Who suggested the idea of ​​the auditor to Gogol. Gogol's "situation of the auditor



The history of the comedy "The Inspector General"


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

1 The birth and development of comedy

2 Draft editions of The Inspector General

3 First and second editions of The Inspector

Chapter 3


List of used literature


The Inspector General was conceived by Gogol as a social comedy of the broadest generalization, which could turn serf society inside out and expose all of its most sore spots. Nikolai Vasilievich wrote in The Author's Confession that he tried to put together in the Inspector General all the most stupid and unfair things in Nicholas Russia and ridicule it all at once. Gogol's comedy shocked the civil servants who made up the bureaucratic-administrative caste.

The Inspector is one of the most significant works Gogol, which has been studied up and down from various angles and sides. But the most obscure, fuzzy facet of what has been studied is the history of the creation of comedy. There are several theories, hypotheses about the appearance of the plot in the hands of Gogol, as well as several versions of how exactly the work was created. There are many ambiguities and inaccuracies in the study of this issue by researchers, the versions of which contradict each other. This is what constitutes the relevance of our work, associated with an attempt to understand and combine more real and reliable versions of the creation of a comedy.

The object of our research is the history of the comedy "The Government Inspector". The subject of the study is the individual stages of the creation of the work, which will make it possible to trace the history of the formation of comedy.

Our goals research activities is the consideration of several authoritative points of view regarding the issue of the history of the creation and formation of the comedy "The Inspector General", the analysis and generalization of these opinions and hypotheses.

To achieve these goals, we set the following tasks:

.Consider the various opinions of researchers about the creation of comedy;

.Analyze the views of scientists on this issue;

.Compare their reasoning with each other;

.Systematize reviewed versions;

In the course of our research work, we turned to various authors who raised the issue of interest to us, but we consider the books of such literary critics as E. L. Voitolovskaya, M. B. Khrapchenko, Yu. Mann, N. L. Stepanov to be the most authoritative works.

The practical significance of our work lies in the fact that we have combined various versions of the creation of a comedy, structured and summarized in a logical sequence, and also considered all the main stages creative development"Inspector". All this can, as well as possible, be used at school in a lesson devoted to the consideration of the comedy "The Government Inspector".

The structure of our research work consists of the following items:

· Introduction, which reveals the relevance of our work, the object and subject of research, identifies the goals and objectives of our work, indicates the main authors we addressed, as well as practical significance our work;

· Chapter 1. "In anticipation of writing a comedy." Where Gogol's works that preceded the writing of The Inspector General are considered, and it is also said what exactly prompted the playwright to write the famous comedy;

· Chapter 2 The chapter includes 3 paragraphs. This chapter examines the birth and development of comedy. Draft editions and the first and second editions of The Inspector General are also being studied.

· Chapter 3 Here are considered critical reviews to the then new comedy.

· In conclusion, we summed up the results of the study and made conclusions on the work done.

Chapter 1

The theater played a significant role in the life of N.V. Gogol, therefore, it is not surprising that the idea of ​​​​writing the first comedy came to him immediately after he completed Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, because it was nothing more than the writer’s first attempts to get away from fantastic stories to reality. Evidence of this can be found in a letter from Pletnev to Zhukovsky (dated December 8, 1832): “Comedy is spinning in Gogol’s mind, I don’t know if he will give birth to it this winter; but I expect extraordinary perfection from him in this way. After some time, Gogol himself will share his thoughts on his future comedy with Pogodin. “I didn’t write to you: I’m obsessed with comedy. She, when I was in Moscow, on the road, and when I arrived here, did not get out of my head, but so far I have not written anything. Already the plot had begun to be drawn up the other day, and the title was already written on a thick white notebook: “Vladimir of the 3rd degree”, and how much anger! laughter! salt!.. But suddenly he stopped, seeing that the pen was just pushing against such places that the censorship would never let through. What if the play is not being played? Drama lives only on the stage. Without it, she is like a soul without a body. What kind of master will carry an unfinished work for show to the people? There is nothing left for me but to invent the most innocent plot, which even a quarterly could not be offended by. But what is a comedy without truth and malice! So, I can’t take on comedy. ”

Nevertheless, Gogol managed to partially realize his plan and write several scenes of Vladimir of the Third Degree, although he said in a letter to Pogodin that he could not start writing a comedy. As conceived by the author himself, this work was supposed to affect the most important life problems: selfish thoughts and actions of officials, corruption, bribery, ambition. The writer intended to bring to clean water the entire bureaucracy, and based on this, he understood that complications with censorship could not be avoided. This is evidenced by the fact that one of the scenes of the play called "Litigation" was banned for staging on stage, and only after the petitions of MS Shchepkin was it allowed. Gogol understood that the problems with censorship had not been resolved, and it was precisely this circumstance that played important role that "Vladimir of the Third Degree" was never completed.

In 1833, Gogol began work on a new comedy "Marriage", which in the original version was called "Grooms". The writer intended to create a work whose plot would not be so caustic, which is why he takes the family and everyday theme as a basis. The play went through a huge number of revisions before it went through the last revision in 1841. Initially, in the play "Grooms" the action took place in a landowner's estate (in contrast to the final text), and Avdotya Gavrilovna, the fighting, nimble mistress of the estate, sought to get married. In the original version of the comedy, there were no heroes such as Podkolesin, Kochkarev, who later became the main ones in the comedy "Marriage". In its complete and complete form, the first version of the play has not reached us, although, nevertheless, the researcher M. B. Khrapchenko suggests that the comedy was completed. As proof of this, he cites a letter from Gogol Maksimovich, dated 1934, in which Nikolai Vasilievich said: “I’m putting on a play at the theater here, which, I hope, will bring me something, and I’m also preparing another from under the floor.” According to M. B. Khrapchenko, Gogol did not have a finished play other than "Marriage", so he was going to stage it on the theater stage, no doubt, just her.

