"Khan"-Tosca, or Why Koreans love Russian literature. Books in the Modern Korean Literature Series


In the XII-XIV centuries. develops the new kind Korean prose in hanmun - works of small forms - paesol (cf. Chinese - baisho). Many of the authors were famous poets: Li Inno, Li Kyubo, Choi Ja (1118-1260).

Their writings are a collection of narrative miniatures, untitled and not separated from each other. Usually, paesol collections are significant in length: they include up to ten, and sometimes more books (kwon).

Paesol literature reflects general trend era - outlined in the XII-XIV centuries. the desire to revise the well-known Confucian view of man from the Taoist position, for his official, state activity does not interest the writer here.

A person in paesol is often depicted as a participant in an unusual adventure, or at the moment when he, admiring the beauties of nature, composes poetry.

Still the hero remains historical figure, and his image is still perfect. For the first time, the object of the image in fiction is the landscape. The attention of the literature is attracted so far by the “ideal”, conditionally beautiful nature. But such a landscape is geographically localized and static.

The appearance of paesol literature speaks of the development of the element of description, as well as the awakening of interest in a sharp, entertaining plot - thereby separating fiction from historical writing.

However, there is some penetration artistic beginning V historical prose XII-XIV centuries: “unofficial stories” - yasa (Chinese - yeshi), - are widely used in it. special kind historical writings usually compiled by private individuals.

The most notable monument of this type is the work “Samguk yusa” (1285), already mentioned in another connection, written by the Buddhist teacher Iryon. He set himself the task of collecting and writing down everything that was not included in the historical writings of the past, primarily Kim Busik's Samguk Sagi.

He uses legends and legends dating back to folklore about the founders of states and the birth of the Vans, about the construction of cities and temples, episodes that accompanied the creation poetry, strange incidents, etc.

Iryong carefully collects and records samples artistic creativity Korean people, which he borrows from the "Ancient Writings" and, obviously, from oral art.

In Iryon's work, along with the normative image of a person, prompted by Confucian ideas about what is due, another one was created, which reflected a special type of attitude to the world.

It merged the Buddhist and Taoist understanding of man as an entity independent of society, not subject to the world. social connections with its usual rules. These ideas entered the literature, apparently, in connection with the turning point in Korean society of the 12th-13th centuries, expressed in a general enthusiasm for Taoism.

The attention of the literature of the XII-XIII centuries. to a person who has fallen out of official relationships, not under the control of the authorities, and appealing to the funny, unexpected opened up great opportunities in terms of further development literature to plot.

Despite different character"Samguk sagi" and "Samguk yusa", the principle of depicting a person has not changed. The person in "Yusa" is still a historical or pseudo-historical person (the most fantastic stories are historically localized as well).

The image of a person is ideal: it grows either from Confucian views on the individual and on his place in the sphere of state and family relations(compare, for example, the stories of the loyal Kim Jaesang or the devoted daughter who sold herself into slavery in order to feed her blind mother), or from the Taoist-Buddhist notion of a person who is not subject to the world social relations. The image of people and events is one-dimensional. The inner world of man did not occupy the literature of that time.

In the works of Iryon, the first attempts to describe the appearance of a person are visible. Each feature of his character is symbolic, significant and associated with one or another well-known image; e.g. a synonym tall the growth of the Yin Tian-i began, the regal face of the future ruler is compared with the "dragon-like face of the Han Gao-zu", eyebrows - with the "eight eyebrows of the Tang Gao".

Combinations of these "signs" replaced the portrait in the literature of that time. The same technique is used for moral characterization. Suffice it to say that so-and-so resembles Jie and Zhou, and it should be clear to the reader that we are talking about a bad ruler. In the future, this method of comparison is firmly included in Korean literature.

The first period in the history of Korean literature ends with the advent of fiction as an independent region literary creativity. For Korean literature, it was a formative stage, and this is its main significance. It was then that the main distinctive features literature that has passed through its entire subsequent history.

These features were determined by the fact that the Korean medieval literature arose as a result of the interaction of two cultural traditions: originally unwritten Korean and written, common to East Asia, Chinese. This was reflected primarily in the bilingualism of medieval Korean literature, which has been observed since the first stage of its development.

On hanmun until the 20th century. the whole literature of traditional scholarship was created - historical, philosophical writings. Already at the first stage, the principles of depicting a person and the techniques for constructing a work, suggested by the Confucian tradition, entered into Korean works.

However, Korean authors included materials from oral tradition in their plotless works (for example, plot legends about the founders of states and stories about prominent people), provided information about national history, quoted Korean speeches and examples of literary creativity. This use of Korean material created a special look for hanmun works, despite their lack of a plot.

