The theme of love in the story is pure. Composition “The theme of love in creativity and


Option 1 2012: 02/25/2012: 21.41

Option 6: 02/25/2012: 21.38

Option 7: 25.02.2012: 21.38 The theme of love in I. Bunin's story ""

Love Theme - eternal theme. Poets and writers of different times turned to her, and each tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in his own way.

He gives his vision of the topic in a cycle of stories " Dark alleys I. A. Bunin. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them about love, but none of them creates a feeling of repetition, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of exhaustion of the topic.

In the center of the story "Pure Monday - history love mysterious and mysterious. His characters are a young couple of lovers. Both of them are "rich, healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts, those around them watched them go. But inner world The characters are not so similar.

He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday he brings flowers to his chosen one, now and then pampers her with boxes of chocolate, tries to please her with new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then to some party. Completely absorbed in the feeling of adoration, he cannot and does not really try to understand what a complex inner world lies behind beautiful appearance the one he loved. Repeatedly he thinks about the unusualness, the strangeness of their relationship, but he never puts an end to these reflections. " Odd love! - he notices. Another time he says: "Yes, after all, this is not love, not love .... He is surprised why she" once and for all diverted conversations about their future, is surprised at how she perceives his gifts, how she behaves in minutes of convergence. Everything about her is a mystery to him.

The image of the hero is devoid of the psychological depth that the heroine is endowed with. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Every day visiting those institutions where the young lover invites her, she once notices that she wants to go to the Novodevichy Convent, because "all taverns and taverns. The hero has no idea where such thoughts come from, what they are for, what suddenly happened to his chosen one. And a little later she declares that there is nothing to be surprised at, that he simply does not know her... It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin cathedrals, and this happens when her lover "does not drag her to restaurants. There, and not in places of entertainment, she finds a sense of harmony and peace of mind. She loves "Russian annalistic, Russian legends, and her stories about this are full of depth. She says that she is not fit for a wife. Thinking about, she quotes Platon Karataev. But the hero still cannot understand what is happening in her soul, he is "indescribably happy with everyone an hour spent near her and everything.

As in the rest of the stories in the "Dark Alleys" cycle, Bunin does not show in "Clean Monday" love that develops into a state of lasting earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and we do not find the image of a woman-mother here. The heroine, having entered into a physically close relationship with her beloved, silently leaves, begging him not to ask anything, and then informs him by letter of her departure to the monastery. She tossed for a long time between the momentary and the eternal, and, on the night of Clean Monday surrendering to the hero, she made her final choice. On Pure Monday, the first day of fasting, a person begins to cleanse himself of all evil. This holiday has become turning point and relationships between characters.

Love on Clean Monday is happiness and torment, great mystery, an unfathomable mystery. This story is one of the pearls of Bunin's creativity, captivating the reader with rare charm and depth.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. The theme of Motherland and love in Bunin's story Clean Monday [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia site

Comparison of the theme of Motherland and love in the work "Clean Monday".

The story was written by Bunin in 1944. At that time, the author was worried about the Motherland. "Clean Monday" is not just a story of failed love, it is also pain, the author's sadness for his homeland.

In the work "Clean Monday" the names of the characters are not called.

The center of the composition of the work, as the focus of all the thoughts and feelings of the narrator, is She.

Since for Bunin the people of the East seemed less corrupted, She was unusual:

There was some kind of Indian, Persian beauty: a swarthy-amber face ..., black, like velvet coal, eyes ...

It is inextricably linked with Russia, with its past and with its present. The lessons of history, the use of quotations from Russian classics in speech emphasizes this. She longed to know Russian art, She visited theaters, She visited Griboyedov's house. She is the center of the composition, not just because she is connected with Russia, but also because she combines the western and eastern beginnings at the same time.

Bunin revered religion, it's not in vain that the denouement love story happened on a clean Monday, after a forgiven Sunday. Since for Bunin She personified Russia, the events take place in 1912. It can be assumed that the heroine is Russia full of contradictions on the eve of the revolution. Main character never could understand her. In her soul, however, the patriarchal, primordially Russian has overpowered, and this decides the fate of the heroine: she is saved from an unclean life in a monastery.

