Musical ecological fairy tale script. Scenario for a children's, musical and ecological fairy tale - "Forest Journey"


Scenario ecological fairy tale"Adventures in a good forest" for older children preschool age

This scenario will be useful to music directors and educators preschool institutions. Can be used as a presentation environmental project. Oriented for older children, preparatory groups. It is written in an easy poetic form, which makes it easier for children to memorize the text. When working on a production, children develop not only acting skills, but above all, passing tests together with the heroes of a fairy tale, they learn to appreciate and protect nature.
Target: learn to take care of natural resources, water - the source of all life, to teach to love the native land.
to cultivate a humane, caring attitude towards the world around as a whole;
develop cognitive interest to the natural world;
to instill in children an ecological culture of behavior;
to form the initial skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself.

(Birds singing and calm music sound.)
In a far, far away land, where no one knows for sure, there is a wonderful forest. This forest is called Good. And in this good forest live good inhabitants: Hedgehog Pykh, Squirrel Dormouse, a magpie named Birdy and a bunny Jump. In the very center of the Good Forest, a lake, round like a saucer, splashes, in which a little mermaid named Lapushka lives. (the heroes go out in turn, the Little Mermaid appears last from the lake)
Mermaid: What a wonderful day today;
The sun is shining everywhere!
Hedgehog: But where is Kapitoshka, our friend, a stream?
He helped the forest lake to appear here.
(the song “Kapitoshka” sounds, Composer V. Ososhnik, a stream runs in)
Brook: Hello my friends,
I am very glad to see you!
I bring fresh water
For all the animals in the Good Forest!
After all, you always need water
Everyone - from midges to elephants!
(scary music sounds, the evil wizard Porcupine appears)
Porcupine: Ha ha ha!
I'm an evil wizard porcupine!
I don't like fun, times!
When green grass
I don't like this either, two!
When flowers grow around
I don't like this either, three!
I will stop your fun
I'll drag your stream!
All water will disappear in the forest,
The lake will dry up then!
And you can't live without water,
And there will be no Good forest!
(terrible music sounds again Porcupine takes Kapitoshka away)
Squirrel: What to do!
How can we be!
How to release a stream!
Magpie: I'm going to kindergarten
I'll call the guys for help.
Defeat the porcupine and
Release the stream!
(3 children come out towards Soroka)
Magpie: Hurry up and help free the stream!
Convince the porcupine, let him go to our forest!
(everyone goes to the porcupine and sings to the music from the movie "The Adventures of Masha and Vitya" music by G. Gladkov (we will find the Snow Maiden in the kingdom of the thirtieth)
- We'll save the captain
In the realm of the Porcupine.
We will defeat the sorcerer
Without blinking an eye!
After all, everyone needs water.
And animals and midges.
To bring life back
Our Kapitoshka did it!
(music sounds, Porcupine appears towards)
Porcupine: Who are they? What do you need?
Leave quickly!
1 child: Evil wizard, do not swear,
Do not rush to drive us away!
How do animals need water?
We want to tell you!
Porcupine: Ha-ha-ha! Well, they laughed!
What can you know!
2 child: learned a lot,
While studying the water!
We learned how water
All animals need it!
3 child: Went on an excursion
We visited the winter garden.
Turtles, snails, fish
Everyone was happy to see!
1 child: Read many books
We also went to the reading room.
Why is moisture important to animals?
The librarian said.
2 child: Projects with parents
On the topic "Everyone needs water"
We created, protected
The task was difficult.
3 child: And looked after the pets
At your favorite zoo
The experiments were carried out
To know how important water is to them.
1 child: We observed, studied,
Animals were painted together.
We can convince anyone
You can't live without water!
2 child: We invite you to our kindergarten,
So that one does not get bored here,
Nature will be with you together
Love, cherish and study!
Porcupine: Well, you have convinced me.
Sorry! Here is your stream.
(takes Kapitoshka by the hand)
I won't hurt anyone anymore
I was able to understand the main thing:
To everyone in the world and on the whole planet,
In any years, times
Water is needed, there is no dispute.
All in unison: For everyone - from midges to elephants!!!
Cheerful music sounds, everyone bows.

