Jury, the correctness of the assignment. competition "Whatever the page, then the beast or the bird"


Material Description: To the attention of readers, the author offers a synopsis of mathematical entertainment for children preparatory group(6-7 years) on the topic "KVN". This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group.

Target: Reveal intellectual and Creative skills in children.

Program content: teach children to solve arithmetic examples, tasks. Exercise in the skills of quantitative counting within 20, in orientation on the plane of the sheet. To consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, months of the year, seasons. Development logical thinking, ingenuity, attention. Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Equipment: 2 easels, chalk, counting sticks, Tangram puzzles - 2 sets, simple pencils, white sheets of paper.

Entertainment progress:

Host: Dear guests, guys, today we have mathematical KVN.

KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. We will play and see: whose team will complete the tasks faster and more correctly. At the end of the game, we will count the points and determine the winner. And the jury in our game will be your parents. (Introducing the members of the jury.)

Host: Dear guys, congratulations on the start of the game, we wish you a successful performance!

Moderator: Dear viewers, I hope that you brought smiles and applause to the participants of our game for the holiday and therefore I ask you to greet the teams:

Team "Smart"


We are friends with mathematics

We are wise and in knowledge

We can't fall behind.

Team "Znaiki"


We are a team of experts

And we know everything in the world

Ask us questions

We will answer them.

Host: Guys, we start our game with a warm-up. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Questions for the first team:

1. What is the shortest month of the year.

2. Name last month of the year.

3. How many days are there in a week?

4. How many seasons, name them?

5. Name the neighbors of the number 15 (14 and 16).

6. Sparrows sat on a tree. After 2 more flew to them, they became 4. How many sparrows were sitting on a tree?

Questions for the second team:

1. What is the shortest month in the name of the year?

2. What is the first month of the year?

3. How many months in a year?

4. Name the days of the week.

5. Name the neighbors of the number 18 (17 and 19)

6. Kittens drank milk from a saucer. After 1 more approached them, there were 5 of them. How many kittens drank milk?

Host: Guys, the warm-up went well, you showed excellent knowledge. Now let's count the points. Jury word. After the warm-up ahead of the team ...

Host: Guys, now the game "Name the number." I will give you a number, and the Smarties team will give an answer, but 1 more than this number, and the Znayka team is 1 less.

Host: And we continue our game. Guys, you have already noted that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. Therefore I suggest to you fun tasks for ingenuity.

Blitz poll.

Questions for the first team:

1. What kind of comb will not comb your head? (rooster).

2. How many ears do two mice have? (Four).

3. How do day and night end? ( soft sign).

4. How many legs does a chicken have? (chicken has no legs).

5. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? (one granddaughter Masha).

6. The rooster laid an egg. Who will get it? (to no one).

7. There were 4 bears and 3 rams in the zoo. How many wild animals were in the zoo?

8. 5 apples grew on a birch. 3 apples fell to the ground. How many apples are left on the birch? (not at all, apples do not grow on a birch)

Blitz poll.

Questions for the second team:

1. What animal helps to cross the road? (Zebra).

2. How many tails do two donkeys have? (Two)

3. What bird is called the postman? (Dove).

4. How many nuts are in the empty glass? (the glass is empty, so there is nothing in it).

5. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in the back. How many legs does an animal have? (4 legs).

6. Which animals always sleep with open eyes? (Fish).

7. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).

8. The long-awaited January has come. First, 1 apple tree bloomed, then 3 more plums. How many trees have blossomed? (The trees do not bloom in January).

Host: Guys, you did a good job. Well done! And our game continues. Guys, a wise owl flew to visit us. She also wants to participate in our game. (The owl greets the children and offers them their tasks)

Owl: Guys, I flew to you from the forest. In my forest, I know every corner. I know where my squirrel girlfriends live, my friends are hares, and where the bear sleeps in the den. Guys, you can find out too. If you correctly complete my tasks, then you will get a map of our forest.

(There are sheets of paper in front of the children.)

Draw 3 squares in the upper right corner, squirrels live here. In the lower left corner, draw 5 triangles, hares live there. In the upper left corner, draw a large circle - this is the bear's lair. In the lower right corner draw 4 rectangles - a hedgehog family lives there, and in the center of the sheet draw an oval - this is a forest lake. Now, guys, you won't get lost in our forest.

Host: Thank you wise Owl for participating in our game.

Owl: Well, it's time for me to go home, goodbye, guys.

