Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson talk about filming the latest Harry Potter. Harry Potter's last stand


In a new interview for Tu magazine Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson talked about filming the kiss scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1", about off-screen relationships and meeting with J.K. Rowling.

Daniel Radcliffe

In the kissing scene, you are clearly nervous. Why? Many people would give mountains of gold for a kiss with you.
Is it true? Well, Harry was nervous, that's for sure. He is shy and quiet. In this scene, sadness is added to all this. Because he knows he has to leave Ginny and this might be the last chance he gets to see her. He is quite melancholic in this scene.

You don't mind kissing, but is there anything that makes you nervous on set?
I try to relax, but still I always get a little nervous, I feel excited because I have to act in very important and difficult scenes. I think it's ok. There should always be a slight sense of tension that will make you try to do everything in at its best. So I don't think it's bad to feel nervous before certain scenes.

Years ago, the director told you how to play better, what to do. Now you have grown and matured as an actor and do an excellent job!
Thank you so much. I'm very proud of myself in the first Potter films. I'm lucky to work with such great actors. I think I learned a lot from them. And the first films for me are the best parts of Harry Potter. amazing people brought magic into my life.

Do you remember your first meeting with magical world when did you take part in the project? When did you meet Rowling, for example? Did she like you right away?
I still like her! (laughs) I don't remember when we first met her. Ah, no. Remembered! All the actors who starred in the first part came to have their costumes fitted. All of us children played in the dining room with her daughter. She was so small. And that day we met Joe.

How has your relationship changed? Did she come to shoot often?
Our relationship hasn't changed at all, but she has been less involved in the making of recent films. She only came to shoot a few times, and she advised the writers. In general, she is very satisfied with the previous 6 films. This shows the level of trust. She came to my performance at Equus where I was naked. After him, she came backstage and said: “Well, that's it. From now on, you will only be doing Potter in the nude.” She is cool. Causes admiration.

She laid the foundation for the whole magical world.
Yes. I think that when you achieve such success, you become incredibly confident in yourself, seeing the results of your labors. She started this whole adventure. She must be very happy that she created this franchise. She doesn't say that, "franchise." But Harry Potter is also a business.

Pottermania still rules the world. Recently, a fan from Japan came to visit you. What do you think of such loving persons like her?
The Japanese fans are the most passionate I have ever seen. They scream the loudest! When such girls address me, I take a deep breath to calm down. I'm still scared of the effect I have on people. But actually, it's not me, it's Harry.

The saga has it all: love, adventure, sadness. What is your most daring act in a movie?
One scene we filmed in the woods. We ran, jumped over the trees, I was damn tired, my breath was over, as well as the rest. One of the actors said to me: “I bet I can catch you right now?”. I replied: “No. You can not". I try to keep fit, but at that time I was completely exhausted. I'm 20, he's 40, but there was absolutely nothing I could do.

What do you pay attention to when you meet a girl for the first time?
Probably in her eyes. Somehow I didn't think before what I was paying attention to. For what makes her stand out. (laughs)

Emma Watson

Maybe this is the first time you had to go somewhere to take part in the filming?
Well, the way I got the part was sweet. I liked to travel. Working with directors, traveling, New York, premieres in Paris... Now an amusement park. Everything was very exciting.

Are you going to be an actress for the rest of your life?
I don't think that far. I still need to finish university and support this film. I get asked all the time what I'm going to do after Potter, but I still don't know myself. I focus on what I'm doing this moment. And then we'll wait and see.

When it all began, could you imagine that everything would be like this?
No, I was too young to think about what would happen to the saga. When you're 10, you're thinking about what you're going to have for lunch, not your entire career.

What has changed now that you have started studying in the USA? Do you think fans will follow you there?
No. I assume that my appearance will cause some reaction, people will discuss me for a while. But then they will understand that I an ordinary girl, and do everything that other people my age do.

There is a scene in the movie where Harry and Hermione are dancing. Tell us about her. How would you describe her?
It has a lot of tension. She is sweet and very strange at the same time. Hermione always stopped the boys when they wanted to fight. She knows how to behave. She is a very optimistic girl, but after Ron leaves, she feels empty. Harry tries to help her, to cheer her up.

