The meaning of the word rayok. People's TheaterPeople's Theater(12)



And here, if you please, gentlemen,
Andermanir pieces - good view:
The city of Kostroma is on fire;
There is a man standing at the fence - with[...]t;
Quarterly grabs him by the collar, -
Says it's on fire
And he screams that he floods.

Peter the Great is standing;
The sovereign was glorious
Yes, besides, and Orthodox;
On the swamp built the capital [...],
But the undermanir pieces are a different kind:

The city of Palerma stands;
The lord's family walks decorously through the streets
And generously endows the poor Talyan with Russian money;
Here, take a look
Andermanir pieces - another view:
Assumption Cathedral in Moscow stands;
They beat their beggars in the neck,
They don't give anything.

Come on, come on
Just take care of your pockets
And wipe your eyes!
And here I am, a merry joker,
Well-known metropolitan raeshnik,
With its amusing panorama:
I turn pictures, I turn,
I fool the public
I'm nailing my pigeons! ..
And here, if you please, see Rome city,
Palace of the Vatican,
Giant to all palaces!..
And lives in it pope,
Scrappy paw!..
Here is the city of Paris
How do you get there
You'll burn right away!..
Our eminent nobility
He goes there to wind money:
He is going there with a bag full of gold,
And from there he returns without boots on foot.,
And here, if you please, see the city of Berlin! ..
Bismarck-master lives in it,
His politics are rich
Only intrigues tarovata! ..
In German, the people are rude,
He sharpens his teeth for everything...

They have long wanted
To rush to the Baltic region,
Yes, they are afraid, as if foolishly
Wouldn't lose their skins, -
After all, in the twelfth year
The Frenchman made trouble for himself! ..

Come, honest people, God's people,
covered with matting,
Behind copper nickel
I'll show you everything.
You will be satisfied.
Here French city Paris,
You'll come - you'll burn.
Onomedni and Senator Gambet himself there
They gave a carriage, -
Like, get lost.
But the treacherous English,
Pouted, exactly chan.
Hosh he spoils us,
But our Russian brother does not stroke him either.
Against the Russian fist
English science is far away,
And we won't say a word
So let's take it apart -
It will be wet.

And here, my sirs, - the voice of the Raeshnik reaches you, - the Kingdom of China, where they sell tea. Presented here chinese city Nanka, where does Nanka come from. But look, gentlemen, the battle of Sedan: the Germans beat the French and take Napoleon prisoner. The French put guns, sabers and asked sorry.


And here, if you please, gentlemen, undermanir pieces - a good view, the city of Kostroma is on fire, a man is standing at the fence with ..., the quarterly grabs him by the collar, says that he sets fire, and he shouts that he floods.
But the undermanir pieces are a different kind, the city of Palerma stands, the lord's family walks the streets and gives money to the poor Talyans.
And here, if you please, the undermanir pieces are a different kind. The Assumption Cathedral in Moscow stands, they beat their beggars in the neck, they give nothing.
Look, the city of Arivan, Prince Ivan Fyodorovich is coming in and convening troops, look how the Turks exchange money, like chocks.
Look at the Turkish battle, where Aunt Natalya is fighting. Made all over the village bell ringing, cannon fire, she broke three pokers herself, took the village full, and the village is big: two yards, three stakes, five gates, right into Andryusha's garden. The poor live spaciously. There are no stoves, they don’t close the pipes, they never burn out, and there is no smell of burning. Yeah, good thing, but the last one!

1. Come here to chat with me, honest people: both guys, and girls, and well done, and young women, and merchants, and merchants, and clerks, and clerks, and clerks, and idle revelers. I'll show you all sorts of pictures, and gentlemen, and men in a sheepskin coat, and you jokes, yes different jokes Listen carefully, eat apples, gnaw nuts, look at pictures and take care of your pockets. They cheat!
2. Here, look at both: a guy and his sweetheart are walking, they put on fashionable dresses, but they think they are noble. The guy bought a lean frock coat somewhere for a ruble and shouts that it is new. And the sweetheart is excellent - a hefty woman, a miracle of beauty,

The thickness is three miles, the nose is half a pood, and the eyes are simply a miracle: one looks at you, and the other at Arzamas. Interesting!
3. And here is the city of Vienna, where he lives beautiful Elena, craftswoman French bread oven. She lit the stove, planted five loaves, and took out thirty-five. All the breads are good, fried, burnt on top, propped up on the bottom, dough around the edges, and insipid in the middle. Passion how delicious!
4. Before you is the city of Krakow. Crayfish vendors sell. The merchants are all red and shouting: the crayfish are beautiful! Whatever cancer costs a quarter, and for a wonderful ten we take only three hryvnias, but we give each one a hryvnia of change for addition. Trade!
5. Friends of the heart, baked cockroaches, keep your pockets and look further. Here on the Khodynka field a dandy walks, boots in welts, eyebrows with a wheel, a bump under his nose, near the nose of a cigarette, curls are curled, his eyes are lined, so the lanterns shine until dawn. And here are three more: one in a hat, the other in a rag, the third on an iron lining, his nose in tobacco, he himself fell into a tavern. Expanse!
6. But in the Moscow "Yar" running around like in a market. The merchant of Moscow is going on a spree, licking himself like hell, but he is happy to drink everything. The devil himself is not his brother, do not interfere with his spirit, he will smash everything to glory. And from him to the right floats, like a pava, a mamzel from foreigners, from Tambov bourgeois women, gives him a kiss and kindly asks: “Sweat your mamzel, undress for a whole week, bring English ale.” And the merchant amuses, the mamzel treats, and he drinks vodka, the Indian pecks with his nose, prepares a snack and catches the devils under the table. God bless everyone!
7. But in the city of Tsaregrad, there is a sultan on the fence. He waves his hand, Omer Pasha calls: “Omer Pasha, our town is not worth a penny!” Here a Russian soldier ran up, grabbed him on the forehead with a banner, and he fell down like a sheaf, just like sniffing tobacco for a penny. Deftly!
8. Look, a female nation: here is a village hut, on the floor a drunken man turned out his pockets, covered himself and sleeps and snores like a pipe. And the wife is lopsided, a red-cheeked woman, pouts at a drunk and kisses a guy in the corner. Nice!
9. I turn another car, and you give the old man a Altyn

For vodka, I'll wet my throat. Before you is a gentleman, either a Jew or a Tatar, or perhaps a Greek, a very rich man. He calmly walks along the boulevard, suddenly someone drags a handkerchief out of his pocket. The master hears this and purposely barely breathes. That's why he keeps a banking office, so as not to interfere with any thief. Apparently, he started small. Purely! 10. Boat to you the city square, such a good one and cleaned up, besides, every step, then puddles, and there are no counts of decorations, wherever you look - there is a swamp, but it smells like a rose, because there are heaps of manure everywhere. Purely!


battle battles
With Aunt Natalya:
Falling down like chumps
And ours are burning
Even though they're headless
They only sniff tobacco.