Development of children's creative abilities through theatrical activity "Water Sorceress".

(environmental fairy tale for preschool children)


1. to promote the development of musical and creative abilities of preschoolers.

1. to form ecological representations in children by means of the theater.

2. to develop the artistic abilities of children through theatrical activities.


1. Formation in children of a value attitude to nature by means of the theater;

2. To develop in children a steady interest in theatrical performance;

3. To develop emotionality, intelligence, as well as communication skills of the child;

4. To develop artistry and skills of stage incarnations of the image.


1. Flower 2. Stream 3. Fire 4. Children: Boy and Girl 5. Cloud 6. Good water 7. Rain 8. Sun 9. Droplets (2-4) 10. Tourists - 10

The hall needs to be decorated in spring, in the form of a flower meadow.

The music “Sounds of Nature” sounds, children-tourists run in. Behind them is a tourism instructor.(leading).

Leading. Hello little travelers!

Children. Hello!

Vedas. Today we are going on a hike.

Children. Hooray!

Vedas. Do you know the rules of behavior in nature?

Children. Yes!

Vedas. And what does a trip mean for a real tourist?

1 child For a tourist, life is a hike!

Everywhere he will find a passage!

Countries, mountains to conquer,

Protect your little brothers!

2 children Sun, air, river, meadow -

Our favorite best friend!

Vedas. Then - go!

SONG OF LITTLE TOURISTS (to the melody "Top-top")

Vedas. We came. See what a beauty! (tourists sit down) Soft music sounds.

WALTZ OF THE FLOWERS(from the ballet The Nutcracker) P.I. Tchaikovsky

(butterflies, dragonflies, flowers dance in the clearing, ladybug)

Suddenly gentle music is interrupted by sharp, disturbing music of fire.


To the music of A. Vivaldi "Music of Fire".

(insects rush in horror across the clearing, fly away)

Vedas. Guys, this is a fire in the forest, help put out, otherwise everything will burn down!

(children wave back and forth, then surround the fire, it breaks out and hides)

Vedas. Well done tourists! You are brave guys, you were able to put out the fire! (children sit down)

A fragment sounds (quartet for flute and strings, Adagio) by V.A. Mozart

(a mournful groan is heard)

Vedas. What is it???

On the interactive whiteboard Flower appears. He looks haggard

(withered grass around him, bright hot sun).

Flower:(phonogram) Oh, how thirsty! I am dying... I can't live without water... Help!

(girl and boy run out)

Girl: Oh, what's with the flower?

Boy: I know it was scorched by fire, and burned by the sun!

Girl He dies without water???

Vedas.(sadly) Yes, he dies without water ....

Boy: What shall we do, how shall we be? Where can we get water?

Girl: Where is the sorceress Water, without her we are nowhere!


Girl: We are waiting for you, like a miracle!

Vedas. Let's all call together.

Chorus. Come to us quickly, Water, run and help the flower!

Vedas. I hear the sound of water! We run, otherwise the water stream will carry us away (they run away to the chairs).

The sound of water sounds in the audio.


To the music of I. Strauss "On the Beautiful Blue Danube"

Good water. You called me, what happened?

Vedas. Good water, help save the flower. He perishes from the hot sun and the fire that ran through here.

Good water. I see, I see .... The poor Flower is completely gone vitality. Here you can not do without my friends Brook and Drops! Friends, hurry up, call Brook and Droplets.

To the music of "Storm" by A. Vivaldi, a boy and a girl run away.

Good Water: And I'll call the Sun for now. I have a small request for him.


A ray of sunshine through the window, it's warm again on the earth

I'll call the sun soon, I'll sing a song.

Life is beautiful, everything blooms, smiles, sings,

And the sun does not let us be sad!

My dear, the sun - ah, ah. Yay! A seed will sprout in the ground - I know!

Come soon, Sunshine, I beg you, hurry! Help us, sunshine, now! (HE SPEAKS) Sunshine, please come out!

The music of the sun is playing. The sun appears.


If the morning starts, then the sun has risen,

He warmed the Earth with a ray and everything became good.

Flowers and twigs, insects and grass need me.

Boys and girls, boys and girls

The sun is needed on Earth!

Sun: Hello, friends! Did you call me?

