Russian state library rgb. Dissertations rgb for free


The Lenin Russian Library is the national book depository of the Russian Federation. Among other things, it is the leading research institution, methodological and advisory center of the country. The Lenin Library is located in Moscow. What is the history of this institution? Who stood at its origins? How old is the Lenin Moscow Library? About this and much more later in the article.

National Book Depository from 1924 to the present day

The Lenin State Library (whose opening hours will be given below) was formed on the basis of the Rumyantsev Museum. Since 1932, the book depository has been included in the list of research centers of republican significance. In the first days of the 2nd World War, the most valuable funds were evacuated from the institution. About 700,000 rare manuscripts, which were stored in the Lenin Library, were packed and taken out. Nizhny Novgorod became a place of evacuation of valuable collections. I must say that in Gorky there is also a fairly large book depository - the main one in the region.


In the period from July 1941 to March 1942, the Lenin Library sent to various, mainly more than 500 letters with exchange offers. Consent was obtained from a number of states. In 1942, the book depository established book exchange relationships with 16 countries and 189 organizations. Most Interest represented relations with the United States and England.

By May of the same year, the leadership of the institution began "passportization", which was completed even before the end of hostilities. As a result, file cabinets and catalogs were taken into account and brought into proper form. First reading room The book depository was opened in 1942, on May 24. In the following year, 1943, a department of youth and children's literature was formed. By 1944, the Lenin Library returned valuable funds evacuated at the beginning of the war. In the same year, the Board and the Book of Honor were created.

In February 1944, a restoration and hygiene department was established in the book depository. Under him, a research laboratory was formed. In the same year, the issues of transferring doctoral and candidate's dissertations to the book depository were resolved. The active formation of the fund was carried out mainly through the acquisition of antiquarian world and domestic literature. In 1945, on May 29, the book depository was awarded for an outstanding contribution to the storage and collection of publications and service to a wide range of readers. Along with this, medals and orders received a large number of institution employees.

The development of the book depository in the post-war years

By 1946, the question arose of forming a consolidated catalog of Russian publications. On April 18 of the same year, the Lenin State Library became the venue for the reader's conference. By the next year, 1947, a regulation was approved that established the regulations for compiling a consolidated catalog of Russian editions of the major book depositories of the Soviet Union.

To carry out this activity, a methodological council was created on the basis of the book depository. It included representatives of various public libraries (named after Saltykov-Shchedrin, the book depository of the Academy of Sciences, and others). As a result of all the activities, the preparation of the base for the catalog of Russian publications of the 19th century began. Also in 1947, an electric train was launched to deliver requirements to the book storage from reading rooms and a fifty-meter conveyor for transporting publications.

Structural transformation of the institution

At the end of 1952, the Charter of the book depository was approved. In April 1953, in connection with the dissolution of the Committee that dealt with the affairs of cultural and educational institutions, and the formation of the Ministry of Culture in the RSFSR, the Lenin Library was transferred to the newly formed department of state administration. By 1955, the cartography sector began issuing and distributing a printed card for incoming atlases and maps by legal deposit. At the same time, the international subscription was also renewed.

Several reading rooms were opened from 1957 to 1958. In accordance with the Order issued by the Ministry of Culture, in 1959 the editorial team, whose activities involved the publication of tables of library and bibliographic classification. During 1959-60, the auxiliary funds related to the scientific halls were transferred to open access. Thus, by the mid-60s, more than 20 reading rooms with more than 2300 seats functioned in the book depository.


In 1973, the Lenin Library received the highest award Bulgaria - Order of Dmitrov. At the beginning of 1975, the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the transformation of the Rumyantsev public book depository into a national one took place. In early 1992, the library received the status of the Russian. In the following year, 1993, the department of art publications was one of the founders of MABIS (Moscow Association of Art Book Depositories). In 1995, the State Library launched the "Memory of Russia" project. By the following year, a project to modernize the institution was approved. In 2001, the updated Charter of the Book Depository was approved. Along with this, new information carriers were introduced, due to which the technological processes inside the library structure.

Funds of the book depository

The first collection of the library was the collection of Rumyantsev. It included more than 28 thousand publications, 1000 maps, 700 manuscripts. In one of the first Regulations governing the work of the book depository, it was stated that all literature that was and will be published in Russian Empire. So, from 1862, the legal deposit began to arrive.

