Theme: "The Parable of the Prodigal Son" Moral ideals and lessons of the gospel parables


Extracurricular reading lesson

Theme: "The world through a parable."

Lesson Objectives: convey moral ideas parables through artistic text.

Lesson equipment:multimedia software, reproduction of Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son", genre photography, texts of parables.

Lesson plan:

  1. Word to the teacher.
  2. Reproduction of Rembrandt's The Return of the Prodigal Son.
  3. Brief retelling parables of the prodigal son.
  4. Comments on words and expressions incomprehensible to children.
  5. Questions session.
  6. Expressive reading poems by B. Pasternak "Learn to forgive."
  7. Quote work.
  8. Teacher's word about duty.
  9. Commented reading.

1. Expressive reading of the Arabic parable "Duty".

2. Conversation according to the parable.

X. Commented reading.

1. Expressive reading of the parable "Everything is in your hands".

2. Conversation on the parable, work with genre photographs.

XI. Lesson results.

During the classes

  1. teacher's word

Today in the lesson we will remember what a parable is. Let's get acquainted with the texts of some parables and try to see how the world in which we live looks like, if we look at it through a parable. Guys, think about how negative moral qualities prevail in our world?

Each of us at least once in his life asked himself questions: did I do the right thing in this or that situation? What should have been done in order not to regret what they did later? Parables will help us answer these questions.

Parables have always played important role in the history of mankind, and to this day they remain for us beautiful and effective tool development, learning and communication. Parables combine wisdom and simplicity, teach us to think, find solutions to problems, develop thinking, intuition and imagination. Some of them bring inspiration, others make you laugh, others make you think. The beauty of the parable is that it doesn't divide the human mind into question and answer, it just gives people a hint of how things should be. Unlike a fable, a parable does not contain direct instruction or morality. It enables people to independently understand and interpret the meaning contained in it. Therefore, Christ usually ended his parables with the exclamation: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

Think and try to answer the question: what is a parable? (children's answers)

There are several definitions of "parable", let's focus on one of them and write it down in a notebook. A parable is an allegory, a figurative story, often used in the Bible to present doctrinal truths.

II. Working with reproductionRembrandt's "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

And now pay attention to the reproduction of Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son", which captures the moment of the meeting between father and son.

How does the artist depict father and son?

(A pre-prepared student describes the picture:

The shame-stricken son fell on his knees before his father. His clothes are torn, his legs are wounded. His shaved head looks small and pitiful. As if seeking refuge, he hides his face in the folds of his father's clothes. The old father bowed to his son. Putting his hands on his shoulders, he presses him to himself, strokes and feels - his father is half-blind, and now touch, more than sight, convinces him that in front of him is a truly long-awaited, mourned son. The tender, almost blessing touch of these feeble hands makes the son close his eyes in bliss. Father and son have not yet spoken to each other, but they will no longer need words to reconcile. The joy of these two is miraculous. Her reflection illuminates the face of an old man standing on the right, other people are drawn to the light born by her. Various feelings are read on their faces - tenderness, emotion, curiosity).

The picture was painted according to the plot of the parable about prodigal son. Let's remember what this story is about...

III. Brief retelling of the parable "The Prodigal Son"

(The gospel parable of the prodigal son tells how a frivolous young man, having taken his share of his father's property, left native home in search of entertainment. Ruined, abandoned by his unfaithful friends, having spent a life full of ordeals and shame, he finally decides to return to Father's house. Here he finds forgiveness, love, food and rest).

IV. Comments on words and expressions incomprehensible to children

What do you understand by the term "prodigal son"? (The prodigal son is not just a person who has lost his family, faith, traditions, homeland. The prodigal son is a person. Lost on life path).

The heroes of the parable are placed in a situation of choice. What choice do they make?

(Choose your path younger son who wants to escape from parental care, but does not know how to build life in his own way. In difficult circumstances, he decides to return to his father and obey him. The father also chooses: he could hold a grudge against his son, he could turn away from his son, he could at least reproach him. But the father forgives the son.

V. Conversation on questions

Why did the father forgive the youngest son?

(The father forgave the youngest son because he repented and admitted his mistakes. The father thought that his son could die, that he had become the ultimate sinner. And a sinful person is like a dead person. But the son repented, that is, as if he came to life.)

What does this parable teach? Should a person forgive?

VI. An expressive reading of B. Pasternak's poem "Learn to forgive."

Now it would be appropriate to recall B. Pasternak's poem "Learn to forgive."

(Student reads)

Learn to forgive, pray for those who offend,
Evil conquer with a ray of good,
Go without hesitation to the camp of the forgiving,
While the Golgotha ​​Star burns.

Learn to forgive when the soul is offended
And the heart, like a cup of bitter tears,
And it seems that kindness is all burned out,
Remember how Christ forgave!

Learn to forgive, forgive not only with a word,
But with all your soul, with all your essence.
Forgiveness is born of love
In the struggle of prayer nights.

Learn to forgive, in forgiveness the joy is hidden,
Generosity heals like a balm
The blood on the cross was shed for all,
Learn to forgive so that you yourself can be forgiven.

Notebook entry:

Faith and obedience are dear, but repentance and forgiveness are even more precious. Every person should be able to forgive and have hope for forgiveness.

VII. Quote work

And now turn your attention to the statement of one of the presidents of America, Roosevelt.

Recording on the slide: “We have been given much, and much is expected of us. We have obligations to other people and to ourselves; and we have no right to neglect any of these duties.” T. Roosevelt.

What do you think we will discuss in the next part of the lesson? (Discussing the sense of duty).

VIII. Teacher's word on duty

Imagine for a moment what could happen if people suddenly began to do only what they are interested in? For example, a surgeon would refuse to perform an operation, because at that time his favorite movie was shown on TV. Or the dispatcher at the airport would like to read a book or go for a walk during his duty. And the pilot, instead of the indicated route, would have gone to Mexico, since he had long dreamed of visiting there.

There are words "want" and "need". “Need” is our idea of ​​duty.

Define the term debt. (Duty is an obligation to someone or something).

IX. Commented reading

1. Expressive reading of the Arabic parable "Debt".

Before you is an Arabic parable "Duty". (The parable is read by the student).

Arabic parable "Duty".

