Russian fucks beautiful American. What do American women think about Russian guys


Russian and American are arguing about democracy.
- Here we have a democracy! I can shout "Bush is a freak!" in front of the White House.
- I, too, can shout "Bush is a freak!" on Red Square.

For the American taking oriental medicine- alcohol with garlic, the biggest problem is to get rid of the smell of garlic later, for the Russian - then to beat off the smell of alcohol.

US Department of Defense officials, on condition of anonymity, told the Associated Press that two Russian nuclear submarines have been patrolling the US east coast in the past few days. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refutes these data. First, not two, but eight. Secondly, they don’t patrol, but look for a sunken container with vodka ...

The Russians argued with the Americans who had the better army. Decided to land best divisions on the island, whoever survives wins. And among the Russians, all the best in Chechnya are fighting, the rest are either peacekeepers, or at facilities, or recruits. Nothing to do, they decided to land the prisoners. It means that "green berets" and convicts are landing on the island, and the command is waiting for them in the clearing. After some time, a bloody "beret" crawls out into the clearing, American generals run up to him and ask:
- Well? We won?
- No, so far they have only answered for the goats.

The Americans offer us help in disarmament, says Russian President the Minister of Defense.
- Which one, Comrade President?
- They offer to send part of the tanks to them for remelting.
- Tanks, - the minister frowns with displeasure. - Or maybe rockets are better, otherwise you need to carry tanks.
- Aren't rockets necessary?
- And we will send rockets under our own power ...

The American program to launch into space super sophisticated spy satellites capable of detecting an object the size of a baseball on the ground ended in complete failure - in the very first flight over Russia, it was found out that there were no baseballs on the territory of this country ... baseballs!

A Russian major and an American major met during an exercise. We drank together and argued who had the bravest soldiers. Russian major calls a soldier:
- Private Ivanov! Jump out the window!
- Comrade Major! It's the 6th floor!
- Jump!
He crossed himself and jumped. Then the American Major calls:
- Corporal Smith! Jump out the window!
- Yes, you went!
The Russian major victoriously look at the American:
- Well? Whose soldier is braver?
- It depends on what to call courage ...

On oil rig foreigners must come to Russia with their translators, so the head of the tower receives an order to wean, at least for one day, oilmen from swearing, otherwise ... Well, he tries everything: orders, bonuses - but nothing helps: swearing is just terrible. Last night, not a damn thing comes out, the chief is sad. The foreman comes up to him and says that a box of cognac - and everything will be in openwork. Well, what to lose, agreed.
The delegation arrives the next day. There is no mat. They approach one random worker and ask:
- How is your work going?
- Yes, actually everything is fine ...
- How is the equipment?
- Yes, de facto, much better ...
- And the atmosphere in the team?
Well, there are many factors...
Well, like, everyone is happy, everything is in chocolate, the delegation flies away. The boss approaches the worker and asks:
- How is it that you didn’t say a sentence without a mat before, but now it’s quite decent?
- And the foreman comes to us yesterday and says: well, lads, let's show the Americans that we, too, will only get by with "fake" ...

He sits in a Russian cafe and has an afternoon snack. He has a sandwich with jam and muesli on the table. An American approaches him and, chewing gum, asks him:
- But you, Russians, eat whole bread?
Russian answers:
- Certainly! And what?
An American blowing a bubble gum says:
- We don't! We, Americans, eat only the crumb, and we collect the crusts in containers, process them, make muesli out of them and sell them to Russia!
The Russian is silent. The American, again inflating a bubble of gum, asks:
- Do you Russians eat sandwiches with jam?
Russian answers:
- Of course we eat!
- We don't! We in America eat only fresh fruit. Seeds, peels and all sorts of things, there we collect cores in containers, process them, make jam from them and sell them to Russia!
And happy again inflates the bubble. This, finally, pretty offended the Russian, and he, in turn, asks:
- What do you do with condoms after use?
- Throw away, of course.
- We don't! We Russians collect them in containers, process them, make chewing gum out of them and sell them to America.

