The script of the competition show program is "grandmother of my dreams". Scenario of a competitive entertainment program for schoolchildren in the camp



competition show program

"Grandma of my dreams"

A touching melody of the London genre sounds, a man is highlighted in the center in front of the stage with a cannon, George Gordon (an emigrant) stands, the sound of rain.

At least in a dream, let's see you.

Out the window, it was either rain or grits in the morning.

And here it is knocking knocking....

How I need you now!

Would see.

Remember everything.

Behind the wall they are talking about something.

I don’t hear, but probably about you!

I try to remember the face - I can not.

Let's see you at least in a dream

The light goes out and the GZK sounds

Attention, attention, Flight 215 has landed, London - Uray. We ask everyone to come to the waiting room. The curtain opens. Planned closed

Picture "Meeting the Lord". On the stage are girls with bread and salt, people with a poster of "George Gordon", and a host.

Leading: Quiet, everyone, lined up, the girls quickly got up here. They stood up so beautifully. Bread loaf, everything is fine. Raise the poster up. Like this. All smiles, we must all do in at its best. Clear? (looks in and sees him coming out). Smiles. This is him coming.

Emigrant: Hello Dia Ladies and Gentleman ( Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Leading: What did he say?

Leading: Let's bring him a loaf, smile.

Emigrant: Senkyu veri mach bat ai du not not wont e lauf, (thank you very much, but I don't want your loaf).

Leading: Why didn’t they tell me that this lord doesn’t speak Russian, I would at least take an interpreter. Who knows how to say, now we will show you the city!?


Emigrant: BUT! E! I speak Russian, don't worry.

Leading: How wonderful! (turns to the extras) everyone go, thank you, go, I tell you. (turns to the lord) Hello, Mr. Gordon, I will be your guide today. Well, where do we start?

Emigrant: I don't need anything, I came to find an image perfect woman

Leading:(interrupts) Yes, yes, you told me. Please bring to your attention best girls city ​​of Urai!


Emigrant: You understood me wrong. The girls are beautiful, but the fact is that I want to find a grandmother, you know, the Ba-Boo-Shka of my dreams. Just listen to the words: “Grandma! Grandma, Grandma!!” What a gentle, beautiful, affectionate and warm word! Who does not know that the house rests on the grandmother - a source of kindness, care for all household members, large and small? Everyone is used to seeing grandmothers who are busy with household chores, but no one thought about the fact that our grandmothers are active. public life, go to choirs, participate in city events, and each of them is interesting and unique.

Leading:(to the emigrant) It's all right. Everything will be now.

At this moment from the top entrance auditorium Oleg Marushchak comes down and sings a song remade “How many good grandmothers are”, during the song he takes all the participants on stage.

ISSUE: OLEG MARUSHCHAK "How many good grandmothers"

Leading: So our lovely ladies, meet! (Announces members)

DEFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS (in the final they diverge according to different sides leave)

1. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

2. Dayanova Ludmila Vladimirovna

3. Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna

4. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

5. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

6. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

7. Popova Vera Gennadievna

Lord: Oh, they are amazing, attractive, charming, well, just perfect grandmothers. I can not choose, because each of them is interesting and unique in its own way.

Leading: This is not a problem, I have invited experts for you to help you find the grandmother of your dreams, here they are:

(Jury presentation)


Lord (swept):

When we meet one day

And let's meet, of course.

And quench our thirst for fellowship

And let's say something about eternity ... ..

Leading:(interrupts) Let's get to know our grandmothers better, they will tell about themselves.


1. Dayanova Ludmila Vladimirovna

2. Snigireva Kapitolina Andrianovna

3. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

4. Popova Vera Gennadievna a

5. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

6. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

7. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

Leading: Well, what have you decided on the grandmother of your dreams?

Emigrant: I can't understand how it should be!?

Leading: Good! I have an idea

Emigrant: Yes!

Leading: Can you tell me where you can meet her?

Emigrant: I do not even know. But when I lived in Russia, I went to dance floors. Just imagine nice music, lanterns, dancing couples and here she is ... .. (dreaming)!

Host: (referring to an emigrant) Great, so we will plunge you into the time of your youth.


Leading: So what do you think?

Emigrant: Oh, what a wonderful time it was. How beautiful were all the girls on the planet?

Leading: And what were they?

Emigrant: Yes, different.

Leading: Well, have you decided what kind of grandmother of your dreams she is?

Emigrant:(arriving in dreams) She, she is so airy in white socks, in a light dress, in a beret, and in such elegant pumps.

DANCE "Waltz"(Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna)

Leading: Well, what is she?

Emigrant: Don't know! She was also feisty. And we danced the twist.

DANCE TWIST(Popova Vera Gennadievna)

Leading: Could it be her?

Emigrant: You know, she is such a Turgenev young lady, refined, with excellent manners and graceful, we dance the waltz.

DANCE "Waltz» Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

"Charleston" - Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

And in a row without an announcement

"Folk" - Dayanova Ludmila Vladimirovna

"Rio Rita"Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

"Rock'n'roll" -Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

All the participants are included in rock and roll, dancing and stopping in a freeze frame.

Emigrant: Ah, here's white tengwit.

Leading: Here?

Emigrant: I'm completely confused, they are all perfect, beautiful, chic ...

Leading: Know problems . I will remind you…. Danced for you

1 .Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna

2. Popova Vera Gennadievna

3. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

4. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

5. Dayanova Ludmila Vladimirovna

6. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

7. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

(participants leave)

Lord: Mister, I need to rest, get together and think about which of them is more suitable for the title of my dream grandmother.

Leading: Good. While you are gathering your thoughts, I bring to your attention the choreographic ensemble "In motion", "Eaglets"

ISSUE: "On the move" EAGLE

Emigrant: Well, it's all gone! Now I'm completely confused. They are all so wonderful, gorgeous, chic, talented and for sure creative personalities.

Leading: Well, of course. Let's see what our grandmothers are capable of.


