The further the steppe became more beautiful. Then the whole south, all that


The further the steppe became more beautiful. Then the whole south, all that
the space that makes up the current Novorossia, to the very Black
sea, was a green, virgin desert. The plow never passed through
immeasurable waves of wild plants. Only the horses hiding in them, like
in the forest, trampled them. Nothing in nature could be better. All
the surface of the earth was represented by a green-gold ocean, along which
splashed millions of different colors. Through thin, tall stalks of grass
light blue, blue and purple hairs shone through; yellow firewood popped up
with its pyramidal top; white porridge with umbrella-shaped caps was full of
on a surface; brought in God knows where the ear of wheat poured into the thick.
Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was
filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky,
spreading their wings and fixing their eyes fixedly on the grass. scream
moving towards the clouds wild geese God knows in what far
lake. A gull rose from the grass with measured strokes and luxuriously bathed in
blue waves air. There she disappeared in the sky and only flickers one
black dot. There she turned her wings and flashed in front of the sun ...
Damn you, steppes, how good you are!..


And meanwhile the steppe had already - long ago accepted them all into its green embrace, and the tall grass, surrounding it, hid them, and only black Cossack hats alone flashed between its ears.
— Eh, eh! What are you, lads, so quiet? ”Said, finally, Bulba, waking up from his thoughtfulness,-as if some blacks! Well, at once all thoughts to the unclean! Grab the cradles in your teeth, let's smoke, let's spur our horses, let's fly so that even the bird can't keep up with us! And the Cossacks, bending down to their horses, disappeared into the grass. Even the black caps could no longer be seen; only a stream of compressed grass showed the trace of their rapid run. The sun had long since peeped out in the cleared sky and poured its life-giving, calorific light over the steppe. Everything that was vague and sleepy in the soul of the Cossacks flew off in an instant; their hearts fluttered like birds.
Steppe The further it went, the more beautiful it became. Then the whole south, all the space that makes up the present Novorossia, to the very Black Sea, was a green, virgin desert. Never has a plow passed over immeasurable waves of wild plants; only the horses, hiding in them, as in a forest, trampled them down. Nothing in nature could be better: the entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-gold ocean, along which splashed millions of different colors. Through the thin, high stalks of grass, blue, blue and purple hairs showed through; the yellow gorse jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge was full of umbrella-shaped caps on the surface; brought in God knows where the ear of wheat poured into the thick. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a cloud of wild geese moving to the side resounded in God knows what distant lake. A gull rose from the grass with measured waves and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of the air; there she disappeared in the sky and only flickers like one black dot! there she turned her wings and flashed before the sun! Damn you, steppes, how good you are!
Our travelers stopped only for a few minutes for lunch, and the detachment of ten Cossacks riding with them dismounted from their horses, untied wooden eggplants with a burner and pumpkins used instead of vessels. They ate only bread with bacon or cakes, drank only one cup each, only for refreshment, because Taras Bulba never allowed to get drunk on the road, and continued on until the evening.

In the evening, the whole steppe changed completely: its entire motley expanse was embraced by the last bright reflection of the sun and gradually darkened, so that one could see how the shadow ran across it, and it became dark green; the vapors rose thicker; every flower, every herb emitted ambergris, and the whole steppe smoked with incense. Across the sky, from a dark blue, as if with a gigantic brush, broad stripes of pink gold were smeared; from time to time light and transparent clouds shone white in tufts, and the freshest, seductive, like sea ​​waves, the breeze barely swayed over the tops of the grass and barely touched the cheeks. All the music that sounded during the day subsided and was replaced by another. Motley ground squirrels crawled out of their holes, stood on their hind legs and announced the steppe with a whistle. The crackling of the grasshoppers became more audible. Sometimes the cry of a swan was heard from some secluded lake and, like silver, echoed in the air.
Travelers, stopping among the fields, chose an overnight stay, laid out a fire and put a cauldron on it, in which they cooked kulish for themselves; the steam escaped and indirectly smoked in the air. After supper, the Cossacks went to bed, setting their tangled horses across the grass. They spread out on scrolls. The night stars looked directly at them. They heard with their ears the whole countless world of insects that filled the grass: all their crackling, whistling, chirping - all this resounded loudly in the middle of the night, cleared in fresh air and lulled a dormant ear. If one of them got up and stood up for a while, then he imagined the steppe dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms. Sometimes the night sky different places it was illuminated by a distant glow from the dry reeds burned over the meadows and rivers, and the dark string of swans flying to the north was suddenly illuminated by a silver-pink light, and then it seemed that red handkerchiefs were flying across the dark sky.