How do you cheer people up?
What do I tell them? If they're really sad, I don't know, I'm trying to make them a little happier, or I say something stupid to distract them. Or something like this.

You work among guys. Dan, Rupert, Vol. They all look funny, but at the same time, they are all different. What is it like to work with such different people?
Off set, they're all fun, trying to keep everyone happy. They are the best.

Were they kind to you?
Yes. I found mutual language with all of them. I have so many boy friends! I'm not too feminine, but I think that's okay. I admit that when we were younger, I felt a bit of an extra, but then we got to know each other better and I liked to hang out with them. They are like brothers who protect me and make me very happy. I am the eldest in my family, so this is great opportunity feel very small.

What do you think about all the attention now that you've grown up?
When I turned 18, I was quite frightened by the attention that suddenly fell on me, but I could handle it. Some aspects have changed, but better side. You learn, you make mistakes, you learn from them. Growing up is never easy.

Secretly, if you could steal anything from the set, what would it be?
Fleur's wedding dress, the most beautiful in the world.

Would you wear it to a premiere?
No, because that would look stupid. But I would wear it, for example, to a wedding.

How will you spend the money you get from the movie?
(Answers laughing) I don't know, maybe racing cars? Dear estates, yachts...

Translation: Lucius © for Potterland.ru

Emma Watson: "Why didn't he call back?"

Despite the fact that the actress Emma Watson gives herself without a trace to her career, she never relegated her personal life to the background. IN different time she was credited with stormy romance novels with rugby player Tom Ducker, Spanish musician Rafael Sebriani and heartthrob singer Johnny Borrell. But, alas, not a single relationship led Emma to anything serious.

In addition, gossips said that Watson was madly in love with Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe. Young people were often seen together in bars and on walks, but the girl continued to insist that she knew how to be friends with the boys and she and Daniel were just Good friends.


“I, like any girl, always worry about relationships,” Watson admits. - And I often ask my friends: “Well, why didn’t he call back? Why didn't he invite me to dinner?" They answer: “He must be afraid of you.”
Yes, Emma's huge popularity sometimes plays with her. bad joke- shy gentlemen simply do not dare to approach her.

Rupert Grint: "No time for courtship"

Rupert Grint prefers to spend his free time at the stadium, rooting for the Tottenham football team, and not in the company of his girlfriend. The reason is the absence of the latter.

“I’ve never been really taken seriously,” the actor sighs sadly. “I have absolutely no time for courtship, and yet every girl requires enough attention.”

Even a kiss with Emma Watson according to the script last book did not melt Grint's heart: "Emma is like a sister to me, I can't fall in love with her."

But good-natured Rupert is a real pillow for Hollywood tears. It was he who consoled Lily Allen, who had lost her second child, and helped move away from drug addiction ex girlfriend English musician Pete Doherty, Kathy Lewis.
Despite the absence of a serious relationship, Rupert knows exactly what features in the appearance and character of the opposite sex really attract him. Firstly, the red-haired actor does not prefer beauties, but eccentric girls with non-standard facial features. Secondly, Rupert loves girls who are cheerful, active and with an amazing sense of humor.
Well, I would like to hope that now, when shooting last episode the stories about wizards are over, Rupert will be freer and finally take care of his personal life.

Daniel Radcliffe: "Yes, I'm dating a bbw"

For the first time, the performer of the role of Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, fell in love when he was only 8 years old, with the girl Lucy. One day, he made a card for her on Valentine's Day, in which he spoke about the overwhelmed strong feelings. But the impudent girl, having received the message, only laughed out loud in response. Of course, Daniel experienced a love accident, but since then he has become more careful in expressing his feelings.

A couple of years ago, Radcliffe dated a young theater actress Laura O'Toole (pictured), who was his co-star in Equus. According to rumors, they were brought together with Daniel not only by the intimate scenes that they had to play in the play, but also by common hobbies: the girl, like Daniel, adored punk music and was delighted with cartoons about the Simpsons.