Leading: Guys, the owl flew into the forest, and we have musical pause"Song balloons» sounds in performance vocal group. At the end of the song, the participants in the game throw balls to the audience.

Host: Guys, now the most important competition - captain competition.

1. The first competition "Make a figure."

Host: Everyone has 5 counting sticks. The captain of the “Umniki” team must collect 2 rectangles from them, and the captain of the “Znayka” team must collect 2 triangles from them.

2. The second competition "Tangram".

Lay out any one figure from the Tangram puzzle according to the model (offer each card with samples).

The jury sums up the results of the competition of captains.

Host: Guys, we continue our game. And the next task is called "Fill in the missing number". You need to choose two people from each team. The one who can do it faster wins.

Examples are written on the board:

3 + _ = 14 7 + _ = 18

15 — _ =5 16 — _ = 5

5 + 9 = _ 14 + 2 = _

5 + 2 +4 = _ 8 + 3 +1 = _

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Host: Today, guys, you made good decisions, considered, thought, you are all great. It's time to let down results. Now for the jury.

The representative of the jury speaks, congratulating the children and presenting medals to both teams.

Host: Thanks to everyone who came to us and took part in our game.

Larisa Litvinova
Ecological KVN for children 6–7 years old

Target: Increasing the level of morality - ecological competence of parents, the formation of a motive for cooperation.

instill skills ecological competent behavior in everyday life, to understand the need for such an attitude to water as a natural resource.

Tasks: - develop the ability to guess riddles, observe, draw conclusions;

Develop cognitive activity children in the process of forming an idea about the protection of water resources;

Develop creative imagination;

To form a positive attitude, emotional acceptance of other participants in the game;

Bring up careful attitude to water as a natural resource;

Equipment and materials: droplet doll, cards with texts of riddles, globe, drawing paper, watercolor, gouache, brush, drawing sponge, toothbrush, sticks, water protection signs.

caregiver: Dear participants, today in our Club "Clever and Wise" we'll talk about how much do you know about water? Today there are two unusual commands. These are joint teams of our parents and children. The teams will serious challenge. And at the end of the competition, we must determine which team is more resourceful, friendly, knows the laws of nature better.

Say hello to the team "Droplet" and team "Cloud". And now I will introduce you to our jury. (Teacher introduces the jury). Attention, let's start! Now we have a warm-up.

(The teacher shows the globe)

caregiver: Do you know what it is?


caregiver A: Yes, this is a model of our planet Earth. What color is the most on the globe?


caregiver: What does it mean?

(water, there is a lot of water on the planet).

caregiver: Where is water found?

(in a river, lake, sea, puddle, flowing in a tap).

caregiver Q: What do you use it for?

(quench thirst, wash, water, cook food, ships move on water, etc.).

caregiver: Who needs water?

(people, animals, plants, trees).

caregiver: Is life possible on the planet without water?


caregiver: Many of you spent the summer at sea. Have you tasted sea ​​water? What is she?

(very salty, bitter).

caregiver: Can I drink it?


caregiver Q: What kind of water can be used for food?

(from the tap, fresh).

caregiver: So we figured out that there is sea and fresh water. Yes, all living beings need water, no one can live without water! And water washes everyone too. People wash, cars wash, cities, roads take a shower. And water is the widest, most convenient road. Vessels sail on the oceans and seas day and night - they carry heavy loads and passengers. It is very good that there is so much water on Earth. But there is not much fresh water on Earth. (2%) . You can't knead dough for bread without water, you can't make paper for books, you can't make cloth for clothes, you can't do anything without water. That is why water must be conserved.

Well, here we are warmed up. And now into battle.

Exercise 1.

caregiver: Everyone needs to listen to the question and answer: whether it happens or not.

1. Does it happen that fish live on land? (No)

2. Does it happen that a lot of droplets make up streams? (Yes).

1. Does it happen that icicles melt in spring? (Yes).

2. Does it happen that the puddle dries up? (Yes)

1. Does it happen that dew sparkles on the grass in the morning? (Yes).

2. Does it happen that snowflakes are served for breakfast? (No).

1. Is it possible that the hail is soft? (No).

2. Does it happen that the lake freezes in winter? (Yes).

1. Does it happen that you look into a puddle and see your reflection? (Yes).

2. Does it happen that water is carried in a sieve? (No).

1. Does it happen that water is hammered in with nails? (No)

2. Does it happen that plants drink water and grow better? (Yes).


Task 2. Crossword solution.

caregiver: You need to solve riddles and write words in a crossword puzzle. Read the encrypted word.