N V Gogol "Taras Bulba"

I really like this passage. Why? Most likely because it reminds me of my homeland - Gagauzia - the Budzhak steppe. Much is exactly what Gogol describes, there are differences, but there are also changes that have occurred over time and all subsequent historical events. But the Steppe remains the Steppe. Spread a number of photos exactly how I see our steppe.

In July-August, many open places along the roads light up brightly. yellow. This is flowering mullein officinalis. IN folk medicine tea from the organs of the plant is used for bronchial asthma, hepatitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

The bruise is common. In the flora of Moldova there are 3 species. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Is a honey plant.

Poppy self-seed.

Not to see the carpet of blooming poppies means not to see summer in all its splendor. (that's not mine).

Feather grass.

In the south of Moldova, from the Prut to the Dniester, primordial steppes. To the east they go to Ukraine, to the west - to Romania and Bulgaria, where they are occupied most of Lower Danube lowland. The southern Moldavian steppes, which form an angle between the Dniester and the Black Sea, are often referred to in the literature as Budzhak (a corner in Tatar). In the past, classical steppe grasses prevailed here: hairy feather grass and Lessing's feather grass, fescue, thin-legged, awnless bonfire, as well as representatives of forbs: pink, plain and Pannonian clover, yellow and Romanian alfalfa, etc. Now these plants are quite rare, but widely drought-resistant and well adapted to the most inconvenient places, the bearded grass spread.

A. S. Pushkin on the way from Chisinau to Cahul wrote: “ Budzhak steppes are not sandy: they spread like a green plain. It is not surprising that the abundant and dense herbaceous vegetation contributed to the formation of fertile chernozems in the south of Moldova, saturated with humus to a great depth. They are the memory of the former natural plant wealth of the Budzhak steppes.

In the essay P. Svinina"On the natural state of the Bessarabian region", written at the beginning of the last century, it is said about the Budzhak steppe that she " is the greatest and most fertile, so that one can rather call it a fruitful, fragrant valley than a desert ... This beautiful steppe seems to be intended by nature itself for pastures". According to the preserved tiny patches of former vegetation, it can also be assumed that this steppe was rich, with abundant herbs. It is not surprising that powerful chernozem soils were formed here.

The floristic saturation of this steppe is high (73 species / 100 m 2 , 24 species / 1 m 2 ), and the share of forbs is especially high (60 species / 100 m 2 ).

The most developed of animal husbandry was sheep breeding. Now there is a decline. There are many problems with the sale of both meat and skins and wool.

The main problem affecting the price of wool is this weed. A sheep that has caught such a Velcro itself will not get rid of it. And there are such thorns everywhere. Therefore, the shepherds very carefully choose the routes of the flock, so that such thorns are encountered as little as possible on its path.

IN of the hot-skinned Budzhak steppe the vine sleeps, tucking in the wormwood.

I would like to press my cheek to the ground,
grief inhaling warmth.
I would like to hear the roots groan,
what is the name of the life-giving rain -
grapes are fed through force
and pity the lean bunch.
I would feel the murmur of the depths,
fever of hot bowels,
and understand -
them in heaven
who was so recently

Far from the steppe care
a tear on my cheek -
a single drop of sweat
in that well
where were the waters...

And now
the vine dries on them...

Thistle drooping. Handsome. Ruby inflorescences-baskets, appearing in July, change their position, like sunflower baskets, turning towards the sun.

Autumn. It's time to clean up our traditional culture savior of corn.

Southern edge of the Soviet Union!
The sky breathes summer heat.
There are such Gagauz people,
Small, mysterious people.

Seems like time has split here.
This is where history lives
Lost between the mound echo
And entered the legends of the people!

The ancient temple stands in Kazaklia,
Whose bells hang on it?
Gagauz with the name Russia,
How long ago did the story come together?

Where in the Budzhak steppe, scorched,
The sun silvered the feather grass,
There are Peter the Great's banners
The grenadiers carried it with honor.

