How to decipher the test on the drawing of my family. Favorable family situation


Methodology "Kinetic family pattern" (KRS)

General psychodiagnostics / Ed. A.A. Bodalev and V.V. Stolin. M.: Publishing House of Moscow. un-ta, 1987.

Test Description

The "Kinetic pattern of the family" test is aimed not so much at identifying certain personality anomalies as at prognosis individual style behavior, experience and affective response in significant and conflict situations, identification of unconscious aspects of personality.

The experimental procedure is as follows:

For the study, you need a sheet of white paper (21x29cm), six colored pencils (black, red, blue, green, yellow, brown), an eraser.

Instruction to the subject

"Draw, please, your family." In no case should one explain what the word "family" means, since this distorts the very essence of the study. If the child asks what to draw, the psychologist should simply repeat the instructions.

The task is not limited in time (in most cases it lasts no more than 35 minutes). When performing the task, it should be noted in the protocol:

a) the sequence of drawing details;

b) pauses for more than 15 seconds;

c) erasing details;

d) spontaneous comments of the child;

e) emotional reactions their relation to the content being depicted.

After completing the task, one should strive to get as much information as possible verbally. The following questions are usually asked:

1. Tell me, who is drawn here?

2. Where are they located?

3. What do they do?

4. Are they fun or bored? Why?

5. Who is the happiest person in the picture? Why?

6. Who is the most miserable among them? Why?

The last two questions provoke the child to openly discuss feelings, which not every child is inclined to do.

Therefore, if the child does not answer them or answers formally, you should not insist on an answer. During the interview, the psychologist should try to find out the meaning of what the child has drawn: feelings for individual family members; why the child did not draw one of the family members (if this happened); what certain details of the picture mean for the child (birds, animals). At the same time, if possible, direct questions should be avoided, insisting on an answer, as this can induce anxiety, defensive reactions. Projective questions are often productive, for example: "If a person were drawn instead of a bird, then who would it be?", "Who would win in a competition between your brother and you?", "Whom will mom invite to go with her?" etc.

Three of them should reveal negative feelings towards family members, three positive ones.

1. Imagine that you have two tickets to the Circus. Who would you invite to come with you?

2. Imagine that your whole family is visiting, but one of you is sick and has to stay at home. Who is he?

3. You. you build a house from the designer (you cut out a paper dress for a doll), and you are unlucky. Who are you going to call for help?

4. You have "N" tickets (one less than family members) to an interesting movie. Who will stay at home?

5. Imagine that you are on a desert island. Who would you like to live there with?

6. You received an interesting lotto as a gift. The whole family began to play, but you are one person more than necessary. Who won't play?

To interpret, you also need to know:

a) the age of the examined child;

b) the composition of his family, the age of his brothers, sisters;

c) if possible, have information about the behavior of the child in the family, kindergarten or school.

Interpretation of test results "Family Drawing"

The interpretation of the drawing is conditionally divided into 3 parts:

1) analysis of the structure "Figure of the family";

2) interpretation of the features of graphic images of family members;

3) analysis of the drawing process.

1. Analysis of the structure of the "Family Drawing" and comparison of the composition of the drawn and real family

A child experiencing emotional well-being in a family is expected to draw a complete family.

Distortion real composition families always deserves. steel attention, since behind this there is almost always an emotional conflict, dissatisfaction with the family situation.

Extreme options are drawings in which;

a) people are not depicted at all;

b) only people not related to the family are depicted. Most of the time these reactions are:

a) traumatic experiences related to the family;

b) a feeling of rejection, abandonment;

c) autism (i.e. psychological alienation, expressed in the child’s withdrawal from contact with surrounding reality and immersion in the world of their own experiences);

d) a sense of insecurity, a high level of anxiety;

e) poor contact between the psychologist and the child under study.

Children reduce composition families,"forgetting" to draw those family members who are less emotionally attractive to them, with whom conflict situations have developed. Without drawing them, the child, as it were, avoids negative emotions associated with certain people. Most often there are no brothers or sisters in the picture, which is associated with situations of competition observed in families. The child, thus, in a symbolic situation "monopolizes" the missing love and attention of parents to him.

In some cases, instead of real family members, the child draws small animals, birds. The psychologist should always clarify with whom the child identifies them. Most often, brothers or sisters are drawn in this way, whose influence in the family the child seeks to reduce, devalue and show symbolic aggression towards them.

If in the drawings the child does not draw himself, or instead of the family he draws only himself, then this also indicates violations of emotional communication.

In both cases, the painter does not include himself in the family, which indicates a lack of a sense of community. The absence of "I" in the picture is more typical for children who feel rejection, rejection.

Presentation in the figure only "I" may indicate different psychological content depending on other characteristics.

If in the image of "I" a large number of details of the body, colors, decoration of clothes, a large size of the figure, then this indicates a certain egocentricity, hysterical character traits.

If the drawing of oneself is characterized by a small size, sketchiness, a negative background is created by the color scheme, then one can assume the presence of a feeling of rejection, abandonment, sometimes autistic tendencies.

It can also be informative increase in family composition, inclusion in the family drawing strangers. As a rule, this is due to the unsatisfied psychological needs of the only children in the family, the desire to hush up the protected, parental, leading position in relation to other people's children (drawn dogs, cats, etc., can give the same information in addition to family members).

In addition to parents (or instead of them) drawn, not family-related adults indicate the perception of the negativity of the family, the search for a person who can satisfy the child in close emotional contacts, or the consequence of a feeling of rejection, uselessness in the family.

2. Location of family members

It indicates some psychological features of relationships in the family. The analysis makes it necessary to distinguish what the drawing reflects - subjectively real, desired, or what the child is afraid of, avoids.

family unity, drawing of a family with joined hands, their unity in common activities are indicators of psychological well-being.

Drawings with opposite characteristics (disunity of family members) may indicate low level emotional connections. Close proximity of figures conditioned by the intention to place family members in a limited space (boat, small house etc.), can talk about the child's attempt to unite, rally the family (for this purpose, the child resorts to external circumstances, because he feels the futility of such an attempt).

In the drawings, where part of the family is located in one group, and one or more persons are distant, this indicates a feeling of exclusion, alienation. In the case of the alienation of one family member, one can assume a negative attitude of the child towards him, sometimes judge the threat emanating from him.

3. Analysis of the features of the drawn figures

The features of graphic drawing of individual family members can provide information of a wide range: about the emotional attitude of the child to an individual family member, about how the child perceives him, about the "I-image" of the child, about his gender identity, etc.

When assessing the emotional relationship of the child to family members, attention should be paid to:

1) the number of body parts. Are: head, hair, ears, eyes, pupils, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, neck, shoulders, arms, palms, fingers, nails, feet;

2) decoration (details of clothing and decorations): hat, collar, tie, bows, pockets, hairstyle elements, patterns and trim on clothes;

3) the number of colors used to draw the figure.

