In his famous painting Kerzhenets. Composition based on the painting "Kerzhenets" by Romadin Nikolai Mikhailovich


The artist N. Romandin is a famous Russian landscape painter, who is characterized by a gentle, lyrical image of his native northern nature. Small forests, rivers and lakes, modest copses - all this resembles a quiet, drawn-out folk song

The painting "Kerzhenets" depicts a river overgrown with willows. Bent over the water, the willows seem to be admiring the yellow spring fluffs on their branches. The river, apparently, has overflowed, and many trees are now standing, immersed in water “up to their waists”.

Looking at the picture, at first you notice modest colors, like small splashes of yellow, greenish, blue, purple paint, and only then you realize that there are people in the picture. They are fishermen on a boat. One person sits, dismantling tackle, and the other rows, standing on the stern. The surface of the river shimmers with different fuzzy colors, reflecting the dim sky and dark banks. The boat glides, almost without disturbing the water, a slightly noticeable lighter trail stretches behind it.

In the background of the picture we see the other shore, covered with forest. Weak, thin and crooked Christmas trees and birches stand there, also partly in the water. Birch branches cast off lilac, creating a feeling of something extraordinary, magical, like in an old fairy tale.

The magical coloring of the picture in pale tones of blue, purple, brownish and yellow sparks of willow flowers that seem to have splashed from the brush create an indistinct feeling of peace and slight sadness with an admixture of quiet joy from the expectation of the coming spring.

I liked this picture because I love spring very much, and the feelings that the artist wants to convey are close to me. It even seems to me that I once saw something similar, just like that, sailing on a boat along a flooded river surrounded by undergrowth.

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The landscape called Kerzhanets is the work of the great master Nikolai Mikhailovich Romadin. The creation appeared on canvas in its finished form in 1946.

Description of the picture

The subtlety of the picture, her inner world feelings are visible at a glance. But the picture is multilayered, in its perspective everyone finds his own hidden meaning. Here you can see natural beauty, forest and pond. The author has so succinctly entered all the elements that the horizon line rubs, and the objects flow one into another.


There is a boat going along the river, where it is rafted, is not known. The river is not deep, a person controls, starting from the bottom with a steering stick, the other sits nearby, watching some gear placed here. Lack of clarity gives the picture a kind of mystery. Color palette soft, filled with colors, although it is impossible to say for sure which season is depicted. You can see that people are dressed warmly. Outerwear saves characters from the piercing cold of a spring evening.

far coast

Looking at the canvas for a long time, you plunge into it, into the depths of the forest and the subconscious itself. The light flow of water, which ripples in the pattern, soothes and relaxes. To date, the canvas is stored in the funds of the Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery.

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Once the writer Alexei Tolstoy came to the workshop of Nikolai Mikhailovich Romadin. He really liked the small landscape, he took it off the wall, looked at it for a long time and then uttered only one word: "Witchcraft!"

Was born future artist in Samara, in the family of a railway worker. His father was no stranger to painting, in moments of rest he took out paints, brushes - he painted pictures about the sea, which he had never seen. But he really did not want his son to become an artist - this profession, in his opinion, was not serious for a man. However, when his father was away, Kolya took his paints and brushes - then he could not be torn away from them. The father did not like this, a conflict was brewing in the family. In 1922, Nikolai gathered his simple belongings and left for Moscow to enter the Vkhutemas.

The angry father hardly imagined that his son would become famous artist, which will make his modest pictorial experiments a world heritage - in 1997, in the Spanish city of Seville, an unusual exhibition "Three generations of Russian artists Romadins" was held, which exhibited him, Mikhail Andreevich, paintings, his son Nikolai and grandson Mikhail. The exhibition had big success.

Nikolai Romadin, being a passionate, temperamental and addicted person, threw himself into painting from one extreme to another, tried everything in it - both thematic canvases on "topical" topics, and a portrait in which he achieved great recognition. His "Self-portrait", executed in 1948, is now in Uffizi Gallery in Florence. A huge honor!

In the late 1930s, Romadin suddenly abandoned everything he had already created, which he could be quite proud of, and went into a pure landscape. With an easel, canvases, paints and brushes, with a small backpack, he disappeared for months in the northern, Central Russian and other distances and villages.

Displayed on the first personal exhibition in 1940, his work revealed a new, original name in Russian painting. A big event was the visit of the exhibition by Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov. The meeting was very important for the artist.

Unexpected and perhaps the highest award became a photograph of Levitan, Mikhail Vasilyevich handed it to Romadin with the words: "Levitan gave me a photograph as a successor to the traditions of the Russian landscape. Keep it, and then, when you see fit, pass it on to a young artist who can continue this line with honor!"

During the years of the Great Patriotic War Nikolai Romadin created a large series of paintings "Volga - Russian River". Almost all of it is now Tretyakov Gallery. The same, however, as another significant pictorial series "The Season", created under the influence of Tchaikovsky's music and paintings by Claude Lorrain.

