Synopsis by the author. Rules for writing a synopsis


In order for the producers to get an idea of ​​what kind of brilliant movie they have to finance, the scriptwriters write a synopsis - the main thing about the future film, then,

which should catch the bigwigs of the film business and invite the authors of the masterpiece to pitching or even a personal conversation. peplov shares his thoughts on how to properly compose this document.




Why capital letters? For you to remember!!!

A synopsis is not an application or a script, it is a way, and often the only one, of communication between a screenwriter and a producer (or editor). Only. Is it a lot or a little?
Not much, because you would like them, rednecks, to read your brilliant script in its entirety. Not enough, because no one will read the synopsis for more than three pages, but write in three pages then, which weighs all one hundred and twenty, and was written by you for a year, archi-difficult.
But this is a lot, because through the synopsis you have a unique opportunity to promote your script. Three pages will be read even by those who do not like to read. So take advantage this, damn it. USE.
Write these three pages in such a way that you cannot tear yourself away.
Just do not write about ideas and intentions, about subtexts and other obscure ordinary person"nonsense". He traded fish yesterday, and you tell him about eternity. No need. Don't offend the producer. Don't humiliate him. Don't make him look like a fool. After all, you already know this. But you came to him, not he to you. Leave words about high art to your loved one, friends, comrades in the shop. And always remember. YOU ARE SELLING A SCRIPT.
And the synopsis is the only chance to tell the producer about your script. Often the ONLY CHANCE.
And to declare exactly about the script, and not about yourself, your beloved.
You will become a favorite for the producer later.
He will trust you later.
He will lend you money for future scenarios later.
EVERYTHING THEN. And now only the synopsis.

Here's for you to see. You meet a friend who tells you in a choked voice what a drop-dead movie he saw yesterday. When are you going to watch this movie? You will go to watch it on two occasions. Either you know your friend well and trust his taste, or you were shocked by his story.

The producer doesn't know you. Doesn't trust you. So the second one remains. Shake him up with a story. Do you understand?
Make him spend money on your film.


You can write a synopsis whenever and however you like. It may not even be you, but. I contend that the synopsis should be written after the script is ready.

Why? Because a synopsis is a SUMMARY of the plot described in the script in an engaging way. Not ideas and designs, but a READY PLOT.
No script, no synopsis.

Any writer who has been writing for a long time knows how final version scenario is far away from the original intent. Sometimes it is so far away that it is the complete opposite. Heroes change, genre changes, budget changes. You are changing. Everything changes.
And we remember that the synopsis is read by the producer. Therefore, the characters, genre and budget should be clear to him.
Guys, friends, colleagues! Producers are more than concrete people. They are not WE. They are engaged in business and are accustomed to other relationships. They want to see the product, no matter how unpleasant this word sounds to us, for which they will pay. So tell me them about your product.
No businessman will buy a product that is not available. No producer will order you to write a script from a synopsis if there is no script. FORGET once and for all.
Not being discussed.


Here is the question.

Unfortunately, I often encounter the inability, or unwillingness, of screenwriters to intelligently write synopses for their often decent scripts. I tend to be more reluctant. Do they not want to humiliate themselves, or for some other reason? Don't know.

Synopsis can be written stranger.
I boldly affirm this.
Recall (see above) about the story of a friend about the film he watched.
If you don't want to sweat it, find a writer buddy, trade scripts, and write synopses for each other. Very often it turns out even better than the scriptwriter could have done. Why? Because the author is inside the material. under his influence. Not everyone can get out from under the influence of their material. This requires at least time, which is often simply not available. There is no time, but there is a way out. Ask a friend and don't worry. If he read your script and wrote a stunning synopsis, then your script was worth it. Rejoice. And running to the producers.


Here. Finally! The worst.

We remember that a synopsis is summary story in an engaging way.


