How to learn to dance oriental dances. How to learn to dance belly dance? How to learn to dance oriental dance


Increasingly, women have a desire to learn oriental dances, which is understandable. During oriental dances, the muscles of the back, arms and waist are trained, flexibility is acquired, endurance increases, movements become graceful and smooth. Thanks to them, blood circulation in the organs of the abdomen and small pelvis improves, strengthens women Health .

In addition to tangible benefits for women's health, oriental dances are fascinating. If you want to surprise your loved one, then there is simply no better way to do it. To learn oriental dancing, it is not necessary to sign up for a club, if desired, they can be mastered at home, having learned the basic movements.

How to learn oriental dances?

  • Before you start learning oriental dances, choose the right clothes, buy or choose from what you have in your wardrobe. Clothing should not be tight and restrict movement, but it is also better to refuse too wide. A short t-shirt and shorts are perfect. In such clothes, you can see all the movements made, notice mistakes.
  • To better feel the rhythm of the music, get a scarf embroidered with coins or beads. Pay attention to the movements that are easiest for you to learn. Start learning oriental dances with them, and only then move on to the rest.
  • Read the history of dances, think about what kind of music it will be easiest for you to catch the rhythm. To learn faster, purchase special video lessons with oriental dances. With the help of such lessons, you will see the basic movements and be able to repeat them.

  • When teaching oriental dances, you must first learn to keep your posture, get acquainted with the basic positions of the legs and arms. If possible, sign up for specialized courses where you will quickly learn oriental dances. If there is no possibility or desire, then when learning oriental dances at home, remember that everything is important in them: not only movements, but also the emotions that you put into the dance, look, mood and facial expressions when performing it.

Basics of oriental dances for beginners

Oriental dances themselves consist of 3 parts: taksim, which is a slow dance, basic dance and shaking.

  • During execution of taksim you need to move smoothly, improvising, playing with the whole body, turning to demonstrate the curves of the body. It is necessary to stand almost in one place, a little behind the music, as if in a slow motion movie.
  • After studying this part of oriental dances, you can proceed to learning basic dance, which already includes the performance of rocking chairs and waves. To learn the hip rocker, right leg put forward, rise on your toes, move your left and right hips alternately, at the same time transferring weight from foot to foot. Only after that you can proceed to the study of more complex movements - rolls and domes performed by the stomach.
  • Having mastered taksim and basic movements, proceed to studying shaking. It is a vibration of the body, during which only the knees are in motion. At the very beginning of the study, the main thing is to keep the rhythm, so the shaking may not coincide with the tempo of the music.

Don't worry if you don't succeed right away, but try to study oriental dances regularly the only way you can learn them.

Belly dance for beginners

  • The study of oriental belly dance begins with smooth and simple movements hips. But before that, turn on some rhythmic music with oriental motives. Such music will help you learn to get in time, emphasize the motive of music with body movements. Move your hips first to the left and then to the right. During movement, the upper body must remain motionless.
  • Then move on to a more difficult task by continuing to move the hips, change the position of the body, bend forward or backward. You also need to learn jerky movements hips down and up, fast and slow shaking. Start by learning slow shakes, to do this, alternately lift your hips to the music.
  • Once you feel like you've mastered the slow shaking, pick up the pace of your hips, while keeping the fast shaking crisp and accentuated. To learn shaking, lean completely on the soles of both feet. A little later, having mastered the shaking, bring one leg forward, this will make the movements more graceful and more difficult.
  • A beautiful swinging movement will be created by shaking the hips and the leg extended forward. With one foot forward, add body movements in the form of eights, circles, slides and arcs. different shapes. Move using the side step. As soon as you see that you have learned to swing your hips gracefully, combine the side step with the “wave” figure. To do this, transfer your body weight to your front leg, simultaneously making a wave with your stomach and chest. Fulfilling belly dance, keep your legs slightly bent at the knees, raise your hands up, emphasizing their smooth movements of the body with graceful passes.

Learn to do the figure eight with your hips. Move your left thigh slightly to the left, do not lift your heels off the floor. Then make it a figure-eight turn to the left. After that, take the thigh as far back as possible, drawing the second round of the figure eight with the right thigh at the same time. Now swipe around the body with your hips even circle. Do not bend your back and keep your posture. Completely with this movement of the hips in the air, the figure of eight should turn out, but it is better to master the figure separately from the rest.

You will learn about how belly dancing affects women's health, future pregnancy, and whether it contributes to weight loss in the article Belly Dancing and Women's Health.

Since ancient times, oriental dances have served to conquer men. Exotic and feminine movements of the body will not only not leave them indifferent, but will also develop the natural plasticity of a woman, allowing her to feel her grace and perfection. Eastern dance are able to prolong youth, preserve the beauty and flexibility of the body, strengthen muscles and ensure harmony. Every woman at any age can learn how to dance oriental dances, having mastered the technique for beginners at home.

