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The creation of BRICS was one of the most significant geopolitical events early XXI century.

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) play a significant and growing role in world politics and international relations.

The modern name of the association entered into international practice in 2011 after the accession of the Republic of South Africa (December 2010). Since its inception, the association has been called BRIC. For the first time the term BRIC was used in the report of the investment bank "Goldman Sachs" in November 2001, dedicated to the forecast of the state of the world economy in the middle of the XXI century. The author of the term is considered to be the American economist J. O'Neill, who used it in relation to a group of developing countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China - considering the grouping as a new investment proposal. In 2003, the bank published a comprehensive study entitled "Dreaming with the BRICs: the road to 2050". The report highly appreciated the development dynamics of the BRIC countries, which claim to be permanent leaders in their regions. They have colossal natural resources, significant industrial potential, and 40% of the world's population lives on their territory. Behind short period“developing economies - China, Russia, Brazil, India - began to turn into a political reality. They unequivocally stated that the modern international mechanism of relations does not correspond to the realities of the 21st century, and proposed to build a new world order on the basis of international law and cooperation. With the formation of BRIC, Russia gained "great stability in its positioning on the world stage, a real tool for implementing the idea of ​​a multipolar world and the principles of multi-vector foreign policy» .

“The formation of BRIC is an expression of the general political will various countries aimed at transforming the world, transforming not against anyone, but in favor of a new - truly democratic - world order. The presence of one of the leaders of the African Union - South Africa - in the BRICS coalition expanded the geography and sphere of influence of the association, strengthened its overall economic and political potential.

The first BRIC summit took place on June 16, 2009 in Yekaterinburg. In a meeting at highest level attended by President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, President of Brazil Luis Lula da Silva, Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh, Chairman of the Chinese People's Republic Hu Jintao. During the summit, such issues as the possibilities of overcoming the consequences of the global economic crisis, global food security, international trade, investment policy, the threat of world terrorism, cooperation in science and education, etc. were discussed. As a result of the summit, a joint statement and an agreement on global food security.

The second BRIC summit was held in the capital of Brazil - the city of Brasilia on April 15-16, 2010. The main issues discussed at the summit were: overcoming the consequences of the crisis, creating a new financial order, the place of the BRIC countries in international organizations such as the World Bank and the IMF, as well as problems international trade, poverty alleviation and climate change . As a result of the summit, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the state financial institutions for the development and support of exports of the BRIC member countries.

The third BRICS summit was held on April 13-14, 2011 in the Chinese resort town Sanya, located on the island of Hainan. This was the first summit after South Africa joined the organization. During the BRICS summit, it was decided to take measures to stabilize world prices for raw materials by strengthening the regulation of the commodity derivatives market, an agreement was reached on economic cooperation using national currencies. As a result of the summit, a joint declaration was adopted.

The Fourth BRICS Summit was held in New Delhi on March 28-29, 2012. close attention problems of the global economy, anti-crisis measures, as well as the problem of resolving the situation around Syria and Iran. The parties discussed the possibilities of creating a development bank and mechanisms for bringing their stock markets closer together. Speaking at the summit, Russian President D. Medvedev, as one of strategic objectives of this association called "the gradual transformation of BRICS into a full-scale mechanism of interaction on critical issues world economy and politics". As a result of the BRICS summit, a declaration was made public. In the presence of the leaders, the leaders of the development banks of the BRICS countries signed the General Agreement on the provision of loans in national currencies within the framework of the mechanism of interbank cooperation of the BRICS member states and the Multilateral Agreement on the confirmation of letters of credit.

As of 2012, the five BRICS countries account for 45% of the population, 25% of global GDP (according to the purchasing power parity of national currencies) and 30% of the Earth's territory. The graphs below, compiled on the basis of data from the investment bank Goldman Sachs, clearly demonstrate the steady pace of development of the BRICS countries, GDP growth and lower inflation:

The International Monetary Fund is more reserved in its assessments of the BRICS countries:

Dynamics of change countries GDP BRICS, 2010-2013
(in % to the previous year; 2012-2013 - forecast)

Against the background of the rapid growth of the GDP of the BRICS countries, the forecast for the development of the US and EU countries looks very modest.

The unification has become a long-term factor in the development of the world economic and political architecture. Scientists and politicians of many countries call BRICS new force capable of finding consolidated approaches to solving the most important problems of global development.

