Old Slavic sayings and proverbs in their entirety. Why far - and it's good here



pictures of taxes

Proverbs are short sayings in which a judgment is made about some object or event. In ancient times proverbs were called "parables".

proverbs about earthquakes

10 proverbs about winter

Proverbs were originally part of short stories about some events, fairy tales, songs and represented an aptly and briefly expressed generalization of what was discussed in the story or song. Often differing in the dimensionality of the warehouse, often having consonances at the beginning and in the middle (alliteration) or at the end (rhyme), these generalizations were easily remembered, stood out from the stories, and even experienced the stories themselves in the people's memory. Examples of proverbs that are still associated with stories or songs can be the following: “It’s not hard to live in grief, but to walk naked - don’t be ashamed” (from a song), “curls curl with joy, split in sadness”, “the nose will pull out , the tail will get stuck, the tail will pull out, the nose will get stuck" (from the fairy tale about the crane), "and the willow bush stands for the truth" (from the fairy tale about murdered sister and a pipe), "the beaten unbeaten one is lucky" (from a fairy tale), "sometimes the old, then the deed" (from the old days).

and Musset proverbs

Proverbs in folk life play important role: they serve as guiding principles of activity; they are referred to to justify their actions and actions, they are used to accuse or denounce others. The people expressed the importance of the proverb in proverbs: "An old proverb will never break," old proverb does not say by, "" good proverb not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye", "there is no judgment on the proverb."

proverbs in Kazakh about a person's character

Proverbs relate to historical events, reflect ancient life, pagan and Christian beliefs, family and social life, morality, etc.

proverbs about feast

PROVERBS REFLECTING HISTORICAL EVENTS. This category of proverbs embraces historical events from ancient times to the latest. Examples: "Dead, like Aubrey (Avars), they have neither name nor inheritance" (in the annals), "trouble, like in Rodnya" (famine in 980 in Rodnya), "Rus can not drink fun without that life" (Vladimir's words to Mohammedan missionaries under 986), "Putyata baptize (Novgorodians) with a sword, and Dobrynya with fire" (about the baptism of Novgorodians who resisted), "do not crush (do not crush) bees, do not eat honey," said Volhynia-Galician prince Roman about masterful boyars (under 1231), "at the wrong time the guest is worse than a Tatar", "here it was like Mamai fought", "what is the khan, such is the horde" (these proverbs reflect the Tatar region), "seven will go, Siberia will be taken" (after the conquest of Siberia by the Cossacks with Yermak at the head), "here's your grandmother and Yuryev's day" (regarding the prohibition under Boris for peasants to move to other landowners even on autumn Yuryev's day), "disappeared like a Swede near Poltava" (after the defeat of the Swedes near Poltava, "a hungry Frenchman and a crow glad" (during the sitting of the French in Moscow).

proverb forest is not a wonder

The following proverbs also have historical content: "At one veche, but not only speeches" (echoes of the veche form of government), "Bratchina judges like a judge" (the judiciary of the community), "Brother to brother with his head in payment" (mutual responsibility of relatives for crimes committed by one of them), “In fact, right, but guilty on the rack” (torture), “The soul has sinned, and the legs are to blame” (torture, right), “They don’t beat the lying down” (during fisticuffs), “By name give you a place, welcome by patronymic "(localism).

proverbs from the point of view of everyday psychology

PROVERBS REFLECTING PAGAN BELIEFS AND RITUALS. Examples: “The sun works during the day, and takes rest at night” (animistic view of the sun), “Which God soaks, that one will dry up” (polytheism), “The praying ram went away, the walking one came” (a hint of sacrifice), “He lived in forest, prayed to the stumps "(veneration of the goblin)," Brave, strong, but you can’t cope with the goblin", "If there was a demon, there would be a goblin", "The goblin is in the forest, but the stepmother is at home", "Egoriy da Vlas is an eye for the whole household "(veneration of Volos), "What is in the teeth of a wolf, Yegory gave", "He sat on the stove, prayed to the bricks" (veneration of the brownie), "The brownie will not love (cattle), you will not take anything", "Not all that is a mermaid, that dives into the water", "The old raven will not croak past", "Every crow would croak on his head", "They were crowned around the spruce, and the devils sang" (marriage without a church ceremony), "I took God by the little leg, and on the floor "(the overthrow of idols).

proverbs on newton's 3rd law

Influenced by the clergy pagan gods began to look at evil spirit, on demons, devil, satan. This was reflected in the following proverbs: "From an empty hollow, either an owl, or an owl, or Satan himself" (i.e. goblin), "Every devil is free to roam in his swamp" (water), "There are devils in a still pool).

very smart love quotes

Some proverbs express faith in fate: “You can’t get around a betrothed-mummer and you won’t go around on a horse”, “Don’t be afraid, but fate can’t be avoided”, “Where there is no share, there is no happiness”, “Don’t be born either good or come in handy, be born happy", "Sinisters beyond the mountains are not terrible", "Money goes to the rich, the sinners - to the wretched", "You won't get away from the hardship".

proverb about weapons

PROVERBS CONCERNING HOUSEHOLD ACTIVITIES. These proverbs express mainly agricultural labor. Examples: “It’s not the field that feeds, but the cornfield”, “You can’t travel the whole field with one horse”, “Fish is water, berries are grass, and bread is the head of everything”, “It doesn’t matter that quinoa is in the rye, but troubles, if not rye, no quinoa", "A man is going to die, and pasha's land", "Expensive goods grow from the earth".

abstract proverbs about peace

PROVERBS THAT REFLECT CHRISTIAN BELIEFS Examples: “God is not in power, but in truth”, “Without God, not to the threshold, but with God even beyond the sea”, “If the Lord does not save the city, then all guards and fences are in vain”, “Gold is tempted by fire, and man misfortunes", "A parable of the town" (from the Psalter), "Humble in spirit, but proud of the belly", "Looks at the sky, but rummages on the ground", "You smoke heavily, you will conceive the saints", "Front - blessed is the husband, and behind - vsky staggering" (about people who cover up bad deeds with outward piety).

proverbs about writing

PROVERBS REFLECTING FAMILY LIFE. Examples: "The owner is in the house, like a khan in the Crimea", "Like God to people, so the father is to children", "The girls are seated - grief is gone, married - they have arrived twice", "One matchmaker swears for someone else's soul", " There is a bear in the forest, and a stepmother at home", "To let your wife down - you won’t see any good", "Love your wife like a soul, shake her like a pear", "Who loves. He beats" (wife), "Do not beat your wife - sweet not to be."

proverbs berry berry strife

PROVERBS, REFLECTING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PUBLIC - THE WORLD. Examples: “What the world has ordered, God has judged”, “You are for the world, and the world is for you”, “Worldly truth stands firmly”, “The world is a great man”, “The world will stand up for itself”, “There is no judgment on the world "," The world will roar, so the forests groan.

proverbs about fish

PROVERBS THAT REFLECTED THE OLD JUDGMENT. Examples: “The judge is like a carpenter: he cut down what he wanted”, “What are the laws to me: I know the judges”, “Do not be afraid of the court - be afraid of the judge”, “The horse competed with the wolf - the tail and mane remained”, “God punished the people - sent the voivode", "The horse loves oats, and the voivode loves the bring."

proverbs of Buryatia

PROVERBS ABOUT WEALTH AND POVERTY. Examples: “Money, like stones, is hard on the soul”, “The rich man will not buy his conscience, but destroys his own: he will climb into wealth, forget the brotherhood”, “Goal and naked - before God is right”, “The rich do not feed the poor, but everyone is full”, “A rich man would eat money, if the poor did not feed him bread”, “If money is spoken, then the truth is silent”, “Do not ask the rich, ask the tattered one”, “In the wrong hands, the chunk seems great, but how we will get it, it will seem so small.

proverbs face of the earth

PROVERBS. REFLECTING MORAL CONCEPTS. Examples: “You won’t look at the truth that is in the sun”, “Smear the truth with gold, and it will emerge”, “Brings the truth from the day of the sea”, “Falsely you will go through the whole world, but you won’t come back”, “Better falsehood to endure than to twirl the truth", "There was, they say, and the truth is in the world, but in the villages it went into balance", "Truth does not stand in the world, but walks around the world", "One cannot live without truth, and one cannot live about truth "," The truth is not good for business, but put it in a bow and pray, "" The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man, where it is better, "" A zealous horse does not live long."

PROVERBS DRAWING THE CHARACTER OF PEOPLE. Examples: “Hisses like red-hot iron when you spit” (about a hot, irritable person), “You can’t do it in a mortar with a pestle” (stubborn), “Walks in boots, and the trail is barefoot” (cunning), “Wherever you step, here it will knock "(lump)," Hemmed with winds "(inconstant), "He says how he drags a collar on a horse with tongs" (mumbling), "From young and early, cries like a rooster" (upstart), "Batters that a magpie" ( about someone who is talking soon), “He said that he chopped off” (about the speaker briefly and decisively), “He says that the river is flowing” (smoothly), “Cooing like a dove” (gently), “What the word says, then the ruble will give "(speaking well and efficiently).

PROVERBS FOR DIFFERENT LIFE OCCASIONS. Examples: "Do not be afraid of the dog that barks, but be afraid of the one that bites on the sly", "On rude word don’t get angry, but don’t give up on affectionate things”, “To know a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him.”

proverbs about promise

Sayings are expressions used in conversation, most often in the form of comparisons, in order to give speech a special clarity. "A proverb, - says the people, - a flower, a proverb - a berry." Sayings are also called "proverbs" and "sayings". Examples: "Spinning like a demon before matins", "Like two drops of water", "One, like a finger", "Neither give nor take", "Like snow on the head", "Light in sight", "Again , but grows by the hour", "Neither think, nor guess, nor describe with a pen", "Soon a fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done."

Azov was glorious, Smolensk was formidable, and Vilna was wondrous.

Alexins are archers.

Anika looks. Anika is a warrior (see lubok cards).

Arzamas - goslings, onions; malevans (icon painters).

The people of Arzamas shackled the cathedral with shackles (the vault was tied with hoops).

Arkhangelsk residents are swindlers; sang is sour.

Arkhangelsk - walrus eaters, roofers.

Astrakhan - chilimniki (chilim - water chestnuts). Caviar. The blubber is rotten. Belugniki. Robbers. Duvanshchina.

The people of Astrakhan sent mare instead of fish to Novgorod.

Astrakhan with watermelons, and we are golopuz (glorious).


Hoodies - loons. Balakhon loon.

They pumped the ram in the hutch (having stolen it, swaddled it and put it in the hutch to hide it).

The trouble is that in Rodna.

The Bezhechans knocked out the bell tower with a horn (that is, shaking tobacco in the horn. This proverb is given, however, to different natives).

Beat the Russian, he will make the clock. The Russian will do what he sees.

Beat with your forehead on Tula, look for it in Moscow. Tula zipun blew away.

Belozersk - Belozersk smelt.

Besovo, Runovo - God bless, and Ternovo and Baskach even jump around (Tul. Gubernia, Kashir. Uyezds).

Gulynki are close, raise your clubs (Gulyn-ki. Ryazan province, Pronsk district, there used to be robbers).

Ladybug, fly over the Volga: it's warm there, it's cold here.

The Bolkhovites greeted cancer with a ringing: here is the voivode crawling towards us, and carrying a bristle in his teeth.

Borisoglebtsy are sour nesters (they used to be furriers and gluers. Tamb.).

Borovichans - a wave of Shechniks, water drinkers.

Borovichans are onions. Onions, green onions.

The beard is from Nizhny Novgorod, and the moustache is Makarievsky.

Bosca was eaten. Bosca, Bosca, you have a bone (dog's name).

Bryantsy are tricks. Bryansk goat (Orlov.).

As if from Elkhovka, tops (that is, poppies) are sheared.

Buyevtsy are homebodies, foresters. Buoy town beat off the wallet.

Bui da Kadui the devil searched for three years, and Bui da Kadui stood at the gate. (The Tatars were looking for Bui to destroy it, but did not find a way to it.)

Peter and Paul had the truth (in the torture chamber of Moscow, where there was torture).


In Astrakhan, even cows eat fish (salted).

In Vilna - that in a soapbox.

In Vilna there are seven roads for a Jew and three for a Pole.

In Gorodets (Balakh, U.) on the mountain, three girls in the yard.

In Yelets - a girl on the egg, and behind Yelets - half an egg.

They strangled me in Kardovili, they buried me in Ponyatovka, and in Koryn we were choked with wine.

In Lutsk, everything is not human: water is near, trouble is in the middle.

In Moscow you will find everything except bird's milk.

In Moscow you will find everything except own father yes mother.

In Moscow, save money, do not guard yourself.

In Moscow, every day is a holiday (for many churches).

There is no shortage of bread in Moscow.

There are forty forty churches in Moscow (churches in Moscow are divided into deaneries by forty).

In Moscow, they call thickly (densely, often) and eat thinly (thinly, rarely) (at a high cost for peasants).

Wander (go) to Moscow - carry the last penny (money).

Go to Moscow - carry your head (old.).

To go to Moscow - only to get money.

In Romanovshchina (Rom. okolotok, the same county, small estate) there are as many manor yards as a hare has crowbars (i.e., jumps).

In the Russian belly, even a chisel will rot.

In Sevsk, a pig was planted on a perch, saying: chow down, cackle, chicken with two legs, hold on.

In Siberia, women beat sables with yokes.

Pray to God in Suzdal and Murom, take a walk in Vyazniki, get drunk in Shuya. Suzdal people are omentums.

In Tetyushi, the mayor weaves bast shoes.

Valdai mountains and Luban thieves. Bell towers.

Vanka Cain is a cursed robber.

He brewed beer with a Muscovite, and he renounced malt.

Varnavinians - honey cakes.

Vasiltsy (on the river Sura) - sterlet.

The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.

The Holy Russian land is great, but there is no place for truth anywhere.

Wenger from under Lokhvitsa (Polt. lips., peddlers).

Vereytsy - nomads (Sochi - fishermen's bundles and bread).

Vetlu Zhane - sleighs. A sleigh and a cart, but there is nothing to get out on.

Viden (Simbirsk), but we are going for seven days.

It can be seen that the city is great, that there are seven governors (Moscow Seven Boyars).

Vitebsk residents: Bagpipe and whistle, collect our house; plow and harrow ruined our houses.

Vladimir: wooden stoves, golden gates, iron churches (a wooden stove was in the bishop's house of the Assumption Cathedral; the golden gates are known; the iron church was at the Nativity Monastery).

Vladimirians - masons; cranberries. Cranberries, cranberries!

Vladimirians: and our fellows (like Vologda) neither fight nor fight, and whoever eats more, He is well done. Sterlet.

In Vladimir, even noodles are crushed with an ax (this custom is kept only in free, that is, state-owned, villages).

There is no cart in all of Onega. In the summer, the voivode was taken around the city on a sleigh, onuchi was dried on the horns.

Take forty altyns! “Sorotsy are not Sorotsy, but I won’t give you less than a ruble.”

Volga - to swim for a long time, and the Danube - wide. It can be seen that the Danube and the Volga will not merge.

The Volga is the mother of all rivers. Mother Volga is wide and long.

Mother Volga - deep, spacious, wild. Dnieper. - fast, wide. Don Ivanovich - quiet, golden. Dunay Ivanovich. Prut, Dniester, Neman - frontier. Ural - a gold mine, a silver tire.

Vologda residents ate a calf with a horseshoe. Tolokonniki - The Volga was kneaded with oatmeal.

Thieves' Piskovshchina (Smol. Gubernia, Sych. U., the village of Piskovo).

Thieves are innovators, and ostashi are good, but the place where there is no Tikhvin is holy.

There you are right hand, I give through a dear child, but if I stole, then he would hang around on a knife.

Here, parya (guys), our king: an awl in his hands and a bristle in his teeth; call the bila, riveting (Galicians about Rostovites).

Vsevyatskaya gruel, three arshins of money.

Vytegors - camisoles.

Vyazma got stuck in gingerbread.

Vyazmichi - gingerbread, carpet makers. We are illiterate people, we eat unwritten gingerbread.

Vyatichi - Vyatka battle (with a sea monster; see lubok maps).

Vyatichi are rotozei (Novgorodians let boobs on rafts near Bolvansky town (Nikulitsyno village), Vyatichi gape on them, and Novgorodians, on the other hand, took the town).

The Vyatichi are blind-bearers (the Ustyugians came to the rescue, and the Vyatichi considered them to be an enemy and began to beat them. The Votyaks have blind eyes, but in newborns they are very small).

Vyatichi - tolokonniki, Vani.

Vyatka is the mother of all wealth. Vyatka walks with an eye.

Vyatka - the guys are grasping. We, the Vyatka, are the guys of the grip: seven are not afraid of one.

Vyatchane - Khlynov boyars. Whistles. Koldyki (gov. Koldy).

The Vyatchans are not clean at hand: yesterday they spent the night with us, they stole the onuchka.


Galich deceived Kostroma on the island.

Galicians are jackdaws. Galich voivode (self-willed).

Galicians - they dragged a cow to the bathhouse; the city of Galivon, Lake Miron, and the people of Krivichi. Sheepskins.

Where Makar has been, no fish have been caught for seven years. (They are fishing in rivers and lakes and masters of catching all the fish.)

Where no fish walks, and St. The nose does not pass (Kemskaya).

Where St. Sophia is, there is Novgorod.

Stupid Vyazma, stupid Dorogobuzh.

Glukhovtsy - papush tobacco (Chernigov). Pereyaslavtsy (Zaozertsy) - betrothed (Poltava). Red Kut will set the kaput (Khark. Province, where once, according to legend, a gang of robbers was led).

Golodaevs - migrants in Astrakhan province(according to their poverty).

The city of Arkhangelsk, and the people in it are diabolical.

The city of Balakhna stands, the floors are wide open (Balakhna stretches along the Volga for three versts).

The city of Borovichi is a din-city.

The city of Chern is a year older than Moscow.

The cities of Korosten, the possessions of Olgin, the Krivichi people.

Grishka Otrepyev is a thief, an impostor, a damned one.


Danilovites are favorite catchers, non-distributors. Cat snatchers: they didn’t buy a cat, but they crushed it at the market.

Darma, daughter, not a Muscovite anyway.

Two brothers from the Arbat, and both hunchbacks.

The twelfth hour, and mother was not in the world (that is, from the meeting; the peasants are all in earnings, and the women in the tenth).

Dednovtsy - Makary. (When Peter I was in the Ryazan province, then to the question of his Dednovtsy, one after another, they called themselves Makars, because the sovereign said to the first: good.) Tselovalniki.

Demyantsy - potters; by the way!

Dmitrovtsy - frogs, swamps. Ruztsy are lumberjacks.

Long-bellies (Voronezh settlers in Astra, provinces, girdling low).


Egorievtsy - horse-drawn, bunglers, ore-throwers: he sharpens the knife, but I suppose he speaks.

Uncle is coming from. Serpukhov: Stroking his beard, but no money.

The devil went to Rostov, but he was frightened of crosses.

Ate, ate - something burst: is it the belly? No, the belt broke with the buckle.

Elatomians are babeshniks.

Yelets is the father of all thieves, and Livny is wonderful to all thieves.

Yelchans are rennets. Rainbow drank a tub of water.

Efremovnas - they cooked porridge in a purse (Tul.).


Lives in Tula and eats dooly.

Live, live, guys, until Moscow has visited (old. Ural. Kaz.).

Live in Moscow, live in longing. Lives in Moscow - in no small anguish. Oh Moscow! - she hits with a sock. Hit the board, remember Moscow!


For the health of grandmother Gugnikha (the people of the Urals say, revering her as their foremother, the first woman left in the army).

He went to the city for pulp, went to the red ranks.

Behind Drunk people drunk (by the river of the Nizhny Gubernia, 1377. The Russians were struck in the camp by the Tatars).

They searched for a mosquito for seven miles, and a mosquito on the nose.

Zadneprovsky Italian. Zadripantsy.

The Russian land is all under God.

Gold is good all around. Romyantsy - tobacconists (poltavok.).

Zubchane - dragging, came to us (Rzhevtsy) for cabbage soup; we didn’t give a puppy, we drove the vzashei away.

Zubchane - a cockroach on a rope to the Volga was taken to drink.


