"The Cherry Orchard" as an example of a Chekhov play. Contraindications to the use of cherries


All characters in the play The Cherry Orchard» have great importance in the ideological and thematic context of the work. Even casually mentioned names bear semantic load. For example, there are off-stage heroes (the Parisian lover, the Yaroslavl aunt), the very fact of whose existence already sheds light on the character and lifestyle of the hero, symbolizing an entire era. Therefore, in order to understand the author's idea, it is necessary to analyze in detail those images that implement it.

A.P. Chekhov loved his heroes, but he could not trust the future of Russia to any of them, even Petya Trofimov and Anya, the progressive youth of that time.

The heroes of the play, sympathetic to the author, do not know how to defend their life rights, they suffer or are silent. Ranevskaya and Gaev suffer because they understand that they cannot change anything in themselves. Their social status goes into oblivion, and they are forced to eke out a miserable existence on the last proceeds. Lopakhin suffers, as he realizes that he cannot help them in any way. He himself is not happy about buying a cherry orchard. No matter how hard he tries, he still will not become his rightful owner. That is why he decides to cut down the garden and sell the land, in order to later forget about it as a nightmare. But what about Petya and Anya? Doesn't the author place his hopes on them? Perhaps, but these hopes are very vague. Trofimov, by virtue of his nature, is not capable of taking any radical action. And without this, the situation cannot be changed. He is limited only to talk about a wonderful future and that's it. And Anya? This girl has a slightly stronger core than Petra. But due to her young age and uncertainty in life, changes should not be expected from her. Perhaps in the distant future, when she arranges everything for herself life priorities, from it it will be possible to expect any actions. In the meantime, she is limited to believing in the best and sincere desire plant new garden.

Which side is Chekhov on? He supports each side, but in his own way. In Ranevskaya, he appreciates genuine female kindness and naivety, albeit seasoned with spiritual emptiness. In Lopakhin, he appreciates the desire for compromise and poetic beauty, although he is not able to appreciate the real charm of the cherry orchard. The Cherry Orchard is a member of the family, but everyone forgets about it together, while Lopakhin is not able to understand this at all.

The heroes of the play are separated by a huge abyss. They are not able to understand each other, as they are closed in the world. own feelings, thoughts and feelings. However, everyone is alone, they have no friends, like-minded people, no real love. Most go with the flow without setting any serious goals. Besides, they are all unhappy. Ranevskaya is experiencing disappointment in love, life and her social supremacy, which seemed unshakable just yesterday. Gaev once again discovers that the aristocracy of manners is not a guarantee of power and financial well-being. In front of his eyes, yesterday's serf takes away his estate, becomes the owner there even without the nobility. Anna is left without a penny for her soul, she does not have a dowry for a profitable marriage. Her chosen one, although he does not require it, has not yet earned anything himself. Trofimov understands what needs to be changed, but does not know how, because he has neither connections, nor money, nor position to influence something. They are left with only the hopes of youth, which are short-lived. Lopakhin is unhappy because he is aware of his inferiority, belittles his dignity, seeing that he is no match for any masters, although he has more money.

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"The Cherry Orchard" is a lyrical play by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in four acts, the genre of which the author himself defined as a comedy.

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The success of the play, written in 1903, was so obvious that on January 17, 1904, the comedy was shown in the Moscow art theater. The Cherry Orchard is one of the most famous Russian plays created at that time. It is noteworthy that it is based on Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's own painful impressions of his friend A.S. Kiselev, whose estate was also auctioned off.

An important thing in the history of the creation of the play is that Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote it already at the end of his life, being seriously ill. That is why the work on the work progressed very difficult: about three years passed from the beginning of the play to its production.

This is the first reason. The second lies in Chekhov's desire to fit into his play, intended for staging on the stage, the whole result of reflections on the fate of his characters, the work on the images of which was carried out very scrupulously.

Artistic originality plays became the pinnacle of Chekhov's work as a playwright.

