Amazing facts from life. Briefly about different things - interesting facts from life


Man has been living on earth for so long that in the entire history of his existence, coincidences have become an integral part of the life of our family and they occur with enviable regularity. Most often, people take them for a divine plan, sometimes they simply do not pay attention. One way or another, but even scientists who are well versed in the theory of probability are surprised at the accidents that occur in our lives.

the site also admires some coincidences, for which you don’t want to look for explanations, so as not to spoil your impressions of interesting facts.

1. The founders of Rome and the last emperor

Many people know that according to legend, Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus. Later, Romulus was recognized as the first ruler of Rome. Oddly enough, but at the end of the Roman Empire last emperor became a man named Romulus Augustulus (Flavius ​​Romulus Augustus), who ruled in 475-476 AD. Coincidentally, the story greatest empire in the history of mankind began and ended thanks to people named Romulus.

2. Girl from Petrovka

In 1974, when the film "The Girl from Petrovka" was filmed, Anthony Hopkins, who played one of the main roles in this film, wanted to read the original book by George Feifer in order to form his idea of ​​​​the image of the hero. But it so happened that there was no book in any bookstore. Already desperate, Hopkins suddenly found a forgotten volume of the novel by someone right on a bench in the subway. The actor could not believe his luck.

Later, when the shooting of the film began, Hopkins met George Feifer, and the writer complained in a conversation that he himself did not have a copy of his own book. All because he lent it to his friend, and he lost it somewhere in the subway.

3. The curse of the family?

In Bermuda, in 1975, an incident occurred that still remains an example of a terrible coincidence, for which no one dares to explain. A young guy named Erskine Lawrence Abbin was driving down the road on his moped, but he was unexpectedly killed by a taxi. By itself, the accident would have come out quite ordinary, if not for one "but". About a year ago, in 1974, the guy's brother died on the same road. Moreover, he was hit on the same moped, by the same taxi driver, and according to rumors, the same passenger was sitting in the taxi.

4. Edgar Allan Poe and time travel

Edgar Allan Poe is considered one of the most mystery writers. And some of the facts associated with it, really raise questions. For example, in one of his books called "The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym" tells the story of four sailors who survived a shipwreck. The victims tried to survive at all costs, so they had to eat their cabin boy, whose name was Richard Parker. Moreover, Poe himself actively claimed that the book was based on real events.

The coincidence is that after as many as 46 years since the publication of the novel, a ship really sank on the high seas, part of the crew of which escaped. To survive, the sailors had to eat their young comrade, whose name was Richard Parker.

5. The first and last victims

By pure chance, these graves are located nearby, at a distance of only a few meters. In one of them is buried the first British soldier who died during the First World War, and in the other - the last. It wasn't planned.

6. Two presidents and many coincidences

As often happens, after the death of a celebrity in her life, they begin to look for all sorts of matches with others. historical events. US history buffs have found a few fun facts, which coincided in the biographies of two presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.

For example, both presidents were shot in the back of the head on Friday, and both had their wives by their side at the time of their death. Also, each of the presidents had a friend, whose name was Bill Graham. Each had four children. On purpose or not, Kennedy hired a secretary into his administration whose last name was Lincoln, while Abraham Lincoln had a secretary named John.

7. Incredible accident

Car accidents are not uncommon these days. However, at the end of the 19th century, when almost no one had cars, no one could even think about collisions. However, in 1895 there was a car accident in America, which is due to one fact: at that time in Ohio, in which the cars collided, there were only two cars, and they somehow managed to find each other.

8 The Hoover Dam Curse

The Hoover Dam in the United States is world famous. This ingenious building has become one of the symbols of the fact that a person can somehow cope with nature. But few people know an interesting fact about this dam.
People died during the construction of the dam, and one of the first was a man named George Tierney, who died during construction work on December 20, 1922. The public was stirred up by the fact that the last dead person George's son Patrick Tierney stood on the Hoover Dam, and he also died on December 20.

9. The death of the Titanic was predicted in advance

Sometimes the coincidences are so frightening that superstitious people goosebumps run down the skin. This is what happened with the sinking of the Titanic. The fact is that in 1898 the writer Morgan Robertson released a work called "Futility", in which he described the death of a huge ship called "Titan". The coincidence would seem more accidental if not for other facts.

Thus, the writer described specifications their ship and they miraculously turned out to be similar to the characteristics of the Titanic. The developers of both ships considered their ships unsinkable. Both ships collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean. And on both ships, the passengers did not have enough boats to save them. The Titanic sank 14 years after the novel was published.

