A new unknown disease has appeared in Russia. unknown diseases


Nature is boundless and amazing in all its manifestations, including not the most pleasant and safe for humans. For example, even the best of physicians cannot comprehend all the diseases to which people are subject. Many are sure that healthy lifestyle life and regular preventive procedures provide one hundred percent protection against various health problems, but sometimes people "catch" such diseases that they have not even heard of. Here are some of the exotic ailments.

1. Stone Man Syndrome

This congenital hereditary pathology, also known as progressive fibrodysplasia ossificans, or Münheimer's disease, is due to a mutation in one of the genes and is one of the rarest diseases in the world.

The bottom line is that inflammatory processes occurring in ligaments, muscles, tendons and other connective tissues lead to calcification and ossification of matter, which is fraught with serious problems with the musculoskeletal system. This ailment is also called "disease of the second skeleton", as in the human body there is an active growth of bone tissue.

On this moment 800 cases of fibrodysplasia have been registered in the world, and so far doctors have not found effective methods treatment or prevention of this disease - only painkillers are used to alleviate the fate of patients. I must say, there is hope for rectifying the situation, since in 2006, scientists were able to discover exactly which genetic abnormality leads to the formation of a “second skeleton”, and active clinical trials are currently underway to develop ways to combat this terrible disease.

2. Progressive lipodystrophy

People suffering from this unusual ailment look much older than their age, which is why it is sometimes called "reverse Benjamin Button syndrome." For example, in one of known cases This type of lipodystrophy 15-year-old Zara Hartshorn (Zara Hartshorn) is often mistaken for the mother of her older 16-year-old sister. What is the reason for such rapid aging?

Due to hereditary genetic mutation, and sometimes as a result of the use of certain medicines autoimmune mechanisms are disrupted in the body, which leads to a rapid loss of subcutaneous fat reserves. Most often, the adipose tissue of the face, neck, upper limbs and torso suffers, resulting in wrinkles and folds. So far, only 200 cases of progressive lipodystrophy have been confirmed, and it mainly develops in women. Doctors use insulin, facelifts, and collagen injections for treatment, but these are only temporary.

3. Geographic language

Curious name for a disease, isn't it? However, there is also scientific term to designate this "sore" - desquamative glossitis.

Geographic tongue manifests itself in approximately 2.58% of people, and most often the disease has chronic properties and worsens after eating, during stress or hormonal stress.

Symptoms are manifested in the appearance of discolored smooth spots on the tongue, resembling islands, which is why the disease received such an unusual nickname, and over time, some “islands” change their shape and location, depending on which of the taste buds located on the tongue heal, and which, on the contrary, are irritated.

The geographic tongue is practically harmless, if you do not take into account the increased sensitivity to spicy foods or some discomfort that it can cause. Medicine does not know the causes of this disease, but there is evidence of a genetic predisposition to its development.

4. Gastroschisis

Below this are several funny name hides a terrible birth defect in which intestinal loops and other internal organs fall out of the body through a cleft in the front wall of the abdominal cavity.

According to the statistics of American doctors, gastroschisis occurs on average in 373 out of 1 million newborns, and young mothers have a slightly higher risk of having a child with such a deviation. Previously, about 50% of babies with gastroschisis died, but thanks to the development of surgery, mortality has been reduced to 30%, and in the best clinics in the world, about nine out of ten babies can be saved.

5. Pigmentary xeroderma

This hereditary skin disease is manifested in the increased sensitivity of a person to ultraviolet rays. It occurs due to the mutation of proteins responsible for repairing DNA damage that occurs when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The first symptoms usually appear in early childhood(up to 3 years): when a child is in the sun, he develops serious burns after only a few minutes of exposure to sunlight. Also, the disease is characterized by the appearance of freckles, dry skin and uneven discoloration of the skin.

According to statistics, people with xeroderma pigmentosa are more at risk of developing oncological diseases: In the absence of proper preventive measures, about half of children suffering from xeroderma develop some kind of cancer by the age of ten. There are eight types of this disease of varying severity and symptoms. According to European and American doctors, the disease occurs in about four people out of a million.

