Varum figure parameters. Angelica Varum: the secrets of harmony and beauty


The life of celebrities will never cease to interest fans. Today we will talk about such a great singer as Angelica Varum. The biography of a talented lady has a lot interesting facts: the way to the stage, the first glimpses of fame, conquering peaks, personal life. All this will be discussed in this review.


The future celebrity was born in the family creative people 05/26/1969 in Ukraine, in the city of Lvov. Her mother's name is Galina Mikhailovna. She worked as a theater director. Father - Yuri Ignatievich Varum - composer. Our heroine also has a brother Michael. The girl was named Mary. Since her parents often went on tour, her grandmother paid much attention to her upbringing, instilling a love of music. It was she who first named her granddaughter her future pseudonym Enzhel (translated from Polish means "angel"). At the age of five, the little girl enjoyed playing the piano and mastered the guitar. Yuri Ignatievich believed that it was better to let his daughter get home musical education, because soviet school can discourage all desire to learn.

First steps on stage

Growing older, Maria entered the Moscow Shchukin Institute, but could not pass the exams because Then the girl decided to become a backing vocalist at her dad's studio and worked there for several years.

At the age of 21, Anzhelika Varum, whose biography still excites the minds of fans, at the request of her father, recorded the track "Midnight Cowboy", which became short time hit. It was with him that the girl first appeared in the TV show " morning Star" and in the "Olympic". When Maria realized that her life would be connected with the stage, she took beautiful alias Angelica, because native name considered less suitable for the stage image.

Musical creativity (1991-1995)

In 1991, new hits appeared, which were performed by young Anzhelika Varum: “Good Bye, my boy” and “Neighbour's boy”. A bright video for the single "Whistle Man" was remembered by the phrase "So sad that I want to smoke." Two years later, the popular album "La-la-fa" was released. It included the compositions "An artist who draws rain", "Town". In 1994, the vocalist reached the final of "Song of the Year".

When the singer turned 25, she released the disc "Favorites", which includes the most significant compositions for 5 years. A little later, a collection called "Autumn Jazz" appeared, which became the brightest and most stylish and won the "Ovation" award, and the celebrity became the best performer of the year.

Vocal creativity (1996-1999)

In 1996, the next album of Angelica Varum was released. It contained singles for which funny videos were shot: “Silver”, “No answer, no hello”, “Not today”. They brought the singer big success. A year later, the sixth disc " Winter cherry". She was mainly for the experiment, but the songs "Another Woman", "That's All for You" and "Winter Cherry" became hits. Angelica Varum, whose biography and work are of interest to fans, performed at the "Angelica's Dreams" concert in St. Petersburg.

A little later, the girl took part in the Four Steps to the Clouds program. Then fate brought her together with her future husband - Leonid Agutin, whose relationship began with creative cooperation. Together they recorded the singles "Queen" and "February". A new disc “Only She” and The Best appears in (the result of 10 years of work).

Musical career: 2000-2008

In 2000, the album " Love affair at work”, written jointly by Angelica and Leonid. Later, the program with their participation "Half of the Heart" appears on the screens. A year later took place bright show, where the couple participated along with Ela Di Meola. In 2002, a new disc "Stop, curiosity" was released, as well as the single "Fire".

In 2004, Anzhelika and Leonid took up touring and visited the USA, Germany, Israel, Ukraine, Belarus. For a concert in home country“I will always be with you” received two full houses at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. Then a new solo program “You and I” came out, which successfully proved itself not only in the homeland, but also in Ukraine, Germany, Israel, the USA, Poland, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

In the spring of 2005, the vocalist helped Leonid to record an English-language project. As soon as the Cosmopolitan Life disc was released, many of the compositions included in it, including If I'll get a chance, began to sound on the airwaves and occupied high positions in the rating.

In autumn 2007 appeared new album“Music”, released by the Kvadro-disk studio, consisting of old and new singles. In support of the newly minted work, Angelica toured in several CIS countries.

