Belarusians full face and in profile: how do we differ from other Slavs. These peoples have never been and never will be a single whole.


with the comments of the Anti-Semite.
Let's start with "Ab ovo", i.e. from the very beginning.

Quite a lot of Belarusians do not like it when abroad they confuse us with Russia and call us Russians. But even more we do not like it when the Russians themselves treat our independence, culture and language with a degree of disdain. The Internet magazine MEL, advocating for world peace, decided to collect evidence of the differences between Belarusians and Russians, ranging from genetics and ethnicity to the size of the penis and the heroes of fairy tales.

No, antisemite he doesn’t understand why it’s so shameful when they confuse you with the Russians. If you were confused with the Somalis or, say, with the inhabitants of Togo and Trinidad, then yes, I understand. Well, that's why it doesn't occur to anyone to be offended if they confuse someone with the inhabitants of Pindosia, or there with the Bundesburger? By the way, when the Anti-Semite and his grandchildren took communion with Spanish culture in the Prado Museum, for some reason they confused him with German tourists. But I only communicate with my grandchildren in Russian, strange, right? What is confused? But I was not offended and very gently corrected: "We came from a barbaric eastern country called "Kazakhstan", which groans loudly from the dictatorial regime" yelbassy "", after which all the questions of those interested, somehow, and very quickly, dried up ...

Belarusians are Western Balts with an admixture Slavic blood. Differences in the genetic level.
A couple of years ago, research was carried out in Russia under the name "Russian gene pool". The government even allocated a grant to scientists from the laboratory of the center Russian Academy medical sciences. For the first time in the history of Russia, scientists were able to fully concentrate on studying the gene pool of the Russian people for several years. It turned out that the Russians are nothing East Slavs, and the Finns.
So, according to the Y-chromosome, the genetic distance between the Russians and the Finns of Finland is only 30 conventional units (close relationship). And the genetic distance between a Russian person and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Veps, Mordovians, etc.) living on the territory of the Russian Federation is 2-3 units. Simply put, they are genetically identical.
The results of the DNA analysis showed that another closest relative of the Russians, except for the Finns, is the Tatars: the Russians from the Tatars are at the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units that separate them from the Finns.
An analysis of the gene pool of Belarusians showed that they are genetically very far from Russians, in fact identical to the northeastern Poles - that is, the inhabitants of the Polish province of Mazov. That is, the study of the gene pool only confirmed the historical realities: Belarusians are Western Balts (with some admixture of Slavic blood), and Russians are Finns.
In 2005, the results of similar studies were published in Belarus. Technalogia publishing house has published a book by Aleksey Mikulich “Belarusians in the genetic space. Anthropology of ethnos. The author's conclusions are very similar to the opinion of Russian colleagues. Each of the three East Slavic ethnic groups, according to anthropological data, has its own uniqueness. They were formed in different geographic space, on special substrate ancestral foundations.
The graphical interpretation of the generalized characteristics of their gene pools included in the book makes it possible to visually see the degree of similarity and differences. “Ethnic clouds” [the ethnic group of each nation was represented by a cloud and, depending on similarity, was in contact with “other clouds”] of Belarusians and Ukrainians are quite compact and partially overlap on the attached diagram.
The Russian "cloud" is very blurry, and only a small part of it overlaps with the first two. While the Ukrainian “ethnic cloud” does not border on the Finno-Ugric ones at all, and the Belarusian one only touches them, the center of the “ethnic cloud” of Russian populations is in the same cluster with Finno-Ugric, not Slavic ethnic groups.

A lot of scientific nonsense, which is not clear how it correlates with the realities of our existence. Here, Mustafa Dzhemilev "puffs" that he is "Ukrainian", although he has no Ukrainian genes at all.

Yes, and there are quite a lot of photos of blacks in vyshyvanka on the Web, who are also "puffing up". I want a respected stynger2012 recall the well-known anti-Semitic saying: "they hit in the face, not in the passport," but I won't. Shouby didn’t speak wine, sho threatening you... And yes, let him explain to the Uzbeks, in Samarkand, that he is not a Russian "kapir", but a Belarusian one.

Personally, I believe that it is not genetics that determines a person's behavior, but how his head is formed and what it is filled with. In this particular case, the blogger stynger2012 - she is clearly full of shit, it seems to me ...

