Who worked Stolz. The composition “Stolz Andrey Ivanovich is one of the main characters


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Goncharov's novel Oblomov is primarily remembered for its hero Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who leads an apathetic, inactive way of life. A counterweight lazy Oblomov his friend is depicted - Andrei Ivanovich Stolz - a man of humble origin, who, thanks to his industriousness, is honored with a personal title of nobility.

Family and origin of Andrey Stolz

Unlike most of the main characters of the novel, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was not a hereditary nobleman, like his father, Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz. Andrei Ivanovich received the title of a nobleman much later, thanks to his diligence and diligence in the service, having risen to the position of court adviser.

Andrei Ivanovich's father had German roots, about twenty years ago he left his homeland and went in search of better fate, which threw him from his native Saxony to the village of Verkhlevo. Here, not far from Oblomovka, Stolz was a manager, and also engaged in teaching activities. Thanks to his diligence, he managed to significantly accumulate capital and successfully marry. His wife was a young girl from an impoverished noble family. Ivan Bogdanovich was pretty happy man in family life.

Dear readers! On our website you can see the image of Olga Ilyinskaya in I. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

Soon they had a son, who was named Andrei. The boy turned out to be capable of science, he easily mastered the basic knowledge and actively took part in the work at the factory and in the field, where he actively adopted his father's knowledge in the field of agronomy.

The Stolts always lived modestly - the father saved money for his son and did not spend it on unnecessary things. According to the Oblomovites, the Stolts lived extremely poorly - their food did not differ in fat content, their diet included simple meals.

Soon the father sent Andrei to study at the university, the mother was very upset by the separation from her son. She could not meet him after graduating from the university - the woman died. According to tradition, the father sends his son on a free voyage. For him, as a German, this was an ordinary thing, which cannot be said about the local population, but since his mother was no longer alive at that time, there was no one to argue with Ivan Bogdanovich.

Education and upbringing of Andrey Stolz

The upbringing of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz from the first days differed from the system of education traditionally accepted in society. In the circle of nobles, it was customary to pamper their children and take care of them in every possible way, however, the German roots of the father do not give him the right to adhere to such a model of education. Ivan Bogdanovich from childhood tried to raise his son in such a way as to alleviate his later life. He often went with his father to the factory and to the arable land, took an active part in all preparatory work, which greatly upset his mother, who wanted to raise him in the classical traditions of the nobility.

We bring to your attention to get acquainted with the biography of Ivan Goncharov - a lifelong trilogy.

The father "accepted" his little son to work as a foreman and paid him 10 rubles a month for his work. This was not a formality - Andrei Ivanovich really worked out this money and even signed a special book about receiving it, like all Stolz's employees.

Such labor education soon brought its positive results - at the age of 14, Andrei Stolts was an absolutely independent boy and could travel alone to the city on behalf of his father. Andrei Ivanovich always carried out his father's orders exactly and never forgot anything.

Like all children, Andrei Stolz was an active and inquisitive child, he constantly took part in various pranks. However, such restlessness did not prevent Stolz from getting a good education. He learned the basics at home, and then studied at a boarding school organized by his father for local children. After graduating from the boarding school, Stolz continues his studies at the university.

Andrei Ivanovich, like the nobles, knew French and was trained musical literacy, after which he actively played the piano in four hands with his mother. In addition, Andrei Ivanovich knew German.

The appearance of Andrei Stolz

Goncharov does not provide readers with a description of the appearance of Andrei Ivanovich during his childhood and youth. We get to know Stolz at the time of his maturity. Andrei Ivanovich is the same age as Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, but outwardly Stolz looks much younger than his age. The reason for this was his active way of life. Andrei Ivanovich at the age of thirty was a well-built man with an athletic build. There was nothing superfluous in his physique; in his complexion he resembled an English horse, since, like her, he consisted of their muscles and bones.

His eyes were green, something childish was read in them, they were distinguished by expressiveness.

His skin was swarthy. This is where the meager description of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz ends.

Personality characteristic

In the image of Stolz, his diligence and passion for learning are primarily striking. While still a child, he actively learns the world, tries to adopt all the knowledge of his father.

Andrei Ivanovich spends a lot of time traveling - in this way he does not just have fun and relax, Stolz sees in his trips an opportunity to exchange knowledge and learn from foreign acquaintances in doing business. Stolz is constantly studying something, reading various books.

Andrei Ivanovich does not neglect secular society, it can often be seen in the light.