Step one: meeting the characters in the play

The heroes of the play - Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich, the maid Dunyasha, the clerk Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich (who is very clumsy, "22 misfortunes", as those around him call him) - are waiting for the mistress of the estate, the landowner Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna, to arrive. She is due to return after a five-year absence, and the household is in turmoil. Finally, Lyubov Andreevna and her daughter Anya crossed the threshold of their house. The hostess is incredibly glad that she has finally returned to her native land. Nothing has changed here in five years. The sisters Anya and Varya are talking to each other, rejoicing at the long-awaited meeting, the maid Dunyasha is preparing coffee, the ordinary household trifles cause tenderness in the landowner. She is kind and generous - and to the old lackey Firs, and to other household members, she willingly talks with her own brother, Leonid Gaev, but her beloved daughters evoke special quivering feelings. Everything, it would seem, goes on as usual, but suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, the message of the merchant Lopakhin: "... Your estate is being sold for debts, but there is a way out... Here is my project..." , after cutting it out. He claims that this will bring a considerable income to the family - 25 thousand a year and save him from complete ruin, but no one agrees to such a proposal. The family does not want to part with the cherry orchard, which they consider the best and to which they are attached with all their hearts.

So, no one listens to Lopakhin. Ranevskaya pretends that nothing is happening and continues to answer meaningless questions about the trip to Paris, not wanting to accept reality as it is. Again, a casual conversation starts about nothing.

Entered Petya Trofimov, former teacher dead son Ranevskaya Grisha, at first unrecognized by her, with his reminder causes tears in his mother. The day is ending... Finally, everyone goes to bed.

Action two: there is very little left before the sale of the cherry orchard

The action takes place in nature, near an old church, from where you can see both the cherry orchard and the city. There is very little time left before the sale of the cherry orchard at auction - literally a matter of days. Lopakhin is trying to convince Ranevskaya and her brother to rent the garden for summer cottages, but no one wants to hear him again, they hope for the money that the Yaroslavl aunt will send. Lyubov Ranevskaya recalls the past, perceiving her misfortunes as a punishment for sins. First, her husband died from champagne, then Grisha's son drowned in the river, after which she left for Paris so that memories of the area where such grief happened would not stir her soul.

Lopakhin suddenly opened up, talking about his difficult fate in childhood, when his father "did not teach, but only beat him drunk, and everything with a stick ..." Lyubov Andreevna invites him to marry Varya, his adopted daughter.

Enter student Petya Trofimov and both daughters of Ranevskaya. Trofimov and Lopakhin start a conversation. One says that “in Russia, very few people are still working”, the other calls to evaluate everything that is given by God and start working.

The attention of the conversers is attracted by a passerby who recites poetry, and then asks to donate thirty kopecks. Lyubov Andreevna gives him gold coin, for which her daughter Varya reproaches her. “People have nothing to eat,” she says. “And you gave him the gold…”

After Varya leaves, Lyubov Andreevna, Lopakhina and Gaev Anya and Trofimov are left alone. The girl confesses to Petya that she no longer loves the cherry orchard, as before. The student argues: “... To live in the present, you must first redeem the past ... by suffering and continuous work ...”

Varya is heard calling for Anya, but her sister is only annoyed, not responding to her voice.

Act Three: The Day the Cherry Orchard is for Sale

The third act of The Cherry Orchard takes place in the living room in the evening. Couples dance, but no one feels joy. Everyone is depressed about looming debt. Lyubov Andreevna understands that they started the ball quite inopportunely. Those in the house are waiting for Leonid, who should bring news from the city: whether the garden has been sold or the auction has not taken place at all. But Gaev is still no and no. The family is starting to get worried. The old footman Firs confesses that he does not feel well.

Trofimov teases Varya with Madame Lopakhina, which irritates the girl. But Lyubov Andreevna really offers to marry a merchant. Varya seems to agree, but the catch is that Lopakhin has not yet made an offer, and she does not want to impose herself.

Lyubov Andreevna is experiencing more and more: whether the estate has been sold. Trofimov reassures Ranevskaya: "Does it matter, there is no turning back, the path is overgrown."

