Magic Lantern (1817).


An all-Russian creative competition"Magic lantern. Graphics and porcelain. Deadline January 31, 2018.

Organizers: Porcelain Workshop of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia Igor Klimenkov with the support of the State Historical Museum.

Everyone is invited to participate.

The competition is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the illustrated magazine "Magic Lantern" and the release of a series of porcelain sculptures of the same name by the Gardner factory. The goal is to reflect the modern types and characters that surround us in Everyday life. The author can refer to the types, starting from the fifties of the last century, if they are the subject of his personal feelings and experience. To understand the topic, please read the preface to the Magic Lantern magazine.

Competition nominations:

  • Graphic arts
  • small sculpture

Artistic works are accepted for the competition, reflecting the types and characters of the inhabitants of our country in graphics and ceramics. The author can take part in all nominations of the competition and submit either one or a series of works. Technical requirements to graphics: paper, size A4, A3. Technical requirements for small sculpture: porcelain, faience, gypsum, polymeric materials, maximum height - 40 cm. In both nominations are welcome accompanying texts on behalf of the author and characters.

Our official group In contact with:, our telegram , classmates ,

Competitive work accompanied by the following information: full name of the author, year of birth, gender, address, phone number, address Email, site or page in social network, occupation, title of the work, performance material, time and place of creation of the work.

Competitive works are sent to the postal address: Workshop I. Klimenkov TSHR, 109147 Moscow, st. Talalikhina 2/1, building 8.

  • First Prize — 100,000 rubles, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation)
  • Second Prize — 50,000 rubles
  • Third Prize — 25,000 rubles

small sculpture

  • First Prize - 100,000 rubles, 3 author's copies of a limited edition sculpture made according to the model of the winner, a two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation)
  • Second Prize — 50,000 rubles
  • Third Prize — 25,000 rubles

The best works will be exhibited at the State historical museum

Contacts: +7 495 670 2626, [email protected]

Magic Lantern, St. Petersburg magazines

1) magic lantern, or "a spectacle of St. Petersburg common sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real outfit and presented talking to each other, according to each person and rank." Monthly publication for 1817. The same title in French and German. This magazine was published in St. Petersburg. P. Petrov in 4° and represents a curious phenomenon in the history of Russian illustrations. J. Langen translated from Russian. In its full annual copy, consisting of 12 numbers, there are 42 pictures of the above content; 41 of them are engravings and 1 lithograph: "Folk Festival near Nevsky" - the first lithograph made in Russia, according to the publisher; 40 engravings colored. The drawings successfully convey modern folk costumes why the journal is of historical and ethnographic interest. The text, in 3 languages, is also not devoid of meaning.

2) Magic Lantern- a monthly magazine on all branches of general knowledge, also intended for public readings in public auditoriums, educational institutions and private homes with the adaptation of foggy paintings, visual experiments and demonstrations for all ages and classes "- published since July 1878 in St. Petersburg. MP Smirnov. When publishing there was a special department: "Children's Magic Lantern". A total of 2 issues were published in 4°, E. Belov, M. Bogdanov, A. I. Voeikov, K. N. Lisenko, G. Struve, and others published their articles.

  • - newspaper, continuation of the newspaper "Vedomosti". She went out from 1728 at AN 2 times a week, from 1800 daily. Editorial - on the 3rd line of Vasilevsky Island, 4, on Troitskaya Street, 26 and in other places ...

    St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

  • - 1) P. to. 1772-between Russia, Prussia and Austria; was signed on 5. VIII Count N.I. Panin, the Prussian envoy Count Solms and the Austrian envoy Prince. Lobkowicz...

    Diplomatic Dictionary

  • - 1) P. p. 1907 on the Baltic issue - signed on 29. X by Gubastov and von Yagov, authorized by Russia and Germany ...

    Diplomatic Dictionary

  • - 1-2) P. s. d. 1740 and 1743 - between Russia and Prussia; signed 27. XII 1740 and 27. III 1743...