Concert work from 2009 to the present

In 2009, Anzhelika Varum, whose biography at that time had long been of interest to fans, together with the Kvadro-disk studio, released a new disc, If He Leaves, of 10 singles. Many of them were written by the vocalist herself, and videos were made for the tracks “If he leaves”, “Let's forget everything”.

In 2010-2011, many concerts were held in almost all major cities Russia. In Angelica she performed together with the world Cuban flutist Orlando Valle. Together with (younger) and quartets were held in Moscow, Minsk, Yekaterinburg and in the megacities of Germany (Frankfurt, Hamburg and others).

Today, Angelica Varum remains in great shape: with a height of 164 cm, she weighs 46 kg. The performer continues to delight fans with her work and is preparing to release a new disc, which will include remixes of "Autumn Jazz", Good bye, mo love, "Winter Cherry", "A girl is waiting for a boy", "Fire" and others.

A small filmography of Angelica Varum

The celebrity had a dream of becoming an actress. And although this was not destined to come true, Angelica came into contact with activities in the cinema. In the period from 1995 to 1998, she worked on the project "Old songs about the main thing." In 1997, the girl was invited by director Leonid Trushkin to take part in the musical "Emigrant's Pose". A. Dzhigarkhanyan, O. Volkova, L. Gurchenko, E. Simonova also took part in it. The premiere was successful, and Angelica became the winner of the "Seagull" award. In 1999, she first starred in the movie Sky in Diamonds.

In 2003, celebrities offered to play one of the roles of the detective series Kamenskaya-3, to which she agreed. Also, Angelica participated in the filming of the series "Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky." At the end of 2004, the musical "12 Chairs" was released, in which the celebrity played the role bright character- Ellochki-cannibals.

Angelica Varum: biography, children (Elizaveta and Polina)

Many fans are interested in the vocalist's personal life. Although not all celebrities like to talk about it, the main events still cannot be hidden. The first husband of Angelica Varum is her former classmate, Maxim Nikitin, who worked for the singer as an illuminator. The union lasted eight years.

In 1997, celebrities began to collaborate with Leonid Agutin, with whom they spent a lot of time and therefore got to know each other very closely. Their duet turned out to be so magnificent that it became clear: there is a connection not only creative. Soon they began to live in a civil marriage. At that time, Leonid had little Polina Vorobyeva in her arms (daughter from a previous civil marriage). On February 9, 1999, a wonderful girl was born to the young, who was named Elizabeth. At that time, Angelica and Leonid were not married. Contrary to all the rumors, the vocalist herself did not want this event for a long time, because she was not going to create an extra burden for her beloved. Finally, in 2000, she agreed to an official marriage. Today, celebrity children are adult girls. Polina first lived in Italy, then moved to France.

Angelica Varum and her daughter Lisa

Elizabeth lives with her grandparents in America. She became an American child and speaks three languages, although she comes to Russia for the summer.

Her life has developed so due to the fact that once the husband of Angelica Varum, along with Ela Di Meola, recorded a disc in Miami, and he was advised to buy a house there. It turned out to be quite easy to do this. Over time, the grandfather developed health problems, and the doctors advised him that it would be better for him to live in a warm climate. Then the whole family moved to America, and since celebrities often tour, it was decided to leave the girl to study and live in the USA.

Angelica Varum, whose biography is full of interesting facts, says that her daughter does not want to communicate in Russian even with her girlfriends. When the vocalist is talking to her on the phone, and Lisa can't even remember what ladybug, he becomes uneasy. Celebrities had to hire a teacher for her to learn their native language!

We examined the biography, personal life of Angelica Varum, a talented vocalist. Her creative work does not stop, so fans are looking forward to the appearance of new works.

Pop singer, honored artist Russian Federation, besides, the successful actress Anzhelika Varum is rightfully considered one of the petite and sexy representatives of the domestic community of stars. Her graceful figure is absolutely unchanged over time, including after the birth of her daughter. Is there a special diet for Angelica Varum, or does the singer owe her good figure to her genes? We will talk about this today.