Andrei Ivanovich is an honest and sincere person, but he is completely devoid of romanticism. Stolz does not even know how to dream, he is a down to earth, practical person. He retained a childish vivacity and activity -

Andrei Ivanovich is constantly busy with something. Stolz knows how to value his time and spend it usefully. Andrei Ivanovich knows how to rationally allocate his time, thanks to this he manages to do a lot of things and be in time everywhere. Despite such external rigidity and pragmatism, Andrei Ivanovich is not without the ability to empathize and compassion, but he is not used to demonstrating his feelings in public. Andrei Ivanovich is a very restrained person, he knows how to manage his feelings and is never their hostage.

Stolz's life is not as carefree as it might seem at first glance, but he is not used to complaining to anyone or blaming someone else for his failures - he connects all failures primarily with personal shortcomings. Andrei Ivanovich - strong personality, he is not used to backing down in the face of difficulties and makes every effort to overcome them.

He never got lost in difficult situations- Stolz is guided in life common sense- It's hard to knock him out.

Stoltz loves order in everything - he has his own place for all his writing materials, papers and books. Andrei Ivanovich always puts his things "in place" and nothing else.

Andrey Ivanovich, undoubtedly, has a sense of purpose and perseverance, he is able to work hard to achieve his goal.

Stolz knows how to appreciate his own merits. He doesn't care much about what people say about him. Andrei Ivanovich is an open person. He willingly meets new people, is ready to maintain friendly relations with his acquaintances.

Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolz

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Stoltz have been friends since childhood. They grew up in neighboring villages so they've known each other since childhood. After Andrei Ivanovich's father opened a boarding house, communication between Andrei Ivanovich and Ilya Ilyich switched to new level- during their joint studies, they became close friends, despite the difference in characters and origins. Andrei Ivanovich often completed Oblomov's tasks out of pity for his friend - lazy Ilya often neglected to complete tasks, could not force himself to learn anything - most of the tasks were performed by Stoltz. He did this not because of selfish goals - he was guided exclusively by friendly feelings and a desire to help his comrade.

From time to time, Andrey Ivanovich comes to his friend's rented apartment and tries to stir him up. On one of these visits, Stolz decides to radically change the life of his friend - he forcibly involves him in the cycle secular life. Complaints about Oblomov's fatigue touch Stolz, but he still purposefully goes to the goal. Andrei Ivanovich does the unthinkable - he successfully agitates Oblomov to go abroad with him and even helps him organize the training camp, but the planned trip does not take place - Oblomov, in love, decides to stay with the object of his adoration, and not join a friend. Offended by Oblomov's apathy, Stolz does not communicate with him for some time, but goes about his business. At the next meeting, Stolz, without a shadow of resentment, comes to visit his friend and finds that he was again covered by a wave of Oblomovism, but this time he is not so actively trying to pull Oblomov out of his swamp of laziness.

Despite such significant differences in character, temperament and way of life, Stolz and Oblomov maintain their friendship. There are two explanations for this paradox. The first is that their friendship originated in their childhood, and the second is that they both see a person first of all positive traits character. Based on this, Stolz notices not Oblomov's laziness and his apathy, but the good nature of Ilya Ilyich.

From time to time, Andrei Ivanovich takes care of his friend's affairs - since he cannot overcome his laziness and set things right on his estate on his own, but only hires people to play the role of manager, who do not neglect to take advantage of Oblomov's gullibility and ignorance in matters of housekeeping in their favor.

Despite all the efforts of Stolz, he never managed to get his friend out of the swamp of Oblomovism. Ilya Ilyich began to cohabit with the owner of the rented housing, and soon they had a son, who was named after Stolz - Andrei. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Stolz takes his son to raise him and deals with the affairs of Oblomovka until he comes of age. little Andrey.

Andrey Stoltz and Olga Ilyinskaya

Olga Ilyinskaya and Andrei Stoltz were old acquaintances. A significant age difference did not initially allow them to build any relationship other than friendship. Andrei Ivanovich perceived Olga, despite the fact that the girl was 20 years old, as a child (at that time Stoltz was 30). The girl herself has sympathy for Stolz, but does not dare to take the first step.

Andrei Ivanovich inadvertently becomes the cause of the most great tragedy in the life of a girl - one evening he introduces Olga to his friend - Ilya Oblomov. Ignoring Olga as a woman on the part of Stolz became the cause of the romance between Oblomov and Ilyinskaya. Despite the sincerity of the feelings of the lovers and the seriousness of their intentions, things did not go beyond a secret engagement - Oblomov and Ilyinskaya parted.

