What to draw in a sad mood. How to get rid of a bad mood with the help of drawing



Lesson 1
Exercise "Flower name"

Target: establishing a favorable emotional climate in the group.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear members of the group! Today we will try to introduce ourselves to each other in a new way with the help of the name of the colors. For example: Tatyana is a tulip. All participants must remember flower names each other, and then try to reproduce them. So who wants to start the game?

Exercise "Complete the sentence"

Target: study of the nature of emotional experiences of children.

Group members are offered a form with unfinished sentences (see Appendix 1).

Leading. We all return to the table together, and I suggest doing the following exercise. Each of you received a piece of paper with sentences written on it. However, as you have noticed, these proposals are not finalized yet. Your task is to complete them the way you see fit. Each member of the group must complete it independently and hand it over to the facilitator.

If the participants wish, the answers are discussed.

Exercise "Draw your mood"

Target: development of self-recognition skills emotional state.

Leading. Before you is a blank sheet of paper and colored pencils. Think about what colors you could use to convey your mood. Let's try to portray him, and then the other participants will try to guess what mood his friends are in.

The drawings are discussed with the group members.

Exercise "Seasons"

Target: development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Leading. And now I invite you to stand in a circle. Try to remember the following notation. If I say "winter", you should cross your arms over your chest, "spring" - stretch your arms forward, "summer" - raise your arms up, "autumn" - spread your arms to the sides. Be very careful! Begin!

Exercise "I'll tell you" Goodbye!

Target: creating an atmosphere of trust, the opportunity to speak out.

Leading. Try to remember your neighbors on the left and right. Think about what wish you could express to them so that they have a good mood all day. It’s better to start with the phrase: “I tell you“ Goodbye, Sasha ”and wish you happiness and joy!” It is imperative that you address each other by their first names.

Lesson 2
Exercise "Characters"

Target: introducing children to qualities of people, the study of self-esteem representations.

Leading. Hello guys! Today we will start our day with the following exercise. You probably know that each person has his own character, his own tastes and habits, appearance, demeanor character traits that distinguish him from other people. Each of us has qualities that may not be found in another person. Each of you has a piece of paper and a pen in front of you. I offer you the following task: I will name any trait of a person, your task is to name the opposite trait, but you need to write down on your sheet the trait that you think suits you.

So let's start:

hardworking - lazy

generous - greedy

Responsive - indifferent

kind - honest

Attentive - distracted

Disciplined - playful

Polite - rude

Sociable - closed

Ingenuous - cunning

Purposeful - frivolous

The results obtained can be discussed.

Exercise "Situation"

Target: orientation of children in situations where decision-making is required.

Leading. We need to split into 4 teams. Now let's listen carefully. Throughout life, we all face situations of some kind. Some of them are pleasant and joyful to us, others make us think, while others seem simply insoluble. But nevertheless, any one requires a decision and an answer to the question: “What is the best thing to do?” Now I will offer you various situations that you may encounter in life. Your task is to find a way out of the situation and explain why this option seems to be the most successful for you.

For each group, one situation is given, which the children discuss for 5–10 minutes. Then each group presents their situation and how it was solved for the other participants in the session, who can ask questions. The facilitator stimulates the work of the groups, directs the discussion process.

1. WHAT HAPPENED: You accidentally broke your mother's beautiful cup.


Remove the fragments and wait until the mother herself discovers the loss, and then explain everything;

Urgently run to the store and look for the same cup;

Tell your mother about what happened as soon as she comes home;

Call your mother at work and, crying loudly into the phone, tell about what happened;

To say that my mother's beloved cat broke the cup.

2. WHAT HAPPENED: Overslept for school and you're terribly late for test to a strict teacher.


Skip a lesson and come to the next;

Rush into class, say hello, say you're stuck in the elevator;

Knock on the classroom door, apologize and ask permission to enter;

Don't go to school at all, have fun at home until no one knows;

Urgently look for signs of the disease, call your mother at work, wheeze and cough into the phone.

3. WHAT HAPPENED: Your parents asked you to stay at home with younger sister(brother) and you were going to go for a walk.


Lock the younger one in a room and run for a walk;

Go to bed from resentment, and let him amuse himself;

Arrange a tantrum for your parents - after all, you had your own plans;

Try to come up with some excuses: “I need to do my homework!”, “I’m in the section!” and etc.