The "Five" is taking an increasingly active part in resolving issues of energy security, the fight against international terrorism, ecology, demography, etc. During the financial and economic crisis in 2008-2009. It was the BRICS countries, primarily China, India and Brazil, that became the main engines that helped start economic growth again. The BRICS states largely determine the ways to overcome the consequences of the crisis, the dynamics of the global economic development. They reflect an objective trend towards strengthening the economic interdependence of countries, increasing the role of integration processes.

Vladislav Viktorovich Bukharin
(Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Moscow State University)

Group 11": general characteristics

"Group of Eleven" (N-11, Next Eleven) - the generalized name of 11 modern states: Bangladesh, Vietnam, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey, Philippines, South Korea, identified by Jim O'Neill, an analyst at Goldman Sachs, as countries with a high probability of becoming their national economies into the largest locomotives international system economic relations of the XXI century, along with the BRICS countries. The term was coined in the agency's annual report on December 15, 2005.

The countries of the group mainly intersect with the newly industrialized countries (NICs) that have completed earlier and are now industrializing.

It should be noted that 7 out of 11 countries are simultaneously the leading countries of the Islamic world.

BRICS is a group of five rapidly developing countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The abbreviation BRIC was first proposed by Jim O'Neill, an analyst at Goldman Sachs, in November 2001. Until 2011, the abbreviation BRIC was used in relation to the organization. In connection with the accession of South Africa to BRIC on February 18, 2011, since that time the group has become known as BRICS. According to Goldman Sachs, by 2050, the combined economies of the group's countries will exceed the combined size of the economies of the richest countries in the world (the G8).

The sequence of letters in a word is determined not only by euphony, but also by the fact that the word itself in English transcription BRICS is very similar to English word bricks - "bricks", thus, this term is used as a designation for a group of countries, due to the growth of which the future growth of the world economy and stock markets in particular will be largely ensured.

Goldman Sachs did not assume the existence of coordination of economic policies between the BRIC countries. Moreover, it was not supposed that the BRIC countries form some kind of economic bloc or an official trade association, like the European Union. However, over time there have been indications that "the four BRIC countries are seeking to form a political club" or "alliance" and thus transform "their growing economic power into greater geopolitical 'influence'". One recent sign is the 2008 Foreign Ministers' Summit in Yekaterinburg, as well as the 2009 BRIC Summit in the same place.

BRICS members are characterized as the fastest growing major countries. The advantageous position of these countries ensures that they have a large number important resources for the global economy:

Brazil - rich in agricultural products;

Russia is the world's largest exporter of mineral resources;

India - cheap intellectual resources;

China is the owner of cheap labor resources;

Republic of South Africa- Natural resources.

These are the main resources on which the economies of these countries rely. The high population of countries (43% of the world's population) determines the cheapness of labor in them and, accordingly, high rates of economic growth.

Ultimately, it is predicted that the significant size of these economies in the future will allow them to transform economic growth into political influence, which will lead to the formation of a new economic elite and reduce the influence of the "golden billion".

Goldman Sachs claims that the economic potential of Brazil, Russia, India and China is such that they could become the four dominant economies by 2050. The thesis was proposed by Jim O'Neill, Global Economist at Goldman Sachs. These countries occupy over 25% of the world's land area, 40% of the population and have a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of $15.435 trillion. In almost every comparison, they will be the largest global object. These four countries are among the largest and fastest growing emerging markets. However, Goldman Sachs did not claim that the four countries would form a political union. However, these countries have taken steps to increase their political cooperation.

The BRIC thesis (based on Dreaming of BRIC: The Path to 2050) suggests that Brazil, Russia, India, and China have changed their political systems to enter the system of global capitalism. Goldman Sachs predicts that China and India will be the dominant global suppliers of industrial goods and services, while Brazil and Russia will also become the dominant suppliers of raw materials. Collaboration is thus likely - as a logical step for BRIC, because Brazil and Russia together logically form suppliers to India and China. Thus, BRIC has the potential to form a strong economic bloc, similar to the G8 states. Brazil is dominant in the production of soybeans and iron ore, while Russia has the potential for huge supplies of oil and natural gas. The Goldman Sachs thesis thus documents that commodities, jobs, technology, and companies are moving away from the US as their center.

For 2011, the five BRICS countries occupy fairly high positions in many economic, social, political and military ratings. For example, China is the second largest economy in the world. In most categories, the BRICS countries rank very high.

The establishment of political relationships within the framework of BRIC began in September 2006, when during the 61st session of the UN in New York a meeting of the foreign ministers of the four countries was held. In the future, three more meetings took place, including a full-scale meeting in Yekaterinburg on June 16, 2009.