Now Daniel is dating the stepdaughter of the multimillionaire and producer of the Potter series Oliva Uniak. Known weaknesses of the girl are noisy parties until the morning in elite nightclubs and expensive champagne (Moet prefers). Daniel and Oliva's romance has been going on for several years now. Neither big figure girls, nor her height (she is half a head taller than Daniel) does not bother the actor.

By the way, if you ever decide to send a letter to Daniel in the hope of recapturing it from the heiress, never type text on the computer: only a handwritten letter can “hook” Radcliffe.

The final potterian. The grown-up heroes must enter into a final showdown with Voldemort, this time without any support from their teachers...

One of the most publicized moments of the new film is the first "adult" kiss. Hermione And Rhone. Actress Emma Watson admits that filming this scene was not easy for her.

“Usually the director wouldn't let us look at scenes that had just been shot,” Emma says. “But this time I had to make an exception, because Rupert and I were very worried. Everyone was waiting for our kiss, this is the result of many years of mutual attraction, chemistry and so on. We had to do everything to the highest standard. I hope it worked out.

“It was also pretty scary because Emma and I have known each other since childhood,” adds Rupert Grint. It's like kissing your sister!

Emma-Hermione this time had to not only kiss, but also participate in numerous action scenes.

“Before that, I had never done a serious stunt or stopped in the middle of filming and thought, “Oh my God! What will happen now? – says the actress. - And now I had to. The scene in the forest where the killers are chasing us was very difficult... Before, I could not even imagine such a thing!

Meanwhile Daniel Radcliffe disturbed me most of all, but at the same time gave rise to the idea of ​​changing the scenery, because "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is the first film to take place outside Hogwarts.

“I'm excited about the seventh movie,” he says. “I don’t know how it will seem to the audience, but I think that we have done something completely new.

“All other films have a clear structure,” agrees Emma Watson. - Well, you understand: a large hall, long conversations… Now it is destroyed: we finished school, and the last film is just about the three of us. It is very interesting!

The actors who play the main roles in the Potter series are still at the peak of their popularity. What is it like to be Daniel Radcliffe adored by millions?

“I don’t often realize my popularity,” the actor admits. – I manage to realize this only during the rest. The rest of the time we're on set, we're working. In fact, we all understand that exactly the same glory will go to anyone who plays a cult hero. It's not about me, it's about Harry. I think the same thing happened to Robert Pattinson. If you agree to such a role, then for a few years you can say goodbye to a quiet life.

When Daniel Radcliffe first appeared on the screen in the image of Harry, he was only 11. At that age, few people think about choosing a profession ... When did he make a conscious decision to become an actor?

“Of course, I remember that moment,” he says. Radcliffe. - It happened on set. third Harry Potter film. Thanks to Gary Oldman and director Alfonso Cuaron I finally understood what it means to be a real actor. Gary, with his support, gave me confidence that everything will work out. I wanted to continue working with such people and resolutely did not want to leave the cinema. Also, I really like the atmosphere of the set: I grew up in this, I know what I need to do and what everyone else is doing, and it is unlikely that there will be a situation in which I am confused. Why leave a place where you feel comfortable and confident?

Emma Watson, who also decided to become a professional actress, is looking forward to the moment when she can say goodbye to Hermione Granger and show everyone what she is capable of. But she, like other actors, has yet to go through numerous press conferences, interviews, and epilogue reshoots.

“I'm gradually moving away from Hermione,” Emma says. “Honestly, I was pissed when I heard that the seventh book was going to be split into two parts. My first thought was: the studio just wants to make more money, damn it, I can't stand it! But the producers were able to explain to me that they did not want to deviate from the book and cut something, so one film would not be enough.

The premiere of the second part of the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is scheduled for the summer of 2011. Of course, Potter fans already want to know something about her.

- Many say that the first part is a real action movie. And I think to myself: you haven't seen the second one yet! Daniel Radcliffe laughs. - Compared to her, the first part is a quiet and meek little brother. In it, you will fly head over heels into a firestorm ... I mean, there will be just crazy action in non-stop mode.