Good emotional relationship with a person are accompanied by a large number of body details, decoration, the use of a variety of colors.

great schematic, the incompleteness of the drawing, the omission of essential parts of the body (head, arms, legs) may indicate, along with a negative attitude towards a person, also aggressive impulses towards him.

Children, as a rule, draw the largest father and mother, which corresponds to reality.

Some children draw the largest or equal in size with their parents myself.

This is due to: a) the child's egocentricity; b) competition for parental love, excluding or reducing the "competitor".

Significantly smaller than other family members, children draw themselves who: a) feel their insignificance, uselessness; b) requiring guardianship, care from parents.

The absolute value of the figures can also be informative. Large, across the entire sheet, figures are drawn by impulsive, self-confident, dominating children.

Very small figures are associated with anxiety, a sense of danger.

In the analysis, attention should be paid to Painting separate parts bodies:

1. Hands are the main means of influencing the world, of physically controlling the behavior of other people.

If a child draws himself with his hands up, long fingers, then it is often associated with aggressive desires.

Sometimes such drawings are drawn by outwardly calm and complaisant children. It can be assumed that the child feels hostility towards others, but his aggressive impulses are suppressed. Such self-drawing may also indicate the child's desire to compensate for his weakness, the desire to be strong, to dominate others. This interpretation is more reliable when, in addition to "aggressive" arms, the child also draws broad shoulders or other attributes of "masculinity" and strength.

Sometimes a child draws all family members with hands, but "forgets" to draw them for himself. If at the same time the child also draws himself disproportionately small, then this may be due to a feeling of powerlessness, his own insignificance in the family, with the feeling that others suppress his activity, overly control him.

2. Head - center of localization "I", intellectual activity; face is an important part of the body in the process of communication.

If parts of the face (eyes, mouth) are missing in the drawing, this may indicate serious communication disorders, isolation, autism. If, when drawing other family members, the child skips the head, facial features or strokes her face, then this is often associated with a conflict relationship with this person, a hostile attitude towards him.

The facial expressions of the painted people can also be an indicator of the child's feelings for them. However, children tend to draw smiling people, this is a kind of "stamp" in the drawings, but this does not mean at all that children perceive others in this way. For the interpretation of a family drawing, facial expressions are significant only in cases where they differ from each other.

Girls pay more attention to face drawing than boys, this indicates a good gender identification of the girl.

In the drawings of boys, this moment may be associated with concern for one's physical beauty, the desire to compensate for one's physical shortcomings, and the formation of stereotypes of female behavior.

Presentation of the teeth and prominence of the mouth are common in children prone to oral aggression. If a child draws not himself, but another family member in this way, then this is often associated with a feeling of fear, the perceived hostility of this person to the child.

Each adult is characterized by certain details in the drawing of a person, which are enriched with age, and their omission in the drawing, as a rule, is associated with the denial of some functions, with conflict.

In children's drawings, two different schemes for drawing individuals of different genders are distinguished. For example, a man's torso is drawn in an oval shape, a woman's is triangular.

If a child draws himself in the same way as other figures of the same sex, then we can talk about adequate gender identification. Similar details and colors in the presentation of two figures, for example, a son and a father, can be interpreted as the son's desire to be like his father, identification with him, good emotional contacts.

Analysis of the drawing process

When analyzing the drawing process, you should pay attention to:

a) the sequence of drawing family members;

b) the sequence of drawing details;

c) erasure;

d) return to already drawn objects, details, figures;

e) spontaneous comments.

The interpretation of the drawing process in general implements the thesis that changes in thought, actualization of feelings, tensions, conflicts lie behind the dynamic characteristics of drawing, they reflect the significance of certain details of the child's drawing.

In the drawing, the child first depicts the most significant main or most emotionally loved one. Often the mother or father is drawn first. The fact that children are often the first to draw themselves is probably due to their egocentrism as an age characteristic. If the first child draws not himself, not parents, but other family members, which means that these are the most significant persons for him emotionally.

There are cases when a child draws last mother. Often this is associated with a negative attitude towards her.

If the first drawn figure is the largest, but is drawn schematically, not decorated, then this indicates the child's perceived significance of this person, strength, dominance in the family, but does not indicate the child's positive feelings towards him. However, if the first figure is drawn carefully, decorated, then one can think that this is the most beloved member of the family, whom the child reveres and wants to be like.

Some children first draw various objects, the base line, the sun, furniture, etc. and only in last turn start painting people. There is reason to believe that such a sequence in the performance of a task is a kind of defense, with the help of which the child pushes back an unpleasant task in time. Most often this is observed in children with a dysfunctional family situation, but it can also be a consequence of poor contact between the child and the psychologist.

Return to drawing the same family members, objects, Details indicates their significance for the child.

Pause before drawing certain details, family members are most often associated with a conflicting attitude and are an external manifestation of an internal dissonance of motives. At an unconscious level, the child, as it were, decides whether or not to draw a person or a detail associated with negative emotions.

erasing drawing, redrawn can be associated with both negative emotions in relation to the family member drawn in this way, and with positive ones. The final result of the drawing is decisive.

Spontaneous comments often explain the meaning of the drawn content of the child. Therefore, they must be listened to carefully. Their appearance betrays the most emotionally "charged" places in the drawing. This can help guide both post-drawing questions and the interpretation process itself.


Currently, the use of psychological drawing tests has become very popular in many areas of life. Their application is based on the principle of projection onto paper through a drawing of a psychological state children and adults, reflection and disclosure of character, feelings, emotions, desires, identification of interpersonal relationships, etc.

Today, in addition to the actual instructions for using a number of drawing tests, we will consider a description of the development of children's graphic manifestations, the evolution of a drawing and its psychotherapeutic significance, as well as an analysis of drawings that reveal the psychological and emotional state.

Significant advantage of drawing tests compared with other methods of personality research, for example, compared with a verbal survey, is lack of fear in the client (subject) during testing, which allows you to give the most accurate and objective assessment of his personal characteristics, emotional and psychological state.



Test "My family"

Can be used for children from 4-5 years old. The main purpose of the test is to diagnose family relations. In psychological practice, this test is one of the most informative.

Very often, parents evaluate the atmosphere of family relations positively, while the child perceives it in a completely different way. In the "innocent" children's drawing, one can clearly see not only psychological state child, unconscious or hidden problems, but also his attitude towards each family member and the perception of the family as a whole. Having learned how the child sees the family and his parents, you can effectively help him and try to correct the unfavorable climate in the family.

The task

Give your child a sheet of A4 size drawing paper, a simple pencil, and an eraser. Ask the child to draw a family, including himself, and also invite him - if he wants - to add other details to the drawing.The instruction can be even simpler if you just say: "Draw your family."

When the drawing is completed, it is necessary to ask the child to identify the drawn figures, and note for himself the sequence in which the child drew them.

