How can one define the conflict of Schwartz's play shadow. Signs of the Stalin era in the fairy-tale play "Shadow" by Evgeny Schwartz


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Essay on the topic: Schwartz E.L. Artwork "Shadow"

Weird Adventures happened to a young scholar named Christian Theodore who came to a small southern country to study history. He settled in a hotel, in a room where the storyteller Hans Christian Andersen lived before him. (Perhaps this is the whole point?) The master's daughter Annunziata tells him about the unusual will of the last local king. In it, he ordered his daughter Louise not to marry the prince, but to find a kind, honest husband among the humble people. The will is considered a great secret, but the whole city knows about it. The princess, in order to realize her father's will, disappears from the palace. Many try to find her refuge in the hope of gaining royal throne.

Listening to the story, Christian-Theodore is constantly distracted, because he looks at the balcony of the neighboring house, where every now and then a lovely girl appears. In the end, he decides to talk to her, and then, moreover, confesses his love and, it seems, finds a reciprocal feeling.

When the girl leaves the balcony, Christian-Theodor guesses that the princess was his companion. He wants to continue the conversation, and he half-jokingly turns to his shadow lying at his feet, inviting her to go instead of him to a stranger and express his love. Suddenly, the shadow separates and dives into the loosely feigned gate of the neighboring balcony. The scientist becomes ill. Annunziata, who runs in, notices that the guest no longer has a shadow, and this is a bad sign. She runs after the doctor. Her father Pietro advises not to tell anyone about what happened.

But in the city everyone knows how to eavesdrop. So the newspaperman Caesar Borgia, who entered the room, discovers full awareness of the conversation between Christian Theodore and the girl. Both he and Pietro are sure that this is a princess, and they do not want her to marry a visitor. According to Pietro, it is necessary to find an escaped shadow, which, being the complete opposite of its owner, will help prevent the wedding. Annunziata full of anxiety for the future young man because she already loves him secretly.

A meeting of two ministers takes place in a city park. A meeting of two ministers takes place in a city park. They gossip about the Princess and the Scientist. They decide that he is not a blackmailer, not a kidnapper and not a cunning one, but a simple naive person. But the actions of such people are unpredictable, so you have to either buy it or kill it. A stranger unexpectedly appears next to them (this is the Shadow), an oblique place! "Everyone sees that the Shadow gets up with difficulty, staggers and falls. Having come to his senses, the first minister orders the lackeys to carry away the king and calls the executioner to execute the Scientist. Christian is taken away.

Annunziata begs Julia to do something to save him. She manages to awaken in the singer good feelings. Yulia asks the Doctor to give her miraculous water, but the Doctor says that the moisture is under seven locks at the Minister of Finance and it is impossible to dig it up. As soon as Shadow and Louise return to the throne room, drums are heard from afar: the execution has taken place. And suddenly Shadow's head flies off his shoulders. The First Minister understands that a mistake has occurred: they did not take into account that by cutting off the head of the Scientist, they will deprive him of his head and his shadow. To save the Shadow, you will have to resurrect the Scientist. Hastily sent for active water. The head of the Shadow is back in place, but now the Shadow is trying to please his former master in everything, because he wants to exist. Louise indignantly drives away ex-fiance. The shadow slowly descends from the throne and, wrapped in a mantle, presses against the wall. The princess orders the head of the guard: "Take him!" Shadow grabs the guards, but they have an empty robe in their hands - the Shadow disappears. “He disappeared to get in my way again and again. But I recognize him, I recognize him everywhere,” says Christian-Theodore. The princess begs for forgiveness, but Christian no longer loves her. He takes Annunziata's hand and they leave the palace.

Subject:"Lessons of dignity and kindness" (based on the play by E. Schwartz "Shadow")

Lesson Objectives:


- ensure the assimilation of program material;
- develop the skills of analyzing a dramatic work;
- to generalize and systematize knowledge of the theory of literature on the topic "dramatic works";
- to acquaint students with the personality of E. Schwartz. To reveal the originality of the work of the writer-playwright;
- to show the rich possibilities of the fairy tale genre (fairy tale plays, in particular).


- to develop the emotional-associative sphere of thinking of students;
- develop cognitive interests; creative thinking;
- expand the horizons of students; teach to highlight the main thing;
- learn to work with reference literature, dictionaries;
- to develop the aesthetic taste of students.


- upbringing sense of dignity, decency, kindness, nobility and other moral qualities person;
- to develop a negative attitude towards such qualities as meanness, hypocrisy, indifference, intrigue.