1. Popova Vera Gennadievna with the song “Young Molodushka is Young!”

2. “The most expensive” fairy tale is read for you by Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna

3. Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna with the song "Black Cat Around the Corner"

4. gypsy dance performed by Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

5. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna, Asadov "About you"

6. Zinaida Khalikovna Agliullina and her granddaughter will perform a Tatar dance.

7. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna "Cinderella's Dream"

Leading: We ask our esteemed experts to go to the deliberation room.

NUMBER: NUMBER: ___________________ Trefilova

NUMBER: People's Circus "Youth" "Pippi long stocking» Anastasia Likhacheva


Emigrant: So I'm interested to know from my compatriots, but how, in your opinion, what kind of grandmother should be, so that you could say: "yes, this grandmother of my dreams."

As soon as the jury goes backstage, the event continues.

Lord: How quickly time flew by after my return to Russia, and I am very happy to be here with you, and I am doubly happy: after all, I found the grandmother of my dreams, she is the most charming, magnificent, incomparable, and what to dissemble, PERFECT GRANDMA

Leading: We made sure that all the participants are rightfully worthy to bear this high title of “grandmother”. Let's greet our grandmothers. The word for the award is given to:


And we're moving on to the formal part
1. The title of the most elegant is awarded

2. The title of the most organic is awarded

3. The title of the most charming is awarded

4. The title of the most original is awarded

5. The title of the most extravagant is awarded

6. The title of the most creative is awarded

And the title "Grandma of my dreams" won _______________________________________________________________

Lord: I would like to express my gratitude to those people without whom this holiday would not have been possible.

Beauty salon "Before and After"

include chairmen of trade union committees

Emigrant: In parting, I would like to wish you happiness and good luck in everything! Family well-being and family joys, and most importantly - good spirits and youthfulness of the soul!

Good luck and sincere laughter,
Health to you for many years!
We wish you success in all matters,
And glad new meeting we always!

Leading: We sincerely thank the participants. We thank the jury members and you, dear spectators and fans.
The cinema and concert circus complex "Youth of Shaim" does not say goodbye to you, but tells you until we meet again.


GKU SO KK "Belorechensky SRTSN"

Competitive entertainment program


AH -



Target: creating a joyful, cheerful mood.

Tasks: to cultivate activity, curiosity, organization;

develop the desire to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere;

be able to use balls in various outdoor games.

O equipment and materials: audio equipment for musical accompaniment, laptop, 2 radio microphones, Balloons, two large boxes for balls, two large bags, 2 tennis rackets, colored crayons, a ball pump, colored markers.

Event progress.

1 leader: Good day to you friends

Hello everyone our air

Will fly to you now

Obedient to the breath.

2 host: To the good, cheerful,

Healthy, attentive

Everyone, everyone, so wonderful.

(Sends an air greeting.)

1 leader: Now we want to play with you.

You just have to name first.

A subject that, of course, is familiar to all of you

He brings joy to every home.

2 host: It can be different green and blue

Huge, airy and very beautiful.

Can it lie like a dried pod?

Who guessed so far is silent.

Now all together say out loud

For honey, what did you fly, Winnie the Pooh?

(Listens to the answer, takes the balloon.)

1 leader: Well, of course it's a balloon

Everyone's favorite and naughty.

And if you are ready to play with us

We start now


2 host: We need to split up into teams.

And it's faster than drinking water. (Children are divided into two teams.)

On the right - our team Pyatachkov

On the left is our Winnie the Pooh team,

Well, fans for firmness of spirit.

1 leader: And so, we begin our show.

And what's your name, first we'll find out.

Who will get the ball

Will call his name soon.

(Throw 2 balls. The one who caught the ball says his name and throws the ball to the next one.)

1 contest "HAY YES CHICKS". Balloons are distributed to all participants. At the command of the host, the children inflate balloons. The team that inflates all the balloons the fastest wins this competition. (Leaders help tie balloons.)

2 contest "FUNNY CATERPILLAR". Two teams take part in the competition. The first players from each team, on a sound signal, run to the basket with balloons, take one balloon and return to their teams. With the help of their balloon, they attach the second player to themselves (the balloon is between the players), and again run to the basket with balloons. Then, with the help of balls, they attach the rest of the players to themselves. The winner is the team that will be the first to make their funny caterpillar and take all the balls from the basket.
Kids are playing.

3 competition "FUNNY DANCES". For the competition, children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a balloon. The task is to hold the ball between the foreheads while dancing different dances. The pair that holds the ball the longest wins.

4 competition "TWINS". Players run in pairs, holding a balloon between their stomachs, go around an obstacle and come back. The task can be complicated by holding the balls between the backs.

5 competition "SHOOT". Two teams stand opposite each other, between them a border drawn in chalk. Children throw balls from their half to half of the opponents. On a signal, the teams stop. The one with the fewest balls on their side wins.

6 contest "AIR TENNIS". The first participant has a racket in his hand for table tennis. The task is to put the ball on the racket, run to the finish line and, having rounded the obstacle, go back. The same is repeated by all team members. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

7 competition "KANGAROO". Each participant jumps to the finish line, holding the ball between their knees. Having rounded the obstacle, he comes back and passes the ball to the next player.

8 competition "ZHADINA". There are many balls without strings lying around on the site. You need to keep as many balls on yourself as possible: under a T-shirt, pin with hairpins, hold by the “tail” with your teeth or between your fingers, hold the balls with your hands and feet. (Very funny, don't forget to take a photo of the winner.)

9 competition "TOP - CLAP". Two or more participants have the ball tied to their leg. The task is to crush the opponent's ball and save your own.

10 competition "BARREL" In a large trash bag (naturally new)

cut off the bottom corners. These will be the holes for the legs. One team member climbs into the bag, sticks his legs into the holes, and holds the top edge of the bag with his hands and back. Should be a barrel. At the leader's command, the rest of the participants collect the balls into a "barrel". The team with the most balloons wins.

1 leader: Let the balloons
In the hands of skilled children
Turn into gifts
So that the world around was bright!

Children draw on the balls with a marker funny faces and give them to each other.

