Ivan Bunin chronological table briefly. Calendar of memorable dates in the life of I. Bunin


Bunin's chronological table, presented on this page, will be an excellent assistant in studies both at school and at the university. She collected all the most important and main dates of Bunin's life and work. Bunin's biography in the table is built by experienced philologists and linguists. The data presented in the table? are written concisely, which makes information digestible twice as fast.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin left behind great heritage which is still being studied today. Learn about it creative way and experienced tragedies can be seen from the table, which combines all the stages of the life of the great writer.

1881 - Ivan Bunin's parents send their son to the Yelets gymnasium.

1886 March- Ivan Bunin was expelled from the gymnasium. The reason was the lack of tuition fees, in addition, Bunin did not go to school from the holidays.

1887 - Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is published for the first time - his poems "The Village Beggar" and "Over the Grave of S. Ya. Nadson" are published in the patriotic newspaper "Rodina";

1889 - The young writer moves to Oryol, where he goes to work in the Orlovsky Bulletin.

1891 - Poems 1887 - 1891 are published in Orel.

1893-1894 - Ivan Bunin falls under the influence of L.N. Tolstoy, and so much so that the writer is going to become a cooper. Only with L.N. Tolstoy at a meeting in 1894. was able to persuade Ivan Alekseevich to abandon this idea.

1895 - The writer moves to St. Petersburg, and a little later to Moscow, where he begins to get acquainted with the capital's literary circle: A.P. Chekhov, A.I. Kuprin, V.Ya. Bryusov.

1896 – Ivan Bunin translates the poem “The Song of Hiawatha” American writer G. W. Longfellow. Later, the writer will improve this translation and reprint it several times.

1897 - A book of short stories "To the End of the World."

1898 – The writer publishes a collection of his poems “Under open sky»;

Ivan Bunin is getting married. Anna Nikolaevna Tsakni becomes his wife, who will give him a son, Kolya, a little later.

1899 - Bunin's marriage turns out to be fragile and falls apart.

1900 - The writer goes to Yalta, where he meets the founders of the Moscow Art Theater;

writes the story "Antonov apples".

1901 - A collection of poems "Leaf Fall" is published.

1903 - Bunin is honored Pushkin Prize for the translation of the Song of Hiawatha and for the collection Falling Leaves.

1903-1904 – Travels in France, Italy and the Caucasus.

1905 - The only son of Ivan Bunin, Kolya, is dying.

1909 - Ivan Bunin receives the second Pushkin Prize for the book "Poems 1903 - 1906";

becomes an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

1911 - The story "Dryland".

1917 – The writer lives in Moscow. Events February Revolution perceives as the collapse of the state.

1918-1919 - "Cursed Days".

1924 - The Rose of Jericho.

1925 - "Mitya's love."

1927 – « Sunstroke».

1929 - Bunin's book "Selected Poems" is published.

1927-1933 - Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is working on the novel "The Life of Arseniev."

1931 - God's tree.

1933 Ivan Bunin is awarded the Nobel Prize.

1950 - In the capital of France, Ivan Alekseevich publishes the book "Memoirs".

April's most popular class materials.

Role and place in literature

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a talented Russian writer and poet XIX-XX century, honorary academician. His work has received world recognition. Bunin became the first Russian Nobel Prize winner.

Origin and early years

Ivan Alekseevich was born on October 10, 1870 in Voronezh. The house in which his childhood began was located on Bolshaya Dvoryanskaya Street.

The origin of Bunin is not simple, he was a representative of the ancient noble family,. Among his relatives, it is worth highlighting the poetess Anna Bunina and the writer Vasily Zhukovsky.

Father - Alexei Nikolaevich Bunin, landowner. He couldn't get good education: graduated from only one class of the Oryol gymnasium and left school. At the age of 16, Alexey Nikolaevich became an employee in the office. The son remembered him as a hot, but noble person.

Mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Bunina (nee Chubarova), was the cousin of her husband Alexei. She was a meek, pious woman. Maybe it's from her. future writer inherited a special impressionability.

In 1867, the Bunin family moved from the village to the city for the sake of educating their older children.

When Ivan was four years old, he and his parents moved to the family estate.

The childhood of the future poet passed in a creative atmosphere. He is with early years listened to the poems of great poets, including Pushkin.


Bunin got homemade elementary education. In 1881 he began studying at the Yelets Gymnasium. Ivan's father, who himself did not receive a decent education, wanted to give his son. However, the future poet did not fully cope with his studies; mathematics turned out to be his Achilles' heel. Perhaps that is why he came home for the holidays in 1886 and no longer wanted to return to the gymnasium. Nevertheless, Bunin received a good education thanks to his brother Julius, who graduated from the university with honors.


Ivan Bunin chose for himself the most truthful direction in literature - realism. However, Bunin's realism is special, filled with sensitivity. The writer was characterized by an interest in ordinary life people, attention to detail.

Bunin's realism is not in the disclosure of political events, but in the analysis of the characters of ordinary people.

The world first saw Bunin's poems in 1888. A year later, he moves to the city of Orel and becomes a proofreader in a local newspaper. The poet calls the first collection of poetry unpretentiously "Poems". However, Bunin's lyrics soon become widely known in Russia.

In 1915, a collection of Bunin's prose entitled "Complete Works" was published.

In 1909, Ivan Alekseevich became a recognized academician of sciences in St. Petersburg.

The poet very emotionally accepted the ideas of the revolution and left Russia. The period in emigration was full of travels to different countries.

Major works

Ivan Bunin was the first Russian writer to receive the Nobel Prize. In many ways, the decision of the Swedish Academy was influenced by the novel "The Life of Arseniev". Bunin wrote it while in France.

Bunin's story "Easy Breathing" gained great fame, in which the author described a special type of woman - mysterious, able to subdue men.

In 1915, the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" was published, written in the style of frightening naturalism. Many writers highly appreciated Bunin's talent precisely after the release of this story.

Last years

At the end of his life, Bunin was very ill, but continued literary activity. He worked on a portrait of Anton Chekhov, but did not have time to finish his work. The poet died on November 8, 1953.

Chronological table (by dates)

Interesting facts from the life of Ivan Bunin

  • Ivan Bunin studied at the gymnasium for only 4 years. Further education he got by home schooling. His older brother became his teacher. But home education could not replace a full-fledged study, so Bunin regretted that he could not study at educational institutions further.
  • Bunin's first attempt at writing was at the age of 17. In verse, imitation of the work of Pushkin and Lermontov is noticeable.
  • Ivan Bunin became the first Russian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize.

Writer's Museum

In 1991, the Bunin Museum was opened in the city of Orel in Georgievsky Lane. The place for him was a noble mansion. There is also a house-museum of the author in Efremov and his literary and memorial museum in Yelets.

Date of birth of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (Voronezh).

Bunin's childhood in a small family estate - the Butyrki farm of the Yelets district of the Oryol province. Home schooling under the guidance of a student of Moscow University N. O. Romashkov.

Studying at the gymnasium in Yelets. First poetry experience.

Expulsion from high school for non-payment of tuition. Engaged in self-education.

Moves to Orel and begins to collaborate in the editorial office of the newspaper Orlovsky Vestnik.

Bunin's first book, Poems. 1887-1891". First publications in metropolitan magazines Russian wealth”, “Bulletin of Europe”.

Meeting with L. Tolstoy in Moscow.

Moving to Moscow. Acquaintance with A. Chekhov, V. Korolenko, A. Kuprin, V. Bryusov, K. Balmont. Rapprochement with the participants of the Moscow literary circle "Wednesday".

G. Longfellow's poem "The Song of Hiawatha" was published in Bunin's translation.

Bunin's first book of short stories "To the End of the World" (Petersburg).