4. WHAT HAPPENED: classroom teacher offers to organize a concert for disabled children.


Referring to employment, do not take part in the preparation;

Get involved in the work, try to come up with something new and unusual;

Ask how you can help, but, having taken any assignment, do nothing;

Approach with an offer to help in the preparation of the concert, but do not go to the performance;

Just sit and be silent: if they pay attention - I will help, if they don't notice - I won't stick out.

After each choice, the question “why?” is asked. The results of the work are discussed.

Exercise "Mood Ladder"

Target: studying the emotional state of the child (see Appendix 2).

Leading. We return to the general circle and sit down around the table. You have successfully completed the previous task, and we are moving on. There are sheets of paper in front of you, on them is a ladder, it is unusual. This is your mood ladder. Remember what day you had yesterday, and most importantly, what mood you had in those moments that are written on the steps. Your task is to color these steps according to your mood. Below you can sign what it was like.

The results can be discussed.

Exercise "Traps"

Target: attention development.

Leading. The next exercise will require your attention. First, I will read the text, which you should listen to carefully. Even if something seems strange to you, do not talk about it, but just remember. You can't speak until you've finished reading. Listen carefully!


One of those sunny summer days frosty days I was sitting on the shore of a frozen lake. The sky overhead was high and cloudless, with only the occasional huge snowflake falling from it. The fluff of faded dandelions swirled around me. Swifts, swallows flew over the field, wild ducks and chickens. "Maybe rain?" - I thought, and was glad that I took sunglasses with me. Far away, on the other side of the river where I was sitting, there was a tall and shaggy spruce forest. Oh, what birches were not there! "What a beauty!" - I thought and turned to the house.

Children name those inaccuracies that they managed to notice in the text. The results are discussed.

Exercise "How to say "yes" and "no"

Target: teaching communication skills, studying the features of interpersonal interaction.

Leading. Often we have to choose what to answer a person in a given situation. And if the answer is “yes” is easy, then with the refusal there are always difficulties. Let's try to consider several situations that may or have already met in life, and choose the form of the answer that you like best. We will all answer in turn. Who wants to start?

1. I am invited to a friend’s (girlfriend’s) birthday, I say ____ because ___________

2. When I am offered to taste a cigarette, I say ____ because __________

3. When my mother asks me to take my grandmother sweet pie for tea, I say ____ because _________

4. When people tell me to fool around on the phone, like calling the fire department, I say ____ because _______

Chosen options are discussed.

Leading. Our lesson today has come to an end, I thank everyone for their work. See you!


Lesson 1
Exercise "Colors"

Target: positive emotional mood in a group.

Leading. We continue to work in our creative team. The topic of our lesson today sounds like this - "What surrounds me." What do you think surrounds us in life? Can you name it?

(Children answer.)

Thank you, OK. Now we move on to the next task. Now I will distribute cards with the name of the color written(See Appendix 3). There can be two cards for each color. You can't show them to each other. Then I will list the names of vegetables and fruits, and each time those who have the corresponding colors in the cards should stand up. Sometimes I will name inedible things, then all members of the group must sit. As the game progresses, be careful - try to understand which of the participants has which color. Let's start the game!

Exercise "Imagination Play"

Target: development creative imagination, reducing emotional stress.

Leading. You are great. We are moving on, and I suggest moving on to the next task. You have a worksheet in front of you.(see annex 4).

It's not a painting yet, but it could become one. Your task is to add everything you need, in your opinion, all sorts of details, so that the image takes on a finished look.

The resulting options are presented on the board. You can invite children to carefully consider the received pictures, choose the most interesting options. It is important to note the success of each child who completed the task.

Exercise "Two butterflies"

Target: training the emotional state of the child, switching and stability of this state.

Leading. In front of you on a sheet are two butterflies - one is cheerful and the other is sad. Color them in such a way that it is clear which one is happy and which one is sad. Try to explain why you chose these colors.

Exercise "Shadow"

Target: development of observation and attention, reduction of muscle tension.

The facilitator invites the group members to break into pairs. One will be the traveler and the other his shadow. The traveler must perform the actions that the leader calls, and the shadow copies them exactly.

Leading. The traveler walks through the desert, jumps on one leg across the field, sees a flower, stops, bends down, sniffs it, plucks it and gives it to his shadow.

Exercise "What I learned"

Target: summarizing the work.

Leading. Summing up our today's meeting, I want each member of our group to express his opinion about what he personally learned from our meetings. I will pass the ball to a member of the group, and he will express his opinion.

Thank you, our lesson has come to an end. All the best!