"With whom to be Lithuania - the eternal dispute of the Slavs." Differences between the ethnic group of Belarusians and Russians .
According to the encyclopedia "Belarus", the Belarusian ethnos was formed in the 13-16 centuries, having passed the stages from unification tribal unions through the nation to the nation.
That is, it was formed even before the aggressions of the tsars Ivan the Terrible and Alexei Mikhailovich, and by the time of the Russian occupation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1795, it was a long-established ethnic group with its own centuries of history national statehood.
For in the Commonwealth, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania possessed all state attributes: its power (chancellors of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, not a single zhemoyt - almost all Belarusians, several Poles), its national Belarusian army, its own laws of the country (Statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - in the language of Belarusians, have not yet been translated into the language of the Samoyts and Aukstaits), their national currency(this is a Belarusian thaler minted for several centuries until 1794, when the last Belarusian thaler was minted by the Grodno Mint), etc.
At the same time, speaking today about Belarusian ethnos, one must first understand what in question. Belarusians (as an ethnic group with that name) appeared only in 1840, when they were renamed by tsarism from Litvinians into "Belarusians" after the uprising of 1830-1831. After the uprising of 1863-1864, when the Litvins were already "Belarusians", Governor-General Muravyov banned the "Belarus" invented by the ideologists of tsarism and the Secret Chancellery, introducing instead of it the "Western Russian Territory". Therefore, the term "Belarus" and "Belarusians" is extremely conditional, this is a product of tsarism, and it is forbidden by it. And, for example, all the villagers of the Minsk region continued to call themselves Litvins or Tuteyshy (local) even in the early 1950s, according to polls of ethnographers.
By 1840, a whole series of tsarist repressions followed against the captured people, who dared to revolt a second time. The Uniate Church in Belarus was destroyed by the decree of the tsar, worship in the Belarusian language and book publishing were banned, the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was abolished (which, by the way, was in force only in Belarus, not in Zhemoitia - now the Republic of Lietuva), the very word "Lithuania" was banned. Although earlier Pushkin wrote about the Belarusians in his poems about the uprising of 1830-1831. "Slanderers of Russia": "With whom to be Lithuania - the eternal dispute of the Slavs."
That is, from the point of view of science, speaking of Belarusians and Russians, we are no longer talking about peoples and ethnic groups, but about NATIONS of neighbors. This is a completely different category, where thoughts about the “merger of peoples” are already inappropriate, allegedly under the pretext of their some kind of “ ethnic community". NATIONS can never merge with each other, because by definition they are not predisposed to this.

Boils, boils shit in the brains of a blogger stynger2012 : the colonial policy of Ivan the Terrible does not let him sleep even today. And just think, no, not destiny. And it would have to. There was such a people, they lived very close to the Belarusian people. The Prussians were called. And where are they now, these Prussians? The answer is simple: who resisted, those German colonialists massacred. And who is not - became the core of the German Empire recent history, rallying disparate principalities in the Second Reich. What was the "ethnic community" among the Baltic tribes of the Prussians and the German knights? And I had to become Germans ...

In the New, and even more so, the Newest History, a small people, and even close to the center of Europe, had no choice. Not that one, so another conqueror would have captured and begun to assimilate. Unlike Russian Empire, which did not record Belarusians as foreigners, and did not deprive them of any rights. In contrast to the same Central Asians, who, just, were among these very foreigners.

We have always belonged to European culture. Differences in mentality . “A Belarusian is not an imperial person at all, the idea of ​​a world revolution or a Third Rome will never enter his head,” says the philosopher, essayist and literary critic Valentin Akudovich. One can easily agree with the words of the well-known Belarusian representative of culture. Vladimir Orlov, by the way, also famous Belarusian writer and historian, in one of the interviews said “Belarusians are historically and mentally Europeans. This is very shocking to anyone who is trying to get to know the country better.
People are surprised that Belarusian cities had the Magdeburg Law, that Belarus also had its own Renaissance. We have always belonged to European culture, here was the border between Europe and Asia. We lived in an empire - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - that stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea, but it was not an empire.
There were completely different principles for building a state, everyone was one people, there was tolerance and tolerance. On the squares of Belarusian cities, Orthodox, Catholic and Uniate churches, a synagogue and a mosque coexisted peacefully. Here we differ from Western Europe we never had religious clashes and events like Bartholomew night».
“Despite all the efforts of Russian historiographers, the Moscow principality was under the yoke of the Golden Horde for centuries. In fact, then they never freed themselves from this oppression - mentally, of course. Even after the departure of the Horde, everything remained the same: the construction of the state, and the military doctrine, the idea of ​​dominance, if not in the whole world, then in a significant part of it. From there, the Russians retained the idea that “if we do not capture these lands, then our enemies will capture them and from there they will threaten us.” The events in Ukraine testify that such a mental situation exists even now,” Valentin Akudovich also believes.

Such an interesting vyser: to draw a cultural Belarusian and oppose him to a wild Asian - Russian. Explaining this by the yoke of the "Golden Horde". And with this same Horde, not everything is clear. Since at the time of the conquest of the western lands, up to Trieste (well, the territory of modern Belarus, to the heap), the Horde was a more advanced state mechanism than Western Europe of that time. In the military sense, in engineering (and how did the Horde destroy the walls of cities, can you tell me?), And in the scientific sense too. Since the Horde then applied, in practice, ALL the achievements of China captured by them. Which, then, by culture and technical advances, stood a step above the unwashed Europeans.