Lesson equipment. Improvised theatrical curtain. Portrait of E. Schwartz. Drawings based on the fairy tales of Schwartz. Poster of the play-tale "Shadow", theater programs, excerpts from the dictionary entry for the word "shadow". Visualization on the theory of literature (concepts about drama, stage direction, scenery), musical arrangement from the movie " Ordinary miracle", fragments of classical music. Exhibition of books.

I. introduction teachers.

My friends! I'm very happy
Enter your friendly class.
And for me already a reward
Attention of your smart eyes.
I know that everyone in the class is a genius
But without effort, talent is not for the future.
Cross the swords of your opinions -
Let's write a lesson together!
But not ordinary, everyday
We will teach you a lesson.
We will see the magic theater
Let's call a fairy tale on stage ...

(Musical background: the noise of the hall).

"... Theatre!... Do you love the theater as I love it, that is, with all the strength of your soul, with all the enthusiasm, with all the frenzy that ardent youth is only capable of, greedy and passionate for elegant impressions? Or "It's better to say, can you not love the theater more than anything in the world, except goodness and truth? And in fact, do not all the charms, all the charms, all the seductions of the fine arts concentrate in it?"

- This is how V. G. Belinsky wrote about the theater. And it's no coincidence...

(G. Gladkov's music for the film "An Ordinary Miracle" by M. Zakharov sounds).

– Here, in the theater, magic happens every evening... The hall slowly plunges into twilight..., the hall freezes, ... the stage opens, ... and here we are, together with the heroes of the play, walking through the labyrinths of their destinies, rejoicing, sad together together we win.
Every day a miracle happens in the theater, this is a magical holiday, a holiday named after the theater ...
Who and how creates this magical holiday?..

II. Information about the writer.

– Today I would like to introduce you to a real magician, whose work is closely connected with the theater. The person we are talking about left a bright mark on our dramaturgy. About himself he said this:

The Lord blessed me to go
Bresty ordered without thinking about the goal.
He sing blessed me on the way.
So that my companions have fun ...

Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz ...

- So, we write in the notebook the number, the topic of the lesson, the epigraphs:

God bless me to go...

Here it is, our holy host.

B. Okudzhava

The name of Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz is surrounded by a legend. The legend doesn't lie, but it doesn't tell the whole truth either. The legend is simple - life is complicated, and in it "everything is wonderful and magnificently mixed up." Schwartz entered literature as a children's writer, in the 20s he worked in the magazine "Hedgehog and Chizh", and then became a playwright and staged many fairy tales. Therefore, acquaintance with the work of this writer for us sometimes begins not with books, but with films. Having seen the good old film "Cinderella" in childhood (it was filmed according to the script by Schwartz), we remember for the rest of our lives the amazing words of the little page: "I'm not a magician, I'm just learning."
And in youth, as a prayer, we repeat: “Only once in a life does a day fall in love when they succeed.” These are words from another amazing fairy tale by Schwartz, “An Ordinary Miracle.” Truly, Evgeny Lvovich can be called the lord of the Fairy Kingdom. What a variety of fairy tales :" The Snow Queen", "The Naked King", "Two Maples", "The Tale of Lost Time", "Cinderella" and many others.

The appeal to the fairy tale genre, of course, was not accidental. "I'm not bound by credibility, but there is more truth," - this is how the writer himself explained his attachment to this genre.

Fantastic colors are burning
And, no matter how wise the head,
Do you still believe the fairy tale
The story is always right.

Schwartz's writing affairs were far from always going brilliantly, because there were times when the fairy tale was considered a dubious genre, or even just a harmful fiction that led away from reality. I had to explain why it was being told. For Schwartz, a fairy tale is a way into the depths of life, and, in his opinion, it is told "not in order to hide, but in order to open, to say with all your might, in a loud voice what you think."
Wide recognition came to Schwartz after his death. He was an amazing person, and Yevgeny Lvovich fulfilled "God's command".
His earthly life ended in 1958, but the fairy tale of his life continues in works that to this day are loved and popular not only in Russia, but also far abroad, his best plays bypassed many theaters of the world.

III. Theory of Literature.

- Guys, you already know that writers create dramatic works especially for the theater. What can you say about the drama? Name its features.

- Well done, so we found out that the basis of the drama is an action that takes place in front of the reader or viewer. Dramatic works are written to be performed on the stage. Therefore, they are, of course, more interesting to watch than to read. However, if you know how to fantasize, imagine, and I hope that this is so, then we can be transported to the fairy-tale world of Schwartz's heroes. We are with you in the theater, and we have theater programs in our hands. Let's uncover them...