2 host: Guys, the balloons burst, it's very sad, we came up with an idea so that the balloons do not burst, let's draw them with crayons on the pavement. (children draw)

At the end of the event, all children will receive sweet prizes!!!

The script of the competitive entertainment program "Guinness show"

Targets and goals:

Introduce children to each other in an interesting entertaining way;

To acquaint children with the capabilities and abilities of people according to the Guinness Book of Records;

To teach to be aware of their individual capabilities, to affirm the desire for self-improvement.

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes. Venue: Square in front of the dining room. Props: hoops, basketballs, jump rope, roll toilet paper, soccer balls, ruler.

Venue for the Guinness Show event

These contests do not require special training in squads. They are held as the first gathering of detachments on the camp square. To hold competitions, it is necessary to draw a rectangle with the numbers of units from the youngest to the oldest with chalk on the gathering site. The guys from the first day should get used to the organized construction of the camp on the square and know where their squad is located during the event.

Two hosts take the stage to any groovy music.

1st leader. Good afternoon!

2nd leader. Hello, hello, hello!

The guys answer.

1st leader. Something you guys are not friendly, let's say hello to you even more friendly, louder! Can you?

2nd leader. If you can, then we can safely go on an exciting journey through the Guinness Book of Records.

1st and 2nd hosts (together). Hello guys!

The guys greet each other.

1st leader. Well done! With such active boys and girls, you can safely start our Guinness Show program!

2nd presenter. And on this occasion, your thunderous applause!

1st leader. But first, I want you and me to find out how the Guinness Book of Records appeared.

2nd leader. A bit of history. It all started on November 10, 1951, when the Englishman Sir Hugh Beaver, the manager of the Guinness company, was hunting with friends in a place called North Mud in the south-east of Ireland. A dispute broke out between the hunters, who is the most fast bird Europe - golden plover or black grouse.

1st leader. And then Sir Hugh thought that such questions were being discussed in all the counties of England and Ireland. Since 1955, thanks to Hugh Beaver, the Guinness Book of Records has been published annually in all major languages ​​of the world. This book records the achievements of mankind, as well as the records of the world around us.

2nd leader. Today we will recognize the most outstanding boys and girls of our camp. We will definitely enter their names in the Guinness Book of Records. health camp"Star". Your applause!

The 2nd host takes out a clean scroll and sits down at the table, where a pen and prizes for the winners are prepared, the 1st host holds contests.

1st leader. Let's start. Attention, each squad is given a minute to choose one representative who can spin the hoop at the waist longer than others.

Meeting in teams.

By the way, let's look at the Guinness Book of Records. The longest hoop in the world was spun by the American Roxanne Rose. Her record performance lasted 90 hours! I invite those who want to beat her record to take the stage. We meet!

Girls enter the stage from the squads, the 2nd presenter distributes hoops to them.

So, your task is to spin the hoops until all your opponents are out of the game. Started!

Cheerful music sounds, the girls begin to twist the hoops.

In the meantime, our girls are winding up kilometers, I invite to the stage those who have the shortest surname in the squad.

The teams confer.

Yes, guys, do you want to know what the shortest last name in the world sounds like? The shortest surname in the world consists of one

the letter "O" and it prevails in Korea. Well, the discussion is over, everyone who has Korean surnames, take the stage.

The guys go on stage, the 1st presenter lines them up in one line facing the viewer. In the background, girls are spinning hoops.

All that is required of you, dear friends, is to clearly and clearly say your last name into the microphone.

The winner is determined.

So, the shortest surname in our camp is that of a boy (girl) from the detachment. Let us support him (her) with thunderous applause! Come to the table your name for eighteen days they will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records of the Zvezdny health camp. Don't forget to claim your sweet prize. And we continue. Now each squad will choose a person with the most long surname, that is, one where more than 10 or maybe 12 letters. Started!

Discussion in teams.

Yes, by the way, the longest surname in the world is Scottish, and it consists of 29 letters. I hope that you won’t ask me to voice it, otherwise this, guys, will drag on for a long time. All your time is up.

The guys enter the stage, line up in one line, the 1st presenter chooses the person with the longest surname. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Our Guinness Show continues! And now it would be logical to invite boys and girls to the stage, who have the shortest name in the squad.

Team meeting.

We are conferring, and on my own behalf I will add that for several generations of newborns in the Lincoln family from England they have been given a name consisting of one letter - A. What is the shortest name in our camp, we will now find out.

The guys go on stage, the 1st presenter chooses the person with the shortest name, rewards. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Let's now see which of the guys in the camp has the most long name, I wonder who it belongs to - a boy or a girl.

Team meeting.

And the longest name in the world belongs to a girl from Texas USA. And it sounds like this: Rashandiatelyaineshiannevesheni Koyaanfskuatsiuti Williame. It remains to find out the owner of the longest name in our camp.

The guys go on stage, the winner is selected and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

And now I ask in my squads to choose a boy or a girl with the most rare name. And that's the end of the names.

Team meeting.

Friends, here is such a curious question for you: how long do you think you can grow a mustache? Here at Birgem Pellasu from Sweden they are 2 m 77 cm. And I invite to the stage those who, in the opinion of the detachment, have the rarest name.

Applicants go on stage, the 1st presenter conducts a survey.

Let's all decide together which name you like the most. Your applause for participant number 1 ... (List the participants.) The one who received the loudest applause wins this competition!

Participant awards. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

It's time to choose your own tall man in the squad. Gulliver, so to speak.

Team meeting.

And I will read you the following curious information. It turns out that the tallest man in the world was the American Robert Wadlow. In June 1940, his height was 2 m 72 cm. And I invite the distant relatives of this American to the stage.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined, the awarding in the Gulliver nomination is underway. Girls are still spinning hoops.

We know the tallest man in the camp. So the question is, who is the smallest? Where are the boys with fingers and thumbs?

Team meeting.