We decided to compare the two peoples in many respects, and found a table of the length of the male genital organs of the inhabitants different countries.
According to the latest data, the average Belarusian penis is 14.63 cm. This is a very good indicator (Belarusians are among the 10 largest penises in Europe). Things are much worse for the eastern neighbors - the average Russian can only boast of a length of 13.3 cm.
It is difficult to talk about external differences. Although it is also unlikely that anyone will be able to distinguish outwardly a Pole, a Ukrainian and a Belarusian.
At the same time, experts deduce the following pattern: the longer the penis, the lower the level of intelligence. In this regard, Belarusians also have something to brag about: the average IQ of representatives of our nationality is one of the highest in the world: 97. The inhabitants of our eastern neighbor have an IQ that is one point lower - 96.

Patstalom. Is this from the "British scientists installed" banter? No, is it serious? On how many men did this statistical sample take place? To what extent is it valence and representative? What methods did the authors of this study use? Are their conclusions supported by independent experts?

Although yes it is favorite hobby inadequate: to measure with peeps. Raz blogger stynger2012 posts in his LJ such
I think there is every reason to doubt its adequacy, IMHO.

Most ordinary hero Russian fairy tales - Emelya, who is sitting on the stove and wants to pike command he got it all.
Or Ivan the Fool, who has a father-tsar and does not understand what. The hero of the Belarusian fairy tales: “the fathers and husbands of Yanka”, who works all day long and endures the bullying of the “pano dy ulada”. The loafer in Belarusian fairy tales is ridiculed, children are taught that real hero one who works long and hard despite the blows of fate. In general, "Practice pіlna - dy budze Vіlnya!".
In Russian fairy tales, everything is absolutely the opposite. There is an interesting study of Belarusian fairy tales, written by culturologist Yulia Chernyavskaya. There is another trauma in our fairy tales: for example, the fact that we do not have a happy hero who has everything, and nothing bad will happen to him for this. All Belarusian fairy tales- about hard work, and if at the same time you find some kind of treasure, then you will be punished very severely. Our fairy tales are not about laziness, but about work.

Fucked up. For example, Russian folk tale"Geese-Swans" about what? Or a typical plot of Russian fairy tales, about a hard-working stepdaughter, almost Cinderella, and a lazy native "don" stepmother? Or let's take the French. "Puss in Boots" is not about a quitter younger son, to whom the nimble cat stole the title of Marquis?

Every nation has a picaresque tale. And now what?

I don't think it's about fairy tales. And in a conscious ideological sabotage, when they diligently "pull an owl on the globe", trying to prove that the Russian people have a continuous negative everywhere, and all the others = white-winged cherubs.

So I'm taking off from the blogger stynger2012 suspicion of inadequacy. It's just that a person is diligently working out a propaganda task, working as a saboteur in the field of peace and interethnic harmony in the Republic of Belarus. And now, KMK, is it already permissible to ask: "Qui prodest"? Who benefits from this ideological sabotage posted on his blog?

Completely different. Belarusian and Russian
IN Lately the main difference between Belarusians and Russians is gaining popularity in our country. Belarusian-language sports events, open free courses for studying "native language". Certainly, Belarusian language quite similar to Russian, but knowing the same Ukrainian or Polish, you can see that language is much more similar to them.
To prove that the Belarusian - independent language and certainly not an appendage of Russian, you can analyze a few basic words. "Blago" in Russian means "good". In Belarusian, “good” means “bad”. When the root base words have absolutely different meanings, this also indicates that the languages ​​are completely different.
The editorial staff of our magazine in no way aims to kindle enmity between Russians and Belarusians. We just want to show that Belarusians are an independent people with rich history, authentic culture and beautiful language. We have a lot to be proud of. The editors wish with all their heart that Belarusians live in Zen with other peoples, but at the same time do not forget about their roots and remember their native piece of land

I will say the following: to judge a language on the basis of a couple of words is complete ignorance, from the point of view of a very serious science, which is called "Linguistics", or linguistics. Linguists do not compare individual words, but grammatical structure language, its phraseology and historical development lexical composition.

But is it interesting to the authors of the original source, to which our blogger, at the end of his post, bashfully gives a link (in the center of Europe)? Pretty sure that's what their goal is. kindle enmity between Russians and Belarusians . Accordingly, the reposter of such material MUST understand , WHAT he did and why. And take full responsibility for it. At least, if not criminal, according to the notorious 282nd, then moral and ethical - for sure.

And yet, my last IMHO. The main pride of the Belarusian people, what they REALLY can "puff":

P.S. I leave all considerations and conclusions on the conscience of the author.
Although from my point of view the text is very, very controversial.

In light of the frequent claims that Russians and Belarusians are one people, I have an irresistible need to destroy this myth and prove the opposite, for the simple reason that this myth is destructive.

And the truth is among us and shines with living colors.

I will immediately note that as arguments I will not cite dubious texts from thick books about the history of the emergence of two peoples, but will share only subjective observations: common features characters, behavior patterns of Belarusians and Russians in natural working and living conditions.

The main difference between a Russian person and a Belarusian is a powerful emotionality, and as additions - maximalism and extreme judgments. Perhaps these properties are leading role V comparative analysis and are key. The Belarusian in this sense is the antipode of the Russian: he is pragmatic, calm, does not like extremes, is not subject to sudden mood swings, like his eastern neighbor.