So why the hell are you starting it with a list actors up to the seventh generation, ascertaining your ideas, thoughts, subtexts and discussing how to shoot your "brilliant" film?
A synopsis is not a play, not an instruction for use, not a director's explication and not staged project. Forget it all. FOREVER.
Only a story. Brief and engaging storyline. From the spot and to the quarry. Otherwise, with each line you read, your chances will decrease. in geometric progressions. And they must grow, your mother. Grow.
Do you think that a producer or editor has nothing to do? That they were just waiting for your synopsis? Keep your pocket wide. Synopses that begin with a list of characters go straight to the trash. Not reading. Their place on the producer's desk is taken by captivating, powerful, well-written synopses. Synopses that make your hands itch.
Remember, your synopsis is competing with other synopses for the producer's attention.

Well, now you understand where you should start, how should the synopsis look and when should it be written?
Then I can't help you anymore.
Only you do not be offended, please, if in response to your synopses I write to you that it is "very interesting, but, unfortunately, the topic is not mine." (Does not apply to Glezarova, historical themes and certainly not mine). Don't tease yourself. When I like it, I write like this: COOL, I LIKE IT, SUPER, I WANT, I LOVE, I WILL BE FRIENDS, LET'S GO TO THE BIN, TO THE REGISTRY OFFICE, ETC.

I fit in 3 pages by Courier 12 size. Community discussion

fair. when you talk face to face with the producer. personally. when you go the “legal” way, they also demand an application, and in it:
log line. “My anecdote is tyry-pyry about Petka and Chapai, and this is absolutely ridiculous.”
card of the main characters. “Petka is a machine gunner and get it, chapai is a red commander and the people’s Socrates” blah blah blah.
Well, on to the little things.

but Eisenstein said much more briefly.
What we now call a synopsis is "... in essence, the anticipated story of the future viewer about the picture that captured him." Dot.

"No producer will order you to write a script from a synopsis if there is no script."
I won’t even argue, because I never sat down to write A SINGLE script without a contract, which was signed after the customer read the synopsis.

Everyone has their own experience.

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What is a synopsis?

A synopsis is a brief description of a work from beginning to end. Usually its length does not exceed two or three pages, but in some cases the editor requires you to provide a detailed synopsis of 10-15 pages.

Who needs a synopsis?

Publishing house employees: heads of departments, artists, designers, marketers, etc. They do not have the opportunity to read every manuscript (readers, editors and proofreaders do this, and even then not always), so many important decisions concerning the fate of your book will be accepted based on the synopsis.

If the synopsis is excellent, but there are flaws in the manuscript, the editor can help the author refine the work. And if the synopsis is a failure, and the manuscript is brilliant, then it will not come to reading the manuscript at all.

What should the synopsis look like?

A synopsis is a sequential story that introduces the characters, the development of the plot and - of course! - . This is a complete story - a separate literary work with its own dramaturgy, language, jokes, etc. pay attention to folk tales: many of them are very similar to the synopsis.

Bringing the editor up to date

From the very beginning, determine the time and place of the action. If necessary, give an introductory - to describe the historical outline or the world you invented.

Omit unnecessary details and focus on the most exciting plot twists. Even if the main advantage of your work is reflections on the meaning of being, try to give the synopsis at least a minimal dynamic.

Avoid introductory phrases such as "At the beginning of the novel, it tells about ..." They take up a lot of space, but do not carry useful information.

Heroes in the synopsis

To make it easier for the editor to understand who is who, insert short descriptions heroes: an aristocrat Kobylin, a young taxi driver Dima, a dishonest judge Podushkin, etc.

If the synopsis is short, try to mention by name only the main characters - a lot of names in the text leads to confusion. The rest of the characters can be called "brother", "rival", "king", "investigator", etc.


If there are many storylines in the novel, then for short synopsis you have to choose only one - the most important. If this is not possible, talk about different stories using words such as "in the meantime", "in the meantime", "at this time".

If parallel plots refer to different eras, point it out right from the start, and move from one topic to the next with small headings. For example, the first story line may be titled "Moscow, 1932", the second storyline is "Jerusalem, 33 AD"

Questions to answer in a synopsis

  • What changed the hero's life and made him act?
  • What?
  • What obstacles stand in the way of the hero?
  • What does the hero do to achieve the goal?
  • What character traits or past events influence the character's actions?
  • What does he achieve on the stages of the path to the Big Goal?
  • What is the crisis and what caused it?
  • Describe the climax event.
  • How did the events described in the novel change the character?

