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The meaning of the word locust

locust in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


locusts, pl. no, w.

    An insect resembling a grasshopper, often flying in huge masses, the strongest pest Agriculture.

    The same - collect. The locust flew and flew and sat down. Pushkin.

    collected Use as an artistic image of the all-destroying, greedy force, the crowd. Like locusts pounce on sth. Save me, father, from the neighborhood of a noisy cloud of police locusts. Davydov. The destroyers of the money obtained by blood and labor are the Egyptian locusts: which not only will die, but also leave eggs behind, burying them in the ground. Gogol.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


And, well; also collected. A gregarious insect, a pest of agriculture, migrating in large masses. Pounce (blow) as with. (with greed, devastating everything; colloquial).

adj. locust, th, th. Locust family (n.).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    An insect resembling a grasshopper, flying in large masses and destroying crops and vegetation, a pest of agriculture.

    trans. unfold An all-destroying greedy force.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


gregarious insects of the true locust family. Desert, migratory (Asian and Central Russian), Italian and Moroccan locusts are pests of agricultural and wild plants. Distributed widely. Kuligi (aggregations of larvae) and swarms of locusts destroy all vegetation.


gregarious locust species. Found in Southern Europe, South and East Asia, Africa, South and North America, Australia. During mass reproduction, S. lives crowdedly, forming swarms (aggregations of larvae) or flocks (aggregations of adults). When crowding is high, the gregarious phase is common, and when it is low, it is solitary. In larvae of the solitary phase of Asiatic S., the color of the body is protective, often green. The coloration of larvae of the gregarious phase combines black and orange.

Due to the unexpected flight of flocks from afar and the ability of a mass attack on crops, S. is especially dangerous as a pest of agricultural crops. crops (cereals, cotton, etc.). Moving in search of food at a speed of over 30 km per day, kuligi destroy all green vegetation on their way. Larvae and adult insects eat leaves, stems, panicles, ears, fruits, bark on stems. Sometimes trees and shrubs break under the weight of settling flocks of S.. Each individual S. during the period of his life eats about 300 g of green mass. During the day, the larvae feed 20 to 30 times; adult S. in flocks is somewhat rarer, which is associated with migratory flights. The amount of food she eats during long flights increases markedly compared to that which she eats during short-term migrations. During periods of mass reproduction, the number of individuals per square meter reaches several hundred or even thousands, and the area inhabited by S. often amounts to about 1 million hectares. The damage caused by S. to crops and wild plants can reach the size of a disaster. The most dangerous in the USSR are two subspecies of the migratory locust (the Asiatic locust and the Central Russian locust), the Italian locust, the Moroccan locust, the Turanian Locust, and the desert locust that enters the USSR from Iran and Afghanistan. Migratory S. (Locusta migratoria) is distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa, in northern Australia, as well as on some islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, is divided into a number of subspecies, including Central Russian (L. m. rossica), Asian (L . m. migratoria), African (L. m. migratorioides), eastern (L. m. manilensis); damages almost all crops, but prefers grain cereals. The Central Russian migratory S. lives in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of the USSR. It is similar to the Asian locust, but differs from it in terms of hatching, dying off and some other features, mainly due to the colder climate of the habitat. Moroccan S. (Aociostaurus maroccanus) is a large insect (male body length 20≈28 mm, female 28≈38 mm) reddish-yellow in color with dark spots, hind legs red or yellow with a light base. Distributed in Southern Europe, North Africa, Western Asia, in the USSR - in the west and south of the European part (including the Caucasus), in Central Asia and South Kazakhstan. Of the cultivated plants, cereals, cotton, alfalfa, clover, garden and melon crops suffer the most from it. The larvae usually eat the plants whole. Adult S. more often gnaws only the bases of the stems. Turan Prus (Calliptamus turanicus) ≈ male body length 12.9≈21 mm, female 25≈32.5 mm; distributed in northern China, Afghanistan, and in the USSR—in the southern regions of Kazakhstan and some regions of Central Asia. Rain-fed crops of grain crops, cotton, and some honey plants, such as ak-kurai, are especially affected by this type of S..

Control measures: poisoned baits, dusting or spraying with insecticides (for large infested areas using aircraft); the development of virgin lands, the plowing of wastelands and deposits - centers of S., the drainage of floodplains and their use for agricultural crops. crops, streamlining livestock grazing (pasture turnover) and carrying out measures to restore the grass cover (harrowing, sowing grasses, in winter - snow retention) in order to create unfavorable conditions for S., sowing undamaged crops in areas of mass reproduction of S., draining reed beds in deltas rivers of the desert and semi-desert zones, as well as watering a number of grasslands in order to enrich the vegetation cover in the steppe zone. These activities made it possible to eliminate many nesting sites of the Moroccan S. and Prus in the zone North Caucasus, suppress the centers of Asian S. in the south of the European part of the RSFSR and in some regions of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

Lit. see at Art. Locusts.

F. N. Pravdin, E. P. Cyplenkov.



Locust, locusts - several species of insects of the true locust family ( Acrididae), capable of forming large flocks migrating over considerable distances. A feature of locust biology is the presence of two phases - solitary and gregarious, differing in morphology and behavioral features.

Locust (TV series)

"Locust"- Kazakh television series of 2001.

Locust (disambiguation)


  • Locust- gregarious insects.

Locust (group)

"Locust"- Russian reggae band from Stavropol.

"Locust" released six albums, gaining fame in Stavropol. The group gained all-Russian fame after the release of the disc "Native Collective Farm" on the label "Mystery of Sound". The project disbanded shortly thereafter.

Boris Barabanov called the group provincial and unpromising. Ilya Legostaev assessed it more positively, noting the cheerfulness and sincerity of the music. Belonging to reggae did not prevent "Locust" from creating songs with a strong influence of other styles.

Subsequently, the team members created the Degree 100 pop group, the vocalist took up a solo career.

Locust (film, 2013)

"Locust"- Russian Feature Film, an erotic thriller about pernicious passion. Filmed in 2013 under the direction of director Yegor Baranov. The film premiered in Russia and Ukraine on November 5, 2015.

In February 2016, a 4-episode television version premiered on Sundays at 2300 on Channel One

Locust (film)

  • locust- 1974 American horror film directed by Richard T. Heffron
  • locust - american drama 1997 directed by John Patrick Kelly
  • locust 2005 American horror film directed by Ian Gilmour
  • locust- Russian thriller of 2013, directed by Egor Baranov
  • locust- Kazakh television series of 2001, directed by Galina Efimova
  • Day of the Locust 2005 American horror film directed by David Jackson

Examples of the use of the word locust in the literature.

According to one interpretation, locusts are a genus locusts, in another way - the leaves of a shrub.

Next to Adler, the frail Boehme, who had climbed onto the porch, looked, in the words of the Bible, like locust next to the camel.

And ten of the twelve sons of Israel, with two abstaining, declared that the children of Israel had nothing to poke their nose into the land of Canaan, for the Canaanites are tall, giant boys, in front of whom the Jews - locust, and their cities are very large and surrounded by high walls.

There are no signs of pregnancy,” Verka said, laying out on the kitchen table everything that Finch was supposed to have for a day of watch in ambush: a dried thread, oozing fat locusts, half a stale tortilla and a piece of yellowish brown sugar.

You believed that hell was preparing for you swords, daggers, wheels, blades, burning sulfur, molten lead, ice water, cauldrons with grates, axes and clubs, and awls for eye orbits, and pincers for holes in teeth, and claws for tearing out ribs, and chains for crushing bones, and that in hell there are gnawing beasts, dragging thorns, strangling rope, locust, cross torments, axes and chopping blocks?

This hungry German locust, passing through the allied Prussia, arranged for her own allies such a pogrom, such a robbery, which the Prussians did not even know from the French after Jena.

Chamomile did not want to leave and part with locust, with the steppe, with the yard, with everything that seemed to him the closest thing in the world.

From the ditches, like a cloud locusts, asabs, janissaries, deli, dzhebedzhi and other foot soldiers jumped out in puffs of smoke.

If the problem arose of the most successful struggle against the invasion locusts or other pests of crops and involving all the zemstvos of the affected region in this, the matter dragged on for months, even years, before the necessary permission was given - so great was the fear of the government that the zemstvos, having come together from several provinces, would not immediately begin to discuss political issues.

Two days later, only the grass eaten by locust.

Like a latecomer locusts, Russians with their boundless convoy ate the last.

Yes, it may be, my dear, in your place in Moscow, but in our places you don’t hear something, for the reason that you are tenacious in the world, you won’t be saved, but now they don’t accept ordinary people in monasteries: all caterers and the caterpillars climb there, for the benefit of them locusts divorced hungry.

locust, a convinced Malthusian, is afraid that people on an overpopulated earth will begin to devour each other.

locust again flew from the steppes, devoured everything green, I sent out nimble Cossacks who knew Tatar custom to take horses from the pastures, he could still hit the king until the Commonwealth collapsed, but he did not hit again.

Just like a cloud locusts leaves entire forests bare of leaves, so Simon's army left behind a utter desert, burning one, breaking another, destroying everything that grows on the ground either by trampling or etching and making the cultivated land nakeder than the desert with their campaign.

P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse". Dictionary. Compiled by Natasha Pushe.

Here you will find the meanings of words that may be unfamiliar to you or are outdated. Definitions of words are given in the sense in which the poet uses them in his text. For convenience, the dictionaries are presented in two versions: the first one is compiled alphabetically, and the second one is arranged according to the order in which words appear in the text.

Alphabetical option.

Well - really.

Al or.

Arshinny - arshin - an old Russian measure of length 0.71 m.

Balagan - here: hut, barn.

Beloyarovo millet - corn - the best food for horses.

A whip is a long whip.

Good - here: foolish.

To swear - to swear by the name of God in confirmation of the correctness of one's words.

Pain is a disease.

It hurts - here: very, strongly.

Barrels with fryazhsky- barrels of overseas wine. Fryag, fryazhsky - this is how everything foreign was called in Rus'.

Brada is a beard.

Being with everything - however.

Bury-sivy - red-black with ash-gray.

Buerak is a small ravine.

Verst is an old Russian measure of length, equal to 1.06 km.

They did it - they decided it.

Vershok - an old Russian measure of length, equal to 4.4 cm.

Prophetic Kaurka - in Russian fairy tales: a horse that gives advice to its owner and has the wonderful ability to change appearance and clothes to the owner, as well as to carry him through the air to Right place. Kaurka is a reddish horse color.

Guilt' - here: the reason,

In oil cheese roll

Grandson - granddaughter.

Voloditel - the ruler.

The soothsayer is a sorcerer.

Crow - the black color of the horse.

Never happened- no, it doesn't exist.

Last - last time.

In exchange - in exchange.

Boil with a key- boil until bubbling.

At that time - at that time.

Gay - hey, come here!

Gorbatko - a hunchback, a hunchback.

Mayor - the head of the city in Russia until the middle of the 19th century.

Guest is here: old name merchant, merchant.

Mane to the ground - on the horse's neck, hair is long to the ground.

Davezh - crush.

Deet - does.

For cooling– here: for fun.

Patrol - detour for inspection.

Doseleva - until now.

Friend - another.

Pulled the dance- started to dance, danced.

They blow - they run fast.

On end - stand up.

Yeruslan is one of the heroes of Russian folk tales, a mighty hero.

Essence - edible.

Pulp - vice, press.

Zagreb - a handful.

Lure - lure.

Overseas jam- foreign production.

For the bosom - in the place between the chest and clothes.

Locking up - stubbornly not confessing to something.

Zarnitsa - sunrise.

Illuminated - began to shine.

To drag - to come, to get somewhere.

Messed up - penetrated, made his way somewhere, usually in the wrong place.

Behind the canvas - behind the fabric.

Starts - starts.

3elno - strongly, very much.

Zemsky court - in Russia 18-19 centuries. county police and investigative and judicial authority.

Gold embroidered - sewn with threads with gold wire.

To glare, to glare- shine, dawn.

Ispravnik - chief of the rural police in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Emerald stone is a precious transparent stone of dense bright green color.

Kanalski - fraudulently.

Catholic holding a cross

Kaftan - an old men's long-sleeved outerwear.

Klepli - rivet - to slander someone.

To the waterman sit down in order- sink, sink.

Kishma here and teeming

Koi - what.

Stable - stable.

Horseman - in Russia: courtier, head of the stable.

Writhe - writhe - bend, wag, being in a difficult position.

Slope - the slope of a mountain, a hill.

The edge is a big bump.

Shout out to the whole market- here: to shout loudly.

Roof - roof.

Someone to sing - here: who is.

Livmya pours - pours strongly, in large quantities.

Face - here: face.

Likhodey is a villain.

Break into an oath

Stalker - in ancient Rus': person who knows various types fishing.

Bast - the inner part of the bark of young deciduous trees.

Lubki - here: brightly colored pictures.

Lie - you can.

Love - I like it.

Meshkotno - slowly.

Milkman - disparagingly about the young, inexperienced, not knowing life man.

No urine - no strength.

What are urinals- with all my might.

Mrya - dying.

To stir up - to disturb.

To get on - to overstrain.

I will overtake - I will overtake, I will catch up.

The other day, the other day- the day before, what happened recently.

On a small one - on a guy.

A slander is an unjust accusation.

Do not yawn - do not miss the chance.

Do not rivet - do not accuse in vain, do not slander.

Our unselfish belly

Unconscious - does not come to mind.

A daughter-in-law is a married woman in relation to her husband's relatives.

Not a mistake - quick-witted.

Stretched green drunk- get drunk very drunk.

Don't show up - don't show up.

Uncomfortable - uncomfortable.

Nothing - nothing.

Something' - and if anything, then ...

Nicole never.

Neither flint nor flint

Quit - money or products that, under serfdom, peasants had to give to their landowner.

Look around - look around.

Cursed - nasty, vile.

Oh midnight - at midnight.

Get drunk - drink alcohol in order to get rid of the ailment caused by drinking a large number alcohol the night before.

Girdle - belt.

Ostrog is a prison.

Eighth - eighth.

Born - born, never.

Ochyu - eyes, eyes.