Lyubov Andreevna takes out a handkerchief, from which a telegram falls, in which it is reported that her beloved has fallen ill again and calls her. Trofimov begins to argue: “he is a petty scoundrel and a nonentity,” to which Ranevskaya replies with anger, calling the student a klutz, a clean-cut and a funny eccentric who does not know how to love. Petya is offended and leaves. A roar is heard. Anya reports that a student has fallen down the stairs.

The young lackey Yasha, talking with Ranevskaya, asks to go to Paris if she has the opportunity to go there. Everyone seems to be busy talking, but they are anxiously waiting for the outcome of the auction for the cherry orchard. Lyubov Andreevna is especially worried, she literally cannot find a place for herself. Finally, Lopakhin and Gaev enter. It can be seen that Leonid Andreevich is crying. Lopakhin reports that the cherry orchard has been sold, and when asked who bought it, he answers: “I bought it.” Ermolai Alekseevich reports the details of the auction. Lyubov Andreevna sobs, realizing that nothing can be changed. Anya consoles her, trying to focus on the fact that life goes on, no matter what. She seeks to inspire hope that they will plant "a new garden, more luxurious than this ... and a quiet, deep joy will descend on the soul like the sun."

Action four: after the sale of the estate

The property has been sold. In the corner of the children's room are packed things ready for pickup. Peasants come to say goodbye to their former owners. The sounds of cherries being cut down can be heard from the street. Lopakhin offers champagne, but no one except Yasha, the footman, wants to drink it. Each of the former residents of the estate is depressed by what happened, family friends are also depressed. Anya voices her mother's request that, until she leaves, they do not cut down the garden.

“Really, is there really a lack of tact,” says Petya Trofimov, and leaves through the hall.

Yasha and Ranevskaya are going to Paris, Dunyasha, in love with a young lackey, asks him to send a letter from abroad.

Gaev hurries Lyubov Andreevna. The landowner sadly says goodbye to the house and garden, but Anna admits that it begins for her new life. Gaev is also happy.

Governess Charlotte Ivanovna, leaving, sings a song.

Simeonov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich, a neighbor-landowner, comes into the house. To the surprise of everyone, he repays both Lyubov Andreevna and Lopakhin. He tells the news about a successful deal: he managed to lease the land to the British for the extraction of rare white clay. The neighbor did not even know that the estate was sold, so he is surprised to see the packed suitcases and the preparations of the former owners for departure.

Lyubov Andreevna, firstly, worries about the sick Firs, because it is still not known for certain whether he was sent to the hospital or not. Anya claims that Yasha did it, but the girl is mistaken. Secondly, Ranevskaya is afraid that Lopakhin will never make an offer to Varya. They seem to be indifferent to each other, however, no one wants to take the first step. And although Lyubov Andreevna makes the last attempt to leave young people alone to solve this difficult question, nothing comes out of such a venture.

After former mistress Houses last time looks longingly at the walls and windows of the house, everyone goes out.

In the bustle, they did not notice that they locked up the sick Firs, who mutters: “Life has passed, as if it had not lived.” The old lackey does not hold a grudge against the owners. He lays down on the sofa and passes into another world.

We bring to your attention the story of Anton Chekhov, where, with the subtle and inimitable irony inherent in the writer, he describes the character main character- Shchukina. What was the peculiarity of her behavior, read in the story.

The essence of the play "The Cherry Orchard"

From literary sources It is known that Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was very happy when he came up with the name for the play - The Cherry Orchard.

It seems natural, because it reflects the very essence of the work: the old way of life is changing to a completely new one, and the cherry orchard, which was cherished former owners, is mercilessly cut down when the estate passes into the hands of the enterprising merchant Lopakhin. "The Cherry Orchard" is a prototype old Russia, which is gradually disappearing into oblivion. The past is fatefully crossed out, giving way to new plans and intentions, which, according to the author, are better than the previous ones.

The Cherry Orchard - summary plays by A.P. Chekhov

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What could be more beautiful than a cherry blossom tree? Just as it is impossible to imagine a garden without an apple tree, it is also unthinkable without a cherry. Since the 16th century, merchants who came to Rus' called local bulk apples and large, juicy cherry fruits filled with summer heat a miracle of miracles.