Crossword 1.

2. I walk in the rain and in the heat. My character is like this. (Umbrella).

3. Hiding in the clouds, in the mist. Only feet on the ground. (Rain).

4. There is a commotion in the yard - peas are pouring from the sky. (grad).

Crossword 2.

1. I am small as a grain of sand, but I cover the earth. (Snow).

2. In the morning, the beads sparkled, they covered all the grass with themselves.

And we went to search during the day - we are looking, we are looking, we will not find. (Dew).

3. Runs in summer, sleeps in winter, spring has come and ran again. (River).

4. It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (Ice).


Task 3. Competition "What does it mean".

caregiver: Teams are invited to sound water protection signs.

Signs for the first team:

Do not pollute water bodies Frogs live only in a clean water body. You can not wash cars near water bodies.

Signs for the second team:

Do not pour soapy water into the ground. take care drinking water Water lilies grow only in clean water


Task 4. Competition of captains.

caregiver: I will ask questions, and the captains will answer with the help of flags.

The blue flag is raised by the captain if the leader pronounces a word meaning water in various manifestations.

(Ocean, puddle, snow, rain, river, waterfall, wave, dew, stream).

The green flag is raised if objects or phenomena do not have an unambiguous connection with water.

(Wind, stone, tree, door, towel, light bulb, bedside table).

The red flag is raised if the presenter pronounces an object or phenomenon that is directly related to water, but is not water itself.

(Rainbow, ship, dolphin, plumbing, fish, boat, lifebuoy, duck).


caregiver: Guys, what do I hear? Someone is coming towards us. Have you guessed who it is? Yes, this is Kapitoshka. She brought us a dance "Droplets". Bye "Droplets" the jury is dancing and the teams will have a rest before the next competition.

(Musical pause. Dance "Droplets").

Task 5. Riddles competition.

1. Runs in summer, stands in winter. (River).

2. Lying, lying, but ran into the water. (Snow)

3. They fly in the sky and melt on their noses. (Snowflakes)

4. In the morning, the beads sparkled, they covered all the grass with themselves.

Let's go look for them during the day - we are looking, we are looking, we will not find. (Dew)

5. He is without arms, he was able to break out of the ground without legs.

He gives us ice-cold water in the summer in the heat. (Spring)

6. He walks along the sea, he walks, he reaches the shore here and disappears. (Wave).

7. There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Ice)

8. Large, fractionally frequented and watered the whole earth. (Rain)

9. They drink me, they pour me, everyone needs me. Who am I? (Water)

10. A painted yoke hung across the river. (Rainbow)

11. Milk floated over the river, nothing was visible. (Fog)

12 Silver threads sew together heaven and earth. (Rain)

13. The longest-legged one walks without a path and without a road,

Hiding in the clouds, in the mist, only feet on the ground. (Rain)

14 I lived in the middle of the yard where children play,

But from the sun's rays I turned into a stream. (Snow)

15 I run to my mother - the river and I can’t be silent.

I am her own son, and was born in the spring. (Creek)

16 Which road they drive for half a year, they walk for half a year. (Down the river)

17 He walked, walked without roads, where he walked, there he lay down.

Until the spring he lay, and in the spring he ran away. (Snow)

18 Lies - is silent, flies - is silent, when he dies, then he will roar. (Snow is melting)


Task 6 - for parents.

Competition of sayings and proverbs.

o King - fire, queen - water;

o Rain is not a club, it will not kill;

o The rain will beat, the sun will rise;

o Early spring- much water;

o Every river flows to the sea;

o You can't cover the sea with sand;

o The sea will grind any pebble;

o Lots of snow - lots of bread, lots of water - lots of grass;

o A drop in the sea is invisible.


Task 7. art competition- drawing with water.

caregiver: Kapitoshka wants to tell about this competition.

Kapitoshka: You have a large piece of paper on which you can draw magic water. You can draw in different ways than want: fingers, palm, brush, toothbrush, crumpled paper, sponge. It is important to depict the magical state of the water in spring.

(Teams draw to the music).


caregiver: Dear participants, you have shown good knowledge about water. And while the jury is summing up, we bring to your attention a literary page.