And on the water a crest, and on the chaff a crest.

Blooming Sally. Kroshevniks.

Ivanovich, get off the roof, I came to you (the roofer's wife came to Petersburg and called from Winter Palace statue).

A turkey hatched seven crests from one egg.


I go to Salt - I don’t bring anything, from Salt I go - I carry a full bosom (the inhabitants of the village of Salt, Kostr. lips ... because of the abundance in vegetables, they supply pedestrian visitors with them free of charge). Vichugovtsy - napkin makers. The Parfentievites are cat-hunters.

If the German was in front, that the Russian was behind, there would be no way with him (mind).

Kadomtsy are kissers, catfish: they caught a catfish in the oven (Moksha drowns the Cod: once the catfish was brought into the open oven).

Kaduevtsy are kadochniks. Kaduy - inflate the sides.

Kazan orphan, Kazan beggar (a rogue pretending to be a poor man; from the former Kazan murzas).

Kazan rowed - and the Horde passed.

Kaivans have never been to Olonets.

As the Muscovite says dryly, rise under the very ear!

Kaluga residents: the Kaluga residents will have dinner, and the Tula will lie down anyway. Schagolniki, sapling sapling, on aspen on oak, and how it waxes: tkau, tkau!

Kalyazintsy bought a pig for a beaver; bought a dog for a wolf.

Kalyazins, Uglichs, Vologdas are bearers.

Kamenets is a crown: water is all around, and trouble is in the middle (the Smotrich River flows around the rock on which Kamenetz-Podolsk is).

Kargopol residents are white-eyed Chud. Raw foodists.

Kasimov Bukharian (i.e., a swindler, a Tatar who sells soap, bathrobes, etc.).

Kashintsy are water drinkers (i.e. teapots).

The people of Kashin killed a dog for a wolf and paid money.

Kashira sheathed in matting, Tula shod in bast shoes.

Kashirians: Hat off! - What? - Look, all the boyars. (Passing through single-dvor villages and seeing huts with chimneys, gates with solutions, sleighs with trump cards, the peasants considered them to be manor estates.)

Kizhans asked for a golden letter. Lychentsy (Pereyasl. u.) - calfs.

Kizhila (Re-explained at.) out of her mind survived.

Kimryaks are plasterers in summer, chebotari in winter.

Kimryaks - rennets (Kimry, Tver. lips., Korchev. U.; from the dish: pork abomasum with porridge).

Kineshma and Reshemians are clothiers.

Kineshma and Reshma run wild and muddy, and Sologda pays the losses (Sologda lies between Kineshma and Reshma, who quarreled in the old days).

Kirillovsky bow of nine spans with a tail (monast.).

The princesses are haters. The convoy was crushed with caps.

Kovrovites - ofeni, peddlers, rogues; burry (for the Offenian language).

They drowned the goat in malted dough (the crows croaked on a tree, and the peasant, getting ready to go, predicted a bucket for his comrades, saying: golden sorrel, etc.).

Cola is a hook, and people are oud. Kolsko scarecrow.

If there is nothing to pay the debt, then go (go) to the Volga (either to barge haulers or to robbery).

Kolomentsy - black sky. Klinovtsy are lapotniks.

Kola Bay, like a Moscow prison, (you won't get out soon).

Kolyan of the Lord - the people of Israel: every word is a hack.

Sweets, cuckoo babies (men live a little at home). Savior at the gates sold.

Koporskoe kroshevo and sour and cheap (uz Koporye, Pemerb., according to rumors, there is Ivan-tea, fireweed grass).

Kostroma is a lascivious (cheerful) side. On Kusi - drink and have a snack (Kus, river Kostr. g.).

Kostromichi (from Kostr. down the Volga, to Yuryevets) - hungry, sharp-hoofed, tamoiki (talk, tamoiko vm. there).

Kostroma in a bunch, and Yaroslavl away (separately).

Kostromichi: it would be better to be burned three times than to be widowed once.

Nettles - hay with bell ringing met (thinking that this was a governor. Tul.).

Krasnoyarsk - catfish.

Be baptized - Androns are coming (Kursk).

The peasant's throat is a cloth reed: everything crumples.

Kreshane (Sacrums) - lapotniks. Kirillovnas are cashewers.

Crimea is not crooked, Azov is not about a hundred steps.

Kstovo - Christ's: the glass is small, but the wine is good.

Whoever has never been to Vilna has never seen miracles.

Whoever lives in Kola for three years will not be deceived in Moscow.

Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.

Whoever has not been to Odessa has not seen the dust. He left the crowd, but settled on the Don. Donets - oseterniki, balychniks, stanitsa.

Who is against God and great Novgorod?

Kunavina settlement brought me into three arcs (a haven of debauchery at the Nizhny Novgorod fair).

Kursk thief. The white king has no thief against the Kuryan,

Ate (Tver district, village of Kushalino) - berdniks, chastobai.

Kushalinsky peasant women are spinners.


Lazarevichi-vichi, fire-screamers, pillowcase-tuft, Teplukhina-khokhlukhina, Yalchina-mountain, high-sintered.

Lazy, like a Klepensky peasant (Smol. lips., Sych. county, the village of Klepeni, where all the beggars, according to custom).

A goose flies to Holy Rus' (Napoleon).

The Liventsy broke off the Salamata bridge (the Liventsy brought salamats towards the voivode, each pot from the yard).

Litvins - strawberries, diggers, lapotniki. White hats, felted hats. Is it famously taking Litvin, so that he does not jack off. Around the water, and in the middle of the trouble (about Sebezh, Vitebsk.).

Likhvinsky mountains (Kal.) and Novosilyevsky thieves (Tul.)

Lugovtsy - peddlers. Ladoga residents - they drove the pike from the eggs.

Lyskovites are an honest people: if not a thief, then a swindler.

Dear Olonets - the shores are white.

Favorites - the goat was fed with gingerbread. Vodohleby.


Mazepa is a traitor.

Makars catch fish until the eggs.

Little Russians - Mazepins, crests, forelocks; the turkey sat out; choked on a dumpling.

Malyuta Skuratov is a villain, a tormentor.

Mom, the devil climbs into the house!

Mother Moscow is white stone, golden-domed, hospitable, Orthodox, talkative.

Mezens are soot-eaters, black-throated (unkempt).

Furriers. Oatmeal in the river interfered with an oar,

They caught the sun with a bag, they caulked the prison with pancakes. (Blue-bellies - from blue shirts. In the battle with the Muscovites, the sun was in the face of the Ryazans: they began to catch it in a bag to release it on the enemies.)

Mozhaytsy pigs, Mozhaysky wind (unreliable).

Mazyr is like a bubble: water is all around, trouble is in the middle.

Mologzhane are grooms (that is, they manage grooms along the Volga).

Well done, buy bagels, but some good ones - and a kiss to boot.

Morshants are somyaniki.

Mosalis - gutors: they chattered the governor. Mother Zaugra (river), do not drown our city of Mosalsk and our headman Gavryushka!

Muscovites (i.e. Russians, according to Little Russians); Moscow hour; wait for the Moscow hour (from the Russian proverb: now).

The Muscovite is a crow, but more affectionate than a devil.

Moscow - to whom the mother, to whom the stepmother.

Moscow hits from the toe, and Peter wiped his sides. Liter is getting married, Moscow is getting married.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

Moscow humpbacked; hunchbacked old woman (i.e., on the hills).

Moscow loves the reserve. The rescuer has no reserve.

Moscow is crowded and rich. Moscow is a kingdom, a village is a paradise.

Moscow has not converged like a wedge, there is no outskirts.

Moscow burned down from a money (penny) candle; Moscow caught fire from a spark (1443 Moscow caught fire from a candle in the church of St. Nicholas on Sands; 1737 - from a candle in Miloslavsky's house).

Moscow does not believe in tears (does not indulge, that is, you will not pity anyone, everyone is a stranger).

Moscow was created over centuries, Peter by millions.

Moscow stands in a swamp, they don’t thresh rye in it, but they eat more rustic.

You can't debunk Moscow (you can't pity). Moscow does not cry for anything (does not grieve). Moscow does not cry over our (for others') troubles.

Moscow dirt does not get dirty. Moscow is like a board: sleep wide, but sweep all around.

Moscow truth. From a Muscovite though. cut the floors and run.

Moscow Raznoboyarshchina (Seven Boyars).

Muscovite people sow land with rye, but live on a lie (old).

Wise Germans are Kamyshinites.

Ant houses (nickname of the hard-working villagers High Mountain, Novosilsk. u.).

Murashkintsy - sheepskin coats, sour rubezok; sour sheep.

The people of Murom are saints (they expelled Bishop St. Basil in the 13th century). Spinning beans; horned nuts; kalachniks.

Mtsenyan. Amchenin would those in the yard (and the saints out).

We (Nizhny Novgorod) would not have gathered and not stood up, so you would have dug the filthy earth with your nose (a hint at the time of K. Pozharsky and Minin).

We are not people, we are Abodinians (Kursk, lips.).


To steal on Arat, to sell on Yakshen, to bury the ends in Murashkino (Arat of Arzamas, Yakshen and Murashkino of Knyagininsky district).

On the Don they neither weave nor spin, but they walk well. Crimeans are herrings, gardeners. Herrings are rotten.

To kill a man on Kolya, to drink a glass of milk.

There is no gathering for archers on the sacrum (that is, it’s not a place, it’s not. In Moscow there were special squares for gatherings of different classes).

Sorry, the Russian has no word for Aman.

Unclean on hand; they lost their bast shoes, searched the yards, there were six - it became (found) seven.

In Rus', not all carp - there are ruffs.

In Rus', no one died of hunger.

In words - like butter, but in reality - like in Vologda.

They climbed a pine tree, they looked at Moscow.

Our fellows neither fight nor fight, and whoever eats the most is well done.

Our serfs are bricklayers (old Rostovites to Vladimirians).

Do not be afraid of thieves along the Army Road, but be afraid of stone houses in Nerekhta.

Not a Novgorod nobleman - not a great gentleman.

Not only I call that in Moscow (that in Kyiv).

Do not teach the goat, she will pull it off the cart, and the most pure hand will clean everything.

Nerehot runners (Nerekhot people walk around the villages with a steelyard to buy yarn).

Nizhegorod is either a spendthrift, or a thief, or a drunkard, or a goofy wife.

Nizhny Novgorod - not freaks. Nizhny Novgorod residents are water drinkers (i.e. teapots).

Nizhny is Moscow's neighbor: stone houses, iron people. There is a lot of water, but there is nothing to draw (Lower, on two rivers, but on a mountain).

Novgorod (ancient) is judged by one god. Ancient Novgorod and Pskov - gentlemen (and

Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.

Novgorod was even a lord, sovereign). The heart is in Volkhov (in Novgorod), the soul is on the Great (ancient Pskov).

Novgorod is judged by its own court (in ancient times).

Novgorod, Novgorod, but older than the old one.

Novgorod honor. Novgorod soul (honesty in ancient trade).

Novgorodians are debtors. Stubborn as a Novgorodian.

Novgorodians takali, takali, yes Novgorod and protakali (about the destruction of the Novgorod veche or about the conquest of Novgorod).

Innovators are thieves (they say the rest, to whom they answer: and the rest are good).

The legs were mixed up under the table.

Strive where the pegs stick out.

Now nothing is behind the Oka (about Kunavin).


Ovrutskaya (Oshmyanskaya) gentry (i.e. naked, ragamuffin).

Odoevtsy: Well done, and well done! Sell ​​lean eggs (cucumbers. Tul.) for a penny.

Oh, you, Ustya Koposovska! (Swearing; Koposovo is a village near Nizhny).

Olonchans: Olonians are good fellows.

Olyanshchina - thievery (lake. Pskov province.).

He is a crest (from. e. cunning and stubborn).

He apparently does not understand Russian (that is, at least tell him the truth to his face).

Onezhane are prokhoryats, Prokhorov's children.

Ontufevtsy - mynks (Re-explained county. They say “myn” instead of “they say”, “say”)

Orel and Kromy are the first thieves, and Karachev is a sacrifice.

Nut (Schlisselburg) and bitter pepper (old)

Orlovtsy - changeless; broken heads.

Ostashi - ersheeds, shoemakers, gold seamstresses; wolf snacks.

It took three days (three versts) from Volok to Utka.

From Kholmogor to Kola - thirty-three Nikola.

You will disown the devil, but you will not fight off the Muscovite with a club.

Where are you from, Ivan? - From will, dear (Astrakhan old-timers tease tramps).


Penza (Penzyane) fat-footed. In Moscow, they recognized their crow.

The first cities from Moscow are two ninety versts (Vladimir, Tver, Tula, Kaluga, Ryazan).

People of Petrozavodsk: I'm building a shop, I'm building a washing yard, I'm rolling my Torzhok (about market women).

They kept the rooster on a rope so that he would not go to a foreign land.

Pinezhans are hiccups (a common illness there: hiccups, hysterics).

Pinezhane: I bought for four denezki, sold for two grosyka; the profit is scarce, and there is not a lot of money.

Peter is the helm, Moscow is the helm. Peter is the head, Moscow is the heart.

In Vyatka: at random. Vyatich at random and sows bread.

Poltava sits on the mountain like a peahen, but in the mud like a toad.

Pomors - red tops (seal).

He carried the devil from the same palace to the bazaar, and overturned the sieve over Kashira.

Porkhovtsy - tolokonniki.

Poshekhontsy are blind-bearers: they got lost in three pines.

Accept someone in Russian (that is, either directly and rudely, or hospitably).

A formidable ambassador came near Staritsa: a fur coat turned inside out, he was low, and across about five spans; the word does not say, but only hisses: but this is an Indian rooster.

The Cossacks came from the Don and drove the Poles home (the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612).

Sell, prince, soaps (teasing the Tatars).

They sold a belt from a crest for three money, and the crest went to the bargain.

You will pass Pogorelets and Kushalino - go boldly to Moscow.

God carry the Prince's bridge and Mikhailov's churchyard (Psk. Guberniya; this bridge and churchyard in the swamps, where there were once many robberies).

Disappeared like Bekovich (under Peter I, sent to Khiva and died with a detachment)

They drank away the governors of Vologda.

Prokhor sent a letter, and told Lobodyrny to collect money.

Pskovians - skits, chaff, ruffs.

The Pskovites propped up the sky with stakes (for three days the meeting stood, thinking what to do? A cloud hung; they decided to prop it up with stakes).


Radimichi - wolf tails are running around (voivode Wolf Tail beat Radimichi).

God break the boat, feed Soloza (on the summer coast of the seaside).

Rzhevtsy: rotten vendace. Dog lovers. Father was exchanged for a male. The goat was fed gingerbread through the fence.

Not a native of Germans, but to indicate much.

Romanovnas - bury the ends.

Roslavtsy - tar.

Russia and the summer of the union is not present. Rus' froze under the snow.

Rostov: lop-eared, noodle-eaters; the native lake was lit with straw (lop-eared, from a hat with ears. Straw was removed from the roofs to melt the ice on the lake, for fishing)

Rusak before reading, crest before singing (Western).

Rusak is not a fool: if he wants to eat - he will say, if he wants to sit down - he will sit down.

Rusak is smart, but in hindsight. Russian back is smart.

Rus' is the joy of drinking, it cannot exist without it (Vladim. I).

Russian bone loves warmly. Steam doesn't break bones.

Russian appetite never (nothing) disgusts.

The Russian god is great. The Holy Russian land stands as a Russian god and a Russian tsar.

Russian hotel - kulaga with salamata.

The Russian is quick-witted (sharp-witted, on his mind).

The Russian is strong on three piles: perhaps, I suppose, somehow.

Russian fellow - a hundred infidels are finished.

The Russian people are tsar-loving.

The Russian people are not afraid of the cross, they are afraid of the pestle.

The Russian does not joke with swords or rolls.

The Russian is patient to the very beginning. Russian enthusiasm awaits.

The Russian hour is ten, and the German one has no end.

Russian hour - happy thirty; village month - with week ten.

Russian man - a kind person(Chuvash greetings).

A Russian person is both gullive and boastful.

A Russian person loves maybe, I suppose, somehow.

Russian people love maybe. Russian at random and grown up.

The Russian man brings bread and salt.

A Russian person that soars (bath), then rules (heals).

Rus' has piled on, completely crushed us (Siberian).

Rus' piled on, we were completely crushed (Siberian).

Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, Mother Holy Russian land.

People from Rybinsk: they washed away a girl’s birthmark, they deliberately heated a bathhouse.

Ryazanians are squint-bellied, blue-bellied.


They don’t lie on the edge, but everything in the middle (about the Poshekhonians of Yaroslavl and the Galicians of Kostr. they tell a lot of this kind, about which a whole book has been published, however, an imitation of the German one, about the Swabians).

From Muskva, from the pasade, from Avashnov Row (they tease the akals).

On one side of the cheremis, and on the other, beware (1524, the army on the ships went near Kazan and was beaten in the rapids with cheremis).

Samarans (Saratov) - mustard plants.

Saratov townspeople sold their cathedral under the hammer.

Sviyazhans are bream dwellers.

Seligers (Tversk.) - Yersheeds.

The village of Voronye - in the daytime seventy gentlemen (small local), and at night one (who will go on robbery),

The village of Lupino (Nerekh county). Armenian women are stupid, but Nerekhta will guide you.

Semendyaevshchina - a baker and a sausage maker, a gingerbread man and a pie maker (Tver Gubernia, Kalyaz U.).

Semenovtsy (Nizheg.) - Trans-Volga kokura. Buckwheaters. Spoons, burlatskaya spoon. Warm, felted goods.

Sergachi, Lukoyanovtsy, Ardatovtsy - Zapyansky (Zateshsky) sluts; drunkenness - buckwheat apyatki; drunken women - chupahi, butens.

Siberia is a gold mine (from the fur and trade trades; now this is literally justified).

Siberia is not mossy. Siberian Varnak. Siberia is terrible by hearing, but people live better than ours.

Simbirtsy - grave thieves, rockers.

Sitskar with an ax, that a Cossack with a horse (on the river City; Yaroslav Mol.).

Sitskar dresses an ax, puts shoes on an ax, feeds a plow.

Sitskaya kokora (sitskari - baroque, carpenters).

They say that in your Rostov state, Rostov Lake burned down.

Moscow is famous for its brides, bells and rolls.

Glorious is Moscow with Kalachami, Petersburg with barbels.

Slobozhane (Vyatsk.) - Zhidokop (Slobozhan dug up the corpse of a Jew, believing that the Jews were buried with money).

Smolensk - krupenniks, mezgovniki (pulp - pine oblon, which is interfered with in bread).

Smolensk - Polish bone, but overgrown with dog meat.

The Smolensk people crushed a flea with peace.

Smolyans: What kind of province? - Smolensk. - Which county? - City of Dorogobuzhsk. - Which parish? - Demyanova Posad. - Which village? - From Ivan's estate. - Which boyar? - I don't know about that.

From bottom to top, from top to bottom (about the river).

Sandpipers gathered, sitting in the swamp - they are Suzdal and Volodymyr residents (from the song).

Soligalicians - limestones, logs.

Spassy: Where are you from, young man? - Spassky merchant. - What do you trade? - Red goods: tallow candles and clean tar (ryaz.).

The old people greeted the rooster with bread and salt.

Old people: The old woman is a tar. They lost the mazilka, but they tossed and turned after Nov after it.

Starogorodtsy (on the river Unzha, Makar, near.) - onion growers.

The Old Russians ate the horse and wrote to Novgorod to send more.

Stenka Razin flew on the carpet and swam on the water.

Nizhny Novgorod people are standing on the mountain, watching and singing: tea, note where the seagulls fly (Nizhny Novgorod people often say, tea).

Go to the bottom - there is wheat.

Sudislavians are mushroom pickers. Kologrivtsy - tar.

Suzdal people are Bogomazes. George's place of Friday (St. Paraskeviia) was exchanged (the image is not sold, but changed).

Sura is an important river for us: the bottom is silver, the steep banks are gilded.

Detect in Lyskovo not a drunkard, not a swindler, and in Yurkino not a robber (villages of Makaryevsky district).


Tambov people are Molokans. Khreptuk steppe, thick-legged!

Tatinets and Slopinets (villages) breadwinner for thieves (old).

