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Green spinach leaves are one of the favorite ingredients in many dishes. national cuisines. This low-calorie, vitamin- and antioxidant-rich leafy vegetable has a neutral flavor and pairs well with a wide variety of foods.

Hero of the myth

For a long time it was believed that spinach is the richest source of iron among foods. Various sources claimed that iron in it is about 35 mg per 100 g.

Unfortunately, these records are based on a mistake. American researcher Avon Wolf just lost a comma in describing the results of his research.

In fact, 100 g of spinach contains 2.7 to 3.5 mg gland. This is also a lot - about 25 percent of the recommended daily allowance for an adult.

Low calories, high antioxidants

The latter is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes that regulate the growth and development of tissues, the production of healthy sperm, and even the digestive process.


Because of their high vitamin K content, spinach not recommended for people with poor blood clotting and those taking anticoagulants. If you have any of these concerns, check with your doctor before including spinach in your diet.

In addition, spinach contains oxalic acid, which may cause stone formation with some types of urolithiasis.

Spinach also contains goitrogens, which can be dangerous for people with thyroid dysfunction.

How to choose and cook?

Fresh spinach is available in summer. In winter, it can be found in stores mainly in frozen form.

Beware, goitrogens!

Frozen spinach can be added to pasta and rice dishes, soups and baked goods. Spinach goes well with meat, fish and eggs.

Spinach leaves make an original green sauce. They can also color homemade dough into green.

The most important

Spinach is rich in iron, vitamin K and antioxidants. This low-calorie leafy vegetable can be added to salads, baked goods, and used as an ingredient for garnishing meat or fish.

Among all plants, spinach is one of those that needs no special introduction. This is one of prominent representatives the Marev family. Surely in childhood, many of us saw a cartoon about the sailor Popeye, who became incredibly strong after eating another can of spinach. This plant was first discovered in the Middle East.

Spinach is different various leaf shapes, which can vary from triangular-drop-shaped to oblong-ovoid. Also, depending on the variety, the surface can be variable, which can be smooth or wrinkled. The color of spinach is also diverse: there are plant species that can have a wide color palette ranging from pale green to dark green.

How to choose and store?

To be sure of the quality of spinach, he must be fresh. This can be determined by the elasticity of the leaves, the presence of a bright green color in them, as well as the characteristic crunch they produce when pressed. If during the inspection you find spots, darkening, dry ends or darkened stems, then this means that you have a damaged plant in front of you. Also, do not take risks and buy spinach, which has soft leaves or they have had time to wither.

Since spinach does not retain freshness for long, it is not recommended to buy it for a long time. Bringing home, the leaves of the plant should be placed in a container of water in the refrigerator, where they can be kept for no more than 2 days. You can also use another way to prolong the freshness of spinach - for this plant wrapped in plastic bag . Do not wash spinach before storing. Then he will lose more and more every day useful properties. If necessary, spinach can be frozen, which allows you to increase its shelf life up to 2 months.

Health Benefits of Raw Spinach

Many consumers appreciate spinach because of the many different vitamins and minerals that the human body needs throughout its life. People who constantly have this plant on their menu note an improvement in their work. nervous system. They are also permanent get rid of insomnia, fatigue and stress. People suffering from hypertension, anemia and diabetes can feel relief with the regular use of spinach.

This plant is very rich in protein, which avoids the development of blindness and has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. It also contains iron, which is especially needed by people with blood problems and anemia. This element allows you to restore the process of hematopoiesis and improves blood quality.