Pan is a barin.

Blame - reproach, reproach.

Rename - recapture.

Ples is a fish tail.

Dense - containing a lot of substance in a small volume.

A bowl is a small dish.

Dragged - dragged - to care for a lady without serious intentions.

Bring down - bring trouble, trouble to someone.

Drives up - tricks to achieve something.

Wait - wait.

Life is prey.

Filthy - pagan, not Christian.

Watch out - watch out.

At the end - at the end.

midday time- in the middle of the day.

Until now - until now.

A pledge is a confirmation.

In order - as it should.

After - after.

They knocked on the valley

Messenger nobles- noblemen for assignments.

Bedchamber, bedchamber- bedroom.

An initiation is the beginning of something.

Having repaired - fix (jokingly) - improve health, return to normal.

Why - why, why?

Pravezh - in the Russian state of the 15th-beginning of the 18th century: coercion to pay debts, taxes, etc. through public punishment with canes.

Sins are transgressions.

An obstacle is a hindrance.

Rolled - appeared.

Curled up - dozed off.

I will be forced - I will need it.

The parable is here: an incomprehensible matter, a strange case.

The alien is a stranger.

Conduct - deceive, fool.

Gum (gum)

Leprosy - eccentricities.

Intermediate - among themselves.

Asked - asked.

Together - instantly.

Birds of paradise are birds with very bright, beautiful plumage.

Lattice - fireman.

Mat - a rough, dense fabric made of bast - soaked and torn into thin strips of linden bark.

Collect - collect.

Sells - gets rid of, gets off.

The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.

Curl up - stop your activity.

Svetlitsa - bright clean room.

Die - die.

Seven is a week.

Sennik - a barn for hay.

Angry - angry.

Sivka is the nickname of a working peasant horse in an ash-gray suit.

Folded - put.

Twilight - darken.

To peep - to peep, secretly look out, secretly find out.

Sodom - scream, noise, abuse.

Grab it - grab it fast.

Hide - conceal.

Stand on guard- protect.

Stirrup - a servant who looked after the master's riding horse and was at the royal stirrup during the solemn departures of the king.

Cold - very cold.

Get ready - get ready.

Opposite - opposite.

With a mustache - with a mustache.

Neighbor - brownie (Siberian name).

Susek - a fenced-off place for storing oats or other grains.

Again - again, again, again.

Syr-boron - forest.

Talovy - willow.

Those are for you.

Tepericha - now.

Quietly - secretly, furtively.

Toyo is the one.

Trepak is a folk Russian dance at a fast pace with strong trampling.

To grieve - to grieve.

A bridle is a device worn on a horse's head to control it.

Improve - lie in wait, find the right time.

Mustache does not lead - does not react.

He stood up - firmly stood up.

Hide - hide.

Duck - duck.

Leave - exhaust.

He did it - he did it.

Learn - start.

Bread and salt led- make friends with someone.

Grooming - taking good care of someone.

Mansions - a rich big house.

At least where - all is good.

Do you want - do you want.

Ridge - ridge - spine, back of the animal.

Chan is a big barrel.

Palisade - a fence of stakes or poles driven into the ground close to each other.

The servants are servants.

In succession - as expected.

Warlock is a sorcerer.

Chin - position.

Chu - do you hear? Listen!

Chub - a strand of hair falling on the forehead (in men). “I’ll take off the forelock with my head” - I’ll execute.

Miracle Yudo fish whale- sea monster.

Shabalki - coven, the end.

Satan is the devil.

Mamai went to war

Fly - wide, the entire width of the fabric, towel.

To school - to teach something with rigor.

To scald - pour boiling water over.

Avon - out, indicates a person, object, action in the distance.

Eka is a particle; used to enhance surprise, ridicule.

I was like that - disappeared, disappeared.

Yakhont is a precious stone.

According to the text.

Al or.

Born - born, never.

To peep - to peep, secretly look out, secretly find out.

To guess - to think, to guess about something.

Stand on guard- protect.

Twilight - darken.

Gather - Gather.

Patrol - detour for inspection.

Sennik - a barn for hay.

Teteri are stupid, stupid people.

Livmya pours - pours strongly, in large quantities.

Being with everything - however.

Again - again, again, again.

On a small one - on a guy.

Mustache does not lead - does not react.

Blame - reproach, reproach.

Lubki - here: brightly colored pictures.

Malachai - here: vintage long wide outerwear without a belt.

For the bosom - the place between the chest and clothing.

Look around - look around - look around.

The edge is a big bump.

To gobble up is here: to eat greedily.

Oh midnight - at midnight.

Mane to the ground - long hair to the ground on the horse's neck.

Together - instantly.

Locust is about a greedy force that leaves behind a dead space.

Improve - improve - lie in wait, find the right time.

Ridge - ridge - spine, back of the animal.

Ochyu - eyes, eyes.

Plast - layer, tightly clinging to the whole body when moving.

On end - stand up.

Kohl - if, in the case when; If.

At the end - at the end.

Until now - until now.

Never happened- no, it doesn't exist.

Vershok - an old Russian measure of length, equal to 4.4 cm.

Arshinny - arshin - an old Russian measure of length, equal to 71 cm.

Black grandma - lead-filled bone ( dice), a very valuable item for the game.

Balagan - here: hut, barn.

Mat - a rough, dense fabric made of bast - soaked and torn into thin strips of linden bark.

Roof - roof.

Shouts to the whole market here: screaming loudly.

Bast shoes - peasant shoes, woven from bast, birch bark, ropes, covering the foot.

Exactly - here: it seems, as if.

In order - as it should.

With a mustache - with a mustache.

A bowl is a small dish.

Not a mistake - quick-witted.

Pulp - vice, press.

To stir up - to disturb.

Did not measure - did not check, did not establish the correctness.

Stretched green drunk- get drunk very drunk.

Green - strong, very.

Dragged - came, hit.

They blow - they run fast.

Having repaired - fix (jokingly) - improve health, return to normal.

Yakhont is a precious stone.

Seven is a week.

Good - here: foolish.

Intermediate - among themselves.

In succession - as expected.

Behind the canvas - behind the fabric.

Basurmanit - here: accustom to foreign customs.

Quietly - secretly, furtively.

Pan is a barin.

Bury-sivy - red-black with ash-gray.

Buerak is a small ravine.

Do not grieve - do not grieve, do not worry.

Do not rivet - rivet - do not accuse in vain, do not slander.

I will overtake - I will overtake, I will catch up.

Zagreb - handfuls.

Writhing - to bend, wag, being in a difficult position.

To squabble - to argue, deny, squabble.

Our unselfish belly our poor life. The belly is life.

Daily bread - subsistence, food.

The other day, the other day- which happened recently, the day before.

They did it - they decided it.

Unable - sick; can't - get sick.

Moo - live in need, experience hardship.

It hurts - here: very, strongly.

They got drunk - they drank alcohol in order to get rid of the malaise caused by drinking a large amount of alcohol the day before.

Illuminated - began to shine.

Avon - out; indicates a person, object, action in the distance.

Kurevo - here: fire, bonfire.

To dissolve - to dissolve, to ignite.

Neither flint nor flint- there is not a piece of stone, iron or steel for carving fire from a very hard stone.

Someone to sing - here: who is.

Cossacks - here: robbers.

Satan is the devil.

Firebird - fairy bird, whose feather glows brightly; a bird like a peacock or a pheasant.

To get on - to overstrain.

Opposite - opposite.

Kohl - if, in the case when; If.

Gorodnichiy - the head of the city in Russia until ser. 19th century

Mass is a divine service performed in the first half of the day.

Herald - in the old days: the one who publicly announced decrees, orders, etc.

Guests - here: the old name of merchants, merchants.

An overseer is a person who oversees someone.

Sodom - scream, noise, abuse.

Davezh - crush.

Kishma here and teeming- randomly moving in different directions.

A whip is a long whip.

Ravens are black horses.

Gay - hey, come here!

Sagittarius - military personnel of the special permanent army in Russia 16-18 centuries.

In exchange - in exchange.

Sash - a belt (usually from a wide piece of fabric or knitted from a cord).

Saffiano - from thin, soft dyed leather from the skins of goats and sheep.

Bridle - bridle - a device worn on the horse's head to control it.

The red dress is an elegant, beautiful dress.

In oil cheese roll- to live in contentment, having everything in abundance.

Stable - stable.

I give an order - I give it under supervision, control.

Voivode - in Russia 16-18 centuries: manager of a city or district.

Trepak is a folk Russian dance at a fast pace with strong trampling.

Gorbatko - a hunchback, a hunchback.

Break into an oath- dance, crouching with alternate throwing out of the legs from an excess of feelings.

They knocked on the valley- drank. Endova´ - an old Russian vessel for wine in the form of a wide bowl with a spout.

Girdle - belt.

Part two

He did it - he did it.

Starts - starts.

Prophetic Kaurka - in Russian fairy tales: a horse that gives advice to its owner and has the wonderful ability to change the appearance and clothes of the owner, as well as carry him through the air to the right place.

Sivka is the nickname of a working peasant horse in an ash-gray suit.

Burka is the nickname of a peasant horse in a brown suit (dark brown with a reddish tint).

Kaurka is a horse of a reddish color.

Thunder cloud - thundercloud.

Saying - the beginning or ending in a Russian folk tale, usually not related to its content.

The laity are rural, village dwellers.

Messed up - penetrated, made his way somewhere, usually in the wrong place.

To grieve - to grieve.

Sleeping bag - in Russia 15-17 centuries royal servant, who was with the sovereign for personal services.

Note - pay attention.

The alien is a stranger.

Poturit - rudely expel, expel.

Cunning - cunning, deceit.

To move is here: to strike with force.

Does not groom - does not care, does not care.

Does not school - does not teach with rigor.

Chan is a big barrel.

Syta is water sweetened with honey.

The parable is here: an incomprehensible matter, a strange case.

I'll watch - I'll lie in wait.

Drain a bullet - lie, spread a false rumor, tell fables.

Something' - and if anything, then ...

Leave - exhaust.

Royal Duma - high council with the king.

Basurmanin is a foreigner, a person of a different faith.

The soothsayer is a sorcerer.

Warlock is a sorcerer.

Bread and salt led- make friends with someone.

Catholic holding a cross- baptized in a Catholic way: with two fingers.

Dirochka, dira - so it was pronounced, and even now the word "hole" is sometimes pronounced in some localities.

Neighbor - brownie (Siberian name).

Chu - do you hear? Listen!

Susek - a fenced-off place for storing oats or other grains.

Razhiy - healthy, prominent, strong.

At least where - all is good.

Gum (gum)- gold or silver braid, which was sewn on clothes for decoration.

Al morocco - scarlet, bright red morocco (thin, soft dyed leather from the skins of goats and sheep).

Stare - a person who peeps at someone.

Strain - pour slowly through a narrow opening.

White-yellow millet - about corn as the best horse food.

To glare, to glare- shine, dawn.

Yeruslan is one of the heroes of Russian folk tales, a mighty hero.

Good is here: okay, so be it.

Talovy - willow.

Messenger nobles- noblemen for assignments.

Stinging is a sharp, stabbing pain.

Suddenly - another time, again.

The servants are servants.

Get ready - get ready.

Girdle - belt.

Duck - duck.

Why - why, why?

Boyarin - senior official in the Moscow state.

Exactly - here: it seems, as if.

Well - really.

Ostrog is a prison.

Shabalki - coven, the end.

Chub - a strand of hair falling on the forehead (in men). “I’ll take off the forelock with my head” - I’ll execute.

I lock myself up - I stubbornly do not confess to something.

A slander is an unjust accusation.

Dress up - bargain, bicker, negotiate.

Pravezh - in the Russian state of the 15th-beginning of the 18th century: coercion to pay debts, taxes, etc. through public punishment with canes.

Pulled the dance- started to dance, danced.

Al or.

Likhodey is a villain.

Svetlitsa - bright clean room.

Toyo is the one.

Seven is a week.

Eighth - eighth.

Emerald stone is a precious transparent stone of dense bright green color.

Cloud camps - a place of accumulation of motionless clouds.

Slope - the slope of a mountain, a hill.

Verstu - verst - an old Russian measure of length, equal to 1.06 km.

Friend - another.

He stood up - firmly stood up.

Do not yawn - do not miss the chance.

Shout out to the whole market- call with a loud voice.

Rolled - appeared.

Rename - recapture.

Life is prey.

Nothing - nothing.

Tea - perhaps, apparently, probably.

Overstrained - overstrained.

Nadsada - excessive exertion of forces.

Lye is a caustic solution for washing clothes or mopping floors.

Bedchamber, bedchamber- bedroom.

The whole court is here: all those close to the king, the courtiers.

Lattice - fireman.

Huntsman - in ancient Rus': a person who was in charge of various types of fishing.

Mrya - dying.

Stirrup - a servant who looked after the master's riding horse and was at the royal stirrup during the solemn departures of the king.

Milk-singer - dismissively about a young, inexperienced person who does not know life.

Kanalski - fraudulently.

Let me down - I will bring trouble, trouble.

Jban - a vessel in the form of a jug with a lid.

German countries are foreign countries.

Nicole never.

Filthy - pagan, not Christian.

Guseltsy - gusli, an old multi-stringed Russian instrument.

Polati - a flooring made of boards for sleeping, arranged in a hut under the ceiling between the stove and the wall.

Brada is a beard.

In other words, that is, in other words.

Do you want - do you want.

Fly - wide, the entire width of the fabric, towel.

Overseas jam- foreign production.

For cooling– here: for fun.

Grab it - grab it fast.

Curled up - dozed off.

Gold embroidered - sewn with threads with gold wire.

I saw - I saw; see - see.

Balusters - empty talk, chatter.

Face - here: face.

Part three

Doseleva - until now.

After - after.

The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.

A daughter-in-law is a married woman in relation to her husband's relatives.

Six - crossbar for birds, perch.

An initiation is the beginning of something.

Miracle Yudo fish whale- sea monster.

Learn - start.

Palisade - a fence of stakes or poles driven into the ground close to each other.

Syr-boron - forest.

Opala - disfavor of the king, punishment.