Marriage to Anna Nikolaevna Tsakni (1879-1963) (marriage broke up in March 1899).

1900, spring

Acquaintance in Yalta with the founders of the Moscow Art Theater and his actors: K. Stanislavsky, O. Knipper, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, with the composer S. V. Rakhmaninov.

The publishing house "Scorpio" publishes a collection of poems "Leaf Fall".

Cooperation with the publishing house "Knowledge". Friendship with A. M. Gorky, which ended as we approached revolutionary events. Bunin's first collected works published in 5 volumes.

Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences for the translation of G. Longfellow's "The Song of Hiawatha" and the poetry collection "Falling Leaves".

Bunin's journey, together with the playwright S. A. Naydenov, to France and Italy, and later to Turkey. Impressions from travels later formed the basis of a cycle of stories 1907-1911. "Shadowbirds".

In Moscow, in the house of B.K. Zaitsev, Bunin met Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, who became a friend of the writer for life (they got married only in 1922 in Paris).

Bunin's journey with V. N. Muromtseva to Egypt, Syria, Palestine (this journey provided material for a whole cycle of stories about the East).

Awarding the second Pushkin Prize for the book “Poems. 1903-1906, as well as for the translation of Byron's drama Cain. Elected Honorary Academician Russian Academy Sciences in the category of belles-lettres.

The publication of the story "The Village". Journey to Vienna, south of France, Algeria and Tunisia.

Finished work on the story "Sukhodol". Awarded the Golden Pushkin Medal. Travel to Ceylon.

Elected Honorary Member of the Society of Amateurs Russian literature at Moscow University. Journey with V. N. Muromtseva to Capri.

Traveling along the Volga, Bunin learns about the beginning of the First World War and becomes its decisive opponent.

In St. Petersburg, the publishing house of A. F. Marx publishes complete collection Bunin's works in bt., which included the best works of the writer of the pre-revolutionary period.

Rejection by Bunin October revolution as "bloody madness" and "general madness". The Bunin family leaves for Odessa.

Diary work revolutionary years"Cursed Days".

Bunin and V. N. Muromtseva sail on the Sparta steamer from Odessa to Constantinople, then France, with which all future life writer. Most Bunin spent his emigrant years in Grasse near Nice (Southern France).

The final book "Selected Poems" is published in Paris.

Work on collections of stories "Rose of Jericho" (Berlin, 1924), "Mitina's Love" (Paris, 1925), "Sunstroke" (Paris, 1927), "God's Tree" (Paris, 1931), etc.

Autobiographical novel "The Life of Arseniev" (first complete edition - New York, 1952).

Awarded the Nobel Prize "for the truthful artistic talent with which he recreated in literary prose Russian character” (award presentation - December 10).

The publishing house "Petropolis" (Berlin) publishes the Collected Works of Bunin in 11 volumes.

The book "Liberation of Tolstoy" is published in Paris.

second world war Bunin survived in France in Grasse at the Villa Jeannette. Work on a book of love stories "Dark Alleys" (New York, 1943).

In Paris, the complete edition of the book "Dark Alleys" was drunk.

In Paris, for the anniversary, the book "Memories" was published.

The last masterpiece is the poem "Night".

I. A. Bunin died in Paris. He was buried in the Russian cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois near Paris.

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1870 , October 10 - was born in Voronezh, in the family of a small estate nobleman Alexei Nikolaevich Bunin and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, nee Princess Chubarova. He spent his childhood “in one of the small family estates”, on the Butyrki farm in the Yelets district of the Oryol province.

1881 - Entered the gymnasium in Yelets.

1885 - lives in the Yelets village of Ozerki, studies under the guidance of his brother Julius. Writes the first verses.

1887 - The first poem was published in the May issue of the St. Petersburg magazine Rodina.