In the spring of 1835, Gogol began reworking the play, as the first edition did not satisfy him. "Marriage", in full measure, becomes a social comedy about merchant and bureaucratic life. The author tried to show in it all the exorbitant primitiveness of people's life. "Marriage" is a sharp satire that reveals all the emptiness and insignificance of the society of that time. The impoverishment of the spiritual world of man, the desecration of marriage and love. Thanks to the grotesque depictions of the characters of the main characters and their behavior, Gogol managed to emphasize all the truthfulness and authenticity of his creation.

Chapter 2

.1 The birth and development of comedy

Many books and articles have been written about how Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol created his comedy, but the most authoritative in our opinion are the works of M. B. Khrapchenko and E. L. Voitolovskaya.

In his letter, dated October 7, 1835, Gogol asks Pushkin for his opinion on "The Marriage", and for one thing, since he was looking for support and waiting for advice from Alexander Sergeevich, he asks him to suggest a plot, "... at least some funny or not funny, but purely Russian anecdote. The hand trembles to write a comedy in the meantime. If this does not happen, then my time will be wasted, and I don’t know what to do then with my circumstances ... Do me a favor, give me a plot; the spirit will be a comedy of five acts and, I swear, it will be funnier than the devil. Pushkin responded to Gogol's request and shared with him a story that worried him as well. Pushkin told him a story about Pavel Petrovich Svinin, who, during a trip to Bessarabia, began to pretend to be a very important and significant person, a Petersburg official, and was stopped only when he began to take petitions. Later, already in 1913, the literary historian N.O. Lerner in his work “Pushkin’s idea of ​​the Inspector General” // Speech. 1913." , after analyzing both Pushkin's letters and the text of The Government Inspector itself, he came to the conclusion that some features of Svinin and Khlestakov coincide. The prototype of Khlestakov turned out to be a painter, historian, well-known to his contemporaries, the creator of the Notes of the Fatherland. Lerner identified Khlestakov's lies with Svinin's lies, believed that their adventures were extremely similar.

After the plot was transferred by Pushkin to Gogol in 1835, Nikolai Vasilievich began work on The Inspector General. The first version of the comedy was written quite quickly, this is evidenced by Gogol's letter to Pogodin dated December 6, 1835, in which the writer speaks of the completion of the first two draft editions of The Inspector General.

Researcher A. S. Dolinin in the “Scientific Notes of the Leningrad State. ped. in-ta still expresses doubt that Gogol could have done such a huge and painstaking work in a month and a half, because, according to him, the writer “honed” his works for a long time. Dolinin believes that Pushkin conveyed the plot to Gogol much earlier, perhaps in the first years of their acquaintance. The story of Svinin simply remained in the writer's memory, and he decided to realize the plot when the idea came to write latest comedy.

And yet, most researchers in the history of literature believe that Gogol always wrote rough sketches quickly enough, but it took much more time to “hone” them.

Voitolovskaya believes that a connection has been established between Pushkin's plot idea and Gogol's The Inspector General, although the exact date when work on the comedy began is not clear.

The first version of The Inspector General was significantly reworked, as a result of which the comedy acquired a more coherent structure. But even after the second edition, the writer again made a number of changes, after which the play was finally transferred to print and sent to theatrical censorship. But even after obtaining permission to theatrical production, which was given on March 2, Gogol did not stop improving his "Inspector General". The latest revisions were accepted by theater censors just a few days before the comedy hit the stage.

During the creation of The Inspector General, Gogol did not feel the difficulties that could accompany the writer's work on great work. The images that run through the whole play were formed at once; already in the first edition we observe all key events, all the main characters with their hallmarks. Therefore, the complexity creative process was not at all in search storylines, but in a more vivid and accurate disclosure of the characters' characters.

Nikolai Vasilievich gave this work great importance, because it is precisely this that can explain the fact that he continued to work on the text even after the first edition of the play. When Pogodin asked Gogol about releasing the second edition of The Inspector General, the writer replied that he needed to wait a bit, as he began to redo some scenes that, in his opinion, were done carelessly. First of all, the scenes of the meeting of officials with Khlestakov at the beginning of the fourth act were corrected, they became more natural and energetic. After these changes, in 1841, the second edition of the comedy was published, but Gogol realized that his work on The Government Inspector had not yet been completed. And in the fall of 1842, the writer again polishes the entire play. All this is the process artistic processing the author of his work, as a result of which the expressiveness of every detail is noticeable. There were very few scenes in comedy that Gogol did not redo, trying to achieve depth in images and speech. Only the sixth edition of The Inspector General became final.

2.2 Draft editions of The Inspector

gogol inspector comedy dramaturgy

As you know, Nikolai Vasilievich painstakingly worked on the text of The Inspector General for about 17 years. Approximately one year before own death the writer read the proofs of volume IV Complete collection own compositions, where both preliminary editions of his comedy and printed versions of The Inspector General were printed, and, having reached one of the most final remarks fourth act of this work, contributed some, very significant changes.

most latest edition The "Inspector" is considered to be the text printed in the first collection of 1842, which included all the corrections that Gogol made after this edition. The final edition of Volume IV of the Complete Works of N.V. Gogol included corrections that had not been read until that time. It also included corrections made by Gogol for the Second Collected Works, which was being prepared in 1851.

In total, Gogol wrote two non-final versions of the comedy, two editions - the first and second. During the life of N.V. Gogol, three editions of The Inspector General were printed:

.First edition. "Inspector". Comedy in five acts, Op. N. V. Gogol. SPb., 1836.

.The second, corrected, with applications. The Inspector General, a comedy in five acts, Op. N. Gogol. SPb., 1841.

.Third edition. Op. Nikolai Gogol, vol. IV. SPb., 1842, pp. 1-216, "Inspector" and applications. .

The foundation of the text of the comedy itself and its appendices already in the fourth edition, which was published in 1855, were the proofreadings corrected by the playwright himself in 1851.

As Voitolovskaya notes, Gogol worked especially hard on the auditor at the end of 1835 and at the beginning of 1836. After six months of diligent work on drafts, the text of the work was written, which was published in the first edition of The Government Inspector.