Koi - what.

Sins are transgressions.

Meshkotno - slowly.

A spinning wheel is a device for manually twisting fibers into thread.

Azure - light blue, sky blue.

Under the insole - you can not even compare.

midday time- in the middle of the day.

Vault - an architectural structure resembling a dome.

Birds of paradise are birds with very bright, beautiful plumage.

Guilt´ - here: reason.

Dryness is a disease leading to depletion of the body, withering the body.

Varnish became - became having a special predilection for something.

Asked - asked.

Naloy is a tall table with an inclined surface, on which church books and a cross are placed during worship. During the wedding in the church go around him. Lead to the lectern - to marry.

To the waterman sit down in order- sink, sink.

The belly is here: property, goodness.

Mamai went to war- about a big mess, devastation somewhere.

Prichot - the clergy of the Christian temple.

Prayer - a short service for health, for salvation.

Ples is a fish tail.

Duma nobleman - the third most important rank in the Boyar Duma, who performed military and court duties.

Zemsky court - in Russia 18-19 centuries. county police and investigative and judicial authority.

Reproach - strongly scold, insult with abuse.

Dragged - dragged - to care for a lady without serious intentions.

Salakushki - herring - small herrings.

Pud - Russian measure of weight, equal to 16.5 kg.

I will be forced - I will need it.

Urgent date - the date appointed by the moment of execution.

Grandson - granddaughter.

Capture - capture, conquer.

Cold - very cold.

Boil with a key- boil until bubbling.

He drives up - he achieves something with tricks.

To scald - pour boiling water over.

Conduct - deceive, fool.

Pain is a disease.

Sells - gets rid of, gets off.

I die - I die.

Tepericha - now.

Secretly - secretly, imperceptibly to others.

A veil is a women's coverlet made of light fabric.

Lie - you can.

Love - I like it.

Voloditel - the ruler.

Talan - happiness, luck, happy fate.

What are urinals- with all my might.

Barrels with fryazhsky- barrels of overseas wine. Fryag, fryazhsky - this is how everything foreign was called in Rus'.

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Beyond the wide seas

Against the sky - on the ground

An old man lived in a village.

The old woman has three sons:

The older one was smart,

Middle son and so and so

The younger one was an idiot.

The brothers were sowing wheat

Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:

Know that the capital was

Not far from the village.

They sold wheat

Received money by account

And with a full bag

They were returning home.

In a long time al soon

Woe happened to them:

Someone began to walk in the field

And move the wheat.

The men are so sad

They did not see offspring;

They began to think and guess -

Finally realized to themselves

To stand guard

Save bread at night

Watch out for the evil thief.

That's how it became only dark,

The elder brother began to gather,

He took out the pitchfork and the ax

And went on patrol.

A stormy night has come;

Fear came upon him

And with fears our man

Buried under the canopy.

The night passes, the day comes;

The sentinel descends from the sennik

And dousing yourself with water

He began to knock under the hut:

“Hey you sleepy grouse!

Open the door brother

I got wet in the rain

From head to toe."

The brothers opened the door

The guard was let in

They began to ask him:

Didn't he see something?

The watchman prayed

Right, left bowed

And he cleared his throat and said:

“I didn’t sleep all night;

To my misfortune,

There was a terrible storm:

The rain poured and poured like this,

I wet my shirt all over.

How boring it was!

However, all is well."

His father praised him:

“You, Danilo, well done!

You are, so to speak, approximately,

Has served me faithfully

That is, being with everything,

He didn't hit his face in the dirt."

It began to get dark again

The middle brother went to get ready;

Took a pitchfork and an ax

And went on patrol.

The cold night has come

Trembling attacked the little one,

The teeth began to dance;

He hit to run -

And all night I went on patrol

At the neighbor's fence.

It was terrible for the young man!

But here's the morning. He to the porch:

"Hey, Sony! What are you sleeping!

Unlock the door for your brother;

There was a terrible frost at night -

Chilled to the stomach."

The brothers opened the door

The guard was let in

They began to ask him:

Didn't he see something?

The watchman prayed

Right, left bowed

And answered through gritted teeth:

"I didn't sleep all night,

Yes to my unfortunate fate

The night was terribly cold

To the hearts of me penetrated;

I rode all night;

It was too awkward...

However, all is well."

And his father said to him:

"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It became dark for the third time,

The younger one needs to get together;

He does not lead a mustache

Sings on the stove in the corner

From all the stupid urine:

"Beautiful eyes you are!"

They began to drive in the field,

But, no matter how long they shouted,

He's out of place. Finally

His father came up to him

Tells him: "Listen,

Run away on patrol, Vanyusha;

I'll give you peas and beans."

Here Ivan gets off the stove,

Drives the mare

The door of the matting closes,

And it just dawned

Goes to the village

Singing a song out loud

"A good fellow went to Presnya."

Here he comes up on the porch,

That's enough for the ring,

That there is strength knocking on the door,

Almost the roof is falling down

And shouts to the whole market,

It was like there was a fire.

The brothers jumped from the benches,

Stuttering, they shouted:

"Who knocks hard like that?" -

"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"

The brothers opened the door

The fool was let into the hut

And let's scold him, -

How dare he scare them like that!

And our Ivan, without taking off

Neither bast shoes, nor Malakhai,

Sent to the oven

And speaks from there

About the night adventure

Surprise to all ears:

"I didn't sleep all night,

I counted the stars in the sky;

Fought, fought my cunning

And finally pleaded:

"Do not destroy me from the world!

A whole year for you

I promise to live peacefully

Do not trouble the Orthodox."

I, listen, did not measure the words,

Yes, the devil believed it. ”

Here the narrator paused.

Yawned and dozed off.

Brothers, no matter how angry,

They couldn't - they laughed,

Grabbing by the sides

Over the fool's story.

The old man couldn't help himself.

To not laugh to tears,

Even laugh - so it is

Old people are wrong.

Too much time or too little

Since that night has passed, -

I'm nothing about it

Haven't heard from anyone.

Well, what's the matter with us,

Whether a year or two has flown by,

After all, do not run after them ...

Let's continue the story.

Well, so that's it! Raz Danilo

(On a holiday, I remember, it was),

Stretching green drunk

Got dragged into the booth.

What does he see? – Beautiful

Two golden-maned horses

Yes, a toy skate

Only three inches tall

On the back with two humps

Yes, with yardstick ears.

"Hm! now I know

Why did the fool sleep here! -

Danilo says to himself...

The miracle at once broke the hops;

Here Danilo runs into the house

And Gabriel says:

"Look how beautiful

Two golden-maned horses

Our fool got himself:

You didn't even hear it."

And Danilo da Gavrilo,

What was in the legs of their urine,

Straight through the nettle

So they blow barefoot.

Stumbling three times

Fixing both eyes

Rubbing here and there

Brothers enter to two horses.

The horses neighed and snored,

Eyes were burning like a yacht;

Rings curled into crayons,

The tail flowed golden,

And diamond hooves

Studded with large pearls.

It's worth watching!

Only the king would sit on them.

The brothers looked at them like that,

Which is a little off the mark.

“Where did he get them? -

The senior middle man said, -

But it's been talked about for a long time

That only fools are given a treasure,

At least break your forehead

So you won't knock out two rubles.

Let's take them to the capital;

We will sell the boyars there,

Let's split the money.

And with money, you know

And drink and walk

Just hit the bag.

And good fool

It won't take a guess

Where are his horses staying?

Let them look here and there.

Well, buddy, shake hands!

The brothers agreed

Embraced, crossed

And returned home

Talking among ourselves

About horses, and about a feast,

And about a wonderful animal.

Time rolls by,

Hour after hour, day after day,

And for the first week

The brothers are going to the city-capital,

To sell your goods there

And at the pier to find out

Did they come with ships

Germans in the city for canvases

And will Tsar Saltan come

Shame on Christians?

Here they prayed to the icons,

Father was blessed

They took two horses secretly

And they set off in silence.

Evening made its way to night;

Ivan got ready for the night;

Walking down the street

He eats a piece of bread and sings.

Here he reaches the field,

Hands propped up at the sides

And with a touch, like a pan,

Sideways enters the booth.

Everything was still standing

But the horses were gone;

Only a humpbacked toy

His legs were spinning

Clapped with joy ears

Yes, he danced with his feet.

How Ivan will howl here,

Leaning on the farce:

“Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,

Good golden-maned horses!

I did not caress you, friends.

What the hell stole you?

To the abyss to him, the dog!

So that he in the next world

Fall on the bridge!

Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,

Good golden-maned horses!

Here the horse neighed to him.

“Don’t grieve, Ivan,” he said, “

Great trouble, I do not argue;

But I can help, I'm burning

The horse brothers brought together.

Well, why talk empty,

Be, Ivanushka, in peace.

Hurry up and sit on me

Just know yourself hold on;

Even though I'm small,

Yes, I will change the horse of another:

How do I run and run

Here the skate lies before him;

Ivan sits on a skate,

What is the urine roars.

The little humpbacked horse shook himself,

He got up on his paws, startled,

He slammed his mane, snored

And flew like an arrow;

Only dusty clubs

Whirlwind twisted underfoot

And in two moments, if not in a moment,

Our Ivan overtook the thieves.

The brothers, that is, were afraid,

They combed and hesitated.

And Ivan began to shout to them:

“Shame on you, brothers, to steal!

Even though you are smarter Ivana,

Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:

He didn't steal your horses."

The elder, writhing, then said:

“Our dear brother Ivasha!

How much wheat we do not sow,

We have a little daily bread.

And if the harvest is bad,

So at least get into the loop!

Here in such great sadness

Gavrila and I were talking

All last night -

What would help the goryushku?

So and so we decided

Finally, this is how they did it

To sell your skates

At least a thousand rubles.

And thank you, say by the way,

Bring you back -

Red hat with a vertebra

Yes, heeled boots.

Can't work anymore

But it is necessary to close the century, -

You yourself clever man!» -

"Well, if that's the case, then go, -

Ivan says - sell

Golden-maned two horses,

Yes, take me too."

The brothers squinted painfully,

Yes, you can't! agreed.

It began to darken in the sky;

The air began to grow cold;

Here, so that they do not get lost,

Decided to stop.

Under canopies of branches

All horses tied

Buy nothing

Sell ​​nothing.

Here comes mass;

The mayor leaves

In shoes, in a fur hat,

With a hundred city guards.

Next to him rides herald,

Long mustache, bearded;

Here he entered the horse row.

Everybody fell on their knees

And "hooray!" they shouted at the king.

The king bowed and instantly

Jumping from the wagon as a young man ...

He does not take his eyes off his horses,

Right, left comes to them,

He calls with a gentle word,

Quietly beats them on the back,

He pats their neck,

Stroking the golden mane,

And, having seen enough,

He asked turning

To those around him: “Hey guys!

Whose foals are these?

Who is the owner? Ivan is here

Hands on the hips, like a pan,

Because of the brothers performs

And, pouting, he replies:

"This couple, the king, is mine,

And the owner is also me. -

“Well, I'm buying a couple;

Are you selling?" - "No, I'm changing." -

“What do you take good in exchange?” -

"Two to five caps of silver" -

"So that would be ten."

The king immediately ordered to weigh

And, by your grace,

He gave me an extra five roubles.

The king was generous!

Take the horses to the stables

Ten gray-haired grooms,

All in gold stripes,

All with colored sashes

And with morocco whips.

But dear, as if laughing,

The horses knocked them all off their feet,

All the bridles are torn

And they ran to Ivan.

The king went back

She tells him: "Well, brother,

A pair of ours is not given;

Nothing to do, have to

In the palace to serve you;

You will walk in gold

The royal word is a guarantee.

What do you agree? - "What a thing!

I will live in the palace

I will walk in gold

Dress up in a red dress

Like rolling cheese in butter

The whole stable factory

The king gives me an order;

That is, I'm from the garden

I will become a royal governor.

Wonderful thing! So be it

I will serve you, king.

Just, mind you, don't fight me

And let me sleep

Otherwise, I was like that!”

The two brothers meanwhile

Royally received money

They were sewn into belts,

And we went home.

Shared at home

They both got married at the same time

They began to live and live

Remember Ivan.

But now we'll leave them

Let's have fun with a fairy tale again

Orthodox Christians,

What did our Ivan do,

Being in the service of the king

At the state stable;

How did he get into the neighbors,

How his pen slept,

How cunningly caught the Firebird,

This post has been read in the last 10 days

The Little Humpbacked Horse: a return to the first edition of 1834

Full text with illustrations by artist N.M. Kochergin is located at:

Dear readers - connoisseurs of the Russian word,

this version of The Humpbacked Horse was typed by me from a photocopy of the first edition of the book of 1834, which is freely available on the Internet at:

For my part, I recommend that you also take a look at it, so that, without trusting my word, to form your own opinion about the masterpiece of Russian literature, which from childhood subtly and at the same time powerfully shaped our speech and our consciousness, while not yielding in anything the most famous five tales of A.S. Pushkin.

Where did such a need come from for me personally - to spend several sleepless nights with a glass (and more than one) of red wine, manually retyping the text of 1834 and “translating” it into modern orthography?

The fact is that even in early childhood I was visited by strange sensations about this fairy tale, which was my favorite. On the one hand, her style seemed to me as light, sparkling and familiar as in the famous introduction to "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - "a green oak near the seashore ...". But for some reason, from time to time, this syllable seemed to “falter”, “stumbling” over incomprehensible and angular places that caused me slight bewilderment.

When I began to read the text of the fairy tale of 1834, I discovered with delight that the “angular places” had disappeared somewhere, and that the same syllable was flowing - Pushkin’s, that is, light, sparkling and familiar, there was not a single gram of heaviness, graphomania in it and “oddities” so familiar to us from acquaintance with less capable writers of that era, who, due to their limitations, could not seriously influence the formation of the modern Russian language and are hopelessly outdated.