Is there a chance that the Harry Potter epic will continue? The producers of the franchise do not yet know the answer to this question. One thing is clear: no initiative. It all depends on Joanne Rowling and whether she sees fit to write another book.

Translation Anastasia Voinova

Based on site materials canmag.com

Hey everyone, you're watching The Ellen Show and I'm Ellen DeGeneres with you. Today I would like to talk about a story that I am sure you have heard of. This famous story about the Boy-Who-Lived, a story that we have been following for ten long years: reading JK Rowling's books, watching their adaptations on the big screen. Therefore, today our guest is the performer of the role of Hermione and many other wonderful roles - the incomparable Emma Watson!

Music filled the hall and hundreds of hands went up in the air to deafen the young actress with applause. Emma came out from behind the scenes in a strict black suit and walked across the stage straight to the TV presenter, in order to hug her, exchange greetings, look into the hall and take her place in a cozy red armchair.

Emma, ​​this isn't the first time you've been here.

Yes. Yes, it is, - smiled the actress.

Before we get straight to our topic of conversation, how are you?

I'm fine thank you.

This is good.

What about you, Ellen?

Oh, I'm better than ever. Emma, ​​today we're talking about Harry Potter. Rumor has it that not all of the former cast wants to take part in the filming of the new creation of JK Rowling. Some journalists called it "star fever".

It's not a rumor, it's true. And it's not about star disease.

What's the matter then?

The fact is that not everyone really wants to return to the images of their heroes. Rather, get used to them again. You know, Potter has a very strong influence not only on its fans, but also on the actors.

Daniel Radcliffe stated in one of his interviews that he would not take part in the new filming of the Potter series, if any.

Yes, he said it. Just recently I saw him and Rupert. And after this meeting, my opinion on this matter also changed.

It was two weeks ago.

The meeting was scheduled by Daniel himself, saying that some points needed to be discussed. He didn't say which ones, didn't even say what they were about, but both Emma and Rupert were already prepared in advance for the topic later raised. Daniel was silent for a long time, tensely examining the menu of the cafe where the meeting was taking place. Rupert literally copied it, examining it line by line in the same way, although he had already decided for himself what to order. Only Emma looked from one actor to another. The waitress broke the silence, and everyone seemed to perk up. We made an order consisting of three coffees and two cakes - Daniel could not get a piece in his throat.
Finally putting down the menu, he clasped his hands together and took a deep breath.

Maybe you can finally say something, - Rupert spoke first, and Emma nodded her head, supporting him.

OK. He paused a little longer, looked up at Watson, then Grint. - I wanted to talk to you about the Potterian.

Well, it’s clear-red, - Rupert interjected right there and instantly got on the knee with the fist of the actress who was sitting next to him. He nearly grimaced.

What exactly did you want to talk to us about?

Daniel paused again before saying:
- About a possible new film.

Is it about the one where you said you weren't going to act? - Grint failed again, and this time he received Emma's withering glance.

Yes, about himself,” Radcliffe nodded.

I really don’t understand why you don’t want to participate in this,” Watson said immediately.

Most recently, she corresponded with a young man, and in the correspondence he mentioned the fact that he would not want to become Harry Potter again. This settled resentment inside the actress, but the resentment disappeared quickly enough. The next day, Daniel called her and set up a meeting at a cafe. Finally, all dots had to be placed over the "i".

Emma, ​​do you understand that we are losing face with Potter? Radcliffe spoke up.
- Yes, but...

No, listen. He cut her off immediately. “The only thing I want in my life is for people to stop thinking of me as Harry Potter and think of me as me.

Daniel, this is stupid. We already have a lot of films behind us, why do you think that we will again become our heroes for all? - Raising her voice a little, the girl objected.

And we have not ceased to be them for people. Rupert growled. It's not that I don't like it much...

But what exactly suits him and what does not, Emma and Daniel were not destined to find out, as Grint's speech was interrupted by a waitress with a tray, the contents of which soon appeared on the table.

With a cup of hot coffee in hand, Radcliffe felt even a little more confident.