IMPORTANT! You should not ask the child to draw a family immediately after family quarrels; control or suggest while drawing, as well as discuss with someone the result obtained with the child.

  1. The feel of the drawing
  2. The sequence of drawing family members, who is the first, who is the last
  3. Graphic image:

Who is highlighted by pressure or color - this family member in this moment more meaningful

4. whether one of the family members was missed (with this person a difficult emotional relationship)

5. size of family members

6. Does it erase?

7. Does it fix?

8. Does it add comments

9 If he draws himself and highlights some part of the body (it means he is experiencing emotional stress in this part of the body

10. if the separation between family members (poles, grass, trees, etc.)

11. pauses between drawing family members: more than 15 seconds

12. if we ask to draw a family, but draws others - trauma, avoidance

13. if the number of family members increases - dissatisfaction, lack of communication

14. all hands in the picture - well-being in the family

15. pay attention to who has not drawn a face - an emotional rejected attitude

16. big head - according to the child, the smartest in the family

17. what crosses out - causes anxiety

18. you can ask to compose a fairy tale according to the drawing (for therapy)

In addition to the order in which family members are depicted, it is important to note how hard the child presses the pencil when drawing one or another family member, what is the ratio of the size of the drawing to the size of the sheet, and also how long the child draws.

It is best to start evaluating a drawing with test indicators.

Test indicators (indicators of psychomotor tone)

Pencil pressure

Weak pressure - low self-esteem, sometimes passivity; depression.

Strong pressure - high self-esteem, sometimes impulsiveness, emotional tension.

Very strong pressure (pencil tears paper) - hyperactivity, aggressiveness.

Changeable pressure is an indicator of the emotional instability of the child.

Meaning of lines and hatching

Broad strokes or strokes, scale of the image, the absence of preliminary sketches and drawings speaks of the confidence and determination of the author of the drawing.

An unstable, blurred image containing many distinct intersecting lines,indicates increased excitability and hyperactivity of the child.

Lines not completedindicate impulsiveness, emotional instability.

Hatching extending beyond contours of the figure, - an indicator of the emotional tension of the child.

Pattern location

The location of the pattern in bottom parts of the sheet means low self-esteem.

Accordingly, if the figure is located in top parts of the sheet, we can talk about high self-esteem.

Drawing interpretation

1. Minimum details made in the drawing, speaks of the isolation of the child, and an excessive amount of detail indicates his hidden anxiety.

2. Family member that causes the most anxiety in the child, can be drawn either with a very thick line, or a thin, trembling line.

3. The size of the depicted relative, animal or objecttalks about its importance for the child. For example, a dog or cat larger than its parents indicates that the relationship with the parents is in second place. If the father is much smaller than the mother, then the relationship with the mother is paramount for the child.

4. If a child draws himself small, inconspicuous,then he has low self-esteem at the moment; ifown image large, we can talk about the child's self-confidence and the makings of a leader. A very small, helpless figurine of a child, placed surrounded by parents, may express the need to take care of him.

5. If the child did not draw one of the family members, this may mean a negative attitude towards this person and a complete lack of emotional contact with him.

6. The one whom the child drew closest to his own image is closest to him.If this is a person, then he is depicted holding hands with a figure corresponding to the child being tested.

7. In the mind of the child, the most clever man has the biggest head.

8. Large dilated eyes in drawingchild - a sign of a request for help or concern about something. Eyes-points or slits the child draws to a person, in his opinion, independent and not asking for help.

9. Man drawn without ears - a symbol of the fact that he "does not hear" the child or no one in the family at all.

10 people big open mouthperceived by the child as a source of danger.

Mouth-dash ousually endowed with a person who hides his feelings and is not able to influence others.

11. The more hands a person has, the more powerful he is in the eyes of the child. The more fingers on the hands, the stronger and more capable a person is for a child.

12. Legs, drawn as if hanging in the air, without support,belong to a person who, in the opinion of the child, has no independent support in life.

13 . Absence of arms and legs in humansoften indicative of low levels intellectual development, and the absence of only legs - on low self-esteem.

14. Least significant character usually placed aside from everyone and has a fuzzy outline of the figure, sometimes erased with an eraser after starting to draw.

The picture speaks of the well-being of the child

1. If the child is happy to draw a family.

2. If the figures are shown in proportion: the relative height of parents and children is respected, according to their age.

3. If the child portrays all family members without exception.

5. If all the figures are located on the same level, they are depicted holding hands (some variations are possible in the same sense).

6. If, when coloring a picture, a child chooses bright, saturated colors.

Drawing reflects red flags in relationships

1. If a child refuses to draw, this is a sign that unpleasant memories are associated with the family.

2. Excessively large proportions of parents - an indicator of their authoritarianism, the desire to command children.

3. If the child has drawn himself large, this is an indicator that he is self-oriented, as well as an indicator of confrontation with parents.

4. An extremely small image of a child indicates his low importance in the family.

5. By drawing himself last, the child thereby demonstrates his underestimated status among other family members.

6. If in the picture the child has drawn all family members except himself, then this indicates a feeling of inferiority or a feeling of lack of community in the family, a decrease in self-esteem, and suppression of the will to achieve.

7. If a child portrayed only himself, we can talk about the egocentricity inherent in this child, his inherent conviction that all family members are obliged to think only about him, and he does not have to think about any of them.

8. A very small image of all family members is a sign of anxiety, depression, depression.

9. The image of all family members in cells is a sign of alienation and lack of friendship, community in the family.

10. If a child depicts himself with his face covered with his hands, this is how he expresses his unwillingness to be in the family.

11. The shaded head (view from the back) of the child means that he is immersed in himself.

12. The image of a large mouth, lips in oneself is a sign of hidden aggression.

13. If the child starts with the image of the legs and feet, this can also be attributed to signs of anxiety.

14. An alarming signal is the predominance of dark tones in the picture: black, brown, gray, purple.

The presence of other parts in the figure

Image of the sun or lighting fixtures- an indicator of the lack of heat in the family.

Image of carpet, TV and other household itemsbut speaks of the preference given to them by the child.

If a child draws a doll or a dog, - this may mean that he is looking for communication with animals and toys due to a lack of warmth in the family.

Clouds, and especially clouds,can be a sign of negative emotions in a child.

Depicting a house instead of a family,the child shows his unwillingness to be in the family.

Color in the picture

Very often, the child shows a desire to color the picture. In this case, he should be given a box of colored pencils (at least 12 colors) and given complete freedom. What do the colors mean, and what can an additionally colored picture tell about?

1. Bright, light, saturated colors indicate a high vitality of the child and his optimism.

2. The predominance of gray and black colors in the drawing emphasizes the lack of cheerfulness and speaks of the child's fears.

3. If a child has painted himself in one color, and if this color is repeated in the image of another family member, then the child feels special sympathy for him.