6. Arnold-Chiari malformation

talking plain language, the essence of this disease is that due to the rapid growth of the brain in the slowly developing bones of the skull, the cerebellar tonsils sink into the foramen magnum with compression of the medulla oblongata.

Previously, it was believed that the deviation was exclusively innate, but recent research proves that this is not the case. The frequency of observation of this anomaly is from 33 to 82 cases per million, and it is diagnosed in both children and adults.

There are several types of Arnold-Chiari malformation, from the most common and least severe first to the very rare and dangerous fourth. Symptoms can appear at any age and most often begin with severe headaches. One of the recognized methods of helping with the disease is surgical decompression of the skull.

7. Alopecia areata

The reasons for the development of this disease lie at the cellular level - the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, which leads to baldness. One of the most severe and rare forms of this disease, alopecia totalis, can lead to complete loss of hair on the head, eyelashes, eyebrows and leg hair, while in some cases the follicles are able to regenerate themselves.

Approximately 2% of the population is affected the globe, and methods for the treatment and prevention of the disease are currently being developed, however, the fight against alopecia areata is complicated by the fact that in the initial stages the deviation is characterized only by itching and increased skin sensitivity.

8. Patellar Nail Syndrome (Nail Patella Syndrome)

This ailment in a mild form manifests itself in the absence or abnormal growth of nails (with indentations and growths), but its symptoms can be quite diverse - up to more serious skeletal anomalies such as a severe deformity or absence of the patella. In some cases, there are visible outgrowths on the posterior surface of the ilium, scoliosis and dislocation of the patella.

A rare hereditary disorder occurs due to a mutation in the LMX1B gene, which plays important role in limb and kidney development. The syndrome occurs in 1 person out of 50 thousand, but the symptoms are so diverse that it is sometimes incredibly difficult to identify the disease at an early stage.

9. Hereditary sensory neuropathy type 1

One of the rarest diseases in the world: this type of neuropathy is diagnosed in two people out of a million. Anomaly occurs due to damage to the peripheral nervous system resulting from an overabundance of the PMP22 gene.

The main sign of the development of hereditary sensory neuropathy of the first type is the loss of sensation in the hands and feet. A person ceases to experience pain and feel a change in temperature, which can lead to tissue necrosis, for example, if a fracture or other injury is not recognized in time. Pain is one of the reactions of the body that signal any "malfunctions", therefore, the loss of pain sensitivity is fraught with too late detection of dangerous diseases, whether it be infections or ulcers.

10. Congenital myotonia

If you have ever heard of goat syncope, then you roughly know what congenital myotonia looks like - due to muscle spasms, a person seems to freeze for a while.

The cause of congenital (congenital) myotonia is a genetic abnormality: due to a mutation, the work of chloride channels is disrupted skeletal muscle. Muscle tissue is "confused", there are arbitrary contractions and relaxation, and the pathology can affect the muscles of the legs, arms, jaws and diaphragm.

Now there are no doctors effective way solutions to this problem, except for radical drug treatment (with the use of anticonvulsant drugs) in the most severe cases. Almost all those suffering from this disease, doctors recommend alternating regular physical exercise with smooth muscle-relaxing movements. I must say, despite some inconvenience, people with this disease may well live a long and happy life.

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Medicine in Russia is faced with a previously unknown disease, in its symptoms reminiscent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is observed in carriers of HIV infection, writes Planet Today. The disease has a fungal nature, according to infected citizens.

Doctors are unable to make a correct diagnosis for such patients, as well as prescribe appropriate treatment, since there are no specialists in the country who could diagnose the disease.

The sick are forced to become real outcasts of society. The Zvezda TV channel dedicated a report to an unknown disease, in which one of the infected, Vera Morozova, a resident of Nizhnevartovsk, talks about her mysterious illness.

According to the testimony of a woman susceptible to the disease, the ailment first manifested itself as influenza, but over time, instead of the expected relief, the symptoms became more and more severe. High fever, pain throughout the body, inflammation of the mucous membranes and the appearance of filamentous formations resembling mushrooms - this is an incomplete list of manifestations of a terrible disease. Doctors, to whom the patient addressed, could not detect any fungal infection.

