storytelling event. Prediction in art - shocking facts


People of art - artists, writers, musicians - are extraordinary personalities who see many events through the prism of their talent. Sometimes it breaks through all the laws of physics and rushes into the future. Prediction in art is not uncommon, but phenomenal, often frightening.

Prophecies of Jules Verne

Science fiction writer Jules Verne made an amazing prediction in art. In the novel "From the Earth to the Moon" in 1865, he describes in detail the flight to the moon, which in reality took place in 1968. And the point is not that the author fantasized about space exploration, but that he described the ship in detail, accurately indicated its height and mass, a crew of 3 astronauts, a launch site in Florida and a landing site in pacific ocean, month of flight - December. In 1994, a Jules Verne manuscript, previously considered lost, was found - "Paris in 1968". It described in detail not only such as fax and copier, but also the modern look of the city with an openwork tower. In total, the author made 108 predictions, of which 64 have already come true.

What other science fiction writers foresaw

There were other predictions in art. Examples can be found in the works of Belyaev, the Strugatsky brothers, HG Wells, Alexei Tolstoy, Ray Bradbury. They predicted many modern inventions, such as mobile phone, TV, 3D images, smart home, robots.

A truly shocking prediction in art is Edgar Allan Poe's The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Pym, which details a shipwreck that saved 4 people. After many days of wandering on the high seas, exhausted by hunger and thirst, the three kill the fourth and eat him. 50 years after the publication of the work, events repeated themselves with amazing accuracy, even the names of the characters coincided. It is impossible to give a rational explanation for this.

Another tragic prediction of the future in art belongs to American writer M. Robertson. In the novel "Futility" he described in detail the catastrophe that occurred 14 years after the publication of the book. Matches real facts with fantasies are simply unthinkable.

Poet Mikhail Lermontov predicted October revolution 1917 and described his own death in detail in rhyming lines.

The artist who painted the future

Argentine artist Benjamin Parravicini, in a burst of creative insight, made sketches that predicted the tsunami in Japan and the accident on nuclear power plant Fukushima, the flight of the Americans to the moon, the flight into space of the first living creature - the mongrels Laika, the "peaceful atom", communism in China, fascism and the Second world war. Parravicini predicted a revolution in Cuba led by a bearded man when Fidel Castro was only 11 years old. The drawing from 1939, symbolizing the tragic terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, shows the famous twin towers, which were not even built then. How can this incredible prediction in art be explained? Skeptics may argue that the interpretation of symbolic drawings can be adapted to the facts. But the Argentine prophet accompanied each drawing detailed descriptions upcoming events. As they say, what is written with a pen ...

Inexplicable phenomenon - prediction in art

In 1987, the show "Second Chance" was aired, in one of the episodes of which British comedian D. Meikher proclaimed that in 2011 the Libyan leader Gaddafi will find his death, who will go to hell for his connection with terrorists. The Libyan leader really died in 2011. The name of the screenwriter who left this prediction in art, unfortunately, is unknown. After all, the actor simply voiced the prophetic work of some author.

Predicted his death on a Facebook blog American musician Mikey Welsh. Two weeks before his death, he wrote that he had a dream that in 2 weeks he would die from cardiac arrest. It all happened. Mikhail Krug also reflected his death in the song, describing that he would die in his own house.

Not only the common people, but also scientific world amazing predictions in art. The examples are often striking in their precision of detail. The description of the place, date and situation of the incident coincides.

What lies ahead for us?

It is useful to compare predictions in art that have come true with prophecies that have not come true. This makes it possible to assume that in the near future humanity will master time travel, intergalactic flights, biorobots will be created and artificial intelligence, the most progressive treatment will be organ transplantation, we will establish friendly relations with aliens. These are optimistic views. Pessimists, on the other hand, talk about "star" wars, aging in a few hours and the complete degradation of humanity to a pack lifestyle.

1.1 event definitions

1.2 event series, composition

1.3 fact of life, fact of art.