The painting "Kerzhenets", written in 1946, became a milestone in the artist's work. The most characteristic for him, the most romantic and mysterious. Its plot, at first glance, is very simple. It is the time of the spring flood, a dense forest, as if growing out of dark, gloomy water and frozen in some kind of agonizing expectation. And even a fragile boat with two human silhouettes does not disturb this magical, "Berende's" realm.

And "Kerzhenets", and other most significant works - "Kudinsky Lake", "Yarensky Forest", " White Night"Winter in Ostrovsky", "Senezh. Pink Winter", "Charming Winter", "Fog. Oka", "In the Ryazan places of Yesenin" are amazing in their emotional impact, in their subtlest figurative magic.

Evgraf END (from the article "The Witch's Lake of Nikolai Romadin")

Another Russian artist whose name was unknown to me.
Romadina N.M. called an outstanding Russian artist, a master of the lyrical Russian landscape.

Spring rain. 1967

Memories of Ventsianov

Thunderstorm, 1967
The formation of art N.M. Romadin, the son of an amateur artist, fell on the post-revolutionary years, when the influence of the avant-garde was gradually fading away. Romadin, initially the author of portraits and paintings household genre, in the 1930s finds himself in lyrical landscape where it remained possible to "hide" from the pathos of socialist realism, alien to the artist.

Bird cherry, 1971

high water
The brightest period of Romadin's art was the 1940-1950s, when his paintings were perceived as the development of the landscape line of the largest masters of this genre in the first half of the century - M.V. Nesterova, I.E. Grabar, N.P. Krymov. But Romadin is an original artist, capable of peering into the motif almost to the point of dissolving in it - be it completely traditional views, as in the series "Volga - Russian River" (1949), "Seasons" (1953), or, conversely, bewitching, mysterious corners ("Kerzhenets", 1946; "Flooded Forest", 1950s).

Kerzhenets, 1946

Flooded forest, 1970

spring stream

Berendey forest. 1978

Spring forest, 1956
N. M. Romadin died on April 10, 1987. He was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Spring thicket, 1972

Spruce illuminated by the sun, 1964

Forest river, 1956

Willows in flood

pink spring

Fresh breeze

Forest Lake, 1959

Kudinsky lake

Khmelevka village

In Yesenin's native places, 1957

In the forest in winter. December. 1956

Ice-free river

Night longing, 1958

At the village council, 1957

In an essay based on the painting "Kerzhenets" by Romadin Nikolai Mikhailovich - folk artist USSR, we will get acquainted with the main details of this composition, its features, as well as with the biography of the author of the work.

Brief biography of Nikolai Romadin

The artist was born in Samara in 1903. At the age of 19 he entered the Samara Art College, and at 20 he entered the Moscow VKhUTEMAS. Landscapes prevail among his works, for many of them the artist was awarded big prizes, awards, orders. He wrote his works in the style of socialist realism, he put his soul into each of them, as he possessed profound knowledge natural grandeur. Big number his paintings are still in major museums and galleries in Russia. Nikolai Mikhailovich lived long life and died at the age of 83 in Moscow.

Description of the painting by N.M. Romadina "Kerzhenets"

The artist chooses a title for the painting according to by the same name rivers in Nizhny Novgorod region being inspired by the natural beauty of this place. IN painting essay Romadin "Kerzhenets" there is a need to convey the sensations arising from its contemplation. The mood of this work is peaceful, quiet. It seems that if you listen closely, you can hear the soft noise of river water and the chirping of grasshoppers. The central plan shows two fishermen sailing in a boat on the river. They probably silently enjoy fishing and the tranquility that surrounds them. In the foreground, thin trees are heeling, which means that the main characters of the picture managed to sail not far from the coast. The background of this work is formed by a dense forest of birches and pines, as well as a small fragment of the dawn sky. When describing the painting "Kerzhenets" N.M. Romadin wants to talk about her palette: shades of cold colors prevail here - deep blue and light blue, rich dark greens and the color of young foliage. Despite the initial impression of the gloom of this work, it gradually falls in love with the viewer and begins to play with new colors, then the realization comes that these are the colors of the regularity of natural life, and not sadness or darkness. Despite the fact that people are in the center of the composition, the artist truly sings of the greatness of the river, because the whole plot is built around it.

Composition based on the painting by Romadin "Kerzhenets"

It often happens that inspired by some work of art, you want to create something. If the subject of your creativity is an essay or essay, you may need a reminder to create them:

  1. Write about what you see in the picture: what trees are in it, what people are doing and how they look, what kind of river and sky. Using metaphors and epithets, you will make your essay based on the painting "Kerzhenets" by Romadin Nikolai Mikhailovich alive. Your task is to become an artist who paints with words, so choose the right "paints" for this.
  2. Describe your feelings as if you were in the same place from which the work was drawn. What is the weather like there, what sounds and smells do you hear. Let the imagination fly - that's what you need here.
  3. Philosophically complete your essay: ask questions that arose in your head while viewing the picture, talk about the powerful force of nature and its merciful attitude towards man.

By adhering to this memo, you will inevitably write a beautiful and concise essay about your feelings and impressions of this beautiful creation. Soviet artist Nicholas Romadin.

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