I just wanted to let you know why I don't want to be part of this. He explained succinctly. - I think you'll understand. I am grateful to this project for everything that happened to us, we all fell in love with it. He brought us many good things. But I don't want to be Harry Potter again.

Yes, you are capricious! Rupert put in the sting again.

Radcliffe frowned.

Not at all, he snapped.

There was a moment's silence.

I understand what you're talking about, - Watson said at last, a little later.

Yes, Emma wanted to be the first to escape from the ship, - Grint did not let up.

Oh God, don't remind me, - she rolled her eyes.

Long ago, Rupert told the News of the World: "Emma doesn't want to act anymore. She's tired of being perceived as 'that girl from Harry Potter'. "Daniel and I don't talk to her right now. When we're not filming, we don't communicate," he added.
What now? Right now, Emma didn't quite understand Radcliffe, and that was odd. Perhaps she has changed her mind. Perhaps she missed the project, and both Grint and Daniel missed it. But what was the price of pleasure? Fans really saw them as only three magical friends, no matter how many films were made with their participation. Sometimes it was really annoying. Here is the price.

It's not just that. Radcliffe spoke up again. “It's just that in the new book, Harry is much older than me. In our last scene The last film put on so much makeup that I couldn't recognize myself. I want to remain in front of the camera in my image, and not as an adult Harry.

That, too, made sense, and Rupert nodded his head in support of his comrade. It’s good that that scene was small, but it was filmed with notes of sadness, because it was the last working day of the team, and that was where all the magic ended. It was both sad and joyful at the same time. People cried, laughed, hugged and congratulated each other. It was an unforgettable day.

A lot of time has passed since then, congratulations were heard many times on the completion of filming, many interviews were given, new acquaintances were made with many actors. Harry Potter opened up great opportunities for the actors of the epic, contracts fell like a mountain - just have time to catch them.
Perhaps now the same thought came to all three of them, which was read in their eyes: “And who, if not us?” Who will star in the Harry Potter sequel? How will it look like?

Only Rupert decided to voice this thought:
- But even if so. What if this film is made without us? Will they take others? That would be embarrassing,” he said, and met Daniel's gaze, who immediately cleared his throat nervously and turned away.

Not for me, he said.

For me too,” Emma said hurriedly, getting up from her seat with exactly the same hasty words that she should retire to the ladies' room.

Okay, I won’t be offended either,” Grint raised his hands, as if he was giving up.

And it really was. He saw no point in accepting the role of Ron Weasley if Daniel and Emma did not take part in the filming. He did not see himself there alone, without them, even if some people return to the project, like Tom or Mat, Evanna.

Radcliffe stared blankly at the screen plasma TV hanging on the adjacent wall. Emma stared at her reflection in the mirror in the ladies' room. Rupert sipped his coffee in silence, staring blankly at the countertop.

There was only one question in everyone's head:
"Am I doing the right thing?"

An inexplicable longing settled in the heart of everyone.

"We're not filming without Daniel," Watson and Grint said in interviews the next day.

Probably everyone followed the Harry Potter franchise, or at least once heard about it. Many fans of the book and film must have been expecting a fantastic ending and were looking forward to the release of the latest series. The scene where Rupert Grint and Emma Watson kiss gave fans of the film a reason to fantasize. She brought with her a bunch of gossip and speculation. Is this really true? Emma Watson and Rupert Grint Married? And what about the relationship of the characters after the end of the franchise?


It took 11 years to shoot the entire film, which consists of 8 parts! Everyone's favorite heroes, whom the whole planet probably knows by sight, met for the first time, while still being small children. At that time they were 9 years old.

Casting for the roles of actors was conducted personally by the author of the book about Harry Potter, JK Rowling. Her unconditional rule was the presence of actors of exclusively British appearance. The filmmakers unquestioningly followed this requirement. Already in 2000, in May, the casting for the main roles in Harry Potter was officially opened. Little actors from all over England came to try out for the role of the characters so beloved by the book. At that time, 4 parts of this series had already been published, and almost everyone read them from beginning to end. There were an incredible number of applicants for the role.