Slight distortion of the plot

Sometimes, to add clarity to the synopsis, you need to slightly distort the plot. If, apart from the novel itself, this or that turn of events seems illogical, it is better to modify it or cut it out altogether - there is nothing to worry about.

Show the trump cards of the novel. It can be amazing facts, unexpected conclusions, curious scenery. The synopsis should make it clear what makes the book unique.

Show that your heroes are real interesting people. Highlight each of them bright, attractive feature character.

If you're counting on press reviews, write two synopses, one for publishers and one for journalists. Publishers love what sells, ie. love, adventure, humor and scandal. Journalists consider themselves literary snobs, so they need details, philosophy, history, etc. In each case, the emphasis must be placed differently.

Synopsis Sample

Elvira Baryakina, "Woman with a capital W"

Marge Tensh, a Russian media agent from Hollywood, reflects on her life: she is 40 years old and nothing has been done for immortality. She has no children and good habits, and the only man who is ready to listen to her is a paid psychoanalyst. Marge has a movie director Kevin in mind, but if you ask him when he is in last time making love, he will say, "Last week, in the fourth stage, with a film crew."

A psychoanalyst advises Marge to write a memoir, and she remembers Soviet childhood and youth spent fighting for peace, love and money. According to the biographies of Marge and her relatives, you can learn recent history From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the 9/11 attacks.

Husband #1's family takes Marge to New York. The first spouse does not want to fight for her love, but the second does it all the time - but somewhere in Sri Lanka, in Honduras or in the Palestinian territories: he is a war correspondent. Marge dreams of dragging him into her coffee-literary world, where going to the gym is considered a feat. Husband No. 2 looks at her with the eyes of an unfortunate spaniel: “But what about wrestling? What about free pampas?

Marge gets tired of waiting for the funeral every day. After the divorce, she goes to Africa to build a school in a remote village. But centuries of poverty and illiteracy are such a hole that it is impossible to fill up. Everything that you give will be consumed, everything that you teach will be forgotten as unnecessary. But most importantly, Marge discovers that she is not so much helping people as proving to herself: "I am terribly noble."

Husband No. 3 introduces Marge to the world of Big Oil - he works as a vice president of a large mining corporation. His house is full of things bought on the basis of the principle "shot in the head", and he forgets about them the next day. Marge realizes that she is also a thing: they played enough of it and threw it under the bed.

She gets divorced again and opens a literary agency. Her career is going well, but she needs someone to think about on her way home from the office. Marge thinks about director Kevin. After all, he is well-read, witty and famous.

Kevin asks for Marge's hand - not for himself, but for Zack, a 20-year-old actor. Zack recently emigrated from New Zealand and urgently needs a green card. Marge's heart is broken, but out of habit she laughs: “I'll arrange a gorgeous wedding for myself: the groom is Zack, the music is Radio Chanson, a striped suit. Let's exchange handcuffs in front of witnesses - is it bad?

Zack is a wonderful guy with big smile and inflated press. He doesn't care that Marge is good enough for him as a mother - he sincerely admires her. On Honeymoon they go to ski resort. Marge's dog rips off an expensive sofa in a rented house and the owner promises to sue the newlyweds.

Kevin advises Marge to hire a lawyer, Paul Wardlaw, with whom he has been working for a long time. Soon she learns that this is her plaintiff.

They start a strange relationship - half friendship, half flirting. Paul makes fun of Marge and at the same time protects her and supports her in all endeavors.

Paul rich biography: He was born in Iraq, spent his childhood in Ghana, studied in the UK. I wanted to be a great actor, but I became a Hollywood lawyer. Marge is impressed by his views on the world, and she is very interested in him: he is seriously interested in psychology and philosophy.

Relations with Zek are gradually fading away. He does not tolerate Marge's guardianship, and it is funny and strange for her to look at how husband No. 4 repeats the mistakes of her youth. Paul does not appear and does not call - and this thread breaks.

Marge is depressed again: she doesn’t even want to go to a psychoanalyst. She begins to frighten relatives with hints of suicide - not seriously, of course: she just wants others to say: “We need you!” Having learned about Marge's "suicidal tendencies", Paul calls her and explains everything: his mother is going to have an operation, so he has been in London all these days, next to her. “Most importantly, don’t get married until tomorrow,” he says. "I'm last in line."

