Ilya Muromets refused to become governor of Chernihiv. Description of Ilya Muromets according to the results of the examination


If there is a lack of air during pregnancy, then most likely this condition is temporary, not dangerous, and it is associated precisely with " interesting position" women. Specialists call this lack of air during pregnancy physiological.

Lack of air during pregnancy causes of the event
on the calf monitor pregnant
doctor growth trimester

It is explained by the fact that the growing uterus and the embryo push apart all the internal organs that are located nearby. It also affects the bladder, intestines, stomach and lungs. The diaphragm is subjected to these unpleasant sensations in last turn, which is the only positive moment in this phenomenon.

Be that as it may, this condition can be an alarming signal: it is necessary to take tests for hemoglobin levels, as well as check the work of the heart muscle.

Causes of the disease

Consider the most likely reasons why there is not enough air during pregnancy:

  • the diaphragm under the pressure of the growing uterus rises, because of this, there is less space left in the lungs for their straightening - shortness of breath occurs;
  • a growing embryo needs more and more oxygen, which it takes from the bowels of the mother, which is why a woman feels a feeling of lack of air during pregnancy;
  • nervous disorders, stressful situations, emotional, hormonal changes in the body of a future mother can provoke a lack of air during pregnancy in the early stages;
  • due to a lack of iron, a mild form of anemia develops, so the woman is no longer able to endure the previous physical exercise, because of this, there is a feeling of lack of air during pregnancy.

It's difficult to breathe

As a rule, this condition, when there is not enough air, lasts until about 32 weeks of pregnancy. On this period the baby's head turns towards the small pelvis, while the pressure on the diaphragm and epigastric region becomes less, so the air enters better during pregnancy.

Why does it occur early

Some women complain that they do not have enough air during pregnancy already in the early stages - 6-8 weeks, when hormonal changes in the body occur.

This may be related to toxicity. Despite the fact that toxicosis in most cases is manifested by nausea, vomiting, sometimes this condition has other signs, among which are:

  • heaviness, pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence.

Very often, literally immediately after conception, it becomes difficult for the expectant mother to breathe after eating, even if she ate a very small portion. There may be pain in the stomach, belching, heartburn.

The same symptoms occur when isolating of hydrochloric acid: its production is provided by the synthesis of growth hormone, which is intensively produced in the body of the expectant mother.

Preventive actions

Among preventive measures, which will help prevent or at least reduce the likelihood of a lack of oxygen, can be identified.

  1. Regular intake of drugs, which contain a sufficient amount of iron.
  2. Folic acid intake in moderate doses. This is most relevant for women who suffer from hemolytic disease or are malnourished.
  3. Regular exercise of moderate exercise.
  4. Keeping a balanced diet.
  5. Regular visits to the doctor and the delivery of the necessary tests.
  6. Mandatory consumption of foods such as legumes, dietary meats, nuts, fruits and juices.

Finding out the cause from the doctor

Therapy Methods

Let us consider in more detail what can be done if there is not enough air during pregnancy.

1. Practice breathing during childbirthLearn breathing exercises and breathing techniques during labor. Apply them whenever you feel a lack of oxygen. So you can prepare for childbirth and feel better.
2. Have a good restIf this attack is caught during exercise, you just need to rest a bit.
3. Walk outside more.Clean air, away from highways and manufacturing enterprises will allow you to fill your lungs and feel much better.
4. Open a window at nightSleeping with an open window or window favorably affects the overall well-being. The main thing is that there is no draft.
5. Avoid sleeping on your backLie down half-sitting with special pillows. Remember that you can not sleep on your back while carrying a child. This can not only cause breathing difficulties, but also adversely affect the general condition.
6. Get on all foursAs soon as you are caught by an attack of lack of air, you need to get on all fours, relax as much as possible and take slow breaths and exhales.
7. Be sure to eat breakfastSometimes the lack of oxygen occurs precisely because of poor nutrition.
8. Don't OvereatYou need to eat while carrying a baby fractionally - often, but in small portions. The ideal option considered 5-6 times / day every 2-3 hours. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
9. Control your weightWatch your weight gain so you don't gain extra pounds. This can be not only the cause of difficulty breathing, but also bring a host of other problems.
10. Consult a doctorYou may be prescribed relaxing, sedative medications, such as essential oils, herbal teas.
11. Drink oxygen cocktailsSome expectant mothers are perfectly helped to cope with this ailment.

