Technological map of musical entertainment senior group. Technological map of a musical lesson on the topic "Hello, winter-winter


Let's look at the illustrations and try to determine - what is autumn like? (Children look at the illustrations and list: Golden, rainy, vegetable, fruit, mushroom, berry, farewell).

M.R. You have given many definitions of autumn and they are all correct, interesting and unusual.

Composers love it beautiful time years, many dedicated their works to him.

Today we will listen to an already familiar piece.

(Sounds like " autumn song» P.I. Tchaikovsky - video - sketch).

M. R. - Who remembered the name of this work?

Who composed it?

What mood is expressed in the music?

What did autumn sing about?

M.R. And now I propose to listen to how they wrote about early autumn poets.


IN dark forest dense

Autumn has arrived.

How many fresh cones

By the green pines.

How many ripe berries

At the forest rowan!

Waves have grown

Right on the path

And among the cranberries

On a green bump

Mushroom came out - mushroom

In a red scarf

(E, Trutneva).

M, R. And we all know the song about mushrooms. .

Let's talk about it.

Before singing, friends1

High we will sing

The average would also be able to!

Well, let's not sing low,

And let's forget about the low.

We begin to sing beautifully

And let's start the song!

And in order to sing well, there must be good diction.

Let's do lip exercises. (Perform gymnastics for the lips).

M. R. Now we are ready to sing. Who wants to sing the song "Honey mushrooms" by I. Lesser?

(Performed by subgroups).

And we also know the song "For Mushrooms" by Abelyan.

Let's get up and perform it for the guests.

(They perform the song "Po mushrooms" Abelyan).

M.R. Well, when the autumn sun peeps out, everyone's mood rises and they want to dance.

Let's try to dance the polka. Boys invite girls and stand in pairs in a circle.

(Perform the polka "Don't shawl").

M. R. And now I suggest you remember the colorful autumn. Take bright scarves and stand in a circle. We will read an autumn poem with you and strong beat make a swing with a scarf, performing an added step. It consists of a step and a spring.


Like a cunning - cunning fox.

Autumn walks through the forests and fields.

Like a sorceress without a brush

I painted all the leaves.

Yellow, red, orange -

Leaves are flying!

(At the end of the poem, the children toss all the scarves up at the same time).

M.R. And now let's try to hear a strong beat in the music. On a strong beat in music, you need to rhythmically hit with spoons.

(Sounds "Dance of the Dolls" Delibes).

M, R, A in farewell to autumn, let's try to convey the mood in the vegetable harvest season.

Guess the riddle:

“Round side, yellow side.

Grows in the garden kolobok.

He is rooted firmly in the ground,

What is this?"


Let's play the game "Turnip" muses. Jordanian.

We will choose a turnip according to the rhyme.

The game "Turnip" muses. Jordanian.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 2 p. Koygorodok.

Routing thematic lesson

"Fairy tale in music".

In the group of general developmental orientation from 6 to 7 years.

(Educational areas "Cognition", "Communication",

"Artistically aesthetic development"(music), "Socialization").

Musical director:Turkina Irina Ivanovna


The date of the: March 2017.

Location: Music hall.

Time spending: 03/15/2017

Amount of children: 25 people.

Group characteristics: There are 25 people in the group (8 girls and 17 boys). The children of the group are characterized by high motor activity, curiosity, concreteness of thinking, great impressionability, imitation, musicality, creative positive and emotionality. Most of group has stable attention, good memory, high cognitive activity, well-developed horizons. Cope with the tasks, reason, analyze. The level of development of the group is average. What allows you to set tasks for children in different areas cognitive areas and fix the result. Relations between the guys are friendly, they know how to help each other.

Explanatory note.

The session was conducted by the music director. Thematic lesson is developed in accordance with the exemplary basic general education program preschool education From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva for children of the general developmental group from 6 to 7 years old.

The lesson was aimed at consolidating knowledge and ideas about the coming season (spring), about the musical repertoire that children studied and about fairy tales that children already know and studied in music classes.

The achievement of the tasks set was carried out in the main types of children's activities: cognitive, communicative, motor musical - artistic and productive.

When organizing joint activities of teachers and children, the principle of integration of educational areas was used (OO "Knowledge", OO "Communication", OO " Artistic creativity”, NGO “Socialization”, NGO “Artistic and aesthetic creativity”).

Usedmethods (method problematic issue, motivation of children's activity, figurative word, visual - auditory, visual - visual, verbal method, practical method, explanatory - illustrative) andtricks (conversation, explanation, explanation, the story of the music director, the story of the children) were aimed at increasing cognitive activity, developing communication skills, creativity, independence.

The selected material and technical support made it possible to maintain children's interest in the topic throughout the activity.

Children got acquainted with the concept of "Rhythm".

Children reasoned and spoke their opinions on fairy tales.