Marge does not know what to think: do they have a chance? After all, they love themselves, not each other. But Paul believes that the symbiosis of selfishness is the key to a successful marriage: "Take care of me, and I will take care of you, and let others think that we have love."

The attraction of the mind, the attraction of the heart ... and the attraction of the body, if anything, the sexologist will correct. Marge decides to start new life and a new diary.

I was asked to give an example of a synopsis for one of my books. I show how it should be written and formatted from and to.

File - Word.doc Times new Roman, 12 font, single space. The text is justified.

Zhiltsova Natalya Sergeevna

- Curse of the Necromancer. M.: "Publishing house ALPHA-BOOK", 2009 (novel);
- Tablet of Morana. M.: "ALFA-BOOK Publishing House", 2012 (novel);
- Patterns of darkness. M.: "ALFA-BOOK Publishing House", 2013 (novel);
- Two crowns. M.: "ALFA-BOOK Publishing House", 2013 (novel, co-authored with S. Ushkova);
- Rage of darkness. (novel, to be published in Alpha Book in 2014).


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Information about the manuscript

Genre: novel;
Subgenre: fantasy;
Title: "The Power of the Witch"
Volume: 12 a.l.;
The novel has not been previously published, partially posted on the site "site name"
( - this rating will be a plus)

Synopsis for the novel: "The Power of the Witch"

Main characters:
Arina is the owner of a rare hereditary gift;
Loki is a strong magician, beloved of Arina;
Cyril is a vampire who wants to gain unlimited power.

Arina, an employee of the personnel department for 25 years, suddenly loses consciousness right at work. Returning home, Arina receives news of the death of her grandmother, whom she had known for only a couple of weeks.

The girl is distracted from her worries by a strange stranger who suddenly appeared in her kitchen, as if out of nowhere. He claims that by inheritance from her grandmother Arina got a very rare magical ability. Because of this inheritance, they now want to kill her, and in order to survive, the girl must perform several ritual actions. Frightened Arina fulfills all the requirements of a stranger, after which he miraculously disappears.

The girl miraculously manages to repulse the attack of dangerous magical creatures, and then hide from the assassins and get to the department of control over the magicians. Here Arina achieves recognition of herself as a full-fledged owner of a magical inheritance - the spirit of the elements of air. Moreover, thanks to the support of the head of the department, Kirill, he even receives a solid financial compensation from the orderer of the murder - the priestess of a powerful dark order. However, in order to protect herself even better, the girl decides to buy some kind of protective artifact.

Thanks to a series of random circumstances and luck, Arina acquires a very rare artifact ring. Thanks to him, Arina can no longer be afraid of witchcraft curses. Joyful from the purchase, the girl decides to look into a bar popular with magicians, where she meets a memorable stranger, whose name, as it turns out, is Loki. Loki likes Arina, but she still decides to postpone the relationship, despite being grateful for the help. The girl is repelled by his self-confidence and straightforwardness.

In order to install security at the apartment, Arina decides to turn to Cyril. He willingly agrees to help her and along the way tells what the value of the girl's inheritance is. It turns out that all magicians for witchcraft need recharge from Sources - special places of power. However, if you collect the elementals of all four elements, then you can become the greatest of the magicians, who himself can be compared with the Source.

Upon learning that Arina talked with Kirill, Loki warns the girl about the danger. Loki tells her that in fact our world is ruled by dark magicians who have agreements with vampires on the supply of blood. And Kirill is a vampire who needs her strength and blood. Returning to Arina's house, he helps to remove Kirill's observation beacons and leaves his magical animal for protection.

Through cunningly placed traps, Kirill manages to lure Arina out of the house and get rid of her bodyguard. Arina guesses about the deception only in last moment and only manages to warn Loki of the danger. It turns out that Cyril has found a way to take possession of the elementals of all four elements, and to complete the ritual, he needs the death of Arina and Loki.

In order to save Arina, Loki uses a very dangerous teleportation spell. In the final battle, Loki manages to kill Cyril and get the power of the four elements himself. After that, he heals the girl and confesses his love to Arina.