You should never worry that such bouts of lack of oxygen are harming the baby. If all tests and the results of other examinations are normal, then this condition does not harm the fetus, but only creates some discomfort for the expectant mother.

Preventive actions

A couple of weeks before the expected birth, it will become much easier for you: if your stomach drops, expect an early birth.

Possible dangers and risks

Consider a number of ailments in which there is not enough air during pregnancy:

  • cardiovascular diseases - heart defects, arrhythmia;
  • a complication after suffering the flu or acute respiratory infections, in which case the heart does not pump blood well through the vessels and veins, due to which the organs and tissues of the body suffer from a lack of oxygen;
  • allergic diseases - this reaction may appear on a large list of products that are allergenic to humans, for example, pollen, plant fluff, some types of trees, household dust, mold, cosmetics, chemicals (the body may also have a negative reaction to eggs, nuts, milk or insect bites)
  • bronchial asthma, and, consequently, dyspnea;
  • overweight, obesity, malnutrition;
  • if a lack of oxygen occurs during a conversation, this indicates that a narrowing of the small bronchi has occurred;
  • chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi, high blood pressure.

Most allergic reactions are accompanied by a lack of inhaled oxygen. The intensity of this feature is determined by the state of the organism of the expectant mother. That is why, if you observe such signs, it is imperative to visit a specialist in order to exclude possible complications.

Throughout pregnancy, the female body undergoes major changes and related changes in well-being. In every trimester of pregnancy future mom may experience more and more uncomfortable sensations, completely different in nature and ways of manifestation. One is replaced by another, and sometimes it seems that it will never end. In the later stages, they become torture at all. The most important thing is to know the cause of your poor health and develop methods to deal with it.

Depending on the physiological characteristics of the body, malaise in pregnant women manifests itself in different ways. These can be such unpleasant symptoms as heartburn, bloating, constipation, swelling, the appearance of skin itching, age spots, stretch marks, pain in the lumbar region, perineum and legs. But the vast majority of women complain of difficulty breathing, especially last dates pregnancy. Sometimes there is a feeling of a sharp lack of air.

Why is it hard to breathe during pregnancy

Breathing problems usually appear in the seventh month, but may well appear earlier. Such changes can be given a completely logical explanation. The active growth of the uterus and the baby causes pressure on nearby organs.

First of all, of course, the stomach, intestines and bladder suffer. But an actively developing fetus can also exert pressure on the diaphragm. The bigger your baby gets, the more likely it is that you will have difficulty breathing during pregnancy.

On last month when the stomach starts to drop, you will most likely feel relieved. The good news is that not all women experience severe shortness of breath and frequent shortness of breath. But with physical exertion, rapid inclinations and other undesirable during pregnancy physical activity, you can be among those who suffer from breathing problems.

How to deal with shortness of breath during pregnancy

When you get pregnant, especially if it's your first, your doctor should tell you about all sorts of changes in your body, including breathing difficulties. In addition, you should be given advice on how to behave in a given situation, when to remain calm and not panic, and when to see a doctor. If you have not heard all this, then in this article we will try to give you advice at least on how to deal with shortness of breath during pregnancy.

First of all, you need to learn new breathing techniques. If you were not familiar with this concept before, now is the time. These skills will help you in childbirth.

If you feel difficulty in breathing, you need to get on all fours, inhale deeply and slowly, then exhale also deeply and slowly. Such exercises will have to be repeated several times a day, in order to achieve desired result.

In breathing problems, your position is very important - try to lie on your back as little as possible, if shortness of breath appears at night - try to sleep half-sitting. During a sharp lack of air, try to sit down or lie down, the most important thing is to change position. Moderate exercise will be very helpful. The main thing is to observe the measure in everything.

Try not to overeat, stick to a diet. Overeating makes it difficult to breathe. Also, do not forget about the need to walk along fresh air- it is very useful both for you and for your future baby.

If you find it difficult to breathe during pregnancy, even in a calm state, you need to talk to your doctor. Perhaps there are other reasons for this, not related to the growth of the baby.

But in general - do not worry! get busy breathing exercises, love yoga for pregnant women and smile more often. Be healthy!

A pregnant woman would really do well to learn different ways correct breathing. If you train daily, then by the end of your pregnancy you will really be well prepared to help yourself and, of course, your baby during the passage through the birth canal. The ability to breathe properly helps not only to relax in time and calm down during contractions, but also, in the end, to control the force of contraction of one's own muscles.