They made up their own story.

Target: Form in children musical culture as part of a common spiritual culture.


1) Educational.

1. Create conditions for development musical ability children.

2. Cause an emotional and aesthetic response to music while listening to a piece, singing songs and playing children's musical instruments.

3. Expand lexicon characterizing the mood of music, introduce the concept of "rhythm".

2) Developing.

1. To develop in children the ability to correlate visual material with music.

2. To develop vocal and choral skills in children: purity of intonation, rhythmic and dynamic ensemble, correct sound science, clear diction.

3. Encourage children to display the information received and impressions in creative productive activities.

3) Educational.

1. To foster a sense of collectivism and friendly, respectful relations between children.

2. Cultivate a love for music.

Preliminary work: Learning a song on a spring theme, learning a chant, preparing children's musical instruments for children, listening to the work “In the Cave of the Mountain King” by E. Grieg, doing exercises on the topic “Rhythm”.

Material used: Children's musical instruments, rhythmic cards "Squirrels" and "Birds".

Musical repertoire: Gallop (jumps and a strong step). Music by M. Glinka, Side step. Music by E. Makarov,Country dance (side gallop), Music by F. Schubert "In the cave of the mountain king" E. Grieg (listening to music), "Sunny drops" Music by S. Sosnin. Words by I. Vakhrusheva (singing), Polka. Music by Y. Chichkov, children's orchestra "Teremok".

Stage, its duration.

Stage tasks.

The activities of the teacher.

The activities of pupils.

Methods, forms, techniques, possible activities.


Introductory - organizational.

3 -4 min.

Organize the attention of children correctly, prepare them for musical activity.

Greeting (behind the doors of the music hall), establishing contact between the teacher and the children.

Muses. the leader gives instructions to the children that they need to go clearly to the music.

Greeting (behind the doors of the music hall), the children line up one after another, carefully listen to the installation and the beginning of the music, come in quickly when the music changes, the children walk briskly and raise their legs high.

Children line up in a circle.

M.R.: Guys, tell me, do you like fairy tales? (Children: Yes). Our lesson today will be devoted to a fairy tale, but before we go to travel there, we need to prepare for the road, let's remember how the side step and side canter are performed, and perform them. (Performing side step and side gallop).

Attract targeted attention. Intrinsic motivation for activity.


45 minutes

Actualization of existing knowledge and ideas about music.

Slideshow with pictures and illustrations.

Muses. The leader asks the children questions.

Viewing slides with images of pictures and illustrations.

Children respond to questions asked, participate in a dialogue, express their opinion based on the existing ideas, on what they saw, recall what was learned earlier.

(Conversation of the music director with children).

Muses. head: (1 slide - empty, 2 slide - carpet plane).

So, are you ready to go on a trip? Children (yes). What can you travel on?

Children (answer).

Let's go on a magic carpet (carpet - plane - slide show). Let's close the gas and imagine how we fly on it high in the sky, and below us are villages, cities and even entire countries.

(children close their eyes, fabulous music sounds).

Muses. hands What do you guys see in front of you? Where did the carpet - the plane - take us? (Children answer - fairy door).

This door is not simple, you see what a tight lock hangs on it, it is impossible to open it. Let's try to open it and see if we can. Just a castle - some kind of eccentric.

(Finger gymnastics “Castle is an eccentric” is being carried out).

(Slide 3 - The door opens to a fairy tale).

Look guys, where are we? (Children: in a fairy tale).

That's right, we are in a country where fairy tales and various interesting stories. But our fairy tales will not be simple today, but musical ones. Let's travel in this wonderful country. (Children: Yes).

Awakening in children a sense of joy, fabulousness, magic, miracle, desire to travel, be interested in musical activities.

Reproduction of information necessary for successful assimilation.

Expansion of existing representations.

8-10 min.

Expanding the representation of fabulousness in musical works.

Actualization of the imagination of children, understanding the expressiveness of music.

Consolidation of the concepts of "major and minor".

Explanation of fabulousness in music, character and means musical expressiveness. Recall and tell the legend of "Peer Gynt" by Edvard Grieg.

Fix the name of the work and from which drama it sounded, who is its composer.

Organization and performance of the song

"Solar drops" Music by S. Sosnin. Words by I. Vakhrusheva

Listening musical composition"In the cave of the mountain king" (Fragment) E. Grieg,

Participate in discussions about the work, answer questions.

Make up sentences and draw conclusions.

Perform breathing and articulation exercises:

- "Sniffing a flower." - "Bite off an apple." - "Brook" - an exercise for the language.

- "We make a blush on the cheeks."

The chant: “The bears were driving” (for the development of musical mood - major and minor).

Perform the song "Sunshine" Music by S. Sosnin. Words by I. Vakhrusheva

The music director invites the children to go to " fabulous journey". (Slide 4 - the country of Norway.). (An excerpt from the work “In the Cave of the Mountain King” by E. Grieg sounds.

