Wooden gate in Japanese style. Japanese gate in landscape design


For the country rising sun Torii are a sacred symbol, the gate set in front of Japanese shrines. Literally, torii is translated as a bird's roost. In shape, they resemble the more familiar arch.

In Japan, since ancient times, torii have been built from precious woods. These are real symbolic gates, usually they are painted in red. They can apply a primitive calm pattern, or decorate with hieroglyphs. And endow with a ritual symbol, setting before Shinto shrine. Often, one temple has several torii at once. Believers donate Shintoites, most often in honor of some high event.

There is a temple in Kyoto, in which the red gates are in such quantity that they form a whole gallery. Installed almost close to each other, they are lined up in a long passage and through narrow gaps the sun barely illuminates its way. Passing through the torii, believers firmly believe that they tune in a certain way before visiting holy places. This place is the link between material world and sacred. And torii are a transitional bridge from one state to another, equal to transformational states.

The most famous in Japan are considered torii in Itsukushima. They were built in 1875 from camphor wood, up to 16 meters high. For the construction, two vertical and two horizontal posts for the crossbar were used. They are located far from the temple, on the territory of the bay and open with themselves entrance to the temple complex.

Their location is not accidental, in the evening you can observe amazing picture sunset. When it slowly descends, as if into a bowl, into the upper crossbar. And during the high tide, the gates are immersed in water, as tourists from all over the world usually photograph them as a keepsake. It seems that the torii float smoothly on the water. They are also called floating japanese torii.

With the advent of city palaces, country mansions and castles, a need arose for forged gates - business card Houses. The main entrance becomes the pride of the owner of the estate or castle, and very worthy and attractive creations of masters of arts and crafts are often born here. Many blacksmith works have been delighting the urban landscape with perfect form and amazing beauty for decades, and often centuries.

Now we will acquaint our admirers with some interesting objects, and we will begin our photo exhibition from the foreign gates.

In the Czech Republic, in one of the amazing castles, breathtakingly beautiful gates are installed.

The arched frame of the central fixed arch, abundantly saturated with volutes and acanthus, is very harmoniously complemented in the center by the family coat of arms and crown. Hand talented artist applied to this creation in the form of an extremely airy and very pretentious design of the doors and side grilles.

In photo No. 2, the refined gates of the Prague Castle.

In photo #3, there is an amazing lattice on Wenceslas Square.

In Spain, we confine ourselves to the Gates of the great Gaudí in the Art Nouveau style, installed in Barcelona.

We have covered it in detail in previous articles. creative style in forging.

You can not pass by and past the museum under open sky Italy. Although in the near future we will devote a separate huge article to this country with an abundance of photographs, we will nevertheless present several works.

The two photographs below show gate bars in Hungary.

A very openwork design of the gate in the Baroque style adorns the square in front of the Fertod castle.

And this is work famous master Heinrich Fazola was preserved in the Hungarian capital of Budapest in the Eger region.

Very attractive gates adorn castles in Germany and Austria.
The majestic gate welcomes visitors to the unique Belveber castle ensemble in Austria.

The seeming simplicity of the gate leaves, consisting of a series of vertical rods, is gracefully complemented by a superb early baroque arch with big crown at the very top of the gate.

The gates of the newly restored complex in Schloss Hof (Austria) amaze with their massiveness and solidity.

The wrought-iron gate of 1885 by Karl Fiedler has been perfectly preserved.

Installed in the street arch of Salzburg, leading to the cemetery, they call for peace and sorrow.

One of the best castles in Hesse is located in the town of Hanau.

This is Philippsruhe Castle, which is also the oldest baroque castle on the east bank of the Rhine. To match the castle and its charming forged gates with metal posts, ending with exceptionally beautiful lanterns. And also with an abundance of gilding in the pattern of the lattice, which shimmers fantastically on sunny days.

The gates to the city are also luxurious.

Würzburg, Germany.

And in Alt-Schwerin Castle.

In the USA, a number of gates have been preserved in the mansions of such famous areas like Long Island (New York) and Newport.

Tall double-leaf gates in the spirit of the gratings of the era European Middle Ages block the way to the palaces. All gates have a beautiful wrought-iron decoration of the sections.

Let's move to Argentina.

The entrance to the Mendoza city park looks like this.

And now we are in France in her womb.