4. Refusal to use colored pencils can mean low self-esteem and anxiety.

5. The preference for red tones in the picture indicates the emotional intensity of the child.

Study Protocol

on projective methodology"Family Drawing"


Date ___________ Time of completion ___________ Psychologist ____________________

Child's age ___________ Well-being ________________________________

Selected signs.

child's actions

Sign of the presence of signs


The actual number of family members of the child.

Violation of interpersonal relationships.

The presence of isolated family members, who exactly.

The sequence of images of figures and objects.

Significance, emotional closeness

The distance between the depicted figures of family members.

emotional community. Conflict relations, lack of emotional contact, dissatisfaction.

The presence of barriers, restrictions, frames in the picture.

The predominance of people, objects. The presence of animals.

Joint activities of family members in the figure.

Psychological calm.

Image of family members from the back, in profile.

Hostility in family situation.

The presence of aggressive postures (arms to the sides, fingers spread out).


The size of the shape images (very small, very large).

Anxiety, insecurity, low self-esteem. Significance.

Features of the image of the eyes (exaggerated, overdrawn, very small, outlined).

Anxiety, unwillingness to see anything.

Features of the image of the legs (lack of legs or feet, their primitive image).

Low household orientation, departure from reality.

Features of the image of hands (absence of hands, palms, their excessive exaggeration in any family member).

Problems communicating with family members.

Features of the image of the ears (absence, very small).

Unwillingness to listen, poor verbal perception.

Decoration (especially clear drawing of details).

The significance of the object.

Decoration (image of optional details).


The presence of a base line under the image of the figures.


Frequent erasing of details, figures of depicted people.

Negative or positive experiences in relation to the object.

Redraw with better or worse result.

An indicator of a positive or negative attitude towards an object.

Return to the refinements of already drawn figures, details.

An indicator of the importance of an object.


Anxiety index.

Hatching features (sweeping, hard, saturated).


Features of the image of lines (weak, intermittent, with strong pressure).

Uneven pencil pressure.

Emotional instability.

Strikethrough images.

An indicator of the emotional attitude to the object.

Pause more than 15 seconds (at the beginning, in the middle of work).

Emotional attitude to the object, problem area.

Spontaneous comments of the child in the process of work.

Emotional reactions to any object.

The degree of accuracy in the execution of work.

Drawing conversation with a child

1. Who is depicted in your drawing?______________________________________

2. What do they do?_________________________________________________________


3. Who is the happiest of them and why?_________________________________


4. Who is sad and why?_______________________________________________




The task


Drawing evaluation

Test scores

Pencil pressure

Meaning of lines and hatching

Pattern location

Drawing interpretation

1. If a child refuses to draw, this is a sign that unpleasant memories are associated with the family.
2. Excessively large proportions of parents - an indicator of their authoritarianism, the desire to command children.
3. If the child has drawn himself large, this is an indicator that he is self-oriented, as well as an indicator of confrontation with parents.
4. An extremely small image of a child indicates his low importance in the family.
5. By drawing himself last, the child thereby demonstrates his underestimated status among other family members.
6. If in the picture the child has drawn all family members except himself, then this indicates a feeling of inferiority or a feeling of lack of community in the family, a decrease in self-esteem, and suppression of the will to achieve.
7. If a child portrayed only himself, we can talk about the egocentricity inherent in this child, his inherent conviction that all family members are obliged to think only about him, and he does not have to think about any of them.
8. A very small image of all family members is a sign of anxiety, depression, depression.
9. The image of all family members in cells is a sign of alienation and lack of friendship, community in the family.
10. If a child depicts himself with his face covered with his hands, this is how he expresses his unwillingness to be in the family.
11. The shaded head (view from the back) of the child means that he is immersed in himself.
12. The image of a large mouth, lips in oneself is a sign of hidden aggression.
13. If the child starts with the image of the legs and feet, this can also be attributed to signs of anxiety.
14. An alarming signal is the predominance of dark tones in the picture: black, brown, gray, purple.

Color in the picture

Very often, the child shows a desire to color the picture. In this case, he should be given a box of colored pencils (at least 12 colors) and given complete freedom. What do the colors mean, and what can an additionally colored picture tell about?

1. Bright, light, saturated colors indicate a high vitality of the child and his optimism.
2. The predominance of gray and black colors in the drawing emphasizes the lack of cheerfulness and speaks of the child's fears.
3. If a child has painted himself in one color, and if this color is repeated in the image of another family member, then the child feels special sympathy for him.
4. Refusal to use colored pencils can mean low self-esteem and anxiety.
5. The preference for red tones in the picture indicates the emotional intensity of the child.

Veronica, 19 years old

Veronica is from a prosperous family, but the girl is somewhat reserved, and this worries her mother. Therefore, it was decided to conduct a test. At the request to depict her family, Veronika began to draw with desire and very diligently (Fig. 1). She drew her father first, then her mother, after her younger sister, the cat, and last but not least, yourself. Thus, apparently, Veronica evaluates herself as an insignificant member of the family. The family is friendly, as everyone is drawn holding hands and on the same level. The hands of all family members are drawn, and this is also an important indicator of normal intra-family communication. True, dad keeps his hands in his pockets, which indicates his closed position in the family and some isolation in communication. All have clearly defined feet, which indicates the confidence in the positions of all family members. In general, the picture turned out to be positive and well reflective. psychological climate families.

Rice. 1. From left to right: cat, father, mother, sister, Veronica

Nikolay, 6 years old

AT recent times Nikolai's mother is very worried about the behavior of her son, who stopped listening to her, often showing aggressiveness. In the drawing (Fig. 2), the boy depicted all members of his family separately, which means that the child does not feel mutual understanding and family warmth. The absence of ears in all family members only confirms this. Everyone lives and hears only himself, ignoring the opinions of others: ears are the "organ" of perception of criticism and any opinion of another person about himself.

Rice. 2. From left to right: brother, dad, mom, Nikolai

But dad, with a big head, wearing glasses, he portrayed as the biggest, thus emphasizing his leading role in the family. The head is the most important part of the body, and the most intelligent member of the family, according to the child, in the drawing will certainly be endowed with the largest head. Nikolay drew himself closer to his mother, but taller than her, and this indicates a confrontation in relations with her and an orientation towards himself. The eye is also attracted by the fact that Nikolai depicted himself with a sharply exaggerated hand. A similar image of the hand indicates a high need for communication and that this need is not satisfied. The two-year-old brother is drawn last and at a considerable distance from Nikolai. It is very likely that the appearance of a baby in the family has changed internal state boy. Often the older child in this case begins to feel weakened attention to him, gets scared, worried, worried, jealous. The clouds in the picture also reflect some trouble in the family and the boy's anxiety.

The task

To complete the test, you will need a piece of paper, a pencil, an eraser. Ask the test taker to draw an animal that has never been seen in nature. When the drawing is ready, ask the following questions: where does this animal live, what does it eat, what does it love most, what is it most afraid of?