Brilliant Hanmun poetry was also created in Korea. Already since the XI century. Hanmun literature is officially assigned the role of "high" literature by the state.

At the same time, other literature also grew on Korean soil, the formation of which was facilitated by Buddhist and Taoist ideas about the world and man.

In this line of Korean literature, the local folklore tradition legends, apocryphal tales, legends. This area of ​​literature is represented by pesol and some types of Buddhist biographies.

Written literature on mother tongue at first it was fixed by the way I go, and from the middle of the 15th century. - means of the Korean phonetic alphabet. It also shows the interpenetration of two cultural trends.

In prose, this was apparently reflected in the influence of the style of historical writings, in poetry - in the gradual assimilation of poetic literary imagery from Buddhist and secular Chinese traditions. It is quite natural that in this literature national tendencies were decisive.

The type of interaction between the two cultural traditions that developed during this period in Idu literature was characteristic of Korean poetry in the native language (sijo, kasa) and later, during the Late Middle Ages.

With the subsequent development of artistic prose, an increasing place begins to occupy the actual artistic genres. This fiction perceives the main features that were determined in the period of formation.

For example, a Korean story and a novel are more late period, undoubtedly, the principles of depicting a person, the stylization of artistic prose "under history", didactics, etc., put forward by the prose of the XII-XIII centuries, influenced.

Poetry in subsequent times not only inherited the elements of Chinese imagery that developed in hyangga, but also in some genres developed the structural possibilities provided by ancient poetry in native language.

Further Korean literature abandoned a number of features inherent in it during this period. Yes, the impact ancient folklore- legends about the founders of early states - can be traced only to the XIV century. All this was inevitably connected with the forward movement of literature.

Story world literature: in 9 volumes / Edited by I.S. Braginsky and others - M., 1983-1984

Part 3

The book consists of twelve short stories in which two elements oppose each other - soothing, washing away everything and destroying fire. Life is a river in which a flame is hidden - passions, vices and desires that burn everything in their path, which often lead to monstrous deeds ...

Part 4

Kim Seung-ok (born in 1941) is one of the outstanding modern Korean writers, a great master of prose. Despite the fact that among the prose writers of modern Korean literature, its duration literary activity relatively short, the few works he created, in which the eyes of a contemporary perfectly depict the turning point of the era of the sixties of the XX century, have a unique individuality. With his sensual style, lively and apt language, and concise presentation, Kim Seung Ok has a reputation as a "prose alchemist". Critics define his work as a "revolution of sensuality".

Kim Seung Ok's talent is multifaceted: he became famous both as a cartoonist, and as a screenwriter and director. He is the recipient of many of the most prestigious literary prizes Korea.

Part 5

The novel is about kisaeng, oh lung women behavior is an integral part Korean culture who played big role in the formation and understanding of the role of women in society. Kisaeng is not a prostitute in the ordinary sense of the word. Kisaeng appeared during the Goryeo Dynasty (935–1392). These were the actresses who entertained the kings at the feasts. Often they reached heights in art, poetry and literature.

For each of us, in order to find peace and harmony of the soul, it is useful to look back from time to time. After all, the future often hides behind our actions in the past. Understanding the past can give us the key to solving the problems of the future, help us gain the strength to live on. The life story of the kisaeng described in the novel should make us stop for a moment, look back and think about what we sometimes forget due to the hustle and bustle Everyday life.

Part 7

On June 25, 1950, North Korea attacked South Korea. The Korean War began, in which UN troops took part - sixteen states, including the United States. At first, almost the entire territory of South Korea was occupied by North Korean troops. However, some time later, UN troops drove them back. Moreover, they occupied almost the entire territory North Korea. It seemed that the unification of the country was inevitable. But on January 4, 1951, the two million army of communist China entered the Korean War; UN troops and the South Korean army were forced to retreat.

The author of this book at the beginning of July 1950 was mobilized in the Korean people's army, and in early October of the same year he was captured by the National Army of South Korea. Being in the thick of things at that turbulent time, he had the opportunity to personally observe the relationship between the North and the South.

For readers over 14 years of age.

Part 8

Lee Moon-yeol (born in 1948) is one of the most famous contemporary South Korean prose writers. The first collection published in Russia included two stories about the recent history of South Korea and about a man's search for his place in this history.

For readers over 14 years of age.

Part 9

Kim Yong-soo (b. 1970) is a South Korean writer who is popular in his homeland and beyond. His works have been translated into English, French, Japanese, Chinese and other languages. Winner of many literary awards in the Republic of Korea. The collection "Girl the end of the world" includes nine stories written from 2005 to 2009 and united by the theme of relationships between people.