Blind adherence to ideas, slogans, “first doing, then thinking”, carelessness very often take over the behavior of the Russian, leading to negative, destructive, irrational results. The Russian manner of “harnessing for a long time, but driving fast”, in my opinion, is less true than the ordinary “spontaneously jump up and rush into the unknown”. The impulsiveness of a Russian and the thoughtfulness of a Belarusian are also very noticeable in the public space.

The next, already positive quality, testifying to the dissimilarity of the Russian to the Belarusian, is the immense Russian openness to to a stranger(xenophilia), immediacy in dealing with him, talent for universal perception and acceptance different people. Still, it is worth recognizing that the Belarusian has absorbed Western patterns of social communication and is more prone to personalism and isolationism than to collectivism and synergistic returns.

At the same time, the Russian and Belarusian have a common “ birthmark"- kumirophilia. Belarusian love - to glorify leaders - is expressed more vividly, and has its own specific features, mean political system that consolidated the authoritarian consciousness.


Migrants in the EU: how Belarusians, Moldovans and Ukrainians differ from each other


The word "Russia" always causes alarm

Belarusian news 04.08.2017

Will Putin enter Minsk in a tank?

Belarusian news 28.02.2017

Belarusians will work to death

Belarusian partisan 12.04.2016


BELTA 26.08.2016 The Russian is an anarchic, unstable idolist. He actively strives for outer space, with all his monarchical-religious understanding of the world, in the center of which even a stool can be. By the way, the monarchical aspect in no way conflicts with the anarchic, because Russian aspirations are directed to heaven (freedom and God), and not to the object (monarch, master). This explains, I believe, why Russian monarchists a century ago became anarchists, and vice versa.

Belarusian conservatism, love for inanimate paraphernalia, monuments symbolizing the “master”, “guide”, “gaspadar”, expose a unique phenomenon, less characteristic of Russians – fanatical fetishism.

Showing a quivering attraction to the built libraries, houses, lawns, sculptures, vegetable gardens, the Belarusian hides the spiritual emptiness here and now, creates a comfortable background that masks the truth about himself today. Belarusians are poseurs who consider it important to inspire the illusion of well-being and impress others. A Belarusian will drive an expensive foreign car for 10 thousand dollars, walk around in new shoes, a hat, but his apartment will be meager, without repairs and special conditions, in the style of “Back to the USSR”.

Often plunging into melancholy from hopelessness, lack of prospects, the Belarusian, due to his cowardice, likes to cling to the spectacular speeches of banal populists, folk flatterers who say what the suffering wants to hear in this moment time. By by and large, Russians also like to engage in self-deception, to put liars and clowns in the spotlight.

Showing a huge credit of trust in managers, constantly repeating his mistakes, not finishing what he started to the end, and switching to new undertakings, the Russian person strengthens the nationwide lack of will, of which, by the way, he is voluntarily a hostage, although he can change this if he really wants to. But a patient Belarusian, unlike a Russian, slowly but scrupulously knows how to bring the work he has begun to its logical conclusion, even if this process no longer makes any sense.

Russians are very fond of destroying everything old and building new things on the ruins, they are prone to adventurism and a revolutionary method of solving problems. The Belarusian ability to remember and preserve one's history and the Russian ability to instantly forget the past, erasing painful pages from one's head, are radically different ideas about state building.

It is a mistake to say that laziness and slavery came to Belarus and Russia from Muscovites. For example, Belarusian suspiciousness, suspicion and Baltic phlegm, as regressive and purely local qualities, are generally not characteristic of Muscovites, Asians and eastern peoples, and even more so - ethnic Russian. Slavery in Russia is a product of the church. And the lack of culture, tactlessness, spiritual darkness is a consequence of the lack of education of the peasant environment.

Submission, fear of the truth and latent xenophobia are the foundation on which autocratic power is built in Belarus. Infantilism dominates in the personality of a Belarusian and is immanent, and often he does not want to reveal his potential because of timidity and the same xenophobia.

Tomfoolery, the ability to publicly repent, rebelliousness - these Russian traits are absolutely alien to the Belarusian, incomprehensible and perceived with rejection. In this regard, what can be said about united people? Russians and Belarusians have never been like that, but simply lived under one big occupation roof. The myth of the unity of the International was invented by the Bolshevik invaders, who, in detail and in particular, ethnic groups they did not want to delve into it, having at their disposal 1/7 of the land.

The emancipation of the Russian and the stiffness of the Belarusian is another proof that these two representatives of the Eastern European peoples are different from each other. Endurance, willpower are more characteristic of a Russian than a Belarusian. Affectionate, airy Belarusian language and horn, windy Russian speech affect the perception and evaluation of the interlocutor.

Sincere simplicity and hospitality is an organic, integral part of the Russian character, which is expressed more strongly than in the Belarusian. Belarusians were vaccinated in the form of Polish ambition and Catholicism, which Russian territory did not take root and quickly resolved.

