Georgia interesting facts traditions. About Georgia, the country of the blue language and good people - SickJournal


Lively, bright, hospitable and sincere - this is how millions of tourists remember Georgia, but few people know about it really amazing facts associated with this country.

If, after reading this article, there is a desire to visit this beautiful country, do not forget to contact the directory of enterprises and organizations of the country, where you can get acquainted with the price list for the services of these enterprises.

1. Sakartvelo - this is how Georgians call their country. This word comes from the name of the people who lived on the territory of present-day Georgia - the Kartvels. The word "Georgia" came to the Russian language in the 17th-18th centuries, from the Arabic "Gurjistan". English-speaking people call Georgia "Georgia" (Georgia), which is why foreigners often confuse Georgia with the American state of the same name.

2. The remains of the first representatives of the human race were found on the territory of Georgia. They were discovered in 1991 in Dmanisi. The remains have been proven to be approximately 1.77 million years old. Ancient people were given the names Zezva and Mzia.

3. Georgia is one of the oldest wine regions in the world. Archaeologists have confirmed that already eight thousand years ago vineyards were cultivated here and wine was produced. Today, thousands of different varieties grapes, about 500 species of the four thousand grape varieties known throughout the world have Georgian roots. In 2013, according to the decision of UNESCO, the Georgian way of aging wine in Qvevri (clay jugs) was included in the list of untouchables. cultural heritage humanity.

4. In Orthodox world Georgia is considered the Lot of the Mother of God - a land that is under special protection Mother of God. The patron saint of the country is St. George, and the Chiton of the Lord is kept in ancient capital Georgia - Mtskheta (near Tbilisi).

6. The unique Georgian language is distinguished not only by its unusual beauty, but also by its complexity - the pronunciation of a number of words can be a real test for many.

Yes, in Georgian language there are words of eight consonants in a row - for example ?????????? ("gvprtskvnis"). But this is not a "ceiling" - in the famous Georgian work "The Knight in tiger skin"the word with 11 consonants in a row is used - ?????????????????? and it sounds" vephvtmbrdgvneli ".

7. The commune of Ushguli at an altitude of 2086-2200 meters above sea level is recognized as the highest ever locality Europe. And the highest point of Georgia is the mountain peak Shkhara - 5.068 meters.

8. Georgia is in the top ten safe countries world according to the Crime Index for Country 2016. The Telegraph ranked Georgia in the Top 10 countries with developing tourism, and in terms of ease of doing business, Georgia ranks fourth in Europe.

9. "The eighth wonder of the world" calls international press Georgian national dances. Their peculiarity is the "toepoint" technique - a dance on the fingertips in special leather shoes.

10. And finally - the most delicious. Georgian cuisine is considered one of the best in the world. There are more than 250 types of cheeses here alone.

Georgia is an amazing country. Not without reason in the famous Georgian song "Tbilisso" it is sung that such beauties cannot be found in other parts of the world. As soon as people get to this country of the sun, mountains and hospitable people, they fall in love with it once and for all.

Georgia is a country of legends and curious traditions. We will tell you about the most interesting traditions and facts about Georgia in this article.

1. Sakartvelo - this is how Georgians call their country. This word comes from the name of the people who lived on the territory of present-day Georgia - the Kartvels. The word "Georgia" came into our language in the 17th-18th centuries from the Arabic "Gurjistan".

2. In ancient world Georgia and Spain were called the same - Iberia. And the language of the Basques (the people living in Spain) is very similar to Georgian. Now English name Georgia - Georgia is often confused with the name of the US state of the same name.

3. Georgia adopted Christianity much earlier Kievan Rus. Back in 319. Today, 88.6% of the population of Georgia professes Christianity, most of them are adherents of the Georgian Orthodox Church.

4. There is no stress as such in the Georgian language, only the tone rises on a certain syllable. Also in Georgian there is no capital letters, there is no male and feminine(it depends on the context). Before you pronounce Georgian word, make sure it sounds right. After all, you can be in funny situation when one wrong sound radically changes the meaning of the word. For example, many tourists pronounce the name of the city "Gori" in such a way that it turns out "pig".