Yes, I must say that the smallest person in the world was Paulli Musteres, who was born in the Netherlands. At the age of 19, her height was 55 cm.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

Well, now let's choose a boy in our squads who loves and knows how to play basketball well - your "Basketball".

Team meeting.

Maybe someone will be interested in information of this kind: the longest dribbling of a basketball was performed in May 1999 by American Jamie Borgess, who dribbled the ball for a distance of 156 km without running.

Participants of the next competition enter the stage.

So what do you need to do. On my command, you need to spin the ball once and keep it on index finger as long as possible. Let's split into two teams so as not to crowd.

The first team plays, then the second, then the final is held between the two leaders, the award is held in the Basketboy nomination. In the background, only one girl is already spinning the hoop.

Here she is the winner. Loud, stormy applause for the girl who spins the hoop the longest in our camp!

The winner in the nomination "Miss Wasp Waist" is awarded.

And our Guinness show continues. And let's find out in which squad there is a daredevil who can ride the longest with a rope.

Team meeting.

The longest marathon in jumping rope is 13 hours and 30 minutes. The record was set by the Dutchman Edwin Lagervizh. And most big number jumps in 1 minute is 334. This record belongs to the Englishman Albert Reiner.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes a rope to each, and on command, the competitors begin to jump.

And we will not waste time and find out which of the boys will be able to fill a soccer ball the longest.

Team discussion.

By the way, Michael Polmqvist from Sweden filled the ball for 14 hours and 14 minutes without letting it fall.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, line up. The first team is given soccer balls, on command they begin to fill, after which the second team plays. The final is held between the two leaders, the winner is awarded in the nomination "Mr. The girls keep jumping rope.

More information for football fans. The biggest football player was England goalkeeper Willy Fulk, who, with a height of 1 m 90 cm, weighed 165 kg. Once, because of him, the match had to be interrupted, as he broke the crossbar ...

It's time for the girls to show off their beauty. We choose the longest-haired ones in our squad.

Team discussion.

And the most long hair in the world belonged to Swami Pandarasannadi, the head of the monastery in India, and they were almost 8 meters.

Long-haired girls rise on the stage, the 2nd presenter measures the length of their hair, chooses the winner, awards her in the nomination "Barbarian beauty - long braid".

Now choose the most tanned boy in your squads. I invite to the stage those who like to spend their time in the sun.

The most tanned guys leave the squads, the 1st presenter chooses the winner, awards him in the Chocolate Bunny nomination.

So we waited for the moment when we find out the name of the girl who can jump rope the longest in our camp.

Awarded to the winner of the competition in the nomination "Energizer Girl".

And now I invite to the stage those who have the most dexterous fingers, who can quickly tie and untie knots. We are conferring.

Team meeting.

Food for thought: how many hoops do you think can be rotated simultaneously on the body? So, 82 hoops, this was achieved by Lauren Lomeli from the USA.

The participants of the next competition rise on the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes to each a piece of toilet paper.

So, my friends, all you need is to tie as many knots as possible on this piece of paper in 1 minute without tearing it. Let's support our participants with applause. Started!

Knots are counted, the winner is awarded in the "Sea Wolf" nomination.

Our Guinness Show continues. And each squad must choose a girl with the longest nails.

Team meeting.

Surprisingly, the longest nails in the world belong to a man. They were grown by Sridhar Chilaly from India. The nails of his left hand had a total length of 6 m 15 cm, that is, on average, each nail accounts for 1 m 25 cm.

The girls selected in the squads rise on the stage, the 2nd leader measures the length of their nails with a ruler and chooses the winner, she is awarded in the “Frau claw” nomination.

On this stage, we invite those who can whistle the loudest in the squad.

Team meeting.

And by tradition, we find out what they write about the whistle in the Guinness Book of Records. The loudest whistle was made by American Roy Lomas in 1983. A whistle of 123 decibels was heard at a distance of 2.5 km. And the record for the longest whistle belonged to Canadian David Frank, he whistled for 30 hours and 10 minutes in a row.

Participants of the competition rise to the stage, line up and take turns whistling. The winner is determined, he is awarded in the nomination "The Nightingale the Robber".

The next competition is for the most cheerful, smiling, laughing boys and girls.

The contestants take the stage.

You need to portray the most infectious laughter. In general, all you need is to laugh into the microphone to cheer up all the squads.

The contestants take turns laughing, the winner is chosen, he is awarded in the Smesharik nomination.

The Guinness Show is gradually coming to an end, it only remains to choose those in your squad who will sparkle and shine for you the whole shift. We choose the most red-haired and freckled guys and girls.

The guys go on stage, they are awarded in the nomination "Sunshine".

Well, friends, your stormy unceasing applause to all those whose names are included in the "Guinness Book of Records" of our camp for the whole 18 days! And I ask the owners of the longest and most short surname, and the longest and the most short name, and a man with a rare name, our "Gulliver", "Thumbelina" and "Thumb Boy", Miss "Wasp Waist", Mr. "Nabivala", "Barbarian Beauty - a Long Braid", "Chocolate Bunny", "Frau Claw" , "Energizer Girl", "Sea Wolf", and our "Sun". Louder, louder clap, "Star"!

"Guinness Show"

Targets and goals:

introduce children to each other in an interesting and entertaining way;

To acquaint children with the capabilities and abilities of people according to the Guinness Book of Records;

· to teach to be aware of their individual capabilities, to approve the desire for self-improvement.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Location: area in front of the dining room.

Props: hoops, basketballs, jump rope, toilet paper roll, soccer balls, ruler.

These competitions do not require special training in the squads. They are held as the first gathering of detachments on the camp square. To hold competitions, it is necessary to draw a rectangle with the numbers of units from the youngest to the oldest with chalk on the gathering site. The guys from the first day should get used to the organized construction of the camp on the square and know where their squad is located during the event.

Venue for the Guinness Show event

They go on stage to any groovy music 2 Leaders.

1st leader. Good afternoon!

2nd leader. Hello, hello, hello!!! (guys answer)

1st leader. Something you guys are not friendly, let's say hello to you even more friendly, louder! Can you?

