Riddles of Nostradamus in Assassin's Creed unity walkthrough. Assassin Creed Unity: the mysteries of Nostradamus and their solution


The beginning of the puzzle is located in the eastern part of the Palace of Justice of the Île de la Cité. The puzzle has a difficulty of 2 squares out of 5 possible. Consists of 3 puzzles. The reward for the solution is 500 livres.

Mystery of Nostradamus Saturn

Use fast travel to the viewpoint of Notre Dame de Paris on the Ile de la Cité. We jump into a haystack, run two blocks north to the Notre Dame bridge. To the left of the bridge, at the foot of the obelisk, we find the beginning of the puzzle. Interact with the symbol, read the first puzzle.

First puzzle

I own two blades
Law and Justice are nearby.
Hour after hour I beat with honor
For kings and for peasants.

The puzzle hints at the clock face. We follow the river bank in a northwesterly direction. After walking one block, we will stumble upon high tower with clock. On them is the symbol of Saturn. We climb the tower before hours. We use "Eagle Vision" to see the symbol of Saturn on the dial, we read the second puzzle.

Second puzzle

Our mother is in the heart of a rose.
Silent, like a stone, so she looks at the flock.
Petals of light surround our Mother.
Petals - 24. Look how they shine.
And look how the rose shines with light at sunset.

We quickly move again to the viewpoint of Notre Dame de Paris (Isle de la Cité). We jump off the haystack, run a little forward, turn around and carefully examine the facade of the cathedral. Above the central entrance arch there is a round window consisting of 24 petal fragments. It is on it that the next symbol is located. Climb up the facade of the cathedral to it and use Eagle Vision to read the final puzzle by interacting with the symbol.

The last puzzle

Stand between two streams, looking at our Mother.
On the way from the rose to the transept - the Pentateuch will help you.
Arches five and five nightmares - wide eyes.
Under the last one there will be a treasure: the Gate to Infinity.

We climb the facade of Notre Dame de Paris to its roof. We run forward and climb a little higher, finding ourselves on a roof with sharp slopes. On the left and right we will see many arches. We are interested in the fifth arch from the right. The last character is below it. We go down two levels under the arch and use Eagle Vision to see it and complete the riddle of Nostradamus Saturn.

If you pick up any game that belongs to the Assassins Creed series, then you can naturally enjoy the incredible storyline as well as the different moves your character can do. You will be able to run on rooftops, make incredible jumps, fight hordes of opponents, and so on. However, it is worth noting that in most games in the series, you do not have to follow exclusively storyline- in the open world you can move around own will. And this means that you have time to discover and find a variety of secrets. Searching for them is an incredibly exciting activity, and this article will look at related Assassin's Creed Unity riddles of Nostradamus, about which absolutely all gamers talk.

Bonus content in the game

If you play Assassin Creed Unity, the mysteries of Nostradamus most likely excite you as well. As you well understand, they are not among the mandatory tasks that you need to complete in order to reach the final game. They belong to the side quests, but what will they give you? After all, the situation is as follows - in the games of this series there are constantly various secondary tasks, but each of them can lead you to some kind of bonus content, that is, new weapons, in later parts - to a new ship and so on. Naturally, this is no less true in Assassin's Creed: Unity, and here you can also take on various tasks to get a certain reward or rare items. These tasks include the riddles of Nostradamus in Assassin Creed Unity. But what will their decision give you?

New suit

Like any other side quest in Assassin Creed Unity, Nostradamus' riddles will gradually lead you to something unusual. But what will it be? In this case, you should definitely try, even though the tasks may seem rather difficult to you, but the reward will be really worth it. The fact is that if you solve absolutely all the riddles, then you will be given the costume of the Master - Assassin Tom de Crineion. This is an incredible costume that attracts the attention of absolutely all gamers. And by whether you own such costumes, other gamers can determine how well you have mastered this game. Why? The whole secret lies in the fact that completing this quest will take you a very long time and will require you to constantly think and solve quite complex puzzles. High complexity and duration are the words that can be used to describe in Assassin's Creed Unity riddles of Nostradamus. Passing them is not easy, but, as you already understood, the reward is really worth it.