5. The Georgian language uses the vigesimal system for naming numbers. To pronounce a number between 20 and 100, you need to break it into twenty and name their number and remainder. For example: 33 is twenty-thirteen, and 78 is three-twenty-eighteen.

6. Do not enter Georgian churches in shorts, with bare head and bare shoulders. If you come on a tour of the temple on the way from the beach or to the beach, be prepared for the fact that you will not be allowed into the shrine. Moreover, if you still come in, you can be kicked out with screams. In Georgia, this is very strict, and Georgians respect their traditions.

7. Georgians are open people. They love to sing loudly, have fun, talk loudly in the streets. But what is better not to talk loudly on the streets is “about thieves in law”. The fact is that since 2004 Georgia has declared war on thieves in law. Georgian law enforcers took into account the fact that according to the thieves' code, a thief in law could not deny his title. Therefore, the following rule was introduced in Georgia: if a person publicly admits that he is a thief in law, go to jail for 10 years.

8. The remains of the first representatives of the human race were found on the territory of Georgia. They were discovered in 1991 in Dmanisi and date back to approximately 1 million 770 thousand years ago. They were given the names Zezva and Mzia.

9. In Tbilisi, it is better to speak Russian or the worst English, but by no means broken Georgian. However, it is worth knowing that the Russian language in Georgia is mainly spoken by the older generation. Russian is not popular among young people and has very limited use. In the mountains, no one owns them at all. Now in the country, English claims to become the second official language in Georgia, children learn it in schools from the first grade.

10. Time in Georgia is ahead of Kiev by 2 hours in winter, and by 1 hour in summer.

11. If you have drunk a lot at a party and do not want to drive your car, then calmly call the police patrol, warning in advance that you do not want to create emergency situations on the road. In gratitude for this behavior, the police will deliver you and the car to your home. And it's all absolutely free.

12. In Georgian high-rise buildings, elevators with payment or a personal key are very often found. Elevators with payment - to go up, you need to go down a certain amount of coins into the mechanism. The descent is free.

13. One of the sights of Georgia is linen hanging from everywhere, which Georgians place not on the territory of the balcony, but outside it.

14. Not all houses in Georgia have central heating. In villages and small towns, people warm themselves with the help of stoves-bourgeois stoves.

15. Georgians do not take off their street shoes when visiting. If you do this, the Georgians may take such a gesture as disrespectful to the hosts. It's even worse if you ask for room slippers.

16. main man during a feast in Georgia - toastmaster. According to custom, this is either the host himself, or he chooses a toastmaster from among the guests (respected person). Please note that you can not interrupt the toastmaster, his word is the law!

17. Toast in Georgia is sacred. No one has the right to drink a glass of wine if, in turn, a toast has not been made by all the people (senior) who participate in the feast.

18. If you see how Georgians eat meat with their hands, you should know that this is not due to bad upbringing and bad manners. In this country, barbecue is eaten with the hands, as if savoring it. This also applies to the national dish khinkali. Eating them with appliances, you risk not only looking stupid, but also, having pierced khinkali with a fork, losing the very essence of this dish.

Khinkali is a popular Georgian dish.

19. A mandatory attribute of a Georgian feast is a plate of greens on the table. Cilantro, basil, tarragon, green onion - that's what Georgians love to eat with meat.

20. Family is sacred for a Georgian! They are very protective of their parents and friends. And the father's word is law.

21. In some regions of Georgia, the tradition of stealing brides has been preserved. Only this is done at the mutual desire of the bride and groom.

21. The storage of weapons is allowed in Georgia.

23. In Georgia, it is impossible to refuse to come to a wedding, as this is a big offense for the inviting party, and it happens that it starts with it years of feud two families.

24. Georgians have a very interesting tradition All women would love her. All relatives of the groom must give the bride gold. And God forbid, someone will forget to do it.

25. Georgia is called the birthplace of wine: it is here that the oldest remains of wine jugs and vines were found.

Based on materials from the site

I collected the ten most interesting facts about Georgia.