Benefits of Spinach

Photos of this plant in the majority are not able to arouse high interest in it. After all, few people know what positive properties spinach has. The latter are associated with vitamins present in its composition:

  • Vitamin K. It allows you to make stronger bone tissue.
  • Vitamin A. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the eyes, and also serves as a material for the production of collagen, which is required by the skin. Also, its positive property is the ability to slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamin C. Needed to maintain high level the body's immunity, positively affects the functioning of the brain, and a vitamin is also needed for the proper implementation of many processes in the body.
  • Vitamin E. Among experts, it is known as the vitamin of beauty, which is not surprising, since it is necessary for tissue repair and provides the necessary nutrition for cells.
  • Vitamins of group B. Without it, the process of restoring muscle tissue is impossible, so it must be present in the body of people leading active image life. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, reproductive function and the heart.
  • Vitamin H. It is necessary to maintain optimal blood sugar levels, so it must be present in the body of diabetics.

Among other beneficial elements, spinach also contains chlorophyll, which is necessary to prevent the development of cancer and heart attack. The plant is also rich in copper, the benefits of which are to increase immunity, as well as the body's resistance to ultraviolet rays.

Spinach will be appreciated by people who pay special attention to their figure, because it is one from popular low-calorie foods. Spinach contains potassium, which, in addition to improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, removes excess fluid from the body, and this ensures the prevention of edema and cellulite. It also contains lutein, the benefit of which is to slow down the aging process. Spinach must be present in the menu of people who have undergone surgery or a serious illness.

Spinach harm and contraindications

People who know what spinach looks like should be careful. Although this plant has many beneficial properties, however it may not be safe for everyone.

Particular attention should be paid to the storage of dishes prepared from this plant. You can keep them in the refrigerator no more than a day. Subsequently, they form nitrous acid salts, which can lead to certain health problems. In some cases, if you taste such a dish, a person may be poisoned.

Use in cosmetology

Spinach is known not only as a product with healing properties, but can be used for cosmetic purposes. Especially it has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. This plant has a tonic, moisturizing effect, can make the skin more elastic, smooth and clean. Often this culture is used as one of the components for the preparation of lotions, tonics and face masks.

Of the other features, it is worth noting the whitening effect. Meet on personal experience with this property, you can prepare the following mask: it will require one tablespoon of spinach, the same amount of sorrel and kefir. All components are mixed in a blender until smooth. Next, cover the face and neck with it and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the mask is washed off with milk.


Spinach is also known as one of the means used in traditional medicine. The plant stands out for its anti-inflammatory action. It also has a laxative and diuretic effect. healing properties possess both leaves, and seeds and root crops. cooked infusions and decoctions from this raw material help to eliminate problems of the blood, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Spinach is often prescribed for people suffering from hypertension, hemorrhoids, constipation and other problems.

The presence of mineral salts in spinach allows you to prepare a fairly effective decoction from it. With its regular use, you can prevent and even cure serious diseases such as tuberculosis, oncological diseases It is also useful for low immunity. Spinach porridge can provide relief from cramps.

Use in cooking

It is no coincidence that this plant bears the title of "king of greens", because it can be found in recipes of different cuisines of the world. It can be consumed both raw and processed. Therefore, it gives an unusual taste to boiled, stewed and baked dishes. Spinach can also be used as an additive to salads, first courses and side dishes. It is often used to make sauces, seasonings, and as an accompaniment to meat dishes. There are quite a few spinach lovers who use it as a filling for pastries.

Bacon, tomatoes, cheese and nuts are even more delicious when served with spinach. The juice of this plant is also used, which replaces many chemical dyes in the preparation of ice cream, creams, dough, etc.

If you had the opportunity to buy spinach on the market, then you will certainly be useful the following tips for using it:

  • To chop the spinach, you need to take its leaves, fold them in half, and then cut off the roots. But they should not be thrown away, as they can be added to the broth.
  • Spinach needs to be washed a little differently than most products. To do this, you will need to collect water in a suitable container. First you just need to rinse the leaves, which will help to clean them of sand. Then they are put in a colander and let the water drain.
  • If you want to cut the plant into narrow strips, then you need to take 5 leaves, roll them into a tube, and then you can easily cut them across.
  • If you need to boil spinach, then you will need a deep container with a small amount of water, which is put on fire and brought to a boil. Next, a thin layer of leaves is laid in it. Let the leaves boil for 2 minutes. Then the lid is opened, the spinach is stirred and left for another minute. Then the leaves need to be pulled out and put in a colander to remove all the liquid from it. Then add one teaspoon vegetable oil, 0.5 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper.

