Folk tale and the world in children's reading. Requirements for the design of control work


Issues for discussion:

    Definition of the genre of a fairy tale. The main features of the Russian folk tale.

    General characteristics of fairy tales about animals.

    Origin of fairy tales about animals. Animism and totemism in fairy tales about animals.

    Animal tale character system. Anthropomorphism.

    Composition of fairy tales about animals

    Features of the language of fairy tales about animals

    Tales about animals in the system of ecological ideas.

    Analysis of works of students' choice

3. Fairy tales. Characteristics of this type of fairy tale.

    The origin of fairy tales. Connection with mythology and religion. (Animism, totemism and magic in fairy tales).

    Typology of heroes of fairy tales.

    Minor characters of fairy tales

    The main motifs of fairy tales

    Time and space in fairy tales

    Traditional formulas of fairy tales

    Fairy tales in the practice of preschool education

4. Everyday fairy tales. Characteristics of everyday fairy tales.

    Varieties of everyday fairy tales

    The origin of this type of fairy tales Historical motifs in everyday fairy tales

    The system of characters in everyday fairy tales

    The social orientation of everyday fairy tales

    Replenishment of the fabulous repertoire at the expense of works of literature.

Preparation of reports on the following topics:

    Traditional formulas of Russian folk tales.

    images younger brother in folk tales.

    Women's images in fairy tales, their functions.

    Origin, features and functions of the image of Baba Yaga in fairy tales.

    Origin, features and functions of the image of the Serpent Gorynych in fairy tales.

    Origin, features and functions of the image of Koshchei the Immortal.


    Expressive storytelling

    Comparative analysis of the fairy tale and literary plot(at the student's choice).


    Anikin V.P. Russian folktale. - M., 1977.

    Bakhtin V. From the epic to the counting rhyme: Tales of folklore. - M., 1982

    Begak B.A. An inexhaustible spring (Children's literature and folk art). - M., 1973.

    Ersh Ershovich. Russian folk tales. - M., 1989.

    Marshak S.Ya. O great literature for little ones. / Collected. op. in 8 vols., v.6. - M., 1971.

    Melnikov M.N. Russian children's folklore. - M., 1987.

    Neelov E.M. The fairy tale roots of science fiction. - M., 1986.

    Pomerantseva E.V. The fate of the Russian fairy tale. - M., 1973

    Propp V.Ya. Historical roots fairy tale. - L., 1986

    Propp V.Ya. Morphology of a fairy tale. - L., 1976.

    Propp V.Ya. Russian fairy tale. - Leningrad State University, 1984.

    Propp V.Ya. Folklore and reality. – M.

    Roshiyanu N. Traditional fairy tale formulas. - M., 1984.

    Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1996.

    Sharov I.A. Wizards come to people. - M., 1974.

Topic 4: Russian literary fairy tale of the 19th century

Issues for discussion:

    The origin of the genre literary fairy tale. Conditions for the existence of a fairy tale

    Forerunners of the literary tale

    Similarities, differences between literary and folk tales:

    1. volume and existence;

      genre and generic transformations;

    2. composition;

5 .The emergence and existence of a literary fairy tale in Russia

6 .Anthony Pogorelsky and his tale black hen, or Underground inhabitants":

    Biographical data and history of writing a fairy tale;

    A fusion of the realistic and the fantastic in Pogorelsky's fairy tale;

    Skill in depicting a child's character;

    Composition and plot of the tale;

    Traditions and innovation in the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground inhabitants».

7 . V.F. Odoevsky- writer and educator

    Biographical note. A fairy tale in the work of V.F. Odoevsky;

    "Town in a Snuffbox" - the first scientific and artistic fairy tale;

    "Moroz Ivanovich": plot basics fairy tales; Comparative characteristics literary fairy tale by V.F. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" and folk original.

    "Lessons" of the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich".

8 .V.A. Zhukovsky- the founder of the literary fairy tale genre

    Literary sources of fairy tales by V.A. Zhukovsky ("Sleeping Princess", "War of Mice and Frogs", "Puss in Boots", "Tulip Tree").

    Folklore sources of fairy tales "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", "The Tale of Tsar Berendey ...".

    Compare V.A. Zhukovsky’s tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” with the folk tale of the same name, paying attention to the similarities and differences in descriptions, characters and relationships of the characters.

    The value of V.A. Zhukovsky's creativity and its place in the circle of children's reading.

9 . Pushkin and oral folk art. Reasons and motives for Pushkin's appeal to writing fairy tales.

    Folklore and literary sources fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.

    The problems of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. What role does fiction play in them? Pushkin's fairy tales as a work for adults and children.

    Heroes of fairy tales A.S. Pushkin and artistic means of image formation.

    Rhythmic originality of Pushkin's fairy tales.

10 .The history of life P.P. Ershov and the history of the appearance of his fairy tale.

    Folklore basis of Ershov's fairy tale.

    Literary allusions in the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse".

    Satire in Ershov's fairy tale.

    Compare the hero of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" and Ivanushka - the fool from the folk tale. Similarities and differences between these images.