σύνοψις , from Greek words: συν - with and όπτω - look) - in the scientific nomenclature of the ancient Greeks meant a presentation in one general overview, in a concise form, without detailed argumentation and without detailed theoretical reasoning, of one whole subject or one field of knowledge.

Forecaster Συνοπτικός called a scientist who, with one general glance, embraced in his worldview the whole range of objects included in known sphere. In subsequent times, the name synopsis was primarily given historical writings, V chronological order setting forth the facts one by one, carefully noting their dates. Usually synopsis as a way of historical presentation was opposed to syntagma (ancient Greek. σύνταγμα ), according to the rules of which the material contained in the essay was arranged not only chronologically, but also more or less systematically, although this systematicity was far from always based on the correct organic division of the subject, but was often determined by a purely external scheme, for example, the order of the alphabet (canonical syntagma Matthew Blastar).

From later historical works the synopsis is distinguished by a complete lack of pragmatism, that is, clarification intercom between previous and subsequent events, and any elements of the so-called historical criticism. A typical example of a historical synopsis is the Kiev synopsis of Innokenty Gizel, which sets out in compressed form and in chronological order the facts of Russian history.

The Poles once called a synopsis a simple chronological collection and a statement of the rights and rules given by the Polish kings to Russian people who were under Polish citizenship. In Byzantine theological literature, a synopsis was a consistent review and presentation in abbreviation of several homogeneous topics; such is, for example, a review of the sermons of Chrysostom on Holy Scripture Old and New Testaments, or a review of the conversations of St. Athanasius.

Synopsis is also called an abbreviated exposition of the interpretations of the Fathers of the Church, the prototype of which is Minh's Sacrae Scripturae cursus completus. Professor M. A. Golubev called a synopsis the entire science called "introduction to the Holy Scriptures", and his own compositions, as, for example, the interpretation of the First Epistle to the Corinthians.

see also

  • "Synopsis" Oribasia (Oribasia) - a collection of medical information.
  • "Great Synopsis of Basilicus" - Byzantine legal collection.
  • "Small Synopsis" - Byzantine legal collection.
  • A synopsis in history is a chronological overview of history. It was opposed to a syntagma - a thematic-chronological review.
  • "Kiev synopsis" - the first educational and historical work, published in 1674 in Kyiv.
  • A synopsis in Christian theology is a collection of passages or an abridged summary of sermons, interpretations of Holy Scripture and other writings of church writers.
  • Synopsis - edition of several gospels with a parallel arrangement of texts.
  • Synopsis in Cinematography - Screenplay Summary.
  • A synopsis in publishing is a summary of a manuscript.
  • Synopsis in musical theater - brief retelling libretto.


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See what "Synopsis" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek, from syn together, and opsis vision). Review, list, list, short extract. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SYNOPSIS [gr. synopsis review] summary summary different views By … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (synopsis less often), synopsis, husband. (Greek synopsis review) (philol.). Collection of articles, materials on any issue. Kiev synopsis (name of the first compiling textbook on Russian history, published in 1674). Dictionary… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (Greek synopsis review) (Kiev synopsis) the first educational historical work, published in Kyiv in 1674. Supposed author Innokenty Gizel. Information about the origin and life of the Slavs, history Old Russian state, Ukraine, Russia ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Cadastre, catalog; review Dictionary of Russian synonyms. noun synopsis, number of synonyms: 5 extract (13) overview ... Synonym dictionary

    Husband, Greek abbreviation or list, brief extract. Synoptic tables, enumeration, for review. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from Greek synopsis review) review, brief review. Synoptic - stated from the same point of view, for example. the first three gospels. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - (from Greek synopsis review), synoptic maps, weather maps, giving general idea about meteorological conditions. Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. Chisinau: Main edition of the Moldavian Soviet encyclopedia. I.I. Grandpa. 1989... Ecological dictionary

    Greek sýnopsis review 1) a collection of information, materials, articles on any issue, most often arranged chronologically. The term is applied mainly to historical writings. 2) In theological literature, a set of passages or ... ... Glossary of business terms

    Synopsis- (from Gr. synopsis review) a work or part of it with a summary, summary presentation of various views on a problem, topic, question ... Publishing Dictionary

    I Synopsis (Greek sýnopsis review) 1) a collection of information, materials, articles on any issue, most often arranged chronologically. The term is applied mainly to historical writings. 2) In theological literature, the code ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Synopsis. To books from the series "Khaishenway", Irina Zinovievna Mutovchiyskaya. Synopsis for books from the Haishenwei series. In the synopsis in question about the books “Butramuss”, “Yunmingchen”, “The Secret of Beijing Street”, “Millionka. Xi.", "We are a million", "Restaurant" At the Emperor Huangdi "", ...