Pencil pressure

Weak pressure - asthenia; passivity; sometimes depressed.
Strong pressure - emotional tension; rigidity; impulsiveness.
Super strong pressure (pencil tears paper) - conflict; hyperactivity; sometimes aggressiveness, acute excitement.

Line Features
Dashed lines represent anxiety as a personality trait.
Multiple lines - anxiety as a state at the time of the examination; stressful condition; sometimes impulsive.
Sketchy lines - the desire to control your anxiety, to control yourself.
Missing lines that do not fall into the desired point - impulsiveness; organic brain damage.
Lines that have not been completed are asthenia, sometimes impulsiveness.
Distortion of the shape of the lines - an organic lesion of the brain; impulsiveness; sometimes mental illness.

Animal type

According to the typology of images of non-existent animals, the most common of them can be noted.

1. The subject depicts a real-life animal and names real name, and the description of his lifestyle is true. For example, a cat is drawn and the cat's lifestyle is described. Such an image can be considered the norm for a five-six-year-old child, but for adolescents and adults, this may indicate a low level of imagination.

2. An extinct animal is drawn that once existed, for example, a dinosaur, mammoth, etc.

3. An image is drawn of an animal that exists in culture, but does not exist in nature, for example, a dragon, a mermaid, etc. Drawings depicting extinct animals, as well as drawings depicting those that exist in culture, are the norm for children 8-9 years old. For adults, such a drawing of an animal indicates its low general cultural level and poverty of imagination.

4. A drawing of a non-existent animal is usually built from parts of different real animals: the body of a crocodile, the limbs of a monkey, the head of a hare, etc. In this case, such an animal may have, for example, the name Crocosai. Such an image of an animal is more characteristic of rationalists, and not of creative natures.

5. Sometimes the image of animals has a humanoid appearance. This indicates a strong need for communication, which is usually characteristic of adolescents - 13-17 years old.

6. The depicted animal consists of different mechanical parts. Such an animal is usually depicted by people with out of the box thinking and approach to life.

7. An intricate, complex and original image of an animal, the image of which has not a composite, but an integral structure, with a resemblance that is difficult to establish or not to be established with any real-life (existing) animal, is characteristic of a person with a well-developed, rich creative imagination.

Components of an animal

Eyes absent - asthenia.
The eyes are empty, without pupils and irises - asthenia, fears.
Eyes with a blackened iris - fears.
Eyes with eyelashes - a demonstrative demeanor, the importance of opinions about oneself.
Eyes with traced blood vessels - hypochondria, neurotic state.
The shape of the eyes is distorted - a neurotic state.

Big ears - interest in information, in some cases suspicion, anxiety.
Lack of ears - isolation, unwillingness to make contact with others, to hear someone else's opinion.

Mouth, ajar in combination with the tongue: without drawing lips - great speech activity, with drawing lips - sensuality.
Blackened open mouth - ease of fear and fear, in some cases distrust, anxiety.
Mouth with teeth or fangs - verbal aggression, in some cases defensive.

The head, enlarged in size, is an assessment of the erudition of oneself and others.
The head is missing - impulsiveness, in some cases a mental illness.
Two or more heads - conflicting desires, internal conflict.
The shape of the head is distorted - an organic lesion of the brain, in some cases a mental illness.

Additional details on the head
Feathers - a tendency to embellishment and self-justification.
Horns - protection, aggression.
A mane, a kind of hairstyle - sensuality, in some cases, emphasizing one's gender.

A bunch of constituent parts and elements - powerful energy.
A small number of components and elements - energy savings, asthenia.
A figure made up of sharp corners, is aggressiveness. A circular figure - secrecy, isolation, closeness of one's inner world.

Additional details and parts of the figure
Scales, shell - the need for protection.
Spikes, needles - defensive aggression.
A body covered with thick hair is the significance of the sexual sphere.
The pattern on the skin is demonstrative.
Wounds, scars - a neurotic state.
Built-in mechanical parts - introversion, difficulties in communication.
Weapons cutting, piercing or chopping - aggressiveness.
Wings - romanticism, daydreaming, a tendency to compensatory fantasy.
Internal organs, blood vessels - hypochondria, neurotic condition, in some cases mental illness.
Genital organs, female breasts, udders - the high importance of the sexual sphere.

The tail turned to the right is the attitude towards one's actions and behavior.
The tail turned to the left is the attitude to one's thoughts, decisions.
The tail raised up is a positive, confident coloring for this relationship.
The tail, lowered down, is a negative color for relationships.
The tail is thick - the significance of the sexual sphere.
The tail is thick, covered with hair - a very high significance of the sexual sphere.
A beautiful tail, for example, a peacock, is demonstrative.

The absence of legs, their insufficient number - passivity or ineptitude in social relations.
Excessive number of legs - the need for support.
thick, big feet- a feeling of lack of skill in social relations, the need for support.

The nature of the connection of the legs with the figure (body)
Drawn carefully - the ability to control their reasoning, conclusions, decisions.
Drawn carelessly, weakly or not at all connecting the legs with the figure - lack of control.

Lifestyle Description

Corresponds to the picture - logical thinking is developed.

Does not match the drawing - in some cases, a violation of logical thinking.
With idealization and embellishment - a tendency to compensatory fantasizing.

The place where the animal lives

Abroad, islands, subtropics (Bali, Cyprus) - demonstrativeness.
Isolated (space, another planet, cave, well, forest, etc.) - a feeling of loneliness.
Hard to reach place impenetrable forest, dense thicket of trees, etc.) - the need for protection, in some cases, the fear of aggression.
Emotionally unpleasant (swamp, mud, dirt, etc.) - a neurotic state.


Does not feed on anything or feeds on air, news, energy - introversion.
Eats everything - impulsiveness.
Eats inedible things (nails, sticks, stones, etc.) - communication disorders.
Eats emotionally unpleasant food (mucus, dust, cockroaches, etc.) - a neurotic state.
It feeds on the blood and organs of living beings (stomach, brain, etc.) - neurotic aggression.
It feeds on people - negativism, aggressiveness.

Activities, games

Breaks something (fence, trees, etc.) - aggressiveness, negativism, in some cases mental illness.
Likes to sleep a lot - asthenic condition, accumulated fatigue.
He plays, walks, has fun - a projection of his desires.
Busy looking for food - a feeling of difficulties in life.
Does not like to sit idle - impulsiveness.
Walks upside down - a symbol of a violation of the established order, going beyond ordinary standards, or the desire for such.

Tatyana, 35 years old

Tatyana is a pretty, charming, slender woman. He looks after himself very much, dresses fashionably, does business, often goes on business trips to Moscow, Rostov and other cities; vacations abroad. Comes for consultations mainly on business issues, but main problem for her is the lack of love for her husband, with whom she has been living for more than 16 years. He dreams of breaking out of the vicious circle, but it does not work out. This is clearly seen in Tatyana's drawing (Fig. 3).