Creating a comedy, which has not yet been in Russia, drawing what was of an up-to-date nature, Nikolai Vasilyevich without regrets removes from The Inspector General everything that prevents, in his opinion, from realizing a large and serious plan. The playwright preferred to build a comedy without unnecessary and banal love affair, without external and light-hearted comedy. He sought to free comedy from theatrical stereotypes, from the usual tradition of a love plot.

Thus, the following places were excluded from the Auditor:

.The mayor's dream about dogs "with inhuman muzzles." .

.Reflections of the mayor about the teacher who teaches rhetoric.

.The place where Khlestakov talks about how, together with the director of the school, he was trailing "for one pretty one." .

2.3 First and second editions of The Inspector General

On March 1836, the censor, literary historian A. V. Nikitenko allowed the publication of The Inspector General.

Gogol had to make several cuts in the stage and printed texts of the comedy. This was dictated by the requirements theater stage: limited time for the performance, as well as the gravitation to convey all the tension in the development of the plot.

In July 1841, censorship permission was received for the second edition of the work. Already in the fall, as the author of The Inspector General himself wanted, the comedy went on sale. Gogol nevertheless made a number of amendments to the second edition, they mainly concerned the beginning of the fourth act of The Government Inspector. For example, in the first phenomenon of this action, the scene where Khlestakov is alone was replaced with the scene of a conversation between officials about how best to bribe Khlestakov. Without this lively, comical scene, where the characters of officials are drawn so clearly and truthfully, it is very difficult to imagine a comedy.

After the first performance of The Inspector General, Gogol realized that there was still much to be changed. These same changes are included in the second edition. In "An Excerpt from a Letter..." Nikolai Vasilyevich wrote: "Now it seems to be a little stronger, at least more natural and more relevant." .

If we talk about the "Excerpt from a letter ..." itself, then N. S. Tikhonravov, one of the most prominent historians of Russian literature, questions both the addressee of the letter, Pushkin, and the date of its writing, May 25, 1836. Archaeographer Tikhonravov believes that the drafts of the Fragment ... were written by Gogol abroad, at the same time when the writer, in 1841, was preparing the second edition of The Government Inspector. To prove his version, he emphasizes that "Excerpt ..." was written on paper marked London. . Tikhonravov also points out that some passages from the drafts of the letter resemble Gogol's letter to Shchepkin, written on May 10, 1836, which means that they could have been written earlier than the rest.

V. V. Gippius and V. L. Komarovich believed that Tikhonravov was able to prove the doubtfulness of the playwright’s story about the reason and date of writing the “Excerpt ...”, and also managed to convince them that this letter was written, only at the beginning 1841 in Italy, when Nikolai Vasilievich wrote additions to the comedy.

A. G. Gukasova in her work “An excerpt from a letter written by the author shortly after the first presentation "Inspector" to a writer" expressed disagreement with the point of view of Tikhonravov in 1957. She believes that the radical and incorrect evidence of the historian not only allows Gogol to be called an inventor, but also testifies to a “break in relations” between Gogol and Pushkin. . Gukasova, after analyzing all of Gogol's letters to Alexander Sergeevich, as well as their statements about each other, came to the conclusion that in the most difficult moments the playwright turned to Pushkin, so the "Excerpt ..." is addressed to him. The letter was written exactly on May 25, 1836, as Gogol indicated, and in 1841 he only gave it the appearance that was necessary for publication.

Tikhonravov criticizes N. Ya. Pokopovich, the editor of Nikolai Gogol's Works, because, in his opinion, he changed the author's text, changed the language and style of the playwright. Here Tikhonravov is supported by V. V. Gippius and V. L. Komarovich, who carefully studied all the corrections of Gogol, which he made on a copy of the comedy of the printed edition of 1836.

E. I. Prokhorov justifies the work of Prokopovich, citing a number of convincing arguments not in favor of Tikhonravov's point of view, considering the 1842 edition of the text of the Inspector General to be the main source of the text. .

Chapter 3

One of the first critical articles was published in 1836 in the Northern Bee (No. 97 and 98) under the authorship of Bulgarin, whose point of view quickly found support from O. Senkovsky, who published his article full of bile in the journal Library for readings ”(Vol. XVI, dated 1836). They argued that the comedy "Inspector General" is nothing more than a cynical slander of Russia, a funny vaudeville. That a single anecdotal incident Gogol turned into a picture depicting reality, that there is no such city in Russia that the playwright depicts, and never has been. According to Bulgarin, Gogol depicts the city not at all Russian, but Ukrainian or Belarusian, and to prove his version, he writes that in Russia the mayor could not have such power over employees and nobles.

The reviewer considers Gogol's comedy bad and poisonous, since a person who is not at all familiar with Russia can really “think that, in fact, there are such morals in Russia, as if there could be a city in which there is not even one honest and decent heads." .

Senkovsky in "Library for Reading" analyzes "The Government Inspector" following the analysis of Zagoskin's comedy "The Dissatisfied", which he contrasts with Gogol's. The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Senkovsky considers unprincipled, in contrast to the work of Zagoskin. Osip Ivanovich considered Khlestakov's conversation with Marya Antonovna to be the best scene, and advised Gogol to write a new work, with the continuation and expansion of this love affair. .

Negative and rather rude reviews of the comedy, hatred for the writer himself greatly shocked Gogol, became a real torment for him. That is why the comedian was looking forward to feedback from the viewer.

First edition " Theatrical tour after the presentation of the new comedy" was created in the early summer of 1836. Nikolai Vasilievich wanted to show in it the attitude of different classes to the "Inspector General". But even here there were a lot of comments similar to the Bulgarin point of view, which deeply resented Gogol. But not without the defenders of the "Inspector". So the representatives of the merchant class confirm the veracity Gogol comedy speak of its relevance.

In 1842, N. A. Polevoy wrote a new review of The Government Inspector and published it in Russkiy Vestnik. The article had a lot in common with Bulgarin's opinion, but this did not prevent Polevoy from appreciating the incredible talent of N.V. Gogol. .