    Features of the structure of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"

    The role of Ershov's fairy tale in children's reading.


Comparative analysis of literary and folk tales with the same plots (at the student's choice).

literary taleIIhalfXIXin.

Features of the development of the literary fairy tale genre in the work of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, V.M. Garshina, S.T. Aksakova, L.N. Tolstoy.

    Compare the tale of S.T. Aksakov with similar literary and folklore plots by Apuleius. "Metamorphosis", part 5.6 - "The Tale of Cupid and Psyche"; Mrs. LePrince de Beaumont. "Beauty and the Beast"; Russian folk tales "Finist the Bright Falcon" and "The Enchanted Prince". Similarities and differences in plot situations, character characteristics, language features, ideological sense.

    What fairy tales L.N. Do you know Tolstoy? The fairy tale "Three Bears" and its connection with the pedagogical views of the author.

    Tales of V.M. Garshin. Andersen's traditions and symbolism of the fairy tale "Attaleaprinceps", "About the toad and the rose", "About what was not". Fantasy and reality in the fairy tale "The Frog is a Traveler".

    The structure of the cycle D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales". Traditions and innovation of fairy tales. folklore motifs in "The Tale of Tsar Pea ...".

    draw conclusions about characteristic features literary tale II half of XIX in.


    Anikin V.P. Introductory article / In the book. Ershov P.P. "The Little Humpbacked Horse". - M., 1994.

    Anikin V.P. For curious readers. In the book: Two fairy tales. Tales of Russian writers. - M., 1975.

    Akhmatova A.A. Pushkin and children. // Children's literature. - 1994. - No. 4.

    Berezkina S.V. History of creation last fairy tale Zhukovsky / In the book. Zhukovsky and Russian culture. - L., 1987.

    Bessarab M.Ya., Zhukovsky V.A. A book about the great Russian poet. - M., 1975.

    Blagoy D.D. “We have everything from Pushkin. // Children's literature. - 1994. - No. 6.

    Introduction to literary criticism / ed. Motylets E.A. - Novokuznetsk, 1999.

    Kurochkina G. Writer, educator, teacher, storyteller.// preschool education. – 1992. – № 6.

    Kurochkina G. Writer, educator, storyteller. Preschool Education, No. 6, 1975.

    Kurochkina G. Pushkin's Tales // Preschool education, 1993. - No. 9.

    Leonova T.G. On some aspects of the study of a literary fairy tale.//Literary fairy tale. History, theory, poetics. - M. 1996.

    Lupanova I.P. P.P. Ershov / In the book. Ershov P.P. "The Little Humpbacked Horse". - M., 1976.

    Marshak S.Ya. Notes on Pushkin's fairy tales in 4 vols., Vol. 4 - M., 1964.

    Mineralova I.G. Children's literature. - M. 2002.

    Nagishkin V.B. Literary tale. - M., 1963.

    Naidich L.E. Zhukovsky's Tale “The Tulip Tree and Its German Source. / In the book. Zhukovsky and Russian culture. - L., 1987.

    Distinctive features of a literary fairy tale.

    Pigarev K.V. Zhukovsky. / In the book. Zhukovsky V.A. Ballads. - M., 1990.

    Russian literature for children / Ed. T.D. Polozova. - M., 2000.

    Sakharov V.I., Odoevsky V.F. - Writer and teacher. // Primary School. – 1994. – № 12.

    Semenko I.M. Life and poetry of V.A. Zhukovsky. - M., 1975.

    Tale of P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse".

    Slonimsky A.L. Pushkin's skill. - M., 1993.

    Stroev N. Birth of a literary fairy tale. / In the book: "French literary fairy tale of the 17th - 18th centuries." - M., 1989.

    Tomashevsky B.V. Literary Theory: Poetics. – M.

    Utkov I.N. “On the Roads of the Horse - the Humpbacked Horse”. - M., 1983.

    Utkov I.N. "Born in the depths of bad weather" - M., 1976.

    Frumkin A. New edition old fairy tale A. Pogorelsky. // Preschool education. - 1994. - No. 7.

    Frumkin A. A new edition of the old fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky. Preschool Education, No. 7, 1974.

    Sharov A.I. Wizards come to people. - M., 1974.

It is at the age of 4-5 that it is determined who will be a reader in the future and who will not. At this age, it is especially important to introduce the child to the golden fund of the children's book. The collections "Russian fairy tales", "Once upon a time" were recognized as the best publications.

From poetry for children 4-5 years old, it is advisable to purchase, first of all, works of classics of children's literature. Among them are works by A. Pushkin, N. Nekrasov, A. Blok, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, V. Berestov, I. Tokmakova. Poems and stories by E. Uspensky, S. Kozlov, A. Barto, E. Blaginina are very popular with children.
Among the stories and fairy tales of Russian writers, the leading publications are the works of K. Ushinsky (stories and fairy tales "For Children") and L. Tolstoy ("For Children" and "ABC"). The stories of N. Nosov "Live hat", "Bobik visiting Barbos" are very loved by children of 4-5 years old.

