Drawing on the theme of a blot. Blotography drawing technique for preschoolers and schoolchildren


In the old good times when quill quills were used for writing, which had to be dipped in ink, putting an ink on paper was a piece of cake. It was enough to gape a little, not to completely shake off the pen, or just carelessly pull the hand, and the letter was spoiled. There was a huge blot on it, indicating that the work would have to be rewritten. Now only people who are passionate about rarity write with a pen in order to feel the atmosphere of the past.

Fountain pens vs fountain pens

IN Soviet times appeared which had to be filled with ink independently. Embarrassment with blots happened less frequently, but was not completely eliminated. Fountain pens, like their predecessors, continued to spoil writing, forcing redoing, rewriting and tearing out damaged sheets. Now, when the ball is ruled by a fountain pen, it is almost impossible to see a blot. Such an event can happen only in emergency situations, for example, if a rod leaks in hot weather. Children began to forget what a blot is, because a fountain pen is convenience and practicality.

Blot in cartoons about schoolboys-loafers

In many beloved by all of us Soviet cartoons there are episodes about unfortunate students when a schoolboy puts an inkblot in his notebook. Doing homework, which already seems complicated to him, the character becomes terribly angry because of the incident. Modern kids, looking through old cartoons, are wondering what a blot is and where it comes from. It is difficult for them to understand the whole mechanism and history of the formation of an inkblot, because the fountain pens they use do not flow. Here, as always, parents come to the rescue, who can not only explain everything intelligibly, but also clearly show the child, using the example of paints, gouache or watercolor, how to draw a blot. Learning new things is much more interesting if you do it together.

Joint creativity

The shape of the blot resembles a blurry spot of paint or ink. The most accurate way to explain to a child about it is in several ways, for which you will need an album and paints for drawing, a brush and a simple pencil:

  1. The first way is with a brush and paints. Having dipped the brush in water, and then, having thickly smeared it with paint, you need to lift it above the album sheet and wait until the colored drop falls on the sheet. Under the force of its weight, it will take on a unique shape. It is easy to draw a blot, even a one-year-old baby can handle it.
  2. The second way is using simple pencil. How to draw a blot with a pencil? Just if not be afraid and show a little creativity that are embedded in each of us. To do this, you just need to reproduce circles or ovals that are uneven in shape and proportions on paper. This should be done by including fantasy in the work, because each blot is unique. It may seem to inexperienced artists that they are the same, but this is an absolute delusion.
  3. Third original way drawing a blot will be like this: for starters, it’s worth completely decorating an album sheet or any canvas intended for work with a uniform paint. Then you should dip a clean brush into ordinary water and, without shaking it off, hold it over a sheet of paper that has been pre-painted. A drop of water will certainly fall on the canvas and leave a mark in the form of a blurry place. This will be the blot. This method gives an answer to the question of how to draw a blot clean water. Using it as a competition at events, you can long time to captivate the kids, and this, as you know, is very valuable.

How to draw a blot and turn it into a masterpiece?

That's not all. The resulting blurry spots are easy to turn into funny monsters or wonderful jellyfish. After visual explanations to the child about how to draw a blot, you can proceed to this more exciting activity. This is easy to do by adding a few original details: eyes, nose, mouth. You can draw whole families of similar monsters or make everyone different. It's all about imagination and fantasy. Drawing is easy when you do it in good mood and in cheerful company. Such interesting joint creative activities are also good to hold in large children's companies, for example, at some kind of holiday. Children with great pleasure will laugh at each other's original masterpieces.

Draw with children, the whole family - it's exciting and funny.

Master class on non-traditional drawing

Drawing master class.

Name. Klyaksography usual.
Author. Gencheva Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher additional education, MOU DO "Dniester Children's and Youth Center", Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
This master class is designed to work in children's creative association, drawing lessons with children aged 5 years and older, for teachers, educators, parents.
Purpose: making drawings in an unusual way.
Target. Introduce non-traditional technique drawing with "ordinary blotography".
Tasks. Teach new ways of obtaining images, objectification and "revival" unusual shapes(blot). Develop attention, thinking, artistic imagination from the abstract to the concrete. Cultivate accuracy at work.
Material: paper, paints, brushes, jars of water, wet wipes, pencils.
Presentation of the material. Guys, I received a letter from a colorful country, from our friend, the artist Raskraskin. Listen to what he writes.
Hello guys! I want to tell you what happened to me.
Brought to me as a gift by my sister
small bottle
Black-black ink.
I began to draw
But right off the bat
Dropped a huge blot.
And blurred
Spot on the sheet
It began to grow little by little:
On the left is a trunk, And on the right is a tail, Legs are like pedestals, Tall...
I immediately
Huge ears added to the black carcass,
And it turned out
Of course, he is - you guessed it - Indian ... (elephant).
(poem by D. Ciardi “About who came out of the inkblot”) I am sending you some of my new works, made in an unusual way of drawing with ordinary inkblotography. I hope you enjoy them. See you. Your Raskraskin.