The Statue of Liberty and the Motherland met:
- Hello village! - says the Statue of Liberty and points to his torch. - Look at my lighter.
- Which one of us is a village? - Motherland answers and points to her sword. - Look at my nail file.

in the middle Pacific Ocean a Russian submarine floats up, rusty, covered in shells... The crew, unwashed, in dirty uniforms, spill out on the deck.
- Who threw a felt boot into the remote control?
Everyone is silent...
- Once again I ask, who threw a felt boot into the remote control?
An American submarine pops up nearby, everything sparkles, its captain lines up the whole team. Americans in brand new uniforms with "Made in America" ​​label.
American commander, brushes a speck of dust off his shoulder:
But here in America...
- Yes, your America is no more ... Who threw a felt boot into the remote control?

Russian children in the city of San Jose decided to have fun and let three pigs into the school. At the same time, the numbers 1, 2 and ... 4 were written on them with paint. For a week, the American police were looking for a pig at number 3.

In Russia and in the USA, self-learning computers with artificial intelligence. Exactly 1 year 22 days 13 hours 25 minutes 34 seconds. American computer hacked control of nuclear missiles and destroyed all life. The Russian computer didn't care - he drank himself about 5-6 months before.

Two foreign aircraft designers are talking. One asks the other:
- Why do Americans have helicopters on skis, while Russians have wheels?
- I don't know, maybe everyone has their own advantages.
- Interestingly, Russian pilots admit the possibility of starting the engine from the pusher.

Somehow an American tourist came to Moscow. He walked all day, with a camera and a camera, on all sorts of excursions, he got tired, and in addition he wanted to go to the toilet. Pee. He looked for a toilet, looked for, but did not find. And he is completely unbearable. He enters the first doorway he comes across, and as soon as he unzips his fly, a passing cop calls out to him:
- Hey! What are you doing there?
- I am an American tourist! I really want to pee!
- It's not allowed here, let's go, I'll show you where you can.
The cop takes the tourist to such a chic, well-groomed park, leads him to a beautiful cream-colored house and says:
- Here, write here.
American enjoys pissing on the wall of this beautiful home, then zips up his fly, turns to the cop and says:
- ABOUT! I understand - this is Russian hospitality!
And the cop answers him:
- No, this is the American embassy!

All jokes are fictitious. Matches with real people or random events.

Hi everybody! Alexander Khvastovich is with you, and this is the release of a conversation on wheels. I looked through the questions that were asked about girls. The question received the most likes: “How do american girls to the Russians?

How do American women choose guys?

I must say that an American woman, like any other girl, will look first of all at personal qualities and not where you are from. And if she is more "grounded", that is, she looks more at material values then she will look at status, wealth and perspective. I think the main thing is the person, and not where he comes from.

From my own experience I will say that I had several relationships with American women, but they were not serious. I have never been able to build such a relationship with them that they go into a serious stage with planning for the future, family. Nothing like this. All this was more "to have fun", to have fun. For some reason, longer-term relationships develop with Russian girls.

Family values

Not all Americans have family values. In America different families, different outlooks on life and each family has its own values. But in general, an American who grew up in America, went to an American school, will never strive to have a baby at 20-22 years old. If this happens, then just because of "having fun", although it may be much earlier.

They will not consciously start a family at the age of 20. At least those girls with whom I spoke. The norm for them is 30 years or more. They want to travel first, hang out. They start a family only when they already find the ground under their feet.

By the way, it's hard to find an American American here (at least where I've been). Everyone has some kind of background: someone comes here at the age of 8-9, someone was brought by their parents. A clean American woman, probably, had to be looked for in college or in high school.

What is the attitude of American women towards Russians?