Olga Sergeevna goes abroad, where she meets Stolz, who is unaware of her unsuccessful romance. Andrei Ivanovich often visits the Ilyinskys - he brings flowers and books to Olga, and then hurriedly leaves to work. Unbeknownst to himself, Stolz falls in love and for the first time in his life becomes a hostage of feelings. Stolz decides that his life will already be unthinkable without this sweet girl and proposes to Olga. Ilyinskaya finds herself in a difficult situation - her relationship with Oblomov completely discouraged her desire to tie the knot with anyone, the girl does not dare to give any answer to Stolz and therefore decides to tell him everything about their relationship with Oblomov. After this conversation, much in Stolz's mind falls into place, he now understands the reasons for Oblomov's unwillingness to go abroad, Andrei Ivanovich also clearly understands why the engagement of Ilyinskaya and Oblomov did not end in a wedding - the lazy Oblomovism finally dragged his friend into his swamp.

Despite such pessimism of Olga, Andrei Ivanovich does not give up his intention, and soon he becomes the husband of Olga Ilyinskaya. It is not known how their wedding took place, but it is known for sure that in marriage both Olga and Andrey were able to realize themselves and achieve harmony. It cannot be said that marriage with Stolz erased unpleasant memories of relations with Oblomov, but, over time, Olga became much more relaxed about this period in her life.

Olga turned out to be a good mother - they have children in marriage. Harmony in the relationship between Olga and Andrei was achieved primarily by the similarity of their character and attitude to life - both Olga and Andrei are used to being active figures, they are ready for change and overcoming life's difficulties Therefore, such a marriage does not bother them. Olga becomes a mother not only to her children, but also to the son of Ilya Oblomov - her disinterestedness and her husband, benevolent attitude and positive attitude allowed to create not only a harmonious platform for the development of their own children, but also for little Andryusha, whom they treated like their own child.

Thus, Andrey Ivanovich Stolz managed not to succumb to the characteristic laziness of most nobles and achieve significant results in several types of activities - he established himself both as a good owner of possessions, and as good friend and what a wonderful husband and father. His active life position allowed him to become a harmonious personality and bring happiness to the lives of other people.

Characteristics of Andrei Stolz in the novel "Oblomov": description of appearance, character, origin in quotes

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The novel "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov has not lost its relevance and its objective significance in our time, because it contains a universal philosophical meaning. Main conflict novel - between the patriarchal and bourgeois ways of Russian life - the writer reveals on the opposition of people, feelings and reason, peace and action, life and death. With the help of antithesis, Goncharov makes it possible to understand the idea of ​​the novel with all the depth, to penetrate into the souls of the characters. Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz are the main characters of the work. These are people of the same class, society, time. It would seem that people of the same environment have similar characters and worldviews. But they are completely opposite to each other. Stolz, unlike Oblomov, is shown by the writer as an active person, in whom reason prevails over feeling. Goncharov makes attempts to understand why these people are so different, and he looks for the origins of this in origin, upbringing and education, since this lays the foundations of characters.

The author shows the parents of the characters.

Stolz was brought up in a poor family. His father was a German by origin, and his mother was a Russian noblewoman. We see that the family spent all day at work. When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, forced him to work. At the same time, he taught him the sciences, taught the German language, that is, he brought up in his son respect for knowledge, the habit of thinking, doing business. Then Stoltz began to send his son to the city with instructions, "and it never happened that he forgot something, changed it, overlooked it, made a mistake." The writer shows us how zealously, persistently this person develops economic tenacity in Andrei, the need for constant activity. The mother taught her son literature and managed to give him an excellent spiritual education. So, Stolz was formed as a strong, intelligent young man.

But what about Oblomov? His parents were nobles. Their life in the village of Oblomovka followed its own special laws. The Oblomov family had a cult of food. The whole family decided "what dishes will be for lunch or dinner." And after dinner, the whole house fell asleep, plunged into a long sleep. And so passed every day in this family: only sleep and food. When Oblomov grew up, he was sent to study at the gymnasium. But we see that Ilyusha's parents were not interested in their son's knowledge. They themselves came up with pretexts in order to free their adored child from study, they dreamed of receiving a certificate proving that "Ilya went through all the sciences and arts." They didn’t even let him go outside again, because they were afraid that he would be crippled, would not get sick. Therefore, Oblomov grew up lazy, apathetic, did not receive a proper education.

But let's look deeper into the characters of the main characters. Rethinking the pages I read in a new way, I realized that both Andrei and Ilya have their own tragedy in life.