The first (brief) meeting of the BRIC heads of state took place on July 9, 2008 in Toyako Onsen (Hokkaido, Japan) after the G8 meeting. The meeting was attended by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Chinese President Hu Jintao, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and agreed to hold a full-scale summit of the BRIC heads of state in 2009.

After that, the finance ministers of the BRIC countries met twice (in Sao Paulo on November 7, 2008 and in London on March 13, 2009), and on May 29, 2009, Russian President D.A. Medvedev met in the Kremlin with representatives of the BRIC countries responsible for security issues (Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, Minister - Head of the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs under the President Federal Republic Brazil Roberto Mangabeira Unger, National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of India Mayankote Kelath Narayanan and member State Council People's Republic of China Dai Bingo).

The heads of the BRIC countries gathered for their first summit on June 16, 2009 in Yekaterinburg. Countries were represented by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Brazil), Dmitry Medvedev (Russia), Manmohan Singh (India) and Hu Jintao (China). During the summit, two meetings were held: first in a narrow format, and then - negotiations with the participation of members of the delegations. Dmitry Medvedev made a statement on behalf of the heads of state of the BRIC countries. In addition, two statements were adopted: the Joint Statement of the BRIC Leaders; BRIC Joint Statement on Global Food Security.

The second summit of the leaders of the BRIC countries took place on April 15-16, 2010 in the capital of Brazil, the city of Brasilia. As a result of the summit, it was reported on the signing of a number of interstate agreements, and on the most important issues raised: overcoming the consequences of the crisis, and creating a new financial order, in particular, in terms of the right to greater influence in international organizations such as the World Bank and the IMF. BRIC members (2010): Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (Brazil), Dmitry Medvedev (Russia), Manmohan Singh (India), Hu Jintao (China).

The third BRICS summit was held on April 13-14, 2011 in the Chinese resort city of Sanya, located on the island of Hainan. At this summit, the official inclusion in the group of its fifth member, South Africa, took place. During the meetings of the now five presidents, various issues of mutual cooperation were touched upon. BRICS countries in Once again called for an early accession Russian Federation to the WTO, a comprehensive reform of the UN, a peaceful settlement of the Libyan issue. As a result of the summit, a joint declaration was signed, which formed the main directions of world politics and an action plan for the coming year. The countries agreed on economic cooperation using national currencies. BRICS members (2011): Dilma Rousseff (Brazil), Dmitry Medvedev (Russia), Manmohan Singh (India), Hu Jintao (China), Jacob Zuma (South Africa) – 1st meeting of South Africa at the BRICS summit.

The fourth BRICS summit was held on March 28-29, 2012 in the capital of India - New Delhi. The meeting was devoted to the problems of the global economy, anti-crisis measures, as well as the problem of resolving the situation around Syria and Iran. The parties also discussed the possibility of creating a joint development bank and mechanisms for rapprochement of their stock markets. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the summit spoke about his vision of the strategic goal of the BRICS. This, according to Russian leader, "the gradual transformation of the BRICS into a full-scale mechanism of interaction on the most important issues of the world economy and politics." The idea of ​​creating a new world development bank means, first of all, a gradual rejection of the euro and the dollar in settlements between countries and provides for the process of strengthening national currencies. The BRICS Presidents instructed their finance ministers to study the feasibility and viability of this initiative. BRICS members (2012): Dilma Rousseff (Brazil), Dmitry Medvedev (Russia), Manmohan Singh (India), Hu Jintao (China), Jacob Zuma (South Africa).

The Fifth BRICS Summit took place on March 26-27, 2013 in Durban, South Africa. Topic: "BRICS and Africa: partnership for development, integration and industrialization". As a result of the summit, the Ethekween Declaration and the Ethekween Plan of Action were promulgated. The declaration assesses the current world political and economic situation, reflects the common approaches of the BRICS countries on topical issues of multilateral cooperation. The Action Plan specifies the work of the BRICS for the coming year, and also includes new promising areas of interaction. In the presence of the BRICS leaders, agreements on cooperation in the field of "green economy", co-financing of infrastructure projects in Africa and the Declaration on the establishment of the BRICS Business Council were signed. The signing of the Declaration on the establishment of the Consortium of Expert Centers of the BRICS countries and the release of a joint statistical publication of the BRICS countries was also announced. Before the start of the summit, a working breakfast was held between the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa with representatives of the business community. On the same day, the BRICS leaders met with the heads of African states. During the meeting, Vladimir Putin noted that the BRICS countries jointly defend the rights and interests of Africa and other countries with economies in transition, stand for increasing their role and influence in the global governance system, in particular in international financial and economic organizations. BRICS members (2013): Dilma Rousseff (Brazil), Vladimir Putin (Russia), Manmohan Singh (India), Xi Jinping (China), Jacob Zuma (South Africa).