What do you know about the country - Norway (there are mountains, green forests, snow, fairy-tale characters live there: trolls, elves, gnomes, fairies ...). (Slide 5)

What is the nature of the music?

(terrible, evil, creeping…)

What did you hear in music?

(Children's answers).

What drama is this piece of music from?

(Drama "Peer Gynt").

Who is Peer Gynt? Tell his story...

(Peer Gynt is a Norwegian peasant who went on a journey to seek happiness .... After many years, he realizes that happiness is at home in his homeland).

Who wrote the work? What do you know about him?

(Composer Edvard Grieg).

(Slide 6).

Did the music manage to convey the dancing evil trolls to the composer?

M.R.: Let's try to portray them to the music.

(Children go to the center of the hall and depict dancing evil trolls to the music).

We sit down and close our eyes, we go further .... (Fairytale music sounds, children close their eyes) (Slide 7 - carpet plane)

Look what we met on the way? (Snowdrops - slide 8).

Let's sniff them.

- “We smell the flower” (Breathing exercises).

- "Bite off the apple" (Articulation gymnastics). (Slide 9).

- "Brook" (exercise for language). (Slide 10).

- "Blush" (rubbing cheeks with palms).

Guys, look who else lives in the country of a musical fairy tale?

(Slide 11 - "Major and Minor").

Listen to the story about Major and Minor. Do you want to listen?

(Music guide tells a fairy tale).

Chorus: "Bears rode."

(development of modal feeling).

(Slide 12).

M.R.: Guys, guess the song from the melody. (Song melody plays.)

Children: "Solar drops."

M.R.: Right. What is the song about? Tell this song like a fairy tale.

(They lived in the yard - there were icicles, one day the sun began to warm them strongly and the icicles from its bright rays began to cry. Where their blue tears dripped - droplets, thawed patches began to appear, and suddenly a small blue flower began to grow on the thawed patch, it began to grow quickly and stretched out his small palms to the sun, and then the icicles were delighted and began to dance, sing and ring merrily).

Let's sing this song, and then you say it's a major or minor song. Let the girls sing verses loudly to us - standing, and the boys sitting in place will sing the chorus. Do you agree? (Singing a song). (Slide 13).

Children: Major.

Yes, that's right, you guessed it.

The formation of ideas about the actions and feelings of the characters in the work "In the cave of the mountain king" by E. Grieg .; about the image of spring, springtime, musical mood (major and minor) in the song "Solar drops" Music by S. Sosnin. Words by I. Vakhrusheva.

Awareness of the acquired concepts of "musical fairy tale", "major and minor". Curiosity and activity.

Dynamic pause.

3-4 min.

Change of type of activity.

Activation of children from the fatigue of a sitting position.

The musical director conducts musical and rhythmic movements - the dance "Polka" Music by Yu. Chichkov, arranges the children in a circle in pairs (a boy and a girl) and helps, shows the change of movement to the music.

Perform musical and rhythmic movements. Dance "Polka" Music by Y. Chichkov. Children stand in pairs in a circle. The boys are inside the circle; the girls are in the outer circle. At the end of the dance, the other boys stand up to the same girls (because there are more boys in the group than girls and they dance again).

M.R.: Guys, look what a beautiful clearing in this country, I suggest you take a break on the road and dance. Come on, let's go out to the merry clearing and dance the polka. (Slide 14). Children stand in a circle and line up in pairs.

(Dance in pairs - "Polka" Music by Y. Chichkov).

Relieve stress, emotional and physical release.

Practical work.

8 - 10 min.

Mastering reading in rhythm not only with the help of movements and speech, but also on children's musical instruments. Understanding the concept of "Rhythm".

An explanation by the music director of what rhythm is, what sounds are in it (short and long), to show that short sounds are read in the syllable “-ti”, and long ones - “ta”. Performance rhythmic exercises"squirrels" and "birds". Organization of practical work.

Providing necessary assistance and emotional support. Organization of the interaction of children with each other in achieving results.

Do practical work.

With the help of cards, the guys make rhythmic patterns. Interact with other children and the teacher (invent a fairy tale for their exercises and ask questions).

With the help of children's musical instruments and the instructions of the teacher, they play to the music - folk tale"Teremok" (children's orchestra - video on the slide).

M.r. Guys, close your eyes, we're moving on. (slide 15 - carpet - plane).

Look? Who do you think this little interesting man is?

Children: Rhythm.

M.R.: Right. Do you know what rhythm is? I'll give you a hint listen, how do these two sounds differ? (a long sound is played first, then a short one).

Children: Rhythm is a sequence of long and short sounds.