Children of this age can handle G. Andersen's fairy tales "Thumbelina", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", brother Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians".
More than one generation of 4-5 year old children grew up on the picture book "Pif's Adventure", on Kipling's fairy tale "Elephant".
Among best books on wildlife should be called "Big and Small" by E. Charushin, many editions of the works of V. Bianchi and V. Sladkov.

As for the selection of children's books for the elder preschool age, that is, for children 6-7 years old, in it great place occupies scientific-fiction and popular-science literature, books of an encyclopedic nature, photo books in various fields of knowledge.
If we talk about editions of folklore, they were enriched with collections of riddles and proverbs. These include a collection of riddles "Smart Ivan, the Firebird and golden grain". As for the collections of fairy tales, among many others, one can single out the colorful translated book "Treasures of Fairy Tales" and the collection "Golden Book best fairy tales peace."
Of the poetic works in the home library for preschoolers, one should first of all have the works of classical poets - A. Pushkin, V. Zhukovsky, F. Tyutchev, A. Maikov, I. Bunin, A. K. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin. It is recommended to introduce "Fables" by I. Krylov into the reading circle of children 6-7 years old, many of which will be studied at school. The essence of preliminary reading is not to understand the morality of the fables (this will come later), but to touch the model of native figurative speech.
Near poetic heritage K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, B. Zakhoder, S. Mikhalkov, V. Mayakovsky, A. Barto on the bookshelf of preschoolers should be collections of poems by S. Cherny, D. Kharms, T. Sobakia, M. Boroditskaya, R. Makhotin , M. Yasnova it is very important that the child gets to know them even before school.
Many collections of stories and fairy tales by writers have been released for preschoolers different countries. To Russian fairy tales and stories writers of the 19th pitch, already recommended for reading by children 4-5 years old, a fairy tale by S. Aksakov is added " The Scarlet Flower", "Alyonushka's Tales" by D. Mamin-Sibiryak, "The Frog Traveler" by Garshin, "The Town in the Snuffbox" by V. Odoevsky. From the stories we can recommend "Theme and the Bug" by N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, "Jump" by L. Tolstoy, "White Poodle" by A. Kuprin, "Kashtanka" by A. Chekhov. Of the writers of the 20th century, special attention of parents should be paid to P. Bazhov (" silver hoof"), B. Zhitkov ("Stories about animals"), A. Tolstoy ("The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"), M. Zoshchenko (" Selected stories for children"), K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit". A kind of bestseller for children's reading is A. Volkov's book "The Wizard of the Emerald City" - a free retelling of the book American writer Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz.
Of the writers of the second half of the 20th century, V. Dragunsky with his "Deniskin stories", V. Golyavkin with his "Notebooks in the rain", N. Nosov with the famous "Adventures of Dunno and his friends", E. Uspensky with "Crocodile Gena" and "Uncle Fedor", T. Aleksandrova with "Kuzka". In addition, the "classics" of children's reading include the works of other writers, among which one cannot fail to name Sergei Kozlov and his book "The Hedgehog in the Fog". For preschoolers, the writer G. Tsiferov and his book "The Story of a Piglet" are interesting.
As for fairy tales foreign writers XIX century, children are recommended mainly fairy tales by E. T. A. Hoffmann ("The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"), V. Gauf (" Little Muck"," Dwarf Nose "), D. Harris ("Tales of Uncle Remus"), C. Collodi ("The Adventures of Pinocchio"). Of the writers of the 20th century, I would like to mention R. Kipling with his fairy tales. A voluminous book will also be a real gift for children A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All and much more."

More than one generation of preschoolers grew up on D. Rodari's book "The Adventures of Chippolino". Children aged 6-7 years already have access to one of the most famous works Astrid Lindgren "Three stories about the Kid and Carlson". It is impossible not to say about one more book - the book of the Austrian writer F. Selten "Bambi" A special place in people's lives different generations occupies the fairy tale by M. Maeterlinck " Blue bird". Having read it at least once, parents will certainly want to have a book in the house to bring their child the same joy that they themselves experienced when reading it in childhood.
As noted above, for children 6-7 years old, the range of publications is significantly expanding. educational book in particular about the environment. I. Akimushkin, V. Biapki, M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov, E. Charushin, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, and others, who managed to reveal to the child the life of forests, seas, rivers, sky and earth, animals and insects, they have become a kind of encyclopedia that introduces the child to different areas of knowledge


    magic ring: fairy tales and stories.

    Magic box: old Russian proverbs, sayings, riddles.

    Crane feathers: [Japanese folk tales. Songs. Poems of Japanese poets].

    Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber: epics.

    When the sun is warm, when the mother is good: Rus. Proverbs and sayings.

    Russian heroes: epics and heroic tales.

    Russians fairy tales.

    Sadko: epic tale.

    Tales of the peoples of Russia.

    Tales of Old England.

    Three magic leaves: fairy tales of the peoples of Scandinavia.

    Shergin B.V. Vanya Danish: Byl Arkhangelsk.

    Japanese fairy tales.


    Grigoriev, O. E. Poems for children: [poems].

    Zakhoder, B.V. About everything in the world: the elements of a fairy tale.