Tverites - vendace. Run, run! - And what? - Can't you see the marten is running! - This is a dog from Klementyev's yard, - Well, let yourself be. The people of Tver drink tea with sugar Tsukany.

Temnikovtsy - owl workers; they baptized an owl in the lake (in Owl. Having taken a walk, the Temnikovites caught an owl and, foolishly, put a gaytan on it and dipped it into the lake; it flew and sat on a church cross, where, entangled, strangled itself; Tamb.).

Tikhvintsy is a holy place where there is no Tikhvinian.

The Volga was kneaded with oatmeal (or: they were overdone; it is also said about the Vologda residents, etc.).

Toropchane - Egyptians (Egyptians?).

Toropchane are tabaters.

Toropchane: Poles with cannons, and we with sticks (siege of Serg. Lavra under the Pretender).

Tulyak is a steel soul. A flea was chained to a chain. Sit down, tank, siskins fly (Tula - bird catchers).

Whose youth are you? - Zubchevsky merchant. - Where was it? - In Moscow, I went around the world.


Macarius has Natalya for money, and a whole cartload for a penny.

A man's chest never gets cold, a Jew's heels, a Pole's ears.

We (in Vladimir) have a lot of land: from Moscow two ninety and from Klyazma drink water.

Here in Yelets, on the Pine River, a chicken chick brought out.

We have pancake soup at Bare. Vagane - skew-bellied.

We have one fellow who ate thirty pies with a pie, but all with cottage cheese.

We have in Rostov, garlic, onions, and manure is all horse. Gardeners, poultry houses, capons. Rostov capon.

Our Makarya has three of Natalya's money, but give me a penny, choose any.

Salts have borage.

They beat at the Spas, they call at Nikola’s, at the old Yegor’s the clock is talking (Moscow).

The rescuer and tar are red goods.

Uglichans: I suppose, I suppose, dad, because this is not ours (father and son went to steal: the father was a coward, the son encouraged him).

Ulomsky nail (Novgor province ... Cherepov. county, the village of U lom, where all the blacksmiths, nails).

Ustyuzhans are horn-makers, tobacconists. The bell tower was knocked out with a horn. Red-tongued. Chernosilverniks. Mazy.


Khvalyntsy are thugs. Syzratsy - ear-cuts.

Eat bread and salt, listen to the red ringing (mother of Moscow).

Khlynovsky thieves. Khlyn took (missing).

Khlynovtsy shod a cow in boots (stolen, so that there would be no trace).

Kholmogory residents are corners (they looked at Peter I from around the corners).

The city of St. Petersburg is good, but it wiped its sides (roads). Koportsy - Koporye tea.

A good hare - yes a cuff, a good little one - yes a tula.

The pies are also good, but the thicker and thicker (they tease the Novgorodians - Gushcheeds).

The Lomakinites are good: they put the tsar to sleep without feeding (Sergach. Uyezd. About Grozny).

At least fight against the Malakhov Gate.

Although Sofia is empty, but not the Krutitsky verst (Sofia of Novgorod; the Novgorod clergy did not want to submit to the Metropolitans of Moscow, in the Krutitsky Compound).

Khokhlatsky flail beats on all sides (Khokhols thresh through the hand).

A crest is more stupid than a crow, but more cunning than a devil.

Khokhol will not lie, and he will not tell the truth.

Hotsu - jumping, not hotsu - not jumping (in the old days, the bride said: if I want - I'll jump up and, agreeing to get married, jumped through the belt laid around or into the skirt).

Hood Permyak, yes, he knows two languages. Chusovlyane (Permsk.) - Chebotari. Sylvinians are veksheeds (Sylvin. plant, Krasnouf. county).


Gypsies Mtsensk bypassed ten miles (Orlov.).


Cherdyntsy - chip-eaters, dry-houses (Carpenters, Cherdyn. Uezd.). Sorcerers. Damn sorcerers.

Chernovskoe (Nizhegorsk, Sergach. U.) - a place of thieves.

Chernolapotnitsa (Russian, in Siberia). The inhabitants of Okhotsk are nomads.

The black-foot girl has passed (the nickname of our women in tidy Siberia for the dirty footprint they carry out of the hut into the snow).

The devil removed his head from the crest and gave him a turkey.

Chekhon (fish) jumped over the cathedral (in Saratov). .

What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.

Let those crests breathe! - And so that those Muscovites would pull them out (answer).

Chu! - It smells of Russian spirit here.

Chukhloma people - chukhloma rukosuy! Mittens in the bosom, but looking for others.


Shemyakin Court. Shemyaka krivosud (1446, Shemyaka blinded the Dark One, having seized the throne).

Shenkurtsy are water-drinkers (barge haulers, they wear a spoon on their hat).

The Shuisky rogue will harness anyone to the yoke; I’ve been to St. Petersburg, poured on the floor, and then didn’t fall.

Shuyane: if only I had strong soap. Bes was given to the soldiers.


Cho, boy, Galunki (Galicians).


This, apparently, was driving the sieves in a hurry (said Litvin, looking at the bast footprint along the road).


Yuryevtsy are Chinese people.


I am Russian, in the manner of French, only a little more gispanist.

I'm listening: who's whistling? AN is in my nose.

I'll cut you in Russian, straight.

Yaroslavl is a town - a corner of Moscow (this is said about many other cities).

Yaroslavl: handsome, Belotel, songwriters, singers, chistopley. They took out a pound of soap, but they didn’t wash off my sister’s birthmark.

And nothing has changed.

And the casket just opened.

Perhaps yes, somehow they will not bring to good.

And on the arena, they are the same.

Amenem demon not get rid of.

Appetite comes with eating.

The artel pot boils thicker.

A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.

Baba flies from the stove, seventy-seven thoughts will change his mind.

Grandma said in two.

Babi cities do not last long.

A bathhouse is not a nanny, but at least pleases someone.

Big brother makes a profit.

Misfortunes never come alone.

Trouble in the village, since the quinoa is on the table.

The trouble does not go through the forest, but through people.

Marry the poor and the night is short.

Poor Kuzenka has a poor song.

To the poor to gather - (only) to gird himself.

Poverty is not a vice.

Troubles torment, but they teach the mind.

You can't eat milk without a bull.

Without money in the city - his own enemy.

Woe without children, but twice as much with children.

Without a name and a sheep a ram.

There is no ruble without a penny.

Without a queen, bees are lost babies.

They married me without me.

No work and the oven is cold.

You won't die without death.

Without salt, the table is crooked.

Without salt, without bread, a thin conversation.

Without a stumble, the horse will not run.

You won't wear out your face without shame.

Without the Trinity, a house is not built.

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

Without an owner, the house is an orphan.

Beat the jackdaw and the crow: you will beat your hand, you will kill the falcon.

Beat the magpie and the crow, and you will achieve the white swan.

Take care (dress again, a) honor from a young age.

God saves the safe.

Clueless rest is tiring worse than work.

Broken dishes live for two centuries.

The nearest penny is more expensive than the distant ruble.

The near straw is better than the far senets.

Near the king - near death.

The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.

God (Lord, Christ) endured and commanded us.

God and the city, hell and the village.

God gave, God took.

God will give a day, give food.

God willing, he will give it through the window.

God of the fool, tumble down, feeds.

God loves trinity.

God is merciful.

God nourished, no one saw, and whoever saw, he did not offend.

God is not without mercy (the Cossack is not without happiness).

God will not give out, the pig will not eat.

The god of a rogue (rogue) marks.

God loves work.

God is God, and don't be bad yourself.

Almsgiving is rich in poverty.

Calves for the rich, guys for the poor.

Mind creates wealth.

The rich man takes care of his face, and the poor man takes care of his clothes.

God's to God, and Caesar's to Caesar.

God does not give a horn to a vigorous cow.

Most of all, people are offended by the truth.

Big ship - big voyage.

The beard is grass, you can mow it.

The beard is in honor, and the cat has a mustache.

A beard with a pomelo, and a belly is naked.

Hard words break no bones.

Brother is not responsible for brother.

Brehat - do not wind the flail.

Every dog ​​has his day.

There will be an aunt in the market.

Your soul will be in paradise, remember mine too.

Be without a tail, but don’t seem like a kurguz.

Be a wife even a goat, if only the golden horns.

There was a horse, but it was hackneyed, it was well done, but it was used.

There was a horse, but he rode out.

There was a husband, but he overate pears.

If there was a back, there would be guilt.

There would be a neck, but there is a collar.

There would be money in your pocket.

There would be bones, but the meat will grow.

It would be a swamp, but there are devils.

It would be a trough, but there are pigs.

The youth is not a reproach.

The reality is that resin, and the fiction is that water.

Be a bull on a string.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.

Educate with affection, not dragging.

In April, the earth dies (hurry to plow and sow).

In a thief, in the sea, and in a fool, in unleavened milk.

In the city there is vanity, in the village there is maeta.

In the city they call thickly, but thinly eat.

Away the will of the master.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

In the rain they don’t cover the hut, and they don’t drip into the bucket themselves.

In the rain, mow, and row in the bucket.

In the hanged man's house they don't talk about rope. IN healthy body- a healthy mind.

In the ashes, yes at the right time.

Each hut has its own rattles.

To shoot at a stone is only to lose arrows.

In Moscow, they call thickly, but eat thinly.

It arrived in our regiment.

There is no truth in the legs.

In need, even a sandpiper whistles like a nightingale.

Elderberry in the garden, and uncle in Kyiv.

In one feather, a bird will not be born.

It's getting dark in one pocket, and dawn breaks in the other.

In the undergrowth and pomelo - big.

There are two wills in the field: whose will he take.

In the field and beetle meat.

In the field, wheat will be born in a year, and a kind person will always come in handy.

Half a shoulder is hard work, but if you substitute both, you can do it easier.

In an empty barrel I ring more.

Every family has its black sheep.

To live in orphanage is only to shed tears.

At forty-two, a woman is a berry, at forty-five, a woman is a berry again.

There is no yarn in the yarn, and there is no bargaining in the purse.

In the dark and rotten shines.

In crowded but not mad.

Still waters run deep.

They don't go to Tula with their own samovar.

There is no sweetness in boasting.

There are four wills in the open field.

There are four wills in an open field (at least there, at least here, at least in a different way).

In the wrong hands, the chunk is great.

They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.

We see a twig in someone else's eye, but we don't notice a log in our own.

The devil puts a spoonful of honey in someone else's wife.

Fall on gray, gray will bring everything.

Varvara is my aunt, but really my sister.

Your (your) lips would drink honey.

A widow is a worldly person.

A widower is not a father to children, but an orphan himself.

Everywhere is good, where we are not.

Live a century, learn a century, and you will die a fool.

Great Fedora, but a fool.

Great honor if there is nothing to eat.

A broom in the bath is the boss for everyone.

In spring, the days are long, but the thread is short.

The sea is swaying with the wind, the people are saying.

I took the bast, give me the strap.

I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty.

See a bird in flight.

See an owl in flight.

He sees the eye, but the tooth is numb.

The dog sees milk, but the snout is short.

The bird is visible in flight.

Wine creates guilt.

Own Thaddeus, my (his) Malanya.

Close together, but boring apart.

Water wears away the stone.

Crush water in a mortar - and there will be water.

The ox is not called to drink beer, but they want to carry water on it.

The wolf is not a friend to the horse.

To be afraid of a wolf (wolves) - do not go into the forest.

Feet feed the wolf.

Free will (saved paradise).

There is a pie for seven roads.

The thief steals, and the world mourns.

A thief stole a club from a thief.

Sparrows were in a hurry, but they were born small.

A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.

Here is God, and here is the threshold.

Here's a collar and an arc for you, but I'm not your servant.

Here you are, grandmother, and St. George's Day.

Wax is not a honeycomb, chatter is not good.

There was a crack in front, and a poke in the back.

Time is money.

You will know everything, you will grow old soon.

Everything is clear that bread, that chaff.

Everything will pass, only the truth will remain.

We are all human, we are all human.

Everything will grind, there will be flour.

We all walk under God.

All is well that ends well.

All sisters on earrings.

Everything has its time.

Do not jump up.

Everyone (everyone) goes crazy in their own way.

Every Jeremey, understand about yourself.

Every sandpiper in his swamp is great.

There is nothing like leather.

Every well done to his example.

Everyone seeks the truth, but not everyone creates it.

Every cricket know your hearth.

Every person is equal to himself.

Every fault is to blame.

Every pine makes noise to its forest.

Every seed knows its time.

Everyone (everyone) has his own sore is sick.

Every vegetable has its time.

You can't jump above your head.

Ears (eyes) do not grow above the forehead.

Above measure (through force) and the horse does not jump. Blizzards and blizzards flew in February.

Where wood is chopped, chips fly there.

Where there is a fence, there is a yard, there is a bed.

Where someone was born, there he came in handy.

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

Where there is honey, there are flies.

Where ours did not disappear.

Where it is drunk, there it pours.

Where they drink, there they pour.

Where the hand is, there is the head.

Where it is thin, it breaks there.

Where the owner walks, there the earth will give birth to bread.

It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines (and walk along them).

Eyes are afraid (fear), but hands do. Eyes on a spoon, but do not see a crumb.

The voice of the people is the voice of God.

The stupid one sours, but the smart one will provide for everything.

A deaf priest does not serve two masses.

Looked better than praised.

The oppression of the arc - does not soar, breaks - does not grieve.

To tell the truth is to lose friendship.

They say they milk the chickens.

I lived a year, and I made a horn, I will live another - and I will make a second.

It is good to pray, but it is not good to cover the pots.

Naked oh, and behind the naked God.

Need for invention is cunning.

Hunger is not an aunt (she won’t slip a pie).

A hungry chicken is dreaming of everything.

The hungry do not understand the well-fed.

Naked sheep are not sheared.

Naked as a saint (not afraid of trouble).

Need for inventions is cunning.

The mountain gave birth to a mouse.

Mountain and mountain do not converge, but man will converge with man.

Leopard change his spots.

Grief marries, need marries.

The grief of one cancer only paints.

The Lord will not give out, the pig will not eat.

The Lord endured and commanded us.

A guest on the threshold - happiness in the house.

The guest does not stay long, but sees a lot.

Guests are welcomed twice: when they arrive and when they leave.

It is a sin to steal, but it cannot be avoided.

Sin and trouble does not live on anyone.

They are looking for mushrooms, they are prowling through the forest.

Thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.

Thunder rumbles not from a cloud, but from a dunghill.

Thunder will not strike, the peasant will not cross himself.

A goose is not a friend of a pig.

They gave the fool a canvas, and he says: "thick."

Having given the word, hold on, and not having given it, be strong.

The sandpiper is far from Peter's day.

Distant farewell - extra tears.

The gift was accepted by the one who gave to the worthy.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

They give - take, and they beat - run.

Two summers after winter, one by itself.

Two bears do not live in the same den.

You cannot step into the same river twice.

Two dogs are squabbling, the third does not pester.

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

Girlish shame to the threshold, and crossed, and forgot.

Things are going, the office writes.

Things are like soot.

Do not do business, but do not run away from business.

Are you trying to do things, but are you lying from the case?

The work of the master is afraid.

It's not a bear (not a wolf), it won't go into the forest (it won't run away).

Business time, fun hour.

They love counting money.

The day feeds the year.

Day and night - days away.

Money is a good servant, but a bad master.

Money is a livelihood.

Money is like water.

Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.

Hold your pocket wider.

Cheap and cheerful.

Dick and stupid, so they beat more.

The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.

For a friend, seven miles is not a suburb.

For a sweet friend and an earring from an ear.

God is high, the king is far away.

Until the wedding will heal.

Good glory lies, and the bad one runs.

A kind word and a cat is pleased.

Good Savva good and glory.

Closer (informer) the first whip.

Debt good turn deserves another.

Long send-offs - extra tears.

Long sleep is a duty to sleep.

Long sleep, long to get up.

The house is not large, but does not order to lie.

Houses and straw are eatable (edom).

Home walls help.

Home thought is not good for the road.

Road spoon to dinner.

The road of alms in poverty.

Expensive testicle for Christ's day.

Expensive, but cute, cheap, but rotten.

Firewood is chopped, chips fly.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.

Friendly - not heavy, but apart - at least drop it.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Thoughts are behind the mountains, and trouble is behind.

The fool is sleeping, and happiness is in her head.

A fool is not a fool, but kind of like that.

The fool is beaten at the altar.

To teach a fool that the dead can be cured.

The law is not written for fools.

Fools are not yelled at, they are not sown, but they themselves are born.

Fools do not sow, do not reap, they themselves will be born.

The law is not written for a fool.

A bad head does not give rest to the legs.

Bad grass out of the field.

Fools get rich with thought.

Bad examples are contagious.

There is no smoke without fire.

You go for a day, take bread for a week.

Eat, yes, yours, and you stand next to me.

Yerema, Yerema, you should sit at home and sharpen your spindles.

If youth knew, if old age could.

If the earth perepereetsya in April, it means that May will sow in time.

If cheerful at work, then playful on vacation.

If you rush everywhere, there won't be enough time for anything.

If you plow with a plow, the earth will become a meadow.

There is a hole, there will be a hole.

There is kvass, but not about you.

There is nothing to eat, but live happily.

There is, but not about your honor.

Eat mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut.

Eat pies, take care of bread.

The king favors, but the kennel does not favor.

Waiting and catching up - no worse.

A wife is not a mitten: you can’t throw it off your hand, you can’t plug it into your belt.

A wife is not a boot, you can’t take it off your feet.

A wife without a husband is worse than a widow.

The wife caresses, but the mother regrets.

Married is not cursed.

Marry - change.

Marrying does not attack, but, as it were, having married, not the abyss.

The female mind is better than any thoughts.

A living man is afraid of death.

The living soul of the kalachik wants.

We live and eat bread.

To lead an animal - do not open your mouth to walk.

Life is not young, death is not old.

To live life is not a field to cross.

Forget your kind, and you are nobody.

I don’t care about the taste, but it will be hot and wet.

I don’t take up the taste, but I cook it hot.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

You can't keep up with his (her) tongue barefoot.

Across the sea, a heifer is a half, but a ruble is transported.

In the absence of a stamp, they write in simple.

For the truth-womb and die sweetly.

For a penny everywhere is good.

They don't take money for asking.

You can't keep up with your tongue.

Don't chase the poke.

What you go for, you will find.

For what I bought, for that I sell.

Hang grief with a rope.

Treasured ring and well-worn is good.

The law that the drawbar: where you turned, it went there.

Forty Jacob set up one thing about everyone.

A crow flew into the high mansions.

The stock of the pocket does not rub.

The request does not fit into the pocket.

Make a fool pray to God, he will hurt his forehead.

Forty Jacob confirmed.

If you want a dad, you stretch out your paws.

Went to the godfather, but sat in prison.

The hare is from the fox, and the frog is running from the hare.

Calls of tambourines over the mountains.

If I had known the buyback, I would have lived in Sochi.

Green grapes are not tasty, young people are not skilled.

The earth did not converge.

The evil one cries out of envy, and the good one out of pity.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

Know the edge, don't fall.

Know ours (the last penny point-blank).

Know your cricket pole.

If I knew where to fall, I would spread straws.

Know the bird by flight.

They call it a name, but they call it a duck.

Gold glitters even in the mud.

There are teeth, but there is nothing to eat.

And be without a tail, but do not seem to be a kurguz.

And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe.

From dirt to Kings.

And cheap and cheerful.

And the goat does not blaspheme himself, even if it stinks. And the mosquito will knock down the horse, if the wolf helps.

And the mountain is steep, but forgetful (and dashing trouble, but redundant).

And Moscow was not built right away.

And my money is not a waste.

And the stumbling lives on the goodness of the horse.

And there are guests at the churchyard.

And there is a hole in the old woman.

Both ours and yours...

And I would be glad to heaven, but sins are not allowed.

And laughter and sin.

And damp firewood catches fire.

And there is a sense, but not all of it is pushed in.

And the walls have ears.

And I want and prick.

And tears flow through the gold.

And the devil, under old age, went to the monks.

It is not worth it.

Abbess for a cup, sisters for ladles.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.

You can't take a word out of a song.

You can’t sew a fur coat out of thanks.

Or a chest in crosses, or a head in the bushes.

Either pan or gone.

The spark of the carcass before the fire, take away the trouble before the impact.

From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

Search - do not say, found - do not show.