1. The first artificial satellite of the Earth weighed 83.6 kg. Hummingbird weighs an average of 1.7 g.
2. Every second, 1% of the world's population is dead drunk.
3. The first cologne in history appeared as a means of preventing the plague.
4. There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos.
5. The bed as an element of furniture appeared in Rus' only at the beginning of the 17th century. Before that, they slept either on beds, or on a bench or stove.
6. In the 18th century, soldiers who fought against the armies of Frederick brought cockroaches to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Before that, there were no cockroaches.
7. Modern chair (with back and armrests) came into use only about 400 years ago.
8. The human brain only needs 1/20 of a second to accurately recognize an image or object captured by the eye.
9. The average person laughs 15 times a day. Humans blink approximately 84 million times a year.
10. When glass breaks, the crack propagates at about 5,000 kilometers per hour.
11. The word "chess" comes from the Persian phrase "shah mat", which means "the ruler is dead."
12. Every year in the seas and rivers the globe about 30 million tons of fish are caught.
13. At least 100,000 chemical reactions take place in the human brain every second.
14. A cup of coffee contains about a thousand natural compounds. Of these, only three percent have been tested for carcinogenicity.
15. human heart pumps about 2 tons of blood per day and beats over 100,000 times.
16. A cup of coffee contains 20 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin P, which is necessary for blood vessels.
17. If you add up all the numbers on the casino roulette wheel, you get magic number 666.
18. Most iodine is found in peas (211 micrograms per 1 kg of dry weight), followed by pepper (135), onion (19), lettuce (17).
19. The library of Confucius had about 600 volumes on roses.
20. total area receptors that respond to odors in humans is 5 square meters. cm; dogs 65 sq. cm, and the shark has 155 sq. cm.
21. A quarter of the bones of the human body are concentrated in the legs; fingernails grow 4 times faster than toenails.
22. The world's first pharmacy opened around 1000 AD. in Baghdad.
23. After a minute of being in the dark, the sensitivity of the eyes to light increases 10 times, after 20 minutes. - 6 thousand times.
24. The most rapid development of the brain occurs between the ages of 2 and 11 years. Engaging in unfamiliar activities The best way development.
25. Approximately 840 liters of water per day flows through a jet of water the width of a needle.
26. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you get only a small screw for women's watches.
27. Yearly more money spent on alcohol and cigarettes than on life insurance.
28. The human brain consists of more than 20 billion nerve cells and is able to memorize 96 million bits of information daily.
29. When a person is born, he has 300 bones, but by the 25th birthday, only 206 remain (they fuse).
30. The number of upper eyelashes in a person is 150-200, lower 50-100, and their life expectancy is 150 days.
31. If we divide all the Lego constructors produced since 1947, then there will be thirty parts for each inhabitant of the Earth.
32. Toilet paper was invented in 1857.
33. Some Chinese typewriters have up to 5,700 characters. The keyboard width on them is about a meter and the fastest and most professional typists achieve a typing speed of only 11 words per minute.
34. In 1997, traveling on donkeys died more people than traveling by plane.
35. Most deaths in hospitals occur between 4 and 6 pm, when the human body is at its weakest.
36. If all the water in the world contained in various containers and reservoirs is poured into the open ocean, then its level will rise by 3 cm
37. Just one drop of oil makes 25 liters of water unfit for drinking.
38. "Monologue" is a science that studies stupidity (!)
39. Execution in the electric chair takes place in the presence of 40 witnesses.
40. If you are locked in a completely sealed room, then you will die faster from excess carbon dioxide than from lack of oxygen.
41. Every time you lick postage stamp, you expend 1/10 of a calorie.
42. The chance of dying from falling out of bed is roughly equal to the chance of dying from being hit by light (1 in 2,000,000). And the chance of dying from a snakebite is 1 in 3,000,000.
43. 25% of the world's population has never made a phone call
44. A cockroach without a head lives 6 hours.
45. Duck quacking has no echo
46. ​​On average, a person accidentally eats 70 insects in a lifetime.
47. Tongue prints are as individual as fingerprints.
48. Impossible to reach your own elbow with your tongue
49. 75% of those who read these facts try to get their own elbow with their tongue.
50. According to judicial statistics, not a single wife has yet shot her husband while he was washing the dishes.
51. A person has less muscles than a caterpillar.
52. The nose grows throughout a person's life.
53. House dust is 70% shed skin.
54. In the 15th century, it was believed that the red color heals. Patients wore red and surrounded themselves with red things.
55. When you blush, your stomach turns red too.
56. In human body enough body fat for 7 bars of soap.
57. Most people lose 50% of their sense of taste by age 60.
58. A tooth is the only part of a person that is deprived of the ability to self-repair.
59. The brain is 80% water.
60. More living organisms live on the body of one person than people on Earth.
61. The ancient Greeks believed that boys grow up in right side abdomen, and girls - in the left.
62. Blond beards grow faster than dark ones.
63. In Russian and English there is no word for the back of the knee.
64. The human nose is able to recognize more than 10,000 odors, and the eye - about 100.
65. 33% of office documents are wad-shaped
66. A mole can dig a tunnel 100 meters long in one night, and an evil mole can dig a tunnel of the same length.
67. An ant moves its paws faster than it thinks.
68. The length of hair on the head, grown on average by a person during his life, is 725 kilometers.
69. Blondes have a beard growing faster than brunettes.
70. Men are considered dwarfs with a height below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.
71. The size of a human heart is approximately is equal to his fist. The weight of an adult heart is 220-260 g.
72. human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day than all the phones in the world combined.
73. The tongue of a chameleon is twice as long as itself.

Interesting Facts:

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