2nd leader. If you can, then we can safely go on an exciting journey through the Guinness Book of Records.

1st and 2nd presenters (together). Hello guys!!!

The guys greet each other.

1st leader. Well done! With such active boys and girls, you can safely start our Guinness Show program!

2nd leader. And on this occasion, your thunderous applause!

1st leader. But first, I want you and me to find out how the Guinness Book of Records appeared.

2nd leader. A bit of history. It all started on November 10, 1951, when an Englishman, Sir Hugh Beaver, managing director of Guinness, was hunting with friends in a place called North Dirt in the southeast of Ireland. A dispute broke out between the hunters, who is the fastest bird in Europe - the golden plover or the black grouse.

1st leader. And then Sir Hugh thought that such questions were being discussed in all the counties of England and Ireland. Since 1955, thanks to Hugh Beaver, the Guinness Book of Records has been published annually in all major languages ​​of the world. This book records the achievements of mankind, as well as the records of the world around us.

2nd leader. Today we will recognize the most outstanding boys and girls of our camp. We will definitely write their names in the Guinness Book of Records of the Zvezdny recreation camp. Your applause!

The 2nd host takes out a clean scroll and sits down at the table, where a pen and prizes for the winners are prepared, the 1st host holds contests.

Leading. Let's start. Attention, each squad is given a minute to choose one representative who can spin the hoop at the waist longer than others ( in teams meeting). By the way, let's look at the Guinness Book of Records. The longest hoop in the world was spun by the American Roxanne Rose. Her record performance lasted 90 hours! I invite those who want to beat her record to take the stage. We meet!!!

On stage from the squads go girls, the 2nd leader distributes hoops to them.

Leading. So, your task is to spin the hoops until all your opponents are out of the game. Started!!! (Merry music sounds, the girls begin to twist the hoops.) In the meantime, our girls are winding up kilometers, I invite to the stage those who have the shortest surname in the squad ( teams confer). Yes, guys, do you want to know what the shortest last name in the world sounds like? The shortest surname in the world consists of one letter "O" and it prevails in Korea. Well, the discussion is over, everyone with Korean surnames, take the stage.

The guys go on stage, the host lines them up in one line facing the audience. In the background, girls are spinning hoops.

Leading. All that is required of you, dear friends, is to clearly and clearly say your last name into the microphone. ( The winner is determined.) So, the shortest surname in our camp is the boy (girl) ________ from the _________ squad. Let's support him (her) with thunderous applause! Come to the table, your name will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records of the Zvezdny health camp for eighteen days. Don't forget to claim your sweet prize. And we continue. Now each squad will choose a person with the longest surname, that is, one with more than 10 or maybe 12 letters. Started! ( discussion in teams) By the way, the longest surname in the world is Scottish and it consists of 29 letters. I hope that you don’t ask me to voice it, otherwise, guys, this will drag on for a long time. Well, your time is up.

The guys go on stage, line up, the host chooses the person with the longest last name. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Leading. Our Guinness Show continues! And now it would be logical to invite boys and girls to the stage, who have the shortest name in the squad ( team meeting). We are conferring, and on my own I will add that for several generations of newborns in the Lincoln family from England they have been given a name consisting of one letter - A. What is the shortest name in our camp, we will now find out.

The guys go on stage, the presenter chooses the person with the shortest name, rewards. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Leading. Let's now see which of the guys in the camp has the longest name, I wonder who it belongs to a boy or a girl ( team meeting). And the longest name in the world belongs to a girl from Texas USA. And it sounds like this: Rashandiatelyaineshianneveshi Koyaanfskuatsiuti Williams. It remains to find out the owner of the longest name in our camp.

The guys go on stage, the winner is selected and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

Leading. And now I ask in my squads to choose a boy or a girl with the rarest name. And that's the end of the names. (Conference in the detachments.) Friends, here is such a curious question for you: how long do you think you can grow a mustache? Here at Birgem Pellasu from Sweden they are 2 m 77 cm. And I invite to the stage those who, in the opinion of the detachment, have the rarest name. (Applicants enter the stage, the presenter conducts a survey.) Let's all decide together which name you like the most. Your applause to participant number 1 ... ( enumeration of participants) The one who gets the loudest applause wins this competition!

Participant awards. The girls keep spinning the hoops.

Leading. It's time to choose the tallest person in the squad. Gulliver so to speak team meeting). And I will read you the following curious information. It turns out that the tallest man in the world was the American Robert Wadlow. In June 1940, his height was 2 m 72 cm. And I invite the distant relatives of this American to the stage.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined, there is an award in the Gulliver nomination. The girls are still spinning hoops.

Leading. We know the tallest man in the camp. So the question is, who is the smallest? Where are the thumbs and thumbs? ( team meeting) Yes, I must say that the smallest person in the world was Paulli Musteres, who was born in the Netherlands. At the age of 19, her height was 55 cm.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

Leading. Well, now let's choose a boy in our squads who loves and knows how to play basketball well - your "Basketboy" ( team meeting). Maybe someone will be interested in information of this kind: the longest dribbling of a basketball was performed in May 1999 by the American Jamie Borgess, who dribbled the ball for a distance of 156 km without running.

Participants of the next competition enter the stage.

Leading. So what do you need to do. At my command, you need to spin the ball once and hold it on your index finger for as long as possible. Let's split into two teams so as not to crowd.

The first team plays, then the second, then the final is held between the two leaders, the award is held in the Basketboy nomination. In the background, only one girl is already spinning the hoop.

Leading. Here she is the winner. Loud, stormy applause for the girl who spins the hoop the longest in our camp!

The winner in the nomination "Miss Wasp Waist" is awarded.

Leading. And our Guinness show continues. And let's find out in which squad there is a daredevil who can ride the rope the longest ( group discussion). The longest marathon in jumping rope is 13 hours and 30 minutes. The record was set by the Dutchman Edwin Lagervizh. And the largest number of jumps in 1 minute is 334. This record belongs to the Englishman Albert Reiner.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes a rope to each, and on command, the competitors begin to jump.

