Biography of Arthur Conan Doyle. The beginning of a literary career


Name: Vitaly Bianki

Age: 65 years old

Activity: children's writer

Family status: was married

Vitaly Bianchi: biography

Vitaly Bianchi opened to Soviet kids Magic world nature, on the pages of his books the life of animals is filled incredible adventures. The writer is called a magician who managed to see miracles in simple things. Light and colorful language, supported by the knowledge of a biologist and a naturalist, easily awakens the imagination of every child.

Childhood and youth

“We all come from childhood” - this expression suits Vitaly Bianchi like no other. The boy was born and raised in an amazing environment. Father Valentin Lvovich, head of the ornithological department zoological museum Petersburg Academy of Sciences, arranged a real zoo at home.

Vitaly Bianchi in childhood (lower left), his parents and brothers

The rooms were filled with bird cages, next to an aquarium and a terrarium with lizards, snakes and turtles. The family, having taken livestock, left for the village of Lebyazhye for the summer. Once, a calf, picked up by rangers, even settled in the courtyard of Bianchi's dacha, but in the fall the animal was attached to the zoo.

In nature opened even more fascinating world with whom the father was in a hurry to introduce the children. His sons wandered through the forests with him, recorded observations, learned to hunt and fish. Interest in nature and science determined the professions of children. The eldest son devoted his life to entomology, the middle one became a meteorologist. And the youngest, Vitaly, saw himself as an ornithologist, impressed by trips to Lebyazhye, where the great sea ​​route migratory birds.

Vitaly Bianchi in his youth

Love for animals is not Vitaly's only childhood passion. The boy wrote poetry, respected music and sang well, and he also played football very well. After graduating from high school, the future writer entered St. Petersburg University, at the department natural sciences, but the first World War made adjustments - young man mobilized.

Vitaly Bianchi in his youth was interested in politics, joined the Social Revolutionaries, walked under the banners. He paid for the sins of his youth later. The man was persecuted by the Soviet authorities, arrested on suspicion of counter-revolutionary activities, and once even exiled to Uralsk (Kazakhstan).

After October revolution Vitaly Valentinovich lived for several years in Altai, in the city of Biysk. Here the writer lectured on ornithology, worked in the local history museum, introduced the basics of biology to schoolchildren, organized scientific expeditions and wrote stories for children.


Vitaly recorded observations of the life of animals - these notes became the basis of works about nature. The list of the author's bibliography contains more than 300 fairy tales, novellas, articles and short stories, and 120 books have been published. The writer once admitted in an address to readers:

“I tried to write in such a way that fairy tales would be interesting for adults as well. But now I realized that I worked for adults who kept a child in their souls.

The literary talent of Vitaly Bianchi flourished after returning in 1922 from Altai to hometown. In Leningrad, he fell into a circle of children's writers and plunged headlong into creating a world woven from the chirping of birds, the greenery of grasses and the adventures of animals.

Vitaliy Bianchi birdwatching

Young readers appreciated the first fairy tale "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow", and in gratitude they received a number of separate books: "Forest Houses", "Mouse Peak", "Whose nose is better?".

More than one generation of children read miniature humorous stories“Like an ant hurried home”, “First hunt”, “Bear-head”, “Teremok”, “Owl”, etc. In 1932, the first large collection of the writer appeared in bookstores - “There were forest and fables”.

Young parents are sure to replenish their home library with the fairy tale "Sinichkin's Calendar", which in a playful way introduces kids to the change of seasons and months. It is a pleasure to explore the world together with the titmouse Zinka. The pages of the book contain answers to questions about why rivers freeze, when birds fly in and out, and many other interesting facts about animals and nature.

An extraordinary work that did not yet know analogues in literature was the book "Forest Newspaper". Vitaly Bianchi began this work in 1924, until 1958 10 editions were published, which were constantly supplemented and changed in appearance.

Encyclopedia, calendar, game - this is all about the "Forest Newspaper", consisting of 12 chapters, each dedicated to a month of the year. The writer clothed the material in newspaper genres: telegrams, announcements, chronicles and even feuilletons containing news about the life of the forest appeared on the page of the book. Lesnaya Gazeta was warmly received by children in other countries as well – the book was translated into several languages.

Additional recognition to Vitaly Valentinovich was brought by the broadcast on the radio "Vesti Lesa", which was loved by young listeners of the 50s. Bianchi explained that educational program was conceived as a gift to post-war children - "so that the guys do not get bored, but rejoice." Vesti Lesa was aired once a month, the program was also a kind of calendar.

point in creative biography The writer was supplied by the unfinished book "Bird Identifier in the Wild". Vitaly Bianchi wrote in his diary:

“There is a kind of cheerful force in me. I see: everything that I had and have is good, bright in life ... - from this power. She is blessed both in me and in others - in people, birds, flowers and trees, in earth and in water.