Riddles of Nostradamus

This was all an introduction so that you can understand what the Nostradamus mysteries are in Assassins Creed Unity. Their passage will be described later, but only in in general terms, because there are really a lot of mysteries, and all of them often require good orientation in space, which is unlikely to be described in words. So, first of all, you need to figure out how many puzzles there are in the game that will lead you to the Master Assassin costume. Everything is quite simple here - all riddles can be divided into two groups - related to the planets and to the signs of the zodiac. In total, 18 riddles are obtained in total, but that's not all. The fact is that each riddle is divided into several parts, which can sometimes be quite a lot, for example, four. but it is worth noting that in most cases there are still two parts, but this is enough to take you ten hours of time to go through them all. You will also need to seriously strain your brain to unravel this secret of Assassin's Creed - solving all the mysteries of Nostradamus will require considerable knowledge and developed imagination as well as the ability to think.

Mysteries of the planets

Passing all the riddles of Nostradamus in Assassin's Creed, which relate to the planets, will take you much less time, since there are simply half as many of them as those related to the signs of the zodiac. Moreover, here you mainly need only attentiveness , since your task is to look for signs denoting these very planets.And they will be in the most unexpected places.One will be on the roof of the theater under the weather vane, the other on the clock tower, the third in general on the famous In general, you will have to spend a lot of time in order to find the necessary characters from the lengthy descriptions of Nostradamus. However, in Assassin's Creed Unity solution all the mysteries of Nostradamus will lead you to incredible treasure, so you should strain and do everything the way it is required of you.

Mysteries of the signs of the zodiac

So, when you collect all six symbols that relate to the planets, twelve more will be available to you, each of which will be related to the sign of the Zodiac. Accordingly, you will have to spend twice as much time looking for signs in the most unusual places Paris - however, in parallel, you can admire the work of the game's artists, because the graphic component is simply magnificent. But what do you need to do when you collect all eighteen characters?

Quest final

When you complete absolutely all the tasks, you will have four parts of the disk of Nostradamus, which you need to put together and take to the sanctuary. There you can use this disk, set four pillars to the right points so that it works, after which you will have access to the very suit that was originally discussed. That's it, now you can change appearance your character and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

In the phenomenal project Assassin Creed Unity, the riddles of Nostradamus are a chain additional tasks search special characters. As a reward for completing all eighteen quests, there will be a special suit of a famous assassin. The puzzle appears in the form of a verse that indicates the location. Only when you find all the symbols, the storage location of the legendary armor will open.

First riddles (planets)

Start in the game Assassin Creed Unity riddles of Nostradamus with the need to visit entertainment establishment under the name "Theater". There, on the second floor near the portrait, there will be the necessary inscription. The next symbol from the list "Mercury" is located on the roof of the same building under the weather vane itself.

The tasks of the Roman god of war are composed of three parts. The first sign can be found in the cemetery, under which the mission was started. The next one is above the entrance to the building near Notre Dame Cathedral. The last symbol is in the center of the Place Dauphine on a monument.

After that, you can start other riddles of Nostradamus (Assassins Creed Unity). Saturn is one of the most difficult tasks in this kind. It starts at the city clock of the Palace of Justice, a few meters from the prison. The second sign is at the very top of the already familiar Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. To find the third one, walk along the roof of the same building and right side under the arches you will see an inscription.

Continuation of the puzzle

It is worth noting that from given task does not depend on the passage of Assassin's Creed Unity. The riddles of Nostradamus are just an interesting additional target. If the first three are solved, then you should go to the synchronization point near the Louvre. There will be the first symbol from the Aries puzzle. The second is hidden in a small patch of grass behind the pedestal to Helion, which is located in the gardens of the Palais Royal. The last inscription is on the bridge near Revolution Square.

We pass to the first planet from the sun. The starting symbol is located on the central monument to the king in the middle of the Place Vendôme. The second one is right at the entrance to the city from the West Gate. The third is in the bread market under the entry point. The mission "Earth" starts under the statue of the girl, and there is the first icon. The weapon in her hands points to the tower, under which there is the next letter in the square. And the last symbol is on the tower near the maze of plants.

Zodiac signs (part one)

Many puzzles are named after the signs of the zodiac. Among total Nostradamus riddles are not distinguished by complexity in Assassins Creed Unity. The passage is reduced to a further search for symbols in hidden places.