Angelica herself says that she never experienced any problems with weight. We can assume that the singer is not deceiving, because her height is only 164 cm, and with him the slightest weight changes are immediately reflected in the figure. At one time, Varum experienced serious problems with an acoustic ear injury, during that period she lost a lot of weight. Doctors advised Angelica to try a salt-free diet, which was the result of losing weight. Angelica herself later admitted that she had lost only 2 kilograms. Apparently, the singer's body is already accustomed to maintaining the weight bar always at a stable level.

Proper nutrition

A similar menu normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves mood, increases efficiency.

sample menu daily diet Angelica Varum

  • Breakfast: steamed omelet, salad from s.
  • Second breakfast: any.
  • Lunch: soup with vegetables and, with the addition of.
  • Dinner: a portion either, herbal decoction or a glass.

emergency diet Angelica Varum

Although the weight bar, as already mentioned, Varum always remains at about the same level, sometimes the star still has to correct the figure. If such a need for weight loss nevertheless arises, then Angelica immediately seeks to use her own method, which in one day immediately takes away a kilogram excess weight. The products that make up the diet consist of only 4-5 and 400 grams boiled meat lean varieties. All this is divided into 4 meals, which are repeated after 3-4 hours. For best results, salt the meat is not worth it.

Angelica Varum and sports

Angelica says that physical exercise she doesn't like it gym but she loves to go to the pool. Another passion of the singer is considered to be long bike rides.

Angelica Varum is not only a star of the Russian pop sky, but also just a woman who has always admired everyone with her slimness and diminutiveness. She is already over 40, but she never ceases to amaze with her grace and keeps herself in constant great shape.

Many people argue about this. Some say that the cause of everything is heredity, which allows her to keep herself in such a shape. Others claim that she has some secrets with which she achieves such an excellent look. And here - I wrote about the effect of hormones on a person's weight.

Angelica Varum - what is the secret of the singer?

It is quite surprising that even after giving birth, Angelica's figure almost remained the same. Naturally, this circumstance gives rise to a lot of misunderstanding, rumors and omissions. The life of the singer has never known the problems associated with extra pounds.

And no one doubts that her words are sincere. She is notable for her insignificant height, only 164 cm. The presence of any changes would undoubtedly immediately catch the eye. But no one can say this.

One circumstance had an impact on her figure. The singer had an acoustic ear injury. Doctors prescribed her a diet without salt. As a result, she lost a lot of weight. The artist herself claims that she lost only a few kilograms, which returned very quickly. The conclusion suggests itself that her body independently maintains a certain bar, without going beyond the permitted boundaries. No matter how spontaneously her body weight changes, she sooner or later returns to her original values.

Her natural genetics, of course, leaves an imprint on the figure. But one cannot discount the fact that the singer herself helps this. And she does this with the help of moderation and a balanced diet. Such a diet, which she uses, will make even those who are prone to their excess accumulation lose kilograms.

Approximate menu of the singer

As a first breakfast, the singer uses fresh tomatoes(see), spinach and steam omelet.

For second breakfast, there are various fresh fruits on her table.

The singer has lunch with vegetable soup with squid. Sometimes she allows herself some soy sauce.

The star has dinner with krill meat or salmon. For dessert, she uses a glass of dry white wine or herbal teas. It is not difficult to guess that it is unlikely that you will be able to get fat from such a diet.

It doesn't matter what Angelica eats. The main thing is that in her diet there are absolutely no foods that require frying to prepare. Everything is just boiled or steamed. Some of them she consumes raw (vegetables). All this is quite understandable.

When frying in the presence vegetable oil calories increase significantly. Therefore, this method for cooking, it is better not to use. If the food is boiled or cooked by the steam method, all useful substances are preserved in it as much as possible.

Sometimes corrective action is still needed. To this end, she uses her own technique, thanks to which several kilograms are lost literally in a day. This technique belongs to the category, which must be carried out very quickly. For example, this may be needed on the eve of a social event. We should not forget that artists are public people and should always be in the appropriate form.