And this is Aunt Matryona,
Burnt head,
curls farts,
And the eyes were swollen.
She made pancakes
Yes, she blew her eyes.
Behind her dandy
Puts on a tailcoat
About sixteen coattails,
Fourteen pockets.
From one pocket
Bast sticks out
So let's start, gentlemen, from the beginning!

AT Bautka of Yaroslavl Raeshnik

Holy City of Jerusalem
And holy places.
City of Warsaw, Vistula river,
Yes, it has water in it.
Grandma Sophia is here
Three years on the stove dried.
And how I drank this water,
She lived another thirty-three years.


The area in front of the scooters is full of people; from all sides, the most diverse music is heard from the booths, loud calls are heard in “comedies”, the cries of peddlers, the loud talk of the crowd, the sharpness of the beaten little head-master, and including the monotonous story of the serviceman, from which the public’s tummies fail, and the serviceman - then he himself will not lead a mustache and will not blink an eye.
“Here, I will initially tell and show you,” he says in a monotonous voice, only on two or three notes, “foreign places, different cities, beautiful cities; my beautiful cities, money will not be wasted in vain; Look at my cities, and take care of your pockets.
- This, if you please, look, Moscow - golden domes, Ivan the Great bell tower, Sukharev tower, strengthened cathedral, 600 height, and 900 width, and a little less; if you do not believe, then send an attorney - let him believe and measure.
- And this, if you please, look, look, look and look at how on the Khotinsky field from the Petrossky Palace the enpirator Leksandra Nikolaevich himself leaves for Moscow for the coronation: artillery, cavalry along right side, and the infantry on the left.
- And this, if you please, look, look, look and look at how three hundred ship-lions, one and a half hundred biscuits, with smoke, with dust, with pig horns, with

Overseas bacon, an expensive commodity, and this commodity of the Moscow merchant Levka, trades deftly.
- And this is, if you please, look, look, look and look, the city of Paris, if you look, you will burn; and whoever has not been to Paris, buy skis: tomorrow you will be in Paris.
- And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, Leksandrovsky Garden; there girls walk around in fur coats, skirts and rags, green linings; farts are false, and heads are bald.
- And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, Tsargrad; from Tsaryagrad the Turkish Saltan himself leaves with his Turks, with the Murzas and Bulgamet Tatars and with his pashas; and he is going to fight in Russia, and he smokes a pipe of tobacco, and smokes his nose, because we, in Russia, get very cold in the winter, and the nose does great harm from that, and a smoked nose never spoils and does not burst in the cold.
- And this, if you please, look, look, look and look at how Prince Menshikov took Sevastopol: the Turks are firing - everything is past and past, and ours are firing - everything is in the snout and in the snout; and God has mercy on ours without heads, they smoke pipes, they sniff tobacco, and they lie with their belly up.
- And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, as in the city in Adesta, in a beautiful place, about two hundred miles away, Ensign Shchegolev treats the Aglican, launches hot watermelons in his teeth.
- And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, the Moscow fire; how the fire brigade gallops, hides pies in his pockets, and Yashka-krivoy sits on a barrel behind a pipe and cries that he hasn’t drunk enough, and shouts: “Prince Golitsyn’s house is on fire.”
- And this, if you please, look, look, look and, look, the Nizhny Novgorod Makariev fair; how Moscow merchants trade in the Nizhny Novgorod fair; the Moscow merchant Levka trades deftly, he came to the Makarievskaya fairground, - the horse is from one piebald, does not run from the yard, and the other - roar, shakes his head; but he came with a force, with smoke, with dust, with soot, but when he comes home - there is nothing to shovel: he brought a profit only three pennies; I wanted to buy my wife a house with a lid, but brought an eye with a bump ...


Look here, look: Big city Paris, you will visit - you will die, where everything is in fashion, there would be money only in a chest of drawers, everything just walk around, just give money. Look how, look, the young ladies on the river, sat down, ride on boats in wide skirts, in fashionable hats, worthless. And over there, a little closer, the big bridge in Paris, over there dandies with beards are walking, smiling at the young ladies, and handkerchiefs are flying out of the pockets of passers-by onlookers. Brrr... Good thing, but the last one!


In this cosmorama every city and different types worldly, the countries of the Chaldeans and the city of Paris - as you enter, you will die of noise, and the countries of America, from where ladies' galoshes are brought.
Here you can see:

Saltan waves his handkerchief
they threaten him with a bayonet,
a mess ensued -
houses are on fire
gun thunder,
frog croaking,
grandmother's snoring.
You won't understand anything!

Here comes the man and his wife. His name is Danila, and his wife is Nenila. The third night Kuzma goes to her dear. Here the husband is afraid - he stocks up with a pitchfork, cleans up in the barn, and dear Kuzma - the little one is not crazy: right in the meantime he sneaks into the bedroom.

Brazilian Monkey Julia Pastrana -
nice lady.

Sophisticated German put in a cage
and people for the money it seems
he will tell a story about a miracle overseas.
And this monster is in a crinoline skirt.

But if you please, see how an army corporal with a Yaroslavl woman "chizhik" to the old balalaika is snatched off, such enitashas work out with their feet.