She named her animal the European glamorous Wingcat. The animal vaguely resembles the author of the drawing and displays her main problem - sexual. An excessively fluffy, thick and raised tail, as well as a chest densely covered with hair, speak, or rather, “shout” about the importance of the sexual sphere in a woman’s life and at the same time indicate trouble in this area. A completely blackened iris is an indicator of inner fear - a woman is afraid to imagine how her life could turn out without a husband, in general she is afraid of changes in life. The wings of the Wingcat are nothing more than Tatyana's protective fantasy: her escape from personal problems into a fantasy world she has created.

Rice. 3. European glamorous Wingcat

Here is how Tatyana describes the lifestyle of her non-existent animal:

The European glamorous Wingcat lives in Europe, exclusively glamorous places - Paris, Milan, Nice, but some individuals are found in Krasnodar, Moscow, Rostov. Prefers an idle and cheerful lifestyle. By nature, sociable, cheerful, friendly, but tamed with difficulty and very independent. Rarely breeds, chooses a pair meticulously, carefully and leisurely. Eats sweets and news, loves travel and new experiences.

This kind of fantasy desire - to escape to the "glamorous" lands and find freedom, eating "candy and news", also shows Tatiana's inner need to escape from reality.

Vadim, 50 years old

Vadim has been living with his wife for over 25 years, but family life did not work out, and now he increasingly has a desire to change it, starting to live independently, separately. However, circumstances do not allow this to be done. By nature, Vadim is a gentle person and therefore it is especially hard to endure aggressive behavior wives. It has great energy potential.

The animal was drawn by Vadim according to the original model (Fig. 4). It is generally devoid of organs that provide communication - ears, mouth - and has a completely closed figure, which indicates introversion and difficulties in communication. Vadim named his animal Amikarabos, providing it with many legs for movement and covering it with scales; all this is an indicator that Vadim has a great need for support, protection, and is afraid of aggression. In addition, the partially blackened scales indicate the author's low resistance to stress.

Fig.4. Amycrabos

Vadim's drawing is accompanied by the following story:

The animal is warm-blooded. The habitat is mixed: water and land. Lives in the tropics, subtropics. It feeds on plants and reproduces by division. The way of movement is impulse, energy.

The indication that the animal is warm-blooded speaks of Vadim's desire to have warmth, a family, and thus be like others. “The way of movement is impulsive, energetic” is evidence of the difficulties in Vadim's life, which he hides so carefully and which he has to spend a lot of energy to overcome (or resist).

Irina, 54 years old

A woman of short stature, with a friendly and sweet smile on her face. Has two higher education; the second, medical, received only a year ago. Now she does not know why she needs it and does not understand why she studied for so many years. At the same time, she firmly believes that her fate is "eternal learning." Her life is made up of a series of fateful actions and plans with which she wants to escape from reality. In my opinion, this is a kind of program for saving one's own soul, just the case when we say: "Help yourself."

The fact is that, having lived with her husband for 27 years, Irina unexpectedly found out about the existence of his second family: being married to her, her husband lived in parallel with a young woman and children from him. Nevertheless, Irina was able to forgive him and continue to live with him. It was her choice, another thing is why such a situation took place. Let's try to understand the figure (Fig. 5).

If you look at this non-existent animal, then in appearance it seems to be quite cute, if not distorted form heads and "hands-hooks" similar to bird's paws.

Irina named her non-existent animal Mikhotron. In my opinion, the name resembles some kind of mechanism, and the drawing of the animal itself is an unusual mechanical bear. Most likely, Irina's life reminds her of life by inertia, similar to some kind of mechanism, far from the world of feelings and love. The limbs pointing towards the body indicate introversion, the claws indicate aggression, and the open mouth without teeth and tongue indicates the ease of creating fears and fears in her life. The irises of the eyes, partially blackened, only confirm the presence of fear in the author of the drawing.

Here is what Irina says about her Mikhotron:

The animal lives in the forest, reproduces by budding [very strange for an animal, isn't it?]. He loves porridge from acorns, which the dwarf cooks for him. Afraid of loud noises. Likes to play hide and seek.

Fig.5. Mikhotron

The story only confirms Irina's inner fear and anxiety about the future, indicates some nervousness and departure from reality, but, nevertheless, reveals to us the very real desires of a woman. For example, expectation of care and attention. Her animal "loves the acorn porridge that the dwarf cooks for him." The fact that Mikhotron is afraid of sharp noises speaks of Irina's fatigue and possible nervous exhaustion. According to Irina herself, she was tired of everything. But the fact that her Mikhotron loves to play hide-and-seek means, oddly enough, another game of Irina with fate: now she draws up documents for America for permanent residence there.

Dasha, 13 years old

The girl looks calm, shy and quiet.

The drawing (Fig. 6) is located at the bottom of the sheet, which indicates the girl's low self-esteem and her feelings. Multiple lines give out the alarm of an outwardly calm teenager. Three eyes are heavily blackened - an indicator of fear, sitting deep in the soul. Many legs, which are the supporting part of the animal, and the nature of their connection with the figure show that the girl is able to control her reasoning and actions.

Fig.6. three-eyes

Dasha describes the lifestyle of this animal as follows:

The three-eyes lives in South Africa. It usually feeds on fish, but when hungry, it can eat anything. He is very afraid of his rivals - sharks and whales. He loves to swim on the bottom and hates to sit around doing nothing.

He has no friends, as he is too kind (others do not like it).

Dasha's story clearly shows a depressive mood (“He has no friends, because he is too kind”), fear (“He is very afraid of his rivals”) and a strong need for emotional warmth (“Three-eyes lives in South Africa). In addition, one can assume an unfavorable environment("He likes to swim on the bottom"). A child's story about an animal almost always reflects what actually happens to him in life, and knowing how important it is for a teenager to communicate with peers, one can now imagine how difficult Dasha's life is. The girl's drawing and story showed that she needed psychological help.

Psychological drawing test "My family"

The drawing test "My Family" can be used for children from the age of four or five. The main purpose of the test is to diagnose family relations. In psychological practice, this test is one of the most informative.

Very often, parents evaluate the atmosphere of family relations positively, while the child perceives it in a completely different way. In an "innocent" children's drawing, one can clearly see not only the psychological state of the child, unconscious or hidden problems, but also his attitude towards each family member and the perception of the family as a whole. Having learned how the child sees the family and his parents, you can effectively help him and try to correct the unfavorable climate in the family.

The task
Give your child a sheet of A4 size drawing paper, a simple pencil, and an eraser. Ask the child to draw a family, including himself, and also invite him - if he wants - to add other details to the drawing.