Looking at drawings

Discussion. Children's reasoning about how to get an image.
Do you want to learn how to draw like this? Children's answers.
Demonstration of drawing methods by the teacher.
For work you will need: paper, paints, brush, water, felt-tip pens or pencils.

Let's prepare the paints - add a few drops of water to each color of the watercolor, fold the sheet of paper in half and unfold it.

On one side, closer to the middle, drop a few greasy drops - a blot. You can use paint of different colors.

Then fold the sheet in half along the fold line and draw the palm up and down several times so that the paint spreads over the sheet. To "transform" the blot, let's say the magic words.

Carefully unfold the sheet. You see a weird spot.

Think what it's like? Dream up. "Relive" blots - turn them into living creatures or objects. Carefully examine the blots, turning the sheets of paper in different sides. You can draw some details with a pencil.

Questions for children about the sequence of drawing.
Where do we start work?
Where are we going to put the paint?
How many drops will we drip?
When we put the leaf together, what will we do?
What should be done next?
When they came up with what it looks like with pencils ...... ..
Independent practical work children.
Children master the usual blot technique. The teacher works individually. Gives instructions, helps to get the image in an unusual way. Encourages independence. He advises to carefully examine the blots, turning the sheets of paper in different directions. Shows for example: this is my blot, if you look at it like this, it looks like a butterfly, you just need to finish the antennae. And who will your blots turn into? The teacher quietly, in the ear asks each child about his intentions and associations, helps indecisive children with advice or indirect questions. The teacher works with more active, capable children. Gives them Additional tasks. Analysis of children's work. At the end of the lesson, a general exhibition of "live" blots is arranged.

Lesson topic: Blotography and watercolor

Children's age- 4-6 years

Target: development of children's creative abilities through acquaintance with non-traditional methods drawing.


Educational- mastering the technology of inkblotography and the method of sticking watercolor paints.

Educational- development creativity, imagination, fantasies based on familiarization with non-traditional methods of drawing.

educators- to educate pupils in accuracy, composure in the performance of work methods, diligence, and the ability to listen.

Methodical equipment:

Samples of previously completed works, illustrations for children's books.

Necessary materials: a sheet of coated paper, A-3 format, ink, palette, watercolors, a jar of water, brushes.

Course progress.

1. Introduction.

Blotography is one of the techniques that both children and adults love. With the help of a blot and a stream of air, unusual silhouettes appear, which the artists then turn into trees, fairy tale characters, flowers and much more.

Today we will get acquainted with only one method of inkblotography, but first we will get acquainted with illustrations famous artists who used this drawing method in their work. This is the work of Erik Bulatov and Oleg Vasiliev.

What do you think helped these artists create the image of a dense forest?

Right! Blots!

Blots are different: scary and cute, evil and kind. It all depends on the imagination of the artist.

Listen to a poem about blots.

Wonderful blotch.

In every blot

Someone is there

If in a blot

Get in with your finger.

In this blot -

cat with a tail,

Under the tail

River with a bridge

navigable river

For ships and zander.

On Bridge -

A weirdo with a weirdo.

Under the bridge -

Pike perch with perch,

And float back and forth

All kinds of ships:

They are sailing there with there,

They float here with here,

reflected in the river

Pike perches with eccentrics,

Freaks with perches.

This blot is the end

Gotta make a new one

It has a huge palace.

And a balcony with a cow!

2. Preparing children for a practical lesson.

Guys, today we will create with the help of blots various images trees. And the magic jar of ink will help us with this. The ink does not wash off clothes, so we make sure that everyone has aprons and sleeves.

3. Practical lesson.

And now let's start creating a blot. To do this, put a large ink blot in the middle of the sheet and start blowing. We blow in such a way that our blot grows up, turning into a tree.

(Teacher's commentary on each stage of production, helping children in the process of work). Blots must be blown out. Therefore, children quickly get tired.

Physical education:

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, unbend,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.