The tenants of the famous estate do not intend to "throw" it

Konstantin Mikhailov

March 11 in Tver will be held round table on the topic: "Status architectural heritage ON THE. Lvov in the Tver region. Event organizers marked“Society named after the architect N.A. Lvov”, “Christmas Charitable Foundation” and the blog “Chronicle of the Russian Estate”. INdiscussions, as promised, will take partrepresentatives of the Federal Property Management Agency, the Main Directorate for state protection objects cultural heritage Tver region, the regional branch of VOOPIK, city defenders from the "Tver vaults", art historians, local historians and architects. The organizers invite to the round table “everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate and other Torzhok estates: Arpachevo, Nikolskoye-Cherenchitsy, Mitino”.

It is significant that among the “declared” participants there are no representatives of a private tenant who has been engaged in the restoration of the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate for more than 10 years.

The organizers seem to know in advance the results to which the discussion should lead. The regional state body for heritage protection is instructed to “create a competent commission to inspect the state of cultural heritage objects of the estates of Nikolskoye-Cherenchitsy, Mitino and Znamenskoye-Rayok”. The second point, however, is not entirely clear to whom addressed, it is indicated “to obtain permission to repair the roof of the Main House on the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate”. And finally, it is necessary to "clarify the issue of renting the Znamenskoye Rayek estate."

sensational meeting

The round table in Tver looks like a quite logical continuation of a small series of disturbing publications about the fate of Znamensky-Raik, which were published after February 10, 2016 in Tver, “in Reception of the commissioner for human rights in the Tver region Vladimir Babichev» held an open meeting presidium of the Council of the regional branch of VOOPIK.

Despite the fact that of the entire Lvov manor constellation of Novotorzhskaya land, only Znamenskoye-Rayek is run by private tenants, and other pearls of Russian Palladianism are abandoned, anxiety for the fate of this particular estate has become main theme assembly. A summary of publications did not inspire optimism: « The famous manor complex in Znamensky-Raik is under the threat of complete extinction.

In general, this is absolutely correct: in matters Russian security heritage is usually better to blow on the water.

According to the reports, during the discussion it turned out that the estate of this class does not have exact boundaries and the subject of protection (!) As quite rightly noted Deputy Chairman of the Council of the TR VOOPIK Alexander Smirnov, because of this“It is very difficult to control the preservation of the monument.” However, “the most pressing issue for all the surviving estates in the Tver region, including Raik,” she called “the lack of guarantees for tenants.”

Architect and philanthropist Edward Chovushyan, engaged in the restoration of another famous Tver estate - Chukavin, complained: “The main problem of this whole sphere is the imperfection of the legislative system. State structures exist in parallel with each other and do not intersect. Thus, the Main Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects is responsible for the quality of restoration. But the rent is taken by the Federal Property Management Agency, and they, in fact, do not care what condition the object is in. Moreover, according to their documents, all objects are attributed with the word "real estate" - whether it is a monument or a barn. Is it right?”

However, the main "sensation" of the publications about the meeting on February 10 was not these facts, but the intention of the tenant - the company "Park Yakhroma" - "to terminate the lease agreement." Representative of the tenant architect Alina Voevodina, according to city defenders, “she stunned the audience with a statement that Yakhroma had begun the process of refusing to rent, referring to financial difficulties and a crisis ... Maintaining the estate is an unbearable burden for the tenant, although, perhaps, if some installment payments and delays in the restoration were would be represented, the tenant could continue to do something.”

Since there is no queue of tenants at the gates of Znamensky-Raik, such a turn of events was rightly regarded by Tver public figures as a threat to the loss of a unique monument.

The position of the Tver city protection

Project “Tver Vaults” appreciated what is happening with Raik as follows:« Before our eyes, one of the most famous advertising projects of the previous Tver regional administration ceases to exist. It was under the slogan of a successful lease of Znamensky-Raik that the administration of Dmitry Zelenin trumpeted throughout Russia about the rise of tourism in the Tver region and the rise of the Tver region into well-fed "zero" in general. Rayek was not just one of the estates. It was a banner that was waved spectacularly and often».

Unlike Chairman of the “Society named after the architect N.A. Lvov” by Nina Belyaeva, the selfless guardian of the estate in the 1990s, the city defenders from the Tver Vaults generally positively assess what was happening in the estate in last decade: “There was, of course, a positive effect from the return of Rajk on loan - and a huge one. What-no, but the slow restoration of the estate was carried out. Conducted research and survey work. Archaeologists worked in the estate, establishing a lot of interesting facts about how masterfully and with what crazy extravagance of manual (and, therefore, practically free) labor, work was carried out on planning the territory, arranging water drainage and building greenhouses. The greenhouses have become the last major estate project in the last year or two of work in it - and thousands of purchased roses remained at numerous photo shoots (the tenants created a rose garden in Znamensky Rayk - Ed.). In addition to all this, unique murals were cleared - no other estate in the Tver region has preserved murals of the 18th century in such a volume, including not only paintings in the main house, but also Masonic murals in the chapel in Vasilyeva Gora according to their program. In general, connoisseurs and connoisseurs were ready to wait at least ten, even twenty years - but in order to finally see the one-of-a-kind estate in full splendor. Cleaned up the park. This part of the work had the most questions ... but, again, specialists were involved, and errors were corrected as much as possible.

Deputy Head of the Territorial Branch of the Federal Property Management Agency Alexander Kablikov told the audience that Znamenskoye-Raek "is in the plans for privatization."

After that on leader regional government protection of monuments of Mikhail Smirnov a whole hail of questions fell: how, in the absence of approved boundaries and the subject of protection of the monument, can it be privatized? On the basis of what documents will the main house be restored? And why doesn't the Authority hurry to supply the estate with a kit required documents? According to the testimony of Tverskie Vozdov, Mikhail Smirnov answered very simply: "There is no money for this in the regional budget."

Having stated that “albeit not a very ideal, but still a tenant is better than the absence of an owner”, Tver city defenders admitted: “To be honest, there is no way out yet.”