(Children read a poem by B. Zakhoder, "River flows…")

A river flows from afar ... No, no, no one drowned,

The river is flowing ... No, no, just vice versa:

A river is flowing... a steamboat is running aground

It's good when the river is in broad daylight.

And wide and deep! What a scandal!

Above it - more magnificent than the clouds, Probably, the pilot gave a blunder?

Fresh breath of the breeze, No! Far from the buoy

Slimmer, taller the forest above it, Here the river was deep.

And the coastal meadow is greener! Was. That's right - b y la.

A river is flowing... A river is flowing... It was, yes, apparently, it has swum away.

Waters the fields and cities, Oh, we don't have a river learn:

Carries both boats and ships, The river becomes a stream!

And the fish walk in the depths, ... Already the boats are aground ...

And crayfish crawl at the bottom ... ... Swimmers suddenly went dry ...

You are good, river, in spring And the fish? In sorrow and sorrow

And in the fall, Poor things are fighting on the sand.

And in the summer heat! So what happened to her, to the river?

Bathing! What a blessing! Alas, friends, the answer such:

To whom - try to guess! - Preschooler Sidorov Ivan

It's more pleasant to swim alive wave: I forgot to close the faucet in the kitchen.

Fish or kids? You say: what a trifle!

All living creatures are completely happy! A trifle ... Well, the stream would dry up,

But what is! And then out because of a trifle

Guard! The whole river is gone!

Man remember forever:

The symbol of life on Earth is water!

Save it and take care -

We are not alone on the planet!

caregiver: Well, now we are ready to hear the results of our competition. The floor is given to the jury.

(Announcement of results and awarding of winners).

Mathematical KVN for children 6-7 years old.
Program content: to create conditions conducive to the emotional rapprochement of children;
-to consolidate the ability of children to independently perform tasks in a competitive environment, improve counting skills, consolidate the ability to establish relationships between numbers natural series, ability to solve simple math problems, distinguish the shape of objects;
- to develop logical thinking, attention, ingenuity;
- cultivate friendliness.
Entertainment progress.
Participants of two teams with emblems on their clothes enter the colorfully decorated hall to the music, stand near the chairs different sides hall.
- Today we have gathered to find out how you can count, solve riddles, and solve mathematical problems. See how smart, attentive, resourceful you are:
To become a doctor, a sailor or a pilot,
It is necessary to know mathematics firmly on "five".
Now let's introduce the teams. The first team is “Circle”, the second is “Square”. Word to the captain of the "Circle" team.
coming out baby captain first team:
We called the team "Circle",
We have every math friend!
The child is the captain of the second team:
Our square has all sides equal,
And our guys are strong in friendship!
Spectators greet teams. Children sit on chairs.
The facilitator introduces the rules of the competition: the fans must carefully follow the players' answers, you can not prompt, interfere with the players.
The facilitator addresses the commands:
-You know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. Today we will play it with you and see whose team will win. You need to listen carefully to the tasks and perform them at my signal. Teams will receive points for correct answers. The team that gets the largest number points.
1 competition "Warm-up".
- What numbers do you know? (Children's answers.)
Do you know how the numbers are arranged in order? Let's count to 10.
Children count together. - And now let's play the game "Guess the number."
The facilitator asks questions to each team in turn. For each correct answer, teams receive a chip. At the end of the competition, the number of chips is counted. The team with the most chips gets a point.
What number comes after 5?
What number comes before 8?
What number is between 5 and 7?
What number comes before the number 5 and after the number 3?
What number comes before 3 and after 1?
-Name a number less than 2.
- Name a number greater than 9.
- Well done! The first competition "Warm-up" is over. Let's summarize it.
The leader, together with the children, counts the number of chips scored by the teams. The team with the most chips gets a point.
2 competition "Do not get your feet wet."
Teams line up in two columns. In front of each team on the floor are the numbers from 1 to 10 at a short distance from each other. The facilitator introduces the children to the rules of the game:
-Imagine that you are in a forest, in front of you is a swamp. You can go through it over bumps, and you need to step on the bumps strictly in the order of the numbers. The one who makes a mistake, gets up on the wrong bump, must return and start the path all over again.
The children go one at a time. The next player starts moving only after the previous one has passed all the bumps. The team whose players were not mistaken and were the first to cross the swamp wins.
The winning team gets a point.
3 competition "Competition of artists".
The children of each team are invited to the tables, each with 6 counting sticks. The host gives the task - to build a house out of sticks. The children are doing the task. After the children lay out the house, the leader gives the following task - to shift two sticks so that a flag is obtained.
The team that completes the task faster gets a point.
4 competition "Competition of captains".
The host calls the team captains to the middle of the hall. In the middle of the hall is a table on which there is a skittle.
The host explains that the point will go to the team whose captain is more attentive.
I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three",
Take the prize immediately.
- Do you understand when to take the prize? That's right, as soon as I say the word three. Listen carefully:
Dreaming boy tempered
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, do not be cunning at the start ...
And wait for the command: "One, two ... march!"
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, but better ... five!
Newly train at the station
I had to wait three hours
Well, well, friends, you did not take the prize,
When was the opportunity to take?
The host evaluates the actions of the captains, finds out which team captain brings his team a point.
5 competition "Who is more attentive?"
The host puts two vessels in front of the children different shapes. In front of the children, he pours the same amount of water with the same measure, asks the question: “Where is more water?”
The first team to give the correct answer gets a point.
6 competition "Name the subject."
- I know that you like to play with geometric shapes. On the table in front of you are pictures with images of objects of various shapes.
The teacher takes turns showing geometric figures, offering to find a picture on the table with an image of an object of the same shape.
Children one by one from each team approach the table, find on it a picture depicting an object of the same shape, show it to everyone and name its shape. For each correct answer, the children receive a token.
At the end of the competition, the number of chips is counted. The team with the most chips gets a point.
7th competition "Funny puzzles".
The facilitator invites the children of both teams to solve problems. Children take turns solving problems. For the correct decision, the teams receive chips.
1. Sanya has four colors,
One for little brother.
Count all the colors yourself
Well, do your best guys.
2. Come on, how many guys are here
Riding up the mountain?
Three are sitting in a sledge,
One is waiting.
3. six funny cubs
Rushing for raspberries.
But one kid is tired
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead?
4. Grandson Shura good grandfather
Gave seven pieces of candy yesterday.
Grandson ate one candy
How many pieces are left?
The number of chips is counted. The team with the most chips gets a point.
-This is where our mathematical KVN ends.
The host sums up the game, announces the winning team.
Teams are rewarded.