“In art there is no such thing as “today as yesterday, and tomorrow as today”. Art is always a process, always a search, always a movement. And this process is endless. If you stop, then you are behind. The key to the youth of art, its vitality, its necessity - in the pursuit of the new, in the continuity of movement ... ", in constant action ...

At the heart of any event literary work, always lies - an event, and in order for a dramatic work to develop as if by itself, pushed not by the noticeable intentions of the playwright, but by the struggle of the characters, it must consist of a chain of events. In this case, the work grows in full accordance with the author's intention. Moving from event to event, the playwright can create maximum tension in the development of the work.

Gen. definitions

EVENT - act.

EVENT - an incident defined by an act.

EVENT - not a point, a cat. changes the behavior of the characters.

EVENT - this is what happened, this or that significant phenomenon, the fact of public personal life. The event must be full of meaning, which is revealed through the conflict of characters. The more conflict, the more important event. The value of an event is something that can be changed positively or negatively.

EVENT - co-existence (joint being), implies a temporal flow (beginning, middle, end) and lies in the sphere of spatio-temporal relations.

EVENT - the sum of the proposed circumstances with one action.

The event is embodied and finds its embodiment in action. According to the "method" of Stanislavsky, development in dramatic work going on following scheme: Action - event -action - event. The action of the heroes prepares the event, accumulate conflict. The event blows him up and changes his attitude. An event consists of actions, and these are the most striking actions of the scene. This brightness is created by the screenwriter and director, surrounding the event with facts and phenomena of life.

The aggravation of the conflict also occurs under the condition of an exacerbated circumstance. An aggravated circumstance is a suggestion and has several circles:

Large circle - the relevance of the event; era, writing a play; character of dramaturgy.

the middle circle is the definable circumstance of the play.

a small circle is a circumstance of character.

A PROPOSED CIRCUMSTANCE is a given, a fact that influences the behavior of a character, forcing him to act, to achieve a certain goal, sometimes despite these circumstances.

By the name of the leading proposed circumstance called. the whole circumstance.

The event ends in two ways:

1 - the action has expired.

2- The action is interrupted (the leading proposed circumstance came into conflict with the action).

Events arranged in a logical sequence form a kind of chain of events. The chain of events is called event nearby.

Composition- this is the construction of the worst work, a certain system of means of disclosure, organization of images, their connection and relationships, characterizing life process shown in the work.

Parts of sob. a number of scenarios have the same substantive basis as parts of the compositional structure. Based on the above, it becomes clear that both the compositional structure and the series of events refer to the same subject.

Also, the script can have such a structure as: prologue, main part, epilogue. The prologue is a kind of introduction, where the topic and tasks of the presentation are reported, the presentation prologue creates emotional mood audience on a particular topic of conversation.

The main part consists of structural elements - episodes (basic and transitional). The epilogue sums up the results and fixes the final event.

EVENT SERIES are stages stage action(maybe the development of stage action).

Dramaturgy divides the series of events into:

INITIAL EVENT - S.R begins with the first conflict fact, single, common to all actors The that opens the action. The source event contains both genre and stylistic features the author's text, which is very important in stage interpretation (to interpret means to develop new connections established by discourse between man and the world. Pavi "Dictionary of the Theater" M, 1894) works of art. prose. From the point of view of composition theory, the basis of the initial event is the exposition of the action, but not in a static sense, and the exposition is the beginning of the main. conflict.

MAIN EVENT - corresponds to the development of the action in compositional structure. Main sob. is not homogeneous in its structure and consists of a series of "nodal" events that develop the conflict and move the action further. Moreover, each "nodal" event has its completeness, as well as the main event as a whole. The main event develops the action, the achievement of the greatest tension in the central event, which in the compositional structure corresponds to the culmination.

The term CENTRAL EVENT is most motivated not only by its central location relative to other events, but also by the fact that this is a frontier, on a cat. the nature of the struggle changes; the denouement is looming uncontrollably. Precisely fixed central event, and, accordingly, the culmination, allows you to accurately find ideological basis the whole action. The central event is replaced by the main thing.