Spinach is one of the cold-resistant crops. The minimum for seed germination is temperature 3-4 degrees. And although the southern country is the birthplace of the plant, its sunrises do not die even with frosts down to - 5 degrees Celsius. In autumn, you can safely plant fully formed rosettes. Thanks to the snow cover, they will easily endure the winter.

Many grow spinach for the first harvest before planting heat-loving crops, as well as after harvesting greens. Also, for many, it just serves as a sealant. Moreover, in this capacity, it can be used in every garden, since it perfectly coexists with any plants.

It grows best on fertile soils rich in organic matter. It is very important that they retain moisture well. Throughout the growing season, plants need constant loosening. You can get a good harvest of this crop only if you provide them with watering. In this regard, caring for spinach is not difficult, since it can be watered two to three times a week, spending 3 liters of water per linear meter of row. If you maintain optimal soil moisture, this will help prevent stalking of plantings.


Spinach is one of the popular crops that is known to many people. This plant is valued not only because of its beneficial properties, but also due to healing effect therefore it is often used in medicine. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are trying to plant this crop on their site. Moreover, in this regard, it will meet expectations, since it does not create problems in care. Once planted, spinach can withstand light frosts, so even before the first wave of harvest, juicy spinach stalks can be obtained.

Benefits of spinach

Spinach, or spinacea oleracea, is widely cultivated in America and Europe. Depending on the variety, the size, shape and structure of the leaves vary. They reach a height of 35 cm, have a smooth or rough surface, a rich green tint, a pointed or rounded shape. Most often in Russia, spinach is sold, reminiscent of sorrel. For this reason, many people confuse plants, mistakenly equating them to the same culture. Spinach leaves are darker and healthier, but first things first.

Chemical composition

  1. Spinach is rich in B-group vitamins (1, 2, 5, 6), retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid. The benefits of the plant are due to the large accumulation of water (more than 92%) in its composition. Spinach also contains a group of vitamins K and H, fiber, dietary fiber, starch, ash, beta-carotene.
  2. The value of culture is associated with macro- and microelements. Among them are sodium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium. It is difficult not to mention copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium.
  3. The accumulation of carbohydrates and proteins in combination with mono- and disaccharides allows you to saturate the body with the necessary enzymes. Choline, saturated organic and unsaturated fatty acids complete the benefits.
  4. Surprisingly, during the heat treatment, spinach leaves retain 98% of valuable substances. At the same time, the calorie green plant is only 23 kcal. per 100 gr. product.

Use of spinach

  1. The leaves of the plant are grown at a temperature that varies between 14-16 degrees above zero. The culture grows in mild climatic conditions, loves not the scorching sun and good watering. Experienced housewives prefer to grow spinach directly in the apartment on the windowsill.
  2. Today, the plant is sold everywhere and year-round. It is especially appreciated by lovers of a healthy diet. When on a diet, it is preferable to consume young spinach leaves. They contain a high concentration of oxalic acid.
  3. If we talk about frozen spinach, such greens are used in the preparation of first courses, pastries, stews. After defrosting, re-freezing is unacceptable.
  4. Storage of fresh spinach is carried out in the refrigerator, the exposure period should not exceed 2 days. If after this time you have not eaten all the leaves, freeze them.
  5. As a rule, spinach stalks are covered with a thin layer of sand. Therefore, before use, rinse the plant under the tap and dry on towels. If you add leaves to the dish before direct use, scald them with boiling water and squeeze out the moisture.
  6. The taste of spinach allows you to cook pies stuffed with leaves, as well as dietary bread. It is better to combine the plant with meat, fish, sea cocktails, eggs, side dishes, fresh or stewed vegetables.
  7. To use spinach all year round and benefit from it, you can freeze the fresh leaves. In this state, they will lie for about a year without losing their valuable qualities. Some housewives preserve the leaves by scalding them with boiling water. Then spinach is stored up to 2 years.