Formation of the “magic” trio

The place of the protagonist of the book, Harry Potter himself, went to the talented actor Daniel Radcliffe. At the age of 9, the guy has already starred in several not particularly remarkable films. All friends and classmates certainly considered the guy a star. Everyone tried to persuade him to attend the tests, but young Daniel did not see himself in this role and did not attach importance to the words of his classmates. Perhaps fate itself decided that everything would be different. One of the film's executive directors knew the boy's parents and, during a chance meeting, offered to take him to an audition. Daniel bypassed all competitors and became Harry Potter at 11 for long years. For the heroine of the film, Hermione Granger, the casting went a little differently. The girl herself came to him. With her charisma and charm, little Granger literally captivated everyone who watched the casting.

Before the girl had time to go out the door, the entire film crew already knew exactly who would become Hermione. JK Rowling herself approved the girl for the role. But Rupert Grint, who played the cheerful and clumsy Ron, got into his role for a reason. The nine-year-old boy watched children's news on the BBC and it was there that he heard about the beginning of the casting. At that moment, Rupert Grint had already read all the published books and was sure that Ron Weasley was himself, and that he would be the best to play this hero. The boy wrote a funny rap song in which he told how much he wants to play Ron. He made a funny costume out of a teacher's uniform and conquered everyone by arranging a whole show at the casting. It was this mischievous red-haired kid who was the “real” Ron Weasley. The main characters were chosen in less than a month, and the trio (Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint) looked very harmonious together. Everyone was looking forward to the start of filming and expectations justified themselves. The roles are perfect actor play on highest level. And the little “wizards” literally got used to their characters, and the whole world fell in love with the Harry Potter films.

Friendship on the playground

Children for a long 11 years worked side by side on the set. It has been said more than once that there was no special friendship between Radcliffe and Grint. But both guys treated Emma more than well. They often competed and tried to give the girl as much attention as possible.

Years of joint work rallied the team and soon they became like brothers and sisters. The boys supported each other difficult moments and help you deal with problems. The trio maintains a relationship to this day, trying to see each other at any opportunity. But, unfortunately, due to busy schedules and rich life Guys rarely get it.

Emma and Rupert... a couple?

The Harry Potter movie was filmed when the main characters were 9 years old. If in the first parts everything was childishly naive, then the latter were already distinguished by interesting love lines. One of them, between Ron and Hermione, gave birth to a lot of gossip and fan desires that their relationship be real. This question was even more fueled by the last part. In it, Ron and Hermione, not hiding their feelings, kissed passionately. The actors themselves admit that there are no relationships and even hints of them with partners in film set It never happened.

Over the long years of work, they literally became family to each other and saw themselves rather in the role of sisters and brothers than in the role of lovers. The fact that Rupert Grint and Emma Watson are dating is, of course, fiction. Rumors even appeared about the struggle between Rupert and Daniel for Emma's heart, but in fact there was a good, harmonious relationship between them. The guys were and remain good friends.

Last Kiss

IN last movie There was a scene about Harry Potter romantic kiss Ron and Hermione. He revealed the characters and gave perspective on more serious relationship in future. Keyword this is precisely the “characters”. Many fans of the film, having seen such a completion of the picture, began to actively attribute the real relationship of this couple. The public referred to the fact that a passionate kiss could only be with true lovers. The actors themselves do not understand why the public takes these conclusions, and completely deny any connection between them.

Rupert once mentioned in an interview that the tension before shooting this picture was incredibly strong. He was worried and could not even imagine how he would kiss Emma, ​​and what would come of it. “I imagined her face, how it would get closer and closer, and only the phrase “Oh God, oh God!” was spinning in my head! - says the actor himself. After the release of the picture on the screens, the masses even received information about the wedding between the actors, which a good part of the people believed in, not even assuming that this was another duck.


Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, which for many years delighted us from the screens, will certainly please the audience in more than one picture. Now they have grown. Each of them has a long life, both personal and professional. Rupert Grint and Emma Watson - very good friends but love line was and remains only on TV screens.

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