Lesson 2
Exercise "Greeting with gestures"

Target: promotion group health, creating a favorable emotional background.

Leading. Today is our final meeting in the friends room. The first exercise is called "Gesture greeting". For example, I can wave my hand to greet you. Like this! And all members of the group must repeat my gesture. Each in turn will go to the center. He becomes the leader and begins to greet us with some gesture, and we will all repeat the proposed greeting together. Condition - you can not repeat the greeting of the previous participant.

After completing the exercise, you can ask the group what kind of greeting you especially liked and why.

Exercise "Do's and Don'ts"

Target: development of communication skills, discussion of the rules of interaction with others.

Leading . We have to sum up our work. Let's think for one minute what helps us communicate with each other, and what hinders us, what we have learned here, and what else we would like to know. The one who has the ball has the right to ask a question to any member of the group about what exactly helps him communicate with other people.

Exercise "Rainbow"

Target: removal of emotional stress.

Leading. And now I suggest you sit in your seats as comfortably as possible. Listen to me carefully. Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing on the shore and a rainbow stretches high in front of you. Each color has its own mood and feeling. Try to see what I'm saying.

The first color is red. Red gives us energy and warmth. It's good to look at him when you're cold. Sometimes too much red annoys us, and sometimes it reminds us of kindness.

The next color is orange. He, like a cheerful orange, plays with his bright sides and cheers us up.

Yellow color brings joy, it warms us like the sun, we smile. If for some reason we are sad, then the warm rays of the sun touch us on the cheeks, and we become a little warmer and more cheerful.

Green is the color of nature. If we feel uncomfortable or unwell, then green color helps you feel better.

Blue can be pleasant and soothing, like flowing water. Blue pleasantly caresses the eyes in the heat.

Blue colour- like a deep sea stretching to the horizon. We hear his noise, we smell the salty smell sea ​​waves. The blue color is strong, it helps us cope with all sorts of troubles.

And finally purple- iridescent, like a peacock's tail. It is bright and fickle, often sparkling and is considered an austere color.

And now we open our eyes. What colors make you feel better?

Each member of the group expresses his opinion. The facilitator stimulates the discussion.

Exercise "Fingers-muzzles"

Target: the study of the emotional state, the ability to recognize the nature of emotional experiences.

Leading. We return to the tables again and carefully listen to the task. Put your hand on the sheet and circle it with a simple pencil. Now write over each finger what day of the week it is, starting with thumb(Monday). Then paint each finger in the color that you were in that mood that day. Draw a face there. Pass the drawing to your neighbor on the right. Let everyone try to guess the mood of his neighbor.

The results are discussed.

Exercise "How to walk ..."

Target: reduction of emotional stress, the final exercise.

Leading. Let's move on to the final exercise. Let's get in a circle. You know that each person has his own gait, characteristic of him. I will call one of you, and this participant will become the leader. He will depict various gaits, and the task of the other members of the group is to repeat exactly the movements of the leader.

The gait that the participants will portray:

sad man;

Cheerful girls;

small child;

Clown in the circus;

The person who is late

Fashion models on the podium.

Leading. Guys! I thank you for being a part of our group. I would like to wish you all the very best and hear your opinion on what you remember and liked the most at our meetings.

Final word group members and leader.


Attachment 1

Complete the sentences

1. I usually like…

2. When I wake up in the morning, I feel…

3. More than anything, I want ...

4. I am very worried if I ...

5. I think that the most important thing in the life of every person ...

6. I get very angry when…

7. I worry if my…

8. When the teacher calls my name, I feel…

Annex 2

Mood Ladder

Annex 3



How to draw a mood Master class "Color of mood" with step by step photos.

Boldushevskaya Valeria Viktorovna, educator of the State Institution of the Republic of Arts "Republican Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors", the city of Chernogorsk.
Work done: pupils of the GKU RKh "Republican social and rehabilitation center for minors".
Description: this master class designed for educators, teachers, children from 7 years old, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: decoration of the premises, can serve as work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: development of imagination, independence, creativity.
- introduce children to a new way of expressing their emotions through unconventional technique drawing;
- develop aesthetic perception, color perception, creativity;
- encourage self-reliance children's creativity and fantasy, initiative, contribute to the ability to make additions to the composition.
Dear colleagues, today I want to present a master class on the drawing "Mood color".

Have you ever painted your mood? And what color is it?

Be kind, don't be angry, be patient.
Remember: from your bright smiles,
Not only your mood depends,
But a thousand times the mood of others. (Eduard Asadov.)