    Diplomatic Dictionary

  • - Russian newspaper. She published in St. Petersburg from 1728 2 times a week, and from 1800 - daily. Among the first editors of "S.-P. v." - G. F. Miller, Ya. Ya. Shtellin, M. V. Lomonosov. For the 18th century "S.-P. in." - the most important historical...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - between Russia, Austria and Prussia on the divisions of the Commonwealth. According to the 1st section, Eastern Belarus with the cities of Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Polotsk and the Polish part of Livonia retreated to Russia ...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - see Magic Lantern...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - see Magic Lantern...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - 1) A magic lantern, or "a spectacle of St. Petersburg common sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real outfit and presented talking to each other ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - the oldest of the Russian newspapers, which arose in 1728 at the Academy of Sciences and is to some extent a continuation of the firstborn of the Russian periodical press, created by Peter the Great and published from 1703 to 1727 under ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - about the divisions of the Commonwealth. P. to. 1772 between Russia, Prussia and Austria on the first section was signed on July 25 ...
  • - 1740, 1743, 1764 between Russia and Prussia...

    Big Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - between Russia, Austria and Prussia on the divisions of the Commonwealth ...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - MAGIC, th, th ...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - MAGIC LANTERN. 1. Outdated. An apparatus used to display on a screen in an enlarged form images made on glass ...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - projection lamp,...

    Synonym dictionary

"Magic Lantern, Petersburg magazines" in books

magic lantern

From the book The Only Days author Bondarchuk Natalya Sergeevna

Magic Lantern I was three years old. In Catoire, where they rented a room with a veranda for the summer, I first saw films with the participation of Charlie Chaplin. Our neighbors had a trophy film installation. Almost every evening about ten people gathered, turned on Magic lamp, and with a strong


From Caruso's book author Bulygin Alexey Kirillovich

Chapter One A MAGIC YEAR, A MAGIC CITY... During rehearsals of Arrigo Boito's opera Mephistopheles at the La Scala theater in Milan, Fyodor Chaliapin and Enrico Caruso, talking, discovered that both were born in the same year - 1873. They found the coincidence to be amusing. But you can

#Russia #Petersburg Night, street, lantern, pharmacy. Pharmacy, street, lamp

From the book Entry & (Not) Exit author Gubin Dmitry

#Russia #Petersburg Night, street, lantern, pharmacy. Pharmacy, street, lamp Tags: About curbs and curbs. - About the roundabout and the final one. - In general, about all the fundamental differences between the two capitals, if you forget about words and move on to deeds. In the Ogonyok magazine, where I work, there is a heading “About

magic lantern

From book Puppet show: children's encyclopedia author Goldovsky Boris Pavlovich

Magic lantern Invented by the Jesuit monk Athanasius Kircher in early XVII century. This is an oil lamp projector. Drawings were applied to pieces of mica, later - glass. In order for the figures projected onto the screen to move, Kircher supplied the apparatus

16.18.2. Brake light and position light - bulb replacement

From the book Two-stroke and four-stroke scooters. Operation, maintenance and repair author Team of authors

16.18.2. Brake light and clearance light - lamp replacement 1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two screws securing the brake light diffuser. 2. Remove the diffuser. 3. We replace the brake signal lamp with a similar one at par. 4. Replacing the lamp

Chapter IV. Magic Lantern, or "Camera Obscura"

From Scaffold's book crystal palace: About Russian novels by V. Nabokov the author Books Nora

Chapter IV. Magic Lantern, or "Camera Obscura" 1 "Camera Obscura" is a literary embodiment of the proverb: "Love is blind," V. Khodasevich wrote about the novel. The critic's formulation in brevity is ahead of the author's definition of the novel's plot. IN English text"Laughter in the

From the book Paper Radio. Podcast haven: letters and sounds under one cover author Gubin Dmitry

Night, street, lamp, pharmacy. Pharmacy, street, lamp About what strikes St. Petersburg residents in Moscow, and Muscovites - in St. Petersburg. And also about the death of one idea In the Ogonyok magazine, where I work, there is a heading "About my / from outside". The idea is simple: a Russian journalist writes that his