  1. The leaves of the plant remove toxic compounds from the body, so it is useful to eat spinach when the body is intoxicated. It removes old waste accumulated in the intestines, sucks out poisons from the walls of the stomach. Such properties are useful for people who abuse animal food, tobacco, and alcohol.
  2. The accumulation of fiber allows you to organize a full-fledged work digestive system. This, in turn, helps people with overweight lose weight and boost your immune system.
  3. Fans of spinach leaves will not face the problem of lack of iron in the blood (anemia), as the plant makes up for the lack of this element. Iron enriches cells with oxygen, accelerating their natural regeneration. Against the background of everything, metabolic processes increase.
  4. One of the most valuable qualities of spinach is the blocking of malignant tumors. The plant blocks the access of blood to cancer cells, stopping their further development.
  5. From the use of green leaves the heart wins. The main muscle of the body is saturated with already purified blood, the rhythm is normalized. Spinach fights possible arrhythmia and tachycardia, saturates the vascular system with oxygen, cleanses the blood channels.
  6. For people who have undergone radiation therapy, doctors recommend using the plant during the rehabilitation period. The most powerful release of antioxidants contributes to a speedy recovery, increased physical endurance, and strengthens the immune system.
  7. The plant fights periodontal disease, slows down and completely stops bleeding gums. Green leaves are indispensable for people with high pressure(hypertensive patients), as well as those who suffer from enterocolitis.
  8. The accumulation of tocopherol (vitamin E) in combination with proteins has beneficial effect to male potency. Elements increase blood flow to the penis, increase libido and attraction to the opposite sex.
  9. It is useful for women to eat spinach during PMS and directly menstruation. The plant compensates for the lack of iron with abundant secretions, eliminates pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Spinach reduces the risk of infertility and miscarriage.
  10. Spinach leaves improve vision and strengthen the retina. The plant is a great alternative to pharmaceutical products with lutein for the eyes. The culture includes much more beta-carotene (valuable for vision) than the proverbial carrot.
  11. Beneficial for diabetics green leaves to slow down the absorption of fast carbohydrates by the blood. The plant contributes to the production of its own insulin by normalizing carbohydrate metabolism.
  12. Green leaves fight nightmares, insomnia. Spinach eliminates the effects of stress, putting in order the psycho-emotional background of a person. The product simply needs to be included in the daily diet to accelerate the production of “happiness hormones”.
  13. Spinach contains a lot of iodine, which in a positive way affects the functioning of the pancreas. The element strengthens the nervous system, helps people with epilepsy to fully exist, reducing the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  14. The plant is very valuable during the period of "walking" of viral infections. It strengthens the immune system and fights the flu. Spinach is often poured with boiling water, infused and drunk to remove sputum from the respiratory tract. Such a remedy is effective for inflamed tonsils.
  15. Crushed fresh herbs are used in the treatment of burns, abscesses, insect and animal bites, eczema. Due to the incoming iodine and zinc, the agent quickly sucks out pus and removes the tumor.
  16. French women know that valuable spinach leaves saturate the skin with moisture, increase collagen production, and smooth fine wrinkles. Rubbing the skin of the face with spinach fights against excessive pigmentation, bruising under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids.
  17. The calcium found in spinach fills the voids in the bones. Potassium reduces the manifestation of osteoporosis. Spinach removes radiation from the body, it is useful for people working in nuclear industries.
  18. Spinach relieves cramps and other problems with the nervous system. To do this, it is enough to boil the green leaves, insist, then consume a glass half an hour before the main meal (three times a day).
  19. People suffering from hemorrhoids can benefit from mixing spinach with almond oil. Pound the leaves, mix with warm oil in equal proportions. Take 25 ml. 2 times a day.
  20. Due to its low calorie content, spinach leaves are included in the diet of losing weight people. To cleanse yourself of toxins and poisons, you need to eat at least 200 gr. greens per day. The result will be obvious if you combine a meal with physical activity.