Good Water: Dear Sun, could you heat less so that the poor flower would not be so hot! And then the flower completely dies!

Sun: Okay, I'll try my best.

The sun is leaving to the music.

The sound of water sounds. Then a cheerful tune. A Boy with a Girl, Droplets and a Brook run out onto the stage.

Dance "Merry Rain" (1 verse and chorus)

(three pairs of children dance, then stop)

droplets: We all sing and jump, we hardly cry

Because, like teardrops, they themselves are raindrops.

We run through the puddles, have fun and shout:

"Always and everywhere good glory magic water

Brook: Hello, friends! Did you call us? What happened?

Together: We need to help the poor Flower. He's dying of thirst!

Brook: Let's call the Cloud and the Rain and let's save the Flower together!

Good Water: Cloud and Rain, we are waiting for you! (all together)

Cloud and rain come out (quarrel)

FRAGMENT OF THE SONG "Bad cloud" (theatricalization)

Good water. Stop quarreling, cloud and rain! We need to save the flower!

droplets: Get everyone in a circle

We will save the Flower!

Children: Silvery water, you wash the little flower's face!

You can hear the murmur of water, the singing of birds.

good water pronounces the magic words:

Cloud, cloud, get angry and turn into water! (The cloud importantly makes a circle)

Droplets run, call the rain! (droplets run around jumps)

Rain ley, ley, ley! Drip, drip, don't be sorry! (rain splashes on everyone)

Brook, run, hurry - water the flower and grass! (A stream with a blue ribbon runs around)

Good Water (waving magic wand)

Music sounds. E. Grieg "Peer Gynt", "Morning"

The flower on the interactive whiteboard comes to life.

To the sounds of gentle music, the Flower gradually comes to life and rises to its feet. He stretches his arms up and exposes his palms to the pouring water.

(flower girl enters)

Vedas. Friends, look around - here it is our flower.

Flower: Thank you guys, you saved me! Good water is a symbol of life on

All: Always and everywhere good glory to magic water!!!

Vedas. Guys, it's great that you and I saved the flower ???

Children: Yes!

The song “Top, top - the tourist stomps!

Galina Pyatkina
Scenario of entertainment "Ecological fairy tale"

Children sit on chairs

Reb. See a fairy tale, Would you like?

There are many stories in the world,

Don't read right away

But like ours

You won't find it in the world!

This story is not easy

About nature - that's what!

Reb. We can not live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

In the summer, magical, fairy forest

He invites us to visit.

Comes to the music "Red Riding Hood" sings a song

Reb. red Riding Hood:

How cool in the spring in the forest,

What a beauty!

The birds are singing merrily

That sun is shining bright!

I hurry to my grandmother

I bring her pies

And I rejoice at the flowers around

And butterflies in the forest.

I walk boldly along the path,

Nobody scares me

And my favorite song

I sing everywhere.

Sounds disturbing music enters "Wolf" little red riding hood hiding

Wolf: Well, finally I came,

It's so good to relax here.

Sits on a stump, eats, scatters garbage, goes to bed

They jump out to cheerful music "Bunnies"(3 boys)

1 hare: Oh, how nice it is for us to catch,

Summer sunshine!

We love to run and jump

Play hide and seek with each other.

2 hare: naughty, laugh, laugh

And never be discouraged.

Dancing to cheerful music

3 Hare: Oh, trouble, hurry, save,

Call the doctor here.

I stepped on something

My poor paw.

Comes in "Bear"

bear: Good afternoon animals,

Lovely bunnies.

Why don't you download

And what are you crying about?

2. Hare: We hurt our paws

About cans.

Someone here broke the glass

It hit the paw.

bear: Oh, how disgusting!

Ah, how bad!

Someone very evil

I've been here in the woods

Rubbish scattered everywhere.

We will bring the hare to the doctor,

And then we'll clean it up together.

The bear takes the hare to the doctor, bandages the paw

The fox gathered in the forest and punishes the children

Fox: I got up early today,

For food to go to the forest.

I beg you: be obedient,

Remove everything around.

Do not take matches in your hands

Don't play with fire!

1st fox.

We promise: foursome

We will clean everything in the house!