“An alien plot, as it were, entered my flesh and blood, I recreated it and only then released it into the light.” G.H. Andersen. “The Tale of My Life” (Ch. 8).

- Guys, do you remember this fairy tale by Andersen?
The words of the Danish storyteller, taken by Schwartz as an epigraph to the play, tell us that the play is based on the plot of Andersen's fairy tale, but Schwartz rethought it, filled it with his content, with his characters. By the way, Andersen was not the first to turn to the plot of how the shadow left its owner: the fairy tale story of the German writer T.A. Hoffmann “The Adventures of Ernest Schlemil” is built on this.
However, back to the program.
Its second page introduces us to the list of characters in the play.

IV. Analytical work according to the text. Conversation.

Who is listed first? And the second?
– Why is the second character named not just Shadow, but His shadow?
What role does the possessive pronoun play in the title?

Let's move on to the next characters. (children read). There are 22 of them in total, and each has its own history, its own character. But how and by what means does the author achieve the necessary character traits of the hero in dramatic work we have to consider the example of the fairy tale play “Shadow” by E. Schwartz. At home you read this work. So, friends, go bolder!
The first action takes us to a wonderful country where all the fairy tales in the world come true, where the cannibal serves as an appraiser in the city pawnshop, and it turns out that there are a lot of appraisers in this pawnshop.

- Remember, people of what professions serve as appraisers in the city pawnshop? Why was the journalist Cesar Borgia among them?
– Do you think the author gives a “fabulous” or “non-fabulous” explanation for this?
Which other characters do we meet in the first act? Tell about them using the text of the play.
What tools does the author use to create a character? Give examples of characteristics using speech (content of remarks), actions, attitudes of other actors.

- So, we see that in Schwartz's fairy tale play "Shadow" all the characters are characterized through their relationship to the main character - the Scientist. We unwittingly compare them with him.
- Then who main adversary scientist?
- Now let's look at the meaning of the word "shadow" in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov. You have an excerpt from a dictionary entry on your tables. Let's read it.

1) a place protected from sunlight;
2) a dark reflection on something from an object illuminated from the opposite side;
3) ghost reproduction of something;
4) suspicion of something;
5) dark place in the picture

- If we generalize these meanings, then the name of the main opponent of the Scientist can be explained as the opposite of everything bright. It turns out that the bright side is what the Scientist is fighting for: the happiness of all people, love, trust. And what is a shadow? What does a scientist have to deal with?

"Why does everyone want to destroy the Scientist?" What is stopping this person?

– Do you think the author gives a “fabulous” or “non-fabulous” explanation for this? Why?

Yes, you are absolutely right in your reasoning. So it was conceived by Schwartz himself to show that behind everything fabulous there is something from the present, real world in which we live now. This is confirmed by the words of H.H. Andersen, which sound in the 1st act: “All my life I suspected that I was writing the pure truth.” Here and in the play everything is surprisingly mixed, intertwined. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows. And today we will try to extract as much as possible from the fairy tale play. useful lessons for myself. And for this we will continue to work with the play, and it turns out that we have lived with the heroes for two weeks already. And this is not because we got into a fairy tale, just dramaturgy has its own special laws of time and space. It is enough for the author to write that so much time has passed between actions, and it really does pass. And changing the scene is even easier: changing the scenery. Remember, please, what the scenery is.

- So, the scenery is an imitation of what surrounds us, in other words - the conditionality of the situation. And we believe, for example, that the actor opened the door and went out into the garden, and not just left the stage.

But let's get back to the second act of the play. It turns out that the scenery is not only on the stage, but also in the life of the characters.
Here comes the Minister of Finance with two lackeys. At the first request of the minister, they can give him a pose of extreme surprise or extreme indignation.

- And what do you think, why is the figure of the Minister of Finance needed in the play? (This is a person endowed with power, he is responsible for the lives of other people, should be a model of honesty, justice, wisdom. But we are faced with a completely different ruler of this fabulous country. Schwartz creates the image of a person deprived of even a drop of dignity. A speculator who thinks only about his own profit, economic criminal, intriguer. Here is the lesson of the play. It is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person is the place. One must judge a person by deeds, not by words. Take care of honor from a young age.)

V. Reading by roles.

- Here in the 2nd act there is another very interesting character. This is a doctor. Let's hear what he argues with the scientist.

- So, reading by roles, page 416. Who wants to become the heroes of the play for a while?