Fortunately, the Inspector General also had ardent defenders.

One of the first can be considered V. P. Androsov, the author of "Economic Statistics of Russia", who considers "The Inspector General" a comedy of "civilization", which reflects a person who is more social than family. Androsov calls The Inspector General "the pinnacle of Russian comedy", and N. I. Nadezhdin, a journalist and literary critic, agrees with him in this opinion. Nikolai Ivanovich confidently says that such interest in The Inspector General is due to the fact that a very talented author created a modern and relevant comedy. Nadezhdin argues that this comedy can only be understood by those who themselves suffer from those people who are depicted in The Inspector General. This point of view almost instantly provoked outrage from the enemies of the comedy, who were not so few.


In the course of our research work, we managed to achieve the goals that we originally set for ourselves. Having considered different opinions literary scholars who deal with the issue of creating the comedy "The Inspector General", we analyzed all kinds of versions and summarized them.

Having done this research work, we came to the conclusion that scientists considering the issue of interest to us did not come to a consensus. As for the time of the origin of the plot, and its source, as well as the process of creating a comedy, the final version does not exist. Quite a lot of inaccurate, and sometimes completely unknown details do not allow literary researchers to find answers to these questions. Scientists continue to this day to argue with each other about this, considering their version to be right and the only logical one. The most interesting thing is that almost every version can be called into question, having opposite facts, of which there are many.

Therefore, the question of creating a comedy is not yet resolved.

The great writer, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, whose life and work has always been shrouded in some kind of mystery, remained under a veil of secrecy in this matter.


1.Voytolovskaya E. L. N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector". A comment. L., 2005.

.Voitolovskaya E. L., Stepanov A. N. N. V. Gogol: Seminary. - L., 2008.

.Gukasova A. G. An excerpt from a letter written by the author shortly after the presentation of The Inspector General to a writer. - "Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Department of Literature and Language." M., 1957, vol. XVI, no. 4, July - August, pp. 335-345.

.Danilevsky G.P. Ukrainian antiquity. Kharkov, 2006, p. 214.

.Dolinin AS From the history of the struggle between Gogol and Belinsky for ideological content in literature. - “Scientific notes of the Leningrad state. ped. in-ta”, vol. XVIII, Faculty of Language and Literature, vol. fifth, 1956, p.39.

.Lerner N. Pushkin's idea of ​​the "Inspector". - "Speech" 1913, No. 128.

.Mann Yu. V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector". - M., 2006.

.Matskin A. On the themes of Gogol. M., 2005.

.Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol: Collection of articles. - M., 2009.

.Prokhorov K. I. Works of Nikolai Gogol, edition of 1842 as a source of the text. - In Sat: "Issues of textual criticism", m., Ed. AN SSSR, 1957, pp. 135-169.

.Stepanov N. L. N. V. Gogol. M., 2010.

.Khrapchenko M. B. Nikolai Gogol: Literary path: The greatness of the writer. - M., 2008.


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A person first gets acquainted with the famous and thoughtful comedy "The Government Inspector" while still at school in a literature lesson. Her story will forever be remembered. And the main phrase of the Governor: "I have invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you bad news: the auditor is coming to us " actively cited by both adults and children.

Perhaps you have not forgotten yet, what is the history of the creation of the "Inspector"? If you don't remember, don't worry! Just read this article and find out all the secrets that this fascinating comedy hides.

Who wrote The Inspector

Of course, the history of the creation of the comedy "The Government Inspector" is unacceptable for consideration without mentioning such important person as the author of the work. He is the great and inimitable Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

His figure is rather mysterious, and his works are filled with mysticism and some kind of "hell". But despite this (and perhaps precisely because of this), Gogol is rightfully considered one of the best poets, playwrights, prose writers, essayists and critics of all time.

His contribution to Russian literature is enormous. After all, he gave his contemporaries and descendants so many fascinating and unusual works, For example " Dead Souls”, “Taras Bulba”, “Viy”, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, as well as many other wonderful stories.

The beginning of the path of Nikolai Vasilyevich

Before the history of the creation of The Inspector General was developed, Gogol went through long haul twenty-six years long.

The eminent writer was born in 1809 on March 20 according to the old (Julian) calendar or April 1 according to the new (Gregorian). His family descended from the Little Russians, and is named unusual person in honor of Saint Nicholas.

Gogol's school years were rather mediocre, he did not differ in special talent. Of all the subjects, he succeeded only in drawing and the study of Russian literature, and the works that he wrote then were far from masterpieces.

At the age of nineteen future genius Russian literature went to Petersburg. There he found a place for himself as an official, and also tried his hand at theater and literature. But the service was a burden to Gogol, and in the theater he did little. Eventually future writer decided to develop in the literary field.

How Success Started

The history of the comedy "The Inspector General" happened much later. And at the beginning literary path Gogol had many difficult trials. The public did not want to notice and accept it. He wrote and put his manuscripts on the table, because they were of no interest to anyone.

The time was difficult, but the writer withstood it and finally published a work that brought him long-awaited fame and success. It was "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" (the first name was "Basavryuk"). It was after him that the world recognized Nikolai Vasilyevich as a good writer.

Gogol's mysticism

The history of the creation of The Inspector General (Gogol) is quite simple, it is not at all covered with mysticism. However, ask any schoolchild, and he will certainly answer you that Nikolai Vasilyevich is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic figures in literary history.

The writer was very interested in religion, mysticism. Which clearly demonstrates his novel called "Viy". Gogol himself claimed that this work was based on local (Ukrainian) folklore, folk tradition. But historians and literary critics, no matter how much they searched, cannot find at least any mention of the events described in the work. And this proves that Nikolai Vasilyevich himself invented and painted the whole mystical plot.

In addition, in Gogol's writing history there is another mystery page. It is not known for certain, but it is still believed that Gogol (a few days before his own death) decided to burn the second volume of another of his great books, Dead Souls. Why he did it, and whether he did it at all, the descendants will never know. However, there is no evidence that this event did not happen either. Therefore, it remains only to guess and talk about how mysterious the writer was.