The "Capricorn" list starts from the roof of the city hall, then jump down to the square. The last one is on top of the tall Saint-Jacques building, near the wooden floor. "The Lion" starts on the first corner tower of the Great Shuttle. After that, go across the rooftops, all the way to the Graveyard of the Innocents, where a symbol is painted on the wall. From here - to the other side of the city on the roof of the church of Saint-Eustache lies the path.

The quest "The Maidens" is difficult, because the first symbol is hidden in the crowd, not far from the place where the King of Beggars died. From here, run to the center of the Palace of Wonders, and then to the center of the main trade bazaar.

Zodiac signs (part two)

Further, in order to pass the riddles of Nostradamus in Assassin's Creed Unity, you need to go to Temple Castle, where there is a synchronization point. There, the user will find the first "Aquarius" sign, and the next one from below near the bastion fountain. To find the third one, you will have to go down into the catacombs of this fortress.

The mission "Scorpion" starts from the square behind the Town Hall, where there are a big tree. The continuation is located at the highest point of the Mansion de San, and you can finish the mission near the monument, which is located in the center of Place des Vosges. In turn, "Scales" originate at the top of the Louvre, right in the middle. The place of execution in Place de la Révolution is also marked with a sign, and you can complete the quest chain at the king's grave in the Madeleine Cathedral.

Zodiac signs (part three)

If you are determined to get the legendary armor, then you will have to complete the riddles of Nostradamus in Assassin Creed Unity. The "Fish" quest starts in the right wing of the Pantheon Church (at the top of the roof). From there, keep walking under the pillars of this building and there will be an icon below the save point. Below, under the square columns, there will be a continuation, but there are also fourth and fifth symbols. One is under the ceiling of the Pantheon building, and the second is under the first basement door on the left side.

The quest "Taurus" is easier, because the first symbol is immediately ten steps under the bridge, if you run straight. The second letter is on the column of the Field of Mars, the third is near the tall tree in the game, and the fourth can be found on the map (at the top of the building).

"Cancer" also includes four signs. One of them is under the synchronization point of the Saint-Germain church, the second is in the center of the Luxembourg Palace. The last two are in the garden of this palace. One is hidden behind a secret door to the basement entrance.

Recent missions

It remains to solve the last three riddles of Nostradamus in Assassin Creed Unity in order to get the coveted prize. "Sagittarius" starts at the highest point of the tower of the Institute of France, and from there you need to move to the Sorbonne tower, where the next symbol will be.

The last of them is located in the observatory near a huge telescope. As soon as you take the next task "Gemini", a designation with a symbol will appear on the map. Run to the swamp, and from there - to the area of ​​dead houses to a large fountain. The last sign is hidden at the base of the Tournel Bridge.

The last task is "Jupiter". The badges are located: near the shop of the Palais Bourbon, to the right of the water wheel of the mill of the Les Invalides and on the bridge over the smallest river.

Upgrade points are required to unlock new skills. They are earned by completing in-game activities, but it is worth considering that Arno receives very little for ordinary kills. Below we have compiled a list of activities that bring maximum amount points:

  • Hoist kill - 200 points.
  • Air kill - 150 points.
  • Kill from behind cover - 150 points.
  • Ledge kill - 150 points.
  • Gassing multiple enemies at once - 150 points.
  • Stunning multiple enemies at once - 150 points.

List of achievements in the game:

  • A long time ago - complete the prologue.
  • Childhood in Versailles - Complete flashback sequence 1.
  • Rebirth - Complete Flashback Sequence 2.
  • First Blood - Complete Flashback Sequence 3.
  • Court of Wonders - Complete flashback sequence 4.
  • Root of Evil - Complete Flashback Sequence 5.
  • Secret Meeting - Complete Flashback Sequence 6.
  • The clue is to complete the flashback sequence 7.
  • Blood Trail - Complete Flashback Sequence 8.
  • Road to Decadence - Complete Flashback Sequence 9.
  • Love and Duty - Complete Memory Sequence 10.
  • All Is Not Lost - Complete flashback sequence 11.
  • Encore - complete flashback sequence 12.
  • Warmth - Free ten assassins.
  • Death in the Crowd - Kill 100 enemies.
  • I want them all - complete all trials.
  • Celestial Punishment - Get 10 kills from the air.
  • Thrust - Kill twenty enemies with polearms.
  • Slashing - Kill twenty enemies with heavy weapons.
  • It must have been left open - break open 5 doors.
  • Bells! Bells! - disable 5 signal bells.
  • Never Say Death - Revive a partner in co-op.
  • Master Architect - Restore all Cafe-Theatre.
  • Guillotine - Kill an enemy using an elevator.
  • Work for pleasure - earn 50,000 livres.
  • Panorama - synchronize all viewpoints.
  • For help! - Complete all "In the Crowd" missions.

