Information about the epics of the Novgorod cycle. Epics of the Novgorod cycle, plots and images


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Parfenova Tatyana Alexandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 403 of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg BYLINY Bylina is a historical epic song of heroic content. Epics tell about the legendary exploits of heroes-heroes who fought for their native land, freeing it from the hated invaders. All epics are divided into 2 categories: HeroicSocial and everyday Composition of epics: Beginning - the initial, introductory part of the work. Here the time and place of action are indicated, the heroes are named, about whom in question in the epic. The main part. A description of the hero is given, his unusual behavior is shown, and the responsible task that he is given is spoken of. Conclusion. All that has been said is summed up, the exploits or deeds of the protagonist are once again praised. Cycles of epics: KIEV NOVGORODSKY Novgorod cycle of epics In ancient Rus' there were two largest cultural centers: Kyiv and Novgorod. An involuntary rivalry arose between the cities, which affected in many ways: in 1037. laid down in Kyiv Saint Sophia Cathedral, and a few years later, Novgorodians began to build their St. Sophia Cathedral. The fate of Novgorod in the history of the Russian Middle Ages is unusual. This is one of the oldest Russian cities; it was first mentioned in chronicles in the 6th century. Novgorod was located near the vital trade highway of the then of Eastern Europe- the so-called path "from the Varangians to the Greeks", connecting the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea by a system of rivers, lakes and "portages" (watershed sections between the upper reaches of two rivers that closely converge at their sources, along which ships were dragged from one river to another in the old days) . Thanks to this, Novgorod was an intermediary center in trade between Western Europe, Slavic lands and the East. It was one of the largest European cities with a highly developed handicraft and extensive trade relations. In the system of ancient Russian lands and principalities, it was the largest city-state where there was no ruling dynasty princes. In the 12th century, it became a boyar republic with an original political system, in which the most important state affairs were decided at a city meeting - veche, while in other lands and principalities Ancient Rus' The main law was the will of the prince. The economic power of Novgorod, its wealth was based on crafts and trade. The rich merchants of Novgorod ("guests") conducted extensive foreign trade in the territory stretching from mediterranean sea to the North polar circle. Trade was especially active with countries Western Europe. foreign merchants brought precious metals, lead, tin, expensive fabrics, valuable types of wood, sables, arctic foxes, fox furs, wax, and leather were taken away. Kyiv was famous for its epics and Novgorod had its own epics or, as they were called in the north, antiquities. Peculiarities Novgorod cycle epics: The action takes place in NovgorodCharacteristics social topics, does not have heroic plotsGlorification of Novgorod Heroes of the Novgorod cycle of epics Sadko Vasily Buslaev Sadko is one of ancient heroes Moreover, he is perhaps the most famous hero epics of the Novgorod cycle. ancient plot about Sadko, which tells how the hero wooed the daughter of the sea king, later became more complicated, surprisingly realistic details appeared regarding the life of ancient Novgorod. Vasily Buslaev remove. Two epics are known about this indomitable and violent citizen of Veliky Novgorod. In his rebellion against everyone and everything, he does not pursue any goal, except for the desire to run amok and show off. The son of a Novgorod widow, a wealthy citizen, Vasily from childhood showed his unbridled temper in fights with peers. Growing up, he gathered a squad to compete with all of Veliky Novgorod. The battle ends with the complete victory of Vasily. The second epic is dedicated to the death of Vasily Buslaev. One of the Novgorod epics "Sadko" In the glorious in Nove-grad How was Sadko the merchant, a rich guest. And before Sadko had no property: Some were guselki yarovchaty; Sadko went to feasts and played. Sadko is not invited to an honorable feast for a day, Another is not invited to an honorable feast, And the third is not invited to an honorable feast, Sadko missed that. the water stirred in the lake, Then Sadko got mixed up, He went away from the lake to his Novgorod, As then the water stirred in the lake, The king of the sea appeared, He left Ilmeni from the lake, He himself spoke these words: - Oh, you, Sadho of Novgorod I don’t know how you will be welcomed For your great joys, For your tender game: Al countless gold treasury? in Ilmen-lake There is a fish - gold feathers. Oh, you, merchants of Novogorodsk! What are you betting with me about the big bet? - they tied a silk seine And went to catch in Ilmen-lake. Sadko began to trade, He began to receive great profits. In his white-stone chambers, Sadko arranged everything in a heavenly way: The sun is in the sky - and the sun is in the chambers, The month is in the sky - and the moon is in the chambers, The stars are in the sky - and the stars are in the chambers. And what should I, Sadka, brag about, What should I, Sadka, brag about? Isn’t my treasury getting thinner with gold, I don’t wear a colorful dress, The squad of the choir does not change. And to brag is not to brag about a countless gold treasury: With my countless gold treasury I will buy New City goods, Bad goods and good ones! He takes the gooselets of the yarovchata, He himself says these words: - Dump the oak plank on the water: Although I fall on the oak plank, I’m not so afraid to accept death in the blue sea. black crows. Sadko saw: in the blue sea There is a white-stone chamber. Sadko entered the white-stone chamber: The king of the sea is sitting in the chamber, The king’s head is like a pile of hay. How Sadko began to play in the guselki yarovchaty, How the king of the sea began to dance in the blue sea, How the king of the sea began to dance. With yellow sand, the water became confused, Many ships began to be wrecked on the blue sea, Many property owners began to die, Many righteous people began to drown. And Sadko stands on a steep ridge, Meets his squad from Volkhov. Then his squad wondered: - Sadko remained in the blue sea! Epics inspired many musicians, artists, poets to create original works Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Sadko". Rimsky-Korsakov began to embody the legend of Sadko in music as early as 1867, when he wrote symphonic poem under name of the same name. Themes from this work were subsequently included in the opera. Novgorod Kremlin. The author of the project of the Sadko fountain is the Novgorod sculptor Eduard Nikolaevich Kurylev. The fountain is a bowl with a mosaic coating, in the center of which is sculptural composition epic hero Sadko and Princess Volkhov. The fountain opened in 1978. AT last years before restoration, due to an emergency condition, the work of the fountain was limited, it was turned on only on weekends from 11 am to 11 pm and on holidays. In 2009, for the 1150th anniversary of Veliky Novgorod, the fountain was reconstructed. See you soon!