Of course, after such a personal discovery, I was ready to take the easy way - to buy or print a book with the text of the first edition. I printed out a photocopy of the 1834 edition first of all, but it has two shortcomings (which I do not include the old spelling with - it is even more interesting): omissions of any places in which Ivan speaks with the king or speaks of the king in "irreverent" terms. And, secondly, what kind of fairy tale can be in our time without pictures - without color pictures drawn a good artist? Even as an adult and reading a familiar fairy tale from childhood, I want to feel like a child again and not at all a “Pushkin scientist”, so the modern paraphernalia of children's literature remains important.

Thus, a publication that would meet my needs was not “on the market”. And I decided to fill this gap for myself. With the text, I acted simply: I reprinted the 1834 edition in full in modern spelling as competently as I had the strength to write and verify it myself.

It is beyond the scope of this short introduction to analyze the question of authorship. this masterpiece. I will note only briefly, without giving arguments: I am inclined to believe that the author of the text of the first edition is A.S. Pushkin, hence my scrupulous attitude to the preservation of everything that is in it.

I also believe that the editing of the text in subsequent editions of the tale was carried out personally by P.P. Ershov, therefore, alas, for me there is no guarantee of authorship when filling in the censor's "outflows" with the text gleaned from the latest "official" edition. But anyway, this is the best thing that could be done. After all, unfortunately, Ershov, returning from St. Petersburg to Tobolsk, burned, whatever it was, Pushkin's manuscripts and autographs that were at his disposal. In the light of such a "scrupulous" attitude towards them, it is not difficult for me to imagine Ershov's subsequent attempts to "reforge" the text of "Horse" in his own way, which occupied him throughout his subsequent life.

Be that as it may, it is unequivocal to me that the text of the 1834 edition is clearer, more modern and coherent in its integrity than the "improvements" that followed it. If, however, even for a moment we imagine that Alexander Sergeevich wrote The Horse, how different does his famous phrase take on: “now this kind of composition can be left to me”? And what about his own phrase: "this Ershov owns poetry as if it were his serf"? Is it possible that a lover of Russian literature will not consider some mockery in it? With this thought, I take my leave and leave you alone with this great work.


Russian fairy tale


“The fairy tale begins to tell…”

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests
Beyond the wide seas
Not in heaven - on earth
An old man lived in a village.

The farmer has three sons:
The older one was smart,
Middle son and so and so
The younger one was an idiot.

The brothers were sowing wheat
Yes, they were taken to the capital:
Know that the capital was
Not far from the village.

They sold wheat
Received money by account
And with an empty cart
They were returning home.

In a long time al soon
Woe happened to them:
Someone began to walk in the field
And mow their wheat.

The men are so sad
Not seen from birth.
Began to think and guess -
How would they catch a thief,
And they decided publicly:
From that night in turn
Protect your lane
Watch out for the evil thief.

It just got dark -
The elder brother began to gather,
Took a pitchfork and an ax
And went on patrol.
A stormy night has come;
Fear came upon him
And with fear our man
Fell on the hay.
The night passes, the day comes;
The sentinel descends from the sennik
And, going round the hut,
At the door knocks ring.
“Hey, you sleepy grouse!
Open the door brother
I got wet in the rain
From head to toe."
The brothers opened the door
The guard was let in
They began to ask him
Didn't he see something?
The sentry prayed
Right, left bowed
And he cleared his throat and said:
“I didn’t sleep all night;
To my misfortune,
There was a terrible storm:
The rain poured and poured like this;
I kept walking in the rain;
True, I was bored
However, all is well."
His father praised him:
“You, Danilo, well done!
You are, so to speak, approximately,
Has served me faithfully
That is, being
He didn't hit his face in the dirt."

It's starting to get dark again
The middle brother went to get ready;
Took a pitchfork and an ax
And went on patrol.
The cold night has come
Anguish fell upon him
Teeth started to dance
He started to run
And all night I went on patrol
At the neighbor's fence.
It's just beginning to light up
At the door he began to knock.
"Hey, you sleepyheads! What are you sleeping?
Unlock the door for your brother;
There was a terrible frost at night,
I'm frozen to the bone."
The brothers opened the door
The guard was let in
They began to ask him
Didn't he see something?
The sentry prayed
To the right, to the left bowed,
And answered through gritted teeth:
"I didn't sleep all night,
Yes to my unfortunate fate
The night was terribly cold
Got me to the bone;
Whole night I galloped;
It was too awkward.
However, all is well."
And his father said to him:
"You, Gavrilo, well done!"

It became dark for the third time,
The younger one needs to get together;
He does not lead a mustache
Sings on the stove in the corner
From all the stupid urine:
"Beautiful eyes you are."
Brothers well scold him,
They began to send to the field;
But, no matter how long they shouted,
Just lost time
He's out of place. Finally
His father came up to him
Tells him: "Listen,
You go on patrol, Vanyusha,
I will update you
I'll give you peas and beans."
Here's a fool getting off the stove,
He wears his hat to the side,
Puts bread in the bosom
And, staggering, goes.

The night has come; the month rises;
The fool bypasses the field,
looking around,
And sits under a bush
Counts the stars in the sky
Yes, it removes the edge.
Suddenly, a horse neighed in the field ...
Our sentry got up,
Looked through the mitten
And I saw a mare.
The mare was
All like winter snow white,
The mane is definitely golden,
Curled in small rings.
“Ehehe! So this is what
Our thief, but wait,
I can't joke
Together I will sit on your neck.
Look, what a locust!”
And, a moment of improvement,
Runs up to the mare
Enough for a wavy tail
And sits on the back -
Only backwards.
young mare,
Backward, forward kicking,
Rushed through the fields
Over the mountains and through the forests;
It will jump, then it will clog,
Then suddenly it will turn sharply;
But the fool himself is not simple,
Holds tightly to the tail.

Finally she got tired.
"Well, fool," she said to him, "
If you could sit
So you own me.
You take me with you
Yes, take care of me
As much as you can. Yes, look
Three morning dawns
Set me free
Walk across the open field.
Do not just feed oats -
Beloyar millet;
Do not sing with lake water
But full of honey.
At the end of three days
I give you two horses
Yes, such as in the world
There was no sign;
Another third skate
Only three inches tall
On the back with two humps
Yes, with yardstick ears.
Sell ​​your horses first
But don't give up the horse
Not for a yacht, not for gold,
Not for the royal chamber.
Yes, look, don't forget.
Only the horses will grow up
Don't keep me in bondage
Let it go to the open field."

“Okay,” Ivan thinks.
And in the shepherd's booth
Drives the mare
Door matting closes
And as soon as it dawned
Goes to the village
Singing a song out loud
"Well done went to Presnya."

Here he comes up on the porch,
Here he takes the ring;
That there is strength knocking on the door,
So the roof moves
And shouts to the whole market,
It was like there was a fire.
The brothers jumped from the benches,
Stuttering, they shouted:
"Who knocks hard like that?" -
"It's me, Ivan the Fool!"
The brothers opened the door
The guard was let in
And let's scold him -
How dare he knock like that.
And our fool, without taking off
Neither bast shoes, nor Malakhai,
Sent to the oven
And speaks from there
About a night out
To the surprise of the old man:
“I didn’t sleep the whole night,
I counted the stars in the sky;
The moon shone exactly the same,
I didn't really notice.
Suddenly the devil himself comes
With a beard and mustache;
Erysipelas like a cat
And the eyes, so those spoons.
He began to walk like wheat
And let's mow the tail.
I can't joke
And jump on his neck;
He already wore, wore,
So I'm exhausted;
Confessed to stealing
And he swore to eat wheat.
Here the narrator paused.
Yawned and dozed off.
Brothers, no matter how angry,
They couldn't, they laughed
Leaning on the sides
Over the fool's story.
The father himself could not restrain himself,
To not laugh to tears;
Even if you laugh like that
Old people are wrong.

One day brother Danilo
(On a holiday, I remember, it was),
Returning from the wedding drunk
Got dragged into the booth.
There he saw beautiful
Two golden-maned horses,
Another third skate
Only three inches tall
On the back with two humps
Yes, with yardstick ears.
“Heh! Now I know
Why did the fool sleep here, -
Danilo says to himself. -
Let me tell you about that Gabriel.
Here Danilo runs into the house
And Gabriel says:
"Look how beautiful
Two golden-maned horses
Our fool got himself
You didn't see them like that."
And Danilo da Gavrilo,
What was in the legs of their urine,
Through the bumps, through the weeds
They ran to the booth.

The horses neighed and snored,
Eyes were burning like a yacht;
In crayons curled rings
The tail is spread golden,
And diamond hooves
Studded with large pearls.
It's worth watching!
Only the king would sit on them!

The brothers looked at them like that,
That almost missed the eye.
“Where did he get them? -
The elder said to the younger. -
But it has long been said
That everything stupid succeeds;
Be a smart soul
You won't get a penny.
Well, Gavrilo! That week
Let's take them to the capital
We will sell the boyars there,
Let's share the money together.
And with money, you know
And drink and walk
It's worth hitting the bag.
And Ivan is a fool
It won't take a guess
Where are his horses staying?
Let them look here and there.
Well, Gavrilo, deal!”
The brothers agreed
Embraced, crossed
And returned home
Talking among ourselves
About horses, and about a feast,
And about a wonderful pig.

Time rolls by
Hour after hour, day after day;
And through the first week
The brothers rode the capital,
To sell your goods there
And at the pier to find out
Did they come with ships
Germans in the city for canvases
And will Tsar Saltan come
Shame on Christians?
Here they prayed to the icon,
Father was blessed
They took two horses secretly
And then we went;
Remote drive
Yes, they talk about money.

Suddenly a fool - five hours later -
I decided to spend the night in the field.
Is it foolish to hesitate? Case
He was seething in his hands;
He walks around
He eats a piece of bread and sings.
Here he raises the mat,
Hands propped up at the sides,
And with a bang Ivan
Sideways enters the booth.

Everything was still standing
The two horses were gone;
Just a poor little hunchback
His legs were spinning
Clapped with joy ears
And danced with his feet.
How Ivan will howl here,
Leaning on the farce:
“Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,
My horses are golden-maned!
I fed you, caressed you,
What the hell stole you?
To the abyss to him - the dog!
To breathe in the gully!
So that he in the next world
Fall on the bridge!
Oh you, horses of the bora-siwa,
My horses are golden-maned!”

Here the horse interrupted him:
"Don't worry, Ivan," he said. -
Big trouble, I do not argue
But I can help, I'm burning;
You are not riveted to hell:
The brothers took away the horses,
As we left home.
But why linger in an empty way?
Hurry up and sit on me
Just know yourself, hold on.
At least I'm small
But I will change the horse of another;
How do I run and run
So I will overtake the demon.

Here the skate lies before him,
A fool sits on it
He takes it firmly by the ears.
The little humpbacked horse gets up
Black mane shakes
Leaves on the road;
Suddenly neighing and snoring,
And flew like an arrow
Only black clubs
Dust swirled underfoot.
And in a few hours
Our Ivan caught up with the thieves.

The brothers, seeing that, mingled,
They were seriously scared;
And the fool began to shout to them:
“Shame on you, brothers, to steal!
Even though you are smarter Ivana,
Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:
He didn't steal your horses."
The older brother then said:
“Our dear brother, Vanyusha!
Don't put sin on our souls.
We, you know, how poor
And they have to give tribute.
Here in such great sadness
Gavrila and I were talking
All tonight -
What would help the goryushku?
So and so we judged
Finally decided this:
to sell your horses
At least a thousand rubles.
Our old father cannot
Can't work anymore
We need to feed him
You can judge for yourself."

"Well, if that's the case, then go, -
Ivan says. – Sell
Golden-maned two horses;
Yes, take me too."
Both brothers agreed
And they all set off together.

It began to darken in the sky;
The air began to grow cold;
Brothers, so as not to get lost,
They thought to stop.
Under canopies of branches
Tied up the horses
They took bread from a basket,
Got a little drunk
And then, who knew how,
He sang different songs.

Here Danilo suddenly noticed:
A light lit up in the darkness.
He looked at Gabriel
Left eye winked
And coughed lightly
Showing the fire quietly.
Here scratched the back of the head
And with slyness he said so,
Smiling: "Listen,
Bring fire, Vanyusha!
The night is dark and I
No flint, no flint."
Danilo himself thinks:
"To crush you there!"
And Gavrilo says
Quiet brother: "Maybe
There the stanitsa landed -
Remember his name."

All nonsense for a fool!
He sits on a skate
And, grabbing it in my hands,
Beats in steep sides with legs,
Blows with all his might...
The horse soared, and the trail caught a cold.
“Be with us the power of the cross! -
Then Gavrilo shouted,
Falling with the holy cross. -
What kind of devil is under him?

The fire burns brighter
The hunchback runs faster
And in a few minutes
In the fire, the skate is like here.
That fire in the meadow brightens -
Doesn't smoke or get hot.
Ivan was given a diva here.
“What,” he said, “for the devil?
Lots of sparkle, lots of light
There is no heat or smoke.
Eco miracle light!”

Then the horse said to him:
“That feather, Ivan, firebirds
From the halls of the Tsar Maiden.
But for your happiness
Don't take it.
Many, many restless
He will bring it with him."
"You speak! How not so!” -
The fool grumbles to himself;
And, lifting the feather of the firebird,
Wrapped it up in rags
I immediately put it in my hat
And he turned his horse.
Coming soon to the brothers
And to their demand he answers:
"How did I get there?
I saw a burnt stump;
Already over him I fought, fought,
So I almost sat down;
I inflated it for an hour,
No, damn it, it's gone."
The brothers did not sleep the whole night,
They laughed at Ivan:
And the fool sat down under the cart,
He snored until morning.

Here they harnessed the horses
And they came to the capital
Became in a row of horses
Opposite the big chambers.

In that capital there was a custom:
If the mayor does not say, -
Buy nothing
Sell ​​nothing.
Here the gates open
The mayor leaves
In shoes, in a fur hat,
With a hundred city guards.
A bearded man rides next to him,
Called herald;
He blows a golden trumpet,
Cries out in a loud voice:
"Guests! Open the benches
Buy, sell;
Wardens sit
Near the shops and look
To avoid sodom
No confusion, no pogrom
And so that the merchant family
Do not deceive the people!
The guests of the shop open,
Buyers are called:
“Hey, honest gentlemen!
Please visit us here!
How are our containers-bars,
All kinds of goods."
At this time, that group
Comes to the equestrian row;
But from a multitude of people
There is no way out, no way in;
So teeming here and teeming,
And laugh and shout.
The mayor was surprised
that the people rejoiced,
And he gave the order to the detachment,
To clear the road.
“Hey, you damn barefoot!
Get out of my way! Get out of my way!" -
The barbels screamed
And they hit the whips.
Here the people moved
He took off his hats and stepped aside.