The instruction can be even simpler if you just say: "Draw your family." This option gives great freedom, and the drawing itself almost always reflects family relationships, as they are in the perception of the child.

When the drawing is completed, it is necessary to ask the child to identify the drawn figures, and note for himself the sequence in which the child drew them.

You should not ask the child to draw a family immediately after family quarrels; control or suggest while drawing, as well as discuss with someone the result obtained with the child.

In addition to the order in which family members are depicted, it is important to note how hard the child presses the pencil when drawing one or another family member, what is the ratio of the size of the drawing to the size of the sheet, and also how long the child draws.

When interpreting the completed family drawing, parents and teachers must also take into account the age characteristics of their child, the presence or absence of visual skills.

Drawing evaluation

It is best to start evaluating a drawing with test indicators.

Test scores
(indicators of psychomotor tone)

Pencil pressure

Weak pressure - low self-esteem, sometimes passivity; asthenia, sometimes depression.
Strong pressure - high self-esteem, sometimes impulsiveness, emotional tension.
Very strong pressure (pencil tears paper) - hyperactivity, aggressiveness.
Changeable pressure is an indicator of the emotional instability of the child.

Meaning of lines and hatching

Broad strokes or strokes, the scale of the image, the absence of preliminary sketches and drawings speak of the confidence and determination of the author of the drawing.
An unstable, blurred image containing many distinct intersecting lines indicates increased excitability and hyperactivity of the child.
Lines that have not been completed indicate impulsiveness, emotional instability.
Hatching that goes beyond the contours of the figure is an indicator of the emotional intensity of the child.

Pattern location

The location of the picture at the bottom of the sheet means low self-esteem. Accordingly, if the drawing is located at the top of the sheet, we can talk about high self-esteem.

Drawing interpretation

1. A minimum of details made in the drawing indicates the child's isolation, and an excessive number of details indicates his hidden anxiety.
2. The family member that causes the most anxiety in the child can be drawn either with a very thick line or a thin, trembling line.
3. The size of the depicted relative, animal or object indicates its significance for the child. For example, a dog or cat larger than its parents indicates that the relationship with the parents is in second place. If the father is much smaller than the mother, then the relationship with the mother is paramount for the child.
4. If the child drew himself small, nondescript, then he currently has low self-esteem; if your own image is large, you can talk about the child's self-confidence and the makings of a leader. A very small, helpless figurine of a child, placed surrounded by parents, may express the need to take care of him.
5. If the child did not draw one of the family members, this may mean a negative attitude towards this person and a complete lack of emotional contact with him.
6. The one whom the child drew closest to his own image is closest to him. If this is a person, then he is depicted holding hands with a figure corresponding to the child being tested.
7. In the mind of a child, the smartest person has the biggest head.
8. Large dilated eyes in a child's drawing are a sign of a request for help or concern about something. Eyes-points or slits the child draws to a person, in his opinion, independent and not asking for help.
9. A person drawn without ears is a symbol of the fact that he “does not hear” a child or no one in the family at all.
10. A person with an open large mouth is perceived by the child as a source of threat. The mouth-dash is usually endowed with a person who hides his feelings and is not able to influence others.
11. The more hands a person has, the more powerful he is in the eyes of a child. The more fingers on the hands, the stronger and more capable a person is for a child.
12. The legs, drawn as if hanging in the air, without support, belong to a person who, in the opinion of the child, does not have independent support in life.
13. The absence of arms and legs in a person often indicates a reduced level of intellectual development, and the absence of only legs indicates low self-esteem.
14. The least significant character is usually placed away from everyone and has a fuzzy outline of the figure, sometimes erased with an eraser after starting to draw.

The picture speaks of the well-being of the child

1. If the child is happy to draw a family.
2. If the figures are shown in proportion: the relative height of parents and children is respected, according to their age.
3. If the child portrays all family members without exception.
4. If light or minimal shading is applied.
5. If all the figures are located on the same level, they are depicted holding hands (some variations are possible in the same sense).
6. If, when coloring a picture, a child chooses bright, saturated colors.

Drawing reflects red flags in relationships

Gayane Yeribekyan
Psychological test for preschoolers "My family"

Children are interested in testing. For them, tests the new kind exciting game. While the child is fascinated by this game, the psychologist spends his research work aimed at exploring the inner world of the baby. What interests him, pleases or upsets him? What is the reason for the fears? How developed is his imagination? Is he alone in the family circle?

( diagnostic, entertaining and educational tests for children)

Test "My family"

To find out how the child feels about his next of kin, offer him an album sheet, a set of colored pencils and set the theme for the picture "My family"

When the baby is doing the task, you should not be around. Let the child be liberated

If you know that the day before the child witnessed a conflict in the family, postpone the test. If the kid has questions about what and how he should draw, this means that his idea of ​​​​the concept of "family" is not fully formed. To prevent such issues, it is necessary to conduct a conversation on this topic in advance.

When the drawing is ready, you should definitely discuss it with the baby so that he shares his thoughts that will help you better understand his ideas about the family.

Work on the transcript of the test

Are all images in place?

When interpreting the test, it should be remembered that there is nothing superfluous in a child's drawing. Every stroke matters here (image position, pencil pressure, color, etc.). The absence of an image of any family member in the picture does not mean that the baby has forgotten about him. He subconsciously displaces this person. If the child has not portrayed himself, this may mean that either he considers himself unnecessary in the family, or vice versa, he wants to show that he lives well without family members.

About image size

Here the analytical algorithm is simple. Significant characters for the child are portrayed by him in a more large sizes. Perhaps you will see giants in the picture - brothers and sisters and midgets - parents. This means that at the moment parents are given a secondary role.

Complementing the drawing with "strangers"

Often children's drawing contains images of fictional characters or even technology (friends, neighbors, fairy-tale heroes, cars). This fact indicates a child's lack of communication and emotional support in the family, so he tries to fill this gap outside the home

Above or below

Images of characters the kid can mark in different parts drawing. Paying attention to the position of the depicted image, you will determine who the baby considers the “master” in the house, that is, who in the family is endowed with more power

Distance between heroes

This important nuance- evidence of psychological distance between family members. The closer the images of the characters are located from each other, the stronger the mutual understanding between them.

This is me

The kid depicted himself in the corner of the picture - it means that he has low self-esteem. The giant occupying all the space in the middle of the picture will tell you that the child has a good opinion of himself. Although most preschool children have an overestimated self-esteem, since they are "princes and princesses" in the family, with age, children's egocentrism and a touch of "chosenness" are erased.

Anxious dig

The drawing contains a character depicted with great pressure, outlined or shaded. This is evidence of the presence of anxiety in the baby. Anxiety can be caused by unconscious attitudes on the part of adults. Weak, timid lines and strokes can also indicate a feeling of fear and anxiety in a baby.