Fox: Well, look, don't be naughty

And wait for me for dinner.

The fox leaves.

2nd fox.

Mom left home

Gotta get down to business!

I will water the flower now.

To the music, the foxes begin work: clean up toys, water flowers, sweep the floor.

4th fox

Well, it's all done

Let's drink tea!

1st fox

But what about the teapot?

Will we warm up?

After all, mom is strict

I didn't tell you to take matches!

2nd fox

Think! What nonsense!

We only need one match

Moreover, I have seen many times

How mom lit the gas in the kitchen.

3rd fox

Or maybe not?

4th fox

Yes, I see you, just a coward!

The 4th fox comes into the house, takes a box of matches.

3rd fox

Our brother still took the matches!

cubs (together) .

Oh, there would be a fire!

The cry of a fox cub is heard from the house

Oh-oh-oh-oh! I got burned!

I dropped a match!

Our house is on fire! Hurry over here!

fox cubs run to the house, on the roof of which flames appear. (They can be made from red paper or fabric.)

cubs (loudly). Fire! Fire!

3rd fox

Not! We can't handle this fire!

We'll have to leave the house and run away!

Suddenly a cloud appears with thunder and it started to rain

Oh, something frowns the weather,

The cloud is coming

Gotta get under the birch

Wait out the summer rain. (hiding)

Running to the music "Droplets"(2 girls) and put out the fire

children read

1. The light is always like this -

Both good and bad:

He shines, he warms,

And he knows how to play pranks.

2. So that the forests can bloom,

And gardens and rivers

Take care of all living things

You are in this world.

3. Garbage, friend, do not leave,

In the forest in the meadow.

Don't pollute the rivers.

We will declare the battle to the bottle.

We will love nature

Let's live together with nature

All (together): And then at any time of the year,

We will enjoy nature!

All children: Always remember this!

Related publications:

Scenario of educational activity on cognitive development "Ecological fairy tale" About a small droplet ""Ecological tale" About a small droplet "Program content: Introduce children to natural phenomena: rain, water.

ecological tale There lived an old man in the world, an old man Ekovichok. He loved the Earth very much, wandered through the forests and fields. All insects and bugs, bees, butterflies, flowers adored the old man, sang.

Ecological fairy tale "Protect the forest!" for participants of the project "Flora and fauna of the Tomsk region" A red fox was walking along a forest path.

Ecological fairy tale "The Complaint Book of Nature". This performance was staged in our kindergarten to the city theater festival, which the.

Ecological fairy tale "Forest Pharmacy" Program objectives: education of respect for nature, animals, love and care for all life on the planet. Vedas: Forest - not only.

Once a month, the Kineshma Theater comes to our kindergarten with their performances. This time they came to us with an ecological one.

Ekaterina Vanina
Musical and ecological fairy tale for children of senior preschool age "On a visit to the Dandelion"

Target: formation ecological culture preschoolers.


development tasks. Develop a cognitive interest in the natural world, develop logical thinking attention, ability to draw simple conclusions and conclusions.

educational tasks. To educate children in environmental behavior, responsible, careful, emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

educational tasks. To form in children elementary ecological knowledge, teach children the rules of behavior in the forest.

Leading: Hello children! Hello viewers! Hello dear parents! There are many people on earth. We all want to play in flowering glades, breathe fresh air swimming in clear waters. But every year it becomes more and more difficult to do this. This is due to our misbehavior. We bring to your attention the musical and ecological fairy tale "On a visit to the Dandelion".

Children perform musical and rhythmic movements "Let's go camping."

Let's go on a hike

Many discoveries await us

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow (children march).

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies flutter in the field.

One two three four

They flew, swirled (children "fly like butterflies").

The bridge swayed to the side

And beneath him the stream laughed.

We'll walk on toes

Let's get to that shore (children walk on socks).

Mosquitoes have flown.

Kill all mosquitoes

And let's go to the swamp (children clap their hands).

Let's cross the barrier

And over the bumps - jump-jump-jump!

And one, and two, the water is already behind! (children jump forward)

Leading: In a clearing, near the forest, a small yellow dandelion grew. Every day he watched cheerful butterflies, industrious bees, singing birds, Christmas trees in green skirts and mighty oaks. And I envied them a lot.