Personal life

WITH future wife Vitaly Bianki met in the Altai Territory when they worked together at the gymnasium. Vera Klyuzheva, doctor's daughter and teacher French, bore the writer four children - a daughter and three sons. The heirs, thanks to their father, also absorbed an interest in the surrounding nature.

Today, only one son of Bianka is alive and well - Vitaly, an ornithologist, doctor of sciences, working in the Kandalaksha Reserve of the Murmansk Region. The man celebrated his 90th birthday last year, but despite his age, he is still absorbed scientific work and field trips.

In an interview, Vitaly Vitalievich says that his father, following the example of his parent, took the children to the village every summer. At home, in a city apartment, lived canaries, dogs, and once settled bat.

The author of children's books had a positive attitude to life, he knew how to enjoy the little things - the sunrise, spring streams and the burning gold of autumn. Traditions have taken root in the Bianchi family, which are still supported by grandchildren whenever possible - christmas toys created exclusively with my own hands, and on the day of the spring equinox they baked larks from dough.

Vitaly Valentinovich loved to play with children, his daughter and sons were the first critics of his new works, he spent hours playing board games with pleasure.


In the last years of his life, Vitaly Bianchi was tormented by illness. While he was still able to walk, he often traveled closer to nature, in the Novgorod region he sometimes rented half of a private house and walked through his beloved forest. However, diabetes and vascular disease soon made it impossible for the writer to move around.

Grandson Alexander Bianchi recalls that for the past 20 years, his grandfather was constantly preparing for death and lamented:

“How I want to live and write something else.”


  • 1926 - The Seaside Hunter
  • 1928 - "Forest newspaper for every day"
  • 1932 - "There were forest and fables"
  • 1936 - "Where crayfish hibernate"
  • 1947 - "Unexpected meetings"
  • 1949 - Hide and Seek. Tales of an old hunter
  • 1951 - "Forest houses"
  • 1952 - Tales of the Hunt
  • 1953 - Somersault and Other Stories
  • 1954 - "Orange Neck"
  • 1954 - "The First Hunt"
  • 1955 - "Forest scouts"
  • 1955 - "In the footsteps"
  • 1956 - "Tales and stories"





2 Vitaly Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg. The melodious surname came to him from his Italian ancestors. From the father of an ornithologist, the talent of a researcher and interest in everything "that breathes, blooms and grows."

3 My father worked at the Zoological Museum. And the children, three sons, often visited his halls. There, behind the glass showcases, animals brought from all over the globe. How I wanted to find a magic word that would “revive” museum animals. The real ones were at home: a small zoo was located in the keeper's apartment.

4 In the summer, the Bianchi family left for the village of Lebyazhye. Here Vitalya first went to the present forest journey. He was then five or six years old. Since then, the forest has become for him magical land, paradise.

5 Interest in forest life made him a passionate hunter. No wonder he was given his first gun at the age of 13. He also loved poetry. And Bianki considered his father to be his main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to record all observations. After many years, they were transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales.

6 Bianchi traveled all his life. Hiking in Altai was especially memorable. Bianki then, in the early 20s, lived in Biysk, where he taught biology at school, worked in the local history museum.

7 In the fall of 1922, Bianchi and his family returned to Petrograd. He began to attend a literary circle, where children's writers gathered. Chukovsky, Zhitkov, Marshak came here. Soon, his story "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" was published in the Sparrow magazine. In the same year, 1923, the first book was published (“Whose nose is better”).

8 most famous book Bianchi became the Forest Newspaper. There was simply no other like it. All the most curious, the most unusual and the most ordinary that happened in nature every month and day, got into the pages of the Forest Newspaper.9 Here you could find an announcement of starlings “Looking for apartments” or a message about the first “cuckoo”. Bianchi worked on the "Forest Newspaper" from 1924 until the end of his life, constantly making some changes.

11 Bianchi was constantly working on new books (he is the author of more than three hundred works)

13 For thirty-five years Bianchi wrote about the forest. This word often sounded in the titles of his books: "Forest houses", "Forest scouts".14 Not in fairy tales magic wands or walking boots, but there are no less miracles. Bianchi could tell about the most unsightly sparrow in such a way that we are only surprised: it turns out that he is not at all simple. It was possible for the writer to find the magic words that "disenchanted" the mysterious forest world.

