State Museum of Modern Art of the Russian Academy of Arts. Exhibition strategy


The well was invented in time immemorial. It has been used and still is used by almost everyone. In addition, it is much cheaper in design and construction than deep wells. Over time, it was actively modernized, changed its appearance and design, became safer and more comfortable, special pumps and a hose system for pumping water appeared. Although a well is a very efficient structure, you should not count on high-quality water in wetlands or with ground water horizons.

You need to understand that most wells take water from groundwater, which are close enough to the surface of the earth, so they just collect almost all washed-out mineral fertilizers, sewage, chemicals and other harmful substances. It is rare when you manage to get to the spring (through great depth location).

If they lie relatively deep, then such water will meet many sanitary and hygienic standards and rules, it will be suitable. However, building a deep well is quite a costly business, you need special equipment and specialists, deep technology, so it is often cheaper to make a well than to dig a well.

Advantages of a well in front of a well:
1. The well will last half a century, and it will not take much time and effort to clean it. You can do it yourself, you just need insurance from the surface. You can't just service a well.
2. Such a well is very easy to maintain and keep clean.
3. There is no need for expensive deep water pumping equipment, a conventional water pump is enough to provide the necessary water pressure in the line.
4. You can dig a well with your own hands, without spending money on the services of special organizations, you do not need to draw up any documents for the use of underground water horizons.
5. There will be a supply of water even in the absence of electricity, because most wells are equipped with buckets to raise water.
6. With the right choice of a place for a well and its depth, it will become a permanent source of water supply, the water from which will be universal (and you can drink and wash in it).

But the disadvantages of the well are also obvious:
Given the shallow depth of the well bottom, water at such depths still differs greatly in quality from water from deep horizons (the so-called artesian horizons).
The deeper the well is, the more expensive it will be to build.
It is almost impossible to protect the well from external pollution. The reason for this lies in the mandatory direct access to the well by a person for water intake or maintenance. As a result, mosquito larvae and amphibians can get there. Yes, and algae can also get into the well along with mosses. As a result, the water will no longer be of high quality and will only be suitable for the household.
The well is dug exclusively by hand, observing all safety regulations. In addition, it is possible to get into a gas pocket, which can be fraught with tragic consequences for builders.
The well should only be in the right place. If it is dug in the sand, it will have to long time look for a ground water horizon, and on clay - the water will be of very poor quality, because the horizons lie shallow and collect all the dirt.

Mankind has never done without water, and there is nothing to say about modern man, for whom the issues of hygiene and comfort are in the first place. Moreover, water should not just be available, but meet the requirements for availability, quality, quantity, cost and other factors.

Often a well or well is an additional option to the central water supply of the house.

That is why many owners of private houses in settlements with centralized water supply, as well as owners of country cottages or summer cottages, are thinking about arranging a personal source of water intake. And the first question that arises is the choice of which is better, a well or a well. Since the category “better / worse”, “cheap / expensive” in relation to the source of water is quite subjective, in order to choose the right option, you need to study a number of factors that determine the choice.

Let's start with the concepts: what is a well, and what is a well?

  • well- a narrow, deep pit, designed to take water, the bottom of which rests on an aquifer. Digging a well is the oldest way to obtain water.
  • well– development of a circular cross-section in the ground, also intended for water intake. Wells became widespread much later, but today they are a more technologically advanced way of organizing private water supply.

It is impossible to make an informed choice based on definition alone. Therefore, further it is necessary to briefly consider the types of wells and wells, as well as the process of their construction.

The well combines three elements: a head (a part of the well protruding above the surface), a shaft (trunk), and a water intake.

The depth of the well depends on the location of the aquifer and its debit (the amount of water that enters the well per unit of time). Since more saturated aquifers are located at a depth of more than 8 meters, the depth of the well can reach 10-16 m.

Although, in fairness, we note that there are wells up to 300 m deep (Turkmenistan).

The well is dug in most cases by hand, the earth is taken out, and the walls of the shaft are reinforced with concrete rings, piece finishing material (brick, stone) or wood (oak, pine, larch). The use of the well involves its periodic cleaning, and the service life can exceed a hundred years.

Pros and cons of a well

In favor of digging a well, such arguments speak as:

  • low cost of work;
  • the ability to dig a well with your own hands;
  • significant diameter, which simplifies the care of the well;
  • continuous water supply. Even in the absence of electricity, water can be supplied manually;
  • ease of operation.