Vera Morozova is not the only Russian woman to face this problem. There are entire forums on the Internet where patients like her try to self-medicate, because they cannot receive qualified medical care.

Scientists believe that this disease is provoked by a fungus unknown to science. Researchers have begun work to establish the causes of this mysterious disease. Only after that it will be possible to proceed to the development of methods for its treatment.

Earlier, the Chinese media wrote that a disease similar in symptoms is also observed in the Middle Kingdom. Several thousand people died from this mysterious disease. In China, this disease is called AIDS phobia.

Written by: 3epkaJIO DyIIIu TBOEU
you are as naive as children! here is your answer!!! everything came through vaccinations in the cam! I also had a fever all over my body, you go to bed you freeze, but you wake up from the fact that it is incredibly hot! all wet! you are burning all over ... I dressed in anger, and I am all burning ... sorry everyone, I'm sleeping today! such a verse was born in the fall of last year of this year, just in the period of exacerbation, familiar symptoms ??, inexplicable rage anger ... so everything is simple !! it's nanites! nano robots, collective intelligence! =)) if you agree with them, they don't kill! vice versa! help cleanse the body! talk to them! they will answer you! you're just frightened by an unknown alien that roams your body... that's all! fear defines this creature as a disease! how you perceive it will be!

Written by: Elena
www.03.ru/section/spid/3936394#m3968281. here is a link to a story with a guy eugene who died 8 years after infection, he no longer had the strength at all. there are many of us with such symptoms. but this is not a fungus, but rather a viral infection. according to the blood test and the immunogram, the doctors speak of a viral infection. my mail [email protected] Ready for research if necessary. I live in St. Petersburg. I had all the acute symptoms, as according to the book of Pokrovsky and serious condition month. Pen pal with his wife with the same symptoms and test results. We all have HIV negative. No one knows what is happening to us. We are waiting for help from medicine!

Written by: Elena
Igor, this is the yukhiv forum in the thread, it seems to me that I have hiv symptoms, also the arvt forum in the many symptoms of infection section, but the result is negative, forum 03, the AIDS section, there are a lot of comments from people with symptoms under the topics. And many more other forums. I myself have been sitting on these forums for 3 years and I am a victim of this disease unknown to science, there were all the symptoms in November 2013 after contact was not protected. those symptoms for 3 years, weakness in the legs and the whole body, white coating on the tongue and tinnitus, as well as changes in the blood test and immcnogram. I am glad that we dealt with this problem

Written by: Vera Morozova
Igor, "There are entire forums on the Internet where patients like her try to self-medicate, because they cannot receive qualified medical care."
There are no specific forums, people sit on those forums where they have more manifestations of the disease, due to a lack of understanding of physiology, human biochemistry and, as a result, complete trust in doctors and the absence of real treatment. You can Skype me under the name Vera g.Nizhnevartovs main.person , I will introduce you to the contacts of our chat, where we exchange experiences

Written by: Igor
Hello Angelina! I really need your help - give me links to these forums! I've searched everywhere, but I can't find it!

One day in 2003, Mary Leitao pulled out some fiber from a wound under the lip of her two-year-old son, Drew. The fiber was weightless, like a dandelion, but not the only one.

Mary began to take her Drew to the doctors. And after 3 pediatricians, 3 allergists, 2 dermatologists and other doctors could not diagnose the disease, Mary panicked: she realized that she was faced with a serious problem. And more and more non-healing wounds appeared on Drew's body, from which some fibers grew - white, black, red or blue. The boy kept saying that some kind of boogers were crawling under his skin - he showed, for example, to his lips and said "insects."

It was not eczema, not an allergy, but something very strange.

Desperate in March 2004, Mary Leitao began to read medical literature and in an article XVII century on French I found something similar in symptoms - black hairs appear from the skin. And it was called Morgellon's disease. Baby Drew clearly had something else. But the name stuck.

Mary turned to Internet readers - hoping to get news from scientists or doctors. Instead - thousands of messages from other sufferers. And they all described wounds and fibers and, in addition, listed many other symptoms: “brain fog”, fatigue, muscle cramps, joint pain, loss of hair and nails, temporary memory lapses, decreased performance, communication difficulties, alienation from family depression, suicidal thoughts.