One carpenter, no matter how much he earned, was content with little and made few expenses. A neighbor once asked him:

You earn a lot, but where do you put your wealth? You don't see anything special.

I pay off my debts with one part of my earnings, and I lend the other part at interest, - the master answered.

It can't be that you have debts, and I haven't heard that you gave someone a loan, - objected the neighbor.

If I give money to my parents, I consider that I am paying off my debts, and I consider that I am lending money at interest on the money that I spend on the education and maintenance of my children. When the children grow up, and my wife and I grow old, will they not return our debt? the master said.

2. Parable talk

Do you agree that children owe their parents a debt? (children's answers)

If a person does not take care of his parents, does this have any effect on his own children? (children's answers)

What did the parable of debt teach you?

From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and bring them out.

Almost everyone knows this picture - it is mentioned in many books on art, and its reproductions can be found even in the provincial library. It's about O famous painting the great Rembrandt's "The Return of the Prodigal Son", which had a huge impact on further development Western European painting and in general - the whole world culture.

The return of the prodigal son. Rembrandt Harmes van Rijn

Creation Dutch artist indeed, few people will be indifferent - so talentedly he managed to express the palette of experiences that is contained in the exciting moment of the son's return to his father.

I dare to suggest that the reason for the wide popularity of Rembrandt's painting lies not only in the genius of its creator. There is one more point that art critics for some reason sometimes overlook - the very parable of the prodigal son, which formed the basis of the pictorial plot, is very popular in Christian doctrine. important place. No wonder it's the third preparation week This is what is called the Week of the Prodigal Son for Lent.

But what does this parable invite us to think about? What did the Savior want to say by telling the disciples such a seemingly unpretentious story? What truth is she trying to convey to our minds and hearts? Let's try to figure it out.

A certain gentleman had several children, and now the youngest asks him to allocate the part of the inheritance due to him so that he can “go out to the people” and build his life as he sees fit. The father does not contradict - soon the son receives the necessary money and leaves.

A young inexperienced person, as usual, is immediately surrounded by "friends" who want to live at someone else's expense, but hide their intentions under the guise of "friendship". They lure the young man into the wilds of sin and depravity, where he lowers all his great wealth. Having squeezed out the last money from the unlucky guy, "friends" leave him, he is left alone. Having no useful life skills, accustomed only to having fun and having fun, the young man cannot find a job for a long time, until, finally, one rich man takes him - poor, hungry and exhausted - to his house as a pig shepherd. But even here life is not easy - from morning to night he has to be with pigs, and the food is so meager that he is forced to satisfy his hunger with steamed pods that were fed to cattle.

Having lost all the external temptations that had previously clouded his mind, the guy realizes that he was mistaken. He recalls his home, where it was light, cozy and joyful. And most importantly, the image of the father appears in the memory - loving, kind, understanding everything. But at the same time, comes the realization of his own betrayal. This realization at first stops the young man, but after a while he nevertheless decides to return home - no longer as an heir, but as one of the slaves, who, although they will be given the most last place in the household, but at least he will be fed, clothed, and able to see his father. Having made this decision, the son returns home.

But then everything immediately went completely different from what he had imagined. As soon as he saw him from a distance, his father, despite his middle age, ran out to meet him, hugged him and kissed him. He did not even want to listen to excuses and requests from his son to accept him as a slave! What is there! The son is back! He is alive! And that was the most important thing for the old man! Every day old man he looked at the road with hope, and, finally, his expectations came true ...

A holiday began in the house, only the eldest son, who at that time was in the field, was not there. When he returned in the evening, he saw the house shining through all the windows and asked the servants about the reason for the celebration. When he learned that a feast had been arranged for the return of his prodigal brother, the eldest son harbored a grudge and did not go inside. The father noticed this and went out to find out what was the matter, to which he received the answer: “I have been serving you faithfully for so many years, and you have not given me even a small holiday. But that spendthrift returned and you called a whole feast.” To these reproaches, the old man replied: “My son! You are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. Now we need to rejoice and be glad that your brother was dead and is alive again, was lost and is found” (Lk 15:11-32).

Almost all the ancient religions of the world put a clear line between heaven and earth. The sky is for gods and heroes, the earth is for people and animals. Even realm of the dead, whether it be hell or paradise, is conceived, rather, not as a heavenly, but precisely as an earthly abode, even if it is separated from the world of the living by some impenetrable barrier. Heaven is closed to man. If one of the mortals gets there, then this is an exception to the rule, and you have to pay a lot for getting there. high price. The sky is deeply alien to people, and it has never been seriously considered by paganism (not philosophy, but religion) as something coveted and valuable in itself.

The faith of Abraham, and after it - and Christianity, says something completely different. Heaven is our home and our homeland, which was lost by man after the fall. And now the goal of every person is to return home, to his Father, who, despite all our betrayals, mistakes and sins, still waits and loves us just as invariably. The God of Christianity is not a creator-demiurge who created the world for reasons unknown to anyone, but a loving Creator-Father, thirsting for all of His creation to participate in His divine life. And the parable of the prodigal son allegorically reveals this gospel truth. Moreover, this disclosure is two-level.

The first level is universal. In Eden, before the fall, our first parents had every conceivable blessing and could personally communicate with God. Moreover, they had the possibility of spiritual perfection. That is, the “inheritance” (in the language of the parable) Adam and Eve had a huge one. But, succumbing to the temptations of Satan, who promised them that, having departed from God, they would become free, the first people severed their spiritual connection with their Creator, and instead of freedom they received death. Almost the entire history of mankind is an attempt to build happy life without God's participation, only with the forces that man himself has. Yes, the only catch is that any talent is not our own - it is God's, and we only use it, either squandering it or using it for good.

But this cannot go on forever - the strength of a person who has fallen away from God is limited. And along with an attempt to create a godless society throughout the entire historical existence, another process is taking place - the search for God as the only Source of Life and its true meaning. This is how religion was born. In it, a person tried to find answers to the most important questions of your being. Answers found in various religions for the most part turned out to be wrong, but the very presence of such a search indicates that a person was striving to go home. And seeing this, the Lord comes out to meet him - in the person of the Son of God, who incarnates, accepts human nature and creates all the conditions for the salvation of everyone.