Subsequently, donations and donations became the most important source of funds replenishment. At the beginning of 1917, the library kept about 1 million 200 thousand publications. As of January 1, 2013, the volume of the fund is already 44 million 800 thousand copies. This includes serial and periodicals, books, manuscripts, newspaper archives, art publications (including reproductions), early printed samples, as well as documentation on non-traditional information media. The Russian Library named after Lenin has a collection of foreign and domestic documents in more than 360 languages ​​of the world, universal in terms of typological and specific content.

Research activities

The Lenin Library (a photo of the book depository is presented in the article) is the country's leading center in the field of book, library and bibliography. Scientists working in the institution are engaged in the development, implementation and development of various projects. Among them are the "National Fund of Official Documents", "Accounting, Identification and Protection of Book Monuments of the Russian Federation", "Memory of Russia" and others.

In addition, the development of theoretical, methodological foundations librarianship, preparation of methodological and legal documentation in the field of library science. The research department is engaged in the creation of databases, indexes, surveys of a professional production, scientific auxiliary, national, recommendatory nature. Questions on the theory, technology, organization and methodology of bibliography are also being developed here. The library regularly conducts interdisciplinary research into the historical aspects of book culture.

Measures to expand the activities of the book depository

The tasks of the research department of reading and books include analytical support for the functioning of the library as an instrument of information policy state significance. In addition, the department is engaged in the development of cultural methods and principles for identifying the most valuable copies of documents and books, the introduction of recommendations into the practical activities of the institution, the development of programs and projects for the disclosure of library funds. At the same time, work is being carried out on the research and practical introduction of methods for the restoration and conservation of library documentation, surveys of storage facilities, methodological and consulting activities.

Modern library named after Lenin

The official website of the institution contains information about the history of the emergence and development of the book depository. Here you can also get acquainted with catalogues, services, events and projects. The institution is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 8 pm, on Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm. Day off - Sunday.

The library today operates a training center for additional and postgraduate professional education specialists. The activity is carried out on the basis of the license of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Science and Education. On the basis of the center, there is a postgraduate school that trains personnel in the specialties of "book science", "bibliography" and "library science". The Dissertation Council operates in the same areas, whose competence includes the awarding of doctoral and candidate degrees. pedagogical sciences. This department is allowed to accept for defense works of specialization in educational and historical sciences.

Recording rules

Reading rooms (of which there are 36 in the book depository today) can be used by all citizens - as Russian Federation, and foreign countries when they reach the age of eighteen. The recording is made in an automated mode, which provides for the issuance of a plastic ticket to readers, where there is a personal photo of a citizen. To obtain a library card, you must present a passport with a residence permit (or for students - a grade book or student ID, for graduates of a university - a document on education.

Remote and online registration

The library has a remote entry system. In this case, an electronic library card is created. For registration, foreign citizens will need a document proving their identity, translated into Russian. For registration electronic ticket the person will have to send the entire package of necessary papers by mail. In addition, online registration is available. It is available to registered readers on the site. Online registration is carried out from the Personal Account.

Today the Russian State Library is a symbol of fundamental knowledge. Having visited the magnificent reading rooms, having worked with books under the famous green lamps, you understand that pride seizes you. You understand that in our country it is necessary to be proud of libraries and museums, scientists and cultural figures!

May 17, 1784 - the first written mention of the beginning of the collecting activities of N.P. Rumyantsev. This day can rightly be considered the Day of the birth of the Russian State Library, since the official date of foundation is July 1, 1828. And here are just some of the amazing veils that amaze with their grandiosity: The RSL is the second largest in the world (after the Library of Congress in the USA), it has more than 45 million items of storage (including the rarest handwritten books, specialized collections of notes, maps, sound recordings, dissertations), about 4 thousand readers visit the library every day, and more than 1.3 million annually.

The history of the foundation and development of the library is quite bright and interesting. Initially, in 1828, the Rumyantsev Museum in St. Petersburg was established and since 1845 it was part of the Imperial Public Library, but was in a difficult situation - there was always a lack of funds for maintenance. Then the curator of the museum, V. F. Odoevsky, offered to transport the collections of books to Moscow, where they would be in demand and preserved. And on May 23, 1861, by decree of the Committee of Ministers, the Rumyantsev Museum "moved" and became part of the Moscow Public Museum. It is difficult to imagine what work was done under the leadership of the director of the Imperial Public Library M.A. Korfa.