On Kagul Suvorov and Kutuzov
Here passed, who remembers how long ago?
Since then, with Russia, the Gagauz
Is time counted as one?

How industrious people are!
The steppe that languished without water,
He works hard, painstakingly
Turned into green gardens.

Wax ripe smells of corn,
Pears pour like honey!
How not to bow to the Gagauz?
Working little people! ;

After supper, the Cossacks went to bed, setting their tangled horses across the grass. They spread out on scrolls. The night stars looked directly at them. They heard with their ears the whole countless world of insects that filled the grass: all their crackling, whistling, chirping - all this resounded loudly in the middle of the night, cleared in the fresh air and lulled their dormant ears. If one of them got up and stood up for a while, then he imagined the steppe dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms. Sometimes the night sky in different places was illuminated by a distant glow from dry reeds burned over the meadows and rivers, and the dark string of swans flying to the north was suddenly illuminated by a silver-pink light, and then it seemed that red handkerchiefs were flying across the dark sky.

Municipal educational institution"Mukhtolovskaya secondary general education

School number 2"

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson

in the 7th grade

« Come on, how good you are!”

R.r. Analysis of an excerpt from the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Teacher: Kutaisova Nadezhda Ivanovna

Lesson plan.

    Organizing moment (1 min.)

    Reporting lesson objectives. (1 min.)

    introduction teachers.(1 min.)

    Student messages. (6 min.)

    Reading an excerpt from their story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". (3 min.)

    Conversation on questions (with an individual task). (23 min.)

    Vocabulary work. (3 min.)

    Final word teachers. (1 min.)

    Homework. (1 min.)



Equipment: portrait of N.V. Gogol, reproduction of "Cossacks in the steppe" by artist E. Kibrik, explanatory dictionaries edited by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova;

epigraphs “Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe the living colors of reality. You see and hear them." V. G. Belinsky.

"Gogol to the Russian rye bread mixed in Ukrainian salt and even pepper.” A.V. Chicherin.

Preliminary work: two students are preparing messages from the encyclopedic dictionary of the young philologist “Gogol N.V. The language of his works.

Students prepare an excerpt from N.V. Gogol's story "Description of the Steppe" for expressive reading.

Three students are preparing messages: a description of the steppe during the day, in the evening, at night.

Type of lesson: speech development lesson.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. Sit down. Missing in class...

II. Reporting lesson objectives.

Guys, today in the lesson we will work with an excerpt from N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba". This work is well known to you. For analysis, we need an excerpt from Chapter II, which describes the steppe. We will observe the use of figurative and expressive means of language in the story; correctly determine the meaning of the epithet, metaphor, comparison, personification; get acquainted with the language of Gogol in other works; we will try to see the beauty and unusualness of Gogol's language in the story "Taras Bulba".

III. Introduction by the teacher.

Today in the lesson we will once again turn to the work of N.V. Gogol, one of the great Russian writers. Over the course of a series of lessons, we got acquainted with his works, analyzed them, tried to recognize the features of this master of the word. How did the writer make us readers see the beauty of the May night, feel the charm of the night before Christmas, laugh heartily at the Devil and Solokha, cry during the execution of Ostap and Taras? Of course, guys, he does this with the help of a peculiar, bright, figurative rich language. Let's listen to the students' messages, which are called "The Language of the Works of N.V. Gogol."

IV. Students' messages.

1. About the first prose book by N.V. Gogol - “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” - A.S. Pushkin wrote: “Here is real fun, sincere, laid-back, without affectation, without stiffness. And what poetry! What sensitivity!..” It is easy to see that this review referred not only to the content of the new work, but also to its language. However, one is inextricably linked to the other. The book, from the pages of which the world of Ukrainian folk life, with its heroic legends and modern worries, ingenious tricks of lads and intrigues evil spirits, - this book shone with bright fresh colors, struck with originality and expressiveness of the language.

It combines various, sometimes opposite styles: on the one hand, the style of speech is poetic, heartfelt, reaching pathetic heights; on the other hand, everyday vernacular, sometimes even swear words and vulgarisms: “A slander's Satan! So that you choke on a rotten melon! To die still small, dog son!