According to my observations and experience, American women have a normal attitude towards Russians. The accent does not scare them, the manner of communication, too. You can always talk to a person and discuss if there is something you don't like about each other. There are a lot of cultural differences. And it doesn't matter if she is pure American, Latino or from Germany. There is no special difference - cultural differences will be a shaft. There will be many things that are accepted with them and not accepted with us, and vice versa. It will be difficult for an American to say: “Stay at home and don’t go anywhere” or “Who is this? Your friend?". They are all friends.

My impression is that there is not much difference. The main thing is to communicate, and if people are suitable for each other, then you can get along with an American.

Moving to the USA is difficult, but there are categories of people who can afford it:

— Investors. It is enough to invest from 1 million dollars and in 2 years all family members will receive the status of a permanent resident of the United States ( EB-5 visa).

- You can also open a branch of an existing company in America or buy a ready-made business in the USA (from $100,000). This will entitle you to an L-1 work visa, which can be exchanged for a green card.

- Famous athletes, musicians, writers and other extraordinary people can move on an O-1 work visa.

— In the event of harassment by the state on religious grounds, political reason or humiliation due to belonging to a gay minority, you can request

Russian emigrants coming to America fill out a questionnaire,
in which, as elsewhere, there is a column where you must specify the gender
filling out the document. In English, gender is ``Sex``. Russians
emigrants usually write in this column: ``twice a week``
or ``three times a week``. American woman working at the reception,
who after some time learned a little Russian and
had seen enough of such questionnaires, one day, finally,
I decided to gently remark to a handsome young man from Baku:
- Here you need to write ``not three times a week``, but gender ``male or
He immediately replied:
- It doesn't matter to me!

Putin dies and finds himself at the gates of Paradise, where the apostle Peter meets him with the words:
- Welcome to heaven, Mr. President. Only, unfortunately, before you settle here, I must tell you that you need to solve one small problem. You see, it is very rare for a politician of such high rank to go to heaven, and we, in truth, do not even know what to do with you. Therefore, we have decided that you will spend one day in hell and one day in heaven, so that you yourself can freely decide where to spend your eternity.
Then the apostle escorts the newcomer to the elevator, on which ex-president going down to hell. The elevator doors open, Putin gets out and sees a bright green golf course around him. In the distance, he notices a luxurious club. His political friends, with whom he once worked, run towards him, joyfully hug him, remembering the old good times when he and all together grew rich at the expense of the Russian people. They play a game of golf, and then go to the club together for dinner with black caviar, lobster and other goodies. Satan himself dined with them, who in reality turned out to be a very nice, kind and cheerful person. Putin had such a fun time that he did not even notice that it was time to leave. Everyone comes up to him, warmly shaking his hands. Putin was very throned, and he felt sad. But now, the elevator doors are closing, and he again raises Putin to the gates of paradise, where the apostle Peter meets him. For the next 24 hours, Putin spends his time like this: jumping from cloud to cloud, playing the harp, praying and singing. The day is long and boring, but finally it ends. The apostle Peter appears and asks:
- Mr. President, you spent one day in hell and one in heaven, now you can decide democratically where to spend the rest of eternity.
Putin thought a little, scratched his bald head and said:
- Well, what can I say, paradise is, of course, very a nice place but I think I liked hell better.
The Apostle Peter, shrugging his shoulders, again escorts him to the elevator. When the elevator went down and the doors opened, Putin saw... vast desert, all littered with garbage, and all his friends, dressed in work overalls, collected this garbage and packed it in black plastic bags. Satan comes up to him and puts one arm around his neck in greeting.
“I don’t understand,” Putin babbles, “excuse me, yesterday there was a golf course and a club where we had dinner with black caviar and lobsters, and in general, we had such a great time here yesterday ... And now there is only this desert, littered with garbage, and my friends seem to be the last losers ...
Satan looks at him, smiles and says:
- My friend, yesterday we had election campaign. And today you have already voted for us ...