  1. Spinach can be included in the diet of children, starting from six months. Introduce the plant as complementary food. Thus, you will save the baby from bloating and constipation, normalize the digestive system.
  2. The value is due to the high content of calcium in the composition of the plant. Children up to a year need this element to ensure the full formation of the skeleton and muscles.
  3. The content of ascorbic acid and tocopherol in spinach helps prevent anemia in the baby. As soon as after the first days of feeding the child gets used to the product, the juice of the plant can be completely replaced with gruel.
  4. It has been proven that oxalic acid is easily neutralized by milk. In order to prevent possible deviations in the health of the child, it is strongly recommended to consult a pediatrician.
  5. The specialist will give clear instructions on the use of spinach for existing ailments. For older children, in the absence of individual intolerance, spinach should be included in the daily diet.
  6. The product will fully enrich the youthful body with enzymes necessary for the body. As a result, spinach will help the body resist nervous and mental stress. In addition, the product improves immunity and vision.

Contraindications and harm

  1. Spinach should not be consumed by people who have kidney stones or high risk their occurrence. Spinach contains a high percentage of calcium oxalate. The enzyme often leads to the formation of stones in the urinary system.
  2. Do not try to include spinach in your daily diet if you have pathologies of the circulatory system. It is also forbidden to use the product along with prescribed anticoagulants that affect blood clotting.
  3. Such contraindications can be explained by the fact that the product contains a huge supply of potassium, the enzyme greatly thins the blood. Use spinach with caution for irritable bowel ailments.
  4. Otherwise, exposure to oxalic acid aggravates already existing symptoms. Also, many experts do not recommend using the plant for fibromyalgia and cystic fibrosis.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to include spinach in the diet for people who have pathologies of the thyroid gland, joints and respiratory tract (especially asthma). Otherwise, the disease can proceed in an even more severe form.

The value of spinach is due to its rich list chemical elements. The plant is useful for people of all ages and gender. If you have no contraindications, spinach should be eaten daily. The product is easily absorbed by the body and does not show side effects.

Video: spinach - benefits and harms


diets and healthy eating 31.07.2017

For many people, the word “spinach” is associated with something tasteless and unappetizing, among all garden greens, it is spinach that has earned such “fame”, among gardeners it is rare to find lovers of growing this green, despite all the benefits of spinach for our health.

The taste of this green vegetable plant is really low, but this is easy to fix, you just need to learn how to cook it correctly. This was successfully confirmed by Italian and French chefs, they came up with more than a hundred delicious and healthy meals containing spinach. Dear readers, today we will talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications of spinach.

A bit of history

Spinach has been used as a vegetable garden in the Middle East for a very long time. In the distant VIII century, this greenery was brought to Spain, and from there it spread throughout Europe due to its unpretentiousness in cultivation and ease of use.

Spinach was most widespread in the United States, where it was introduced by Western settlers, and to this day, it is there that this type of vegetable green is advertised, appreciated and used most widely. In Russia, this greenery remains a rare guest, despite the fact that they began to grow it in our country as a vegetable crop with mid-eighteenth century.

spinach calories

The calorie content of fresh spinach is only 22 kcal per 100 grams of product, this is a low-calorie product approved for use in diet food with many diseases.

Spinach. Health benefits and harms

Let's figure out how spinach is useful, why it is advertised so much all over the world. Back in the 20s and 30s of the last century, several scientific articles were published that talked about the incredible amount of chlorophyll and iron in spinach leaves, which prompted its intensive introduction into nutrition as a panacea for iron deficiency anemia.