Dandelion: Everyone has friends, but I'm all alone.

Leading: Dandelion was bored, and day by day he became sadder and sadder. But one sunny day, a prickly hedgehog ran into the clearing.

To the song "Little Hedgehog" the Hedgehog runs out. Children sing the song "Little Hedgehog".

Hedgehog: What should I give my girlfriend, the red Chanterelle, for her birthday?

Leading: Suddenly the Hedgehog saw Dandelion and said...

Hedgehog: Which beautiful flower! Here I will give it.

Leading: The hedgehog approached the Dandelion and wanted to pick it, but suddenly noticed transparent droplets on the leaves.

Hedgehog: You cry?

Dandelion: How can I not cry? Everyone has friends, but I'm all alone.

Hedgehog: Do you want me to be your friend? Come with me, I'll introduce you to my friends!

Dandelion: Thank you, I really want to go with you!

Leading: Dandelion smiled and clapped his green hands cheerfully, but immediately became sad.

Dandelion: I can't walk...

Hedgehog: No problem! I'll pick you up and take you to my friends.

Leading: The Hedgehog said this, but changed his mind ...

Hedgehog: No, you will be hurt. I'd rather invite my friends to the clearing.

Children perform musical and rhythmic movements "We walk - we play."

We are walking with the guys

We play with the guys.

One, two, three, four, five

The bunnies went out for a walk (bunnies come out in a circle).

We are walking with the guys

We play with the guys.

One, two, three, four, five

The bears went out for a walk (bears come out in a circle).

We are walking with the guys

We play with the guys.

One, two, three, four, five

The wolves came out for a walk (wolves come out in a circle).

We are walking with the guys

We play with the guys.

One, two, three, four, five

The foxes went out for a walk (foxes come out in a circle).

Leading: So Dandelion made many friends, and he was no longer sad at all.

Children perform the dance "Friends" from the repertoire of the group "Barbariki".

Leading: Day after day, time flew by, the flower slowly grew up. Summer warm rain watered it, and the sun helped to rise higher and higher.

Children perform musical and rhythmic movements "Evil Cloud".

Leading: Communicating with his new friends, Dandelion learned a lot of interesting things about the life of forest animals. And they learned a lot about him. For example, if the Dandelion hides its yellow petals, it means that evening has come and it is time to return home. And once, having come to the clearing, the animals did not recognize their friend.

Chanterelle: Dandelion, what a beautiful balloon cap you have!

Leading: Everyone really liked Dandelion's new outfit, and it became so fun that they wanted to dance.

Children in pairs perform musical and rhythmic movements to the song "Dandelion" (author of words and music. K. Kostin).

Leading: A light summer breeze, seeing the dancing little animals, also started dancing and was so merry that it blew all the fluffs off Dandelion's new cap.

Dandelion: Oh, where's my pretty hat? How am I without her?

Leading: Dandelion was very upset, and the wise oak calmed him down.

Oak: Don't worry, it always happens...

wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

Grow up - dress up

In a white dress.

light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

Leading: Day by day the summer went by. Once, on a clear sunny day, the Hedgehog and his friends came to a clearing and did not recognize it at all. She was all in yellow dandelions. These, those fluffs that were blown away by the breeze, sprouted and turned into yellow dandelion flowers.

Children and their parents draw a clearing with yellow dandelions with crayons on the pavement.

Dandelion: I'm so happy! Now I have even more friends. And the clearing has become more fun and even more beautiful!

Hedgehog: It's great that I didn't pluck you, Dandelion! If I pick a flower...


If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you.

All animals:

If we pick flowers -

They will be empty

Both trees and bushes.

And there will be no beauty.

And there will be no kindness.

If only me and you

If we pick flowers.

Leading: So our fairy tale has come to an end - not a simple fairy tale, but an ecological one. Her characters showed us how to become nature's friend. I invite all guests and participants of the event to take a walk in the forest clearing.

Related publications:

"Olympic Games Day" Musical and sports festival for children of senior preschool age Scenario of the musical and sports festival "Day Olympic Games» 2017 for children of senior preschool age Purpose: involvement of preschoolers.