15 Read children's books about nature! Take care and protect nature!

Biography and episodes of life Vitalia Bianchi. When born and died bianchi, memorable places and dates important events his life. writer quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Vitaly Bianchi:

born January 30, 1894, died June 10, 1959


How many patient hours have I spent
In light huts from ship baskets,
Dried mud and branches - watching the birds,
Invisible to birds!
From a poem by Vitaly Bianchi


“I have always tried to write my fairy tales and stories in such a way that they are accessible to adults as well. And now I realized that I have been writing all my life for adults who have kept a child in their souls,” Vitaly Bianchi reflected on his work. The world of Bianca is a fascinating journey into the depths of forest nature, opening up to us - readers - a huge unknown world, full of miracles and riddles. Through tireless work, Vitaly Valentinovich created a kind of self-instruction manual for love of nature, which, perhaps, still has no worthy analogues. During his career, the naturalist writer created more than three hundred fairy tales, short stories and novels, main theme which invariably remained forest dwellers, animals, birds and nature itself. The author himself has often remarked that the main objective his work is to remind people of the joys of life, flowing side by side with wildlife, to draw their attention to the mystery and mystery of the world around us. “Plants and animals, forests and mountains, seas, winds, rains, dawns - the whole world around us speaks to us with all voices ...”, Bianchi wrote. And, probably, Vitaly Valentinovich could recognize these voices and translate them into our human language.

The future writer was born in St. Petersburg in the family of a scientist. From childhood, the boy wrote poetry and kept naturalistic notes about nature and animals. Even as a student at Petrograd University, Bianchi did not abandon his passion. In his youth, Vitaly Valentinovich had a chance to participate in the hostilities of the October Revolution, during which his health suffered significantly. So, during the Great Patriotic writer no longer fought due to heart problems. Meanwhile, Bianchi's life turned out to be nomadic: the writer traveled a lot (both forcedly and voluntarily) in Central Russia and the North, visited the Urals and Altai, and, in the end, returned to his native St. Petersburg. At one time, Bianchi worked in a newspaper, at a school and in a museum, but his main talent was revealed precisely in writing. As a result, the total circulation of the works of Vitaly Bianchi, translated into dozens of languages, amounted to more than forty million copies.

Before his death, Bianchi was very ill, but did not stop working. Next to him were always close and beloved people - family, friends and colleagues. Vitali Bianchi died at the age of sixty-five. The cause of Bianchi's death was diseases of the heart and vascular system (it is known that during his lifetime the writer suffered a severe heart attack and several strokes). Bianchi's funeral took place at the Theological Cemetery in St. Petersburg. Bianchi's grave is marked by a touching monument of a pensive young man, looking somewhere up.

life line

January 30, 1894 Date of birth of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi.
1916 Conscription to the army and study at the Vladimir Military School.
1918 Work in the Samara newspaper "People".
1923 Publication of the first story "The Journey of the Red Sparrow".
1925 Arrest and sentence to a three-year exile in Uralsk.
1928 Moving to Leningrad and the establishment of the "Forest Newspaper".
1948 Deteriorating health: the writer suffers a heart attack and two strokes.
1957 The release of the last lifetime edition of "Forest were and fables."
June 10, 1959 Date of Bianchi's death.

Memorable places

1. Bianchi's house in St. Petersburg.
2. Petrograd University (now St. Petersburg State University), where Vitaly Bianchi studied.
3. Vladimirskoe military school where Vitaly served.
4. The city of Samara, where Vitaly Bianchi lived after the revolution.
5. The city of Biysk, where Bianchi lived until 1922
6. The city of Uralsk, where the writer was in exile.
7. Theological cemetery in St. Petersburg, where Bianchi is buried.

Episodes of life

In his youth, Vitaliy Bianchi loved to play football, and, to be honest, he was successful in the game. He hit with both feet, was famous for his sharp jerk and accurate shooting pass, excellent corner kicks. Repeatedly Vitaly played for the city team of St. Petersburg, and once even became the owner of the Spring Cup. And only his father was not quite satisfied with his hobby: “You need to work with your head, not with your feet,” he insisted.

In the post-revolutionary years, Bianchi was mobilized into Kolchak's army, but soon deserted and hid under a false name: for a while, Vitaly Bianchi turned into Vitaly Belyanin. Actually, the second surname remained with the writer until the end of his life.


“The combination of forest and sea gave rise to a generation of sailors, hunters, biologists, and travelers. What you sow in childhood, you will grow in adulthood.