Without a doubt, Belarusians and Russians are two different people Therefore, nationalists from Belarus are absolutely right when they talk about the cultural and social identity of their country, recalling the life history of their ancestors under the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Despite the significant difference, two geographically close neighbors, like opposites, are attracted, which is observed in the spasmodic, but stable Belarusian-Russian relations. Belarusians learn good and bad experiences from Russians, as in any society, they learn new words, dialects… unfortunately, they copy the negative trends of show business, the boorish habits of secular sharks. Much of what Russia imposes on Belarus through TV, demonstrating an unacceptable form of imperial conversation with other states, is still not accepted by its Western neighbor, although it is difficult to see this protest and rejection in full in Belarus.

Ultimately, Belarusians remain Belarusians, and Russians continue to be Russians. And this circumstance only reinforces the fact that these peoples have never been and never will be a single whole.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

I noticed a sharply growing difference in thinking back in 2014, when I drove through the whole of Ukraine from Odessa to Chernihiv, but I could not clearly articulate what it was then. After the June trip, everything fell into place, the differences became clear and obvious.

As a man for a long time having lived in all three states and having close relatives in all three states, I can confidently say: household level there is no difference between Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, the mentality is the same. Someone calls it soviet, someone imperial, the essence of this does not change. The difference today is in awareness political environment in your own country.

Russians and Belarusians are well aware that they live in autocratic semi-totalitarian states. Russians and Belarusians are well aware that the state TV channels hang noodles on their ears.

The BT TV channel in Belarus or the Rossiya TV channel in the Russian Federation are perceived precisely as a mouthpiece of propaganda and nothing else, a person who sincerely believes that they broadcast on state channels looks naive, if not stupid. In Belarus, memes are circulating on the Internet about the success of the sowing campaign or the breakthrough of Belarusian agricultural technicians - a harvester for harvesting cucumbers:

And in Russia, the phrases of the main mouthpiece of the Ministry of Truth, Dmitry "coincidence, I don't think" Kiselev, were stolen into quotes:

There have been jokes about Lukashenko and Putin in the Russian Federation and Belarus for a long time, oppositional views are not approved by the authorities, but they are not repressed either. Russians and Belarusians also perfectly understand the reasons for their troubles - this is laziness, irresponsibility and the desire to always sit on the ass exactly. As a result, the phrase about Obama taking a shit in the stairwell has already become a sarcastic parable. That is, people are aware of the essence of things and can joke about themselves, not as sharply as in the 90s, but they can.

In Ukraine, everything is serious, people sincerely believe everything they say on local TV. They sincerely believe in the spontaneity of the Maidan, the mention in one sentence with the word "Maidan" of the words "organizer", "oligarch" or "America" ​​causes a fierce butthurt. Maidan SUDDENLY broke out due to the fact that the bloody "Berkut" beat up students, there were no other reasons, period.

Before the trip to my historical homeland, I was sure that only trolls on the Internet were zombified in this way, but it turned out that no, most of the people with whom I spoke sincerely believe that the local media are broadcasting on zombies. The cause of all the troubles of Ukraine is Russia, to become truly European country Putin interferes with them. First interfered with Yanukovych, now Putin. If Putin suddenly disappears, I can’t even imagine what other obstacles on the way to Ukrainian prosperity will have to be invented.

People sincerely believe that Maidan liberated the country and drove the thieves away from power. Mentions of Poroshenko's factories in Russia and Yatsenyuk's billion also cause the program to fail. The interpretation of Ukraine-NATO relations is also interesting, I heard from locals the version that Ukraine decided to join NATO only after Russia annexed Crimea and seized Donbass. No one remembers that Ukraine was the first in the CIS to start cooperation with NATO back in 1994, while the Ukrainian military supported NATO operations in the Balkans and fought in Iraq.

Against this background, any opinions and points of view that differ from the policy of the party are categorically unacceptable in the country, some dogmas are trying to be fixed at the legislative level:

Yesterday I published in Ukraine, the Russians and Belarusians laughed and wrote: "Why not, of course it's possible for fun or in the form of a joke!". And only my Ukrainian friend 16vik09 clearly and unambiguously wrote - no, this is impossible. Of all post-Soviet countries, not counting Central Asia, Ukraine today has become the most Soviet, confidently ahead of Belarus.

The whole essence of today's Ukrainian propaganda is symbolized by this building - a bright banner with a populist slogan covering the broken frame of the House of Trade Unions:

Which for 3.5 years after the Maidan did not bother to fix it.

Posts about Ukraine:

Quite a lot of Belarusians do not like it when abroad they confuse us with Russia and call us Russians. But even more we do not like it when the Russians themselves treat our independence, culture and language with a degree of disdain. The Internet magazine MEL, advocating for world peace, decided to collect evidence of the differences between Belarusians and Russians, ranging from genetics and ethnicity to the size of the penis and the heroes of fairy tales.

Belarusians are Western Balts with an admixture of Slavic blood. Genetics however.