Look for the wind in the field.

They go to Mass on the ringing, and to dinner on the call.

To what the soul lies, to that the hands will be attached.

If he knew where to fall, he would spread straws.

Each hen praises its perch.

To each his own.

Who knows how, he does. Who does not know how, he teaches.

What is the tree, such is the wedge, what is the father, such is the son.

To each his own sore is sick.

Everyone goes crazy in their own way.

You can even hold a government goat by the tail - you can sew a fur coat.

As it comes around, so it will respond.

Like a rope, do not wind, but the end will be.

No matter how you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

No matter how you turn the dog, and the tail is behind.

No matter how you throw it, everything is a wedge.

No matter how you fight a bull, you can’t get all the milk from him.

Like water off a duck's back, unprecedented words.

Like a dog in the manger: she does not eat herself and does not give to others.

As I want, so I turn back.

What is in the cradle, such is in the grave.

What is the pop, such is the arrival.

What is a birch, such is the process.

What is life, such is sleep.

What are themselves, such are the sledges.

No matter what finger you bite, everything hurts.

A drop and a stone hollow (sharpen).

You won't spoil the porridge with butter.

The gut tells the gut.

Put the manure thick, the barn will not be empty.

The wedge is knocked out by a wedge.

The mare competed with the wolf, only the tail and mane remained.

When we die, then we will grieve.

When it started in the tail, then the washcloth in the head.

Whom I love, I beat.

The claw is stuck - the whole bird is abyss.

Fear the goat in front, the horse behind, and the man from all sides.

Prick and fight, but still hope.

If God does not give out, then the pig will not eat!

Who cares that the godfather was sitting with the godfather.

Whoever marries whom will be born into that.

The end is the crown.

Finished the job, walk boldly.

A horse with four legs, but stumbles.

A horse is recognized in grief, and a friend in trouble.

A penny saves a ruble.

Cow in the yard, grub on the table.

A scythe is a girlish beauty.

Toys for a cat, tears for a mouse.

The bird is red with the feather, and the man with the mind.

The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.

Beauty to the crown, and the mind to the end.

Crooked crook acts, but otherwise does not know.

The hut is not cut with a cry.

Round - roll, flat - carry.

Grain after grain is chasing with a club.

Cool until soon - no doubt.

Whoever went to the horses, he carries water.

Whoever has not been to the sea has not prayed to God.

Whoever is lucky is driven.

Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.

Whoever digs a hole for another will fall into it himself.

Whoever digs a hole for another will fall into it himself.

Who thinks for three days, he will choose the evil ones.

Who rides, he rules.

Who eats quickly, he works quickly.

Those who do not know how to live cannot learn how to die.

Who loves the priest, who loves, who loves the priest's daughter.

Who has not been small, that diaper is not dirty.

Whoever is a pop is a dad.

Whoever took the stick is the corporal.

Whoever sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.

Whoever is happy about the holiday is drunk to the light.

Who is drunk and smart, two lands in it.

Who gets up early, God gives.

Who dared, he ate two.

Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.

Where a horse with a hoof, there is a cancer with a claw.

Wherever you throw, everywhere (everything) is a wedge.

Strike while the iron is hot.

They killed the cuckoo, but they didn’t bite their tongue.

Kuma on foot - godfather is easier.

Bought blunted.

A chicken pecks grain by grain, but it happens to be full.

The chicken is not an aunt, the pig is not a sister.

A hen pecks grain by grain, but it happens to be full.

The little man got along with the shuttle, but he brought it to the earwig.

Okay, if you can do everything yourself; it's not okay if you do everything yourself.

Affectionate calf sucks two queens.

You can't break through a wall with your forehead.

He lay down - curled up, got up - shook himself.

Easier (easier) on corners.

The recumbent is not beaten.

Climbs into wolves, and the tail is dog.

The forest does not cry for wood.

They cut the forest - the chips fly.

The ladder must be swept from above, not from below.

Summer day feeds the year.

Summer is not without thunderstorms, seeing off is not without tears.

Summer is a hoard, winter is a hoard.

Summer works for winter, and winter for summer.

In summer it pours for two days - it dries for an hour, in autumn it pours for an hour, it dries for two weeks.

Either in the stirrup with your foot, or in the stump with your head.

Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.

Sink or swim.

Either eat the fish or run aground.

Either a tuft of hay, or a pitchfork in the side.

Either taste it from a frying pan, or a frying pan.

Down and Out trouble started.

Catch the wind in the field.

A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey.

He feeds with a spoon, pricks his eye with a stem.

It is better to live in envy than in pity.

Better a small fish than a big cockroach.

Better to see once than hear a hundred times.

Better late than never.

Better seven axes than seven hooves.

Better a tit in the hand than a crane in the sky.

Better to die in a field than in a woman's hem.

Better bread and water than a pie with trouble.

Love to ride, love to carry sleds.

Love do not love, but look more often.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

I love the young man for the custom.

Love is blind.

Love is not a potato - you can't throw it out the window.

Loving, remember that there is hatred.

When you hate, remember that there is love.

The people of lies, and so are we.

People plow, and we wave our hands.

Human happiness, that the water is in a delusion.

Small spool but precious.

The bird is small, but the nail is bright.

Small dog to old age puppy.

Mother rye feeds everyone completely, and wheat is about choice.

The mother will raise her hand high, but it will not hurt her lower.

The bear does not wash, but lives healthy.

The boundary is not a wall, but it is impossible to climb over.

There is a lot of meleva, but there is no grinding.

Meli, Emelya, your week.

A frozen face and a blizzard in the eyes.

At least support the fence with a dead body.

The dead are not carried from the churchyard.

He aimed at a crow, but hit a cow.

Mix business with idleness, you will live a century with fun.

Mix business with idleness, you won't go crazy.

You are welcome to our hut.

Darlings scold - only to amuse themselves.

The world will blow - the wind will be, the world will spit - the sea will be.

The world is not without good people.

You will know a lot, you will grow old soon.

A lot of sleep - no good to be seen.

He was young - he was known as a horse, he became old - he became a bed.

Young, never been to Saxony.

Well done against the sheep, but against the well done and the sheep himself.

Young is green (ordered to take a walk).

Mushrooms are young, but there are worms in them.

Milk on the tongue of a cow.

Silent means consent.

Moscow was not built in a day.

Moscow burned down from a penny candle.

Moscow does not believe in tears.

Moshna tight - every servant is her.

My home is my castle.

My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything.

Wisely made.

The husband does not dung with a cart what the wife does with a pot.

Husband and wife are one Satan.

A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.

Husband and wife scold, but lie down under one fur coat.

A peasant gets richer - he goes to a bar, a master gets poorer - he goes to a peasant.

A man in a family is like a mother in a hut.

A man doesn’t drink for a year, and he doesn’t drink for two, but as soon as the devil breaks through, he will drink it all away.

A man and a dog in the yard, and a woman and a cat in the hut.

The man is strong in hindsight.

The man is gray, but his mind has not been eaten by the devil.

A man, get ready to die, and plow the land.

The mouse is not afraid of mop.

All the bumps fall on poor Makar.

In the wilderness and Thomas a nobleman.

On lack of fish and cancer fish.

Grass does not grow on a broken road.

Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself.

There is silk on the belly, and silk in the belly.

Forever, as on a long drag (you will have to go through different things).

There is no sample (comrade) for taste and color.

Glory to the wolf, and Savva drags the sheep.

The thief's hat is on fire.

The sun won't shine on everyone.

You can't please everyone.

You can’t throw a scarf over every mouth.

You won't be spared for every hour.

You won’t be congratulated for every chok.

For every (every) sage, simplicity is enough.

For every desire there is patience.

You don’t greet every sneeze.

There is no master for sin.

On whom God, on that and good people.

On a strong bough - a sharp ax.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

On people (on the world) and death is red.

Thankfully there is no pattern.

The caftan is at least gray on the peasant, but his mind has not been eaten by the devil.

Enough fools for our age.

No, there is no judgment.

A worm on one end, a fool on the other.

Go hunting - feed the dogs.

To live in a churchyard, you won’t mourn everyone.

At the mention, like a sheaf on a ram.

On the promise that on a chair: you sit and get up.

Sitting on a mat, they don’t talk about sables.

There are good people in the world.

They carry water on the angry.

On you, God, that we are not good.

That's why the pike in the sea, so that the crucian does not doze off.

Grass doesn't grow on a dirt road.

For an hour the mind was gone, forever passed for a fool.

Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf (but get up early and start your own).

You can't sew buttons on someone else's mouth.

You can't throw a scarf over someone else's mouth.

There were guests from all volosts.

The dung of God will deceive.

Above us is not caplet.

The tit has made glory, but the sea has not lit.

Gruzdev called himself get in the body.

God punished the people: he sent a governor.

A people without a thunderstorm is like a horse without a bridle.

Dress up a stump, and the stump will be good.

You won't be forced to be nice.

Nature is a fool, fate is a turkey, and life is a penny.

He started for health, and brought (finished) for peace.

Our atlas will not leave us.

Our shot has ripened everywhere.

Our rank does not like sheepskins.

Our upper room does not argue with God.

Our house is on the edge.

Our business is veal (I ate it in the back).

Our regiment has arrived.

Found a scythe on a stone.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

Do not be afraid of the dog that barks, but be afraid of the one that is silent and wags its tail.

Don't be afraid of the court, be afraid of the judge.

Don't be picky about people, be friendly at home.

Do not be thrifty to the guest, but be glad to him.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.

There was not a penny, but suddenly Altyn.

The woman had no trouble, she bought a pig.

Money can not buy happiness.

Not on the forehead, so on the forehead.

At the wrong time, a guest is worse than a Tatar.

Do not sit in your sleigh.

Not in service, but in friendship.

It's not your cart, it's not for you to carry it.

They didn’t order them to be executed, they told them to say a word.

The golik is not great, but in the bath he is the king.

Do not believe speeches, believe your eyes.

Don't trust your ears, trust your eyes.

I do not see - the soul is dying, I see - from the soul rushing.

At the wrong time, a guest is worse than a Tatar.

Not a wolf's tooth, but a fox's tail.

Not all cats have Shrove Tuesday (there is also Great Lent).

Not all pines in the forest are ship pines.

Not all that glitters is gold.

Without sleeping, without feeding, you won’t make a heap.

Not every villain, who is dashing for an hour.

Not every bast in a line.

Don't believe every rumor.

Don't say gop until you jump over.

Don't talk bad about yourself, your friends will take care of it.

They do not beat the wolf with a race, with a trick.

It's not the comb that scratches your head, but time.

Do not give habits so that there is no looking back.

Without giving a word, be strong, but after giving it, hold on.

God forbid the pig's horns, and the peasant nobility.

God did not give the pig horns, but it would have been boduscha.

Don't do your good, but do my bad.

Do not keep a hundred rubles, keep a hundred friends.

Not to fat, to be alive.

An hour is not dear to time, but dear to good luck.

Not one bread a person is alive.

They beat the wolf not for being gray, but for eating the sheep.

You don't know where you will find, where you will lose.

Do not know the ford, do not poke your head into the water.

The woman did not know grief, the woman bought a pig.

Do not rid yourself of the hateful, God will take away the dear.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Do not look in the village, but look in yourself.

If it wasn’t for the wedge and not the moss, the carpenter would have died.

The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.

Don't buy a yard, buy a neighbor.

If you don’t like it, don’t listen, but don’t interfere with lying.

It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.

It's not my cart, it's not for me to carry it.

It is not for us to judge priests, there are devils for that.

It didn't start with us, and it won't end with us.

Not our cart, not for us to carry it.

Don't cheat, don't sell.

Not the first winter for the wolf to spend the winter.

Not the first snow on the head.

Do not spit in the well, you will need water to drink.

Not nice for good, but good for nice.

Without looking at the holy calendar, but bang in the (big) bell.

If you don't rub it, you won't go.

Not caught, not a thief.

Without singing, without feeding, you will not make a heap.

Do not rejoice in someone else's misfortune, your own is on the ridge.

Do not be shy, sparrow (fight with a crow).

Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy.

Don't be born smart or handsome, but be born happy.

Do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself.

Do not live with wealth, but with a person.

Do not live with money, but with good people.

Don't drink water from your face.

On the wrong foot, godfather, she went to dance.

There is nothing (to walk), so with a tambourine.

It didn’t shine, it didn’t burn, but suddenly it got hot.

Not to be heard, but to be.

Do not laugh at someone else's misfortune, your own on the ridge.

Do not laugh at the beans, peas, you yourself will wallow under your feet.

Don't laugh, peas, no better than beans.

Don't lie, don't sell.

Don't hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

Without asking the ford, do not poke your head into the water.

The beggar is not afraid that the village is on fire - he took his bag and went.

Do not poke your head in vestments, if not pop.

Do not promise a crane in the sky, but give a titmouse in your hands.

Not the overcoat that glitters with buttons, but the one that warms.

Do not live as you want, but as God commands.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted.

It’s not the care that there is a lot of work, but the care that there is none.

Not the one lives more, whose age is longer.

If you don't know how to sew with gold, strike with a hammer.

The short-haired girl will not have time to braid her braids.

Without learning, you can’t weave bast shoes.

Don't teach a fish to swim.

They didn’t teach, as long as you lay across the bench, but stretched out to the fullest, you won’t teach.

Do not praise beer in wort, and rye in winter.

Do not boast, going to the army.

Do not boast, going to the army (but boast, going with the army).

Praise before the deed is not laudable.

I do not want to the gate, take apart the fence.

It's not a thing, it's a mind thing.

The bird is small, but the nail is bright.

Bride in retaliation.

The week is strong on Wednesday.

Undersalted on the table, and oversalted on the back.

An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar.

Dunno lies on the stove, and the know-it-all runs along the path.

Unsightly nag, but run well.

The unlucky head does not give rest to the legs.

No smoke without fire.

There is no sweeter friend than a mother.

There is no rose without thorns.

There is no bad without good.

There is nothing to pay the debt, let me go across the Volga.

The new broom sweeps clean.

The nose will be pulled out - the tail will get stuck, the tail will be pulled out - the nose will get stuck.

Wear a dress - do not sweep away, endure grief - do not say.

The night cuckoo will cuckle the day (day) cuckoo.

The need will teach kalachi to eat.

Need jumps, need dances, need sings songs.

The day is not beautiful without the sun, life is not sweet without small children.

Do not brag about your father, brag about your young son.

From the master's eye, the horse becomes kinder.

Good is not sought from good.

The promised three years are waiting.

Burnt in milk, blowing on water.

Burnt in milk, you will blow into the water.

The doomed cattle (in the yard) is not a beast.

The common pot boils thicker.

Oats don't follow the horse.

The game is not worth the candle.

The sheepskin is worth the candle.

There is safety in numbers.

One for all and all for one.

One is grieving at home, and two are fighting in the field.

One and the porridge will perish.

One crucian will fall off, another will break off, the third, God willing, will get caught.

One mouth and that fights.

One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.

One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.

One head is not poor, but poor, so alone.

One swallow does not make spring.

One fly will not eat even the belly.

One black sheep spoils the whole flock.

One speech is not a proverb.

You can't tie a knot with one hand.

One and porridge is undeniable.

An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

You will shorten - you will not turn back.

Twenty-five again.

Again for fish money.

Autumn will jump, but as spring wants.

Sharp an ax, yes a bitch is toothy.

Good is not sought from good.

You can't protect yourself from a house thief.

From the heat and the stone will crack.

Horses die from work.

There is a lot of squealing from a pig, but no wool.

You can't protect yourself from your thief.

You can't escape fate.

Do not renounce the bag and the prison (or do not renounce it).

From the works of the righteous you will not make stone chambers.

From the devil with a cross, from a pig with a pestle, but nothing from a dashing person.

Called back - and down with the bell tower.

Sheep's tears will respond to the wolf.

Mouse tears will respond to the cat.

Mouse tears will shed to the cat.

Shrovetide has gone to the cat.

You can’t put a cut slice on bread.

Can't see from here.

Hunting is worse than captivity.

The hunt is mortal, but the fate is bitter.

Hunt to amuse - it does not matter to pay.

An error is not false.

Pan either disappeared.

The lords are fighting, and the serfs' forelocks are cracking.

Steam doesn't break bones.

Black sheep spoils the whole herd.

Drink at the table, but don't drink at the post.

The first (glass, cup) with a stake, the second with a falcon, the third with small birds.

The first scolding is better than the last.

They sing the first song blushing.

Blushing to sing the first song.

The first pancake is (always) lumpy.

The first snow is not winter, the first sweetheart is not a bride.

While there is life there is hope.

Front rear axle.

It will grind, there will be flour.

Rebirth is worse than underbirth.

The foot horseman is not a friend.

Walking is a long life.

Beer is not brewed by the rich, but by the rich.

Wrote a scribbler, and his name is a dog.

They wrote not walked.

You can’t break a butt with a whip.

A bad soldier is one who does not hope to be a general.

The bad news does not lie still.

A bad soldier is one who does not hope to be a general.

It’s not an hour for mushrooms, and there are no berries, so at least for pine (spruce) cones.

For a thief and flour.

They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind.

Stretch your legs along the clothes.

According to Senka and a hat (according to Yerema, a cap).

On a full belly, even with a butt (hit).

A jug of water got into the habit - to break his head.

The pitcher got into the habit of walking on the water, and there he would break his head.

A fault confessed is half redressed.

A fist under the head, and under the sides - and so on.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Serve the thief and flour.

The godfather went to no one knows where.

The wolf took pity on the mare, left a tail and a mane.

Wait and see.

I envied the bald bald man.

While the woman is flying from the stove, seventy-seven thoughts will change her mind.

Until the sun rises, the dew will eat out the eyes.

An owl will seem better than a clear falcon.

Bow down - the head will not fall off.

As long as the sun rises, the dew will eat out the eyes.

Easier on turns.

Satan will love more than a clear falcon.

An owl will fall in love better than a clear falcon.

Satan will like it more than a clear falcon.

You will recognize the priest in the mat.

Got into a flock, bark not bark, but wag your tail.

The priest's belly, like a bird, crushes everything.

An attempt is not torture (and demand is not a problem).

You work until you sweat, and you eat on the hunt.

A linen shirt is not naked, bread from the floor is not hungry.

They don't wave their fists after a fight.

After the wedding, every thousand.

The Pope's last wife.

The proverb will never break.

The proverb is not in vain.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

If you lose - do not regret, if you find - do not rejoice.

You can regale, captivate sin.

A pig looks like a bull, only the wool is not like that.

The initiative is more valuable than the deed.

Went to priests, so serve memorial services.

Went to a godfather, but sat in prison.

The hut went along the upper room, the canopy along the floor.

The truth is good, but happiness is better.

Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

The truth hurts the eyes.

The truth does not burn on fire and does not sink in water.

Before the father, do not poke your head in the noose.

You will not die before death.

Habit is second nature.

Habit is not a mitten, you can't hang it on a match.

They warmed the snake, and she took you by the neck.

Autumn will come, he will ask for everything.

Trouble has come, open the gate.

You don't talk about the same yeast twice.

The spilled does not fully live.

Spilled water cannot be collected.

The fur is gone and it's a sin on the father.

Ask a lot, and take what they give.

Simplicity is worse than theft.

Don't puff up against the wind.

Against the heat and the stone will crack.

Needs must when the devil drives.

Shrovetide has passed for the cat.

Straight (only) crows fly.

A frightened crow is afraid of a bush.

They let the goat into the garden.

An empty spike carries its head up.

The bee takes the bribe too.

Drunk and smart, two lands in it.

A drunkard will oversleep, but a fool never.

Drunken sea knee-deep.

Fools love work.

Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.

I would be glad to heaven, but sins are not allowed.

The robber is a living dead.

Early sowing to late in the barn does not go.

The early bird cleans the sock, the late bird tears through the eyes.

Early the little bird sang, as if the cat had not eaten.

You won't die before death.

Angry at fleas (at lice), and a fur coat in the oven.

Grow big, but don't be noodles (reach a verst, but don't be simple).

The craft does not hang behind the shoulders.

A smart man will not go to the mountains, a smart one will bypass the mountains!

Risk is a noble cause.

Chop the tree for yourself.

The hand washes the hand (and both are white).

The Russian man is strong in hindsight.

The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where it is better.