The unstable situation in the world dictates to countries an urgent need to find new partners and support. In a situation where economic and political instability have become hypothetical concepts, the formation of alliances has become required condition survival. The associations of the SCO and which will be given below work with a common goal - to create a balance of power in the world.

The era of integration

The 21st century is considered to be the era of integration and unification. That is why the SCO and BRICS associations entered the struggle for the balance of power in the world. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or SCO, has nothing to do with NATO or ASEAN, the regular security meeting. The coalition holds an intermediate position. A kind of Eurasian space is being formed, which intends to actively defend its interests before the West. America keeps abreast and is actively involved in several alliances at the same time:

  • Transatlantic Trade Union.
  • Trans-Pacific trade pact between Asia and America.

Russia and China are left out. And if we take into account the aggressive sanctions against Russia by the West, the significance of the SCO takes on a completely different meaning. The role of BRICS in the global economy is no less justified.

Role of the SCO and BRICS

The structure of the SCO includes Russia and China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In the near future, the tandem is planned to be replenished with India and Pakistan. According to the Russian government, it is this association that will solve a number of urgent domestic problems. The Chinese mission is well aware of the situation in the country, as it itself is experiencing inconvenience due to sanctions from America and Europe. The restrictions introduced back in 1989 have been lifted only partially.

The goal of the BRICS, which includes Russia and China, Brazil and India, and South Africa, is to move forward. The abbreviation is derived from English abbreviation BRICS - the first letters of those included in (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The economic potential of these countries is very high, since they own half of the world's production. Dominance in the world market, according to representatives of organizations, is out of the question. The issue of associations touches only on the theme of complete independence from Europe and America.

Forecasters say that in the near future, the SCO and which is given above will significantly press the world economic elite thanks to the rich natural resources, powerful production base and developed agriculture. It is also worth adding a good

Structure of the SCO

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is governed by a board of members. Any decisions are made within the framework of summits held annually on the territory of one of the countries participating in the association. This year, the SCO-BRICS summit will be held in June in Ufa. The conference will discuss issues of multilateral cooperation. The council plans to approve the budget and establish relations with other international associations. The executive body of the association is the secretariat. One of the permanent bodies is the RATS in Tashkent, which solves anti-terrorist tasks.

A bit of BRICS history

BRICS includes five countries that belong to the category of new industrial countries. They are characterized not only by powerful, but also rapidly developing economies, active influence on regional and global markets. Each of the members of the association is a member of the G-20. By 2013, the total GDP of the countries reached 16.039 trillion dollars. The first BRICS summit, whose countries are able to influence the economy, caused the dollar to fall, as the heads of state raised the issue of creating a single stable and predictable currency. The association encourages commercial and political, cultural cooperation between peoples. Moreover, today the member countries of the union are taking active steps to create their own financial institution, which could compete with the Western one.

Economic cooperation

The SCO and BRICS associations, the decoding of which indicates that they include countries with great potential, have signed a framework agreement. Its goal is to improve the productivity of the economic partnership. Back in 2004, an agreement was signed on the formation of a free trade zone, which largely balanced the flow of goods in the regions.

In 2005, the member countries of the groups agreed to hold joint projects in the field of the oil and gas segment, rational distribution and carbon reserves. In order to finance joint activities, the Interbank Council was formed.

Each summit of the SCO and BRICS brings good results and portends global changes. So, in 2009, representatives of China made a proposal to provide 10 billion dollars to partner countries for active development, which made it possible to support their economies in the conditions of the world crisis that prevailed at that time.

Relations with the West

According to the media and many world experts, it is the SCO and BRICS that, in the first place, should compete not only with America, but also with NATO. This will avoid a number of conflicts that could open the way for the United States to the economies of states that border China and Russia. Representatives of associations are actively monitoring the situation on the world stage. Despite the complete absence open criticism toward America in general and Washington in particular, issues of this category are often discussed at summits. For example, in 2005, the issue of the presence of the American military on the territory of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan was actively raised. The SCO has asked the United States to set clear deadlines for the withdrawal of troops from the territory of the countries participating in the association. Moreover, the closure of the K-2 air base was stimulated.