This library can be called truly popular, since all Muscovites were invited to form the funds of the new “Museum of Sciences and Arts”, they turned to noble, petty-bourgeois and merchant societies, publishing houses for help. Thus, more than 300 book and manuscript collections have replenished the fund of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museums.

On June 19 (July 1), 1862, Emperor Alexander II approved the "Regulations on the Moscow Public Museum and the Rumyantsev Museum", and later - the Charter of the Museum-Library. Many great scientists have devoted their lives to the RSL: philosopher, founder of Russian cosmism, N.F. Fedorov; curator and full member of scientific societies N.G. Kerzelli; curator of the collection of fine arts K. K. Hertz; Professor of the Moscow University in the Department of Comparative Linguistics and Sanskrit V. F. Miller; historian, archeographer D.P. Lebedev and many, many others.

At the end of 1894, the museum received an official patron - Emperor Nicholas II. The imperial family made a huge contribution to the development of manuscript and book stocks. In 1913, in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty and the 50th anniversary of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museums, the library was named the Imperial Moscow and Rumyantsev Museum by the highest decision.

By the beginning of the 1920s, the RSL was a cultural and science Center global scale and significance - stands at the head of one of the important branches of science - library science. And in 1924, on the basis of the State Rumyantsev Museum, the Russian Public Library named after V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) was created.

Years of the Great Patriotic War were difficult for the library, more than 700 thousand items (rare and especially valuable publications, manuscripts) were evacuated. In 1942, despite all the difficulties, a children's reading room was opened. When the war ended, the library was awarded the Order of Lenin for outstanding services, as well as orders and medals. large group library staff.

The doors of the library have always been open to people of art. In the 20-30s of the XX century, the Central literary museum, in 1925 it included the Museum of A.P. Chekhov in Moscow, Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky, Museum of F.I. Tyutchev "Muranovo", M. Gorky Museum, L.N. Tolstoy. The Book Museum is being created. It organizes exhibitions dedicated to writers (I.S. Turgenev, A.I. Herzen, N.A. Nekrasov, A.S. Pushkin, M. Gorky, V.V. Mayakovsky, Dante, etc.). The library takes an active part in the publication of the complete scientifically prepared collected works of L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasov, whose archives were kept in the Lenin Library. Even earlier, the library was visited by V.V. Mayakovsky, M. Gorky and many other writers.

In 1992, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the GBL was transformed into the Russian State Library. However, the plate with the old name is still located above the main entrance to the library.

The employees of the RSL continue the traditions of library science, increasing the collection of books and improving their work. per century modern technologies in the lobby of the main building there are terminals for ordering books, a large number of printed publications have been digitized and are available in electronic version. Orders are sent through the 19-story warehouse using pneumatic mail, then the books are transported on mini-rails by trolleys with special containers. Now in the RSL you can not only find almost any book, but also come on an excursion, see everything with your own eyes “from the inside”. Guides will show you rare books, take you through the book depositories, tell you about ghosts. Yes Yes! His good spirit lives here - Nikolai Rubakin, a bibliologist and writer, who bequeathed his personal library to the RSL - over 75 thousand volumes. The ghost can be heard (steps and rustles) on the 15th floor of the vault only at night. However, as old-time librarians say, if you cannot find the necessary book in the reading room (where Rubakin's library is located), quietly ask the owner for help - he will not keep you waiting long.

The architectural ensemble, which combines several buildings of modern and historical construction, deserves special attention. Now main library complex The RSL is the main building on the street. Vozdvizhenka, Pashkov House, center Eastern literature on Mokhovaya Street, a dissertation fund in Khimki and a reading room in the Jewish Museum.

the greatest historical value presents the Pashkov House at 26 Mokhovaya Street, which is the oldest fund RSL and one of the most famous classic buildings in Moscow. Presumably, the house was designed by the architect Vasily Bazhenov and built in 1784-1786 by order of the son of Peter I's batman, Pyotr Egorovich Pashkov. In 1839, the house was purchased from Pashkov's heirs by the treasury for Moscow University, and in 1861 the building was transferred to the Rumyantsev Museum to store books. Now in the right wing of the Pashkov House there is a department of manuscripts, in the left - a sheet music department and a department of cartographic publications, which opened for readers in April 2009.