The mysterious death of a writer

Before the history of the creation of the "Auditor" will be covered, a brief look at last days great writer.

Nikolai Vasilyevich died in 1852 on February 21. Even during his lifetime he was a mysterious person, but his death is also not ordinary. It's all about the fact that all my life greatest writer he was terribly afraid of only one thing - that he would be buried alive. Therefore, he never went to bed and mostly napped in the armchair during the day.

There is an opinion that Nikolai Vasilievich suffered mental illness, which, together with a heightened passion for religion, aggravated in last years Gogol's life, brought him to severe exhaustion. But the writer still did not die from this.

Gogol's death was shrouded in mysticism, and after several years, endless conjectures and gossip forced the writer's body to be exhumed. And then (supposedly) all those present saw that the body of Nikolai Vasilyevich was in an unnatural position. And the inside of the lid of the coffin in which the writer rested was all torn apart, as if someone had torn and scratched it with their nails in order to get out.

Thus, a hypothesis appeared that Gogol did not die a natural death. He, due to the severe exhaustion of the body, fell into a lethargic sleep. And he was buried alive.

The history of the comedy "The Government Inspector" by N. V. Gogol

It is believed that the idea of ​​writing this comedy came to Gogol's mind when he was working on the first volume of " dead souls". It was in 1835, the author decided to create a work that would bring together all the vices of man, everything bad that was in Russia at that time.

The writer wanted to show people all the injustices of life, not only ridicule them and force readers and viewers to draw the appropriate conclusions, but simply laugh heartily at the bedlam that is described in the play and, accordingly, is happening in the country.

Gogol completed his work after two months. But he continued to rewrite, to add the result. So the history of the creation of the comedy "The Government Inspector" by Gogol stretched until 1836.

First show

The premiere of the comedy took place on April 19 of the same year at the Alexandrinsky Theater, which is located on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg. The whole event was quite serious, because the emperor himself, Nikolai I, was sitting in the hall. Gogol was waiting and at the same time was afraid of the reaction that would follow after watching his grandiose comedy.

But the public mistook it for vaudeville and did not understand at all deep meaning that was laid by Gogol in his creation.

However, the writer was upset not only because of this. He himself felt that the comedy was a little boring and should be somewhat redone. And because the history of the creation of the "Inspector" continued.

final version

The comedy received a proper response only in 1842, when the final version of The Inspector General was presented. Then eminent critics and editors of magazines noted that its main feature is grotesqueness, which is felt in absolutely everything, from the plot itself to the characters presented.

However, Nikolai Vasilievich wanted his work to be understood and appreciated as fully and adequately as possible, and therefore, after the comedy was printed in the newspaper and shown in the theater, he published several articles about what the true meaning of The Inspector General was.

The secret history of the creation of the auditor. Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

The very idea of ​​​​writing the comedy The Government Inspector came directly to Gogol. And here's the plot this work was suggested to him by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

This is proved by the surviving correspondence between the two greatest literary geniuses of those times, in which Gogol, turning to Pushkin, asks him to throw interesting story comedies, which, according to him, will be funnier than all that have come before her.

And Alexander Sergeevich in response sends a few lines that serve as the beginning of a future grandiose comedy. Here is the history of the creation of the "Inspector".

Lesson Objectives:

  • To acquaint students with the history of the creation of comedy.
  • consolidate knowledge of the dramatic genre of literature.
  • explain the nature of Gogol's laughter.
  • cultivate interest in the works of the writer.
  • develop presentation skills.
  • develop skills expressive reading, text analysis.

Equipment: multimedia projector, theatrical masks, posters, illustrations for the play, textbook, portrait of N.V. Gogol.

During the classes

  1. Teacher's word about Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General". The history of comedy.
  2. On the genre of comedy.
  3. Literary commentary (work with terms).
  4. The composition of the play.
  5. Commented reading of the poster, "Remarks for gentlemen of the actors."
  6. Checking homework.
  7. The nature of Gogol's humor. Laughter is "the only honest, noble face in comedy".
  8. Homework(compilation of the table).

The course of the lesson is projected on the screen.

Teacher's word:

1. In the 30s XIX years century Gogol seriously thinks about the future of Russian comedy.

The writer believes that the comedy will fulfill its purpose only when the idea of ​​the work is revealed in the system of images, in the composition, in the plot, and not in direct verbal edification, with the punishment of vices in front of the audience.

Gogol turned to Pushkin: “Do yourself a favour, give some kind of plot, at least some kind, funny or not funny, but a purely Russian anecdote. The hand is trembling to write a comedy in the meantime.

In response to Gogol's request, Pushkin told him a story about an imaginary auditor, about a funny mistake that led to the most unexpected consequences. Based on this story, Gogol wrote his comedy The Inspector General. The writer worked on the text of the comedy for 17 years. The story was typical for its time. It is known that in Bessarabia they mistook the publisher of the magazine " Domestic notes» Pig. In the city of Ustyuzhna, at the other end of Russia, a certain gentleman, posing as an auditor, robbed the whole city. There were other similar stories told by Gogol's contemporaries. The fact that Pushkin's anecdote turned out to be so characteristic of Russian life made it especially attractive to Gogol. He wrote in "Petersburg Notes of 1836": "For God's sake, give us Russian characters, give us ourselves, our rogues, our eccentrics to their stage, for everyone to laugh!" The plot of the comedy is based on a commotion among officials, their desire to hide their “sins” from the auditor. The bureaucratic mass became the hero of the comedy. Gogol ridiculed dark sides Russian reality: arbitrariness of power, bribery, ignorance, rudeness, embezzlement.

The comedy also ridicules the everyday side of the life of the inhabitants of the city: the insignificance of interests, hypocrisy and lies, vulgarity, swagger, superstition and gossip. In the center of the comedy is a person who is least able to lead intrigues, a game. The hero does not lead the action, but the action leads the hero.