It is quite possible to perform breathing exercises even lying down, but if it is more convenient for you, you can also sit in Turkish, but it is still advisable to lean on something with your back, say, on a hard pillow.

Proper breathing during childbirth is extremely important and responsible.

You simply have to allow your uterine muscles to get enough oxygen, and be sure to be significantly less painful. female body is designed in such a way that lack of oxygen or hypoxia instantly causes pain.

Proper breathing helps:

  • Control, which in turn helps protect the baby from birth injuries
  • Making the same efforts more efficient and thus provides the necessary pressure of the diaphragm on your uterus, which in turn helps the baby to be born. When the expectant mother draws air simply into her cheeks, this does not help the baby in any way, he does not advance, and the attempts become futile.
  • So that the baby’s head can come out gently, without in any way injuring itself and without harming the mother’s birth canal
  • Make sure that the baby also does not suffer from a lack of oxygen, all the same hypoxia.

Videos breathing during childbirth and pregnancy

Full chest breathing

Try placing one hand on your stomach and the other directly on your chest. Try to make a full deep exhalation, and then inhale through the nose, while taking into the lungs as much air as possible. At this time, the hand that lay on your stomach should remain practically motionless. The second hand, on the contrary, should rise as much as possible, due to the fact that your breath was so deep that with it the ribs rose as much as possible, and the diaphragm also dropped. Taking a full deep breath, try to hold your breath, then slowly exhale the air through your nose.

When you have mastered this exercise, it will be possible to move on to the study of other styles and varieties of chest breathing. It can be superficial, delayed and intermittent.

shallow breathing

You need to try to breathe easily and naturally, quickly, as well as rhythmically and almost silently. Try to breathe through your mouth, while only filling the very tops of your lungs with air. At this time, let someone close put both hands on your shoulder blades and say if you feel the movement of his hands when you breathe. Try to make your breathing easier and more airy with each breath.

When performing such exercises, do not forget that only the upper sections should move. chest, and in any case not the stomach.

Make sure that the inhalations are equal to the exhalations. Try to gradually, without rushing to increase

the duration and number of superficial breaths at first from ten to thirty seconds, and by late pregnancy, the duration can be increased up to one minute. Shallow breathing simply must be rhythmic, inhalation should be followed by exhalation in two seconds. You will probably find it easier to do these exercises with your eyes closed.

Such breathing practices can also help you with strong contractions, when the cervix opens. During contractions, it is extremely important that your diaphragm, as a muscle capable of separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, which must properly tighten and lower when inhaling, does not press excessively on the uterus. And therefore, the lighter and airier your shallow breathing is, the less the diaphragm will be able to go down, which is what is needed right at the moment.

Breathing delays

Try to inhale air very deeply through your nose, when you feel that this is the end of inhalation, try to hold your breath, now count to ten in your thoughts, and only then exhale sharply through your mouth. When you practice this breathing, you can try to bring your count to thirty.

It is necessary to breathe with delays at the very moment when your baby is gradually coming out.

Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, try to inhale and exhale very noisily, it will remotely resemble the breathing of a dog. The rhythm of your intermittent breathing must necessarily be somewhat rapid. You need to take approximately one inhalation and exhalation in one second. When you practice this type of breathing, try to breathe like this for only thirty seconds at first, then increase the number of breaths to forty, and later sixty times.

Interrupted breathing is extremely useful at the end of the primary period of childbirth, just when a woman wants to push. However, you need to remember that you should not do this until your baby's small head sinks down into the pelvis, as well as at the end of the second stage of labor, when you are able to see the appearance of the head.

Peritoneal breathing

Place one hand on top of your stomach, lower the other on your chest. Before starting the exercises, you need to make a full devastating exhalation. Then inhale fully through the nose, while raising the abdominal wall, thus puffing up the stomach. The hand that was lying on the stomach at the same time will move, and the hand that was lying on the chest will have to remain practically motionless. Then, slowly, exhale very slowly through your mouth, while gradually lowering the abdominal wall, and by the very end of the exhalation, the peritoneum should return to its original position.

Absolutely full deep breathing

At the very beginning of the exercises, take a full deep exhalation, freeing the lungs. Then slowly inhale very slowly, while again raising the abdominal wall. To the very end of the inhalation, try to hold your breath, and then just as slowly and slowly exhale through your mouth, first lower your chest, and then your ribs. Complete deep breathing It is extremely necessary in order to rest in between contractions. Such exercises can even cause some dizziness. And therefore it is better to train like this in a prone position and you need to start with no more than three or four times in a row.