Modern scientists have dispelled this myth, which in no way reduces the value of this greenery. Spinach is really very useful for our health, the benefits of spinach for the body are in the presence of a large number of biologically valuable substances in its composition. Its advantages include the fact that fresh herbs can be obtained in early spring, when the body lacks many plant biologically active substances and there is a deficiency of vitamins.

Spinach Composition

Spinach leaves, like other leafy vegetables, contain proteins, fats, monosaccharides, starch, fiber, and organic acids. In addition, they are rich in flavonoids and a complex of vitamins, miraculously balanced to maintain human health.

The leaves contain provitamin A, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamins K, P, PP, E, H (biotin). It is very important for our health that spinach leaves contain almost all the macro- and microelements necessary for a person.

Useful properties of spinach

Spinach is a valuable vegetable crop for food purposes due to the rich content of vitamins and energy substances that affect all spheres of the human body. Consider its main properties:

  • Due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition, spinach, when consumed regularly, slows down the aging process of the body and prevents the development of oncology;
  • Strengthens the skeletal system due to the content of calcium;
  • Iron affects the processes of hematopoiesis, supports;
  • Improves metabolic processes in the body, regulates cholesterol metabolism;
  • Improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels;
  • Useful for vision, as it contains a large number of provitamin A;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Improves digestion, enhances intestinal motility;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • B vitamins affect the central and peripheral nervous system.

Spinach is useful for almost all people, it is recommended to enter it in hypertension, with diseases of the nervous system, with physical exhaustion of the body, with inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines. Due to the anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties, spinach dishes are useful during the rehabilitation period after a serious illness.

On the benefits of spinach, I invite you to watch a video from the program “Live Healthy”.

Spinach. Useful properties and contraindications for women

The benefits of spinach for women are obvious, because its leaves contain iron, calcium, iodine, folic and ascorbic acids, vitamin E and many others, no less important for women's health elements.

  • These substances are necessary for a woman at any period of her life, but especially during pregnancy to maintain her own health and for the proper formation of all organs and systems of the child.
  • It is equally important to introduce spinach into the diet of postmenopausal women, its rich composition will help prevent brittle bones, improve general state, reduce anxiety during this difficult period.
  • Spinach is useful for youthful skin, for strengthening hair and nails. Simple smooth wrinkles and make the skin more youthful and toned.
  • Women who want to lose some weight can be advised to introduce dishes with spinach into their diet more often, since the substances that make up its leaves increase metabolism, improve digestion, and prevent constipation.

This product can harm a woman only if there are violations of salt metabolism in the body, so there are still contraindications to the use of spinach, I will talk about them a little later.

benefits of spinach for men

What is useful spinach for the body of a man? Many studies note its benefits for men's health due to the content of biological substances in the leaves that affect the reproductive function of the strong half of humanity. Unlike other green vegetables, spinach contains a lot of protein and lipids, which helps to maintain physical strength, and the anti-sclerotic properties of spinach prevent vascular damage and prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Spinach harm and contraindications

Spinach has one, but a significant drawback - its leaves contain oxalic acid, it is 8 times more than potatoes and 64 times more than mature tomatoes. That is why spinach has its own contraindications for consumption. It is not recommended for patients with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, as well as those suffering from gout and rheumatism.

Spinach. Photo

Look at these photos, this is what spinach looks like

How to choose spinach

To get the benefits of spinach, you need to choose it correctly when buying. If you buy fresh leaves, pay attention to their condition. Greens should be bright, fresh, do not take sluggish leaves with soft petioles. Fresh spinach leaves should be used as soon as possible, in extreme cases, they can be kept in the refrigerator until the next day, be sure to sprinkle with water, otherwise the benefits of spinach are reduced many times over.

You can find frozen spinach on sale, you can safely buy it, it retains its nutritional value, it is important to properly process it further. Frozen leaves are immersed in boiling water without defrosting, allowed to boil again and boiled for no more than 5 minutes.

How to eat spinach

Spinach is eaten fresh and processed. Spinach dishes can be not only healthy, but also delicious, you can find them in large quantities on culinary sites. I offer the most simple and quick recipes cooking spinach.