In his story, Bunin used his characteristic technique - memory. Here we learn about the love, fall and return to life of the narrator, but it was not a complete return: "... began to gradually recover - indifferent, hopeless." But love for her lived in his heart, probably until the end of his life.

Bunin, with his story, expressed hope for the power of his spiritual life, his "unquenchable" fire - a thirst for spiritual purity, faith and sacrificial deed.

Bunin connects the future of Russia not with the revolution and any social upheavals, but with the power of the spiritual roots of the people, thirsting for the purity of faith and sacrificial feat.

The world of falsehood, violence, greed is doomed to death. Salvation is in rapprochement with the outside world, in the naturalness of thoughts, feelings and actions.

Dark alleys - love is always tragic. The reasons may be different, but always so powerful that they separate the lovers. If there are no social or personal reasons, then fate intervenes.

Even unrequited love will be tragic according to Bunin. This, in his opinion, is the highest manifestation of the human spirit, and for this reason alone it is beautiful and illuminates the whole life of a person with its amazing light.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - greatest writer turn XIX-XX centuries He entered literature as a poet, created wonderful poetic works. 1895 ... The first story "To the End of the World" is published. Encouraged by the praise of critics, Bunin begins to study literary creativity. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a laureate of various awards, including the laureate Nobel Prize in Literature 1933

In 1944, the writer creates one of wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and lofty thing on Earth - the story "Clean Monday". About this story, Bunin said: “I thank God that He gave me to write, Pure Monday.”

In the story “Clean Monday”, psycho-logism was especially clearly manifested. Bunin's prose and features of "external pictoriality".

“The Moscow gray winter day was getting dark, the gas in the lanterns was coldly lit, the shop windows were warmly lit - and the evening Moscow life, freed from daytime affairs, flared up, the cab sledges did not merge thicker and more cheerfully, the overcrowded diving trams rattled harder, — in the dusk it was already clear how green stars hissed from the wires - dully black passers-by hurried more animatedly along the snowy sidewalks ... ”- these are the words the author begins his narration, transferring the reader to old Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. The writer with the greatest detail, without losing sight of the slightest detail, reproduces all the signs of this era. And already from the first lines, the story is given a special sound by the constant mention of the details of deep antiquity: about ancient Moscow churches, monasteries, icons (Church of Christ the Savior, the Iberian Church, the Martha and Mary Convent, the icon of the Mother of God of the Three Hands), about the names prominent personalities. But next to this antiquity, eternity, we notice signs of more late life: restaurants Prague, Hermitage, Metropol, Yar, well-known and accessible to the wealthiest strata of citizens; books contemporary authors; "Motl" by Ertel and Chekhov... Judging by how the action unfolds in the story, we can judge that the past for the characters is extremely clear, the present is vague, and the future is absolutely unclear.

There are two characters in the story: he and she, a man and a woman. The man, according to the writer, is healthy, rich, young and handsome for some reason with southern, hot beauty, he was even "indecently handsome." But the most important thing is that the hero is in love, in love so much that he is ready to fulfill any whims of the heroine, just not to lose her. But, unfortunately, he cannot and does not try to understand what is happening in the soul of his beloved: he "tried not to think, not to think out." The woman is depicted as mysterious, enigmatic. She is mysterious, just like the soul of a Russian woman is mysterious in general with her spirituality, devotion, selflessness, self-denial ... The hero himself admits: "She was mysterious, strange to me." Her whole life is woven from inexplicable contradictions, throwing. “It looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city,” the narrator narrates, but immediately adds: “Although all the same, you were flowers she has her favorites and her least favorites, all the books ... she always read, she ate a whole box of chocolate a day, at lunch and dinner she ate no less than me ... ”When she went somewhere, she most often did not know where she would go then, what she would do, in a word, he does not know with whom, how and where he will spend his time.

The writer quite fully tells us about her origin, about her current occupations. But in describing the life of the heroine, Bunin very often uses indefinite adverbs (for some reason, a portrait of barefoot Tolstoy hung over her sofa).