And here we can trace the second level of perception of the parable of the prodigal son - personal. The parable reproduces the scheme of the human fall into sin and human repentance, and most importantly, the image of God and the nature of His participation in this process.

For the holy fathers of the East, sin is not so much a violation of the Lord's commandments, but a certain direction of our will, which, instead of subordination to the will of God, evades it and thereby falls into an unnatural state. A person thinks that he is doing good and good for himself, but in reality he does evil and deviates even more from the Creator. As a result, the sinner becomes like the gospel prodigal son, who, instead of consciously acquiring new life skills and multiplying his father's inheritance, simply lowers him into the wind and ends up with nothing.

In principle, a person may not see his fall, and a sinful life may seem normal to him. However, in the case of spiritual insight, his further action only one thing - to break with the dark past and return home to the Father. This is called repentance.

But it cannot be real if, having hated sin, we do nothing to get rid of it. Only by imitating the prodigal son, who resolutely went to meet his parent, can one achieve that sin will gradually leave the heart, giving way to healing grace.

Like the father in the parable, God, respecting our freedom, does not delay us when we leave Him. But just the same, He is always ready to take us back. Moreover, God never reproaches for past mistakes and is ready to accept everyone in the form in which a person comes to Him. The main thing is contrition, the main thing is sincerity and burning desire break the old sinful fetters... The Lord will do the rest Himself – it is only important to return and fall at His feet, as the prodigal son did.

At the same time, Christ in His story does not stop only at the relationship of the unlucky son and father. Third main character- the eldest son, who remained faithful to his father, but was indignant at his generosity. It can be seen as an image of those who have already come to God and have some experience of life in the Church. Here there is already a temptation different from that of the prodigal son - to imagine oneself more righteous than others and slide into petty snobbery. Through the image of the eldest son, the Savior warns us against the slightest condemnation of those who fell, but found the strength in themselves to return with repentance back to the Heavenly Father ...

It is not in vain that the parable of the prodigal son is offered by the Church as one of the chords in the prelude of Great Lent. After all, fasting itself is a time of reassessment of oneself, revision of one’s life values. And the more resolutely our actions in this direction are, the more closely we connect ourselves and our behavior with the image of the prodigal son, the closer we will be to the goal of fasting. After all, it is by no means a simple rejection of animal food or various entertainments. The real purpose of fasting is to return to God. Returning home, to that very heavenly dwelling that we all once left, for which we all yearn so much in the depths of our souls, dissolving sadness with the hope of finding it again ...

Alexander Moiseenkov

The Parable of the Prodigal Son.

“A certain man had two sons; and the youngest of them said to his father, Father! give me the part of the estate next to me. And the father divided the estate between them. After a few days, the youngest son, having collected everything, went to a far country and there he squandered his property, living dissolutely. When he had lived all, there came a great famine in that country, and he began to be in need; and he went and attached himself to one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine; and he was glad to fill his belly with horns that swine ate, but no one gave him. When he came to his senses, he said: how many hirelings from my father have plenty of bread, and I am dying of hunger; I will get up and go to my father and say to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me as one of your hired hands.

He got up and went to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him and had compassion; and, running, fell on his neck and kissed him. The son said to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. And the father said to his servants: Bring the best clothes and dress him, and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet; and bring a fattened calf, and kill it; Let's eat and be merry! for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they started having fun.

His eldest son was in the field; and returning, when he approached the house, he heard singing and rejoicing; and calling one of the servants, he asked: what is this? He said to him: Your brother has come, and your father killed the fatted calf, because he received him healthy. He got angry and didn't want to come in. His father went out and called him. But he said in response to his father: behold, I have served you for so many years and have never transgressed your orders, but you have never given me even a kid to have fun with my friends; and when this son of yours, who had squandered his possessions with harlots, came, you slaughtered a fattened calf for him. He said to him: My son! you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours, but it was necessary to rejoice and be glad that this brother of yours was dead and is alive again, was lost and was found (Luke 15:11-32).

The main meaning of the parable of the prodigal son

On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, the Church shows us an example of God's inexhaustible mercy towards all sinners, who turn to God with sincere repentance. The true fullness and joy of life lies in the energy-heart union with God and constant communion with Him. On the contrary, moving away from this communion “to a country far away” serves as a source of all kinds of disasters and humiliations. Thus, not a single sinner, in the days when the time of repentance of Great Lent is approaching, should despair of the grace-filled help and mercy of God.

Lenten edification

In the parable of the prodigal son, the Lord likens the joy of God at the repentance of the sinner to the joy of the father, to whom his younger son, lost in the elements of life, deeply loved by him, returned. Of all the parables told by the Savior, it is the most significant and detailed, for it does not describe one side of the relationship with God, but touches the very core of the synergistic and gracious communication of the sons of men with their Heavenly Father.

And the youngest of them said to his father: Father! give me the part of the estate next to me. And the father divided the estate between them. Remarkable detail! IN ancient Israel parents treated their children with great care and love. They carefully and tenderly followed the development of the child, noting in this development of children's life no less than eight ages. Where is now in our modern society will we find a similar periodization of childhood growth stages? For their part, the children owed obedience and reverence to their parents. The Old Testament Jewish sage says: “He who honors his father is cleansed of sins, he who respects his mother is like one who acquires treasures; he who leaves his father is the same as a blasphemer, and cursed from the Lord is he who provokes his mother.(Sir. 30. 3-4,). Harsh warning words! The disobedience of children to their parents was strictly punished by law: “If anyone has a son who is violent and rebellious, disobeying the voice of his father and the voice of his mother, and they punished him, but he does not listen to them, then his father and his mother let them take him and bring him to to the elders of his city and to the gates of his place of residence, ... then all the inhabitants of his city shall stone him to death.” (Deut. 21:18-19, 21). “The eye that mocks the father and neglects the obedience to the mother, the ravens of the valley will peck out and the eagles will devour” (Prov. 30:17).