Materials needed for work:
1. Album sheets.
2. Paints, non-spill cup.
3. Brush, cotton buds.

Step by step process work execution:
Imagine that you and I are magic trees, and our mood is the leaves of a magic tree. On the clean slate draw a tree.

Cotton buds, tighten with an elastic band and, dipped in paint, apply our mood leaves. The paint must not be liquid. Remember warm and cold tones! The choice of color depends on the emotional mood, creativity is welcome.

You can start work in the reverse order: from the crown.

And then draw the trunk and branches.

If necessary, you can think of and finish the necessary details. We have such beauty.

With the help of the chosen palette of colors, you can very clearly convey your state of mind and mood at the time of drawing. When a person is in a sad and dreary mood: upset, disappointed or worried about something, he unconsciously chooses cold tones of colors for his future work. As a rule, the selected subjects for sketches are cloudy or inclement weather, sad faces of people. The main colors of the painting are dominated by shades of gray, blue and black.


Deep irritation, aggression and anger is expressed by the expressive technique of drawing: sharp and sweeping strokes are made that convey the intensity of emotions and experiences. The plot is chosen tragic or dramatic, where the rapid movement of any objects is displayed, or, on the contrary, chaos and the abyss. For example, it can be running buffaloes, and a storm or a gloomy hell. In this case, both cold and warm shades of colors are used, but all colors are quite saturated: bright and dark. Among the most common combinations of colors that express anger and aggression are red, black and dark blue. These colors are superimposed in large proportions, and the plot line can be consciously left unsaid, not completed.


In a state of joy, a person seeks to express his emotion of happiness and chooses warm shades of colors. He selects a rich palette for his work, where a riot of colors abounds. The plot is based mainly on spring and summer motifs that demonstrate the birth of something new, bright flowering and rainbow dreams. Among the many warm shades of the chosen palette, you can always find green, orange and blue tones. There are many in the pictures. yellow color, representing sunlight and certainly present White color, symbolizing lightness, airiness and purity. In a state of joy, a person tends to give selected objects more bright colors than they really are.


In a state of calm and serenity, a person is more inclined to portray static landscapes and items. He prefers to state certain facts, phenomena and objects for the most part. The palette of colors is chosen on the basis of the desire to realistically portray the chosen subject and therefore depends on the situation, and not on the mood. A person is not in a hurry and carefully draws every detail, choosing an identical color for it. Determine the mood of the picture

One day, scientists from the Institute of Psychology in Bonn conducted an interesting experiment. Painstaking work on it went whole year. All this time, scientists have been trying to identify the connection between the unconscious drawings of people (which they depicted during telephone conversations and meetings) and their character traits.

As a result of this study, scientists came to the conclusion that from the "unconscious scribbles" it is possible to create an approximate psychological picture person at the current time. If you also like to draw unpretentious figures during telephone conversations and a number of other things, then you can check right now how these drawings give out your personal characteristics and attitude towards life. To do this, consider the most common options for unconscious creativity.

Such people always want to be the center of attention. If a star has more than five ends, then this indicates strong feelings person. In general, the stars (as well as the moon) are the favorite drawings of born bosses, people who have strong will. In addition, such pictures can speak of selfishness.

Such drawings are inherent in lonely people yearning for home comfort. Usually these people are very neat, they like to keep order and discipline in everything. This helps them to always achieve their goals. Sometimes houses draw personalities who have serious problems in family life.

Triangles and squares
People who have a strong character like to draw. In general, the angles in the drawings indicate that their authors are straightforward people who do not tend to hide their true feelings. By the way, it is believed that the more angles - the more assertive a person. But if the corners are connected in a continuous chain (for example, the picture depicts rocks or a Christmas tree), then the person wants to avoid doing work that is unpleasant for him, but does not know how to do it.

Usually people draw who consider themselves unfairly deprived of something: attention, money, love, etc. The more circles, the stronger this unpleasant feeling.

wavy lines
Depict people concerned about the decision of any difficult problem. The higher the wave, the more serious the problem.

Draw people fixated on themselves. Other people's problems, as a rule, are not of interest to such people. Spirals can also indicate that hard times have come in a person’s life.

They love to portray romance. Painted flowers signal that a person lacks warm, trusting relationships in life. Sharp petals or flower leaves indicate a tendency to over-dramatize life events.