VI. Reading session. Problem questions.

- Can a doctor be called a happy person? What, in your opinion, is the misfortune of the characters in the play? (Answers with evidence).
Whose side is the author on?
– What do the actions of such heroes as the Scientist, Annunziata teach us? (Kindness, justice, honesty, the ability to love and be friends, to live a real active, vibrant life, to be ready to help at any moment, to sacrifice oneself for the happiness of others).

VII. Conclusions from the lesson.

– Before us is a special world - the world of a fairy tale, which lives according to its own laws in it, according to the author's intention, everything can instantly become real.
So Shadow got her way. The third act of the play: the solemn wedding day of the Princess and the Shadow. More and more often the word “shadow” flashes on the pages. The shadow has already turned into an independent actor, she has already begun to manage people.

“Think about why the Shadow turned out to be so powerful? Why was she able to defeat even cannibals? (This character is not terrible for himself without the belief in him of cannibals, the “circle of real people”). To answer these questions, I ask the guys to turn to the beginning of the 3rd act. We pay attention to remarks.

"Why doesn't anyone but Annunziata want to protect the Scientist?"
“So who or what was able to defeat the Shadow?”
- And what lessons have you learned for yourself from the fairy tale play?
– Do we need these qualities of the human soul in our so difficult time? (Written work on this issue is possible).

VIII. The final stage lesson.

- Yes. You're right. Are these the very beautiful properties of the soul that, by his own admission, the lord of the fairy-tale kingdom Yevgeny Lvovich Schwartz adored and which are invariably beautiful on weekdays and holidays, in life and in a fairy tale? Loyalty, nobility, dignity, the ability to love. “I love, I love these magical feelings that will never, never end.”

IX. Homework.

So our amazing journey has come to an end. Magic world fairy tales.
The time has come for homework, which will be the beginning of a big and interesting work. And we will continue it in the classroom in the “Creative Workshop”, where we will create a script based on the story that you will choose and read at home for the next lesson. In addition, a list of actors will need to be compiled.

X. Lesson summary.

Lesson time is up.
I am grateful to you guys
For being warmly welcomed
And they worked hard.
I would like to highlight the work...

XI. Final word teachers.

- I hope that today's meeting with the theater, with Schwartz's play "Shadow" will remain in your memory for a long time. And maybe you will look at the people around you in a completely new way and appreciate in them those very beautiful properties of the soul that we talked about, and to which the lines of Bulat Okudzhava, taken as an epigraph to the lesson, are dedicated:

Conscience, nobility and dignity -
Here it is, our holy host.
Give him your hand
for him it’s not scary even into the fire.
His face is high and amazing.
Dedicate your short life to him.
Maybe you won't win
but you will die like a man.

There are much more heroes in the drama than in a fairy tale: in Andersen's fairy tale there are 4 heroes (scientist, shadow, queen and poetry), in Schwartz's play - 14, not counting secondary characters, participants of mass scenes.

On the one hand, this is due genre features. After all, "Shadow" by E.L. Schwartz is a dramatic work. But, on the other hand, the choice and number of characters are determined by the ideological intent of the author. To understand why Schwartz needed to introduce additional characters, you need to analyze their characters.

Almost all the characters in the play are dual. So Pietro, the owner of the hotel, and Caesar Borgia, a journalist, serve as appraisers in the city pawnshop. And all appraisers are cannibals. Therefore, the phrase said by Caesar Borgia “it is easiest to eat a person when he is sick or went on vacation” acquires a much more terrible meaning than one that could be assumed without knowing this (it is easiest to do something disgusting to a person in his absence, because in Russian language, the word "eat" can be used in the meaning of "destroy", "destroy", "eliminate"). Getting into the fairy tale of Schwartz, the word loses its figurative sense. Caesar-Borgia and Petro are typical cannibals and will eat anyone who will prevent them from achieving their goal - power and money. But there are also differences in their characters: Petro is terribly quick-tempered, almost grabs a pistol, his speech is teeming with curses, while Borgia tries to make a “good impression” on everyone, expresses himself manneredly, elegantly. But this makes him no less terrible: in the newspaper he kills with a word, not with a pistol.