1. Sakartvelo - this is how Georgians call their country. This word comes from the name of the people who lived on the territory of present-day Georgia - the Kartvels. The word "Georgia" came to the Russian language in the 17th-18th centuries, from the Arabic "Gurjistan".

English-speaking people call Georgia "Georgia" (Georgia), which is why foreigners often confuse Georgia with the American state of the same name.

2. The remains of the first representatives of the human race were found on the territory of Georgia. They were discovered in 1991 in Dmanisi. The remains have been proven to be approximately 1.77 million years old. Ancient people were given the names Zezva and Mzia.

3. Georgia is one of the oldest wine regions in the world. Archaeologists have confirmed that already eight thousand years ago vineyards were cultivated here and wine was produced.

Today, thousands of different varieties of grapes are cultivated in Georgia, about 500 species of the four thousand grape varieties known throughout the world have Georgian roots.

In 2013, according to the decision of UNESCO, the Georgian way of aging wine in qvevri (clay jars) was included in the list of the untouchable cultural heritage of mankind.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

4. In the Orthodox world, Georgia is considered the Lot of the Mother of God - a land that is under the special protection of the Mother of God. The patron saint of the country is St. George, and the Chiton of the Lord is kept in the ancient capital of Georgia - Mtskheta (not far from Tbilisi).

6. The unique Georgian language is distinguished not only by its unusual beauty, but also by its complexity - the pronunciation of a number of words can be a real test for many.

So, in the Georgian language there are words of eight consonants in a row - for example გვფრცქვნის ("gvprtskvnis"). But this is not a "ceiling" - in the famous Georgian work "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" the word with 11 consonants in a row is used - ვეფხვთმბრდღვნელი and sounds "vephvtmbrdgvneli".

7. The commune of Ushguli at an altitude of 2086-2200 meters above sea level is recognized as the highest permanently populated area in Europe. And the highest point of Georgia is the mountain peak Shkhara - 5.068 meters.

8. Georgia is one of the ten safest countries in the world according to the Crime Index for Country 2016. The Telegraph ranked Georgia in the Top 10 countries with developing tourism, and in terms of ease of doing business, Georgia ranks fourth in Europe.

9. The international press calls Georgian national dances the "Eighth Wonder of the World". Their feature is the "toepoint" technique - a dance on the fingertips in special leather shoes.

2 Freedom Square, Tbilisi, Georgia

About Georgia

To go or not to Georgia? Definitely yes! At least once.

Further - either you will love this country with all your heart, or you will not understand. This is not sleek Türkiye, this is not a combed-out Mediterranean. Georgia is hospitality, it is the sea and mountains, it is the gentle sun, it is architecture, traditions, it is…. breathtaking! Ours are distinguished by high-quality service and pleasant prices.

Georgia is first of all people. Adequate, hospitable, hospitable.

Come and discover this amazing country!

General information and interesting facts about Georgia

The capital is Tbilisi. The total population is about 4.5 million. About 1.5 million people live in the capital. National groups- Georgians (83.7%), Azerbaijanis (6.5%), Armenians (5.7%), Russians (1.5%), Ossetians (0.9%), Kurds and Yezidis (0.5%) , Greeks (0.3%), Chechens and Kists (0.2%), Ukrainians (0.2%), Assyrians, Avars, Abkhazians and others.


Official official language- Georgian. People over 30 understand and speak almost everything in Russian. Young people speak Russian worse, but speak English fluently. If you speak at least a little Russian and English- you won't get lost. But just in case, use a short one.


Georgians profess Orthodox Christianity. Georgia is one of the first countries to adopt Christianity in general. Georgians are quite religious in general, but not fanatical. There is a square in Tbilisi, which is also called the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfive churches - on one heel is an Orthodox church, an Armenian church, Catholic cathedral, synagogue and mosque.

Georgians treat other religions with respect. There are a lot of Muslims here. Part of the Abkhazians, as well as the Georgians of the southern and southwestern regions (Adzharia, etc.) profess Sunni Islam. Azerbaijanis, Assyrians and Kurds are also Muslims. Armenians, Greeks and Russians have their own Orthodox churches. There is also a small number of Catholics in Georgia.

About money in Georgia

The official currency of Georgia is Lari (GEL) = 100 tetri.