    Kruzhkov, G. M. A cloud with a porch: poems.

    Krylov, I. A. Fables.

    Lear, E. whole volume nonsense; English classical absurdity of the 19th century.

    Mikhalkov S.V. Poems and fairy tales.

    My Motherland: poems of Russian poets about the Motherland.

    We do not live for war: poems by poets from different countries

    Nekrasov, N. A. Selected poems for children.

    Nekrasov, N. A. A man with a marigold: Poems. Poems.

    Pushkin, A. S. Feast of Peter the Great: a poem with an introduction. and comment.

    Rodari, J. Hello Children!: Poems.

    Sef, R. S. The Blue Meteorite: Poems.

    Yasnov, M. D. Kids time: [poems].


    Aleksandrova, T. I. Winter friends, summer friends: stories.

    Vodopyanov, M.V. In the days of war: stories.

    Voronkova, L. F. A girl from the city; Geese-swans: stories.

    Gaidar, A.P. distant countries: novels and stories.

    Gaidar, A.P. Timur and his team: stories.

    Golyavkin, V.V. Notebooks in the rain: [stories and novel].

    Golyavkin, V. V. Drawings on asphalt: stories.

    Davydychev, L. I. The life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and repeater: [tales].

    Davydychev, L. I. Hands up, or Enemy No. 1: a novel that is a little detective, and even with a scientific and medical bias, and even with a prologue, but without an end.

    Dmitriev, Yu. D. The mysterious night guest: stories.

    Dmitrieva, V.I. Malysh and Zhuchka: a story.

    Dostoevsky, F. M. The boy at Christ on the Christmas tree.

    Durov, V. L. My animals.

    Yesenovsky, M. Yu. Ur-Yur-Vyr: stories.

    Zhitkov, B. S. Stories about animals.

    Zoshchenko, M. M. Stories for children.

    Kazakov, Yu. P. Teddy: The story of a bear: a story.

    Koval, Yu. I. Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov: stories.

    Lindgren, A. The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberga: a tale.

    Loskutov, M. P. The story of talking dog: stories.

    Nosov, N. N. Vitya Maleev at school and at home: a story.

    Nosov, E. M. Where does the sun wake up?: stories.

    Pivovarova, I. M. Once Katya and Manechka: [novels, stories].

    Prishvin, M. M. Forest floors: stories for children.

    Prokofieva, S. L. The adventures of the yellow suitcase: (fairy tales).

    Rozanov, S. G. Adventures of Grass: a story.

    Romanovsky, S. T. Tchaikovsky's childhood: a story.

    Sakharnov, S.V. Visiting Crocodiles: Stories and Tales.

    Seton-Thompson, E. Chink; Arno; Street singer; Johnny Bear: Stories.

    Skrebitsky, G. A. Long-tailed robbers: stories and tales.

    Skrebitsky, G. A. Unknown paths: stories for children.

    Snegirev, G. Ya. Beaver hut: stories and novels.

    Sotnik, Yu. V. "Archimedes" by Vovka Grushin: stories.

    Sotnik, Yu. V. How they saved me: stories.

    Tikhonov, N. S. Surprising little stories: stories.

    Chaplin, V.V. Pets of the zoo: [stories].

    Chaplin, V. V. Fomka - white bear cub: [stories].

    Chekhov, A.P. Kashtanka.

literary tales

    Akim, Ya. L. Teacher TakTak and his colorful school.

    Aksakov, S. T. The Scarlet Flower: The Tale of the Housekeeper Pelageya.

    Andersen, H.-K. Fairy tales.

    Argilli, M. The Adventures of Carnation.

    Bzhehva, J. Academy of pan Klyaksa: a story-tale.

    Bonsels, V. Maya the bee: [story].

    Volkov, A. M. The Wizard of the Emerald City: a fairy tale.

    Volkov, A. M. Urfin Deuce and his wooden soldiers: a fairy tale.

    Volkov, A. M. Seven underground kings: fairy tale.

    Volkov, A. M. The fiery god of the Marrans: a fairy tale.

    Volkov, A. M. Yellow fog: a fairy tale.

    Volkov, A. M. The mystery of an abandoned castle.

    Gauf, V. Tales.

    Geraskina, L. B. In the Land of Unlearned Lessons: (a magical incident).

    Gernet, N.V. Katya and the crocodile: a story.

    Hoffmann, E.-T.-A. Nutcracker and Mouse King: story.

    Graham, K. The Wind in the Willows: A Tale.

    Gubarev, V. G. The kingdom of crooked mirrors: a fairy tale.

    Ershov, P. P. The Little Humpbacked Horse: Russian fairy tale: in 3 hours.

    Zhukovsky, V. A. Tales.

    Kaverin, V. A. Three fairy tales and one more.

    King-Smith, D. Babe, the famous pig: [novels].

    Collodi, C. Pinocchio.

    Kruzhkov, G. M. Potato Nose: Tales of Treasures, Cowboys, Pigs in the Land of Rutabag.

    Kruzhkov, G. M. Bear, dandelion, owl tales.

    Kurguzov, O. F. Stories little boy: stories and fairy tales.

