Laughter is a protective response to stress. Laughter



Humans have one amazing emotion that prolongs youth, improves mood and, as recently discovered, helps to cope with pain. This emotion is laughter. Other primates can laugh too, however, only humans can do it from the heart. Some experts believe that in the process of evolution speech was based on laughter.

The definition of this concept suggests that laughter is a reaction to funny words, gestures or physical actions(for example, tickling). This reaction includes involuntary movements of the muscles of the face and body, certain sounds, and changes in the rhythm of breathing. Laughter is our response to unconventional, deviant fun situations.

The neurophysiological centers responsible for laughter are located in the "ancient" part of the cerebral cortex, which is found in many animals. This suggests that the ability to laugh is not unique to humans, animals have similar ways of expressing joy. About 10 years ago in the journal Science, Professor Jake Panksepp published an article in which he claimed that many small animals can also laugh. According to the professor, they laugh a little differently than people do. Monkeys and dogs do this by making puffing sounds, while rats squeak very loudly. high notes, frequency up to 50 kilohertz. The presence of a "sense of humor" in rats was previously confirmed by researchers at the University of Washington.

There are many theories about the origin and function of laughter. He does not need to learn, it is an inborn reaction, like sneezing. It is important to note that the ability to laugh is present in those animals that live in groups. There is a theory that Laughter is an emotional component of the herd instinct: seeing someone in an absurdly hilarious situation makes us laugh. For those who have made a mistake in any business, laughter is a good chance not to lose status in the group.

Another theory suggests that laughter, in both humans and animals, is a way of communicating with large groups relatives. Indeed, it is better for a person to laugh in a group than alone. Loud laughter can immediately attract big number tribesmen and helps to unite the group. Laughter can be a protective reaction of the body, which helps relieve stress. In situations prolonged stress(for example, during exams or during problems at work) we try to joke and laugh more often. However, laughter in such situations is most often tense, which is why it is called "nervous" laughter. Yet, according to experts, laughter has a much more favorable effect on a person than if he kept everything in himself, not releasing tension.

Recently, scientists have discovered something else interesting: laughter and a sense of humor help endure pain. Professor Robin Dunbar of Oxford University and his colleagues asked a group of volunteers to watch a film, after which they experimentally measured their pain sensitivity. One group watched for 15 minutes comic video, another group was shown a short film about a golf competition. After that, ice was applied to the hand of each of the volunteers. Very cold objects in prolonged contact with the skin do not provoke any danger, but cause some pain. Volunteers who watched a funny video were able to endure contact with a cold object longer.

Thus, the experimenters came to the conclusion that a sense of humor and laughter help a person endure pain and cold. Nevertheless, intellectual jokes, despite the satisfaction that they can bring, did not affect a person's pain threshold in any way. However, clownery, situational comedies and wacky humor have proven to have an analgesic effect. Such humor, according to scientists, causes a sharp increase in the amount of endorphins in the blood (proteins that are produced by brain cells and which cause feelings of pleasure). These same substances are also produced during other bright and pleasant emotions, for example, during falling in love.

Professor Dunbar put forward the theory that Laughter helped our prehistoric ancestors not only cope with the difficulties of cave life, but also express warm feelings towards their relatives. The scientist intends to continue the study of humor and laughter.

Scientists hypothesized that laughter is a protective mechanism for the brain. It (the mechanism) turns on when a person encounters something incomprehensible, illogical. Perhaps, evolutionarily, it looked like this: people who were faced with a paradoxical situation did not turn sour, did not lose heart, but, on the contrary, laughed at what was happening or at themselves in these circumstances. Life showed that in the end they turned out to be more successful in solving or understanding the problem than those who fell into despondency, grieved. That is why such a reaction became entrenched in human behavior, and it was already possible to say that a sense of humor and laughter (all according to Darwin) became an evolutionary advantage. homo sapiens that helped him survive.

Fact from modern life: (examination session, rush at work, personal drama) a person unconsciously tries to laugh and joke more often, looking for contacts with positive people, wits and jokers, unless, of course, we are talking about or available. True, sometimes in such situations, laughter turns out to be nervous, smiles are crooked, and giggling is hysterical. But still, according to psychologists, it is much more useful than accumulating stress in oneself.

The tension accumulated by the body will break through sooner or later, but when it has not found a way out in the form of vivid emotions (crying, laughter, etc.) for too long, everything can end up dangerous to health. nervous breakdown and even psychosis.