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Synopsis of the theatrical game-class "Hedgehog-couturier". Ecological fairy tale for children of senior preschool age GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To form a positive attitude towards nature in children. Introduce children to the inhabitants of the earth (animals and plants). Continue.

Space travel Scenario of a musical and sports festival for children of senior preschool age. The material is intended for: physical education instructors, educators, music directors. Purpose: to expand and consolidate the view.

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Bobkova Svetlana Vladimirovna
music director
MDOU " Kindergarten No. 40"
Oktyabrsky district
city ​​of Saratov
Scenario musically ecological
fairy tale performance
for older preschool children
"Let's heal the Heart of Nature".
“You can’t force people to love nature,
but you can help to love.
N.I. Sladkov.

Certified by: Head ______ G.I. Tretyakova
Explanatory note

The main goal of environmental education of preschool children is
formation of the foundations of their ecological consciousness and ecological culture.
The formation of environmental consciousness is carried out by solving a number of tasks,
which will allow the child to develop environmentally correct behavior.
The tasks of environmental education
To enrich children with knowledge about nature, its diversity, the integrity of a living organism, its
needs, distinctive features, traits of adaptation to the environment,
To form concepts about the interconnections and interdependence of all components of nature;
animals with each other, plants and animals, animate and inanimate nature, human and
To instill practical skills and abilities to care for plants and animals of your own
the nearest environment.
Develop artistic ability, aesthetic feelings; ability to notice
beautiful, to admire and admire the objects of nature, to protect and, if possible,
enhance the beauty and wealth of native nature.
Develop coherent speech of children: enrich and activate vocabulary, develop
dialogue speech and speech proof, to teach storytelling.
The nature around us is always available, an inexhaustible source
visual-sensory, aesthetic, creative, emotional and speech development
children. Promotes the formation of their goodwill, attention, sensitivity,
observation and others positive qualities.
To successfully solve the tasks we use a variety of tools:
ecological models, didactic games and exercises, illustrations, diagrams,
algorithms, audio and video recordings, videos, presentations and much more.
All children in preschool know:
Nature is our huge house,
And everyone has a place in it:
Insect, beast and run
Both tree and man.
Though the house is big, but it is fragile -
He is getting worse every day.
Not the enemy harms from century to century,
Man corrupts nature.
But maybe soon we will understand
That we're living wrong
We must protect our house
From dirt, malice.
So that in our house forever
Peace reigned and pure!
artistically aesthetic development suggests:
 development of preconditions for value

 semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal,
musical, visual), the natural world;
 formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around;
 formation elementary representations about the types of art;
 perception of music, fiction, folklore;
 stimulating empathy for the characters works of art;
 implementation of independent creative activity children (pictorial,
constructively MOD)
"The Wonderful World of Nature"
The relevance of this problem
Environmental education is one of the priority areas for the development of modern
kindergarten and the education system as a whole. The relevance of environmental education
hard to overestimate. Human activities continue to make profound changes in
surrounding nature, thereby posing an acute problem of the survival of human
kind. Scientists believe that the sine qua non of survival is improvement
the man himself, raising him moral qualities to a level corresponding to
scale and speed of change in modern world. Emotionality of the child
preschool age, special susceptibility and great interest in the natural world
are fundamental factors for successful environmental education in
Over the years, working with preschoolers, I faced a number of problems. So,
misconceptions of children about nature are often the cause of unfriendly
attitude towards animals, destruction of plants, beneficial insects, ruthless
attitude towards flowers and frogs, etc. This not only harms nature, but also
negatively affects the psyche of children, hardens them. Complete knowledge can
be formed only in the process of purposeful, systematic, organized
educational process.
How many discoveries a child makes by communicating with nature! Every living thing is unique
the creature he saw. Diverse and natural materials(sand, clay, water, snow and
etc. that children love to play with. Preschoolers communicate with nature at different times
years - and when fluffy lies around White snow and when gardens bloom. No one
didactic material cannot be compared with nature in the diversity and strength of the developing
impact on the child. The earlier the formation of the foundations of ecological
culture, the higher its level in the future. Learn to see and understand the beauty of the native
nature, take care of all living things, transfer certain knowledge in the field
ecology - the main tasks of environmental work in preschool educational institutions. At preschool age
develops a positive relationship with nature subject world, to yourself and others
people. In my opinion, cognitive interest in the environment and emotional