Cartoon based on the fairy tale by Vitaly Bianchi "Owl"


“Bianchi is a fabulous surname. As if not a surname at all, but a name magic hero- Carlson, The Hobbit. Partly, this impression is created because it sounds unusual for the Russian ear, but the main thing, of course, is the many fairy tales and stories of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi. And since we get to know them in childhood, when the word is even more wonderful, then everything is unusually exciting life forests, rivers, seas, animals, birds and insects, which the author reveals to us, becomes one vast world. His name is Bianki.
Alexander Goryashko, writer

“Most of all I was struck, directly shocked by the nature of Altai. There he lived four difficult, but happy years. Lived in Biysk, taught biology at school. The living conditions were difficult at that time - bad food, firewood, lay in wait terrible diseases. But there was youth, energy, a sense of the vastness of the surrounding world and the unexploredness of its secrets, which can be discovered all your life.
Elena Bianchi, daughter

"Even Yu. Vasnetsov begins his journey in a children's book with drawings for Bianchi's story Karabash."
Valentin Kurdov, artist

(1959-06-10 ) (65 years old) A place of death: Citizenship:

Russian empire, THE USSR


children's writer

Art language: Works on the site

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki (January 30 (February 11) ( 18940211 ) , St. Petersburg, Russian Empire - June 10, Leningrad, USSR) - Russian writer, author of many works for children.


Entered the natural department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Petrograd University.

Played in my youth football teams Petersburg in the games of the city championship. He played for the clubs "Petrovsky" (1911), "Neva" (1912), "Unitas" (1913-1915, 1916 spring). Winner of the Spring Cup of St. Petersburg in 1913.

In connection with the advance of the Red Army, Bianchi was evacuated from Samara and lived for some time in Ufa, Yekaterinburg, then again in Ufa, then in Tomsk, and finally settled in Biysk.

Some works for children

  • Anyutka duck
  • water horse
  • Where do crayfish hibernate
  • Eyes and ears
  • green pond
  • How the ant hurried home
  • How I wanted to pour salt on the hare's tail
  • Red hill
  • Who sings what?
  • Kuzyar-chipmunk and Inoyka-bear
  • cuckoo
  • forest houses
  • Forest scouts
  • Little Mouse Peak
  • heavenly elephant
  • First hunt
  • Sundew - mosquito death
  • fish house
  • snow book
  • Teremok
  • Terenty-grouse
  • Tails
  • Whose nose is better?
  • Whose legs are these?


  • Forest were and fables. L., 1957;
  • Novels and stories, L., 1959;
  • Stories and tales, L., 1960;
  • Forest newspaper for every year (1928)
  • sea ​​devil


  • Grodensky G., Vitaly Bianchi, M.-L., 1954;
  • Life and work of V. Bianchi. [Articles, memoirs, publications, letters], L., 1967.
  • Cossack V. Lexicon of Russian literature of the XX century = Lexikon der russischen Literatur ab 1917. - M .: RIK "Culture", 1996. - 492 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-8334-0019-8


  • V. Ponomareva. Why did the Soviet government persecute the children's writer Vitaly Bianchi?



  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Writers alphabetically
  • February 11
  • Born in 1894
  • Born in St. Petersburg
  • Deceased June 10
  • Deceased in 1959
  • The dead in St. Petersburg
  • Vitaly Bianchi
  • Repressed in the USSR
  • Children's writers alphabetically
  • Children's writers of the USSR
  • Russian writers alphabetically
  • Russian writers of the XX century
  • Naturalist writers
  • Writers of the USSR
  • Graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University
  • Persons: Biysk
  • Buried at the Theological Cemetery
  • SRs
  • Storytellers

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    Russian Soviet writer. He studied at the natural department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Petrograd University. Literary work started in 1923. He wrote for children. Fascinating… … Big soviet encyclopedia

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    Bianki, Vitaly Valentinovich- BIANKI Vitaly Valentinovich (1894 1959), Russian writer. Books for children about the life of nature: Forest newspaper for every year (1928), Forest were and fables (1957). … Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1894 1959), Russian writer. Books for children about the life of nature: "Forest newspaper for every year" (1928), "Forest were and tales" (1957), "Columbus Club" (1959) and others. ), Russian … encyclopedic Dictionary

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Bianki Vitaly (01/30/1894 - 06/10/1959) - Soviet writer, known for children's works about nature. Author of more than three hundred stories, fairy tales, articles, which have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

early years

Vitaly Valentinovich was born in St. Petersburg. His family has German and Swiss roots: his grandfather sang in the opera, bore the surname Weiss, which he changed to Bianchi in the Italian manner (both surnames are translated as “white”). Father - a doctor by education, was engaged in science, worked in the ornithological museum at the Academy of Sciences. Valentin Bianchi made a serious contribution to the development of domestic zoology, published many scientific articles.