Laughter conquers pain

Scientists different countries conducted research aimed at studying the nature and function of laughter. Based on their results, they claim that laughter can overcome pain. When a person laughs, the amount of endorphin sharply increases in his blood - a hormone that can cause a feeling of joy and contentment, and significantly reduce pain, or remove them altogether. Thus, people who laugh heartily forget that something hurts somewhere, and the main pain reliever in this case is laughter.

Laughter boosts immunity

A smile, laughter, and even more so laughter has a very strong impact on the human consciousness and has many non-obvious effects. One of the first neurologists who studied the healing properties of laughter, the American William Fry set up an experiment: he took blood samples from volunteers (they were his students), then told them funny jokes, after which he again took blood and compared the results of the blood composition. It turned out that in the blood taken after the session with jokes, the amount of antibodies was increased, i.e. immune activation was observed.

Subsequent studies by British scientists also indicate that the immune system of cheerful and funny people, always ready for a smile and open laughter, has a better resistance to many diseases (for example, the flu virus). According to Austrian psychologists, laughter is perhaps the best therapy for stroke patients.

Today laughter therapy in Western countries became a popular phenomenon. There are even various schools working on different methods, but based on laughter. Therapists call their teaching the yoga of laughter.

Laughter heals the whole body

Laughter is like a full-fledged workout in gym, actively involves 80 muscle groups, including the diaphragm, abdominals, face. When a person laughs, the breath is especially deep, which means that the oxygen reserves in the tissues are renewed, the lungs straighten out, and the airways are freed. In addition, laughter has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Perhaps there is not a single organ that would not have a positive effect on laughter.

Swiss physiologists have somehow managed to calculate that one minute of laughter is equivalent to a 30-minute jog. And this is not to mention what effective gymnastics the facial muscles get! During a cheerful laugh, at least 15 facial muscles are involved, which helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin of the face.

Laughter. Defensive reaction brain

Text Pavel LEKAR

Do you know what laughter is? No, of course I'm sure that you have a lot of experience of uncontrollable laughter. You may even be good at making others laugh, but that's not the point. Laughter is emotional reaction, characteristic only of man, not a single animal has so far been seen doing this activity. So what exactly is going on in our minds when we respond with laughter to the jokes of the world around us? Why what seems funny to one may bring tears to another? And most importantly: what is the meaning of laughter, why do we need it? To be honest, these questions are still one of the most interesting mysteries.

Smile, the boss loves idiots.

It is obvious that laughter always coexists with positive emotions (hysterical laughter will not be taken into account), and it has a peculiar predecessor - a smile. With a smile, everything is more or less clear: this is a way of mimic communication that allows you to show others that a person is satisfied, his soul is good and even fun (of course, if the smile is sincere, and not the American grin on duty).

Many social animals use facial or other signs that perform the same function as a smile. Even a person sometimes, looking at the muzzle of his beloved dog, can immediately understand that he is pleased. However, there is no direct mimic equivalent in animals. For a long time it was believed that monkeys knew how to smile, they sometimes built grimaces that looked very much like a smile. But it was later proven that the monkey "smile" is actually an expression of fear and tension.

By the way, when we studied the videos of people riding the steepest roller coasters, they found that on the frightened human faces often there is the same, escaping from the subconscious, a strained monkey "smile". A normal smile, which is associated with pulling up the corners of the mouth, is strongly associated with positive centers in the brain, it has even been proven Feedback with these centers. If you force yourself to smile, and despite the worst mood, you can force yourself to keep a smile on your face for 5-6 minutes (it will not be easy), you will definitely feel that your mood has improved.

Why are we laughing?

Laughter, unlike a smile, is a much more incomprehensible phenomenon. Just think what a violent and illogical reaction this is! According to its mechanism, these are just sharp deep breaths and numerous rhythmic exhalations. At the same time, the process is accompanied by a powerful emotional outburst, and sometimes it can even get out of control of consciousness (remember, can you always keep from laughing).

To try to understand the essence of laughter, let's analyze what makes us laugh. As a rule, this is not just some good event. Only small children are able to laugh at the fact that they were given candy or taken to the zoo. For some reason, an adult person does not laugh on the day the salary is paid (although he often smiles). Laughter in us is caused by phenomena that are somewhat strange, paradoxical, surprising. When you are told jokes about Stirlitz and Vovochka, these are not happy messages at all, but they are always descriptions of some unexpected, original situations.