I was most interested in Julia Julia. "Beautiful and short-sighted, she can't see beyond her own nose," that's what we can say about her. She "can read the faces of dignitaries" - she understands other people poorly. She firmly knows that she should not trust anyone from her environment, so a smile never leaves her face. In addition, it is always so convenient to smile, because "you can turn this way and that." She acquired this habit secular life. And, continuing to smile, she will betray the scientist, only she was threatened with a loss of popularity. And this is no coincidence. After all, she is exactly the girl from the fairy tale who stepped on the bread. Creating images of ministers, the author finds interesting trick: they don't speak in full words, their speech is broken. Having become adept at intrigues and betrayals, they understand each other perfectly. These are people-masks incapable of experiencing sincere feelings: two lackeys of the Minister of Finance, at the first request, give him a pose of extreme surprise or extreme indignation, depending on what the situation requires. An honest person seems to them much more dangerous than a thief or a blackmailer: it is impossible to negotiate with such a person using the method known to them - to buy. So, there is only one way out - to kill. It becomes scary for a country run by such immoral ministers.

Does not evoke sympathy for the princess either: "she is poisoned by the palace air" and to live with a good man just can't. As her father prophesied, she will not do anything worthy in her life, since she took a person for a shadow, and a shadow for a person. In this she repeats the princess from the fairy tale. And although Louise understands the mistake, nothing can be corrected.

The image of the doctor in the play is ambiguous. "He gave up on everything", lives in insignificant, empty events, but he good soul, he unselfishly helps Christian Theodore. The doctor is well versed in people and in life. He advises the scientist to turn a blind eye to everything, give up on everything and master the art of shrugging. He himself has not been a fighter for a long time, he resigned himself, but this did not make him happy. In remarks, the author writes about him: “... a young man, in the highest degree sullen and focused."

All these heroes, created with a fair amount of satire, parading contemporary Eugene Lvovich society, created in order to shade the characters of the scientist and Annuziata, which is goodies. The portrait given in the remarks already evokes sympathy for this heroine: "A black-haired girl, with large, lively black eyes." The eyes are the mirror of the soul, Annuziata's living eyes already give the feeling that she cannot be evil. First impressions are confirmed: the girl helps the scientist in everything, warns him, only she did not recoil from Christian Theodore when he was slandered. I think that Schwartz, through his heroine, shows what it means to love sincerely and selflessly. No lie can discredit the scientist in the eyes of Annuziata, while Louise immediately, without understanding, believed the Shadow.

The characters of scientists differ most significantly in drama and fairy tale. In the drama Christian - Theodore fights with the shadow with all his might. He is sure he will win. He even goes to the execution not as a victim, but as a fighter, never resigning himself to the blindness of people. Therefore, Schwartz resurrects him - he needs to continue the confrontation with the kingdom of shadows and win. Such perseverance cannot but be crowned with success also because the goal of Christian Theodore is to save the whole world, to make all people happy. It's selfless and fair man, it is no coincidence that only his speech is not accompanied by remarks “quietly”, “whispering”. He doesn't want money or power. In the name of justice, he is not afraid to "be alone against the whole world", he is not afraid to go to his death: "I thought to die with honor, but to win is much better." Belief in victory, in the triumph of justice gives him strength: "After all, in order to win, one must go to death." The scientist is not afraid to go to his death, he does not stop fighting, and therefore wins.

Christian Theodore personifies the bright side human soul- dreams of happiness of all people, love, trust. He is a person. Maybe that's why Schwartz gave his hero a name.

The rest of the characters, except for Annuziata, embody the shady sides of our lives, are a kind of illustrations of human vices.

The fate of the scientist from Andersen's fairy tale is quite different. He is dying. Why? He didn't see the shadow as evil for too long, didn't fight it. When the shadow came to the scientist for the first time to pay off, he himself let her go and even promised not to tell anyone her secrets. The scientist writes books about truth, goodness and beauty, but words are not supported by deeds. When there is a meeting with concrete, and not abstract evil, the scientist is lost, cannot resist him. The shadow calls its former owner his shadow, he thinks: "Well, this is just outrageous!", but takes no action, cannot refute the lie. He is not a fighter, but only a passive victim.

G.N. Tubelskaya, talking about ideological concept plays, concludes that famous fairy tale Andersen was ideologically and philosophically rethought... Already in the prologue, Schwartz makes it clear that his scientist will part with his illusions, will not consider evil as something unreal, abstract. He will fight real evil, in the real world.

Everything that is important for Andersen - the story of the emergence of the Shadow and its payoff from the scientist - all this is not so important for Schwartz. He is not interested in the emergence of conflict, but in its development. The conflict is brought by the playwright to the highest sharpness, to real sociality. The clash of an eccentric who has ceased to be a passive victim with the realm of shadows, where the shadow is natural and appropriate, and the people who serve it behave like shadows - this clash will remain modern for a very long time, since humanity is eternally fighting with the realm of shadows. With the opinion of Galina Naumovna, I agree unquestioningly.