B. Lavrenev Rec.: Marina Tsvetaeva. Magic Lantern Second Book of Poems. M., 1912(5)

author Tsvetaeva Marina

B. Lavrenev Rec.: Marina Tsvetaeva. Magic Lantern Second Book of Poems. M., 1912(5) A gentle and pure spring of a child's soul, a world of bizarre phantasmagories and legends, where the heroes are princes and princesses, sweet dreams in a bed over which an affectionate mother leaned over, frisky and carefree

B. Ivinsky Review: Marina Tsvetaeva. Magic Lantern: The Second Book of Poems M .: Knvo "Ole-Lukoye", 1912 (8)

From the book Reviews of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva author Tsvetaeva Marina

B. Ivinsky Review: Marina Tsvetaeva. Magic Lantern: The Second Book of Poems M .: Book<игоиздательст>in "Ole-Lukoy", 1912(8) From a cardboard case you take out a small elegant book in a velvet dark red cover. Very small but clear print, more than a hundred

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From the book Reviews of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva author Tsvetaeva Marina

P. Pertsov Rec.: Marina Tsvetaeva. Magic Lantern: The Second Book of Poems. M., 1912 (9) A small, pretty book in a continuous velvet cover and, in addition, in a case - neither give nor take a prayer book. Appearance for a collection of poems is the most inappropriate: expecting something

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From the book Reviews of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva author Tsvetaeva Marina

N. Gumilyov Letters on Russian Poetry Review: Marina Tsvetaeva. Magic Lantern: The Second Book of Poems M .: Book<игоиздательст>in "Ole-Lukoy", 1912<Отрывок>{11} <…>The first book by Marina Tsvetaeva "Evening Album" made me believe in her and, perhaps, most of all - in her

magic lantern

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6250 (No. 46 2009) author Literary Newspaper

Magic lantern Reading Moscow Magic lantern BOOK CRASH Evgenia Dobrova. And under it I'm naked: Tale. - M.: AST? - Vladimir: VKT, 2009.? - 288 p. In the new book by Evgenia Dobrova? - three stories: "Little Mozart" plus "And under him I'm naked" (components of the "Double Bottom" dilogy)

magic lantern

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6386 (No. 39 2012) author Literary Newspaper

Magic lantern Magic lantern Telerepeat On television, in addition to various kinds of momentary conflicts (ideological, political, selfish), there is another one - unnamed. This is a conflict between Soviet cinema and post-Soviet cinema. Every time you encounter


From the book Killer Glasses author Pankov Oleg

EXERCISE "MAGIC LANTERN" Take a table lamp, lantern or lamp with a power of not more than 40 watts. Prepare 7 light bulbs of different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple). If there are no such bulbs, buy filters at the camera store


From the book Killer Glasses author Pankov Oleg

EXERCISE "MAGIC LANTERN" Now you are already working with the rays you like for 3-5 minutes using "magic lanterns" in the following sequence of colors: at 8 o'clock - red; at 10 o'clock - orange; at 12 o'clock - yellow; at 14 o'clock - green; at 16 o'clock -

/ Competition "Magic Lantern". Graphics and porcelain

Contest works of art, displaying in graphics and ceramics the types and characters of the inhabitants of our country on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the illustrated magazine "Magic Lantern" and the release by the Gardner factory of a series of porcelain sculptures of the same name.


Porcelain workshop of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia Igor Klimenkov with the support of the State Historical Museum.