I have been trying to plant mine for several years now. The Cherry Orchard, but this attempt cannot be called successful. Many seedlings did not take root at all, some died in the second year, and the rest are somehow reluctant to grow. In general, we can say they do not grow, but suffer. There are, of course, a couple of trees with which everything is in order, but my dream garden does not work out.

But I do not intend to give up, because nothing is impossible, perhaps everything that you can imagine. And a dream, that's why it's a dream to fulfill it. After re-reading a lot of literature on this issue, I seem to understand what the problems are and why cherries do not want to grow. And there are a lot of problems, both common to all gardeners, and specifically my summer cottage.

Problems in growing cherries and sweet cherries

It turns out that in last years the yield of cherries and sweet cherries is decreasing everywhere, because such dangerous diseases of cherries as fungal diseases of coccomycosis and monilial burn have spread widely. In addition, the climatic conditions in our zone of risky farming also exacerbate the effect of these misfortunes. And the plants finish the growing season weakened, with reduced immunity. Therefore, in severe winters, diseases freely overcome them.

Another negative climatic factor is prolonged rains in August-September, which lead to the formation of a dense, water-saturated film on the soil surface and excessive moisture saturation of the root layer of the soil. And the result is this, oxygen is displaced from the soil; then, after 5 rainy days, the suction roots die, and after 20 even the skeletal roots die. After such stress, even healthy trees shed their leaves prematurely.

And the third most harmful factor is the slow warming of the soil in spring. For example, this situation often happens with us: the ground is frozen and snow still lies until mid-April, and by the end of the month the air temperature rises sharply, i.e. it turns out a sharp temperature difference between the roots and shoots. This leads to physiological wilting, and even death of trees.
What is the way out of this sad situation? It seems to me that in this case, the Smolensk technology of planting cherries, which I found in my gardening magazines, can help and I really liked it. I want to next season apply it on my site, I must have my own blooming The Cherry Orchard)))

New technologies for the cultivation of cherries and sweet cherries

What is this technology? This is a surface planting of seedlings from containers in the summer months after the soil has warmed up, followed by the formation of high bulk ridges. Let me briefly describe this method.

So, Stage 1- seedlings are pre-planted in containers corresponding to the size of the roots with holes in the bottom. For backfilling, we take ordinary soil with peat, sand and wood ash. We do not use organic and mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen.

Stage 2- from the beginning of April, we put the seedlings in containers in the sun on a film sprinkled with a layer of sand, and water them. We need a film so that the roots do not penetrate the soil. The sun begins to warm up the container with the root system, and the temperature of the roots rises to active and becomes higher than the air temperature. And all the growth potential rushes to the root system. By the time the soil in the garden has warmed up enough, i.e. by the beginning of planting, on seedlings, already in containers, flower buds may even form.

Stage 3- carefully remove a seedling with developed young roots with a clod of earth, without destroying it. Then we put it on a flat surface of the soil, without making holes and, we fall asleep with earth - 20 cm above the root system. We take the earth from the row spacing at a distance of at least 1 m from the seedling. It turns out a gentle mound and at the same time the root system of the plant continues to be in a mode with an increased temperature of the roots. We tie the tree to a peg so that it is not swung by the wind, and we make a hole for watering around the stem of the seedling. We plant seedlings according to the scheme: the distance between the tops of the ridges is 5 m; the distance between cherry seedlings in a row is 4 m, between cherry seedlings is 3 m.

Stage 4- fertilizers for cherries are applied when the first leaves appear. We spread the manure along the crest of the bulk ridge between the plants, without embedding it in the ground. The roots cannot "get" to the fertilizer, and direct nutrition, which is very undesirable, is excluded. With this method, vapors are in the air for 10 days, which are absorbed by the first leaves in the form of air top dressing. Such top dressing, bypassing the roots and the moment when the roots have not warmed up enough, has positive action and gives a powerful start to the growing season. In the future, the rains gradually wash out the nutrients that penetrate to the roots and are captured by microorganisms. This process proceeds slowly throughout the growing season.