For readers over 16 years of age.

Part 10

Kim Young-soo (b. 1970) is one of the most popular writers modern Korea. My literary career started in 1993 as a poet and published his first novel, I Walk Showing a Mask, the very next year. The works of Kim Yong-soo have received numerous prestigious literary awards.

Imagine that you have become the owner of a superpower. How will you manage it? Will you be able to resist the temptations and use it only for the benefit of people, or will you obey those who seek to use your ability for their own selfish purposes? The answer to this question is trying to find a fifteen-year-old boy Kim Jong-hoon, who received the gift of reading other people's thoughts.

(ratings: 1 , average: 4,00 out of 5)

Literature in any country passes different stages of its development. And this is influenced by this or that circumstance, such as the political position of the state, unrest in society, war, civil confrontations. Other countries also influence literature, namely, the methods of writing works used by authors of other states.

Korean writers created their masterpieces in their native Korean language as well as in classical Chinese. At first it was folk art, namely fairy tales, legends, songs, beliefs. Initially, Korean writers created poems for singing. There were five poetic forms: long verse, special song, current melody, verse and native song.

In these poems, famous Korean authors described the events of the past, significant incidents, the life and traditions of their people, as well as neighboring countries. Quite a lot of books have survived to this day that will be interesting to read not only for those who are interested in the history of North and South Korea, but also for everyone who is interested in the life of other peoples.

Modern Korean literature is greatly influenced by Western cultural ties. It is worth noting that in Korea she found her way christian religion. Thus, in 1910, the Bible was translated into Korean.

The authors are still actively working in the genre of the novel. main theme is social justice, as well as the negative impact on society of the industrial revolution. In the DPRK, the historical novel genre prevails, and in drama, many authors write revolutionary heroic plays that would raise the spirit of patriotism and the desire to defend their homeland at any cost.

Korean literature is very diverse and colorful. The books of North and South Korea are very different from each other, which makes them special. You can fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this amazing country, which is one whole state, but divided into two types cultural property and ways of life.

  • Kang Kyung Ae
  • Kang Hee Man
  • Kim Won Il
  • Kim Jeonghan
  • Kim Dong-in
  • Kim Man Jun
  • Kim Sisip
  • Kim So Wol
  • Kim Seung Ok
  • Kim Yoojung
  • Ko Eun
  • Kon Sonok
  • Lee Gwangsu
  • Lee Ki Young
  • Lee Injik
  • Lee Moonyeol
  • Lee Oryeong
  • Lee Sang-hye
  • lee seung woo
  • Lee Hyoseok
  • Lee Hyosung
  • Oh Seyun
  • Pak Wanso
  • Park Kyongnie
  • Park Kyu Soo
  • Park Chiwon
  • Shin Kyungsuk
  • Shin Sukchu
  • Han Sol I
  • hwang suk young
  • Cho Myung Hee
  • Cho Sik
  • Cho Haejin
  • Choi Sohae
  • Jan Sogil

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Koreans and books

Unfortunately, the modern Russian reader knows almost nothing about South Korean literature. This is largely the result of the prohibitions that have existed for several decades in USSR to any, even the most seemingly harmless contacts with South Korea. Meanwhile, Koreans are a reading nation, and Korean writers created in recent decades very interesting literature, which, however, in the USSR / RF / CIS is not really known even to specialists.

However, today I will not talk about modern Korean literature, its features and problems. I myself am not very competent in this, and I can only hope that this gap in the perception of Russians about Korea will be replenished sooner or later. Our topic is different - not Korean literature or the book industry in itself, but the role that books (both fiction and otherwise) play in the everyday life of Koreans.

Although I started the article with the statement that Koreans are a "reading nation", statistics show that in terms of the number of books read, Koreans are inferior to the inhabitants of some developed countries. However, I am not going to go back on my words. The fact is that, although the country has social groups, whose representatives cannot imagine life without a book, not all Koreans read a lot. The statistics, first of all, are "spoiled" by representatives of the stronger sex, aged 25 to 55, that is, working Koreans. Indeed, a working Korean reads little, if any, and it would be strange if things were different: after spending 8-11 hours at work and then another 1-2 hours in a crowded subway or in a car that makes its way at a snail's pace through countless traffic jams, a person returning from work is unlikely to pick up a book. At best, he will limit himself to a TV and a newspaper, but rather, having exchanged a few words with his wife and children, he will go to bed.