M.R.: Yes, now we ourselves will invent a musical fairy tale with the help of long and short sounds. What syllable do we call long sounds (“ta”), and short ones (“ti”). Here I have cards on some squirrels are drawn, on others birds. Large cards are the sounds "ta", small "tee". I suggest you draw up a rhythmic pattern and clap it. (Children line up two people on cards and do the task, then they all clap together).

Where did the whites go?

What happened to the birds? Come up with the beginning of a little fairy tale.

Guys, look at the slide, did you recognize this fairy tale?

Children: "Teremok".

That's right, now we will show this fairy tale, but in an unusual way. This famous fairy tale we will turn it into a musical one. Look carefully at the slides, the heroes of this fairy tale will play various instruments, I will also distribute the instruments to you. (Children choose their own instrument). If you see exactly your instrument on the slide, then it's your turn to play.

(Showing the musical fairy tale "Teremok" - children's orchestra).

It's time for us guys to go back to kindergarten, sit on the chairs and close your eyes (Fairytale music sounds).

Mastering the skills and abilities of reading rhythm and changing children's musical instruments.

Mastering the ability to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions.


3 min.

Summing up the results of the GCD, summarizing the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children.

Summing up GCD with different points vision: the quality of assimilation of new knowledge, the quality of the work performed, emotional state, discussion of the features of individual and joint work.

They speak about the information received, the quality of the work performed and the implementation of their own plan, their emotional state.

Discussion of all musical activities and summing up GCD:

What can be found in music, invented, staged ...? (fairy tale).

What worked, what didn't? (children's answers).

What new did you learn at our meeting today? (children's answers).

What did you like and remember most about your musical activities today? (children's answers).

Awareness of oneself as a participant in the cognitive, creative process.

Formation of elementary knowledge, skills and abilities.

The final stage.

Consolidation of acquired and existing knowledge.

Formation of skills to listen and hear.

directing the attention of children.

Formation of interest in the content of GCD.

Encouragement of children. Medals "The best musical storyteller".

Getting an emotionally positive mood.

M.R.: I was with you guys, today is very interesting and fun, so I want to encourage you with medals, as the best musical storytellers (distribution of medals).

Setting the musical director to leave the children from the music hall to the group:

The guys lined up one after another and, to the music, we jump into the group after the teacher.

The formation of the idea of musical fairy tales, about how you can come up with a fairy tale in music yourself with the help of instruments, rhythm, mood (major and minor) and your own creative imagination.

Subject: « We play along with the music.

Target: Development of the emotional sphere in the process of mastering musical and rhythmic movements

preschoolers using various kinds musical activity.

Age group: 4-5 years.

NOD form: musical, motor, game.

Form of organization(group, subgroup, individual, pair): group

"Social and communicative", " Speech development"and" Cognitive - development ".

Teaching methods: visual method- observation, demonstrations, verbal method - explanation and story, practical method - exercises and games.

Planned result: owns a sense of rhythm through the performance of motor, game, musical activities, emotionally-figurative perception is developed, communicative qualities, social competence, sustained attention when performing a task.

Educational kit(programs): approximate general education program preschool education, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. From Birth to School.


Visual: Presentation

Multimedia: multimedia presentation. Phonograms

Musical: Musical repertoire "Hello" - singing,

"Dance of the little ducklings" dance composition.

Equipment: Musical instruments - piano, tambourines, wooden spoons, bells.


Tutorials: Develop the ability to move rhythmically to music. Involve children in the correct execution of tasks, develop sustained attention when they are completed.

Developing: To promote the development of a sense of rhythm in children through the implementation of motor, game exercises. Encourage children to further master the game of various musical instruments. Develop communication skills, social competence.

Educational: Arouse desire and interest in listening to music. Continue to educate children's interest in music, the culture of listening, performing movements.



Zhdanova E.I.,

music director MBDOU Kindergarten 18

urban district Krasnoufimsk


GCD based on the integration of various types of musical activities in the middle group

Subject: " We play along with the music.

Target: Development of the emotional sphere in the processmastery of musical and rhythmic movements

preschoolers using various types of musical activities.

Age group: 4-5 years.

NOD form: musical, motor, game.

Form of organization(group, subgroup, individual, pair): group

Integration of educational areas: « Socio-communicative", "Speech development" and "Cognitive - development".

Teaching methods : visual method - observation, demonstrations, verbal method - explanation and story, practical method - exercises and games.

Planned result:owns a sense of rhythm through the performance of motor, game, musical activities, developed emotional-figurative perception, communicative qualities, social competence, steady attention when performing a task.

Educational kit(programs): exemplary general educational program of preschool education, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. From Birth to School.


Visual: Presentation

Multimedia:multimedia presentation. Phonograms

Musical: Musical repertoire "Hello" - singing,

"Charging" - musical-rhythmic warm-up,

"Bunnies", "Bear clumsy", "Birds flew" - musical-rhythmic games,

"Orchestrik" DMI - playing musical instruments,

"Dance of the little ducklings" dance composition.