Znamenskoye-Raek in the winter of 2016

Estimate state of the famous estate allows detailed recent (February 2016) photo essay the author of the blog "Chronicle of the Russian Estate" Vadim Razumov: "white silence", the restored front yard colonnade, the empty main house. According to Razumov, “over the belvedere, apparently, the seams between the sheets of the roof have parted, and water during rains and snowmelt pours onto the parquet floor ... Because of this, there are several leaks in the main dining room. In the oval living room, plaster is crumbling from the ceiling, the parquet floor is swollen and is about to fall to the first floor. In many rooms, there is snow along the walls.”

According to a letter from the regional department for the state protection of monuments (December 2015), “the cultural heritage site of the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate was initially transferred to use under a security lease agreement for CJSC Construction and Investment Company CONCOR, later the right to use the specified object was transferred Society with limited liability“Sports and entertainment park of culture and recreation “Yakhroma”. Security obligations have been concluded with this organization, the deadline for which is set until 2020.”

The restoration of Znamensky-Raik is led by the Moscow married couple Kononovs (Vladimir is a State Duma deputy, Irina is a businessman). They did this slowly, and not only for financial reasons, but also because they believed that such complexes were contraindicated in haste.In 2014, we talked with them about the restoration of Znamensky-Raik, and Irina Kononova literally said the following: As for the restoration of estates, I would not advise anyone who is involved in this to do it quickly. Yes, if you have money, you can do everything quickly. But it seems to me that the most important thing will be “buried” in the rapid construction work. When you do everything intelligently and gradually, the estate is reborn in a natural way. After all, she stood for two hundred years in oblivion. And you can’t immediately try to “rock” her, abruptly awaken her from artificial sleep. After all, a person will not run immediately after resuscitation, he needs time.

Starting to restore the estate in 2005, the Kononovs sought to supplement its historical aura with some new content, spectacles and local tourism brands. Znamenskoye-Raek as " living history love” of the happy founding owners – the Glebovs, the rose garden, special excursion routes and scenarios – fragments of a gradually developing plan. A pilgrimage began to the estate abandoned in the 1990s, volunteers appeared ...In 2007, a guest house was opened in a restored manor wing, the second one was being completed. The main house was supposed to public space– for conferences, wedding and other ceremonies, contemporary art exhibitions.

It is very useful to give a review here.Marina Khrustaleva , co-founder of the Heritage Capitalization Center and coordinator of Arkhnadzor, according to which, Vladimir Kononov was one of the most promising “revivalists” of estates in the country”: “He had a lot on his side: the sincere interest of the former governor of the Tver region, Dmitry Zelenin, who relied on public-private partnership in the preservation of cultural heritage; favorable 49-year lease terms; enviable administrative and financial resource; experience in the restoration of an old house in Kalyazin; support from his wife and immediate team members. Yes, and the estate itself worked for success: it would be difficult not to believe in the brilliant future of such a masterpiece ... Kononov, like any tenant of any architectural monument, can be criticized for slowness, for the wrong sequence of steps, for manilovism and taste. But let those criticize who himself systematically spent many hundreds of thousands of rubles over the course of ten years on security guards, gardeners, restorers, and archivists. Kononov followed the path of scientific restoration, which cannot be quick, even if there is no shortage of money.”

In general, I myself am ready to subscribe to these words of Marina, but I am not ready to agree with the past tense of her verbs. It seems to me that now the most the main task and the Federal Property Management Agency, which manages the terms of leases and privatizations, and the Tver Department for the Protection of Monuments, which controls the circumstances of their preservation, up to leaks in the roof - to prevent the long-term project of restoring Znamensky-Raik from being in the past tense.

Irina Kononova: Nobody is going to leave Rayek to the mercy of fate

And finally, it is strange that practically for whole month publications about the fate of the estate, no one asked the opinion of its tenants. We will try to fill this gap. At the request of the Heritage Keepers, Irina Kononova, a representative of the tenant of the estate, the Park Yakhroma company, which is part of the Koncor group, comments on the situation:

In connection with the reports circulated in several media and blogs that tenants are “leaving” the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate and almost abandoned it to their fate, I want to note that you should not unconditionally trust the emotional assessments of some local residents. Of course, they love the estate and the architect Nikolai Lvov, but they express excessive concerns - in this case, against people who love Znamenskoye-Rayek as much as they do, and at the same time, they have been taking quite real actions to save the unique estate for ten years. And they are investing a lot of money in it.

Firstly, no one left the estate to the mercy of fate and is not going to do it. Now the estate functions as it always usually functions in the winter: the territory is guarded, excursions are held, there are not many sightseers, however, in winter. The guest house is not closed, but is waiting for the warm season. In general, everything is as usual.

At the conference in Tver on February 10, our representative actually spoke, but not at all with the message that we want to "abandon" Znamenskoye-Raek. Agree, it would be very strange after so many years of work and so many investments. We have not terminated our security and lease agreement, it is valid, and by the way, we cannot terminate it unilaterally. And all references to the "termination of the lease" can only be considered in the context that our company would like to acquire the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate as a property. This, you see, is also quite logical, taking into account our several years of hard work and considerable investments. It is impossible to be both owner and tenant at the same time.

Now it's going very hard work to prepare the estate for privatization. I don't think it's appropriate to give specific figures for the assessment of the estate's value now, I will only note that the amount of our investments in the Estate amounts to tens of millions of rubles.

In any case, Raek will not be "thrown". Even if we assume the most undesirable turn of events - that we will not be able to buy the estate from the state and decide to finish our project, the estate will not be empty: we will not “leave” it until a responsible tenant is found to replace us or, following the results of privatization, the estate there will be no new owner.

Dossier. The first documentary evidence of the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate dates back to 1746, when the construction of a stone church began near the old Church of the Sign in the churchyard of Paradise at the expense of the general-in-chief, senator Ivan Fedorovich Glebov.

The palace and park ensemble that has survived to this day was created by Nikolai Lvov in late XVIII century, when the estate belonged to a prominent nobleman of Catherine's time, senator, general-in-chief Fyodor Glebov. In 1772, the second wife of F.I. Glebov was Elizaveta Petrovna Streshneva (1751-1837), the last representative of a noble boyar family, to which Tsarina Evdokia Lukyanovna, wife of Tsar Mikhail Romanov, belonged.