There is a theory that laughter is a kind of defense mechanism for the brain, which turns on when it encounters something illogical and incomprehensible. Evolutionarily, it arose like this: people who, at the moment of encountering a paradoxical situation, did not lose heart, but, on the contrary, expressed positive attitude proved to be more successful in solving the problems that arose. Therefore, such a reaction has become entrenched in human behavior, we can say that a sense of humor (all according to Darwin) has become an evolutionary advantage. So, when you are faced with another stupidity that fate presents you, laughing is to save your brain from stress.

Assigned: laugh three times a day after meals

Until now, no one can explain exactly how laughter is born and what specific changes it causes in the human body. However, the fact that these changes have a beneficial effect on health has long been a proven fact. Another stern philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote that laughter gives a feeling of health and activates all vital processes, helps to achieve harmony of soul and body. Now all these statements are confirmed by scientific data.

On the one hand, laughter can be seen as a kind of gymnastics for the body. During laughter, 80 muscle groups are actively working, including the muscles of the face, abdominals, and diaphragm. Laughing, we breathe especially deeply, renewing the supply of oxygen in the tissues, straightening the lungs, freeing the airways. It has been proven that unrestrained laughter for five minutes not only relieves depression (which, in general, was clear even without research), but also has beneficial effect on the activity of the heart and lungs. Swiss physiologists have somehow calculated that one minute of laughter is equivalent to a forty-minute jog!

On the other hand, laughter has a very strong effect on our consciousness and has many non-obvious effects. One of the first researchers medicinal properties laughter was the American neurologist William Fry. His test subjects were students to whom Fry told jokes, after which he compared their blood tests. It was found that the number of antibodies in the blood increases sharply from laughter - that is, some activation of immunity was manifested. More recent research also confirms that cheerful people's immune systems are better able to resist, for example, the flu virus. But Austrian psychologists believe that laughter is perhaps the best therapy for stroke patients.

Laughter Yoga

Today "laughter therapy" has become so popular in Western countries that one can even speak of several different clinical schools. For example, adherents of "gelotology" not only make their patients laugh, but also let them listen to recordings of someone else's laughter. There are also specialized laughter therapists (maybe it would be better to call them "medical clowns") who will entertain you individually, adjusting to your sense of humor. There is even a whole teaching called the yoga of laughter, which takes the subject of giggling so seriously that it is no longer a joke.

In total, there are more than 800 clubs in Europe and America who like to improve their health with the help of laughter. You are unlikely to find laughter therapists in our hospitals, but if you also want to heal in this pleasant way, feel free to start amusing yourself and others. Here side effects there is nothing to be afraid of.

Text Pavel LEKAR

Do you know what laughter is? No, of course I'm sure that you have a lot of experience of uncontrollable laughter. You may even be good at making others laugh, but that's not the point. Laughter is an emotional reaction that is unique to humans; no animal has yet been seen doing this activity. So what exactly is going on in our minds when we respond with laughter to the jokes of the world around us? Why what seems funny to one may bring tears to another? And most importantly: what is the meaning of laughter, why do we need it? To be honest, these questions are still one of the most interesting mysteries.

Smile, the boss loves idiots...

Obviously, laughter always coexists with positive emotions (hysterical laughter will not be taken into account), and it has a peculiar predecessor - a smile. With a smile, everything is more or less clear: this is a way of mimic communication that allows you to show others that a person is satisfied, his soul is good and even fun (of course, if the smile is sincere, and not the American grin on duty).

Many social animals use facial or other signs that perform the same function as a smile. Even a person sometimes, looking at the muzzle of his beloved dog, can immediately understand that he is pleased. However, there is no direct mimic equivalent in animals. For a long time it was believed that monkeys can smile, they sometimes build grimaces that are very similar to a smile. But it was later proven that the monkey "smile" is actually an expression of fear and tension.

By the way, when we studied the videos of people riding the steepest rollercoasters, they found that the frightened human faces often appear that same strained monkey “smile” that escaped from the subconscious. A normal smile, which is associated with pulling up the corners of the mouth, is strongly associated with positive centers in the brain, even a feedback with these centers has been proven. If you force yourself to smile, and despite the worst mood, you can force yourself to keep a smile on your face for 5-6 minutes (it will not be easy), you will definitely feel that your mood has improved.