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the request of the youngest son for the division of the inheritance was not an expression of love and humility. He frivolously wishes to personally enjoy the fruits of his father's labors "here and now", completely without thinking about how his father acquired them and what will happen to him when he thoughtlessly squanders part of his inheritance with crafty friends? Imaginary freedom attracts him! In his father's house, it seems to him that it is impossible to show the fullness of his personality, to flourish in perfection with all his natural talents, only by going as far as possible from his native borders, "to a country far away", he will find the desired foothold, "find himself" and become fully armed their valiant talents to receive from the world legitimate human recognition and glory. The vain hope of an inexperienced youth! Each of us has gravitated towards this unblessed outcome since the time of Adam. He was the first of the people to wish “the next part of the estate”, “to be like the gods” and cordially “departed” from God the Father within the boundaries of paradise. He received his "inheritance" and a logical addition to it: illness, suffering and death. Adam's experience is a spiritually representative experience for all people. That is why, on the eve of Great Lent, the Church reminds us of this archetypal disastrous, extremely tempting for every soul, false free path.

In his interpretation of the parable of the prodigal son, Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh tragic family situation, exaggerates too much: “ Simple words: Father, give me ... means: "Father, give me now what will still get me after your death. I want to live my life, and you are standing in my way. I can not wait for you to die: to then I shall no longer be able to enjoy what wealth and freedom can give. Die! You no longer exist for me. I am already an adult, I do not need a father. I need freedom and all the fruits of your life and labors; die and let me live !" Beautiful deep words, but having little basis in the hereditary institution of the Old Testament Jews. In ancient Israel, the possibility of dividing the estate during the life of the father was one of the original characteristics of the inheritance system. IN bible stories about the daughters of Laban and Job, about the son of Abraham Isaac, the inheritance property was received by the children before the death of their father. Modern Bible scholars, based on the facts of studying numerous documents of the Old Testament era, note that in eastern countries, inheritance was often given to children during the life of their father.

During the time of the New Testament (second half of the 1st century), the rules for receiving an inheritance changed. Sons and daughters received it only with the death of the head of the family. In the letter to the Hebrews, the apostle Paul instructs: “For where there is a testament, there it is necessary that the death of the testator should follow. Because a testament is valid after the dead: it has no effect when the testator is alive ”(Heb. 9, 16-17). Thus, in the words of the youngest son to receive his smaller share of the inheritance, a selfish desire to free himself from his father's guardianship, from his all-embracing loving look, sounded more than a wish for his father to die. The younger son did not think of “burying” his father during his lifetime, he only wanted to receive “his own”, because he knew that, as an heir, he had the legal right to ask him earlier. Do not rudely demand, putting a knife to his father's throat, but ask, hoping for a successful outcome for himself, knowing the softness of his parent's heart. In the immediate consent of the father from the Gospel tale, "to divide the estate" is an amazing correspondence with divine pedagogy. The father does not persuade the "youngest" to wait, gain experience, does not frighten him with the horrors of fatherlessness, he calmly agrees with his son and allocates him the required part of the estate. Similarly, the Lord acts in relation to each person. He “allocates” to him the due “part of the estate”: life, personal self-consciousness, freedom, talents and other existential gifts. A person is free to dispose of this wealth at his own discretion, he can grow rich in “God”, or he can squander his “inheritance” in a senseless attempt at personal earthly autonomy. The outcome is known. A man, after a little illusory experience of selfhood, finds himself among the pigs at the trough with mugs! "Soul, rest, eat, drink and be merry" (Luke 12:16-21). Here is the end of the fairy tale human dignity and freedom without God!

Why did the youngest son go to herd pigs? Why didn't he find a job, at least as a port loader or a fisherman? For a Jew, there was no more shameful work than herding pigs, for the Law of Moses forbids the use of pork and, consequently, the breeding of swine herds. With such an extreme depiction of the disastrous state of the prodigal son, traversed through alien lands, Christ gives us a symbolic clue. Man is expelled from Paradise. There is no other work outside the Father's House, other than "herding pigs" on earth. Man is not provided with heavenly work! Any work outside the sphere of divine will and grace, outside a loving relationship with God is defined in the language of the Gospel as "pig shepherding" for pig inhuman food. Without Christ and perspective eternal life any earthly activity is "herding pigs"! And that's exactly what it says!

“Coming to his senses (the prodigal son), he said: how many hirelings from my father are abundant in bread, and I am dying of hunger; I will get up and go to my father and say to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” What does "come to your senses" mean? This means that the prodigal son was "not in himself", his personal self-consciousness in the face of eternity was almost at zero. Among the grunting pig snouts, he "came to his senses", came to life from a mortal spiritual swoon. The words "came to his senses" are nothing else like a tracing-paper from the Socratic expression “know thyself.” Of course, Christ's parable does not copy the postulate ancient Greek philosopher. Spiritual life at any time proceeds according to the same laws. Therefore, it is described by similar verbal formulas. Hieromartyr Sergei (Mechev) talked about self-knowledge in the following way: “One holy father says that the beginning of our salvation is the knowledge of oneself. But after all, knowing oneself is the work of all life, this is what a person has strived for throughout his entire existence. The Holy Fathers reveal the meaning of this saying, saying that until you know who you are, until you yourself feel the image of God in yourself, until you, living among earthly citizens, feel that you are a citizen of heaven, and become enslaved " alien citizens”, until you, living among the dirt of your own soul, did not know the image of God in yourself, - until then you did not enter the path of salvation, did not yet begin your salvation. It begins from the moment when I knew my Divine nature. "Citizen of heaven" and felt like a prodigal son. Clearly earned consciousness immediately showed him the proper path: "He got up and went to his father." Where else to “go” from a country far away, if all radial paths lead to the Father’s House, to the center of moral rebirth?

In the famous Rembrandt's "The Return of the Prodigal Son" in a gloomy medieval setting on the threshold of a house, a decrepit father, with great quiet tenderness, embraces his emaciated, emasculated son, who is kneeling before him. The father, leaning towards his son, holds both hands with open palms on his back, as if protecting him from the disastrous sinful world. The figures of relatives are static. "Everything is over! You are at home, my son! - says the father's look. Words are not needed. Love proclaims salvation. In its own way, a deep pictorial reading of the Gospel parable.