All the actions of a woman are spontaneous, irrational and at the same time seem to be planned. On the night of Clean Monday, she gives herself to the hero, knowing that in the morning she will go to the monastery, but whether this departure is final is also unclear. Throughout the story, the author shows that the heroine does not feel comfortable anywhere, she does not believe in the existence of simple earthly happiness. “Our happiness, my friend, is like water in a delusion: you pull - puffed up, but you pull it out - there’s nothing,” she quotes Platon Karataev.

The spiritual impulses of the heroes of Clean Monday often defy logical explanation. It seems that both men and women have no power over themselves, are not able to control their feelings. material from the site

In the center of the story are the events on Forgiveness Sunday and Pure Monday. Forgiveness Sunday is a religious holiday honored by all believers. They ask each other for forgiveness and forgive their loved ones. For the heroine, this is a very special day, not only a day of forgiveness, but also a day of farewell to worldly life. Clean Monday is the first day of fasting, on which a person is cleansed of all filth, when the fun of Shrovetide is replaced by self-contemplation. This day becomes a turning point in the life of the hero. Having gone through the suffering associated with the loss of a loved one, the hero experiences the influence of surrounding forces and realizes everything that he did not notice before, being blinded by love for the heroine. Two years later, the man, recalling the events of bygone days, will repeat the route of their long-standing joint trip, and for some reason he will really want to go to the church of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. What unknown forces draw him towards his beloved? Does he yearn for that spiritual world into which she goes? We do not know this, the author does not open the veil of secrecy for us. He only shows us humility in the soul of a hero, their last meeting ends with his humble departure, and not with the awakening of his former passions in him.

The future of the heroes is unclear. In addition to everything, the writer nowhere even directly indicates that the nun met by the man is his former lover. Only one detail - dark eyes - resemble the appearance of the heroine. It is noteworthy that the heroine goes to the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. This monastery is not a monastery, but the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God on Ordynka, in which there was a community of secular ladies who took care of the orphans who lived at the church and the wounded in the first place. world war. And this service in the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, perhaps, is a spiritual insight for the heroine of Pure Monday, because it was the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God that warned the world against war, death, blood, orphanhood...

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • love is a mysterious word according to Bunin's stories
  • why the heroine of Pure Monday went to the monastery
  • clean monday details
  • the meaning of the title of the story clean monday composition
  • clean monday issues

The theme of love is an eternal theme. Poets and writers of different times turned to her, and each tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in his own way.

I. A. Bunin gives his vision of the topic in the cycle of stories “Dark Alleys”. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them about love, but none of them creates a feeling of repetition, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of exhaustion of the topic.

In the center of the story "Clean Monday" is a mysterious and mysterious love story. His characters are a young couple of lovers. Both of them are “rich, healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts” others followed them with their eyes. But the inner world of the characters is not so similar.

He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday he brings flowers to his chosen one, now and then pampers her with boxes of chocolate, tries to please her with new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then to some party. Completely absorbed in the feeling of adoration, he cannot and does not really try to understand what a complex inner world lies behind the beautiful appearance of the one he fell in love with. Repeatedly he thinks about the unusualness, the strangeness of their relationship, but he never puts an end to these reflections. "Odd love!" he remarks. Another time he says: “Yes, after all, this is not love, not love ...”. He wonders why she "once and for all averted conversations about their future", is surprised at how she perceives his gifts, how she behaves in moments of rapprochement. Everything about her is a mystery to him.

The image of the hero is devoid of the psychological depth that the heroine is endowed with. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Every day visiting those institutions where the young lover invites her, she once notices that she wants to go to the Novodevichy Convent, because "all taverns and taverns." The hero has no idea where such thoughts come from, what they are for, what suddenly happened to his chosen one. And a little later, she declares that there is nothing to be surprised at, that he simply does not know her. It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin cathedrals, and this happens when her lover "does not drag" her to restaurants. There, and not in places of entertainment, she finds a sense of harmony and peace of mind. She loves "Russian annalistic, Russian legends" and her stories about this are full of depth. She says she is not fit to be a wife. Reflecting on happiness, he quotes Platon Karataev. But the hero still cannot understand what is going on in her soul, he is “indescribably happy every hour spent near her” and that’s all.