Benefits of the new method

How about you Dear friends, this way of planting cherries and cherries. I think that it should justify itself, especially in my area the low occurrence ground water and this also does not contribute to good heating and growth of the root system. In other regions, this method may not be so good. But one thing must be clearly remembered that with a deep landing in cold ground, there will never be positive results.

Returning to all of the above, I will repeat once again what are the advantages of this landing method:

  • Exceptional precocity - the harvest can be obtained already in the year of planting. And, if we delay the planting of seedlings until the middle of summer, then even small-sized seedlings can begin to bear fruit.
  • High winter hardiness, as the roots of seedlings go deep at a certain angle and are protected from frost by a higher and looser layer of earth. During normal planting in pits, water, as a result of prolonged rains, accumulates and greatly inhibits plants, they suffer from oxygen deficiency in the soil. Because of this, the roots are close to the surface of the soil, which freezes deep enough, as it is sufficiently compacted by rains.
  • High annual yield.
  • Stability against the wind, because the root system in the bulk ridge is located in the form of a pyramid and has the highest mechanical resistance (anchoring).
  • During the rainy period, not a single root falls into a zone oversaturated with moisture.

I guess I'll end with this. this article, but the conversation about growing cherries is not over yet. In the following articles, we will talk about other "cherry" issues: about the choice of varieties, about other ways of planting cherries, about caring for them, about growing cherries, felt cherries.

See you soon, dear friends!

"The Cherry Orchard" as an example Chekhov's play
Consider Chekhov's stories. Lyrical mood, piercing sadness and laughter... Such are his plays - unusual plays, and even more so seemed strange to Chekhov's contemporaries. But it was in them that the “watercolor” of Chekhov's colors, his penetrating lyricism, his piercing accuracy and frankness, manifested itself most vividly and deeply.
Chekhov's dramaturgy has several plans, and what the characters say is by no means what the author himself hides behind their remarks. And what he hides, perhaps, is not at all what he would like to convey to the viewer ...
From this diversity - the difficulty with the definition of the genre. For example, a play
"The Cherry Orchard" the author himself called a comedy. But the play is sad!.. So what's the matter?
As known from the very
beginning, the estate is doomed; the heroes are also doomed - Ranevskaya, Gaev, Anya and Varya - they have nothing to live on, nothing to hope for. The exit proposed by Lopakhin is impossible for them. Everything for them symbolizes the past, some old, wonderful life, when everything was easy and simple, and they even knew how to dry cherries and send carts to Moscow ... But now the garden has grown old, harvest years rare, the method of making cherries is forgotten... Constant trouble is felt behind all the words and deeds of the heroes... And even the hopes for the future expressed by one of the most active heroes - Lopakhin - are unconvincing. The words of Petya Trofimov are also unconvincing: “Russia is our garden”, “we have to work”. After all, Trofimov himself is an eternal student who cannot in any way start any serious activity. Trouble and in how relations develop between the characters (Lolakhin and Varya love each other, but for some reason do not get married), and in their conversations. Everyone talks about what interests him in this moment, and ns listens to others. The heroes of Chekhov are characterized by a tragic "deafness", so the important and the petty, the tragic and the stupid get in the way in the dialogues.
Indeed, in The Cherry Orchard, as in human life, tragic circumstances (material difficulties, the inability of the characters to act), dramatic (the life of any of the characters) and comic (for example, Petya Trofimov's fall from the stairs at the most stressful moment) are mixed up. Discord is visible everywhere, even in the fact that the servants behave like masters. Firs says, comparing the past and the present, that "everything is broken up." The existence of this person seems to remind the young that life began long ago, even before them. It is also characteristic that he is forgotten on the estate...
And the famous “sound of a broken string” is also a symbol. If stretched string- readiness, determination, efficiency, then a broken string is the end. True, there is still a vague hope, because the neighboring landowner Simeonov-Pishchik was lucky: he is no better than the others, and they found clay from him, then the railway passed ...
Life is both sad and fun. She is tragic, unpredictable, - this is what she says
Chekhov in his plays. And that is why it is so difficult to define their genre - after all, the author simultaneously shows all aspects of our life...