You have lived too long in Israel if...
- having heard the requirement to "dress more decently", with a sigh, pull
- lost the last remnants of respect for any religion.
- gave up trying to master Hebrew - due to the lack of
language environment.
- learned to type in Russian on a keyboard without Russian letters.
- have learned that the week begins on Sunday, the day is in the evening, and the year -
somewhere in September, and each time a different date.
- trying to impress a girl who is not exotic
profession, but the size of a bank account.
- give up these attempts when you find out that he earned so much in
school on vacation.
- agree that a man can have as many mistresses as
able to contain.
- and surprisingly - your wife thinks the same way.
- parted with the last soviet illusion - that in Russia the most beautiful
- you no longer try to get into a fight when something desperately yells in your face -
most likely, they just ask you how you are.
- you call Israel "the village of Izrailovka", but you are mortally insulted,
when foreigners do the same.
- do not throw cigarette butts into the bin: firstly, the plastic bag will burn out,
secondly, plastic explosives will explode.
- when you are asked to press the first button, press the rightmost one.
- consider swimming in the sea when the water temperature is below 30 Celsius -
- are not surprised that the bus driver does not announce stops; if not
know where to get out - just ask him, and he will tell you.
- if you want to ask for directions in Russian, confidently turn to
nearest janitor.
- in between times you are interested in what institute he graduated from.
- outraged by the actions of the telephone company, which sends the master
install an additional line only six days after the order.
- you know that "Yediot Akhranot" is not a curse, but the name of a newspaper.
- do not find anything strange in going to a restaurant at 2 am
have a bite.
- Learned that children can EVERYTHING. I mean, EVERYTHING.
- nevertheless, late at night having met a cheerful crowd of teenagers, not
cross to the other side of the street.
- and if he asked you to smoke, you know for sure that they
really just want a cigarette.
- if a soldier enters the bus, you begin to feel more
- ceased to be surprised that among the Jews there are a lot of blacks, and you yourself
suddenly turned into a Russian.

It is well known that:
a Spaniard is a person, and a Spaniard is a flu;
an American is a person, and an American is a billiards;
the Indian is a man, and the turkey is a bird;
Korean is a person, and loin is food;
a Bulgarian is a person, and a Bulgarian is a tool;
a pole is a person, and a polka is a dance;
a Turk is a person, and a Turk is a dish;
the Dutchman is a man, and the Dutchwoman is a stove;
Russian is a person, and Russian is vodka;
a Lithuanian is a person, and a Lithuanian is a scythe;
a sochinets is a person, and a composition is a preference;
Czech - a person, and Czech - shoes;
a Chinese is a person, and a Chinese is an apple;
Japanese ets - man, and Japanese ka - gas station;
a Moldovan is a person, and a Moldovan is a district;
a Canadian is a person and a Canadian is a haircut.

And just one exception:
a Muscovite is a person, and a Muscovite is a bucket of nuts.

New Russian (NR) built new house, large, 4-storey. ordered
expensive furniture, left at home young beautiful wife, and he went to
Workers from a furniture delivery company arrived - 2 loaders and a driver.
They brought a big truck with a trailer. We began to unload quickly and accurately,
bring in and install.
After more than 4 hours, the furniture stood in its place, all in
safety and security. HP's wife said goodbye to them and escorted them out of
He got into the car. One porter asks:
- Or did I not understand something, or did they not give us a tip ?!
- I'll sort everything out now, - says the second loader and got out of the car.
Ringing ok. The door is opened by HP's wife.
- Hello!
- Hello.
- We unloaded furniture for you here, everything is fine, are you happy with everything?
- Yes, why?
- Well, I don’t know, we are supposed to thank the diligent workers.
- And who are you?
- I'm a loader!
He takes him by the hand, leads him into the room, seats him in a chair,
unzips his fly and gives him a blowjob.
After about 15 minutes, he is stunned and returns to his friends.
- Well?
- Guys, what a tip! He does a blowjob so cool that I
no tip required!!!
“You don’t know how to ask for anything,” says the second loader, “I’m on my own right now.”
I'll take everything!
Comes, the same thing repeats!
Driver says:
- Everything, I'm tired! I want a blowjob too!
Comes in.
- Hello!..
- Yes.
- I came for a tip!
- And who are you?
- I am a driver!
- Wait a bit.
He takes his wallet and takes out 100 bucks from it.
- ????????
And my husband said to me: loaders x-th suck, and give the driver a hundred bucks.