In Orthodoxy, the meeting of the prodigal son with his father is interpreted in a completely different way. It is full of dynamics, joyful movement of legs and hearts. Father and son in icon-paintings are depicted running towards each other. Their souls seethe with exciting victorious jubilation: an all-forgiving father and a humble son. Hoping to be only a "mercenary" in parental home Seeing his aged father hurrying towards him, the prodigal son cannot but understand that he is forgiven, that he has always been and will be his son and only his son! But didn’t all this dream, a youngster who recently pastured pigs? Sweeping away the last barriers of selfhood on the way to the son’s heart, confirming his forgiveness with life’s deeds, the father commands to arrange a feast, to bring the best, “first” clothes, “the imperishable clothes of the future age”, to the returned son “from oblivion”, and most importantly, to bring the family ring with the legitimate seal as a sign of final parental trust. He proclaims to everyone, calls everyone: “Let's eat and be merry! for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.”

It is not difficult to see in the image of a father's feast with a well-fed calf slaughtered an analogy with the Eucharist, with the Lord's Meal, and with a forgiven prodigal son, a correlation with every person who came to the Church with repentance and hope for God's mercy. The time of Great Lent, just for such an occasion, is to throw away the “pig faces” left for a “rainy day” in the bins, “come to your senses”, return to your Father’s House and never leave it again, affirming the Liturgical order with the whole system of the soul earthly existence.

Attention should be paid to one of the liturgical features of the resurrection of the Prodigal Son. At Matins, after the joyful and solemn psalms of the Polyeleos, the Church sings Psalm 136 full of repentant sorrow, we give it in Russian translation: “On the rivers of Babylon, we sat there and wept when we remembered Zion. How can we sing the song of the Lord in a foreign land? If I forget you, Jerusalem, forget me, my right hand. Let my tongue cling to my throat, if I do not remember you, if I do not put Jerusalem at the head of my joy.”

This is a psalm of exile. It was sung by the Jews in the Babylonian captivity, remembering their holy city of Jerusalem. He became forever the song of a man who realized himself exiled from God, but realizing exile, he again becomes a man striving, like a son, to the House of the Heavenly Father. Psalm 136 is sung twice more, on the last two Sundays before Great Lent.

Explanations for the Parable of the Prodigal Son

About birthright

On the pages Holy Scripture the concept of primogeniture is repeatedly mentioned, in particular in relation to inheritance. Among the advantages of the firstborn son over his brothers was the right to a double share of the father's property. The book of Genesis tells of Esau selling his birthright to his brother Jacob. Esau's sale of his birthright (Gen. 25:27-34) deprived him of this additional share, and not of the entire inheritance.

About Rozhtsy

Hornets: the fruits of a single tree, like oak acorns, growing in Syria and some parts of Asia Minor, which were fed to pigs. Sometimes they were eaten, for lack of another, by extremely poor people.

About finger-print

In ancient times, when people could not write, any document was certified with a ring with a seal. To give someone your ring meant to give your life, your estate, family and honor into his hands. To the prophet Daniel in Babylon, to Joseph in Egypt: by giving a ring from their hand, the king and pharaoh transferred the power to govern the state on their behalf. Among the Old Testament Jews, rings also served as seals and were evidence of belonging to one or another tribe (genus).

Subject: "The Parable of the Prodigal Son". Moral ideals and the lessons of gospel parables.

Lesson Objectives: convey the moral ideas of parables through a literary text.

Lesson equipment: multimedia software, reproduction of Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son", genre photographs, texts of parables.

Lesson type: the formation of new knowledge and skills.


Reproduction of Rembrandt's The Return of the Prodigal Son.

A short retelling of the parable of the Prodigal Son.

Comments on words and expressions incomprehensible to children.

Questions session.

An expressive reading of B. Pasternak's poem "Learn to forgive."

Quote work.

Teacher's word about duty.

Commented reading.

1. Expressive reading of the Arabic parable "Duty".

2. Conversation according to the parable.

X. Commented reading.

1. Expressive reading of the parable "Everything is in your hands".

2. Conversation on the parable, work with genre photographs.

XI. Lesson results.

During the classes

Org. Moment.
teacher's word

Today in the lesson we will remember what a parable is. Let's get acquainted with the texts of some parables and try to see how the world in which we live looks like, if we look at it through a parable. Guys, think about what negative moral qualities prevail in our world?

Each of us at least once in his life asked himself questions: did I do the right thing in this or that situation? What should have been done in order not to regret what they did later? Parables will help us answer these questions.

Parables have always played an important role in the history of mankind, and to this day they remain for us an excellent and effective means of development, learning and communication. Parables combine wisdom and simplicity, teach us to think, find solutions to problems, develop thinking, intuition and imagination. Some of them bring inspiration, others make you laugh, others make you think. The beauty of the parable is that it doesn't divide the human mind into question and answer, it just gives people a hint of how things should be. Unlike a fable, a parable does not contain direct instruction or morality. It enables people to independently understand and interpret the meaning contained in it. Therefore, Christ usually ended his parables with the exclamation: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

Think and try to answer the question: what is a parable? (children's answers)

There are several definitions of "parable", let's focus on one of them and write it down in a notebook. A parable is an allegory, a figurative story, often used in the Bible to present doctrinal truths.

^ II. Work with a reproduction of Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

And now pay attention to the reproduction of Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son", which captures the moment of the meeting between father and son.

How does the artist depict father and son?

(A pre-prepared student describes the picture:

The picture was painted according to the plot of the parable of the prodigal son. Let's remember what this story is about...

^ III. Brief retelling of the parable "The Prodigal Son"

(The gospel parable of the prodigal son tells how a frivolous young man, having taken his share of his father's property, left his home in search of entertainment. Ruined, abandoned by his unfaithful friends, having spent a life full of ordeals and shame, he finally decides to return to his father's home, where he finds forgiveness, love, food and rest).

^ IV. Comments on words and expressions incomprehensible to children

What do you understand by the term "prodigal son"? (The prodigal son is not just a person who has lost his family, faith, traditions, homeland. The prodigal son is a person. Lost on the path of life).

The heroes of the parable are placed in a situation of choice. What choice do they make?

(The youngest son chooses his path, who wants to escape from parental care, but does not know how to build life in his own way. In difficult circumstances, he decides to return to his father and obey him. The father also chooses: he could hold a grudge against his son, could turn away from his son, could at least reproach him, but the father forgives his son).