1889 - a trip to Brag Julius in Kharkov. Received an invitation to collaborate in the "Orlovsky Vestnik", the newspaper " public life, literature, politics and trade". Acquaintance and the beginning of an affair with Varvara Pashchenko. Trip to Crimea.

1891 - The first book "Poems of 1887-1891" is published in the printing house of "Orlovsky Vestnik". The poem "Do not scare me with a thunderstorm" from this collection was included by Bunin in many subsequent editions.

1892 - moved with V. Pashchenko to Poltava. Serves in the council, "from falling in love with Tolstoy, as an artist," he becomes close to the Tolstoyans.

1894 - travels along the Dnieper. Meets Tolstoy in Moscow. Travels in Little Russia with his brother Julius. Arrest for illegal trade Tolstoy literature of the Posrednik publishing house. After death Alexander III released under an amnesty. Break with Pashchenko.

1898 - a collection of poems "Under the open sky" is published. Meeting with A. N. Tsakni and marrying her.

1900 - the birth of the son of Nicholas. Break with A.N. Tsakni.

1904 - a collection of poems "Falling Leaves" and the translation of "The Song of Hiawatha" were awarded the Pushkin Prize. The death of A.P. Chekhov, which “shocked” him “extraordinarily”.

1905 - death of son Kolya. He returned from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where he survived the "armed uprising", as the December days were called in Moscow then.

1906 - Acquaintance with Vera Muromtseva.

1907 - a journey with Vera Nikolaevna to Egypt, Syria and Palestine, from which their life together began.

1909 - awarding the second Pushkin Prize. Election as an honorary academician. Worked on the story "The Village".

1910 - "The Village" was published in the magazine " Modern world". Journey through France, Algiers. A trip to Capri to A. M. Gorky, then to Egypt and Ceylon. Death of Leo Tolstoy.

1914 - travel along the Volga. He worked on the collected works, "drowned" in proofreading.

1915 - cooperation with the journal "Letopisi", published with the participation of A. M. Gorky. The Marx publishing house publishes a collection of works in six volumes.

1918 - Departure from Moscow to Odessa. Meets with M. Voloshin, V. Kataev, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova and others.

1920 - Departure from Odessa on the ship "Sparta". Through Turkey and Bulgaria came to Paris. Settled on the street Jacques Offenbach.

1923 - lives in France at the Mont Fleury villa, not far from Grasse, then at the Belvedere villa, then at the Jeannette villa.

1927 - writes short stories, later included in the book "God's Tree", is working on the novel "The Life of Arseniev". The young poetess G. N. Kuznetsova settled in the Belvedere villa.

1933 - written and published in the magazine " Modern notes"The last, fifth book of" Arseniev's Life ". Coming out in London English translation this novel. The Swedish Academy awards Bunin the Nobel Prize of the Year in Literature. Award presentation.

1937 - Bunin's book "The Liberation of Tolstoy" was published in Paris. Trip to Yugoslavia. Journey through the Baltics.

1945 - invited to a conversation at the Soviet embassy in Paris. In the hope of Bunin's return to his homeland, preparations for the publication of his works begin in the USSR. The writer refused to return, the publication did not take place.

1946 - The first complete edition of Bunin's book of short stories "Dark Alleys" is published in Paris in Russian. Acquaintance with K. Simonov - "I saw each other more than once." Signed a contract to publish Dark Alleys in England.

1947 - continuous diseases. A trip to Juan-les-Pins to the "House of Rest" for treatment. Leaves the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists.

1948 - published in the "Russian Word" "Autobiographical Notes", which caused disapproving reviews.

1950 - publication in Paris in Russian of the book "Memoirs", where he gave harsh assessments to many writers.

1954 - the ashes of Bunin from the temporary crypt were transferred and buried in the cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois.

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1870 , October 10 (22) - was born in Voronezh in an old impoverished noble family Bunin. He spent his childhood on the Butyrka farm in the Oryol province.

1881 - enters the Yelets gymnasium, but, without completing four classes, continues his education under the guidance of his older brother Julius, an exiled Narodnaya Volya.