The Russian State Library is located in the central district of Moscow at the address: Vozdvizhenka Street, 3/5. Today the Russian State Library is the largest book depository in Russia. The library funds include more than 70 million copies of various printed publications in 247 languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

The RSL is a national library, research and scientific information institution, cultural center federal significance.

Nearest metro: Biblioteka im. Lenin.

The Russian State Library is also called the RSL for short, as well as Leninka.

The complex of buildings includes the Library Building (22 sculptures are located on the parapet of the Library building). famous sculptors G.M. Manizera, E.A. Janson-Manizer, N.V. Krandievsky, V.V. Lisheva, V.I. Mukhina), buildings of book depositories.

On the part of the building located near the lobby of the Lenin Library metro station, you can see the symbols of the Soviet period:

Historical reference

The library was founded on June 19 (July 1), 1862 as part of the Moscow public Rumyantsev Museum, when Emperor Alexander II signed the decree “Regulations on the Moscow Public Museum and the Rumyantsev Museum”. This date is considered the birthday of the first public museum in Moscow, as well as the birthday of the first free, public library in Moscow (it was part of the museums). Since the same 1862, the library began to receive a mandatory copy.

The first reading room was opened to the public in January 1863.

Initially, the library was located in (now part of the library complex).

In 1915, according to the project of architect Nikolai Lvovich Shevyakov, the premises of the second and third floors of the main building were combined into one hall with overhead light, and a reading room for 300 seats was opened. The hall was described in newspapers and magazines, photographers left many images of it. This hall in different years was simply called the Reading Room, Main Reading Room, General Reading Room, Thesis Reading Room. During the existence of the hall (from 1915 to 1988), there were special green lamps on the tables, and a crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

In 1958, the construction of two buildings was completed, where additional scientific reading rooms were opened. By 1960, the construction of a new building was completed. Sculptures are installed above the pylons of the facade, and bronze portraits of great writers and scientists of the world are placed in niches.

January 24, 1924 the library was renamed to Russian library them. V. I. Lenin, and on February 6, 1925 it was transformed into the State Library of the USSR. V. I. Lenin.

    Sergey Krutiev

    There is little confusion, the staff is polite and understanding. Of course, they themselves do not approach you and do not climb with advice, but if you ask "they will take you by the hand" and explain everything in detail. computer program certainly weak. The search will find if only accurate name in the request - no "similar" or "see also". Some dissertations are not digitized at all, but these are trifles. You can use the dissertation site and just take the title of the dissertation from there. There, the search is much more convenient, but a vile deception in the price of documents! Abstracts can be downloaded completely free of charge on the RSL website in the dissertation fund, and a dissertation requires 250 rubles for this. Based on the author's abstract, you can easily understand whether you need this dissertation and go to the RSL already "with a shopping list." So for a young scientist with the right mind, the library is a great place to find your way around.

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    Ekaterina Bakulina

    When I visited the Lenin Library for the first time, I was somehow confused: where to go, where to get a library card. But everything turned out to be easier than I thought: friendly employees clearly explained how the registration process goes, and what to do next. The choice of literature is truly immense. But to get a book, you must first make a request for it, and then return in a couple of hours or the next day, and only then receive it. This, of course, is very inconvenient, but it is probably impossible to build the work of such a huge library in another way. In the reading rooms nice smell yellowed book pages, employees control the observance of silence, the atmosphere is intelligent and working. The only frustrating thing is the library's work schedule... It's ideal for students and retirees, but working people have to stop by first to place an order for a book, the next day to get it, and there is only an hour or two left for reading before closing.

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    Anastasia Myasnikova

    I have only been to Leninka once. Probably the first and last. But not because I didn’t like it there, no ... It’s just that it’s somehow too cool for me, gouging students, to go to Leninka. Too big, too crowded building. Too much smart people around. Too complicated registration system. Too many books. Too strict restrictions.

    On the other hand, Leninka has almost everything. An amazing place - on Vozdvizhenka, 3/5. There's even a buffet where you can eat and a cloakroom. There are many reading rooms there. There are many smart and interesting readers next to which you feel attached to the great science.

    But still, the student is extremely uncomfortable there. Precisely because students rarely want to be introduced to science ...