Before the eyes of the equestrian row:
Two horses stand in a row:
young, crows,
Golden manes curl,
In chalk rings curled
The tail is spread golden ...
The mayor was surprised
And he crossed himself twice.
“Wonderful,” he said, “God’s light!
There are no miracles in it."
The whole squad laughed.
The herald himself stuttered.
Meanwhile, the mayor
Punished severely to everyone
Not to buy horses
Didn't yawn, didn't scream
That he is going to the yard
Report this to the king.
And, leaving part of the detachment,
He went to report.

Arrives at the palace.
“Have mercy, Tsar-father! -
The mayor exclaims
And before the throne falls. -
They didn't order me to be executed
Tell me to speak!”
The king deigned to say: “Okay,
Speak, but it’s only complicated. ” -
“As best I can, I’ll tell you.
I serve as mayor:
By faith, by truth I send
This position ... "-" I know, I know. -
“Today, having taken a detachment,
I went to the horse row:
I drive up - the darkness of the people!
There is no exit or entry.
I ordered the detachment
To disperse the people.
And so it happened, Tsar-hope!
And I went - and what?
In front of me is a row of horses:
Two horses stand in a row:
young, crows,
Golden manes curl,
Rings curled into crayons,
golden tail pipe,
And diamond hooves
Upholstered with large pearls ... "

The king could not bear it.
"We need to see the horses, -
He says. - It's not bad
And start such a miracle.

The chariot was harnessed.
And brought to the entrance.
The king washed, dressed up
And rolled into the market;
Behind the king of archers is a detachment.

Here he entered the horse row.
Everybody fell on their knees
And "hooray!" they shouted at the king.
The king bowed and instantly
From the chariot to the horses jump ...
He walks around the horses, praises,
That will pat, then stroke;
And, having seen enough,
He asked turning
To those around him: “Hey guys!
Whose foals are these?
Who is the owner? There's a fool
Hiding his hands behind the coat,
Because of the brothers performs
And, pouting, he replies:
"This couple, King, mine,
And the owner too - me! -
“Well, I'm buying a couple;
Are you selling?" - "No, I'm changing." -
“What do you take good in exchange?” -
"Two to five caps of silver." -
"So that would be ten."
The king immediately ordered to weigh
And by your grace
He gave me an extra five roubles.
The king was generous!
Take the horses to the stables
Ten gray-haired grooms,
All in gold stripes,
All with colored sashes
And with morocco whips.
But dear, as if laughing,
The horses knocked them all off their feet,
All the bridles are torn
And they ran to Ivan.

The king went back
And he said to him: "Well, brother,
A pair of ours is not given;
Nothing to do, have to
To serve you at the palace.
You will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress
Like rolling cheese in butter
All my stable
I give you an order:
The royal word is a guarantee.
What do you agree? - "What a thing!
I will live in the palace
I will walk in gold
Dress up in a red dress
Like rolling cheese in butter
The whole stable factory
The king gives me a gift;
That is, I'm from the garden
I will become a royal governor.
Wonderful thing! So be it
I will, King, serve you.
Just, mind you, don't fight me
And let me sleep
Otherwise, I was like that!”

Then he called the horses
And went along the capital
Following the royal chariot.
And to the song of the fool
Horses dance trepak;
And his skate is humpbacked -
And so it breaks down
To the surprise of all people.

The two brothers meanwhile
Royally received money
Sewn tightly into the hat
And sent a messenger
To please my father.
Shared at home
They both got married at the same time
They began to live and live
Remember Ivan.

But now we'll leave them
Let's have fun with a fairy tale again
Orthodox Christians,
What did our Ivan do,
Being in the service of the king
At the state stable
With his dashing skate -
The unchanging hunchback:
How Ivan caught the firebird
How he kidnapped the Tsar-maiden,
How did I get her ring?
How he walked in the sky
How is he in the sunny village
Kitu begged for forgiveness;
As by your grace
He saved thirty ships,
As in the boilers he did not boil,
How handsome he became
In a word: our speech is about -
How did he become king?

End of part 1


"Soon the fairy tale tells,
And it's not going to happen soon."

The story begins
From Ivan's leprosy
And from Sivka, and from Burka,
And from the prophetic kaurka.
The goats have gone to the sea;
The horse rose from the ground:
Standing forest underfoot
The clouds above him are walking, -
This is a saying: wait, -
The story is ahead.
Like on the ocean
And on the island of Buyan
A new coffin stands in the forest;
The girl lies in the coffin;
The nightingale whistles over the coffin;
The black beast roams in the oak forest, -
This is a hint, but...
The story will go on.

Well, you see, laity,
Orthodox Christians,
Our daring fellow
Wandered into the palace;
Serves at the royal stable
And won't bother at all
It's about brothers, about father
In the royal palace.
And what does he care about his brothers?
Ivan has different dresses
Red, embroidered, flowers
Almost ten boxes;
He eats sweetly, he sleeps so much,
What expanse and only!

Here in five weeks
Sleeping bag began to notice ...
It must be said: this sleeping bag
Before Ivan was the boss
Above the stable above the whole;
Of the boyars there were children;
He looked at Ivan
And swore by the holy cross,
That young Ivan
He will run out of the palace.
But, hiding deceit,
It's for every occasion
Pretend, rogue, deaf,
short-sighted and dumb;
He himself thinks: "Wait a minute,
I'll blurt you out, you idiot!"
So in five weeks
The sleeping bag began to notice
That Ivan does not care for horses,
And does not clean, and does not school;
But for all that, two horses
As if only from under the crest:
And combed, washed,
Manes are twisted into braids,
The bangs are gathered in a bun,
Wool - well, shines like silk;
In the stalls - fresh wheat,
As if it will be born right there,
And in a big vat full -
It looks like it's just poured.
“What kind of a parable is this? -
Sleeper thinks, sighing. -
Isn't he walking, wait,
To us a prankster brownie?
Let me watch
And under the nose such a blow
I'll give it to the fool
That even right there and into the river.
I'll prove it in the Tsar's Duma,
That the horseman of the state -
Basurmanin, fortune teller,
A warlock and a villain!"

On the same evening, this sleeping bag,
The former head of the stables,
Secretly hid in the stalls
And sprinkled with oats.

Midnight dark comes
Our Ivan enters the stable
No candle, no lantern
Singing about the king.
The door is locked with a latch,
He carefully takes off his hat,
Puts it on the window
And from that hat he takes
In three curled rags
From the wing of the feather of the firebird.
The light shone here
That the sleeping bag almost cried out
And trembled with fear,
That oats fell off him.

But Ivan is unaware:
He puts his pen in the barrel
Start cleaning the horses
Washes, cleans
Weaves long manes,
Sings different songs.
Just removed, firebird feather
Wrapped up again in rags
And calmly lie down here
Horses near the hind legs.

Just started to shine
The sleeping bag began to move
And seeing that fool
Sleep soundly like a hamster
He slowly falls to the floor
And tiptoeing...
He quickly grabbed his hat
Jump out the window - and the trace caught a cold.

The king has just woken up
Our sleeping bag came to him,
He hit his forehead hard on the floor
And then he sang to the king:
"I'm with a guilty head,
The king has appeared before you;
They didn't order me to be executed
Tell me to speak." -
"Speak without adding, -
The king said to him, yawning,
If you're going to lie,
That trouble can not be avoided.
Our sleeping bag, gathered with strength,
He says to the king: “Have mercy!
These are the true Christ
Fair my, Tsar, denunciation.
Our Ivan, then everyone knows
From you, Father, hides,
But not gold, not silver -
Firebird feather... "-
“Zharoptitsevo?.. Damned!
And he dared to be so rich...
Wait, you villain!
You will not pass the lashes! .. "-
“And what else does he know! -
The sleeping bag continues quietly
Curved. - Good!
Let him have a pen;
Yes, and the firebird
In your, Father, light,
If I wanted to order
Boasts of getting it."
And, flattering the report,
Tricky Sleeper with humility
Began to the sovereign
And gave him the pen.

The king looked and marveled,
Stroking his beard, laughing
And bit the end of the pen.
Here, putting it in a casket,
Shouted (out of impatience),
Confirming your command
With a quick swing of the fist:
“Hey! Call me a fool!"

And messengers of the nobles
They ran along Ivan;
But, facing everything in the corner,
Stretched out on the floor.
The king admired that much
And he laughed to the bone.
And the nobleman, seeing
What is funny for the king
Winked among themselves
And suddenly they stretched out.
The king was so pleased with that
That they were awarded with a hat.
Here are messengers of the nobles
They started calling Ivan again
And this time
Got off without a hitch.

Here they come running to the stable,
The doors are wide open
And the fool's feet
Well push in the sides;
They fiddled with it for half an hour
But they didn't wake him up
Finally an ordinary
I woke him up with a broom.

“What kind of servant are you? -
Ivan says, getting up. -
How I grab you with a whip,
So you won't be later
No way to wake Ivan.
The nobles say to him:
"The king deigned to order
We'll invite you to him." -
"I'll take a little
And immediately I will appear before the King,
The fool says to the ambassadors.
Here he put on his coat,
Tied up with a girdle,
I thought, I combed my hair,
Knut hung at the end
And he went to the palace.

Here Ivan appeared to the king,
Bowed, cheered,
And immediately the king asked:
Why did you wake him up?
The king, squinting his left eye,
Shouted to him in anger:
"You must answer me:
How dare you, freak, hide
From my understanding
Being in my possession
What do you have good -
Firebird feather!
That I am a tsar or a boyar?
Answer now, Tatar!”
Here Ivan, waving his hand,
He says to the king: “Wait!
I didn’t give those hats, exactly,
How did you find out about it?
What are you - are you a prophet?
Well, what, sit in jail,
Order now at least in sticks, -
No pen, and shabalka! -
“Answer me! I'll constipate! -
“I really say to you:
No pen! Yes, hear where
Should I get such a miracle?
The king jumped out of bed
And the casket with the pen opened.
"What? Do you dare to move on?
No, don't turn away!
What's this? A?" Ivan is here
Trembling like a leaf in a blizzard,
He dropped his hat out of fear.
“What, buddy, is it tight?
Answer me, adversary! -
"Oh, sorry, sorry!
Release the blame to Ivan
I'm not going to lie ahead."
And wrapped in the floor
Stretched out on the floor.
"Well, for the first occasion
I forgive you the guilt -
The Tsar speaks to Ivan. -
I, God have mercy, am angry!
They told me: you are a firebird
In our royal light,
If I wanted to order
You boast to get it.
Well, look, don't deny
And try to get it."
Here Ivan jumped up like a top.
“I didn't say that! -
He screamed, wiping himself. -
Oh, I don't lock myself up
But about the bird, whatever you like,
You are in vain.”
King, shake your beard:
"What! Should I line up with you? -
He screamed. “But look!
If you are three weeks
Can't get me the firebird
In our royal light,
That, I swear by my beard,
Don't appear alive to me:
I'll put you on a stake.
Get out of this hour!” Ivan cried
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.

The hunchback, sensing him,
Dryagnul was dancing;
But seeing the fool
He left a trepak.
“What, Ivanushka, sad?
What did you hang your head on? -
The horse tells him
Have his legs twirling. -
Tea, ruined the villains?

Ivan fell to the skate on the neck,
Hugged and kissed.
“Oh, trouble, horse! - said. -
The king orders to get the firebird
In the state hall.
What should I do, hunchback?"
The horse tells him:
“The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help, I'm burning.
That's why your trouble
That did not listen to me:
Do you remember when you went to the capital
You found a firebird feather;
I told you then:
“Don’t take it, Ivan, it’s a disaster!
Many, many restless
He will bring it with him."
Now you know
Why did I forbid it?
But, to tell you in friendship:
This is a service, not a service;
Service is ahead, brother.
You go to the king now
And tell him openly:
“It is necessary, Tsar, I have two troughs
Beloyarova millet
Yes, overseas wine.
Let's hurry up:
Tomorrow, only shame,
We're going on a hike."

Here Ivan goes to the king,
Tells him openly:
“It is necessary, Tsar, I have two troughs
Beloyarova millet
Yes, overseas wine.
The king ordered that the noble
Everything was found for Ivan,
Called him young
And "happy journey!" said.

Early the next morning,
Ivan's horse woke up:
"Hey, master! Full sleep!
It's time for you to get up."
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on the path,
I took troughs and millet,
And overseas wine;
dressed warmer,
He sat on his horse,
Pulled out a slice of bread
And went east
Get that firebird.
They go for a whole week.
Finally on the eighth day
They come to the dense forest.
Then the horse said to Ivan:
“You will see a clearing here;
In the glade of that mountain
All of pure silver;
Here to the dawn
The firebirds are flying
Drink water from a stream;
This is where we'll catch them."
Here is a horse on a slope
Climb this mountain
A verst, a friend ran
He stood up and said:
“Soon the night, Ivan, will begin,
And you will have to guard.
Well, pour wine into the trough
And mix millet with wine.
And to be closed to you,
Sit under another trough,
Note quietly;
Yes, look, don't yawn.
Before sunrise, listen, lightning
Firebirds will fly here
And they will start pecking millet
Yes, scream in your own way.
You who are closer
And grab her, look
And you will catch a bird-fire,
And shout to the whole market:
I will come to you right away." -
“Well, what if I get burned? -
The fool says to the horse
Spreading your coat. -
You have to take gloves
Tea, the cheat burns painfully.
Then the skate disappeared from the eyes;
And Ivan the Fool crawled up
Under an oak trough
And lies there like a dead man.