A couple of years ago, research was carried out in Russia under the name "Russian gene pool". The government even provided a grant to scientists from the laboratory of the center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. For the first time in the history of Russia, scientists were able to fully concentrate on studying the gene pool of the Russian people for several years. It turned out that Russians are not Eastern Slavs at all, but Finns.

So, according to the Y-chromosome, the genetic distance between the Russians and the Finns of Finland is only 30 conventional units (close relationship). And the genetic distance between a Russian person and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Veps, Mordovians, etc.) living on the territory of the Russian Federation is 2-3 units. Simply put, they are genetically identical.

The results of the DNA analysis showed that another closest relative of the Russians, except for the Finns, is the Tatars: the Russians from the Tatars are at the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units that separate them from the Finns.

An analysis of the gene pool of Belarusians showed that they are genetically very far from Russians, in fact, they are identical to northeastern Poles - that is, residents of the Polish province of Mazov. That is, the study of the gene pool only confirmed the historical realities: Belarusians are Western Balts (with some admixture of Slavic blood), and Russians are Finns.

In 2005, the results of similar studies were published in Belarus. Technalogia publishing house has published a book by Aleksey Mikulich “Belarusians in the genetic space. Anthropology of ethnos. The author's conclusions are very similar to the opinion of Russian colleagues. Each of the three East Slavic ethnic groups, according to anthropological data, has its own uniqueness. They were formed in different geographic space, on special substrate ancestral foundations.

The graphical interpretation of the generalized characteristics of their gene pools included in the book makes it possible to visually see the degree of similarity and differences. “Ethnic clouds” [the ethnic group of each nation was represented by a cloud and, depending on similarity, was in contact with “other clouds”] of Belarusians and Ukrainians are quite compact and partially overlap on the attached diagram.

The Russian "cloud" is very blurry, and only a small part of it overlaps with the first two. While the Ukrainian “ethnic cloud” does not border on the Finno-Ugric ones at all, and the Belarusian one only touches them, the center of the “ethnic cloud” of Russian populations is in the same cluster with Finno-Ugric, not Slavic ethnic groups.

« ". Differences between the ethnic group of Belarusians and Russians

According to the encyclopedia "Belarus", the Belarusian ethnos was formed in the 13-16 centuries, having passed the stages from the unification of tribal unions through the nationality to the nation.

That is, it was formed even before the aggressions Tsars Ivan the Terrible And Alexey Mikhailovich, and by the time of the Russian occupation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1795, it was a long-established ethnic group with its long history of national statehood.

For in the Commonwealth, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania possessed all state attributes: its power (chancellors of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, not a single zhemoyt - almost all Belarusians, several Poles), its national Belarusian army, its own laws of the country (Statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - in the language of Belarusians, have not yet been translated into the language of the Samoyts and Aukstaits), their national currency (this is the Belarusian thaler, which was minted for several centuries until 1794, when the last Belarusian thaler was minted by the Grodno Mint), etc.

At the same time, speaking today about the Belarusian ethnos, one must first of all understand what it is all about. Belarusians (as an ethnic group with that name) appeared only in 1840, when they were renamed by tsarism from Litvinians into "Belarusians" after the uprising of 1830-1831. After the uprising of 1863-1864, when the Litvins were already "Belarusians", Governor General Muraviev banned the “Belarus” invented by the ideologists of tsarism and the Secret Chancellery itself, introducing instead the “Western Russian Territory”. Therefore, the term "Belarus" and "Belarusians" is extremely conditional, this is a product of tsarism, and it is forbidden by it. And, for example, .

By 1840, a whole series of tsarist repressions followed against the captured people, who dared to revolt a second time. The Uniate Church in Belarus was destroyed by the decree of the tsar, worship in the Belarusian language and book publishing were banned, the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was abolished (which, by the way, was in force only in Belarus, not in Zhemoitia - now the Republic of Lietuva), the very word "Lithuania" was banned. Although earlier Pushkin wrote about the Belarusians in his poems about the uprising of 1830-1831. "Slanderers of Russia": " With whom to be Lithuania - the eternal dispute of the Slavs».

That is, from the point of view of science, speaking of Belarusians and Russians, we are no longer talking about peoples and ethnic groups, but about NATIONS of neighbors. This is a completely different category, where thoughts about the "fusion of peoples" allegedly under the pretext of some kind of "ethnic community" are no longer appropriate. NATIONS can never merge with each other, because by definition they are not predisposed to this.

We have always belonged to European culture. Differences in mentality

« A Belarusian is not an imperial person at all, the idea of ​​a world revolution or the Third Rome will never enter his head' - says the philosopher, essayist and literary critic Valentin Akudovich. One can easily agree with the words of the well-known Belarusian representative of culture. Vladimir Orlov, by the way, also a well-known Belarusian writer and historian, said in an interview: Belarusians are historically and mentally Europeans. This is very shocking to anyone who is trying to get to know the country better.

People are surprised that Belarusian cities had the Magdeburg Law, that Belarus also had its own Renaissance. We have always belonged to European culture, here was the border between Europe and Asia. We lived in an empire - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - that stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea, but it was not an empire.