Ukrainian vocabulary, phraseology, the very warehouse of Ukrainian speech influenced its language. early works by performing certain artistic functions. Ukrainianisms increased the poetry of love explanations, strengthened the everyday character genre scenes, finally, exacerbated the comedy of other satirical descriptions. Gogol, in the words of the modern researcher A.V. Chicherin, “mixed Ukrainian salt and even pepper to Russian rye bread.”

For two decades creative activity N.V. Gogol, his language naturally developed, but the skillful combination of opposing styles remained driving force his innovations.

In subsequent works of Gogol - in the stories "Mirgorod", " Petersburg stories”, “Auditor”, etc. - the role of the "ordinary dialect" has increased even more. And this is understandable: from the “living description of a singing and dancing tribe”, as A.S. Pushkin defined the content of “Evenings ...”, Gogol turned to the everyday and unsightly existence of the townsfolk - to petty insults and deadly quarrels, the omnipotence of rank and money, to envy and to trickery, to an empty pastime, in a word, to “all the terrible, amazing mire of trifles” that “entangled our lives”. And a wide stream poured into Gogol's works of clerical style, mixed with colloquial language, elements of different jargons (shargon, hunting and military).

2. At the same time, Gogol is waging a merciless struggle with the parlor, prim language: “The ladies of the city N ... were distinguished ... by extraordinary caution and decency in words and expressions. They never said: “I blew my nose, I sweated, I spat,” but they said: I relieved my nose, I managed with a handkerchief ... The cutesy-allegorical word is rejected for the sake of a direct and sharp word. However, the poetic, agitated, sometimes pretentious Gogol style is preserved, which, as before, either interrupted or framed the style of the “ordinary dialect”, sharply contrasting with it and conveying by this very contrast the irreconcilable contradiction of what is and what should be, dreams and reality, the artist’s painful longing for the ideal .

The Gogol style had a powerful influence on literature and speech communication, which V.V. Stasov accurately and fully said: “From Gogol, he settled in Russia completely new language; we infinitely liked him for his simplicity, strength, accuracy. Amazing briskness and closeness to nature. All Gogol's turns, expressions quickly came into general use. Even Gogol's favorite exclamations: "Damn it," "To hell with it," "The devil knows you," and many others, suddenly took on a turn that had never happened before. All the youth went to speak in Gogol's language. The strength of Gogol's word lay not only in its fearless, yet unprecedented immersion in everyday prose, but also in the fact that it, this word, with all its brightness retained the stamp of spirituality and striving for the ideal.

Teacher. Let us conclude: in Gogol's works, various, sometimes opposite styles of presentation are bizarrely combined: on the one hand, poetic speech, sometimes reaching extraordinary heights, on the other, everyday vernacular. The language of the writer's works was influenced by Ukrainian vocabulary and phraseology, the very warehouse of Ukrainian speech. Let's read the words of A.V. Chicherin, they very accurately characterize the style of N.V. Gogol. Over the course of two decades of creative activity, the language of the writer's works naturally developed, but the skillful use of the above speech elements remained the driving force of his work. In each work of the writer there is a landscape. Let us recall what descriptions of nature we met in the story "Taras Bulba". (Description of the steppe, picture of the Dnieper, July night ...).

Let's read expressively the description of the steppe at the end of the 2nd chapter of the story and think about why the author introduces this description into the story.

V. Reading an excerpt from the story "Taras Bulba"

(Description of the steppe).

The steppe, the farther, the more beautiful it became. Then the whole south, all the space that makes up today's Novorossia, right up to the Black Sea, was a green, virgin desert. Never had a plow passed over immeasurable waves of wild plants. Only the horses, hiding in them, as in a forest, trampled them. Nothing in nature could be better than them. The entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-gold ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed. Through the thin, tall stalks of grass, blue, blue and purple hairs showed through; yellow gorse jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge was full of umbrella-shaped caps on the surface; brought in God knows where the ear of wheat poured into the thick. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a cloud of wild geese moving to the side resounded in God knows what distant lake. A gull rose from the grass with measured waves and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of the air. There she disappeared in the sky and only flickers like one black dot. There she turned her wings and flashed before the sun. Damn you, steppes, how good you are!..