^ V. Conversation on questions

Why did the father forgive the youngest son?

(The father forgave the youngest son because he repented and admitted his mistakes. The father thought that his son could die, that he had become the ultimate sinner. And a sinful person is like a dead person. But the son repented, that is, as if he came to life.)

What does this parable teach? Should a person forgive?

^ VI. An expressive reading of B. Pasternak's poem "Learn to forgive."

Now it would be appropriate to recall B. Pasternak's poem "Learn to forgive."

(Student reads)

Evil conquer with a ray of good,

While the Golgotha ​​Star burns.

Forgiveness is born of love
In the struggle of prayer nights.

Generosity heals like a balm,

Notebook entry:

Faith and obedience are dear, but repentance and forgiveness are even more precious. Every person should be able to forgive and have hope for forgiveness.

^ VII. Quote work

And now turn your attention to the statement of one of the presidents of America, Roosevelt.

Recording on the slide: “We have been given much, and much is expected of us. We have obligations to other people and to ourselves; and we have no right to neglect any of these duties.” T. Roosevelt.

What do you think we will discuss in the next part of the lesson? (Discussing the sense of duty).

^ VIII. Teacher's word on duty

Imagine for a moment what could happen if people suddenly began to do only what they are interested in? For example, a surgeon would refuse to perform an operation, because at that time his favorite movie was shown on TV. Or the dispatcher at the airport would like to read a book or go for a walk during his duty. And the pilot, instead of the indicated route, would have gone to Mexico, since he had long dreamed of visiting there.

There are words "want" and "need". “Need” is our idea of ​​duty.

Define the term debt. (Duty is an obligation to someone or something).

^ IX. Commented reading

1. Expressive reading of the Arabic parable "Debt".

Before you is an Arabic parable "Duty". (The parable is read by the student).

Arabic parable "Duty".

2. Parable talk

Do you agree that children owe their parents a debt? (children's answers)

If a person does not take care of his parents, does this have any effect on his own children? (children's answers)

What did the parable of debt teach you?

From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and bring them out.

^ X. Commented Reading

1. Expressive reading of the parable "Everything is in your hands".

Today we will get acquainted with another parable, which is called "Everything is in your hands." (The parable is performed by the teacher).

The parable "Everything is in your hands."

2. Conversation on the parable, work with genre photographs

Guys, what did the sage want to say by saying the words “everything is in your hands”?

Pay attention to the slide. Before you photos, with the help of which would you explain the moral of this parable? (Answers of children).

^ XI. Lesson summary

Really. Everything is in your hands, and it depends only on you to forgive or bear resentment until the end of your days, take care of elderly parents or leave them to die alone. It depends only on you how your future life whether you succeed or keep complaining about your failures.

So our lesson has come to an end. Guys, why do you think we needed this lesson? What did each of you learn from this lesson?

Homework. Write an essay on the topic: “What feelings did the parables of the prodigal son, about duty, evoke in me?”

Rudenko A

The shame-stricken son fell on his knees before his father. His clothes are torn, his legs are wounded. His shaved head looks small and pitiful. As if seeking refuge, he hides his face in the folds of his father's clothes. The old father bowed to his son. Putting his hands on his shoulders, he presses him to himself, strokes and feels - his father is half-blind, and now touch, more than sight, convinces him that in front of him is a truly long-awaited, mourned son. The tender, almost blessing touch of these feeble hands makes the son close his eyes in bliss. Father and son have not yet spoken to each other, but they will no longer need words to reconcile. The joy of these two is miraculous. Her reflection illuminates the face of an old man standing on the right, other people are drawn to the light born by her. Various feelings are read on their faces - tenderness, emotion, curiosity).

Parable retelling

"Learn to Forgive"
Learn to forgive, pray for those who offend,
Evil conquer with a ray of good,
Go without hesitation to the camp of the forgiving,
While the Golgotha ​​Star burns.

Learn to forgive when the soul is offended
And the heart, like a cup of bitter tears,
And it seems that kindness is all burned out,
Remember how Christ forgave!

Learn to forgive, forgive not only with a word,
But with all your soul, with all your essence.
Forgiveness is born of love
In the struggle of prayer nights.

Learn to forgive, in forgiveness the joy is hidden,
Generosity heals like a balm
The blood on the cross was shed for all,
Learn to forgive so that you yourself can be forgiven.

Arabic parable "Duty".

One carpenter, no matter how much he earned, was content with little and made few expenses. A neighbor once asked him:

You earn a lot, but where do you put your wealth? You don't see anything special.

I pay off my debts with one part of my earnings, and I lend the other part at interest, - the master answered.

It can't be that you have debts, and I haven't heard that you gave someone a loan, - objected the neighbor.

If I give money to my parents, I consider that I am paying off my debts, and I consider that I am lending money at interest on the money that I spend on the education and maintenance of my children. When the children grow up, and my wife and I grow old, will they not return our debt? the master said.

The parable "Everything is in your hands."

Once upon a time, a great sage lived in a city. The fame of his wisdom spread far beyond his redivisions. hometown People from afar came to him for advice. And there was a man envious of his fame. Once he came to a meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought: “I’ll go to the sage and ask him: “Tell me, O wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead?” If he says “dead”, I will open my palms, the butterfly will fly away, if he says “alive”, I will close my palms. And the butterfly will die. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.”

That's how it all happened. An envious person came to the city and asked the wise man: “Tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead?”

Then the sage who was really smart person, said: "everything is in your hands."

Forgiveness as a manifestation true love»

according to "The Parable of the Prodigal Son"

Lesson Objectives:


Epigraph: . (Hans - Joachim Haan)

. (J. Kennedy Schultz).

FOPD: frontal, steam room

MO: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problematic.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Conversation.

Introductory conversation.


(Answers are heard). 2 minutes .



Epigraph: Forgiveness brings hope to life. (Hans - Joachim Haan)

The easier we forgive, the easier we live. (J. Kennedy Schultz).

Students: About forgiveness.


3 min

In the Gospel, parables are a kind of illustrations of the teachings of Jesus Christ, with their help he teaches people, they are intended to restore their special sight and hearing - spiritual ones. Let's try and get them.


Students: 1 min

Historical reference.