Equipment: Musical instruments - piano, tambourines, wooden spoons, bells.


Tutorials: Develop the ability to move rhythmically to music.Involve children in the correct execution of tasks, develop sustained attention when they are completed.

Developing: To promote the development of a sense of rhythm in children through the implementation of motor, game exercises. Encourage children to further master the game of various musical instruments. Develop communication skills, social competence.

Educational: Arouse desire and interest in listening to music. Continue to educate children's interest in music, the culture of listening, performing movements.

Stages of joint activity

Teacher activity

Children's activities, the implementation of which will lead to the achievement of planned results

Planned result

Emotional attitude to joint activities.

Hello guys, my name is Evgenia Igorevna.

(1 slide)

Well done boys. How did you say hello.

(2 slide)

Show me your palms
And clap those a little

Now let's show the legs.
And let's dive in a little.
Look at me now those
Get out to charge

♫ "Charging"

Organizes; engages in listening, greets. Invites the children to say hello.

Offers to charge.

Listen; focus attention; sing.

Carry out motions to show.

Shows readiness for action, interest, interest in upcoming activities.

every child.

Today we have come to this music hall not so easy, but to meet the music!

Do you want to meet with me with music?

But these cheerful and fervent notes will help us.

Fairy tale characters are coming to visit us. To make them appear, you need to solve riddles.

Chik - Chirik!

Jump to the grains (Bird) ( 3 slide)

fluff ball,

long ear,

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots. (Hare)(4slide)

Walks without a road in summer

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

Hides the nose from the cold. (Bear)(5 slide)

Our guests have been waiting for a long time.

And a little tired.

Gotta take it off to play

And show movement.

What does the bird do?

And the bunny?

And the bear? (6 slide)

Involves in joint activities.

Interested; promotes group work of children; emotionally includes in action; encourages children.

Involves in joint activities; interested; asks a question; initiates a search for answers to a question.

Make a choice; express different emotions.

Show interest;

all work together; listen carefully; guess


Work actively and all together; show the movements of fairy-tale characters.

Shows curiosity, is able to solve riddles.

Actively participates in the implementation of the proposed material.

Everyone has it fairy tale hero your own music, and now it will sound, listen carefully, the music will tell you what movement you need to perform.

♫"The birds have flown"


"Bear clubfoot"

That's how fun they danced

And a little tired.

Let's sit down and rest

Let's go to the chairs.

Promotes group work of children; explains; coordinates with children actions, their sequence;performs the music of fairy tale characters on the piano.

Actively play; perform the task in accordance with the established requirements; master the sequence of actions; perform according to the model, according to the instructions of an adult.

Actively imitates in movements and actions.

ABOUT open to the outside world. Interacts with peers and adults.

Creating an atmosphere of interest

every child.

Guys, our fabulous guests came today not empty-handed. Each guest has their favorite musical instrument, and which one you will understand when you recognize this instrument by its sound.

Bird - bell 7 slide),

Bunny - wooden spoons

(8 slide),

Bear - tambourine (9 slide).

Involves in joint activities; explains.

Plays musical instruments.

Listen to an adult.

Guess the sound of a musical instrument.

Expresses his thoughts well. Actively interacts with peers and adults. Can recognize a musical instrument.

problem question

We sit quietly and prepare ears,

Because we want to learn to listen.

And now we will listen to music, and you will tell me what mood she is in.

♫ Music sounds (10 slide)

The music is fun, playful, danceable. Now we will take musical instruments and fill the melody with sounds.

Interested; asks a question; initiates a search for answers to a question.

Listen to a piece of music; answer the question; express their own feelings.

Able to be interested in upcoming activities.

Shows curiosity

Independent activity of children.

We'll take the tools

And now let's start the game.

The hands will play

Ears will help.

All the kids got up together. Here is the little orchestra.

Let's play more fun

To make it more fun!

♫ Orchestra

- Well done! You played very well.

Now, kids, listen to me!

One two three four five

We need to get in a circle.

Well done! Guys, I propose to give everyone a fun dance.

Dance of little ducks"(11 slide)

Organizes; invites children to choose a musical instrument;explains how to play musical instruments; supervises the children during the performance of the task; engages in joint activities.

Interested;supervises the children during the performance of the task; engages in joint activities.

Show interest; make a choice;

is actively playing musical instrument; watching the action

teacher, other children.

They perform a show dance.

Take part in group play activities.

Performs movements quite well.

I am confident in my abilities. Actively interacts with peers and adults.


Surprise moment.

Well done boys! You danced very beautifully, played and listened to music well, and our cheerful and perky notes helped us in this. If you liked the music that sounded today and would like to meet her again, then take a cheerful note as a memory of our meeting.

Well, now everything is goodbye, let's say to each other ...