The reading audience consists of that part of Koreans who, on the one hand, have an education and a taste for reading, and, on the other hand, have the leisure necessary for this occupation. Such people include, in particular, students (schoolchildren are too busy - they are preparing for entrance exams), teachers and lecturers, housewives and, in part, working young women who have much less burden and responsibility in their offices than their colleagues -men. The predominance of women in the Korean reading public is obvious (one of the local critics once stated that the proportion of women among prose readers in Korea is 80%).

Number of book titles published in Korea in 1996 it was exactly twice as much as in 1980 (26.674 and 13.062, respectively). The total circulation increased during this time even more significantly - three times. However, volume growth slowed down around 1990 and since then Korea Approximately 26-29 thousand titles of books are published per year. This is a good indicator. In terms of the number of book titles, Korea is only twice as USA(with a population five times smaller), and two and a half times greater than India(with a population 20 times smaller). IN Russia in 1994, 30,390 book titles were published, a little more than in Korea. At the same time, we must remember that our population is three times larger. Thus, Korean indicators are quite good.

Speaking of Korean books, it is impossible not to note their relative cheapness. Mass-printed paperback book, regular format, with good quality paper and print, approximately 300 pages, is worth Korea somewhere around 6-8 thousand won ($5-7). For a monograph or a limited edition in hardcover, one had to pay 15-25 thousand won ($12-20). This price may seem expensive to the Russian reader, but in fact, compared with the prices for similar books in Western countries, it is surprisingly low (a mass-produced book of the usual format costs America 15-20 dollars, and a special hardcover monograph - from 40 to 100 dollars).

What does a modern Korean city dweller read? If speak about fiction, then in the seventies, serious books devoted to philosophical issues were most popular human being. It is significant that this was the time of enthusiasm for classical Russian literature, the influence of which in those years reached its peak. In the 1980s, democratization and the relaxation of censorship led to the flourishing of the political and historical novel. This novel in South Korea was (and usually still is) left-wing, often even pro-communist. The heroes of the books were often strike organizers or communist guerrillas during the Korean War. Of course, such publications caused gnashing of teeth among the conservative part of the establishment, but they enjoyed considerable commercial success (the recent "forbidden fruit" is sweet), so that the publishing houses freed from censorship released them willingly.

In the nineties, the collapse of the socialist system and the depoliticization and de-ideologization of Korean society led to the fact that interest in these works, and in serious literature in general, decreased significantly by the mid-nineties. The era of the entertaining novel has come, the time has come for light reading. Real, "high" literature has also largely reoriented itself from the problems of society to questions individual life And inner world person.

Actually entertaining literature in Korea, that is, so to speak, "low genres", is represented mainly by translated American editions. Among entertainment genres, the detective dominates, both criminal and espionage-political. Although in Korea and there is a detective tradition, but the vast majority prefer translations Western authors. This applies to all kinds of thrillers and adventure literature, as well as to science fiction. Popularity science fiction V Korea generally lower than Russia or Western countries. If we talk about fashion in last years magical fantasy genre fantasy"), then he Korea generally resides somewhere in the back of the book market. At the same time, there are millions of urban housewives in the country, who form perhaps the only group of adults with free time. They create fertile ground for the spread of the "ladies'" love story here.

One of the features Korea is that all kinds of documentary and semi-documentary works are very popular among the local reading public: essays, popular science publications, travel essays. Unlike many other countries, these publications are Korea in terms of their popularity among the mass reader, they are not inferior to fiction. A significant part of such publications are translations, so that almost all notable Western works on history, politics, economics, philosophy, appear in Korean very soon after their release in the original.

Koreans are generally quite familiar with world literature, although its perception - the selection of books for translation, the authority of this or that writer - generally reflects American assessments and traditions, in many respects different from those to which the Russian reader is accustomed. Related to this is good knowledge Koreans American and in general English Literature, while much less attention is paid to writers from other countries. However, some of the traditional cultural ties have their effect, and, for example, Chinese historical novel, both classic and modern, are much loved by Koreans.

Russian literature has penetrated into Korea still in the colonial period (in secondary translations from Japanese or, more rarely, from English) and enjoyed considerable popularity there, especially in the sixties and seventies. IN last couple For decades, a decrease in interest in serious literature has led to the fact that the popularity of Russian authors has somewhat decreased, but it still remains quite high (president Kim Tae-jung, for example, considers his favorite authors Dostoevsky And Chekhov, which he once read a lot in prison). You can judge which works of Russian literature Koreans know best from the reference book "200 the best works world literature". Russian literature in it is represented by 5 names: " Brothers Karamazov", "Fathers and Sons", "Anna Karenina", "Mother", "Lady with a dog". For some reason it didn't get there, really," Crime and Punishment", which is also very popular in Korea.A.N. Lankov

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