Stolz at first glance is new, progressive, almost an ideal person. Work for him is a part of life, a pleasure. He does not shun even the most menial work, leads an active life. From the moment he left home, he lives by work, thanks to which he became rich and famous a wide range of people. Stolz's ideal of happiness material wealth, comfort, personal well-being. And he achieves his goal by hard work. His life is full of action. But despite the external well-being, it is boring and monotonous.

Unlike Oblomov, a man subtle soul, Stolz appears to the reader as a kind of machine: “He was all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle ... his complexion is even, swarthy and no blush. Stolz lives strictly according to plan, his life is scheduled by the minute, and there are no surprises in it, interesting moments, he almost never worries, does not experience any event especially strongly. And we see that the tragedy of this man lies precisely in the monotony of his life, in the one-sidedness of his worldview.

And now let's turn to Oblomov. Work for him is a burden. He was a gentleman, which means that he did not have to devote a drop of time to work. And I'm not talking about physical labor, because he was even too lazy to get up from the sofa, leave the room to be cleaned there. He spends his whole life on the couch, doing nothing, not interested in anything (he can't bring himself to finish the book "Journey through Africa", even the pages of this book turned yellow). Oblomov's ideal of happiness - complete calm and good food. And he reached his ideal. Servants cleaned up after him, and at home he had no big problems with the household. And before us is revealed another tragedy - the moral death of the hero. Before our eyes, the inner world of this person is getting poorer, from the good, pure man Oblomov turns into a moral cripple.

But despite all the differences between Stolz and Oblomov, they are friends, friends since childhood. They are brought together by the most beautiful character traits: honesty, kindness, decency.

The essence of the novel is that inaction can destroy all the best feelings of a person, corrode his soul, destroy his personality, and labor, the desire for education will bring happiness, provided that the wealthy inner world person.

About such friends as Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, A. S. Pushkin in his novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” very aptly wrote: “They got along. Water and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other. Indeed, the characters of the characters are so different that many critics agreed: Stolz is a kind of "antidote" to Oblomov. Goncharov wrote: "They were connected by childhood and school - two strong springs." Therefore, looking into the childhood of the heroes, one can understand why such different tempers two friends who lived next door.
To learn about the childhood of Ilya Ilyich, the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" helps, which, according to A. V. Druzhinin, was the first step towards finding out the causes of "Oblomovism". From Oblomov's dream, it becomes clear that everyone loved little Ilyusha, caressed, pampered, so he grew up kind and sympathetic. As soon as Ilya Ilyich just doze off, he has the same dream: the gentle voice of his mother, her gentle hands, the hugs of loved ones and friends ... Each time in a dream, Oblomov returned to a time when he was absolutely happy and loved by everyone. The hero of the novel seems to have fled from real life to your childhood memories. Ilyusha was constantly protected from all sorts of dangers, real and imagined. The servant Zakhar and "three hundred Zakharov" did everything for the barchon. Such guardianship and care almost completely drowned out in Oblomov any desire to do something himself.
Everyone calls Ilya Ilyich a dreamer. But how could the endless nursery tales about Militrisa Kirbityevna, about heroes, about sorcerers and firebirds not sow in the soul of a child hope for the best, that all problems will be solved by themselves? These same tales gave rise to Oblomov's fear of life, from which Ilya Ilyich tried in vain to hide in his apartment on Gorokhovaya Street, and then on the Vyborg side.
The complete opposite of Oblomov is Andrei Stoltz. We see throughout the novel a comparison of Stolz and Oblomov, as well as their opposition to each other. They differ literally in everything: externally, by origin (Oblomov is a nobleman, but Stolz is not), by the upbringing and education they received. The reason for these differences lies primarily in education.

Each of the parents made their own special contribution to the upbringing of Andrei Stolz. His father, Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz, a businesslike and practical German, put above all a sense of duty, discipline, responsibility and love for work. He tried to instill these qualities in his son, trying to make him a successful businessman.

Andrei's mother, a Russian noblewoman, on the contrary, "taught him to listen to the thoughtful sounds of Hertz, sang to him about flowers, about the poetry of life ...". Stolz's mother wanted Andrei to grow up as an educated Russian gentleman, and not a "German burgher", and tried her best to reduce the influence of the Father on Andryusha. In many ways, she wanted to see her son look like Ilya Oblomov and often gladly let him go to Sosnovka, where "an eternal holiday, where they sell work off their shoulders like a yoke."