Spring spinach salad

Chop fresh spinach leaves and green onions. For dressing, combine a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Mix, salt, if desired, you can add a little sugar.

Green soup with croutons

Spinach can be added to any soups, I suggest making a light summer soup with croutons.

  • Finely chop 500 g of fresh spinach and boil for 3 minutes in 0.5 liters of water;
  • Saute 2 tablespoons of flour in butter, add 0.5 liters of milk, mix and combine with spinach;
  • Salt, and if you like spicy dishes, then pepper and boil for 5 - 10 minutes until cooked;
  • Serve with croutons.

Spinach garnish

Spinach can be used as a healthy and tasty side dish for meat dishes.

  • 2 teaspoons flour fry with a tablespoon butter, dilute the toasted flour with a glass of low-fat cream.
  • Add sugar, salt and a few drops of lemon juice to taste, mix everything well so that there are no lumps of flour.
  • Mix the resulting mass with a kilogram of chopped fresh spinach leaves. Instead of fresh, you can take 0.5 kg of frozen spinach and boil it for a few minutes.
  • Put the dishes for 5-7 minutes in hot oven so that the dish warms up well and acquires a thicker consistency.

Fritters with cheese and spinach

Boil fresh spinach for 3-5 minutes, chop, mix with grated cheese, salt, pepper if desired and beat in raw eggs. Beat the mass with a whisk or a mixer, form pancakes and bake on sunflower oil. I always take the proportions "by eye" to my liking.

Egg casserole with spinach

There can be many options for spinach casseroles, I prefer to experiment by combining different products. Here is one of the options.

Spinach is a familiar garden plant, which is mainly used for cooking various dishes, in particular salads. However, few people know that it can be used to treat various ailments. We will talk about the benefits (to a greater extent) and harm (to a lesser extent) of spinach in this article.

The birthplace of the plant ancient persia. Previously, it was considered a delicacy vegetable crop, so only noble wealthy families ate it. Culture was brought to Europe in the Middle Ages. Spanish monks were the first to grow it. They cultivated the plant in their gardens for a long time. Over time, they managed to get several varieties.

In the seventeenth century, people began to eat bread with spinach and the juice of the plant. Today, this culture is widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. It is used to prepare various medicines.

Characteristic - garden spinach (lat. Spinácia olerácea) is an annual herbaceous plant, belonging to the genus Spinacia and the Amaranth family. Reaches a height of twenty or more centimeters. It is equipped with dark green triangular-lanceolate or oblong-ovate smooth or corrugated leaves, a simple or branched stem, small yellowish flowers collected in spike-paniculate inflorescences. Flowering occurs at the beginning summer period. Spinach fruit is a small one- or two-seeded nut that ripens by mid-summer.

Spinach is a purely cultivated plant. It does not occur in the wild. Cultivated almost all over the world.

There are more than twenty species of this plant. The most useful, and importantly curative, include several of them.

Strawberry spinach has an unusual appearance. The plant is equipped with reddish berries, similar to raspberries. This species has a lot of useful properties and substances, in particular vitamins and trace elements. The plant is not whimsical, tolerates heat and drought, and is also resistant to various diseases. Both fruits and leaves are edible.

Uteush spinach is a hybrid obtained by breeding Tien Shan sorrel and English spinach. Professor Yuri Uteush brought out this type of plant. It is endowed with tender juicy leaves, rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Young shoots are rich in iron and carotene. Eating this type of food will help in improving the condition of the intestinal microflora. It is also known about the antitumor effect of the plant.

Leaf spinach. The plant is endowed with inconspicuous small flowers and fleshy leaves. This variety is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It has a diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory effect. Eating this species is useful for people with gastritis, diabetes and tuberculosis.

When should medicinal raw materials be collected? It is recommended to collect leaves after the formation of a rosette of five well-developed leaves. Only young and fresh leaves are suitable for food, therefore, after the flowering of the plant, the collection of raw materials is not carried out.