Here at midnight sometimes
The light spilled over the mountain
Like it's noon
Firebirds swoop in;
They started running and screaming
And peck millet with wine.
Our Ivan, closed from them,
Watching birds from under the trough
And talks to himself
Spreading with your hand:
“Pah, you devilish power!
Ek them - rubbish rolled!
Tea, there are dozens and five of them here.
If only to imitate everyone -
That would be a noble life!
Needless to say, fear, beautiful!
Everyone has red legs;
And the tails are a real laugh!
Tea, chickens don't have those;
And how much, boy, light -
Like a father's oven!
And speaking like this,
Our Ivan is half an arshin
Climbed quietly into the middle
Crawled to millet with wine -
Grab one of the birds by the tail!
“Oh, little humpbacked horse!
Come quickly, my friend!
I've caught a bird!" -
So Ivan the Fool shouted.

The hunchback appeared at once.
“Well, master, distinguished himself! -
The horse tells him. -
Put her in a bag
Yes, tie tighter;
And hang the bag around your neck.
And, settling among themselves,
They returned home.

Here we are in the capital.
"What, did you get the firebird?" -
The Tsar speaks to Ivan.
"Order, King, to close
At your bedchamber
Firmly, firmly all the shutters,
You know that the light does not shine,
Ivan speaks in response.
Here the nobles ran
The shutters were firmly locked -
That latch, that key.
Here Ivan shook the sack...
Light unseen in the light
From toyo came the firebird.

The king shouts to the whole bazaar:
“Ahti, fathers, fire!
Hey, call the bars!
Fill in! Fill it up! -
“This, you hear, is not a fire,
This is the light from the bird-heat, -
Ivan says with a laugh. -
You see, great fun
I brought those, Convict!”
Then the king said to Ivan:
“Well, thank you, brother Vanyusha!
You cheered my soul
And for such joy
Be a royal stirrup!"

Seeing this, the cunning sleeping bag,
The former head of the stables,
He says under his breath:
“No, wait, sucker!
It won't always happen to you
So canal to excel,
I'll let you down again
My friend, in trouble!

Three weeks later
In the evening we sat alone
In the royal kitchen of the cook
And the servants of the court,
Drinking from a glass
Yes, read Yeruslan.
“Eh! one servant said. -
How did I get today
From a neighbor a miracle book!
There are not so many pages in it,
Yes, and there are only five fairy tales;
And fairy tales - to tell you
So you can not be surprised;
You have to be smart about it!”
It's all in the voice: "Have fun!
Tell me brother, tell me!” -
“Well, which one do you want?
Five after all fairy tales; look here:
The first story about a beaver
And the second is about the king,
Third ... God forbid, memory ... for sure!
About the eastern boyar;
Here in the fourth: Prince Bobyl;
In the fifth ... in the fifth ... oh, I forgot!
The fifth story says...
So in the mind it spins ... "-
"Well, give it up!" - "Wait! .." -
“About beauty or what?” -
“Exactly! The fifth says
About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
Well, which one, friends,
Will I tell you today?” -
"King-maiden! – all shouted. -
We have already heard about kings;
Hurry up girls!
It's more fun to listen to them."
And the servant, seated importantly,
He started talking at length.

"Near the distant German countries
There are, guys, okyan.
Is it by that okiyanu
Only infidels ride;
From the Orthodox land
Never been
Neither nobles nor laity
On a filthy slope.
There is a rumor from the guests
That the girl lives in it;
But the girl is not simple,
After all, the daughter is dear to the month,
The sun elder will be brother.
That girl, they say
Rides in a red coat
In a golden, guys, boat
And a silver oar
Tom rules in the okian;
Singing different songs
And he plays on the goose ... "

A sleeping bag here with a half lope,
And from all that was, legs
Went to the palace to the king
And just appeared to him;
He hit his forehead hard on the floor
And then he sang to the king:
"I'm with a guilty head,
The king has appeared before you;
They didn't order me to be executed
Tell me to speak!" -
"Speak the truth, only
And do not lie, look, not at all. -
The king screamed from the bed.
The sly sleeping bag replied:
“Today we were in the kitchen,
Drinking for your health
And one of the court servants
He amused us with a fairy tale out loud;
This tale says
About the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
Here is your royal stirrup
I swore by your beard,
What does he know about this bird?
So he called the Tsar-maiden -
And her, if you please know,
Boasts of getting it."
The sleeping bag hit the floor again.
"Hey, call me stremyannov!" -
The king shouted at the messengers.
The sleeping bag here became behind the stove;
And the messengers of the nobles
They ran along Ivan;
And a sleepy fool
They brought me without an Armenian.
The king began his speech thus: “Listen!
You've been denounced, Vanyusha.
They say that you are now
Boasting for us
Find another bird
That is to say, the Tsar Maiden ... "-
“What are you, what are you, God is with you! -
Began the royal stirrup. -
Tea, awake, I'm talking
Threw the piece away.
Yes, cheat yourself as you like,
And you won't fool me."
King, shake your beard:
"What? Should I line up with you? -
He screamed. - But look,
If you are three weeks
In our royal light,
You can't get the Tsar Maiden
That, I swear by my beard,
You won't stay alive
I'll put you on a stake.
Get out of this hour!” - Ivan cried
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.

“What, Ivanushka, sad?
What did you hang your head on? -
The horse tells him
Have his legs twirling. -
Know that the villains ruined it!
Ivan fell to the skate on the neck,
Hugged and kissed.
“Oh, trouble, horse! - said. -
The king commands in his room
I get it, listen, the Tsar Maiden.
What should I do, hunchback?"
The horse tells him:
“The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help, I'm burning.
That's why your trouble
That didn't listen to me.
But, to tell you in friendship,
This is a service, not a service;
Service everything, brother, ahead!
You go to the king now
And say: "After all, for the capture
It is necessary, Tsar, I have two fly,
Tent embroidered with gold
Yes, dinnerware
All overseas jam,
And sweets to cool off.

Here Ivan goes to the king
And he speaks like this:
"For the princess's capture
It is necessary, Tsar, I have two fly,
Tent embroidered with gold
Yes, dinnerware
All overseas jam,
And sweets to cool off.
Yes, hurry up
Not to waste time."
The king ordered that the noble
Everything was found for Ivan,
Called him young
And "happy journey!" said.

The next day early in the morning
Ivan's horse woke up.
"Hey, master! Full sleep!
It's time for you to get up!"
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on the path,
I took the fly and the tent,
And dinnerware
All overseas jam,
And sweets for cooling
I put everything in a travel bag
And tied with a rope.
dressed warmer,
He sat on his horse,
Pulled out a slice of bread
And drove east
Is it the Tsar Maiden?

They go for a whole week.
Finally on the eighth day
They come to the dense forest.
Then the horse said to Ivan:
“Here is the road to the ocean,
And on it all year round
That beauty lives;
Only two times goes ashore:
That time is coming."
And before the dawn
The dense forest runs
And out into the field
Directly to the ocean
On which the white shaft
Lonely walked.
Here Ivan gets off the skate,
And the horse tells him:
"Well, pitch your tent,
Set the device wide
From overseas jam
And sweets to cool off.
Lie down behind the tent
Yes, dare your mind.
You see, the boat flickers over there ...
Then the princess swims.
Let her enter the tent,
Let him eat, drink;
Here's how to play the harp -
Know that the time is coming
You immediately run into the tent
And grab the princess;
Yeah hold her tight
And call me soon.
I'm at your first command
I'll come running to you just;
And let's go ... Yes, look,
Don't fall asleep under the harp!
If you sleep her
That's the last time you look."
Here the skate disappeared from the eyes;
Ivan huddled behind the tent
And let's turn the hole
To see the princess.

Clear noon is coming;
The king-maiden swims up,
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device.
“Heh! So here is the Tsar Maiden!
As the fairy tales say,
Argues stirrup, -
What is red
Tsar-maiden, so marvelous!
This one isn't pretty at all.
And dry and thin
Tea, three inches in girth;
And a leg, a leg!
Like taken from a chicken.
Let someone love
I won't take it for free."

Here the princess played
And sang so sweetly
That Ivan, not knowing how,
Went down on the coat;
And under the voice of a quiet, slender
Falls asleep peacefully.

The West was slowly burning down.
Suddenly the horse neighed over him
And, pushing him with a hoof,
He says angrily:
"Oh, you stupid fool!
What have you done with yourself?
After all, you will be impaled."
Then Ivan the Fool cried
And, sobbing, begged
So that the horse forgives him.
"Release the guilt to Ivan,
I'm not going to sleep ahead." -
“Well, God will forgive you! -
The hunchback screams at him. -
Help is still possible;
Just be careful.
Tomorrow early in the morning
To the gold-embroidered tent
The girl will sail again -
Drink sweet honey.
If you fall asleep again
You won't find me."
Here the horse disappeared again;
And Ivan set off to collect
From broken ships
Under the back of your nails
In order to wake up
If you sleep too much.

The next day in the morning
To the gold-embroidered tent
The king-maiden swims up,
Throws the boat on the shore
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device ...
Here the princess played
And sang so sweetly
What is Ivanushka again
I wanted to rest.
"No, wait, you bastard! -
Ivan says, getting up. -
You won't leave all of a sudden
And you won't fool me."
Here Ivan runs into the tent,
Her braid is enough ...
“Oh, run, horse, run!
My little hunchback, help!"
In an instant, a horse appeared to him.
“Well, master, distinguished himself!
But sit down with me quickly
Hold her tight!"

They are coming to the capital.
The king runs to the princess,
Takes by the white hands
Leads her to the palace
He sits down at the oak table
And under the silk curtain,
Looks into the eyes with tenderness,
Sweet speech says:
"Incomparable girl!
Agree to be queen.
I barely saw you
Strong passion boiled up.
Your falcon eyes -
And during dark night,
And on a holy day
Oh, they torture me!
Say a kind word!
Everything is ready for the wedding;
Tomorrow morning, my light,
We marry you
Kiss me dear!"

And the young princess
Saying nothing
Turned away from the king.
The king was not at all angry,
But I fell in love even more.
On my knees before her,
Gently kissed the hands
And the balusters began again:
"Speak a kind word!
Why did I upset you?
Ali by what you love?
Answer me, incomparable!”
The princess tells him:
"If you love me,
Then deliver it to me in three days
My ring is from an okian!” -
“Hey! Call me Ivan! -
The king hurriedly shouted
And he almost ran.

Here Ivan appeared to the king.
The king turned to him
And he said to him: “Ivan!
Go to okyan
Appear with a ring on the third day;
Look, hurry up!
I will generously reward you
And I will put you in the boyars. -
“I am from the first road
I drag my feet;
You again - on the okian! -
Ivan speaks to the Tsar.
“How, rogue, do not hurry?
See, I want to get married! -
The king shouted in anger
And he pounded his feet. -
Don't give up on me
And hurry up and go!”
Here Ivan wanted to go.
“Hey messenger, wait! -
The queen tells him
Come take a bow
In my emerald tower
Yes, tell my dear:
Why is she three nights
Didn't show your eyes?
And why is it three days
Did my brother hide from me?
Don't forget!" - "I will remember
Unless I forget;
Yes, you need to know -
Who are those brother? who are those mothers?
So that I don’t get lost in my family, ”-
Ivan speaks to the queen.
“The moon is my mother. The sun is a brother. -
“Yes, look, hurry back!” -
The groom-king added to this.
Here Ivan left the Tsar
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.

“What, Ivanushka, sad?
What did you hang your head on?" -
The horse tells him.
"Help me, hunchback.
You see, the king decided to marry,
You know, on a thin queen,
So it sends to the okian, -
Ivan says to the horse. -
He gave me three days only:
Feel free to try here
Get the devil's ring!
Yes, she told me to come
This thin queen
Bow to the brother sun
Yes, and a month later
Take a bow from her."
Here is a skate: “To say in friendship,
This is a service, not a service;
Service everything, brother, ahead!
You go to sleep now;
And the next morning early
We'll go to the okiya."

The next day, our Ivan,
Taking two onions in my pocket,
dressed warmer,
Sat on his skate
And went on a long journey...
Let me rest, brothers!

End of part 2


“Doseleva Makar dug gardens,
And now Makar has ended up in the governors.

Ta-ra-ra-li, ta-ra-ra!
The horses came out of the yard;
Here the peasants caught them
Yes, tied tight.
A raven sits on an oak
He plays the trumpet;
How to play the pipe
Orthodox amuse:
"Hey! Listen, honest people!
Once upon a time there was a husband and wife;
Husband will take on jokes
And the wife for jokes,
And they will have a feast here,
What for the whole baptized world!”
This saying is being
After the fairy tale will begin.

Like ours at the gate
The fly sings a song:
"What will you give me as a message?
The mother-in-law beats her daughter-in-law:
Planted on a sixth
tied with string,
Pulled the arms to the legs,
Leg right razula:
“Don’t go through the dawns!
Do not seem to be good fellows ... ""
This saying was carried out
And so the fairy tale began.

Well, this is how our Ivan rides
Behind the ring on the okian;
The hunchback flies like the wind
And on the first night
A hundred thousand miles waved
And he didn't rest anywhere.

Approaching the okiyanu,
The horse says to Ivan:
"Well, Ivanushka, look,
Here in three minutes
We will come to the meadow -
Directly to the sea-okiyanu;
Across it lies
Miracle Yudo fish whale;
For ten years he has been suffering
And until now he does not know
How to get forgiveness
He will teach you to ask
So that you are in the sunny village
Asked him for forgiveness;
You promise to fulfill
Yes, look, don't forget!

Here they enter the meadow -
Directly to the sea-okiyanu;
Across it lies
Miracle Yudo fish whale.
All sides are pitted
The palisades are driven into the ribs,
Cheese-boron makes noise on the tail,
The village stands on the back
The men plow on their lips,
Between the eyes the boys are dancing,
And in the oak forest between the mustaches
The girls are looking for mushrooms.