The family lived in a spacious academic apartment not far from the zoological museum. Bianchi have always kept a wide variety of living creatures: from fish and birds to snakes and hedgehogs.

Vitaly was the youngest of three sons. The boys spent a lot of time in the museum, in the summer - in the village of Lebyazhye. Future Writer he liked to be outside the city and watch migratory birds, on the way of which the village was located.

Valentine often went to the forest and took younger son with him, taught me to write down all my observations. Throughout his childhood, the boy perceived the forest as a separate magical world. WITH early age he was a hunter, gatherer and fisherman. He also wrote poetry and loved music. At school, Vitaly was difficult exact sciences, his real passion was football, in which he showed good results. Played in various football clubs.

Vitaly Bianchi with his wife

Life in Altai

After the gymnasium in 1915, Vitaly entered the Physics and Mathematics Department of St. Petersburg University, and in 1916 he was called up for military service. With the rank of warrant officer, he was sent to Tsarskoye Selo. IN post-revolutionary time lived in Samara, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk and Biysk.

In Biysk, in 1919, he entered Kolchak's army as a clerk and was transferred to Barnaul, then to the Orenburg front as part of the infantry, from where he escaped in the autumn and began to live in Biysk under the name Belyanin. The surname Bianchi-Belyanin remained in his documents. At that time, he lectured and wrote notes on ornithology, organized scientific expeditions, worked in the local history museum, and taught biology at school.

In the Altai Territory, he met his wife Vera Klyuzheva, a French teacher. Then he began to write "Forest Newspaper", began to publish poems and notes. The plans were to return to St. Petersburg and receive a biological education. Vitaly recorded and kept all his observations of nature, a huge number of them accumulated. These notes later came in handy for the creation of his works of art.

Because of his past in the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, Bianchi was arrested twice in 1921. In 1922, a daughter, Elena, was born in the Bianchi family. A few months later, Vitaly heard rumors about a new impending arrest. Then he urgently, under the pretext of a business trip to St. Petersburg, left Biysk forever with his wife and child. In total, four children were born in the Bianchi family (Elena, Mikhail, Vitaly, Valentin).

One of the main attractions of Biysk - local history museum them. bianchi

Literary creativity

In his hometown of Bianchi, he devoted himself entirely to literature. He joined the club of children's writers, which also included Marshak, Chukovsky and Zhitkov. The first publication of Vitaly's story "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" took place in 1923 in the journal "Sparrow". Later, the first book, Whose Nose is Better?, was published. Animal stories filled with interesting facts and humorous notes, appealed to young readers. The story “In the Footsteps” gained great popularity, subsequently being reprinted many times.

Many stories, cycles, fairy tales came out from the pen of Bianchi, and all of them were not only interesting for children, but also informative, as they contained reliable information about nature, brought up in readers a love for the living world. Quite quickly Vitaly became popular writer, his books instantly dispersed from the shelves of stores.

Bianchi's life was stable and prosperous until another arrest occurred at the end of 1925. The writer was accused of participating in a non-existent underground group and sent to a three-year exile in Uralsk. In exile, Vitaly did not stop writing, many works date back to that time, including Karabash, Odinets, and Askyr. Three years after returning to Leningrad, he was again arrested, but released three weeks later due to lack of charges. The next arrest took place in 1935, the writer was sentenced to five years of exile with his family in the Aktobe region, but the charge was dropped.

The tombstone on the grave of V. Bianchi is recognized as an object of historical and cultural heritage

IN war time due to heart problems, Bianchi was not called to the front. During the blockade, he was evacuated to the Urals, after which he returned to his hometown. The writer spent a lot of time in the country. He liked to go to the villages, to conduct his observations there, the Novgorod land was especially fond of. Most outstanding work The writer was "Forest Newspaper", it was created in 1924 and corrected by Vitaly throughout his life, reprinted several times. Based on his works, many cartoons, radio programs have been released, the circulation of publications under the authorship of Bianchi is more than 40 million copies.

Last years The life of the writer was accompanied by constant illnesses. Vascular disease and diabetes deprived Vitaly of the opportunity to walk and get out into the forest. But he continued to write. Bianchi did not have time to complete the book "Bird Identifier in the Wild". Died of lung cancer. The writer was buried at the Theological cemetery. Many libraries, city streets are named after him, millions of children have been brought up on Bianchi's books.

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