    Laboulet, E. Fairy tales.

    Lindgren, A. Malysh and Carlson, who lives on the roof: fairy tales.

    Lindgren, A. Pippi settles in the villa "Chicken": a fairy tale story.

    Lindgren, A. Peppy is going on a journey: a fairy tale story.

    Myakelya, X. Uncle AU: a fairy tale story.

    Nosov, N. N. Dunno on the Moon: a fairy tale novel.

    Oster, G. B. Legends and myths of Lavrov Lane.

    The Troll's Gift: Scandinavian Tales.

    Pogorelsky, A. Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants: A Magical Tale for Children.

    Preusler, O. Little Baba Yaga.

    Preusler, O. Little merman: a fairy tale.

    Preusler, O. The Little Ghost: A Tale.

    Pushkin, A.S. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.

    Raspe, R. E. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

    Raud, E. M. Muff, Polbootka and Mossbeard: a fairy tale story.

    Remizov, A. M. Dokuka fairy tale "Hare": Tibetan fairy tales.

    Rodari, J. The Adventures of Cipollino: a fairy tale story.

    Rodari, J. Voyage of the Blue Arrow.

    Rodari, J. Tales on the Phone.

    Sedov, S. A. Tales about mothers: [stories].

    Sedov, S. A. Tales about kings, as well as tales about the boy Lesha.

    Topelius, S. Tales of the Sea King.

    Topelius, S. Tales of the Mountain King.

    Travers, P. Mary Poppins: [fairy tale].

    Fallada, G. Stories from Bedokouria: Tales.

    Fallada, G. Fridolin - impudent badger and others.

    Chapek, K. Fairy tales and funny stories.

    Egner, T. People and robbers from Cardamom: [tale-tale].

    Ekholm, J. Tutta Karlsson The First and Only, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others: a tricky tale.

    Jansson, T. Moomintroll and others: a fairy tale story.

    Jansson, T. Dangerous Summer: Fairy Tales.

    Janson, T. Magic Winter: story-tales.

    Jansson, T. The Wizard's Hat: Fairy Tales.

A characteristic feature of fairy tales about animals (and even fairy tales) is their animalism. At the same time, the heroes of fairy tales - animals - are described as thinking, speaking, performing actions motivated by fairy conditions. The creation of such an impression on the reader and listener is facilitated by personification - a technique that, on the one hand, allows you to build a story about animals like a story about people, and on the other hand, point to several layers artistic content. It is no coincidence that the main characters ancient tales about animals turn out to be a rooster, a fox, a bear, etc. In their content there is a mythopoetic meaningful plan, which was erased over time, so that today's reader often perceives the content of these original tales as allegorical, in which we can hardly guess the mythological (belief in the true symbolism of that or some other character). The antagonism of the rooster and the fox is often understood by us in everyday life: the fox is a cunning animal, and the rooster is its constant prey. Without canceling these meanings, it must be recalled that for the ancient Slavs, even the Balto-Slavs, the rooster is a symbol hearth, a guardian of the house, moreover, a symbol of dawn and rebirth.

Rooster in Slavic mythology symbolizes the element of fire: so, the rooster is an image-symbol of the hearth. At the same time, the fox, as a reminder

A. N. Afanasyev in "The Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature" is a symbol of alien fire coming from the forest. Every symbol is based on a myth (A.F. Losev), so the eternal conflict in fairy tales about animals, where the plot revolves around an event between a rooster and a fox, is not accidental. "Zayushka's hut", "Cat, thrush and rooster", even "Gingerbread Man" demonstrate these mythopoetic meanings of images. If the rooster is a symbol of the hearth and a talisman at home, then it is obvious that the farther from the house, the weaker the powers of the amulets and the more opportunities to get into unpleasant situation. Maybe that's why the cat and the thrush warn the homebody rooster not to succumb to the fox's affectionate speeches: "Tomorrow we will go even further into the forest, we won't hear you ...". However, it is the rooster that turns out to be the liberator of Zayushka's hut, while no other helper (dog, bull, bear) wins insidious fox can not. However, the very image of a bunny in this tale refers us to the mythopoetic primordial memory. " sun bunny» Russian speech has retained allusions to these meanings of warm spring light.

Animal tales often contain songs that are functional in the plot. Compositionally and in content, they are spells and are designed to change the course of events: like spells, they have a two-part composition (the 1st part is a statement describing the present “state of affairs”, the 2nd is an imperative, a call to heroes or magical forces capable of help).

I'm walking on my heels

I carry a scythe on my shoulders, - 1 I want to cut the fox.

Get down, fox, from the stove,

Come on, fox, get out! - 2

Triple repetition reinforces magical power enclosed in a spell. This circumstance once again proves both the antiquity of the origin of fairy tales about animals, and the multidimensionality of their content, which cannot be reduced to fable content, when animal characters are perceived as allegories.

In fairy tales about animals, the “meeting method” (Yu. M. Sokolov) is used, thanks to which these fairy tales are built on dialogue.