As in the rest of the stories in the Dark Alleys cycle, Bunin does not show love in Clean Monday, which develops into a state of lasting earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and we do not find the image of a woman-mother here. The heroine, having entered into a physically intimate relationship with her beloved, silently leaves, begging him not to ask anything, and then informs him by letter of her departure to the monastery. She rushed between the momentary and the eternal for a long time, and on the night of Clean Monday, surrendering to the hero, she made her final choice. On Pure Monday, the first day of fasting, a person begins to cleanse himself of all evil. This holiday was a turning point in the relationship of the heroes.

Love on Clean Monday is happiness and torment, a great mystery, an incomprehensible riddle. This story is one of the pearls of Bunin's creativity, captivating the reader with rare charm and depth.

Direction "Love"

"Love" 1. Love - huge country 2. Parents and children 3. Love - higher beginning 4. Husband and wife 5. Love for work (business, hobby) 6. Love for animals 7. The power of love A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Captain's daughter», « Bronze Horseman» A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet", Olesya" I. A. Bunin "Clean Monday", " Sunstroke" I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" A.P. Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard", "Lady with a dog" M. Gorky "Old woman Izergil" S. Yesenin "Letter to a woman", "We are now leaving little by little ...", "Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes ...", "I'm tired never been like this before ... "," I have only one fun left "M.A. Bulgakov" The Master and Margarita "M.Yu. Lermontov" Borodino "," Monologue "," Duma "(I look sadly at our generation .. .), "Hero of Our Time", "Elegy" ("Oh! If only my days flowed...") L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" by M. A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don" F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights", "Humiliated and Insulted" A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" B. Vasiliev "Do not shoot white swans" I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", " ordinary story" I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", "Asya" V.V. Mayakovsky "Lilichka", "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love" V. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" V. Hugo "Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris"The Man Who Laughs" Colin McCullough "The Thorn Birds" "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”, Troepolsky G.N. "White Bim black ear» O. Henry "Gifts of the Magi" The direction makes it possible to look at love from different perspectives: parents and children, men and women, a person and the world around him. We will talk about love as a high phenomenon that ennobles and elevates a person, about its bright and tragic sides. Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing that we can give, and yet you still have it (L.N. Tolstoy). To love means to see a person the way God intended him (F.M. Dostoevsky). There is no sight in the world more beautiful than the face of the beloved, and there is no music sweeter than the sound of the beloved voice (J. La Bruyère) Love stronger than death and fear of death. Only it, only love holds and moves life (I.S. Turgenev).

Sample essays in the direction "Love"

No. p / p Essay paragraphs word count Notes
Introduction to essay.
Love is a high, pure and beautiful feeling that ennobles and elevates a person. Love cannot be counted or calculated. Love is the eternal theme of world fiction. Today we can turn to many works to comprehend what love is. More words are possible - from 60 to 80.
First literary argument(analysis of the story by A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet").
I would like to recall the wonderful work of Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". The story is based on a story that happened to Kuprin's mother, who was in the same situation as the heroine of the Garnet Bracelet. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina receives gifts from relatives for her birthday. On the same day her secret years admirer Zheltkov sends her a letter and a garnet bracelet. This is a young man, thirty - thirty-five, a petty official. His feeling for Vera Nikolaevna lasts eight years. The author shows unrequited love. The hero collects things that belonged to his beloved, they are very dear to him. Love Zheltkova impetuous, passionate, very strong. He can't do anything with himself, he can't get Vera Nikolaevna out of his head. The only way out of the situation is only death. After the death of Zheltkov, the soul of Vera Nikolaevna awakened, she felt that this was the very person she needed. Symbolizes the love of the hero of Beethoven's sonata. Love, just like music, is unpredictable and exciting. What is Kuprin's concept of love? What kind of love does he show in " Garnet bracelet"? The author is interested in such love, for the sake of which one can perform a feat, even give one's life for it. The husband of Vera Nikolaevna, seeing his rival, says: “Is he to blame for love, and is it possible to control such a feeling as love?” Force love feeling and maximum spiritual openness made Zheltkov vulnerable, defenseless. A.I. Kuprin reverently and chastely touches the theme of love. The author himself lamented over the manuscript of his story.
Mysterious and mysterious love in the story of I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday". The second literary argument (analysis of the story).
I. A. Bunin wrote many works about love. Among them is the story "Clean Monday" from the collection "Dark Alleys", in which there are thirty-eight works. A.P. Chekhov wrote: “What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.” Love gave Bunin's hero moments of jubilant joy, made it possible to understand what it means to be happy. He forever remembered how he “closed his eyes in happiness, kissed the wet fur of her collar, and in what enthusiasm he flew to the Red Gate. And tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be ... all the same flour and all the same happiness ... ”The hero and heroine are young, healthy, rich. They are so good-looking that everyone in the restaurant and at concerts sees them off with their eyes. Main psychological condition hero - dazzling love. But he does not try and does not want to understand his beloved, does not want to see what kind of internal struggle is going on in female soul". He tried not to think and not to think. The hero does not understand the character and nature of his beloved. She does not believe in the possibility of happiness and marriage. On a clean Monday, the heroine makes a decision, very important for herself - to move away from worldly life and become a nun. What is Bunin's concept of love in this story? In love, there must be complete mutual understanding, lovers must subtly feel each other and fully trust each other.
Conclusion on the topic of the essay
A.P. Chekhov correctly remarked: "All love is a great happiness." And A. S. Pushkin correctly stated: “All ages are submissive to love.” Therefore, I really want to believe that among our contemporaries - old and small and young there will be more people in love and happy people "