Form of conduct: competition

Event progress



Presentation of the members of the jury.

1. Competition "Warm-up"

Game "Yes - No"

Questions for the 1st team:

Is zero less than three?

Does the year start in March?

Is the earth square?

Scales measure temperature?

Is the "M" sound a vowel?

Is beetroot a fruit?

Questions for the 2nd team:

Does a lion have four legs?

Do you measure length with a thermometer?

Does a pentagon have six sides?

Are grapes a fruit?

The jury evaluates the competition

2. Competition "Homework"

The jury evaluates the competition

3.Competition "Cognitive"

Questions for the first team:

Horse as a child.

Car house.

Apparatus for ironing linen.

Ambulance number

Burning grass.

When do children go to school?

Questions for the 2nd team:

Fire department phone number. (01)

What herb is used to treat wounds?

Apparatus for washing clothes.

Calf mom.

Owl house.

What does it mean to "beat the buckets"

When do the leaves fall?

When do snowdrops appear?

What tree has earrings?

The jury evaluates the competition.

4. Competition "Mathematical"

5. Competition "Number series"

6. Competition "Literacy"

1) Choose words-friends:

Cold, sad, icy

Smart, handsome, witty.

Kind. Cheerful, joyful.

7. Puzzles.

8. The fourth extra.

10. Competition "Design sounds"

11. Competition for parents.

General additional questions:

Entertaining and educational KVN "Soon to school".

Purpose: To determine the level of readiness of children for schooling.

Form of conduct: competition

Material and equipment: multimedia projector, handouts, radio tape recorder.

Event progress

The game starts to the familiar melody of the KVN game (the KVN splash screen appears on the screen)

Moderator: We are glad to welcome you to the final final game KVN, which is dedicated to the theme "Soon to school", our participants today will demonstrate to parents, teachers their knowledge acquired during the ROD, aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical representations, familiarization with others, to prepare for learning to read and write.

We have two teams: "Umniki" and "Znayki". The teams present their motto.


We are guys know-it-alls, know-it-alls!

We play different games, we win in KVN!


We are smart kids, naughty kids!

We love to play KVN and, of course, win!

Presentation of the members of the jury.