Preparations for the construction of a new estate began in 1781, and on July 30, 1787, on a high hill near the Church of the Sign, the laying of a new manor house-palace took place. The construction of the house was completed in 1799. The estate belonged to the Glebovs and their heirs until late XIX century, but in 1888 it was sold to A.S. Dubasova, wife of Admiral F.V. Dubasov.

Znamenskoye-Raek is deservedly considered one of the masterpieces of the architect N.A. Lvov (1751 - 1803), one of the most prominent representatives of Palladianism in Russian architecture. The architects K. Butsi, A. Trofimov, V. Irven, F. Ruska also took part in the creation of the estate ensemble. Tiled stoves, parquet, interior items and even dishes were made according to the sketches of N.A. Lvov.

The layout of the estate, closely related to the relief of the surrounding area, has an axial structure and pronounced symmetry. main house The estate is connected by a covered colonnade with four side wings and gates resembling triumphal arch. Surrounded by a colonnade, the vast oval front yard is the core of the manor complex. From the main house, continuing the clear axial composition of the estate, a vast park descends to the Logovezh River. Its most picturesque corners were decorated with pavilions, pavilions and grottoes.

After 1917, the estate housed a rest home, and during the Great Patriotic War- military hospital. Until 1994, the estate was occupied by a dispensary of one of the Tver enterprises. Then it was abandoned, and survived only thanks to the care of local residents.


(Folklore theater / Compiled, introductory article, preface to texts and comments by A.F. Nekrylova, N.I. Savushkina. - M .: Sovremennik, 1988. - (Classical library of Sovremennik). - pp. 374-388, comments pp. 468-470.)


And here, if you please, gentlemen,
Andermanir pieces are a good view.
The city of Kostroma is on fire;
There is a man standing at the fence - with<..>T;
Quarterly grabs him by the collar, -
Says it's on fire
And he screams that he floods.
But the undermanir pieces are a different kind:
Peter the Great is standing;
The sovereign was glorious
Yes, besides, and Orthodox;
Built a capital on a swamp
But the undermanir pieces are a different kind.
The city of Palerma stands;
The lord's family walks decorously through the streets
And generously endows the poor Talyan with Russian money.
And here, if you please, look, undermanir pieces are a different kind,
Assumption Cathedral in Moscow stands;
They beat their beggars in the neck,
They don't give anything.

Come on, come on
Just take care of your pockets
And wipe your eyes!
And here I am, a merry joker,
Well-known metropolitan raeshnik,
With its amusing panorama:
I turn pictures, I turn,
I fool the public
I'm nailing my pigeons! ..
But, if you please, see the city of Rome,
Palace of the Vatican,
Giant to all palaces!..
And the pope lives in it,
Scrappy paw!..
Here is the city of Paris
How do you get there
You'll burn right away!..
Our eminent nobility
He goes there to wind money:
He is going there with a bag full of gold,
And from there he returns without boots on foot ...
And here, if you please, see the city of Berlin! ..
Bismarck-master lives in it,
His politics are rich
Only intrigues tarovata! ..
In German, the people are rude,
He sharpens his teeth for everything...
They have long wanted
To rush to the Baltic region,
Yes, they are afraid, as if foolishly
Wouldn't lose their skins, -
After all, in the twelfth year
The Frenchman made trouble for himself! ..

Come, honest people, God's people,
covered with matting,
For a copper nugget
I'll show you everything.

You will be satisfied.

Here is the French city of Paris,
You'll come - you'll burn.
Onomedni and Senator Gambet himself there
They gave a carriage, -

Like, get lost.

But the treacherous English,
Pouted, exactly chan.
Hosh he spoils us,
But our Russian brother does not stroke him either.
Against the Russian fist
English science is far away,
And we won't say a word
So let's take it apart -

It will be wet.


And here, if you please, gentlemen, undermanir pieces - a good view, the city of Kostroma is on fire, a man is standing at the fence with ..., the quarterly grabs him by the collar, says that he sets fire, and he shouts that he floods.

But the undermanir pieces are a different kind, the city of Palerma stands, the lord's family walks the streets and gives money to the poor Talyans.

And here, if you please, the undermanir pieces are a different kind. The Assumption Cathedral in Moscow stands, they beat their beggars in the neck, they give nothing.

Look, the city of Arivan, Prince Ivan Fyodorovich is coming in and convening troops, look how the Turks exchange money, like chocks.

Look at the Turkish battle, where Aunt Natalya is fighting. She made bells ringing all over the village, firing cannons, she broke three pokers herself, took the village full, and the village is big: two yards, three stakes, five gates, right into Andryusha's garden. The poor live spaciously. There are no stoves, they don’t close the pipes, they never burn out, and there is no smell of burning. Yeah, good thing, but the last one!

1. Come here to chat with me, honest people: both guys, and girls, and well done, and young women, and merchants, and merchants, and clerks, and clerks, and clerks, and idle revelers. I'll show you all sorts of pictures, and gentlemen, and men in sheepskin coats, and you listen to jokes and various jokes with attention, eat apples, gnaw nuts, look at pictures and take care of your pockets. They cheat!

2. Here, look at both: a guy and his sweetheart are walking, they put on fashionable dresses, but they think they are noble. The guy bought a lean frock coat somewhere for a ruble and shouts that it is new. And the sweetheart is excellent - a hefty woman, a miracle of beauty, a thickness of three miles, a nose half a pood, and her eyes are just a miracle: one looks at you, and the other at Arzamas. Interesting!

3. And here is the city of Vienna, where the beautiful Elena lives, a French baker. She lit the stove, planted five loaves, and took out thirty-five. All the breads are good, fried, burnt on top, kinder on the bottom, dough around the edges, and insipid in the middle. Passion how delicious!

4. Before you is the city of Krakow. Crayfish vendors sell. The merchants are all red and shouting: the crayfish are beautiful! Whatever cancer costs a quarter, and for a wonderful ten we take only three hryvnias, but we give each one a hryvnia of change for addition. Trade!