Bylina is a folklore epic song, a genre characteristic of the Russian tradition.

It is customary to single out the epics of the Kyiv, or "Vladimirov", Novgorod and Moscow cycles. In addition to them, there are epics that do not fit into any cycles.

Kyiv or "Vladimirov" cycle.

In these epics, the heroes gather around the court of Prince Vladimir. .Kyiv is the center that attracts heroes who are called to protect their homeland and faith from enemies. V.Ya.Propp believes that the songs of the Kyiv cycle are not a local phenomenon, characteristic only for the Kyiv region, on the contrary, the epics of this cycle were created throughout Kievan Rus. Over time, the image of Vladimir changed, the prince acquired features that were initially unusual for the legendary ruler, in many epics he is cowardly, mean, often deliberately humiliates the heroes (Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin, Ilya and Idolishche, Ilya's quarrel with Vladimir).

Novgorod cycle.

Novgorod never knew Tatar invasion, but was the largest shopping center ancient Rus'. The heroes of Novgorod epics (Sadko, Vasily Buslaev) are also very different from others.

Moscow cycle.

These epics reflected the way of life higher strata Moscow society. The epics about Duke and Churil contain many details characteristic of the era of the rise of the Muscovite state: clothes, customs and behavior of the townspeople are described.

Archaic epics. Archaic include such epics, where the archaic features of a person's worldview are pronounced. These are epics about Svyatogor, Volkh Vseslavievich, Mikhail Potyk, the Danube.

1. An element of archaism in the epic about Svyatogor is the very name of the hero, symbolizing a landscape that is clearly not typical for Rus'. In two epics about Svyatogor, the hero dies - he is not needed with his gigantic power of Rus'. The bylina about Svyatogor - the only one - is represented by a prose text.

