believe in himself.

At school, the child first encounters an external assessment of his actions. The first assessments are associated for the child with both positive and negative experiences. If we want the main thing for the child to remain knowledge, not grades, it is necessary first of all to decide for ourselves. A child's attitude to grades largely depends on our own attitude towards them. If we talk about school by asking about grades first and reacting violently to both good and bad grades, for a child, grades will become a major part of school life.

Let's think about the questions we ask our students. When we ask, “How are you at school? What did you get?”, we thereby show that we are primarily interested in grades. And questions: “What did you learn new today? Which of the guys did you play with today? What lessons were the most interesting for you? - let the child understand that the main thing at school is learning and communication.

For many children, evaluation is not evaluation of his work, but of himself. If I get good grades, then I'm good. Such a position is dangerous, because in the future it can lead to the formation of dependence on the opinions of others, on external evaluation. Therefore, the grades that a child receives should in no way affect our opinion of him and our feelings for him. It is important that the child understands that sometimes something does not work out for him, but he himself does not become bad at the same time.

Sometimes it is necessary to emphasize to the child that it is not he who is evaluated, but
just the results of his work. So, when doing homework, you can ask your child: “What do you think you did especially well? And what - not very much? If a child is very worried about grades, you can help him
using the “but” technique, that is, try to find some dignity in the work. It’s good if on the part of an adult this is not just consolation, but a joint discussion of the task with the child. For example, it might look like this: “Yes, you solved the problem incorrectly. What did you do? Yes, but you got some very nice numbers.”

Of course, school life is not only joyful moments.
Sometimes the child is sad, offended, angry at the school, teacher, classmates. It is important to give the child the opportunity to express negative feelings. If we say, “Don't be upset that you're angry. How can you say that!" - we thereby increase stress and move away from the child. The first grader needs our understanding. If we listen carefully, accepting that school can indeed be uninteresting or difficult, we will help the child to free himself from oppressive thoughts and feelings. Saying to the child: “I see you are upset. You were offended. I probably didn’t even want to go to school,” we provide the child with the necessary emotional support, expressing our understanding to him.

The beginning of schooling for a child is, first of all, a big burden. Even if the child attended a pre-school lyceum or went to a kindergarten, the school regime is new to him. The need to follow the new rules of behavior, to study with concentration during the lesson, to do homework - all this creates significant stress for the child's nervous system. Often a first grader becomes restless, irritable, impulsive or lethargic, sleepy, inactive, tearful. Such a change in the child's behavior is most likely a sign of overwork. Sometimes the child himself says that he is tired. How can you avoid overwork?

First of all, it is necessary to create a gentle regimen for the child. If the child is used to sleeping during the day, it is better to save him a daytime nap, or at least provide him with the opportunity for a short afternoon rest. If possible, it is better to limit activities that excite the child: visiting the theater and circus, inviting guests and making visits. It is also desirable to limit TV viewing and time spent at the computer ( total time- no more than one and a half hours).

If the child is very tired, you can put him to bed early. Relaxing baths with salts or herbs (motherwort, sage) have a good effect. It is important that the child is outside. It is advisable to walk with the child for at least 40 minutes every day. If the child does not sleep during the day, he can walk after school in the middle of the day.

At school, the child's physical activity is limited. That's why
it is very important to let the child move in the afternoon. Running, outdoor games, swimming, general physical training well help to relieve stress. It is important that sports do not overwork the child.

And finally, it is very important to limit the time for preparing lessons. Doing homework for many hours not only does not contribute to the assimilation of the material, but also leads to overwork. The time allotted for the preparation of lessons should not exceed 1 hour. It is better if the child is engaged for half an hour, followed by a physical education minute. Perhaps the task will not be completed perfectly. But let's think about what is more important for us: the health of the child or one perfectly written line.

Being the parent of a first grader is really hard. It happens that we do not have enough patience, endurance when we are engaged with a child. Sometimes we forget how difficult it is to master a completely new activity.

I would like to offer you one simple experiment. Please take a pen and write the following phrase: "My child is a first grader." Isn't it simple? Now switch the pen to the other hand and write the same phrase. Look at these two lines. How smoothly and beautifully we write right hand and how difficult and unusual writing is given if we shift the pen to the other hand.

If it seems to you that your patience is running out, what do you have
more strength to deal with the child, please remember this exercise. If you have any learning difficulties, you can always contact me, and together we will think about how best to resolve the situation.


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