Usually people who draw this moment time got into some kind of life binding. As a rule, a lattice or grid indicates an unresolved problem. However, if the drawing was circled at the end, this means that unpleasant situation is nearing completion or has already been successfully resolved.

In general, animals are characterized by those qualities that are inherent in them in fairy tales. For example, if the "artist" depicted a fox - most likely he wants to deceive someone, painted a lion - he feels his superiority over others, etc. It is also worth noting here that the beautiful fan-shaped fins and tails of the fish, as well as the wings of the birds testify to the easy, even slightly playful nature of a person.

Suns and clouds
People like to draw sunny and positive. These are throwers with unbridled imagination. However, if the clouds strongly cover the sun, this indicates some problems in a person’s life.

repeating patterns
An endlessly repeating motif speaks of the onset of a period of monotony in a person's life. Nevertheless, it is these people who are most likely to commit extravagant acts at the current time.

Punctuation marks
Absolutely any punctuation marks (dots, dashes, question marks, etc.) indicate a person's excessive curiosity.

Usually drawn by people who are currently prone to introspection and self-criticism. Such a picture indicates that a person is persistently trying to understand himself or in the current situation.

As a rule, they paint sensitive, creative natures. They need increased attention to your own person. If teeth are clearly visible in such a picture, then the person is probably set up aggressively.

Pictures give away your mood...

Scientists from the Institute of Psychology in Bonn conducted an interesting experiment. Scientists have identified a connection between the unconscious drawings of people (which they depicted during telephone conversations and meetings) and their character traits. As a result of this study, scientists came to the conclusion that using "unconscious scribbles" it is possible to create an approximate psychological portrait of a person at the current time.

If you also like to draw unpretentious figures during telephone conversations and a number of other things, then you can check right now how these drawings give out your personal characteristics and attitude towards life. To do this, consider the most common options for unconscious creativity.


Such people always want to be the center of attention. If a star has more than five ends, then this indicates a person’s strong feelings. In general, the stars (as well as the moon) are the favorite drawings of born bosses, people with a strong will. In addition, such pictures can speak of selfishness.


Such drawings are inherent in lonely people yearning for home comfort. Usually these people are very neat, they like to keep order and discipline in everything. This helps them to always achieve their goals. Sometimes houses are drawn by individuals who have serious problems in family life.

Triangles and squares

People who have a strong character like to draw. In general, the angles in the drawings indicate that their authors are straightforward people who do not tend to hide their true feelings. By the way, it is believed that the more angles - the more assertive a person. But if the corners are connected in a continuous chain (for example, the picture depicts rocks or a Christmas tree), then the person wants to avoid doing work that is unpleasant for him, but does not know how to do it.


Usually people draw who consider themselves unfairly deprived of something: attention, money, love, etc. The more circles, the stronger this unpleasant feeling.

wavy lines

Depict people concerned about solving a complex problem. The higher the wave, the more serious the problem.


Draw people fixated on themselves. Other people's problems, as a rule, are not of interest to such people. Spirals can also indicate that hard times have come in a person’s life.


They love to portray romance. Painted flowers signal that a person lacks warm, trusting relationships in life. Sharp petals or flower leaves indicate a tendency to over-dramatize life events.


Usually people draw who are currently in some sort of life bind. As a rule, a lattice or grid indicates an unresolved problem. However, if the drawing was circled at the end, this means that the unpleasant situation is nearing completion or has already been successfully resolved.


In general, animals are characterized by those qualities that are inherent in them in fairy tales. For example, if the "artist" depicted a fox - most likely he wants to deceive someone, painted a lion - he feels his superiority over others, etc. It is also worth noting here that the beautiful fan-shaped fins and tails of the fish, as well as the wings of the birds testify to the easy, even slightly playful nature of a person.

Suns and clouds

People like to draw sunny and positive. These are throwers with unbridled imagination. However, if the clouds strongly cover the sun, this indicates some problems in a person’s life.

repeating patterns

An endlessly repeating motif speaks of the onset of a period of monotony in a person's life. Nevertheless, it is these people who are most likely to commit extravagant acts at the current time.

Punctuation marks

Absolutely any punctuation marks (dots, dashes, question marks, etc.) indicate a person's excessive curiosity.

human figures


Usually drawn by people who are currently prone to introspection and self-criticism. Such a picture indicates that a person is persistently trying to understand himself or in the current situation.


As a rule, they paint sensitive, creative natures. They need increased attention to their own person. If teeth are clearly visible in such a picture, then the person is probably set up aggressively.

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