2. Perform creative groups : (students choose their own material).

Comedy genre conceived by Gogol as a genre public comedy touching on the most fundamental issues of the people's, public life. Pushkin's anecdote suited Gogol very well from this point of view. After all, the characters in the story about the alleged auditor are not private people, but official representatives of the authorities. The events associated with them inevitably capture many people: both those in power and those who are subject. The anecdote told by Pushkin easily succumbed to such artistic development, in which it became the basis of a truly social comedy. Gogol wrote in The Author's Confession: "In The Government Inspector, I decided to collect in one heap everything that was bad in Russia, which I then knew, all the injustices that are being done in those places and in those cases where justice is most required of a person, and laugh at everything at once."

Gogol was accused of distorting reality. But it wasn't. The events depicted in the comedy took place in St. Petersburg, and in Kazan, and in Siberia, and in Saratov, and in Penza. Khlestakov was everywhere, everywhere.

The Inspector General was completed by Gogol on December 4, 1835. Finished in the first edition, then there were more alterations. In April 1936, the comedy was staged. Few true connoisseurs- people educated and honest - were delighted. The majority did not understand the comedy and reacted to it with hostility.

“Everything is against me ... - complained Gogol in a letter to famous actor Shchepkin. “The police are against me, the merchants are against me, the writers are against me.” A few days later, in a letter to the historian M.P. Pogodin, he bitterly remarks: “And what enlightened people would accept with loud laughter and participation, that very thing revolts the bile of ignorance; and this ignorance is universal…”

After staging The Inspector General on stage, Gogol is full of gloomy thoughts. He was not entirely satisfied with the acting. He is frustrated by the general misunderstanding. In these circumstances it is difficult for him to write, it is difficult to live. He decides to go abroad, to Italy. Reporting this to Pogodin. He writes with pain: "A modern writer, a comic writer, a writer of morals should be away from his homeland." The Prophet has no glory in the Fatherland.” But as soon as he leaves the borders of his homeland, the thought of her, great love to her with new force and sharpness arises in him: “Now I have a foreign land in front of me, a foreign land around me, but in my heart is Rus', not nasty Rus', but only beautiful Rus'.”

3. Literary commentary.(teacher speaking)

In order to understand the work "Inspector", we will talk about what are the features literary work intended for the theater, for staging on stage (this work is called play).

In remarks, explanations for the directors of the play and actors, it is reported which characters are involved in the play, what they are in terms of age, appearance, position, what family relations they are connected with (these author's remarks are called poster); the place of action is indicated (a room in the mayor’s house), it is indicated what the hero of the play does and how he pronounces the words of the role (“looking around”, “to the side”).

Gogol was very attentive to his reader. With comments on the play, he sought to help perceive the comedy .

4. Composition of the play:

The action in the play develops through the following stages:

Screen Definitions. (notebook entry)

  • exposition- the action of the play, drawing characters and situations actors before the start of the action.
  • tie- an event from which the active development of the action begins.

Development of the action of the play.

  • climax– moment highest voltage in the play.
  • denouement- the event that ends the action.

During the analysis of the play, students work on these concepts.

In terms of its volume, the play cannot be large, since it is designed for stage performance (for 2-4 hours). Therefore, the plays depict the most significant events, which develop rapidly, energetically, pushing the actors who are fighting, covert or overt.

5. Reading the poster and comments for the actors.

Remarks for gentlemen actors give a detailed description of the characters.

After reading the list of actors, we find that there is no auditor there. Is the title character an off-stage character?

We will answer this question in the course of the analysis of the comedy.

6. Checking homework.

Students give a presentation playbill), hand over illustrations for the play.

7. The nature of Gogol's laughter.

Laughter is the only "honest, noble face in comedy."

Creative team performing.

Gogol ridiculed the dark sides of Russian reality: the arbitrariness of the authorities, bribery, embezzlement. ignorance, rudeness. And the exposure of negative characters in comedy has long been not through a noble face, but through the action of deeds, dialogues of themselves. Negative heroes Gogol themselves expose themselves in the eyes of the viewer.

But ... the heroes of N.V. Gogol are exposed not with the help of morality and moralizing, but by ridicule. "Only laughter strikes vice here." (Gogol).

The author chose to fight all the evil that was in tsarist Russia, high, noble laughter, because he was deeply convinced that "even the one who is not afraid of anything is afraid of laughter." With faith in the healing power of laughter, he created his comedy.

Final word of the teacher: What is depicted is a mirror in which Gogol shows society to society.

Fear of exposure is driving force plot.

8. Homework.

1. Prepare a message. Description of one of the characters.

Table "Characteristics of the image"




2. How do you understand the epigraph: “There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked”?

Answer the question in writing.

In 1935, he wrote to Pushkin: "Do me a favor, give me a plot, the spirit will be a comedy of five acts and, I swear, it will be funnier than the devil." The history of the comedy The Inspector General dates back to 1934. Gogol was sure that the comedy genre is the future of Russian literature.

The idea to write a comedy based on a "purely Russian anecdote" came to Gogol in the process of working on " Dead souls". Obviously, the work on "Dead Souls" influenced the direction in which Gogol began to develop the plot of the comedy. It took Gogol only two months to complete his creative plan (October-November 1835), but work on the comedy continued.

About N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector"

The premiere of the comedy took place on April 19, 1836. The emperor himself, Nicholas I, was present. Gogol was dejected by what he saw: the idea of ​​the comedy was not understood by either the actors or the audience. During the performance of the comedy, Gogol remarked that "the beginning of the fourth act is pale and bears a sign of some kind of fatigue." Gogol listened to the remark of one of the actors that "it's not so clever that Khlestakov is the first to ask for a loan and that it would be better if the officials themselves offered him."

The final edition of the comedy refers to 1842. The Inspector General, staged and published in the press, caused numerous and contradictory responses. Gogol felt the need to explain the meaning of his comedy. In a word, it was the same “purely Russian anecdote” that Gogol needed to realize his plan.