Leading. And we will not waste time and find out which of the boys will be able to fill a soccer ball the longest ( group discussion). By the way, Michael Polmqvist from Sweden filled the ball for 14 hours and 14 minutes without letting it fall.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, line up. The first team is given soccer balls, on command they begin to fill, after which the second team plays. The final is held between the two leaders, the winner is awarded in the nomination "Mr. The girls keep jumping rope.

Leading. More information for football fans. The biggest football player was England goalkeeper Willy Fulk, who, with a height of 1 m 90 cm, weighed 165 kg. Once, because of him, the match had to be interrupted, as he broke the crossbar ... It's time for the girls to show off their beauty. We choose in our squad the longest-haired ( team discussion). And the longest hair in the world belonged to Swami Pandarasannadi, the head of the monastery in India, and they were almost 8 meters.

Long-haired girls rise on the stage, the 2nd presenter measures the length of their hair, chooses the winner, awards her in the nomination "Barbarian beauty - long braid".

Leading. Now choose the most tanned boy in your squads. I invite to the stage those who like to spend their time in the sun.

The most tanned guys leave the squads, the host chooses the winner, awards him in the Chocolate Bunny nomination.

Leading. So we waited for the moment when we find out the name of the girl who can jump rope the longest in our camp.

Awarded to the winner of the competition in the nomination "Energizer Girl".

Leading. And now I invite to the stage those who have the most dexterous fingers, who can quickly tie and untie knots. We are conferring ( team meeting). Food for thought: how many hoops do you think can be rotated simultaneously on the body? So, 82 hoops, this was achieved by Lauren Lomeli from the USA.

The participants of the next competition rise on the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes to each a piece of toilet paper.

Leading. So, my friends, all you need is to tie as many knots as possible on this piece of paper in 1 minute without tearing it. Let's support our participants with applause. Started!

Knots are counted, the winner is awarded in the "Sea Wolf" nomination.

Leading. Our Guinness Show continues. And each squad must choose a girl with the longest nails ( team meeting). Surprisingly, the longest nails in the world belong to a man. They were grown by Sridhar Chilaly from India. The nails of his left hand had a total length of 6 m 15 cm, that is, on average, each nail accounts for 1 m 25 cm.

The girls selected in the squads rise on the stage, the 2nd leader measures the length of their nails with a ruler and chooses the winner, she is awarded in the “Frau claw” nomination.

Leading. We invite to this stage those who can whistle the loudest in the squad ( team meeting). And by tradition, we find out what they write about the whistle in the Guinness Book of Records. The loudest whistle was made by American Roy Lomas in 1983. A whistle of 123 decibels was heard at a distance of 2.5 km. And the record for the longest whistle belonged to Canadian David Frank, he whistled for 30 hours and 10 minutes in a row.

Participants of the competition rise to the stage, line up and take turns whistling. The winner is determined, he is awarded in the nomination "The Nightingale the Robber".

Leading. The next competition is for the most cheerful, smiling, laughing boys and girls ( group discussion).

The contestants take the stage.

Leading. You need to put on the most infectious laugh. In general, all you need is to laugh into the microphone to cheer up all the squads.

The contestants take turns laughing, the winner is chosen, he is awarded in the Smesharik nomination.

Leading. The Guinness Show is gradually coming to an end, all that remains is to choose those in your squad who will sparkle and shine for you the whole shift. We choose the most red-haired and freckled guys and girls.

The guys go on stage, they are awarded in the nomination "Sunshine".

Leading. Well, friends, your stormy incessant applause to all those whose names for the whole 18 days were included in the "Guinness Book of Records" of our camp! And I ask the owners of the longest and shortest surname __________ and the longest and shortest name ___________ and, a person with a rare name __________, our “Gulliver” _________, “Thumbelina” and “Thumbelina” _________, to come on stage, Miss "Wasp Waist" __________, Mr. "Nabivala" __________, "Barbarian beauty - a long braid" ___________, "Chocolate Hare" __________, "Frau Claw" _________, "Energizer Girl" _________, "Sea Wolf" _________ and our "Sunny »________. Louder, louder clap, "Star"! After all, everyone who came out here deserves your applause. And I want to wish everyone to go in for sports, not be afraid to stand out among others, strive for victories and win. And then your name will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

Thanks to all!

Disco with contests

A disco is always more interesting if it hosts funny contests. Here is some of them.

Am, am

3 couples take the stage. The boy puts his hands behind his back, the girl is blindfolded and given a banana in her hands. On command, the girls should feed the bananas to the boys. The winner is the pair in which the boy eats the banana first and shouts "Am, um!"

Samba, Rumba, Lambada

10 people are invited to the stage. The host says that now everyone will see how they dance New Year's round dances in Brazil, and declares himself a Christmas tree. All players stand around him, turn to the right, take the person in front of him by the shoulders (waist). The host says: "Samba!" Everyone should take a step forward right foot, then: “Rumba!”, The players take a step forward with their left foot. When the host says “Lambada!”, Everyone in the circle, without removing their hands from the neighbor’s shoulders, dances the lambada. The host says that he likes the way the guys dance and offers to complicate the task. Now all players take the shoulders not in front of the standing participant, but through one. The circle narrows, and it starts all over again: "Samba, Rumba, Lambada!"


There are 3 boys on stage. The host gives them a sheet of paper and offers to make airplanes. Whoever launches them into the hall first, he will win. The only difficulty is that the guys must make airplanes with one left hand, removing right hand behind the back.

digital disco

Upon entering dance hall the guys get tickets on which numbers from 0 to 9 are written. The host starts game program and asks the child to go up on stage, who has a ticket with the number 7. The first of the children with such a ticket to enter the stage wins. After a while, the host calls, for example, the number 16. Two players already enter the stage - with the numbers 1 and 6. Then 490, etc. The task of the guys is to quickly orient themselves, unite in groups and go on stage with tickets.