1 GEL = $0.37 in 2018

Currency can be changed at the bank (on weekdays from 9-00 to 18-00) or at currency exchange offices. There are many and most of them are open 24/7. Do not exchange currency with your hands.

In hotels, in most shops and cafes you can pay by card. But it's still worth having cash with you.


Georgia is a mountainous country, located in the central and western part of Transcaucasia. The area of ​​Georgia is 69,700 km². The state borders in the north with Russia, in the east with Azerbaijan, in the south with Armenia and Turkey.

The Black Sea coast of Georgia has a length of 308 km and is devoid of any significant bays, islands or peninsulas. In the north of Georgia is the Big Caucasian Range(highest points - Shkhara, 5068 m; Kazbek - 5033 m). In the south - the ridge of the Lesser Caucasus, between the ridges of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus are the Colchis lowland and the Kartli plain, in the east - the Alazani plain.

The main rivers are Kura, Rioni; lakes - Paleostomi, Aletkel, Paravani. About 2/5 of the territory is occupied by forests.

Climate of Georgia

In the west - subtropical, in the east - transitional from subtropical to temperate. The average January temperature is from +3 to +9 C, but in mountainous areas it can drop to -16-20 C. During the long summer, the weather is mostly hot, and the average temperature in August is +23 C - +26 C almost throughout Georgia.

Precipitation in Western Georgia falls much more than in Eastern Georgia. Snow falls mainly in mountainous areas in November and does not melt until the end of spring. The climate of Georgia is favorable for year-round recreation and treatment, nature indulges in a constant abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, which is especially important for visiting residents of the northern regions and territories with unfavorable ecology.

Helpful information

Georgians are very hospitable and always ready to help. If you have any questions - feel free to contact passers-by. But there are some that are worth considering.

Smoking is not prohibited - almost everyone and everywhere smokes in Georgia. In the summer of 2017, the law on restricting smoking in public places came into force.

Rules traffic do not comply - carefully cross the road. There are practically no accidents.

On the Black Sea coast, sheltered by mountains, a small, beautiful and, of course, proud country with its amazing inhabitants and a very rich and ancient history is comfortably located.

We present to you Interesting Facts about Georgia.

1 you know how locals name their country? Sakartvelo - like this beautiful word Georgians call their "baby". And all because the Cartwell people lived here earlier. The name "Georgia" came to our lips much later, from the 17th century.

2 It is interesting that the inhabitants of the country became Christians much earlier than the Ukrainians, back in 319.

3 Do you know that in the distant history with Spain, Georgia had the same name - Iberia?

Sakartvelo was the first country where ancient human remains were discovered. They were found in 1991, but they date back almost 2 million years of antiquity. They were even "called" names - Mzia and Zezva.

5 Russian in Georgia is used only by people old age. In the mountains they do not know it at all, and young people prefer their native language or English. By the way, now Georgia wants to register English as a second official language.

That is why he was included in school curriculum starting from elementary grades.

Do you know that in Georgia all the inscriptions, signs and signs on the roads are made in two languages ​​- Georgian and English? This is being created in order to eventually make the country one of the most visited by tourists from different parts of the world.

The police in Georgia are very supportive and generous. Yes, after have a nice rest away, you can always contact the service for help to throw you in the "native pinatas". Just don't forget to let them know that you are doing this in order to avoid making "emergencies" on the road. The arriving policemen will gladly take you to your destination, they will also deliver your car, and you won’t spend a single penny for it.

It is also interesting that in Georgia there are elevators, for the use of which you have to pay. They are usually located in high-rise buildings. They came, threw a coin and got to any floor. Well, back is free.

The country is also famous for another extraordinary action - hanging up washed clothes. They do it everywhere. That's just it does not decorate the balconies, which are in the arsenal of the owners of the dwelling, but the territory behind them. An outfit for the whole house.

Georgia is a country dominated by a man, always, in everything and everywhere.

When visiting a family, never ask for slippers and do not take off your shoes. They will not understand you, and you will simply insult the owner of the house.

You will find other interesting facts about Georgia on the Web pages of the Internet.

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