1. Competition "Warm-up"

Game "Yes - No"

Questions for the 1st team:

1. Is zero less than three?

2. Does the year start in March?

3. Is the earth square?

4. Does the scale measure temperature?

5. Are there numbers greater than a thousand?

6. "A" - the last letter in the alphabet?

7. Sound "M" - a vowel?

8. Are beets a fruit?

Questions for the 2nd team:

1. Does the week start on Tuesday?

2. Does a lion have four legs?

3. Do you measure length with a thermometer?

4. Can there be Friday after Thursday?

5. Does a pentagon have six sides?

6. "I" - the first letter in the alphabet?

7. Does the sentence start with a capital letter?

8. Are grapes a fruit?

The jury evaluates the competition

2. Competition "Homework"

Leading. Our players have prepared proverbs and sayings about learning, knowledge of the mind.

The jury evaluates the competition

3.Competition "Cognitive"

Questions for the first team:

1. How many months in a year? List.

2. Horse in childhood.

3. Car house.

4. fairy tale hero, which lay on the stove for 33 years.

5. Device for ironing linen.

6. Ambulance number

7. Burning grass.

8. What does it mean to "bite your tongue" (shut up)

9. What time of year do birds nest?

10. When do children go to school?

11. What tree do acorns grow on?

12. Finish the proverb "Did the job ..."

Questions for the 2nd team:

1. How many days are there in a week? List.

2. Phone number of firefighters. (01)

3. What herb is used to treat wounds?

4. A device for washing clothes.

5. Mother of the calf.

6. Owl house.

7. A fairy-tale hero who stunned everyone with his whistle.

8. What does it mean to "beat the buckets"

9. When do leaves fall?

10. When do snowdrops appear?

11. Which tree has earrings?

12. Finish the proverb "Do you like to ride ..."

The jury evaluates the competition.

4. Competition "Mathematical"

Exercise "Number houses", children enter the missing numbers.

5. Competition "Number series"

Each participant receives a number, everyone is built in order.

6. Competition "Literacy"

1) Choose words-friends:

Cold, sad, icy

Smart, handsome, witty.

2) - cheerful, brave, courageous.

Kind. Cheerful, joyful.

7. Puzzles.

8. The fourth extra.

9. Competition of captains. Cut pictures.

10. Competition "Design sounds"

Children do sound analysis words.

11. Competition for parents.

If at 12 noon it's raining, can we expect sunny weather in 72 hours? (after 72 hours, i.e. after three days, it will be 12 am, so there can be no sunny weather)

Not far from the coast there is a ship with a rope ladder lowered into the water. The staircase has five steps. The lowest step touches the surface of the water. The distance between the steps is 30 cm. The ocean is calm, but the tide begins, during which the water rises by 30 cm every hour. How long will it take for the middle step to be covered with water? (Water will never cover the step, because with the tide both the ship and the ladder on it rise at the same time).

General additional questions:

1. What can be heard but never seen? (echo)

2. Who has a hat without a head, and a leg without a boot? (mushroom)

3. Which tree does the crow sit on after the rain?

4. What is never returned? (time)

5. What is a wing without feathers? (aircraft wing)

6. What does the heron have in front, and what does the hare have in the back? (letter "C")

Entertaining and educational KVN "Soon to school".

Purpose: To determine the level of readiness of children for schooling.

Form of conduct: competition

Material and equipment: multimedia projector, handouts, radio tape recorder.

Event progress

The game starts to the familiar melody of the KVN game (the KVN splash screen appears on the screen)

Host: We are pleased to welcome you to the final final game of KVN, which is dedicated to the theme "Soon to School", our participants will today demonstrate to parents and teachers their knowledge acquired during the ROD, aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, acquaintance with others, and preparation to teaching literacy.

We have two teams: "Umniki" and "Znayki". The teams present their motto.


We are guys know-it-alls, know-it-alls!

We play different games, we win in KVN!


We are smart kids, naughty kids!

We love to play KVN and, of course, win!

Presentation of the members of the jury.

1. Competition "Warm-up"

Game "Yes - No"

Questions for the 1st team:

Is zero less than three?

Does the year start in March?

Is the earth square?

Scales measure temperature?

Are there numbers greater than a thousand?

"A" is the last letter in the alphabet?

Is the "M" sound a vowel?

Is beetroot a fruit?

Questions for the 2nd team:

Does the week start on Tuesday?

Does a lion have four legs?

Do you measure length with a thermometer?