Encourages; asks questions that stimulate the process of thinking.

Answer the questions asked; express their own thoughts, feelings; share their impressions.

Able to express his thoughts. Shows emotional excitement.

And we will start with the repetition of dance movements.

1. spring - the girls took up their skirts, and the boys put their hands on their belts. Legs together, squat and turn only with the body to one neighbor, and then to another

2. picker - put the foot on the toe, on the heel, three light stomp

Shows movement progress

3. flashlights - now you will perform one more movement, and which one - you will find out by guessing the riddle

Round like a ball

Shines like a flashlight

Only he does not jump -

Very fragile...

Took our beautiful balls into hands. Tighten your arms as if you really have balls in your hands. Twisted, showed how beautiful your balls are.

Shows movement progress

4. jumps - turned one after another, and make jumps from one leg to another. Knee up, back straight.

Shows movement progress

And now again, but only to the music. We listen carefully to the music and change movements with the change of music

Well done! I really liked how you will dance on the Christmas tree! You are doing great! And now let's, for me, go under the march and sit on the chairs.

Guys, I did not come to you empty-handed. I brought you a story. A story about a snowflake. In order to listen to it, you must sit like this ( hands on knees, palms joined) and close your eyes. All closed? Then I start. Imagine that you are in a winter forest. Beautiful, fluffy, snow-white snow is flying. Snowflakes fly and spin. Dancing in beautiful dance. Wait for one snowflake, the most beautiful one, to fall on your hand. We open our eyes. Wow! Look, the fairy tale really came to life. And everyone has the most beautiful snowflake for him. And let's try to blow off your beautiful snowflakes from your hands? See how we will do it takes a deep breath and blows on a snowflake) And now together. Guys, your snowflakes do not blow away, all because they are magical! The most beautiful for you. And I still have Christmas trees. They must be cold in winter. Let's wrap them in snow so they don't freeze. The 1st row with me will decorate the first Christmas tree, and the 2nd row with Lyudmila Sergeyevna will decorate the second Christmas tree.

Look how beautiful our Christmas trees have become.

You did your best, guys, wrapped them in snow. Now they are warm and neither are they won't freeze while they wait New Year.

Guys, is the New Year a sad holiday or a fun one? Do you love this winter holiday? For what? I love New Years too.

And now I propose to listen to a song called "Merry New Year" and determine its character.

Performs the song "Merry New Year"

And what character this song we will now learn from the game. I will say the words, if they fit the song, then you catch this word in your hands, and if it doesn’t fit, do nothing, just sit. Be careful - catch only those words that fit our song.

The mood of the pension was: fabulous, sad, solemn, cheerful, strict, magical, severe, joyful, angry, kind

Now I propose to sing this song in this character with me. And the 3rd verse is exactly the same as the first one. Singing a song with the kids

There was a good song. And now we're going to winter travel! We will fly on airplanes! Girls will fly first, then boys.

airplane game

One, two, three - collect the circle as soon as possible.

Guys, tell me what was interesting in the lesson?

We are with you ... what? Decorate the trees!

And where did we fly? On a trip around the world!

What good fellows you are! I will fly to winter forest and tell my snowflake friends and forest dwellers how interesting it is in your kindergarten and how well the children of the Cheburashki group are preparing for the New Year! Thank you for your business. Line up near the entrance. See you soon!

Svetlana Ivanova

Routing music lesson

in accordance with GEF DO

organizational information.

Music lesson in the preparatory group for school ppe.

Theme "A fairy tale helps us live" or "Help the Cause of Frost"

Educational institution: MDOU No. 58 Kindergarten "Joy"

Description of the lesson.

Lesson type - thematic lesson with elements of logorhythmics and thearization.

Lesson implementation time - 30 minutes

The purpose of the lesson: The development of musical and creative abilities in older preschoolers, social and personal qualities of preschoolers according to

means of using logorhythmics and theatrical games.

I. Educational objectives:

Implement cognitive activity, individual capabilities of the child through practical activities.

Form friendly relations between children;

Expand your vocabulary of emotions and moods.

To deepen ideas about the elementary means of musical expression: the progressive movement of the melody up and down, jumps in the melody, the purity of the intonation of musical phrases.

II. Development tasks:

Develop phonemic awareness;

Develop auditory attention;

Develop memory and the skill of understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks.

Develop patience and cooperation skills;

Develop the ability to coordinate movements with speech.

5. Educational area"Music".

Develop children's speech with the help of articulation gymnastics; the ability to correlate movement with text in speech and music games;

Develop musical thinking and memory of the child;

Develop singing skills.

III. Educational tasks:

Cultivate positive emotions when performing musical and rhythmic movements;

Cultivate feelings of empathy for musical images, moods, feelings;

Cultivate aesthetic feelings in the perception of classical music.

To form a friendly attitude towards others, politeness, responsiveness;

Planned results.

Knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities that children will consolidate during the lesson

Children develop an interest in the music that sounds in the classroom and in the proposed types of musical and creative activities;

Children have a brighter embodiment musical images when creating theatrical and musical-plastic compositions;

Children pay attention to the purer intonation of the melody.

Children improve the skills of cooperation with the teacher as a result of the use of theatrical elements.

Encouragement to empathize with the feelings of others.

Interest in this educational activity,

Children have a positive self-assessment of their musical and creative abilities.

Expanding the horizons of preschoolers;

Formation of the ability to draw conclusions as a result of joint work;

Ability to apply rules and follow instructions.

Ability to navigate interpersonal relationships;

The ability to self-control develops;

Ability to accept an educational or creative challenge;

Recognize and manage your emotions;

Be able to keep the task throughout the entire time of the task;

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Possession of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Develop the ability to cooperate with peers in movements;

Didactic structure of the lesson.

Frontal musical thematic lesson in preparatory group"Help Santa Claus" lasting 30 minutes.

Type of lesson by content: consolidation and creative application of knowledge, skills and abilities by means of introducing elements of theatricalization.


Musical greeting.

M.R.: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

M.R.: How beautiful it is in your hall, Guys! I really enjoy visiting you. Today we will play a lot! Do you like to play?

Children: children's answers.

M.R.: Guys! Get your hands ready, I'll greet you! ?


M.R.: Hello, my friend!

My dear friend!

Let's get up soon

Let's get around.

(Music leader and children stand in a circle)


M. R.: And now, guys, let's get to know you?

My name is Svetlana Aleksandrovna! And when I was little, what was my name? Sve-ta, but affectionately, how are the guys? Sveto-chka (clap the name with clapping hands and knees)

What is your name? And let's all clap and pronounce your names together.



M.R.: Now we all know each other. Guys! Do you like to play? And I love!

Let's now go scattered around the hall, and when you hear the phrase “I will find a friend for myself,” stretch out your hands to a nearby comrade.


One-two, one-two.

The game starts.

I walk around the room, I'm looking for a friend for myself (children walk in all directions)

I'm looking for a friend for myself, I'll find a friend for myself (find a mate).

Musical-rhythmic movements.

M.R.: Everyone found a friend for themselves, we mean now FRIENDS! And we will dance together. (The music director speaks and shows the movements to the children)

"WALTZ OF FRIENDS" (A. I. Burenina)

Dance with me, spin around quietly (swinging their arms, crouching).

Smile at me tenderly and stop (circling and stopping in place)

And hugged (hugs)

Step back (all with right leg take a step back from each other).

Step forward (return to place).

Clap, clap (2 hand claps)

Have changed. (children go to the one whom the eyes see, that is, the partner opposite).

(repeat several times, at the request of the children)


M.R.: Guys, hear, someone is calling us! I wonder who it is? Let's answer.


DM. : Hello guys!

MR. : Hello Dedushka Moroz! What's happened? You are so uptight!

D.M. Guys! I know that you sent me letters with your drawings?

M.R.: Guys! Have you drawn your wishes for Santa Claus? Were they mailed?

Children: children's answers

DM: They called me from the post office and said that they were gone! Guys! Help! Find these letters!

MR. : Guys! Can we help Santa Claus?

Children: children's answers

MR. : I have a magic bell that will definitely help us in the search for your drawings. This bell has its own little story that one thing will help me tell beautiful work"Waltz Joke" written by Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich. I propose now to listen to it, and think - what is the nature of this work? What mood does it evoke in you?

(The music director invites the children to sit on the chairs)


HEARING 1 D. Shostakovich "Waltz Joke"

MR. : Guys! Did you like this piece?

And what is the nature of this waltz-joke. What mood did you have when you listened to this piece?

Children: children's answers.

MR. : And now, I suggest you listen to a fairy tale.

Fairy tale "Two bells"

(music director tells and shows)

Once upon a time there were two bells - a large one and a small one. One day, the little bell woke up, saw that it was sunny outside, and decided to invite his friend for a walk. He dialed the number and called him on mobile phone. And the big bell was still sleeping and, hearing the bell, thought: “Who is there, well, who is there?” I decided not to get up. The little bell rang again - no answer, because the big bell was still thinking while lying in bed: “Who is there, well, who is there?”

But when he called for the third time and did not hear an answer, Grandfather Metallophone intervened. He lived next to a big bell, so he walked over and ran his wand right under his ear: “whack!”, then another and another. And only when he played the fourth time, the big bell woke up and answered his friend: “I’m already on my way!”

MR. : Guys! And let's try to play this fairy tale under this work

on imaginary instruments. You will ring a small imaginary bell, and pronounce the words: “Dili-dili-dili-dili-dong! (demonstration)

And I will play the big bell and the metallophone.