    0 comment

    Anna Peshkova

    In the Russian State Library "Leninskaya" at Vozdvizhenka, 3/5, complete chaos and confusion reigns for ordinary visitors. First - it's big, and not just big, but huge! So big that you can get lost there. Pleasing to the eye in the exterior and interior views, beautiful. Books there came across excellent, but actually on all this pluses come to an end. Then there are only cons. As you enter the library, you can see from the inscriptions that you need to make a card for yourself. Fill out the form, what's next? What are you going to do next? To whom should I give this questionnaire? There is between different rooms I need some kind of passes, but where can I get these passes? In general, there is a terrible confusion among visitors. Especially for beginners, but it shouldn't be like that! Everything should be extremely clear and understandable, without these troubles. Okay, with these troubles, I figured out these passes and went to the right room. But that is not all. The library has a terminal for the delivery of books. After ordering a book, you have to wait 3-4 hours for it. And even then, it is not a fact that the same book will come. A mess, in a word. And for what consultants sit in the premises - it is not clear! For them, it is as if the people around them do not exist. Seemed blind. I give this place an average rating, maybe even slightly below average.

    0 comment

    Alena Kazarova

    The largest library in Moscow. There are indeed many books and textbooks, among which there are those that cannot be found anywhere except this library. But I only go there when I really need to. Since this place terribly annoys me with its unstructured. Everything in it is so uncomfortable and incomprehensible that the devil himself will break his leg. And no one can really explain anything (or does not want to). It all starts with the creation of a special plastic card for entering the library: when you enter, there is an announcement at the door that you must take a pen to fill out a questionnaire. and that's it ... no where to go with this questionnaire, no more to do, not a word. Naturally, you have to ask everything from those who are sitting in line. Next, you need to go to another building, and write to the aunt on a piece of paper which hall you are going to (tell me how do I understand how the halls are distributed here and which one I specifically need? especially if I have never been here before), it is absolutely impossible to understand the arrows on the floors, and in the reading room, in general, there was an amazing system, I did not find the book I needed in other rooms and went there in the hope that there would definitely be something there and I would at least rewrite what I I need ... but it turned out that without an application on the Internet, the reading room does not issue books; the site should say they have the same incomprehensible one, I tried to apply, but I also didn’t understand anything - I gave it, they wrote to me that the book could be put aside in the library for 5 days, but the next day the application magically disappeared, and it was It says that I have zero books set aside. Having tried to figure out what was the matter, it turned out that after confirming the application, it was necessary to climb somewhere else and do something there (I simply don’t remember what exactly). In general, if it is possible to find a book elsewhere, then my advice to you is better not to go there. Well, if you went, then expect that it will take you at least two hours to analyze what is where, why and why, so come earlier, the library is not open until late in the evening.

      Location Moscow Founded on July 1, 1828 electronic editions, scientific work, documents, etc ... Wikipedia

      - (RSL) in Moscow, the national library of the Russian Federation, the largest in the country. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, since 1925 the State Library of the USSR. V. I. Lenin, since 1992 modern name. In funds (1998) c. 39 million ... ... Russian history

      - (RSL) in Moscow, the national library of the Russian Federation, the largest in the country. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, since 1925 the State Library of the USSR named after V. I. Lenin, since 1992 the modern name. In funds (1998) about 39 million ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      RSL (Vozdvizhenka street, 3), national library, research and scientific information Center Russian Federation in the field of library science, bibliography and book science. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, in 1919 ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

      Founded in 1862 as the first publ. b ka Moscow. Initial name Moscow Public Museum and Rumyantsev Museum. Located in the so-called. Pashkov house commemorated. architecture con. 18th century, built according to the project of V.I. Bazhenov. The basis of the book. fund and... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

      1. ABC of Psychology, London, 1981, (Code: ID K5 33/210). 2. Ackerknecht E. Kurze Geschichte der Psychiatrie, Stuttgart, 1985, (Code: 5:86 16/195 X). 3. Alexander F... Psychological Dictionary

      Russian State Library- Russian State Library (RSL) ... Russian spelling dictionary

      Russian State Library- (RGB) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

      Russian State Library (RSL)- The Moscow Public Library (now the Russian State Library, or RSL) was founded on July 1 (June 19, old style), 1862. The fund of the Russian State Library originates from the collection of Count Nikolai Rumyantsev ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

      Location ... Wikipedia


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