Sharp exhalations

It may happen that after the very first contractions, despite the exact fact that the cervix is ​​not yet completely open, the woman will begin to try. It is quite possible to prevent this with the help of breathing, for this you need to first take two short, not deep breaths, and then one, but very long, and noisy exhalation right with a roar.

Another useful video about proper breathing:

When asked why Ilya Muromets refused to become Chernihiv governor and what helped glorious hero Holy Russian to defeat the nightingale given by the author Caucasian the best answer is
It helped to win that he did good deeds (and in epics, the one who is kinder always turns out to be smarter, stronger, more cunning, more dexterous, etc.). In addition, he loved his squad, his warriors and took care of his people. He was chosen to become a true glorious defender of the motherland. Behind him stood the power of truth, the power of the spirit, the power of love and the power of faith.
And now about the same - a little more.
According to the epics, the hero Ilya Muromets until the age of 33 (the age at which Christ began to preach and died) "did not control" his hands and feet, and then received miraculous healing from the elders (or kalik passers-by).
They, having come to Ilya's house, when there was no one else but him, ask him to get up and bring them water. Ilya answered this: “But I don’t have any arms or legs, I’ve been sitting on my seat for thirty years.”
They repeatedly ask Ilya to get up and bring them water. After that, Ilya gets up, goes to the water carrier and brings water. The elders tell Elijah to drink water.
Ilya drank and recovered, after the second drink he feels exorbitant strength in himself, and he is given a third drink to reduce it.
After, the elders tell Ilya that he should go to the service of Prince Vladimir. At the same time, they mention that on the way to Kyiv there is an unbearable stone with an inscription, which Ilya must also visit.
After, Ilya says goodbye to his parents, brothers and relatives and goes "to the capital city of Kyiv" and first comes "to that immovable stone." On the stone was written an appeal to Elijah to move the stone from its immovable place.
There he will find a heroic horse, weapons and armor. Ilya moved the stone and found everything that was written there. He said to the horse: “Oh, you are a heroic horse! Serve me with faith and truth." After that, Ilya gallops to Prince Vladimir.
The confrontation of Ilya Muromets with the Nightingale the Robber, sometimes with the Idolish, called the Glutton, is also attributed to Ilya Muromets and the release of the princess from the snake ...
Often there is a mixture of Ilya Muromets with Elijah the prophet. This confusion also occurred in the alleged epic homeland of Ilya Muromets, in the view of the peasants of the village of Karacharovo (near Murom). The study of the "biography" of Ilya Muromets leads to the conviction that many fabulous and legendary wandering warriors have accumulated on the name of this popular hero.

Answer from Masha Belova[newbie]
Ilya Muromets refused to become the governor of Chernihiv because he was a true patriot of his native land, he did not want to serve anyone, but wanted to serve his homeland.

Answer from luxury[newbie]
Ilya Muromets refused to become the governor of Chernihiv because he was a true patriot of his native land, he did not want to serve anyone, but wanted to serve his homeland.

Answer from Lera Mudryak[newbie]
Ilya Muromets refused to become the governor of Chernihiv because he was a true patriot of his native land, he did not want to serve anyone, but wanted to serve his homeland.

Answer from adaptability[active]
Ilya Muromets refused to become the governor of Chernihiv because he was a true patriot of his native land, he did not want to serve anyone, but wanted to serve his homeland.

Ilya Muromets Orthodox Church honors as a saint, and the people - as the main hero of the Russian land.

Why is the hero holy?

The word "hero" is associated with remarkable strength and courage. But if we think deeper, we can easily see something else there - the word "God" or "rich". The Russian people chose their words with care, so that even after many centuries they reveal important meanings to us. The word "hero" appeared in the annals in the XIII century and began to denote a person gifted with wealth, a divine abundance of strength. Before him, the Slavs used more unambiguous words: “brave” or “horobr”, that is, “daring”. They say that the strength of the heroes in its origin is not only physical. They are superior to the enemy in that they stand on the side of the truth. And God, as you know, "is not in power, but in truth." And the thirty years that the hero spent "on the stove" should be understood not as years of idleness and idleness, but as a time of learning humility and preparation for service.

Why was he sitting on the stove?