Here the skate runs along the whale,
Hooves pound on bones.
Miracle Yudo fish whale
So the passerby says
Mouth wide open,
Heavily, bitterly sighing:
“The way is the way, gentlemen!
Where are you from and where? -
"We are the messengers of the queen,
We both go from the capital, -
The horse tells him -
To the sun straight to the east
In the mansions of gold. -
“So it’s impossible, dear fathers,
You have to ask the sun:
How long will I be in disgrace,
And what command
Should I do it for forgiveness?"
"Okay, okay, whale fish!" -
Our Ivan shouts to him.
“Be a merciful father to me!
You see, how I suffer - the poor!
I've been here for ten years...
I myself will serve you! .. "-
Kit Ivana begs
He himself sighs heavily.
"Okay, okay, whale fish!" -
Our Ivan shouts to him.
Here the skate under him huddled
And set off along the shore,
You can only see how the sand
Whirlwinds at the feet
It seemed like the weather had turned up.

Whether they go long, short
And did you see anyone?
I do not know anything.
Soon the tale is told;
The thing is messy.
Only, brothers, I found out
That the horse ran up there,
Where (I heard by the side)
Heaven meets earth
Where peasant women spin flax
Distaffs are placed on the sky.

Then Ivan entered the sky
Yes, I went through the sky,
pissed off like a prince
Cap to one side, cheering up.
"Eco wonder! Eco wonder!
Our kingdom is beautiful,
Ivan says to the horse
Among the azure meadows -
And how does it compare with the sky,
So it doesn't fit under the insole.
After all, our earth is black,
And dark, and dirty;
Here the earth is blue
And what a light...
Look, little hunchback
You see, over there, to the east,
It's like glowing rot...
Tea, peasant hut?
Something painfully high!” -
So Ivan asked the skate.
“This is the tower of the Tsar Maiden,
Our future queen,
The hunchback screams at him. -
At night the sun sleeps here;
And as the day comes,
This includes the month."

They drive up to the gate.
One hundred pillars on the sides;
All the pillars are blue
And the tops are golden;
Three stars on top
Gardens around the tower:
On the silver branches
In gilded cages
The birds of paradise live
The royal songs are sung.
But a tower with towers
Like a city with villages;
And on the tower of stars -
Orthodox Russian cross.

Here the skate enters the yard;
Our Ivan gets off it,
In the tower goes to the month
And he speaks like this:
“Hello, Month Mesyatsovich!
I am Ivanushka Petrovich...
From distant sides
And I brought you a bow.

“Sit down, Ivanushka Petrovich! -
Said Month Mesyatsovich. -
And tell me the blame
To our bright country -
Your parish from the earth;
What people are you from?
As he appeared in this country, -
Tell me everything completely."
“I came from the earth, earthly,
From a Christian country,
Ivan tells him. -
moved okian
With instructions from a girl
Our future queen
To ask you from her
Then tell her:
Why, they say, three nights
You didn't show your eyes
And why, de three days
The sun has hidden from me? -
"And what kind of queen?" -
“This, you know, the Tsar Maiden ...” -
“King-maiden?!... So she,
What, you've been taken away?" -
Month Mesyatsovich cried out.
And Ivanushka Petrovich
He says: “I know, me!
You see, I am a royal stirrup;
Well, so the King sent me,
For me to deliver
Three weeks to the palace;
And not me Father
He threatened to put me on a stake.
The moon wept with joy
Well Ivan hug,
Kiss and have mercy.
“Ah, Ivanushka Petrovich! -
Said Month Mesyatsovich. -
For your news
Take everything you have.
And how we grieved
That the princess was lost
So you can't say
Not something to describe.
That's why three nights
I did not show my eyes;
That's why my son
This is the fourth day
Doesn't show up to sister
To that red Tsar-maiden.
What, is she well?
Are you sad, sick? -
“Everyone would seem to be a beauty;
Yes, she seems to be dry:
And dry, and thin,
Tea, three inches in girth;
Here's how to get married
So, I suppose, and get fat:
The king, listen, will marry her ... "
The moon cried out: “Ah, the villain!
I decided to marry at seventy
On a young girl!
Yes, I stand strong in that -
She must not be with the king!”

Then Ivanushka got up,
I was going on my way...
Suddenly he jumped up twice:
“Eh! Didn't forget a little!
There is a petition for you, dear -
It's about whale forgiveness...
There is, you see, the sea; wonder whale
Lies across it;
All sides are pitted
Palisades driven into the ribs.
He, the poor man, begged me,
For me to tell you:
Will the pain end soon?
How to find forgiveness for him?
And what is he here for?
The clear moon says:
“He bears torment for that,
What is without God's command
He swallowed in the middle of the seas
Three dozen ships.
If he gives them freedom,
I'll take the pain out of him."
Bowing as best he could
Ivan sat on a skate here,
He whistled like a noble knight,
And set off on the return journey.

The next day our Ivan
Again came to the okian.
Here the skate runs along the whale,
Hooves pound on bones.
Miracle Yudo fish whale
So, sighing, he says:
“What, my father? Was it in the sky?
Have you asked for forgiveness?"
Here the horse shouts to him:
"Wait a minute, whale fish!"

Here he comes running to the village,
He calls the peasants to himself,
Black mane shakes
And he speaks like this:
"Hey, listen, laymen,
Orthodox Christians!
If none of you wants
To the waterman sit down in order,
Get the hell out of here!
This is where a miracle happens:
The sea boils strongly
The whale fish will turn ... "

Here the peasants and the laity,
Orthodox Christians
They shouted: "Be in trouble!"
And they went home.
All carts were collected;
In them, without delay, they put
All that was belly -
And left the whale.
Only in the sky it got dark,
That is not left on the whale
Not a single living soul
As if Mamai was going to war!

Here the horse runs on its tail,
To feathers soon adjoins
And, that there is urine, shouts:
“Wonder Yudo fish whale!
That's why your torment
What is without God's command
You swallowed in the middle of the seas
Three dozen ships:
If you give them freedom
You won't be in trouble."
And, having finished it, in an instant
The hunchback jumped ashore,
And he stopped there.

The miracle whale turned
The sea began to stir
And from the jaws to throw
Ships after ships
With sails and rowers...

There was such a noise
That the king of the sea woke up:
They fired copper cannons,
They blew the forged pipes,
The white sail has risen
The flag on the mast has developed,
Pop with an accompaniment to all officials
Sang prayers on the deck,
And the rowers are a cheerful row
Ran a song in the air:
"Like on the sea, on the sea,
Along the wide expanse
Away from the earth
Ships run out ... "

The waves of the sea rolled
The ships disappeared from sight.
Miracle Yudo fish whale
Screaming in a loud voice
Mouth wide open,
Breaking the waves with a splash:
“What can you do for me?
What is the reward for friendship?
Do you need flowery shells?
Do you need golden fish?
Do you need large pearls? -
Everything is ready for you!”
"No, whale fish, I don't need
Large pearls as a reward, -
Ivan tells him. -
Better get me a ring -
Our future queen."
"OK OK! - whale
He speaks to the stremyan. -
I will find until dawn
Ring of the Red Tsar Maiden.
So the miracle whale answered
And, splashing, fell to the bottom.

Here he strikes with a splash,
Calls with a loud voice
Sturgeon all the people
And he speaks like this:
"You reach for the lightning
Ring of the red Tsar Maiden,
Hidden in a drawer at the bottom.
Who will deliver it to me
I will reward him with a rank -
Will be a thoughtful nobleman.
If my smart order
Do not fulfill ... I will!
Sturgeon bowed here
And they left in good order.

In a few hours
Two white sturgeons
To the whale slowly swam
And humbly said:
"Great King! Don't get angry!
We are all the sea, it seems
Your Grace, searched
And all the ring was not seen.
Only ruff is one of us
Could carry out your order:
He walks all the seas
So, it’s true, the ring knows;
But, as if to spite him,
It's gone somewhere."
"Find it in a minute
And send to my cabin! -
The whale screamed in anger
And shook his mustache.

The sturgeons here bowed,
Then they set off to the Zemstvo court
And they ordered at the same time
From a whale to write a decree
To send messengers soon
And the ruff was quickly caught.
Bream, heard this order,
Nominal wrote a decree;
Som (he was called a police officer)
Signed under the decree;
Black cancer decree folded
And attached the seal.
Two dolphins were called here
And, having given the decree, they said,
So that on behalf of the king
All traveled the seas
And that ruff-reveler
Screamer and bully
Wherever it was found
They brought him to the emperor.
Here the dolphins bowed
And the ruff set off to look.

They are looking for an hour in the seas,
They are looking for an hour in the rivers,
All the lakes came out
All the straits crossed -
Couldn't find a ruff
And returned back
Almost crying with sadness.

Suddenly the dolphins heard
Near the pond
A cry unheard in the water.
Dolphins wrapped in the pond
And dived to the bottom of it, -
Look: in the pond under the reeds
Ruff fights with crucian carp!

“Attention! Damn you!
Look, what a sodom they raised,
Like important fighters!” -
The messengers shouted to them.
“Well, what do you care? -
Ruff shouts boldly to the dolphins. -
I don't like to joke
I'll kill everyone at once!" -
"Oh, you eternal reveler,
And a screamer, and a bully!
Everything, rubbish, you walk,
Everything would fight and shout;
At home - no, you can’t sit ...
Well, what to dress up with you?
Here's the king's decree
So that you swim to him immediately.

Here are the dolphins
Grabbed by the bristles
And we went back.
Ruff, well, tear and shout:
“Be merciful, brothers!
Let's have a little fight.
Damn that crucian
Carried me yesterday
With honesty with the whole assembly
Basurmansky various abuse ... "
For a long time the ruff was still screaming,
Finally, he fell silent;
A prankster dolphins
Everything was dragged by the bristles,
Saying nothing
And they appeared before the king.

"Why haven't you been here for a long time?
Where are you, son of the enemy, staggering? -
Keith screamed in anger.
Ruff fell on his knees
And, confessing to the crime,
He asked for forgiveness.
“Well, God will forgive you! -
Keith sovereign says. -
But for this crime
You obey the command."
“I will do everything, glorious whale!” -
Ruff squeaks on his knees.
"You walk on all the seas,
So, right, you know the ring
Tsar-girls?...” – “How not to know?
We can find it together." -
"So hurry up
Yes, bring him alive!

Here, bowing to the king,
Ruff went out of there;
I frolic for half a minute,
Fell into the black hole
And, the gap at the bottom of the sand,
Dug a red chest -
Pud at least a hundred:
“Here, brother, it’s not easy!”
And come on from all the seas
Ruff to call herring to him.

Herring gathered together
They began to drag the chest,
Only heard and everything
What "woo!" yes "oh-oh-oh!"
But no matter how hard they shouted,
The chest was still not lifted.
Ruff, without wasting a lot of words,
Clicked ten sturgeons.

Here comes a dozen
And raises without a cry
Buried firmly in the sand
With a ring, a red chest.
"Well, guys, look,
You are now swimming to the king,
I'm going down now
Let me rest a little.
Something overcomes sleep
So his eyes are closed ... "
Sturgeons swim to the king,
Ruff-reveler right into the pond
(From which the dolphins
dragged away by the bristles)
Tea, fight with crucian, -
I don't know about that.
But now we say goodbye to him
Let's go back to Ivan.

Quiet ocean-ocyan.
Ivan sits on the sand
Waiting for a whale from the blue of the sea
And purrs with grief;
Falling down on the sand
The faithful hunchback is dozing.
The time was drawing to a close;
Now the sun has gone down;
Silent flame of grief
The dawn unfolded.
But the whale was not there.
“To those, the thief, crushed!
Look, what a sea devil -
Ivan says to himself. -
Promised until dawn
Take out the ring of the Tsar Maiden,
And so far I have not found
Cursed toothbrush!
And the sun has set
And ... "Then the sea began to boil:
A miracle whale appeared
And to Ivan he says:
"For your kindness
I kept my promise."
With this word chest
I blurted out tightly on the sand,
Only the shore swayed.
“Well, now I'm up for it.
If you need me
call me again;
Your beneficence
Do not forget me ... Goodbye!
Here the miracle whale fell silent
And, splashing, fell to the bottom.

The humpbacked horse woke up
I got up on my feet, dusted myself off,
I looked at Ivanushka
And jumped four times.
“Ay, yes Kit Kitovich! Nice!
Job done right...
Well, thank you, whale fish! -
The humpbacked horse is screaming. -
Well, master? hurry up
Sit down with a chest;
Three days have already passed:
Tomorrow is urgent.
Tea, the old man is already dying.
Here Vanyusha answers:
“I would be glad to raise with joy,
Why, do not take strength!
The chest is painfully dense,
Tea, there are five hundred devils in it
The damned whale planted.
I've already raised it three times:
It's such a terrible burden!"
There is a skate, not answering,
Picked up a red box
Like a light stone
And waved it around his neck.
“Well, Ivan, sit down quickly!
Tomorrow early in the morning
We will come to the court."

The next day before dawn
They come to the capital.
The king comes out onto the porch:
"What? Did you bring the ring?" -
Tsar Ivan asks.
“Yes,” Vanyusha answers. -
Here's your trunk...
Tell me to call the regiment:
The chest is small at least in appearance,
Yes, and the devil will crush.
The king in a minute called the regiment
And without hesitation, ordered
Take the chest to the light room.
Himself went to the Tsar Maiden
And with a smile he said to her:
“Your ring, soul, found;
And now, to say a word,
There is no obstacle
Tomorrow morning, my light,
Marry me with you.
But don't you want, my friend,
To see your ring?
He lies in my palace."
The Queen Maiden says:
"I believe. But, to confess
We can't get married yet." -
“Why, my light?
I love you with my soul;
Me, forgive my courage
Fear of getting married.
If you ... then I will die
Tomorrow, with grief in the morning.
Have pity, mother queen!”
The girl tells him:
“But, look, you are gray.
I am only fifteen years old.
How can we get married?
All the kings will start laughing
Grandfather, they will say, took his granddaughter!
The king shouted in anger:
"Let's just laugh -
I just roll up:
I will fill all their kingdoms!
I will eradicate their entire race!”
"Let them not laugh,
We can't all get married.
Flowers do not grow in winter:
I'm beautiful, and you?
What can you brag about?" -
The girl tells him.
“I’m old, but I’m daring! -
The king answered the queen. -
How can I get a little
At least I'll show it to someone
A cheeky young man.
Well, what is the need for that?
If only we could get married."
The queen says to him:
"And such is the need,
That I will never go out
For the bad, for the gray-haired,
For such a toothless one!
The king scratched his head
And, frowning, he answered:
“What am I to do, queen?
Fear of wanting to get married
You, exactly in trouble:
I won’t go, I won’t go!”
“I will not go for a gray-haired one, -
The king-maiden speaks again. -
Become, as before, well done -
I'm getting married right away." -
“Remember, mother queen,
After all, you can not change;
God alone creates a miracle ... "
The Queen Maiden says:
"If you don't feel sorry for yourself,
You will be younger again.
Listen! Tomorrow at dawn
In the wide yard
You must force the servant
Three large boilers to put
And approve the tagans.
The first one must be poured
From the river - cold water,
Yes, the second - boiled water,
And the last one is milk
Boiling it with a key.
If you want to marry
And become handsome
You must in one leap
Boil with milk;
Here to stay in boiled water
And then in the studio.
And I'll tell you, father,
You will be a noble fellow!