The fish rots from the head.

Birds of a feather flock together.

The fisherman sees the fisherman far in the reach.

Fish and grouse - lose your money.

The fisherman feeds one ton.

To live with wolves is to be like a wolf.

Out of sight, out of mind.

From the naked, as from a saint (bribes are smooth).

More visible from the mountain.

You can't brew beer with a fool.

With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

With a dashing dog, even a tuft of wool.

Don't drink water from your face.

He feeds from a spoon, but pricks his eyes.

With people and death is red.

With small children, grief, with large children - twice.

With a sweet paradise and in a hut.

With the world and the trouble is not a loss.

With the world on a thread - a naked shirt (shirt).

Two skins are not pulled from one ox.

From a black sheep (dog), at least a tuft of wool.

Bowing down won't give you a headache.

To be with a bee - to be in the honey, and to contact a beetle - to be in manure.

Don't fight the strong, don't sue the rich.

You lie down with a dog, you get up with fleas.

With a cloth snout and in a Kalash row (do not poke your head).

Fight with your son - hold on to the stove, fight with your son-in-law - hold on to the door.

From someone else's horse in the middle of the mud down.

He himself brewed porridge, he himself and disentangle.

The slave beats herself if she reaps uncleanly.

Shoemaker without shoes.

Swatu the first cup and the first stick.

The world is not without good people.

The world is not a wedge converged.

A pig is not up to piglets if it is scorched.

The pig (says) to the hog, and the hog to the whole city.

The pig will find dirt.

Our people - let's count.

Their dogs squabble, do not pester someone else's.

Your own eye is a diamond (and someone else's glass).

Your eye is a looker.

Your reluctant friend.

Your mind is the king in your head.

Your will is worse than your will.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

It does not carry its own burden.

Your shirt is closer to your body.

Your hand is the lord.

You don't know your own.

Knowing your own.

A holy place is never empty.

Gray hair in a beard, demon in a rib.

Seven do not wait for one.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Seven miles to heaven and all in the forest.

Seven times measure cut once.

Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels apart.

The heart of a prophet (feels good and bad).

The heart is not a stone.

The heart is not a basket, you will not break through the window.

The heart gives the message to the heart.

Lawless Heart.

The power is there - the mind is not needed.

Strength breaks straw.

Sweetheart should not be a force.

Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

The spoken word is silver, the unspoken is golden.

No sooner said than done.

The fairy tale is a fold, but the song is true.

Good riddance.

No matter how much the rope is twisted, the end will be.

No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

No matter how much a thief steals, a whip cannot be avoided.

So many heads, so many minds.

Long time no see.

How many people - so many opinions.

Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.

Lead cattle - do not open your mouth to walk.

Smooth the cattle not with your hand, but with flour.

Greed is not stupidity.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Glorious are the tambourines beyond the mountains (and they will come to us like a basket).

Honey is sweet, but not two spoonfuls in your mouth.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

The blind man said, "We'll see."

Word is silver, silence is gold.

The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it.

The word is not a sparrow, you will not catch it.

The earth is full of hearing.

Listen with your ear, not your belly.

I heard a ringing, but you don’t know where it is.

Right off the bat.

From the ship to the ball.

The brave one can sip peas, but the timid one cannot see (empty) cabbage soup.

Cheek brings success.

The brave will find where the timid loses.

Death is not far off, but behind.

Death by sin is terrible.

Death will find a reason.

Laughter and sin (grief).

The ax is humble, but the spindle is vigorous.

Resin will not stick to oak.

A tear from youth, a hole under old age.

Snow and steam, so you will not be old.

A sheaf without a bandage is straw.

When you take off your head, you don't cry for your hair.

With happiness, it’s good to walk on mushrooms.

The dog barks, the wind carries.

A dog's death to a dog.

An owl about an owl, and everyone about himself.

Even the wolf does not take a consonant herd.

The falcon is out of place, and the crow is in place.

To live with wolves - howl like a wolf.

A soldier on vacation - a shirt made of trousers.

The soldier sleeps, and the service goes on.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

Weed grass out of the field.

Forty years - a woman's age (forty-five - a woman berry again).

Magpie on the tail brought.

Thanks to your house, I will go to another house.

Thanks, you won't be full.

Sleep long - get up with duty.

Sleep - you sin less.

After summer, raspberry picking in the forest (do not go).

An old mare will not spoil the furrow.

Old love doesn't rust.

An old bird is not caught with chaff.

The old grows old and the young grows.

Old age is not joy (not red days).

Don't call an old dog daddy.

Remember old yeast twice.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Old as small.

The old horse does not spoil the furrow.

The old grows old, the young grows.

Old that small.

Walls have ears.

Endure, fall in love.

Terrible dream, God bless.

A short-haired girl will not braid her braids.

Shame is not smoke, eyes will not eat.

You can’t drive around your betrothed on crooked shafts.

You can’t ride a betrothed with a horse.

A dry spoon is tearing at your mouth.

Happy people don't keep track of time.

To be happy is to annoy everyone.

Happiness without mind is a holey scrip.

Happiness on the bridge with a cup.

Rash, Matvey, do not spare bast shoes.

The well-fed does not understand the hungry.

Let's sit down and have a good conversation.

They don't go to Tula with their samovar.

A sober drunk is not a friend.

The same pike, but under horseradish.

It's good where we're not.

Your lips would drink honey.

The calf died, the barn arrived.

Patience and a little effort.

Be patient, Cossack, you will be an ataman.

The same cabbage soup, but pour in a thinner one.

Tesh my custom, sit down in the heads.

Now thick, then empty (then there is nothing).

That means that the harness jumps, but the root one is unlucky.

The goods will fall in love - the mind part.

There is a sense, but not all of it is pushed in.

Interpret the patient with the assistant doctor.

Only the chicken rows from itself.

He drowned - the ax promised, but when they pulled it out - it was a pity for the ax handle (it became).

Trade - who will help out, and who will learn.

Trade knows the measure, the weight and the score.

The same pancake, but on a different dish.

The same Savka on the same sled.

It is difficult against the pricks of prati.

You are closer to the point, and he is talking about a white goat.

You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.

Tyap-blunder - and the ship.

A woman's hair is long, but her mind is short.

The rich have calves, and the poor have guys.

Every Paul has his own truth.

Every rogue has his own calculation.

Every livestock has its own variegation.

Every hut has its creaks.

Every bird has its own habits.

Every old woman has her holes.

At hungry godfather bread on my mind.

The evil Natalya has all the people of the canal.

Whoever has a lot of work ahead, he does not look back.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

The walls have ears.

Fear has big eyes.

They drank at Fili's, but they beat Fili.

The bread is not without crumbs.

Bread is not without crumbs, trade is not without damage.

A killed magpie paints a gun.

Loss mind gain.

A bargain is a bargain.

Rolled Sivka (cloak) steep hills.

Shorten - do not turn back.

Julitta is coming, someday she will.

The mind does not wait for a beard.

The mind is good, but two is better (of that).

Clever head, but the fool got it.

Clever speech is pleasant to listen to.

Steep hills hid Sivka.

If you let the fire go, you won't put it out.

The mustache is in honor, but the goat also has a beard.

A drowning man grasps at straws.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

Steep hills left Sivka.

To teach a scientist is only to spoil.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Teach while it fits across the bench, but stretches out to the fullest - you won’t teach.

Fedot, but not that one.

Praise the rye in a haystack, and the master in a coffin.

Praise the morning in the evening.

The tit boasted of lighting the sea.

The devil boasted of owning the whole world, but God did not give him power over a pig.

Praise, don't choke.

Boast - do not mow, your back does not hurt.

The boastful word is rotten.

The tail of the head is not a pointer.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread for the belly does not go (but the belly for bread).

Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth.

Good bite, but not for our lips.

Silk is good on a girl, if a girl is a good judge.

Good rope is long and speech is short.

Good daughter Annushka, if (when) mother and grandmother praise.

Good Masha, but not ours.

Good things come in small packages.

Good speeches are pleasant to listen to.

Good wine needs no ivy bush.

It is good for him to live, to whom his grandmother tells fortunes.

Although the eye sees, the tooth is numb.

Though a goal, but right.

Although there is nothing, but live happily.

Though a heavy share, but everything is your own will.

Though barren, but calves.

Though oblique and crooked, but from someone else's garden ...

I want to and prick (and my mother does not order).

I want to eat with porridge, I want to butter butter.

Radish horseradish is not sweeter.

Christ endured and commanded us.

Thin grass out of the field.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

Thin grass out of the field.

Bad news does not lie still.

Royal favors are sown in the boyar sieve.

There is always enough space for the king and kissel.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Drinking tea is not chopping wood.

You pass an hour, you live a century.

It doesn't get any easier from time to time.

An hour to endure, and a century to live.

You'll miss an hour, you won't catch up with a year.

An hour with kvass, sometimes with water.

What you want is what you ask for.

Man proposes, but God disposes.

The richer, the more happy.

Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry.

What they give, they do not reproach.

The more you hurt, the better you heal.

What the hell is not joking (while God sleeps).

Which have not be avoided.

What you laugh at, you work for.

Tears flow through gold.

Through force, the horse does not jump.

They do not thresh through the sheaf.

You can't wash a black dog white.

Honor is better than dishonor.

Read, bookworm, do not spare your eyes.

What (nor) the city, then tempers.

What was, is gone (and overgrown with past).

What's on the forehead, what's on the forehead.

What is taken is sacred.

What is in the oven, everything is on the table swords.

What an honor if there is nothing to eat.

What's the noise, but no fight?

What we have, we do not store, having lost, we cry.

What's what usually: nose - to tobacco, neck - to the fist.

What you drag with your feet in summer, you pick up with your lips in winter.

What the world, then the woman's son.

What the husband does not dung with a cart, the wife applies with a pot.

Whatever pop, then dad.

What goes around comes around.

What goes around comes around.

What you stomp is what you stomp.

What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.

What fell from the cart is gone.

What is taken by force is not holy.

What is soon, it is not disputed.

What is in the teeth of a wolf, Yegory sent.

Whatever hurts, he talks about it.

What is on the sober mind, the drunk on the tongue.

What I want, then I turn back.

To teach others, you need to sharpen your mind.

In order not to make a mistake, do not rush.

To recognize a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him.

The cat smells whose meat it has eaten.

Alien soul - darkness.

Someone else's hut is insidious.

The other side will add mind.

Someone else's good for the future will not.

I’ll sort out someone else’s misfortune with my hands, but I won’t apply my mind to my own.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

As above, so below.

Shay, widow, wide sleeves, it would have been where to put unbelievable words.

Murder will out.

You can't heat the sea with an awl.

The neck pot is big.

Shea and porridge are our food.

Shchey pot yes itself big.

Shchi and porridge are our food.

This crow is not our defense.

This is written on the water with a pitchfork.

These are still flowers, and berries are ahead.

This number will not work.

I am not me, and the horse is not mine (and I am not a driver).

The apple never falls far from the tree.

The apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree.

Boneless tongue.

Language will bring to Kyiv.

My tongue is my enemy (before the mind speaks).

You can't beat butter with your tongue.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

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Russians folk proverbs and sayings for many centuries were created by the people themselves. They contain the wisdom of many generations. Through these proverbs, we can easily introduce our children to the mores and customs of the Russian people. Children will learn how the Russian people worked, earning their living, and how they rested. Yes, there are many interesting things to learn! 🙂

Russian folk proverbs

Artel is good to beat the enemy.

A woman's mind is better than any thoughts.

God finds every lie.

You can't deceive God, even if you get up early.

God will give - and will give in the window.

God will not take out the soul, the soul itself will not come out.

God will punish - no one will indicate.

Fame is not good without a penny.

My God, God, let's eat, sleep and again for the same.

You will soon make trouble, but you will not survive soon.

Trouble comes in pounds, and leaves in gold.

The bath will heal - the conversation is fun.

Without a husband, a wife is always an orphan.

Take it together, it won't be heavy.

The women repent, and the girls are going to get married.

Great Lent will press the tail of everyone.

The purse is dense, so the house is not empty.

To go on a visit - it is necessary to drive to yourself.

There is no use or joy in dashing and envy.

Do not run ahead, but do not lag behind your own!

It is quiet in the swamp, but it is not famously to live there.

Every joke has a bit of truth.

To shoot at a stone - only to lose arrows.

In whom there is no truth, there is little sense in that.

There is no goodness in an unfriendly family.

Sins kindly lead to the abyss.

Sin is sweet, but man is greedy.

Thomas grieves that his bag is empty.

Where money speaks, conscience is silent.

Where to live - there and be known.

Where the song is sung, there is a happy life.

God has plenty of room for the righteous.

Good and cracker for health, but evil and meat is not for the future.

Each other puts the tower, and the enemy's foe's coffin gets along.

The law is not written for a fool.

To live quietly, but famously from people.

Alive parents - read, died - remember.

Feel sorry for the bag - not to see a friend.

If you follow the unkind, you will run into trouble.

For one beaten they give two unbeaten.

Who gets up early - God gives him.

Whoever loves God will receive much goodness.

Pockets are tight - so will the enemies.

Food is known by taste, and holiness by skill.

Whoever begins to inform, do not take his head off.

Who is much more literate - that will not be an abyss.

Whoever rides a greyhound horse to marry will soon cry.

It is better to live in pity than in envy.

It is better to marry than to drag.

It is better to collect from the world than to take someone else's.

Husband and wife scold, but lie down under one fur coat.

Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself.

To encroach on God is to lose one's own.

Don't rush, pray to God first.

On human stupidity there is God's wisdom.

Fear no one but God alone.

Do not listen to where the chickens cackle, but listen to where they pray to God.

If you cut it with a chopper, you won't wipe it off with a rag.

Do not climb into the loop, and you will not get stuck in your head.

Not nice White light- run into the dark forest.

The nail is stuck - the whole bird is abyss.

Do not grieve, the generation is pulled into all the tugs; and they will come - get down and help yourself!

They don’t come to visit because there’s nothing to eat at home.

Do not tease the dog - it will not bite.

Not the one who is happy with her father, but the one who is happy with her husband.

There is nothing to puff your eyes at someone else's pile.

Not long will that land stand, where they will begin to break the charters.

Do not praise your wife with the body, but praise with the deed.

Looking at people to live - crying at yourself.

A book is not red in writing, but red in mind.

Not a worm that a person inadvertently eats; and then a worm that eats a person.

Don't judge by arrival, judge by departure.

Fast with the spirit, not the belly!

Wake up early, grab God.

Let's live in the world - our eyelids are not long.

Trouble has come - open the gate.

The first son is for God, the second is for the king, and the third is for his own food.

The stick is mute, but will give mind.

The bird is strong with its wings, the wife is red with her husband.

Went to the service - endure and need.

The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man, where it is better.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it.

The slave beats herself if she reaps uncleanly.

You will go soon - you will catch up with trouble; quietly go - the trouble will catch up.

First, az yes beeches, and then science.

It looks good, but behave - it will sell for a penny.

You will lead with the book - you will pick up your mind.

Live the old and make the new.

With love everywhere space, with evil everywhere cramped.

Consult with people, but do not lose your mind.

Lose yourself, and save a comrade.

Having done good, do not reproach, but do not lag behind good in the future.

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

He does not lose heart who trusts in God.

Patience and hard work will grind everything.

He scolds life, who does not know happiness.

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

Labor from learning is boring, but the fruit from reading is delicious.

Darkness does not like light, evil does not tolerate good.

Whoever has many children is not forgotten by God.

A smart wife is like a beggar's scrip.

A liar has seven Thursdays in one week.

Unrighteous judges have many things to do.

A bad husband's wife is always a fool.

The mind is enlightened by truth, the heart is warmed by love.

Mind is a chamber, but reason is not enough.

Know how to do business, know how to have fun.

Skill and courage bring joy.

Be able to speak, be able to be silent.

A smart head feeds a hundred heads, but a stupid head will not even feed its own.

It’s good both there and here, where they are called by name.

Bread and water are healthy foods.

Bread on the table, and the table is a throne, not a piece of bread, and the table is a board.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

Though stealing wisely, troubles cannot be avoided.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

Man walks, God leads.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

What goes around comes around.

I’ll scout someone else’s misfortune on beans, but I won’t put my mind to my own.

The tongue is without bones, but it breaks bones.

Russian folk sayings

God is your judge!

God fed - no one saw.

God is not Nikitka, he will break the pins.

For the poor to dress - just gird yourself.

God gave, God took.

Grandma said in two.

God is great in mercy.

We all walk under God.

All sisters on earrings.

He bows at his feet, and bites at his heels.

Elderberry in the garden, and uncle in Kyiv.

You can't take everything in one hand.

Rakes money with a shovel.

Speak, don't talk.

Eyes - like bowls, but do not see a crumb.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Looks at the book, but sees a fig.

They say they milk the chickens.

God bless the day, God bless and food.

The king is far away, the god is high.

Enough for nuts.

Breathe incense.

Give with a fingernail, ask for an elbow.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

Live by your prayers.

Like cheese in butter.

Whoever remembers the old, that eye out.

As it clicks, so it backfires.

Like a beetle digs in manure.

What is the question - such is the answer.

Like water off a duck's back.

Fight fire with fire.

A penny saves a ruble.

Not by our will, but by God's will.

There is no smoke without fire.

Not the gods burn the pots.

There was no sadness, so the devils pumped up.

Our grief and axes do not flog.

There is no bad without good.

Father did not give a hat, so let your ears freeze.

The thief's hat is on fire.

There is silk on the belly, and a click in the belly.

Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

You can't escape fate.

Tears of a mouse will shed to a cat.

Leftovers are sweet.

Got under the heel.

Let the goat into the garden.

Work is with the teeth, and laziness is with the tongue.

The hand washes the hand.

The power of the cross is with us.

Nice with money, disgusting without money.

The dog barks - the wind carries.

A hole from youth - a hole under old age.

Seven do not wait for one.

Seven times measure cut once.

The family and peas are threshed.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Do not drink water from your face.

The pig will find dirt everywhere.

Pip on your tongue.

Your mouth would drink honey.

Crush water in a mortar.

A bargain is a bargain.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

You can't take your neighbor's mind.

Mind is good, but two is better.

The mind has gone beyond the mind.

Bread and salt.

Though a wolf howl.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

You never know.

The tongue is like a razor.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Let the children, after listening to or reading either these Russian proverbs or Russian folk riddles feel like a part of their people. And adults will help them understand the meaning of this or that saying.

About proverbs and sayings

According to the materials of the Slavic Pagan Portal About Proverbs and Sayings A significant number of proverbs once directly adjoined the story, from which they separated over time and began to exist independently. The process of separating a proverb from a story can be done in various ways. It usually happens that at first there is a fable or a story, and at the end as a logical consequence or as a vivid

I would drown it in a spoon. I was one and the same, but the wife was not the same - well, I'm not the same either. I'm talking about Ivan, and you're talking about a blockhead. I take my throat, and he takes the income. I rescued him, and he taught me. I'm a birthday boy, but I don't even have a pie. I'm for a piece, and you're for a sock. I'm over the threshold, and my wife is across. I am for Foma, and he is for Yerema. I am fond of you, and you are shaking from me. I'm not trained, and you're not a cutter. I sang about the wrong thing, and you listened to the wrong thing. I didn’t sing, but you put on your hat. I am not me, and the horse is not mine (... and I am not a cab driver). I have grown from your thunderstorms. I'm glad for you

The south blows - it warms the old. Yun has been to everyone and lived in sins. Yun - with toys (... feasts), and old - with pillows. Boast to the young, and to the old to crack. Youth is a golden time: he eats and drinks and sleeps in peace. The young man is young - he could not endure hunger. The young man is young, could not stand the cold. Yus and Izhitsa - the end is nearing.

This crow is not our defense. This is written on the water with a pitchfork. This Khavronya knocked down from the courtyard. These are still flowers, and berries are ahead. This is our field (boron) berry. This word is carried not out of date - from time immemorial. This would be hell on a fast day - do not talk, just stir.

Goldfinch - spindle tail. The dandy walks with his stomach tucked in. The dandies are beaten, the back is bare. He flaunted from his youth, and in his old age he dies of hunger. Shchey pot yes itself big. Berendey's cheeks. Always beware of a ticklish horse. The nightingale tickles (... chirps), forgetting its children. An evil puppy - from an evil bitch. Puppy barks, hearing old dogs. Chip, girl, splinter, do not keep the twist. Shcherbata money, but smooth kalach. A chip on a knife, a bristle on a hedgehog.