Favorite pets

Did the kid picture his four-legged friend next to him? Of course, because in him the child sees the closest and “native” being who disinterestedly loves him, never scolds and does not make any demands.

character head

By portraying a big-headed character, the kid wants to tell that he considers him the smartest member of the family. Pay attention to the eyes - a reflection of the psycho-emotional state of the owner. Big eyes symbolize fear, expectation of help and support, the need for an affectionate relationship. Eyes depicted as slits or dots indicate depression, insecurity, a ban on the expression of emotions.

Mouth contours A large, open, shaded mouth indicates pronounced aggression, dissatisfaction, resentment. The image of the mouth in the form of a dash, a dot, or its absence is a sign of a taboo imposed on the expression of emotions. The behavior of such a person is characterized by lack of initiative and weak will.

Ear picture The owner of big ears will always reckon with the opinions of others. This is the most accommodating character. If the child under study has large ears, this may reflect his susceptibility to the world around him. Often big size ears indicates the alarming alert behavior of the baby, the ears for him are the leading information channel, through which a variety of information about himself and the world around him arrives

Is the neck drawn?

The neck is considered the link between the senses and the mind. If the child depicted this part of the body, then this indicates that the character has common sense, practical mind and strong will. In the absence of a neck in the image, one can assume the uncontrolled emotional temper of the hero

About hands

They are considered guides in the world of goals and relationships. Hands allow us to realize our goals and capabilities, talents and abilities. It is important to pay attention to the fingers. Their presence indicates that a person is confident in himself and in his possibilities of manifestation in the world around him. By the image of the fingers on the left hand, one can judge the ties within the family, on right hand- outside the family. Owners big hands distinguished by breadth of views, courage and power

Our support is our feet

If a character has strong legs and large feet, then he enjoys great family support. The thin image of the legs indicates inner uncertainty and fear of the unknown. Legs are a symbol of the possibility of movement, life changes, the opening of new spaces.

Eyes can tell a lot about a person if you look carefully into them. Parents should look into the eyes of the child more often. And not in order to urgently seek the truth from him, but with deep attention and love. When communicating with a child, strive to establish a relationship not between a parent and a child, but an equal relationship according to the “child-child” scheme. When your "inner child" manages to establish a connection with the baby, you will be able to understand and explain the nature of the child's consciousness.

Deciphering the test my family. Examples of drawings with decoding.

Young children are very sensitive and can perceive situations and behavior of adults in their own way. Sometimes, according to parents, the atmosphere in the family is favorable, but the child is quite aggressive and stubborn. Tell about true position affairs will help the psychological test "My family".

Family Drawing Test for Preschoolers with Answers

This is one of the simplest and most informative tests. There are no special instructions. It is necessary to explain to the kid how and what to draw.

Test instructions:

  • Give your child a simple pencil and paper. Ask to draw your family and directly him.
  • Do not move away from the child, watch who the child draws first and how hard he presses the pencil.
  • You should not conduct a test after the baby quarreled with his mother, father or sister. The preschooler must be good location spirit.
  • Ask the family to draw something else. Additional Items help you better understand your baby.

Drawing interpretation:

  • Press on the pencil. The effort with which the baby presses the pencil speaks of his self-esteem. If the child presses weakly, the lines are not clear and light, this indicates low self-esteem. If normal, with uniform pressure, then the child is calm and balanced. With very strong pressure, you can judge the aggression of the baby and his impulsiveness.
  • Lines and strokes. If there are no extra strokes and additions, then the child is adequate and balanced. If there are a lot of fuzzy lines and strokes, then the baby is insecure and constantly fluctuates.
  • Sheet location. If the picture is at the top, then the baby loves himself very much. The location at the bottom indicates low self-esteem.

family drawing for preschoolers

Drawing test drawing of a family: variants of drawings, examples with interpretation

In fact, deciphering the drawing is very simple, for this it is not necessary to be a psychologist.

Main characteristics:

  • Details. If there are few additions and details in the picture, then the child is secretive and emotional. If there is a lot, then the baby is restless and hasty.
  • Family members. Pay attention to the lines with which the father or mother is drawn. The difference from the rest of the family should alert. If dad is drawn with a very thick line, then the baby is afraid of him.
  • Dimensions. If the cat more mom or dad, then this suggests that the child loves the pet more. If dad is bigger than mom, then the baby likes to spend time with his father. If the kid drew himself very small, this indicates low self-esteem. If the character is large, then the child is confident.
  • Location. The family member that is closest to the baby is the most beloved and valuable. Often children draw themselves holding hands with their mother or father. It speaks of affection.
  • If someone is missing in the picture, this indicates hatred for a family member or complete indifference to him.
  • Sense organs. A person without ears cannot hear a baby. If a child draws an open mouth for someone, this indicates a threat and fear. If one of the family members has slits in the eyes, this indicates his confidence and independence. A big head speaks of intelligence.
  • If someone in the picture is drawn away from the whole family, this indicates insignificance for the baby. Often such a hero is wiped with an eraser.

Signs of well-being in the family:

  • The child drew everyone strictly in the center, of the same height and with equal pressure on the pencil
  • If the child drew all the characters holding hands
  • If there is minimal shading and all characters are smiling
  • If the kid happily completes the task and draws a family with a smile
  • Bright colors

Signs of anxiety:

  • The kid in the picture is very large, small or standing aside.
  • If you didn't draw anyone but yourself
  • If the image starts from the feet, not from the head
  • If the child drew himself with open mouth, or face covered with hands
  • If all family members are drawn in cells

Let's analyze the drawing of a five-year-old child:

  • It is worth noting that the whole drawing is made with bright colors, which means that the child is relatively satisfied with the family.
  • Of the warning signs: mom and dad are drawn together, and the baby is a little off to the side. This suggests that parents are trying to look like authorities and listen little to the opinion of the child.
  • At the same time, the parents have no ears. This means that the baby is not heard and does not give him the right to choose.
  • Mom is taller than dad. This suggests that the family is mariarchy. Dad's narrow slit eyes testify to his independence. Maybe he makes good money.
  • Lots of strokes and sketches. The child has anxiety.
  • The big eyes of the baby speak of his fear. In addition, the child has high self-esteem. He considers himself the smartest. The biggest head says it all.

Characteristics of the drawing of the third grader:

  • Parents do not hold hands, hands are hidden behind their backs. This speaks of some taboos in the family. Perhaps the parents are very modest and reserved.
  • The girl's brother is away. This suggests that parents are little involved in his upbringing.
  • The fact that the girl is drawn between her parents suggests that they communicate through her. Perhaps there is disagreement between the parents.
  • The straight line of the father's mouth indicates possible aggression. The sun indicates warm relations in family and goodwill.
  • Poorly traced feet indicate a lack of stability. Perhaps the family does not have enough money or one of the family members does not work.

As you can see, with psychological test"My family" you can find out about the condition of the child and the climate within the family.

VIDEO: Deciphering the family drawing

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