In the evening the whole steppe completely changed. All its motley space was covered by the last bright reflection of the sun and gradually darkened, so that it was clear how the shadow ran across it, and it became dark green; the vapors rose thicker, every flower, every herb emitted ambergris, and the whole steppe was smoky with incense. Across the sky, from a dark blue, as if with a gigantic brush, broad stripes of rose gold were smeared; from time to time light transparent clouds shone white in tufts, and the freshest, seductive, like the waves of the sea, the breeze barely swayed over the tops of the grass. And touched his cheeks a little. All the music that filled the day subsided and was replaced by another. Motley ravines crawled out of their holes, stood on their hind legs and announced the steppe with a whistle. The crackling of the grasshoppers became more audible. Sometimes the cry of a swan was heard from some secluded lake and, like silver, echoed in the air. Travelers, stopping among the fields, chose an overnight stay, laid out and placed on it a cauldron in which they cooked Kulish for themselves; the steam escaped and indirectly smoked in the air. After supper, the Cossacks went to bed, sending their tangled horses over the grass. They spread out on scrolls. The night stars looked directly at them. They heard with their ears the whole countless world of insects that filled the grass, all their crackling, whistling, croaking; all this resounded resoundingly in the middle of the night, cleared itself in the fresh night air and lulled the slumbering ear. If one of them got up and stood up for a while, then he imagined the steppe dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms. Sometimes the night sky in different places was illuminated by a distant glow from the dry reeds burned over the meadows and rivers, and the dark line of swans flying north was suddenly illuminated by a silver-pink light, and then it seemed that red scarves were flying across dark sky.

VI . Questions session.

1. With what words does the description of the steppe landscape begin? What did the author mean by this? (“The steppe, the farther, the more beautiful”; “Nothing in nature could be better than them,” the author wanted to convey his admiration for the steppe, his love and devotion to Ukrainian nature).

2. Why did the author introduce this description into the story? (To show the charm of Ukrainian nature, how it affects the mood of the heroes, the sadness of the Cossacks disappeared when they met the steppe, compare the steppe with the images of the Cossacks, they are as free, different and unpredictable as nature, the Cossacks are close to nature).

2. How Gogol describes the steppe ? (The steppe is always different, it is filled with sounds, colors that are constantly changing, but never repeated, there is a lot of beauty in nature, at first glance imperceptible, but important).

3. What does Gogol pay attention to when talking about her? (He draws attention to smells, colors, sounds - he concretizes all this, describes in detail).

4. How does it help to see the richness of its colors, to feel the aroma of its flowers, its beauty? (With the help of figurative and expressive means: epithets, comparisons, metaphors, personifications).

5. Drawing the steppe, Gogol seeks to show the richness of colors; What part of speech words help him to do this? (adjectives).

6. Read a "piece" of text without adjectives. What changed? (The text has lost its beauty, imagery, some accuracy).

7. What are bright, colorful, figurative definitions called? (Epithets).

Find them in the text . (Colorful space, blue-dark sky, gigantic brush, pink gold, light and transparent clouds, fresh seductive breeze, colorful ravines, silver-pink color, endless, free, beautiful steppe, secluded lake).

8. What does Gogol emphasize, speaking of the steppe, with the words “green-gold ocean”? (This emphasizes the spatial power, beauty, and soothing tone of the steppe.)

9. What is a metaphor? (Figurative meaning words when one phenomenon or object is likened to another).

10. What does the author convey with the metaphor “millions of different colors splashed”? (The surprise caused by the appearance of such an abundance and variety of colors: blue, blue, purple, white, yellow, creates a visual impression, emphasizing the spatial power of the steppe and its beautiful, calming overall tone.) Find more metaphors in the text. (The steppe, dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms, clouds turned white in tufts).

11. What is personification? (Type of metaphor, transferring the properties of an animate object to an inanimate one). Find personifications in the text. (The shadow ran across, the breeze slightly touched the cheeks, the night stars looked, the world of insects lulled the ear).

12.What are comparisons? (Comparison of two objects or phenomena with the goal explain one with the help of the other; V fiction detailed comparisons are widespread, materializing in entire fragments of the text). Find comparisons in the text . (Across the sky, from a dark blue, as if with a gigantic brush, broad stripes of rose gold were smeared; the cry of a swan, like silver, echoed in the air; a string of swans flying north was suddenly illuminated by a silver-pink light, and then it seemed that the red handkerchiefs flew across the dark sky; a breeze, like sea waves).