From time immemorial, people have been attracted by oriental beauties, their charming ability to move. Already now, anyone can learn this art of belly dancing, even at home. After all, there are a large number of methods that allow you to teach this, at first glance, seemingly difficult art.

At the same time, it is a symbol of femininity, sexuality and charm. Many admirers of oriental belly dance say that he not only teaches beautiful and smooth movements, but also allows you to get rid of extra pounds. The important thing here is to learn how to perform all the movements correctly, and it will be much easier to achieve the desired result. Belly dance to burn fat is great alternative diets and traditional physical activity( , ). But there is nothing to be surprised here, because there are special techniques that can surpass many methods of body shaping.

For those who do not know how to learn oriental belly dancing at home, but really want to, it is worth knowing that this is an opportunity not only to receive aesthetic pleasure. This time spent brings many benefits. To rhythmic music, movements are made in which all the muscles of the body work. If you regularly practice belly dancing, you can be surprised at the results, because in this way you can get a slender and toned figure. In addition, self-esteem increases during classes, a woman begins to love herself and her body.

For those who do not know how to learn belly dancing at home, you need to know that classes have a lot of advantages, such as:

  • Getting aesthetic pleasure
  • Feeling great
  • Developing a sense of rhythm
  • Increasing the endurance of the body
  • Active weight loss
  • Femininity and sophistication
  • Self-confidence and love for your body.

If a girl wants to buy slim stomach and a wasp waist, then oriental belly dances will become excellent helpers in this field. It is impossible not to note their benefits for those girls who are preparing to become mothers. During the belly dance, all muscles are involved, you need to move your body, neck, smile beautifully, hone the mystery in your eyes. In order for all the subtleties of the process to become known, you need to regularly do this. To the advantage home schooling It is worth mentioning the fact that you can practice at any convenient time.

Home belly dance training is the best option for beginners. Famous choreographers record their videos where they teach to master the basic elements. Such a tutorial will help you feel much more confident later on in the classroom with a trainer.

Video Lesson #1, Belly Dance by Vina and Nina Bidashi (Basic Movements)

Belly dancing as a way to lose weight

Dreams of thin waist pursue many representatives of the weaker sex. Wasp waist, toned and thin hips are the main culprits of these desires. Oriental belly dancing in spite of existing opinion not smooth and melodic. These are rhythmic and intense movements that involve all muscle groups, and not just the abs. During pleasant music, you can move your body and act on the muscles, making them more elastic and toned.

Together with these movements, the centimeters on the body begin to “melt”. Oriental dances last so long that there is enough time for body changes. The blood flow in the body increases during belly dancing, and this, in turn, has a positive effect on the process of fat breakdown.

Belly dancing classes are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Many girls start to dance eastern directions, this allows you to develop femininity, refinement of character.

Physical activity is the best option for weight loss, because during the day you need to spend more calories than they are consumed with food. It is belly dancing that can burn a sufficient number of calories. This sports method easily replaces the standard ones.

Video Lesson #2, Belly Dance by Vina and Nina Bidashi (arms and waist muscles)

Additional elements of belly dance

To while dancinglook harmonious, it is important to choose a lot of elements, in particular:

  • Costume
  • Shoes
  • jewelry
  • Makeup.

Even First level requires that you look beautiful in belly dancing. It is extremely important to maintain the sexy image of a dancer. In addition, the costume and additional elements allow you to fully immerse yourself in the belly dance.

Practical advice: It is better to buy a belly dance costume after some time after class, the figure will in any case acquire femininity, the waist will become more refined. Beginners will only need a short top and breeches.

After the basic movements have been learned, a coin loincloth can be purchased. Such an element looks playful and sexy, besides it creates a special mood. Now let's talk about shoes. Any Arabic dances are performed barefoot. Thus, a special connection between man and the Earth is noted. If you don’t want to dance barefoot, then socks, Czech shoes or ballet flats will do.

Basic belly dance moves

Belly dance lessons for beginners may seem difficult, because at the same time you need to own every part of your body, move your hands beautifully, control your facial expressions, look, smile. However, belly dance training can be started with simple videos.