Arguments to the contrary:

  • the probability of flooding the well with perched water, i.e. surface water or melt water. The quality of the top water is very low, so the water in the well may become unfit for human consumption. However, experienced diggers eliminate the possibility of flooding by creating a "clay stocking". To do this, clay is placed in the well pit to a depth of 2-3 rings (depending on the level of precipitation and the level of groundwater). As well as the device of a capital blind area near the head;
  • the complexity of digging;
  • the probability of "leaving" water from the well. It is possible if the well is not dug deep, and the period is dry, or the well is dug during a period of high water (in winter or spring);
  • the need to clean the walls of the well and the bottom;
  • the difficulty of complying with safety regulations. There are cases when the ring of the mine, laid in the floater, went to the side, causing damage to the worker.

According to the principle of manufacturability and the possibility of mechanized drilling to different depths, wells can be divided into two types:

1. Sand well or filter well

The depth of such a well is limited to 30 meters, although it can reach 50. The diameter does not exceed 150 mm, and the service life is up to 15 years.

To determine the type of individual water supply, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of a well for water. A traditional well and an artesian well are the most popular water supply options in the absence of centralized system, but sometimes it can be very difficult to decide which design is best done.

Well for water: the main pros and cons

IN last years classic, traditional wells and columns are gradually fading into the background and being replaced by individual wells for home water supply. Such structures on the site do not take up much space, and their performance is at a fairly high level, which allows you to make your stay in the country as comfortable as possible.

Well advantages:

  • obtaining clean and high-quality water without pollution by perch and plant debris;
  • its own artesian well and well-needle have been functioning without problems for half a century, and sometimes more;
  • the composition and level of water are practically constant, which allows for constant use in significant volumes;
  • a properly equipped well will not require regular cleaning, and installing a high-quality filter will completely minimize the need to perform such a procedure;
  • operating costs are lower and maintenance is cheaper, and this is the main and very important difference between a well and a well.

The disadvantages of borehole water supply include the high cost of drilling and the need to involve special equipment, casing pipes and submersible pumping equipment. In case of breakdown and failure of the pump, get water manually impossible. Among other things, silting can create big problems.

Well or well: choice (video)

Advantages and disadvantages of a well

The unconditional advantages of arranging well water supply in a suburban area are presented:

  • relatively low costs for proper arrangement. The cost of digging without the involvement of special equipment is relatively low, and the price of pumping equipment for the high-quality functioning of the well structure is much lower than the cost of equipment to ensure the well's performance;
  • versatility of use, which means that there is no need to use energy-dependent equipment for water extraction. This advantage is very important when arranging a well water supply system in areas deprived of electricity supply.

With proper arrangement of the structure, wells have a long service life and function for half a century or more. The main disadvantages of wells are high risk water pollution, especially in regions with an unfavorable ecological situation and near megacities, as well as the likelihood of obtaining water of not very high quality.

Among other things, problems can also arise during irregular operation, which is due to frequent silting and the need to carry out cleanup measures. Periodically, it is necessary to treat the structure with disinfectants and replace the bottom filter. Even under the conditions of compliance with all operating rules, the performance of the well is most often limited to a volume of 150-200 liters per hour.

How to choose a place for a well (video)

What is better to do in the country, a well or a well

Groundwater aquifers are subdivided into the following types:

  • perch, located with a minimum depth, which does not exceed 3-4 m. The level of filling of such a horizon directly depends on the amount of precipitation. Most often, a significant replenishment of the layer is noted during the period of melting of the snow mass, and the minimum amount of water is noted in the last decade of autumn and winter. The layer, in most cases, is intended to receive a liquid suitable for irrigation activities;
  • ground water, the amount of which is not directly dependent on the amount of precipitation, and the water level inside the water intake is equal to the amount in the lens. The filling of the horizon is carried out in the process of soil filtration, and the depth of occurrence can vary within 10-40 m;
  • artesian deep pressure water, suitable for filling wells. The horizon is characterized by cleanliness, and is most often used in the water supply of private households. A hydraulic structure can be buried by 40 m or more.

It is possible to correctly determine the depth of the aquifer using conventional exploratory drilling, which will allow you to decide on the choice of the optimal option for a hydraulic structure:

  • mine wells;
  • Abyssinian wells or wells-needles;
  • artesian wells;
  • filter water intakes.