2. In the epic about the Volkh, the name of the hero is archaic, it goes back to the word volkhv, that is, a magician, this motivates the Volkh's ability to transform; elements of the massacre of Russian soldiers with the wives and children of the enemy - the only case in its cruelty in the entire epic epic; fact miraculous birth Volha from the snake speaks of the totem origin of the hero. R. Yakobson believed that the Russian Volkh goes back to the cult of the wolf.

3. Bylina about Mikhail Potyk (Stream) is included in the cycle of songs about matchmaking. It has a large volume. The plot is based on the hero's marriage to a sorceress (a representative of a hostile world), associated with an obligation - in the event of the death of one of the spouses, the other will go to the grave alive for the dead. The archaism of this motif is that it reflects the phenomena of prehistoric life.

4. The epic about the Danube contains at the base of the plot a toponymic legend about the origin of two rivers: the Danube and the Nastasya.

Kyiv cycle epics.

These epics took shape and developed during the period of early Russian statehood in Kievan Rus.

1) the action takes place in Kyiv or nearby
2) in the center of the event is Prince Vladimir.
3) the main theme is the defense of Russian. land from nomads.
4) historical pursuits and life are characteristic of Kievan Rus.
5) events and enemies of the Russian land before the Mongolian period.

Kyiv is glorified as the center of Russian lands. From Murom, Rostov, Ryazan, heroes go to serve in Kyiv. Former of the Kyiv cycle of epics defined. historical circumstances in the 9th-11th centuries, when Kyiv reached a high power. They sang the service of the heroes to the prince and the Russian land. They reflected more late time, the struggle of Russians with the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

A circle of heroes is being formed: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, etc. For the first time these epics were published in the collection "Ancient Russian art» Danilov.

Heroic - include epics that arose before Tatar-Mongol invasion, and epics associated with the invasion.

One of the important and characteristic features of the Kyiv cycle are the images three heroes, whose actions and fate are closely connected (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich).

In epics Kiev. The cycle was reflected mainly in the activities of the princely-druzhinn.class of Kievs. Rus' in wartime and peacetime. The main plots: 1) the military exploits of the heroes: a) in campaigns against enemies, to clear the roads, for tribute, to free Russian prisoners, b) in the fight against the filthy besieging Kyiv, with the rapists who settled in Kyiv and c) at the outpost of the heroic ; 2) matchmaking of brides for Vladimir and the bogatyrs, and the matchmaking often ends in violence against the homeland of the brides and the removal of the latter to Kyiv, with their consent or against their will; 3) the daring of the heroes at the court of Vladimir, manifested in various competitions.

Epic. Kyiv is a symbol of unity and state independence of the Russian land. Here, at the court of Prince Vladimir, the events of many epics take place. The military power of Rus' is personified by heroes. Among heroic epics in the first place are those in which Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich operate. These main defenders of the Russian land come from three estates: peasant, princely and priestly. Epics sought to present Rus' as a united in the fight against enemies.

Ilya - peasant son, originally from the village of Karacharova near the city of Murom. Until the age of thirty, he was ill - he could not control his arms or legs. The poor wanderers cured Ilya and endowed him with unprecedented strength. The enormous power of Ilya should benefit all of Rus', so he rushed to Kyiv.
After Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich is most loved by the people. This is a hero princely origin, he lives in Kyiv. The main business of his life is the military service of Rus'.

Novgorod cycle of epics.

The basis of the plots of the Novgorod cycle of epics was not feats of arms and political events, and cases from the life of the inhabitants of a large trading city- Great Novgorod. These epics were composed and told by buffoons. The heroes of these epics were merchants, princes, peasants, guslars.
These epics are considered everyday, novelistic.
The content of the epics:

1) Epics about Sadko
2) Bylina about Stavra
3) Epics about Vasily Buslaev

Novgorod epics are classic.