By gradually performing the following dance movements, you can quickly and easily master this, at first glance, a difficult direction:

  • The basic movement of belly dance is the rocking chair. It is necessary to perform it correctly, standing on tiptoe. The legs should be placed together, they are slightly bent at the knees. mentally swipe vertical line through the navel. Move your hips exactly along this line, but the navel should remain motionless.
  • Pendulum- the technique of the exercise is to raise the right thigh to the armpit, bring it into right side and put it down again. We do the same with the left thigh.
  • Circular rotation of the hips. It is important that during movements the back is even and straight. You need to imagine a circle in front of you, you need to outline it with your buttocks, while the lower back bends as much as possible.
  • Circles. It is necessary to describe a circle with the hips, while the pelvis must be retracted, and the hip is reset from top to bottom. The next laps must be non-stop. You can make circular rotations in the horizontal direction, vertical. They can be large, small or medium. A new movement can be obtained if the movements are made in the frontal plane.
  • Wave. In this case, you need to move only the hips. The upper body remains motionless. You need to stand on high half-fingers, half a turn. You need to move in a vertical plane and describe a circle through the bones of the thighs. It is possible to move forward or to the side. You can do side or frontal rotations in waves.

Such exercises are First stage. There are many other techniques that need to be improved in stages to achieve good results. Oriental belly dancing is not only beautiful figure but also graceful posture, femininity and sophistication.

Video Lesson #3 Bellydance by Vina and Nina Bidashi (thighs and buttocks)

How to learn to dance oriental dances?

Oriental dances fascinate many girls with their beauty. Body movements in dance allow you to train different groups muscles. Having learned to dance oriental dances, girls will not only be able to attract the attention of men, but also increase the flexibility and grace of the body.

Appropriate clothing for activities

Oriental dances usually mean belly dance. Therefore, it is best to choose clothes for exercises that do not constrain movements, but at the same time it should not be wide. Leggings and a tee are perfect. You can additionally buy an attribute of the East - a belt with coins, they will set the rhythm during the exercises.

Choosing where to study

You need to decide for yourself where and how the exercises will take place. Now there are a lot of specialized institutions that teach oriental dances. Training takes place in the form of group lessons under the guidance of a trainer. This is a great way to a short time learn the skills and the dance itself.

You can learn on your own at home, this will require special video tutorials that can be found on the Internet or purchased on disk in a store.

When everything is purchased and prepared, start practicing. Perform the movements, clearly following the advice of the trainer or as shown in the video lesson. And if you practice constantly, the result will appear very soon.

Basic movements

To get started, you can familiarize yourself with some basic movements of the hips. You need to perform movements to the music and in front of a large mirror.

Smooth hip movements.

  • Slowly move your hips to the left and right while keeping your upper body stationary.
  • After successful attempts, you can complicate the task by constantly moving your hips to tilt back and forth, left and right.

Shaking hips.

  • Shake your hips, try not to move your upper body.
  • Make sharp movements with your hips to the right and left.
  • You can shake each hip in turn.

More articles where you can find a lot of useful information.

Someone once said that life without dance is impossible, and in his own way this man is right. See for yourself: all peoples have their own national dances. It is with the help of dance that a person is able to express the passions and feelings that overwhelm him, show his emotions, express his inner world.

Every dance has a meaning, and the dance itself is not just a method to improve the mood of others and yourself, but also an excellent cure for blues and stress. It drives away bad thoughts, relieves tension, relieves depression and boredom, and liberates. And dance helps keep the body in good shape and helps to make the figure attractive.

The dance does not recognize racial or religious differences. Everyone can learn to dance, regardless of their place of work, study, age, gender.

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Nowadays, it has become very popular dance directionbelly dance or East Dance. He wants to learn girls and women who dream of making the figure perfect, the body - plastic and flexible, and the waist - thin.

Oriental dance is not just plastic hand movements, waves and hip shaking. First of all, belly dance is a mystery, energy, passion, life itself! If you learn this art, you will be able to better control your body, become more graceful and flexible, improve your health and drive any man crazy. But how do you learn it? You can try to study at home - from video lessons, books, articles on the Internet, or go to a dance school. And in general: is there any benefit in belly dancing, or is it just a big exaggeration? Teach It will try to tell you everything in detail.

Oriental dance: dancing for pleasure and profit

When you make the movements of this dance, a huge number of muscles are involved, even the most undeveloped and deep ones, which cannot be “reached” by ordinary aerobics, but can only be worked out by strength training. You not only get a charge of vivacity and energy, but also heal and strengthen the entire body. This is especially necessary for those who have a sedentary job and those who have a sedentary lifestyle.

Each girl, if desired, can learn to dance belly. And let you not do it professionally, but you will gain flexibility and plasticity, and you will also feel differently - more desirable, more beautiful, healthier.

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Performing elements of oriental dance, you activate all kinds of muscle groups, improve blood circulation and develop flexibility. By the way, it will be difficult to achieve a similar result with ordinary fitness. The dance is very exciting, thanks to which every movement, even the most difficult one, is easy for the dancer.

If you spend a lot of time sitting, for example, at a table littered with various documents, or at a computer monitor, a stoop appears over time. Oriental dance classes will lift your chest, improve your posture, tighten your stomach, strengthen your bones, and straighten your back. After all, they are good tool from the tummy and are useful for the figure.