Paris is a holiday forever and it is always with us. The forged gates of the Palace of Justice are very luxurious, Grand Palace, the Small Palace and one of the state institutions.

Captivating gates enclose the entrance to the Parc Monceau and the garden of the Elysee Palace.

A first-class Baroque gate structure is installed in one of the cathedrals capital Cities.

The entrance to the famous Palace of Versailles is blocked by high gates, painted with royal staff.

Unfortunately, this is a brand new product.
The brilliant gate at Place Stanislaus in Nancy, executed by the wonderful masters of Lamour, is shown in the photo.

Magic greets people at the entrance to the city park of Lyon.

IN fairy forest Warsaw is such a miracle.

Fast forward to the UK, rather prim, but still hospitable.
Cafe bar London.

Royal Naval College.

Entrance to one of London's parks.

Gate 18th century Ireland.

England 14th century.

Gateway to Worcester.

Irresistible gate of the English court of the 18th century.

Bradford Gate.

And finally, a few Russian products.
In the photo, still standing in Kostroma (though in a terrible state), unusual for such a provincial town, incomparable baroque gates of the 19th century.

The photo also shows an excellent gate in Bobrov Lane in Moscow that needs overhaul.

In photo No. 42 we present the charming gates of the Metropol Hotel with a very picturesque modern composition.

In photo No. 43, the unsurpassed gates of the Winter Palace.

Photos 44 and 45 show an amazing baroque painting of the gates of the Catherine Palace.

In photo No. 46, a fragment of a surprisingly light gate summer garden In St. Petersburg.

And the final photo No. 47 of our excursion will be the gate of the St. Petersburg Spiridonov's mansion on Furshtatskaya street.

japanese red gate (torii)

Torii(jap. 鳥居, lit. "bird perch") - ritual gates installed in front of shrines of the Japanese Shinto religion. Traditionally, they are red-painted gates without shutters, from two pillars connected on top by two crossbars.

The top bar of a torii is called the kasagi (笠木) and the bottom bar, just below it, is called the nuki (貫).

The legend says that once the sun goddess Amaterasu was angry with her brother, the thunder god Susanoo, because he, out of unbridled temper, ruined her rice fields, hid in a cave and blocked the entrance to it with a huge boulder.

Itsukushima Shrine Torii

The whole world immediately plunged into darkness. Frightened people did not know what to do, because they were all doomed to death if the sun did not return to illuminate the earth.

Then, on the advice of a wise man, they erected a huge bird perch, on which they planted all their roosters. When the birds began to crow, an unimaginable noise arose. Amaterasu, intrigued by the noise outside, slightly moved the rock at the entrance to the cave to see what was happening.

A mirror was placed opposite the entrance, and when Amaterasu saw her reflection, the world was lit up with light again. Since then, torii has become a symbol of good luck and prosperity. In addition, in the past, the Japanese believed that the souls of the dead were carried away by birds, which often rested on these structures.

Currently, torii is one of the most recognizable symbols of the Land of the Rising Sun.

The most famous torii is the gate to Itsukushima Shrine. The current construction of the gate, 16 meters high, was erected in 1875, they are made of camphor wood. From the sea, torii open the entrance to a large temple complex. They stand close to the sea not far from the sanctuary - on the territory of the bay. Every time the tide is high, the torii are slightly submerged in the water.

This is how they appear to the whole world.

Garden gates and gates

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Japanese gate in landscape design

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As we say - the theater begins with a hanger ... Let me rephrase: every house, every yard begins with doors, gates, gates. It's like a boundary between what's left behind and what opens up ahead of you. Therefore, I want to dedicate my first post about Japan to amazing phenomenon this country - Japanese torii(gate). I invite you to pass through this gate and enter into wonderful world legends and life...