Conditions of the competition

Nominations: graphics, small sculpture


February 15, 2018 Exposition of works. Summing up and announcement of winners. Reception in honor of the winners

December 2018 Show the best works at the State Historical Museum. Address: Moscow, Red Square, 1

First prize 100 thousand rubles, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation)

Second Prize 50 thousand rubles

Third Prize 25 thousand rubles

Small sculpture:

Second Prize 50 thousand rubles

Third Prize 25 thousand rubles

Artistic Council

Bagdasarova Irina Radikovna, State Hermitage Museum

Bubchikova Marianna Alexandrovna, State Historical Museum

Gorbatova Irina Vitalievna, GIKMZ "Moscow Kremlin"

Ibragimov Fidail Mulla-Akhmetovich, corresponding member Russian Academy arts

Kazakova Lyudmila Vasilievna, Russian Academy of Arts

Klimenkova Elena Vladimirovna

Korzina Galina Alexandrovna, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Koshlyakov Valery Nikolaevich, artist

Mikitina Violetta Valerievna, State Museum ceramics and "Manor Kuskovo XVIII century."

Mozzhukhina Tatyana Alexandrovna, State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century

Nosovich Tamara Nikolaevna, GMZ "Peterhof"

Rozanov Valentin Gelievich, Head of the Department of Ceramics and Porcelain, TSKhDPI

Savelieva Lyubov Ivanovna, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts

Uspensky Vasily Mikhailovich, State Hermitage Museum

Sponsors and patrons


Smirnova Elena Petrovna, State Historical Museum

Enikeeva Tatyana Ivanovna, State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century

Itkina Elena Igorevna, State Historical Museum

Sipovskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, State Institute art history

Maloletkov Valery Aleksandrovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts

Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich, creative union artists of Russia

Contest participant

The author can take part in all nominations of the competition and submit either one or a series of works. To understand the topic, please read the preface to the Magic Lantern magazine. It perfectly describes the spirit of the task. The goal is a reflection of modern types and characters that surround us in everyday life. The author can refer to the types, starting from the fifties of the last century, if they are the subject of his personal feelings and experience.

Each participant must provide the following information:

year of birth

E-mail address


job title

execution material

time and place of job creation

Technical requirements

Paper, size A4, A3

small sculpture

Porcelain, faience, gypsum, polymeric materials.

Maximum height - 40 cm

Address for sending works:

Workshop I. Klimenkov TSHR

109147 Moscow, st. Talalikhina 2/1, building 8

tel. +7 495 670 2626

[email protected]

Works submitted for the competition will not be returned.

About Magic Lantern Magazine

An illustrated magazine was published in St. Petersburg in 1817-18.

"Magic Lantern" or "The spectacle of St. Petersburg common sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real outfit and presented talking to each other, respectively, to each person and rank."


“We offer to the most respected public for enjoy reading and to please the curious eye A magazine in a completely new way. - A lot of periodicals devoted to Literature, Politics and even Fashion. Surely, the promised images of overseas outfits, carriages and furniture in the latest taste will give pleasure to the curious. - We confine ourselves to a characteristic description of the Russian common people, in all its original simplicity of manners and the dialect itself. In this Edition - as if in magic lantern- respectable readers will see skillfully engraved figures of various people engaged in various trades in the city, presented in their real outfit, talking to each other, similar to their natural position. Their conversation will occupy with pleasantness the idle hours of a person busy with public affairs; and the image of faces will stop the eye of the curious, and give him the pleasure of seeing good picture. For foreigners who want to have an idea both about the type of urban crafts and about the industrialists themselves, regarding their appearance and moral character, we add the translation of Russian conversations into French and German languages. Russian is depicted in the title instead of a vignette folk holiday near Nevsky, drawn and printed on stone, according to a new invention called Lithographie. This invention, useful for art, new in the 19th century, still the first in this edition in Russia, is in the light.

A competition of works of art, reflecting the types and characters of our country's inhabitants in graphics and ceramics, was announced on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the illustrated magazine "Magic Lantern" and the release of a series of porcelain sculptures of the same name by the Gardner factory. Awards up to 100,000 rubles + exhibition in Moscow following the results.

The author can take part in all nominations of the competition and submit either one or a series of works. To understand the topic, please read the preface to the Magic Lantern magazine (see below). It perfectly describes the spirit of the task. The goal is a reflection of modern types and characters that surround us in everyday life. The author can refer to the types, starting from the fifties of the last century, if they are the subject of his personal feelings and experience.