Novgorod was not subjected to the Tatar-Mongol invasion, and therefore, more fully than other cities of Rus', it preserved the historical values ​​of both the 11th-12th centuries and the 13th-14th centuries. Novgorod is archaeologically studied better than other cities of Rus' and Northern Europe. This allowed scientists to more fully illuminate the history of Novgorod. The city occupied a very special position: this applies both to initial period development of the city, and to more late era when Novgorod was the capital of the republic. Many Novgorod features kept long time after the annexation of Novgorod to the Muscovite state: Novgorod measures, weight, coins. For example:

1) Units

Measuring sazhen -176 cm

Large sazhen -250 cm

Simple sazhen -152 cm

Excavations in Novgorod revealed a layer of pagan mentality and culture. Perhaps, at the very beginning of the construction of the city, in the place where the Volkhov flows out of Lake Ilmen, there was a pagan sanctuary of two Slavic gods: Perun and Veles, which were sworn by Russian pagan warriors. legendary Russian legend 17th century about the beginning of Novgorod indicates that an ancient sacred lizard (crocodile), the deity of the Volkhov River, was buried in Peryn (tract). Among the Novgorod Slovenes, who lived along the banks of the Volkhov and Ilmen Lakes, the cult of water was one of the main ones: the hero of the Novgorod epic, the gusler Sadko, owes his well-being to the help of the king of the underwater space. Belief in legends about the dragon is confirmed by the many images of a lizard dragon with symbols of flowing water on various Novgorod things. Handles of wooden ladles, ritual vessels, former integral part brothers (" bratchina - a partnership, a circle where they brewed beer together, walked and had fun), decorated with muzzles of lizard dragons. The backs of armchairs, the seats of the heads of families were covered with ornamental belts of intertwined dragons. Dragon muzzles hung from the rooftops, embodying the water element when it rained. The oars of Novgorod ships were decorated with the heads of lizards. The veneration of lizards in Russian and Belarusian folklore can be traced up to turn XIX-XX centuries: there is a ritual choral game in which a lizard boy chooses a girl (“the Lizard [Yasha] sits in a golden chair under a walnut bush”).

In Novgorod, forces and funds were spent on wars less than in the south, so crafts developed more actively here, trade grew, wealth multiplied. Awareness own strength led the top of the city of Novgorod to the struggle for autonomy. From the 12th century Novgorod became a republic in which a prince invited from outside held executive power. The "classic" period in the history of Novgorod is considered to be the 12th-15th centuries. Given the nature of the Novgorod epics, there is reason to believe that they were created at that time, probably closer to the 15th century.

Epics about Sadko.

The commercial image of Novgorod influenced the specifics of stories about Sadko. Sadko, a poor gusler (his poverty is opposed to the wealth of Novgorod), decided to fight the Novgorod merchants, not traditionally, in a heroic way, but figuratively, buying up all the goods. Sadko's attribute - the gusli - directly connects him with the Novgorod culture. B. A. Rybakov describes the Novgorod gusli as follows: “The harp is a flat trough with grooves for six pegs. The left (from the harp) side of the instrument is sculpturally designed as the head and part of the body of a lizard. Under the head of the lizard, two small heads of "lizards" are drawn. On reverse side goose, all three vital zones are present: sky (bird), earth (horse, lion) and underwater world(lizard). The lizard dominates everyone and, thanks to its three-dimensional sculptural nature, unites both planes of the instrument. Ornamentation of the Novgorod gusels of the XI-XIV centuries. directly indicates the connection of this cult instrument with the element of water and with its ruler, the king of the underwater kingdom - the lizard. All this is quite consistent with the archaic version of the epic: the guslier pleases the underwater deity, and the deity changes the standard of living of the poor but cunning gusliar.

Along with the ancient mythological deities in the epic about Sadko, there is a stable detail of the late, Christian era. When Sadko plays the harp, the king of the sea is having fun with his queen Whitefish - and the sea is raging, ships are dying. Then St. Nicholas turns to Sadko to stop playing, break the strings, and not doom people to death. Sadko did as Saint Nicholas asked him. Once freed from the captivity of the sea king, Sadko builds a church in honor of St. Nicholas.