With such a diet, she daily consumes 4-5 oranges and 0.4 kg of lean meat. This amount is eaten throughout the day in equal portions in several doses. On such fasting days, salt is completely excluded. Exhausting physical training is not welcomed by the singer, and as for swimming, she is a big fan of it. Periodically, she forces herself to swim in the pool. Likes cycling. All this, according to her, has no less positive influence on the figure than intense power loads.

Energy drink from Varum

All drinks that Angelica drinks are completely caffeine-free. The artistic life is extremely tiring and wasteful. a large number energy. Naturally, it must be replenished.

We need to find some source for this. And she found him. She herself came up with a recipe for a drink that she cooks with her own hands and uses with pleasure. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients.

  1. You need to take half a lemon.
  2. From ginger (more details -) you need to separate a small piece of the root and chop it with a grater.
  3. Grind one apple on a grater.
  4. Honey is added to the mixture in the amount of one spoon.

The composition is poured with hot, but not boiling water. In this state, infusion is carried out for half an hour. The resulting infusion is able to charge vivacity and energy for the whole day. The drink is a real vitamin and mineral bomb. The product is also rich in fiber content, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines and all digestion in general.

The life of celebrities will never cease to interest fans. Today we will talk about such a great singer as Angelica Varum. The biography of a talented lady has many interesting facts: the path to the stage, the first glimpses of fame, conquering peaks, personal life. All this will be discussed in this review.


The future celebrity was born in a family of creative personalities on May 26, 1969 in Ukraine, in the city of Lvov. Her mother's name is Galina Mikhailovna. She worked as a theater director. Father - Yuri Ignatievich Varum - composer. Our heroine also has a brother Michael. The girl was named Mary. Since her parents often went on tour, her grandmother paid much attention to her upbringing, instilling a love of music. It was she who first named her granddaughter her future pseudonym Enzhel (translated from Polish means "angel"). At the age of five, the little girl enjoyed playing the piano and mastered the guitar. Yuri Ignatievich believed that it would be better for his daughter to receive a home musical education, since the Soviet school could discourage all desire to study.

First steps on stage

Growing older, Maria entered the Shchukin Institute in Moscow, but could not pass the exams due to her Ukrainian accent. Then the girl decided to become a backing vocalist at her dad's studio and worked there for several years.

At the age of 21, Angelika Varum, whose biography still excites the minds of fans, at the request of her father recorded the track "Midnight Cowboy", which became a hit in a short time. It was with him that the girl first appeared in the TV show "Morning Star" and in the "Olympic". When Maria realized that her life would be connected with the stage, she took the beautiful pseudonym Angelica, since she considered her native name less suitable for the stage image.

Musical creativity (1991-1995)

In 1991, new hits appeared, which were performed by young Anzhelika Varum: “Good Bye, my boy” and “Neighbour's boy”. A bright video for the single "Whistle Man" was remembered by the phrase "So sad that I want to smoke." Two years later, the popular album "La-la-fa" was released. It included the compositions "An artist who draws rain", "Town". In 1994, the vocalist reached the final of "Song of the Year".

When the singer turned 25, she released the disc "Favorites", which includes the most significant compositions for 5 years. A little later, a collection called "Autumn Jazz" appeared, which became the brightest and most stylish and won the "Ovation" award, and the celebrity became the best performer of the year.

Vocal creativity (1996-1999)

In 1996, the next album of Angelica Varum was released. It contained singles for which funny videos were shot: “Silver”, “No answer, no hello”, “Not today”. They brought the singer great success. A year later, the sixth disc "Winter Cherry" appeared. She was mainly for the experiment, but the songs "Another Woman", "That's All for You" and "Winter Cherry" became hits. Angelica Varum, whose biography and work are of interest to fans, performed at the "Angelica's Dreams" concert in St. Petersburg.