HEARING 2 D. Shostakovich "Waltz Joke"

(Children lose and speak, changing the mood of the heroes of the fairy tale)

MR. : Guys! Let's stand near the chairs, take

bells and we will tell a real fairy tale.

MR. : Guys! We've got a real musical performance.

(at this time GONZIK crawls out, spying on what is happening)

MR. : Oh guys! Look! Who is this? (draws the children's attention to an alien creature)

Hello guys! I am Gonzik distant planet! You are such an interesting fairy tale told! Me and my friends really, really enjoyed it!

M.R.: Gonzik! And we want to help Santa Claus!

Gonziki: And who is Santa Claus?

M. R .: Guys, tell Gonzik - Who is Santa Claus?

Children: Children's answers.

Gonziki: And how do you help him?

Children: children's answers.

M.R.: Dear Gonzik! And also in new year holidays we sing songs about Santa Claus with the children. Really guys?

Children: children's answers.

M.R.: Gonzik, you can learn this song with the guys!

It is called “FATHER FROST” (lyrics and music by V. V. Skurlatova)

(Music director demonstrates the whole song)

M.R.: Guys! What is the nature of the song? What is the song about?

Gonzik: Very beautiful song! I like!

M. R .: Gonzik, let's play the game "Echo", I will sing the melody of the phrase, and you and the guys will repeat it like an echo!

Gonzik: Echo...great...let's play guys?

Children: children's answers.


Song learning.

M.R.: Gonzik, where are your friends?

(space music of a flying saucer sounds)

Gonzik: Yes, here they are!

(music director lowers spaceship, where gonziks and an envelope with children's drawings lie, the music director distributes gonziks from the "Flying Saucer" to children, children put Gonzik on forefinger right hand)

M.R.: Wait, Gonzik! Let me see what's in this envelope? Are these your drawings, Guys?

(the music director takes out the children's drawings and names the children whose drawings)

Children: children's answers.

Gonziki: Guys! Forgive us please! We took your drawings. We love your drawings. We are such beautiful drawings never seen! And we didn’t know anything about this wonderful New Year’s holiday at all! Gonziki, ask for forgiveness from the guys?

(children are in dialogue with the Gonziks)

M.R.: Will the guys forgive our new friends?

Children: children's answers

M.R.: Guys! I suggest you now play with our friends.

Grab your new friends and hit the mat.

FINGER GYMNASTICS "Gonzik came to visit us" (author's technique of M. I. Rodin)

So that Gonzik becomes friends (put Gonzik on his left fist)

He needs to be taught!

If Gonzik says (twist index finger)

He moves his head

If he listens, he is silent.

The finger is straight.

He claps his hands (clap with thumb, middle finger)

He stomps his feet (stomp with a nameless, little finger)

You stand on your shoulder

Gonzik play with us.

Gonzik came to visit us

He found a friend.

He ran hither and thither.

Cheerfully said: Hurray!

M.R.: And now, Guys! Gonzik change clothes on the left index finger,

This is a sad Gonzik!

(Repeat finger gymnastics with a sad tone)

M.R.: But why should we be sad

Joyfully it is easier to live!

We return Gonzik to the index finger of the right hand.

Gonzik came to visit us

He found a friend.

He ran hither and thither.

Joyfully said: Hurray!

(Children repeat after the music director with a cheerful intonation)

Gonzik: We really enjoyed it! And I also want to draw a letter to Santa Claus? My friends Gonziki, do you want to draw pictures and send them to Santa Claus?

Children: the answers of the Gonziks.

M.R.: Guys! And I liked visiting you, making new friends and our interesting story(rings a bell) and the bell helped us and Santa Claus! What did you like about our music class?

Children: children's answers.

M.R.: Become children in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Are all friends in this room?

You and we, and you and me.

(music director says the phrase to the children)

Dance composition "All friends are in this hall" (author N. Shut)

M.R.: You are wonderful friends who are always ready to help! And now you, with your Gonziks, will go to the group and help them draw drawings for Grandfather Frost! And I'm with you guys - goodbye!

Goodbye Children!

Children: children's answers.

(children leave the music room to the music)

Reflective-evaluative stage.

Joint debriefing, evaluation of children's activities.

In work with children, play and practical methods combined with verbal Specific methods used music education: modeling of the artistic and creative process, activation creative manifestations child, plastic intonation. The alternation of types of musical activity was thought out to reduce the fatigue of children.

As a result of the joint actions of the music director

and preschoolers, prerequisites were formed for various key


Educational and cognitive - possession of methods of action in a non-standard situation;

Communicative - development of endurance and cooperation skills, encouragement to social contacts;

Subject - motivational and creative activity aimed at achieving creative results in one or more activities.

Additional Information.

Used pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques.

Method of modeling the artistic and creative process.

Method of plastic intonation.

Elements of logopedic rhythm.

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