Most simple option water intake on a personal plot is a traditional well, which is optimally suited for use in order to supply water to small cottages. As a rule, the standard depth of such a water supply structure does not exceed 5-15 m.

When choosing the depth of water intake and design, it is necessary to take into account the level of occurrence and the filling indicators of the aquifer.

The opportunity to spend a minimum amount of money also speaks in favor of the construction of a well. However, the use of such a water supply structure does not guarantee sufficient high quality water. In addition to the depth of the aquifer, it is necessary to take into account the soil features of the area, environmental and climatic conditions, as well as the possibility of complying with the established construction technology.

The difference between a well, well and column

In addition to wells and different types wells, in the absence of centralized water supply, water intake columns are often used, which are distinguished by a relatively simple design, installed in a well or directly on the ground, and represented by a valve, an ejector, water pipes, and a column with a special lever.

Despite sufficient performance and visual appeal, such designs have a number of disadvantages:

  • mandatory presence in the water supply network is sufficient high pressure that will allow the equipment to fully function;
  • the likelihood of water freezing in winter, especially if there is too much water in the system low pressure;
  • risk of groundwater or rainwater ingress, even if there is an appropriate valve system that is designed to limit the intrusion of foreign liquids.

The main functions assigned to the column are water intake and fluid supply, which combines such a design with wells and wells.

How to choose a source of water supply for a country house

When choosing a well as the main source of water supply in a private household, it should be remembered that this is a fairly simple and relatively inexpensive option for arranging autonomous water supply. To provide access to water, it is enough to deepen the structure by about 30 m. But such a system is at risk of drying out, and the incoming water can be so polluted that even modern purification filter systems can not cope with it. For the purpose of obtaining clean water it is recommended to drill a well.

To use wells of any type, you will need to purchase quite expensive equipment, including a filter system and a powerful pump. A standard sand well is drilled to a depth of 40 m, and sometimes more. The water in such a source is cleaner, and the arrangement process will not take much time, effort and money, but during the period of drought, the water level drops noticeably and siltation can be observed. Water top quality can be obtained from an artesian well, the depth of which often reaches 200 m. The aquifer here is clean and stable, but for the development it is necessary to obtain a permit and license.

How to dig a well (video)

The choice of a source of individual water supply is a very responsible event and requires certain knowledge. Should be considered a large number of factors, including the soil and climatic features of the region, the purpose of water use, the required and optimal level of productivity, the availability of electricity, as well as financial opportunities.

Many novice summer residents, when buying, inheriting a plot, are faced with the question - what to do with the organization of water supply - limit themselves to a well or drill a well?

The question is not idle, since at least several important factors will have to be taken into account.

Main arguments, pros and cons:

  • When questioning the nearest neighbors, it may turn out that some have wells, others have wells. Each sandpiper, as they say, praises his swamp. But most people drink unfiltered water only from wells.
  • Rusting well pipes can significantly degrade water quality. In addition, when the pump is running in a well, unlike small wells, the water contains less sand and silt.
  • The well is easier to clean.
  • When constructing a well, it is important not to get into the "quicksand". Therefore, be sure to ask your nearest neighbors how many rings they have dug into the ground, otherwise the water level can seriously decrease in a dry summer.
  • On the other hand, spring melt and waste water enters the well more easily, and during this period many summer residents have to buy drinking water in stores in 5 liter eggplants. This problem can be partially solved by good sealing of the rings (especially the top ones).
  • You can not equip the well near the collectors (your own and those of your neighbors).
  • The depth of groundwater is very important. If the aquifer is very deep, then the choice is clear - a well.
  • Well performance is directly related to the supply of electricity, and water from the well is available in any situation. No light - no water. So that the quality does not fall (silting, sanding), the well must work constantly (an option not for seasonal summer residents).
  • Water in a well is closer in quality to the norm than in a well. It is softer (norm 7 units).
  • To drill an artesian well for limestone, you will have to obtain a license in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 "On Subsoil" (taking into account all subsequent editions). This process is not easy and long (about 6 months).
  • A sand well is worse in quality and has a limited service life.
  • It is much cheaper to build a well than to organize the supply of water from a well. A pumping system for a well is cheaper than for a well.

Making a choice

As you can see, there are many factors (not all are given). You need to start with an approximate calculation of water consumption per season / year. Having understood the total volume, you can estimate the amount of consumption costs. Try to take into account everything - a bathhouse, an outdoor shower, plumbing, sewerage, needs for household. Take with a margin of 25-30%.