A little later, the girl took part in the Four Steps to the Clouds program. Then fate brought her to her future husband, Leonid Agutin, with whom relations began with creative collaboration. Together they recorded the singles "Queen" and "February". In 1999, a new disc "Only She" and The Best appears (the result of 10 years of work).

Musical career: 2000-2008

In 2000, the album "Office Romance" appeared, written jointly by Angelica and Leonid. Later, the program with their participation "Half of the Heart" appears on the screens. A year later, a bright show took place, where the couple participated together with Ela Di Meola. In 2002, a new disc "Stop, curiosity" was released, as well as the single "Fire".

In 2004, Anzhelika and Leonid took up touring and visited the USA, Germany, Israel, Ukraine, Belarus. For a concert in his native country, "I will always be with you," two sold-out concerts were received at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. Then a new solo program “You and I” came out, which successfully proved itself not only in the homeland, but also in Ukraine, Germany, Israel, the USA, Poland, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

In the spring of 2005, the vocalist helped Leonid to record an English-language project. As soon as the Cosmopolitan Life disc was released, many of the compositions included in it, including If I'll get a chance, began to sound on the airwaves and occupied high positions in the rating.

In the fall of 2007, a new album "Music" appeared, released by the Kvadro-disk studio, consisting of old and new singles. In support of the newly minted work, Angelica toured in several CIS countries.

Concert work from 2009 to the present

In 2009, Anzhelika Varum, whose biography at that time had long been of interest to fans, together with the Kvadro-disk studio, released a new disc, If He Leaves, of 10 singles. Many of them were written by the vocalist herself, and videos were made for the tracks “If he leaves”, “Let's forget everything”.

In 2010-2011, many concerts were held in almost all major cities of Russia. In the Kremlin Palace, Angelica performed together with world-famous Cuban flutist Orlando Valle. Together with V. Presnyakov (junior) and N. Podolskaya, quartets were held in Moscow, Minsk, Yekaterinburg and in the megacities of Germany (Frankfurt, Hamburg and others).

Today, Angelica Varum remains in great shape: with a height of 164 cm, she weighs 46 kg. The performer continues to delight fans with her work and is preparing to release a new disc, which will include remixes of "Autumn Jazz", Good bye, mo love, "Winter Cherry", "A girl is waiting for a boy", "Fire" and others.

A small filmography of Angelica Varum

The celebrity had a dream of becoming an actress. And although this was not destined to come true, Angelica came into contact with activities in the cinema. In the period from 1995 to 1998, she worked on the project "Old songs about the main thing." In 1997, the girl was invited by director Leonid Trushkin to take part in the musical "Emigrant's Pose". A. Dzhigarkhanyan, O. Volkova, L. Gurchenko, E. Simonova also took part in it. The premiere was successful, and Angelica became the winner of the "Seagull" award. In 1999, she first starred in the movie Sky in Diamonds.

In 2003, celebrities offered to play one of the roles of the detective series Kamenskaya-3, to which she agreed. Also, Angelica participated in the filming of the series "Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky." At the end of 2004, the musical "12 Chairs" was released, in which the celebrity played the role of a bright character - Ellochka the cannibal.

Angelica Varum: biography, children (Elizaveta and Polina)

Many fans are interested in the vocalist's personal life. Although not all celebrities like to talk about it, the main events still cannot be hidden. The first husband of Angelica Varum is her former classmate, Maxim Nikitin, who worked for the singer as an illuminator. The union lasted eight years.

In 1997, celebrities began to collaborate with Leonid Agutin, with whom they spent a lot of time and therefore got to know each other very closely. Their duet turned out to be so magnificent that it became clear: there is a connection not only creative. Soon they began to live in a civil marriage. At that time, Leonid had little Polina Vorobyeva in her arms (daughter from a previous civil marriage). On February 9, 1999, a wonderful girl was born to the young, who was named Elizabeth. At that time, Angelica and Leonid were not married. Contrary to all the rumors, the vocalist herself did not want this event for a long time, because she was not going to create an extra burden for her beloved. Finally, in 2000, she agreed to an official marriage. Today, celebrity children are adult girls. Polina first lived in Italy, then moved to France.