Organizers: Porcelain workshop of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia Igor Klimenkov with the support of the State Historical Museum.

Conditions of the competition. Nominations

Graphic arts

small sculpture


February 15, 2018 - Exposition of works. Summing up and announcement of winners. Reception in honor of the winners

December 2018 - Display of the best works at the State Historical Museum. Address: Moscow, Red Square, 1


First Prize: 100 thousand rubles, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation)

small sculpture

Second Prize: 50 thousand rubles

Third Prize: 25 thousand rubles

Artistic Council

Bagdasarova Irina Radikovna, State Hermitage Museum

Bubchikova Marianna Alexandrovna, State Historical Museum

Gorbatova Irina Vitalievna, GIKMZ "Moscow Kremlin"

Ibragimov Fidail Mulla-Akhmetovich, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Kazakova Lyudmila Vasilievna, Russian Academy of Arts

Klimenkova Elena Vladimirovna

Korzina Galina Alexandrovna, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Koshlyakov Valery Nikolaevich, artist

Mikitina Violetta Valerievna, State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century

Mozzhukhina Tatyana Alexandrovna, State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century

Nosovich Tamara Nikolaevna, GMZ "Peterhof"

Rozanov Valentin Gelievich, Head of the Department of Ceramics and Porcelain, TSKhDPI

Savelieva Lyubov Ivanovna, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts

Uspensky Vasily Mikhailovich, State Hermitage Museum


Chairperson: Smirnova Elena Petrovna, State Historical Museum

Enikeeva Tatyana Ivanovna, State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century

Itkina Elena Igorevna, State Historical Museum

Sipovskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, State Institute of Art History

Maloletkov Valery Aleksandrovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts

Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich, Creative Union of Artists of Russia

Contest participant

Each participant must provide the following information:

year of birth

E-mail address


job title

execution material

time and place of job creation

Technical requirements

Paper, size A4, A3

small sculpture

Porcelain, faience, gypsum, polymeric materials.

Maximum height - 40 cm

Address for sending works:

Workshop I. Klimenkov TSHR

109147 Moscow, st. Talalikhina 2/1, building 8

tel. +7 495 670 2626

[email protected]

Works submitted for the competition will not be returned.

About Magic Lantern Magazine

An illustrated magazine was published in St. Petersburg in 1817-18.

"Magic Lantern" or "The spectacle of St. Petersburg common sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real outfit and presented talking to each other, respectively, to each person and rank."


“We offer the most respectable public for pleasant reading and for the delight of the curious eye a Journal in a completely new way. - Many periodicals are devoted to Literature, Politics and even Fashion. Surely, the promised images of overseas outfits, carriages and furniture in the latest taste will give pleasure to the curious. - We confine ourselves to a characteristic description of the Russian common people, in all its original simplicity of manners and the dialect itself. In this Edition, as if in a magic lantern, venerable readers will see skillfully engraved figures of various people engaged in various trades in the city, presented in their real attire, talking to each other, similar to their natural position. Their conversation will occupy with pleasantness the idle hours of a person busy with public affairs; and the image of faces will stop the eye of the curious, and give him the pleasure of seeing a good picture. For foreigners who want to have an idea both about the type of urban crafts and about the industrialists themselves, regarding their appearance and moral character, we add a translation of Russian conversations into French and German. In the title, instead of a vignette, a Russian folk festival near Nevsky is depicted, drawn and printed on stone, according to a new invention called Lithographie. This invention, useful for art, new in the 19th century, still the first in this edition in Russia, is in the light.