How to earn more money?

Very little money is given for completing basic tasks. They are barely enough to replenish Supplies and ammunition. But the world of Assassin's Creed: Unity is rich and diverse, and the player is provided with many ways to earn in other ways:

  • Look for chests marked with a sign on the map. It is not known how many coins are in each of them, but they definitely will not be superfluous.
  • Don't forget to search the corpses of your enemies. So you can not only replenish ammunition, but also earn extra money.
  • Invest in the development of your own cafes that you create in the game. They bring a steady income, and therefore do not spare funds for the development of institutions.
  • Complete side missions. Regardless of what you do (catching thieves, working as a courier or killing for money), they are paid better than the main storyline.

How to open all weapons?

New types of weapons can be obtained by buying them for local currency or by completing investigations. You can view all weapons and the requirements to unlock them in the character customization menu. Also don't forget to use the Helix currency, which makes it easier to get certain items from the arsenal. Below is full list weapons in the game.

One-handed weapon

  • Dull Cavalry Saber - Default weapon, free.
  • Broadsword - Complete the quest The Barber of Seville.
  • Boarding broadsword - 250 livres.
  • War hammer - 250 livres.
  • Messer - Complete the "Killing Jean-Paul" quest.
  • Heavy-Hilted Sword - Complete the "Deadly Delicious Chocolate" quest.
  • Rapier - 100 livres or 400 Helix points.
  • Light Cavalry Saber - 1000 livres or 400 Helix points.
  • Gladius - Complete "The Headless Commandant".
  • Curved falchion - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Officer's saber - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Morgenstern - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Straight falchion - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Royal Machete - 25,000 livres or 800 Helix points.
  • Battle Mace - 25,000 livres or 800 Helix points.
  • Katana - 25,000 livres or 800 Helix points.
  • Serpent Sword - 25,000 livres or 800 Helix points.
  • Schiavona - 200,000 livres.
  • Cinqueda - 125000 livres or 1000 Helix points


  • Gwizard - default weapon, free.
  • Vulge - Complete the "Body in the Brothel" quest.
  • Fauchard - in Assassin's Creed Initiates.
  • Halberd - 250 livres.
  • Berdysh - 1000 livres or 400 Helix points.
  • Golden berdysh - Uplay achievement and 250 livres.
  • Polaris - Complete the "Bone of Discord" quest.
  • Light Halberd - Complete the "September Mayhem" memory.
  • Bisento - Collect all artifacts in Les Invalides.
  • Esponton - 1000 livres or 400 Helix points.
  • Lochaber ax - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Spiked staff - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Corsica - 25,000 livres or 1,000 Helix points.
  • Solemn partisan - 125000 livres or 1000 Helix points.

heavy weapons

  • Pickaxe - default weapon, free.
  • Wooden Hammer - Complete the "Murder Foretold" quest.
  • Bastard sword - 250 livres.
  • Berdysh - 250 livres.
  • Long ax - 250 livres.
  • Claymore - Complete "The Body of a Politician" quest.
  • Two-handed sword - 1000 livres.
  • Sailor's ax - 250 livres.
  • Heavy Cleaver - Collect all artifacts near the Louvre.
  • Battleaxe - Complete the "Confession" memory.
  • Spiked Mace - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Sword Staff - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Flamberg - Complete the quest The Death of Philibert Aspar.
  • Officer's Ax - Complete the mission "Murder in your spare time".


  • Pistol is the default weapon, free.
  • Officer's Pistol - Complete the "The King is Dead" flashback.
  • American flintlock weapons - 1000 livres or 400 Helix points.
  • Arno pistol - 5000 livres or 600 Helix points.
  • Fine Pistol - Complete "The Red Ghost of the Tuileries".
  • Three-barreled pistol - 25,000 livres or 800 Helix points.
  • Gold trimmed pistol - 125,000 livres or 1,000 Helix points.