The king did not say a word
He immediately called a stirrup.
“What, again on the okian? -
Ivan speaks to the Tsar. -
No, no, your grace!
And then everything went wrong in me.
I won't go for anything!" -
“No, Ivanushka, not that.
Tomorrow I want to force
Put boilers in the yard
And approve the tagans.
First I think to pour
From the river with cold water,
And the second - boiled water,
And the last one is milk
Boiling it with a key.
You must try
Samples for the sake of taking a dip
In these three large cauldrons:
In milk and in two waters.
"Look where it's coming from! -
Ivan's speech starts here. -
Only pigs spit
Yes, turkeys, yes chickens.
Look, I'm not a pig,
Not a turkey, not a chicken.
Here in the cold, so it is
It would be possible to swim;
And how will you cook,
So don't lure me.
Full, King, cunning, wise
Yes, see Ivan off!”
King, shake your beard:
"What? Should I line up with you? -
He screamed. “But look!
If you are at dawn
Do not obey the command
I will give you torment
And I command you to torment
Break into small pieces.
Get out of here, evil pain!”
Here Ivanushka, sobbing,
Wandered into the hayloft,
Where his horse lay.

“What, Ivanushka, sad?
What did you hang your head on?" -
The horse tells him.
"Oh, I'm in trouble, little hunchback! -
Our Ivan tells him. -
The king forces in the morning
Bathe me in cauldrons -
In milk and in two waters:
As in one icy water,
And in another boiled water,
Milk, listen, boiling water.
The horse tells him:
“That’s service, that’s service!
This is where all my friendship comes in.
Listen, tomorrow at dawn
How will you be in the yard
And undress like you should
You tell the king: "Is it not possible,
Your grace, order
Send the hunchback to me
To say goodbye to him for the last time?
The king will agree to this.
This is how I wag my tail
I dip my muzzle into those boilers,
I'll jump on you twice
I whistle with a loud whistle,
Look, don't yawn
First roll into milk
Here in a cauldron with boiled water
And from there to the cold one.
Now pray
Go to sleep peacefully."

The next day early in the morning
Ivan's horse woke up:
"Hey master! Full sleep!
It's time for you to get up."
Here Vanyusha scratched himself,
Stretched and - got up,
Prayed on the fence
And he went to the king's courtyard.

The cauldrons were already boiling there;
Sitting next to them
Coachman and cook
And servants of the court;
Firewood was sometimes added,
They talked about Ivan
Silently among themselves
And laughed at times.

So the doors were opened;
The king and queen came out
So that from the high porch
Look at the daredevil.
"Well, Vanyusha, undress
And in the boilers, brother, swim! -
Tsar Ivan shouted.
Then Ivan took off his clothes,
Answering nothing.
And the young queen
To avoid seeing nakedness
Wrapped up in a veil.
Cooks and cooks
They walked away, laughing, to the side.
“What are you, Vanyusha, become? -
Tsar Ivan shouted. -
Do what you must, brother!
Ivan says: “Is it not possible,
Your grace, order
Call the hunchback to me?
I would say goodbye to him for the last time."
The king, without hesitation, agreed
And deigned to order
Call the hunchback immediately.
Here the servant brings the horse
And he goes to the side.

Here the horse wagged its tail,
I dipped my muzzle into those boilers,
I jumped at Ivan twice,
He whistled loudly...
Ivan looked at the horse,
I dived into the milk first,
Here in a cauldron with boiled water,
And from there to the cold one,
And such a good fellow became
That at least right down the aisle!
Here he is dressed up in a dress,
The king-maiden bowed,
Looked around, cheering
WITH important view like a prince.

"Eco wonder! – all shouted. -
We have not even heard
To help you get better!”
The king ordered himself to undress,
Crossed himself twice
Boom in the boiler - and there it was cooked!

The king-maiden rises here,
Gives a sign to silence
The bedspread lifts
And to the servants broadcasts:
“The king told you to live long!
I want to be queen.
Do I love you? Answer!
If you love, then admit
The sorcerer of everything
And my wife!”
Here the queen fell silent,
She pointed to Ivan.

“Love, love! - everyone screams. -
Even to hell for you!
For your sake of talent
We recognize Tsar Ivan!”

The king takes the queen here,
Leads to the church of God
And with the young queen
He goes round and round.

Cannons fire from the fortress;
They blow into forged pipes;
All cellars open
Barrels of fryazhskoy put up,
And, having drunk, the people,
What are urinals, tearing:
“Hello, our King and Queen!
With the beautiful Tsar Maiden!”

In the palace, a feast is a mountain!
Wines flow like a river there!
At oak tables
Boyars drink with princes:
Heart love! I was there,
I drank honey, wine and beer;
Though it ran along the mustache,
Not a drop got into my mouth.

Appendix 1.1
The game "Journey through Ershov's fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse""
Completed by: Teacher - librarian Kastuseva N.E.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 9 with UIOP", Cherepovets

Goals and objectives:

  1. Review the learned material in a playful way.

  1. Build a sense of responsibility.

  1. To develop the speech culture of students, attention, creative and intellectual abilities of children through active participation in the game process.

  1. Expand the horizons of students, cognitive interest .

Relevance: Anniversary of P. P. Ershov, Year of Literature.
Game progress:

  1. Preliminary draw. Distribution of children into teams

  1. Crossword. Spectators: Quiz

  1. "Know the Hero"

  1. Fold illustration. Spectators: Quiz

  1. Divide items into groups Spectators: Quiz

  1. Use a dictionary to define words Spectators: Quiz

  1. Puzzles

  1. Summarizing

Librarian: Today we will go on a journey, but not simple, but fabulous. Together with Ivan, the peasant son and his faithful assistant, the Little Humpbacked Horse, we are facing various trials to go through our strengths. But first you need to get into a fairy tale. You can do this with a fairy tale. What? Our teams will learn this by solving a crossword puzzle. (Appendix No. 1)
Teams solve a crossword puzzle and read the word in the highlighted cells. Pass the crossword puzzle to the jury
Librarian: So that the audience does not get bored, they are also waiting for a test task.

You must remember who and when said these words to Ivan:

Each correct answer will bring a point to the team you support.

  1. "Listen,
Run on patrol, Vanyusha,

I'll buy you luboks.

I will give peas and beans ”(Father, so that Ivan goes on patrol)

  1. “And thank you, say by the way,
Bring you an update

Red hat with a vertebra

Yes, boots with heels ”(Brothers, when the horses were stolen)

  1. "You will walk in gold,
Dress up in a red dress

Like rolling cheese in butter

I give you my whole stable as an order ”(Tsar, when Ivan took the horses to the royal stable)

  1. “Two horses, if you like, sell.
But don't give up the horse" (mare)

  1. “He himself thinks: Wait a minute!
I'll move you, nerd" (Sleeping bag)

  1. “I will find the ring of the red Tsar-maiden until the dawn” (Kit)


Did you guess the magic word? Right. This is a pen fire birds. It was with him that all the adventures of Ivan began. Now we are on the pages of a fairy tale and we can get acquainted with its heroes. Our competition is called “Who is the hero”?

Teams answer questions

  1. “I couldn’t help but laugh to tears” (Old man)

  1. “And having poured water over himself, he began to knock under the hut” (Danila)

  1. “And by his grace he gave five rubles in addition” (Tsar)

  1. “The rogue pretended to be deaf, short-sighted and dumb” (Bedroom)

  1. “He enters the tent with a harp and sits down at the device” (King Maiden)

  1. “Swallowed among the seas three dozen ships” (Fish - whale)

  1. “He punished everyone very sharply: So that they don’t buy horses. They didn't yawn. They didn't scream. "" (Mayor)

  1. “He blows a golden trumpet. He screams with a loud voice ”(Caller)

  1. “I cried with joy. Well, Ivan to hug, kiss and pardon "(Month)

  1. He extinguished his hot beam, did not sanctify the world of God ”(Sun)

  1. “He scolded the royal servants, dragged himself behind the roach, and he broke the nose of six sprats on the way” (Ruff)

  1. “And all night I went on patrol at a neighbor’s fence” (Gavrila)


"But now we'll leave them,

Let's have fun with a fairy tale again

Orthodox Christians

What did our Ivan do?
B librarian:

Ivan had many adventures. Our teams must collect illustrations and tell what events in the fairy tale they are dedicated to.

Teams collect illustrations

In the meantime, the teams are completing tasks, our viewers should remember to whom Ivan spoke the following words:

1. “I don’t know how to joke. At once I will sit on those necks ”(Mare)
2. “Sell two golden-maned horses. Yes, take me too ”(Brothers)
3. "Look, I'm a royal stirrup!" (Month)
4. “You won’t leave today, and you won’t fool me” (to the Tsar’s maiden)
5. “Better get us a ring” (to whale)
6. “Only, mind you, don’t fight with me. And let me sleep.” (To the King)

The teams did a good job. (Show collected illustrations). These illustrations show how Ivan caught Zhar - a bird and a princess. How did he manage to catch them? Our teams will now receive a list of items. You will have to note which of them Ivan used to catch the Fire - a bird, and which the Tsar's maiden (Appendix No. 2)

Completing tasks on cards. Cards are given to the jury

Ivan's faithful friend and assistant was the Little Humpbacked Horse.

He will warm in winter

In summer it will blow cold

Will treat you with bread in hunger

Quench your thirst with honey"

A lot of useful tips gave it to Ivan. Our viewers will have to remember what the Humpbacked Ivan said the following words:

  1. “But for your happiness, do not take it for yourself” (Feather Zhar - birds)

  1. “If you oversleep her. You won’t escape trouble ”(The King is a maiden)

  1. “You don’t rivet the devil .... Horsemen were brought down” (About Ivan’s brothers)

  1. “Well, hurry it into the bag! Yes, tie it tighter ”(Heat is a bird)

  1. “It’s not me they’ll hang up on a stake” (When Ivan overslept the Tsar’s maiden)

  1. “You tell the king: “Your grace cannot order the Hunchback to be sent to me” (When the king ordered to bathe in three boilers)


Lubki, girdle, Beloyarovo millet are old words unfamiliar to us. Dictionaries will help us unravel their mystery. Our teams receive cards with old words found in the book and use a dictionary to explain their meaning

Teams receive cards with tasks. Explain the meaning of words
1 team: Malachai, Syta, Sennik

2 team Lubki, Sleeping bag, Yakhont

And our viewers will have to remember what the other heroes of the fairy tale demanded from each other.

  1. “Get me my ring from the ocean in three days” (King - a maiden from the king)

  1. “You get the ring of the red Tsar-maiden before the lightning” (Whale from sturgeons)

  1. “Get the hell out of here. Bad things will happen here now ”(Humpbacked from the peasants)

  1. "Here's the king's decree: To swim to him immediately" (Dolphin - ruff)

  1. “If you give them freedom, God will remove your hardship” (Hunchbacked to Kit)

  1. “If you are loved, then recognize my husband as the ruler of everything” (The Tsar Maiden - to the people)

Teams read answers with definitions

: Where Ivan hasn't been

He fell into the realm of the Month of Mesyatsovich.

And he was amazed: “Eco marvel! Our kingdom is beautiful

And how to compare with the sky

So under the insole is not suitable

What is the earth!

After all, she is black - then dirty

Here the earth is blue

And what a light!”
What can be found in the kingdom of the Moon, we will find out by guessing riddles.

(Appendix No. 3)

Librarian: So our journey ended. We remembered with you the tale of Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov about peasant son Ivana and his faithful assistant Konka - the Hunchback. A fairy tale about: “What did our Ivan do,
Being in the service of the king,
At the state stable;
How did he get into the neighbors,
How he slept his pen,
How cunningly caught the Firebird,
How he kidnapped the Tsar-maiden,
How he went for the ring
As he was an ambassador in heaven,
How is he in the sunny village
Kitu begged for forgiveness;
How, among other things,
He saved thirty ships;
As in boilers he did not boil,
How handsome he became;
In a word: our speech is about
How did he become king?
Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

Horizontally 1 The size of the ears of the Horse - Humpbacked

3 Middle brother name

5And to the song of the fool, the horses dance....

7 And out of fear, our peasant dug under ...

Vertically 2 Her brothers sowed it

3Rides next to him……..

4 Ivan changed horses for him

6How many rubles did the tsar give in addition?

8But, after all, I myself am not a blunder. Hear held her like in…..

Application №2

Beloyarovo millet
Dining set



Application №3

1 "Blue fur coat, covered the whole world" (Sky)
2 "Red - a girl walks in the sky" (Sun)
3 "A loaf of bread hangs over the hut" (Month)
4 "The black cow conquered the whole world

And the white one raised ”(Day and night)

5" Century sees off

Words do not speak

He does not ask for tea ”(Shadow)
6« Rocker painted. It hung over the river "(Rainbow)
7 “Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens” (Wind)
8 "Walked, lanky, got stuck in the cheese" (Rain)
9 "The peas scattered on seventy roads" (Grad)
10 "The horse runs, the earth trembles" (Thunder)
11"A fiery arrow flies. No one will catch her!" (Lightning)
12 "The eagle flies

across the blue sky

Wings spread out

The sun covered up "(Cloud)

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