The theme of love in I. Bunin's story "Clean Monday"

The theme of love is an eternal theme. Poets and writers of different times turned to her, and each tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in his own way.

I. A. Bunin gives his vision of the topic in the cycle of stories “Dark Alleys”. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them about love, but none of them creates a feeling of repetition, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of exhaustion of the topic.

In the center of the story "Clean Monday" is a mysterious and mysterious love story. His characters are a young couple of lovers. Both of them are “rich, healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts” others followed them with their eyes. But the inner world of the characters is not so similar.

He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday he brings flowers to his chosen one, now and then pampers her with boxes of chocolate, tries to please her with new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then to some party. Completely absorbed in the feeling of adoration, he cannot and does not really try to understand what a complex inner world lies behind the beautiful appearance of the one he fell in love with. Repeatedly he thinks about the unusualness, the strangeness of their relationship, but he never puts an end to these reflections. "Odd love!" he remarks. Another time he says: “Yes, after all, this is not love, not love ...”. He wonders why she "once and for all averted conversations about their future", is surprised at how she perceives his gifts, how she behaves in moments of rapprochement. Everything about her is a mystery to him.

The image of the hero is devoid of the psychological depth that the heroine is endowed with. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Every day visiting those institutions where the young lover invites her, she once notices that she wants to go to the Novodevichy Convent, because "all taverns and taverns." The hero has no idea where such thoughts come from, what they are for, what suddenly happened to his chosen one. And a little later, she declares that there is nothing to be surprised at, that he simply does not know her. It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin cathedrals, and this happens when her lover "does not drag" her to restaurants. There, and not in places of entertainment, she finds a sense of harmony and peace of mind. She loves "Russian annalistic, Russian legends" and her stories about this are full of depth. She says she is not fit to be a wife. Reflecting on happiness, he quotes Platon Karataev. But the hero still cannot understand what is going on in her soul, he is “indescribably happy every hour spent near her” and that’s all.

As in the rest of the stories in the Dark Alleys cycle, Bunin does not show love in Clean Monday, which develops into a state of lasting earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and we do not find the image of a woman-mother here. The heroine, having entered into a physically intimate relationship with her beloved, silently leaves, begging him not to ask anything, and then informs him by letter of her departure to the monastery. She rushed between the momentary and the eternal for a long time, and on the night of Clean Monday, surrendering to the hero, she made her final choice. On Pure Monday, the first day of fasting, a person begins to cleanse himself of all evil. This holiday was a turning point in the relationship of the heroes.

Love on Clean Monday is happiness and torment, a great mystery, an incomprehensible riddle. This story is one of the pearls of Bunin's creativity, captivating the reader with rare charm and depth.

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