  • Flintlock musket - 250 livres.
  • Flintlock - Play Assassin's Creed: Initiates.
  • Musket of the National Guard - 250 livres.
  • Blunderbuss - Complete the "Avenging Hand of Science" memory.
  • Silver Musket - 125,000 livres or 1,000 Helix points.
  • Long gun - 25,000 livres or 800 Helix points.

How to open all costumes?

Costumes are configured in the character customization menu. To unlock clothes, you need to complete special tasks. The requirements can be viewed in the column next to each of the suits.

How to join the Brotherhood?

Ubisoft rewards those who pre-order the game with various bonuses. One of the gifts is the creation of the Brotherhood. Along with the game, users received a special code that must be entered on the official website. After that, you can create your Brotherhood and invite friends. You can also join an existing order. To do this, a friend must send a special invitation to the player.

How to open blue chests?

To open special treasures, you need to download mobile app"Companion" and complete tasks in the smartphone. Then look for Nomad chests in the game itself and open them in accordance with the completed missions.

Riddles of Nostradamus

In addition to the main storyline, the largest number difficulties arise in solving the riddles of Nostradamus. Below are video walkthroughs of each of the puzzles.




Text: Artem Kusakov.

Unsolved riddles Nostradamus

The man who is called one of the greatest prophets of world civilization was also a famous physician, scientist and astrologer of the 16th century. At the risk of incurring the wrath of the Roman catholic church he predicted important events further history humanity. Nostradamus wrote down his predictions in the form of vague quatrains, folded into gloomy and mysterious Centuries. Unfortunately, numerous translations of his predictions are increasingly taking on a poetic form, their content is being manipulated by unscrupulous interpreters, moving further and further away from the original.

Nostradamus ... Perhaps, so much has not been said about a single person for past centuries. Time ruthlessly reshapes entire states, political leaders leave the stage into eternal oblivion, but the glory of the medieval French doctor does not fade. Some consider Nostradamus a genius and a great prophet, while others call him a clever swindler. Who is he? And why did he write his titanic work?

Nostradamus (the Latin form of the surname de Notredam) was born on December 14, 1503 in the city of Saint-Remy in southern France in the family of a notary. There is evidence that he belonged to the ancient Jewish family of Issachar, who had the gift of prophecy. His ancestors were Marranos, that is, Jews forcibly baptized in Spain, then expelled to France. However, the parents gave their son emphatically Christian name Michel Notredam - in honor of the Archangel Michael and the Holy Virgin Mary. It is a known fact that his dying father bequeathed to his son to be faithful to Judaism. Nostradamus fiercely hated Catholicism, and the ministers of the church constantly sought to convict the increasingly popular doctor and soothsayer of heresy. Both Michel's grandfathers - Jean de Saint-Remy and Pierre de Notredam - were famous doctors. For many years they served as life doctors for one of the largest feudal lords of France, René the Good. The healers became friends, decided to settle in one city, and subsequently married their children. Both grandfathers sought to pass on their knowledge to their grandson. Grandfather Jean taught him the basics of mathematics, Latin, Greek, Hebrew and the basics of astrology. After Jean's death, grandfather Pierre continued his studies with his grandson. Soon the parents sent their son to study in Avignon.

The next step in the education of the young man was the admission in 1522 to the famous medical center of Europe - the University of Montpellier. However, classes were interrupted by an epidemic of bubonic plague. Nostradamus provided assistance to the victims of this terrible infectious disease, although many doctors fled in a panic. He began to use non-standard methods of treatment from the arsenal of means traditional medicine primarily medicinal herbs. The innovations turned out to be extremely successful. Despite this, they left the city and he was almost denied a doctor's license in 1525. Apparently, it was the banal envy of his colleagues. But he still received a license, a bachelor's degree and the right to independent medical practice.