After our trees are ready, we proceed to complete the work using the method of priming with watercolors. On the palette, mix yellow and blue colors. There are various shades of green. Make a priming brush, creating leaves near the tree and grass.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Drawing technique - inkblotography The work was done by students of grade 6 A Gaiduchenko Ekaterina and Kabanova Ella Supervisor - Goncharova L.A.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

What is claxography. Blotography is one of the most unusual and unconventional ways of drawing, .... very exciting, developing not only skills and abilities, but also imagination, ingenuity, perseverance.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The purpose and objectives of this work Paint fell on the album There was a blot on the sheet Let's add eyes to it Let the dragonfly fly To acquaint everyone with such a method of image as blotography, show it expressive possibilities. - to arouse interest in the "revival" of unusual forms (blot), to learn to draw the details of objects (blot), to give them completeness and resemblance to real images; to learn to see the unusual in the ordinary; - develop creative thinking, flexibility of thinking, perception, imagination, fantasy, interest in creative activity; to cultivate accuracy in drawing with paints

4 slide

Description of the slide:

What is interesting about this drawing technique. For creating decorative backgrounds (in postcards, for example) For fantasy development exercises For art therapy - pulling out images of a problem from the subconscious and transforming them To create works of art From the left blots you can create a unique pattern. …

5 slide

Description of the slide:

What do you need to work. Large and small hard art brushes, toothbrushes, comb, cocktail straws, cotton buds, cotton pads, pipette, used aerosol bottles from cosmetics. Watercolors, gouache, acrylic. A container with water and a cuvette for wetting a sheet of paper. Paper, cardboard, polyethylene film. Wet wipes, cloths, newspapers.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Stages creative process So, blotography is a drawing technique. Where to begin? If you are new to this area, then you should first decide on the theme of the future drawing. Here it is extremely important to direct mental activity in the right direction, to set the direction. Having made a blot on a piece of paper, turn on your fantasy and try to see in it the outlines of an object or living being. There are several ways to create a drawing using blotography.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Drip method You will need a wide, voluminous brush. Saturate the brush with paint, and then, placing it over a piece of paper, begin to splatter the watercolor. If you want the drops to irrigate a small area, tap the brush on your finger or hand. When the brush is simply shaken, the spatter area increases. For spot application of paint, use a pipette. By the way, with its help you can create a blot big size thus depicting, for example, the sun. Most often, landscapes are created using this method of blotting.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Spreading (blowing) method To do this, a large blot is applied to the corner of the sheet with a brush. Importantly, the paint must be very liquid. Then, with the help of a tube, they begin to inflate the paint on the surface of the paper. It is advisable to direct the watercolor in different directions.

9 slide

Subject: Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing interest in fine art.

Target: to expand the knowledge of teachers through acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques, as a means of developing the interest of preschoolers in fine art.


  • to acquaint teachers with an unconventional drawing technique - inkblotography;
  • teach practical skills in the field visual activity using unconventional way images: tube blowing and monotype;
  • improve the skills of teachers.

Methods and techniques: reproductive, practical.

Equipment: drawings made in the technique of blotography; children's work on visual activity using non-traditional techniques drawing; tables, chairs for teachers; material for practical activities - gouache, ink of different colors, jars of water, brushes, colored pencils, cocktail tubes, landscape sheets of paper, scissors, glue, strips of paper, napkins for each teacher.

Preliminary work: processing of special literature on the topic; equipment preparation; creative work children.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 "Saxaul tree"

Technique: blotography (tube blowing)

1. Prepare: a sheet of thick landscape paper, black ink in a bottle with a thin tip, a cocktail tube, colored pencils (yellow, brown, blue) for the background.

2. Draw a bright sun, sand on a sheet of paper.

3. We take a bottle of ink and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

6. You get such a tree.

MASTER CLASS No. 2 "Fairytale tree"

Technique: blotting (blowing with a straw

1. Prepare: landscape sheet of paper; colored ink in bottles with a thin tip; cocktail tube; squirrel brush No. 3-5; palette, glass of water, colored pencils for the background.

2. We prepare the background (grass, sky) with colored pencils.

3. We take a bottle of ink of any color and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

4. Blow the blot from the bottom up with a cocktail tube. When the blot is divided into several shoots (twigs) - blow them out separately in the right direction.

5. To obtain smaller branches, we blow out each large branch with quick movements of the tube to the right - to the left, up - down.

6. On the palette, we collect a drop of mascara of different colors and with a brush, using the priming method, we draw leaves.

7. You get such a fabulous tree.

MASTER CLASS No. 3 "Butterfly"

Technique: blotography (monotype).

1. Prepare: gouache of different colors, a jar of water, a landscape sheet of paper, a brush, glue, a strip of paper, scissors.

2. Fold a sheet of paper in half.

3. Reveal.

4. On one half of the sheet, apply gouache along the contour with a brush.

5. Apply paint of a different color at random.

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