5. Friends of the heart, baked cockroaches, keep your pockets and look further. Here on the Khodynka field a dandy walks, boots in welts, eyebrows with a wheel, a bump under his nose, near the nose of a cigarette, curls are curled, his eyes are lined, so the lanterns shine until dawn. And here are three more: one in knowledge, the other in a rag, the third on an iron lining, his nose in tobacco, he himself fell into a tavern. Expanse!

6. But in the Moscow "Yar" running around like in a market. The merchant of Moscow is going on a spree, licking himself like hell, but he is happy to drink everything. The devil himself is not his brother, do not interfere with his spirit, he will smash everything to glory. And from him to the right floats, like a peahen, a mamzel from foreigners, from the Tambov bourgeois women, gives him a kiss and tenderly asks: "Sweat your mamzel, undress for a whole week, bring English ale." And the merchant amuses, the mother treats, and he drinks vodka, the Indian pecks with his nose, prepares a snack and catches the devils under the table. God bless everyone!

7. But in the city of Tsaregrad, there is a sultan on the fence. He waves his hand, calls Omer Pasha. "Omer Pasha, our town is not worth a penny!" Here a Russian soldier ran up, grabbed him on the forehead with a banner, and he fell down like a sheaf, just like sniffing tobacco for a penny. Deftly!

8. Look, a female nation: here is a village forehead, on the floor a drunken man turned out jasmine, covered himself and sleeps and snores like a pipe. And the wife is lopsided, a red-cheeked woman, pouts at a drunk and kisses a guy in the corner. Nice!

9. I turn another car, and you give the old man altyn for vodka, I will wet my throat. Before you is a gentleman, either a Jew or a Tatar, or perhaps a Greek, a very rich man. He calmly walks along the boulevard, suddenly someone drags a handkerchief out of his pocket. The master hears this and purposely barely breathes. That's why he keeps a banking office, so as not to interfere with any thief. Apparently, he started small. Purely!

10. Here is a city square for you, so good and tidy, besides, every step, then puddles, and there are no counts of decorations, wherever you look - there is a swamp, but it smells like a rose, because there are heaps of manure everywhere. Purely!

1. Hello, different gentlemen, efficient and idle, and sober, and drunk, and modest, and zealous, and young, and old, and plump, and lean!

I can hardly breathe from the pancake frenzy, but still I hasten to show you the paradise! There are different pictures, you can’t count them all, see for yourself, but if you have leisure, re-read! I’ll treat you to the conscience of the District Committee and I’m not looking for any praise for this, but if you treat me with pancakes, I won’t demand. Approach the paradise as soon as possible, look at the pictures and pay a dime if you have; but you won’t regret the expense, and you won’t be offended, because you can see a lot of funny things in the district!

2. Here, brothers, is the picture: in the month of November, the Bela comet almost touched our earth with its tail. This was predicted by pundits who have the mind of ours with you no longer. Clever newspapers published books about the end of the world, which even stupid boys spat on, and they collected a lot of nickels from big fools for this. Interesting!

3. Here is also a wonderful picture, although it has long been known to everyone: how railways break our arms and legs! For example, Arkhangelsk Railway, she took a lot of space from God. We drive along this path to disperse longing, along it they bring us cod fish, from which it stinks so much that it is not inferior to our sewage carts. Hold your nose, brothers!

4. And here is another road. One day to die - the great Siberian way. Previously, thieves-cashiers and bankers were delivered to Siberia in a year, but now the order is not the same: in an instant they will be delivered to Sakhalin. Important thing!

5. But I’ll show you a Moscow picture, I’ll tell you about the Catherine Park. Even the cooks do not walk in this park during the day. And at night and in winter and summer there are so many crooks that every passer-by stumbles upon them and is left not only without a watch, but also without handkerchiefs. A goal comes home like a falcon.

6. And here is a building for you, it seems to be a gangster one - this is a Credit Society, a very big sum, they give a lot of money in it for worthless houses. In a word, this Moscow Panama made a lot of noise and din! Well done boys!

7. But rubber tires, from which ladies and men moan. Tires leave a special imprint on them, pumping mud from head to toe. Our Duma is also surprised by this, it is going to adapt the shields to the tires. She rides on tires herself, but things are not moving forward an inch. Rested!

8. This is a city pavement! Drive along it for at least five sazhens, although such a path is not great, but it will fit you under your little mittens so much that it will exhaust your whole soul to the skin. Important thing!

9. And here's another thing, it costs a beetle. Look here: these are the decadents, gentlemen. amateur writers, common sense destroyers. They describe how lampreys sing, how green feet sob. Everything is not like ours with them: their feelings are red, the sounds are pineapple, there are pins in the heart, a leech in the back of the head, Gomorrah and Sodom in the head, in a word, candidates for the yellow house! That's where they go!

10. And now you have the opportunity to see how Moscow is illuminated. In some places electricity is on fire, in some places there is gas, and on other streets, even if you poke your eyes out, you can’t see it. That's what's embarrassing!

11. Our Moscow capitalists are very eloquent. They decided that the Khitrovsky brothel should have a high-society tone, they want to raise money and transform it. And in my opinion, on the Khitrovsky aristocrats, the costume will always remain in holes and patches. So that!

12. There is no worse trouble in Moscow than a lack of water. The Duma would not mind giving the city water, but she is afraid that she will have nothing to grind in the mortar. Here it is the city water supply, the source of so many worries. A sieve pie with peas in his mouth!

13. But look: urban sewage. When will we finally have a sewer? Big proclamation with her!

14. But on opera stage recently staged The Trojans at Carthage. The people listening to them tore their mouths out of boredom.

15. Here's another story: they introduce sobriety in our country for several years, and many made a vow not to drink wine, but once they got into the Society, they disappeared. Here's an example for you, gentleman, this Society is a member, look. But do not take an example from him!

16. Not only we Russians, but French residents, but every nation living in Moscow knows that we have falsification everywhere and everywhere. For example, you take Moscow cheap tavern tea, but take a good look at it. What is not there! There is lime blossom, and chaff, and manure, and straw - in a word, everything that a good peasant owner of the house has in the village.