Nostradamus worked a lot in the papal library on works on magic and the occult sciences, continued to study pharmacy in depth. And already in the autumn of 1529 he returned to Montpellier to defend his doctoral dissertation. For the next two years, the doctor wandered around the south of France, in 1533 he began to practice in Ajan. There he married a young beautiful and rich woman. They were already raising a son and daughter when the Inquisition intervened in their lives. Nostradamus was threatened with a church trial for an unflattering remark about the Virgin Mary. Then an epidemic breaks out in the town. unknown disease who took away his wife and children. A bitter grimace of fate: the doctor who saved so many lives turned out to be powerless in the face of the illness of his loved ones. Fleeing from the Inquisition, Michel leaves the territory of France, wandering for 10 years in Lorraine, the Netherlands and Italy. During these wanderings, his prophetic gift was awakened, and among his patients he earned a reputation as a miracle worker.

In connection with new outbreak plague in 1544, Nostradamus returned to Marseille. From here he was invited to Aix, the capital of Provence, where one of the worst epidemics in the history of France broke out. The disaster took on such proportions that the few surviving doctors fled from there, calling it a "cursed place." Nostradamus arrived in the city on May 1, 1546 and used the famous pink pills of his own making here. The doctor spent all the money he had on them, distributing medicine to residents for free. By his order, the streets were put in order. After 270 days, the plague receded, and Nostradamus turned into national hero. The Parliament of Provence awarded him a lifetime pension.

For some time after that he continued his wanderings. Nostradamus was called "the doctor following the plague." At the age of 45, he settled in the city of Salon, where he married a wealthy widow. Together they raised three sons and three daughters. Here Nostradamus lived until his death, practicing medicine, being interested in land reclamation and climate improvement. In the years 1554-1559, with his assistance, a canal was built in the arid area near Salona, ​​from which 18 villages still use water.

In 1555 Nostradamus published the first part of the Prophecies. In its entirety, it consisted of 10 chapters - "Centuries", nine of which included 100 quatrains. The seventh, which remained incomplete, contained 42 quatrains. The book was accompanied by a preface addressed to his young son Caesar.

In 1558, Nostradamus published the second part of the book, in which he placed a message to the king. In it, the doctor writes that his prophetic calculations are made in accordance with astronomical calculations, combined with inspiration inherited from the ancestors, which comes to him at certain hours ... (Michel Nostradamus at times fell into a state close to mental disorder accompanied by hallucinations.)

Many consider Nostradamus a charlatan. But some documented facts from his biography cast doubt on such a categorical statement. Back in 1545, in Italy, he met a poor Franciscan monk on a country road. The doctor fell on his knees before him and asked for blessings, calling the monk a holy father. Exactly 40 years later, this monk really became the Pope ... In 1556, the soothsayer was invited to Paris. When asked by King Henry II and his wife Catherine de Medici how the king would die, Nostradamus replied that the cause of death would be the blow of the “young lion”, which would inflict two wounds. According to the seer, the one-eyed king will be on the throne ... On April 13, 1559, peace was signed between France and Spain. The treaty secured the dynastic marriage of Henry II's daughter Elizabeth to the Spanish King Philip II. During the festive celebrations, a jousting tournament was to take place. On the third day of the tournament (July 1), the king himself entered the field. His rival was the Earl of Montgomery. Opponents "broke spears" three times. But for the third time, they began to turn the horses in close proximity to each other, and in Montgomery's hand there was a piece of a spear that accidentally fell into a slot on the helmet of Henry II, pierced the king's eyes and penetrated the brain. A sharp splinter seriously damaged the throat. 10 days later the king died. During this time, there was indeed a one-eyed ruler on the throne ...

This sudden, ridiculous death struck those around him. And then someone remembered the prediction of Nostradamus. From that moment on, interest in his prophecies grew rapidly.

The young Francis II became the new king. On November 17, 1560, he suddenly and severely fell ill with a fever. The courtiers immediately remembered the 39th quatrain X of the Centuries, in which Nostradamus says that the royal house will lose two young members from an unforeseen illness. The king did indeed die on December 5, 1560. A few days later, the young Count of Roche-sur-Yon, who belonged to the younger branch of the royal house, died.

The great soothsayer made a prediction according to which the queen mother was to see three princes on the throne. There is a legend how Nostradamus called an angel named Anael and asked him to open the fate of the queen's children in a magic mirror. The mirror showed the short reign of her three sons and the 23 years in power of Henry of Navarre, her future son-in-law. Depressed by this news, the queen stopped the soothsayer and therefore only learned about herself that her death would somehow be connected with the word Saint Germain.