Teacher: Right. Now, in order to better understand the meaning of the parable, I want to give you some information about family life Israelis. IN Jewish family parents were always honored, so children had the right to live the way they wanted, only if they left their family (married) or when their parents died. Leaving home without the knowledge of parents was considered a great curse of disobedience, such a young man was considered dead to his family. And to demand or take a share of one's inheritance with living parents was a deadly insult. Let's now read the parable aloud. 1 min)

(Reading a parable).5 minutes

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.


3 minutes.

(Answers are heard).Generally5 minutes

    Did the father forgive his son?

5. Work on the picture -3min




Teacher: And what do you think he is?


V1 . Conversation on questions2 minutes


(Student reads, music sounds) 3 min

Evil conquer with a ray of good,

Forgiveness is born of love
In the struggle of prayer nights.

Notebook entry:

8. Main conclusions.(2 minutes)

9 . Lesson results.(2 minutes)


Students: Yes.

Teacher: How many times?

Students: Always.

10. 4min TEST

a) a story

b) a parable;

a) Raphael

b) Leonardo da Vinci;

c) Rembrandt.

a) building a house

b) for alms;

c) living dissolutely.

a) pigs

a) was hungry

b) realized his sin;

a) got angry

b) kicked him out of the house;

c) hugged him.

5= "4" 6= "5"

10. Homework. Mini-composition “What mark did the “Parable of the Prodigal Son” leave in my soul. 1 min

written in 2007:

"Evening, memorial candles,

The smell of melted wax

Silence patriarchal,

The light is mysterious, discreet.

Outside the window - distant worlds,

weightless spaces.

Outside the window - faded landscapes,

Yes, people are inconstancy.

Don't be fooled by distance

Roulette does not attract hope.

Prodigal son, with repentance

I return to the faith of my ancestors.

Where judgments are sacred

Where there is no nonsense, no gloss ...

Evening, memorial candles,

The smell of melted wax ... "


Love and betrayal, the ability to forgive insults, the victory of good over evil - perhaps this is creation, the creation of happiness and harmony in life. "The Parable of the Prodigal Son" has a profound educational value That is the function of art.

Open lesson in Russian literature in the 6th grade

on the topic "The Parable of the Prodigal Son"

Forgiveness as a manifestation of true love

Lesson Objectives: develop an interest in the Bible as a source of wisdom and a model moral behavior; discuss the phenomenon of forgiveness as a manifestation of true love; show the embodiment of the Christian story in painting; to instill in children a sense of forgiveness, love for their neighbor, to comprehend their actions.

Equipment: reproduction of Rembrandt van Rijn's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son", fragments of the film "Solaris", the cartoon "The Parable of the Prodigal Son".


Epigraph: Forgiveness brings hope to life. (Hans - Joachim Haan)

The easier we forgive, the easier we live. (J. Kennedy Schultz).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Conversation.

Introductory conversation.

Before I name the topic of today's lesson, I will ask you to mentally answer a few of my questions. I ask you to be honest with yourself, because no one will hear the answers.

Have you ever slammed the door loudly and left the house, leaving behind the boring lectures of your parents, their unnecessary, empty moralizing?

Perhaps, rustling under the feet of autumn foliage, you walked along the cold streets, holding a grudge against the whole adult world in your soul? You were in a hurry not to go home, but to where absolute freedom awaits you, and there are no obligations.

Has it ever happened that “lost” in yourself, in your thoughts, desires, hopes, mistakes, you could not find a way out of difficult life problems, and, bending under their weight, at least mentally asked for the help of those whom you left behind, repenting for your carelessness?

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then the topic of today's lesson is most relevant to you.

Teacher: Right. Recall an episode from your life when a friend or one of your relatives forgave you an offense. What feeling did you experience then? What was your reaction?

(Answers are heard). 2 minutes .


Write the epigraphs for our lesson on the board. Read them, think and say, what do you think we will talk about today? 1-2min


Epigraph: Forgiveness brings hope to life. (Hans - Joachim Haan)

The easier we forgive, the easier we live. (J. Kennedy Schultz).

Students: About forgiveness.

Today we will get acquainted with the parable. It's called "The Parable of the Prodigal Son". How do you understand the word "prodigal"?

Students: Wandering. One who wanders around without a purpose. Who does not know why and where he is going.


Prodigal - erring, making a mistake, falling into error. This means that the prodigal son is a young man who has strayed from the true path. About him and will be discussed in this parable.

A parable is a small moralizing story like a fable, but without morality and direct teaching. Morality must be drawn from it by everyone. This genre arose in the East, in antiquity, where they liked to speak in allegories. (WRITING IN A NOTEBOOK) 3 min

For several lessons we go through biblical mythology. Let's remember the birth of Jesus.

So, back to the Bible. When Jesus grew up, he began to preach his doctrine to people. He chose 12 disciples (apostles) for himself and began to walk with them from city to city. Jesus told people parables. He told them in such a way that everyone could understand them. The word “son” sounds in the title of our parable, therefore, the idea of ​​kinship with which every person on earth is connected is important in the parable: after all, we are all someone’s children ... Let’s think about what role parents play in our life? What are they trying to teach children? Why are relationships between parents and children often difficult?

Teacher: Remind me what the commandment says about parents?

Students: Honor your father and mother and you will live long. 1 min

Historical reference.


Teacher: Right. Now, in order to better understand the meaning of the parable, I want to give you some information about the family structure of the Israelites. In the Jewish family, parents have always been honored, so children had the right to live the way they wanted, only if they left their family (married) or when their parents died. Leaving home without the knowledge of parents was considered a great curse of disobedience, such a young man was considered dead to his family. And to demand or take a share of one's inheritance with living parents was a deadly insult. Let's now read the parable aloud. (1 min)

(Reading a parable).5min (in computer)

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Let's divide into groups for discussion. (Guys are divided into 3 groups).

Read the parable again carefully and list the actions of the father, in which his forgiveness to his son was expressed. Write the answer down in your notebook, share your thoughts as a group, and be ready to share them with the whole class. For preparation 3 minutes.

(Answers are heard).Generally5 minutes

1. What is the reason for the son's departure from his father's home? What does a father do for his son? What does the son strive for, what does he want from life, in what does he see his happiness?