Outwardly, fairy tales about animals look simple, defined as cumulative, events in which are "strung", accumulate, and a glut of events and heroes leads to a denouement. This is how the content of "Turnip", fairy tales "Cockerel and bean seed”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, etc.

Folk tales about animals are an important and extremely effective part of folk pedagogy. Amusing, the fairy tale teaches, instructs, forms moral and social guidelines. Home, family - the basis happy life she says. A fairy tale simultaneously teaches to live, speak and think.

Fairy tales: genre features. The Russian writer V. I. Belov, reflecting on the origins of the peasant way of life in the book Lad, remarked: “Human life is between two great secrets: the secret of our appearance and the secret of disappearance. Birth and death protect us from the terror of infinity." This idea perfectly reflects the worldview of ancient people and its reflection in artistic creativity especially in fairy tales.

Fairy tales have a pronounced mythopoetic basis. Their stories reflected different sides many rituals and customs, the most important of which are initiation rites - the initiation of boys and girls into the age class of adult men and women. So, the main conflict of fairy tales is the conflict of the hero with evil, hostile and powerful forces, the victory over which promises love, family, prosperity.

In a fairy tale, metaphorical today, and in the past mythological, the whole macro- and microcosm is enclosed. human life, all levels of maturity, formation, all spiritual, moral, social experience. The imaginative world of a fairy tale can be adequately comprehended if one understands what ancient people think. This genre is characterized by the following features of ancient mythology:

  • - animism (from lat. anima- soul, spirit) - the animation of all nature;
  • - anthropomorphism (from the Greek. anthropos- man and morphe- form);
  • - zoomorphism (from the Greek. zoon- animal and morphe- form) - assimilation to an animal;
  • - totemism (from Indian. totem, which literally means "his kind");
  • - fetishism (from fr .fetiche)- belief in the magical power of things.

Without understanding the essence of these phenomena, it is difficult to imagine what the ancient man wanted to express in a fairy tale and what has come down in its plot, in the entire figurative system, to this day.

Myth is the basis fairy story and metaphors of a fairy tale. Metaphorically, the main conflict of fairy tales is also resolved: the conflict of life and death. ancient man tries to discover the mysterious laws that would allow him to conquer death. In the fairy tale, there is a struggle between good (hearth, home) and evil, bringing down a myriad of its faithful servants on a person. The plot of fairy tales about animals in a fairy tale becomes more complicated: the hero overcomes many obstacles before he gets what he wants - a smart wife, a needlewoman, a guarantee of the future happy life for himself and his family. Often the animals he talks to help him. human language like with people.

Here is an episode from the fairy tale "Ivan the widow's son":

At that time, the earth shook, everything around was shaking, good fellow barely on his feet.

Hurry up! - horse says.- Goblin is close!

Ivan jumped into the saddle. The horse rushed forward and jumped over the fence.

Leshy drove up to his kingdom from the other side, jumped over the fence and shouted:

Hey, servant, take the horse!

Waited and waited - no Ivan. He looked around and saw: the gates to the dungeon were wide open.

Oh, such and such, they ran away! Well, okay, I'll catch up anyway.

Asks the horse:

  • - Can we catch up with the fugitives?
  • - We'll catch up with something, but I feel, master, misfortune-adversity over your head and over yourself!

The goblin got angry, scolded:

Oh, you, wolf's satiety, grass bag, do you frighten me with misfortune-adversity!

Both Ivan's horse and the goblin's horse are talking, and both of them, according to the plot of the tale, give advice to the owners and provide other active assistance.

The fairy tale also reflected the evolution of human ideas about the world and nature. It is a fairy tale that shows that the pagan is not in conflict with the Christian worldview. Plot fairy tale, as a rule, figuratively expresses the initiatory path of the hero in life. The plot of a fairy tale is described in detail by V. Ya. Propp. In his other book - "The Historical Roots of a Fairy Tale" - V. Ya. Propp writes:

“Here we will study the genre of fairy tales that begins with the infliction of some kind of damage or harm (abduction, exile, etc.) or with the desire to have something (the king sends his son for the firebird) and develops through sending the hero from home, a meeting with the donor, who gives him a magic tool or an assistant with which the subject of the search is found. In the future, the tale gives a duel with the enemy ( essential form him - serpent fighting), return and chase. Often this composition gives a complication. The hero is already returning home, the brothers throw him into the abyss. Later on, he re-arrives, is tested through difficult tasks, and reigns and marries either in his own kingdom or in the kingdom of his father-in-law. This is a brief schematic presentation of the compositional core that underlies so many and varied plots. Fairy tales reflecting this scheme will be called fairy tales here, and it is precisely this that constitutes the subject of our study.<...>Although fairy tales are part of folklore, they are not a part that would be inseparable from this whole. They are not the same as the hand is to the body, or the leaf is to the tree. They, being a part, at the same time constitute something whole and are taken here as a whole.

The study of the structure of fairy tales shows their close relationship with each other. This relationship is so close that it is impossible to accurately delimit one story from another.