BRICS states

The current BRICS member countries occupy the positions of the world's leading and actively developing markets. The main interests are India, Brazil and China. In the next five years, their importance will only increase. States such as Indonesia and South Africa are potential candidates for joining the association. The main priorities set by the member countries of the alliance are not the reduction of production costs, but the formation of a material base that should stimulate long-term success in the markets of states. SCO and BRICS volunteers are actively involved in research and analysis to make the partnership even more fruitful.

Development Bank - a revolution in the global economy

For many years now, the associations of the SCO and BRICS, the decoding of which suggests that they are defending their interests before the West, are aimed at creating a single financial institution. In connection with the situation that developed in the world in 2014-2015, this area of ​​partnership has intensified. The project, which began back in 2009, based on the available factors, is finally coming to its logical conclusion. The Development Bank has already been approved. Moreover, numerous issues have been resolved: the leadership has been chosen, the contribution to the financial institution from all participating countries has been determined, the location of the organization and its first headquarters has been determined. On this moment the structure is being actively filled with representatives of each of the member states of the association. The SCO and BRICS countries, the list of which is very limited, are actively this issue. Secondary tasks remained on the agenda, in particular regarding the right to participate in the financial institution of states that are not included in the structure of associations. Priority is given to a minimum of bureaucratic processes for the most accelerated procedure for the consideration and adoption of investment projects. If the plan succeeds, world markets will be radically changed.

BRICS countries, transcript.

The unofficial BRICS association includes five countries - Russia, India, China, Brazil and South Africa. That's what it is decoding BRICS - B razil, R ussia, I ndia, C hina, S out Africa.

The common feature that unites these five countries, including Russia, is a constantly developing economy.

BRICS is not an official structure, rather, it is a kind of "club" on a global scale, within which developing countries exchange experience, create joint projects, and provide assistance to each other - both material and consulting.

History of BRICS.

The first negotiations on the creation of this association took place in 2006. At that time, representatives of only four countries participated in them - Brazil, Russia, India and China. Three years later, in 2009, the first BRIC meeting took place in Russia. After that, the summits began to be held every year with the active support of the heads of state, and each of the countries took turns hosting high-ranking guests.

In 2010, the Republic of South Africa (South Africa) entered the BRIC, and in early 2011 the union acquired the composition and name with which it still exists -

Benefits of BRICS.

The young association of five countries is successfully functioning primarily due to the fact that all its members complement each other favorably.

For example, the energy resources and minerals that Russia is rich in are very necessary for India and China. Brazil is famous for its achievements in agriculture - a lot of fruits and vegetables are supplied from there. India exports teas and spices, South Africa there are the richest precious deposits - gold, diamonds, rare chrome. And China is known throughout the world for responsible and competent workers in almost all areas.

Economic development of BRICS.

IN BRICS countries includes some of the most huge countries world - Russia, Brazil, China. The economy of the association is estimated by the sum of the indicators of all five participating countries. AND economic indicators very optimistic - in 2013, the GDP of the BRICS countries amounted to 21% of the world figure, or sixteen and a half billion dollars.

This good growth is due to the many programs aimed at energy cooperation, to improve the ways of import and export between the countries.

BRICS prospects.

In the future, the BRICS countries plan to develop their cooperation. For example, it is planned to create a currency fund, which can become an alternative to the global one. Efforts are being made to create joint scientific projects, energy union. Present in the plans and the creation of "their own" Internet - an alternative to the global information network.

In 2015, Russia chaired the summits hosted by the BRICS countries and the SCO countries, but many Russians know little about the activities of these organizations.

The five countries that make up the BRICS organization

BRICS is an association of five countries that can be conditionally called fast-growing. The association includes Brazil, China, Russia, India and South Africa. This organization is ten years old. Summits are held annually, where the member countries of the association discuss various aspects of financial cooperation and interaction. The issues of globalization, environmental security and mutual assistance are also being addressed.
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BRICS in facts and figures

Five countries can be expressed in more precise terms - this is a quarter of the land and more than 42% of the world's population. The total GDP is $15.44 trillion. Also, each member of this association has colossal reserves of energy resources, and participates in the movement of the world market.