Stolz's father, of course, loved Andrei in his own way, but did not consider it possible to show his feelings. The scene of Andrei's farewell to his father is piercing to tears. Ivan Bogdanovich did not even find a moment of farewell kind words for son. Swallowing tears of resentment, Andrei sets off on his journey, accompanied by the lamentations of the servants: “You don’t have a dear mother, there is no one to bless you.” And it seems that it was at this moment that Andrei Stolz, despite all the efforts of his mother, did not leave room for “empty dreams” in his soul. Into an independent adulthood he took with him only what he thinks is necessary: ​​prudence, practicality, purposefulness. Everything else remained in distant childhood, along with the image of the mother.

Differences in the characters of the characters explain the difference in aspirations and beliefs. You can learn about this from the story of Ilya Ilyich about his ideal life. Most of all, Oblomov longs for peace, carelessness and tranquility. But Ilya Ilyich considered peace not the result of vigorous activity, not a reward for it, but a constant, the only possible and correct state of a person. Arguing with Stolz, Oblomov convinced him that "the goal of all ... running around is ... this is the preparation of peace, the desire for the ideal of the lost paradise." Therefore, why work, do anything, if you still come to what Oblomov always wanted to have?

And for Stolz, the main thing is work. But for Andrei, work is not a way to achieve peace, any desire for which Stoltz called "Oblomovism." Labor for him is "the image, content, element and purpose of life."

If Oblomov was not accustomed to work, he dreamed of achieving everything without it (as in a nanny's fairy tale: “waving magic wand”- and“ everything is ready ”), then Stolz was brought up from childhood by work, which was the goal of his father’s life. Over time, Andrei simply stopped even thinking about existence without activity.
The attitude of friends to the bustle of the capital is also different. Stolz was already accustomed to it and felt in the light, "like a fish in water." He sees everything, but prefers to turn a blind eye to his shortcomings. Andrei does not allow society to encroach on his innermost feelings and thoughts, as if closing himself off from him with courteous behavior.
And Ilya Ilyich, having served himself and carefully listening to the stories of the visitors - Sudbinsky, Penkin, Volkov - about metropolitan life, realized that it was too empty (“What is there to look for? Interests of the mind, heart?”) And fussy (“In ten places in one day!?”). Ilya Ilyich did not see the point in all these visits, going to work, balls.
From the characters, upbringing and beliefs, the lifestyle that the main characters of the novel lead is formed. He left some imprint on the appearance of the characters. Oblomov - a man with surprisingly soft features - was much thicker than Stolz and "flabby beyond his years", while Andrei Ivanovich was "all made up of bones, muscles and nerves", thin, as befits a person leading active image life.
Stolz was accustomed from childhood to activity, to the fact that time is precious and should not be wasted. And so Andrei's whole life passed in perpetual motion, which, however, cannot be called vanity. He was not just in constant dynamics, but benefited himself and others. But despite permanent employment, he "goes into the world and reads: when he has time - God knows." Stoltz wanted to inspire Oblomov to such a life, for whom, despite a lot of free time, nothing was done. Most Oblomov spent his life on the couch, since “lying at Ilya Ilyich ... was normal state". His ideal was a carefree life in unity with nature, family and friends, in dreams of which Oblomov spent years.

The attitude of the characters to love was expressed in the novel through feelings for Olga Ilyinskaya.
Oblomov wanted to see in Olga loving woman capable of creating a serene family life, kind and gentle, like his mother. The girl was at first in love with Ilya Ilyich, she liked his touching naivety, "pigeon tenderness" and kind heart. And Oblomov himself was in love with Olga. But, as usual, hoping that everything would happen by itself, he did not take any action to ensure that Olga became his wife. His "vile habit of getting satisfaction of his desires ... from others" played a fatal role in this situation: Olga preferred Oblomov's uncertainty, expectation and inaction to a firm and reliable marriage with Stolz.
Stolz, who knew Ilinskaya almost from early childhood, experienced
friendship for her. She didn't have fiery passions, "burning joys" or disappointments. Even jealousy for an unknown opponent did not cause a storm of emotions in Stolz's soul. And when he found out that this opponent was Oblomov, he completely became "calm and cheerful." Stoltz saw in Olga a faithful friend and comrade-in-arms in labor and therefore tried to instill in her an active principle, the ability to fight, to develop her mind.
And Olga fell in love with Andrey not suddenly. The description of her character immediately suggests that Olga Ilyinskaya cannot but become Olga Sergeevna Stolz.

The love between Olga and Andrei was born and began to grow without "stormy ups and downs." After the wedding, she did not disappear, but continued to live, albeit without development, smoothly and measuredly ("they had everything in harmony and silence").