2. How does the father behave, does he prevent his son from leaving home?

    What events led to the feast?

    Why did the father react so “unusually” to the return of his son?

    What did the son do to get his father's forgiveness and blessing?

    How did others perceive the decision of the father to accept the son back into the family?

    What did the father experience when the youngest son left with his part of the inheritance?

    What did the son think about when he came to his senses?

    What did the son feel when he saw his father run out to meet him?

    How did the father feel when he saw his son returning?

    What prompted the father to accept his son with honors after he disgraced him?

What the son experienced in foreign countries. What happened to his "estate"?

    When and why did the son "come to his senses"?

    How did the youngest son behave and what did he deserve for his behavior?

    How did the father react to the return of his son and why?

    What specifically expressed the decision of the father to forgive the rebellious son?

    How should the lifestyle and behavior of the son change after the father has forgiven him?

Did the son hope for the forgiveness of his father?

How did the father meet the prodigal son?

    Did the father forgive his son?

    V1 . Conversation on questions2 minutes

    Why did the father forgive the youngest son?

    (The father forgave the youngest son because he repented and admitted his mistakes. The father thought that his son could die, that he had become the ultimate sinner. And a sinful person is like a dead person. But the son repented, that is, as if he came to life.)

    What does this parable teach? Should a person forgive?

5. Work on the picture -3min

The theme of the prodigal son is widely disclosed not only in the bible, but also in painting, music, and cinema.


And now let's look at Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son". How did the artist depict this moment?

Students:- In the parable, the father threw himself on his son's neck, and in the picture the son kneels before his father.

The paints used by Rembrandt, in my opinion, are a bit dark. They do not so much convey joy as emphasize the solemnity of what is happening.

The face of the father is concentrated and, it seems to me, sad, but in the parable the father is joyful.

Teacher: Tell me, why did the artist see this meeting in this way?

Students:- Maybe because the act of forgiveness is very important in a person's life.

It seems to me that the artist did not quite understand the true meaning of the parable.

Teacher: And what do you think he is?

Students: The true meaning, in my opinion, is that the forgiver experiences joy and the forgiven also experiences joy, because the lost relationship is restored between them.


Guys, we read the parable, saw the theme of forgiveness in painting. Now let's see how it is revealed this topic in a cartoon. (7min)


VI1 . An expressive reading of B. Pasternak's poem "Learn to forgive."

Now it would be appropriate to recall B. Pasternak's poem "Learn to forgive."

(Student reads, music sounds) 3 min

Learn to forgive, pray for those who offend,
Evil conquer with a ray of good,
Go without hesitation to the camp of the forgiving,
While the Golgotha ​​Star burns.

Learn to forgive when the soul is offended
And the heart, like a cup of bitter tears,
And it seems that kindness is all burned out,
Remember how Christ forgave!

Learn to forgive, forgive not only with a word,
But with all your soul, with all your essence.
Forgiveness is born of love
In the struggle of prayer nights.

Learn to forgive, in forgiveness the joy is hidden,
Generosity heals like a balm
The blood on the cross was shed for all,
Learn to forgive so that you yourself can be forgiven.

Notebook entry:

Faith and obedience are dear, but repentance and forgiveness are even more precious. Every person should be able to forgive and have hope for forgiveness.

8. Main conclusions.(2 minutes)

We said that the parable - instructive story. What has this parable taught you? What is the main idea of ​​the parable?

It is never too late to admit your mistakes, repent of your sins, return to the true path and receive forgiveness.

A person is worthy of forgiveness if he sincerely repents and regrets his deed.

Of course, parents can always understand and forgive their children, but we must try not to upset them. After all, these are the people we love the most.


Insert (viewing a fragment from the film "Solaris") - 4 min

9 . Lesson results.(2 minutes)

Teacher: Guys, you noticed that love is inextricably linked with forgiveness. To forgive a person is to stop blaming him and being angry with him. When we forgive others, our happiness multiplies, our relationships with people become harmonious. Let's get back to our epigraphs. Do you need to forgive?

Students: Yes.

Teacher: How many times?

Students: Always.

Teacher: What does forgiveness bring?

Students: Joy, freedom in communication ...

Teacher: Are there grievances for which you can not forgive a person?

Students: No. Here in the parable, the son inflicted a mortal insult on his father, and he forgave.

Teacher: That's right, you need to forgive any offense. Now write down your homework.

May this lesson remain in your memory for a long time and help you to follow the true path.

4min TEST 2 SLIDE #9

1. A little moral story without morality:

a) a story

b) a parable;

a) Raphael

b) Leonardo da Vinci;

c) Rembrandt.

3. In the parable of the prodigal son, the youngest son spent his part of the inheritance:

a) building a house

b) for alms;

c) living dissolutely.

4. Finding himself a beggar, the youngest son hired himself as a worker for the rich man's pasture:

a) pigs

5. The prodigal son decided to return to his father because:

a) was hungry

b) realized his sin;

c) I wanted to live better than my father's mercenaries.

6. Seeing the prodigal son, the father:

a) got angry

b) kicked him out of the house;

c) hugged him.

Checking the test 1-b, 2-c, 3-c, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c. 1-2= "2", 3-4= "3",

5= "4" 6= "5"

Against the background of the music of I.S. Bach's "Oboe Concerto in D Minor" arranged by Marcello sounds a poem by Mikhail Rozhdestvensky

"Return of the Prodigal Son"

written in 2007:


"Evening, memorial candles,

The smell of melted wax

Silence patriarchal,

The light is mysterious, discreet.

Outside the window - distant worlds,

weightless spaces.

Outside the window - faded landscapes,

Yes, people are inconstancy.

Don't be fooled by distance

Roulette does not attract hope.

Prodigal son, with repentance

I return to the faith of my ancestors.

Where judgments are sacred

Where there is no nonsense, no gloss ...

Evening, memorial candles,

The smell of melted wax ... "

10. Homework. SLIDE №11 Mini-composition “What mark did the “Parable of the Prodigal Son” leave in my soul. 1 min


Love and betrayal, the ability to forgive insults, the victory of good over evil - perhaps this is creation, the creation of happiness and the harmony of life. The parable of the prodigal son has a deep educational value, and this is the function of art.

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