In my opinion, the above work is a synopsis. The only drawback in it, I see unnecessary details and details, which, not being important carriers of fragments of history, are somewhat knocked down from it. If you don't mind, I would cut it down a bit. Like that.

"France. 70s of the 17th century. 19-year-old Gascon nobleman d'Artagnan goes to Paris to conquer it and serve France and its king with his sword. His dream is to serve in the regiment of royal musketeers.
But it is broken by those close to the all-powerful Cardinal Richelieu on the way to Paris. He is insulted and, when he tries to defend his honor, he is treacherously beaten on the head and stolen letter of recommendation to the captain of the Musketeers.
D'Artagnan is forced to serve in the regiment of the king's guards, in no way giving up his passionate desire to become a musketeer. And he also has burning desire find your offenders and take revenge.
On the first day in Paris, he gets into three duels at once. Moreover, with three of the most desperate of the musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, famous rake, brawlers and heroes. He has no chance to stay alive after that, but he considers it an honor to die in a duel with such people.
However, instead of a duel and the death of d "Artagnan, having shown amazing courage, nobility and possession of a sword in a fight with a whole detachment of the cardinal's guards on the side of the musketeers, he finds in the person of Athos, Porthos and Aramis reliable and faithful friends for life. True, victory over the guards brings the whole four not only glory, but also makes them the enemy of the cardinal himself.
d "Artagnan unexpectedly falls in love with the queen's servant Constance Bonacieux, the young wife of an elderly haberdasher, from whom he rents a room. Standing up for the honor of a woman, he suddenly finds himself at the center of a complex political intrigue of the cardinal against the queen.
In order to save the honor of the queen by proving her love to Constance and achieving her reciprocity, d "Artagnan must do the impossible. At any cost, return to the queen the diamond pendants she had imprudently presented to her secret lover, the English Duke of Buckingham, which should be on her at the royal reception scheduled for the coming days .
The fact that Buckingham has pendants is known to Richelieu and it is on this that he builds his intrigue.
d'Artagnan and his Musketeer friends go to London. On the way, they will have many adventures and hot fights. Only d "Artagnan gets to the place. The rest lag behind, covering the hero in battles with the people of the cardinal, in the traps he insidiously set along the road.
d'Artagnan, having received pendants from the duke, with fights and new adventures, still manages to return to the most critical moment. As a result, the queen is at the ball in pendants, her honor is saved, the intrigue is destroyed, the cardinal is put to shame.
d "Artagnan receives the queen's award, a place in the regiment of musketeers and the reciprocity of the beautiful Constnation. And the fierce hatred of Cardinal Richelieu and his closest servants, dark masters, his insulter and enemy Rochefort and the spy, insidious seductress, later, the organizer of the murder of the Duke of Buckingham, Milady .
The siege of the fortress of La Rochelle. Musketeers show themselves heroically in the war with the Huguenots and may well count on rewards. And our d "Artagnan will finally receive the promised reward for his beloved corresponding to his feat.
However, Milady, who also turned out to be ex-wife Athos, who once broke his heart, inflicts a terrible, irreparable blow on d'Artagnan. She poisons his beloved woman with poison. Constance dies in the arms of her lover, and nothing can help our hero's grief.
He cannot be comforted by the fact that the Musketeers, having caught the villainess Milady, without hesitation give her into the hands of the executioner.
Over the entire four now hangs the threat of reprisals from the owner of Milady, the cardinal, which can happen at any moment.
But Richelieu, appreciating the nobility and courage of our heroes and their ability to benefit France, and also, hoping to make them someday his allies, especially d "Artagnan, all

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