After calculating the consumption, decide on the method of water supply:

  1. well (8-10 m) - up to 0.65 m3 per hour;
  2. small well (up to 30 m, on sand) - up to 0.5 m3 per hour;
  3. artesian well (200-250 m, for limestone) - up to 3 m3 per hour.

Find out the cost of materials and work (reinforced concrete rings, pipes, pump, use of special equipment). Ask all the nearest neighbors. Find out what they have. If a well, how many rings. What problems do they face - especially in winter (something freezes), in spring (melt water), in summer (drought, increased consumption).

You will not find an unequivocal answer on the Internet, there are many nuances that depend on the specific area.

  • Well or well? Choosing a well...

For autonomous water supply of the dacha - watering, household needs (up to 1-2 m 3 daily requirement) - a well is suitable if there is an aquifer from 5 to 20 m. And, although there are wells up to 30 m, a well to a great depth is fraught with complications and becomes unprofitable compared to well drilling. It is also necessary to take into account the local hydrogeological situation - in a swampy area, the water from the well will not be drinkable - the perched water will penetrate into it along with what it meets on the surface. More often in the choice of "well or well" the decisive word is spoken by the wallet, and not by common sense: a small well is cheaper than a well. The guarantee for high-quality rings is 50 years (although it can silt up in 3-4 years, however, cleaning it is simpler than a similar procedure with a well), and repairing collapsing rings is not as difficult as repairing a well. In addition, the arrival of a drilling rig to the site is fraught with the destruction of fences, flower beds and lawns.

  • When will we dig the well?
Actually, this is all the same, the construction of a well (as well as drilling a well, however) is possible all year round - the earth rarely freezes deeper than 1.2 m, and the place under the well in winter can be warmed up with a fire. However, in the spring, during the snowmelt period, you can seriously make a mistake with the depth of the well due to high level groundwater: a well dug in April may be dry in winter. Seasonal fluctuations in the water level can be 1-2 m.

Therefore, it is better to dig a well in winter and autumn, when the water horizon has the most low level. If the water level has dropped, then you can deepen the well with rings of a smaller (0.7 m) diameter.

  • Where is the well being dug?
From the darkness of centuries came and flourished prejudices, seers and shamans, declaring a set of abilities from preventing nuclear explosions and the resurrection of the dead before determining the place for the well. The willow or walnut twig of the medieval dowser was replaced by a high-tech wire frame. The ideomotor - barely noticeable - movements of the fingers and the phenomenon of resonance, approximately the same "otherworldly forces" as in spiritualistic sessions, make the frame rotate - a plate. But the essence of the matter has not changed: if the neighbors have wells, feel free to dig for yourself. If not, an exploratory well must be drilled. And here neither the frame nor the medium will help.

An aquifer (a layer of permeable rock with a certain thickness) can extend up to several square kilometers, along which water moves from higher to lower elevations from the catchment areas. The movement of water in the aquifer - filtration - occurs through cracks and pores in the water-bearing rock. Underground rivers move evenly, without interruption of a continuous flow, at a low speed in a laminar regime. If a well is dug within this layer, then the water will be in it, regardless of the predictions of the dowser.

The place for the well on the site must be chosen by the owner, based on common sense. And there were rain casters in America back in the 60s; it depended on how events unfolded during the drought whether they would receive their fee or be beaten by enraged farmers.

  • How is a well dug?
Unfortunately, neither SNIPs nor TUs technological maps for the construction of wells does not exist. As a rule, a team of three people digs a well manually: one works at the bottom with a shovel or crowbar, filling the bucket with soil, the second - at the mouth of the well - raises the bucket with the help of a gate on wooden goats and carries the worked-out rock to the dump - a pile of clay quickly grows nearby . The third is resting. Encountered stones are turned out with a short crowbar, tied with ropes and removed from the well also with the help of a collar. The work is intensive, the workers change frequently. The air temperature in the well at a depth of more than 3 m does not exceed 10 ° C, high humidity, the air in the well is not ventilated. The picture is fascinating: watching how a well is dug is interesting and creepy.

The most popular now is the construction of wells from reinforced concrete rings of the type KS 10-9 or similar with a lock or a flat end 0.9 m high and 1 m in diameter. The weight of the ring is 700-750 kg. The first ring is placed in a dug hole, the next - on the lowered ring - from above.