17. And here is a picture of how the Americans and the Spaniards fought and how the first ones poured the last into their satchels, after which the Spaniards lost all the trenches!

18. But the picture is new with different figures: the war of the British with the Boers.

19. And here is a gratifying picture for Russian eyes: our dear hero Suvorov crosses the Devil's Bridge. Hooray! Take it with bayonets.

20. And here is Lomonosov, our first scientist, baked in a Russian school, formerly an Arkhangelsk peasant, and then he became reasonable and great. There is not much to explain about him, each of you should know about him well.

21. For fans of my district, this is enough for now, otherwise I'm afraid to get bored.


The area in front of the scooters is full of people; from all sides, the most diverse music is heard from the booths, loud calls are heard in "comedies", the cries of peddlers, the loud talk of the crowd, the sharpness of the beaten little head-workman, and including the monotonous story of the serviceman, from which the public's tummies fail, and the serviceman - then he himself will not lead a mustache and will not blink an eye.

So I will initially tell and show you, - he says in a monotonous voice, only on two or three notes, - foreign places, different cities, beautiful cities; my beautiful cities, money will not be wasted in vain; Look at my cities, and take care of your pockets.

This, if you please, look, Moscow - golden domes, Ivan the Great bell tower, Sukharev tower, reinforced cathedral, 600 high, and 900 wide, and a little smaller; if you do not believe, then send an attorney - let him believe and measure.

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look at how, on the Khotinsky field, from the Petrossky Palace, the enpirator Leksandra Nikolaevich himself leaves for Moscow for the coronation: artillery, cavalry on the right side, and infantry on the left.

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look at how three hundred ships, one and a half hundred biscuits, with smoke, with dust, with pig horns, with overseas fat, are fleeing from the French Napoleon; expensive goods, and this goods of the Moscow merchant Levka, trades deftly.

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, the city of Paris, if you look, you will burn; and whoever has not been to Paris, buy skis: tomorrow you will be in Paris.

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, the Leksandrovsky Garden; there girls walk around in fur coats, skirts and rags, green linings; farts are false, and heads are bald.

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, Tsargrad; from Tsaryagrad the Turkish Saltan himself leaves with his Turks, with the Murzas and Bulgamet Tatars and with his pashas; and he is going to fight in Russia, and he smokes a pipe of tobacco, and smokes his nose, because we, in Russia, get very cold in the winter, and the nose does great harm from that, and a smoked nose never spoils and does not burst in the cold.

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look at how Prince Menshikov took Sevastopol: the Turks are firing - everything is past and past, and ours are firing - everything is in the snout and in the snout; but God has mercy on ours; they stand without heads, but they smoke pipes, they sniff tobacco, and they lie with their belly up.

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, as in the city in Adesta, in a beautiful place, two hundred miles away, ensign Shchegolev treats the Englishmen, launches hot watermelons in his teeth.

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, the Moscow fire; how the fire brigade gallops, hiding pies in their pockets, and Yashka-krivoy sits on a barrel behind a pipe and cries that he hasn’t drunk enough, and shouts: “Prince Golitsyn’s house is on fire.”

And this, if you please, look, look, look and look, the Nizhny Novgorod Makariev fair; how Moscow merchants trade in the Nizhny Novgorod fair; the Moscow merchant Levka trades deftly, he came to the Makarievskaya fairground, - the horse is from one piebald, does not run from the yard, and the other - roar, shakes his head; but he came with a force, with smoke, with dust, with soot, but when he comes home - there is nothing to shovel: he brought a profit only three pennies; I wanted to buy my wife a house with a lid, but brought an eye with a bump ...

(People's Theater / Compiled, introductory article, preparation of texts and comments by A. F. Nekrylova, N. I. Savushkina. - M .: Sov. Russia, 1991. - (B-ka of Russian folklore; T. 10), pp. 324-328, comments pp. 513-514).


battle battles
With Aunt Natalya:
Falling down like chumps
And ours are burning
Even though they're headless
They only sniff tobacco.

And this is Aunt Matryona,
Burnt head,
curls farts,
And the eyes were swollen.
She made pancakes
Yes, she blew her eyes.
Behind her dandy
Puts on a tailcoat
About sixteen coattails,
Fourteen pockets.
From one pocket
Bast sticks out
So let's start, gentlemen, from the beginning!


Holy City of Jerusalem
And holy places.
City of Warsaw, Vistula river,
Yes, it has water in it.
Grandma Sophia is here
Three years on the stove dried.
And how I drank this water,
She lived another thirty-three years.


Look, look: the big city of Paris, if you visit it, you will die, where everything is in fashion, there would be money only in a chest of drawers, just walk around, just give money. Look how, look, the young ladies on the river, sat down, ride on boats in wide skirts, in fashionable hats, worthless. And over there, a little closer, the big bridge in Paris, over there dandies with beards are walking, smiling at the young ladies, and handkerchiefs are flying out of the pockets of passers-by onlookers. Brrr... Good thing, but the last one!


In this cosmorama, every city and different types of worldly things are shown, the countries of the Chaldeans and the city of Paris - as you enter, you will die from the noise, and the American countries, from where ladies' galoshes are brought.

Here you can see:

Saltan waves his handkerchief
they threaten him with a bayonet,
a mess ensued -
houses are on fire
gun thunder,
frog croaking,
grandmother's snoring.
You won't understand anything!

Here comes the man and his wife. His name is Danila, and his wife is Nenila. The third night Kuzma goes to her dear. Here the husband is afraid - he stocks up with a pitchfork, cleans up in the barn, and dear Kuzma - the little one is not crazy: right in the meantime he sneaks into the bedroom.

Brazilian Monkey Julia Pastrana -
nice lady.
Sophisticated German put in a cage
and people for the money it seems
he will tell a story about a miracle overseas.
And this monster is in a crinoline skirt.

But if you please, see how an army corporal with a Yaroslavl woman "chizhik" to the old balalaika is snatched off, such enitashas work out with their feet.