In general, the description of this disease is suitable only for science fiction. “A person has the feeling that something is crawling on the skin and under the skin,” says Judy Johnson, “and the multi-colored fibers emerging from the skin seem to be living beings, moreover, intelligent.” These are some kind of the thinnest threads, cobwebs, sometimes - a kind of granule, seed or bug. Some see insects flying out of the body and flying into the skin. All this is accompanied by a sensation of tingling, burning and, most importantly, unbearable itching. Physical suffering is especially terrible. “It's such pain that, if I could, I'd go for a leg amputation just to get rid of it all,” says Judy.

Crowd of versions

One of the "fashionable" versions says that genetically modified agricultural products are to blame for Morgellon's disease. After all, scientists have repeatedly built animal genes into plants. For example, a jellyfish or a spider. Here, in a person, some kind of spider bugs, or seeds, or plant fibers appear in the body.

Dr. Raphael Stricker of San Francisco believes that a bacterium characteristic of plants is to blame. And that means that people picked it up from the soil or mud. For example, through ticks that can carry up to 40 different diseases.

Another sensational version is that these are textile fibers that have fallen into wounds from clothes and have taken root in human flesh. But maybe it's not even fabric, but ... plastic?

Daniel Elkan, in New Science, described one patient who, for years, finds “fibers that look like flexible plastic, some zigzagging. They are as thin as the silk of cobwebs, but strong enough to even break through the skin if they are pulled.

Again, just confusion.

The first scientist to seriously investigate mysterious illness, became Professor Randy Wymore, head of the Morgellons Research Foundation research program. The very first results of his work refuted the version of hallucinations. “But these are not textile fibers,” the scientist said, “and not worms, not insects, not fragments of human skin or hair. In general, these threads do not appear from outside - they materialize inside the body.

Only in January 2008, a grant was allocated for the study of Morgellon's disease. In the meantime, strange fibers were sent to laboratories, in particular to the University of Oklahoma, where, under the direction of Dr. Wymore, they were investigated. And what? It turned out that the fibers from different patients are very similar to each other, but nevertheless they are not similar to any of the known to science fibers!

In another study, Vitaly Tsitovsky, a professor of biochemistry and cell biology at New York University, discovered that the fibers contain a genus of gram-negative bacteria that can genetically transform not only plants but also human cells! According to Professor Cytovsky, this does not mean that Morgellon's disease is caused by these bacteria or that it is an infectious disease. We still need to accumulate statistics and work with laboratory animals.

Is it from chemtrails?!

Now another, the most exotic version has appeared - that Morgellon's disease appears from the so-called. "chemtrails" (chemical traces) left in the sky by some mysterious aircraft. In general, chemtrails are one of the mysteries recent years. People who have been sprayed with aerosols suffer from headaches, nausea, fever, skin rashes, asthma, etc. Whether someone deliberately sprays some chemicals, or it the new kind weapons (for example, weather), or even the machinations of aliens. But there is also such a nightmarish version: tiny sensors made on the basis of nanotechnology are sprayed from the sky, falling into the air, water and food, and with them into the human body.

Recently, three scientists collected samples of both fibers (from chemtrails and victims of Morgellons) and sent them for analysis to four different laboratories. The result was stunning. It turned out that chemtrails over Texas and, say, over Italy are almost identical in composition. But - and this is especially important - the fibers sprayed from airplanes are, as it were, the "infant" version of those that grow from the body of patients, i.e. it is, as it were, their "pre-Morgellonian stage." In victims of Morgellons disease, these fibers are more developed and resemble the thinnest nanowires.

Shocking statement

And now Jeff Rens, the owner of the site, radio host and winner of the prestigious Peabody Journalism Award, comes up with a new definition of Morgellon's disease. Most likely, this is a nanotechnology-induced invasion of human tissues from the outside, manifesting itself in the form of self-replicating tubes, wires and colored fibers, with many sensors or "antennas" and objects of other visible configurations, some of which carry something that may be genetically modified and / or spliced ​​DNA/RNA. These (nano-modeled) "machines" perfectly take root in an alkaline environment and use the bioelectric energy of the human body, its minerals and other elements for their vital activity. In addition, the tiny nanomachines have their own internal "batteries" capable of responding to specifically tuned microwaves, electromagnetic fields, and other signals. Those. these nanomachines can receive information from the outside and have something like group intelligence, or "hive mind".