Can it be Friday after Thursday?

Does a pentagon have six sides?

Is "I" the first letter in the alphabet?

Does the sentence start with a capital letter?

Are grapes a fruit?

The jury evaluates the competition

2. Competition "Homework"

Leading. Our players have prepared proverbs and sayings about learning, knowledge of the mind.

The jury evaluates the competition

3.Competition "Cognitive"

Questions for the first team:

How many months in a year? List.

Horse as a child.

Car house.

A fairy-tale hero who lay on the stove for 33 years.

Apparatus for ironing linen.

Ambulance number

Burning grass.

What does it mean to "bite your tongue" (shut up)

What time of year do birds nest?

When do children go to school?

What tree do acorns grow on?

Finish the proverb "Did the job ...".

Questions for the 2nd team:

How many days are there in a week? List.

Fire department phone number. (01)

What herb is used to treat wounds?

Apparatus for washing clothes.

Calf mom.

Owl house.

A fairy-tale hero who stunned everyone with his whistle.

What does it mean to "beat the buckets"

When do the leaves fall?

When do snowdrops appear?

What tree has earrings?

Finish the proverb "Do you like to ride ..."

The jury evaluates the competition.

4. Competition "Mathematical"

Exercise "Number houses", children enter the missing numbers.

5. Competition "Number series"

Each participant receives a number, everyone is built in order.

6. Competition "Literacy"

1) Choose words-friends:

Cold, sad, icy

Smart, handsome, witty.

2) - cheerful, brave, courageous.

Kind. Cheerful, joyful.

7. Puzzles.

8. The fourth extra.

9. Competition of captains. Cut pictures.

10. Competition "Design sounds"

Children do sound analysis of words.

11. Competition for parents.

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect it to be sunny in 72 hours? (after 72 hours, i.e. after three days, it will be 12 am, so there can be no sunny weather)

Not far from the coast there is a ship with a rope ladder lowered into the water. The staircase has five steps. The lowest step touches the surface of the water. The distance between the steps is 30 cm. The ocean is calm, but the tide begins, during which the water rises by 30 cm every hour. How long will it take for the middle step to be covered with water? (Water will never cover the step, because with the tide both the ship and the ladder on it rise at the same time).

General additional questions:

What can be heard but never seen? (echo)

Who has a hat without a head and a leg without a boot? (mushroom)

Which tree does the crow sit on after the rain?

What never comes back? (time)

What is a wing without feathers? (aircraft wing)

What is the heron in front and the hare behind? (letter "C")

Methodical office MKDOU d / s No. 14 "Zvezdochka"

Mathematical KVN

Preparatory group for school / 6-7 years

Conducted by: Educator

Shadrinsk 2013

MKDOU " Kindergarten No. 14 "Asterisk"

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate independence, the ability to understand learning task and perform independently;

2. Raise interest in mathematical studies;

3. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, the spirit of competition.

Learning tasks:

1. Teach children to solve arithmetic examples and write down their solution using numbers;

2. Improve the skills of direct and reverse counting;

3. Continue to learn to navigate in the place of the paper in the box;

4. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;

5. Exercise in solving simple arithmetic problems; learn to highlight a condition, a question, an answer.

Development tasks:

1. Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention;

2. Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination;

3. Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of speech.

Preliminary work with children:

1. Solving arithmetic problems;

2. Individual lessons;

3. Division into teams (with the help of parents, coming up with team names and a motto).

Equipment: ball, multimedia, projector, music. center, disc with music recordings.


1. Childhood: An approximate basic general educational program of preschool education /, etc. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-PRESS » ", 2011.

2. Math from three to seven: Teaching aid for kindergarten teachers, Auth.-comp. , .

3. Internet resources: Pictures for tasks.

(http://*****/books/item/f00/s00/z0000027/pic/000002.jpg, http://www.*****/igra/304.html, http://go .*****/search_images).

4. Music ().


1. Sheets with tasks;

2. Sheet - a task for the captains (traveling through the cells);

3. Sheet - geometric shapes (orientation in place);

Lesson progress:

Host: Today we are holding a real, very serious and very responsible KVN.

KVN preschoolers - mathematicians.

Two teams of intelligent and attentive will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing.

Our competitions - tests will be evaluated by a jury in the composition.

So let's start KVN!

Welcome to the first team!

Welcome to the second team!

1 competition - "Greetings". Will be valued at 5 points.

1 team - "Why".