A Russian immigrant came to New York.
He stops the first person walking down the street and says, "Thank you,
mr american, for letting me come to this country where i am,
as a new immigrant, got housing, food stamps, free
medical care for the first time, and free education!"
A passer-by says: "You are mistaken, I am a Mexican."
The man walks on and collides with another passer-by: "Thank you for being
such beautiful country like America.." The man says: "I'm not an American,
I'm Vietnamese."
The newcomer goes on and stops the next person,
whom he sees, shakes his hand, and says: "Thank you for
wonderful America!" To which the man also extends his hand and
says, "I'm from the Middle East. I'm not American."
Finally he sees a good looking lady and asks, "Are you American?"
He says: "No, I'm from Africa." Puzzled, he asks her: "Where is
all Americans?" The African lady looks at her watch and says:
"Probably at work."

A group of 40-year-old American women decided to get together and have lunch together.
On reflection, he chose the Ocean View restaurant, because there are many
young waiters in tight trousers.

10 years later, when they were all 50, he decided to have lunch again
They chose the Ocean View restaurant because it has good food, a selection of wines and
nice waiters.

10 years later, when they were all 60, he decided to have lunch again
He chose the Ocean View restaurant because it is quiet there, a beautiful view of
ocean and polite waiters.

10 years later, when they were all 70, he decided to have lunch again
They chose the Ocean View restaurant because there is an elevator and you can
go up to the dining room wheelchair and the waiters are always
ready to help.

10 years later, when they were all 80, he decided to have lunch again
He chose Ocean View because he had never been there before.

Have you ever wondered why (2):
an American is a person, and an American is a kind of billiards
a swede is a person, and a swede is a part of the foot
a Canadian is a person, and Canadians are skates
a pole is a person, and a polka is a dance
Vietnamese is a man and Vietnamese are flip flops
a Moldovan is a person, and a Moldovan is a street
a Panamanian is a man, and a Panamanian is a cap
Russian is a person, and Russian is vodka

Three families gathered: French, Americans and Russians.
Everyone is already aged, well, the women decided to repent.
Frenchwoman to Frenchman:
- Do you remember, dear, I got a new silver fox fur coat?
-That's when I cheated on you!
American to American:
Do you remember, honey, I got a new Porsche?
-That's when I cheated on you!
Russian to Russian:
- Do you remember, dear, you lost your fawn hat?

The new Russian has died. Decision Doomsday he was ordered
go where all the dead new Russians are. "Well, -
he thinks, - with all our sins - it's only to hell, nowhere else.
He approaches the gates of hell, knocks, Lucifer himself opens it and says:
- There are no new Russians here.
HP thinks: "So, probably in purgatory," - and goes there.
The gatekeeper opens it and says:
- There are no new Russians here.
HP thinks, "Yeah, so I do deserve a place in heaven!" - and goes
to heaven. There the apostle Peter opens the gate for him and says:
- There are no new Russians here.
- How not? They are not in purgatory, they are not in hell, and they are not here either? Where
- As always, the girls have fun in the sauna.
Well, he ran there, for sure - everything was here, goulash full, screeching and clinking.
I fit in quickly and let's play tricks with them, in general - a complete pull,
and the girls are all complaisant and beautiful, and the potency is not heavenly
Morning. A local foreman comes up to him and says:
- Well, you’ve bulged out like a star, get ready for tomorrow!
- Et still to what?
- And tomorrow it's our turn to show up as girls.