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The meaning of the word rayok

rayok in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    A box with mobile pictures shown through polyhedral magnifying glasses, the display of which is accompanied by the utterance of comic jokes (historical theatrical). Raek entertains the crowd with homemade witticisms. Kokorev. Grandfather was fed by the District Committee, he showed Moscow and the Kremlin. Nekrasov.

    Puppet theater (historical theater).

    Lubok humorist in the form of measured rhymed speech (theater, lit.).

    Gallery, top places in the theater under the ceiling (colloquial obsolete). There is impatient splashing in the rayka, and, as it rises, the curtain rustles. Pushkin.

    collected, only units Spectators occupying the gallery (colloquial obsolete).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


      1. A box with mobile pictures, which were shown at fairs in the 18th-19th centuries. - carried out through multifaceted magnifying glasses and was accompanied by special explanations.

        Puppet show.

  1. m. obsolete. Iris.

    1. Upper tier in auditorium theater.

      Spectators sitting in such a tier.


Rayok- folk theater, consisting of a small box with two magnifying glasses in front. Inside it, pictures are rearranged or a paper strip with home-grown images of different cities, great people and events is rewound from one rink to another. Rayoshnik moves pictures and tells sayings and jokes for each new story. These pictures were often made in a lubok style, originally had a religious content - hence the name "rayok", and then began to reflect a wide variety of topics, including political ones. The fairground was widely practiced.

Rayoshnik or rachnik- a storyteller, a performer of a paradise, as well as a person visiting a paradise. In addition, the term raeshnik(or heavenly verse) denotes the rhymed prose spoken by the narrator and his characters.

Rayok (river)

Rayok, Royok- a river in Russia, flows in the Kilmez and Malmyzh regions Kirov region. The mouth of the river is located 11 km along the right bank of the Rozhka River. The length of the river is 25 km, the catchment area is 94.8 km².

The source of the river is in the forests, 22 km southwest of the village of Kilmez. In the upper reaches, the river flows southwest through an uninhabited forest, in the lower reaches the vast swampy floodplain of Vyatka, where it turns south and winds through the swamps until it flows into Rozhka just above the village of Zakhvatayevo (Meletskoye rural settlement) and the place where Rozhka passes into the long and elongated backwater of Vyatka, known as the backwater of Kurya.

Rayek (Cherkasy region)

Rayok- a village in the Kanevsky district of the Cherkasy region of Ukraine.

The population at the 2001 census was 17. It occupies an area of ​​0.22 km². The postal code is 19013. Telephone code - 4736.

Rayok (disambiguation)


  • Rayok is a folk theatre.
  • Rayok - vocal suite by M. P. Mussorgsky (1869), which is a musical pamphlet, a satire on musical figures, ideological opponents of the principles of the "mighty handful"
  • Rayok - the upper places in the theater, under the ceiling, the obsolete name of the theater gallery (in French theater called "paradis" - paradise); hence the expression "to sit in the district". Cm. Rayk's children
  • Rayok - faceted glass showing iridescent colors or objects in iridescent colors, glass prism. "Raiki" - a rainbow window of objects, multi-colored rays or reflection
  • Rayok - eye iris, rainbow, iris membrane with a window, pupil, pupil
  • Rayok - trademark difenoconazole fungicide.
  • Anti-formalistic paradise - a satirical cantata by Dmitry Shostakovich.
  • Rayek - a village in the Kanevsky district of the Cherkasy region of Ukraine
  • Rayok - a village in the Torzhoksky district of the Tver region
Part of the toponym
  • Znamenskoye-Rayok - a manor complex in the Tver region, built according to the project of architect N. A. Lvov

Rayok (Tver region)

Rayok- a rural-type settlement in the Torzhoksky district of the Tver region. Refers to the Maryinsky rural settlement.

It is located 20 km southeast of Torzhok on the Logovezh River, 3 km from the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway.

The population according to the 2002 census is 33 people, 16 men, 17 women.

It consists of two parts: a street in one line of houses opposite the estate and a street behind the stream in two lines.

Monument in the village 18th architecture century, the estate Znamenskoye-Rayok.

Examples of the use of the word rayok in the literature.

We believed that this resolution should not be canceled, since it reflects the logical course of the hostile and anti-Marxist practical activities of the leadership of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. We argue as follows: if this resolution disappears, if everything that was written in it disappears, then, for example , and the proceedings Rayka in Hungary, in the case of Kostov in Bulgaria, etc.

All can be listened to district committee, the entire executive committee, all special apartments and special houses, with the exception of the Baevsky house and my apartment.

Not even ten minutes had passed before Bakhrushin raced to the big fire truck V district committee.

On the day when Pyotr Terentyevich Bakhrushin traveled with a letter from America to district committee, to Stekolnikov, it did not become clearer to him how to treat the arrival of Trofim.

He had several factories, trusts, combines, shops, an oil depot, a motor depot, a poultry farm, district committee, the district executive committee, the prosecutor's office, the police, the sobering-up center and the KGB department.

He was witty, and Vyazemsky said that the hateful play in which Zhukovsky was ridiculed was funny and was a resounding success with rayka.

And with a jerk, as if jumping from a tower in ice water, Raykov ordered himself to open his eyes.

The cybernetician and the physicist began to discuss the details of this project, drew some formulas in the sand, but Raykov didn't listen to them anymore.

Just before landing the boat in a new place, four kilometers from here, Raykov noticed something very similar to the coastline.

First Raykov drew attention to the fact that Fizik was not so young, he had thick cheeks and kind eyes that now looked sad.

Sometimes in front of them, now very close, blue spots of the water surface flickered behind the hills, and Raykov he tried not to look in that direction, as if he was afraid of spoiling something in the upcoming meeting.

Then Raykov scooped up handfuls full of blue water and brought them to his face.

With envy Raykov thought he must be dreaming good dream possibly Earth.

As soon as Raykov looked at them, the dance stopped, looked away - and again everything began to move.

If Raykov looked at that time at the fragment, clamped in his hand, he would have seen how the whole gamut of colors passed over its surface.

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