Tea, notice where the seagulls fly. Chan meat, yes taste no. You pass an hour, you live a century. It doesn't get any easier from time to time. An hour to endure, and a century to live. You'll miss an hour, you won't catch up with a year. An hour with kvass, sometimes with water. Often he takes his hat, he will not leave soon. Often you incense - you smoke the saints. Frequent feasts will exhaust the pollushkas. Swaggers for a hundred rubles, and bellies for three pennies. Swagger is not intelligence, but bewilderment. What you don't like in another, don't do it yourself.

Tsar's wrath is the ambassador of death. The king's servants do not spare their feet. Royal eyes see far. Royal favors are sown in the boyar sieve. The kingdom of Moscow, and the peasants longing. The kingdom will be divided, soon ruined. The mind rules over the head. The king thinks, but the people know. The king favors, but the kennel does not favor. The king and the people - everything will go to the ground. The tsar is merciful, but his favors pass through the boyar sieve. The king of birds is an eagle, but he is afraid of a falcon (... and a falcon

Khariton came running from Moscow with news. Praise the day until sunset. Praise the other side to a friend, but not a foot yourself. Praise the rye in a haystack, and the master in a coffin. Praise the dream if it comes true. Praise the morning in the evening. The tit boasted of lighting the sea. The devil boasted of owning the whole world, but God did not give him power over a pig. Praise, don't choke. To praise - not to hire, to blaspheme - not to appease. Praise, and honor, and glory - and a fool loves. Praising the bride to a friend, and himself to the place.

Falaley did not find the doors. Fatka used to be an uncle, and now he has become a kennel. February is rich in snow, April - in water. Fedos loves to bring. Fedot, but not that one. Fedot doesn't drink, and Nefed won't spill. Fedul fooled everyone, and Fetis hung on a bitch. Fedul looked into the yard - it's time to cram sickles. (Meaning the day of St. Fedul - June 18, O.S.) Fedul, what did you puff out your lips? - Yes, the caftan burned through. - You can make it. - There is no needle. - How big is the hole? - Yes one

Andronov's hat is not lost in Moscow. The women and the evil ones have tears ready. A woman's hair is long, but her mind is short. A woman has seven Fridays in a week. Poor wealth has fleas and lice, look no more. The poor have two pennies - a lot is good. The poor man has a sheep's coat, but a human soul. The loafer has a desire to deceive someone. God has a holiday every day. God does not have long, but we have immediately. God does not have a sieve of days. God has a lot of sticks. God-light has everything in time.

That trouble has not yet died out, but another has caught fire. That trouble goes (... goes) to the gate. That trouble is not a problem - if only there was no more of that one. That cow would be silent, which was under the bear. After all, the cow was good for milk, which died. The same pike, but under horseradish. That is not a sheep that went for a walk with a wolf. That sheep of the wrong (... not your) father. Keep the secret word in your mouth. So rot so that it bends, not so that it bursts. So

They are knocked down from a vigorous horn. With a chatty wife, you won't get any trouble. Keep your mouth shut with talkers. From a sick head to a healthy one. He rode on the water with a harrow, and he fished with a flail. Do not eat cherries with the boyars, otherwise they will throw bones at you. It's good with you, but even better without you. No fees are charged on messages. It came with the wind, it went with the wind. In the evening a girl, from midnight a youngster, at dawn a hostess. It looks smooth, but not sweet on the tooth. It looks like a raspberry, but you bite it - chaff. It looks quiet, but the custom is dashing. With a cart

Work loves fun. Work and hands are reliable guarantees in people. Work saves money, and drowns wine. Fools love work. Work torments, and feeds, and teaches. The work of the master seems (... praises). Work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest. Work with teeth, and laziness with the tongue. Work is black, but money is white. Work until dawn, but do not walk on the wolf. Work until you sweat, eat bread on the hunt. Work - you will be full; study - you will be smart. Not much to work, but to eat - just right.

Double-edged sword: either you me, or I you. Sticks in the wheels - a log under your feet. Pan either disappeared. The lords are fighting, and the serfs' forelocks are cracking. Steam doesn't break bones. To love steam - to heat a bath. Pair - sandpiper and loon. Golden guy, but clay hands. The guy is stupefied - that the pot is burnt. The guy is good, but the work is worthless. A couple - a ram and a yarochka. The sail of the wind does not teach. Rotten apple injures its neighbors. lousy

An engagement about a wolf, and the wolf is here. Think about honey for at least a year, it won't be sweet in your mouth. The cuckoo crows that there is no nest of its own. What they do not say, do not inquire about. You will sigh about one thing, but you feel sorry for everyone. Both matchmakers are holy, but painfully shaggy. The dog got used to running after the cart. Think, don't think. Dinner is red not by the spoon, but by the eater. Dinner is sung on songs, and dinner is played on dances. Lunch is not at lunch, as there is no owner (... hostess). Dinner is then cooked

At random (... for good luck), the man sowed turnips. For altyn goods, and for ruble ruble. On Red flower a moth flies. An arshin beard, but a span of mind. Go to the market, do not carry prices with you. The gates to the manor's yard are wide, but narrow from the yard. You can't earn bread on the master's field. You will not find justice for the master's massacre. Drops on the poor everywhere. All the bumps fall on poor Makar - both from pines and fir trees. On poverty and from the neighboring fear caplet. It smokes on the poor man and the censer. To the bottomless

Klim smears the cart, goes to the Crimea for turnips. May - put on your doha and climb on the stove. May grass feeds the hungry. Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides. A small spark sets fire to the city, but it itself dies first of all. The devil is small, but there is a tail. Mal visited - ate porridge, and grew up - and crackers in honor. He was small - he listened to fairy tales, he grew up great - he began to tell. Small pot, but cooks porridge. Small pot, yes pleaser. Mal

The shop is white, but the hut is naked. Lad widens the hut. Incense on the collar, and the devil on the neck. Frankincense - to the devil, and prison - to the thief. The devil runs the incense, and the fool - good word. Grandfather handled the ax handle, shortened it, but on the alert and turned it around. The little man got along with the shuttle, but he brought it to the earwig. A woman got along in Ladoga, but ended up in Tikhvin. Gets along, but does not blow. Okay lulling, but sleep does not take. Okay, if it's foldable, it's not okay, if it's across. Well tailored, and sew well. OK

To the rich - for flour, and to the poor - for ashes. With great patience comes skill. I went to the barefoot on bast shoes. To Barbara for reprisal. By spring, good cattle are raised by the tail. I got to the crows - croak like a crow. Row for good, poke your nose out of harm. You pour snow on your chilly face. You cannot sew a conscience to a caftan (... to a skin). You can’t sew the mind to the skin, you can’t nail it with a nail. To a lover, fear does not come. Closer to people - happiness is stronger. To my dear, seven miles is not a suburb. Join the world

And the woman saw how the magpie flew. And the sheep is a good man. And the master of money, lord. And poor, but sloppy; and rich, but crumbly. And without gold they live in joy. And a homeless person is not without a house. And stupid, but memory. And a peasant is rich, but without bread he is not a peasant. And rich, and simple - all the way to the churchyard. And a candle to God, and a poker to hell. And a big bucket of the river can not be scooped out. And a big cockroach is no match for a gelding. And a big goose can't sit a calf. And the beard has already grown, but the mind

You don't chase the runaway. For lack of hands (... for inability) they do not stroke the head. For a beaten man they give two unbeaten men. You don't run after a rich man with a naked eye. For God it will not be lost, but you will not get it soon. You will chase after the big and you will not see the small. Behind the fun, sorrow follows on the heels. You don’t keep up with the wind in the field, you don’t turn around for every word. I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot. For a hair and under the sky. The witness's hair is not pulled. You can't chase a free bird in the field. To take on everything - to do nothing. For the eyes and the king is scolded. For stupid

The toad took the nest away from the cancer. Greedy like a wolf, but cowardly like a hare. The greedy belly eats up to the ear. The greedy does not give himself peace. Feel sorry for the horse - exhaust yourself. Pity the vines - not to see the goat. To regret is not to help when death has come. Spare corned beef - do not regale the kids. Pity your son - make a fool. Pitying someone else's, lost his own. The sting is sharp, and the tongue is sharper than that. Complained to the mustache, favored to the beard. The king complains

Having eaten a pie, remember the dry crust. You can't catch it with ten pestles in a mortar. His duda and here and there. Him and just something for a cat's dinner. He was gone. To teach him how to read and write like a wolf: you say - az and beeches, and he - goats and rams. His penny will burn a beggar's hand. His caress is not a stroller: you can’t sit down and you won’t go. He's not cuter when he's gone. His fly will break his wing. You can't fool him on the chaff. His fasting

Let's be friends: then I come to you, then you take me to you. God gave the treasure, so they did not know how to take it. For a long time I borrowed a penny for transportation, but there is nowhere to go. Long ago, when my grandmother was known as a granddaughter. Long ago, when King Peas fought with mushrooms. The cat has washed for a long time, but there are no guests. Having given the word, hold on, and not having given it, be strong. They will give - in a bag, but they will not give - in another. They will give the fool honor, so he does not know where to sit. They will give bread - they will give businessmen. God forbid

Guessed, but guessed. The jackdaw is meek, but the stick is short. An accordion-mother is better than a bread-priest. Pan prancing, but fell off his horse. Wherever the falcon flies, everywhere it has fresh mosol. Wherever you take a woman, feed your grandson. Where the women are smooth, there is no water in the tub. Wherever the trouble was, it came to us. Where there is trouble, there it cannot be avoided. Where the devil cannot, he will send a woman there. Where pancakes, here we are; where the pancakes, there and okay.

In August - cabbage, in March - sturgeon. In April, the earth dies. I was in the bathhouse, I didn’t find a broom. In the bath, a broom is a master, in a stove, a poker. Go to the bath - do not be afraid of a couple. In adversity, a person succeeds. You will lie down in a shopless hut and on the floor. In dishonor - not money, in grass - not bread. In wealth, the belly is full, the soul is hungry. It is quiet in the swamp, but it is famously to live there. IN great place to sit - you need to have a lot of mind. In a big heart and distant close. In the big corner by yourself

A woman with a cart - it’s easier for a mare A woman flies from the stove, seventy-seven thoughts will change her mind Grandmother said in two Woman’s cities don’t stand for long Bathhouse is not a nanny, but at least someone will be appeased by Big Brother table Trouble does not walk through the forest, but through the people of the poor

And nothing has changed. And the casket just opened. Maybe they won’t bring it to good somehow. Aminem the demon can not be overcome Appetite comes with eating Artel pot boils thicker

Proverbs and sayings

The log does not swim against the current. A warrior does not run away from battle. That will, that bondage is one share.

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Accustomed to win, small defeats are not terrible. The one who wins in a petty fight runs the risk of losing the battle.

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A flying arrow is an expression of the strength of a bow, perseverance is an expression of willpower, fortitude is an expression of the strength of the Spirit, conformity of muscles, bones and tendons is physical strength The uttered thought is the expression of the power of the mind.

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Strong army voivode.

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Do not make your enemy a sheep, but make him a wolf.

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There is safety in numbers.

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The scythe is sharpened on the grass, and the sword on the head.

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Go to the army, so take the reed.

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If you stand by the field, then strike on the spot.

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Own land and in a handful is sweet.

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Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

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Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.

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In fighters, the rate of good, but dashing exhibition.

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A soldier's head is like grass under the rain.

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Not every bullet hits a bone, another one hits a bush.

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Fight loves courage.

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The courage of the city takes.

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Lose yourself, and save a comrade.

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The warrior fights in the field, and the wife is grieving at home.

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In Rus', not all carp - there are ruffs.

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Everyone is a blacksmith of his own happiness.

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God is God, and don't be bad yourself.

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He stepped on Russian land, but stumbled.

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Don't be afraid of the knife anymore, but of the evil tongue.

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Only those who do not know how to work with their heads immediately begin to work with fists.

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Not the fighter that will drop the enemy to the ground, but the one that will be able to dodge in time.

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He who overcomes anger is strong.

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In the field will; whoever comes to the field is not considered a native.

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In the field - two wills, and there - whom God will help.

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In the field - neither father nor mother: there is no one to intercede.

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War is good to hear, but hard to see.

The army itself feeds, and the world reaps. The world is dying, and the army is feeding.

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The warrior fights, and the relatives grieve.

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War feeds on money, and is merry with blood.

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War loves blood.

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No sea without water, no war without blood.

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Find the enemy, smash, comb to smithereens.

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The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done.

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A bullet is a fool, where it hits is a hole.

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The bullet, though a fool, will find the guilty one.

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Bullet ranks do not parse.

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The Turks are falling like chocks; and ours, thank God, are headless.

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A warrior beats enemies, but a coward picks up self-interest.

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I went to the war, only scared the fish.

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Ground army - one hand; and land and sea - two.

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What is taken in battle is holy.

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Pass with fire and sword. Place the ashes with a horse's tail.

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Chop up the infantry. Fall on the bayonet. Go ahead!

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The daring one does not think for a long time.

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A bold attack is no worse than a victory.

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Courage drinks honey and rubs shackles (proverb of Vanka Cain).

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Look for the brave in prison, the stupid in the monastery.

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At least for a stake, so a falcon.

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Fear no one, only fear God!

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Ours are not shy in the field.

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Better to die in a field than in a woman's hem.

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Together they take cities.

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One is grieving, and the artel is fighting.

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Belly and hands - there is no other guarantee.

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They go ahead - they do not spare their heads.

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Death in battle is God's work.

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Fight - do not fight; you will fight, you will lock yourself up.

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To end with a head - to get married in death.

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The man is not a flirt, but loves to fight.

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Warfare (battle) is glorious better than the world jelly.

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Beat your own - strangers will be afraid.

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Eternal peace - until the first fight.

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The world stands before the army, and the army before the world.

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Words will buy into scolding.

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Without saying a bad word, but in the face.

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The plow feeds, but the bow (weapon) spoils.

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To fight for everything, and there will not be enough fists.

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God owns the brave, the devil shakes the drunk.

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Cheek brings success.

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Courage is half salvation.

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On the man-at-arms according to the warrior (1812).

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Not enough bayonet, so here are the butt.

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Better to be killed than captured!

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They don't give land to the enemy without a fight!

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If the enemy has mastered, drop everything, go into the wilderness, start an old life in a new place!

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To listen to the enemy is to dig your own grave!

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For Russia and for a friend endure the heat and the blizzard!

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In a fight, happiness is a great thing.

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They do not fight by force, but by skill.

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Go into a fight - do not spare your hair.

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He goes to fight, but does not want to take out his sabers.

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For a hair and under the sky. For whiskey and vice.

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Shot down and dragged - even spray on the ceiling.

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Our fight, so the hair remains in the hands. Ask someone to chatter. Ask a tick.

* * *

They baked a pie in the whole side (beaten).

* * *

They baked a cake in the whole cheek.

Azov was glorious, Smolensk was formidable, and Vilna was wondrous.

Alexins are archers.

Anika looks. Anika is a warrior (see lubok cards).

Arzamas - goslings, onions; malevans (icon painters).

The people of Arzamas shackled the cathedral with shackles (the vault was tied with hoops).

Arkhangelsk residents are swindlers; sang is sour.

Arkhangelsk - walrus eaters, roofers.

Astrakhan - chilimniki (chilim - water chestnuts). Caviar. The blubber is rotten. Belugniki. Robbers. Duvanshchina.

The people of Astrakhan sent mare instead of fish to Novgorod.

Astrakhan with watermelons, and we are golopuz (glorious).

Hoodies - loons. Balakhon loon.

They pumped the ram in the hutch (having stolen it, swaddled it and put it in the hutch to hide it).

The trouble is that in Rodna.

The Bezhechans knocked out the bell tower with a horn (that is, shaking tobacco in the horn. This proverb is given, however, to different natives).

Beat the Russian, he will make the clock. The Russian will do what he sees.

Beat with your forehead on Tula, look for it in Moscow. Tula zipun blew away.

Belozersk - Belozersk smelt.

Besovo, Runovo - God bless, and Ternovo and Baskach even jump around (Tul. Gubernia, Kashir. Uyezds).

Gulynki are close, raise your clubs (Gulyn-ki. Ryazan province, Pronsk district, there used to be robbers).

Ladybug, fly across the Volga: it's warm there, it's cold here.

The Bolkhovites greeted cancer with a ringing: here is the voivode crawling towards us, and carrying a bristle in his teeth.

Borisoglebtsy are sour nesters (they used to be furriers and gluers. Tamb.).

Borovichans - a wave of Shechniks, water drinkers.

Borovichans are onions. Onions, green onions.

The beard is from Nizhny Novgorod, and the moustache is Makarievsky.

Bosca was eaten. Bosca, Bosca, you have a bone (dog's name).

Bryantsy are tricks. Bryansk goat (Orlov.).

As if from Elkhovka, tops (that is, poppies) are sheared.

Buyevtsy are homebodies, foresters. Buoy town beat off the wallet.

Bui da Kadui the devil searched for three years, and Bui da Kadui stood at the gate. (The Tatars were looking for Bui to destroy it, but did not find a way to it.)

Peter and Paul had the truth (in the torture chamber of Moscow, where there was torture).

In Astrakhan, even cows eat fish (salted).

In Vilna - that in a soapbox.

In Vilna there are seven roads for a Jew and three for a Pole.

In Gorodets (Balakh, U.) on the mountain, three girls in the yard.

In Yelets - a girl on the egg, and behind Yelets - half an egg.

They strangled me in Kardovili, they buried me in Ponyatovka, and in Koryn we were choked with wine.

In Lutsk, everything is not human: water is near, trouble is in the middle.

In Moscow you will find everything except bird's milk.

You can find everything in Moscow, except for your own father and mother.

In Moscow, save money, do not guard yourself.

In Moscow, every day is a holiday (for many churches).

There is no shortage of bread in Moscow.

There are forty forty churches in Moscow (churches in Moscow are divided into deaneries by forty).

In Moscow, they call thickly (densely, often) and eat thinly (thinly, rarely) (at a high cost for peasants).

Wander (go) to Moscow - carry the last penny (money).

Go to Moscow - carry your head (old.).

To go to Moscow - only to get money.

In Romanovshchina (Rom. okolotok, the same county, small estate) there are as many manor yards as a hare has crowbars (i.e., jumps).

In the Russian belly, even a chisel will rot.

In Sevsk, a pig was planted on a perch, saying: chow down, cackle, chicken with two legs, hold on.

In Siberia, women beat sables with yokes.

Pray to God in Suzdal and Murom, take a walk in Vyazniki, get drunk in Shuya. Suzdal people are omentums.

In Tetyushi, the mayor weaves bast shoes.

Valdai mountains and Luban thieves. Bell towers.

Vanka Cain is a cursed robber.

He brewed beer with a Muscovite, and he renounced malt.

Varnavinians - honey cakes.

Vasiltsy (on the river Sura) - sterlet.

The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.

The Holy Russian land is great, but there is no place for truth anywhere.

Wenger from under Lokhvitsa (Polt. lips., peddlers).

Vereytsy - nomads (Sochi - fishermen's bundles and bread).

Vetlu Zhane - sleighs. A sleigh and a cart, but there is nothing to get out on.

Viden (Simbirsk), but we are going for seven days.

It can be seen that the city is great, that there are seven governors (Moscow Seven Boyars).

Vitebsk residents: Bagpipe and whistle, collect our house; plow and harrow ruined our houses.

Vladimir: wooden stoves, golden gates, iron churches (a wooden stove was in the bishop's house of the Assumption Cathedral; the golden gates are known; the iron church was at the Nativity Monastery).

Vladimirians - masons; cranberries. Cranberries, cranberries!

Vladimirians: and our fellows (like Vologda) neither fight nor fight, and whoever eats more, He is well done. Sterlet.

In Vladimir, even noodles are crushed with an ax (this custom is kept only in free, that is, state-owned, villages).

There is no cart in all of Onega. In the summer, the voivode was taken around the city on a sleigh, onuchi was dried on the horns.

Take forty altyns! "Sorotsy are not sorotsy, but I won't give you less than a ruble."