ANNOUNCEMENT IN AMERICAN NEWSPAPER I live in Russia. Young in mind and body.
I don't speak the language. Urgently marry a foreigner (nationality of meaning
does not have). I agree to move (developing countries do not offer).
I will answer a letter with a photo in a bathing suit.

Please excuse my bad Russian, reply to you as soon as I read
your ads. My name is Elizabeth, I live in New York City and I agree
move you, despite the fact that you do not speak the language at all. I promise
learn sign language translation so that you can be understood. I give you my photos
wrapped in a bathing suit, although you don’t really understand why you need my
a swimsuit is required. I want to ask you: why did you decide to take in your
husband is American. Do you really have a big shortage of Russian woman? Write
and send me to the address on the envelope. Elizabeth.

LETTER TO AMERICA Dear Miss Elizabeth!
With regards to you, your lonely friend from distant Russia.
I hasten to inform you that you have misunderstood me: firstly, I am not dumb at all.
(what did you get?), and secondly, I just asked for a photo, without a swimsuit, and
I don’t need a swimsuit, I immediately drove it on the push. I send you mine
portrait, though not new. It was friends who took me off in the army when I was standing
on the clock. And I want to marry a foreigner not at all because we have
shortage of women, but out of protest. Your American misters and sirs are all the time
nearby they marry Russian women, but I looked through all the newspapers and did not find any
one marriage announcement where a foreigner would need a Russian
man. A blatant disgrace, I think, why are we, men, worse?! So I
I will be glad if you send me an invitation and money for a ticket. WITH
looking forward to an answer. Gennady.

With tears in my eyes I read your letter, I understood nothing and
went to a cafe on Brighton Beach to make your compatriots explain
me some expressions. There they told me that "with regards" is
a severe form of schizophrenia, and "push" is a Russian toilet bowl. My poor
Gennady, how I pity you! And, of course, sorry for my new swimsuit,
which you so stupidly disposed of. However, still agree
move you, unless your serious illness is hereditary and not from
drug use. Guess your mental damage happened
exactly at Russian Army where you were forced to stand up on your own
watch and constantly filmed (on Brighton Beach to explain to me what it means
"take off"). This is terrible, I sympathize with you from the bottom of my heart. I give as requested
photo where I am without a swimsuit. Send me an address. Elizabeth.

Don't go to Brighton Beach anymore and don't ask our expats
the meaning of obscure words. My former compatriots just over you
being bullied. I explain first and last time: I don't have schizophrenia
no, I sold your swimsuit, and in the army no one forced me to trample
watch and did not "shoot" in that vulgar sense which you are referring to. And for
Thanks for the photo, I also drove it, sorry, I sold it. You may not
believe me, but for five thousand (which is approximately equivalent to your buck)
I was torn off with my hands. I'm waiting for an answer and money. Gennady.

I was shocked when I found out about your torn off hand. How do you write -
is it a leg? I will urgently move you at the first opportunity to
look after you in Russia until the end of days. I'll try to buy you
prosthesis. Kiss. Be in love. Elizabeth, yours forever.

LETTER TO AMERICA Elizabeth, yours forever!
Again you didn’t understand a damn thing, again you’re driving some bullshit! Fuck
you surrendered to me here, with your prosthesis?! Do not even think!!! Finally
I am sending you "to the address" - and this time I advise you to ask in detail
ours about the meaning of unfamiliar words ...
I wish you, fool, happiness.

P.S. It's still useless. If only she could send back some pics. Or
swimwear. Might be a business!

A (F)journalist from Playboy magazine decided to conduct a survey of women
different nationalities, which he will do if his husband
will change.
French: I'll cheat on him twice for this.
American: I will sue him and sue half of him
his property.
(A) freak: Hy, for the first time, we are legally cut off 15 cm.
(W): And if he still changes?
(A): Another 15 cm is cut off the second time.
(W): And the third time?
(A): And who needs him with his 15 cm.