So Japanese torii gate
Torii - sacred gates, meaning the way to the "clean (holy) place", the habitat of kami (gods). Traditionally, these are red-painted gates without wings, made of two pillars connected on top by two crossbars. Verbatim from Japanese language The word "torii" is translated as "bird perch". The size of such gates can be very different: from huge, several tens of meters high, to miniature, one and a half meters high, which can only be entered by bending down. They can rise alone above a path or road, or they can form a whole colonnade, sometimes reminiscent of a palisade of poles....
The very origin of torii is closely connected with the mythological history of Japan. There is such a legend (this is not the only option, but the most common): once the god of the wind and storm Susanoo raged and did a lot of disgrace. He destroyed the rice fields, desecrated the dwelling of his sister, the sun goddess Amaterasu. Insulted, Amaterasu took refuge in the heavenly cave, tightly closing the doors behind her. The world plunged into pitch darkness. To lure Amaterasu out of hiding, the celestial deities tried many ways: they arranged dances at her door, hung many beautiful decorations around the entrance. But it was all in vain. The bet was made on vociferous roosters, capable of awakening even a sleeping goddess. In front of the cave was built a high perch (Japanese torii), which housed a flock of birds. As a result of various tricks and the crazy cry of roosters, the deities managed to lure the sun goddess out of the cave.. Light has returned to the world.

Since then, the custom of building torii has come into play. They have become an indispensable attribute of any temple dedicated to the Shinto gods. Each shrine is dedicated to a specific kami deity. Therefore, there are more than 85 thousand such temples throughout the country ...


There are two main religions in Japan: Shintoism and Buddhism.

Shinto (or Shinto) can literally be translated as “the way of many kami (gods). The basis of this trend is the worship of the forces of nature. According to Shinto beliefs, the sun, trees, mountains, stones and natural phenomena are kami and endowed with a soul, they are worshiped in temples specially built for this purpose.

Later, Buddhism entered the country from India through Korea and China. IN modern Japan 84% of the population simultaneously profess both religions.

In ancient times, torii were made from non-skinned cryptomeria trunks, emphasizing natural beauty wood. And today, the most traditional sanctuaries observe this custom. Later, the custom came from China to paint the torii in a bright red color. Today it is the most common and familiar type of torii.

But not all torii are red.

The material used for the construction of the torii is also varied. There are temple gates made of bronze and granite. In our time, torii began to be made even from unpainted reinforced concrete, often lost against the background of an ordinary urban colors- gray walls of houses and dusty asphalt.

Sometimes builders, trying to give such torii traditional look, cover the hardened concrete of the pillars with a pattern resembling the rough bark of cryptomeria.
But from this they do not lose their significance.

The number of torii installed in the country is impossible to calculate. They can be found everywhere: in the city center, on its outskirts, in the forest, at the foot of the mountain or on its top.
Torii in Kagoshima City.....

Each temple, large or small, may have several gates. Their number is determined not so much by religious canons or architectural needs, but by the generosity of local sponsors, who are ready to be generous in memory of some important event for themselves to build new torii for the local temple. On such torii, tablets can be installed from whom and in honor of what event they were placed. Sometimes there are so many gates that looking at the very first torii, it is difficult to understand where the temple itself is located. But if you start to pass through the gate, you will definitely come to him ..

Many Japanese traditions may seem eternal, because since the Middle Ages they have not changed much. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun still take care of tea ceremonies, costumes, Japanese literature and theater. And the contemplation of flowering gardens and the full moon in the sky, despite the growing pace of life, has remained an important part of the life of the Japanese. All this has to do with belief in spiritual world and that there is some kind of connection with it.


Today we will talk about one of these traditions, namely the installation of ritual gates - thorium. We boldly call torii ritual because their appearance in the architecture of Japan is associated with many myths and legends. One of these legends explains the meaning of the word torii: translated from Japanese, it means a perch, a nest. The story goes that, sitting on a high perch, a flock of birds (vociferous roosters) tried to lure the deity out of the cave. This deity was the incarnation of the Sun, and when it came out of the cave, light shone again in the world.

Let's talk in this article about what place the gate, in particular torii, occupied in the culture of the Japanese. And what types of gates can be distinguished.

sacred gate in Japan

As in many cultures, in Japan social status a person is determined by specific features. The fence in front of the house could tell a lot about what kind of family lives behind it. Up to the 19th century. only the Japanese aristocracy could afford such an architectural element as a gate. The nobility even arranged something like competitions on the streets of the city for their construction. And although now the gates in front of the house do not determine the social position so clearly, it is believed that they can still tell a lot about their owner.

Gates were also an obligatory architectural part of tea gardens. For tea ceremonies, houses were built, to which a garden with a gate and a path led.