Statistics of the BRICS countries

For Brazil it is Agriculture, this industry here delivers about a third of the gross domestic product. Russia owns natural resources and occupies 1/5 of general statistics on environmental management and energy trade.
India occupies a significant share of the agricultural market, as well as the market for tea and spices. China has large-scale labor resources, South Africa has huge mineral reserves - more than 90% of the world's manganese reserves, about 60% of chromium reserves, more than 52% of gold reserves and up to 1/5 of the total world diamond reserves.
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How are the summits

Summits are needed for direct interaction between the participating countries. The main questions that are raised during the annual summits are:

BRICS Summit

  • financial interaction and mutual assistance;
  • technological progress and exchange of scientific achievements
  • cultural development;
  • political landmark.
If we evaluate the BRICS countries in comparison with each other, it turns out that each of them has a unique level of social, scientific and technological development. However, the rapidly developing economy unites these states. The main task of BRICS is to overcome the global financial crisis, improve the living standards of its citizens and develop high technologies.
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Development Bank

As you know, when the state needs subsidies from outside, it turns to the IMF or the World Bank. The BRICS countries want to abandon this tradition and, if necessary, use the services of the BRICS DEVELOPMENT BANK - this organization is needed to finance infrastructure and globalization projects of the association. The BRICS Bank will operate starting from 2016. A carefully thought-out structure of financial interaction will simplify settlements among themselves, as well as facilitate the conditions for mutual lending, which will help to significantly reduce the currency's pegging to the dollar and the euro.
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SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization, an international association that appeared 15 years ago.
At present, such countries as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan participate in the SCO. The SCO partners with such alliances as the UN, the CIS, ASEAN and the CSTO.
The main tasks of the organization are the strengthening of mutual good neighborliness between the participants, the support of peaceful cooperation, the fight against terrorism. Particular attention is paid to regional work in the Eastern Hemisphere.
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The past forum was also titled by Russia's proposal to create the BRICS Energy Union. Vladimir Putin actively supports the initiative to create an energy union. At the BRICS forum, the president noted that the energy association and the world's largest center for energy research will help identify competition problems, as well as help fine-tune the antimonopoly policy regulation system. Russian companies are interested in the growth of cooperation and its prospects.

Also, Putin at the BRICS summit proposed to work out "road maps" for investment projects.

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BRICS investment projects

The BRICS countries in the future can become the most capacious market in the world. The institutionalization of the BRICS leads to increased interaction among the participants, the most promising area of ​​interaction is investment cooperation. In order to strengthen this interaction, BRICS needs to take serious and responsible steps.
  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the maximum priority for investments. Among the proposals are nanotechnologies, defense projects, social programs.
  • Then you need to form a system of bilateral priorities. It will require incentives for mutual investment and ensuring uninterrupted cooperation in the selected areas.
  • The next step is to coordinate actions in mutual cooperation in investment matters. The number of bilateral and multilateral investment campaigns will need to be expanded.
  • Each investment contract is planned to be supported by scientific, industrial and technological cooperation.
  • Among other things, an interesting idea was voiced at the BRICS summit. The leaders of the BRICS states are ready to consider the formation of a "window of opportunity" - this is the name of the international investment of small and medium businesses, which, in turn, will be involved in the process of implementing serious partner programs.
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Priority areas of cooperation

In the course of identifying priority areas for investment partnership, both conventional types of production and new modern technologies are considered, which allow different levels modernize the economic system of the BRICS countries. The following areas are considered as new areas of activity:
  1. production of hydrocarbon fuel, as well as transportation of this fuel and processing;
  2. electric power projects, in combination with alternative and nuclear energy;
  3. modern production of chemical products applicable in agriculture;
  4. mechanical engineering - cars, ships, railway transport, aviation;
  5. the development of the pharmaceutical industry (as the experience of India has shown, the development of the pharmaceutical industry and bringing it to a fundamentally new level can significantly increase its own GDP);
  6. developments related to the use and exploration of outer space;
  7. defense projects.
According to the BRICS participants, in 2016 the list of priority areas will be compiled for the second time, expansions are possible as a result of new agreements and joint projects. The list is also planned to be detailed and adapted for joint implementation programs. The main focus of such programs will be specific programs for implementation with guaranteed effectiveness.
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National Research Committee

National BRICS Research Committee

The National Committee has existed for five years - it was created in order to implement the plan of agreements approved by Medvedev at the BRICS summit. the main role committee - a study of the significance of the BRICS member countries on the general geopolitical situation and the process of globalization. The Committee should participate in the creation of a common information field between different countries and unite their scientific research and research.
Not so long ago, a memorandum of understanding was signed in the field of energy conservation in the BRICS countries. This memorandum establishes a focus on maintaining cooperation in the field of energy conservation and outlines the basic principles of equality. The memorandum also made it possible to recognize the role and importance of energy conservation for economic development.

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