Here, by the way, I will add a little about the States. On a topic that no one seems to have touched on yet. About superstition. Today I read a story about a cat and a phone and remembered.
Americans are absolutely free from the superstitions that are so characteristic of us. Example? - Please. I was most shocked by the event to which I was invited by an American friend. baby shower. Baby shower party. With gifts and rattles for the baby. Everything would be fine, but only noted it future mom while being 7 months pregnant. For me it was a shock. Not one, I affirm this, not a single Slavic woman, be she three professors with three higher education, will never do it. Subsequently, I asked many of our questions: Would you celebrate the birth of a baby at the 7th month? Never, was the standard answer.
And many things we do and say simply thoughtlessly, due to habit and tradition. Another example: I close the store together with the manager on duty (American, God knows what generation, white, WASP, country area). We checked the halls, doors, if there were any visitors, if everything was turned off, etc. We meet at the exit, I tell her: I hope everything will be fine this time, and I automatically spit three times over my shoulder. She: What does it mean: Ugh, ugh, ugh? And then I thought. How to explain? ... I say: we believe that an evil spirit can stand behind the left shoulder (how in English, I forgot at that moment, and the devil seemed to me too serious a figure for signaling problems). Her face is drawn. And if you do not drive him away, then he can mess up. And so, when we spit on him, we drive him away, and he will no longer be able to harm us. …. The pause was long. She is an educated, intelligent and very well-mannered person. Therefore, she thoughtfully said the following: It's so European. (It's so European!) She paused, and added: Eastern European (in Eastern European).
What am I all for? Here, basically, commentators, and authors, for the most part from abroad. Far frontier. Here, at home, there is no time especially to spread thoughts along the tree. Our life, although hard, is certainly not boring. Survival for many Russians is something like gambling. And they, the poor, are bored. Some even suffer. They languish. Angry. Everyone is proving something. Life is comfortable, everything is there, the country is in!, but still something is missing. Maybe a black cat that you can spit on and come back to?

January 31st, 2017 , 08:00 pm

I like Americans. More precisely, the way they behave with men.

Our cow lives in the illusion of her unearthly, world-famous beauty and looks at the world through her own vaginal opening.

The American is structured differently. She is happy and have sex, and fall in love, and fall in love. What she is definitely not happy with is the man in the center of her world. Unlike ours, unfortunately.

Photo: Getty Images

No, American women are not cold robots. Intersexual relations occupy a decent place in their lives, but do not dominate. In addition to her lover, the American has friends, work, hobbies, and ambitions.

The average American woman wants to find herself and fulfill herself. The average Russian woman wants to get married.

I have a friend. She is over 60. For many months now, a millionaire of the same age has been courting her, and Nora is cursing: she is in no hurry to move in with him or marry him, And recently she broke the heart of a millionaire when she went on a date with another.

"I'm still in the process of choosing," a woman in her 60s told a man whose bank account was full of zeros.

And we have the director of Yeralash - old, pot-bellied and not at all rich, but rather less than more famous - he changes 20-year-old girls like gloves.

Photo: Social networks

I understand. I understand everything: there has been no war in America for almost 200 years, but here we have either Napoleon, or the First World War, or the Great Patriotic War. Afghan and 2 Chechen - from the recent.

Our men were jacked up, what is there. Wars have taken away so many, and therefore the man in our culture is worth worse than gold.

But it's not right. It's unhealthy. This is a demographic imbalance in which I urge you, my dear readers, not to participate.

And nothing makes a woman more beautiful than a feeling dignity. No boobs, no lips.

Girls, you asses, of course, swing. You can make boobs if you really want to. But in the pursuit of all this, do not forget about the main thing - about your own dignity.

Not a single face, not a single body will you carry through your whole life. Even the most beautiful will wither. But self-esteem, if you are smart enough to make a choice in its favor, will always remain with you, and will only get stronger over the years.

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