13. What is the feeling of the steppe among the Cossacks? (Feelings of love, admiration, they felt their native element, freedom; they are as free and unpredictable as the steppe, their "hearts fluttered like birds").

12. Gogol proceeds from describing plants to describing birds. What has changed in speech? (There were fewer adjectives, verbs appeared, because the writer does not so much draw birds as figuratively conveys their movements and sounds: partridges darted under the thin roots of grasses; the hawks stood motionless; a seagull bathed luxuriously in the blue waves of the air; the air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles and cries of geese).

13. Let's compare the description of the steppe during the day, in the evening, at night. (Checking individual assignments.)

Steppe during the day

Steppe in the evening

Steppe at night

1. Ground surface

green-gold ocean

    Lighting -

the steppe has completely changed;

embraced by the last reflection of the sun, darkened, became dark green ...

1. Stars. They looked straight ahead.

2. Flowers splashed through thin, tall grass stems, blue, blue and purple hairs,

yellow gorse popped up ... (visual impressions)

2. Smells - each flower emitted its own aroma, the steppe smoked with incense.

2. Sounds: whistling, chirping of insects, croaking. It was all lulling.

3. Birds: bird whistles, partridges darted, hawks stood ... (auditory impressions)

3. Sounds: other than during the day: the whistling of gophers, the crackling of grasshoppers.

3. The night sky: it was sometimes illuminated by a distant glow from dry reeds burned out over meadows and rivers, and a dark string of swans was illuminated ...

4. The steppe seemed to be dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms.

VII. Dictionary work.

How do you understand the words "smoked incense" (Smokes - emit smoke, misty haze; incense - aroma, pleasant smell).

Let's read the footnotes of the textbook: hairs, gorse, ambergris, gigantic, ravines, kulish.

Conclusion: In this small description visual and auditory impressions merge. Describing the steppe, the author seeks to convey to us its beauty, to “infect” with a feeling of love for nature. We see the accuracy, the concreteness of the image natural phenomena pay attention to diversity colors, the music of the steppe, the change of time of day. Gogol's landscape does not come off people, the picture of the steppe is always given taking into account the location of the heroes: whether they ride horses during the day and the steppe unfolds in front of them, or at night, when they lie and admire the night sky. Depicting the steppe in different time days, the author notices the features of nature and conveys them to the reader using a variety of visual and expressive means. You and I feel that the steppe is alive, it does not change its usual rhythm; one picture is replaced by another. The author seems to send us along with the Cossacks on this journey and makes us feel the beauty, variability and charm of nature.

VIII. Final word from the teacher.

Very often, when reading this or that work, you guys skip entire paragraphs describing nature, do not delve into their content and therefore do not know how to understand and feel the beauty of nature and its beauty. artistic expression V literary work. But this is very important for understanding the main idea of ​​the work. Remember guys that "everyone great writer beautiful in its own way. Climbing uphill, you need to be able to get to the heights of each of them.

I X. Homework.

Write an essay-miniature "Smells, sounds and colors of the steppe in the story" Taras Bulba ". Try with your work to show all the beauty and charm of the image of the landscape by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, use not only this passage, but also others that you will meet in the story.


    Gogol N.V. Taras Bulba, M .: "Children's Literature", 1990.

    Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1990.

    Russian language at school No. 5, 1994.

    Skorkina N.M. Teaching essays in the Russian language and literature. - Volgograd, 2002.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist / Comp. M.V. Panov, M.: "Pedagogy", 1984.

Self-analysis of the Russian language lesson in the 7th grade.

"Steppes, how good you are!"

R.r. Analysis of an excerpt from the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".

Target: improving the skills of text analysis on the example of an excerpt from the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".

Tasks: to develop and consolidate the skills of using the figurative and expressive means of the language in the speech of students, to correctly determine the meaning of the epithet, metaphor, personification, etc.; make observations on the language of N.V. Gogol (on the example of an excerpt from the story "Taras Bulba"); get acquainted with the language of Gogol in other works; to show the beauty and unusualness of Gogol's language in the story "Taras Bulba".

Analysis artistic text at school is of great importance for the education and training of students. With the help of the text, a number of important tasks are implemented, for example, to eliminate the gap between the study of theory and the formation of coherent speech, to develop a linguistic instinct, which is necessary not only to create statements, but also to correctly understand what is written, to make interdisciplinary connections, etc. Analysis landscape provides favorable material for observing the use of figurative and expressive means of language.