Angelica Varum and her daughter Lisa

Elizabeth lives with her grandparents in America. She became an American child and speaks three languages, although she comes to Russia for the summer.

Her life has developed so due to the fact that once the husband of Angelica Varum, along with Ela Di Meola, recorded a disc in Miami, and he was advised to buy a house there. It turned out to be quite easy to do this. Over time, the grandfather developed health problems, and the doctors advised him that it would be better for him to live in a warm climate. Then the whole family moved to America, and since celebrities often tour, it was decided to leave the girl to study and live in the USA.

Angelica Varum, whose biography is full of interesting facts, says that her daughter does not want to communicate in Russian even with her girlfriends. When the vocalist talks to her on the phone, and Lisa cannot even remember what a ladybug is, she becomes uneasy. Celebrities had to hire a teacher for her to learn their native language!

We examined the biography, personal life of Angelica Varum, a talented vocalist. Her creative work does not stop, so fans are looking forward to the appearance of new works.

FULL NAME: Angelica Varum (real name - Maria Yurievna Varum)

DATE OF BIRTH: 05/26/1969 (Aries)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Lviv, Ukraine




FAMILY: Parents: Yuri Itskhokovich Varum, Galina Mikhailovna Shapovalova

HEIGHT: 167 cm



Soviet and Russian pop singer, songwriter, actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The artist's father is a composer, and her mother is a theater director. Angelica Varum's parents constantly toured, so Maria was raised by her grandmother. A variety of music constantly sounded in the house: from classical to jazz-rock. Angelika Varum received her musical education at home. The father was categorically against visiting the Soviet music school. The talent was there and graduation classes, the girl has already recovered on her first tour.

After school, Angelica went to Moscow to enter Theatre Institute. However, the girl did not pass the entrance exams. Summed up the Ukrainian dialect. As a result, Varum went to work in her father's studio as a backing vocalist.

In 1990, Anzhelika Varum first announced herself as an independent singer. The girl recorded the song "Midnight Cowboy". A year later appeared debut album singer called "Good Bye, my boy". Two years later, Angelika Varum releases her second album, La-la-fa. 5 years after the start of his career, Varum sums up a kind of result creative activity and releases the album "Favorites". In the same year, the third disc of the singer called "Autumn Jazz" was released. He became stylish and bright, for which he won the Ovation Award as the best in 1995. The video of the same name was named the best at the end of the year, and the artist herself became the best singer.

In 1997, Angelica Varum tried herself in the role theater actress. Director Leonid Trushkin invited the singer to play in the play "Pose of an Emigrant" based on the play "The Banker" by Ganna Slutsky. In 1997 he was born creative union Angelica Varum - Leonid Agutin. After some time, the celebrities got married, and on February 9, 1999, the singers had a daughter, Elizabeth. Varum did not devote herself entirely to raising a child and immediately set to work. In the same 1999, the seventh album “Only She” was released, followed by the disc “The Best”, as a result of a 10-year creative work. At the same time, Angelica Varum made her film debut. The actress played one of the main roles in Vasily Pichula's film "The Sky in Diamonds". A year later, Varum and Agutin's joint disc "Office Romance" was released. Immediately, the couple begins to perform with the joint program "Half of the Heart", with which they traveled all over Russia.

IN new year's eve In 2005, Angelica Varum appeared in the new film "The Twelve Chairs". The musical was filmed based on the legendary work of Ilf and Petrov. The singer appeared in the image of Ellochka the cannibal. In the same year, Agutin and Varum again presented new program titled "You and Me". She was successfully accepted by fans not only in Russia, but also in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Israel, Poland, Germany, Latvia, the USA and Ukraine.

However, Angelica gave her husband the opportunity to record an independent program. The girl helped Leonid to record his English-language project. In the spring of 2005, the joint disc "Cosmopolitan Life" by Agutin and Di Meola appeared on the shelves of music stores. The songs immediately became hits and took the top lines of the ratings.

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