Torii cannot be called a full-fledged fence, because they do not have wings and consist of only two, more often wooden, vertical pillars and several crossbars. Rather, it is a guideline. An invitation to enter. The Japanese consider them the border between two worlds. Not surprisingly, torii can be seen in front of the entrance to a Shinto shrine or cemetery. Sometimes they can be found near a tree, mountain or spring. Rarely over the road.

material for torii

Torii are constructed from precious wood (cryptomeria, camphor wood), traditionally painted red and painted with a discreet pattern or hieroglyphs. In our time, the material, of course, is more diverse. You can find torii made of bronze, granite, reinforced concrete. As in many other countries, believing sponsors allocate money for the construction of places of worship.

In Tokyo is famous alley from standing close thorium. They take a long road to the temple.

Torii alley in Tokyo

The most recognizable are the torii at Itsukushima Shrine. The gates were erected right in the water and from the side of the sea they invite you to enter the most important shrine of the country.

Gate at Itsukushima

Stone torii are installed at the entrance to the temple in the city of Nagasaki. They miraculously survived the explosion of the atomic bomb.

It is clear that no one can forbid you to build torii in your garden (especially since it is not difficult to do it yourself), but do not forget that whole nation invest in this building symbolic meaning and sacred meaning.

Purpose of thorium

Torii have the same name as the temples they stand in front of. Torii are the most recognizable symbol modern Japan.

Every tourist who has visited this country must have at least one photo against the backdrop of these mysterious gates. You can also see them on family coats of arms and flags.

Of course, besides torii, the Japanese also install other gates near temples and shrines. These are full-fledged massive gates with wings and they can be locked at night. Some of them look amazing because they rest under the roof. Temple gates can be divided into two types.

Until the 19th century, Buddhist temples were located in Shinto temple complexes, and Buddhist rites were held. Elements of the cult were borrowed from each other, and the teachings were mixed. But after the Meiji Revolution of 1868-1889. issued a decree on the distinction between Shinto and Buddhism. This marked the beginning of new traditions. At this time, gates were built in the Shinto style without admixture of other religions. They had simple design: unpainted beams under thatched, tiled, copper roofs. An example of such a gate can be found in the largest Shinto shrine, Meiji Jingu in Tokyo. The temple was built in honor of Emperor Meiji and his wife. And also at Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo, which is the center of Shinto religious ceremonies.

simple gate


The second type of gate is an impressive structure. These two-story gates are traditionally painted red or black and sumptuously decorated. The image is completed by sculptures on the sides of the gate. It can be paired guards - a lion, a dog, a deer. From vandals and harm, they are protected by a fence. The style of these gates was formed when Buddhist teachings dominated Japan. An example of such a gate is the Yomeimon gate. They amaze with their architectural and design ideas. Nearly 300 images of iconic Japanese animals, sages and all sorts of patterns bring the walls of the gate to life. They are rightfully considered the cultural and national heritage of Japan. The gate in front of the Yasaka Shrine is also worthy of special attention. In traditional red under an intricate roof (Japanese roofs began to be built over gates under the influence Chinese culture) they constantly attract many believers and tourists.

Yomeimon Gate

tea gardens

The Japanese decorate their gardens with gates of a simpler design. These are two pillars with a gate, plus a simple or gable roof (or without it). Literally for one century in Japan there was a tradition to break tea gardens. And the gates in them were placed with meaning. By tradition, guests were greeted either with ajar or wide open gates. After the last guest, the gate closed and the ceremony began. Interest in everything sacred made them believe that vanity and frailty remained there, beyond the garden and the gate separate the two worlds.

The Japanese are known for their love of harmony, so you won't find tall gates in small tea gardens.

The large gardens alternated paintings depicting certain historical events. Massive gates and gates are installed in them, separating one stage from another.

Tea garden with torii

Torii today

But don't be deceived by the apparent simplicity of the Japanese gate design. A two-post gate with a crossbar without a roof easily turns into a simple partition if surrounding landscape not in the right style. If you are planning to plant a garden in Japanese style on your site, then avoid using different stylistic directions. Then the gate or some plot will not look ridiculous. We also advise you to pay attention to the material of the gate - traditionally it is wood. And the roof can be covered with copper, iron or small / large tiles.

Modern torii

Plant selection

And of course, if we are talking about the garden, we cannot but mention the plants. To create a Japanese touch in your garden, decorate your front gate with cold-resistant bamboo. Use ornamental plum, apple, and apricot varieties. Add bright colors with barberry and quince. In the Japanese style, the predominant colors are traced: red, green, white. It is important not to overdo it with variegation. Let the colors be natural. Japanese gardens are not lush, they should encourage solitude, peace. And, of course, stones. Fine gravel, crushed stone, rockeries, - stones in any form. In Japan, stones are considered the most perfect material.