From a comparison of the two heroes, it can be seen that Oblomov and Stolz are completely different heroes. What was the basis of such a strong and faithful friendship between them? It seems to me that this is not only childhood and school, as Goncharov wrote. Stolz and Oblomov complement each other.

Goncharov wanted to reflect in Ilya Ilyich typical features patriarchal nobility, and Stolz was assigned the role of a person capable of breaking the "Oblomovism". But, after reading the novel, I could not imagine the characters so unambiguous. The personality of Ilya Ilyich evokes conflicting feelings: regret for his helplessness and sympathy, because Oblomov has absorbed the contradictory features of the Russian national character, many of which are close to each of us.

Modern life requires "stoltsev", and they certainly appear. But Russia will never consist only of such characters. Russian people have always been distinguished by the breadth of nature, the ability to sympathize, a lively and quivering soul. I really want the practical qualities of Stolz and the "pure as crystal" soul of Oblomov to unite in modern man.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz has been in contact with Oblomov since childhood and became his close friend. By nature, this is a man of action, a practitioner, and by origin - half German. Stolz's mother is a Russian noblewoman. For all his rationalism, Stoltz has a good disposition. The hero is honest, understands people, while he is inclined to calculate every action and approach everything in life from the outside. practical use. Stolz was written out as an antipode to Oblomov and, according to the author's intention, should be perceived as a role model.

Stolz is married to a noblewoman, a woman with whom Oblomov is in love. Olga loved Oblomov at first, but broke up with that. Oblomov was lethargic and dreamy, before making an offer to Olga, he thought a lot, retreated.

Stolz sometimes brings Oblomov out of apathy and makes him remember life, urges him to get down to business, invest in establishing schools, building roads, but Oblomov dismisses such ideas.

Ilya Oblomov is taken into circulation by swindlers, the affairs and economy of the hero pass into their hands, and he himself plunges into even greater inactivity than usual. When rumors about his own upcoming wedding reach Oblomov, the hero is horrified, because nothing has been decided for him yet. During this period, Olga visits the hero and, seeing him in such a weak-willed and miserable state, interrupts this relationship. This is where the love story of Olga and Oblomov exhausts itself.

The heroine is not going to get involved in a new relationship, but Stolz convinces Olga that the first relationship turned out to be a mistake and only laid the foundation for new love- to him, Stolz. Olga appreciates diligence and determination in Stolz - something that she did not see in Oblomov. And boundlessly, “like a mother”, trusts her husband.

Stolz holds progressive (for that time) views on the role of women in society. According to the hero, a woman is called upon to contribute to public life engaged in the education of worthy citizens, and for this she herself must be well educated. Stolz works with his wife, teaches her the sciences, and these classes bring the spouses even closer. Stolz heatedly argues with his wife and is surprised at Olga's mind.

Stolz saves Oblomov from the clutches of swindlers, who otherwise would have robbed him to the bone. Later, Oblomov names a son in honor of Stolz, who is born to him from, a woman from a bureaucratic environment, a landlady, to whom Oblomov moves to live. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, Oblomov has an early stroke, and Stolz visits a sick friend. During this visit, Oblomov asks Stolz, in the name of friendship, to look after his little son Andrei. When Oblomov dies two years later, the Stolts take his son to be raised.


Stoltz is in his early thirties. The appearance of the hero emphasizes the character - he is strong, thin, muscular, high cheekbones, there is no excess fat. Goncharov compares the hero with a "blooded English horse." Stolz has greenish eyes, the hero is swarthy, calm in his movements as well as in character. The hero is not characterized by either excessive facial expressions, or sharp gestures and fussiness.

Stolz's father, a German, came from the burghers and was not a nobleman. He brought up the boy in the traditions of the burghers - he taught him to work and practice, which Andrei's mother, a Russian noblewoman, did not like. Father studied geography with Andrei. The hero learned to read from texts German writers and Bible verses, from a young age helped his father in business, summing up the accounts. Later he began to earn money as a tutor in a small boarding school arranged by his father, and received a salary for this, like an ordinary artisan.

By the age of fourteen, the hero had already traveled alone to the city with his father's errands and carried out his instructions exactly, without slips, mistakes or bouts of forgetfulness. Andrei's father forbade his mother to interfere with the boy's activity and keep him with him, Stolz grew up active and often left home for a long time. The young man received a good university education, he speaks Russian and German equally well. At the same time, the hero continues to learn all his life and constantly strives to learn new things.