The play was allowed to be staged far from immediately, and only after V. Zhukovsky personally had to convince the emperor of the trustworthiness of the comedy. Everyone got it, but I got it the most.” Even if these words were not actually said, it well reflects how the public perceived Gogol's bold creation.

As you can see, the history of the creation of the play "The Inspector General" indicates that the writing of this work was not so easy for the author, taking away a lot of both his strength and time. Gogol began work on the play in the autumn of 1835. It is traditionally believed that the plot was suggested to him by A. S. Pushkin. It seemed that Gogol's only concern was how to delve into the subject, new to him, and how to more accurately convey his own impression. Gogol's own drawing last scene Auditor.

In the comedy "The Inspector General" actually goodies No. They are not even outside the scene and outside the plot. The relief image of the image of city officials and, above all, the mayor, complements the satirical meaning of the comedy. But Nicholas I decided to fight comedy in his own way. Gogol was disappointed by the public talk and the unsuccessful St. Petersburg production of the comedy and refused to take part in the preparation of the Moscow premiere.

Perhaps for the first time in all the eight decades that stage history"Inspector", - on the Russian stage is finally revealed! Inserts were borrowed not only from the primary editions of the play, but also from other works by Gogol.

The images of Avdotya and Parashka, servants in the mayor's house, were expanded. Comedy had a significant impact on Russian literature in general and dramaturgy in particular. Gogol's contemporaries noted her innovative style, depth of generalization and convexity of images. Immediately after the first readings and publications, Gogol's work was admired by Pushkin, Belinsky, Annenkov, Herzen, Shchepkin. The history of the creation of this play is connected with the name of Pushkin. And, according to Gogol, Pushkin really suggested new plot, telling a story about a certain gentleman who in the provinces pretended to be an important Petersburg official.

But for all its typicality and comicality, the story of the imaginary auditor, in essence, did not contain anything remarkable. But under the pen of Gogol, it unfolded into the broadest "laughing panorama", embracing almost the entire society of that time. One of literary critics of that time he wrote: “... those who think that this comedy is funny, and nothing more, are mistaken. Despite the obvious success of the premiere of The Inspector General on stage Alexandrinsky Theater, Gogol was dissatisfied with his play.

About when the writer began to work on the creation of a comedy, the researchers cannot give an exact answer, just as they do not agree on any opinion. We invite the reader to get acquainted with the birth of imperishable classics and plunge into the world brilliant writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

It was the father who instilled young Nicholas love for literature, and partly the history of the creation of The Inspector General and other brilliant works of Gogol began precisely when Nikolai was a child. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's mother, Maria Ivanovna, was half her husband's age. He decides to discuss this with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and he, in turn, tells him a story-an anecdote about a false auditor who arrived in the city of Ustyuzhna and famously robbed all its inhabitants.

Significant changes to the text of the comedy were made in 1836, during the production of The Inspector General on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. From the deep meaning invested in the play, nothing was extracted. The comedy was taken for an ordinary vaudeville. When preparing the second edition of the comedy "The Inspector General", the first four phenomena of this act were remade. Almost everyone present was delighted with the play. However, the history of the "Inspector" was still far from over.

The great Russian classic, playwright, publicist, poet and critic Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (born Yanovsky) wrote many works in his life. Many of them are mandatory school curriculum, and also became the basis of magnificent performances, films, productions. One of the most bright works Gogol - a comedy in 5 acts "The Government Inspector". The history of the creation of the "Inspector" is interesting and unusual. We invite the reader to get acquainted with the birth of the imperishable classics and plunge into the world of the brilliant writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

A little biography

In total, the family had 12 children, six of them died either at birth or in infancy. The first two sons were stillborn, Gogol was the third, suffered and desired child - the first who was born healthy ...

Steps of creativity

The young years of the classic were rebellious - he, like everyone else creative people, possessed a fine mental organization and was looking for himself in himself and a place under the sun. Stories such as " Sorochinskaya Fair”, “May Night, or the Drowned Woman”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. After a while, the collections "Arabesques" and "Mirgorod" are printed.

Significant meeting

The history of the comedy The Inspector General dates back to 1834. Gogol was sure that the comedy genre was the future of Russian literature. He decides to discuss this with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and he, in turn, tells him a story-an anecdote about a false auditor who arrived in the city of Ustyuzhna and famously robbed all its inhabitants. The history of the creation of Gogol's comedy "Inspector General" would not exist if it were not for that significant meeting.

Pushkin's story about a clever swindler unusually struck Nikolai Vasilievich, and he decided to write a work about this, which resulted in an action-packed comedy for 5 acts. By the way, the theme of the play at that time was unusually relevant - every now and then the news slipped that in different parts of Russia, daring and enterprising gentlemen, pretending to be auditors, robbed the people to the skin. By the way, the history of the creation of Gogol's "Inspector General" is reflected in our days. Enough to draw parallels.

and happy ending

While composing the comedy, Gogol experienced all the facets of the pangs of creativity: the story of the creation of the "Inspector General", described by literary scholars, claims that the writer even wanted to leave his work unfinished. Nikolai Vasilievich often wrote about his torments to Pushkin, but he persistently urged him to finish the play. Gogol heeded the advice of Alexander Sergeevich, and already in 1034, in the house of Vasily Zhukovsky, he read his creation to Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Turgenev and other writers. The play caused extraordinary delight among the audience and was subsequently staged. This is how the history of the creation of the comedy "The Inspector General" developed, the plot of which we will briefly describe in this article.

The play featured...

There are many characters in the work. We will talk about each of them.

  • Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich. The mayor of the main county town N, who confidently secured his position in society and feels himself almost the master of life. He knows all sins local officials and manipulate that knowledge to his advantage. In addition, he allows himself various liberties - for example, he takes any goods on the market for free, and also imposes high taxes on merchants and obliges him to bring him treats on his name day. In a word, he feels very at ease. By the way, the history of the creation of Gogol's "Inspector General" claims that the image of the mayor is a subtle allusion to the image of Russia.
  • Anna Andreevna- wife of Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky.
  • Maria Antonovna- the daughter of the mayor, a savvy and sharp-tongued young lady.
  • bear- a servant of Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky.
  • Khlopov Luka Lukich- superintendent of educational institutions.
  • Lyapkin-Tyapkin Ammos Fedorovich- local judge.
  • Strawberry Artemy Filippovich- Trustee of charitable institutions.
  • Shpekin Ivan Kuzmich- postmaster.
  • Bobchinsky Pyotr Ivanovich and Dobchinsky Pyotr Ivanovich- Wealthy landlords.
  • Khlestkov Ivan Alexandrovich Petersburg official.
  • Osip- Khlestakov's servant.
  • Gibner Christian Ivanovich- Local doctor.
  • Korobkin Stepan Ivanovich, Rastakovskiy Ivan Lazarevich and Lyulyukov Fedor Ivanovich- retired officials, honorary persons of the city.
  • Ukhovertov Stepan Ilyich- bailiff.
  • Derzhimorda, Buttons and Svistunov- Police representatives.
  • Abdulin- a local merchant.
  • Poshlepkina Fevronya Petrovna- locksmith.
  • Tavern servant, petitioners, philistines, merchants and guests of the city N.

The history of the creation of the play "The Inspector General" lasted several years and resulted in as many as five acts. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Act one

Khlestakov Ivan Ivanovich with his faithful servant Osip is heading from St. Petersburg to Saratov and, passing by the county town N, decides to take a break from the road and play cards. As a result, the unfortunate loses and is left without a penny in his pocket.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the city, mired to the very ears in theft of the treasury and bribes, is horrified by the arrival of a strict auditor. The mayor Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky learned about the arrival of an important person from a letter he received. Anton Antonovich arranges a meeting of officials in his house, reads out a letter and gives them instructions. The city rich Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, having learned by chance about the new guest of the hotel Khlestakov, come to the conclusion that he is the same auditor. In a panic, the landowners report him to Anton Antonovich. A form of turmoil begins. All those who have a “stigma in the cannon” begin to feverishly cover up their affairs, while the mayor himself, after much deliberation, decides to meet with the auditor personally.

By the way, the horror of officials is easy to understand - the history of the creation of Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" suggests that at the time of writing this work, everyone was very afraid of the auditors. was ineradicable, and yet those in power and officials continued to sin and steal, thereby being literally on a razor's edge. It is not surprising that Gogol's characters panicked - no one wanted to be punished.

Act two

At the same time, Khlestakov, starving and losing to the nines, who settled in the economy room of the cheapest hotel, thinks about how and where to get hold of food. He managed to beg the tavern servant to serve him soup and roast, and, having eaten everything without a trace, he speaks rather unflatteringly about the quantity and quality of the dishes served. Suddenly, for Khlestakov, an impressive figure of the mayor appears in his room. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky is sure that Ivan Alexandrovich is that terrible auditor. And Khlestakov, in a panic, thinks that Anton Antonovich came to his soul for non-payment on a tip from the hotel owner.

The mayor, meanwhile, behaves very strangely: he is shy in front of Khlestakov and ingratiatingly gives him a bribe. Ivan Alexandrovich does not realize that he was mistaken for an inspector, and comes to the conclusion that the mayor - good man With good heart who lends him money. And Anton Antonovich is happy to heaven because he managed to foist uninvited guest bribe. The mayor decides to play the role of a naive fool in order to find out about the plans of the auditor. However, Khlestakov, not knowing the essence of things, behaves simply and directly, completely confusing the mayor.

Anton Antonovich comes to the conclusion that Khlestakov is a cunning and smart type with whom you need to keep your "ears on top". In order to talk Ivan Alexandrovich, he invites him to visit charitable institutions in the hope that alcohol will untie the auditor's tongue.

The history of the creation of the comedy "The Government Inspector" takes us to an ordinary town of those times. In this work, Gogol reveals to us all the subtleties of city life. In addition, the writer describes the architecture, the customs of the inhabitants. Agree, after so many years, nothing has changed - except that the mayor is now called the mayor, the tavern is now called the hotel, and the charitable institution is the restaurant ... The history of the creation of the "Auditor" began a long time ago, but the theme of the play is still relevant today.

Act three

After a drinking bout, a pretty tipsy false auditor ends up in the mayor's house. Having met the wife and daughter of Anton Antonovich, Khlestakov tries to impress them by talking about what an important rank he occupies in St. Petersburg. Entering into a rage, Ivan Aleksandrovich told that he writes operas under a pseudonym, gives receptions and balls with expensive treats, and also composes music. Clever Marya Antonovna frankly laughs at the guest's inventions and aptly catches him in a lie. However, Khlestakov does not even blush and goes to the side.

act four

Khlestakov, who overslept in the morning, does not remember anything. Meanwhile, a line of sinful representatives of the authorities, eager to give him a bribe, is lining up for him. Ivan Alexandrovich accepts money, being firmly convinced that he borrows it and will return everything to the penny upon arrival home. The naive Khlestakov understands what's what only when ordinary townspeople reached out to him with complaints about the mayor. He categorically refuses to take offerings in the form of bribes, but his servant, Osip, shows remarkable perseverance and ingenuity and takes everything.

Having escorted the guests out, Khlestakov asks Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky to agree to the marriage with his daughter, Marya Antonovna. Naturally, the mayor happily agrees. On the same day, Khlestakov, together with Osip and all the good things, leaves the town.

act five

Anton Antonovich and other city officials breathed a sigh of relief. The mayor, anticipating a quick relationship with the auditor, imagines himself living in St. Petersburg with the rank of general. He gathers guests in his house to publicly announce the engagement of his daughter with Khlestakov. However, suddenly the postmaster presents the mayor with an unpleasant surprise - a letter in which it turns out that Khlestakov is in fact just a petty official. The discouraged Anton Antonovich is trying to recover, but he is overtaken by a new blow - he stopped at the hotel real auditor, which calls the mayor "on the carpet." The finale of the play is a silent scene...

This is what it looks like Short story creation of the "Auditor", coupled with the content.

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