There were completely different principles for building a state, everyone was one people, there was tolerance and tolerance. On the squares of Belarusian cities, Orthodox, Catholic and Uniate churches, a synagogue and a mosque coexisted peacefully. Here we differ from Western Europe, we have never had religious clashes and events such as Bartholomew's Night».

« Despite all the efforts of Russian historiographers, the Moscow principality was under the yoke of the Golden Horde for centuries. In fact, then they never freed themselves from this oppression - mentally, of course. Even after the departure of the Horde, everything remained the same: the construction of the state, and the military doctrine, the idea of ​​dominance, if not in the whole world, then in a significant part of it. From there, the Russians retained the idea that “if we do not capture these lands, then our enemies will capture them and from there they will threaten us.” Events in Ukraine indicate that such a mental situation exists now."- also considers Valentin Akudovich.
When Russian TV channel RTR filmed a story with me in the Mir Castle, I asked: Are there castles in Russia? - No- Muscovites answered me. - Because you are Asia and we are Europe, - I emphasized a good example.

Double hit: more per centimeter and one IQ unit

We decided to compare the two peoples in many respects, and found a table of the length of the male genital organs of residents of different countries. According to the latest data, the average Belarusian penis is 14.63 cm. This is a very good indicator (Belarusians are among the 10 largest penises in Europe). Things are much worse for the eastern neighbors - the average Russian can only boast of a length of 13.3 cm.

It is difficult to talk about external differences. Although it is also unlikely that anyone will be able to distinguish outwardly a Pole, a Ukrainian and a Belarusian.

At the same time, experts deduce the following pattern: the longer the penis, the lower the level of intelligence. In this regard, Belarusians also have something to brag about: the average IQ of representatives of our nationality is one of the highest in the world: 97. The inhabitants of our eastern neighbor have an IQ that is one point lower - 96.

« ". different fairy tale character

The most common hero of Russian fairy tales - Emelya, who sits on the stove and wants everything to go to him at the behest of the pike. Or Ivan the Fool, who has a father-tsar and does not understand what. The hero of Belarusian fairy tales: “ pratsavіty dy are masculine Yanka , working all day longmi and enduring bullying "pano dy ulada". The idler in Belarusian fairy tales is ridiculed, children are taught that the real hero is the one who works long and hard, despite the blows of fate. All in all " Pratsuy pіlna - dy budze Vіlnya!».

In Russian fairy tales, everything is absolutely the opposite. There is an interesting study of Belarusian fairy tales, written by a culturologist Yulia Chernyavskaya. There is another trauma in our fairy tales: for example, the fact that we do not have a happy hero who has everything, and nothing bad will happen to him for this. All Belarusian fairy tales are about hard work, and if at the same time you find some kind of treasure, then you will be punished very severely. Our fairy tales are not about laziness, but about work.

Completely different. Belarusian and Russian

Recently, the main difference between Belarusians and Russians is gaining popularity in our country. Belarusian-language sporting events are held, and free courses for studying “native language” are opened. Of course, the Belarusian language is quite similar to Russian, but knowing the same Ukrainian or Polish, you can see that language is much more similar to them.

It is possible to prove that Belarusian is an independent language and certainly not an appendage of Russian by analyzing a few basic words. "Blago" in Russian means "good". In Belarusian, “good” means “bad”. When the root base words have completely different meanings, this also indicates that the languages ​​are completely different. [I disagree, close languages ​​have such semantic words - "shifters": fresh - white. AndCerstvá Czech. - Valex]
Dal: Belarusian language strongly influenced Russian

The editorial staff of our magazine in no way aims to kindle enmity between Russians and Belarusians. We just want to show that Belarusians are an independent people with a rich history, authentic culture and beautiful language. We have a lot to be proud of. The editors wish with all their heart that Belarusians live according to zen with other peoples, but at the same time they did not forget about their roots and remembered their native piece of land

August 9, 2017, 14:12

Illustrative photo

In light of the frequent statements that Russians and Belarusians are one people, I have an irresistible need to destroy this myth and prove the opposite, for the simple reason that this myth is destructive.

And the truth - among us and shines with living colors.

I’ll note right away that as arguments I will not cite dubious texts from thick books about the history of the emergence of two peoples, but will share only subjective observations: common character traits, behavior patterns of Belarusians and Russians in natural working and living conditions.

The main difference between a Russian person and a Belarusian is a powerful emotionality, and as additions - maximalism and extreme judgments. Perhaps these properties occupy a major role in comparative analysis and are key. The Belarusian in this sense is the antipode of the Russian: he is pragmatic, calm, does not like extremes, is not subject to sudden mood swings, like his eastern neighbor.

Blind adherence to ideas, slogans, “first doing, then thinking”, carelessness very often take over the behavior of the Russian, leading to negative, destructive, irrational results. The Russian manner of “harnessing for a long time, but driving fast”, in my opinion, is less true than the ordinary “spontaneously jump up and rush into the unknown”. The impulsiveness of a Russian and the thoughtfulness of a Belarusian - these signs are also very noticeable in the public space.