The course of thought and the criteria for singling out a fairy tale here are typical of the cited author. Since this textbook pursues other goals, we will not use the conceptual apparatus of the works of V. Ya. Propp or other folklorists to any extent. For operational purposes, in accordance with our task, we will single out key elements from almost three dozen elements of a fairy tale plot:

  • 1) the unusual origin of the hero: "The Frog Princess", "Finist - the Clear Falcon", "Marya Morevna";
  • 2) an unusual scene of action: “far-away kingdom, far-away state”;
  • 3) incredible heroes with whom main character must join the fight: Baba Yaga, Kashchei (Koschei) the Immortal, the Serpent Gorynych, the filthy Idolische, famously one-eyed, etc .;
  • 4) the hero's magical assistants that appear if he himself comes to the aid of creatures obviously weaker than him and, "proud" and "arrogant", could neglect their requests (participation in the fate of the "small" leads the hero to a great victory over the greatest evil) ;
  • 5) magic items(self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, gold ring, towel, living and dead water).

Composition fairy tale opens saying, but more often tie - beginning, which contains the initial, initial intrigue - an event containing a mystery, arousing curiosity to unravel what is happening. The plot of a fairy tale is a kind of riddle, the plot of a fairy tale is a path to a solution that will be revealed only at the end.

The hero goes through tests which become more difficult over time. The most common number of tests is three, they are passed through thanks to magical helpers. It is impossible to defeat evil outside and in oneself, avoiding magical transformations: the task turns out to be so difficult that it can only be solved " turning around" turning into someone, becoming different, gaining valuable life experience and returning home. Miracle- the key to the plot of a fairy tale.

Every fairy tale ends return from wonderful world, its composition ring the fairy tale ends ending (outcome). In the development of the plot, the lines that are obligatory in every fairy tale are extremely important: adventure, "travel" (from it grows symbolic theme paths-roads) to be developed different genres Literature, mostly prose.

In a fairy tale, heroic tales stand apart, essentially being a later processing of the historical epic, epics in order to teach a sense of the Motherland, historical roots, strengthen the mythopoetic relationship of the word in various oral and written genres. fiction. At present, acquaintance with epics at school is difficult due to a number of circumstances; reading them implies a special range of interests and appropriate educational opportunities. However, thanks to heroic tales that convey their plots, everyone imagines the images of the main heroes (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, etc.) and their deeds, i.e. receives an indirect idea about the epics.

Household and satirical tales: joke, parable, anecdote

Fairy tales everyday, satirical and plot, and imagery are due to folk games, gravitate towards a booth, folk theater, where the mythological proper lost its power, but allegory, social satire, and a humorous beginning were actualized. The conflict in them is "played out by roles." It is no coincidence that subsequent recordings of fairy tales and their processing are placed in the title of “participants in the conflict”: “The Kochetok and the Hen”, “The Fox and the Black Grouse”, “The Soldier and the Devil”, “The Old Man and the Wolf”, “The Master and the Dog”, etc. sometimes a comic situation is also carried out: “How the master bought a sheep”, “The funeral of a goat”, “How Ivan the Fool guarded the door”, “Shoemaker in heaven”, sometimes this situation is indicated by a saying, an aphoristically well-aimed expression: “Behind a bad head - work for the feet "," Do not like - do not listen "(Ersh Ershovich. Russian folk tales. M., 1989).

  • Belov V. I. Lad: essays on folk aesthetics. M .: Young Guard, 1989. S. 176.
  • “Initiation was one of the “rituals of transition” that accompanies the most significant social and personal changes in a person’s life: birth, growing up, marriage, maturity, death, etc. The expression “ritual of transition” shows that a person has moved from one level of his experience to another. The performance of the “ritual of transition” speaks of the socially recognized right to change or transformation - the right to enter into new level its development...” (E. Herrien). Those. how to pass an exam to a new level of your personal and social maturity and receive new instructions for the correct passage of a new stage of life” // Belkovsky S. A. Initiation of growing up in various cultures. URL: (date of access: 10.10.2015).
  • Propp V. Ya. Morphology of a fairy tale. M., 1969.
  • Propp V. Ya. Historical roots of a fairy tale. M.: Labyrinth, 2000. S. 5-6.

Natalia Alyakina
Reading fairy tales

Fairy tale- one of the most common literary genres with which the child is introduced to kindergarten and at home.

Story has a profound effect on the moral and aesthetic development preschooler. She carries wisdom. AT fairy tales high ideals, people's dreams of a happy life, the conquest of nature, joyful work are embodied. Across fairy tale children learn the language of their people, get acquainted with native nature customs, learn to overcome difficulties. Story produces negative attitude to evil, intolerance to injustice, teaches them to be kind, brave, sympathetic. The story is best told rather than read as children see through the eyes narrator, facial expressions, emotions.

Heroes fairy tale - people with high moral character, animals that help them ( Gray wolf, mouse, raven, etc., magical creatures(Morozko, the Little Humpbacked Horse).