Plants for the Japanese garden

In Japanese gardens, gates create a single image with arches and gazebos. This is achieved by the illusion that even objects created by humans are actually created by nature. But don't worry, it's actually not that hard of a task. Although Japanese gardens are quite exotic, their arrangement does not require large expenses. And gates, for example, made of bamboo will cost no more than installing ordinary ones.

Gates and gates in Japanese gardens

In ancient times in Japan, the gate was an indicator of the level of human well-being and its social significance. They were allowed only noble people. And only since the 19th century, even commoners could afford this element of the garden. The entrance gate at that time consisted of two pillars with an upper crossbar. Subsequently, under the influence of Chinese culture, they began to make a roof over the gate. Such options can decorate the entrance to or exit from your Japanese garden.

However, gates and wickets are most appropriate in tea-type gardens. These gardens appeared in late XVIearly XVIII centuries. The purpose of the gate here is certain meaning. When the guests invited to the tea ceremony approach the entrance at the appointed hour, they see the doors either ajar or completely wide open. This is a sign that the owner is ready to accept the participants in the action. As soon as the guests pass through the gate to the territory of the outer tea garden - " soto-roji”, they close the door behind them, thus making it clear to the owner, who is finishing the preparations in the tea house, that they have gathered. But this is not only a signal of readiness. Passing through the gate means for guests that they have ceased to be part of the outside world, and now they must tune in to peace, peace, and spirituality. Further, all participants are located in a small covered gazebo and silently wait. After some time, the owner comes to the inner gate, unlocks it, and in a silent bow invites the audience to enter the inner tea garden - uchi-roji.

Gates in tea gardens are external ( sotomon) and internal ( tumon). Both of them should correspond to the size and appearance of the garden. Yes, in small garden high tumon with a roof are hardly appropriate, they will just look ridiculous. But in a large garden, we can safely put them, such gates will only decorate our garden.

Most often, instead of an internal gate, a simple gate made of bamboo or wooden slats. There are even cases when the gate is standing, but there is practically no fence (this option would suit a small Japanese-style corner). This speaks more about the symbolic than the functional purpose of the gate.

One of the varieties of gates in the tea garden - soji-guchi. As a rule, it is located in the far corner of the garden and is intended for cleaning.

Gates and gates are appropriate not only in small tea gardens, but also in large ones. Gardens of this type appeared in Japan during the Edo period (1600-1868). They were alternating pictures created to remind the viewer of certain events. These could be scenes from mythology, culture, history, and even miniature copies of famous gardens. Often a ravine, thickets of plants or a hill served as a transition from one place to another. If you have the desire and opportunity to create such a garden for yourself, then a tea garden can also be part of it. Then it will be impossible to do without gates here.

There is another type of gate called the torii gate. This is one of the most famous characters Japan. Only in ancient times such gates were used as ordinary ones. At first they looked quite simple: two wooden posts and two crossbars. The wood has not been painted or treated. And only later, under the influence of China, the torii acquired the form that they have now. The tree was gradually replaced by stone, metal, and even concrete, the entire structure was painted red and decorated with hieroglyphs or small patterns. Undoubtedly, such gates are very beautiful. Particularly impressive are the “floating torii” of Itsukushima Shrine, located right in the water. At low tide, you can walk to them along the bottom of the sea, and at high tide, the gates are reflected in the water, as in a mirror. The Japanese say that "the sun enters into these torii."

However, despite their beauty, it is not worth placing such gates in the garden. The fact is that torii are ritual gates. They are installed mainly at the entrance to the territory of a Shinto shrine (less often - in front of cemeteries) and symbolize the line between the earthly and the spiritual world. Passing through them is believed to promote internal purification. At one time, there was even a law in Japan, according to which torii was allowed to be installed only at state temples and some shrines. But even after the ban was lifted, they tried not to use such gates in other places. In some places you can find entire arcades of closely spaced torii. For example, in the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, the red gates are almost close to each other, forming a long passage. This picture looks especially beautiful in the rays of the sun, breaking through the cracks.

Based on the foregoing, you need to think very carefully before putting such a gate on your site.

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