Volga - to swim for a long time, and the Danube - wide. It can be seen that the Danube and the Volga will not merge.

The Volga is the mother of all rivers. Mother Volga is wide and long.

Mother Volga - deep, spacious, wild. Dnieper - fast, wide. Don Ivanovich - quiet, golden. Dunay Ivanovich. Prut, Dniester, Neman - frontier. Ural - a gold mine, a silver tire.

Vologda residents ate a calf with a horseshoe. Tolokonniki - The Volga was kneaded with oatmeal.

Thieves' Piskovshchina (Smol. Gubernia, Sych. U., the village of Piskovo).

Thieves are innovators, and ostashi are good, but the place where there is no Tikhvin is holy.

Here is your right hand, I give it through a dear child, but if I stole, then he would have to hang around on a knife.

Here, parya (guys), our king: an awl in his hands and a bristle in his teeth; call the bila, riveting (Galicians about Rostovites).

Vsevyatskaya gruel, three arshins of money.

Vytegors - camisoles.

Vyazma got stuck in gingerbread.

Vyazmichi - gingerbread, carpet makers. We are illiterate people, we eat unwritten gingerbread.

Vyatichi - Vyatka battle (with a sea monster; see lubok maps).

Vyatichi are rotozei (Novgorodians let boobs on rafts near Bolvansky town (Nikulitsyno village), Vyatichi gape on them, and Novgorodians, on the other hand, took the town).

The Vyatichi are blind-bearers (the Ustyugians came to the rescue, and the Vyatichi considered them to be an enemy and began to beat them. The Votyaks have blind eyes, but in newborns they are very small).

Vyatichi - tolokonniki, Vani.

Vyatka is the mother of all wealth. Vyatka walks with an eye.

Vyatka - the guys are grasping. We, the Vyatka, are the guys of the grip: seven are not afraid of one.

Vyatchane - Khlynov boyars. Whistles. Koldyki (gov. Koldy).

The Vyatchans are not clean at hand: yesterday they spent the night with us, they stole the onuchka.

Galich deceived Kostroma on the island.

Galicians are jackdaws. Galich voivode (self-willed).

Galicians - they dragged a cow to the bathhouse; the city of Galivon, Lake Miron, and the people of Krivichi. Sheepskins.

Where Makar has been, no fish have been caught for seven years. (They are fishing in rivers and lakes and masters of catching all the fish.)

Where no fish walks, and St. The nose does not pass (Kemskaya).

Where St. Sophia is, there is Novgorod.

Stupid Vyazma, stupid Dorogobuzh.

Glukhovtsy - papush tobacco (Chernigov). Pereyaslavtsy (Zaozertsy) - betrothed (Poltava). Red Kut will set the kaput (Khark. Province, where once, according to legend, a gang of robbers was led).

Golodaev - immigrants in the Astrakhan province (because of their poverty).

The city of Arkhangelsk, and the people in it are diabolical.

The city of Balakhna stands, the floors are wide open (Balakhna stretches along the Volga for three versts).

The city of Borovichi is a din-city.

The city of Chern is a year older than Moscow.

The cities of Korosten, the possessions of Olgin, the Krivichi people.

Grishka Otrepyev is a thief, an impostor, a damned one.

Danilovites are favorite catchers, non-distributors. Cat snatchers: they didn’t buy a cat, but they crushed it at the market.

Darma, daughter, not a Muscovite anyway.

Two brothers from the Arbat, and both hunchbacks.

The twelfth hour, and mother was not in the world (that is, from the meeting; the peasants are all in earnings, and the women in the tenth).

Dednovtsy - Makary. (When Peter I was in the Ryazan province, then to the question of his Dednovtsy, one after another, they called themselves Makars, because the sovereign said to the first: good.) Tselovalniki.

Demyantsy - potters; by the way!

Dmitrovtsy - frogs, swamps. Ruztsy are lumberjacks.

Long-bellies (Voronezh settlers in Astra, provinces, girdling low).

Egorievtsy - horse-drawn, bunglers, ore-throwers: he sharpens the knife, but I suppose he speaks.

Uncle is coming from. Serpukhov: Stroking his beard, but no money.

The devil went to Rostov, but he was frightened of crosses.

Ate, ate - something burst: is it the belly? No, the belt broke with the buckle.

Elatomians are babeshniks.

Yelets is the father of all thieves, and Livny is wonderful to all thieves.

Yelchans are rennets. Rainbow drank a tub of water.

Efremovnas - they cooked porridge in a purse (Tul.).

Lives in Tula and eats dooly.

Live, live, guys, until Moscow has visited (old. Ural. Kaz.).

Live in Moscow, live in longing. Lives in Moscow - in no small anguish. Oh Moscow! - she hits with a sock. Hit the board, remember Moscow!

For the health of grandmother Gugnikha (the people of the Urals say, revering her as their foremother, the first woman left in the army).

He went to the city for pulp, went to the red ranks.

Behind the drunk people are drunk (by the river of the Nizhny Gubernia, 1377, the Russians were struck in the camp by the Tatars).

They searched for a mosquito for seven miles, and a mosquito on the nose.

Zadneprovsky Italian. Zadripantsy.

The Russian land is all under God.

Gold is good all around. Romyantsy - tobacconists (poltavok.).

Zubchane - dragging, came to us (Rzhevtsy) for cabbage soup; we didn’t give a puppy, we drove the vzashei away.

Zubchane - a cockroach on a rope to the Volga was taken to drink.

And on the water a crest, and on the chaff a crest.

Blooming Sally. Kroshevniks.

Ivanovich, get off the roof, I came to you (the roofer's wife came to St. Petersburg and called the statue from the Winter Palace).

A turkey hatched seven crests from one egg.

I go to Salt - I don’t bring anything, from Salt I go - I carry a full bosom (the inhabitants of the village of Salt, Kostr. lips .. due to the abundance in vegetables, they supply pedestrian visitors with them free of charge). Vichugovtsy - napkin makers. The Parfentievites are cat-hunters.

If the German was in front, that the Russian was behind, there would be no way with him (mind).

Kadomtsy are kissers, catfish: they caught a catfish in the oven (Moksha drowns the Cod: once the catfish was brought into the open oven).

Kaduevtsy are kadochniks. Kaduy - inflate the sides.

Kazan orphan, Kazan beggar (a rogue pretending to be a poor man; from the former Kazan murzas).

Kazan rowed - and the Horde passed.

Kaivans have never been to Olonets.

As the Muscovite says dryly, rise under the very ear!

Kaluga residents: the Kaluga residents will have dinner, and the Tula will lie down anyway. Schagolniki, sapling sapling, on aspen on oak, and how it waxes: tkau, tkau!

Kalyazintsy bought a pig for a beaver; bought a dog for a wolf.

Kalyazins, Uglichs, Vologdas are bearers.

Kamenets is a crown: water is all around, and trouble is in the middle (the Smotrich River flows around the rock on which Kamenetz-Podolsk is).

Kargopol residents are white-eyed Chud. Raw foodists.

Kasimov Bukharian (i.e., a swindler, a Tatar who sells soap, bathrobes, etc.).

Kashintsy are water drinkers (i.e. teapots).

The people of Kashin killed a dog for a wolf and paid money.

Kashira sheathed in matting, Tula shod in bast shoes.

Kashirians: Hat off! - What? - Look, all the boyars. (Passing through single-dvor villages and seeing huts with chimneys, gates with solutions, sleighs with trump cards, the peasants considered them to be manor estates.)

Kizhans asked for a golden letter. Lychentsy (Pereyasl. u.) - calfs.

Kizhila (Re-explained at.) out of her mind survived.

Kimryaks are plasterers in summer, chebotari in winter.

Kimryaks - rennets (Kimry, Tver. lips., Korchev. U.; from the dish: pork abomasum with porridge).

Kineshma and Reshemians are clothiers.

Kineshma and Reshma run wild and muddy, and Sologda pays the losses (Sologda lies between Kineshma and Reshma, who quarreled in the old days).

Kirillovsky bow of nine spans with a tail (monast.).

The princesses are haters. The convoy was crushed with caps.

Kovrovites - ofeni, peddlers, rogues; burry (for the Offenian language).

They drowned the goat in malted dough (the crows croaked on a tree, and the peasant, getting ready to go, predicted a bucket for his comrades, saying: golden sorrel, etc.).

Cola is a hook, and people are oud. Kolsko scarecrow.

If there is nothing to pay the debt, then go (go) to the Volga (either to barge haulers or to robbery).

Kolomentsy - black sky. Klinovtsy are lapotniks.

Kola Bay, like a Moscow prison, (you won't get out soon).

Kolyan of the Lord - the people of Israel: every word is a hack.

Sweets, cuckoo babies (men live a little at home). Savior at the gates sold.

Koporskoe kroshevo and sour and cheap (uz Koporye, Pemerb., according to rumors, there is Ivan-tea, fireweed grass).

Kostroma is a lascivious (cheerful) side. On Kusi - drink and have a snack (Kus, river Kostr. g.).

Kostromichi (from Kostr. down the Volga, to Yuryevets) - hungry, sharp-hoofed, tamoiki (talk, tamoiko vm. there).

Kostroma in a bunch, and Yaroslavl away (separately).

Kostromichi: it would be better to be burned three times than to be widowed once.

The Krapiventsy met hay with a bell ringing (thinking that this was a governor. Tul.).

Krasnoyarsk - catfish.

Be baptized - Androns are coming (Kursk).

The peasant's throat is a cloth reed: everything crumples.

Kreshane (Sacrums) - lapotniks. Kirillovnas are cashewers.

Crimea is not crooked, Azov is not about a hundred steps.

Kstovo - Christ's: the glass is small, but the wine is good.

Whoever has never been to Vilna has never seen miracles.

Whoever lives in Kola for three years will not be deceived in Moscow.

Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.

Whoever has not been to Odessa has not seen the dust. He left the crowd, but settled on the Don. Donets - oseterniki, balychniks, stanitsa.

Who is against God and great Novgorod?

Kunavina settlement brought me into three arcs (a haven of debauchery at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair).

Kursk thief. The white king has no thief against the Kuryan,

Ate (Tver district, village of Kushalino) - berdniks, chastobai.

Kushalinsky peasant women are spinners.

Lazarevichi-vichi, fire-screamers, pillowcase-tuft, Teplukhina-khokhlukhina, Yalchina-mountain, high-sintered.

Lazy, like a Klepensky peasant (Smol. lips., Sych. county, the village of Klepeni, where all the beggars, according to custom).

A goose flies to Holy Rus' (Napoleon).

The Liventsy broke off the Salamata bridge (the Liventsy brought salamats towards the voivode, each pot from the yard).

Litvins - strawberries, diggers, lapotniki. White hats, felted hats. Is it famously taking Litvin, so that he does not jack off. Around the water, and in the middle of the trouble (about Sebezh, Vitebsk.).

Likhvinsky mountains (Kal.) and Novosilyevsky thieves (Tul.)

Lugovtsy - peddlers. Ladoga residents - they drove the pike from the eggs.

Lyskovites are an honest people: if not a thief, then a swindler.

Dear Olonets - the shores are white.

Favorites - the goat was fed with gingerbread. Vodohleby.

Mazepa is a traitor.

Makars catch fish until the eggs.

Little Russians - Mazepins, crests, forelocks; the turkey sat out; choked on a dumpling.

Malyuta Skuratov is a villain, a tormentor.

Mom, the devil climbs into the house!

Mother Moscow is white stone, golden-domed, hospitable, Orthodox, talkative.

Mezens are soot-eaters, black-throated (unkempt).

Furriers. Oatmeal in the river interfered with an oar,

They caught the sun with a bag, they caulked the prison with pancakes. (Blue-bellies - from blue shirts. In the battle with the Muscovites, the sun was in the face of the Ryazans: they began to catch it in a bag to release it on the enemies.)

Mozhaytsy pigs, Mozhaysky wind (unreliable).

Mazyr is like a bubble: water is all around, trouble is in the middle.

Mologzhane are grooms (that is, they manage grooms along the Volga).

Well done, buy bagels, but some good ones - and a kiss to boot.

Morshants are somyaniki.

Mosalis - gutors: they chattered the governor. Mother Zaugra (river), do not drown our city of Mosalsk and our headman Gavryushka!

Muscovites (i.e. Russians, according to Little Russians); Moscow hour; wait for the Moscow hour (from the Russian proverb: now).

The Muscovite is a crow, but more affectionate than a devil.

Moscow - to whom the mother, to whom the stepmother.

Moscow hits from the toe, and Peter wiped his sides. Liter is getting married, Moscow is getting married.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

Moscow humpbacked; hunchbacked old woman (i.e., on the hills).

Moscow loves the reserve. The rescuer has no reserve.

Moscow is crowded and rich. Moscow is a kingdom, a village is a paradise.

Moscow has not converged like a wedge, there is no outskirts.

Moscow burned down from a money (penny) candle; Moscow caught fire from a spark (1443 Moscow caught fire from a candle in the church of St. Nicholas on Sands; 1737 - from a candle in Miloslavsky's house).

Moscow does not believe in tears (does not indulge, that is, you will not pity anyone, everyone is a stranger).

Moscow was created over centuries, Peter by millions.

Moscow stands in a swamp, they don’t thresh rye in it, but they eat more rustic.

You can't debunk Moscow (you can't pity). Moscow does not cry for anything (does not grieve). Moscow does not cry over our (for others') troubles.

Moscow dirt does not get dirty. Moscow is like a board: sleep wide, but sweep all around.

Moscow truth. From a Muscovite though. cut the floors and run.

Moscow Raznoboyarshchina (Seven Boyars).

Muscovite people sow land with rye, but live on a lie (old).

Wise Germans are Kamyshinites.

Ants (a nickname for the hard-working residents of the village of High Mountain, Novosilsk. U.).

Murashkintsy - sheepskin coats, sour rubezok; sour sheep.

The people of Murom are saints (they expelled Bishop St. Basil in the 13th century). Spinning beans; horned nuts; kalachniks.

Mtsenyan. Amchenin would those in the yard (and the saints out).

We (Nizhny Novgorod) would not have gathered and not stood up, so you would have dug the filthy earth with your nose (a hint at the time of K. Pozharsky and Minin).

We are not people, we are Abodinians (Kursk, lips.).

To steal on Arat, to sell on Yakshen, to bury the ends in Murashkino (Arat of Arzamas, Yakshen and Murashkino of Knyagininsky district).

On the Don they neither weave nor spin, but they walk well. Crimeans are herrings, gardeners. Herrings are rotten.

To kill a man on Kolya, to drink a glass of milk.

There is no gathering for archers on the sacrum (that is, it’s not a place, it’s not. In Moscow there were special squares for gatherings of different classes).

Sorry, the Russian has no word for Aman.

Unclean on hand; they lost their bast shoes, searched the yards, there were six - it became (found) seven.

In Rus', not all carp - there are ruffs.

In Rus', no one died of hunger.

In words - like butter, but in reality - like in Vologda.

They climbed a pine tree, they looked at Moscow.

Our fellows neither fight nor fight, and whoever eats the most is well done.

Our serfs are bricklayers (old Rostovites to Vladimirians).

Do not be afraid of thieves along the Army Road, but be afraid of stone houses in Nerekhta.

Not a Novgorod nobleman - not a great gentleman.

Not only I call that in Moscow (that in Kyiv).

Do not teach the goat, she will pull it off the cart, and the most pure hand will clean everything.

Nerehot runners (Nerekhot people walk around the villages with a steelyard to buy yarn).

Nizhegorod is either a spendthrift, or a thief, or a drunkard, or a goofy wife.

Nizhny Novgorod - not freaks. Nizhny Novgorod residents are water drinkers (i.e. teapots).

Nizhny is Moscow's neighbor: stone houses, iron people. There is a lot of water, but there is nothing to draw (Lower, on two rivers, but on a mountain).

Novgorod (ancient) is judged by one god. Ancient Novgorod and Pskov - gentlemen (and

Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.

Novgorod was even a lord, sovereign). The heart is in Volkhov (in Novgorod), the soul is on the Great (ancient Pskov).

Novgorod is judged by its own court (in ancient times).

Novgorod, Novgorod, but older than the old one.

Novgorod honor. Novgorod soul (honesty in ancient trade).

Novgorodians are debtors. Stubborn as a Novgorodian.

Novgorodians takali, takali, yes Novgorod and protakali (about the destruction of the Novgorod veche or about the conquest of Novgorod).

Innovators are thieves (they say the rest, to whom they answer: and the rest are good).

The legs were mixed up under the table.

Strive where the pegs stick out.

Now nothing is behind the Oka (about Kunavin).

Ovrutskaya (Oshmyanskaya) gentry (i.e. naked, ragamuffin).

Odoevtsy: Well done, and well done! Sell ​​lean eggs (cucumbers. Tul.) for a penny.

Oh, you, Ustya Koposovska! (Swearing; Koposovo is a village near Nizhny).

Olonchans: Olonians are good fellows.

Olyanshchina - thievery (lake. Pskov province.).

He is a crest (from. e. cunning and stubborn).

He apparently does not understand Russian (that is, at least tell him the truth to his face).

Onezhane are prokhoryats, Prokhorov's children.

Ontufevtsy - mynki (Re-explained county. They say "myn" instead of "they say", "say")

Orel and Kromy are the first thieves, and Karachev is a sacrifice.

Nut (Schlisselburg) and bitter pepper (old)

Orlovtsy - changeless; broken heads.

Ostashi - ersheeds, shoemakers, gold seamstresses; wolf snacks.

It took three days (three versts) from Volok to Utka.

From Kholmogor to Kola - thirty-three Nikola.

You will disown the devil, but you will not fight off the Muscovite with a club.

Where are you from, Ivan? - From will, dear (Astrakhan old-timers tease tramps).

Penza (Penzyane) fat-footed. In Moscow, they recognized their crow.

The first cities from Moscow are two ninety versts (Vladimir, Tver, Tula, Kaluga, Ryazan).

People of Petrozavodsk: I'm building a shop, I'm building a washing yard, I'm rolling my Torzhok (about market women).

They kept the rooster on a rope so that he would not go to a foreign land.

Pinezhans are hiccups (a common illness there: hiccups, hysterics).

Pinezhane: I bought for four denezki, sold for two grosyka; the profit is scarce, and there is not a lot of money.

Peter is the helm, Moscow is the helm. Peter is the head, Moscow is the heart.

In Vyatka: at random. Vyatich at random and sows bread.

Poltava sits on the mountain like a peahen, but in the mud like a toad.

Pomors - red tops (seal).

He carried the devil from the same palace to the bazaar, and overturned the sieve over Kashira.

Porkhovtsy - tolokonniki.

Poshekhontsy are blind-bearers: they got lost in three pines.

Accept someone in Russian (that is, either directly and rudely, or hospitably).

A formidable ambassador came near Staritsa: a fur coat turned inside out, he was low, and across about five spans; the word does not say, but only hisses: but this is an Indian rooster.

The Cossacks came from the Don and drove the Poles home (the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612).

Sell, prince, soaps (teasing the Tatars).

They sold a belt from a crest for three money, and the crest went to the bargain.

You will pass Pogorelets and Kushalino - go boldly to Moscow.

God carry the Prince's bridge and Mikhailov's churchyard (Psk. Guberniya; this bridge and churchyard in the swamps, where there were once many robberies).

Disappeared like Bekovich (under Peter I, sent to Khiva and died with a detachment)

They drank away the governors of Vologda.

Prokhor sent a letter, and told Lobodyrny to collect money.

Pskovians - skits, chaff, ruffs.

The Pskovites propped up the sky with stakes (for three days the meeting stood, thinking what to do? A cloud hung; they decided to prop it up with stakes).

Radimichi - wolf tails are running around (voivode Wolf Tail beat Radimichi).

God break the boat, feed Soloza (on the summer coast of the seaside).

Rzhevtsy: rotten vendace. Dog lovers. Father was exchanged for a male. The goat was fed gingerbread through the fence.

Not a native of Germans, but to indicate much.

Romanovnas - bury the ends.

Roslavtsy - tar.

Russia and the summer of the union is not present. Rus' froze under the snow.

Rostov: lop-eared, noodle-eaters; the native lake was lit with straw (lop-eared, from a hat with ears. Straw was removed from the roofs to melt the ice on the lake, for fishing)

Rusak before reading, crest before singing (Western).