Everything happens manually, the next ring is simply rolled onto the previous one. Soil is selected from under the lower ring, and the rings under own weight descend, sliding along the walls of the shaft of the future well. The column is built up in this way up to the aquifer. When digging a well in light soil - sand or dry loam, the team lays 2-3 rings per shift. Heavy soils (damp clay, rocky) make this work hard labor. The approach of the aquifer is determined by a noticeable cooling - the air temperature in the well drops by 1-2 degrees, mini-springs appear on the walls of the mine.

When building a well in dry, solid soils, another scheme is possible, when the well shaft is first dug, and then rings are lowered into it on a rod with the help of a gate.

  • Well protection from surface water.
One - two lower joints between the rings in the well must be sealed from the inside with a solution to prevent the top water from entering through the gaps between the rings - water intake will occur from below. After the mortar has set, the sinking of the well continues. In the aquifer, as a rule, one to two rings are installed. After that, all the remaining joints are sealed from the inside with a solution with the addition of liquid glass, the bottom of the well is covered with a layer of gravel 20-30 cm high gravel (fraction 5-25 cm), it will serve as a filter for incoming water.

The annulus is covered with gravel and sand, and compacted with clay (clay castle) from above to prevent rain and melt water from entering the well. Clay is a good waterproof material. The upper ring is not buried in the ground to protect it from snow and dirt, the waterproofing of the joint between the upper ring and the entire column should be done especially carefully.

After the water level in the well becomes sufficient to submerge the "Kid" type pump, the water should be pumped out, and this should be repeated as long as possible: in this way, the well "swings" occurs.

  • Caution - danger!
During the construction of the well, labor protection is completely absent. These works are extremely dangerous and time-consuming, the risk of fatal injuries is high. When sinking mines, so-called. "quicksands", the ring can go right before our eyes to the side, crippling the worker. Therefore, when deciding whether to dig or drill, do not forget about this too.

And one more thing: responsibility when using cheap, but illegal foreign work force falls on the employer. This threatens with a fine of 20 minimum wages.

  • We equip the well
The well ends with a canopy on top, it is installed wooden gate with metal handle. A strong cord or cable is attached to the collar. A piece of chain is used directly to fasten the bucket, which will help to immerse the bucket in water.

The top can also be made in the form of a house with a gable roof with a hinged door, and the upper ring sticking out of the ground can be decorated with stone, facing brick. The well looks good, designed in the form of a log cabin. After the soil around the well sags, you should make a blind area of ​​paving slabs, put a bench ...

  • What other wells are there?
. The classic design of the Abyssinian well is a pipe with a diameter of 1 inch up to 15 meters long, at the lower end of which there is a filter. A pump is installed at the upper end of the pipe. The construction of such a well (and in fact - a well) is usually carried out within one day, and the well can be installed even in the basement.

The limitation of the use of the Abyssinian well is the shallow depth of water.

  • Well or well? We still choose to drill a well ...
Comparing a well and a well is incorrect. Even a sand well is superior to a well in terms of manufacturability. During the construction of the well, the location of the septic tanks should also be taken into account, sanitary standards require them to be spaced 200 m, which is unlikely to work on 6 acres. And a limestone well solves all problems with water supply in general: aquifer limestone is everywhere (only at different depths, in the Moscow region from 20 to 200 m), the service life is up to 50 years, the volume of water is almost any, it depends only on the power of the pump . The possibility of full automation of autonomous water supply and a comfortable, almost urban existence in your own country house.

The fact that a well is the simplest and cheapest option for water supply is a controversial thesis, the cost of digging a well of medium depth (10 rings) is approx. $ 1000. But the quality of the water is in great doubt: the water intake comes from free-flowing groundwater, which is nothing more than a waste of human activity, slightly filtered soils. In spring and after rains, the water is cloudy. If you do not constantly take water, it stagnates, the well, like a small well, silts up. The water level depends on the amount of precipitation and seasonal fluctuations, and in dry summers it can dry up completely.

It was in the time of Ilya Muromets that one could drink well water and stand on one’s feet, but now one can stretch one’s legs from raw water from a well. Previously, a well was built for numerous consumers, they dug deep, the selection was constant and intensive. The ecology was virgin, and the skies were transparent. I mean no acid rain.

The public well died along with the communal way of life (in Rus', the well had the same social significance, as in the east - a bazaar, now we learn the news in a different way). In order for us not to go behind the well, we need a well with water treatment. Yes, and then boiling water is a must.

V. Svirin

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