Heel - shoulder

5 couples are invited to the stage. The host invites them to dance to the groovy music, but with one condition: on command, the couples must connect with those parts of the body that he calls and continue to dance in the position in which the host calls (palm to palm, ear to shoulder, heel to heel, knee shoulder, elbow to heel, nape to lower back).

two tangerines

The host invites 2 people to the stage. He gives them a tangerine each. The task of the guys is to peel the tangerine and eat it 1 slice at a time, alternating with the enemy. Whoever eats the last piece of tangerine wins the competition.


3 boys are taking part in this competition. Everyone receives a plastic one and a half liter bottle, in which there are 7 felt-tip pens without caps. Caps are sold separately. The host invites the guys to charge the machine. To do this, the team needs to open the cap of the bottle, take out felt-tip pens from it, put caps on them (according to color). Put the markers back into the bottle and close the lid. The most dexterous one wins this competition.

Music disco

The host invites everyone in the hall to remember the songs in which the words begin with the syllable "do". As in an auction, the winner is the last one to sing an excerpt from the song. Then the game takes place with the syllables "re", "mi", "fa", "la", "si".

Complete the poem

Children who love to compose poems take part in this competition. 5 players enter the stage, they are given sheets on which it is written:





Participants need to complete the poem in 1 minute. After which they read out their verses, and the presenter awards the winner.


Two players sit on chairs with their backs to each other. You need to sit straight, move your legs. A short rope is stretched under the chairs. On command, both bend down at the same time, trying to snatch the rope from under the chairs. Whoever succeeds first, wins.

five points

Fold a stack of identical sheets of paper and pierce them through with an awl in five places. Each player receives a sheet, and then makes a drawing of any object on it so that the line of the drawing passes without interruption through 5 points. 3 minutes are given for this task, after which the author himself original drawing is declared the winner.

Scenario of the competitive program by March 8"Miss Impromptu Show" was written by real professionals, such a program can be held in any, even clean women's team. No special preparation is required: you just need one good host and a desire to have fun. This is a wonderful example - programs about women and for women: with contests, table entertainment and compliments. (Thanks to the author of the idea from the site

Forewordie to the competition program "Miss impromptu show"

Leading: When talking about one of the women the whole world, then, most likely, this is a show business star. If the lady is known without exaggeration to the whole country, then we conclude that she is the wife of the president. If a woman is popular in wide circles one city, then, most likely, she owns a beauty salon. But when a woman reigns supreme in the soul and mind of one man, it means that she is his beloved, the one and only!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Glad to see you at this gala evening. Moreover, it will be dedicated to Her Majesty the Woman! I think that the men gathered here today will not at all be against such a wonderful object for discussion. AT old days the sages said that “there is always something new to say about women, as long as at least one of them remains on the globe". I'm sure this is true truth, otherwise there would not be so many poems and songs on earth dedicated to beautiful lady! (we turn on the soundtrack, under which the presenter recites).

Musical congratulations on March 8 "The most-most ..."

Lovely, nice, kind, cute,

And practical, besides very.
Your whims, smiles, your greatness
They drive us insanely crazy.
We can't do without you
It's not a trifle
I say it to you
We are nothing without you
Everyone knows that
Can't live without women
Smart, strict, domineering, very different,
But you are all beautiful as one.
You just learned to subordinate us,
So you reign over us always!

Thanks for the applause! They are for you ladies! After all, you are simply magical! As one witty and observant Italian said: a woman can make a salad, a tragedy and ... a hat out of nothing! A very subtle observation, isn't it?! Based on that, I suggest playing around a bit!

Game moment "Hat from nothing"

Leading: That's right, a hat in a woman's life is a separate chapter. Karl Lagerfeld used to say: add a little hat to a woman, a little bit of feathers, and any of them will turn into a beautiful and mysterious stranger! Apparently, the fashion designer of the "House of Coco Chanel" is right, especially if you recall the anecdote about two friends who met by chance. “Oh, what a hat you have,” one says to the other. "It must have cost you dearly?" “No, quite at a reasonable price: one scandal, two broken cups and a week of silence!” - answered her friend. So, ladies, let me offer you a "hat auction." Its conditions are as follows: it is necessary to recall the literary, musical works and movies with titles that mention cherished word"hat".

(the leader needs to follow the most active participants, which then he will invite to participate in the competition. There should be three or four of them. The answer options are as follows: "Straw hat", "Living hat", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sombrero", "Wizard's hat", etc.).

Competition "Reliable roof"

Leading: Let's speculate: what is actually a hat? Why is she needed? The first thing that comes to mind is the thought of protective function hats. Correctly? A hat is like a roof. This means that the hat should not only be beautiful and elegant, but also reliable. Move on. A hat is almost a roof, a roof is a good protection, and who can become a real woman the best protection? Of course, a real man! Please do not confuse: we are not interested in those men who are "hats", but those who are "roofs"! Reliable, strong and not leaking! Therefore, ladies, choose one such male defender from the audience!

(men go up on stage and are given funny paper clown hats; sewing needles are attached to the tip of the hats - we immediately warn the players about this!).

Leading: We will decorate our "roofs" a little, because they should also be beautiful! No matter how you symbolize a roof-hat. Now each of you quite fits the definition of "elegant"! Spin around you please! Good! However, we are forced to check your reliability, because, unfortunately, even a very beautiful roof-hat can leak or have some other flaws! Ladies! Get one balloon! When I wave my hand, you will toss the balloons up, and the men you have chosen should pierce the balloon with a needle embedded in the cap. This is necessary so that the ball, God forbid, does not fall on the wonderful head of your lady! (the host addresses the men) You need to pierce the ball without the help of hands and feet, only by touching it with the tip of the cap! Whoever copes with the threat first - he won! In this case, you can butt the ball, press it with your head to the floor or walls, in general, use your head to full program! Do not be shy! And you, ladies, are not at all forbidden to toss the ball several times, but no more than three times!