To analyze a literary text, I take an excerpt from a work that has recently been studied. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". The lesson begins with students' reports about the language of Gogol's works, on the basis of which it is concluded that different types of presentation are intricately combined in the writer's works: poetic speech is adjacent to everyday vernacular. The children get acquainted not only with the language of Gogol's works, but also with " encyclopedic dictionary young philologist. Expressive reading an excerpt from the story "Taras Bulba" shows the beauty and charm of the description of nature in the work. The guys listen, think and answer questions about why the author introduced this description into the story, what Gogol pays attention to when talking about it; how it helps to see the richness of colors, to feel the aroma of flowers, its beauty, etc. Answering questions, students note that the beauty of the image of the landscape is conveyed with the help of figurative and expressive means of the language: epithets, metaphors, comparisons, personifications. The guys find, analyze them, express their point of view, use comparisons, draw parallels between the image of the landscape and the freedom of the Cossacks, note that the author does not accidentally show the heroes of the work in the steppe. Students compare the description of the steppe during the day, in the evening, at night, determine the idea of ​​the passage, the author's attitude to the events depicted. During the lesson there is Full time job over speech terms, students turn to the explanatory dictionary.

This lesson helps to develop in students a sense of language, love for the word, the ability to carefully, thoughtfully treat the word. The lesson helps to realize the connection between the Russian language and literature.

Students in the lesson are active, interested, which is facilitated by a friendly, cheerful, success-oriented atmosphere. Students easily express their point of view, proving it. The lesson rationally uses various teaching methods and techniques (verbal, visual, problem-search). Age and individual characteristics students. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives grades, commenting on the work of each student, pointing out shortcomings, so that in the future the guys take into account and correct all the comments.

Homework is creative in nature - writing a miniature essay, which involves revisiting Gogol's text. Lesson time is used rationally.

Considering all of the above, I believe that the goal of the lesson has been achieved.

N. V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba" (Taras Bulba's speech about partnership)

“I would like to tell you, gentlemen, what our partnership is like.

You heard from your fathers and grandfathers in what honor our land was for everyone: it let the Greeks know itself, and took gold coins from Constantinople, and the cities were magnificent, and temples, and princes, princes of the Russian family, their princes, and not Catholic incredulous .

Busurmans took everything, everything was gone.

Only we remained, orphans, yes, like a widow after a strong husband, orphan, just like we, our land!

This is the time when we, comrades, laid a hand on the brotherhood! That's what our partnership stands for!

There is no bond more holy than fellowship!

A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But this is not the case, brothers: even the beast loves its child. But only one person can be related by kinship by soul, and not by blood.

There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades as in the Russian land.

It happened to you not alone - to disappear a lot in a foreign land; you see - and there are people! Also god man and talk to him as to your own; but when it comes to speaking a heartfelt word, you see: no, smart people, but not those; the same people, but not the same!

No, brothers, love like the Russian soul - not only to love with the mind or anything else, but with everything that God has given, whatever is in you, but ... ...

No, no one can love like that!

I know that vile things have now begun on our land; they only think that they have stacks of grain, stacks and their horse herds, so that their sealed honey would be intact in the cellars.

They adopt the devil knows what busurman customs; they abhor their tongue; his own does not want to talk to his own; he sells his own, as they sell a soulless creature in a trading market.

But the last scoundrel, whatever he is, even though he was all covered in soot and in worship, there is also a grain of Russian feeling in him, brothers.

And someday it will wake up, and it will hit, miserable, on the floor with its hands, grab itself by the head, loudly cursing its vile life, ready to atone for the shameful deed with torments.

Let them all know what partnership means in the Russian land!

If it comes to that, to die, then none of them will ever die like that! ..

No one, no one!

They don't have enough mouse nature for that!

"Description of the steppe"

The further the steppe became more beautiful. Then the whole south, all the space that makes up the present Novorossia, to the very Black Sea, was a green, virgin desert. Never had a plow passed over immeasurable waves of wild plants. Only the horses, hiding in them, as in a forest, trampled them. Nothing in nature could be better. The entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-gold ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed. Through the thin, tall stalks of grass, blue, blue and purple hairs showed through; yellow firewood jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge was full of umbrella-shaped caps on the surface; brought in God knows where the ear of wheat poured into the thick. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a cloud of wild geese moving to the side resounded in God knows what distant lake. A gull rose from the grass with measured waves and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of the air. There she disappeared in the sky and only flickers like one black dot. There she turned her wings and flashed in front of the sun ... Damn you, steppes, how good you are!..