The Cherry Orchard, thanks to Chekhov's play, has become a kind of symbol of Russia. And, despite the difficulty of growing this crop, we must adhere to the tradition and be sure to grow cherry trees. Let me share my experience in this area.

planting cherries

I plant my cherries in the spring in April before bud break in a sufficiently lit place, on well-drained warm soil. The fact is that cold air stagnates in low-lying places, so they should be avoided. I plant felt cherries at a distance of 2 m from each other, and ordinary ones - with an interval of 3 m.

Before planting, I carefully examine the root system of a one-year-old or two-year-old cherry seedling about 1 m high, cut off the tips of the roots by 2 cm to a healthy tissue. I remove the broken and rotten parts of the roots. I put the tree in water for several hours, so that the root system is saturated with moisture and the plant tolerates planting more easily.

I prepare a hole 50 deep and 80 cm in diameter in advance, so that the root system of the tree is freely placed in it, the roots do not twist, do not break and are not directed upwards. I loosen the bottom and cover it with a layer of raw compost with a mixture of fertilizers. I mix the soil selected from the planting pit with compost, mineral and organic fertilizers, sand to improve the soil structure.

I lower the seedling strictly vertically so that its root neck is about 5 cm above the soil surface. It will have to sink to the surface level after the earth settles. I fill the pit with prepared fertilized soil, compact it. to keep the tree firmly in the ground.

At the end of planting, I form a watering circle around the entire circumference. Planted cherries are abundantly watered with two buckets of water heated in the sun. I mulch the trunk circle with compost with a layer of 5 cm.

Variety to variety - discord

When choosing varieties for planting, I always take into account the factor of cherry self-fertility. Most cultivars are self-infertile, meaning they cannot be pollinated by the pollen of their cultivar's flowers, and even when blooming profusely, such cultivars are unable to produce fruit unless there is a pollinating cultivar in the garden. I have one of these varieties available, for example. Orlovskaya early and Zhukovskaya.

There are also self-fertile cherry varieties that do not require a pollinator variety. Of these, I grow Lubskaya, Youth, Generous. They, in turn, themselves can serve as pollinators for other varieties of cherries.

There are also varieties of cherries with partial self-fertility. One of the most famous is Turgenevka. Without a pollinator variety, such plants bear fruit, but the yield is reduced.

I also grow felt cherries of varieties Summer and Rapture. They require fertile, light, well-drained soil and a sunny position. These are small plants in the form of a shrub, frost-resistant, with high yields, resistant to fungus. The fruits stick around the branch on very short stalks.

Cherry Orchard: Pruning

My young cherries grow well and branch well, so I make sure that the crown of the tree does not thicken. The first time I cut the plants in the fourth year after planting. In early spring, four weeks before the buds swell, I cut out all diseased and dry branches, as well as shoots that are directed inside the crown, so that by the end of formation, the cherry has about 10 skeletal branches, which should be placed evenly along the trunk.

When the growth of the shoots weakens, I spend a rejuvenating pruning. I constantly remove the root growth from the tree, which takes a lot of strength and juice from the cherry. I noticed that after pruning, the fruits become larger.

At a temperature of minus 1-2 degrees, I advise you to use smoke to protect against frost. Before the onset of frost, I light one smoke pile on three trees, which can smoke for about 6 hours.

Watering the cherry orchard

Be sure to water the cherry after flowering at the end of May - June, during fruit ripening in July and September-October, and infrequently, but plentifully. After watering, I carefully loosen the soil so that there is no crust on it, I try not to damage the roots, since they are not deep, I remove the weeds. At the same time, for 1 sq. I spend about 6-7 buckets of water, I try to keep the soil well moistened.

To protect ripening cherry berries from birds, I recommend attaching several plastic bags made of thin polyethylene with handle holes cut into them to tree branches. In the wind, the bags inflate and scare away the birds.

top dressing

Since I am already fertilizing when planting cherry seedlings, I no longer fertilize the soil this year. In the future, the soil under the cherry will be limed once every 3 years (300 g of lime per 1 sq. M). Before autumn digging, I apply organic fertilizers in the form of compost.