The variants of the hero's name are as follows: Sotko, Sadok, Zadok. For the first time the name Sadko is found in the collection of Kirsha Danilov. The bylina about Sadko is the only one in the Russian epic where the hero, leaving home, finds himself in a certain world and meets the underwater king there. sea ​​king treat him with no hostility archaic trait. More than once in Folklore XIX in. Sadko was “related” either to Siegfried from the Nibelungenlied, or to Väinämöinen from the Kalevala, suggesting a borrowing brought along trog-cultural routes.

The resolution of the conflict in the song about Sadko is not so much epic as fabulous character: the hero becomes rich.

(The sound of the name Sadko and the intention of the image is akin to the Hebrew word "tsadik" - a righteous person, a saint).

Researchers are almost unanimous in the opinion that at one time the Kyiv cycle of epics was not the only one and, like the surviving Novgorod ones, there were epics from Ryazan, Rostov, Chernigov, Polotsk, Galicia-Volyn ... In the same way that until the 19th and 20th centuries only Kyiv and Novgorod, have their own historical pattern. “Bylina,” remarks D.S. Likhachev is not a remnant of the past, but a work of art and history about the past. Its attitude to the past is active: it reflects the historical views of the people to an even greater extent than historical memory. The historical content of epics is conveyed by storytellers consciously. Preservation of historically valuable in the epic (be it names, events, social relations or even historically correct vocabulary) is the result of a conscious, historical attitude of the people to the content of the epic. The people in their epic creativity proceed from fairly clear historical ideas about the time of the Kyiv heroism. Consciousness historical value transmitted and original historical ideas of the people, and not just mechanical memorization, determine the stability of the historical content of epics.

The people have preserved the historically valuable in the Kievan and Novgorod epics, in which we see two completely different types of urban and public life Ancient Rus'. Bylinny Kyiv is always the center of the princely, state power, in all plots of the Kyiv cycle one way or another there is a conflict between the hero (personality) and the prince (power). While epic Novgorod is always the personification of veche power, which also affects all conflict situations Vasily Buslaev and Novgorod peasants, Sadko and merchants. And the Heroic cycle is already new stage both in Russian history and in Russian epic. This is where the idea of ​​protection comes into play. native land everything else recedes into the background.

The time of the appearance of the epics of the Kyiv cycle, as well as the Novgorod cycle, chronologically coincides with the heyday of these principality states. In the heyday of Kievan Rus - the largest of the medieval states of the era - there was a processing of the most ancient archaic layer of myths and legends, "historicization of former traditions" (V.P. Anikin) as in oral folk literature as well as in writing. After all, when creating the first chronicle"The Tale of Bygone Years" in the same way included reworked and "historicized" pagan traditions of antiquity deep.

In this regard, the epics of the Kyiv cycle are no less reliable. historical source than any other - chronicle and literary.

Just as Novgorod is isolated in Russian history, so its heroes stand out noticeably among the heroes of the Russian epic. Epics about Sadko and Vasily Buslaev are not just new original plots and themes, but also new epic images, new types of heroes that the Kyiv cycle does not know. Researchers attribute the emergence of the Novgorod cycle to XII century- the heyday of the Lord Veliky Novgorod and the beginning of the decline of Kievan Rus, torn apart by princely strife. “The flourishing of Kyiv,” notes D.S. Likhachev, comparing the Novgorod cycle with the Kyiv cycle, was in the past, and epic tales of military exploits are attached to the past. The heyday of Novgorod was a living modernity for the XII century, and the themes of modernity were primarily social and everyday ... Just as the time of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich was presented in Kyiv epics as a time of “epic opportunities” in the military sphere, so the time of veche orders in Novgorod was the same time " epic opportunities" in the social sphere.


Viktor Kalugin. Heroes of the Kyiv and Novgorod cycle"

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