But, having decided to learn belly dancing, you must understand that only healthy women who do not have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive systems and problems with the spine. Therefore, before training, get approval from your doctor.

Learn oriental dance at home

To begin with, make the room well lit, then choose oriental music and it remains to show a little desire.

Oriental dance consists of some basic elements that you need to master first. Only after that you will be able to dance a full-fledged dance, in which your attitude, mood and state of mind will be embodied.

Hip movements:

  • Twists (hips twist (twist) to each side while the rest of the body remains still)
  • Eight (bring the number eight with your hips)
  • Wave (hips draw a circle in the lateral and frontal planes)

Breast movements:

  • Twisting (head and hips do not move, rib cage twists in different directions)
  • Eight in any direction
  • Circle (body torso leans or is fixed)
  • breast wave

To make the belly dance excellent, girls can use various items: candles, swords, scarves, scarves, ribbons, and so on. They help make the dance more erotic and exotic.

If the idea of ​​learning oriental dance inspired you and you want to start, then don't put it off until tomorrow, start right now!

Video lessons

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - how to learn to dance belly dance at home?

The best thing master the art of belly dancing an experienced instructor will help, but you can learn to dance at home. About what is needed for this, we will tell in our article.

How to start learning belly dance for beginners at home - paraphernalia and basic rules

Belly dancing demands from a woman the ability to relax those muscle groups who are not employed in this moment. Only in this way can a dancer perform dance movements for thirty minutes.

Belly dance lessons will require a lady formation of one's own sexual image of a dancer. You can completely immerse yourself in the world of oriental dance only by creating your own image. Quite a few important role playing here costume, jewelry and, of course, makeup. All of the above will focus on the sexuality and femininity of the oriental dancer.

  • To choose the right clothes for dancing, you should know that in the first months of classes, the figure of a woman will change significantly . The waist will become more refined, and excess fat will disappear. It is recommended to purchase some elements of the attire for oriental dances after some time has passed.
  • For beginners, belly dance is better to dance in combination short top with breeches or leggings.
  • Later, a woman can complement her image coin loincloth that create the intended mood during training.
  • As for shoes for belly dancing, we recall that for a long time there has been a tendency to dance oriental dances barefoot, thus marking an inseparable connection with the Earth. For women who do not want to dance barefoot, you can put on shoes ballet shoes, Czechs or socks.

In order to harmoniously and correctly perform belly dance, a woman must be well versed in the styles of oriental dances, know their differences, and also know what costume, music and vocabulary correspond to a particular style.

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - basic movements and elements of belly dance

Video: belly dance - first lessons

  • A notable element of belly dance is "rocking chair". To perform this movement, the woman must rise on her tiptoes with her legs placed together, bend them slightly at the knees and mentally draw a vertical line through the navel. Along this line, you need to smoothly move your hips so that the navel remains in place. You can do dance elements up - down or forward - backward.

For the execution of movements down - up, i.e. - in the vertical plane , put your feet together, rise to the toes and bend your knees a little. In turn, we pull up to the armpits of the thigh so that the location of the navel remains unchanged. This element of the dance can also be performed moving forward.

To perform movements in a perpendicular plane (forward - backward) we stand on a full foot, bend our knees a little. Bending the lower back as much as possible, we take the pelvis back. We lead it forward and pull the pubis to the navel. Plastically moving the hips, we describe a semicircle. The center of the circle is in the navel. Accelerating the pace, we switch to shaking the stomach.

  • The next element of belly dance is "pendulum" . To perform the exercise from top to bottom, up to the armpit, we raise the right thigh, bring it to the right and lower it down, raising the left thigh to the armpit.

Pendulum from bottom to top performed by bringing the right thigh further to the side. By lifting the heel off the floor, the thigh is pulled towards the armpit. Diagonally lower the right thigh, lifting the left thigh up to the armpit.

  • Hip circles. Do not forget - when dancing the element, you need to make sure that the back remains straight. In the horizontal plane, we mentally imagine a circle for ourselves. We strive to outline it from behind with the buttocks, bending the lower back as much as possible. In front, you need to get the pubis on the stomach as much as possible.
  • Reset circles. We describe the circle and, pulling back the pelvis, perform a dump with the hip from top to bottom. On the following laps, the movement continues without stopping. Circles can be horizontal, vertical, large, medium and small. If you try to make circles in the frontal plane, you get a new movement.

  • Dance element "Wave". With it, only the hips should work. The upper body is immobile. To perform the element, we stand on high half-fingers, half a turn towards the viewer. In the vertical plane, we imagine a circle, the axis of which passes through the femurs. In the direction from below - forward - up - back, we try to describe it with our hips. The execution of this element is possible with advancement to the side or forward. There are several types of waves - lateral and frontal.

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