6 fruiting period cherry consumes a large number of nutrients and needs 8 of their introduction. In autumn, for digging under a bush or tree, I apply 150-200 g of phosphorus and 60-80 g of potash fertilizers in solid form. For cherries, I also do a useful foliar (spraying on the leaves) top dressing with nitrogen: the first time - 10 days after flowering, the second time - two weeks after the first. The consumption of urea in this case is 40-50 g per 10 liters of water.

In the period from bud break to bud separation, I spray cherries with Bordeaux liquid, copper sulphate against various pests.

Medicinal properties of cherries

The benefits of cherries are enormous. The substances contained in the berries reduce blood clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots, and are used to prevent anemia. Cherry regulates bowel activity, improves appetite, improves immunity.

I like to brew vitamin tea from spring cherry leaves, which has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic effects, and I also brew fragrant, insanely delicious tea from the flowers themselves. which contains many organic acids, trace elements and minerals.

I love cherry honey.

It has a tonic, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body, improves immunity.

Contraindications to the use of cherries

But we must remember that with a stomach ulcer, diabetes, diseases of the lungs, cherry fruits should be consumed with caution, and the seeds in the kernels are poisonous.

Sign of ancestors

Our ancestors had a sign: a cherry tree planted near the house will bring good luck and prosperity, and the first date of lovers under this plant will give them happiness. Try to plant a cherry and may luck, happiness and love never leave you!

The Cherry Orchard is not Chekhovian

Every man should build a house, plant a tree…. One tree is not enough! And two is not enough, and three is also not enough! We need to plant a garden! Ours was cherry.

Berry is not a garden

Garden laying... On its first suburban area, although it never turned into a real dacha, we planted several cherry seedlings, an apple tree, a pear. However, an apple tree and a pear tree were stolen from us, they could not buy new seedlings. So there were cherries and three currant bushes alone. But is it supposed to be real garden? So, in bewilderment, bleakly, the laying of the first tiny garden took place. And the understanding came that the garden should not be somewhere far away on a summer cottage where you come for the weekend, but next to the house where you live.

IN new house we moved at the very end of August, the children went to school, and my husband and I began to think: where and what kind of garden will we plant in the spring. The place was determined immediately - from the northeast side of the house. Doesn't seem very convenient? But behind our house there were only two houses, and then a field, almost a steppe. With winds and lack of protection. But there was enough space, because this part of the estate was large, even larger than our old summer cottage. With all the rules, we were able to place 28 trees on it! There are more cherries than apples, pears and plums together.

It all starts in a hole

The holes began to be dug early spring, it’s good that it turned out to be warm and early, because all the work had to be done on the summer cottage, but by April 28 they even planted potatoes. In the new place, very deep holes were required, because clay lay under a layer of 20 cm. There was nowhere for roots to grow. 80 cm is the side of the cube, these are the dimensions of our dimples.

From the world - by carnation

Planting without drainage is pointless. Where to get materials?

Our house, although it was new, but the remnants building materials was not in the area. There was no garbage that would play the role of drainage! And I went through the village with a cart. And put everything in it that caught my eye. And tins, and paper, and pebbles are big and not very big. And even old branches. Nails came across - and there was a place for them in the cart. It turned out that I was collecting garbage, which people were happy to get rid of, otherwise they would have to take all 28 wheelbarrows that I collected to the landfill.

This work took almost a month. There was not even real wood ash, because the houses were heated with coal. Only crumbs came from a huge number of bottles that were removed from the site and burned in the fall. But this was not enough for our number of trees.

Profession - supplier

I laughed that the profession is called a garbage supplier. So it happened quite by accident that we turned the waste of other people's yards and streets into a fruit-bearing garden. There were enough berries in abundance, and not only for us, but for all relatives, even neighbors. I had to queue up, because there was only one stepladder. At first our garden was the only one in the village. In other yards there were one or two fruit trees, and some even had not a single bush - only potatoes in the garden. And in the spring, under the cherries, we listened to the bees buzzing, the aroma was perceived as a dope, it beckoned to itself, like the nightingales who liked our thickets. Ripe berries made me remember Chekhov's cherry orchard. Happinnes exists!

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