MAIN EVENT - in the theory of composition, this is the denouement. In the denouement, and accordingly in the main event, the author's (screenwriter and director's) creative intent is openly revealed, the ideological and moral sense works. The conflict is settled, the opposition of one of the fighting parties is broken, someone wins and, as it were, the balance that was disturbed in the plot is restored. It is in the main event that the relevance of the stated problem is revealed and the genre essence of the work is finally determined.

And finally, the FINAL EVENT, which fixes the subsequent that which is in development (gives the form a certain final meaning).

In the TP scenarios, the denouement and the finale are partially, because they are as close as possible to others, or they coincide.

In our practice, we use the series of events, since this form most fully reveals plot outline all theatrical performances and festive forms of culture.

The screenwriter cannot use all three forms of the script at the same time (composition, sequence of events, structure), he can choose only one that will most fully reveal his plot. But in any case, the screenwriter must be based on a real event, a fact.

A fact is a non-fictional incident, event, phenomenon. A fact is not what happened, happens, but what happened in certain case what happened today, there something. Due to the use of a real event, the theatrical performance is relevant to the viewer, close to him. Turning to facts and documents, translating them into an artistic image is an extremely complex process. So the playwright of a mass action must also possess the qualities of a documentary filmmaker. The challenge is not to retell historical event and find a poetic expression for them.

Various scenario materials are divided into 2 groups:

fact of life(everything that is recorded in the documents);

art fact(pictures, feature films, fiction);

Therefore, in the process of creating a scenario, it is necessary to look for a figurative form that would introduce factual material for the disclosure of screenplay and director's ideas. Showing a fact (real event) in action means creating on its basis artistic image capable of influencing the audience's awareness. The image in interaction with the fact acts as a means of emotional evaluation of the fact or a guiding means for understanding the fact. duality creative process inevitably affects on the specifics of screenwriting.

The creation of a script is always the processing of artistic and documentary material, the creation of an artistic image, the collection of information with which you can create a complete and complete script.

Any piece of art directed towards the future. In the history of art, one can find many examples of artists warning their fellow citizens about an impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to providence is inherent in great artists, perhaps it is precisely in it main force art. German Renaissance painter and graphic artist Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) created a series of engravings "Apocalypse". The artist expressed an anxious expectation of world-historical changes, which really shook Germany after a while. According to the plot of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on earth in turn, but the artist specially placed them side by side. Everything is like in life - war, pestilence, death, judgment come together. It is believed that the key to this placement of figures is in Durer's desire to warn contemporaries and descendants that, having crushed the wall that the artist erected in the form of the edge of the engraving, horsemen will inevitably break into the real world. Etchings by F Goya, paintings "Guernica" by P. Picasso, "Bolshevik" by B. Kustodiev, " new planet» K. Yuon and many others.In the painting "Bolshevik" Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927) used a metaphor ( hidden meaning), which has not been solved for many decades. Using this example, one can understand how the content of the picture is filled with new meaning, how the era, with its new views, changed value orientations, puts new meanings into the content.Any work of art is directed to the future. In the history of art, one can find many examples of artists warning their fellow citizens about an impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to provide is inherent in great artists, perhaps it is precisely in this that the main strength of art lies.The German Renaissance painter and graphic artist Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) created the Apocalypse series of engravings. The artist expressed an alarming expectation of world-historical changes, which really shook Germany after a while.According to the plot of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on the ground in turn, but the artist specifically placed them side by side. Everything is like in life - war, pestilence, death, judgment come together. It is believed that the key to this placement of figures is Dürer's desire to warn his contemporaries and descendants that, having crushed the wall that the artist erected in the form of the edge of the engraving, the riders will inevitably break into the real world.Etchings by F. Goya, paintings “Guernica” by P. Picasso, “Bolshevik” by B. Kustodiev, “New Planet” by K. Yuon and many others can be considered examples of predictions by the art of social change and upheaval.

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