Why are we laughing?

Laughter, unlike a smile, is a much more incomprehensible phenomenon. Just think what a violent and illogical reaction this is! According to its mechanism, these are just sharp deep breaths and numerous rhythmic exhalations. At the same time, the process is accompanied by a powerful emotional outburst, and sometimes it can even get out of control of consciousness (remember, can you always keep from laughing).

To try to understand the essence of laughter, let's analyze what makes us laugh. As a rule, this is not just some good event. Only small children are able to laugh at the fact that they were given candy or taken to the zoo. For some reason, an adult person does not laugh on the day the salary is paid (although he often smiles). Laughter in us is caused by phenomena that are somewhat strange, paradoxical, surprising. When you are told jokes about Stirlitz and Vovochka, these are not happy messages at all, but they are always descriptions of some unexpected, original situations.

There is a theory that laughter is a kind of protective mechanism for the brain, which turns on when faced with something illogical and incomprehensible. Evolutionarily, it arose as follows: people who, at the moment of encountering a paradoxical situation, did not lose heart, but, on the contrary, expressed a positive attitude, turned out to be more successful in solving the problems that arose. Therefore, such a reaction has become entrenched in human behavior, we can say that a sense of humor (all according to Darwin) has become an evolutionary advantage. So, when you are faced with the next stupidity that fate presents you, laughing is to save your brain from stress.

Assigned: laugh three times a day after meals

Until now, no one can explain exactly how laughter is born and what specific changes it causes in the human body. However, the fact that these changes have a beneficial effect on health has long been a proven fact. Another stern philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote that laughter gives a feeling of health and activates all vital processes, helps to achieve harmony of soul and body. Now all these statements are confirmed by scientific data.

On the one hand, laughter can be seen as a kind of gymnastics for the body. During laughter, 80 muscle groups are actively working, including the muscles of the face, abdominals, and diaphragm. Laughing, we breathe especially deeply, renewing the supply of oxygen in the tissues, straightening the lungs, freeing the airways. It has been proven that unrestrained laughter for five minutes not only relieves depression (which, in general, was clear even without research), but also has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart and lungs. Swiss physiologists have somehow calculated that one minute of laughter is equivalent to a forty-minute jog!

On the other hand, laughter has a very strong effect on our consciousness and has many non-obvious effects. One of the first researchers of the healing properties of laughter was the American neurologist William Fry. His test subjects were students to whom Fry told jokes, after which he compared their blood tests. It was found that the amount of antibodies in the blood increases sharply from laughter - that is, some activation of immunity was manifested. More recent research also confirms that cheerful people's immune systems are better able to resist, for example, the flu virus. But Austrian psychologists believe that laughter is perhaps the best therapy for stroke patients.

Laughter Yoga

Today "laughter therapy" has become so popular in Western countries that one can even speak of several different clinical schools. For example, adherents of "gelotology" not only make their patients laugh, but also let them listen to recordings of someone else's laughter. There are also specialized laughter therapists (maybe it would be better to call them "healing clowns") who will entertain you individually, adapting to your sense of humor. There is even a whole teaching called the yoga of laughter, which takes the subject of giggling so seriously that it is no longer a joke.

In total, there are more than 800 clubs in Europe and America who like to improve their health with the help of laughter. You are unlikely to find laughter therapists in our hospitals, but if you also want to heal in this pleasant way, feel free to start amusing yourself and others. There are no side effects to fear here.

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Laughter. Defense reaction of the brain
Laughter is an emotional reaction that is unique to humans; no animal has yet been seen engaging in this activity. So what exactly is going on in our minds when we respond with laughter to the jokes of the world around us?
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[b]Laughter. Brain Defensive Response Laughter is an emotional response unique to humans, and no animal has yet been seen engaging in this activity. So what exactly is going on in our minds when we respond with laughter to the jokes of the world around us? [b]Go to publication

Hello dear friends!

Laughter not only prolongs life, but also improves its quality. Thanks to him, a person is able to reduce anxiety, symptoms of stress and even depression. But what if laughter becomes a cause of discomfort?

Have you ever laughed under the wrong circumstances? What to do if an attack of uncontrollable fun caught you at the time of submitting a report or in a clinic? When meeting with important person Or even at a funeral?