Our motto: “We guys are preschool children, we are not afraid of obstacles, we love to play in KVN, win together, honestly!

Team 2 - Curious.

Our motto: "We funny boys, we don’t get bored in kindergarten, we play different games, we win in KVN!

Moderator: in the meantime, the jury is evaluating 1 competition, we will conduct a short warm-up.

“Well, well, don’t yawn, answer the questions.” (Questions are asked to each team in turn).

1. If the tree is higher than the bush, then the bush is lower than the tree.

2. If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil is shorter than the ruler.

3. If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread is thinner than the rope.

4. If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream is already a river.

5. What season is it now? (Spring)

6. Today is Tuesday, and tomorrow? (Wednesday)

7. What arithmetic signs do you know? (+; -; =;<; >)

8. How many months are there in a year? (12

9. What is the name of the building where schoolchildren study? (school)

10. What is the name of the break between lessons? (turn)

So, the jury summed up the results of the 1st competition.

And the teams are ready for new challenges.

Trial 1:(question appears on the screen)

1. ∆U5 □h ◊6e ○b1▲n2 □i ○4k

2..png" width="48" height="60">A K S O L

The jury is asked to evaluate the competition.

In the meantime, the jury evaluates the competition, we have a musical break.

"Colorful game"

The floor is given to the jury.

Trial 2: We are moving fast and we have our next test.

Problems in verse. (Assigned to the teams in turn).

1. Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, who is Cockerel, dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? (Slide 5)

2. 4 birds are sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows and 2 crows. How many sparrows? (Slady 6)

3. Vadim found 9 mushrooms, and then another 1, can you answer the question, how many mushrooms did he bring? (Slide 7)

4. Sasha bought 4 apples, ate 1. How many apples does he have left? (Slide 8)

5. One hare ate 5 carrots, another hare ate 1 carrot. How many carrots did 2 rabbits eat? (Slide 9)

While the jury is summing up, we have an entertaining page: “Who is extra?”

Beetle Butterfly Nestling

Table Chair Spoon

Dress Skirt Needle

Ball Doll Apple

The floor is given to the jury.

Trial 3:(task on an easel, performed in the form of a relay race).

Here are the encrypted words. The one who solves the examples correctly will be able to decipher them. Having received the answer, you need to substitute the corresponding letter instead of the number and read the word.



6 – 1 = 3 – 2 =

4 – 1 = 4 – 1 =

1 + 1 = 7 – 1 =


2 – 1 = 3 + 2 =

6 + 1 = 5 – 1 =

4 – 2 = 9 – 1 =


5 + 1= 9 – 1 =

5 + 2 = 2 + 2 =

6 – 1 = 4 + 1 =


The jury is asked to evaluate the competition.

In the meantime, the jury sums up the results, we will have a little rest.

Kinesiology gymnastics: “There is a house in the clearing, but the path to the house is closed, we open the gate, we invite you to this house.”

The floor is given to the jury.

Trial 4: captain competition.

Guys, listen to what an interesting song sounds.

Who is this song about? (about captains)

Captains please come.

I have 2 envelopes in my hands, they are sealed.

(the captains open the envelopes, take out a sheet with tasks).

The task is written in a very strange way, numbers, arrows, numbers again.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/094/images/image007_0.png" width="16 height=12" height="12">

Captains perform the task "Journey through the cells" (on easels). Well done guys and they did a great job.

For now. Ree is judging the captain competition, we're having a bit of a game with the teams. (tasks are shown to teams in turn).

"Missing Number"

5….7 4….6 3…5 7….9 .

"Numbers are neighbors"

Jury word.

Trial 6:

Look at the screen, the screen has appeared a large number of different figures. What is the name of these figures in one word? (geometric figures).

Name the shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle).

Look carefully at the figures, how can the figures be similar, and how are they different? (similar in color, shape, size 0.

How is a circle different from a square?

* The work of children at the tables. (Orientation on a sheet of paper).

https://pandia.ru/text/78/094/images/image014.png" width="106" height="25 src=">*Lower right corner –

https://pandia.ru/text/78/094/images/image017.png" width="39" height="12 src=">*Lower left corner –

https://pandia.ru/text/78/094/images/image019.png" width="26 height=12" height="12">*Center -

While the jury is deliberating and summing up, we will play a game "Check".


Our teams are friendly and we prepared the task together.

Dance "Barbariki".

*Final word.


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