But can nanofibers scattered in chemtrails break down and turn into nanoparticles? It's possible, says Dr. Staninger. And nanoparticles can penetrate the bloodstream into the lungs, the brain and any other parts of the body. There, they copy the DNA of the microbes or cells they come in contact with, producing more bacteria, more cells, and - through self-assembly - turn into full-sized nanowires, pseudo hairs and/or pseudo skins.

You can't hide anywhere!

According to Dr. Castle, at least a million Americans, and maybe even twenty million, already carry these sensors, antennas, wires, probes, matrices, grids, grids, and so on in their bodies - all in nano-parameters. Morgellons disease is spreading at a rate of about 1,000 victims a day. These rates will increase every year.

By spraying from above, it is possible to secretly implant biological nanosensors "thinner than a human hair" into people. And what can be done with the "labeled", anyone understands. Not only to read thoughts, intentions, emotions, but also to carry out remote psychotronic processing of the population. Microscopic sensors can penetrate anywhere, this is called "smart dust", and it is chemically programmed - for example, to penetrate only into a specific substance, to self-replicate, to attach to clothes, etc. Other sensors dropped from above are capable of "sniffing out" a specific molecule in the air or "licking" it on the surface - they are supplied, as it were, with "nano-noses" or "nano-tongues". Their readings can be scanned using rays (ultraviolet, X-ray and others) and then processed. Now experts are already developing sensors that track specific person by his personal scent. In other words, the emphasis is shifting to nanosensors that can hear, smell and touch.

What does the coming day have in store for us?

Unmanned aircrafts for collecting data from "ground-based sensors" (including those in the human body) can be very diverse - from space platforms and spy satellites to tiny devices in the form of, for example, a dragonfly or a fly. And there are already technologies that can shield them, cover them in such a way that no radar or satellite will see them. A more economical option - with the help of space mirrors, sensor data can be reflected and sent to a tracking station. In a word, the wildest ideas of science fiction writers are already becoming a reality. Something has been developed and implemented, and the military plans to implement something before 2025. But Morgellon's disease, more precisely, a nanotechnological epidemic spread with the help of chemtrails, is already an undoubted nightmarish reality of our days.

Science has made significant progress in medicine - it is now possible to cope with such diseases that our ancestors only dreamed of defeating. However, there are still diseases that make doctors throw up their hands in bewilderment. The origin of some of them is unknown, or they affect the body in an absolutely incredible way. Perhaps one day it will be possible to explain and cope with these strange diseases, but for now they still remain a mystery to mankind.

From people who can dance themselves to death to water allergies, here are 25 Incredibly Weird But Real Diseases That Science Can't Explain!

Sleeping sickness

This disease was terrifying when it first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. At first, patients began to hallucinate, and then they became paralyzed. It seemed as if they were sleeping, but in fact these people were conscious. Many died at this stage, and the survivors experienced terrible behavioral problems for the rest of their lives (Parkinson's Syndrome). The epidemic of this disease no longer manifested itself, and doctors still do not know what caused it, although many versions have been put forward (a virus, an immune reaction that destroys the brain). Presumably, Adolf Hitler was ill with encephalitis lethargica, and subsequent parkinsonism could influence his rash decisions.

Acute flabby myelitis

Myelitis - inflammation spinal cord. It is sometimes called polio syndrome. It is a neurological disease that affects children and leads to weakness or paralysis. Young patients experience constant pain in the joints and muscles. Until the end of the 1950s, poliomyelitis was a formidable disease, the epidemics of which in different countries claimed many thousands of lives. Of the sick, about 10% died, and another 40% became disabled.

After the invention of the vaccine, scientists claimed that the disease was defeated. But, despite the assurances of the WHO, polio is not giving up yet - its outbreaks occur from time to time in different countries. At the same time, already vaccinated people get sick, since the virus of Asian origin has acquired an unusual mutation.