Portrait of Andrey Stolz

Stolz did not receive the nobility at birth, but soon rose to the rank of court councilor, which gave the hero the right to personal nobility. Further on career ladder he does not advance, but leaves the service to take up trade. The company in which Stolz invested is engaged in the export of goods. Andrei was able to increase his father's fortune many times over, turning forty thousand capital into three hundred, and bought a house.

Stolz travels a lot and rarely stays at home for a long time. The hero traveled far and wide across Russia, visited abroad, studied at foreign universities and studied Europe "as if it were his own estate." At the same time, Stolz is not a stranger to secular communication, he happens at evening parties, knows how to play the piano; interested in science, news and "all life".

Stolz characteristic

The hero is restless, cheerful, firm and even stubborn. Always takes active position: “when the society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; need to write some project or adapt new idea to the point - they choose it. Stolz's time is clearly planned, he does not waste a minute.

At the same time, the hero is able to restrain unwanted impulses and remain within the boundaries of natural, rational behavior, well controls own feelings and does not go to extremes. Stoltz is not inclined to blame others for his own failures and easily takes responsibility for the suffering and troubles that have happened.

Oleg Tabakov and Yuri Bogatyrev as Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz

In contrast to Oblomov, the hero does not like to dream, avoids fantasies and everything that cannot be analyzed or applied in practice. Stolz knows how to live within his means, is prudent, not inclined to take unjustified risks, and at the same time easily navigates difficult or unfamiliar circumstances. These qualities, coupled with determination, make the hero a good businessman. Stolz loves order in affairs and things, and is better versed in Oblomov's affairs than he himself.


The novel "Oblomov" was filmed in 1979. The director of the film entitled "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov" became, and the actor played the role of Andrei Stolz. Stolz is depicted in the film as cheerful and active person, as presented in Goncharov's novel.

At the same time, the actor admitted that he rather saw himself in the image of Oblomov, and Stolz, whose role Bogatyrev had to play, was the exact opposite of the actor himself.

The word "Oblomovism", which became a household word after the release of the novel, was first heard from the lips of Stolz as a characteristic of Oblomov's lifestyle. This word denoted a tendency to laziness, apathy, stagnation in business. In a word, what we would now call “procrastination”.


“Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life. At least mine."
“Life and labor itself is the goal of life, not woman.”
“Man was created to arrange himself and even change his nature.”

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is a friend of Oblomov, from the time when he studied at a boarding school in Verkhlev. Despite their friendship, Stolz's life turned out completely differently than Oblomov's life. Andrey Stoltz from childhood knew how to set goals for himself, strive for them, and achieve what he wanted. His vision of life can be read in these lines: "Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine."

Throughout the novel, Andrei Ivanovich tries to stir up Oblomov, to awaken in him a desire to act. But all his attempts as a result turn out to be useless, and the life paths of two old friends diverge. While Oblomov vegetates on the Vyborg side, in the house of Pshenitsyna, Stolz increases his activities, taking on new enterprises. Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, unlike Oblomov, walks along life path like a winner. In the work, this is shown by the fact that everything that was ever dear to Oblomov sooner or later ends up with Stolz: he takes Olga, who was once Oblomov's bride, as his wife; becomes the manager of the estate in Oblomovka and, to top it off, takes his son to be raised.

Thus, the idea is confirmed in the novel: the baseless dreamers are being replaced by a new social force, gradually crowding out the nobility.

The bourgeois-capitalist estate called into existence various types of energetic and enterprising people whose goal was personal enrichment. How then did it happen that the image of Stolz in Goncharov's work came out more schematic and less vivid than the image of Oblomov, although the latter spent almost all his time lying on the couch, and Stolz always moved, acted, aspired? There is only one explanation here, the image of Andrei Stolz, which was entertaining by design, in fact turned out to be aesthetically incomplete in the work, and therefore unintelligible. The author mainly does not so much show us Stolz in action as talks about him. From the text, we gradually learn that Stolz, according to Tarantiev, “made three hundred thousand capital”, that he always easily deals with affairs, both with his own and with Oblomov’s affairs. But exactly how Stoltz acts is not shown to us.

The people who replaced the baseless dreamers and loafers were needed by life itself and desired by society. But the image of Andrei Ivanovich is quite far from the ideal Russian public figure. Stolz himself says to Olga: "We are not titans with you ... we will not go ... to a daring fight against rebellious issues." And therefore, Dobrolyubov speaks of him: “He is not the person who will be able to tell us this almighty word“ forward! ”In a language understandable to the Russian soul. For Dobrolyubov, as for others revolutionary democrats, the ideal "man of action" manifested himself in the service of the people and the revolutionary struggle. Stolz did not correspond to this ideal at all. And yet, against the backdrop of Oblomovism, he looked like a progressive phenomenon.