saturation, I could realize in environmental education, in the process of communicating with
nature: after all, ecology is a space for children's activities (observation, work, play,
experimental and speech activity).
I have defined the goals and objectives of the environmental education of children.
the formation in children of elements of ecological consciousness, the ability to understand and
be in love the world and nature.
 formation of the foundations of ecological culture in the process of familiarization with
preschoolers in the world through practical activities with living objects,
observation, experience, research work and work with didactic
material, the formation of ecological ideas.
 children's awareness of the knowledge that plants and animals are living organisms; about
the presence in nature of inanimate bodies, their relationship;
 on the example of specific plants and animals, disclosure of the relationship between the structure and their
functioning, dependence of the body structure on environmental conditions;
 formation of knowledge about the importance of animate and inanimate nature in life and economic
human activities;
 showing the positive and negative influence of a person on the world around him;
 drawing attention to the surrounding natural objects, developing the ability to see
the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and forms through
conversation, observation, game;
 education of desire and skills to preserve the surrounding world of nature;
 fostering a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment,
emotional relationship to natural objects.
 development of skills to observe living objects and phenomena of inanimate nature;
 drawing attention to the surrounding natural objects, developing the ability to see
the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and forms;
I present to your attention an ecological performance that children can afford
music revealed the essence that the children wanted to convey with their game in this mini-performance.
We called this performance together with the children
"Let's heal the Heart of Nature".
Children were inspired with all their heart to this topic and performed with pleasure within the walls of the preschool educational institution.
Each child played emotionally, put a piece of his little soul into the game and
hearts. It was unspeakably touching.

(children's educational performance)
For children of senior and preparatory groups
Purpose: to develop Creative skills children on the basis of emotional
perception of the surrounding world. Raising a love for nature through musical images,
emotional responsiveness in performance.
Equipment: forest scenery, costumes and attributes for characters.
Fairy of the Forest
Goddess of Music
Heart of nature
Flowers - 4 pers.

Event progress:
Presenter Tell me, guys, do you like nature? For those people who love nature,
protects and appreciates her - a warm and kind heart!
Do you think nature has a heart? Of course have.
A brook murmurs - this is the voice of the Heart of Nature.
Flowers are blooming - this is the Heart of Nature calls a beautiful outfit.
Butterflies and moths flutter - this means that the Heart of nature breathes easily and well,
it rejoices, rejoices and gives joy to people.
The beat of the heart is heard.
But sometimes it knocks restlessly and asks for help. Do you hear how plaintively it knocks?
Now you will see a fairy tale about how magical sounds saved the Heart of Nature.
(On the stage of the scenery of the forest, the Ant is walking and crying)
Ant - What big forest! And I'm so small! How can I help the heart
Hedgehog runs...

Hedgehog - Hello, Ant, why are you so sad?
Ant - Don't you know? The heart of nature is sick. The snow melted, and under the snow -
jars, bottles, papers ... A lot of garbage ... And because of this, the birds do not sing, the flowers do not
grow, the sun does not shine ...
(heart beat again)
Hedgehog - Something must be done. But where can one find such a medicine to cure it (sounds
soundtrack of water murmur)
Ant - Hear, a brook murmurs, let's ask him.
Brook runs out...
Hedgehog - how beautifully you murmur! My heart is warm from your pleasant conversation.
Brook - I wanted to come up with a song, but I can't do it.
Ant - Do you know why? Because the Heart of Nature fell ill, and everyone became sad.
Hedgehog - What should we do?
Brook - Look, the wind is flying, we will ask him.
Sounds like wind music. The wind is flying...
Ant - You answer us, strong wind,

Is there anyone in the world
The wisest, the kindest?
Brook - The one who in the heat and bad weather
The tender heart of nature
Can you heal the pain?
Wind - I know there is in the world Magic power She heals both the soul and the heart.
Hedgehog - What is this magical power?
Wind - This is the magical power of music and your careful attitude to nature, forest!
(The wind flies away)
Creek - Wait, where are you? I'll run to the big river, maybe she knows where the music is
Hedgehog - And I'll rock to high mountain maybe the music lives there?
(runs away).
Ant - I want to see music
I want to hear music.
What is this music?
Tell me soon!
(magical music sounds, a little disturbing, the Goddess of Music comes out).