The next, already positive quality, indicating the dissimilarity of a Russian to a Belarusian, is the immense Russian openness to a stranger (xenophilia), spontaneity in communicating with him, the talent for universal perception and acceptance of different people. Still, it is worth recognizing that the Belarusian has absorbed Western patterns of social communication and is more prone to personalism and isolationism than to collectivism and synergistic returns.

At the same time, Russians and Belarusians have a common "birthmark" - kumirophilia. Belarusian love - to glorify leaders - is expressed more clearly, and has its own specific features, in view of the political system that has consolidated the authoritarian consciousness.

The Russian is an anarchic, unstable idolist. He actively strives for outer space, with all his monarchical-religious understanding of the world, in the center of which even a stool can be. By the way, the monarchical aspect in no way conflicts with the anarchic, because Russian aspirations are directed to heaven (freedom and God), and not to the object (monarch, master). This explains, I believe, why Russian monarchists a century ago became anarchists, and vice versa.

Belarusian conservatism, love for inanimate paraphernalia, monuments symbolizing the "owner", "guide", "gaspadar", expose a unique phenomenon, less characteristic of Russians - fanatical fetishism.

Showing a quivering attraction to the built libraries, houses, lawns, sculptures, vegetable gardens, the Belarusian hides the spiritual emptiness here and now, creates a comfortable background that masks the truth about himself today. Belarusians are poseurs who consider it important to inspire the illusion of well-being and impress others. A Belarusian will drive an expensive foreign car for 10 thousand dollars, walk around in new shoes, a hat, but his apartment will be meager, without repairs and special conditions, in the style of “Back to the USSR”.

Often plunging into melancholy from hopelessness, lack of prospects, the Belarusian, due to his cowardice, loves to cling to the spectacular speeches of banal populists, folk flatterers who say what the suffering person wants to hear at a given moment in time. By and large, Russians also like to engage in self-deception, putting liars and clowns in the spotlight.

Showing a huge credit of trust in managers, constantly repeating his mistakes, not finishing what he started to the end, and switching to new undertakings, the Russian person strengthens the nationwide lack of will, of which, by the way, he is voluntarily a hostage, although he can change this if he really wants to. But a patient Belarusian, unlike a Russian, slowly but scrupulously knows how to bring the work he has begun to its logical conclusion, even if this process no longer makes any sense.

Russians are very fond of destroying everything old and building new things on the ruins, they are prone to adventurism and a revolutionary method of solving problems. The Belarusian ability to remember and keep one's history and the Russian ability to instantly forget the past, erasing painful pages from one's head, are radically different ideas about state building.

It is a mistake to say that laziness and slavery came to Belarus and Russia from Muscovites. For example, Belarusian suspiciousness, suspicion and Baltic phlegm, as regressive and purely local qualities, are generally not characteristic of Muscovites, Asians and Eastern peoples, and even more so - ethnic Russians. Slavery in Russia is a product of the church. And the lack of culture, tactlessness, spiritual darkness - a consequence of the lack of education of the peasant environment.

Submission, fear of the truth and latent xenophobia are the foundation on which autocratic power is built in Belarus. Infantilism dominates in the personality of a Belarusian and is immanent, and often he does not want to reveal his potential because of timidity and the same xenophobia.

Tomfoolery, the ability to publicly repent, rebelliousness - these Russian traits are absolutely alien to the Belarusian, incomprehensible and perceived with rejection. In this regard, how can we talk about a single people? Russians and Belarusians have never been like that, but simply lived under one big occupation roof. The myth of the unity of the international was invented by the Bolshevik invaders, who were not eager to delve into the details and particularities of ethnic groups, having at their disposal 1/7 of the land.

The emancipation of the Russian and the stiffness of the Belarusian is another proof that these two representatives of the Eastern European peoples are different from each other. Endurance, willpower are more characteristic of a Russian than a Belarusian. Affectionate, airy Belarusian language and horn, windy Russian speech affect the perception and evaluation of the interlocutor.

Sincere simplicity and hospitality is an organic, integral part of the Russian character, which is expressed more strongly than in the Belarusian. Belarusians were vaccinated in the form of Polish arrogance and Catholicism, which did not take root on Russian territory and suddenly disappeared.

Without a doubt, Belarusians and Russians are two different peoples, so the nationalists from Belarus are absolutely right when they talk about the cultural and social identity of their country, recalling the life history of their ancestors under the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Despite the significant difference, two geographically close neighbors, like opposites, are attracted, which is observed in the spasmodic, but stable Belarusian-Russian relations. Belarusians learn good and bad experiences from Russians, as in any society, they learn new words, dialects… unfortunately, they copy the negative trends of show business, the boorish habits of secular sharks. Much of what Russia imposes on Belarus through TV, demonstrating an unacceptable form of imperial conversation with other states, is still not accepted by the Western neighbor, although it is difficult to see this protest and rejection in full in Belarus.

Ultimately, Belarusians remain Belarusians, and Russians continue to be Russians. And this circumstance only reinforces the fact that these peoples have never been and never will be a single whole.

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