Rusak is not a fool: if he wants to eat - he will say, if he wants to sit down - he will sit down.

Rusak is smart, but in hindsight. Russian back is smart.

Rus' is the joy of drinking, it cannot exist without it (Vladim. I).

Russian bone loves warmly. Steam doesn't break bones.

Russian appetite never (nothing) disgusts.

The Russian god is great. The Holy Russian land stands as a Russian god and a Russian tsar.

Russian hotel - kulaga with salamata.

The Russian is quick-witted (sharp-witted, on his mind).

The Russian is strong on three piles: perhaps, I suppose, somehow.

Russian fellow - a hundred infidels are finished.

The Russian people are tsar-loving.

The Russian people are not afraid of the cross, they are afraid of the pestle.

The Russian does not joke with swords or rolls.

The Russian is patient to the very beginning. Russian enthusiasm awaits.

The Russian hour is ten, and the German one has no end.

Russian hour - happy thirty; village month - with week ten.

A Russian person is a kind person (Chuvash greetings).

A Russian person is both gullive and boastful.

A Russian person loves maybe, I suppose, somehow.

Russian people love maybe. Russian at random and grown up.

The Russian man brings bread and salt.

A Russian person that soars (bath), then rules (heals).

Rus' has piled on, completely crushed us (Siberian).

Rus' piled on, we were completely crushed (Siberian).

Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, Mother Holy Russian land.

People from Rybinsk: they washed away a girl’s birthmark, they deliberately heated a bathhouse.

Ryazanians are squint-bellied, blue-bellied.

They don’t lie on the edge, but everything in the middle (about the Poshekhonians of Yaroslavl and the Galicians of Kostr. they tell a lot of this kind, about which a whole book has been published, however, an imitation of the German one, about the Swabians).

From Muskva, from the pasade, from Avashnov Row (they tease the akals).

On one side of the cheremis, and on the other, beware (1524, the army on the ships went near Kazan and was beaten in the rapids with cheremis).

Samarans (Saratov) - mustard plants.

Saratov townspeople sold their cathedral under the hammer.

Sviyazhans are bream dwellers.

Seligers (Tversk.) - Yersheeds.

The village of Voronye - in the daytime seventy gentlemen (small local), and at night one (who will go on robbery),

The village of Lupino (Nerekh county). Armenian women are stupid, but Nerekhta will guide you.

Semendyaevshchina - a baker and a sausage maker, a gingerbread man and a pie maker (Tver Gubernia, Kalyaz U.).

Semenovtsy (Nizheg.) - Trans-Volga kokura. Buckwheaters. Spoons, burlatskaya spoon. Warm, felted goods.

Sergachi, Lukoyanovtsy, Ardatovtsy - Zapyansky (Zateshsky) sluts; drunkenness - buckwheat apyatki; drunken women - chupahi, butens.

Siberia is a gold mine (from the fur and trade trades; now this is literally justified).

Siberia is not mossy. Siberian Varnak. Siberia is terrible by hearing, but people live better than ours.

Simbirtsy - grave thieves, rockers.

Sitskar with an ax, that a Cossack with a horse (on the river City; Yaroslav Mol.).

Sitskar dresses an ax, puts shoes on an ax, feeds a plow.

Sitskaya kokora (sitskari - baroque, carpenters).

They say that in your Rostov state, Rostov Lake burned down.

Moscow is famous for its brides, bells and rolls.

Glorious is Moscow with Kalachami, Petersburg with barbels.

Slobozhane (Vyatsk.) - Zhidokop (Slobozhan dug up the corpse of a Jew, believing that the Jews were buried with money).

Smolensk - krupenniks, mezgovniki (pulp - pine oblon, which is interfered with in bread).

Smolensk - Polish bone, but overgrown with dog meat.

The Smolensk people crushed a flea with peace.

Smolyans: What kind of province? - Smolensk. - Which county? - City of Dorogobuzhsk. - Which parish? - Demyanova Posad. - Which village? - From Ivan's estate. - What kind of boyar? - I don't know about that.

From bottom to top, from top to bottom (about the river).

Sandpipers gathered, sitting in the swamp - they are Suzdal and Volodymyr residents (from the song).

Soligalicians - limestones, logs.

Spassy: Where are you from, young man? - Spassky merchant. - What do you trade? - Red goods: tallow candles and clean tar (ryaz.).

The old people greeted the rooster with bread and salt.

Old people: The old woman is a tar. They lost the mazilka, but they tossed and turned after Nov after it.

Starogorodtsy (on the river Unzha, Makar, near.) - onion growers.

The Old Russians ate the horse and wrote to Novgorod to send more.

Stenka Razin flew on the carpet and swam on the water.

Nizhny Novgorod people are standing on the mountain, watching and singing: tea, note where the seagulls fly (Nizhny Novgorod people often say, tea).

Go to the bottom - there is wheat.

Sudislavians are mushroom pickers. Kologrivtsy - tar.

Suzdal people are Bogomazes. George's place of Friday (St. Paraskeviia) was exchanged (the image is not sold, but changed).

Sura is an important river for us: the bottom is silver, the steep banks are gilded.

Detect in Lyskovo not a drunkard, not a swindler, and in Yurkino not a robber (villages of Makaryevsky district).

Tambov people are Molokans. Khreptuk steppe, thick-legged!

Tatinets and Slopinets (villages) breadwinner for thieves (old).

Tverites - vendace. Run, run! - And what? - Can't you see the marten is running! - This is a dog from Klementyev's yard, - Well, let yourself be. The people of Tver drink tea with sugar Tsukany.

Temnikovtsy - owl workers; they baptized an owl in the lake (in Owl. Having taken a walk, the Temnikovites caught an owl and, foolishly, put a gaytan on it and dipped it into the lake; it flew and sat on a church cross, where, entangled, strangled itself; Tamb.).

Tikhvintsy is a holy place where there is no Tikhvinian.

The Volga was kneaded with oatmeal (or: they were overdone; it is also said about the Vologda residents, etc.).

Toropchane - Egyptians (Egyptians?).

Toropchane are tabaters.

Toropchane: Poles with cannons, and we with sticks (siege of Serg. Lavra under the Pretender).

Tulyak is a steel soul. A flea was chained to a chain. Sit down, tank, siskins fly (Tula - bird catchers).

Whose youth are you? - Zubchevsky merchant. - And where was he? - In Moscow, I went around the world.

Macarius has Natalya for money, and a whole cartload for a penny.

A man's chest never gets cold, a Jew's heels, a Pole's ears.

We (in Vladimir) have a lot of land: from Moscow two ninety and from Klyazma drink water.

Here in Yelets, on the Pine River, a chicken chick brought out.

We have pancake soup at Bare. Vagane - skew-bellied.

We have one fellow who ate thirty pies with a pie, but all with cottage cheese.

We have in Rostov, garlic, onions, and manure is all horse. Gardeners, poultry houses, capons. Rostov capon.

Our Makarya has three of Natalya's money, but give me a penny, choose any.

Salts have borage.

They beat at the Spas, they call at Nikola’s, at the old Yegor’s the clock is talking (Moscow).

The rescuer and tar are red goods.

Uglichans: I suppose, I suppose, dad, because this is not ours (father and son went to steal: the father was a coward, the son encouraged him).

Ulomsky nail (Novgor. Province. Cherepov. Uyezd, the village of U Lom, where all the blacksmiths, nails).

Ustyuzhans are horn-makers, tobacconists. The bell tower was knocked out with a horn. Red-tongued. Chernosilverniks. Mazy.

Khvalyntsy are thugs. Syzratsy - ear-cuts.

Eat bread and salt, listen to the red ringing (mother of Moscow).

Khlynovsky thieves. Khlyn took (missing).

Khlynovtsy shod a cow in boots (stolen, so that there would be no trace).

Kholmogory residents are corners (they looked at Peter I from around the corners).

The city of St. Petersburg is good, but it wiped its sides (roads). Koportsy - Koporye tea.

A good hare - yes a cuff, a good little one - yes a tula.

The pies are also good, but the thicker and thicker (they tease the Novgorodians - Gushcheeds).

The Lomakinites are good: they put the tsar to sleep without feeding (Sergach. Uyezd. About Grozny).

At least fight against the Malakhov Gate.

Although Sofia is empty, but not the Krutitsky verst (Sofia of Novgorod; the Novgorod clergy did not want to submit to the Metropolitans of Moscow, in the Krutitsky Compound).

Khokhlatsky flail beats on all sides (Khokhols thresh through the hand).

A crest is more stupid than a crow, but more cunning than a devil.

Khokhol will not lie, and he will not tell the truth.

Hotsu - jumping, not hotsu - not jumping (in the old days, the bride said: if I want - I'll jump up and, agreeing to get married, jumped through the belt laid around or into the skirt).

Hood Permyak, yes, he knows two languages. Chusovlyane (Permsk.) - Chebotari. Sylvinians are veksheeds (Sylvin. plant, Krasnouf. county).

Gypsies Mtsensk bypassed ten miles (Orlov.).

Cherdyntsy - chip-eaters, dry-houses (Carpenters, Cherdyn. Uezd.). Sorcerers. Damn sorcerers.

Chernovskoe (Nizhegorsk, Sergach. U.) - a place of thieves.

Chernolapotnitsa (Russian, in Siberia). The inhabitants of Okhotsk are nomads.

The black-foot girl has passed (the nickname of our women in tidy Siberia for the dirty footprint they carry out of the hut into the snow).

The devil removed his head from the crest and gave him a turkey.

Chekhon (fish) jumped over the cathedral (in Saratov). .

What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.

Let those crests breathe! - And so that those Muscovites would pull them out (answer).

Chu! - It smells of Russian spirit here.

Chukhloma people - chukhloma rukosuy! Mittens in the bosom, but looking for others.

Shemyakin Court. Shemyaka krivosud (1446, Shemyaka blinded the Dark One, having seized the throne).

Shenkurtsy are water-drinkers (barge haulers, they wear a spoon on their hat).

The Shuisky rogue will harness anyone to the yoke; I’ve been to St. Petersburg, poured on the floor, and then didn’t fall.

Shuyane: if only I had strong soap. Bes was given to the soldiers.

Cho, boy, Galunki (Galicians).

This, apparently, was driving the sieves in a hurry (said Litvin, looking at the bast footprint along the road).

Yuryevtsy are Chinese people.

I am Russian, in the manner of French, only a little more gispanist.

I'm listening: who's whistling? AN is in my nose.

I'll cut you in Russian, straight.

Yaroslavl is a town - a corner of Moscow (this is said about many other cities).

Yaroslavl: handsome, Belotel, songwriters, singers, chistopley. They took out a pound of soap, but they didn’t wash off my sister’s birthmark.


pictures of taxes

Proverbs are short sayings in which a judgment is made about some object or event. In ancient times proverbs were called "parables".

proverbs about earthquakes

10 proverbs about winter

Initially, proverbs were part of short stories about some events, fairy tales, songs, and represented an aptly and concisely expressed generalization of what was discussed in the story or song. Often differing in the dimensionality of the warehouse, often having consonances at the beginning and in the middle (alliteration) or at the end (rhyme), these generalizations were easily remembered, stood out from the stories, and even experienced the stories themselves in the people's memory. Examples of proverbs that are still associated with stories or songs can be the following: “It’s not hard to live in grief, but to walk naked - don’t be ashamed” (from a song), “curls curl with joy, split in sadness”, “the nose will pull out , the tail will get stuck, the tail will be pulled out, the nose will get stuck "(from the fairy tale about the crane), "and the willow bush stands for the truth" (from the fairy tale about the murdered sister and the pipe), "the beaten unbeaten one is lucky" (from the fairy tale), "the old one, then and deed" (from antiquity).

and Musset proverbs

Proverbs in folk life play an important role: they serve as guiding principles of activity; they are referred to to justify their actions and actions, they are used to accuse or denounce others. The people expressed the importance of the proverb in proverbs: “An old proverb will not break forever”, “an old proverb does not pass by”, “a good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye”, “there is no judgment on the proverb”.

proverbs in Kazakh about a person's character

Proverbs relate to historical events, reflect ancient life, pagan and Christian beliefs, family and social life, morality, etc.

proverbs about feast

PROVERBS REFLECTING HISTORICAL EVENTS. This category of proverbs embraces historical events from ancient times to the latest. Examples: "Dead, like Aubrey (Avars), they have neither name nor inheritance" (in the annals), "trouble, like in Rodnya" (famine in 980 in Rodnya), "Rus can not drink fun without that life" (Vladimir's words to Mohammedan missionaries under 986), "Putyata baptize (Novgorodians) with a sword, and Dobrynya with fire" (about the baptism of Novgorodians who resisted), "do not crush (do not crush) bees, do not eat honey," said Volhynia-Galician prince Roman about masterful boyars (under 1231), "at the wrong time the guest is worse than a Tatar", "here it was like Mamai fought", "what is the khan, such is the horde" (these proverbs reflect the Tatar region), "seven will go, Siberia will be taken" (after the conquest of Siberia by the Cossacks with Yermak at the head), "here's your grandmother and Yuryev's day" (regarding the prohibition under Boris for peasants to move to other landowners even on autumn Yuryev's day), "disappeared like a Swede near Poltava" (after the defeat of the Swedes near Poltava, "a hungry Frenchman and a crow glad" (during the sitting of the French in Moscow).

proverb forest is not a wonder

The following proverbs also have historical content: "At one veche, but not only speeches" (echoes of the veche form of government), "Bratchina judges like a judge" (the judiciary of the community), "Brother to brother with his head in payment" (mutual responsibility of relatives for crimes committed by one of them), “In fact, right, but guilty on the rack” (torture), “The soul has sinned, and the legs are to blame” (torture, right), “They don’t beat the lying down” (during fisticuffs), “By name give you a place, welcome by patronymic "(localism).

proverbs from the point of view of everyday psychology

PROVERBS REFLECTING PAGAN BELIEFS AND RITUALS. Examples: “The sun works during the day, and takes rest at night” (animistic view of the sun), “Which God soaks, that one will dry up” (polytheism), “The praying ram went away, the walking one came” (a hint of sacrifice), “He lived in forest, prayed to the stumps "(veneration of the goblin)," Brave, strong, but you can’t cope with the goblin", "If there was a demon, there would be a goblin", "The goblin is in the forest, but the stepmother is at home", "Egoriy da Vlas is an eye for the whole household "(veneration of Volos), "What is in the teeth of a wolf, Yegory gave", "He sat on the stove, prayed to the bricks" (veneration of the brownie), "The brownie will not love (cattle), you will not take anything", "Not all that is a mermaid, that dives into the water", "The old raven will not croak past", "Every crow would croak on his head", "They were crowned around the spruce, and the devils sang" (marriage without a church ceremony), "I took God by the little leg, and on the floor "(the overthrow of idols).

proverbs on newton's 3rd law

Under the influence of the clergy, they began to look at the pagan gods as an unclean force, demons, the devil, and Satan. This was reflected in the following proverbs: “From an empty hollow, either an owl, or an owl, or Satan himself” (i.e. goblin), “Every devil is free to roam in his swamp” (water), “There are devils in a still pool).

very smart love quotes

Some proverbs express faith in fate: “You can’t get around a betrothed-mummer and you won’t go around on a horse”, “Don’t be afraid, but fate can’t be avoided”, “Where there is no share, there is no happiness”, “Don’t be born either good or come in handy, be born happy", "Sinisters beyond the mountains are not terrible", "Money goes to the rich, the sinners - to the wretched", "You won't get away from the hardship".

proverb about weapons

PROVERBS CONCERNING HOUSEHOLD ACTIVITIES. These proverbs express mainly agricultural labor. Examples: “It’s not the field that feeds, but the cornfield”, “You can’t travel the whole field with one horse”, “Fish is water, berries are grass, and bread is the head of everything”, “It doesn’t matter that quinoa is in the rye, but troubles, if not rye, no quinoa", "A man is going to die, and pasha's land", "Expensive goods grow from the earth".

abstract proverbs about peace

PROVERBS THAT REFLECT CHRISTIAN BELIEFS Examples: “God is not in power, but in truth”, “Without God, not to the threshold, but with God even beyond the sea”, “If the Lord does not save the city, then all guards and fences are in vain”, “Gold is tempted by fire, and man misfortunes", "A parable of the town" (from the Psalter), "Humble in spirit, but proud of the belly", "Looks at the sky, but rummages on the ground", "You smoke heavily, you will conceive the saints", "Front - blessed is the husband, and behind - vsky staggering" (about people who cover up bad deeds with outward piety).

proverbs about writing

PROVERBS REFLECTING FAMILY LIFE. Examples: "The owner is in the house, like a khan in the Crimea", "Like God to people, so the father is to children", "The girls are seated - grief is gone, married - they have arrived twice", "One matchmaker swears for someone else's soul", " There is a bear in the forest, and a stepmother at home", "To let your wife down - you won’t see any good", "Love your wife like a soul, shake her like a pear", "Who loves. He beats" (wife), "Do not beat your wife - sweet not to be."

proverbs berry berry strife

PROVERBS, REFLECTING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PUBLIC - THE WORLD. Examples: “What the world has ordered, God has judged”, “You are for the world, and the world is for you”, “Worldly truth stands firmly”, “The world is a great man”, “The world will stand up for itself”, “There is no judgment on the world "," The world will roar, so the forests groan.

proverbs about fish

PROVERBS THAT REFLECTED THE OLD JUDGMENT. Examples: “The judge is like a carpenter: he cut down what he wanted”, “What are the laws to me: I know the judges”, “Do not be afraid of the court - be afraid of the judge”, “The horse competed with the wolf - the tail and mane remained”, “God punished the people - sent the voivode", "The horse loves oats, and the voivode loves the bring."

proverbs of Buryatia

PROVERBS ABOUT WEALTH AND POVERTY. Examples: “Money, like stones, is hard on the soul”, “The rich man will not buy his conscience, but destroys his own: he will climb into wealth, forget the brotherhood”, “Goal and naked - before God is right”, “The rich do not feed the poor, but everyone is full”, “A rich man would eat money, if the poor did not feed him bread”, “If money is spoken, then the truth is silent”, “Do not ask the rich, ask the tattered one”, “In the wrong hands, the chunk seems great, but how we will get it, it will seem so small.

proverbs face of the earth

PROVERBS. REFLECTING MORAL CONCEPTS. Examples: “You won’t look at the truth that is in the sun”, “Smear the truth with gold, and it will emerge”, “Brings the truth from the day of the sea”, “Falsely you will go through the whole world, but you won’t come back”, “Better falsehood to endure than to twirl the truth", "There was, they say, and the truth is in the world, but in the villages it went into balance", "Truth does not stand in the world, but walks around the world", "One cannot live without truth, and one cannot live about truth "," The truth is not good for business, but put it in a bow and pray, "" The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man, where it is better, "" A zealous horse does not live long."

PROVERBS DRAWING THE CHARACTER OF PEOPLE. Examples: “Hisses like red-hot iron when you spit” (about a hot, irritable person), “You can’t do it in a mortar with a pestle” (stubborn), “Walks in boots, and the trail is barefoot” (cunning), “Wherever you step, here it will knock "(lump)," Hemmed with winds "(inconstant), "He says how he drags a collar on a horse with tongs" (mumbling), "From young and early, cries like a rooster" (upstart), "Batters that a magpie" ( about someone who is talking soon), “He said that he chopped off” (about the speaker briefly and decisively), “He says that the river is flowing” (smoothly), “Cooing like a dove” (gently), “What the word says, then the ruble will give "(speaking well and efficiently).

PROVERBS FOR DIFFERENT LIFE OCCASIONS. Examples: “Do not be afraid of the dog that barks, but be afraid of the one that bites on the sly”, “Do not be angry at a rude word, but do not give up on a gentle one”, “To recognize a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him.”

proverbs about promise

Sayings are expressions used in conversation, most often in the form of comparisons, in order to give speech a special clarity. "A proverb, - says the people, - a flower, a proverb - a berry." Sayings are also called "proverbs" and "sayings". Examples: "Spinning like a demon before matins", "Like two drops of water", "One, like a finger", "Neither give nor take", "Like snow on the head", "Light in sight", "Again , but grows by the hour", "Neither think, nor guess, nor describe with a pen", "Soon a fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done."

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