What is the meaning of the work of Evgeny Schwartz "Shadow"?

Have you ever thought about your shadow?
That's just the work of E. Schwartz "Shadow" makes us stop, look around and understand: what is it, our shadow.
How does the writer represent the shadow in his work?
Evil, cruel, insidious! Why?
Can't she be kind?
If it is evil, how does that characterize the person to whom it belongs?
The writer answers these questions as well.
The protagonist, Christian Theodore, finds himself in this unusual southern country, where everything that we consider to be fiction, actually happens there every day.
After all, it is here that the hero, having lost his glasses, plunges into a fairy tale, presents a beautiful princess and falls in love with her.
He believed in the images created by himself so much that the fairy tale began to come true.
And now even glasses can't prevent you from seeing the world differently.
Annuziata, the daughter of the owner of the hotel where the scientist is staying, is his guardian angel.
Throughout the tale, she helps him, supports, protects and stays with him, no matter what happens.
But no matter how Annuciata stops Christian Theodore from casual acquaintances and meetings, he still meets and falls in love with the princess, who, as it turns out, will not appreciate true feelings scientist.
Why? She is looking for a smart, educated, kind and honest husband according to her father's will, but she believes in an insidious, evil, cruel shadow that sweetly tells her dreams.
The princess could not distinguish between a real feeling and a false one, because she was in a hurry - and she was mistaken.
Often good things pass us by. Often we regret that we did not do it on time, then it can be difficult to return everything back, and sometimes it is simply impossible. The princess couldn't be happy.
Sad but instructive.
So the theme is revealed on the pages of the work true friendship and love, stronger than death stronger than the fear of death.
The theme of good and evil, light and darkness sounds even brighter. Christian Theodore is a repository of bright, good deeds.
His shadow is a combination of evil, hatred, cruelty, stinginess, meanness and deceit.
The author of the work tells us that a person consists of two halves: light and darkness, good and evil, love and hate. And only then will he be called a man.
Indeed, in each of us every day there must be a struggle between good and evil, so that we can make a choice that will characterize us as a person.

I have read this work with great interest. I found especially bright female images. Princess, Julia Julie, Annunziata - they are all individual in their own way, and without each of them the work would not have turned out so interesting.

The princess was brought up in the palace and therefore was very capricious. Her favorite words were: "I don't want to, I won't." The princess was so poisoned by the lies surrounding her that she could not distinguish between good and evil.

Julia Julie made her way “into real people” herself, but she made her fortune and fame on the misfortunes of other people: “Julia Julie is the girl who stepped on bread so as not to stain her new shoes.

And now she's stepping on heads good people so as not to stain your new shoes, stockings and dresses.

She was very afraid that she would lose the opportunity to perform on stage. But still it remained positive traits, and she wanted to help the Scientist, but still the desire to perform on stage turned out to be stronger than sympathy for the Scientist.

Annunziata is very different from other residents fairy kingdom. She is kind, sociable, does not want to harm anyone.

“A black-haired girl with big black eyes. Her face is supremely energetic, and her manner and voice are soft and hesitant. She is very beautiful. She is seventeen."

Annunziata really fell in love with the Scholar very much: “Goodbye, sir.

(Quietly, with unexpected energy) I won't let anyone hurt you. Never. Never".


The scientist is a young man of twenty-six, a historian. The scientist is very gentle, a kind person Plus, he's well educated.

He came to another country to study its culture and way of life. But when Annunziata tells him that in their country a fairy tale is true, the Scientist does not believe her: “You know, in the evening, and even taking off my glasses, I am ready to believe it. But in the morning, leaving the house, I see something completely different. Your country, alas! - similar to all countries in the world. Wealth and poverty, nobility and slavery, death and misfortune, reason and stupidity, holiness, crime, conscience, shamelessness - all this is mixed so closely that you are simply horrified.

Caesar Borgia.

Caesar Borgia is a journalist, and therefore it has become his habit to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, sniff out information. Borgia thinks that his main advantage is frankness, and he constantly says the words: “Well, do you like my frankness?”

Julie Julie sees through Caesar. She says of him: “He is a terribly restless person. He wants to be liked by everyone in the world. He is a fashion slave. Once, when it became fashionable to sunbathe, he tanned so that he became black as a negro, only the skin from under his shorts remained white. And when the tan went out of fashion, I had to transplant this skin onto my face. ”

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