Congenital lipodystrophy of Berardinelli - Seip (SLBS)

This is a condition characterized by an acute shortage of adipose tissue in the body and its deposition in atypical places, such as the liver. Because of these strange symptoms, SLPS patients have a very characteristic appearance- they seem very muscular, almost like superheroes. They also tend to have prominent facial bones and enlarged genitals.

In one of the two known types of SLPS, doctors have also found a mild mental disorder, but this is not the biggest problem for patients. This unusual distribution of adipose tissue leads to serious problems more specifically, high blood fat levels and insulin resistance, while fat accumulation in the liver or heart can lead to severe organ damage and even sudden death.

exploding head syndrome

Patients hear incredibly loud explosions in their own heads and sometimes see flashes of light that do not exist in reality, and doctors have no idea why. This is a little-studied phenomenon, which is attributed to sleep disorders. The causes of this syndrome, which is more common in women than men, are still unknown. It usually manifests itself against the background of lack (deprivation) of sleep. IN Lately an increasing number of young people suffer from this syndrome.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

This phenomenon is sudden death from respiratory arrest in an apparently healthy infant or child, in which the autopsy does not allow to establish the cause of death. SIDS is sometimes referred to as "crib death" because it may not be preceded by any symptoms, often the child dies in their sleep. The causes of this syndrome are still unknown.

Aquagenic urticaria

Also known as water allergy. Patients experience a painful skin reaction upon contact with water. This is a real disease, although very rare. IN medical literature only about 50 cases have been described. Water intolerance causes a severe allergic response, sometimes even to rain, snow, sweat or tears. Manifestations are usually stronger in women, and the first symptoms are found during puberty. The causes of water allergy are not clear, but symptoms can be treated with antihistamines.

Brainerd's diarrhea

Named after the city where the first such case was recorded (Brinerd, Minnesota, USA). Sufferers who have caught this infection visit the toilet 10-20 times a day. Diarrhea is often accompanied by nausea, cramps, and constant fatigue.

In 1983, there were eight outbreaks of Brainerd's diarrhea, six of them in the United States. But the first was still the largest - 122 people fell ill in a year. There are suspicions that the disease occurs after drinking fresh milk - but it is still not clear why it torments a person for so long.

Severe visual hallucinations, or Charles Bonnet syndrome

A condition in which patients experience quite vivid and complex hallucinations despite suffering partial or complete loss of vision due to old age or diseases such as diabetes and glaucoma.

Although there are few documented cases of this disease, it is believed to be widespread among older people suffering from blindness. Between 10 and 40% of blind people suffer from Charles Bonnet syndrome. Fortunately, unlike the other conditions listed here, the symptoms of severe visual hallucinations disappear on their own after a year or two as the brain begins to adjust to the loss of vision.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity

More of a mental illness than a physical one. Patients believe that their various symptoms are caused by electromagnetic fields. However, doctors have found that people cannot distinguish real fields from fake ones. Why do they still believe it? This is usually associated with conspiracy theories.

Chained Man Syndrome

During the development of this syndrome, the patient's muscles become more and more constrained until he is completely paralyzed. Doctors aren't sure what exactly causes these symptoms; plausible hypotheses include diabetes and mutating genes.


This disease is characterized by the use of inedible substances. People suffering from this disease experience a constant desire to consume various types of non-food substances, including dirt, glue, instead of food. That is, everything that comes to hand during an exacerbation. Physicians still have not found any real reason disease, no cure.

English sweat

English sweat, or English sweating fever, is an infectious disease of unknown etiology with a very high level mortality, which visited Europe several times (primarily Tudor England) between 1485 and 1551. The disease began with chills, dizziness and headache, as well as pain in the neck, shoulders and limbs. Then a fever and intense sweat, thirst, increased heart rate, delirium, pain in the heart began. There were no skin rashes. characteristic feature illness was severe drowsiness, often preceding the onset of death after exhausting sweat: it was believed that if a person was allowed to fall asleep, he would not wake up.

At the end of the 16th century, "English sweating fever" suddenly disappeared and since then has never appeared anywhere else, so that now we can only speculate about the nature of this very unusual and mysterious disease.