If you plan to make medicine from a plant, then it must be dried. After collecting the foliage, it is washed and hung outside in a dark place. In order to speed up the process, you can dry the raw materials in the oven for three hours at a temperature of 40 degrees. In this case, the leaves must be constantly mixed. The prepared raw materials are poured into glass containers and stored in a dark, dry place.

Benefits of spinach: composition and medicinal properties

Spinach is a very healthy low-calorie plant. It contains many nutrients and healing substances:

  • trace elements: calcium, manganese, selenium, copper, magnesium, sodium, zinc;
  • vitamins B, PP, K, A, E;
  • carbohydrates;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • squirrel;
  • carotene;
  • routine;
  • folic acid;
  • oxalic acid;
  • starch.

Spinach products have: anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, tonic, immunostimulating, analgesic, rejuvenating, decongestant, cleansing, antitumor effects.

Plant medicines help:

  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • minimization of inflammatory processes;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • normalization metabolic processes;
  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • therapy: hemorrhoids, burns, eczema, bronchitis, laryngitis, constipation, anemia, migraine, convulsions, flatulence.

Recipes for the treatment of various diseases

There is a large number effective recipes medicinal products based on the plant in question. The drugs, of course, are effective and efficient and will help in the treatment of a particular disease, but only if they are used appropriately.

Do not exceed the dosages and proportions indicated in the recipes and do not abuse the formulations. Before using this or that drug, consult your doctor.

  1. Haemorrhoids. Mix equal proportions of freshly squeezed spinach juice with almond oil. Take a spoonful of the drug twice a day.
  2. Abscesses, eczema, burns. Boil the leaves of the plant in olive oil, cool and apply to the affected areas.
  3. Means for the normalization of metabolic processes. Mix chopped spinach leaves, approximately 100 grams with two garlic cloves, half a spoonful of horseradish and apples - 100 g. It is recommended to consume 10 grams of the composition once a day - before breakfast.
  4. Preparation of a drug that contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. For this purpose, it is recommended to consume a fortified salad every day. Combine 100 grams of spinach with sour cream - a spoon, one egg, cucumber, tomato and a pinch of salt. Mix ingredients thoroughly.
  5. : application of oil infusion. Boil the leaves of the plant, chop and combine 50 grams with olive oil - two tablespoons, mix well. Take a spoonful of medicine twice a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is a month.
  6. Anemia, headaches, CNS pathologies: juice therapy. Mix carrot juice with beet and spinach juice. Drink for three days, 100 ml of juice four times a day.

Spinach face masks

. Pour 50 grams of spinach leaves with milk. Boil the raw material until it becomes soft. Cool and filter. Put the resulting mass on gauze, and then on the face, neck and décolleté. After fifteen minutes, wash your face with chamomile infusion and lubricate your skin and neck with a nourishing cream.

A mask that helps eliminate freckles. Thoroughly mash the spinach leaves. Soak raw materials in olive oil, then apply on face. Wash your face after twenty minutes.

The mask is nourishing. Cook 100 grams of spinach, cool. Combine the crushed leaves with carrot juice - 10 ml, honey - a spoon and olive oil - with the same amount. Apply the composition on your face for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, wash with warm green tea and then cool water.


It is not recommended to eat spinach, as well as take medicines from it for people with pathologies of the genitourinary system, liver ailments, stomach ulcers, rheumatism, gout and individual intolerance. In addition, do not take any drugs without the permission of your doctor.

Inappropriate use of the plant can cause potassium imbalance, as well as the formation of stones. In addition, cooked spinach is not recommended to be stored, and dishes from it are not recommended to be heated. This is fraught with the formation of nitrates, which, entering into contact with the products of protein metabolism, form nitrosamines, which provoke the development of cancer.

Now you know about the benefits and harms of the plant. Eat dishes from it, use it for medicinal purposes and be healthy!

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