Updated: 2015-04-17

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Actions, deeds

Stolz was German only by his father, his mother was Russian. He spoke Russian and confessed Orthodox faith. He learned the Russian language from his mother, from books, in games with village boys. German he knew from his father and from books. Andrei Stoltz grew up and was brought up in the village of Verkhlev, where his father was a manager.At the age of eight, he already read the works of German authors, Bible verses, taught Krylov's fables and read sacred history.

In free time from studyhe ran away with the boys to ruin bird nests. More than once it happened that the courtyard people brought Andrei home without boots, with a torn dress and a broken nose.

When he grew uphis father began to take him with him to the factory, then to the fields, and from the age of fourteen Andrei went to the city with his father's orders alone.Mother did not like this upbringing. She was afraid that her son would turn into the same German burgher that his father had come out of. In her son, she saw the ideal of the master - "a white, beautifully built boy .., with a clean face, with a clear and lively look ..." Therefore, every time,when Andrei returned from factories and fields in dirty clothes and with a wolfish appetite, she rushed to wash him, change clothes, told him about the poetry of life, sang about flowers, taught him to listen to the sounds of music.

Andrew studied well andhis father made him a tutor in his small boarding school and, quite in German, gave him a salary of ten rubles a month.

When Andrei graduated from the university and lived at home for three months, his father said that “there was nothing more for him to do in Verkhlev, that even Oblomov was sent to St. Petersburg, which, therefore, it’s time for him.” The mother was no longer in the world, and there was no one to object to the decision of the father. On the day of departure, Stolz gave his son a hundred rubles.

You will ride to provincial city, - he said. - There, get three hundred and fifty rubles from Kalinnikov, and leave the horse with him. If he is not there, sell the horse; There's a fair coming up soongive four hundred rublesand not a hunter.It will cost you forty rubles to get to Moscow, from there to Petersburg - seventy-five; stay pretty. Then - as you wish.You did business with me, so you know that I have some capital; but you don't count on him before my deathYou are well educated: all careers are open before you; you can serve, trade, even compose,perhaps - I don’t know what you will choose, what you feel more willing to ...

Yes, I'll see if it's possible all of a sudden, - said Andrei.

The father laughed with all his might and began to pat his son on the shoulder so that even the horse could not stand it. Andrew is nothing.

Well, if you don’t have the skill, you won’t be able to find your own way all of a sudden, you need to consult, ask - go to Reingold: he will teach. He has a four-story house. I'll give you the address...

Don't, don't say, - Andrey objected, - I will go to him whenI will have a four-story house, and now I can do without it ...

Another pat on the shoulder.

Andrei jumped on the horse. Two bags were tied to the saddle: in one lay an oilcloth cloak and one could see thick boots lined with nails and several shirts made of Verkhlev linen - things bought and taken at the insistence of the father; in the other was an elegant tailcoat of fine cloth, a shaggy coat, a dozen thin shirts and boots, ordered in Moscow, in memory of mother's instructions...

Father and son looked at each other in silence, "as if they had pierced one another through", and said goodbye. Neighbors crowded nearby in surprise and indignantly discussed such a farewell, one woman could not stand it and began to cry: “Father, you little light! Orphan poor! You don’t have a dear mother, there is no one to bless you ... Let me at least rebaptize you, my handsome man! .. ” Andrei jumped off his horse, hugged the old woman, then he wanted to goand suddenly he began to cry - in her words he heard his mother's voice.He hugged the woman tightly, mounted his horse and disappeared into the dust.

“He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a house and money” - participated in some company that sent goods abroad.

Heconstantly on the move:if the society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write some project or adapt a new idea to the case - choose it. Meanwhile, he travels to the world and reads: when he has time - God knows.

He didn't have any extra moves.If he sat, then he sat quietly, but if he acted, then he used as much facial expressions as needed ...

He walked firmly, cheerfully;lived on a budgettrying to spend every day like every ruble...It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys, as hand movement, like with footsteps or how he dealt with bad and good weather ...

simple, that is a direct, real look at life - that was his constant task ...

Hestubbornly walked along the chosen road, and no one saw that he was painfully thinking about anything or hurting his soul.To everything that he did not meet, he found the right reception, andin achieving the goal put perseverance above all else. Myselfhe went to his goal, "bravely stepping over all obstacles", and could refuse it only if a wall appeared ahead or an abyss opened up.

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