Game episode "Salad"

Leading: Well, our ladies really made a hat out of “nothing” easily, especially since real men helped them, who can serve not only as a hat, but also as a whole roof! And now it would be interesting to see, and, perhaps, try a salad made also from “nothing”! No, no, we will not chop men. Especially since modern women prefer low-calorie foods, which can not be said about Russian fellows! However, the author of the statement familiar to us, most likely, had in mind the lack of suitable products. But this, I promise you, does not threaten us. But first, a little warm-up for you ladies!

Game decoy "In the garden, in the garden"

The host invites women to remember songs in which, one way or another, the names of berries and fruits are mentioned. It is imperative to keep an eye on the most active participants, three of which will become the next players. Possible options answers: “The aroma of love beckons with a paradise apple”, “ Apples and pears bloomed ..”, “Raspberry beckoned us to itself ...”, “Apples in the snow ...”, “Horses in apples, white horses ...”, “Oh, an apple, yes on a plate. .." etc.

Leading: excellent results, girls! Please introduce yourself! ( Members of this musical call their names). And we will get acquainted with the recipes for your fruit and berry salads later!

Competition "Chop cabbage"

Leading: As the dictionaries say, "salad" is, first of all, a mixture of different components. So we "mix" various cabbages. Why not a vitamin salad? But don't think that we are talking about broccoli and ordinary white cabbage. Now we will chop a cabbage of a different kind. Can you tell me what kind of cabbage people chop with special pleasure? (The word “money” is necessarily shouted from the audience). Of course! Everyone will like this cabbage. However, it is very difficult to process. And now I will offer our heroines to pull one piece of paper out of my cabbage bag without looking. The catch is that, along with real banknotes of various denominations, ordinary pieces of paper will lie in a bag of cabbage. Each participant will have three opportunities to visit the coveted bag. How more money on total amount the participant scores, the more likely her winnings! Be careful: simple pieces of paper have the same size and texture as real money!

If, after three attempts, everyone has the same amount, then you can allow the ladies to “cut cabbages” one more time. The winner is given a cosmetic set, and all other participants - a tube of a good hand cream. Then everyone returns to their seats.

Game episode "Tragedy"

Leading: It's just wonderful that so far everything is working out exactly as the witty Italian noticed! It remains only to “prepare” the tragedy and, as usual, from absolute “nothing”! Moreover, let's try to play. I'm just sure that Russian women - the most talented women on earth - do not cost anything! So, listen to the third competitive task.

Game decoy "Tragic plot"

Leading: My enchantresses, do you know that every real tragedy, to achieve its full effect, must be distinguished by three unities? It is the unity of time, place and action. That is, everything should happen quickly, preferably in a confined space (in the bedroom or in the kitchen) and face to face with your lover who has been at fault. However, let me tell you! You know all this yourself! Only one question remains unanswered: on what occasion to throw a scandal, that is, to arrange a tragedy ?! I invite the whole room to answer the question posed. The authors the best options rise to the stage and continue the competitive program.

Of course, they may sound different reasons: coming home drunk, going fishing instead of a planned trip to the theater, but you should choose three ladies who answered more original, for example, while on a business trip, did not send daily wishes good morning and good night.

Competition "Find a handkerchief"

Leading: Let there be a "tragedy" ahead of us, nevertheless I will ask you, ladies, to name your names! Remember Shakespeare said. That the world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. He also wrote the world famous sad story about the love of the Moor Othello for the beautiful Desdemona. Yes, it all ended sadly! But I will not be afraid to offer you, ladies, to choose Othello for yourself from the hall, however, do not be alarmed, we will not allow murder! Who remembers why all the fuss flared up in this tragedy? Exactly! Because of a simple handkerchief! Isn't it a very insignificant thing, especially considering the consequences. But we will change the roles a little, and in our tragedy, women will strangle men ... a joke! We will not strangle anyone this time! Also a joke! It's just that our "Othellas" will receive handkerchiefs from us. You, dear men, need to carefully hide them in your clothes. At this time, women will turn their backs in my direction, and finally, they will notice what an attractive person is entertaining them all evening!

Leading: So, the scarves are hidden! Ladies, look closely into the eyes of these insidious traitors - what do they hide in their depths?! I give you half a minute, after which you give me your answer.

It is unlikely that women will immediately guess where their gentlemen hid their handkerchiefs. So the competition continues.

Leading : Well, well, it's really difficult! Therefore, I officially allow you to engage in assault, that is, simply touch this insidious subject. But rummaging through pockets and behind the scruff of the neck is prohibited! You can only lightly touch the clothes.

Here you can give two attempts to correctly locate the scarf. Someone will definitely find it. The one who did it first, won.

Final contest "Weak?"

Leading: I like the expression that a woman's strength is in her weakness. This is very true. Therefore, our final has such a name. For the “weak” competition, I invite three of our winners. The task is simple: each of you informs an honest company that she can do something special right now and thereby takes her rivals poorly. If the opponents are able to repeat the declared feint, then the game continues. If someone still does not dare to repeat, then, unfortunately, he drops out of the competition. This continues until there is no lady left whose trick no one but her can do. We'll give her the grand prize!

As competitive moments, the tasks to sit on the splits, take off the dress, kiss someone else's husband, and so on are not very suitable.


Leading: famous author « little prince” attribute the expression that a woman is “the most obvious living flesh that radiates the most tender light.” I join the words of Exupery one hundred percent! After all, there is so much in a woman! She has been given such inner treasures by God that they are enough for many people around. She can be gentle and weak, but fearless and the strongest, she is kindness itself, but if necessary, she will be the most principled and tough. She knows how to love unconditionally! She does not measure her need for money and just expects reciprocal love and understanding from others. Men! Be attentive to the woman! Make sure that your woman never loses the feeling of her own pricelessness!

May your day be sunny, beautiful,
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry, clean, clear.
O woman, always be happy!
When playing with primordial power,
This world was created by mother nature,
She is in you, O woman,
All your beauty and grace.
You have a gust of thunder, dawn shine,
The splendor of the mountains and the burrows of the rivers,
A joy to the eyes, a charm to the soul,
Through you the world and man are eternal.

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