Story was created orally and was designed for the listener. Acquaintance with fairy tale always involves close contact with the listener, constant communication with him. This follows from the very form of presentation. fairy tales. It often contains a question or a direct appeal to the listener. At the core fairy tale lies the reality that for telling the natural intonations characteristic of simple communication are very simple and understandable. Mystery, fantasy is observed wherever miraculous actions, events, transformations are narrated. In such episodes, one must read mysteriously, with pauses, where they talk about the extraordinary adventures of the heroes. Like any other story, magical is based on the principle antitheses: goodness is opposed to evil, hard work - idleness, laziness, mind - stupidity, etc. Heroes fairy tales have high moral character. This is the stepdaughter of fairy tales"Morozko", Ivan from fairy tales"The Little Humpbacked Horse", Alyonushka from fairy tales"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" other. All of them are carriers of good, endowed with various positive traits: honesty, diligence, courage, resourcefulness, self-sacrifice. Goodies in fairy tales opposed to negative characters: baba yaga "Swan geese", stepmother "Morozko". These characters are not endowed with any positive quality: they are evil, greedy, lazy.

At storytelling it is necessary to convey the features of the heroes with intonation, facial expressions so that the children understand what kind of hero this is and how to relate to him. For example, at the mention of the stepdaughter, about her hard life, you should immediately arouse sympathy in the guys for poor girl, emphasize her diligence, honesty, kindness. With great sympathy tell about it how she got up early, fed the cattle, watered, carried water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut, so that the children would understand how difficult and hard it was for her stepdaughter to live. And here is the phrase “You can’t please an old woman - everything is wrong, everything is bad” necessary say indignantly, you can put emphasis on words "all wrong", "nothing" so that the children feel the cruel, unfair treatment of the stepmother's stepdaughter and feel sorry for the poor girl.

Usually fairy tales start with words"Lived once…", "AT distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state ... ", the purpose of which is to introduce the listener into the world fabulous fantasy. Start off tell a story quietly, as if mysteriously, so that the child is alert in anticipation of something magical where everything Maybe: and the firebird, and the humpbacked horse, and the self-assembly tablecloth, and living and dead water ...

Actions in fairy tale begin immediately"Geese-swans flew in..." and develops continuously. And each picture draws specific case episode in which certain characters participate. Yes, in fairy tale"Morozko" As soon as the old woman ordered the old man to take his stepdaughter to the forest, he already harnessed the horse, put his daughter in a sleigh and drove into the forest. As soon as he left her alone in a dense forest, Morozko met her. As soon as he gave her gifts, an old man immediately came for her, etc.

Fairy tale has its own developed over the centuries artistic techniques, for which reading attention should be paid. This is primarily trinity (three wishes, three sons, three riddles) having a large meaning. It conveys a gradual increase in tension, which in the third case reaches highest voltage and is the climax or focuses the listener's attention on the most important (acting person, object, event).

Repetition helps children remember and understand fairy tale to focus their attention on what matters most. Therefore, when reading repetitions, words should be highlighted that convey an increase in tension, especially pronounce the last repetition significantly, since it is in fairy tale the most important. Yes, in "Tiny-Havroshechka" say: “And the hostess had three daughters. The eldest was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the third, smaller one was Three-eye. The last - Triglazka, in the course of the development of the action played a decisive role in the fate of Khavroshechka, therefore, when story about the daughters of the hostess before the word "Tri-eye" you need to pause, and put the word itself under stress. At story repetitions need to be spoken slowly, this gives rhythm fabulous style.

AT fairy tale many traditional forms, expressions, epithets, repetitions ( "soon fairy tale affects, but the thing is not done soon ”, "Like Cheese Rolls in Butter", "poured apples", "grunted-crying"). These artistic techniques fairy tale figurativeness, poetry, so when storytelling pay special Attention: to highlight with a voice, read smoothly, singsongly, observe the rhythm, emphasize rhyming words.

AT fairy tale the method of narrowing is often used, when the number of objects gradually reaches one, the most important, often having a meaning in the fate of the hero. For example, in fairy tale"Koschei the Deathless": "There is a pine tree, a casket on the pine tree, an egg in the casket, a needle in the egg, at the end of the needle - the death of Koshchei." storytelling this passage requires slowness, highlighting each new concept. The voice should gradually increase. With special significance necessary say the last words("Death of Koshchei", since they contain the most main point storytelling.

many characters fairy tales endowed with funny nicknames: humpbacked horse, frog frog, boy with a finger, etc. they aptly convey the character of the hero, his peculiarity, therefore, when retelling these nicknames should be emphasized.

Language fairy tale is colorful and poetic. Each word is extremely significant, accurate and apt. So, for example, the description of the unbearably hot summer day ("Brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka") is given by the following words: "The sun is high, the well is far, the heat is pestering, the sweat is coming out".

This feature of the language, inherent in colloquial, requires the educator to be especially sensitive to every phrase, every expression. The educator must think about every word, see the action behind it, the picture, the mood of the hero.

Often story ends ending: “I was there, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth” or: “They began to live, live and make good”. Like the beginning, the ending has a certain meaning: it emphasizes the completion of the narrative, creates joyful mood. The ending is told slyly, lively, fun. There is a pause before her.

At the end storytelling you need to take a long pause to give the children an opportunity to be impressed magical, fabulous setting and then back to reality.

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