From epics it is known that Ilya Muromets spent all his childhood and adolescence on the stove. It is reported that at the age of 30 "Ilya did not have walking at his feet." Scientists who examined the relics of the saint noted in the lumbar spine a curvature of the spine to the right and clearly expressed additional processes on the vertebrae. This means that in his youth the saint could indeed suffer from paralysis. “Kaliki passers-by”, who appeared in the epic to Ilya, could, according to one version, be folk healers who set Ilya’s vertebrae and gave him a healing decoction to drink. And according to another, healing and strength is a miracle given to Elijah by God.

Nickname Chobotok

"Ilya Muromets" sounds much more serious and impressive than "Ilya Chobotok". Nevertheless, both of these nicknames belonged to the holy reverend Elijah of the Caves. Chobotok is, as you know, a boot. Ilya Muromets received this nickname after he once had to defend himself from enemies with a boot, which he put on his leg at the moment when he was attacked. Here is how the document of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery tells about this:
“There is also one giant or hero, called Chobotka, they say that once many enemies attacked him at the time when he put on his boot, and since in his haste he could not grab any other weapon, he began to defend himself with another boot, which had not yet put it on and overcame everyone, which is why he received such a nickname.
But this was not the first time that Ilya had to defend himself with such weapons. In one of the epics, a helmet helped the hero to defeat the robbers without a number:

And he started here
wave the sludge,
How to wave to the side -
so here is the street
Ay in a friend will wave -

Censorship omissions

Not everyone associates the image of the epic Ilya Muromets with Saint Elijah, whose relics rest in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Such a division is fabulous Ilya and a real person - largely happened due to Soviet power, who made considerable efforts to make a holy fairy-tale hero-warrior. It was necessary to secularize this image, to de-Christianize it. For example, it was at this time that the episode of the epic was distorted, in which the “passing kaliki” heal Ilya. In the pre-revolutionary edition of the epic, it was stated that Christ and the two apostles were "kaliks". The Soviet edition is silent about this.

Descendants of Ilya Muromets

The village of Karacharovo is now part of the city of Murom. And in the place where the hut of Muromets stood, not far from the Trinity Church, where the hero dragged a bog oak from the Oka up the mountain, which the horse could not drag, stands the house of the Gushchin sisters. Priokskaya Street, 279. The Gushchina sisters consider themselves descendants of Ilya Muromets in the 28th generation.

The great-great-grandfather of the Gushchin sisters Ivan Afanasyevich inherited heroic strength Ilya Muromets. He could easily pull the cart on himself if the horse could not cope. And the local authorities at one time forbade him from participating in fisticuffs because of the lethal force of the blow. According to another version, this man nevertheless participated in the battles, but with one limitation: his hands were tied.
It is interesting that recently, during the cleaning of the Oka, several more ancient bog oaks with three girths each were found. But they could not pull ashore!

Murom or Morovsk?

Not so long ago, there were passionate disputes in the scientific community, and some of the opponents were convinced that the homeland of the saint was not Murom, but the city of Morovsk (Moroviysk) in Ukraine.
"IN glorious city in Murom, in a village in Karacharovo "- this is how the epics tell us about the place of birth of the hero. More than once, he himself recalls his native places, lost among dense forests and impenetrable and swampy swamps.
In the same Chernihiv region as Morovsk, there is the city of Karachev, consonant with Karacharov. And even the village of Devyatidubye and the Smorodinnaya River.
However, now the place of origin of Ilya Muromets has been established for sure. This is the Russian city of Murom, the village of Karacharovo.

In the West

Surprisingly, Saint Elijah of Muromets is also known in the West, because he is the main character not only of Russian epics, but also, for example, German epic poems of the 13th century, based, of course, on earlier legends. In these poems, he is also called Ilya, he is also a hero, yearning, moreover, for his homeland. In the German epic of the Lombard cycle, in the poem about Ortnit, the ruler of Garda, the uncle of the ruler is Ilya the Russian (Ilian von Riuzen). He participates in a campaign on Sudera and helps Ortnit get a bride. Ilya did not see his wife and children for almost a year, and the poem speaks of his desire to return to Rus'.

Another example is the Scandinavian sagas recorded in Norway around 1250: the "Vilkina-saga" or "Tidrek-saga" from the northern collection of stories about Dietrich of Bern. The ruler of Rus', Gertnit, had two sons from his legal wife, Ozantrix and Valdemar, and the third son from his concubine, Ilias. Thus, according to this information, Ilya Muromets, no more and no less, but the blood brother of Vladimir - later the Grand Duke of Kyiv.

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