This prophecy came true completely: Francis II ruled for only a year (1559-1560), Charles IX wore the crown for 14 years (1560-1574), and Henry III managed to sit on the Polish throne for several years, and then ruled France for 15 years. Catherine de Medici herself, who had even traveled around the bridge with the fatal name, died in the arms of a priest who bore the name of Saint-Germain.

The popularity of Nostradamus grew. In December 1561, he was invited to the court of the Duke of Savoy to draw up a horoscope for the newborn heir Charles Emmanuel. And in 1562, the leadership turned to the predictor cathedral city ​​of Orange with a request to find stolen precious church utensils. In October 1564, the fame of Nostradamus reached its peak. The young King Charles IX arrived at the Salon. He wanted to meet Nostradamus, who announced that Charles would marry Queen Elizabeth of England. (This prediction did not come true.) The Queen Mother told the soothsayer to make horoscopes for her family members. By October 18, 1566, another prediction of Nostradamus, which later came true, is attributed, the probability of which was negligible. Together with the court, the young king of Navarre arrived in the Salon. Hostradamus told his tutor that this boy would be king of France and Navarre. But between him and the throne were three sons of Catherine de Medici who were alive in 1564 and their potential offspring!

Nostradamus wrote his prophecies in an obscure mixture of modern French, words and sayings from Italian, Greek, Spanish, Hebrew and Latin. The seer himself claimed that this style protected him from influential people who were far from always satisfied with his divinations. Skeptics, on the other hand, believed that Nostradamus deliberately allowed different interpretations of predictions ending in 3797. According to his calculations, Last Judgment awaits us in 3242. (Now scientists are seriously talking about a possible imminent change of the Earth's magnetic poles, which threatens the planet with innumerable troubles ...) But the end of the world, as Nostradamus believed, would come on the night of 8001 from the Nativity of Christ. In his predictions, Nostradamus did not forget about himself, describing own death: "Near the table and the bed, they will find me dead." One evening he said that he would not survive the night. Indeed, he had a severe attack of gout, and the next morning he was found dead near the desk.

2003 marked the 500th anniversary of the birth of this amazing person. And until now, scientists cannot come to a consensus regarding the prophecies left by him. Some sincerely believe that the Centuries contain predictions of the future, while others see Nostradamus as a clever charlatan. And still no one can claim to have understood hidden meaning his quatrains.

According to many researchers, they contain predictions of such events of our day as the emergence of Lenin, Stalin, the rise to power of Hitler, the beginning of World War II, the assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy, the collapse of the USSR, the dramatic events in Iran, etc. In Germany, they believed so much in prophecies regarding a "thousand-year Third Reich" that the Nazis created fake quatrains using them as a means of propaganda.

As for the predictions related to the past, many of them did not come true. Numerous interpreters of Nostradamus have calculated that he made about 10,000 prophecies. Some argue that 50-70 percent of them came true, according to others, only 7-10 percent fall to the share of successful predictions ... a significant role in the confusion that arises when trying to analyze quatrains, the amazing talent of Nostradamus played to build absolutely phantasmagoric allegories that allow a number of interpretations. Judge for yourself: quatrain I, 10 can be regarded as a warning about French Revolution And How symbolic image Jewish persecution under Hitler. And who is quatrain IV, 75 talking about - about Napoleon or Stalin? "Lucky" and quatrain VII, 21, in which they see either the fate of Mussolini, or a warning against the communists. And one of the predictions completely confused the researchers, who did not decide what its author had in mind - the reign of Louis XIV or ... the collapse of the USSR!

But no matter how people relate to the prophecies of Nostradamus, undoubtedly, his book is almost the only one, except for the Bible, which has been published almost continuously for 400 years. She is the cry of the soul of an intellectual, shocked by the human craving for destruction and murder. Maybe it's time to leave Nostradamus alone? It is probably not worth using his prophecies for propaganda purposes, forcing him to stigmatize another tyrant that has surfaced on the horizon of history. And to try to portray as a banal scoundrel a person who has risked his life more than once in the name of saving others is deeply dishonorable. And the fact that the meaning of the legacy left to us is still not clear is not his fault. Maybe it's just that the time has not yet come for the discovery of the truth? He himself wrote that we are instructed by the Holy Spirit, and as Luther once remarked, "The Holy Spirit is no fool."

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