Peruvian meteorite disease

When a meteorite fell near the village of Carancas in Peru, locals approaching the crater fell ill with an unknown disease that caused severe nausea. Doctors believe that the cause was arsenic poisoning from a meteorite.

Blaschko lines

The disease is characterized by the appearance of unusual stripes all over the body. This disease was first discovered by a German dermatologist in 1901. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of visible asymmetrical bands on the human body. Anatomy still cannot explain such a phenomenon as Blaschko's Lines. There is an assumption that these lines have been incorporated in human DNA since time immemorial and are inherited.

Kuru disease or laughing death

The Fore tribe of cannibals, living in the mountains of New Guinea, was discovered only in 1932. The members of this tribe suffered from the deadly disease kuru, the name of which in their language has two meanings - "trembling" and "corruption". Fore believed that the disease was the result of the evil eye of another shaman. The main symptoms of the disease are severe trembling and jerky movements of the head, sometimes accompanied by a smile, similar to that which appears in patients with tetanus. In the initial stage, the disease is manifested by dizziness and fatigue. Then added headache, convulsions and, finally, typical trembling. Within a few months, the brain tissue degrades into a spongy mass, after which the patient dies.

The disease was spread through ritual cannibalism, namely the eating of the brain of a person suffering from this disease. With the eradication of cannibalism, kuru practically disappeared.

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Usually develops in childhood. The symptoms are quite understandable - repeated bouts of vomiting and nausea. Doctors do not know what exactly is the cause of this disorder. What is clear is that people with this disease can suffer from nausea for days or weeks. In the case of one patient, the most acute attack was expressed in the fact that she vomited 100 times a day. Usually this happens 40 times a day, mainly due to stress or in a state of nervous excitement. Seizures are impossible to predict.

Blue skin syndrome, or acanthosis derma

People with this diagnosis have blue or plum skin. In the last century, a whole family blue people lived in US state Kentucky. They were called the Blue Fugates. By the way, besides this hereditary disease, they did not have any other diseases, and most of of this family lived for more than 80 years.

Disease of the twentieth century

Also known as multiple chemical sensitivity. The disease is characterized by negative reactions to various modern chemicals and products, including plastics and synthetic fibers. As with electromagnetic sensitivity, patients do not respond unless they know they are interacting with chemicals.


The most famous incident of this disease occurred in 1518 in Strasbourg, France, when a woman named Frau Troffea started dancing for no reason. Hundreds of people joined her over the next few weeks, and eventually many of them died of exhaustion. Probable causes - mass poisoning or mental disorder.

Progeria (Progeria), Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome

Children affected by this disease look like ninety-year-olds. Progeria is caused by a defect in the human genetic code. This disease has unavoidable and detrimental consequences for humans. Most of those born with this disease die by the age of 13, as the aging process is accelerated in their body. Progeria is extremely rare. This disease is seen in only 48 people worldwide, five of which are relatives, therefore, it is also considered hereditary.


Some scientists believe that it was this disease that gave rise to myths and legends about vampires and werewolves. Why? The skin of patients affected by this disease blisters and "boils" when exposed to sunlight, and their gums "dry out", making their teeth look like fangs. You know what's the weirdest thing? The chair turns purple.

The causes of this disease are still not well understood. It is known that it is hereditary and is associated with improper synthesis of red blood cells. Many scientists are inclined to believe that in most cases it occurs as a result of incest.

Gulf War Syndrome

A disease that affected veterans of the Gulf War. The symptoms range from insulin resistance to loss of muscle control. Doctors believe that the disease was caused by the use of depleted uranium in weapons (including chemical ones).

Maine Jumping French Syndrome

The main symptom of this disease is a strong fright if something unexpected happens to the patient. At the same time, a person susceptible to illness jumps up, starts screaming, waves his arms, stumbles, falls, starts rolling on the floor and cannot calm down for a long time. This disease was first recorded in the United States in 1878 in a Frenchman, hence its name. Described by George Miller Beard, this disease only affected French Canadian lumberjacks in northern Maine. Doctors believe that this is a genetic disease.

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