Goddess of Music - I am the Goddess of Music. Do you want to know what music is? So listen!
(an excerpt from G. Struve's song "What is music" is performed).
Bird trills are music
And drops are music.
You see, a cloud is spinning in the sky,
There will be rain music.
Both the wind and the sun
And the clouds, and the rain,
And the little seed
Also the music!
The Goddess disappears...
Ant (joyfully) - Now I know how to cure the Heart of Nature! But still, where is this
music lives?
The Wind Appears...and the Brook...
Wind - Music lives everywhere,

You just have to listen to the brook. (sing along)
Music lives everywhere.
Words by V. Semernin
Music by S. Sosnin
1. The wind sings a little audibly,
Lipa sighs by the garden.
Sensitive music lives everywhere
In the rustle of grasses, in the noise of oak forests,
You just need to listen.
The stream flows loudly.
Thunder falls from the sky
This is its eternal melody
The world is filled with nature!
2. Your quiet tears, the willow drops at the ford,
A trill welcomes the nightingale.
The sound of branches, the song of rain
The world is filled with nature!
The birds greet the sunrise
The swallow is happy with the sun!
Sensitive music lives everywhere
You just need to listen!
Ant -
Here the bird sang over the greenery of the grasses.
How many blades of grass in the world.
The grasses listened, standing on tiptoe.
Hear this song.
(background of birdsong)

Ant - The rain washed the grasses, the breeze combed them, and the song of the wind sounded loudly,
grass and stream. Listen, the Fairy of the Forest sings it.
The Fairy of the Forest comes out, spinning sings a song ...
Song of Wind, Grass and Stream...
Sl. I. Golovacheva
Muses. T. and S. Zheleznov.
1. A cheerful forest stream hurries along the path.
He rushes over the earth with a blue song.
The stream hurries, hurries to where everyone needs water.
Hurries to where flowers of unprecedented beauty await.
2. And the wondrous forest turns green,
And the grass rustles.
transparent dew drop
The green forest is washed.
And soft green grass
moths flutter,
And the fireflies shine brightly
Like lights!
3. And a light summer breeze flew through the forest.
He lingered for an hour and flew away again ...

And all of a sudden everything around was quiet, and the forest trembled.
And the morning came suddenly, and a new day came ...
(while the Fairy of Music sings - the Ant and the Hedgehog remove all the garbage from the clearing)
At the end.
Fairy of the Forest - thank you my friends! You are great for collecting all the garbage from our
glades! You have a very good heart!
Fairy - I will help you heal the heart of nature...
(the Heart of Nature comes out and flowers sit around it ... Under magical music flowers
rise slowly around the heart of nature)
Ant - What do I see? These flowers are blooming...
Ant - When the grass turns green under the sun
And merry birds are circling in the sky,
The words themselves are found for the songs,
And I want to share happiness with everyone.

Hedgehog I'm happy. Flowers bloomed. This means the Heart of Nature has put on its outfit. It
(phonogram sounds - heartbeat) ...
Heart of nature - How long have I not met my friends. But where are they? Why
Was there such silence?
All the heroes come out (Ant, Hedgehog, Brook, Wind come to the Heart of Nature)
Heart Thank you for your help, my faithful friends. What is this medicine you give me
All heroes - Magic sounds of music!
Flowers speak in turn - Oh, how beautiful in the wonderful kingdom of nature!
A person must understand the language of flowers, the language of animals, only then will there be eternal life on earth.
the beauty.
Beautiful waltz children dance with the wind.
The evening star trembles in the window.
All this is called Choir Nature.
Let's love her forever!
All heroes perform dance composition around the Heart of Nature.
At the end, they line up against the central wall ...
Presenter - What a wonderful story! So let's all take care of the heart together
nature, so that no one can ever disturb him!

Used Books
 Magazine for musical directors "Musical palette"
A. Burenina 2016
 L.N. Meshchanova " Modern technologies education in art education"

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