Answer left Guest

Description of the steppe in the story "Taras Bulba" by Gogol: an excerpt from the work

"...Damn you, steppes, how good you are!.."
Artist A. Gerasimov

"Taras Bulba" by Gogol outstanding work Russian classical literature XIX century.

The steppe in the story "Taras Bulba" is a beautiful, majestic phenomenon of nature, the "green-golden ocean".

Below is a description of the steppe in the story "Taras Bulba" by Gogol: an excerpt from the second chapter of the work.

See: All materials on the story "Taras Bulba"

Description of the steppe in the story "Taras Bulba": an excerpt from the text

"... The sun peeked out long ago in the cleared sky and poured its life-giving, calorific light on the steppe. Everything that was vague and sleepy in the soul of the Cossacks flew away in an instant; their hearts fluttered like birds.

The further the steppe became more beautiful. Then the whole south, all the space that makes up the present Novorossia, to the very Black Sea, was a green, virgin desert. Never had a plow passed over immeasurable waves of wild plants. Only the horses, hiding in them, as in a forest, trampled them. Nothing in nature could be better. The entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-gold ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed. Through the thin, tall stalks of grass, blue, blue and purple hairs showed through; yellow gorse jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge was full of umbrella-shaped caps on the surface; brought in God knows where the ear of wheat poured into the thick. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a cloud of wild geese moving to the side resounded in God knows what distant lake. A gull rose from the grass with measured waves and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of the air. There she disappeared in the sky and only flickers like one black dot. There she turned over her wings and flashed in front of the sun ... Damn you, steppes, how good you are! ..

Our travelers stopped only for a few minutes for lunch, and a detachment of ten Cossacks traveling with them dismounted from their horses, untied wooden eggplants with a burner and gourds used instead of vessels. They ate only bread with bacon or cakes, drank only one cup each, only for refreshment, because Taras Bulba never allowed to get drunk on the road, and continued on until the evening. In the evening the whole steppe completely changed. All its motley space was embraced by the last bright reflection of the sun and gradually darkened, so that one could see how the shadow ran across it, and it became dark green; the vapors rose thicker, every flower, every herb emitted ambergris, and the whole steppe was smoky with incense. Across the sky, from a dark blue, as if with a gigantic brush, broad stripes of pink gold were smeared; from time to time light and transparent clouds shone white in tufts, and the freshest, seductive, like the waves of the sea, the breeze barely swayed over the tops of the grass and barely touched the cheeks. All the music that sounded during the day subsided and was replaced by another. Motley gophers crawled out of their holes, stood on their hind legs and announced the steppe with a whistle. The crackling of the grasshoppers became more audible. Sometimes the cry of a swan was heard from some secluded lake and reverberated like silver in the air. Travelers, stopping among the fields, chose an overnight stay, laid out a fire and put a cauldron on it, in which they cooked kulish *; the steam escaped and indirectly smoked in the air. After supper, the Cossacks went to bed, sending their tangled horses over the grass. They spread out on scrolls. The night stars looked directly at them. They heard with their ears the whole countless world of insects that filled the grass, all their crackling, whistling, chirping - all this resounded loudly in the middle of the night, cleared in the fresh air and lulled their dormant ears. If one of them got up and stood up for a while, then he imagined the steppe dotted with brilliant sparks of luminous worms. Sometimes the night sky in different places was illuminated by a distant glow from dry reeds burned over the meadows and rivers, and the dark string of swans flying to the north was suddenly lit up with a silver-pink light, and then it seemed that red handkerchiefs were flying across the dark sky.

The travelers traveled without incident. Nowhere did they come across trees, all the same endless, free, beautiful steppe. At times, only in the distance, the tops of a distant forest, stretching along the banks of the Dnieper, turned blue ... "

(*kulish - liquid millet porridge with lard)

It was a description of the steppe in the story "Taras Bulba" by Gogol: an excerpt from the second chapter of the work.

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