In today's article, I would like to tell you about how to properly deal with an avalanche of laughter that hit your head? What should be done to quickly calm down and what are the reasons for such “strange” behavior?

fit of laughter V Awkward moment- it's still a test! A person is flooded so much that it is difficult for him to breathe! Tears roll in a hail, and the people around twist their fingers to their temples, wondering if everything is fine?

The doctors psychological sciences they say that laughter, like any other human emotion, cannot pass immediately! It can take from 15 minutes to several hours to completely calm down!

Sometimes, a laughable reaction occurs in the form of a protective function of an individual to a complex life situation. But the most important thing that needs to be done is to learn so that they cannot take over the mind.

It is worth noting that sudden , arbitrary laughter can indicate serious mental disorders and be a symptom of diseases such as Tourette's syndrome, pre-stroke condition, brain tumor, etc.

Theoretically, it is very difficult to identify the relationship between the disease and unreasonable laughter. Usually people are filled with fun when they feel good. They are happy and carefree, what's the problem? And at the same time, healers still identified several reasons , which can be provocateurs of outbreaks of an attack.


There are 4 main causes of an attack of uncontrollable laughter:

  1. pathological effect of cognitive impairment in the body(Alzheimer's disease, tumor, head injuries, lesions nervous system);
  2. disorder regulation of the emotional background (dementia:, id);
  3. defensive reaction of the psyche to an irritant (complexes, emotional barriers, blocks and clamps);
  4. chemicals (drugs, dependence on poisons - tobacco, drugs, alcohol).

Nervous breakdownmay give rise to episodic bursts of s uncontrollable crying or laughter, repeated several times a day. Sometimes these reactions occur in response to bad news,the novelty of the event or surprise.

The human brain is the control room for the entire nervous system. Its task is to send clear signals of control over uncontrolled actions, such as systematic breathing or heartbeat.

By the way, by developing awareness and practicing breathing exercises and meditation, it is possible to train and control them! In any case, yogis do it quite well! It also participates in the tight control of voluntary obligations: walking, thinking, concentrating, crying, laughing, ...

If the quality of communication is disturbed, a functional imbalance is observed and the individual demonstrates an attack hysterical laughter, which frightens not only themselves, but also the environment. How to deal with the situation?

Dealing with an attack


If you literally feel the urge to burst into laughter, then I recommend that you resort to the help of auto-training. What it is?This is the right mindset to help your brain cling to reality. These are powerful affirmations and which increase sense of control over the situation to her helping to avoid panic attack at the moment of attack.

Close your eyes and confidently repeat phrases to yourself, avoiding the "not" part: "I hold back laughter", "My emotions are under complete control", "I am safe."

Try to abstract from what is happening, focusing on breathing and reduce its frequency, you can take a deep breath and slowly exhale at least 5 times. Have a drink cold water or walk.

Don't look at people's faces

If an attack was noticed The child has and at the most inopportune moment, then it should be switched from visual communication with an adult or peers as soon as possible. Laughter is extremely contagious, especially in children!

This is similar to the state of yawning, collective crying in babies, etc. Children have a stronger connection with the Force and energy-informational fields. And, as a result, they more easily adopt the emotional background that surrounds them.

If nearby you already hear chuckles that support the situation, then beware of looking at faces, because then it will be even more difficult for you and people to stop.

muscle activity

In the fight against uncontrollable laughter it is important to understand how to switch the brain? I recommend that you have recourse to muscular distraction.

For example, if you are frozen in anticipation of a seizure when you are called to the carpet to the boss, then try to find and cling to another idea that is the opposite of the real one.


If nothing helps and attempts are crowned with failure, this means that you are a person with increased emotionality. What to do in this case? Strange as it may seem, but pain is the strongest of human feelings.In order to quickly relieve the symptoms of a seizure in the form of tension in the abdominal muscles, smiling, and even a tick, I advise you to hurt yourself.

Pinch your finger, bite the tip of your tongue, prick your leg with a paperclip, etc., the main thing is to touch the nerve endings, and they will not keep you waiting quickly.

A couple of seconds and you are in perfect order, cheerful and can calmly look at what is happening without a smile. At the same time, I do not agitate you to get carried away with this item and use it only when absolutely necessary.

On this point!

Subscribe to updates, and in the comments share your ways to overcome inappropriate laughter! Under what circumstances did you have to do this?

See you on the blog, bye bye!

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