Competition of works of art, displaying in graphics and ceramics the types and characters of the inhabitants of our country.

to the 200th anniversary of the illustrated magazine "Magic Lantern" and the release by the Gardner factory of a series of porcelain sculptures of the same name


Porcelain workshop of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia
Igor Klimenkov with the support of the State Historical Museum

Conditions of the competition

  • Graphic arts
  • small sculpture


  • May 30, 2017 - Competition announcement
  • January 31, 2018 - Deadline for entries
  • February 15, 2018 - Exposition of works. Summing up and announcement of winners. Reception in honor of the winners
  • December 2018 Display of the best works at the State Historical Museum. Address: Moscow, Red Square, 1


First Prize 100 thousand rubles, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation)
Second Prize 50 thousand rubles
Third Prize me 25 thousand rubles

First Prize 100 thousand rubles, 3 author's copies from a limited edition of a sculpture made according to the model of the winner, a two-week internship in
workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation)
Second Prize 50 thousand rubles
Third Prize 25 thousand rubles

Artistic Council

To date, the following have given their consent to participate in the artistic council of the competition:
Bagdasarova Irina Radikovna, State Hermitage Museum
Bubchikova Marianna Alexandrovna, State Historical Museum
Gorbatova Irina Vitalievna, GIKMZ "Moscow Kremlin"
Ibragimov Fidail Mulla-Akhmetovich, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts
Kazakova Lyudmila Vasilievna, Russian Academy of Arts
Klimenkova Elena Vladimirovna
Korzina Galina Alexandrovna, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts
Koshlyakov Valery Nikolaevich, artist
Mikitina Violetta Valerievna, State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century
Mozzhukhina Tatyana Alexandrovna, State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century
Nosovich Tamara Nikolaevna, GMZ "Peterhof"
Savelieva Lyubov Ivanovna, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts
Uspensky Vasily Mikhailovich, State Hermitage Museum
Sponsors and patrons


Chairman Smirnova Elena Petrovna, State Historical Museum

Enikeeva Tatyana Ivanovna, State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century
Itkina Elena Igorevna, State Historical Museum
Sipovskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, State Institute of Art History
Maloletkov Valery Aleksandrovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts
Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich, Creative Union of Artists of Russia

Contest participant

The author can take part in all nominations of the competition and submit either one or a series of works. To understand the topic, please read the preface to the Magic Lantern magazine. It perfectly describes the spirit of the task. The goal is a reflection of modern types and characters that surround us in everyday life. The author can refer to the types, starting from the fifties of the last century, if they are the subject of his personal feelings and experience. Each participant must provide the following information:
Full name
year of birth
E-mail address
website or social media page
job title
execution material
time and place of job creation

Technical requirements

Paper, size A4, A3

Porcelain, faience, gypsum, polymeric materials.
Maximum height - 40 cm
Accompanying texts on behalf of the author and characters are welcome.

Address for sending works:
Workshop I. Klimenkov TSHR
109147 Moscow, st. Talalikhina 2/1, building 8
tel. +7 495 670 2626
[email protected]

About Magic Lantern Magazine
An illustrated magazine was published in St. Petersburg in 1817-18. "Magic Lantern" or "The spectacle of St. Petersburg common sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real outfit and presented talking to each other, respectively, to each person and rank."

“We offer the most respectable public for pleasant reading and for the delight of the curious eye a Journal in a completely new way. - Many periodicals are devoted to Literature, Politics and even Fashion. Surely, the promised images of overseas outfits, carriages and furniture in the latest taste will give pleasure to the curious. - We limit ourselves to the characteristic
description of the Russian common people, in all its original simplicity of manners and the dialect itself. In this Edition, as if in a magic lantern, venerable readers will see skillfully engraved figures of various people engaged in various trades in the city, presented in their real attire, talking to each other, similar to their natural position. Their conversation will take
the pleasantness of the leisurely hours of those who are burdened by public affairs; and the image of faces will stop the eye of the curious, and give him the pleasure of seeing a good picture. For foreigners who want to have an idea both about the type of urban crafts and about the industrialists themselves, regarding their appearance and moral character, we add a translation of Russian conversations into French and German. In the title, instead of a vignette, a Russian folk festival near Nevsky is depicted, drawn and printed on stone, according to a new invention called Lithographie. This invention, useful for art, new in the 19th century, still the first in this edition in Russia, is in the light.

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