1887 - the first poems "The Village Beggar" and "Over the Grave of Nadson" are published in the patriotic newspaper "Motherland".

1889 - moves to Oryol, starts working as a proofreader, statistician, librarian, newspaper reporter.

1890 - Bunin, independently studying English language, translates G. Longfellow's poem "The Song of Hiawatha".

1891 - in Orel, the collection "Poems of 1887-1891" is published.

1892 - Bunin together with civil wife VV Pashchenko moved to Poltava, where he served in the land municipal government. Bunin's articles, essays, stories appear in the local newspaper.
In 1892–94 Bunin's poems and stories begin to be published in the capital's magazines.

1893–1894 - Bunin is greatly influenced by Leo Tolstoy, who is perceived by him as a "demigod", the highest embodiment of artistic power and moral dignity; Bunin's religious-philosophical treatise "The Liberation of Tolstoy" (Paris, 1937) would later become the apotheosis of such an attitude.

1895 - Bunin leaves the service and leaves for St. Petersburg, then to Moscow, gets acquainted with N.K. Mikhailovsky, A.P. Chekhov, K.D. Balmont, V.Ya. Bryusov, V.G. Korolenko, A.I. Kuprin and others. Initially friendly relations with Balmont and Bryusov in the early 1900s. became hostile, and recent years Bunin's life was extremely sharp in assessing the work and personality of these poets.

1897 - the release of Bunin's book "To the End of the World" and other stories.

1898 - poetry collection "Under the open sky".

1906 – acquaintance with V.N. Muromtseva (1881–1961), future wife and author of the book "The Life of Bunin".

1907 travel to Egypt, Syria, Palestine. The result of trips to the East is a cycle of essays "Temple of the Sun" (1907-1911)

1909 - The Academy of Sciences elects Bunin an honorary academician. During a trip to Italy, Bunin visits Gorky, who then lived on about. Capri.

1910 - Bunin's first big thing comes out, which has become an event in literary and social life - the story "The Village".

1912 - the collection "Dry Valley. Novels and Stories" is published.
In the future, other collections were published ("John Rydalets. Stories and Poems 1912-1913", 1913; "The Cup of Life. Stories 1913-1914", 1915; "The Gentleman from San Francisco. Works 1915-1916." , 1916).

1917 - Bunin takes the October Revolution with hostility. Writes a pamphlet diary "Cursed Days".

1920 - Bunin emigrates to France. Here he is in 1927-33. working on the novel "The Life of Arseniev".

1925–1927 - Bunin maintains a regular political and literary column in the Vozrozhdenie newspaper.
In the second half of the 1920s, Bunin experienced his " last love". She became the poetess Galina Nikolaevna Kuznetsova.

1933 , November 9 - Bunin was awarded Nobel Prize"for the true artistic talent with which he recreated in fiction typical Russian character.
By the end of the 30s. Bunin increasingly feels the dramatic nature of the break with the Motherland, avoids direct political statements about the USSR. Fascism in Germany and Italy is sharply condemned by him.

Period of the 2nd World War- Bunin in Grasse, in the south of France. Victory meets with great joy.

post-war period Bunin is returning to Paris. He is no longer a staunch opponent of the Soviet regime, but he does not recognize the changes that have taken place in Russia either. In Paris, Ivan Alekseevich visits the Soviet ambassador and gives an interview to the Soviet Patriot newspaper.
In recent years, he has been living in great lack of money, starving. During these years, Bunin creates a cycle of short stories " Dark alleys"(New York, 1943, in full - Paris, 1946), publishes a book about L.N. Tolstoy ("Liberation of Tolstoy", Paris, 1937), "Memoirs" (Paris, 1950), etc.

1953 November 8 - Ivan Alekseevich Bunin dies in Paris, becomes the first emigration writer, who in 1954 begins to be published again in his homeland.

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